#bleeds out of every orfice
theriverbeyond · 2 years
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coconutmall-ed · 1 day
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you’re coming back, and it’s the end of the world. we’re starting over and i love you darling and i am done here.
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ribbed-vault-heart · 1 year
i was hoping to have it be a surprise but patience is not my forte anyway i sent you a letter yesterday so hopefully soon you will have the joys of receiving mail in your mailbox. i love you so much i hope whatever is plaguing you begins alleviates soon. mwah<3
LETTER FROM NICO FUCK YES LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! i’m so excited :] thank u<3 things have eased up a bit, i’ve been getting back into analyzing wuthering heights which has been super fun, i ordered 4 books about it and bought and printed out a paper on identity crisis and doppelgängers in the novel and am finding parallels between it and hedwig and the angry inch, specifically doubles, fractured identity, cycles of abuse, isolation, and loss of childhood/forced into womanhood. i’m having lots of fun with it all. wuthering heights will fix me.
i love you so so sooooo fucking much thank u for the letter i’m so excitedddddddd i am bleeding out of every orfice in my body (<filled with so much love) mwah mwah <33333
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addisonclarke · 2 years
I never imagined that missing you would feel like my chest cracked open. I knew I thought about you every time I saw an ice cream sandwich or thought about the woods. I knew the photos I had saved on my phone made my lungs constrict and that every night before I went to bed I wondered what I did to make you go away
But you didn’t see it, you said.
You didn't know, you said.
Was it just that easy for you to pretend that you wanted me? Was I just a distraction to your miserable life because you were lonely and alone and drinking too much and you wanted someone to tell you that you were still worth but I don't think that’s true anymore
I had a whole speech prepared in my head about how you were going to come back like you always do and I was going to make you grovel because you deserve to you deserve to fight for me back you deserve to put in the work but I folded and I told you I missed you because it was bleeding out of all of my orfices and I had to say it I had to say it to you and you told me ‘okay’ you told me ‘miss me. I dont care’
How can you not care
I have loved you since I was sixteen years old I have waited for you every since since I have known what love was so how can you say you don’t care
I sat in your waiting room, hoping that you would come and find me and tell me you were wrong. We belong together. Please come back. I pictured too many late nights and early mornings and kisses and I love yous and I was always the one you came back to you said am I always the one you leave too?
It’s been a long time since the idea of someone didn’t exhaust me but you come easy to me, like a light drizzle that I don’t even have to use my wipers to make go away. You were always the one for me. Why wasn;t I the one for you?
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shitty-tma-avatars · 4 years
The whole Ebola outbreak was a ritual attempt by an avatar of corruption.
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November 23rd, 2021
Please invalidate me in the comments
Send me supplements that will stop this
Tell me the deity to pray to
Give me a break down of what caused it
Tell me how the word disorder is dirty
Tell me that I don’t exist
Show me someone that overcame it with diet
An exercise regimen that healed the splits
Give me hope but don’t deny me
Hear me out so that you can acknowledge me
Don’t change me but show me how I can love me as I am, when all flee before me
When all break under the demon weight
When I rage if triggered, and can’t cool my head
Show me love then, when I sit in the sidelines
Watching a battle for my mind
Acting out the pantomime of years past
Ticking ‘disabled’ because I’m fine until I’m not
Counting down the hours until you meet me
You like me, I’m sweet and kind
You know my secret, I’m off to hide
Nice to meet you, I’m Dr. Jekyll turned Hyde
I’m a worst nightmare encased in pride
I’ve lived long, I’ve lived hard
I want a place I can be, but not hurt
A padded room, so it’s not you
A screaming pasture, for your eardrums
A salve set up for my bleeding throat
A sensory deprivation tank for my inflamed brain, a supplementary regimen for my starving system
I can make the neurons fire right
I can improve, until the next time
Until you see the fragile being that I am
And I am vengeful at my insecurity
And your prying eyes
I guard my weakness with an iron fortress
And I burn on my way in and out.
It’s destructive, it’s unbearable, it’s unjust
But I live with it, and I’m not choosing it
You hurt, but I’m drowning in it
It’s why I show you the door
You have a choice, I do not
Other than shove crystals into my orfices, bring down rain with rattles, begging for it to stop
Pretending it’s not here
Running for president
Slipping away in my sleep
Or jumping off ledges,
I am very really and severely in the grips of a maddening reality with seemingly no way out
A contradiction of every sense and sensibility
A tiring tirade on every inch of my sanity
A weight I never asked for, a penalty I atone for, by always more pain, more blood
What peace can I hope for when your love is charity, and we could work our whole lives for that farm in the countryside only to find I still snap like loaded, and I can’t outrun my past
Will we bake bread then elbows deep in the metaphoric dust of your ground down gears?
Will we glaze it with the tears that drip for yet another fight or fright?
Does it end? Read ahead, flip to the last
Tell me, does it end?
No? Then let me carry on fortifying the walls and sharpening the tools, they hurt to hurl
But less than the wounds of staying
I don’t understand what love would keep you here
My love is getting you out, my love is showing you the door
My love is plans to exit, so you don’t have to live with it anymore
That’s cruel, that’s wrong, that’s sick, that’s insane
Yeah, I know, but this, this is worse.
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pyro-yoshi · 6 years
Horror inspired imagine scenarios: blood and vomit together
I LOVE horror movies, and I love a good bloody, gorey death scene. Add vomit and it’s even better. Gore and vomit go together like mint and dark chocolate. Sure, plenty of horror movies have a scene where a character pukes, but it’s usually really fake looking. Plus it’s often the character sees an eviscerated corpse of someone they know and pukes variety.
Here are some unique puke/gore combos that I’ve come up with. Enjoy!
1. A husband and wife are having a romantic evening at home. The kids are having a sleepover at a friend’s place, so they’ve got the night to themselves and things are getting heated...little do they know there’s a killer lurking in the shadows! And you know how movie killers are. He’s pissed that he’s not getting any, so he kills anyone who even so much as flirts. The man goes downstairs and gets some wine, not noticing the machete wielding psycho looming in the darkness (maybe it’s Jason. Maybe it’s not.) He attacks and slices the man’s stomach open, resulting in a shower of blood, guts and vomit alike spilling out all over the place. The killer finishes off the man with a good old decapitation, then goes upstairs and disembowels the woman in an equally gorey fashion.
2. A group of guys and a couple girls are up at a cabin in the woods drinking and having a bonfire. They are oblivious to the sadistic murderer that lives in the woods. He’s already slaughtered the slutty blonde girl and her sleazy sex crazed boyfriend. Everyone assumes that they’re just banging in the woods somewhere. The alcohol flows freely, and everyone’s having a good time. The really hot guy drinks too much and starts feeling super nauseous. He stumbles away from the others to go lay down in the cabin, but before he makes it there, he starts puking his guts out all over the place. He detects someone behind him and thinks it’s one of his buddies. Surprise! It’s the killer! The killer slits the young man’s throat right as he heaves again, causing puke to gush out of the wound.
3. A demon has haunted a family’s home and possessed the kids in different ways. The couple’s oldest kid is a young man around 20 or so. At night, the possessed teenager creeps downstairs. He takes a crucifix off the wall and in true Exorcist style, proceeds to let Jesus fuck him. He jerks off as he pounds his own ass with the crucifix until he’s bleeding, then he rams it down his throat and gags himself. He projectile vomits all over the living room in an epic fashion right as he comes on himself. Of course, being possessed he recalls nothing of it the next morning.
4. A guy has become host to a shape shifting alien organism (think The Thing). The creature inside him started off microscopic and has been slowly growing and taking him over cell by cell. He feels incredibly sick and before long, he starts throwing up everything in his stomach. Once he starts, he can’t stop. When all the half digested food is gone, he throws up bile and some blood. Tears stream down his face. Finally, he pukes up the revolting creature that had been inside him. He knows he’s fucked, as he’s still human but knows he won’t be for long. He shoots himself in the head to prevent himself from turning into a Thing.
The Thing (John Carpenter’s version of course) is my favorite movie and I could probably fill a whole list with unique emeto situations regarding it. Just think. Alien organisms taking people over from the inside, fleshy tentacles being jammed into every orfice...plenty of reasons for someone to puke.
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jeweledstone · 3 years
I am currently [bleeding out of every orfice]
Including ones I didn’t even know I had. :)
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darkobssessions · 3 years
Please invalidate me in the comments
Send me supplements that will stop this
Tell me the deity to pray to
Give me a break down of what caused it
Tell me how the word disorder is dirty
Tell me that I don't exist
Show me someone that overcame it with diet
An exercise regimen that healed the splits
Give me hope but don't deny me
Hear me out so that you can acknowledge me
Don't change me but show me how I can love me as I am, when all flee before me
When all break under the demon weight
When I rage if triggered, and can't cool my head
Show me love then, when I sit in the sidelines
Watching a battle for my mind
Acting out the pantomime of years past
Ticking 'disabled' because I'm fine until I'm not
Counting down the hours until you meet me
You like me, I'm sweet and kind
You know my secret, I'm off to hide
Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Jekyll turned Hyde
I'm a worst nightmare encased in pride
I've lived long, I've lived hard
I want a place I can be, but not hurt
A padded room, so it's not you
A screaming pasture, for your eardrums
A salve set up for my bleeding throat
A sensory deprivation tank for my inflamed brain, a supplementary regimen for my starving system
I can make the neurons fire right
I can improve, until the next time
Until you see the fragile being that I am
And I am vengeful at my insecurity
And your prying eyes
I guard my weakness with an iron fortress
And I burn on my way in and out.
It's destructive, it's unbearable, it's unjust
But I live with it, and I'm not choosing it
You hurt, but I'm drowning in it
It's why I show you the door
You have a choice, I do not
Other than shove crystals into my orfices, bring down rain with rattles, begging for it to stop
Pretending it's not here
Running for president
Slipping away in my sleep
Or jumping off ledges,
I am very really and severely in the grips of a maddening reality with seemingly no way out
A contradiction of every sense and sensibility
A tiring tirade on every inch of my sanity
A weight I never asked for, a penalty I atone for, by always more pain, more blood
What peace can I hope for when your love is charity, and we could work our whole lives for that farm in the countryside only to find I still snap like loaded, and I can't outrun my past
Will we bake bread then elbows deep in the metaphoric dust of your ground down gears?
Will we glaze it with the tears that drip for yet another fight or fright?
Does it end? Read ahead, flip to the last
Tell me, does it end?
No? Then let me carry on fortifying the walls and sharpening the tools, they hurt to hurl
But less than the wounds of staying
I don't understand what love would keep you here
My love is getting you out, my love is showing you the door
My love is plans to exit, so you don't have to live with it anymore
That's cruel, that's wrong, that's sick, that's insane
Yeah, I know, but this, this is worse.
0 notes
theriverbeyond · 2 years
as much as i would love a visual adaptation of the locked tomb (aka the perfect-for-me version that exists inside my brain only) i feel At Peace knowing that it simply cannot be adapted. everyone is too gross all the time. it simply wouldnt be widely profitable, and is therefore Free. everyone is entirely too covered-in-blood and puke and other fluids and dirt and grime and dust, constantly, for it to have a Mass Visual Appeal. every character in the locked tomb is just. disgusting all the time. constantly covered in unmentionables and dirt. except maybe coronabeth but i think she just does it in a slightly sexyier way. canaan house is literally rotting inside out with mold. Gideon and Harrow spent 5% of their time in sexy cool face paint, and the other 95% of the time in various stages of having their facepaint smeared around, sweat through, and slough off. dulcinea is spitting phlem and snot and hacking up half a lung every other page. silas seems like he is deeply jaundice with a liver deficency. there are so MANY scenes where every character present just get absolutley splattered with gore and then they just. don't clean up. harrow bleeds out of every orfice and spends at least 20% of the story vomiting all over herself, and another 50% in various stages of undress but like, not in a sexy way, in a covered-in-dust-and-old-blood-and-bone-dust, and ripped up hospital gown, and bags-too-big-for-airplane-carry-on under the eyes from sleep deprivation. ianthe spends 95% of her time on the mithraeum wearing clothing that is deeply ugly in both color and style, and that absolutley does not fit her. i feel Comfortable and Safe knowing that the locked tomb is simply too wonderfully grotesque and beautifully gross and wildly slimy to ever be visually adapted for a mass market audience. it's Free.
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