#blegh… just annoying. I’m annoyed. this is an annoyance.
floral-hex · 2 years
uuuuugggghhhhh tumblr fucked up the mobile app again. The new update replaces your profile tab with one for tumblrmart 😑, so if you haven’t updated the app yet, maybe hold off until they (hopefully) correct this. In the meanwhile, I can’t easily flip between my drafts and my profile so I can’t really do my whole color-coordinated bullshit, so… I dunno. I’m sure I’ll still post a little bit, but this all just makes it a biiit too much work for what’s supposed to be a dumb little way to pass the time. What a hassle blegh blegh blegh
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bittywitches · 5 years
Come Over (Ethan Dolan Fanfic)
A/N: Ethan’s stories abt him being sick made me soft so I wanted to write something abt it :)) Basically Y/N and Ethan have been going out for a while but Ethan isn’t the most expressive when it comes to showing his affection for his gf and he starts to realize that it might acc be a problem...
Ly guys hope you enjoy it <3
Used Tissues were strewn across the bed, falling off onto the floor. Tissue boxes were stacked carelessly on the night table, most of them half empty. Ethan’s almost dead phone was plugged into his wall, and he aimlessly scrolled through his insta feed, his hood over his head and the drawstrings pulled tight. The covers were draped all the way up to his chin. He groaned, his head burning up even more than the day before. being sick was bad enough, but Grayson leaving him to go to the beach just made it that little bit worse. He spent the entire day eating food and lying in bed doing nothing, and it drove him insane. He ached for any sort of human interaction. He even started making conversation with the Halloween decorations.
He went to his contacts and scrolled down until he found the person he was looking for. He pressed call and put the phone on speaker.
“Hey, hon.”
“Hi, cutie.”
His girlfriend laughed. “I think your medicine is making you loopy.”
“Course not, sweetness.”
“Right, sure. What’s up? You feeling any better?”
“No. Grayson abandoned me. I’m so bored. Come over.”
“Babe, I’m in a lecture hall right now.”
“Yea? Why’d you answer your phone?”
“Because it’s not currently going on.”
“Then come over!”
“It’s going to start soon, you dumbass.”
“Shut up, people will hear you.”
“When’s your lecture over?”
“In an hour.”
“Do you have to stay?”
“I’ll come over when it’s finished.”
“Oh my god people are staring at me now you’re such an asshole k bye”
She cut the phone, and he laughed out loud. Embarrassing his girlfriend was one of his favourite things to do. He chuckled to himself again, then went back to scrolling through his feed, and finally stopped when his eye caught the familiar face of his favourite girl.
It was a picture she had posted a few hours before, of her and Ethan sitting in front of the campfire they had made the weekend before. They’d gone camping with a few of their friends, and they had an amazing time. Y/N and Ethan were sitting on a log in front of the fire, roasting marshmallows. Ethan’s was already burnt, and Y/N was laughing in the photo while she had her arm linked around his. He looked at how happy she looked, and how dang good she looked with her messy hair and face smeared with the ashes from the fire, and he smiled to himself. He really was the luckiest guy in the world, to have such an amazing girlfriend. He swiped to see the next photo she’d posted, and it was of her kissing him on the cheek while Ethan made the fakest annoyed expression in the world. He cringed, looking at his dumb face next to hers. Her arms were carelessly thrown over him, wrapped around his neck, and her eyes were scrunched tight. One of his arms was wrapped around her, and the other one was still holding his now on fire marshmallow. She had posted it with a caption: 
Firstname.Lastname Eww he tastes like sweat and ashes 😣
He snorted.
She was absolutely adorable.
He started typing up a comment:
that’s what you get for kissing me 😈
He read it over, shook his head, then cleared it to write something else:
Your kisses are still the sweetest 😉
He liked that better, and smiled when his phone dinged just a few minutes later:
Firstname.Lastname liked your comment: Your kisses are still the sweetest 😉Firstname.Lastname mentioned you in a comment: @ethandolan 😊❤️
Ethan wished that he didn’t have to look so stupid in the picture. He loved it when Y/N kissed him, he was just too awkward to ever voice that out loud, or show it for that matter. She was just so amazing, and sometimes it seemed like he had no idea how to show her that. 
“Why does she have to have her stupid lecture...”
Two hours later, Ethan finally perked up at the sound of the front door opening. He heard the thud of her shoes hitting the floor, the rattle of her keys being thrown onto the table, and then her soft footsteps racing up the stairs. The click of her turning the doorknob, and the creak of his door opening to reveal her, in his old sweatshirt and tights, her hair pulled back into a ponytail, holding some grocery bags.
“Oh my god, you look like hell.”
“Thanks, gorgeous.”
She laughed, walking up to his bed and plopping down beside him. She felt his forehead, and her eyebrows scrunched up.
“What did you do to get yourself this sick in the first place?”
“I ran outside in the middle of the night in nothing but my birthday suit then dived into the pool.” His nasal voice made his sarcastic remark sound funnier than it should have.
“Haha.” She grabbed her bags and began pulling out various assortments of items.
“What’s all this?”
“Just stuff to make you feel better.” She pulled out some hot soup (that Ethan had no idea how she had the time to make), cough drops, more cold medicine, a huge bag of chips, and a small, purple teddy bear, which she placed in front of him.
“Who’s this little guy?”
She grinned. “Just someone to keep you company when you get bored during one of my lectures again.”
He rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t deny that he loved the little thing. It was adorable. Like her.
“You know you didn’t have to go to all the trouble of getting this stuff.”
“Well, when you called me you sounded pretty bad.”
“I just missed you.”
She looked at him weirdly for a moment, but then shook her head and began to put the items onto his night table.
He shoved her shoulder gently, and she rolled her eyes.
“Do you want soup?”
She opened the container and handed it to him, along with a plastic spoon. He gratefully took it, slurping it down a bit obnoxiously, but she smiled at him nonetheless.
“You know, you’d think that someone with such a nice house and so much storage place would have quick-to-make soup around.”
“Come on, you know soup is like the most boring dish ever.”
She gave him an annoyed look.
“Ah ah ah Babe I need a tish!” He hastily put the bowl onto his night table while trying to hold in his sneeze, while Y/N grabbed the nearest tissue box and handed him one. He sneezed loudly.
“Jesus, that gets really annoying.”
“Yea, I can tell.” She gestured to all of the crumpled up tissues. “This is so nasty, how do you just sleep with all of these surrounding you?”
She grabbed his trash can and began tossing the tissues into the basket. 
“Oh babe no that’s gross! You don’t have to-“
“Oh my god just shut up and let me take care of you!”
She gave him a heavy sigh and continued to clean up. Ethan gave her a blank stare, unsure of what to say. 
“..Thank you.” He decided on that.
He looked over at him, looking a bit pissed off. “Hey, if you think I was fishing for a-“
“No! Jeez, I’m being serious. You didn’t have to do any of this or even come here at all since I’m assuming you’ve got a lot of work to do, and I’m really thankful for that. For you.”
She blinked. “Seriously, is there something in your medicine?”
“Oh my fucking god!” He flopped back onto his pillow. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just not used to..” she waved her hands vaguely. “All this from you.”
“Yeah, I know.”
She finally finished picking up all the tissues, then sat down next to E on the bed. She grabbed the bag of chips and popped it open, then tossed one into her mouth. 
“You wanna watch a movie or something?”
“Are you saying I have to get up?”
“Wow okay bye then-“
“No!” He laughed, grabbing her arm to prevent her from getting off the end without him. “I’m kidding. Yes, a movie sounds great.”
Y/N sat cross-legged on the couch, idly scrolling through the movies on Netflix. Ethan sat across on the other side of the couch, eating more of the chips. 
“What about this one?”
“Seen it already.”
She groaned, clicking the remote louder than usual as if to display her annoyance. “You’ve already seen like every movie ever.”
“Well there isn’t much else to do when you're sick.”
Y/N rested her chin on her hand. Her ponytail was falling apart a little bit, and little strands fell to float against her cheek. Ethan loved to play with her hair. He’d do it a lot without ever thinking about it. They’d be hanging out with their friends, and he’d just begin fiddling with ends. At one point Y/N had gotten so annoyed by it that she had told him he might as well just braid it instead. But surprisingly to her, Ethan actually liked that idea. And so, she taught him how to do it, and from then on whenever she came over she would end up leaving with her hair braided. She’d always say it annoyed her, but Ethan knew she secretly loved it from the way he saw her smile whenever he did it.
Ethan found himself zoning out, just staring at her as she was looking for a movie for them to watch. Her face, her eyes, her mouth, her nose, her hands, her arms, her back...
“Oh oh! How about this one?”
Y/N startled him back to reality. “Hm? Yea. Sure.”
“God finally.”
To be honest, Ethan wasn’t even sure what they were going to watch.
“Hey, hold on. I’m gonna go get something.” He got up to go head towards his bedroom.
“Get what?”
“A blanket.”
“What? Why?”
“So we can cuddle.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “What?”
Ethan shrugged. “I’m cold. And I wanna cuddle.”
Y/N’s mouth hung open for a second, having no idea what to do in this situation. 
He wanted to what?
Yea, of course, they’d cuddled before, but he’d never been so bluntly said that he wanted it. She was always so sure that he was embarrassed by it. “Really?”
“Well, Yea.”
She blushed hard, looking away from him and smiling to herself, then looked back
at him. “Okay.”
He smiled at her. “Okay.”
“you are so fucking comfy.” Y/N nestled up closer to Ethan, burying her face into his sweatshirt. Her legs were carelessly thrown on top of him, and Ethan rubbed her thigh under the blanket.
“That is the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“And you should be grateful, mister.”
He chuckled and planted a kiss on Y/N’s forehead. He heard her sigh in content.
“Aren’t you afraid of getting sick from me?”
“Oh, this is definitely worth it.”
“God, you are so cute.”
She blushed. “Babe, what is up with you today?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know...” he stroked his fingers along her back. “Guess I just realized that I don’t appreciate you enough.”
Y/N snorted. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Ethan repositioned himself so he was facing Y/N, her lying on his arm with her hands pressed up against his chest. “You know, you’re just...”
“I’m what?”
Her face turned even more red than before, and Ethan grinned. “Man, I didn’t know I could do that to you so easily.”
“Yea well, you’d know if you tried once and a while.”
As soon as the words left her mouth Y/N covered her mouth with her hands, wishing she could take those words back.
Ethan’s face fell. “Ouch. Guess that was a jab at me, huh?”
“It just came out, I didn’t mean to-“
“No, Y/N. you did.”
“I did not!”
“You did.”
Y/N tried to say something, but the words got caught in her throat. She sighed, pushing the loose strands of hair up and out of her face. “Babe..”
“No, you don’t have to explain yourself. It makes sense, I’m not the greatest with that kind of stuff. I just didn’t know it ever bothered you that much.”
She let her head fall onto the side of the couch. “It doesn’t, not really..” She paused. “I don’t know. It’s just nice when you hear those kinds of things from the person you love, yknow?”
Ethan tucked another peaking strand behind her ear. “I may not say it all the time, but you know that’s how I feel, don’t you?”
“Yea...” she started playing with his drawstrings. “I just... You know how you said you missed me? Well that... it just makes my heart-“ she pressed her hand on top of the place where Ethan’s heart would be, then made an exploding motion with her hands along with a little sound effect. “You know?”
He took her hand and pressed it against his heart again. “Well, if it makes it any better...” he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “You make my heart feel like that every day.”
Y/N beamed at him. She reached up and grabbed his face, then kissed him. Ethan couldn’t help but moan a bit, kissing her back stronger than he ever had. When they finally pulled apart, Y/N looked just as bewildered as he did.
“Where did that come from?”
“I have no clue.”
Before he knew it Y/N was kissing him again, cradling his jaw in her hands. Her eyebrows were furrowed, lost in the feeling of Ethan’s lips against hers. It was like nothing mattered but the two of them, underneath their little blanket.
Ethan pulled away suddenly in some sort of urgency and caught his breath. 
“I love you.” He rubbed her cheek. “And I’m sorry that I don’t say it enough.”
Y/N breathed out, smiling at him wide.
“I’m probably definitely going to get sick.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” She pecked him on the lips.
 “I love you too.”
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guccijun · 7 years
This is basically from an AU I formed with @reliablejoukido​. Blegh @ my writing. But I gotta do it for Jyoumi week.
Out of my League Word count: 1,353 words Pairing: Jyoumi
She has never felt this confused before in her life.
Why? First of all, she’s currently pretend married to Jou Kido. Blue hair, trips a lot, obnoxious and wears glasses. That one. How did it come to that? Jealousy, Misunderstandings and most importantly – Gomamon. Second of all, she wasn’t exactly sure that Jou would like this as much as she did.
He was always awkward towards her. No matter what dress, pose nor hairstyle she put out for him – he’d usually end up blushing and changed the topic of their conversation leaving her a bit annoyed. Was she not attractive? She wondered.
She once brought up on why he kept calling her ‘Mimi-kun’ when they were close enough but apparently not enough for him to just call her Mimi nor 'Mimi-chan’ like everyone else does. 
A finger was used in twirling her strawberry brown hair, in slight annoyance of how he can call Miyako’s sister that and not her.
He usually seemed so busy in her eyes. The first few days at his place were rough for her. He usually didn’t know what to say since he recently made her cry her eyes out after all. The awkward silences were usually cleared whenever she greet him good night or good morning.
The usual tense atmosphere was formed by both guilt and comedic but awkward situations of him walking in on her or vice-versa.
For her, she was near the point where she believed this was going nowhere. And for him, he swore to himself that he’ll do his best for her. Just… with a bit of advice of course. 
He wasn’t exactly the most romantic of people. Both of them had to admit that fact.
To kill time during this little predicament of theirs especially whenever she had those terrible thoughts, she ended up going out on blind dates her friends had set up for her.
Sadly, she wasn’t pleased with any of them.
Something felt missing. 
It was as if she didn’t have as much fun.
A sigh escaped her lips as the door was opened for her. Her slim fingers held her bag tightly as she looked up at the one who opened up for her.
It was him.
He slowly made way for her to go inside and into the living room. When she finally sat on the couch, he made his way near her and cleared his throat.
“Erm… ah, Mimi?” Addressing her without an honorific felt – normal. Heat rushed to his cheeks. “Can we… ah, talk?”
“Oh. Well… that’s fine with me. What about?” Surprised filled her face however she quickly shook it out.
“It’s about our situation here.” He took a deep breath, then continued. “Mimi… Did you want… ah, someone else to be with you in this marriage?” He couldn’t believe he was actually asking her this. This felt ridiculous, yet he felt curious of her thoughts. “I may not be as popular as Taichi… but I’m willing to take this seriously… for you.
She couldn’t believe it either. If she was still drinking tea right now, she would’ve spat it right out. Did someone spike her tea earlier?
“Well… no. But… senpai, you always seem so busy. Do you even have… time for this?” She had to ask her own question right now. The one that had always been stuck in her mind.
“You did start coming home late… I’m half-joking. I know, terrible joke. In all seriousness, I do, and I’ll keep making time for you, no matter what! After all… you’re important to me too, Mimi.” The last part was said quite loudly as he tried looking her in the eye to show her that he was actually determined.
“You dork.” She gave him a small smile as a blush appeared on her cheeks. “I’ll try for you too, senpai. I thought you wouldn’t like this as much as I would… You usually weren’t the type to play along with these things. I mean we did… do that after all and it didn’t seem like you wanted to keep going at it.” God, why was she reminding him of that of all things?
“Mimi… I’ve always wanted to. But my mind couldn’t help but think you were too good. What if she leaves me for another person? Those were the thoughts that rain inside of my mind.” “Didn’t you think that I’d be thinking like that too?” Jou blinked when she said that.
“What? But Mimi, you’re loads better than me! You’re at a league way higher than I am!” Mimi just raised a brow. “Is this what was all that about? Senpai, don’t be silly. You’re at a higher league than you think you are! You’re training to be a doctor, duh! And you’re a chosen child too. What more could you want?”
“Well… aren’t you one of the popular types? …Not that it’s a bad thing! But, wouldn’t you prefer dating another popular one?”
All Mimi did was laugh at that.
“Geez, your way of thinking wounds me.” Mimi feigned heartbreak then smiled. “Eh, the popular ones get kind of boring after a while. Their reactions get pretty lame.”
Jou didn’t know what to say to that.
“Besides… you’re a way better kisser than most guys I kissed.” Mimi put a finger to her lips with a smirk then gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Another small silence was formed until Jou tried to break it.
“You’re good with your lips, by the way.” 
Mimi started giggling until Jou realized what he just said.
“I mean kisser! You’re a good kisser by the way!”
She shook her head, smiling. “No guy would say that to a girl they’re not with, you know.” A wink from her was added to the end of her sentence, making the older student feel more embarrassed.
“W-Well… we’re married, aren’t we?” Jou tried to argue with her yet Mimi still had a small smirk cast on her lips.
“You haven’t even proposed yet, dummy. I don’t see a ring here!” She teased, raising her hand to show the ringless finger.
“Do we even really need one? But if I must…” Jou pulled out a small box then had gone on one knee as he took her hand. “Tachikawa Mimi, will you get pretend married to me?”
“Huh, so you are prepared for everything.” Mimi smiled. “But yes Kido Jou, I will!” 
“It’s not exactly an engagement ring… But I guess a necklace will do.” He scratched the back of his head.
“Still prepared and reliable, it’s the thought that counts here. Besides, rings are too mainstream. When did you even get that?”
“Remember whenever you came home late? Well… I felt guilty. I felt like I was buried 10 feet under my text books and the silences were too awkward.” Jou sheepishly said as he held her hand. “But… are we not… ah, making anything official? Because… you know, ah… since we’re already like this… Why don’t we seal the deal?” 
Jou could’ve sworn Mimi’s eyes sparkled when he said that.
“Well, it’s about time you asked me that! You’re the biggest weirdo I know for not asking a woman you made out with for 45 minutes two times!” Mimi wrapped her arms around his neck then pressed her lips against his, giving out a small sigh through the kiss while Jou tilted his head a bit more, making sure that his glasses won’t hit her anywhere.
The two finally let go of eachother after a few minutes. 
“Well, this is gonna be fun.” Mimi gave out a small laugh, cuddling onto him.
“So… no more blind dates?” Jou had to make sure.
“Of course not, dummy. We’re dating and I’m totally loyal when it comes to relationships.”
Jou gave her his own smile which she returned.
“I love you… Mimi.”
This time, heat rose up to her cheeks.
“I love you too… Jou.”
“... So cute. A blushing Mimi is rare. As your boyfriend, I must cherish this moment.” He teased, with a small chuckle of his own.
He felt her smack his shoulder.
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gguktastic · 8 years
Requested by @fandomtrash-20. Also, my first HP fic! Warnings- Mentions of self harm. // "Ms. [Y/L/N], I expect to see you in my office right now, as soon as you keep your things in your dormitory. Am I clear?" Says the Devil herself, giving me an evil stare as I spin on my heels to stare right back at her, in a mix of confusion, fear and anger. "I'm sorry, Professor Umbridge, but I'm sure I haven't done anything to offend or aggravate you today at all," I say. "Meet me in my office, and I'll explain," she says, before giving me a fake, sickly sweet smile that made my insides curdle, and then walking out of the classroom, right past my shoulder. I huffed in annoyance as I walked out myself, calling Dolores 'Toad Devil' Umbridge a string of unflattering names. Walking into the Slytherin common room, I immediately seemed to relax. The deep green walls had a calming effect on me, as I stood on and relished the comfort of the silver fur rug. I slowly slouched up the stairs to the girls' dormitories, heavily dropping my books onto my bed. Deciding not to get into any more trouble, I immediately banished all thoughts of snuggling up on my comfortable bed, and got a move on to Umbridge's office. However, I suppose an introduction is due. My name is [Y/N] [Y/L/N]. I am, currently, studying at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Being sorted into Slytherin House, I wonder if it was a mistake, seeing as I, even if I do say so myself, am a very smart and clever person. I also didn't fit into the 'mean' and 'cold' stereotype of most Slytherins, being one of the examples of how all Slytherins aren't cruel and evil. Let's go back to the present shall we? I gave a massive sigh as I stood outside of Professor Umbridge's office, finally gathering the courage to knock. I heard a faint 'Come on in' through the thick doors. I opened it halfway and question entered in. The interior was, for my tastes, very overdone. It was completely pink, for one thing, which hurt my eyes. There were paintings of cats literally everywhere, Umbridge petting a Siamese kitten with a pink bow around its neck herself, one that she has never had before today, It was probably a gift to her from Pansy Parker, that absolutely annoying bugger, who sucked up to every teacher there was in our school. Dolores is probably the only one who has fallen for it yet. Well, except for Professor Lockhart, of course. That man succumbed to flatter faster than you could say 'self-absorbed'. "Have a seat, love," Umbridge said, again, giving me that sickly sweet, fake smile. I almost gagged, but grudgingly returned a small smile and a nod. I took a seat on the chair on the opposite side of her pink desk. Blegh, this whole room makes me want to projectile vomit on her face. "Good afternoon, Professor," I said. She slid a piece of parchment paper towards me. "Ms. [Y/L/N], this is a First Year student's homework. She goes by the name of Elizabeth [Y/L/N], who, as I've been made to believe, is your sister. Am I right?" I nod. "Yes, Professor, Elizabeth is my sister. Has she not been up to the mark in class?" I ask, worried. "Yes, in fact. She is the worst student in my class, and that's a surprise seeing as she's your sister, an exceptional student. However, I was very impressed with Elizabeth when I corrected her work and saw that all of her answers were correct. However, I noticed that the handwriting was your's: I even double checked it with her's and your's previous assignments. How do you explain this?" I gulped. "I'm sorry, Professor Umbridge, but she had rigorous Quidditch training the day I did her homework, and-" Umbridge, interrupting me, slid another piece of parchment paper, this time a blank one, a quill and an ink-pot. "It's fine, darling, it honestly is. But I want you to remember this lesson, so, right now, you have to write, 'I must not help others cheat' one thousand times. Every time you even mumble that your hands hurt or any syllable of pain because of the rigorous writing, you'll have to write the same sentence another thousand times. Do you agree?" She said, but I couldn't help but be a bit scared, even though this was a simple punishment. I shrugged and took the quill out of the ink-pot. Putting the sharp point to the yellow-ish parchment, I began to scratch the words onto it in my neat handwriting. I momentarily glanced up, not stopping to write, to see a smug smile on Umbridge's toad-like face. In that moment, I sincerely wanted to stab the quill into her eye and wipe the smug smile off of her face. That's when, seven sentences in, my left hand started to itch. However, I was too scared to stop under Umbridge's watchful glare. Ten sentences more. Nine hundred to go. By this point, I was honestly worried, hoping that I hadn't been bit by a Doxy in the quidditch field - I loved Hagrid, but he needs to find a way to get rid of those pests. Madame Pomfrey would probably run out of antidote for Doxy bites soon, seeing the number of students that had gotten bitten in the past month. By the time I was done with fifty sentences, my hand was starting to burn. However, since I still had the glove on my left hand on, I couldn't stop to take it off and check what had happened. // My eyes are burning with tears. My whole arm really hurts, and I want to flee the room. Her sadistic eyes burn into my head as she intently watches me write. "Professor Umbridge?" I said weakly, choking out the words, never stopping scratching the words onto the parchment. "Yes?" She says, petting her cat. "May I please leave? I'm finished with my thousand sentences." "May I see it?" "Sure," I slide the paper over to her side of the table, putting my right hand into its glove and inconspicuously blinking the tears away. She hums on seeing the three sheets of parchment I had used, nodding her head. "Very well, you may leave." A disappointed look adorned her horribly ugly face, and I was proud to be the reason behind it. I greeted her a good evening as I briskly walked out of the room, letting my tears flow free as soon as the door shut behind me. I run into an empty classroom. I storm inside, shutting the door without me, not bothering to lock it. I take a seat on the first bench, and proceed to remove my gloves incredibly slowly. What I saw made me scream out in terror. The inside of my glove was soaked in my scarlet blood, droplets of the red liquid running down my fingers and onto the ground. A thin river of blood ran down my arm and onto the ground as well, and I would have to take my clothes off to check what had happened there. I was curious to see what the bloody hell - excuse the pun - she had done. So, I ran up the stairs, clutching my glove in my right hand, leaving a trail of blood behind me, into the Slytherin common room, and soon made my way to my dormitory. Grabbing an old half-sleeved shirt and some comfortable joggers, I stepped into the girls' bathroom, and proceeded to undress. I shut my eyes and bit sown hard on my lower lip to avoid screaming out loud in agony as my hand roughly brushed over my arm. I decided to be more careful. What I saw on my body in the mirror: that was [Y/N] of the past. Not me. My uninjured hand flew up to my mouth as I whimpered at the sight of my bloodied, scraped and injured left arm. The cuts were in a pattern; however, the smudged blood made it indiscernible. Staring at my wrist, I made out six words, six words I had spent the last hour scratching onto a piece of parchment as well as, unknowingly, on my hand. 'I must not help others cheat.' Over and over again, all over my arm. Looking at the mirror again, I started to quietly sob, reliving those nights I had spent alone, back pressed against the cold wall of the bathroom, drops of scarlet blood leaking down my wrists and onto the silvery floor. Nights I had spent believing I was worthless, nights I had starved myself. Days which I had slept away, nights when I stayed up the whole time. My 'Dark Days'. I collapsed onto the bathroom floor, hand still clasped over my mouth, as I sobbed. As I let all the pent up tears out. This can't be happening. Not again. Not when I finally overcame it. Knees shaking, I got up, looking for bandages. I found some in a stash of equipment I had hidden away for myself, back in those days. Turning on the tap, a stream of ice cold water flowed out, and I put my arm underneath it, sighing at the relief. Stripping off my clothes, again, I decided to take a relaxing shower. Stepping into a cubicle with a towel, I turned on the water, and didn't even stop and consider that it was ice cold. Truth was, I didn't care. I just had to wash away the guilt and the sin I felt I had committed. // Half an hour later, I stepped out of the bathroom, my hand already bandaged up. Thanking the lords that there was no one there, I slipped into my uniform, and made sure that there were no traces of blood anywhere. It was dinner time, they had sounded the bell just a minute ago, and right now, there was a commotion downstairs, in the common room, and I decided to rush down to be a part of it, just so that no one would suspect anything. // Hi everyone! So my amazing friend @fandomtrash-20 sent in a fic request some time ago. This is going to be a two-part fic, and this was the first part of it. Hope you liked it. The next part will be up next week, and I PROMISE I WILL NOT PROCRASTINATE. See you guys soon!
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