#blight talks
ladiemars · 2 years
despite literally having a toponymic name myself for some reason i never put together that “du mortain” meant “from mortain” as in the town in france. but then a few weeks ago i got insanely high and my third eye was wide fucking open and i was like “woah mortain is a place in france. that’s so fucking crazy because the normans are from normandy and that’s right by mortain i think…wait.”
not going to lie up until that point i just thought adam had a gay little european last name
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exhaustedplague · 2 years
i need wolfwood to come rescue his boyfriend what the fuck is going on
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kinsey3furry300 · 25 days
Okay so hear me out...
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BONUS CURSED CONTENT! Laios and Hunter have the same wolf Fursona:
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EDIT: Following feedback, I’m changing the Willow/Chilchuck panel from “A parent in a child’s body who is just done with everyone’s shit” to “Carrying the team, Done with everyone’s shit.” I don’t want anything I produce to be hurtful or upsetting to anyone, so even though I don’t feel it’s as impactful, and least it’s not infantilising. This will probably achieve little to nothing now the meme has breached containment but it’s the least I can do. Thank you all for feedback.
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milkhorns · 1 year
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Thanks For Watching! 🦉💖
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astrolavas · 2 months
I was wondering: Did you have any art of the TOH Gang as teens vs adults?? I love your personal styles of drawing the kids and I was wondering what sort of stuff you might imagine for them all as adults since a lot of people always have unique ideas!
i designed an older hunter once during the s2 hiatus, but here's how i imagine all of hexsquad when they're older adults now!
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i'd say they're in their late... 50's here?
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noyob · 10 months
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exploring the isles (and getting lost along the way ;p)
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biowho · 3 months
I saw a post that I do not agree with and I went through the tags to see what other people felt and…
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Guys I hate to be the one that says this to you but there’s not single companion in Veilguard who’s under 20. They were all alive during the events of Origins and the youngest is probably Harding who was in Redcliffe during the Blight
They’re not spring chickens new to the world, they’ve got a median age of 37
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chilly-lily · 1 year
whoever popularized the “amity wants hunter dead” fanon is literally my worst enemy. like look at this. they’re buddies. imagine being wrong about Everything
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and the fact that amity is second to the airship before they realize that hunter wasn’t actually taken.. she does not hate that boy!! they are friends!!!
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corseque · 5 months
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(shakes Flemeth) TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW
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dykecadence · 1 year
odalia blight's last appearance being her getting ignored by her daughter and never seen again is the funniest shit on earth to me DESERVED
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ladiemars · 2 years
Hey! I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your writing. I was wondering what helped you when writing for Adam.
ah thank you!!
honestly babe, when i write adam, i just think about the most emotionally unintelligent thing a person can say or do and then i make him do it.
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[02.20 Clouds on the Horizon || 03.02 For the Future]
“This is not the pretty girl I thought I was touching.”
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blighted-lights · 1 month
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irreducible minimus you will always be so famous
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thefloatingwriter · 2 months
the victors as complex characters will always be more interesting than making them amazing people.
like these are people who did absolutely everything in their power to survive something as traumatic as the games. most of them probably sleep with weapons in their hands. the thought on the forefront of most of their minds is survival. everything else—anyone else—can wait.
they sacrificed everything to crawl out of a killing game. their mental stability. their innocence. their childhood.
and after all of that, they realized that the games never really end. that they would sacrifice ever having a good night sleep without being plagued by nightmares. they would sacrifice their brains to help the capitol. they would sacrifice their bodies, something that should have always been their own, now snatched away from them. all for surviving a killing match that twenty-three children didn’t.
no victor is immune to this either. do you think cashmere doesn’t regret being so excited to go into the games after her brother after staying the night in a strange man’s bed that she doesn’t know? do you think gloss doesn’t regret not warning his sister about the horrors that await her after she wins? do you think brutus doesn’t sometimes wake up in a cold sweat after having yet another nightmare about being on the receiving end of his weapon, just as all of his victims were before everything faded to black? do you think enobaria doesn’t run her tongue over her sharpened teeth and wonder if it was worth it?
do you think beetee doesn’t flinch every time he sees lightning? do you think wiress doesn’t think of how if she hadn’t learned acrobatics that the 48th hunger games would have gone very differently? do you think finnick doesn’t see nets in the same way ever again, after he saw the girl from nine begging for her life tangled in a net he set up before he stabbed her with a trident? do you think annie doesn’t think about if she hadn’t spent all of that time on the beach growing up, playing in the water, that she wouldn’t have survived the dam breaking in her arena? do you think mags doesn’t think about how she left her district partner to die in the first ever traditional career pack? how if maybe, if she had been there to take the blow for him, there would be a different victor of the 11th hunger games?
do you think that blight doesn’t wonder what would have happened if the boy from two had looked up a little bit sooner, looked a little bit closer at the treetops above him, before the knife previously in blight’s hand found it’s way to the boy’s back? do you think that every time johanna picks up an axe, she doesn’t think about what if felt like to stab someone with it, what blood felt like when it splattered you? do you think she doesn’t wake up in a sweat, thinking the moisture on her skin is blood, that she’s back in the third quarter quell? do you think she doesn’t ever walk into her house in the victor’s village and think she sees a glimpse, a shadow, of her lost loved ones?
do you think that woof doesn’t use real knives anymore because every time he sees one, he remembers how it felt to stab blindly at the boy from seven? that even when he was seventy-five and the male tribute from eight for the third quarter quell, he couldn’t even look at the utensil and had to get cecelia to take it away from him? do you think cecelia can’t look at seashells anymore, that she could barely stand district four on her victory tour, because the girl from four was her last kill? that her necklace, a pretty one her sister made for her with a seashell strung through the string, was what cecelia used to choke the life out of her?
do you think that chaff doesn’t ever feel the phantom feeling of his hand? doesn’t ever touch the stump where it used to be and feel the phantom pain of it being sawed off like it was yesterday, even thirty years later? do you think that seeder doesn’t ever feel the hot sun of her arena on her body, doesn’t ever think she’s back, waiting for her death to come?
do you think that haymitch doesn’t start shaking every time a blowgun is provided at the cornucopia? do you think that he didn’t see the gold pin on katniss’ arena wear and have to sit down, remembering a very different girl with blonde hair and a quick witted humor with the same pin? do you think that peeta doesn’t hear foxface’s voice during her interview, over and over and over, until it’s so distorted he can’t even remember what she had actually said? that he doesn’t ever think of the girl from eight, a girl he might not have even known the name of?
do you think that, years down the line, katniss doesn’t realize the fate that waited for glimmer if she had won? do you think that she doesn’t wonder what would have happened if cato was a little quicker to get to the cornucopia to save clove? do you think she doesn’t wonder what the girl from four was like, what her name was, what her parents were like, what she was like? do you think that she doesn’t think about what would have happened if marvel was just a little bit quicker with his spear than her with her arrows, what would have happened if she was just a little bit slower to get to rue?
the what-ifs plague them. their games will never leave them. they will never escape their experiences. their lives will never be their own, if they ever were, ever again.
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passionfruitbowls · 7 months
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yardsards · 9 months
there's such an interesting extra layer to amity and her relationships (especially w luz) that gets revealed when you learn that not only is she an abuse victim herself, but she is also the child of an abusive marriage
like not only was she personally abused/neglected and taught that she doesn't deserve to have her boundaries respected and won't get positive attention unless maybe she "earns it" by being useful and overachieving, but also her main example of a romantic partnership involved one partner exploiting the other and treating him as an expendable tool
in all of her relationships (platonic, romantic, familial), amity learns to give and receive kindness, learns to respect and set boundaries, learns that the value of herself and others aren't dictated by achievements or usefulness. she's breaking the toxic patterns that her parents taught her via their treatment of her.
but with her romantic relationship with luz, not only is she learning all of the above, but she's also breaking the toxic patterns of a romantic relationship that she would have learned from watching her parents.
when she shows kindness to luz, loves luz wholeheartedly even when she makes mistakes or causes problems, respects luz's privacy and boundaries, she is treating her girlfriend in a way that opposes the way her mother treated her own husband.
when she learns that she doesn't need to be useful or else risk abandonment/punishment, she's learning that she shouldn't accept or expect to be treated by her girlfriend the same way that her father was treated by his own wife.
i just. i love stories about characters breaking cycles. and i love luz and amity's relationship so much. it's very much not the kind of relationship i'm invested in the same way i am invested in with ships between adults. but rather like, it's a relationship between these two young people who are learning to healthily navigate this kind of relationship for the first time in their lives and it's really sweet.
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