#blitz and hearth
thegothicchangeling · 7 months
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Only they are allowed to parent me
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maxwellamus · 4 months
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get blitzstoned. i hate gay people
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akodsamaka · 2 months
Just some things I noticed:
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They're so gay, I love them.
How is this not canon, Rick ?
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bella-ved · 2 years
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blitzstone doodle ahdidrnfjensj☹️☹️☹️
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artemx746 · 1 year
Okay so we all agree that Blitz made his and Hearth’s wedding rings, right?
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starshower1215 · 10 months
Blitzen and Hearthstone Headcanons: Backstory Version
Blitz loved learning sign language because he knew that you had the other person's full, unwarranted attention. If they did not want to speak with you, there was an incredibly easy out, and he never felt as though he was forcing them to pay attention to him or being pitied.
At some point along the lines, Hearth will stand up for (or has already stood up for) Blitzen against Eitri Junior, as a parallel to when Blitz stood up to Alderman for Hearth. They protect one another against their bullies.
Blitzen has anxiety that mirrors that of Hearthstone's.
Blitz has a lot of insecurity when it comes to his body. He has always felt bigger, taller, enormous and clumsy, like he was a giant from Jotunheim in the tiny realm of Nidavellir- literally and metaphorically worlds apart.
Blitz's insecurity about his build also plays into his inability to craft under pressure. Pressure is known to trigger self criticism, which in turn, tricks him into telling himself that he's big, he's an oaf, his stupid, thick fingers will mess up the tiny, intricate parts anyway, so why even make much of an effort?
Hearth used to make him more insecure because, by comparison, Blitz was stout and clumsy with his hands, whereas Hearth was willowy and graceful in his motions.
Though he was bullied for hanging out with his dad so much as a child, Bíli was the one part of him that he was not ashamed of.
Hearth needed a lot of reassurance from Blitzen after learning about his mother's death.
Blitz took Hearth out to try everything under the sun when he realized that Hearth never had the freedom (or money) to try them for himself.
Hearth can read Blitz like a book, despite Blitzen's attempts to hide his pain, and makes sure to compliment and fawn a little over all of Blitzen's creations, even though he has no clue what he's doing.
Living on the streets brought them both back to a bad place where they were almost never safe- Hearth in his own home, and Blitzen in his own world.
Hearth could not sleep unless he was with Blitzen, and Blitzen could not sleep unless he was under a roof. This proved to be very complicated.
For a long time, Hearthstone had a difficult time sleeping in his pure white tanning bed of light. When Blitz figured out why, he decorated the inside with lots of colors for Hearth.
Hearth used to get overwhelmed when there was too much in his vision; too many people, too many images, too many colors.
He was also made uncomfortable by any rug in Blitzen's Nidavellir apartment. Carpets were okay, but rugs- especially colored rugs- were not.
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k-is-for-potassium · 3 months
hearth is such a mood
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tbh if someone was trying to wake me up that early i would also tell them that i am not there
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i reread hammer of thor and i decided to list out some stuff i feel has been overlooked by the fandom
and stuff that hasn't been overlooked (at all) but i HAVE to mention it anyway. because reasons
also it's not THAT long of a post but it's pretty long so i put a cut there
nobody ever mentions the 'thinking cup' like whyyy
alex fierro the cheetah and weasel :)
"the gender thing wasn't what surprised me. what surprised me was the way my impression of alex had slingshot and the emotions that had stirred up"
magnus mentioning that he had been stuck in one gender his whole life and that it didn't bother him except the way it was worded made it seem like he was unsure about it jsfjfisfidgkgd
i don't think it's overlooked but the scene in which magnus is watching alex eat and halfborn goes "there's no shame in being attracted magnus" and he CHOKES
(not overlooked at all but) HEARTH'S POSESSIVENESS OVER BLITZ <333
(DEFINITELY not overlooked but) "buddy" *proceeds to take hearth's hands in his own*, "what is wrong with my elf" 😭😭
inge being fucking abused by alderman?? she was beaten??? and the iron on the door locks is harmful and extremely painful to hulder??? THAT ASSHOLE ALDERMAN
(in context to inge explaining that alderman kept a patch of wilderness in his backyard bc hulder need wilderness to live and so that he can 'hire' more help) "she said hire. i heard catch" BITCH-
the fucking wergild. i have a lot of thoughts about that and all of them involve alderman dying
also hearth's mom doesn't really seem like much of a good person either? she didn't stop alderman from being abusive towards hearth or the house staff AND she literally just cared about her reputation. maybe she wasn't as bad as her husband but she was still pretty bad (parallels there between hearth and alex)
also parallels between hearth trying to stop alderman from taking andvari's ring and trying to "pull his dad out from a hole deeper than andvari's" and magnus trying to save randolph from falling into the hole in the ground that led to helheim-
hearth and samirah's dynamic?? they've already had a fight and patched up AND were stuck together during the utgard lanes chapters. soooo a lot
also hearth and alex's brief interactions lol
"just, you know, a little respect" "for the girl with the sharp wire? no problem" "there was nothing confusing abt the smile she gave me. it warmed up the office by about five degrees" I LOVE THEM A TOTALLY NORMAL AMOUNT
amir fadlan. AMIR FADLAN EVERYBODY <333
samirah being a girlboss. samirah handling all the stress. samirah trying to show her true self to amir. samirah braving everything put in her way with courage. just samirah <3 <3 (everybody in the whole universe should be in awe of her btw)
the scene in which they're sitting on stanley (the eight-legged horse) and magnus is nervous to hold on to alex but she just takes his hands and puts them around her waist <3
for some reason i had assumed alex had cut magnus's hair for the first time in the woods but no. it was blitz? hm
magnus's casual mention about utgard loki being attractive ajsfjfsi
taylor swift being dwarf music and prince being giant music?? (and that giant named tiny being obsessed with elvis)
an alex speech pattern which isn't much of a pattern but it repeated twice in the book: once she said (in response to hearth signing something she didn't understand. this was around the time when she and samirah revealed that alex would be taking samirah's place) "yes alex. thank you alex for being so brave and heroic." and then the other time (in the end when magnus is visiting her in her room and picks up one of her pottery projects) "no you can't touch it magnus. thanks for asking magnus" idk i just think it's cool
the trophy wife thing. sif deserves better tbh
"a girl who was rocking that wedding dress"
alex straightening magnus's tie or smth and magnus's inner monologue going "she still smells like wood smoke. why does she still smell like a campfire?"
samirah's wedding outfit?? (sounds gorgeous tbh. except for the hood which) also i have a related question. is the hood in place of hijab thing disrespectful? /gen
sif and alex dynamic <3
sif's gifts to hearth (pouch of rowan runes) and alex (golden garrote)
alex and most other shapeshifters make random animal noises and shapeshift to random animals when they're nervous
halfborn's "death and glory," mallory's "kill everyone," and tj's "charge" aksfkfiovdm. and the way magnus just becomes so much stronger when he sees his friends-
the scene at the end of the marriage battle thing when alex is all concerned because she thinks magnus doesn't believe that she was just pretending to be under loki's control and sHE'S TRYING TO CONVINCE HIM AND HE SQUEEZES HER HAND JDFJSFKFK THIS SCENE IS NOT TALKED ABOUT ENOUGH
alex canonically calling magnus "sunshiny" and RESPECTING AND ADMIRING HIM AND HIS HEALING POWERS. they make me weak
samirah and magnus's dynamic is not given enough love. they are figuratively SIBLINGS and that level of closeness is not recognized by the fandom enough
(also not really about the book but. the UK cover of 'hammer of thor' depicts samirah with half of her hair falling out of her hijab. which. who tf designed these covers?? like somebody needs to give them a good throttling)
there's probably more that i don't remember but okay here have this for now :)
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1800-lemon-boy · 25 days
Friendly reminder that Blitzstone isn’t canon but Caleo is.
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phrog42 · 1 year
Blitzen and Hearthstone are totally in a QPR and I don't accept any other answers. Maybe dating. Them being "just friends" is total bs.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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maxwellamus · 5 months
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oh mein gott its them. shaking
dndads mooties please dear god read magnus chase its so good im begging you
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riordanverse-fan-blog · 2 months
QPR blitzstone
that’s it that’s the post
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aestophobia · 1 year
blitzstone as ship dynamics I found on pinterest
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green446004 · 2 years
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5/9 (HoT, ch. 13)
first / previous
Note: I am not yet fluent in ASL. I sincerely apologize if any signs used are incorrect. Let me know, and I will fix it.
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starshower1215 · 10 months
I feel it is important to note that the number one rule for writing romances is this: If the characters have to kiss for one to know that they are in love, they are not in love.
Subsequently, in any well written romance, characters do not have to explicitly kiss their romantic interest or confess to their romantic interest for the reader to understand that they are in love. 90% of communication is not put into words. There are little details, little hints. The art of romance is in its subtle storytelling.
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hertz0052 · 5 months
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Hearth, my beloved <3
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