#blitzen the cat
melted-mercury · 4 months
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Blitzen outfit idea thingy
took festival spin dancer's outfit and tweaked the design to be better suited to the magical shenanigans she gets up to (and also look cool. not that it didn't already but like,,,, fancy details yk)
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green446004 · 2 years
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A request from @/mercuryferns of Blitzen and Hearth with a cat.
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blitz-and-hearth · 2 years
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Diversity wins! The alley cats eating your trash are gay and raising a son together
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voice-of-dissent · 2 months
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sodapop-hospice · 5 months
So here’s the council 💖
Not depicted are my five (?) Furby buddies, my 2023 furbling, and my forty-ish McDonald’s furbs. I don’t count them when taking family photos because fuck that. Moving nearly 67 furbies is painful as is.
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Below is a list of all of their names, pronouns, and model names. Enjoy ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
First Row
❤️Zara (she/her) - Dalmatian
🧡Luxury “Lux” (she/her) - Champagne
💛Cruft (he/him) - Silver Millenium
💚Lotus (he/they) - Elephant
💙Hyacinth (she/her) - Elephant
💜Askew (he/they) - Tiger
❤️Wren (they/them) - Dalmatian
Second Row
🧡Crush (he/him) - Leopard
💛Celsius (he/him) - Husky
💚Fenti (she/her) - Snow Leopard
💙Birch (he/him) - Zebra
💜Jolt (she/they/it) - Koala
❤️Honeydew “Honey” (she/her) - Coffee
Third Row
🧡Cider (she/her) - Autumn
💛Faygo (she/they) - Ladybug
💚Lottery “Lotty” (they/she) - Kiwi
💙Fanta (she/her) - Rooster
💜Moth (she/her) - Wizard
❤️Sodapop (he/it/they) - Ladybug
🧡Brew (he/him) - Autumn
Fourth Row
💛Spry (he/him) - Dalmatian
💚Salud (she/they) - Flower Bud Baby
💙Niro (they/them) - Primary Baby
💜Sprocket (he/him) - Spring Baby
❤️Sucrose (he/him) - Confetti Baby
🧡Pluto (he/him) - Minty Baby
💛Gauze 2 (they/he) - Witch’s Cat
Fifth Row
💚Mayday (she/they) - Skunk
💙Coal (he/him) - Santa
💜Deetz (she/it/they) - Church Mouse
❤️Blitzen “Blitz” (he/him) - Reindeer
🧡Punch (they/he/she) - Flamingo
💛Helvetica (she/her) - Santa
💚Chad (he/him) - Tropical
Sixth Row
💙Gumshoe (he/him) - Witch’s Cat
💜Threat (he/him) - Pink Baby
❤️Lune (she/star/bun/moon) - Peachy Baby
🧡Bee (he/him) - Blue Baby
💛Gloom (they/them) - Spring Time Baby
💚Osteo (he/him) - Snowball Baby
💙Lovelace “Vel” (she/they/he) - Dalmatian
Seventh Row
💜”Baabu” (???) - Blue Baby
❤️Sugar (she/her) - Leopard
🧡Vinyl (she/they) - Racer
💛Sweet Tart “Sweetie” (they/she) - Tie-Dye
💚Rico (he/him) - Spring
💙Cream (she/her) - Snowball
💜Bierce (they/them) - Easter
❤️Carrion (he/him) - Snowball Baby
Eighth Row
🧡Shea (she/her) - Gorilla
💛Sumo/Paradise (she/her) - Skunk
💚Kujo (he/him) - Church Mouse
💙Pepsi “Bepis” (she/her) - Wavy Stripes Baby
💜Ferris (she/they/he) - Dalmatian
❤️Attic (he/him) - Grey Wolf
🧡Ribbit “Ribb” (they/them) - Frog
Ninth Row
💛Gambit (he/him) - Snowball Baby
💚Faun (he/him) - Bear
💙Bottle (he/they) - Giraffe
💜Micheal (he/him) - Lizard
❤️Lotion (he/him) - Giraffe
🧡Coriander “Cori” (he/him) - Cheetah
💛Fortune (he/him) - Giraffe
💚Cryptid (they/it) - Very Purple Baby
Not Depicted ( only 1998 mechanical furbies)
💙Spree (she/her) - Gorilla
💜Dusk (he/him) - Church Mouse
❤️Gauze 1 (???) - Witch’s Cat
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And finally, here’s the previous photo I took next to the current one. Clearly I’ve been on my custom grind in the past few months 😅‼️
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adnauseum11 · 4 months
Check Point (John Price x Reader)
John makes dinner and you discuss decorating for the holiday.
1.1k words
CW: none - this is pure fluff. (Or is it?)
Feedback welcome!
This work is part of the S.N.A.F.U. series, the Masterlist is also pinned to my blog.
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John is like the cat that got the cream the entire next day. He’s never out of reach, not exactly hovering, but staying within arms-length. He eventually talks you into watching football with him, which you do, curled around each other for a few hours. He’s only vaguely sorry about the bruises on your thighs, but mindful of them when jostling with you for position on the couch so you can’t get too annoyed with him. 
He offers to cook dinner, so you occupy yourself by dragging your box of Christmas decorations out. It’s not big, and half of the box are vintage glass ornaments you are too scared to actually hang on a tree, the glass thin and fragile and the ancient wire hangers rusty. You look up at John after carefully setting the vintage ornaments aside, trying to gauge how receptive he would be to going shopping this close to the holidays. His eyes raise off his task to meet yours, like he can feel the weight of your gaze. 
“I don’t have any of the hardware needed to get a tree darling, I think that may have to be a task for next year.” 
John speaks before you can say anything. You press your lips together to keep from smiling at his allusion to next year, something warming in your chest at his easy projection into the future.
“That’s alright, I was actually wondering if you would consider coming shopping with me tomorrow? I shouldn’t be spending more money right now but all my decorations are old and you have approximately…?”  
You hold up your hand to John, indicating he should fill in the blank you have left at the end of your sentence. He understands without having to be prompted. 
“Right. Thank you.”
John sighs, going back to his task before replying.
“On a scale of one to ten, how necessary is this shopping? Worth dealing with the crowds?” 
You hum, thinking for a moment while you watch him work. You forget, sometimes, that John is a veteran with trauma. He’s so self-assured and confident that things like busy crowds and loud venues half the time don’t occur to you as potential triggers, just a normal course of life. A part of you knows that the landscape is different for John, last night being a prime example. 
“No, you know what, don’t worry about it. I can go on my own.” 
You cut him some slack, not wanting to put him through unnecessary hardship. That has him looking up at you again though, unexpectedly. He looks like he’s going to say something and then presses his lips together, redirecting himself to rolling a chicken breast around ham and cheese.
You don’t realize he’s still stewing on it until you’re setting up little reindeer figurines made of ceramics along the edge of the island where he’s working. 
“Do I get a say in any of this decorating?”
You look up at him, surprised. His face is serious, tracking your placement of the ceramic deer. 
“How do the deer offend, my lord?” 
You joke, unsure if John’s annoyed with the decorating itself or your choices. He shoots you a look that would probably have anyone else quailing. You raise an eyebrow, unimpressed with his grump and set the deer down in place firmly instead. 
“Don’t give me that look, what’s wrong with Vixen and Blitzen?” 
“Nothing.” He backpedals, but you aren’t having it.
“You wanted a say, let’s hear it then.” 
You gesture with your hand, encouraging him to come out with it. He straightens and looks at you steadily before surprising you again. 
“Why did you uninvite me?”
“Uninvite you? From what? Shopping?” 
You’re grasping at straws, trying to piece together what’s annoyed him about being let off from that particular task.
“Yeah. You asked if I wanted to go and then told me to forget it immediately. Is this because I don’t condone all that glitter?”
You can’t help the swell of affection that squeezes your heart, looking at him frowning down at you. His hands are held aloft, covered in chicken juices but you step into his side and wrap your arms around his waist tightly anyways. The snowman figurine with generous glitter had been a hard no from the former Captain when you had unpacked it. 
“No, it’s because I didn’t think it was fair to ask you to deal with the crowds. Your lack of festive spirit is a separate issue.”
“I can be festive.” He huffs, deflating slightly in your arms. 
“Say it louder so my snowman can hear you.”
He shoots you a look and you smile, patting his ribs before letting him loose again. 
“You can come if you really need to have a say, John. I just didn’t think it was worth putting you through all the hustle and bustle for just a wreath and some knick-knacks.”
“I know you; you say just a wreath and knick-knacks but you’ll be back here with more bags than you can carry if you’re unsupervised.”
That’s a fair point but you’ll be damned before you let John know that you agree. 
“Oh, well if I need saving from myself, I suppose you’re the man for the job.” 
You raise an eyebrow at him, casually placing another deer in the line-up. He shakes his head, wisely, focusing back on his work, placing the chicken on a baking tray.
“Trying to save the flat’s limited storage space, love.” 
“Hmm…I suppose I can believe that.” 
You agree easily, looking at him out of the corner of your eye. He smiles to himself, carrying on to wash his hands at the sink. You watch him, the strong lines of his back flexing under his old t-shirt as he moves. You can’t help picturing the way his back would look as he moves inside you and feel your belly swoop and face heat at the image it conjures in your mind. He turns to dry his hands and catches you staring, face flushed. He raises his eyebrows at you and tucks his chin, a look you know well as an unspoken question. The slow smile that curls across your face is anything but innocent. 
“How long is the timer set for?”
You can’t help asking, the thrill of teasing John perennial in your life, now with richer rewards for your trouble. He’s able to read your thoughts just as easily as you read him apparently because his answering grin is savage. 
“Long enough.” 
Your feet are moving before he’s finished speaking. 
Next Chapter
Tag list:
@deadbranch @beebeechaos @cadotoast @syoddeye @writeforfandoms @itr-00 @chloepluto1306 @batw3nch
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magnus-falafelking · 3 months
id like to thank my fellow MCGA tumblr users:
@alex-fierro-pr-nightmare @thomas-jefferson-jr @that-hijabi-loki-spawn @mallory-keen-to-kill @runest0nes @blitzen-imnot-that-short @imhotterthanallofyou @sword-of-summer-3000
and so many other tumblr users such as @13callisto @grey-is-cat @green-tea217 @xielianistyping @thatonebitheaterkid
and those are just the ones i can remember off the top of my head
i want to thank you for being there, caring, and feeling like my own little tumblr family :)
things at my house and life are not going well. so thank you, for being my friends.
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whumpshaped · 6 months
anon asked:
I took my cat to the vet for his annual check-up this morning, and the same as in the past, he's been super clingy and following me around everywhere and wanting to cuddle since we got home. I don't know if it's because it was a scary experience or if it's because he's not feeling the greatest physically because he got two shots and some blood taken or what.
But yeah, now it's really got me wanting some pet whump in a similar vein. If you have the time for it and the interest, can we get a little human/humanoid pet post vet appointment whump where they're wanting/needing comfort? I know you favor bad caretakers, so maybe a little of that, but can we mostly get the soft squishy stuff?
Thanks. ^_^
i have a drabble abt a catboy getting a shot here so i'm gonna use those ocs if that's ok :)
itty bitty paw paws masterlist
tw hybrid whumper, whumper turned whumpee, sickfic, stockholm syndrome
"I hate these shots," Blitzen whined weakly, pawing at Charlie's arm to keep them by his side. "I always get so sick..."
"It's gonna be alright," they soothed, using their free hand to brush Blitz's damp hair out of his face. "It's alright every year, isn't it?"
Blitzen huffed, but it turned halfway into a miserable sob. "I'm not gonna go next year. I'm done. I'd rather get rabies."
Charlie's mood dropped instantly. "I don't think you would. Unless you enjoy your brain fucking melting."
Their charge gave them a pitiful look, and their expression softened. They didn't mean to sound harsh, really. But after seeing what rabies could do to an animal, they'd lost their will to joke about it.
"Sorry. It's just that I wouldn't in a million years want to see you go through that shit. It's horrifying." Blitzen was way less scary like this, incapacitated and feverish, and Charlie mustered up the courage to reach out and scratch behind his ear. He purred softly. "I'd rather you tear me to ribbons with those stupid claws every year."
"That's dumb," he mumbled, but he pushed his head into their palm anyway. Charlie rolled their eyes.
"I'll go change the cloth, alright? I'll just be a moment–"
"No!" Blitzen's hold tightened on their arm, sharp claws once again digging into their flesh and drawing blood. "Stay!"
"I'm staying, I'm staying!" they conceded. "Let go! This is not sick cat behaviour! At least pretend to be a little weaker!"
Blitzen withdrew his claws, but he kept his hold on their arm. He was looking at them like he was afraid Charlie would leave him outside in the rain in a cardboard box.
"I'm not leaving," they reiterated, calmer this time. Blitzen hesitantly let go. "There you go. It's okay."
"You're really gonna do this to me again next year?" he sniffled.
It was stupid. Any sane person would've just let Blitzen catch some cat sickness and used it as an opportunity to escape.
Charlie sighed. "Yeah. I'm sorry, Blitz."
He whined and turned onto his side, burying his face in the pillow. "I hate you."
They gingerly took the wet cloth that fell onto the mattress as he'd turned and put it on the radiator. "That's alright, just try to get some sleep. It won't seem so dire once you've rested."
taglist: @whumpsday @kim-poce @hidden-dreamland @the-scrapegoat @catnykit
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Submission list
organised by @kindalikerackham (THANK YOU)
This is a list of all of the submissions. It will be updated continuously. Italics are still being decided in the polls, crossed out have been decided on “no”, bold have been decided on “yes”
By character name (or ship name if given)
Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi from Persona 5 Royal
Alix from Miraculous Ladybug
Allison and Patti from Kevin Can F**k himself
Anna and Marnie from When Marnie was There
baron draxum and master splinter   rise of the tmnt 2018
Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe from Batman Telltale
Beca and Chloe from Pitch Perfect
Beca from Pitch Perfect
Betty and Veronica from Riverdale
Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby from RWBY
Blitzen and Hearthstone from Magnus Chase
Buck and Eddie from 9-1-1
Chad/Ryan from High School Musical
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto) from anything X-Men
Cory and Naveed from Ackley Bridge
Dani Ramos and Grace from Terminator Dark Fate
Darling Charming and Apple White from Ever After High
Dean Winchester
Drs House & Wilson from House MD
emma woods/emily dyer from identity v
Faberry from glee!(Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Fuffy, faith and buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Finn and Poe from Star Wars
Firestar and Greystripe from Warriors
foot clan lieutenant and brute  rise of the tmnt 2018 
Ginji Amano & Ban Midou from GetBackers
goro majima and kazuma kiryu -  Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku
Grif and Simmons from Red vs. Blue
Hannibal and will from Hannibal tv show
H.G. Wells and Myka Bering from Warehouse 13
Hikaru Sulu from Star Trek Beyond
hypnopotamus and warren stone  rise of the tmnt 2018  
Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens
Jade and Bella from Rainbow High
Jade and Tori (Victorious)
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles from Rizzoli&Isles TV series
Janis from Mean Girls
Jeremy and Michael from Be More Chill
Jess/Jules from Bend It Like Beckham
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (Netflix)
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (1897)
Juleka and Rose from Miraculous Ladybug
Julian Bashir and Elim Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Jun and Tatsuya from Persona 2
Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi from Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)
kanji/naoto from persona 4
keith and lance from voltron
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
klavier and apollo from ace attorney
L and Light from Death Note
legolas and gimli from lotr
Legoshi and Louis from Beastars
leo and adam from tatort saarbrücken
lightcannon, Jinx and Lux from league of legends
Loki from The Loki show
Luca & Alberto from Luca
Luigi and Bowser from the Mario movie
marc and nathaniel from miraculous
Masumi Itachi from blue flag
Matsuoka rin and haru from Free!
Max from Miraculous Ladybug
Mel and Naomi from Vermonia
merthur (merlin and Arthur from the BBC show merlin
Milo and Bisco from Sabikui Bisco
Mobius and Loki from the Loki show
nana komatsu/nana osaki from nana
narumitsu - Ace Attorney
Naruto and Sasuke
Newt and Hermann from Pacific Rim
Nina and Lily from the movie Black Swan
Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli from Agent Carter
Quentin and Eliot - The Magicians
Ravenpaw and Barely from warrior cats
Raya & Namaari from Raya and the Last Dragon
rei and nagisa   from Free!
Sam and Max
Sam and Bucky from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Sherlock and John Watson from BBC Sherlock
Sherlock and Moriarty from BBC Sherlock
Shiro and Adam from voltron
shiro and keith from voltron
sophie and agatha from The School of Good and Evil
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  The Original Series
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  the reboot movies
Sterek  (Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf)
Steve and Bucky from Captain America
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams from Hawaii 5-0 (the 2010 version)
stiles stilinski from teen wolf
Supercorp! Lena and Kara from Supergirl!
Superman and Batman from the DCEU
SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time)
Sylvie from Loki
Thiel and Boerne from Tatort Münster
Thomas & Newt from the maze runner
troy barnes and abed nadir from community
wednesday and enid from wednesday
Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss) from Attack on Titan
yu/yosuke from persona 4
Zari and Charlie from Legends of Tomorrow
Zoro and sanji - one piece
By Property:
9-1-1 - Buck and Eddie
ace attorney - klavier and apollo
Ace Attorney - narumitsu
Ackley Bridge - Cory and Naveed  
Agent Carter - Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli
Attack on Titan - Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss)  
Batman Telltale - Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe
Beastars - Legoshi and Louis
Be More Chill - Jeremy and Michael
Bend It Like Beckham - Jess/Jules
Black Swan - Nina and Lily
blue flag - Masumi Itachi
Brooklyn 99 - Jake Peralta
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Fuffy (faith and buffy)
Captain America - Steve and Bucky
community - troy barnes and abed nadir
DCEU - Superman and Batman
Dracula (1897) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Dracula (Netflix) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Ever After High - Darling Charming and Apple White  
Free! - Matsuoka rin and haru
Free!-  rei and nagisa 
GetBackers - Ginji Amano & Ban Midou
Glee - Faberry (Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Good Omens - Ineffable Husbands
Hannibal (tv) - Hannibal and will
Hawaii 5-0 (2010) - Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams
High School Musical - Chad/Ryan 
House MD - Drs House & Wilson
identity v - emma woods/emily dyer
Kevin Can F**k himself - Allison and Patti
Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon) - Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi
league of legends - Jinx and Lux
Legends of Tomorrow - Zari and Charlie
Loki show - Mobius and Loki
Loki show - Loki
Loki show - Sylvie
lotr - legolas and gimli
Luca - Luca & Alberto
Magnus Chase  - Blitzen and Hearthstone
Mario Movie - Luigi and Bowser
Mean Girls  - Janis
Merlin (BBC) - merthur (merlin and Arthur)
Miraculous Ladybug - Alix
Miraculous Ladybug - Juleka and Rose
Miraculous ladybug - marc and nathaniel
Miraculous ladybug - Max
nana - nana komatsu/nana osaki from
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint - Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk
Once Upon a Time - SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan )
one piece - Zoro and sanji
Pacific Rim - Newt and Hermann
Persona 2 - Jun and Tatsuya
persona 4 - yu/yosuke
persona 4 - kanji/naoto
Persona 5 Royal - Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi
Pitch Perfect - Beca
Pitch Perfect - Beca and Chloe
Quentin and Eliot - the Magicians
Rainbow High - Jade and Bella
Raya and the Last Dragon - Raya & Namaari
Red vs Blue - Grif and Simmons
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - baron draxum and master splinter
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - foot clan lieutenant and brute
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - hypnopotamus and warren stone
Riverdale - Betty and Veronica
Rizzoli&Isles TV series - Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles
RWBY - Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby
Sabikui Bisco - Milo and Bisco
Sam and Max - Sam and Max
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and John Watson
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and Moriarty
Star Trek AOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Trek Beyond - Hikaru Sulu
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Julian Bashir and Elim Garak
Star Trek TOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Wars - Finn and Poe
Supergirl - Supercorp! Lena and Kara
Supernatural - Dean Winchester
Supernatural - Destiel
Tatort Münster - Thiel and Boerne
tatort saarbrücken - leo and adam
Teen Wolf - Sterek  (Stiles and Derek)
teen wolf - stiles stilinski
Terminator Dark Fate - Dani Ramos and Grace
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Sam and Bucky
The Magicians -  Quentin and Eliot
the maze runner - Thomas & Newt
The School of Good and Evil -  sophie and agatha
Vermonia - Mel and Naomi
Victorious - Jade and Tori
Voltron - keith and lance
Voltron - Shiro and Adam
Voltron - shiro and keith
Warehouse 13 - H.G. Wells and Myka Bering
warrior cats -  Ravenpaw and Barely
Warriors - Firestar and Greystripe
wednesday - wednesday and enid
When Marnie Was There - Anna and Marnie
X-Men (any) - Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto)
Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku - goro majima and kazuma kiryu
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potatoesandsunshine · 3 months
tagged by @afaramir thank you abby! musicposters never lose 🎵 five songs i've been listening to recently:
cat's eyes and rosebuds - so much light : woke up in the grave again, on my last reincarnation / closer to the ever burning light (sometimes your vampire-wizard gets buried under a ton of fallen rock and your DM says it 'kinda feels like coming home')
neighbor song - lake street dive : i can hear my neighbors making love upstairs / wish i didn't have to be so well informed of their affairs (lake street dive are an old fav of mine, i have this CD in my car right now and this is probably my most listened to song on it!)
all our angels - eliza rickman : run, run - not far enough / the ground, ground - not high enough / at war, war - not hard enough / to sun, sun - not bright enough! (we're kinda on footnotes for the spring lockdown this spring. this album scratches something in my brain and the bridge in this song does it The Most)
blueberries for breakfast - the mamas & the papas : blueberries for breakfast / love in the afternoon (it's a good song. what can i say)
not your lover - blitzen trapper : in my sleep i'm not your lover anymore (again... it's just very Good. on a fic playlist currently)
hmm i'll tag @mollypaup @wingsaloft and @winking-owl ! no pressure though :)
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blitz-and-hearth · 2 years
A collection of various possible demigod powers for Blitzen I've thought of over the years and want to put out in the world for the rest of the fandom to do whatever they will with
Charm speak. Very obvious love god/goddess power, influencing people with his voice. However rather than being able to control people I imagine it more like a dnd bard casting vicious mockery. He tells a giant "your shirt is ugly" and they spontaneous burst into flames lol
Kitty powers. Also obvious, something to do with cats. Can turn into a cat, can speak to cats or get them to do something for him ect. Maybe not great in battle but pretty useful for information gathering, stealth, things like that
Magical booster. This one's based off Freya being the goddess of magic and witchcraft. Rather than a power Blitzen can tap into himself, this power makes his friends' magic stronger when he's around. Especially strong if they're touching. (For extra chaos this could also amplify magic in general, including monsters and enemies)
Golden touch. Freya is also a goddess of gold, so perhaps something that allows him to turn things/people into solid gold. Either by touch or perhaps crying golden tears?
Life drain. Freya is also a goddess of death and war, so maybe something that mirrors Magnus' healing powers but in reverse. Like the Pokemon move giga drain just draining enemies of their life force. Lots of possibilities for interesting aus there
Necro-meow-cy. Continuing on with the death aspect summoning the undead is always a cool power. Expect I can't shake the idea of him only being able to summon undead felines. A zombie sabertooth tiger would be pretty fucking cool
I'll probably think of more later and add them on. Feel free to add some yourselves too
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coffeestripes · 1 year
A novakid, a floran, a nightar, an avian, a yautja, a khenixeross and a captan avali aboard the same ship as a tripulation of mercenaries
Absolute mayhem.
For some context + Species info:
Novakid / Nova - He has a strage flame, usually the Novakids are simplier and lighter colors, but Nova has a intense deep blue like "fire". Loves weapons, has lots of them and even Blitzen is confused how he gets more and more everyday
Nightar / Dredavus - "Everyone is too loud, except Nova… But he's too… Too bright" The only reason to them being on that ship is because loves working there as the ship technician. Usually stays back when the things get heavy, but they are always trying to help at least as a light support. Ironically Nova and them are close friends
Avian / Teicach - "Fuck Kluex idc about religion" He spend lots of time studying other races around the universe, so yes he's a efficient med. Maybe a little bit too cocky but no one in the ship is going to be smugger than Ze'Tier, so she usually keeps the chiken on the ground. Blitzen is grateful about that
Floran / Tassavage - He's also a strange being among his species. Two cat-like ears and a leafy tail, claws sharper than usual and a more primitive behaviour. However, keeps himself under control. Challenges a lot Ze'Tier, always loses, never gives up. Always facing the danger with Nova and Ze'Tier. They love fighting and are hard to beat up, so Blitzen lets them be
Yautja (this is avp acc duh, but still here is something)/ Ze'Tier - "Why ooman so strange... No ooman scent- Earthy- Not even ooman? Wait that's a plant?!" Big bulky yautja lady. Considered a bad blood due her clan, Blitzen took the risk to allow her on his ship. At that time the avali was only starting to make a tripulation, and why not? A yautja may be a dangerous option, even more a female one but it was a good opportunity to have someone strong there. Spends lots of time training with Tassavage, even if the little flowy-smelling shit gets too intense time to time. As someone who almost never left the planet it was amazing to be around those curious "h'ulij-bpe s'yuit-de" (affectionate). She Also helps to move the big containers and knit things to have a little sustain besides her work there
Khenixeross / Khornerite (Name attached to changes) - Old Blitzen's friend. No one in the ship is very happy to have him around. The Khenixeross are vastly know to play with biotechnology, however, they reach some brutal extremes, creating something completly different almost twisted from the living being they where originally using. Khornerite doesn't like this, so when he was banished decided to go with Blitzen. Usually manages the new missions and helps Teicach in the nursey. Something the bird is not fully comfortable, but at least Khornerite is… Friendly.
Avali / Blitzen - Hates the stereotype of "awwhh cute floffy raptors" NO. Dare to say that to him and congratulations here is your plasma shot that slowly burns the flesh around your well gained hole. Polite, but kinda temperamental. He always loved the idea of exploring the universe. And that's what he did. Has many space stations filled with curious things and even creatures he found around his long, long trips. However, sometimes was quite lonely
But. With this new crew, they where more than readdy to "conquer the universe"
Image references of the characters. Sadly there are no yautjas at starbound (and the ones who exist are uhhh no thx,,,,) and the Khenixeross are a original species of crystal bugs made by me so no pics of them
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dolphelecat · 4 months
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I found my late cat's toy chest!!
I made this for Blitzen as a Christmas present one year. He loved to play with bread ties, and he loved to play with red pencils. ONLY red pencils. Yes, I'm aware cats aren't supposed to be able to see red, but we experimented. He only played with red pencils. I also made him that string with beads as a toy, which I'm now aware was probably dangerous for a kitty. I was 9. Luckily, my mom didn't let him play with that.
I miss Blitzen so much.
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marine-indie-gal · 6 months
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For my own Rudolph Project, I'd like to introduce you to the Friends of Rudolph since the previous adaptations had their own Group of Friends for the Reindeer. In the R/B Adaptation, it was an Elf and even a Prospector whereas the Goodtimes version, it was an Artic Fox and Polar Bear. While with the combination of the Two Adaptations mixed together, I mainly took in the whole "Animal Sidekick" cliche trope inspired by the '98 version, only instead of just Two Artic Animals, I went with Three.
Ava (The Pink Reindeer) is the Daughter of Cupid and is my own Love-Interest for Rudolph (inspired by both Clarice and Zoey. Though out of all the names through one of my polls, some of my friends like @violetrose-art suggested Me either "Phoebe" or "Lucy" but I did have a Goddess OC from one of my Original Works named Phoebe as akin to "Phoebus" (the Other Name for Apollo) but also as an Honor with Another Greek Titaness with the same name, and even @ericothefandomwonder suggested either "Annabelle", "Dawn", or "Maria" (the last one might be an honorable name to Mary (Jesus Christ's Mother). However, giving on how that @djinarocks chose the other option out of the names without a suggestion, I went with "Ava" (which was the Latin version of "Eve" like Adam's Wife)).
Out of all of the Reindeer, Ava holds no bullying towards Rudolph and sees the true side of him that his own Nose is a Blessing Gift for Him like how Santa suggests. She is mainly a Member of One of Rudolph's Group of Reindeer yearlings. Rudolph does have soft feelings for her, however, when the Arrogant Son of Blitzen by the name, "Storm" (who is Rudolph's Bully) is in love with Ava and wants to have her as his own Future Mate. When Ava and the Other Yearlings among Christmas Town found out that Rudolph has gone missing (no thanks to Storm), Ava and the other Reindeer Yearlings go out on a Journey to find Rudolph through the North Pole.
Silvino (The Penguin) (inspired by Slyly) is a Self-Centered, Mischievous, and even a Wise-Cracking Penguin. He does often try to come up with Brilliant plans that he thinks will help lead him the way as he's the Leader of his own Trio. However, despite his Cocky personality, he does tend to have Anger Issues but deep down, he has Low Self Esteem. But he's also a Good Advisor to some people as he does tell Rudolph that Not Everyone is Born to be Perfect.
Dopey (The Harp Seal) (inspired by Leonard) is a Goofy, Dimwitted, Unintelligent, and Very Friendly. Despite being Slow-Witted, he is most notably Naive but can be a Scaredy Cat whenever he is frightened by something scary. Despite that Most Seals are Predatory and Dangerous, Dopey is the opposite as he only eats Fish but would never harm a Fly unless if somebody were to dare try to hurt his own Friends. He often questions things to people on what's he's supposed to do as he believes that he is somewhat forgettable most of the time.
Wallace (The Snowy Owl) (inspired by Hermey) is very Caring & Fun-Loving but can also be Grouchy sometimes whenever he's not in a Good Mood. He mainly helps out the Gang with Right Directions that they're going through but he can't stand anyone's Rude Behavior (like Silvino's for instance). He is somewhat an Older Figure to Rudolph's life as Rudolph does often look up to Wallace as a Grandfather figure but he does often help Dopey on where they are going throughout their Journey to help Rudolph get back to his own Home.
Ava, Silvino, Dopey, and Wallace (c) Me Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (c) Robert L. May
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bakedbananners · 2 years
MIGHT be very very niche but which ghibli movies would you assign to each mcga character or think would be their favorite
Magnus: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind or The Tale of Princess Kaguya
Samirah: Kiki’s Delivery Service or Porco Rosso
Alex: Spirited Away or The Cat Returns
Blitzen: Howl’s Moving Castle
Hearthstone: The Secret World of Arrietty
Mallory: Princess Mononoke
TJ: Castle in the Sky
Halfborn: Tales from Earthsea
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whumpshaped · 1 year
blitzen biting charlie when they try to pull away <- note i found in my drafts. enjoy
Itty Bitty Paw Paws Masterlist
tw biting, blood
The numbness was setting in, slowly but surely. Blitzen refused to move from his spot, right on top of Charlie's arm, and they were beginning to get seriously annoyed.
So they did the only logical thing they could think of: they tried to pull their arm out.
Immediately, they felt a sharp pain in their hand. "Fuck!" they hissed, trying pull on it even stronger, but the pain just grew with the effort. "Are you biting me?"
Blitzen didn't respond- of course he didn't, his mouth was occupied. Charlie was finally forced to relax and let their arm go limp, sighing in relief when the pointy cat teeth were pulled out of their flesh as well.
"Listen, you're cutting off circulation. I need to pull my arm out. Why don't we switch places, and you can lie on top of my other arm? Though I'd prefer it if my blood could just circulate in peace, but-"
"What do you mean no?"
"I'm comfy."
Charlie took a deep breath. "Well, I'm not." They tried again, going through the same cycle a second time. Blitzen bit them so hard that they were sure the puncture wounds were bleeding. "Come on, Blitz-"
"Shut up already," he groaned. "I'm trying to nap."
They closed their eyes and took another deep breath, in the end just resigning themself to their tragic fate. If Blitzen wanted a nap, they supposed nerve damage wasn't about to deter him.
taglist: @whumpsday @damienxozmoze @hidden-dreamland @the-scrapegoat
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