#blob morro
morroodle · 1 year
ninjago but morro is just
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blu3cl0v3rs · 6 months
end of the year fic asks! did you do any prompts/challenges this year? if so, do you have a favorite of the bunch?
Hello anon, thanks for the ask!
I actually don't think I published this one, but I wrote this one for a discord server game.
I titled it,
Morro, of the Wind
            Wind whistled in his ears as he fell.
            Once, he feared that noise. Even a simple breeze felt like a knife’s tip brushed across his skin, just light enough to not to cut. 
            Now, he plummeted below the flying ship and away from the voices of his teammates, eyes shut as he relished the roaring of the wind in his ears.
            When the blonde was about to ram into the ground, his leathery wings stretched out. He swooped just above a field. Lloyd twisted and dragged his hands and the fluffy tip of his tail through the grass.
            The boy got bored of playing with the blades, and rapidly flapped upwards. He rocketed through the clouds. The Dragoni left his wings spread and rode the wind currents high above the ground. Any thoughts were overrun by the rushed wind.
            Above the clouds, there was only the open blue sky and the fluffy tops of clouds. No responsibility, no rules, no people to save. Just the sky, the clouds, himself, and a purplish blob following him.
            …wait, what?
            He halted, and the clouds below him spun out of the way of his flapping wings that held him in place. Emerald eyes scanned the horizon for that strange purple thing he saw.
            He looked, and looked, and looked. It’s like the thing vanished, Lloyd thought to himself.
            “...hello?” Lloyd rotated his scaly ears, and listened for any tell-tale noise of movement.
            All he could hear was the wind.
            He hesitantly returned to the air current, but this time he was fully alert; eyes and ears darted in search for anything not cloud and sky.
            This time he would catch it.
            As he waited patiently, boredom seeped in. He could also feel his not often used muscles aching. He should really fly more.
            Lloyd shook his head. He was losing focus! He glanced around quickly, and hoped he found the purple mystery.
            He saw it. Lloyd launched himself after it, and the thing ran. Flew? Whatever it was doing, it was fast. 
            It’s like the wind’s boosting it, Lloyd thought. No, it’s like it is the wind.
            Flashes of Nya merging with the ocean came to mind. He grimaced, and ignored the images in favor of speeding up.
            The purplish thing ducked underneath the clouds. So that’s how it’s been hiding, Lloyd realized as he followed.
            The sight of rocky cliffs that dropped to the ocean emerged from the clouds. The purple blob swirled down to the jagged edge of a cliff. The blonde swooped after it, and the two landed on the rock ledge.
            It seemed to pulse, as if it was trying to decide its shape. Like Nya did after she merged, his mind supplied more unpleasant memories that Lloyd ignored. It formed into a familiar person, one more popular in his nightmares; Morro. 
            “Hello,” Morro didn’t exactly speak; it was more like an echo, or the breeze mimicking words. “You are familiar to me. I know you.”
            The words sounded like Morro, but far away and lacked the ghostly distortion.
            “Lloooo… Lloyd?” the wind figure tested, as if he was saying it for the first time.
            “Yeah,” he replied on instinct. 
            “I wronged you… I hurt you.”
            The wind picked up, and Morro began to fade. “I…”
            Whatever words he said next were stolen by the swirling wind, and Morro disappeared. 
            Lloyd sat there, his wings sagged in confusion. He stayed there until the Destiny's Bounty arrived and his siblings yelled at him for flying off.
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pangolinsandnewts · 1 year
Big Thanks to everyone for entering! Sorry it took so long to judge (over a week now my bad) Original post with prizes listed here
Honorable mentions: @howuart​ @ilovemorro​
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KAITY!!!!!!! This is just. Wow. The motion blur on the staff is super cool, and I love all the detail! Also love the snek :D
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Noodle I’m gonna be honest I have no idea if you meant for this to be an actual submission but I’m including it cuz. Lookit them. Little guys. Blobs. Teeny.
3RD PLACE: @peachyninjago
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AHHHHH! Peachy, the littol swirls in the back and the pose are just lovely. I particularly love how Lloyd’s tail wraps around Morro’s leg! 
2ND PLACE: @roguendeavor 
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Alo. You get it. you get the symbolism. The black and white contrasting with the purple and yellow? I love I love I love it so much <3
AND IN 1ST PLACE: @gloomyglosse 
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While I absolutely adored every submission I got, this one rotated in my brain for a very long time. The trees are very good, and the poses are awesome! I love Morro/Wu’s hat and staff, and the addition of the sword and crystal too. I think my favorite part has to be Lloyd’s tail though. The arc it makes, and the floofy tuft? Immaculate. 
Again, I love all of the pieces so much!! This was truly an epic experience and I hope I’ll be able to host again for some milestone or another. I admire all of u guys as artists, and I thank you for putting in your time and effort! DM me to claim your prizes :D
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butterpony100 · 1 year
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In honor of my beloved friend @ilovemorro ‘s creation of blob morro, I contribute: blob Kai
They are worsties and they both deserve gay baby jail
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casterisks · 2 years
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mostly stuff for the sake of getting designs down for Lloyd and Morro
and yes. I could not let a ghost stay dead lol.
some design explanations under the cut
It's hard to see- but lloyd does have tear scars, I'm making a mental note to make them more prominent whenever I draw him. Oh and with him, he didn't get sent to the cursed rhelm! Instead he rotted in a fucking serpentine tomb with no way to escape for 40-50 years! fun. anyways, he kind of always looks like he's staring through others as a ghost and he doesn't care to have the common decency not to phase through someone when walking.
It's hard to see- but lloyd does have tear scars, I'm making a mental note to make them more prominent whenever I draw him. Oh and with him, he didn't get sent to the cursed rhelm! Instead he rotted in a fucking serpentine tomb with no way to escape for 40-50 years! fun. anyways, he kind of always looks like he's staring through others as a ghost and he doesn't care to have the common decency not to phase through someone when walking.
It's hard to see- but lloyd does have tear scars, I'm making a mental note to make them more prominent whenever I draw him. Oh and with him, he didn't get sent to the cursed rhelm! Instead he rotted in a fucking serpentine tomb with no way to escape for 40-50 years! fun. anyways, he kind of always looks like he's staring through others as a ghost and he doesn't care to have the common decency not to phase through someone when walking.
if you notice that the gis are inverted on the version of lloyd there is a point to that :)
(oh and the fade is just an idea I had, he just has two streaks to make sure the hair doesn't look like a black blob, also i think it's funny that a modern version of morro is an eboy. )
with the first one I just wanted to get down how I'll draw him using his powers. I headcanon that Lloyd uses more of the fire element when he makes his, while morro would use more of lightning. it's a fun multiverse thing because i can call back to him having wind powers in canon. (i mean hell, if wojira has wind powers and can use lightning, I'm going to call attention to it)
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arcsin27 · 3 years
Ninjago of all things is what I turn to to get rid of same face syndrome
Since they all have the same shapeless yellow blob for a head, the animators had to differentiate between them with what little features they had: eyes, mouths, and eyebrows
And it worked, so much so I use it for tips
Old kais mouth is asymmetrical, and his eyebrows had more of a tilde shape ( ~ )
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Morro’s mouth was even more asymmetrical, one side being higher than the other. His eyebrows were shaped more like ( < )
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New Coles eyes are narrower or don’t open all the way, it’s unclear which
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These are examples off the top of my head, I could probably find many more if I looked
So basically though I struggle with it myself still, how would even little features like eyebrows look different in your characters?
Edit: same pic twice oops
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lloydskywalkers · 4 years
Hey, I sent this ask once already but I don't think it went through??? (If it did I apologize for bugging you!) I read this fic you wrote a while ago about Lloyd and Ronin talking during season 5 after that part where Morro sends that fake message, and I'd like to read it again but I can't find it? Could you link it please? Sorry again for bothering you.
Hey no don’t worry about it, I’m glad you asked!! One, because I’m almost positive Tumblr ate your other ask; and two, because I am a hundred percent positive Tumblr also ate that particular fic :’) I was going to just repurpose it for a later season 5 fic, but I’ll go ahead and post it below the cut in case you’d like to read it a whole lot sooner XD
If Lloyd was any less exhausted right now, he’d have some choice words for Morro about shoving him in a cage, of all things. 
Because really, of all things, a cage? Again? Morro’s so proud of himself and his precious plan, he could at least get creative while he’s at it. Spice Lloyd’s life up a little every once in a while, instead of sticking with the same stupid routine every other person who’s ever gone after his powers has. 
But unfortunately, Lloyd is so bone-tired right now he doesn’t even know if he could manage a glare hot enough for Morro, and if he’s going to pick a fight with him, he’d like to be able to finish it without passing out from sheer exhaustion in the middle. He’s been humiliated enough, and he’s clinging to the meager shreds of his pride he has left with a stubbornness.  
A stubbornness that’s fading faster than he’d like, so when it takes Ronin three tries before Lloyd realizes he’s saying something to him, it feels a bit like rubbing salt in a wound. 
“Huh?” he manages, scrubbing at his eye and wincing as the bruise behind it throbs. His vision clears a bit, at least, enough to where Ronin stops looking as much like a brown blob on the floor and more like…well, Ronin, tied up on the floor. 
Right, he remembers, with a sinking pit of ice in his stomach. They’d used Ronin to send a message to the others. The thought of his team heading into a trap makes his stomach writhe into painful knots, and he struggles to sit up, as much as he can in the cramped cage. 
“I asked if you were alive up there,” Ronin’s saying. He still looks pale and shaken from when Morro possessed him earlier, but his voice sounds firmer than it did, less like the trembling rasp he’d tried to curse Morro out with before he’d left them both alone. 
Save your strength. I’ll be needing it. 
Morro’s words float through Lloyd’s head like particularly unwelcome knives, and he shoves the thought of what’s coming away.
“I’m—” his attempt at a reply cuts off in harsh coughing, his throat dry and scratchy from hosting Morro’s voice as much as he has. And probably from the lack of hydration. That might have something to do with it. “Yeah, m’alive,” he finally manages, his voice thin. 
“Figured that, with all the racket up there,” Ronin says, but there’s a note of relief in his voice. 
Lloyd doesn’t know what to say back to that, so he shuts his mouth, staring hazily at the bars of the cage as they blur and swim in his vision. Ronin doesn’t say anything either, save for an occasional huff as he twists his arms in his bonds, rubbing his hands together as if to quell the small tremors that still run through them. Lloyd studies him closer, how unnaturally grey his color still is, and his stomach twists again. He knows too well how that feels.  
Maybe he should have picked that fight. 
Lloyd bites his lip, slumping back against the cage bars. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, and he hates how young he sounds.
Ronin tilts his head up at him, the corners of his eyes creasing. “What are you sorry for?” he says. “You’ve got it a lot worse than me, kid.”
“Well— maybe, but—” Lloyd stutters. “It’s my…if I hadn’t…I should’ve fought back. When he possessed you, and…everything else.”
“In your shape?” Ronin eyes him, and Lloyd shrinks under his scrutiny. “You look like death warmed over. In a busted microwave. Nice sentiment, kid, but there’s no sense in gettin’ yourself trashed for me.”
“I wouldn’t have gotten trashed,” Lloyd mutters, crossing his arms tighter around himself.
“Yeah, you would’ve, already have,” Ronin scoffs. “You’re just like the rest of ‘em, suicidal hero kids, all of you.”
“I’m the Green Ninja,” Lloyd snaps, hoping desperately that Ronin doesn’t catch the waver in his voice. “I’m not — I should be able to take him. I shouldn’t be here, I should—“
“Please,” Ronin cuts over him, sounding tired. “You’re what, ten?”
Lloyd blinks rapidly, before scowling. “I’m fourteen.”
“—fourteen, FSM help me.” Ronin runs a hand over his forehead, trailing it down to pinch the bridge of his nose. He shakes his head, going silent for a beat.
“Fourteen,” he repeats, voice quieter. “FSM.”
Lloyd doesn’t know what to say back to that, either. He feels very small and a bit stupid, which is kind of how he’s been feeling all the time lately, and he’s not a fan. 
“Still should’ve stopped him,” he finally mumbles, wrapping his arms around his legs so he can rest his chin on his knees. 
“You couldn’t’ve stopped him,” Ronin says, bluntly. “Morro’s crazy, kid. He’s hellbent on that Green Ninja thing, and he’s the kinda hellbent that gets people killed.”
Lloyd frowns. “It’s my title. It’s my job, I want to be able to keep it—“
“Could you kill someone for it?”
Lloyd flinches back, eyes going wide. “Wha— no! No, I couldn’t — wouldn’t, I’m not — I don’t—“
“There you go, kid,” Ronin sighs, cutting over Lloyd’s floundering. “Morro doesn’t care how many people he has to get rid of, so long as he gets that gi. He’s always gonna have that upper hand on you. Different playing fields.”
Lloyd stares at him, taken aback. He’s never thought about it like that before, and he doesn’t think he’d like to. Just because Morro’s more — more bloodthirsty, or whatever, doesn’t mean he’s stronger. It doesn’t mean Lloyd won’t fight for the green gi.
Lloyd presses his lips together. “That doesn’t mean — I’d still fight for it. I-I’d die for it, if I had to.”
“I bet you would,” Ronin snorts, without humor. “But you won’t kill anyone else. Death is only on the board if it’s yours. You’re the worst kind of selfless type, I’ve seen it before.”
Lloyd chews on his lip, at a loss. Talking with Ronin is confusing, he decides, too confusing for the headache that’s building behind his eyes, at least. He keeps ending up lost for words, and he doesn’t like that. Doesn’t like feeling wrong-footed, though that’s definitely nothing new—
“You shouldn’t,” Ronin suddenly says. 
“Die for it,” he continues, sounding insistent now. “You shouldn’t. Don’t. Your life’s worth a lot more than some scrap of green, kid.”
Lloyd tilts his head, momentarily thrown by the direction the conversation’s turned. “I…I don’t want to,” he admits, weakly. “I just—“
“Then don’t,” Ronin interrupts, bluntly. “Stay alive. Fight dirty if you have to, you’re Garmadon’s kid. Don’t let your family’s never-ending fling with destiny take you down with ‘em.”
“That’s not — I’m not trying to die,” Lloyd insists, irritated now. 
“And you got people waiting for you,” Ronin continues, ignoring him. “Your team, y’know, they’re real anxious to get you back.” A flicker of emotion crosses his face, almost like regret. “They’re uh. Puttin’ up a real fight for ya, kid.”
Lloyd squeezes his eyes shut tightly, fighting back the sudden burn. “I know they are.” 
“Good thing, then. So just, uh. Don’t give up on ‘em, okay? Be a real shame if they gave me this much trouble for nothing.”
Yeah, I’ll bet they gave you trouble, Lloyd thinks, his throat tightening. He shakes his head, blinking back the burn in his eyes. Enough. His family’s out there, fighting for him, and that’s enough for him. 
“I’m not gonna die,” he says fiercely, dragging the fire that’s left in him from the smoldering embers in his chest. “I’m gonna beat him. And then I’m going to end the Cursed Realm, before it ever gets here. And I am not. Going to die.”
Ronin’s eyes flash with an emotion Lloyd can’t name, but he nods, seemingly satisfied. He turns away, the scars on his cheek standing out as he stares through the clouded window. 
“You know what’s in the Cursed Realm, right, kid?”
Ronin’s voice is gravely, rough in ways that makes Lloyd think of the hardened kind of people he’d run into on the streets occasionally. People who were used to life going the worst way possible, and were ready for it. He used to want to be one of those people. Now he thinks he might be scared he’s going to get his wish. 
But there’s an undercurrent of what could be sympathy in Ronin’s voice, if Lloyd looks for it. He swallows.
“Yeah,” he mumbles. “Yeah, I know.”
“You good with ending that, too?”
Lloyd swallows again, and this time it gets stuck in his throat.
“I have to be, I guess,” he whispers.
Ronin closes his eyes, leaning his head back against the wooden wall, and Lloyd feels kind of like he used to when he’d turn a test in at Darkley’s, and had no idea whether he’d passed or failed. “S’what I thought.”
Lloyd turns his head away, biting his lip hard enough to taste metal. 
He doesn’t know what to say to that, either, so he doesn’t say anything more. 
He’s supposed to be saving his strength, after all. 
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mayconguedes13 · 3 years
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Travessuras ou Travessuras É noite de Halloween no cemitério. Abóboras decoram os túmulos e velas roxas derretem nos jazigos. Os defuntos saem de suas sepulturas, e as fúnebres criancinhas, com suas sacolinhas, pedem doces de cova em cova: Gostosuras ou Travessuras? Toda noite de 31 de outubro, à meia-noite, após o coveiro Tavares deixar o cemitério para curtir o famoso “Baile Horripilante dos Idosos”, a festa nefasta se inicia entre os túmulos. A frase “Descanse em Paz”, perpetuada nas lápides, deveria ser substituída para “Descanse em Paz… até a noite de Halloween”, pois nesta data, os falecidos voltam à superfície para uma noite de curtição, dança com esqueletos, bebedeira, histórias assustadoras de como morreram e sinistras orgias. As criancinhas pútridas e inocentes usam máscaras durante essa noite, mesmo sabendo que seus próprios rostos já são assustadores - coitadinhas. Elas vagueiam pelo cemitério, pulando e cantando “Silver Shamrock”, parando em frente as covas e abrindo suas sacolinhas para que os defuntos depositem doces roubados da cantina do velório. De longe, o pai cadavérico de uma garotinha grita: “Filha! Não se esqueça de passar no boteco do Souzzz… quero dizer… na cova do Souza. Ele tem alguns doces para mim. Mas, não se esqueça que os doces do Coffin Souza são para os adultos!" O pai aguarda o retorno da filha que trará doces de licor, enquanto isso, ele flerta com uma aberração que se esconde atrás das árvores; linda… aos seus olhos. Uma discussão se inicia sobre qual filme eles iriam assistir; os defuntos sempre invadem o aposento do coveiro Tavares, que mora ali mesmo no cemitério e, além de roubarem suas bebidas, vasculham suas fitas VHS em busca de algo assustador para assistirem. Ninguém queria rever “O Monstro Legume do Espaço”, queriam algo inédito, e foi aí que um dos defuntos sugeriu um documentário. Todos torceram o nariz, afinal, quem iria querer ver um documentário na noite de Halloween? Mas foram convencidos de que o documentário “Poluição dos Mares e Oceanos” era capaz de produzir danos terríveis nas mentes dos falecidos. Tenham uma ótima sessão, cambada de presuntos! Agora, vamos falar do finado Paulo Blob. Em meio a festança, um dos defuntos perguntou onde estava o Paulo Blob. Todos olharam ao redor, procurando o sujeito, então, um cadáver brutamonte berrou: “O Paulo Blob eu deletei faz tempo! Ele não participará da nossa festa! Passei uma corrente em seu túmulo para que ele não pudesse sair. Aquele canalha, passa dos limites em todas as festas de Halloween; sempre troca os nomes e as fotos dos nossos túmulos; uma vez eu saí da minha cova com o nome Melissa cravado na minha lápide, e pior, ele colocou a foto da caduca no lugar da minha. Sempre que ele se junta ao Coffin Souza e fica “de fogo” de tanta cajibrina, surta pelo cemitério, inverte todas as cruzes e brinca com nossos caixões, deslizando o morro no fim do cemitério como se os nossos caixões fossem feitos para escorregar; aquele cadáver cachaceiro, profanador de sepulturas.” Todos concordaram que uma festa sem o Paulo Blob seria muito melhor. Enquanto isso, o velho Tavares, o coveiro esquisitão, bailava com algumas senhoras em uma festa não muito longe do cemitério. Todo ano ele recebia elogios pela sua fantasia, mas, o que ninguém sabia era que ele não usava fantasia. Tavares tinha o rosto cadavérico, falhas nos poucos fios de cabelo em sua cabeça e era todo travado ao se mover, lembrando uma múmia ambulante. O coitado já foi até confundido com um defunto, no dia em que ele “comeu água” como se não houvesse amanhã, caindo em um sono extremamente profundo, dormindo dentro de um caixão na salinha do velório. A nova funcionária que cuidava da limpeza entrou na salinha, averiguando se o local estava em ordem, pois ela sabia que naquele dia alguém seria velado ali dentro. Com seu olhar penoso, a mulher encara o coveiro Tavares por alguns segundos, examinando aquela aparência cadavérica dentro do caixão, acreditando que ele era mesmo um defunto e, vendo seu nariz escorrer, tirou um pedaço de algodão do seu bolso e enfiou dentro do nariz do pseudo cadáver, e então, subitamente, o velhote acorda de um pesadelo, levanta do caixão e grita - “Dá minha pacuera!” - expelindo o pedaço de algodão úmido no rosto da moça, fazendo com que a coitada, escandalosamente, fugisse para longe sem nunca mais voltar. Voltamos ao cemitério. As criancinhas se divertem muito enquanto seus pais assistem ao tal documentário macabro - “Psiu! Hey, garoto. Tira essa corrente daqui. O tio Blob ficou preso” - Mas, a diversão cinematográfica não duraria muito, pois o profano Paulo Blob se libertaria do fúnebre xilindró em busca de vingança. Ele estava livre, graças ao garotinho que soltou as correntes. Os olhos cozidos de Blob pareciam arder na escuridão, e ele só pensava em uma coisa, se vingar do Zé Berg por tê-lo excluído da festa de Halloween. Uma garotinha entrou no meio da sessão de “Poluição dos Mares e Oceanos” exibindo sua sacolinha com muitos doces, feliz da vida (ou da morte) pois nunca tinha pego tantos doces como naquela noite. Seu pai, o Zé Berg, sereno e feliz pela conquista da filha, indagou como ela conseguira tantos doces assim, e a defuntinha respondeu: “O Blobinho me ajudou, papai.” Naquele momento, Zé Berg entrou em desespero sabendo que o profanador de sepulturas havia escapado de seu túmulo. Paulo Blob dava início às suas travessuras! Pela janela do quarto do coveiro Tavares, lugar onde os defuntos assistiam ao documentário, eles olhavam para fora, observando Blob parado entre as lápides. O cemitério estava mais macabro do que nunca; todas as cruzes já estavam invertidas e ardendo em chamas; à esquerda, um amontoado de caixões formavam uma fogueira que começava a queimar; eram os caixões de todos os defuntos que estavam no quarto do coveiro. Blob cambaleava segurando uma das garrafas de Vodca que pertencia ao coveiro, pronunciando um mar de insultos contra todos os defuntos. Em menos de uma hora o sol iria nascer e os mortos precisavam voltar para as suas covas, pois o coveiro Tavares chegaria a qualquer momento, e a festa dos defuntos, que acontecia todo ano, acabaria de vez caso o coveiro descobrisse o segredinho dos pútridos festeiros. Todos correram direto para as covas, e nem se importaram com a bagunça que haviam deixado no cômodo do coveiro. Em meio à correria, Blob conseguiu impedir Zé Berg de sair do quarto. Tavares retornou para o cemitério, e não estava só, veio acompanhado de uma senhora que traçava suas pernas com as dele, bêbada que só, a parceira perfeita do coveiro. Zé Berg se escondeu assim que o coveiro entrou no quarto, e observou a senhora entrando no banheiro enquanto Tavares caía no chão bebaço. Ao sair do banheiro, a senhorinha ébria caminha até Zé Berg e o confunde com Tavares, afinal, ela estava bêbada e o ambiente era escuro, e claro, era impossível distinguir um defunto do coveiro Tavares, mesmo para alguém sóbrio. Ela alisa o peitoral do defunto sem notar que aquele pedaço de carne estava frio e úmido. “Meu coveiro gostosão. Por que está tão quieto?” - naquele momento, a senhora pegou na mão do defunto e o arrastou para fora do quarto, dando longos passos entre as lápides, perguntando se ele já fez coisas devassas naquele local; enérgica, ela jogou o coitado do Zé Berg em cima de um túmulo; enquanto isso, Blob ria sem parar escondido atrás de uma árvore. Deitado naquele cimentado enfeitado por coroa de flores e olhando para o céu, Zé Berg percebe que o sol já vinha vindo, e que o Paulo Blob havia sumido… e que a senhora havia dormido. Ele empurrou a amante do coveiro para o lado e correu direto para a sua cova, resmungando pelo caminho que aquela foi a pior noite de Halloween da sua vida, e que o Paulo Blob pagaria muito caro por aquilo. O sentimento de vingança tomou posse do corpo do defunto ao ver Blob entrando em seu túmulo, fugindo do sol que estava prestes a iluminar o cemitério. Antes de voltar para sua cova, Zé Berg foi até o túmulo de Blob e o prendeu mais uma vez, passando diversas correntes para que ele jamais saísse de lá. “Gostosuras ou Travessuras, otário!” - gritou Zé Berg, cuspindo na cova do Blob. Agora, ele precisava correr o mais rápido possível até sua cova, pois ele sabia das histórias de alguns defuntos que vagaram pelo cemitério até a luz do dia, e do fim terrível que tiveram ao se exporem ao Sol. A luz solar começou a iluminar o cemitério, e Zé Berg sentiu um grande alívio ao ver que sua cova estava bem próxima, mas, aquele alívio se transformou em desespero ao se aproximar de seu túmulo e descobrir que o maldito do Blob tinha construído uma parede de tijolos, sem deixar uma única brecha para que ele pudesse entrar. O cimento ainda não estava firme, mas era um obstáculo perfeito para atrasar Zé Berg por alguns minutos, deixando-o exposto ao sol que o detonaria enquanto ele quebrava os tijolos de sua cova. No cimento ainda fresco, uma mensagem de Blob riscada a dedo dizia: “Travessuras ou Travessuras?” *** Esse conto faz parte da antologia '13 Contos Fúnebres'. Se gostou, leia também: Te Aguardo em Tua Sepultura Dance Comigo Até o Fim A Cova é Minha! O Caixão na Estrada O Berro da Roseira *** Um feliz Halloween a todos!
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Soooooooo..... Hey.... Yes VERY inactive, cliche excuse but it's the truth, depression and anxiety keeping me from being a person and not a formless blob on my bed.
I come with a new au but I need yalls opinion!
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I know I have two other ones and another in the works but I rewatched the movie and was woah!
Okay here's where I need your opinion.
Should Martin and Chris be....
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San and Ashitaka or
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The wolf pups?
See how conflicted I am, I know San and Ashitaka basically have a lot of romantic tension but it could a sibling love....?
But the wolves would make so much more sense, but who would be Morro, the mother aka god.
Please help out a brother! 😰
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morroodle · 1 year
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Imprisoned for stinky bastard crimes
He is sentenced to 1 week of no stealing wu's hat
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ninjakitten1699 · 5 years
Mind telling me why I see Morro and Harumi insulting each other and tumbling around before Morro screams a compliment at her?
Harumi: Put a cork in it, you big blob of swamp gas!
Morro: You spoiled princess!
Harumi: Green ninja wannabe!
Morro: Venomous spider!
Harumi: Wind bag!
Morro: Oni face!
Harumi: Salty bastard!
Morro: *pins her down* YOU HAVE BEAUTIFUL EYES!
Harumi: Huh?
Morro: Huh?
Harumi: Eh?
Morro: *covers his mouth*
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vrfly · 6 years
Behind Closed Doors : Ninjago Angst - Day Three: Scars~Cole
You probably think ghosts are cool, right? I mean, wow, they can fly and go through walls. I've even see some be keys before and shape shift!
But what do you think about actually being part of the undead? What if you actually had that horrific reputation pinned on you after being put through so much pain you died and now all you did was roam lifelessly throughout the Departed Realm, or better yet? Stuck in Ninjago as a see-through, green-tainted blob because you were cursed.
People stood in fear when they looked at you. Well, they stood in fear when they looked at me. I stood in fear while attempting to see my reflection. Because there was none and it was bone-rattling. It was if I had no future.
Hey! It's alright, though, since I now know Airjituzu! And none of the other ninja were cursed; they made it out of the blasted temple in time. That's what really mattered...
And if I was so invaluable before, I was worth everyone's wild now.
I could do more than throw rocks. I could hover; Sensei also taught me how to phase invisible. And I could possess certain items. Of course it's nothing compared to what Morro could do, but I was just getting the hang of it. Sure, it takes a lot of concentration, but it's a trait the others do not have. I was different.
I didn't get hungry anymore - ugh, I was missing out on cake - and I could not touch water - I couldn't touch anything, really. Sometimes, my hand and the rest of my body would not solidify in time and I just...I went through everything. It was worse when one of my brothers' - my best friends' - life was on the line. I didn't know how the wind felt against my face, or the earth under my toes.
I was a ghost. I was different. I was dead.
But it was all for the team - the power of positive thinking, as Jay says.
I mean, sure, there're a few cool perks about being dead. But nothing beats actually inhaling the breath into your body to live.
Although somehow I eventually became used to it. I guess because so much time had passed and it dawned on me I may of never truly been alive again. Also because my family was so accepting about it.
By family, I mean more towards the other ninja.
I don't quite know what my father would have said, realizing his son was...not dead...but not exactly alive either.
Our relationship has always been rocky, to say the least. It did get somewhat better when we had to get a Fang Blade from him and I dropped the bombshell that I was a ninja, not a dancer. However, something between us changed when my mom died - it was an odd thought when I realized I was so close to my dead mother as a ghost but still so far away. Let's just say my father and I have different coping mechanisms.
Eventually, I fell into a pit of sadness. I really did not think I was going to get human again. And while we were on at the museum for the Day of the Departed, I started to see things, hear things.
Then I realized later that psycho Sensei Yang was using me and it just made the matters worse. To add on to the problem of not being able to feel anything for the rest of my life, I would also not be able to walk freely around Ninjago; I could've been trapped in a cursed temple and stuck there as the master of the house. All the while my friends were battling undead foes we already won against alone, I was roaming around the temple and kicking cursed students' butts.
And that moment was one of the greatest of my life, because not only was one of my demons comquered - Sensei Yang - but I passed through an opportunity of a lifetime. Literally.
I went up and Airjituzed right through the Yin-Yang Eclipse portal.
I became human again.
I could touch my face and feel my smile curving upon my lips. My feet actually stood on the dirt, kicking and tossing the beautiful earth around. But most of all, I missed the physical contact I had with my brothers - and sister. I could hug them, squeeze them like I would never see them ever again.
And that's what I did.
We laughed, and joked. Also on the plus side, we had a bran new place to stay: the Temple of Airjituzu because Sensei Yang was now pretty chill.
When I fought after having my body all to myself, there was something new; and no, not the fact that all my limbs were actually solid. I had this really cool Earth Punch! My hands, arms, and scar glow bright orange and I can smash through anything.
Now days I try hard to forget what had happened - I also think Lloyd does the same, given the wind is a fear of his now. Some times, I succeed on not remembering those awful days I was stuck as a ghost.
But then other days, Jay will unintentionally make a quippy joke and remind me or I will look in the mirror; there's a thick green scar on the left side of my face, visible through my black hair. When I am stressed or things become tense and bad, so does the scar. And I can feel it; it painfully throbs.
It is a constant reminder of what I went through.
My sense to touch was worthless for such a long period of time. A slight fear over water had grown deep in my bones, although I know now I can swim, or take a shower without harm. But when you train your mind to go off of something for so long, you get used to it.
I was stuck in my own body. I was used like a pawn for someone else's advantage while I was at my lowest.
It is okay now, because everything is the way it was - to the greatest extent it can be when you live in Ninjago.
(for @ninjago-angst-week)
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morroodle · 1 year
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I am sick and blob morro comforts me. Stinky little goo ball.
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morroodle · 1 year
Blob morro lives in my head rent free now
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Some info because the brainrot is strong:
He is roughly the size of a potato and his little hand nubbies are the width of a finger
Wu spoils the hell out of him and treats him like a lil baby (he is)
He still controls the wind but it's not the same as normal morro. It's more like he is the wind/the wind follows him? If he whooshes around in a circle he can make a tornado and if he slams into things the wind will as well. It's not very useful but he loves riding on his kite
He can't talk, he just makes little chirps and chitters
"It sounds like a dog toy"
"But actually this is the sonorous war cry of a very angry ghost"
Bonus paper version:
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morroodle · 1 year
You may or may not have noticed but I kinda have a lot of aus
Unfortunately due to having the attention span of a watermelong most of these aus end up abandoned after one post and are lost to the void but occasionally there comes a post or au that catches attention, either mine or yours, and the brainrot begins.
Introducing my morros, also known as the skrunkles that live in my head rent free and occasionally eat my thoughts (in no particular order
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Misc Redeemed Morro
Completely incoherent, not a solid au/story/design or anything else but I felt like I should mention him anyways
Hes just a silly little guy
Lives with the ninja/wu and is sometimes on the team
All my headcannons apply here
Mechanic Morro
Movie au where morro is the one who built the ninjas mechs
He is absolutely insane, mad scientist style
Could absolutely take over ninjago if he wanted but much more interested in inventing new guns
His mech animal thing is dragonflies, he has them in 3 sizes
Not actually the master of wind in this au but he is wu's adopted son. I don't know how the whole green ninja thing works but he has a pretty decent relationship with his family and the ninja
His main goal in life (aside from making an ungodly amount of mechs/guns) is to dissapoint wu as much as possible. Petty bitch.
My baby! My son! Don't tell the others but he's my favorite
Baby Morro
Somehow morro gets reincarnated as a lil baby man and wu finds him and adopts him
He has some memories of his past life but theyre not solid, more like vague feelings (ex: being afraid of the ninja because he remembers they are threats, wu is his dad). Sometimes he has dreams about particularly memorable events from his past life
Hes like 5 and an absolute menace. He will bite ankles.
I didn't actually intend to make more than one post about this au but people really liked it and kept asking for more so I love him now
Blob Morro
Not an au at all. He's literally just a blob
He is a shitpost that now lives in my head
I love him
Lizard Morro
Hes not actually mine I stole adopted him from @mochinoodle
Morro is brought back by harumi and the crystal king using the storm amulet. As a result he has wojira like traits and much stronger powers
He hates harumi and is very petty about it
Also not too thrilled about the whole C.O.C.K. thing, ends up giving them the ol' razzle dazzle (betrays them)
The fic is a work in progress and I have the honor of beta reading/helping brainstorm
Hes called lizard because he has 4 limbs and a tail but its a joke he's actually a serpent
The lizard brainrot is strong
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