#blog birth 11 2024
kariachi · 29 days
Here I responded to an ask with a list of the various pokemon regions and which Ben 10 characters I felt would best fill the protagonist role for that region's mainline games. Here I continue from that, putting together a team for each of them for their 'playthroughs'.
Kanto - Kevin
Johto - Argit
Hoenn - Alan
Sinnoh - Ben
Unova - Kevin
Kalos - Rook
Alola - Ben
Galar - Gwen
Paldea - Gwen
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srbachchan · 2 months
DAY 5895
Jalsa, Mumbai Apr 8/9, 2024 Mon/Tue 6:11 AM
Gudi Padwa greetings ..
नेसून साडी माळून गजरा उभी राहिली गुढी, नव वर्षाच्या स्वागताची ही तर पारंपारिक रूढी, रचली रांगोळी दारोदारी नटले सारे अंगण, प्रफुल्लित होवो तुमचे जीवन सुगंधित जसे चंदन…
गुढीपाडवा आणि नव वर्षाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा 🚩🌹🙏🏻
Chaitra Sukhladi Tuesday, 9 April
Birthday - EF - Megha .. Ef Sharmila Tuesday, 9 April .. and on this day we wish you the very best .. greetings and love from the Ef family ..
It is in the morn of another family birth .. of which that has required no explanation .. the better half celebrates her birthday TODAY , and all the greetings for her are recognised and shown gratitude , as always ..
A quiet family 'bring in' for the 9th on the midnight hour .. and the love of immediate family presence ..
A correction on the date of the DAY, yesterday was done after the realisation that, the mind plays truant at times .. more now in these times than before .. nature takes over .. it guides and gives decision , and we accept ..
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.. the night did end up by the after of midnight .. and the 'nidra' - निद्रा, was set to the recline by around 2:30 .. but it was seeking a presence at 3 at 4 at 5 .. so I did not wish to disappoint it , submitted myself to its form and came up to accomplish the labour of love - the BLOG ..
I am in attendance toward the pending of the last day and evening, so shall race towards its finishing line, 'break the tape' of victory and return .. breathless, but with smile ..
I a while then ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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vitaminseetarot · 5 months
PAC: Your January Forecast 🎇❄🦢
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Sup y'all, I'm back for the very last PAC I'm gonna write for 2023. By the end of the weekend, we will have shifted to a whole new year, with a new moon close in tow. I'm gonna be honest, this has been a rough year for me, but not without its bright spots. Like the birth of this blog, for one! I'm already planning the 1 Year Special.
The plan is only to expand from here to see what more there is to do! There was a lot I wanted to do this year but didn't get around to doing because of life, so I have a lot lined up for January.
Thank you for your support this past year in helping my blog grow! The circle is small, but each like and reblog makes a difference, especially to newcomers like me.
Please choose your swan ornament below to find out about how your January will look for the new year. Instead of Tarot today, I'll be using my Black Salt Lenormand deck and Astro Dice to get details along with oracles for advice.
Pile 1 - Black Swan Pile 2 - White Swan Pile 3 - Gold Swan
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Pile 1 - Black Swan
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Death, Sun; 49. Sun A♦, Cross 6♣, Crossroads Q♦; Uranus, 11th House, Aquarius
Hi, pile 1! Hope you're feeling alive and well for 2024. I kinda called this the "zombie pile" while drawing cause I'm getting this sluggish energy dragging along. Mumbling, creeping, hair disheveled. Goodness, this past year had you wiped out, didn't it? If you're feeling pressured for a resolution, I wouldn't, because for you I think simply sloughing off the old year like snake skin is your main priority for January. I'm hearing Usher's lyrics: "I feel like a zombie come back to life." Maybe you could treat this month like an extended New Year's Eve party. You can't force yourself to be excited for it, but you can slowly build up to it.
There is an emphasis on positive thinking with this pile. You have two Suns from different decks. Doing what brings you simple joy will be healing for you this month. Focusing on little joys can help you shift perspective. Being in the present is very important right now, and you're being asked not to think too much about last year as it will only drain you of further energy. You can't draw healing to yourself if you're spending all your Magic Points on looking backwards for answers. It it feels difficult to be positive, think outside the box at how you can move away from past thinking, like making a vision board for what you most desire to experience this year.
One of the real impressive things about your reading are the dice. You have Uranus, its natural house 11, and its sign Aquarius. Emphasis on CHANGE, much? You know how in movies, where the main character is falling into darkness and has relinquished all hope of being saved, and just as it fades to black someone swoops in to help them while casually laughing off "hah, yeah, I just happened to be in the neighborhood when I saw you falling into an infinite chasm, y'know?"
The word "Deus Ex Machina" is also popping up, or "god out of machine". It's a Latin term referring to an ancient Greek theater technique where a crane would lower an actor dressed as a deity onto the stage during the final act of a comedy, delivering sudden divine intervention and saving the day for the heroes. In other words, there is massive and very unexpected change for you, one that's gonna pull you out of the sluggish stupor of 2023. This is why resolutions aren't important for you now; whatever 2024 will be for you, it's coming in lightning hot and will do that for you.
And I think this change, however large and surprising, will be ultimately wonderful for you. There is so much sunlight emerging from this fog, new life will be breathed in for you by divine planning. It's going to help you work through some of the damage that last year left behind. It will also help you pivot to your next chapter in life. It may feel weird going into a new year with very little expectations, not knowing where you're going to end up next, but it'll be worth it. When the door swings open for you, it will BURST open, so stay on the bright side and focus on regenerating your health for now.
May your new year be shockingly bright, pile 1!
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Pile 2 - White Swan
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Strength, 25. Sapphire; Garden 8♠, Anchor 9♠, Person A♥; Gemini, 12th House, Pluto
Hello, pile 2! This month will be a quiet one for you, in a good way. This will be a time of retreat for you. If you found yourself being rather social at the end of 2023, expect the new year to start off with a whimper. I see you going into a hermit mode and disengaging from regular activities, especially involving other people. I get the sense that this pile is the type to want to overextend and please everyone around them. If you need a resolution suggestion from me, it's to put the brakes on now before you careen over the edge. January is putting a halt to this behavior.
Yes, you are strong. No, you do not always need to be strong for everybody else. It will wear you thin to even try, and you may end up resentful over it. It's not worth the struggle. I'm not asking you to snap at anyone who comes too close, but consider not adding more of other peoples' errands to your schedule. Consider saying, "actually, I can't go today," without feeling the need to explain why. You have a right to your own personal space away from distractions now.
This pile could belong to a group of people or community that's close to you, which could be going through a lot of hell or has been in the past year. They may have asked a lot from you with few other options. It's made you have to stand up and advocate, at the cost of your own issues being put on the back burner. It is not selfish to walk away for a while and take care of yourself, doubly so if the group in question deals with a lot of arguing and gossip. If it feels bad, trust your gut and keep your distance for now. Don't try to solve big arguments while Mercury is retrograding.
I know how Pluto in the 12th house is, as it's prominent in my chart. Imagine walking downstairs to get to your basement, only for the stairs to never end until you find yourself floating in a weird little wonderland. Somewhere, in that surreal underground mindscape, is a deeply entrenched karmic pattern that may elude you at first. Some shadow work may be required here to dig through the trenches for unpolished gems. If a pesky pattern is repeating in your life, it's time to withdraw and connect to your dreams and subconscious for clues. This pattern may have something to do with this group.
You're actually going to get more progress done by meditating and seeking out nature rather than getting too involved with these issues. The time will come when things can be handled with a clearer mindset. But your higher self is pulling you inward to help ground you through this, to remind you that you are your own amazing being even when you're separate from these people. You have the strength to stand on your own, otherwise there wouldn't be so many folks seeking you out in need. Sapphire wants you to marry your heart with your mind. It's a stone of wisdom guided by compassionate understanding and care. You spin your wheels overthinking an issue, when instead coming back to your heartspace will provide the key.
Take it easy this winter, pile 2, may your dreams give clarity and hope for 2024!
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Pile 3 - Gold Swan
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Protection, 15. Opal; Bouquet Q♠, Person A♥, Crossroads Q♦; 4th House, Capricorn, Mercury
What's going on, pile 3? Looks like somebody wants to enter hibernation mode, lol. I don't blame you one bit. As the full moon in Cancer has passed and the season changes, there's a strong desire to nestle into the home. Your house will be like your castle for you to improve during this month. You may feel up to redecorating or rearranging furniture to make it feel more cozy or season appropriate as you settle in. Or you may simply desire to clear out old things to decide what to keep.
You may want to do a spiritual cleansing of the house to ring in the New Year, too. Try infusing magic herbs like lemon verbena into your cleaning products, or toss cinnamon outside the front door while ringing a bell to invite prosperity in. A simple incense stick with a very fresh, mild scent like lavender can also do the trick. Does your family have a special trick or recipe they use? Whatever herb and scent combination brings out that "New Year New Me" feeling is best!
I heard loud and clearly, "YOU'RE PROTECTED!" for whomever needs to hear it most. Things might feel shaky and ungrounded at the moment. I wanna wrap a big blanket around y'all. You're being totally protected right now by your guides, so please don't let the uncertainties of 2024 leave your head dizzied. Yes, there's a lot of plans to be drawn out and a lot more work to be done, and you may not know where you're heading next, but perhaps there's a reason we like to begin the year at such a slow quiet time, after all the festivities have passed. It's not sound to start off in a rush.
You're being heavily affected by Sun in Capricorn doubled with the current Mercury retrograde, regardless of your chart placements. This is absolutely not a time for rash decision making, even if it feels you're not being your most productive. Our modern society doesn't like it when workers take a break or listen to their body's needs in any way. It will always have its excuses for its ruthless standards. After a while, though, you have to learn to shrug those expectations off and do what's right for you, or you'll risk burning out before the new year has even started.
Some of you might be thinking of even doing the Dry January trend as part of your resolution. If it's a serious issue, I'd talk to your doctor about how to do it sustainably. If you're already stressed and at risk of burnout, more pressure is not going to help. But a sober month could prove beneficial for you overall. This is not a command for you to have a Dry January if you're not interested; this message is for those who already plan on doing so. Try to take it one day at a time, keep your head free of self criticism, and don't guilt yourself over "cheat days". I will be doing one as well, so please reach out if you need a supporting voice.
Wishing you all the best to come this year pile 3, may you succeed in your resolutions!
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
Cards Used: Black Salt Lenormand, Prism Oracle, Crystal Healing Cards, Astro Dice.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
Trying to understand the implications if the children are anything other than 'naturally' conceived and H&M have lied about it by u/Economy_Stock137
Trying to understand the implications if the children are anything other than 'naturally' conceived and H&M have lied about it Lurking or a member since the sub was just a couple thousand. First post!I've been thinking about the things Lady C and Tom Bower have said about the children and the implications behind it. Based on what they have said, what would it mean if the children ARE genetically Hank's but not Mememe's? Donated eggs fertilized by Hank sperm and either carried by a surrogate or Mememe. As noted by others here, if it was a surrogate for Aldi, UK rules would require the gruesomes to adopt him. US surrogacy rules are different so adoption may not have been necessary for Lidl. According to the Settlement Act of 1701, an adopted child is ineligible for LOS. So if Aldi was born to a surrogate, he's out of LOS. Whether Lidl is out might depend on the surrogacy agreement.What if Aldi was born with a donated egg but carried by Mememe? In the US I'm pretty sure the child would legally belong to her and not need to be adopted. Any idea what the UK laws are on this? Then it occurred to me- if it was a donated egg and not genetically related to Mememe, would the child be considered legitimate or illegitimate? If the child born with a donated egg is not legitimate, it is also not eligible for LOS. I don't know anything about the laws in either UK or US about this. Anyone have any insight?Then the legitimacy question made me wonder- if the children are genetically Hank's but considered illegitimate because they are NOT the result of the married couple, are they still eligible to be Prince/Princess? There have been many royal bastards in the UK past and I don't think any were called Prince/Princess. These two have pulled so much crap, I don't put anything past them. So many questions, no straight answers anywhere. What do you think? Related- if they have deceived the RF over the origin or birth of either child, is it treason or fraud? post link: https://ift.tt/mf2UJiF author: Economy_Stock137 submitted: May 02, 2024 at 11:11PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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lgcmanager · 5 months
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a reminder on side-events; they are non-mandatory occasional events that your muse can choose to participate in or not.
while missing an event might mean missing out on points, be aware that choosing to take part in it could have positive or negative consequences for your muse. there is also no telling which part of the event will have consequences either since they will be tailored to make it difficult to guess what could impact your muse. while the final consequences are decided at the same time as the event is created, we will only reveal them the sunday after the deadline if there are any. so choose wisely: are you willing to make a gamble with your muse?
( important note: EVERY IDOL in the company will take part in the event canon wise, whether or not a mun writes for it. )
every year, the period between FEBUARY 14 and MARCH 14 is called LOVE MONTH at LEGACY ENTERTAINMENT. during this period, legacy’s staff and roster are encouraged to demonstrate their appreciation to their coworkers.
this year, for the TRAINEES, the event is coming back to its roots. the SENIORS (NPC) in charge of organizing the event this season, have decided to provide their fellow trainees with THREE love letters that they need to fill up, the letters will later be given to their correspondant altogether anonymously. the recipients of the letters must be
A COACH that has helped you GROW in the last year
A SENIOR IDOL (npc idols are eligible) that has SHINED in your eye in the last year
A FELLOW TRAINEE that you wish to CHEER ON this year
submit the following form ONCE on the MANAGER BLOG before MARCH 16, 2024 11:59 EDT. rewards will be revealed the following week.
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ LOVE MONTH 2K24 (TRAINEE) - COACH: name the coach's discipline (example: singing, dancing, acting, guitar...), and how they have help you grow - SENIOR IDOL: name the senior idol, and how they have shined this year - TRAINEE: name the trainee, and give them words of encouragement
note that to avoid negative feelings, none of the submits will be made public. ic wise, it will be considered that EVERYBODY has received at least a letter.
as most of you know, the beloved branch director HEO AECHA (and KIM HYUNCHEOL's wife), has recenlty given birth to the couple's second child. LEGACY AGENCY's staff has therefore decided to make this love month about her!
for +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE AND 2 NOTORIETY, write a 300+ words solo about how your muse decided to show their appreciation this year. pick one of the four options available:
WRITE a LETTER to HEO AECHA about what the muse likes about LGC AGENCY
WRITE ABOUT a SPECIAL MEMORY of your muse with their MANAGER
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:lovemonth2k24 for your solos. you have until MARCH 16, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ LOVE MONTH 2K24 (LGC AGENCY) - APPRECIATION: +8 skill points distribution +2 notoriety [ LINK ]
** please note that only idols who have ALREADY PERFORMED with their groups PRIOR to their respective MINI-CONCERTS are eligible for this requirements. otherwise, they must do the TRAINEE task **
with their various schedules taking them away from the company for weeks at time and their high demand, LEGACY'S NEW GENERATION OF IDOL will be holding mini-concerts at EVERLAND for their fans. the GIRLS (crystallis, fabula and nova) will perform on FEBRUARY 14 (valentine's day), while the BOYS (type zero, versus and agito) will perform on MARCH 14 (white day). for the mini-concerts, each group will perform 3 SONGS, which will be followed by a photo op during which, each idol will take pictures with 5 LUCKY FANS (solo). note that the environment will be heavily controled with security present during the photo op. no fans will be allowed to touch the idols for their safety.
finally, after the conclusion of the MINIFES idols will be have ONE HOUR to enjoy EVERLAND. barriers and security members will be prosent so they may enjoy their time without being interrupted by fans.
VALENTINE'S MINIFES (performance order, costumes and songs)
CRYSTALLIS (costume: crystallis' 2024 official uniform): 'LOVE', 'MY GOSH', 'SIESTA'
NOVA (costume: nova's 2024 official uniform): 'HYPE BOY', 'ATTENTION', 'DITTO'
FABULA (costume: fabula's 2024 official uniform): 'SHOOT!', 'HYPNOSIS', 'IMPURITIES'
WHITE DAY'S MINIFES (performance order, costumes and songs)
TYPE ZERO (costume: lgc boys' 2024 official uniform): 'MAKE A WISH', 'SPRAY', 'LIKE A MOVIE'
VERSUS (costume: lgc boys' 2024 official uniform): 'PADO', 'CREAM SODA', 'ROCK WITH YOU' [with agito]
AGITO (costume: lgc boys' 2024 official uniform): 'ROCK WITH YOU' [with versus], 'BLUE HOUR', 'SCENT OF YOU' [kor. version]
for +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE AND 5 NOTORIETY, write on one of the following options available:
a 300+ word solo about anything related to PERFORMING during the MINIFES
a 300+ word solo about the PHOTO SESSION with FANS
 a thread with 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) about enjoying their time POST MINIFES with another IDOL
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:lovemonth2k24 for your threads and solos. you have until MARCH 16, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ LOVE MONTH 2K24 (IDOL) LOVE MINIFES: +5 skill points distribution +5 notoriety [ LINK ]
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leafyaa · 1 year
File 3
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All character birth dates:
Raiden Ei - June 26 2008 Raiden Makoto - June 26 2008 Yae Miko - June 27 2007 Raiden Kunikuzushi - January 3 2030 Raiden Shogun - January 3 2030 L/n M/n - February 28 2005 L/n Y/n - b/d 2031 L/n Hikari - June 21 2051 Kamisato Ayaka - September 28 2031 Kamisato Ayato - March 26 2025 Kaedehara Kazuha - October 29 2030 Kujou Sara - July 14 2031 Sangonomiya Kokomi - February 22 2029 Thoma - January 9 2024 Sayu - October 19 2035 Gorou - May 18 2031 Itto - June 1 2030 Kuki Shinobu - July 27 2031 Shikanoin Heizou - July 2 2031
Zhongli - December 31 2006 Guizhong - January 1 2007 Xiao - April 17 2031 Kazuha - October 29 2031 Jean Gunnhildr - March 14 2029 Kaeya Alberich - November 30 2029 Diluc Ragvindr - April 30 2029 Albedo Kreideprinz - September 13 2028 Sucrose - November 26 2032 Klee - July 27 2044 Venti - June 16 2006
Tighnari - December 29 2028 Cyno - June 23 2028 Collei - May 8 2033 Alhaitham - February 11 2027 Kaveh - July 9 2028 Deyha - April 7 2027 Aranyani - October 27 2007 Nahida - October 27 2042
Ajax - July 20 2030
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⇠ previous ⭒ masterlist ⭒next ⇢
You've dated Scaramouche in your high school and college years but just as you wanted to announce your pregnancy to him he broke up with you without any reason. He left you to be a single mom for 7 years. But now that your daughter has been missing and abducted for a year and you've not been doing well and out of a sudden he showed up into your life again trying to apologize for his past mistakes..?
These are all the birth dates of all the characters that are most likely mentioned/involved in the story :)
@swivy123 @kichiyoshi @wwwrizchan @k1t0 @killumeo @pinkdreamerbailifflawyer-blog @samarill @xiaotopia @aqualesha @eattingshits @omoriaddict
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crow-mortis · 5 months
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⛧°。ᵗʰⁱʳᵗʸ⁻ᵒⁿᵉ ⛧ ⁿᵒⁿᵇⁱⁿᵃʳʸ ⛧ ᵖᵃⁿ ⛧ ʷʳⁱᵗᵉʳ ⛧ ᵖʰᵒᵗᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ 。 °⛧
ⁿᵉᵒᶜⁱᵗⁱᵉˢ ⛧ ᵏᵒᶠⁱ ⛧ ᵗʷⁱᵗᵗᵉʳ ⛧ ᵍᵒᵒᵈʳᵉᵃᵈˢ ⛧ ˢᵖᵃᶜᵉʰᵉʸ
Not everyone has all of their info in their "About Me" so I figured I'd provide this list for anyone checking out my profile. DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE:
⛧ under 18
⛧ racist
⛧ lgbtqia+phobic *including transmeds, exclusionists, terfs and illegitmate sexualities/pronouns - i.e. MAP nor/mal, etc. (if they're meant to mock someone, i don't fw you)
⛧ pro-birth/pro life
⛧ xenophobic/islamophobic
⛧ sexist/misogynistic
⛧ pedophilic/MAP
⛧ ableist
⛧ anti-vax/anti-medicine
⛧ I also don't fw animal abuse, MAGA, blue lives matter, or general bigots.
I can/will add to this if I think of/run across more.
more under the cut !
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This is the hardest thing for me to do on any social media website. I'm horrible at talking about myself unless it's in relation to one of my interests. Which, I'll briefly list below:
⛧ music
⛧ video games
⛧ creepy stuff/cryptids/ARGs
⛧ gardening/homesteading
⛧ crows
⛧ oddities/"vulturecore"
⛧ writing
⛧ photography
⛧ reading
I'm sure I have more I'll end up adding here eventually, but I can't ever think of many things I like right off the top of my head.
Call me Crow. I'm 31 y/o, nonbinary, pansexual, and my pronouns are they/them. I'm married and we have two dogs, one cat, a parrot, and twenty-four chickens (I post about all of them a lot so you'll probably get to know them well if you follow my blog.) We live on a 2 acre homestead in southern Appalachia. I practice conjure and rootwork that was taught to me by family and neighbors growing up. I love to forage and make my own herbal salves and tinctures, as well as canned items like preserves and jellies. My partner and I are also professional portrait and event photographers, and I love posting our work whenever I get the chance.
My favorite band is Coheed and Cambria, with Sleep Token and Ghost following closely behind. I'm an old school emo kid, and I also listen to a lot of pop-punk, numetal, and post-hardcore. I also dive into j-rock and SOME Appalachian gothic, neotraditional country, bluegrass, and folk music. My tastes are a little all over the place and if it sounds good I'll probably like it.
I am a gamer, and my favorite game is a tie between Bloodborne, Baldur’s Gate 3 and RDR2. I have also been playing Destiny 2 since the launch of Destiny 1 in 2014, and I fall in and out of love with it every few weeks. Depends on what the content is giving me at that time. I also really like Minecraft and other comfy games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. I'm a huge fan of horror games and I especially love the ones with deep and interesting lore and worldbuilding.
I'm a writer, and have been actively doing so since I was 11 years old. I haven't published anything, as it's more of a hobby for me than anything (plus imposter syndrome sucks). I have a world building project/RP that I've had going with a friend of mine for almost a decade now. I love thinking of/writing new characters and short stories. I used to write fanfiction but I'm not consistent enough to post multiple-part fics anymore, and my schedule doesn't leave much time for that sort of devotion. So, for now, it's just a hobby I get to enjoy with a few select friends.
I'm really into creepy content. Cryptids, cosmic horror, ARGs, analog horror, and the occult. I've seen a lot of what there is to offer on YouTube, so I'm always open to suggestions on stuff that I may not have heard of. I also like to collect bones, antlers, and other oddities.
I'm a big reader, and I'm currently doing a 52 week book challenge for 2024. I usually read 2-3 books at a time for when my ADD says I need something different.
I am also autistic and was diagnosed as an adult (age 27). I also have relapsing/remitting MS; it affects my short term memory, vision, and balance, primarily. I also sometimes have some other cognitive issues (forgetting/flubbing words, names, etc.) I am on treatment for a few of the symptoms, but it does impact my daily life.
I think that's about it. Sorry for the wall of text, but I really don't know how else to format this.
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⛧°。 ┊ my stuff.
links here !
⛧°。┊ other links.
links here !
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bgw57 · 10 months
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This is me. Yes, I was born when baby lotion came in glass bottles. Sixty-six years ago on August 3rd, before the Space Age, even, although just two months and one day before. This is also the start of all my stuff. Beside my flat-on-top ears there are a couple of other things in this photo that I still have today.
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This is me posing with my hospital bracelet in 2017 when I was working on an earlier version of this blog, called The Packrat Project. I'm told I have a lot of stuff from my childhood, and unusual amount. I not so sure. It all seems perfectly normal to me. Doesn't everyone have their hospital baby bracelet? Maybe Mom or Dad tuck it away in your baby book, which at some point they hand to you as a gift. Or it's discovered in the back of some drawer as you clean out their house, moving one of both of them to Senior Living or the grave.
I don't remember now what the specific motivation was for my mom to one day hand me a couple of small boxes, a stationery box and a box from Johnson & Johnson, maybe that's where the bottle came from, a promotional product. Like this, my very first piece of wall art.
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I'm not sure what the tie in was with Carnation evaporated milk, other than milk being one of the chief topics of conversation around this time. I'm not sure, did I lose half a pound just after weighing in at 7 lbs 11 oz? Hmmmm
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Siri says that it's normal for babies to lose weight, initially (who wouldn't, after that trauma?) but they gain it back by three weeks. I had surpassed my birth weight at 2 weeks as you can see by these after-visit summaries for a six day exam when I was still Baby Boy Williams (above) and the two week visit, seven pounds thirteen ounces, after which I evidently become quite the little eater - 19 pounds at six months.
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And so here I go. This is an experiment. A vanity project. Something to do in my all but formal retirement (official start Feb 2024). In my next entry - a bit of the tree this nut falls so near to.
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kariachi · 29 days
Favorite Kevin aus?
Ooo, you know me, nix, I love damn near any au with a Kevin in it, especially when it's Kevin-focused. But, for the sake of the question, top five, no particular order
Devin Lives/Kwarrel Lives AUs- this get lumped together because they're the same concept to different extremes, 'what happens when Kevin gets some actual proper parenting by an actual decent trustworthy adult'. You can get a wildly different Kevin with the addition of that security and guidance, especially in the Devin lives ones where he never loses it in the first place, and I love shit that plays with 'this is the same person but x steps to the left because of circumstances'
Subspecies 11 AUs, specifically the ones where he can't not shapeshift- it's about the added depth to mutants, it's about having side effects to mutations (which is just, something I love, as the existence of this class of AUs shows I will throw that shit in where it isn't canon just because I like the drama and the balancing and the give and take), it's about Kevin's powers and the effects of them being a constant thing he has to live and work with every day rather that turning them on or off, it's about his past having long-reaching and unignorable consequences that will never fully leave him
Kevin doesn't join the Tennysons and still turns out okay- this one is at least partially fueled by spite, it's been nearly two decades I've been in this fandom and I've seen too much 'oh Kevin only has any basic decency, even a single moral, or any sort of character growth or good things because The Tennysons' and fuck that. AUs where Kevin manages to become a decent person with a happy life without the main characters able to take any of the fucking credit
We don't know what this boy is- listen, I love Kevin, and his powers are fucking- He is not horrendously overpowered and capable of handling most shit on his own only because the writers don't want to overshadow Ben. Simple as that. If you actually look at his powers, look at his weaknesses. You notice in the OV flashforward they had to have him lose a fight offscreen because there's no actually way for him to have lost that fight and they needed it to happen. So yeah I am 100% here to and for leaning into that shit and going 'yeah no whatever Kevin is it is not the sort of thing you come across outside of like eldritch beings and divine intervention'.
Chosen Child Kevin AUs- just, the reinforcement that Kevin is a good person despite his past, the allowance for Kevin to do and be something great and heroic without association to the Tennysons over his head, the opportunity to see him in other team situations, the built in 'coming to learn about yourself as a person and start on a path to who you want to be' that comes with the whole crest system, the bond critter aspect, the secrets within secrets of him hiding digimon from the Tennysons while they're all trying to hide aliens from the world, the Tennysons' reactions to the inevitable reveal, the variety of options as far as what sort of Chosen Team you're dealing with (how are they divided and where does he belong?), the conflict between his two hero jobs, the drama of 'how the fuck do I find time to make a living?!'- It's just got a million different facets that are all amazing on their own and exponentially so together
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pujashoppe · 1 month
Lord Krishna Janmashtami 2024 Date and Time Celebration in India
As the sacred festival of Lord Krishna Janmashtami approaches, devotees across India eagerly prepare to celebrate the birth of the divine Lord Krishna with fervor and devotion. Janmashtami, also known as Krishna Janmashtami, marks the joyous occasion of Lord Krishna's birth, an event filled with divine significance and cultural richness. In this blog post, we delve into the details of Janmashtami 2024, including the date, time, and various rituals observed during this auspicious celebration.
Significance of Krishna Janmashtami
According to Hindu scriptures, Sri Krishna was born to Devaki and Vasudeva in the city of Mathura on the Ashtami Tithi, or the eighth day of the dark fortnight of Bhadrapada. Kansa, the demon king of Mathura, was the brother of Devaki. A prophecy stated that Kansa would be killed by the eighth son of Devaki as a result of his sins. Kansa therefore put his own sister and her husband in prison.
To prevent the prophecy from happening, he attempted to kill Devaki's children immediately after their birth. When Devaki gave birth to her eighth child, the whole palace was put into a deep sleep by magic. Vasudeva was able to protect the infant from Kansa's wrath by taking him during the night to Yashodha and Nanda's home in Vrindavan. This infant was a manifestation of Lord Vishnu who later took the name Sri Krishna and killed Kansa, ending his reign of terror.
Janmashtami 2024 Date and Time:
Janmashtami 2024 falls on Monday, August 26, 2024 according to the Hindu lunar calendar. Nishita Puja Time - 12:15 AM to 01:01 AM, Aug 27. Dahi Handi on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. Devotees eagerly anticipate this day, which symbolizes the birth of Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. The celebrations typically commence at midnight, as it is believed that Lord Krishna was born at that auspicious hour. The divine aura of Janmashtami fills the air with devotion, as devotees immerse themselves in prayer, fasting, and festivities to honor the beloved deity.
Janmashtami Celebration in India:
In India, Janmashtami is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm in various regions, each adding its unique cultural flavors to the festivities. From vibrant processions to elaborate temple decorations, the entire country resonates with the joy of Krishna's birth. In cities like Mathura and Vrindavan, where Lord Krishna spent his childhood, the celebrations reach a crescendo, attracting pilgrims and tourists from far and wide.
Krishna Janmashtami Muhurat in Other Cities
12:13 AM to 12:59 AM, Aug 27 - Pune
12:01 AM to 12:45 AM, Aug 27 – New Delhi
11:48 PM to 12:34 AM, Aug 27 - Chennai
12:06 AM to 12:51 AM, Aug 27 - Jaypur
11:55 PM to 12:41 AM, Aug 27 - Hyderabad
12:01 AM to 12:46 AM, Aug 27 - Gurgaon
12:03 AM to 12:47 AM, Aug 27- Chandigarh
11:16 PM to 12:01 AM, Aug 27 - Kolkata
12:17 AM to 01:03 AM, Aug 27 - Mumbai
11:58 PM to 12:44 AM, Aug 27 - Bengaluru
12:19 AM to 01:04 AM, Aug 27 - Ahmadabad
12:00 PM to 12:44 AM, Aug 27 – Noida
* Muhurat timings for other cities are local time of respective cities
Devotees observe fasts and engage in night-long vigils, singing devotional songs and recounting the divine leelas (miracles) of Lord Krishna. Temples and households are adorned with flowers, lights, and intricate rangoli designs, creating an ambiance of divine splendor. The melodious sound of bhajans (devotional songs) fills the air, invoking the presence of Lord Krishna amidst his devotees.
Happy Janmashtami Wishes from Pujashoppe:
On this auspicious occasion of Janmashtami 2024, Pujashoppe extends heartfelt wishes to all devotees, invoking blessings and prosperity from Lord Krishna. As a leading online platform for spiritual needs, Pujashoppe offers a wide range of puja items, idols, and accessories to enhance your Janmashtami celebrations. From intricately crafted Krishna idols to premium puja kits, Pujashoppe provides everything you need to perform Janmashtami puja with devotion and reverence.
Janmashtami Puja:
Janmashtami puja holds immense significance in Hindu tradition, as it allows devotees to establish a personal connection with Lord Krishna. The puja rituals typically include bathing the idol of Lord Krishna with panchamrit (a mixture of milk, curd, honey, ghee, and sugar), offering fresh fruits, sweets, and delicacies as bhog (offering), and chanting mantras dedicated to Lord Krishna.
Devotees also engage in the Dahi Handi ritual, where an earthen pot filled with curd is suspended at a height, symbolizing the mischievous nature of Lord Krishna, who would often steal butter during his childhood. Teams of young men form human pyramids to reach and break the handi, emulating the playful antics of Lord Krishna and his friends.
Book Pandit for Janmashtami Puja:
To ensure the smooth conduct of Janmashtami puja rituals, it is advisable to seek the guidance of experienced pandits (priests) who specialize in Vedic ceremonies. Pujashoppe offers convenient online booking services for pandits, allowing devotees to arrange for expert assistance in performing Janmashtami puja at their homes or community gatherings.
As Janmashtami 2024 approaches, let us immerse ourselves in the divine festivities and spiritual fervor, celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna with unwavering devotion and joy. May this auspicious occasion bring peace, prosperity, and divine blessings to all devotees, fostering love and harmony in our hearts and communities. Let us rejoice in the eternal presence of Lord Krishna and seek his guidance on the path of righteousness and devotion.
Through prayer, fasting, and acts of seva (service), let us honor the divine legacy of Lord Krishna and emulate his teachings of love, compassion, and righteousness in our lives. Happy Janmashtami to one and all, from Pujashoppe – your trusted companion in spiritual journey!
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naipan · 2 months
Thursday, April 11, 2024
The Gaza health ministry statistics show that hundreds of "martyrs" came back to life over the past weekend
The Telegram channel of the Gaza health ministry releases a detailed, 40+ page document every few days to describe in detail all of their statistics.
As we've been reporting, they have kept three tallies of the deceased: the ones that they count directly who have been brought to hospitals they can verify, the ones that "trusted media sources" (meaning Hamas) tells them to count (which are over 90% women and children,) and the ones that they have received from relatives filling in an online form. Over the last few reports, they have been downplaying the Hamas numbers and giving detailed reports only of the other two categories, which add up to some 21,000 people.
That document no longer claims that 72% of the dead are women and children. Of the ones they count, about 54% are women and children.
Something interesting happened between the April 4 and April 7 reports: hundreds of supposedly verified "martyrs" from the online forms miraculously came back to life.
The total number of verified deceased went from 21,720 on Thursday to 21,317 on Sunday - 403 people were no longer dead.
The ministry claims to go through a verification process of the online forms, and they don't count any that do not have complete information including identity number, full name, gender, date of birth and date of death. The number that they counted from those forms went down from 2,786 to 2,367 - meaning they disqualified 419 of the forms that had been "verified" three days before.
Also significantly, the number of those they count in hospitals only went up by only 16 in those three days - from 18,934 to 18,950. That's a lot less than the increase in numbers they issue every day in their press releases. In those three days, they added 138 total dead, meaning that while they reduced the numbers they could count, they added 541 new dead from the unverifiable Hamas sources.
I am willing to be charitable and say that the people who work on these detailed reports are conscientious and really trying to do their jobs. It clearly take many hours to compile those reports. They researched more about those who were input by relatives and found duplicates or bogus entries and removed them.
Yet at the same time, their bosses at the ministry highlight the larger, unverified numbers that include the nearly 12,000 that only came from Hamas.
Significantly, even their daily totals no longer claim 72% of the "martyrs" are women and children, although various UN agencies still repeat those as if they are accurate (https://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2024/04/the-gaza-health-ministry-statistics.html?m=1)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
I had to share this YouTuber I've been watching Winning Communication because think you guys will love him! He analyses Hank and Skank's body language and if you start at his first videos about them you can watch the birth of a sinner in real time. The shock! The disbelief! The bafflement! by u/SherbetTurbulent9787
I had to share this YouTuber I've been watching, Winning Communication, because think you guys will love him! He analyses Hank and Skank's body language and if you start at his first videos about them you can watch the birth of a sinner in real time. The shock! The disbelief! The bafflement! 😂 He tries to keep it pretty lighthearted but can't hide his utter shock and revulsion at times. A great mix of serious and funnier videos plus he is adorable! Hope you enjoy❤https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PcnEGKTY3KU.Edit - sorry my original embedded link didn't seem to be working so I had to just paste it here post link: https://ift.tt/MgnSOKA author: SherbetTurbulent9787 submitted: May 01, 2024 at 11:41AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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artleaguemdcnorth · 2 months
We will go over these instructions tomorrow in class for FD2 and on Thursday for FD1.
The final assignment will be creating TWO stories in color using multiple figures in a one point perspective style. 
You will be looking at the poses you drew during the semester and choose poses from your archives to create these stories. 
Tomorrow in class you will have a final opportunity to work with different poses for this purpose.
(FD2) Wednesday Class , April 10 @ 12:30pm in class critique.
(FD1) Thursday, April 11 @ 3pm in class critique.
When we look through art history, you will note paintings tell stories through the figures and as they are posed in multiple settings.
From Botticelli below in the Birth of Venus to many other painters, the figure is used as a means of creating interesting narratives.
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The painting above shows figures in the same middleground plane.
When we look at the painting below titled School Athens by Raphael, we notice a change of scale and proportion from the front to the back of the painting.
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If we analyze the perspective of this painting we can see the use of one point perspective to define the figures.
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As you begin to think about the Two paintings for your final, you will try to include figures in several planes.
Think of foreground as having your largest figure,
Middle ground reduces in size.
Back ground having the smallest size .
For this assignment, students will work horizontally.
You will go back to the drawings done during the semester and you will pick two sets of your three most favorite poses to create the two different stories.
If you do not find any figures you like then use the  video links used to draw the figure to find poses that can work for the stories you want to create.
Look at the poses, keep directional poses looking into the drawing to strengthen the composition.
Take figures from both of the links, I will add them to the class blog.
You will complete two drawings in color that depicts 3 figures living in a world of your choice.
Think of lighting:
Are they inside or outside ?
Is it day or night ?
YOU will be using acrylic paints on Bristol Paper.
For this assignment, You will NOT use the following colors:
I showed you in class how to create the colors needed to develop skin tone on the figure.
These drawings are not sketches , they need to look like finished products, or paintings.
SO PUT TIME , effort , diligence into them.
What will your storyline be ?
As you think about the story, consider the times we are living and have been living for Post Pandemic.
Think about how Pandemic Life has affected the world. How did it change our lives . This is the story you want to tell through these figures.
How would you depict them in a post pandemic world?
This assignment will commence on Wednesday night after class .
Just to recap about the issue of perspective:
Remember to think of having the components of a simple one point perspective:
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Below you see a composition with horizon line.
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Below notice the placement of the vanishing point. This point can move throughout that horizon line left to right.
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see how the parallel lines converge from one focal vanishing point.
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Finally incorporate the figures within those parallel lines to create the illusion of distance.
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You can coose the figures to be in any direction of your choosing , I will talk more about this at in our class. 
Just remember to keep directional lines facing inward to create Emphasis.
As I have demonstrated in the photos above, you can notice that in one point perspective you need to have a horizon line, vanishing point and parallel lines that come from the vanishing point.  
In a simple one point perspective, you can include a first figure (middle ground) , then you can add the following two figures either in the distance (background) or in the foreground.
The figure in the foreground should be the largest.
The figure in the background should be depicted as the smallest in relation to the figure in the middle ground.
Look at the time lapse included in this post.
Once figures are in place, you can create a world around them.
This is where you will use your imagination to create an interesting narrative.
In class we worked to create and mix color to get natural tones on the figure  regardless of race.
Even darker skins have the same tonal qualities albeit slightly darker.
For this portion I would like for you to use the following colors when depicting the figure.
Start out by laying in a palette with the following colors:
Red (medium or Alizarin )
Blue ( Ultramarine)
Now you will begin slowly mixing first yellow  and red then add dabs of ultramarine blue. 
You will begin to lighten the values slowly by adding white to get lighter tones .
Notice there is no use of black or brown.
Ultramarine will darken the skin in warm tonalities, white will lighten it.
You will be practicing these two approaches as you work to incorporate the figure in a pictorial narrative which will lead you to create and complete your  final assignment
See below paintings and how the figure is prominent in them:
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Fernando Amorsolo
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Milton Avery
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Milton Avery
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Milton Avery
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Elaine DeKooning
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This is an example of figures in an interior space.
Below see examples of student work:
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google-news-official · 3 months
heyo i'm here to collect your info for the website! all are optional :3
Any names you use
Any corpverse relatives
Affiliation in the corp/gimmickverse (Such as browsers)
Occupation (Such as shitposter)
Your character's date of birth
Your character's place of birth
Your character's species
Character's Gender
Character's Height
Any major events within the corpversepersonalityappearanceany other lore
Any photos you'd like on your page! these r superhelpful for breaking text up
-@the-corporation-information-blog (@unity-real mod)
anyways i loce selling personal information
google news, or newsie
all of the googles, like @realgoogleclassroom and @wow-google-maps
the google empire
just a shitposter, but sometimes ill make posts about breaking news
March 9, 2024
Moscow, Russia
Robot (if newsie didnt join the gimmickverse, they wouldv done some AM from “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” type stuff)
besides the crippling addiction of drinking elmers glue and being married to @nick-jr-official not really (wedding photo below)
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neteyamsoare · 7 months
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the 2k subathon masterlist.
stream description. a collection of streams by neteyamsoare following your relationships with your favorite avatar characters. Get your snacks, drinks and tune in for some fun.
warnings. minors and ageless blogs do not interact. sfw, [n]sfw, aged up! characters, suggestive, fluff, angst, hurt-comfort, happy endings, dom/sub dynamics, fwb relationships, maybe some breakups, each fic has its own warnings + also, some summaries may change.
things to note. i'm so happy to have hit such a huge milestone, it means so much to me that i get to share my creations w y'all. i hope you guys love these installments. if you want to send something in, the prompts are here. thank you to the ones who sent something in, i appreciate y'all. [ last updated : may 19th 2024 ]
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vod #1. our little secret : sam worthington ꣑୧ your coworkers keep setting you up with blind dates since they don't know you're already dating sam : sfw, coworkers!au, secret relationship trope + fluff.
vod #2. more than friends : lo'ak sully ꣑୧ you and lo'ak have been hanging out for a while now getting closer to each other, what happens when feelings start bubbling to the surface? : sfw, bsf! tsireya, fluff, crush! reader & lo'ak + confession.
vod #3. overstimulated : jake sully ꣑୧ you're feeling overstimulated after your first time with jake and he takes good care of you : [n]sfw, virgin! reader, overstimulation, aftercare + jake being a good boyfriend.
vod #4. that was close : miles quaritch ꣑୧ you and miles have been dating on the low but the recoms are now starting to suspect something : sfw, scientist! reader, making out, interrupted, sneaky recoms + grumpy miles.
vod #5. you’re beautiful : neteyam sully ꣑୧ you get really insecure about your body after having a baby, neteyam reassures you that you're beautiful : sfw, post-birth, insecurities, angst, fluff, hurt comfort + happy ending.
vod #6. caught feelings : ao'nung ꣑୧ you find yourself in a dilemna and turn to the one person you know will give you great advice : sfw, human au, roommate au, sully! reader, fluff, confession, sibling teasing + happy ending.
vod #7. never let me go : spider socorro ꣑୧ breakups are never easy and hard to get over, good thing you have spider to help you through it. — sfw, mentions of cheating, bsf! spider, angst, break up + hurt comfort.
vod #8. please stay : neteyam sully ꣑୧ after a run in with quaritch and the recoms, you're terrified. lucky neteyam is there to keep your mind off of it : [n]sfw, angst, hurt comfort + consent.
vod #9. shower sex : neteyam sully ꣑୧ you and neteyam fool around in the shower : [n]sfw, dom/sub dynamics, praise kink + aftercare.
vod #10. relaxation : neteyam sully ꣑୧ being the olo'eyktan is not easy and you can see it taken a toll on your mate : sfw, slight angst, olo'eyktan! neteyam + fluffy ending.
vod #11. "just comfortable" : spider socorro ꣑୧ lo'ak notices just how close you and spider have been and decide to ask questions : slight [n]sfw, fluff, bsf! lo'ak + some teasing.
vod #12. change of feelings : neteyam sully ꣑୧ neteyam hated you with a passion and those feelings were stuck in stone until something changes : sfw, enemies to lovers trope, angst, hurt comfort + happy ending.
vod #13. found someone better : ralak sepwan ꣑୧ with ka'ani giving you mixed signals, you meet ralak and the two of you hit it off : sfw, slight angst, hurt comfort + fluff.
vod #14. please kiss me : spider socorro ꣑୧ you and spider are alone in the forest and things lead to another : [n]sfw, dom/sub dynamics, voyuerism + fluffy ending.
vod #15. the boy i fell in love with : ao'nung ꣑୧ you have always had a crush on nung but stayed away after seeing how he acts around his friends : sfw/[n]sfw, angst, mean! ao'nung, fluff, dom/sub dynamics + aftercare.
vod #16. what we once were : so'lek ꣑୧ the sky people coming back drove the two of you apart, what happened when you get to reconcile with each other : [n]sfw, some angst, fluff, dom/sub dynamic, bonding + fluff ending.
vod #17. nobody else : neteyam sully ꣑୧ neteyam makes his mark on you after one warrior can't get it through his thick skull that you were his and only his : nsfw, dom/sub dynamics, jealousy, courting/future mates + marking.
vod #18. who did this to you? : tsu’tey rongloa ꣑୧ after word got around that tsu'tey and you are mates, some na'vi are furious that they lost their chance to a sky demon : sfw, angst, jealousy, bullying, mentions of bruises + hurt comfort.
vod #19. the right person : tonowari ꣑୧ tonowari appreciates you for choosing him with something special to you : [n]sfw, virgin! reader, fluff + aftercare.
vod #20. new feelings : neytiri sully ꣑୧ neytiri starts noticing the more she's around you, the more her feelings for you grow : sfw, fluff, confession + bonding.
vod #21. what am i doing wrong? : jake sully ꣑୧ when you can’t seem to get neteyam to fall asleep, you begin to doubt yourself as a mother. : sfw, angst, crying, hurt comfort + fluff ending.
vod #22. stress reliever : spider socorro ꣑୧ spider lets out all his stress out on you and you're happy to be his stress toy : [n]sfw, dom/sub dynamic + fluff ending.
vod #23. i don’t care who see : ao’nung ꣑୧ ao'nung can't help himself be drawn to you once he sees what you're wearing and gets frisky with you in public : [n]sfw, teasing, future mates + fingering.
vod #24. caught : tarsem ꣑୧ tarsem believes it's best to keep that he's courting a secret between the two of you knowing how his friends would tease him nonstop : sfw, fluff, teasing + secret relationship trope.
vod #25. oblivious : ao’nung ꣑୧ after another failed date, you complain to ao'nung which only seem to frustrate him : sfw, human au, roommate au, fluff + confession.
vod #26. you still here? : spider socorro ꣑୧ just spider fucking you out making you see stars : [n]sfw, teasing, praise kink, a lil breeding kink, dom/sub dynamic + aftercare.
vod #27. stay the night? : rotxo ꣑୧ with your relationship still new, you're nervous to ask rotxo if he wants to spend the night with you : sfw, fluff + reader being shy.
vod #28. can we freeze time? : lo'ak sully ꣑୧ the two of you don't want to get out of bed knowing it was the only time, you get to have together : sfw, fluff, slight angst + cuddling.
vod #29. only for you : ralak sepwan ꣑୧ the more time spent together, the more ralak realizes his feelings grow for you, not knowing if you feel the same way out of fear of rejection. — sfw, fluff, little angst, teasing + confession.
vod #30. nightmares : jake sully & neytiri sully ꣑୧ when you start getting nightmares of the recent war, you decide to keep it to yourself not wanting to be a burden but how much more can you take? : sfw, angst, nightmares, crying + hurt comfort.
vod #31. in love : spider socorro ꣑୧ your friends call you out after seeing how much you like spider : sfw, teasing, denial + fluff.
vod #32. don’t leave : jake sully ꣑୧ you take jake out to a party after weeks of him begging you to, getting closer to each other than you ever were : sfw, mutual pining, mention of alcohol, drunk shenanigans, flirting + fluff.
vod #33. my good boy : spider socorro ꣑୧ you give spider a handjob as a reward after a successful hunt : [n]sfw, dirty talk, hand job, sub! spider + praise kink.
vod #34. jealous : lo’ak sully ꣑୧ you grow jealous at the sight of another female flirting with your mate : sfw, jealousy, possessive + fluff.
vod #35. fmokx : ao’nung ꣑୧ when ao'nung notices one of his friends take a liking to you, he make sure to remind him that you're his and his only : sfw, jealousy + fluff.
vod #36. one night stand : lo’ak sully ꣑୧ after a wonderful night between the two of you, lo'ak can't seem to let you go : [n]sfw, dom! reader, mention of alcohol + fluff.
vod #37. like what you see? : lo’ak sully ꣑୧ after catching a sight you so happen to see, lo'ak makes a change of plans : [n]sfw, dom! lo'ak, dirty talk, praise kink + aftercare.
vod #38. mutual feelings : tsu’tey rongloa ꣑୧ tsu’tey falls deeply in love you and jake calls him out on it every chance he gets : sfw, pinning, teasing, confession + fluff.
vod #39. confessions : neteyam sully ꣑୧ after neteyam helps you get back out there after a breakup, he gets upset seeing you talking with other guys : sfw, slight angst, jealousy + fluff.
vod #40. envious : neteyam sully ꣑୧ when neteyam is too shy to say his feelings, ao’nung comes up with a plan : sfw, jealousy, bsf! ao’nung + confessions.
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— all rights reserved © NETEYAMSOARE 2022-2024. all fanfics belong to me, do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend on tiktok any of the works seen here.
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hobbyspacer · 8 months
Videos: “Space to Ground” & other space habitat reports – Oct.16.2023
This week's selection of videos about space stations and living in space including NASA's latest Space to Ground report for the International Space Station: https://youtu.be/RcbqCOFdmYU ** Spacewalkers will collect samples to see if microorganisms exist on space station - Animation - VideoFromSpace Astronauts Loral O’Hara and Andy Mogensen will "collect samples for analysis to see whether microorganisms may exist on the exterior" on the the International Space Station, according to NASA. The spacewalk was scheduled for Oct. 11, 2023 but will be rescheduled due to leak on the Nauka module. Full Story: https://www.space.com/international-s... https://youtu.be/cBh3NPeqjL0 ** NASA Astronaut Frank Rubio Talks with Media Following Record-Breaking Mission - Oct. 13, 2023 - NASA NASA astronaut Frank Rubio, who returned to Earth on Sept. 27 after spending 371 days in space, discussed his historic mission in a news conference on October 13. Rubio broke the record for longest single spaceflight by an American astronaut during his mission aboard the International Space Station where he lived and worked to advance scientific knowledge and demonstrate new technologies for future human and robotic exploration missions as part of NASA’s Moon and Mars exploration approach, including lunar missions through NASA’s Artemis program. https://youtu.be/Nw-OfkUWUTM ** NLRA 2024-1: In-Space Production Applications: Tissue Engineering and Biomanufacturing - ISS National Lab This webinar - held on October 13, 2023 - provided information of interest to offerors for NLRA 2024-1: In-Space Production Applications: Tissue Engineering and Biomanufacturing. The webinar offered details regarding the scope of the NLRA as well as the timeline, processes, and procedures for submitting proposals. https://youtu.be/2Mnf8drszsI ** CA NV AZ UT Oct 13, 2023 0820 PDT -   ISS Above This is a very special morning pass of the Space Station over SoCal - passing directly over NASA JPL - where many of the team who work on Mission To Psyche are based. Congratulations to the entire team for a successful launch (7:19AM PDT)! This pass on Oct 12, 2023 8:20 a.m. PDT NOTE: The pass features so many cities in the County of LA including LACity, and beyond - and then passes over NV / City Of Las Vegas across a corner of AZ and finishing over UT SOURCE: NASA EHDC6 Live views of the Earth from the International Space Station https://youtu.be/Iv_1m2ukQDE ** A couple of items regarding space settlement: *** John Jossy on The Space Show - A recent audio interview with space settlement proponent John Jossy. See his blog at  Space Settlement Progress. (A recent post addresses the question, Why settle space?) https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4103-BWB-2023-10-15.mp3 *** Protect & Expand the Domain of Life, with Rick Tumlinson - Space Renaissance Called one of the world’s top space “visionaries” and most influential people in the space field, Rick helped coin the term “NewSpace,” and is credited with helping birth the new commercial space industry highlighted by Musk, Bezos and Branson. A leading writer, speaker, and six-time Congressional witness, Rick helped start the first mission to find water on the Moon, signed the first space commercial data purchase agreement, led the commercial takeover of the Russian Mir space station, signed the first private astronaut to fly to the space station, co-founded the Space Frontier Foundation, and was a founding board member of the X-Prize. In 2015 he won the World Technology Award, along with Craig Venter of the Human Genome project. He founded the SpaceFund venture capital company with 20 space companies in its portfolio and is a member of the US Space Force Doctrine Organization Group. Rick’s Space Revolution “radiopod” is on IHeart Radio Network’s iRoc Space Radio and most podcast sites. He hosts the New Worlds Conference and Space Cowboy Ball in Austin, and his non-profit EarthLight Foundation is working to save the Earth while expanding life into the cosmos. They recently initiated Permission to Dream, to raise funds for placing a telescope in every middle school on Earth that wants one, so that new generations can see the rings of Saturn and the mountains of the Moon. https://www.youtube.com/live/3_Bu1H6oeI0 ** Live Video from the International Space Station (Official NASA Stream) - NASA Watch live video from the International Space Station, including inside views when the crew aboard the space station is on duty. Views of Earth are also streamed from an external camera located outside of the space station. During periods of signal loss due to handover between communications satellites, a blue screen is displayed. The space station orbits Earth about 250 miles (425 kilometers) above the surface. An international partnership of five space agencies from 15 countries operates the station, and it has been continuously occupied since November 2000. It's a microgravity laboratory where science, research, and human innovation make way for new technologies and research breakthroughs not possible on Earth. More: https://go.nasa.gov/3CkVtC8 Did you know you can spot the station without a telescope? It looks like a fast-moving star, but you have to know when to look up. Sign up for text messages or email alerts to let you know when (and where) to spot the station and wave to the crew: https://spotthestation.nasa.gov https://www.youtube.com/live/xAieE-QtOeM?feature=share ====
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ISS after undocking of STS-132 === Amazon Ads === Lego Ideas International Space Station 21321 Toy Blocks, Present, Space, Boys, Girls, Ages 16 and Up  ==== Outpost in Orbit: A Pictorial & Verbal History of the Space Station  Read the full article
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