thatwaywardgirl · 1 year
Hello everyone out there reading this!
I am really excited to start this blog. Growing up I had an overwhelming feeling of isolation and being completely on my own. I felt scared, sad and ashamed of myself for who I was. The incredibly sad thing is I never knew who I was, and yet I hated myself.
I was the daughter of a narcissistic mother and I was abused throughout my childhood. This blog is for all the people who feel alone in their struggle, in their suffering. I want to be someone's light, someone's assistance in whatever they are going through. Offer a different perspective and outlook.
I'll be writing about my life over the last 29 years, where I went wrong, where I was wronged and how is do things differently if I could. My neurodivergent brain has a lot to say, so I hope you enjoy!
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isaywherenext · 2 years
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Contemplating whether to start travel blogging...a big leap which may pay off but may not. I love reading travel blogs which others have written but wondering whether I'm interesting enough for people to read away at. Thoughts?
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creepy-crowleys · 10 months
First: Has your OC ever been the one to leave first? Why did they go, and who did they leave behind? Do they regret it?
oc asks: relationships edition
Crowley walked away from her great-aunt Rose a few months prior to blogstart, after nearly twenty years of living under her aunt's rules and struggling to meet her aunt's expectations. She finally had to admit to herself that it wasn't working, it wasn't going to work the way were, and staying was killing her.
Early on, before the powers happened, she still had hopes of making something of herself through mundane avenues and maybe being able to prove herself and earn her aunt's affections that way. But that plan didn't really pan out.
Crowley doesn't regret it exactly - getting out was a breath of fresh air after suffocating for years - but part of her still wishes she could have some kind of relationship with the person who raised her. Another part is hurting and angry and wants to cut her off completely.
As it is, she gets updates on her aunt's condition from Marlene who moved in with her, helps pay the bills and upkeep costs, and just doesn't have much direct contact with her aunt at all.
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"I can't believe we're free!" Gander meowed, shaking out their fur. They purred excitedly, as Rosco and Spiral padded up next to them, their eyes glittering anxiously. The collar around Gander's neck glittered in the sun, and Rosco eyed it nervously.
"We should get rid of our collars, bury them or drop them in the river. We all know how twolegs like to take away cats with collars..." Xe mumbled, and Gander nodded.
"That's a good idea. What do we all think?" Gander asked, turning to face their group.
"I'm down." Kitty meowed, and began trying to tug at her collar. Everyone meowed in agreement, except Oreo, who looked hesitant at the idea.
"Oreo? What's wrong?" Swan asked.
"I like my collar, I want to keep it" Oreo meowed quietly, and the cats looked at each other.
"You can keep it!" Gander meowed before anyone else got a chance to speak, "It can serve as a reminder to us and other house cats that it's not impossible to get out of a bad situation."
Everyone meowed in agreement, and Oreo puffed her chest up a bit in pride, thanking Gander for their thoughtful consideration.
"Okay, now what?" Spiral asked.
"We all go look for the perfect spot to live!" Gander chirped, tail swishing excitedly.
"Okay... are we splitting up?" Rosco meowed hesitantly.
"Yep. You can go in groups if you'd like! I'm going alone, though." Gander nodded, and Rosco and Spiral looked at each other nervously as their leader darted towards the forest. They followed their scent trail, nervously making sure Gander stayed safe as the rest of the group split into small teams or individuals and wandered around.
A shriek of pain rang through the woods, and Rosco and Spiral snapped their heads up. They had stopped watching Gander long enough to hunt for some food, and apparently this was a really bad idea. That shriek was definitely Gander. Rushing to the source of the sound, they were horrified to see Gander being dragged into a den by a wolf. The wolf's jaws were clamped around Gander's eye and ear, and the wolf growled as soon as it saw the two. Bristling with fear and rage, Spiral arched their back, and Rosco launched xemself onto the wolf's face, latching onto its head and digging at its eyes with xer back claws. Spiral snarled and shrieked, diving in to bite the wolf's ankles in rage.
Before they knew it, the commotion had attracted the entire group, and as the wolf threw the limp body of Gander into the thorn bush nearby, everyone in their group showed up. Oreo snarled and jumped onto its back, biting at its shoulders, and Shiv yowled a threat, and helped Spiral nip at its feet. Oreo got thrown into a tree, and fell limp. The cats, except Swan, all screeched in anger as they flooded the wolf with attack after attack. As the wolf began to flee, the cats sped after it, and Swan managed to free Gander's blood-soaked body from the bush.
Gander was barely conscious, their remaining eye glistening with pain and fear. They were breathing raggedly, visibly in shock and unresponsive. Swan nudged them, and only got a soft whimper as a response. Kitty padded up nervously, and sniffed Gander, only to be gently pushed back.
"We have to get Gander cobwebs and marigold, do you think you can get the cobwebs?" Swan asked her, and she nodded nervously at him.
"Gander... It's time to wake up." A mysterious voice hit their ears. They twitched their ear, and opened their eyes, to see a mystical transparent cat staring down at them.
"Who- who are you? Where am I?" Gander asked, cowering before the strange being.
"I am Dovestar, the ancient final leader of Wildclan. You have been sent here to restore my clan, and I was chosen to pick some cats to give you your 9 lives."
"What? What do you mean?" They were confused and scared, ears pressed against their head.
"You will come to understand the ways of a clan in due time. For now... We will be seeing to it that you get your lives and training soon," Dovestar purred, staring down at them with pride in her eyes.
"Um. Okay..." Gander stood, and Dovestar raised her tail. 8 other cats appeared, and before Gander knew it, her new name - Ganderstar - was being declared. Shocked, they looked around the chorus of cats, and suddenly, the knowledge of what to do and where to live came to them, as though imparted on them by some divine energy. Relieved, they closed their eyes, and awoke to Swan applying poultices and cobwebs to their wounds as everyone else was mourning over Oreo.
"I know what to do!"'
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kuechenzwerg · 2 years
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Heute starte ich meinen Tumblr-Blog mit einer selbstgemachten Pesto-Pizza. Wir kochen und backen bei uns mit dem Thermomix (tm6), aber auch weiterhin klassisch am Herd mit Topf und Pfanne.
Für Fotos und Gestaltung ist meine Partnerin verantwortlich, ich lebe meine Kreativität lieber in der Küche aus. Mit Ausnahme von Desserts, denn die bereitet sie gerne zu und ich lasse mich da immer wieder gerne von ihren Ideen überraschen.
Wir kochen nicht nur Rezepte nach, sondern versuchen auch immer wieder eigene Nuancen einfließen zu lassen, gerade was die Dekoration betrifft. Aber auch das Nachkochen- und backen macht uns Freude, weil wir dadurch viel Neues kennenlernen.
Früher haben wir die Pesto fertig aus dem Glas gekauft, aber seit gut einem halben Jahr machen wir sie nur noch selbst. Das gleiche gilt auch für Mayonaise und Tomatensoßen.
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luca-felix · 1 year
Von Intimität und Vielfalt
Von Intimität und Vielfalt: Neuer Blogstart & Social Media ⌚ Lesedauer 4 min Neuer Blogstart & Social Media Hallo zusammen, ich freue mich, euch mitteilen zu können, dass mein Blog erotische-geschichten-kostenlos.de einen “neues Gesicht bekommen” hat. Und nicht nur das – auch im Bereich Social Media wage ich einen kompletten Neustart. In diesem Beitrag möchte ich über die Neuerungen…
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View On WordPress
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lovespoon · 4 years
As blog starter,
This blog dedicated to dear George,Sheriff of Nottingham (because I need a blog about him)
Maybe with art and what not
and maybe with some Snape on the way,we will see.
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Blog Start!
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"Is this thing on?"
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"Oh.. It is?"
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"Hiya! I was dared to make this blog by call girl, And it's nice to meet you! You're allowed to call me Dovakiin, If you want to. "
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"Gotta go to dinner! Feel free to promote this blog."
[ @askcoonandfriends @askthefreedompals @ask-the-freedom-pals-and-new-kid @southparkaskblog @askkittylitter @ask-hormonalrhetorical @craigandclydeofficial @askthosewhiteboardkids @justkennymccormickthings @ask-vigilante-kid @ask-new-kid-and-ghost-pony  @ask-zinnia-southpark @mountaintownprodigy​    @emily-lawrence-coffeeisliffe @catassassinblog @the-new-kid-of-south-park @king-vigilante-douche  @ask-that-one-new-sp-kiddo​ @a​sk-newkid-sonja @ask-thatonenewkid​] [sorry if u didn’t wanna be mentionedbtw]
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bevsmith · 6 years
Growing Old
It’s strange how slowly age creeps up. Shuffling along each atom and slowing all things physical until getting dressed in the morning is equivalent to a session at the gym. Struggling to adjust clothing on this unfamiliar old stiff body. Muscles that don’t work as well and get tired.
And low furniture becomes the enemy because once you have lowered your creaking bones down into the cushioned comfort of a low sofa, you are there forever. Getting up again takes a while. So I find myself inspecting the seating on offer wherever I go and choosing whichever looks the highest and would seem to be the easiest to get out of.
But the mind and intellect doesn’t go away thank god. Well at least not yet…
And the wonderful thing about being old is that I don’t give a shit anymore. If the company I find myself in doesn’t add value in some way, I remove myself. Sometimes politely, sometimes not. It feels great to speak honestly and from the heart without worrying about what “people” will “think” of you. Because, basically, who cares? We are all tootling along the road to death and once you are on the end straight what the hell? Let it all out and have fun.
Enjoy the amazing depth and breadth of minds that think and feel and have fun. Choose the people you hang out with carefully for the love, joy and fun they broadcast. There are so many wonderful humans on this planet. Leave the negative joy suckers out of your life. Well, as much as possible. When they are family you have to do what you can to avoid them
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I’ve been super excited to launch this blog and here it is! 
Feel free to send asks. Though this is technically not an ask blog, so ask answers are not guaranteed!
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creepy-crowleys · 2 years
((I meant to write something about this earlier and forgot, so I’ll probably reblog this again later, but:
The tentative plan is to start [The Seven Silences] mission either next week or the week after. I haven’t sat down and watched through an entire playthrough of it yet to know everything it entails, but I know that the crux of it is the investigation of a Bee’s suicide and that the loss of her child was a significant factor in that decision. 
As usual, all posts relating to the mission will be tagged in the standard format [ :The Seven Silences ] with liberal use of the [ .suicide ] and [ .child death ] tags for filtering purposes, along with anything else that stands out.
There’s also the matter of the spin-off game, The Park, which ties in to the mission with a bit more of the Bee’s story. I played through it once waaayyy back towards blogstart when Crowley did her own investigations of the titular park - documents you can collect in it are saved in the [ :The Park ] tag for viewing, but not much that relates to what actually happens.
I don’t know if the game itself would be worth revisiting for the additional context? It’s fairly short - about two hours - so playing through it’s no problem. But I don’t know if something that anyone would want streamed or recorded somehow or I just mention that it exists and anyone interested can look it up on their own, heh.
Thoughts are very welcome.))
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rubika-agency · 2 years
Alea iacta est!
Julius Caesar
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simaslife · 3 years
New to the TUMBLR.
Hi. I’m just starting this “work” with Tumblr and I think what I’ll write about. I’d come up with this bunch of ideas: Books (kind of reviews and thoughs about them) and Music (good pieces of it, some babbling what I feel when I’m listening to it)
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ketogamer-blog · 7 years
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2017, what can I say about you? You were filled with fun and laughs. You had your dark moments, but overall- you were alright. #lotsofgaming #blogstarted #gottoddlered #bestnine2017
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The ABC of Blogging
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Today, I would like to introduce you all to Blogging. I'm quite sure many people already know much about this topic but, I would like us to share what we know for others to gain accurate knowledge and hence start blogging as hobby or business.
What Is A Blog?
A blog or weblog is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. Read more: https://www.entrepreneurshipsecret.com/the-abc-of-blogging/ Read the full article
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