#blood code queenslayer
snoozyrobin · 6 months
Lore Flashbangs in my Code Vein OC Lore
Because I've been getting autistic about this game and my oc again I'll throw in some out of context OC lore about Shade because I find it fun. And a ref so you can see them :0
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-Taken from their parent when they were a child by the government -Personally victimized by Juzo Mido -Their upper body is mostly scars -Gives everyone nicknames, specifically ones like "Yakky Boy" for Yakumo -Slept through the entirety of Queenslayer -Woke up in the Howling Pit to Coco with a Shotgun/ -Has a literal rabid mode they can't control -Can't ride a bike or swim, can walk in heels -Bit into a Blood Bead from the side -Ironically their parents are both canonically alive -Has most of their memories but doesn't realize it
And most importantly... -More scared of Rin Murasame than the Hunter.
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oblivi0nskeep · 8 months
The Lone Walk to Eternity
Within this Horror Unwaking
Louis laments the many regrets he has in life. Eternity is a long time to pass; the list of nightmares could only span so far, no?
[Chapter 1, Crossposted on Ao3]
To think that either path damns his dearest all the same.
The crew defeats the frenzied Silva, leaving the relics to take Luciel's body as their new host. Luciel sooner finds the new additions to his body twisting his very being from the inside—it is by Louis's intervention that the Queenslayer does not complete his rebirth as the Queen.
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General Information.
Rating: Mature
Genre: Angst
Point of View: Third-Person Limited
Tense: Present
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Fandom: Code Vein
Characters: Original Character, Louis Amamiya
Relationships: Louis/Protagonist
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Tags: scantily edited; no beta, we die like... well.; heavy angst; hurt no comfort; emotional baggage; emotional constipation; guilt; regret; unconfessed love; crying; grief/mourning; repeated trauma; canon-typical depiction of blood.
❗ Spoiler Alert: "Heirs Ending" The following fanwork takes place directly during and after the bad end of the game. If you have not yet experienced it yourself and are looking forward to it, please refrain from reading any further.
⚠️ Triggering contents may be present within this fic. Please proceed with discretion. Vivid portrayal of grief and symptoms of PTSD ahead. Although chapter two is yet to be posted, the current draft and the final product for that will feature heavy gore and graphic mutilation. The tags will be updated accordingly to match the content that is already posted.
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Author's Note:
guess who used angsty fanfiction as a medium to vent their disappointment of life again, as always 😁
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THE SILENCE THAT ENSUES RINGS DEAFENINGLY CLEAR. Deep is the blue that spills forth in the wake of his resolve, his royal decree; the brand that sealed his deal with destiny. But what quality marks nobility, if not the sacrifice it demands of those who wish to stake their claim upon it?
The sway of indecision is a dead adversary by now. A gallant knight is he to renounce his own heart if only to avail his dismal duty: the leap that tears him of hesitance’s manipulative strings. A shambling fool no more, he finds his limbs moving with fluid ease as they bring his sword through flesh and bone and the wicked Queen’s then-beating heart. 
And like so, his prove to be the hands that ply the blade, that sever this world from the fount of its suffering.
From chaos delivered.
But what of this cold mask of stoicism when it finally lets up, cracks and melts?
Down with his verdict comes bitter tears unbidden like the storm that had rained for many nights before.
“Leave the rest to me,” is the meagre much Louis could mutter out. A gruesome conclusion attained in solace; a pathetic attempt thereof.
And the Queenslayer, oh, crushed as he is under the weight of his sanction, could offer naught a word in reciprocation.
Both men suspended in a static of their own pain, time grinds to a halt for them. The rest of the world is a distant abyss whereupon desolation’s forbidding knell descends—a shallow fanfare for a hollow victory. Shatter goes the Queen’s judgement thorns as they are called to resonate, swallowed up in the void harmony.
Louis could just hear how his blood sings in beat with his rapid pulse; mayhem blaring in his ears. It stings in his eyes, to be so rife than ever before with sentiments, each a contradiction of the other. Tears ripe to fall—bountiful fruits of his soul. What more can they (his eyes) betray?
Every next breath comes with a needle down his throat. Air sifts into his lungs in uneven chunks; so awfully thick they are that Louis could not help but to choke on them.
Every next breath grows shorter and shorter for the Queen in death’s waiting. Whatever awaits him on the other side? When the blade is withdrawn from his heart, what then, will become of him? How absurd it is that the question seems to weigh heavier in Louis’s mind than it does in Luciel’s.
For what else has he to worry about? To resent? To regret? As far as Luciel is aware, order will be restored upon Vein. Everything is proceeding in accordance with their initial plan. Naught falls outside of his foresight. Or does his silence bespeak of something other than acceptance?
No, for it is not Luciel’s heart that is in conflict. He has long since decided and is content to forever hold his peace.
Tick-tock; as precious seconds fleet away, Louis finds the steel chain that holds his will together coming loose. What paltry resolve he had garnered over the course of their journey as though evaporates; trickles to waste through old cracks that have begun to resurface all across his heart.
Tick-tock; the present moment he takes for granted in favour of questioning what could have been done differently. Yesterday’s regret was over his lack of strength to spare the previous queen from a fate worse than her already disgraceful demise. Today’s sorrow is brought forth by his overcoming of that weakness. How his heart yearns for another answer, asserting a different question: why, why must it come to this again?
Why was he not strong enough to steer fate away from this outcome altogether?
Tick-tock; even with much of it stolen, time has never made it to his hand in enough the amount. Though he had made the most of what he was given, regret finds him all the same, all too soon.
All over again.
Nada; the seconds have passed him by before he can string together a single conclusive thought.
The moment carries him worlds away that for a moment then, he is granted the clemency to forget his immediate plight. It really matters that little when Luciel’s body fails and falls before him, hanging limp on the blade of his sword.
As the light leaves his eyes—as he draws shorter and shorter breaths, so too does the sword become too heavy for Louis to bear. Even with both hands on the hilt and his entire strength put into the effort, life is still too hefty a thing for him to hold, to fit in his palms, to be taken in indifferent spontaneity.
A deep inhale steadies his trembling figure. With nary much else, Louis pulls out the sword in a single swift motion. Like a puppet bereaved of its strings, Luciel collapses onto the cold hard ground, sprawled as he welcomes death with arms outstretched.
The next spill to join the bloody mire and feed into the Gaol’s unquenchable thirst is the blue of Luciel’s own life essence.
Herewith does the Queen’s life meet its end—slain before the throne in the midst of his ascension by the very sword that had sworn him fealty. His was an abrupt birth that has found its true pair in an equally abrupt death.
Luciel tries his best to retain acceptance until the very end. He thought that mayhaps, it would make it easier for Louis and everyone else. That, maybe, he would have a better time fading from their memories if he were to go out without much commotion.
But as pain sets in and instinct overtakes, there is not much that Luciel can do about the way his body jerks reflexively in defiance of its shutdown; a desperate struggle that only serves to choke the last of his fight out of him.
Only then does he feel the agony of flesh sundered and he could not hold back the urge to scream from being crushed under the intensity of it all. Before even a drop of syllable could be given sound, however, Luciel has bitten down on his tongue, persisting to wallow in silence.
His eyes flicker, searching through the haze of his vision until they find their mark in those of Louis's. But faced with the terror and anguish alike residing within those crimson depths, Luciel stays his tears, his tongue gone still on its own.
“I’m sorry…” Luciel mutters only above a whisper. “…Thank you, for…” He breathes his gratitude—and weaker yet, he mouths, “…you.”
Louis does not spare himself any of the details. He witnessed it all; holding Luciel’s gaze until he was sure the latter had breathed his last. There is no harm in that, no? It is the least—the only measure of comfort that Louis could provide.
The rest of the crew gives him a wide berth. They turn a blind eye to his gleaming tears and a deaf ear to his unceasing sobs, pretending otherwise. They yet respect his vision of an infallible leader, even while every gulp of air crushes the tender swell of his heart in, while he bleeds himself dry with every breath.
“Louis…” calls a voice he is most familiar with. “We don’t have much time.”
Louis makes an attempt to answer, to voice his compliance, but all that falls when he opens his mouth is a slew of pitiful blubbers. He bows his head lower as though in sombre prayer, hiding his sorrow—hiding from his sorrow, for behold: the nightmare that had caused him many a sleepless night has reared into reality before him.
“We’ll help you take it from here.”
But Louis remains a trembling mess that he was. Having abandoned his speech entirely as it seems, his companions again afford him the peace to grief.
There is then the clamour of footsteps, closely followed by the Gaol’s ambient silence.
True enough, when Louis cast his gaze to take stock of his surroundings, there is not a single soul left in the vicinity aside from him.
His gaze next sweeps over the soundly slumbering form of Luciel. At the sight, his feelings come at him once more, each and every at once. Finally does he buckle and yield under the bulk of his conscience after denying it for so long.
The coarse stone digs into his knees and shins. But Louis could not care less about it; the gnawing pain that creeps over to his palm as he haphazardly crawls closer to the revenant he so cherishes.
Louis turns the stiff body of Luciel over with care so as to not disturb his sanctity of death. How distraught is he to find that Luciel’s eyes remain unclosed postmortem, blankly staring back at him. Tears well upon those lifeless eyes, while some had run and formed trails down his face. Stilling his shaking hand, Louis brings it over Luciel’s eyes, gently dragging his lids down to a close.
Then, he wails. He throws his head onto the crook of Luciel’s shoulder and wails. He wails and wails, hollowing himself of the words he has lost the chance to speak, of the feelings he never before allowed to be known, of the ache in his heart that had broiled overlong. He wails at the top of his lungs; until his throat goes sore, so sore that his tongue could fall out.
Loud as he and his anguish are, the person he is calling for never stirs.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry; a litany of apologies he utters without end with what little voice he has left.
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Author's Note:
Thank you for reading! This was actually my proudest work of 2023. I hope you enjoyed it! There will be a second and third part, but I regret to inform you that I may not be able to dish it out anytime soon (the perfectionist within me treats this fic like an Asian parent's firstborn son, it needs to be EVERYTHING; I would know). Please look forward to it still!
If you enjoyed this fic, please don't forget to leave a like and reblog!
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The tower was quiet, almost sacred in its silence. Even the mistle, normally accompanied by a faint hum, was seemingly swallowed up by the high walls and reverence of something not-quite holy. 
It soothed something in Aiden's nerves, at least, for everything to be so quiet. He could still hear the faint sound of Lost walking in the upper reaches of the tower, and the breathing of his companions, but they weren’t bothersome. It was so quiet that he could even hear his own heartbeat, thudding in his chest and in his ears, a quicker than average pace because of the panic that threatened to overtake him. 
The moonlight filtered in from the arch to the left and illuminated the edges of the sleeping bags that belonged to his companions, who were all quiet in their slumber. It was hours since Aiden had been released from the vestige, and he hadn’t moved from sitting atop his own sleeping bag, knees drawn up to his chest and chin resting atop them. The others had tried to talk to him, Yakumo especially, but he couldn’t figure out how to make the words work, even with his hands. He didn’t know how to explain what was wrong, or even if he could figure it out on his own. 
The two new codes that he had claimed from the vestige burned through his blood, an incessant thud of home home home that no other code had ever felt like. He was a void type, Louis called it, where his code had broken, and left him with the ability to use anything. He still favored codes that were lighter, more dexterous, but also he was drawn to those that let him use more offensive Gifts. The others teased him lightly for checking his equipment or codes, but none of the dozen or so codes he had felt right the way that he knew these two new ones would. 
Two. He was only supposed to have one. The first he had used to -- to explore, with Jack, searching for the Queen. It was his code, he’d had it since he’d taken Drew’s advice and volunteered for the procedure, he knew how to use it and how to be effective. The other was--he--after he frenzied, and--his veil--
-Raven Feathers, Ch 10: Nightmare Reverie
Some aftermath of the protagonist finding the Queenslayer vestige, and learning the truth regarding what happened.
This chapter took forever to get out, and I'm kinda nervous about posting it. But whatever, fuck it we ball.
Please mind the warnings inside.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
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Making Zarina a First Generation Revenant in Code Vein is just so oof because
1) She totally agrees with Mido regarding evolution in case of survival and she agrees that Silva’s choice to conceal everyone inside the Red Mist will more likely get everyone killed in time than anything else.  
1.5) She saw/fought “Horrors” but doesn’t speak about them to others within the Red Mist circle. Victor became a 2nd Generation fo Revenants, but woke up only after the Queenslayer Operation (he was watched by Aleksey, who waited for his brother to wake up). Not only that, but she also witnessed the appearance of Lost, the side effects of BOR parasite in the body, etc. 
2) She 100% agreed Mido to experiment on her in the beginning to gain more power, which makes her ... a very dangerous opponent, but she doesn’t use her true powers most of the time nor will she try to fight anyone from Amamiya gang because they’re not her enemy, she doesn’t see them as enemies nor is she going to view them as enemies, knowing what’s lurking outside. 
3) She really doesn’t have a positive view on the future, especially after failures with Queen and Red Mist, and even BOR parasite. Listen, she didn’t want Victor to become a Revenant but... he died protecting Victor and in the moment of weakness caught on by Mido, she agreed in helping making her brother into a revenant. Aleksey is the human she protects right now with Matthew, who started giving her blood when she would have troubles without blood beads. 
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soulsaria · 1 year
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Finally uploading my favorite pictures from Code Vein thus far! These are my four main characters I use. (Both in-game and for a story I’m writing with my boyfriend)
At the top we have Lilliann, the actual Queenslayer of the story. (She has three more braids in the back, this photo just hides them well.)
Next is Ren Komatsu, with the Blood Code ‘’Reaper’’. He’s a sweet boy, but very protective of his little sister. He is paired with Yakumo.
Yuko Komatsu, Ren’s little sister. Her Blood Code is called Doppelgänger. While physically, she become a Revenant at 13, she doesn’t see herself as that young anymore because of her time living as a Revenant. This has caused quite a bit of emotional turmoil for her, and has made it very difficult for her to confess her feelings to Louis.
Last, we have Damian Crowe, Blood Code ‘’Chronos’’. His history is... complicated. However, it has driven him to personally become a Hunter to turn Revenants bordering on frenzy to ash.
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ichor-hunter · 5 years
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Queenslayer Blood Code Study- Main Character
"Your own blood code, which was thought to be lost in the fight with the Queen long ago. The old feelings inside still speak to you. This time you must ensure a lasting peace. This code is well balanced for exploration and melee combat, and features high HP and endurance."
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Introduction to Blood Codes and Main Character
Blood Codes are the abilities imbued within a Revenant's Blood. Each Blood Code is unique to each Revenant that resides within the Gaol of the Mist. Once a Revenant has awakened from their slumber after the BOR parasite has been placed in them, the blood takes on a Code which I believe derives from the characteristics of that Revenant.
As the Player Character, MC starts in the realm of Vein as a First/Second Generation Revenant who was enlisted in Operation Queenslayer. The story behind the main character is largely unknown besides a few details here and there, and their backstory is up to the Player's interpretation. What we do know, is that the main character is a chivalrous self-sacrificing individual who is willing to help find The Source and is determined to save the Successors while learning more about what they're meant to do.
Prologue of Queenslayer Blood Code
While the Blood Code itself doesn't reference from any mythology from different cultures, there are hints that it does link to Greek lore from my understanding of this blood code.
Back when I was still on anon and I was following Code Vein content on tumblr (cause I forgot my old password and logins), a bunch of theories started popping up in @louis-with-an-s​ ‘ blog (tagging for credit and source for comments below!). As inspired by lore hunters on youtube, I was already analyzing Louis’ and Yakumo blood code at that point and I was midway of researching for Louis’ Blood code study (since this series is helping me refresh on my Greek Mythology) when this comment came up (anon if you’re out there, let me know so I can credit you too!):
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I was also thinking the same thing that it's way too convenient that the MC's Blood Code is named after Operation Queenslayer. Each blood code is uniquely named and it's different for each Revenant which probably made the most of us think that this isn't our initial blood code as presented in the game. It's 100% unlikely that the rest of the Revenants in Operations Queenslayer had this Blood code, but then why is MC's blood code named after Operation Queenslayer?
Then @nosferabbit​ mentioned these comments below (I hope you don't mind me tagging you! I just want to give you credit! If you're uncomfortable with it, please let me know D: )
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I thought of it even more since I was already linking Yakumo’s and Louis’ Greek God counterparts since their lore is strangely close to Heracles and Heracles had interaction with both of them in a similar way as their mythology. Then I was like: "Oh lol, maybe MC's previous code was Heracles before they ingested the Queen's blood."
Then I started looking into the other blood codes, then bosses, the depths and my mind went into overdrive. I discovered more things about how MC alarmingly relates too much to Heracles and his lore and I was nervously compelled into making the blog in the end.
Beyond this point, its pure theory on my end. It might be debunked based on DLC's, future updates of the game, etc. If that ends up being the case in the future, I'll conduct a proper post for Queenslayer afterward.
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Greek Mythology
From my point of view, MC's initial Blood Code is based on Heracles.
Heracles or Hercules (His Roman name), as most people mostly refer to him (they're still the same god regardless but for this post, we'll refer him with his proper Greek name).
Heracles was cursed by Hera even before his birth. Hera persuaded Zeus that the next child born under the house of Perseus would be the given the position of High King and the child following that would be a servant of Zeus. Hera commanded Eileithyia the Goddess of Childbirth to postpone Heracles being born so instead, Heracles cousin Eurystheus was born first prematurely and Heracles was born after.
Growing up, Heracles had several mentors that taught him various crafts, music, and arts of battle. Later on in his years, Creon the king of Theban gave Heracles his daughter Megara and together they had two children. Hera was jealous of Heracles so she struck him with a madness that caused him to kill Megara and their two kids. Feeling destroyed by the atrocity he caused, he was instructed by an oracle to serve Eurystheus for twelve years and fulfill all the tasks that'll be given to him to purify him of his sin. These tasks, in the end, became the famous tale of Heracles 12 labors.
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Similarities between MC and Heracles
Both Heracles and MC are the heroes of their own stories. Albeit in different scenarios, Heracles through the twelve labors was granted immortality in the end while the MC is already an immortal vampire who possesses the Relic of the blood.
With Heracles being the inspired Greek God for this Blood code, there is one particular character that should be highlighted before expanding onto the other Gods. The relation to the other Gods will be explained in the next section regarding the 12 labors.
With Io, they're not linked by Blood Code but more of Io's namesake. Io in Greek Mythology was one of Zeus's lovers. She was turned into a cow by Zeus when they tried to prevent Hera from learning of their relationship and Io was made to wander the earth. During her travels, she encounters Prometheus who was still bounded and chained by his punishment. As a clairvoyant God, he predicted that in the future, Io's descendant will be the one to free him and that she'll also turn back into a human. She was eventually turned back into a human by Zeus when they both avoided Hera's gaze and many descendants later, Heracles was born.
Heracles is the descendant of Io (Greek) so Io (game) gives a lot of family/maternal vibes towards the MC and vice versa since MC cares a lot for Io's (game) wellbeing. Io (game) wandered throughout the Vein in search of MC just like her Greek counterpart (but for a different reason). Also, MC ventures into the Ruined City Underground in hopes of freeing Io (game) and in turn MC meets Louis (Prometheus) and frees Louis' worries of his Blood bead research with MC helping his cause. So Io (game) brought MC to Louis (Prometheus) just like how Io (Greek) ended up bearing her future descendant and brought Heracles to Prometheus (Louis' blood code).
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While the MC is a silent Revenant, Heracles is more outspoken, quick-tempered and witty in his actions so personality-wise, they're quite the opposite. From the few chapters of the Code Vein manga, it displays the MC as a quiet individual who speaks up on certain occasions and is thoughtful of the things around them. Heracles started his adventures in life when he was eighteen years old which could be the same age as the MC (however, we don't know their official age and we can make up whatever age for the MC regardless).
"The old feelings inside still speak to you. This time you must ensure a lasting peace." It is likely hinting that the old feelings could either be their true blood code or simply just their memories of themselves before Operation Queenslayer. The lasting peace is part of Heracles where he wants to absolve his sins and be at peace with himself. Or it could be that MC died with regrets?Lasting peace is the MC being at peace with themselves and their own life within the Vein since their life before the Collapse was anything but peaceful. 
Now if we observe the symbol for the Queenslayer blood code itself, it appears to be a distorted crown. If we look at it carefully, the crown has letters that spell out "Vein" but out of order. We see the letter "E" first on the left, then the letter "V" in the center with the letter "I" overlapping the V from behind and then the "N" on the right. We also see this symbol beside the area name we're loaded into.
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Considering how the other Successors altered blood codes as mentioned from the prologue, each of their blood codes is from the relics the successors possess. The closest reference we can get at this point is with Nicola's altered blood code: Queen's Breath. You'd expect the symbol of it to be a mist of air or something similar to the like, but instead, we see the source of where the breath comes from, which is the lungs. The breath lies within the lungs while blood resides within the veins. With that being said, Queenslayer is possibly the altered blood code the MC gained from the Queen since they are the Successor of the Blood. The symbol is in the shape of a crown probably because of the importance of the Queen's blood during the experiments. It’s a unique visual interpretation of veins since we’re aware how veins in our bodies look like. So just like the Successor of the Queen's Breath is the symbol of the lungs, the Successor of the Blood symbol is the Vein. Neither of these relics can't be displayed physically for what they are and that's why the lungs and the word vein for these altered codes are a representation of these relics.
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Continuing onwards, we also have to mention the aftermath of the 12 labors. With all the labors being fulfilled, Heracles joined the Argonauts who were a group of Greek Heroes that combined forces in search of the Golden Fleece. Considering the True End, MC leaves the Vein along with the others, starting their heroic group outside of the Vein. (Of course, they aren't calling themselves the Argonauts but they are similar sort of troupe). While they're not searching for the Golden Fleece since they already have Io's golden blood bead to guide them. Or we could say they’ve always been team Argonauts and they finally retrieved the Golden Fleece aka golden blood bead and achieved greater heights. Knowing Io's lore with Io (Greek) turning into a Cow and the Golden Fleece from the Ram, which is both from the same Bovidae family, the blood bead here is their Golden Fleece.
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There's also a part of Heracles lore where he's thrown into madness which could be linked with several things. When MC was killed by Jack in their memories, he killed them since their body was rejecting the Queen's blood and without their mask, they were painfully going through bloodthirst and becoming lost. There's also the bad end where the MC becomes the new Queen and was falling into madness, but Louis killed them before that could happen too. Madness for the MC is falling into Frenzy.
These moments of frenzy could also relate to the death of Heracles as well. With Heracles' second wife Deinanira, she was attacked by the Centaur of Nessus and convinced her to take his blood-covered shirt (which is ridden with poison) and give it to her husband. Claiming it's a love charm and to give it to him whenever he's being unfaithful. She assumed that Heracles was cheating on her so she gave him the shirt, only for him to be tortured by an immense amount of pain. The poison here could also be the cause of the miasma which MC did take in, the Queen's blood which could be considered poisonous to them at first due to their body rejecting the Queen's blood.
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Heracles 12 Labors
With the twelve labors, I initially connected them to the Depths since there are 12 in total. When MC is tasked by Davis to find the Map's to the depths and journey through them, we are given 12 in total for the duration of the game. However, these labors could also associate with other events and Greek Gods which associates with the other characters. Plus a few of the bosses do relate to the monsters Heracles has fought.
1. Slaying the Nemean Lion
The first task King Eurystheus gave to Heracles was to retrieve the skin of the Nemean Lion. The skin from the lion was impenetrable. Since Heracles' arrows didn't affect the lion, he grabbed his club, cornered it in a cave and then choked it to death.
The only thing that comes to mind with this trial is the Argent Wolf Berserker.
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The Argent Wolf Berserker has a strong defense against debuffs (especially poison), but it is weak to blood damage according to the Code Vein Wiki. If I recall correctly, this is the only boss you can perform a parry and back-stab with a draining attack. Just like Heracles easily backed it into a corner and choked it, this boss is susceptible to the same things as well.
Interestingly enough, after Heracles kills the lion he ends up taking the skin from the lion (although some writers/researchers disagree. Heracles' lion skin is worn in most sculptures and paintings but for this instance, let’s roll with the former instead) and after defeating the Berserker, the MC received their first and only memory back. MC is greeted by their vestige after defeating the boss. It's really neat how the first trial holds its significance to Heracles and in turn, the MC regains an important memory of themselves.
2. Slaying the Lernaean Hydra
This labor relates to one area and two of the bosses in the game. The first one I'll be mentioning is the Butterfly of Delirium.
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The Hydra in this labor has nine heads and its blood is venomous. As mentioned previously, the poison led to Heracles' death. This boss only has one main body and a tail that acts as a hydra's head since it always spews out poison at the MC. For the Hydra, there are nine heads and one of the heads is the main immortal (since each time Heracles would severe a head, it would regenerate). This is the second boss in the game and the second labor Heracles has to tackle.
Next is the area the Howling Pit and the boss Hatsune Miku Invading Executioner.
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The swamp area pays homage to the area where Heracles slew the Hydra. For the invading Executioner, the only related lore linking with this labor is her Sickle. Some visual sources claim that Heracles used a sickle as part of his weaponry to kill the Hydra.
The depths that has these two bosses are: The Town of Sacrifice, Swirling Flood and Flood of Impurity is part of my count towards the depths connecting to the 12 labors.
3. Capture the Golden Hind
Heracles was then tasked by Eurystheus with capturing the Golden Hind (a deer). This Hind is very sacred to the Goddess Artemis. Knowing these facts, Heracles couldn't kill the Hind. It took an entire year to hunt the deer and when he gave it a minor injury, Artemis appeared in front of him and was furious. Heracles begged for forgiveness and explained why he did what he had to do. Artemis relented and healed the hind with the condition that the hind must be returned to her. Once Heracles returned to Eurystheus, recalling his promise to Artemis, he asks the king to step forward to retrieve the hind himself. Once the king agreed, he stepped forward but the hind ran back to Artemis.
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As mentioned in the Artemis Blood Code Study, this heavily related to Mia and her Goddess lore. When MC and gang first meet Mia in the story, she attacks them for their blood beads. The minute Nicola came out to defend her and fainted, she protects him in case they were to hurt him. They gave him a blood bead but he was still killed by Jack.
When Mia and the others learn he's a Successor, they have to end up fighting him when he induced into a frenzy. With the power of the Relic of the Blood, the MC was able to let the two reunite within the memory echo and then revive Nicola afterward, allowing the two to reunite in person. More is expanded in the Artemis Blood Code Study.
With relation to the depths, the Silent White Depths has the Successor of the Breath which still links to the list of the 12 labors/depths with Heracles lore.
4. Capture the Erymanthian Boar
Heracles' next task was to bring the Erymanthian Boar alive to King Eurystheus. The Boar would come down from its mountain every day to attack everything in sight: Animals and people. It was known for its powerful tusks. This one I believe connects with the very first boss: Oliver Collins.
Oliver ends up killing everyone above ground (excluding Io) as he is fully turned into the Lost. When MC and Louis fight him and cut away half of his health, he fully transforms into his lost form. We see he has a tusk and a snout from his mask getting distorted at the transformation.
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There's also mention of Prometheus during this trial. Heracles decided to visit his centaur friend before the trial to stop, chat and grab a bite to eat since he was famished. The centaur Pholus offered him a meal. When Heracles requested wine however, Pholus was scared to open the jar due to the wine belonging to all of the centaurs. Heracles was just like: "Its fine, I yolo for a living," opened the jar and brought on chaos with all the other centaurs rushing in anger that someone is taking their wine. They attacked him but Heracles retaliated with his poisonous arrows (he used the poison from the Hydra at the 2nd trial) and they ran off. Chiron, a centaur who ends up being a teacher to Achilles received a wound from one of these arrows. The pain was so dreadful that he was willing to take Prometheus' place instead of dealing with the pain. In the end, he gives up his immortality. Pholus wondered how an arrow caused Chiron so much pain. He picked it up curiously but it was accidentally dropped onto his feet. He ended up dying from the intense pain.
Poison is a part of this trial and while Heracles did not use poison against the boar (since he's supposed to bring it back alive), Oliver's boss form is susceptible to the poison debuff. MC traveled with Oliver as a friendly acquaintance in the short time they had together. Oliver like Pholus, was worried about a fellow friend/revenant that they bumped into. In the end, it became their demise. Oliver's mask broke and became Lost and Pholus died from the arrow.
Boss Oliver can be found in the Den of the Dead and Den of Darkness in the Depths.
5. Cleaning the stables of Augeas in one day
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While there isn't an instance where MC is physically cleaning a stable (or cleaning in general). I think this labor relates more to the Trials of Blood. The occurrence happens at specific areas at random and none of the Lost will go away until all of them have been killed. This is one of the labors that has been disregarded in the end so this labor may not have any relevance to the game, however the Trial of Blood is the only thing I can come up with. Since MC does clear away the Lost in several waves like Heracles washes away the stables by re-routing the Alpheus River. MC has to clear out the lost in one go with these trials in the same manner.
6. Slaying the Stymphalian Birds
With no DLC's released as of this writing, I'm currently unable to see or connect with anything relating to this trial. There aren't any aerial creatures that resemble the stymphalian birds in the game or the events relating to the labor itself, so this one is a bit harder to narrow down. If there is anything revealed via DLC's, I'll be editing this instantly.
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7. Capture the Cretan Bull
At first, I didn't have a clue who or what would relate to this trial but after understanding the nature of the Cretan Bull, I'm willing to put my bets on the Gilded Hunter.
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Behind the story of the trial, there was Minos, the King of Crete. Minos promised Poseidon he would sacrifice whatever he sends. Poseidon sends a bull but Minos thought the bull was too beautiful so he sacrificed a different bull instead. Of course, Poseidon was angry about it, so he made the bull he gifted to Minos run rampant over the land of Crete. In the end, Heracles came and wrestled the bull and easily brought it back to Eurystheus.  
Since the bull was sent to Mino's by a god, we could say that Mido is the god that let the Gilded Hunter run berserk. There was a point where I guessed that Mido could either relate to Zeus or Ares based on his connection to a few characters and his background, but here I can also consider Poseidon as another candidate for Mido.
The Gilded Hunter can also be found in the Arachnid Grotto in the Depths.
8. Steal the Mares of Diomedes
For this trial, I think there could be a better interpretation of it but from what we have now, I can see the Queen's Knight or the events of Operation Queenslayer itself relating to this labor.
Heracles eighth task was to steal man-eating horses. In some tales, he traveled with a group of companions searching for them. In the case of Operation Queenslayer, Jack's team along with the MC venture out to kill the Lost and track down the Queen.
The Bistones notices that Heracles and his crew were taking away their mares and they went after them (they would be the lost in this case). Heracles needed to free up his group so that he could fight them off so he left the mares with a man called Abderos. Abderos was killed by the time Heracles made it back so he founded a city in his honor.
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Of course, at a later point, they encounter the Queen's Knight which the Queen's 'puppet' but since this lost has the title of "knight" the lost could be considered to be her steed. A Knight normally would go into battle with their horse to ride into the fields. While this lost isn't a horse, it has connotation of a companion in battle.
Or we can base this trial from the events of it. We can say the man-eating horses are the lost and the Revenants in Operation Queenslayer have no choice but to slay them. The MC takes the place of Abderos instead when they were put to rest and then Jack and Silva went onto founding the Vein (Gaol of the Red Mist). I highly doubt it was named after the MC's blood code but the MC's blood code and the "Vein" are both connected. As mentioned above before the topic of the twelve labors, MC's blood code has the letters of the word Vein while anytime the Player Character is transported to a new area, the same vein symbol like the MC's blood code always appears on the left side of the area's name.
The Queen's Knight can be found in the Zero District within the depths.
9. Stealing the girdle of Hippolyta
I had to think a while about this one since this trial is about Heracles taking the girdle from Queen Hippolyta. A girdle is a belt, and the origin of the girdle was gifted to Hippolyta by Ares since she is the best of all the amazon warriors. Heracles and Hippolyta both befriended each other and Hippolyta was more than happy to give Heracles the girdle but then we have Hera, who didn't want the trial to go smoothly. She told the other amazon warriors (in disguise as an amazon warrior herself) how Heracles was trying to get on her good side only to carry away the queen. So on their boat trip, Heracles noticed the rest of the warriors had their armor and weapons and went and killed the Queen and took the girdle.
Likely this could be associated with the good ending regarding Io. Before we entered the area for the final boss, there are the other Attendants there and we have Io talking with her sisters. Her sisters left their fate in her hands. When Io takes in all the relics and becomes the Weeping Tree, she leaves MC with a golden blood bead. That could also be considered CV's version of the girdle since MC does receive it in the end. Just without the deception part. Io gave the MC something golden and we can say she is the queen of the attendants now from this perspective.
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10. Steal the cattle of Geryon
With this labor, I found it connects with the Insatiable Despot.
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A very unique feature to the insatiable despot is that it has its main weapon (Tyrant's Labyrs) struck through its body. When you cut their HP in half, they proceed to take the weapon out from their body and use it to attack the MC. With Geryon, he has more than one appendage attached to him (three heads and three legs joined at the waist). The insatiable despot has one weapon/appendage through his chest. The boss creates henchmen to attack the player and they could be considered to be the cattle of Geryon. The only exception here is that MC doesn't need to steal anything from this boss. Heracles was tasked with stealing the cattle from Geryon and ended up killing Geryon in the end.
Via the Depths, this boss is found in the Cliffs of Rust.
11. Steal the Hesperidean Apples
Heracles was then tasked to steal apples from Zeus garden but he didn't even know where the garden is. During his journey of finding the garden, he encounters Prometheus who he ends up freeing from his torment by killing the eagle. The clairvoyant god gave him advice as to where the garden is and how he can get the apples. He also gave him advice on his future labors and endeavors. For more details, please refer to the Prometheus Blood Code Study.
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Once Heracles arrived where Atlas was stationed, he quickly mentioned his plight and Atlas agreed to get to the apples from the garden as long as Heracles could hold the skies up temporary. He returned with the apples but had no intention of switching with Heracles. Heracles tricked him that he needed to put on some padding for his shoulders, so when Atlas took the skies again, Heracles just took the apples and ran off.
There was nothing too interesting but after MC accepted Louis' offer, Yakumo tossed him an apple. It's just a regular apple and there was nothing in regards to trickery or thieving, it was just simply an anime version of Atlas giving an anime version of Heracles an apple. Since the apple is what connects both of these gods and Yakumo with MC. More details are already written in the Atlas Blood Code Study.
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12. Capture Cerberus of the Underworld
The final trial could be interpreted from two different events.
The first one right off the bat is the final boss Skull King and then The Virgin Reborn. They were previously Silva and Silva held the Blood Code of Hades. Hades is the ruler of the underworld and in a sense a protector of the Vein in and out of the Red Mist.
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As we see in the boss fight, we have Skull King (aka Silva). During the boss fight, we also see Silva's Hounds-type Blood Veil, operating as the two heads of Cerberus, and Skull King himself being the main third head.
Heracles’ task was to capture Cerberus. After making the preparations to head to the underworld, he arrived there safely and confronted Hades. Hades said he can take Cerberus as long as no weapons are used against them. Heracles succeeded by using brute strength alone.
In Code Vein, it's more of the reverse with this trial, as the MC has no choice but to kill the Skull King aka Silva (who holds the Hades Blood Code).
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We also have the two artificial Lost that Mido left for us. In the game, we had to fight Blade Bearer and the Cannoneer and quickly afterward we had to fight Mido. These three bosses could also represent the three heads of Cerberus figuratively. Blade Bearer and Cannoneer guarded the way preventing MC and group from progressing further to where Mido is. Just like with Heracles being prevented from entering without preparation. When they do reach Mido, Mido is guarding the path ahead and was also in possession of the relics before sending them Silva's way.
In the lore, the parents of Cerberus were an Enchinda which is a half woman and half serpent, and a Typhon which is a fire breathing giant. The Enchinda relates to the Blade Bearer while the Typhon is the Cannoneer. Based on both of their designs, the relation comes in full circle.
Both of these bosses can be found in the Void District of the Depths.
Queenslayer's Gifts
Drain Boost- Increases all drain ratings while you are focused.
Frenzied Fire- Fires a projectile that decreases the enemies' focus gauge.
Heracles was known for using a bow and arrow. Especially during certain labors after his second labor, where he coated his arrows with the hydra's poisonous blood. Frenzied Fire also matches with how Heracles was easily thrown into madness by Hera. With the focus gauge, once it's been filled, it prevents staggering and using drain attacks to launch an opponent in the air is possible. With the labors that Heracles went through he wouldn't allow any of the creatures, he fought to take advantage of him, so in a sense, he decreases the likelihood of his opponents overpowers him just like the function Frenzied Fire serves. Drain boost just displays the enhanced skills Heracles had while facing opponents. As already mentioned with Frenzied Fire with Heracles countering his opponents, Heracles himself as a trained warrior wouldn't allow himself to be staggered and is intuitive on when to attack.
Cleansing Light-For a limited time, a portion of the damage you take will slowly heal automatically.
Instantly this associates with Heracles’ immortality and the labors together. The purpose of Heracles going through these labors was to cleanse his sins of slaughtering his own family in his madness (which wasn't caused by him, Hera was the one that made him go mad). The immortality that Heracles ended up gaining wouldn't kill him no matter what the circumstances. This Gift is ultimately a portion of Heracles' true immortality while it's named after his cleansing ritual with the labors.
Circulating Pulse- Unleash a barrage of strikes. An offensive skill performed with One Handed Sword/Halberd/Bayonet.
Heracles throughout his youth studied many forms of combat and mastered several weapons. The fact that this gift is versatile with multiple weapons is a no brainer here. He utilized multiple weapons during his adventures and his twelve labors.
Final Journey- Immediately restores all HP and increases abilities but kills you after a short time.
Final Journey is a ticking time bomb. This could be related to a few things I have in mind since this is MC's signature Gift.
First, the name of the Gift itself. Final Journey relates to all of Heracles' journeys and adventures in general since he always lived life at the edge. Any of his adventures could easily be his last and he mustered his strength and prowess to go against all trials, achieve greater things and defeating his opponents. If you've read the labors above or know of them in general then you already know that these tasks are very daunting and no normal being would be able to handle these tasks.
Also similar to cleansing light, this also links with Heracles' immortality. As a god, Heracles used all his abilities in his journey and labors. With his story being so self-explanatory at this point, we know that he's one of the strongest Greek heroes in legend. However, even with that great power, the poison he received was too much to the point that he'd rather die than suffer through the pain. This part is likely the reason why MC/PC dies after using the power-enhancing gift since Heracles was willing to give it up and ascend instead.
Lastly, the image of the gift itself is a skull and most time in real life, it symbolized death or a poisonous substance. This gift grants power but we could also consider it as poison, the poison that ended up killing Heracles in the end.
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Concluding Thoughts
PHEW, finally this analysis is finished lol. I had way too much fun thinking out this one. Please remember that this analysis is just a theory itself and you don't need to force your OC's to match with my analysis or agree with anything written in this post. What I've gathered in this post is simply based on facts I've noticed based on the amount of Greek Lore that's mixed in the story and with the MC. Regardless if this does turn out to be true or not, I sincerely had fun breaking down the possible lore of the MC. With MC's altruistic nature within the game, it makes a lot of sense of how they would behave. Their past before Operation Queenslayer remains (and will forever remain) a mystery since our job is to fill in those gaps. I like how there's so much Greek lore incorporated into the MC while still giving the player room to add in their own details. Asides from the whole "silent MC until the final scenes in the game" (I wish they could've spoken more D: ) the MC is a great example of how Player Characters should be done.
Also, if anyone wants to discuss more of my Heracles theory, just send an ask! Please let me know what you guys think about it! I hope this post was worth the wait! :D
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micowhiplash · 2 years
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Codename: Queenslayer
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(click on the images for better quality)
It took me quite some time till I realized that you can actually see revenants' fangs when they use their blood veil (if you use charged attack, backstab or parry).
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ichorcoded · 5 years
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This silly whatever meta comes with BIG Code Vein spoilers, so please be aware when continuing to read. I will be using Vivian as my Queenslayer reference point (so things may be very specific to him), but I’ll also use general terms.
I’ve been thinking a lot about something the Queen said to the Queenslayer in their own memories; Please Save Everyone. In a way, it felt not only just a request, but also a transference. Queenslayer gains her blood, and before there were even "Successors”, he was her successor. The Queen asked for the Queenslayer to do what she could not; save everyone. That was the purpose of Project QUEEN.. to erase the drawbacks of the bloodthirst for Revenants and thus eliminate the danger of becoming LOST. This would not only save Revenants themselves, but also the remaining humans that are also in danger of becoming maimed by Lost or devoured by scared revenants not wanting to become Lost.
Queenslayer is able to quell the relics in a way that restores people’s minds; their souls  because they are meant to become the (new) Queen, essentially. That’s not to say they get this ability and title without a trial of their own.. in a way.
Thinking about all three endings that we get in Code Vein. The Good; the tree of life given to us by Io taking on the relic and becoming a sustaining life-force for Revenants; restoring Successors to their original form. This feels like a true fullfilling a task that had been given to the Queenslayer.. save everyone; their memories and their lives that in the end as a parting gift of the Queen, of Cruz.. was the tree of life through Io. There is nothing left for the Queenslayer to carry or to perform within Vein; and thus they are just given the key to leave and save those they can through their own measure and power.
For Vivian, there was never an Io, and the tree of life that sprung off the relics were all just a gift from the queen, a heartfelt goodbye to a friend that carried her through the trials Vein had placed in his pathway. There is no real getting rid of the Queen’s Blood flowing through him, but she can be ‘whole’  and at rest within the Tree.. and giving peace to other Revenants while Vivian may be off doing other things.. 
The Neutral vs the Bad Endings: I always felt as though that the act of being unable to save everyone (or, I suppose it would be more of a choice.. since ever vestige /can/ be found but whether they were sought out or the memories ignored) was why the Queenslayer frenzies at the end in the first place. I always felt as though they could hold those relics, all of them.. but the Queenslayer, in essence, failed the Queen’s request: “Save Everyone” by saving no one, and thus making the Queenslayer utlimately unworthy of being able to hold the relics and her soul.. and thus the Queen takes over. 
Where as the neutral ending, save everyone but one (or save no one but one), the Queenslayer may not have succeeded in everything the Queen had asked, but they did not completely fail her either, and thus allows the Queenslayer to sleep with her relics... but that’s also why I think the Queenslayer has the ability to become the next “Queen” as long as they succeed in the task she had given them. Save Everyone.
Io implies in the neutral ending that the Queenslayer will reawaken some day, and I think about that a lot considering..
TL;DR: Queenslayer’s the new Queen if they don’t fuck up and do ask Cruz wanted.
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kirahishien · 4 years
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Trying to make my Queenslayer great again. By great, I mean, totally Lost and bloodthirsty c:
I’m happy, that OSTs from Nier:Automata fit very well with Code Vein climate. Thanks to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYbWVtWeTaA this sketch could see the light of... Moon at this moment. Take care UwU
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mcmijii · 5 years
from here: [X]
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   She’s gotten used to the familiar, cold veil that wraps around her.  Sword in hand, she rushes towards the enemies with no hesitation, cutting through one in a fluid motion, before sinking the sharp edge straight into another.  The bodies turn to black ash, and lingers for a moment before fading away like embers--  
    Finally, a lance strikes the icy veil, and it shatters. The cold feeling fades, as the ice particles stab straight through the unfortunate who had struck her.  As her eyes flash with adrenaline, she turns and slices through its stomach and freezes as it turns to ash like the others.  
    Her blade stays frozen as she listens for the more Lost and their thundering footsteps.  After a few seconds she exhales and stands back up tall, walking towards the other with a small, satisfied smile beneath her mask.  
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    “I think there was a mistle up ahead.  Are you feeling okay?”
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kyarymell · 3 years
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A New Thirst [Reposted from AO3]
Pairing: Louis Amamiya (Code Vein) x GenderNeutral!Reader Content Warnings: EXPLICIT. Dubious Consent, Fuck or Die, Choking Note: COMPLETELY UNEDITED. After much deliberation, I have posted this again after nuking it from my AO3. PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS. 
The drone of the jukebox and Yakumo’s raucous laughter set the mood for the evening at home base. Jack and Eva were entertained by his stories, Rin and Coco discussing business. Things had calmed down after Io took the relics onto herself and saved the Successors.
The next plan of attack was to honour Cruz and Io’s memory by working towards co-existence with humans. Easier said than done, but the team decided on clearing dens of Lost to make the Gaol a safer place.
Making preparations for the next mission, Mia was sharpening her bayonet and Louis was mixing a dark red concoction in clear vials. The Successor of the Blood and Queenslayer, now a regular Revenant, looked on in curiosity. Before, they seldom talked, but now they made an effort to communicate more.
“What are you making?”
Louis squeezed an eyedropper, adding a small amount of an unknown liquid. Sealing the vial with a cork, he swirled it in his hand.
“It’s an Ichor blend made with some of my blood. Designed to give anyone an edge in battle. You can have one, if you want.”
Nodding, the Revenant placed a vial in their utility pouch, thanking their friend. Usually, one would be wary about accepting strange mixtures to consume. Louis on the other hand was trustworthy, having their back since they met in that underground cavern.
‘Time flies...’
It’s been almost a year and with the changing situation in the mists, the Queenslayer started entertaining strange thoughts. They should be used to it now; Louis pushing them out of harm’s way, a pat on the back for a job well done...
Now, those touches only served to make them more aware of how close Louis always was.
Making up an excuse that they needed to do some preparations of their own, the Revenant retreated to their room. Was it too much to think that they could be more than friends? He seemed busier than ever, but still included them in his plans.
Sighing, they decided to get some shut-eye. Revenants seldom needed to sleep, but it made them feel a little more human again conforming to a schedule.
The Queenslayer forgot all about the little red vial until they were cornered in a fight. Having exhausted their Ichor and separated from the group, they pulled off the cork and drank it all in one go. Unlike the usual ability enhancing stimulants they took in the past...
Louis’ Ichor blend was cloying, the scent overpowering their senses and rationality. Hands curled into fists, they picked up their sword, swinging it with a renewed ferociousness.
“-designed to give anyone an edge in battle-“
Is this what he meant?
Invigorated, they shrugged off any previous injuries. Going through the motions of Circulating Pulse, it was like their sword hand moved on instinct. Lost shrieked in terror as they were cut down swiftly, shields breaking at the force at which they were hit.
Running on autopilot, they didn’t rest until every Lost in their surroundings were eliminated.
Finally sensing that the danger was over, the Queenslayer collapsed to their knees. Breathing heavily, their vision started to fill with red. They panicked, pulling up their sleeves to check for any signs of frenzy.
No protruding veins, no abnormalities.
…But everything felt so unbearably hot.
‘What’s happening to me? Is this bloodlust?’
Their legs trembled, gloved hands grabbing fistfuls of dirt.
Suddenly overcome with an urge to touch, to drink deep until they were completely sated, the Revenant desperately wanted to take off their Blood Veil. They wanted to take their mask off.
‘Too constricting… can’t… move…’
Feeling a hand on their shoulder, glowing red eyes glared at the offending person.
“Hey! It’s just me, Louis. I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you sooner, the rest of the group were on the other side of that road collapsing-”
The Queenslayer tackled Louis to the ground, fists clenched tightly at his collar. Gripping their wrists, he tried to push them off. They resisted instantly, straddling him and pinning him with their thighs.
With a sense of despair, Louis felt the fight leave his body. After all the trials and tribulations, they were going into frenzy now? Frenzy on a routine mission?
But their lives had only just begun. A life without the Queen’s influence, a life without having to scrounge for blood beads every day.
Blood beads...
He suddenly remembered that he had blood beads on his person in case this happened.
An otherworldly scream pierced the air signalling more Lost and the Queenslayer’s head turned sharply towards the noise. This momentary distraction gave Louis enough time to knock them out with a well-placed hit to the back of the neck.
As they slumped forward, he apologised profusely. There was no time to lose. Ensuring that their mask filter hadn’t fallen in the scuffle, Louis drags them off to a building away from the Lost.
Despite the decrepit state of the structure, Mistle seemed to crawl along the walls in vines.
Releasing the clasp on his mask filter, Louis took a deep breath in. Removing the unconscious
Revenant’s mask, his fingers traced along their jaw for the tell-tale signs of frenzy.
‘What was that?’ he mused, peeling away their Blood Veil.
Removing their gloves, he looked to the inside of their wrists. Smooth skin met his gaze, no scattered red veins to be seen. To ensure that his eyes weren’t deceiving him, Louis gently turned their head to the side.
Sighing, he radioed Yakumo to let him know that their friend couldn’t be moved and the rest of the group would have to go back to base. After giving the red-haired Revenant all the details, he sat back, trying to relax.
Now starts the waiting game.
I want his blood. I want to drain him.
The Queenslayer woke with a start, disoriented. Breathing heavily, their bared fangs glistened in the low light. Blinking, their vision came into focus, realising that the brunet who was invading their thoughts was right there with them.
“Hey, you’re awake. Wait… your eyes-“
I want-
Quicker than he could react, the Revenant was upon him again, pinning him to the floor.
‘My body has a mind of its own… I don’t want to hurt him.’ 
“L-Louis,” their voice was trembling from the exertion of holding themselves back, “help…” 
“What happene-mmph!”
Louis was cut off by the Revenant trapping him in a heated kiss, a thumb on the corner of his lips to force his mouth open. They ran their tongue along the indents of his teeth, the roof of his mouth and pulled back to bite his lower lip.
I want to taste.
Everything soon became clear, shaking hands haphazardly loosening his tie. He tasted the tell-tale bitterness that was his own Ichor.
“Did you-ah... did you drink the Ichor blend?”
The Revenant nodded, too choked with lust to form a coherent sentence. Flustered, Louis realised that he was never in any danger to begin with. He wouldn’t have been kissed so feverishly otherwise.
Weapon long discarded, his clothes were being pawed at. Would it be so bad to indulge them a little? Swallowing the lump in his throat, he realised how weak he was in the face of his “attacker”. It was no secret to the other members of the group that he had been nursing a crush on them for a while.
Crush wouldn’t be the correct word to describe how deep his feelings ran. That aside, he really wished this happened differently.
“What do you want?”
“Your blood. Your Ichor. You...”
They looked so desperate and Louis squashed down any semblance of trepidation. “Okay. I want to make sure you’ll remember this.” Louis was never one for laying back.
The Queenslayer licked their bloodied lips, retracting their fangs. With the sweet relief of being able to drink Ichor straight from the source, the Revenant was still left wanting. However, if they drank until sated, Louis was sure to fall into frenzy.
The next plan of attack was to solve the side-effect of unbridled arousal in hopes it would bring them back to normal. Lying under him, exposed, their rationality had been discarded long ago. Scars from battles gone by and trials they faced together- all was bared to the Prometheus wielder in front of them.
“You’ll hurt yourself if you’re not patient.”
There was a growl in their throat, dashed away by gloved-fingers skating across their uncovered skin. The Revenant shivered under his touch, Louis brushing a nipple with his thumb. They arched into his touch and with that small show of encouragement, he pinched the sensitive nubs.
As they squirmed, Louis replaced the fingers with his tongue. Their breathing hastened, tugging slightly on his hair as his tongue swirled around their chest languidly. Sneaking a glance to his companion, he saw half-lidded eyes, mouth slightly open in contentment.
He must’ve been doing something right.
Pressing kisses to their exposed throat, Louis nudged their legs open to gain better access. This motion caused their hips to brush together, the Queenslayer hissing at the friction. Their control must’ve been iron, to not tear Louis’ clothing to shreds then and there.
Instead, they grabbed the back of his neck, mashing their lips together desperately. The kiss was filthy, just like the others; a mess of teeth and tongue, the metallic taste of Ichor. Louis bit down on their bottom lip, making them shiver.
Pushing his gloved fingers into their mouth, he waited as they obediently did what they were told. Deciding they were sufficiently wet, he withdrew and reached between their legs. As they clamped up in surprise, Louis clicked his tongue in disapproval.
“C’mon. You’re doing so well.”
Stroking them deliberately slow, the sounds he forced from their mouth were weighing on his conscience.
Who was the hunter and who was the prey here? He couldn’t help but entertain the idea of taming such a heroic being. Someone who everyone looked up to with unwavering loyalty, reduced to a writhing mess... how for would Louis be allowed to take this?
Flashes came to him all at once; should he flip them over and fuck them until they begged him to stop? Would it be better if he let them sit on his cock, riding until they drained the both of them completely?
His companion was a flood and he was getting swept away, fast. There was something about them that was so alluring, something about them that was driving him wild.
Was this need to overpower his partner truly a facet of his psyche, hiding in the shadows all this time?
Louis pulled away and tugged his gloves off with his teeth. There was no telling what would happen if he left his friend to their own devices. The situation wasn’t ideal at all: he should’ve confessed his feelings earlier and if returned, let nature take its course.
Instead, due to unforeseen circumstances, the intimacy would be happening right here, right now, in an abandoned building.
‘Stop thinking. Just do.’
Fumbling in his pockets for something to prepare his partner with, the reality of the situation sobered him a little. Mumbling an apology, he coated his fingers in the oil he used to maintain his weapon. Revenant or not, there had to be an order to do this.
He’s not sure if he should be surprised, but as soon as his fingers slid in, their hips lifted to bring them in deeper.
Louis was too good to them.
He wasn’t as strong as say, Yakumo or Jack, but the way he fucked the Revenant in earnest satisfied them greatly. How could someone undying be so warm? Biting their lip, they shuddered as Louis bent them in half. Unable to stop themselves, they bit into the sensitive flesh of his neck, lapping up the Ichor that escaped.
“Mmph... don’t get too greedy.”
Sweat beaded their brow as they tried to keep quiet. Despite the circumstances, Louis whispered words of encouragement and pressed many affectionate kisses against their skin. Underneath the surface of uncontrollable lust, they lamented on the fact that they weren’t in a relationship.
Suddenly, their thoughts were halted by an embarrassing sound escaping their mouth.
Louis grinned, spreading their legs obscenely wide.
“I’m glad you’re feeling good,” he thrusts in at the same angle drawing another noise, “it wouldn’t be fair if only one of us was enjoying this.”
Louis blinked, never had he been insulted by his companion before. He was about to ask what they meant until they reached up and whispered in his ear. They sounded more like their old self and not the Revenant caged by bloodlust.
“I’m enjoying it because it’s you.”
Emboldened, his eyes went suddenly dark.
“Hold onto me.”
Shocked, the Queenslayer wrapped their arms around Louis’ neck as he lifted them. Feeling their back against the cold wall, they were completely filled once more. Leaning forward, the Queenslayer pressed their lips together in a blood-tinged kiss.
Louis fucked them like he wanted to break them apart. The Revenant felt like they were melting on the inside, stomach coiling in arousal whenever their sensitive spots were hit. In this position, Louis could pull out and just let them drop back down.
There was nothing to do but take it, the sensation making their toes curl. Wrapping their legs around his waist, they held on for dear life. Their nails dig lines into Louis’ back, shivering as his hips smacked against their thighs. He seemed to like the rough treatment, groaning in their ear.
The Revenant felt a jolt of pain, the back of their head hitting the wall. Louis curled his fingers around their throat, squeezing. His hair was tousled, eyes wild like a beast. Wincing, the Queenslayer stayed still, despite their fight or flight instincts kicking in. They trusted that Louis wouldn’t hurt them, at least intentionally.
His lips are parted, gaze searching as his thrusts begin to slow. Blinking, he seems to have come back to his senses, releasing his hold on his companion’s neck. Despite losing their breath for a moment, they were frustrated because they were so close.
“Sorry. Don’t know what came over me.”
He’s panting heavily, lifting the Revenant and placing them back onto the floor where their clothes were piled up. Light was dying around the pair as cracks of sunlight peeking through the wall were chased away by dusk. The roots of Mistle cast an ethereal glow, the shadows dancing around Louis’ form.
He really did look remorseful.
Sighing, the Revenant stroked his cheek in reassurance.
“It’s alright. Keep going.”
“You’re hurting me more by not letting me come right now!”
Louis bowed his head in embarrassment, caught off-guard. The Successor of the Blood was rarely outspoken, after all.
“I got it.”
Leaning forward, Louis pressed his forehead against theirs, pushing into them once more. From there, they brought each other to the point of no return over and over again, until stars blanketed the Goal of the Mists.
The mutual bloodlust brought on by the special Ichor Blend eventually went away.
After what seemed like forever, the pair trudged back to home base slowly. Opening the great wooden door as discreetly as possible, their hopes of returning undetected were gone in an instant Yakumo was sitting at the bar nursing a drink, still wearing his Blood Veil.
“Ah, there you are! Mia was worried sick. She went to sleep not long ago- took a lot of convincing. I knew you would pull through!”
Louis shrugged.
“Is that why you look ready to go out at a moment’s notice?”
“You’re my buddy though! Can’t kill me for being concerned.”
The Queenslayer rubbed their tired eyes, deciding to stay out of the conversation. Limping, all they wanted was to get clean and get to bed. Their haggard appearance didn’t go unnoticed by the heavy swordsman.
“Looking a bit down there, want this Ichor Blend I whipped up?” 
“I think they’ll be fine, was just a lot of Lost out there.” Louis responded quickly before they had a chance to answer. 
“Right! Okay. Gotcha.”
Yakumo wiped the bar down and put the glass in the sink. Shrugging off his Blood Veil, he went to fasten his weapon to a case near Rin’s workshop. He gave the Revenant a sly smile before retreating to his room.
“Whatever you decide to do from here on out, do it in moderation, okay?”
Louis lowered his head awkwardly, but not before seeing his companion’s mouth open in shock, followed by a small nod.
“You would do that again… without any outside influences?”
It would be good to clear the air now, rather than later. In a show of vulnerability, they revealed their true emotions.
“Yes. I’d be with you again. Always. If you’d let me.”
Louis said nothing, instead grabbing their wrist and taking them to the hot spring.
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king-bee-sting · 4 years
Woah i'm so glad you write for code vein!! If it's not too much trouble, could you write headcanons for how jack would act/apologize to the protag (who he has a long-time crush on!) for turning them to ash during operation queenslayer 🤪
Format: Headcanons
Pairing(s): Louis
Warnings: None
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Jack x Reader: Apologies
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"If you cry, you aren't a man" kind of guy
When you first meet again, he's very cold
Denying that you're truly back and not dust floating in the wind
Whenever you saw each other, he'd do everything he could to either leave or ignore you politely
Eventually when he and Eva are welcomed back at base, he relaxed a little, didn't leave every time you entered the room
His companion could read him like a book and had a very heartfelt talk with him late one night in his room
Why he was so upset, why he couldn't stand seeing you, why he felt absolutely guilty for your newfound duty as a successor, he spilled it all to her
And she listened
And she advised him to confess at least how sorry he was to you
It's not good chemistry to have two soldiers in the field who can't cooperate properly
It'll only end badly
So he did
After his talk, he didn't wait
He got right up, went to your room, and knocked on your door
He didn't wait for a response, nor did he care if you were perhaps sleeping, he needed to do it now before he lost confidence
Luckily you were at your desk, reading a book Louis had gifted you
He stood there frozen for a few moments, racking his brain for the conversation starter, sweating under your curious gaze
Eventually he sighed and just started from the beginning, slowly choosing his words carefully, gauging your expressions
After he finished, he couldn't bring himself to look you in the eye and instead the floor seemed incredibly interesting
He cringed as he heard your chair creak as you stood up and made your way closer to him
He looked up
"It's okay."
Okay? It was okay he killed you? Okay that he turned you to ash? Okay that he spilled your blood without hesitation??
You continued to explain how you understood why he did what he did
How he didn't want you to turn to the Lost
He didn't want you to suffer by constantly coming back in an awful fashion, never being laid to rest
And you explained how you'd love it if he did it again should you ever frenzy
He didn't confess his deep affection for you, but at least he doesn't have to worry about having killed you anymore
It's a start
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vixlenxe · 3 years
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Chloe Ironwood, a Code Vein OC who plays the part of the main protagonist in the story. A Revenant(aka a vampire for you non-Code Vein folks), who, when she awoke next to Io, only had brief memories of her life just before the beginnings of the Queen’s rampage & her name.
Before the Queen’s rampage, she was but a normal human girl, the only child of two loving & adoring parents, Chris & Lola Ironwood, & had a talent for the fine arts, like music & dance. At some point, her parents were killed in the Queen’s great rampage through Vein, when they left Chloe home alone. After days of waiting, Chole went to find her parents on her own, crossing the now-wasteland-once-battlefield the Queen left in her wake & discovering the bodies of her now-dead parents. That day she swore she was avenge them & slay the Queen, taking her mother & father’s wedding bands to make sure she would never forget them; she wears them always around her neck as a necklace. She’d later go on to join Operation Queenslayer, becoming a revenant as such, & carrying out her vengeance as she would later slay the Queen herself(with the aid of Jack & Silva of course); however the battle left her with a scar on her left eye & the splatter from the Queen’s blood from Chloe’s final blow actually turned her right eye a light but permeant shade of blue.
Spilling the Queen’s blood, however, made her a permeant part of the being she hated so, as she became the Successor of her Blood.
After waking up next to Io, she goes on to meet Louis, Yakumo, Mia, Jack, Eva & many others, whom welcomed Chloe in due to her strange ability to restore bloodsprings. To Chloe, these people are her new family, & wants to due all that she can to protect them & see them thrive.
Chloe, while a bit untrusting of new folks at first(mostly due to how others in Vein had treated her in the past), is quite gentle & friendly, but with a short temper that can sometimes get her into trouble. She also has what is called ‘minor tsundere moments’ such as when one is being flirty with her or gain her favor. In the cases of those she doesn’t know/doesn’t trust, this will go as far as becoming violent with them. She also internalizes any stresses, worries or problems she may have, keeping them to herself, as she does not wishes to burden her new family with issues at seem quite minor in her eyes.
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enduringsea · 4 years
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The Self-Important Revenant’s sidequest storyline is probably one of my favorites in Code Vein, and he doesn’t even get a proper name. Now, to actually do the sidequests? Eh. I don’t even understand the one where you gotta go into your own memories and pick up an item for him to deliver in the present, but anyway, not the point I’m trying to make here--
When you first meet this guy, he’s a complete jerk hunting down a human girl who’s already injured, he even threatens to turn Louis to ash ( lucky for him, Bethy can’t grab him in a chokehold like she would have if she were actually present :D ). When you track him down, the ugly butterfly boss shows up and wrecks him, and our party, being the nice group of revenants that they are, save him despite Yakumo being ready to straight up shoot him. After debating the rights of revenants and raising some valid points on how none of them asked to be brought back to life and used as pawns, Louis tosses him some blood beads and sends him off with his tail between his legs-- all in all, not a super pleasant exchange and it brings light to just how harsh the world has become.
Meeting him again, he explains he got booted from a shelter and his combat ability has gotten rusty, so you dispose of the Lost blocking his path and learn he’s trying to establish his own shelter for the people that followed him against better judgement. He’s just doing what everyone else is doing: trying to survive, and in spite of his previous actions, he’s not heartless, just... desperate and scared and doing the best to look out for his own people. Continue on the main story, and you’ll see him standing at the camp during Operation Queenslayer where the protagonist wakes up, meaning he’s been around for a while and has been through some stuff. The fact he’s still alive after all this time is probably a miracle given how dangerous it is within the Red Mist.
At the end of the questline, he states he’s finally got a shelter going up and he appreciates the help, it’s actually pretty sweet and feels nice to know that in sparing him, we actually did something good and he went on to help other people-- kindness goes a long way and it doesn’t bite you in the end like a Dark Souls quest LOL. I can’t remember the name of the revenant who asks you to grab his sleeping bag, but I think he’s also going to live Mr. Self-Important’s shelter and refers to him as a saint. Errr.. anyway, I’m bad with wording posts and things, I just really find this quest story to be a gem and it’s a shame he doesn’t even get a proper name. (im a nerdy roleplayer though so I’ll probably develop him into a minor oc-ish headcanon-based character like I always do with these kind of situations)
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ichor-hunter · 5 years
@broken-synchronicity LOL it's alright xD I should have been more specific with the aerial part since I meant just the regular lost 😅 . While the butterfly is an aerial like monster, I don't see much connection with it for that labor in particular. I'll change my wording later, thanks!
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