#bloody kisses fest 2023
solavonn · 1 year
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“Are you sure you want to share this piece with the world?” Tom mused against Harry’s lips, a smile on his own. “The photographers would be quite… jealous.”
"Shut up." Harry simply muttered.
My submission “For My Eyes Only” for the @bloodykissesfest 
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bloodykissesfest · 2 years
Claiming opens!
Hey there writers, artists, and vampire fans!
We are proud to announce the opening of our claiming form and, possibly more excitingly, our prompts list! This closes on April 20th, and prompts are first come, first serve. They may each be claimed once for fic and for art.
Now, without further ado:
Self prompting is, of course, an option on the claiming form.
Submissions are required by April 30th, and can be submitted any time from when the confirmation email has been sent through. If an extension is needed please contact the mods at [email protected].
You can claim one prompt for fic and one prompt for art. Once this is submitted, you may claim another. Podfics count as fic and moodboards count as art. There is no minimum or maximum word count or file size.
Works needn’t be gifted to the prompter, although it is not banned; the works will remain anonymous in the collection until reveals.
In regards to submissions, works should be submitted to the collection on AO3 and a submission form should be emailed to the mods at [email protected]. This will be emailed to you along with your prompt confirmation. If you do not receive your prompt confirmation within a week of having made your claim, please contact the fest mods either by Tumblr asks or by email.
Happy creating, everyone!
- Mods Trixie, Atta, and Nero
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dramioneasks · 9 months
HP FESTS: HP Festival of Stars (Part 2)
HP Festival of Stars 2023:
Can I Be Yours? by Wanderingfair - E, 2 chapters - “Stop stalling.” She laughed. “Right.” he confirmed, “I’m off to have a dastardly time bashing around Londo- oh, wait, no, I’m off to go meet the gold-digger Mum set me up with,” he snapped. “I get those two confused all the time.” “Go,” she urged, tucking her mouth into the sleeve of her jumper to hide her smile. “I’ll be up reading when you get home.” “You’ll be asleep on the library sofa and we both know it.” He winked, before closing the door. OR Hermione is forced to watch her best friend Draco Malfoy go on dates and finally confront the fact that she doesn't just love him, she is in love with him.
Draco Malfoy's Five Step Plan to Being Forgettable by OneEqualTemper - E, one-shot - Five times Draco said, “New year, new me!” and one time Hermione said, “But I like the old you.”
happy xmas (war is over) by riddikulus_puff - M, one-shot - December, 1998. Thousands are devastated and still mourning the losses from the Second Wizarding War, now came along the celebrations regarding the Muggle tradition that had moved through into the Wizarding World. Many were holding on to others for support, yet Hermione Granger felt horribly alone. Wasn’t Christmas supposed to be a happy time surrounded by family and friends? A one-shot for the 2023 HP Festival of Stars Fic Fest Inspired by the song ‘Happy Xmas (War is Over)’ by John Lennon
Crystals in the Snow by JessicaLovejoyAO3 - T, one-shot - no summary
Open Last by nissasxnotes - T, one-shot - no summary
In A Sky Full of Stars (I Think I Saw You) by InAStarlessSky - G, one-shot - “There’s a solution for that.” As if to prove the truth of his statement, he divests himself of the heavy wool coat he’d been wearing up to that point and drapes it over one arm. He then extends his hand to her and says, “Come here, I want to show you something.” She hesitates a moment, as though expecting deceit. He only smirks and gives a small shake of head. “I won’t bite, love. Come.” She approaches, still shivering despite herself and stops only when she reaches his side. “Serpents do have fangs, Draco.” “And lions have claws. What of it?” Or the one where Hermione steals an invisibility cloak and Draco has a surprise to show her.
Christmas in September by MsPolaPotter - T, one-shot - One heirloom brings Hermione to the love that she had deserved all along.
The Holidate by likelyunfinished - M, one-shot - “I don’t want to be your bloody holidate ever again. I want to be yours instead.” “Mine,” she smiled. “Yours,” he kissed her then, and it was the first of many Christmas kisses to come. In which Hermione Granger needs a fake-date to her Christmas party only to be reminded that old feelings never fade.
Everything Gold Can Stay by charingfae - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy would give all the money in his vault for a chance to woo Hermione Granger. And he very nearly does. Year after year, he gifts her the most perfect, thoughtful, elaborate Christmas presents. So why in Merlin's name does she keep getting mad? One of these years, he's bound to get it right. Isn't he? Draco paused and drank in her radiant expression, her wisdom, her never-ending quest to make everyone in her sphere of influence better—all the individual components that added up to the mathematically impossible sum that was Hermione Granger. “I don’t agree with that. I’d argue that the things we love never stop being special. Not for a moment, Granger.”
Naughty or nice, Granger? by Dramioneinkdrinker - E, one-shot - Hermione sat down next to Theo. “What’s the game?” The three of them froze, staring at her like she was a boggart. Hermione cleared her throat, nodding to the game of cards splayed in front of Malfoy. Blaise was the first to recover. “Eh, we’re doing a holiday variation of King’s Draw.” Malfoy considered her. “Have you ever played?” “It’s like the muggle game truth or dare,” Blaise explained. Hermione ignored the way her stomach dropped. Shit. She held a palm out to Malfoy, who held the deck. “What’s this holiday variation?” A slow smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth. “We call it naughty or nice.” OR Where Hermione Granger decides to act like a normal teenager.
A Running Start by sundayviolet - T, one-shot - Hermione and Draco disagree with the DMLE’s assessment when their mutual friend and coworker, Theo, is poisoned. Alone at Hogwarts for Christmas, they must work together to find the truth. With their favorite buffer in the hospital, the two grow closer and finally admit what’s been long in the making.
All the Baubles by hermionejean99 - T, one-shot - Draco and Hermione are late twenty-something best friends, established in their careers. Draco asks Hermione to help him shop for his mother and his new mystery girlfriend while spending the day in Muggle London.
You and Me, Forevermore by Goldenbucky - G, one-shot - The one where Hermione chooses to go. And where Draco chooses to stay.
This fest is ongoing.
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whinlatter · 1 year
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master list: fics, metas, headcanons, writings 🌻
🌿 last updated june 2024 🌿
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fics 📖
🐾 Beasts (WIP)
Summary: Ginny Weasley comes of age among them: the beasts, the wild things of their world. (or: how the youngest Weasley won the Hanging Out With Hagrid Award). Canon compliant, multi-chapter, post-war, non-linear narrative, flashbacks. PS/SS through post-DH (1981-1999). Harry/Ginny. Author's notes (1+2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10+11, 12, 13) Trailer | playlist | moodboards
🌳 Orchards
Summary: The orchard is a wild, thousand-flower, crumpled-gate, fall-down-fence sort of place, where things grow that you’ve never asked for, that you’d never expect. Summer of ’96, the story of something flowery he thought he might have smelled at the Burrow.  Canon-compliant, oneshot, summer between OotP and HBP. Non-linear narrative, flashbacks/flash-forwards to DH. Harry/Ginny.  Meta on Ginny's t-shirts 👕
🪟 the room at the top of the house
Summary: It’s doing something to him, watching her like this, all loose and laughing and bare-legged, ray of light and warmth and wonder sat atop his bedsheets. It’s turning him on, it’s setting him alight. Canon compliant, post-war, oneshot. Harry/Ginny. NSFW.
💭 think / hope
Summary: Kill your darlings, push them out to sea // Harry and Ginny's first evening apart after the breakup. Canon compliant, oneshot, missing moment, post-HBP. Harry/Ginny. Written for Hinny Microfic April 2023 days 13 & 14.
🌼 flower(y)
Summary: Are you sorry? // Moments after the kiss. Canon compliant, microfic, missing moment, HBP. Harry/Ginny. Written for Hinny Microfic May 2023 day 10.
🍳 warm light peaceful (quiet)
Summary: Two big things happen on Monday 31st July 2000: Harry Potter turns twenty, and Robbie Williams releases a little song called Rock DJ. Canon compliant, microfic, postwar. Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione. Written for The Three Broomsticks 'A Very Harry Birthday' Fic Fest 2023.
🏴‍☠️ dead ends
Summary: Later - much later, when he's leaving - he’ll tell her: ‘I’m a dead end.’ ‘Fuck off,’ she’ll spit back, fuming. ‘We’re all dead ends. You’re not bloody special.’ Canon compliant, microfic, Remadora. Written for @remadoramicrofics.
🏹 the huntress
Summary: The last day of August 1997, she comes downstairs in her dressing gown to find Kingsley in the kitchen with a Muggle newspaper that says that Princess Diana is dead.
Canon compliant, microfic, Harry/Ginny. Written for anon ask prompt.
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metas 💫
Harry's thoughts of Ginny in the Forest (and Ginny's goodbye)
Harry and Ginny's shared experience of going to their deaths
Harry and Ginny at Shell Cottage
Ginny and the Veil
Ginny and Dean's relationship
Ginny's feelings for Harry | Harry's feelings
Harry's postwar relationship with Ron and Hermione vs. with Ginny
The Weasleys on Harry and Ginny’s relationship
Parallels between Sirius and Ginny
Remus as seen by other characters
Ginny and the poem
Ginny and Molly's relationship
The Dursleys' treatment of Harry
Democracy in the Wizarding World
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headcanons ☁️
Harry and Ginny's careers, home and married life
Harry and Ginny's flat in London
Harry and Ginny getting back together after the war
Harry and Ginny dating other people if one of them died
Ginny headcanons
Harry and the horcruxes after the war
Hermione as Head Girl (1,2)
Hermione's eighth year
The Potter kids
Ron Weasley: favourite uncle
Fleur headcanons
Misc. character headcanons
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writing things 📝
Fic writing tips and tricks
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lee-bella · 1 year
2023 HP Fest Schedule
Just for fun, I made a 2023 HP Fest Schedule. It contains important dates of current and upcoming HP fests, organised by dates. For now, the schedule spans from May 20, 2023 to February 18, 2024. I'll update it once in a while. Maybe.
Here's a quick look at start dates and deadlines from May 20 to June 3. I might have missed a few things.
May 20
Regulus Black Fest 2023: Posting begins.
Weasley Fest: Posting begins.
May 21
HP Het Mini Fest: Self-posting begins.
May 22
HP Saffics Summer Exchange (Discord members only; double-drabble): Sign-up opens.
May 24
Snarry Bang: Claiming opens. Looking for betas and pinch-hitters.
May 25
Marauders Omegaverse Fest: Claiming opens.
Bloody Kisses Fest 2023 (Tom|Voldemort/Harry; vampire): Creators revealed.
May 26
The Three Broomsticks Pride Fest: Submission deadline.
HP Wedding Fest: Works due.
May 27
HP Queer Villains Fanworks Fest: Claiming ends.
May 28
Snarry Bang: Claiming ends.
HP Pride Fest 2023: Works due.
May 29
The Three Broomsticks Pride Fest: Writers informed of posting schedule.
May 30
HP Soulmates Fest (Tumblr): Prompting ends.
Rare Pair Shorts Summer Wishlist: Last day to post wishlist.
Snarry-a-Thon23: Creators revealed.
May 31
Marauders Omegaverse Fest: Prompting ends.
HP Saffics Summer Exchange (Discord members only): Sign-up ends.
Tomarry Big Bang (Tom|Voldemort/Harry): Sign-up ends.
Unleashed Fest (Drarry, rare pairs; animals): Prompting ends.
Rare Pair Shorts Summer Wishlist: Wishlist revealed.
HP Flowers Spring Round: Challenge ends.
Microfic May 2023: Challenge ends.
June 1
Harry Potter Fest (Taylor's Version): Claiming & sign-up ends.
Unleashed Fest (Drarry, rare pairs; animals): Claiming opens.
Rare Pair Shorts Summer Wishlist: Grant a wish begins.
The Three Broomsticks Pride Fest: Posting begins.
HP Pride Fest 2023:  Fic reveal.
Drarry Let's Play 2023 (gaming): Prompting opens.
Kill Your Darlings 2023 (major character death): Prompting opens.
June 2
HP Wedding Fest: Posting begins.
June 3
Buck Moon 2023 (Remus/Sirius): AO3 collection opens for submission.
Draco's Den presents: Denopoly: First roll.
HP Soulmates Fest (Tumblr): Claiming opens.
HP Queer Villains Fanworks Fest: Posting begins.
HP Het Mini Fest: Self-posting ends.
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bloodykissesfest · 2 years
Announcement for the Bloody Kisses Fest 2023
With spooky season coming to a close, we proudly announce the return of the Bloody Kisses Fest! Ready your fangs, artists and writers, because we’re back for another vampire Tomarry round.
The Bloody Kisses Fest is a Tomarrymort (Tomarry or Harrymort, whichever you prefer!) fest spanning November 2022 to April/May 2023!
The criteria for this fest is to create a piece of media (whether that be fic or art, or anything that falls under that category, such as podfics or moodboards) that contains both Tomarrymort and a vampiric element to it.
First up: the changes for this year!
Starting prompting half a month earlier, to push the schedule early enough to hopefully avoid exam season and thus unfinished fics/art.
Introducing two new mods! Welcome mods Nero and Atta to the blog!
When asking about email checkups, we got a 50/50 split on whether that was okay, so we decided to send in one email to check in on people with a month left until the end of submissions.
There will be a fixed date for when claiming ends, leaving a week solely for submissions.
There will be a schedule posted as to when each fic will be revealed (titles only)! Times during the day may vary depending on which mod is revealing, but should they forget to reveal, another mod can step in to ensure it is posted on the correct date. This can fix the inconsistent posting from last year. This will either be once every two days or once a day.
Extensions will be arranged in order to prevent gaps in posting and each extension will be noted on the schedule.
The author reveal date will be announced at the beginning of posting.
The email for the fest is now [email protected] to avoid the issue with Yahoo last year.
Next: the schedule!
Prompting: November 15th - January 10th
Claiming: January 11th - April 20th
Submissions: Open anytime from January 11th, but the final due date is April 30th.
Posting: To be decided after submissions are due in, but early May.
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bloodykissesfest · 1 year
Posting Schedule
Good evening all! Here's the long-awaited posting schedule for this year!
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Due to the length of extensions asked for, this year we've decided to do an every-two-days post of the works. This schedule will continue to be updated as works come in.
In the event that any extensions do not make it in by the 25th May, authors will be revealed anyway; the only concession we will make to needing more than a 25 day extension is that we will not post the complete lists of works and authors until we have received all works.
(And before someone asks, yes, this schedule was made on MS Paint.)
Posting the links on Tumblr may come some delay after the reveal of the fic on AO3 if different mods do so as time zones vary.
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bloodykissesfest · 1 year
Posting schedule goes up tomorrow!
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bloodykissesfest · 1 year
Ashes to Ashes
Empty pews filled the church, rays of colored light beaming onto the oak from the stained glass windows. Within the shimmering glass, Jesus wept, the cross weighing on his bare back as he suffered for the sins of humanity. A man lavishly dressed in blacks and reds stretched across the altar, a pale hand thrown over his face as the colored light bathed him in chiaroscuro.
“Tom?” Harry called.
Harry is a priest. Tom is a vampire. They’re star-crossed lovers.
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bloodykissesfest · 1 year
Hi all! Just a reminder that you have one week left to write your submissions :)
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bloodykissesfest · 2 years
Reminder that this is the last day to prompt!
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bloodykissesfest · 2 years
Just under two hours left for prompting! Claiming form should go live tomorrow, as will the prompts list!
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bloodykissesfest · 1 year
Work reveals have been made! :) A few extensions are still in progress, but we’re in contact with the authors :)
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bloodykissesfest · 1 year
As long as you love me
His boyfriend washes the dishes, humming a familiar sounding tune from under his breath.
Harry looks up from the magazine he's been perusing, and his eyebrows raise. "Hey, isn't that from--" His lips tremble. "--Backstreet boys?"
Tom clears his throat, interrupting himself before the main chorus. "Is that a problem?" He turns around with a look so utterly serious, a look so ready to die on this hill, over Backstreet Boys of all things, that Harry nearly keels over in a fit of laughter. Thankfully, he manages to keep his composure.
"Tom..." He says, completely somber. His boyfriend stiffens in response, soapy dishwater running down his yummy, yummy muscled arms. "I don't know how to tell you this, but...
"I don't care who you are..." Harry just can't manage to keep the grin off his face, as Tom's brows furrow in confusion. "Where you're from..."
Finally, it seems Tom catches on, because he's grinning too. "What you did..."
They both sing the last part in between giggles, "As long as you love me!"
Harry can't stop laughing. "I love Backstreet Boys!"
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bloodykissesfest · 1 year
For My Eyes Only
Harry is a painter who uses his boyfriend Tom as his muse. His portraits have made him famous, but when people ask him who is in his paintings he never answers. It's not like he could show the world a vampire who would never appear on a camera's lens.
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bloodykissesfest · 1 year
Dangerous Path
Once upon a time, there was a rumour of a vampire inhabiting the castle that was allegedly once royal property. People talked about how that vampire caused the mysterious deaths of the last ruling family. The vampire was described as being so handsome, even the most virtuous and chaste women as well as men fell for him. They don't know, however, if any of this is true. Harry Potter, a young adventurous man stumbles upon clues of this mysterious man being more than just a rumour.
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