#blows them up /neg
cloudymistedskies · 6 months
I’m not uploading anything to tiktok again, y’all suck 😭😭
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This is exactly what I feared
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rexscanonwife · 14 days
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This post is genuinely so fucking obnoxious I can't STAND the tone of it and I hate posts that basically bait people into putting themselves down DO NOT FALL FOR IT
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joelletwo · 3 months
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[ID from alt: natsuyuu matonato fanart done with sketched-in shading. natori, casually dressed, is slouching back onto matoba, who kneels behind him in his usual kimono and leans in close to smile at him.]
HELLO. i still love them forever
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fagtainsparklez · 11 months
I hate matpat because he admitted to not playing the games he makes theories on. like?? that’s his job and he can’t even do it right??? he lacks reading comprehension skills, like I swear he does
oh you don't have to swear, he does. fully. i'm not into hollow knight personally, but last time a post of mine critiquing his theories blew up, i got a lot of notes saying that his hollow theory (or at least one of them? idk if he's done more) is wildly despised within the community because it's apparently debunked in like. literally the first cutscene or something.
i've said this before, but it's kind of a weird line between "he does not have media comprehension skills" and "he DOES realize these things, he just doesn't give a shit and will say anything to make his theory make sense". for example, something i do know well: fnaf. in his like, "final timeline" or whatever the fuck, he creates an entire narrative about elizabeth and the funtimes being LATE in the timeline, taking place after the crying child's death. however, in that very video, he points out the OVERWHELMING amount of evidence that the crying child witnessed elizabeth's death, from the nightmares having stomachs on their mouths (elizabeth was scooped through baby's stomach) to the fact that the game constantly tells the crying child to "remember what he saw" or something loosely along those lines. he is AWARE of the fact that these things exist within the text, however, he has this fucking superiority complex that it doesn't matter, because HIS theory is CLEARLY right, these very important lore texts must've just been bullshit.
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pocketramblr · 3 months
Dash simulator
Blog 1: lol anyone else seeing a lot of strawberries in new recipes now? sometimes its fun but i really dont get the appeal of adding it to everything. why did you make strawberry garlic bread
Blog 2: u kno im not a fan of strawberries, i really like the rich sweet and sour notes from oranges, oranges and chocolate is such a good combo. i altered a recipe for a smoothie with oranges last week and it was soooo good ill give you my notes if you want Reblogged by: Blog 1: ahaha yesss i love chocolate and oranges
Blog 3: I canNOT believe the hate im seeing to strawberries right now, like, you know guys know the rule don't like don't bake right?? you know you can hit the back button right?? honestly what's wrong with yall
Open draft- wait guys you know there's a difference between leaving a comment on a recipe saying you hate strawberries and the recipe writer should never use them, and going to your own blog to say you don't really like strawberries, without naming any specific people or recipes right? you know there's a difference right?? - Save - Post - Discard
Draft discarded
Blog 4: why is everyone jumping on the strawberry hate train right now. what is wrong with you. Reblogged by: Blog 5: I knowwww like guys some people stop baking because of reading things like that, please stop it, if you don't like strawberries you can be quiet about it
Open draft- im so sorry if anyone's getting sent mean messages or comments about what they're writing and baking, but i'm literally not seeing any of that and if you are, please use the block button. but someone making a post on their own blog is not that, and if you can't see the irony in you being allowed to complain on personal blogs but not them i can't help you... - save- post- discard
Draft discarded
Blog 2: are strawberries even in season?
Blog 6: woo cherry pie!
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skippingseaglass · 1 day
chat i think this is why they say that social media is bad for people
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sugarflow · 11 months
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made some shape guys :)
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azurechicken · 1 year
It always gets me how Justice did not change at all, like, he is not corrupted at all. It makes everything more tragic than it already is. The only thing that changed was his perception, which of course, naturally came due to the change of hosts. I'm mostly taking Awakening Justice into account and how he acts because that is where we can carefully observe him by himself, without Anders' influence on the matter. And his influence is everything on the point I am trying to make.
When we first meet Justice, he is fulfilling his nature of bringing justice to the people he thinks that need it. He is very outspoken about it, and is already ready to take action with or without Warden's help. For a supposedly peaceful spirit that Anders claims to have ruined with his anger, Justice is acting pretty angry here himself (This is not the only time either). This is one of the first things I want to point out that did not change much about the spirit. Justice was always fierce about his cause. However, what stands out to me in these scenes is when the witch calls him out on his idea of justice.
Justice, is that what you are calling it? What of their punishment, burning my house to the ground and with me in it?
Well, in this case, the witch is a demon and mocking Justice for funsies. But what she says actually gives a bit more insight about what kind of a spirit Justice is. The actions do not speak louder than intent to him, as long as it is within the lines he set for himself. In a way, he was always okay with a few… casualties in the name of justice. Even though it is as simple as burning down a house this time. Isn't violence for violence vengeance after all?
While we are on the topic of vengeance, let's not forget the way he is eager on avenging Kristoff, vowing to kill every darkspawn for his cause (I mean the way he literally calls it avenging is enough debate for some people but I want to continue). So how come wanting to take revenge on the offenders that wronged not only his host but many other people, is any different? How did this route did not take him to the road of vengeance but attacking the templars, who are also offenders that wronged his host and other people, is corrupting him?
The answer is of course, that it is not, it did not. There is no difference between those two for Justice, there is no difference between vengeance and justice. Punishing the ones who deserve it is all there is. There is no gray area for spirits the way there is in the mortal world, and we see this clearly in the way he judges Velanna and Nathaniel for their crimes. Despite what I said about him seeing intent before action, now he cannot see beyond their wrongs. This simply shows that if the intent is as clear as violence for violence, he understands. But he does not understand the gray area of Velanna mistaking the innocents as guilty, or Nathaniel taking back what used to be already his.
There might be none for Justice, but there is a difference between darkspawn and templars for mortals. For one, darkspawn are generally mindless, and has no moral compass for us to judge. Whereas templars are just people with different ideals about life, to put it kindly at least. (Which is worse, being a mindless cruel monster, or having the mind and morals to choose to be something else but going for being one anyway? Lol another discussion for another time). Templars are the gray area that Justice lacks the understanding of. When he vows to kill every templar like he did with the darkspawn, he does not suddenly turn into a demon, he is simply punishing the ones that were doing wrong, as he does.
From here we can say that spirits' judgments and mortal's don't exactly match up. Though, there is one idea that seems to match better than others, and that is corruption. As far as we learn from Justice, spirits do not know about corruption any better than we do. Spirit do bad, spirit go bad, right? So, when Justice starts to feel things that are associated with demons, such as envy, he starts to fear corruption. He says he does not want to learn how a demon feels, but he also states that he does see the wishful thinking of a demon wanting to cross the Veil for this world. He is conflicted at best about the whole thing. Still, he does not consider himself corrupted regardless. I think that the reason behind that is simply the fact that generally, the Warden can ease his worries when Justice confides in them. And that is another thing that says a bit about him. He seems to accept the lack of understanding he has in the world, and chooses to listen to someone who does. Though, not just a random anybody, someone he deemed just.
So, let's see. A fade spirit with identity issues and an anxious spirit healer walks into a bar…
When they merged and Justice accepted Anders' cause for himself, and when they went all crazy on the Templars, Anders was scared. He feared the worst immediately because he is taught the worst about possession. He knew that Justice was angry because of him and his ideals about mages. So he blamed himself, called it a corruption he caused. And as I mentioned, Justice is accepting of the fact that he has a lack of understanding of some things. Plus, he was already scared of corruption. So, when Anders, who is an educated mage about possessions and corruption claims that he is slowly corrupting the spirit, they held onto it.
Everyone in their life from this point on, do nothing but egg them on about it, on top of it all. They might not corrupt each other, but everyone else does by pushing them the idea that they are now an abomination. Anders starts to fear the nonexistent corruption more, and Justice is confusing the inability to just wipe all the bad out with sloth. We are talking about a being who comes from the Fade, which can be bent at will and a place of immediate action. This works well in Awakening because we are already fighting darkspawn nonstop, and we are in the middle of a war. But in Kirkwall? Everything requires planning and suspended ideals. Templars bring injustice everywhere they go, yet there is not much they can do. After many years of being held back, it is no wonder Justice is surfacing more and more, itching to fulfill his purpose. Because he was always outspoken, angry at the injustice in the world and eager to bring justice. He did not change, but Anders' morals and his' just did not align the way they thought it would. They forgot that in Justice, there was always a part that was vengeance.
At the end, Justice was one of the most stable parts of Anders' story. He couldn't count his vow in Awakening complete without reaching the root of the problem, which was the broodmother. And he could not do so in Kirkwall without getting rid of the Chantry. Because chantry is the root of the Templars, and being a bystander while you can help solve everything easily is unjust all the same.
Anders and Justice had the same cause, different morality and they were just confused because they didn't know any better.
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guckies · 7 months
I just don’t care about the purgatory event anymore like it’s just not fun with the bounty system
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tenpixelsusie · 8 months
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cut the cameras. we're not doing this shit again
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legionofpotatoes · 7 months
gareth edwards 🤝 david cage
total inability to grasp the function of AI as a metaphor in sci fi storytelling as well as an overall lack of sensitivity towards geopolitical allegory within their childlike both-sides wankery that is too poorly removed from real-life aesthetics to be taken at face value
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nero-neptune · 2 years
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“in the last episode of soap, jodie met a girl named alice on a bridge and found out they have a lot in common. they’re both depressed and gay”
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angered-box · 5 months
i have to pretend to be a girl who dresses a bit too masculine for the next few hours now yayyyy
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chronic-invisibility · 8 months
Ya boy got not 1 but 2 friday the 13th tattoos today!
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enderspawn · 2 years
zoz my favourite chip kinnie tell me
how do you think chip would react to gill dying
#i mean. first would be ardent denial (like above) mixed w joking about it#bc he doesn’t know how to deal with grief (or most negative emotions) so he simply Avoids it#(see whatever the fuck was up with felix lionsgold)#he’d play the blame game a lot and shift it around. likely honestly blame the rest of the crew and blow up at them#or at gill himself. or maybe the scenario as a whole#but most of all he’d put the blame on himself and it would destroy him#he’d only be half conscious he’s doing it but him yelling at everyone else isn’t just blame shifting#he’s pushing them away so that they might be safe from *him*#his life’s been marked by tragedy at every turn. his worst nightmare was a graveyard w all the people he’s known or loved dead#but maybe if they’re gone they might be safe. that’s rlly what he wants is to keep those he loves safe#it’s why he was pissed in loffinlot when gillion endangered himself n the crew trying to ‘help’#it’s why he refused Lizzie’s offer at first#HE took in responsibility for every person on that boat. HE is the reason they’re there.#and he’s terrified of that action being the reason for their death#so. tldr denial turned anger and self destructive + self sacrificial behavior ^_^#also maybe a revenge arc but like. he’s not Quite the type? it would only work if it was as a way for him to distract himself#but in the long run he’s too emotionally driven and impulse to have a whole Grudge Arc#jrwi#chip#og post#answered#aroacegilliontidestrider#give me a second I’m gonna rb w the tags added I just needed the lone ratio first for Jokes HDKEB
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dodgebolts · 2 years
saw a clip of Aimsey on Puffy’s stream talking about the reason he left the smp like it’s something that’s been brought up since FOREVER ago and yet still people will act like everything on that server is holy and untouchable. like guys I was sad when things got blown up or disappeared but they’re pixels. on a minecraft server people have to play on. it’s not the end of the world it will be built upon and new stories will get made!
Like l’targay? I watched Purpled build its predecessor, Walmar, I watched it get claimed by puffy, turned into l’targay, and then watched again as it got plowed and the land turned into a giant beetroot farm by clingyduo like that’s how the server works! They’re not just acting out a story in minecraft for us to laud their ability to create in the video game only for people to turn around and yell at them for…playing the video game? Another example was people getting all mad at Bad for prettying up the prime path. They were the asses because in reality? Tommy was finally able to get back on and riff off of someone. It was GOOD and fun ‼️
Like I am thankful for all of the wonderful memories I’ve watched get made on that server but people were seriously insufferable about touching anything on that server—they’re adults, if something happens to something they can work it out or play off of it! Instead what happened—leaving the server in a preserved state as was enforced by fans—was easily one of the things that killed activity on the server in 2021 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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