#blue chinaware
verstappen-cult · 6 months
Having an argument with Max, sounds exhausting. Especially when both of you are stubborn, but guess what? He'd willingly beg for forgiveness if you are still upset with him and avoiding him as a result of the argument
“I can’t do this anymore.” You whisper, shaking your head and taking a step back. 
That is what finally makes Max stop dead in his tracks, mouth hanging open with whatever he was going to say next. 
You’re tired. You woke up less than an hour ago and the first thing you and Max did was argue. And you really didn’t want to start the day this way, but neither of you backed away. Things escalated quickly and you just can’t do it anymore. 
“What are you talking about?” He sounds desperate, his chest heaving. Max clenches his fists by his side, like he wants to reach out. 
You turn your head away, eyes filled with tears. “I’m gonna go see my mother. We’ll talk later.” 
Max feels paralyzed, he can’t seem to do anything but watch you leave. 
It’s past eight when you get home. 
The first thing you notice is that the house is lit only by candles. A lot of candles throughout the house. 
Max is nowhere to be seen, Jimmy and Sassy are the ones greeting you by passing between your legs. You bend over to pat their heads and give them a few ear scratches. 
The more you walk into the house, the more your heart breaks. There on the table is a big bouquet of your favorite flowers along with a small card with the word ‘sorry’ written in Max’s handwriting waiting for you. The table is also set with the chinaware you only use on special occasions, and a few more candles. 
When you turn around you see Max curled up on the sofa, your favorite weighted blanket —the one you use when you’re feeling down and Max is away for work— around his shoulders. He looks so cozy, you want to curl up next to him, but you are still a little hurt and angry from the argument you two had in the morning. You’re thinking about what you both said to each other when Max stirs, eyes trying to adjust to seeing in the dim light. 
“Hey,” You say as a greeting, trying not to scare him. 
Max turns around immediately, surprise crossing his features. “You’re home.”
“Yes? Sorry I didn’t say anything but mom wanted me to help her with gardening.” You shrug, leaving your bag and keys on the table next to the couch. 
“I didn’t think you’d come back.” His voice is barely a whisper, but you hear him anyway. Max exhales deeply, clutching the blanket tightly around his shoulders. 
“I’m so sorry.” He blurts out, shoulders slumped. Max shuts his eyes tightly, like he’s in so much pain he can barely have them open. “I shouldn’t have talked to you like that. I should’ve listened to you—I’m really sorry. I don’t want us to argue like that again, I felt horrible because I love you and I promised myself I would never do something like this.” You let him talk, to spill everything he has inside of him. “After you left—I wanted to go after you but I knew you needed time. But it made me remember how my dad used to talk to my mom, how they would yell at each other while Vic and I hid in our rooms.” You are already moving towards him, even before you hear how his voice breaks. 
You sit by his side, leaving some space between you two, hands itching to reach out and touch him, to draw him closer to you and hold him. 
“I don’t want to be like him.”
“You’re nothing like him,” You move closer, taking his hands with yours, thumb caressing the back of them. “Don’t you ever dare to go there, okay? You will never be like him, Max. Do you understand?” 
But he doesn’t look at you, he doesn’t say anything. 
“Max, this is not the first and it’s definitely not going to be the last argument we have. But if we talk about it, if we give ourselves some time to think things through like we did today—this doesn’t mean you are a bad person, or that you are turning into your dad.” You cup his cheek with one of your hands, caressing his cheekbone as you look into his stormy blue eyes. 
“I’m so sorry,” He says again, tears in the corners of his eyes. You smile softly at him when he begs for your forgiveness again. 
“Can you forgive me too?” 
“Darling, you’ve nothing to be sorry for.”
“Well, you’re wrong there.” You sniff, already feeling the tears wanting to stream down your face. “We were both wrong, don’t take all the blame.” Max opens his mouth to refute, but you shut him up with a kiss. It’s chaste, full of promises, and leaves you with blood pounding in your ears. 
“Do you forgive me?”
Max nods, gaze fixed on your lips. “Yes,” He directs his gaze back to your eyes, and you can see so much regret in them. “Do you forgive me?” 
“I don’t know,” You tease him by pretending to think about it. “it depends on what you made for dinner.”
A grin spreads across his face and he’s standing up in a second, tugging on your sleeve. “It’s definitely gonna make you forgive me.” He says, pulling the chair out for you to sit. “And if this doesn’t work, I have many other ways to make you forgive me.”
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Tuesday April 18.
yum... pastries
Ahh, picture it. Sat on your very own balcony. Encroaching sunlight illuminating the rays of mist, drops of dew, glistening on the surface of a nearby estuary. Elegant chinaware. The dawn chorus of birds. Engulfed in the aroma of newly-blossomed flowers. A little tractor merrily beginning its day, way on the horizon. Steam twisting, rising, reaching from the surface of your black coffee up to the expanse of blue sky above. Crumbs of cheese, ham, freshly-baked bread on the pleasing surface of the aforementioned chinaware. Morning Reverend!, a little voice echoes in the distance. U f*ckin wot pal, The Reverend replies. A flock of thrushes sing and swoop across the horizon before you, which illuminates slowly with the light of the morning sun. Just when you think—know—that it simply cannot get any better than this, comes the voice/s of your significant other/s: Honey, I've/we've got some hashtag pastries!
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lilacxoz · 1 year
Rhapsodic - Diluc
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Soft love, not really much enemies to lovers but implied, creampie, virgin!reader, virgin sex.
You awoke with the late morning sun shining through your dust clouded windows. You knew you had to clean your little cottage outback of the winery, but you were to busy being a personal apothecary for some.
You stepped out of bed, letting the warmth from the sun coat your bare body as you moved to the closet. Oftentimes, you slept nude just for this glorious morning experience.
You chose to keep your day clothes casual, just a simple white button down and your blue jeans, as well as your classic Timberlands. You chose to put your hair up since it was going to be a hot day, perfect for collecting medical herbs in the area.
You were a personal apothecary for five people. You wanted to be a full time, yet you desired time for yourself rather than working. You preferred a lot of alone time with your stack of books and a glass of wine. You were a very simple women, and you liked it that way.
You slugged your way to the kitchen, opening the dark oak cupboard that was placed above the sink; plucking a jar of tea leaves.
Your cottage was small yet spacious. There was a tiny kitchen window that stretched from the stove to the sink, a beautiful memory foam mat in front of the sink reading "Cottage Living." Behind you was a tiny circle table with four chairs sat at it, and to one side was your couch and a floor to ceiling bookcase just adjacent to the sage green floral printed couch. The other side held two doors that led to your bedroom and the bathroom.
You put the kettle on the stove, placing just a few leaves into it as well before leaving it to boil. As you were setting the jar back in the cupboard, you heard the front door open and close, the hinges creaking with the movement.
"It's polite to knock on a persons door before letting yourself in," you say, not needing to look at who it was. Only one person you knew would walk into your house without knocking; and that was the handsome Dawn Winery owner.
"As if you don't sneak to the back door with that bard to steal some wine? I may not witness the crime, but I'm not stupid." You hear his boots thumb on the hardwood floors, the creak to his steps as he moves to stand next to you.
"What do you need sir," you say, emphasizing the "sir" to show you weren't in the mood to play games. You had lots to do and having your daily argue with Diluc wasn't how you wanted to start the day.
"I just need some of those relaxers you gave me last month. I have a masquerade party to attend with my brother, so I might need a double jar," he explains, running a gloved hand over your dusty windows. His crimson eyes flickered to yours as he held up his dirty finger, making you roll your eyes.
"The way you judge your doctor his harsh dear Ragnvindr," you sarcastically reply in a sweet and lusted tone, making your way to the glass case next to your bookcase that held all the medicines you used and gave to your patients. You pulled the folded stool out from under the couch, folding it up and using it to help you see the top shelf.
"Well, speaking on how much you hate Kaeya, I could give you some ashwagandha berries, or would you prefer taking the root?" You asked, looking over your shoulder to see a puzzled look on the red haired males face. "Do you want a gummy type thing or just a pill," you elaborate in a board tone.
"Oh," he says, his cheeks dusting a pink hue that makes you giggle. "Whatever works faster," he says, walking to the stove to turn off the burner on the kettle since it had started squealing. You nodded, plucking the glass jar full of the berries from the shelf and handing it to the red haired male who is pouring the tea into your glass mug.
"You always have such...plain taste in chinaware," Diluc says, his hand rubbing at the subtle stubble he has on his jaw.
"That's where your wrong. Chinaware is ceramic, these are glass," you correct, tapping the mug with your fingernail to add to your point. "And a little advice, girls like a guy with less hair," you tease. You remember when he walked in as you walked out of the bathroom in a towel. He had said the same thing about your legs, but little did he know you didn't like keeping your legs shaved during the winter; so you felt no shame in it. Words like that from anyone else would've hurt, but it was Diluc: a guy who's love language is plain straight insults and coldness. It didn't take long for you to put the pieces together after you first met him.
"Whatever, I had a long night and didn't have time to shave," he informs, popping the cork top off the glass jar and popping one of the tiny red berries into his mouth.
"Wow, am I really stressing you out that much?" You say, attempting a face of hurt that only had Diluc rolling his eyes.
"No, Kaeya is to arrive soon to do some final preparations," he says, leaning his hip against the counter and crossing his large arms over his chest. You stifle a giggle at his face: pure irritation and annoyance. You couldn't help yourself from reaching up and poking the ends of his lips, forcing a smile on his lips. He didn't stop you, already used to the way you'd poke at his sides and cheeks. If anything, he liked the way you'd touch him like that and the snarky comments you made.
All his life, he'd been told why he didn't settle down with a nice women of good breed and would cook and clean for him. And the answer was quite simple for him. He wanted his women tough, not afraid to stand up for what's right. He liked his women like you, someone who isn't scared to push his buttons. He hated admitting things, but if it came down to it, he would admit his love for you.
"Do you need any help with your forage today?" He Diluc asks, taking your wrists around his gloved hands and settling them at your sides. He loved how tiny your wrists were in his large hands. It was one of his guilty pleasures to think about when he was alone at night.
"Don't think you can get out of Kaeya so easy. Plus, I'm headed to the knights to meet with Jean. She wants me to be Klee's pediatrician," you inform, taking the glass mug in between your hands, closing your eyes as the steam drifts past your face. Diluc watched you with scrutinized eyes, taking in your composed and relaxed face. He didn't know what he liked best, your personality or your face.
"I still don't know why they let a child be a knight, now isn't that just quite stupid?" He rants, his hand moving back to his stubble as he rants. You didn't take the time to reply, you knew how often he got to vent was slim to nonexistent, so you let him get it all out of his system. By the time he was done venting, you had already made your way through half of your tea.
"I don't want to sound mean, but isn't brother dearest waiting for you?" You ask, settling your mug on the polished wooden counter. You watch him nod, his lips pursed and his eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah, but that basterd can wait until I am good and ready," he grumbles, slipping the jar he requested in his coat pocket. You didn't charge him because he let you and your drinking buddy sneak into his basement "unnoticed". But you knew he kept the maids away purposely, or else he'd have to use mora in exchange, and you weren't easy on the prices.
"Just go, please," you say, holding onto the back of his bicep as you lead him to the front door. He just lets out a huff, letting you drag him to his doom. He wished he could just stay talking to you in your lone little cottage behind the winery, cracking witty remarks and quibbling with you like an old married couple.
Just as you open the door, you catch a Kaeya who was just about to knock on the door. You watch as he looks from your face, to his brothers, to your hand holding onto his brothers lean bicep.
"He was just leaving," you say, pushing Diluc from his back, making him stumble a bit as he steps out of your home.
"I'll come visit later," he says, his eyes looking like a puppies who's staring at a bone he was told not to have. You give him a half smile, holding back a chuckle.
"Why say that when you don't even knock," you say, letting Kaeya hold up your hand and place a gentle kiss to your knuckles. Diluc stared at the action before him, letting out a grumble of incoherent words as he stomps his way down the dirt path to the winery.
"Try not to bother him to much today, okay?" You ask, almost of a plea to the blue haired knight.
"I will try my best, nice seeing you doc," he says, waving as he quickly catches up to an angry Diluc. You lean up against the doorframe for a bit, watching as Kaeya tries to place a hand on his brothers shoulder, only to receive a shove to his chest that almost makes him fall to his ass. You wished they got along, but you knew how almost impossible that was.
You stumbled into your tiny cottage, kicking off your boots in haste as you tossed your cheese cloth bag onto the table full of herbs. "Fuck this," you say as you open up a drawer, fishing out your matches. "Fuck that," you grumble, moving to the candle chandelier over the dining table, lighting them carefully until your tiny place lit up with light. It wasn't like you didn't have electricity, you just preferred candles.
You made your way to the couch while unbuttoning your shirt. But as you neared the canvas couch, you squealed and jumped back in horror. On your couch was a fire red haired male, staring at you in shock himself. He stood to his feet quickly, his cheeks a bright red.
"I-I didn't mean to scare you, and I would've said something but you just- you- you looked so upset and it was amusing to watch."
"Still! You could have said something?!" You place a hand to your forehead, sitting down on the couch as he sits next to you. You become aware of your half unbuttoned blouse, quickly doing the buttons back up with a bright red face.
"I'm sorry, I just needed to escape from that party," he admits in a normal tone, his hands resting on his thighs. You notice the lack of gloves, being able to see the scars on his hands and veins that have you hypnotized. You took in his appearance: black dress shirt rolled up to his elbows, black slacks, white vest over his shirt, and a crimson face mask that rests on the coffee table. You also don't fail to notice the way his beautiful long red locks are in a high ponytail, as well as the five o'clock shadow making home onto his sharp jaw.
"It's okay, just please say something next time," you say, letting out a huff as you relax into the couch. You had a long day of walking around Mondstat, as well as being cajoled into babysitting Klee for a few hours that you couldn't refuse.
"What happened today? I've never seen you so irritable, you looked like me after a long day at the tavern." You move so your legs rest on his lap, his hands massaging your calf instinctively.
"Well let me just tell you, never ever again will I agree to babysitting that little devil. I swear, she seems nice, but I cannot deal with running after her and those bombs. And don't even get me started on the cliffs, it was like everywhere I turned there was a goddamn monster to fight. What a day to forget my bag, lord Barbados it was only supposed to be a quick forge today."
Diluc watches you vent about the day you had, finding comfort in the moment shared between the both of you. He takes notice of the way your eyebrow twitches in annoyance as you talk about what a disaster babysitting Klee was.
"Why do you willingly keep coming back?" You ask after a few moments of comfortable silence after your venting. Diluc goes still, wanting to tell the truth but he just couldn't. He wasn't one to show vulnerability.
"Because you're my doctor, have to keep a good reputation with my doctor," he lies, gently setting your feet onto the ground as he stands up, turning away from you.
"But it's more than that and you know it, tell me, really, why do you keep coming back?" There's a long moment of silence before Diluc huffs and makes his way to the door. You quickly jump to your feet, and maybe your next move was out of bravery or stupidity; but you found yourself pulling him in by the collar of his shirt.
The moment your lips collided, was the moment you came alive. It all happened so fast, his arms around your waist as he backs you up against a nearby wall. It was all teeth and lips, a moment of pure passion that had finally exploded from your bodies. You pulled away first, letting out shallow and quick breaths as you stared up at him.
"I want the answer to my question," you whisper, your eyes trailing down to his parted lips. He looked so good like this. It didn't matter if he was beautiful or handsome, it was the pure masculinity in his face that had you melting at the knees.
"I keep coming back-" he looks away, his cheeks pink under the wavering candle light. "I keep coming back because you attract me like a magnet, I just can't get my fill of you."
You stare at the vulnerable side he shows, his chest moving with each of his breaths. You rubbed your hands on his chest, carefully un doing each button on his white vest. He watched you with hesitation, he wanted to take advantage of the moment but he didn't want to hurt you.
"I've wanted you for so long, but I just didn't know whether I was ready to risk losing our relationship," you admit, sliding the vest off and working to his dress shirt. With each button, his breath grows heavier. Once every button is gone, he shrugs the shirt off himself, letting you get a full look at him.
"Am I worth while?" He asks, your eyes trailing across his body. You take in each scar, each bump and cut edge, and the dark red that trails down his abdomen.
"I should be asking you that," you say, leaning in and letting your lips attach onto his neck. He let out a gasp, his hands gripping your hips and pressing them against his own. You let out a gasp of your own, letting him grind up against you. He pushes you further against the wall, using just one hand to undo the buttons on your blouse.
"Diluc," you whisper, letting him shrug the white fabric off your body. Because of how tight your blouse was, you were able to go without a bra. When this came to light, he let out a particular breath that left your body forming goosebumps.
"You're beautiful," he says, his hands cupping your back as he leans down to kiss at your chest and neck. You let your head fall back into the wall with a thud, relishing in the way his lips suck on your skin.
His hands rest on your waist, his lips forming beautiful deep bruises in your neck and chest. It felt like a million butterflies were ensnared in your stomach, the heat in between your legs feeling like you were fluttering to life. You moaned out his name, wrapping a leg around his waist to get a better rhythm against his bulge.
His breath deepens with the action, his lips taking action on your pebbled nipple. "Wait- ngh~" His hands move to your jeans zipper, sliding them off your body with haste. You did the same, quickly taking his slacks off. It all happens in a flash, starting from the kitchen to the bedroom, the only thing you both wearing is your underwear.
He gently settles you in the bed, your arms wrapped around his neck as he sits you down on the edge of the bed. He slides onto his knees, his lips planting soft kisses on your thighs.
"Can I?" He asks, his teeth gently biting at the inside of your thigh.
"I-I've never-" you stop yourself, your face turning bright red causing you to look away in embarrassment.
"Never had oral?" He gives a lazy grin, looking up at you with hooded eyes that make your thighs clench.
"Well, I'm kinda-"
"You're a virgin?" He asks in disbelief, his eyes widen in astonishment. "I would've never guessed, well, not with how flirty you get when drunk." His words only make you blush more, a deep chuckle erupting from his chest.
"I'll be gentle, don't worry princess," he assures, his hands guiding your thighs to rest on his shoulders. You let him guide your white lace thong off your body, his eyes taking in the sight of you. He worshiped your body, letting his tongue and lips explore your pussy. His tongue licked a stripe down your slit, tasting the sweetness of you.
"Diluc~" you whimper, your hands finding purchase on the floral duvet below you. He took the advantage of sliding his tongue over your clit, bringing up a hand to slip in a finger. You gasp as he slowly slides in his calloused finger, your body tensing up at the beautiful feeling.
"Shhh, baby you have to relax," he cooed, gently adding in another. You whimpered, laying back on the bed and resting your arm on your forehead. His tongue flicked at your clit, his fingers thrusting in and out of you so smoothly; a loud squelching noise echoing in the tiny room.
"Diluc, I can't- I'm so close," you whine, your body convulsing as you reach your peak. Diluc watches you unfold, his boxers growing too tight for him to handle. He sucks on your clit to help you ride it out, your back arching off the bed and your head shooting backwards. You let out an unfamiliar moan, sounding so foreign as the aftershocks of your orgasm makes your body hitch against the bed.
He finishes the job, sucking on his fingers as he stands to his true height, a smirk on his beautiful lips. "How was it?" He asks, leaning over you, caging your head in between his forearms.
"It was rhapsodic," you whisper, earning a smile on his face. It was one of the first times you've ever seen his true smile; his eyes growing smaller and his cheeks tinted with pink.
"Do you want to go further? We can stop if you want?" He asks, his brows furrowed and his lips pursed. You lace your fingers into his hair, making work on the hair tie holding his hair up. You watch as his fire locks cascade around your face, making a curtain containing just you and him.
"I want all of you, please," you softly plea, reaching a hand up to slip some of his hair behind his ear. His jaw flexes before he crashes his lips to yours. He moves his knees so they're on either side of your hips, making your legs settle on his hips. You feel the hardness of his cock against your pussy, your eyes fluttering and your brows raising as you moan into the kiss.
Things move quickly, you slipping your thumbs under the waistband of his boxers and pulling them down. He pulls away from the kiss, letting you look down and take in the sight of you. Your lips part, a smirk forming on his face.
"Maybe you should take a picture, it will last longer," he purrs into your ear, lips planting a soft kiss on the shell of your red ear.
"I don't know how I'll explain to people why I have a picture of the Dawn Winery owners dick in my drawer," you tease, earning a chuckle from the red haired male above you.
"I wouldn't mind if the roles were reversed." You playfully slapped his chest, him pulling away from your ear to look down at your flustered face.
"Like I'd let you keep a nude of me, let's wait until we're a little further now hm?"
"You think we can be more?" He asks, a hopeful glint in his eyes. You nod your head, the most happiest look forming on his face. He moves his lips to your neck, sucking on your collarbone, dragging out sweet moans from your being.
"Diluc, as much as I love your kisses, I really need you right now," you whine. Diluc chuckles against your skin, leaning up to look into your eyes. He gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, a soft smile on his face.
He sits back on the heels of his foot, you resting on your elbows as you watch him slowly pump himself. Your lips part, taking in every inch of his body. Your mouth fills up with saliva at the sight of him, he wasn't shaven and it was a good look on him as well as all the beautiful battle scars on his skin.
You watch him align his angry red tip to your entrance, your teeth capturing your bottom lip. You weren't scared as you were before whenever you thought about losing your virginity. But now, knowing you're about to give yourself to the man of your dreams, you're not scared at all.
He starts to slip inside, his eyes watching your face for any uncomfortable signs. But all he finds is your mouth hung open, eyes fluttering as your head falling back onto the bed.
"Fuck-" he grunts as he sheaths his way inside, his jaw clenching. He loved how beautiful you looked like this, and loved how beautifully you fit around him. The fit hurt a bit, you'd admit that, but it hurt in a good way that made you want him to do more.
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a deep kiss. He starts to move against you, your thighs clenching around him in pure bliss. "Ngh~ oh! Faster, please oh please," you moan when he pulls away for a breath, his body growing harder to resist taking you how he wanted. But he knew he needed to be gentle this round, it was all about you and he was gonna make sure it went your way.
He obeys your ask, taking grasp onto your hips as he moves faster, his hips snapping against yours. You moan out his name like a chant, you had underestimated how fast your first orgasm would come. You remember hearing from Lisa awhile back, you had asked about sex because you were growing a little scared of being twenty and still a virgin. You remember thinking she was kidding when she said the first round would go quickly, but as you grip onto the pillowcase below you quickly began to understand.
"Oh- mmcumming!" You moan aloud, your back arching as you let yourself go loose. Your legs shake and your breaths get heavy. Diluc somehow gets harder at the sight, deciding he can't hold back anymore. He lets you ride your high before he surprises you by rolling onto his back.
"I'm sorry, but I just can't hold back," he says, his hands firmly gripping your plump hips. Before he starts to thrust, your quickly take hold of his shoulders.
He starts a fast and brutal pace, your body shaking with pleasure at the newfound feeling. He hit so much deeper inside you, crashing against your cervix in such a painfully pleasurable way. Your body grows weak from the inhumane speed, wrapping your your arms around his neck.
You whine and moan in his neck while his grunts and groans reverberate against the shell of your ear. Diluc moves so fast that the bed makes sounds that signal the near break of the foundation. But you don't care, the way he hits and rubs against a specific spot inside you has you going limp and seeing stars—completely high off him.
"I'm cumming, fuck!" He groans, shooting his cum deep inside that has you orgasming harder than you ever have before. The room is left with the sound of yours and his breaths, your faces flushed.
It takes awhile before you sit up, letting his cock slip out of you. "Y-you're still hard?" You ask with a raise to your eyebrow.
"Yes, but we can finish tomorrow if you're still up for it," he winks at you, your face brightening. After fixing yourself in the bathroom, you come back to Diluc laying on your bed in his boxers. You move to lay next to him, a smile on your face. Despite witnessing the smile he held before, it's now diminished to a subtle curve to his lips.
"You're like a star in the sky. If you think about it, we are stardust, so I'm glad to shine with you," you say out of the blue, making him raise an eyebrow while he lets out a chuckle. You let him pull the covers over you both, pulling you close so your head rests on his chest.
"But the stars don't shine, they burn."
You look up at him, your lips parted. "You think? I think if I were a star I'd just twinkle," you say, planting a gentle kiss on his collarbone. Diluc rolls his eyes, leaning down to kiss the shell of your ear.
"You'll see yourself in turn, I promise."
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vintageviewmaster · 8 months
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Booklet Description: 12 DELFT BLUE is the cherished hand-painted pottery made in Delft since the 16th century. The designs were copied from Oriental chinaware brought back by sailors from their trips abroad. Delft craftsmen invented a black enamel containing tin, which after glazing and baking turns a distinctive blue. The industry declined in the late 17th century, but has since been revived under the name New Delft.
Brand: View-Master Packet Title: Holland Reel Title: Holland Reel Subtitle: N/A Reel Number: B 1902, Reel Two Reel Edition: N/A Image Number: 12 Date: Undated
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Getting to Marigold
Chapter Thirteen
Teal, Citrine, Lime
            “You’re not my favourite colour.  But I could see you working okay beside my bed at Mommy’s house if you were a blue-ish shade of green.”  Tara was addressing a small antique rug which hung attractively over the rung of a vintage pine quilt holder.  “She’s got too much red in her, don’t you think, Ms. Jeanie?  After all, my comforter is mostly teal with gold swirly lines...” 
            Jeanie contemplated the rug as seriously as the child had done.
 “I think you’re right, kidlet.  Teal and red?  Mmm. Not not so hot a combination.  But you might not want to go with aquamarine, either.  How about picking up your comforter’s golden accents instead?”
            “You don’t think that would be kind of—I don’t know—garish?”
            “Well, there are golds—and there are golds.  A butterscotch-gold—you know, one with a very warm undertone—might be a mistake.  But a cooler lemon-gold could be just the ticket.”
            Tara cocked her head to consider this suggestion and then nodded earnestly.  “I can see that, Ms. Jeanie.”
            The May-December window shoppers were having a marvellous time at the indoor antiques and collectibles market.  Long after the rest of their party had retreated to the book and video game stands, Jeanie and Tara were still agreeably absorbed in critiquing the merchandise. 
            Here, they found a vendor who specialized in milky Depression glassware.  There, one who featured cast iron bulldog doorstops.  And, over here, one whose cases were brimming with vintage crystal perfume flasks.
            Of course—since they were purportedly on an educational outing—as soon as they’d arrived, Jeanie and Tara had spent the better part of an hour gazing in fascination at the tightly packed showcases of the Barbie Doll Museum. 
Tara had been especially drawn to the fashion designer dolls.  And, after rolling names like Oscar de la Renta, Givenchy and Dior around on her tongue, the little girl had fallen passionately in love with the extravagant Bob Mackie creations.
Opal rhinestones.  Amethyst sequins.  Silver lame…
My gosh. 
What wasn’t there to adore about those?
However, as tempting as it had been to purchase one of the fetching Barbies, it had been clearly understood by both Jeanie and Tara that real shopping with actual money for tangible goods was forbidden today.  So, with no prospect of filling up a bag with fashion treasures—and their purses no lighter—they’d eventually turned their attention to the rest of the sales floor.
Strolling casually through the crowded market aisles, the odd-sized pair paused to point out antique furniture that caught their eyes.  They compared tastes in chinaware and vintage jewellery.  And fantasized about where unusual objet d’arts might find a perfect home in their décor.  
And—since they were outlawed from buying anything—the price on the tag didn’t matter at all.  So, Tara could speculate about where she might wear an art nouveau citrine and amethyst pendant necklace.  And Jeanie could consider the unblemished mahogany veneer on a nineteenth century chest of drawers.  And neither felt compelled to consult with the respective dealers about either the cost of the jewellery or the machinations needed to deliver such an unwieldy item back home.  
Sadly for Jeanie, poignant reminders of Sylvie were everywhere.  Yet, she never mentioned a single memory to Tara.  Today was solely for the little girl’s amusement, she argued to herself.  And it would have been just as wrong to burden Tara with the heartache that the sight of Sylvie’s favourite style of Nova Scotian Chippendale chair awoke in her breast as it would have been to similarly encumber Bernie.
Therefore, Jeanie stayed mum—and she and Tara blissfully prattled on.
Finally, the congenial gal pals came upon the tables filled with jellies, jams and pickles.  But, just as Jeanie and Tara embarked on a lively discussion vis-à-vis the merits of apple butter versus lime curd versus classic strawberry jam, they were rudely interrupted by an ear-splitting shriek.
“Tara! What on earth are you doing here?”
Startled, the little girl and Ms. Jeanie swung around in tandem to witness her mommy bearing down upon them like a runaway freight train. 
But Dolores’ headlight glare wasn’t fixed upon her daughter.
Nope.  Not at all.
“Jeanie!  I thought I told you that I didn’t want you taking Tara out shopping!” the outraged woman barked as she rolled up.  “I hope you’re proud of yourself.  You’ve just screwed over Chuckie—but good!  C’mon, Tara,” she snarled, grabbing her daughter’s hand.  “You’re coming home with me!”
“Mommy!” cried Tara, pulling back from her infuriated parent. “We’re not doing anything wrong!”
“Please don’t take this out on Tara and Chuckie,” pleaded Jeanie, putting a restraining hand on Dolores’ arm.
“Back off, Jeanie!” snapped Tara’s mother, shaking her hand away.  “Tara!  C’mon—!”
“No!”  Tara sank to the floor in a flawless imitation of a boneless chicken and lay as one dead.
“Get up!”  Her mother continued to tug at the child’s flaccid arm.
“Dolores!  It’s my fault.  Please leave her alone!” begged Jeanie, as other shoppers muttered and edged away from what was obviously a domestic dispute.
“Dolores?  Tara?” inquired a fourth feminine voice. 
Jeanie glanced up to see a woman, perhaps a little older than herself, off-loading a bunch of shopping bags to Tara’s stepfather, Mark.  And, behind them, dashing through the market at a rapid trot, she spotted Chuckie, with Bernie and Don right on his heels.
“What’s going on here?” asked Mark. “Hi Jeanie!  Nice to see you again.” 
“Dolores?  Mark?” quizzed Chuckie, pulling up in a cloud of dust.
“Chuckie!” began Dolores, red-hot. “Tara’s being a complete brat!”
“What? Why?” Chuckie squatted down to talk to his kid. “Bugsy, get up.  You’re gettin’ all dirty down here.”
“I’m not getting up ’til Mommy says I can stay!” wailed Tara, still prostrate on the floor.
“Well, they’re closin’ up in a coupla minutes anyhoo—”
“I mean—stay with you, Daddy!  And Ms. Jeanie and Ms. Bernie and Mr. Don—!”
“What?”  Still on the floor with Tara, Chuckie took a big breath and blew it out.  “Dolores, what’s this all about?”
“I told Jeanie that I wouldn’t put up with any more materialistic crap!” Dolores glared from above.  “And here she is out shopping with Tara anyways!”  Taking a firmer grip, she tried once more to haul her unruly daughter upright.
“We weren’t!” howled Tara, losing all muscle tone once more.
“They really weren’t…” echoed Don, with quiet sincerity.
“And, by the way, if it’s so evil to shop—what are you doing here?” asked Bernie, hovering nearby with a saccharine smile.
Her cheeks scarlet with the exertion of tugging on Tara’s dead weight, Dolores refused to even acknowledge this insolent question from Chuckie’s latest squeeze.  “Ta-ra!  Get!  Up!”
“And the fact of the matter is,” explained Jeanie, virtuously, “we came here to visit the Museum.  It’s the only one that’s free.”
“What museum?” snorted Dolores, resentfully giving up her assault on Tara’s arm to face off with Jeanie again.  “There’s no ‘museum’ here!”
“Yes, there is,” interjected the older woman who, by now, had been joined by an older man.  “A Barbie Doll Museum.  Did you enjoy seeing it, Tara?”
“Yes, Gramma K!” exclaimed Tara, almost knocking her mother over as she suddenly bounced to her feet. “It was amazing!  Did you see the beautiful Bob Mackie dolls?”
“Oh, yes!  Weren’t they spectacular, honey?” nodded Tara’s Gramma K. “And did you notice the Christmas collectible dolls in their ballgowns?  So pretty!”
“That’s not a real museum!” objected Dolores.
“Yes, it is!” chorused Tara and her Gramma K.
“It’s says it’s one on the internet,” stated Bernie, blandly exhibiting the entry on her phone screen to Dolores, who clucked her mistrust of the obviously spurious listing in reply.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be closing in five minutes,” a loudspeaker announcement suddenly blared.  “If you need help with your purchases, please see a vendor for assistance”
“We’d better get a move on, folks,” suggested Don. 
“Yep.  Sounds like they’re ready to shutter the bazaar,” said the other older guy.  “I’m Mark’s dad, Allen Boxer, by the way.”  He shook hands with Don and gestured to the woman by his side.  “This is his mom, Kendra.  We drove up on Christmas Eve from Hamilton to hang out with the grandkids for a week or so.”
“Don Todd and Jeanie Dinmont.  Bernie Todd—and you’ve already met Chuckie?” returned Don, shaking hands while indicating who was who.  “I hope it’s not a problem that we’ve got Tara with us until New Year’s—?”
Allen smilingly shook his head, “Not at all.”
“We shared a lovely Christmas Day,” beamed Kendra.
But, “Not any more you haven’t got her!” Dolores overrode her in-laws’ pleasantries.  “I expressly barred Jeanie from—”
“Shush, Baby,” soothed Mark in a low voice.  “You’ve already caused too much of a scene.”
“But she isn’t supposed to—!”
“Okay, okay.”  Mark turned to his stepdaughter.  “Tara, honey, what did you buy?”
“Nothing! We were just looking—!”
“Okay, Tara, you simmer down too,” cautioned Mark.  With a sly nod to the little girl, Mark gave Dolores a sideways hug. “See, Baby?  She’s just been window shopping.  It’s not really the same thing—”
“It’s emphasizing stuff over substance.”  Dolores wasn’t giving up, but she was calming down.
“It’s an outing to an antiques market with her daddy and his girlfriend’s family,” stated Kendra, calmly.  “Seriously, Dolores, there’s no reason to get your knickers in a twist.”
“But material junk is all this woman cares about—”
“No, it’s not,” stated Bernie, flatly.  “In fact, my mom’s absolutely a people person.”
“Yeah,” agreed Don. “So much so, she’s determined to put on a huge family reunion next summer where—for our sins—we’re going to be sporting plus-fours and flapper skirts all week long.”
“Not forgettin’ that supa-cool Roarin’ Twenties play she’s got Lindy pennin’ for it.  Starrin’ moi and my band o’ merry thespians!” added Chuckie, with a theatrical bow to Tara who giggled and bowed dramatically back.
“Well, if it’s as good as the one we saw you in last summer, it’ll be hilarious!” grinned Allen.  “Can we get in on this reunion thing?”
With her family rallying around her, Jeanie felt heartened enough to answer honestly.  “I’m afraid you’d have to—”  But the jam and jelly vendor cut her short with a gruff, “You guys need anything else?”
“We’ll take a jar of the apple butter—and a lime curd, Tara?—and one of the strawberry, please,” requested Bernie. 
“Is that okay, Dolores?” asked Jeanie, archly.  “They’re consumables.  Not something that’ll clutter up a shelf.  And we’ll be sure to recycle the jars.”
“If you guys hadn’t—” responded Tara’s mommy, stiffly.
“Oh, please don’t worry about Dolores,” broke in Mark, with a smile. “She’s a just teensy bit cranky today because it’s the first time she’s left our twins with a sitter.”
“I am not cranky! And I—” bristled Dolores, but it was pretty clear that she was on the verge of tears. 
“You, Baby, you are going to say bye-bye to your daughter and the nice folks,” broke in Mark again.  “And we’ll see Tara on New Year’s Day, just like we planned.”
“That really would be for the best,” agreed Kendra.
“Mm-hm,” nodded Allen, tapping his watch significantly.
So, Dolores—still looking as if she didn’t agree at all with this course of events but was unreasonably outnumbered by the people who did—muttered, “Bye, Tara…” and suffered herself to be drawn off by Mark and his parents.  Who merrily waved and smiled “Bye!” to Tara and the others as they left.
“You need a bag?” asked the jam and jelly vendor, handing Bernie change for a twenty-dollar bill.
“No, thanks,” said Bernie, tucking the jars into the side of a large cloth sack.
“You bought something else?” asked Jeanie, surprised. 
“Just a video game,” smiled Bernie. 
“It’s a classic,” nodded Chuckie.
“That’s a big bag for just one video game,” said Jeanie, eyeing the bulging sack suspiciously.
“Not if there’s a cool crazy quilt an’ a bedside lamp for me in it too,” laughed Chuckie.  “Here, Cutie.  Let me make like a Sherpa an’ haul that load.”  And, taking the bag, he gestured for Bernie and Don to proceed him to the car.
“So—” Tara’s major pout from earlier was reclaiming her face.  “Ms. Bernie and Daddy get to buy jam and a quilt and a video game and a lamp?  And I don’t get to buy anything?”  
“No,” returned Jeanie, cheerfully. “But I’ve got a couple of belated Christmas presents for you to open in my craft room when we get home.”
“Oh,” said Tara, her expression clearing instantly. “Is one of them a kit to make jewellery with?”
“That would be telling,” said Jeanie, but her answering smile gave her small friend more than just a little hope that it might be so…
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jawhip5 · 3 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Thomson Pottery Woodland Mugs Hand Painted Chinaware Set Of 2.
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deadlyartgoods · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: White Porcelain Fine China Teacup with Painted Pink and Blue Flowers.
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magicalshipment · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Disney Parks - Mickey Mouse - Throw Plaid Manta Blanket - Blue.
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See lots more at  https://blog2collectionsanfavs.tumblr.com/  
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docdm · 4 years
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hamsters-in-cups · 6 years
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“a floof in t’coop” 
unclear whether original photographer was photography_ba7rain or ashley_portfolio or someone else entirely...
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vecnasbitch0 · 2 years
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Pairing: S. Harrington x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst | tooth-rotting fluff | love-sick Steve | fighting | cursing | happy ending
Summary: you catch Steve and Nancy and misunderstand the situation
Part two up soon <3333
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Today was one of those day where you could just tell, from the moment you woke up, it was gonna be a good day. Great even. To be fair, though, you had planned this day for weeks. You and your boyfriends one year anniversary.
You got out of bed at the butt crack of dawn, and practically flung yourself off you bed as soon as you processed what day it was. Suddenly feeling like you’d chugged a Red Bull. You were supposed to meet Steve at his house at 10:00 and stay with him all day.
His parents were out of town so you would spend the night after dinner at Enzo’s. After you ate, you put on a beautiful light blue button-up dress with pockets and a white belt that hugged your waist. You curled your hair and did your makeup and with about five minutes to spare, you left the house.
As you got closer to his house, you started to get very nervous.
Finally, after what felt like decades, you pull into his driveway. Face flushed, you get out of your car. You can’t help but wonder why your so anxious. You just can’t help it, even though you’ve dated Steve for a year now.
You walk up to his house, as you search your bag for the spare keys Steve had given you last summer. You get to the front door and unlock it, placing the keys bag in your bag for you to find again another time.
You step inside, slowly knocking on the already open door. “Steve?” You softly call out, to no avail. You saw his car in the driveway, so you figured he didn’t hear you.
“Babe?” You call out again, louder this time. “Just a minute!” You hear a familiar strained voice from the back of the house. You start to follow the direction of the voice, only to find a closed door. “Babe.” You say, “what are you doing?” No answer.
You start to open the door but stop, afraid he is changing or something. “Baby, can I come in?” You ask, hand still on the door knob. All you can hear is Steve pacing. That is until you hear a whisper. A female whisper. You can’t tell you it is but you can certainly tell it was a female.
You freeze up. Your heart already starting to shatter. “I’m coming in!” You say. The pacing stops. You open the door to a distressed Steve, and fucking Nancy. Shes just sitting there looking pretty. Your heart completely shattered like fine chinaware in the hands of a toddler. Only the toddler being Steve.
“What the fuck?!” You finally say. Refusing to let yourself cry. “Babe- it’s really not what it looks like.” Steve said waving his arms around frantically. “Don’t call me that.”
“Y/N-!” Nancy starts. “Aren’t you with Jonathan anyway?” You interrupt her. Your eyes were starting to get watery, tears threatening to fall. Your chin quivers slightly as you look at her.
“Yes I am! I am not doing anything with Steve!” She responded quickly. “Promise.”
You avert your attention to Steve. He also looked like he was about to cry. He was just standing there. With a shaky breath you manage to get out, “we’re so, done.” You turn around and storm out. Finally letting the tears fall as you mumble out something alone the lines of ‘fucking douchebag’.
You go through your purse again and slam the spare keys on the counter. Steve was standing there, eyes glued to the floor. Dumbfounded. He never knew you would think that he was cheating on him. Poor guy didn’t want you to know he needed Nancy’s help to get you gifts.
As soon as he processed what you said he runs out after you. But your already gone. “Fuck!!” He yelled. Nancy runs out after him. “I- uh..” she starts.
“I should leave.”
“Yeah.. okay.”
“Bye, Steve.”
What the fuck was he supposed to do.
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It’s been two days since the incident. Steve has called countless times. All ignored. And all you’ve done is cry and eat ice cream with your best friend, Robin. Problem is though, she also happened to be Steve’s best friend.
“He’s such a cheater.” You whine, stuffing your head into your pillow.
“And he was with Nancy?!” You only sniffled in response. “That priss?” You nodded, and buried your head more into your pillow. She went silent for a moment before asking, “wait when was this?” “Our anniversary…” you mumble into the pillow.
“Oh shit.” She says. You turn your head to look at her. “What?” “You really fucked up.” She responds. “What?!”
“You heard me.”
“Yeah obviously I heard you. I don’t think I understand how I fucked up.” She snickered at that. Sometimes you really hated her.
You bury your head back into your pillow, done with the conversation. You start to think back on the day. You feel yourself starting to cry again before your pulled out of your thoughts by your one and only.
“He didn’t cheat on you” she started. “Excuse me?” “He just needed Nancy to help him pick out your presents. You picked your head up and looked her in the eyes. “He originally asked me for help.” You look down on the bed spread. Your eyes start to water as tears start streaming down your face.
“Don’t cry, dingus.” She said, pulling you into a hug. The two of you had been best friends since you were kids. Not even Steve could replace you. And vise versa.
You sobbed into her shoulder, mumbling curses under your breath. You didn’t know what to do. Nobody knew what to do. You recalled all of the fun things you did with Steve. From the moment you two became friends, to the moment you became a couple.
The thoughts were supposed to be good thoughts - any other time they would be - but now? No. No these ‘good’ memories made you cry harder into Robins shoulder. And made your hands tremble with regret.
Robin pulls away from the hug. “Shit.” You look at her, wiping your lashes. “I have a shift today, I totally forgot. I’m so sorry I was so distracted and now I need to leave. I’m gonna be in so much trouble-“ the rambled on. You chuckled. “It’s fine Robin. Go!” You say, pushing her off the mattress.
“I- uh. I need a ride..” she says. “Fine.” “But I’m not going in.” You reason with her. “Okay, come on. I’m so late.” She laughed. You jump out of bed and head towards the car. You get in the drivers side and shove the keys in.
“Forgot your dumb ass didn’t have a license.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Asshole.”
“Fuck face.”
“Cock sucker.”
“Motor mouth.”
“Start the goddamn car!”
“Okay, okay.” You laughed.
You pulled out of the driveway and started towards her house. You were in an oversized tee and skinny jeans. Good enough.
You pull into her driveway and put the car in park. She gets out of the car and goes inside to change out of her everyday clothes.
She hops back in the car and you speed away. “Y’know, you can’t run from your problems forever. Steve loves you.”
“Nobody asked you.” You roll your eyes. Though, deep down you know she’s right.
“Bitch.” She mumbles under her breath.
You finally pull into the mall parking lot. And standing there is Steve Harrington. Almost like he knew you would be there. He is leaning against the exterior wall, legs crossed. Looking annoyed.
You would’ve thought he was expecting you until his eyes widened bigger than the wheels on your car. His face instantly turned redder than his tie. Robin laughed so hard she started wheezing.
“Fuck me.”
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kiruliom · 2 years
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a gender relating to the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum.
kintsukoroial refers to the pottery itself and kintsugial refers to the art itself, if you wanna get specific. they both use the same 3 flags (you dont have to be japanese to use it)
the blues inspired by chinaware for no reason other than I thing chinaware is pretty ^^
for day 10 and 13 of @epikulupu's coining event, synthetic and gold
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shivicollectsthings · 4 years
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100 days of symmetry
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jawhip5 · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Thomson Pottery Woodland Mugs Hand Painted Chinaware Set Of 2.
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dairyminki · 3 years
I Dare You | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x gn!reader
↬ summary: the annual road market had just reopened and San thought it would be a great opportunity to look around and buy something that might catch your eye.
↬ genre: fluff, established relationship
↬ warning: none
↬ note: reader in one scene, experiences a feeling of unsettledness/nervousness
↬ wc: 1.2k
↬ a/n: reblogging and feedbacks would really be much appreciated <3
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"San, wait up!" You shout as you break into a sprint, trying to catch up to your boyfriend who is now just a footstep away from the shop's entrance.
Today was a Sunday. And Sunday generally means quality time for the two of you. Quality time that would've usually consisted of you two lazing in your cozy apartment, movie marathons, cuddle times and any other relaxing and fun activities you'd both bask in and enjoy. But today was different.
The annual road market had just reopened and San thought it would be a great opportunity to look around and buy something that might catch your eye.
And something, did, catch your eye. The reason why you're running after your boyfriend who decided to be playful, last minute.
Just when you were finally back out on the streets, which was packed with people going back and forth and parked vehicles almost everywhere, you stopped in your tracks. Your face was now morphed into a deep frown, your lips forming into a pout as you stared at San who was now walking away from you, almost blending in successfully with the crowd; if not for his light pink beanie and blue bomber jacket which made him stand out.
I dare you. You taunt him with your gaze and now raised eyebrow, daring him to take a few more steps away from you, and completely abandon you in the sea of people.
How about you catch me first? San raises an eyebrow back at you. You can tell with that smirk on his pretty pink lips that he's challenging you.
On other days, you might've ran after him and maybe tackled him to the ground. But no, not today. Not when the place is too crowded.
"Not today, San." You huffed to yourself, then with one last look in those black orbs of his, you turned your back at him and looked away.
Of course, you didn't miss how his smirk falters from his face. He didn't expect you'd turn him down for sure.
Well, playing hard to get is your forte anyway, and Choi San should've known.
So with quick steps, you walk away, slowly being one with the bustling crowd. You smirk to yourself.
Have fun catching me now, you idiot.
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Judging from the plastic and paper bags you have in hand, you've probably gone to a lot of stalls and stores already. But what surprised you the most was….San was nowhere in sight.
The first few minutes, you'd see him making his way through the crowd and trying his best to catch up to you with that little pout on his face, his cheeks, rosy red, because of the light heat of the sun.
Occasionally, you'd turn your head back just to laugh at him, and he'd just frown at you in return. You can even make up his mouth doing silent curses as no matter how fast he walks, you're still out of reach.
But now, all the laughter inside of you has died, only to be replaced with your fast-paced heartbeats and churning stomach.
Not seeing a glimpse of San, even just his shadow, had you perturbed.
And maybe...your game of playing hard to get, went too far, that deep inside, your whole system is shouting at you the words; 'You're lost!'
Great. Just great.
"I'm pretty sure I went past this store for the nth time now." You muttered as you eyed the antique store you've gotten a chinaware tea set from.
Cold sweat decorated and dripped from your neck as you took small and nervous steps. You'd even subtly look around or look behind you just to check if San emerged from somewhere. But nothing. Not a single glance of his light pink beanie and blue bomber jacket.
Where are you Choi San?
You were close to tears. Why didn't you even think of bringing your cellphone with you? By now you could've texted him, saying that you've had enough and just want him and his beautiful face to show up in front of you already.
Feeling smaller in the middle of the market, surrounded by chattering people and unfamiliar and never ending stores, you stomp away.
I don't care anymore. If I'm lost, then so be it.
But you haven't even made it that far from your previous position when you got yanked back. Your body falling back, hitting something hard.
Your tears finally fell.
"Shhh, love, it's me." That ever familiar soft, honey-like voice whispers in your ear, his hand brushing your hair carefully as the other was wrapped around your waist.
Finally able to relax in his hold and breathe normally, you turn around to face him and tightly hug him in an instant.
"Where have you been? I was so scared, you- you were nowhere to be found. I hate you!" You said, not making your voice much higher, as to not cause a scene. You fisted his shirt as you let more tears fall.
San lets his hands rest on your back, rubbing it continuously until you've calmed down. He pulled you to a nearby bench, a little far from the packed streets, as he did so.
"I must've scared you huh?" San chuckles as he brings a hand to your face, wiping away the tears, both the dried and the fresh ones.
You hit his chest, frowning at him. "Not funny, Choi." You said in a hoarse voice. San absolutely found it cute, how your eyes seemed to sparkle even after crying your heart out. How your lips unconsciously formed into a deeper pout. Oh, how he wanted to kiss you this very moment.
Instead, he cocks an eyebrow at you, saying, "Huh, from what I remember, you started this game, love." He said, booping your nose.
"You were the one who dared to leave me behind!"
"And? You know I wouldn't actually do that. My dear Y/N, if you've only ran after me then maybe, just maybe we're already enjoying a lunch date right now. That cat and mouse chase didn't have to happen and you...you could've saved your money instead of buying these...these…" San trails off reluctantly, grimacing as he glances at the bags full of items you've bought from different stores.
"Go say that they're trash, I dare you! And I promise you won't be able to-" Your sentence was cut off when he leans in unexpectedly, his soft, plump lips meeting yours in a soft kiss.
When he pulled away, there you saw how he looked at you. How his eyes say that for him, it's and it'll be only you. How if he were a galaxy, you were the stars that shined just for him.
"I love you.." He speaks softly.
You continued looking at each other, both of you getting lost in each other's gazes, in the process. You eventually look away first, shying away and betting that your cheeks right now must be tinted with a faint pink shade.
Even if you two have been together for quite a long time now, you can never get used to San's intimate and intense gazes.
When San saw this, how you suddenly got shy, he kissed your temple tenderly. Then he pulls you up from the bench, his left arm immediately finding its way around your waist, wrapping you tightly in a side hug as he whispers in your ear, "Let's get home now shall we?"
You looked up at him, smiling cheekily. "And cuddles?" You ask.
Dimples adorned his cheeks when he smiled at you ever so sweetly. Like you're a treasure he won't ever let go.
"Anything you want, love."
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