#blue side of the sky
The blue side of the sky Blue side of the sky Blue side of the
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mother-lee · 1 month
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nouverx · 4 months
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Day 5 and Day 6 of Radiostatic Week
Free day (Picture) and one sided attraction. Seems like purple doesn't suit Alastor...
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kinuphoto · 7 days
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hyunfilms · 7 months
blue side of the sky (lmh) | twenty one. (final)
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: waking up after 3 months with no recollection of your past, your friends do what they can to help you remember. except, they omit an important piece to the puzzle - afraid you would remember the heartbreak and hurt all over again.
—pairing: lee know x f. reader
—genre: (18+) exes to lovers, bestfriends to lovers au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 4.4k
—chapter content/warnings: not much, really just wrapping everything up mainly for these three, some crying, overwhelming feelings of nostalgia and missing someone, two cute flashback scenes
☁︎ on rotation: magic hour - jhene aiko
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—a/n: thank you again for coming along on this journey <33 i appreciate you, and the support always means so, so much to me 🩵 i'll be back with chan's fic soon. 🥰
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As the days go by, you find yourself feeling better in your own skin than you were a year ago. Despite the troubles you had endured, you feel like you're finally where you need to be. Things feel settled, time seems to be moving slower, your relationships traversing on calm waters. Because the flower shop had been booming with more customers and clients, Mrs. Pak made you lead florist while she hired another part-timer, Bora, who helped in between her classes. You're mainly at the shop, preparing pre-ordered bouquets and setting some aside for grabs at the store; while the other half of your time is now spent traveling to venues to set up for special events. You've greatly appreciated the bump in responsibilities, enjoying that most of your time is spent doing what you love. During nights or weekends that you are free, you occasionally head to the pottery studio to continue creating pieces to add to your collection or sell.
As for Minho, the time felt like it did you well. But in a sense where you were able to say your peace to the past, where you were able to process the highs and the lows in that chapter with Minho. Though things changed the trajectory of everything, Minho has never left your side. He continued to create enough distance until you were ready to bring him closer, always ready to support you in any way that he could. But, there was never any pressure to be more, to be less. Minho let you be and that's because he loved you;
And he loved you enough to let you go.
Loved you enough to let you properly conquer this world without him holding you back.
In the end, you will always love Minho, but you're realizing that loving him as who you are now, as where you are now, as his bestfriend, will always be more than enough. So you let it sit the way it is now, afraid to force something that wasn't meant for the next chapter of your life.
In the end, you will have Minho the way the universe allows you to, and vice versa. 
In the end, you'd rather have a part of him than lose him at all. 
"Hey." You pick up the call, gathering some last minute items and tossing them into your bag.
"Hey, I'm out front." Minho says on the other line while he shuffles around in his car.
"Okay, I'll be right there."
"Take your time." You purse your lips together before ending the call. You run your chapstick across your lips once more before grabbing your bag and heading out of the door. You walk through the side door seeing Minho relaxing in the driver's seat— scrolling through his phone. Since it's been a good amount of time, your stomach no longer drops when you see him, heart no longer feels like it's beating out of your chest, palms no longer wet and sweaty from anxiety. 
And it feels nice. 
"Hey." He says, turning to you as soon as you swing the door open and settle into the passenger's seat. You give him a tiny smile before buckling in your seatbelt. "All good?"
"Yeah, I'm good."
"Is it too warm?" Minho adjusts the heat slightly.
"No, it's good. It's perfect." He nods, driving off to your childhood neighborhood. "Cafe is okay? Surprised you were able to run off." 
"Mhm. Yeah well, JJ's got it, plus we hired another person to help out. It's been pretty smooth lately."
"That's good. Then, you're able to do more for your dance group and the studio, right? Just like you wanted?" He nods.
"Yeah, I am. We're finishing up for our competition next weekend."
"I'm glad you have more time for that now. I'm sure it'll go great."
"How's the shop and Mrs. Pak? Still busy, I'm assuming?" You sigh and let out a chuckle.
"Yeah, it's booming lately. But, Bora's been a lot of help when I can't be around so I'm grateful for her. I was just afraid of Mrs. Pak having to handle a lot on her own again."
"I'm sure she appreciates everything you do for her and the shop." You nod.
"I have to travel next weekend. The client that hired us for the event is about 2 hours away."
"You'll be okay?"
"I'll be okay. I know I can call you guys if anything comes up."
"Okay." He looks at you, content with your answer. And when Minho looks at you, he still sees love, feels love. 
He always will. 
But, he's also gotten to understand what it truly means to put you first, to put your needs above his own, to be your bestfriend. For a moment, he felt lost when you distanced yourself; no longer by his side like you used to be. He wondered how he could salvage everything and fix the problems overnight to bring you close again. He wondered what he could do differently this time, wondered how he should act, how he should talk, how he could paint himself in a different picture. He felt exhausted from trying to control every single aspect of life, micromanaging every little detail he could. 
Then, he realized the answer was in front of him this entire time. He realized how much he was holding you back when you started to smile more, when you started to laugh and move with grace more comfortably; dancing along with the wind, while your eyes held more life than they used to. He realized you needed to shape your own life outside of him, outside of Jisung and your friends, outside of Uncle Adrian.
Create your own version of the greenest grass, the bluest skies, the starriest nights.
This is the unconditional love you needed, even if it was from a distance.
As he continues to drive, he peeks over from time to time, watching as you keep your eyes glued to the surroundings as it passes by. He can't really tell if things are starting to feel familiar, or if you are trying to dig deep within yourself to find that familiar feeling. Overall, you seem to be content, and you don't seem to be regretting your decision of asking Minho to take you here.
When Minho finally drives down a familiar street, he slows his speed a bit; pointing towards certain places while telling you as much as he remembers from his own memory. Although Minho wasn't a part of your life during this point of your childhood, you and Jisung used to take him to this neighborhood pretty often— bringing you to the convenience store you always hung out at, the grocery store your families frequented, the park that had the monkey bars you and Jisung used to fight over. Even though he wasn't there, he felt included. Always.
"You guys took me here quite a few times." Minho points at the convenience store. "We'd go in there and spend our spare change because they had $1 surprise gifts." Minho chuckles a bit. "We'd get a range of things, like random sticker books. Bracelets. Keychains. You even got lucky once and got your favorite pink pencil case out of that." You giggle.
"I still have that sitting on my desk." He nods.
"Yup. We'd spend so much visiting there. They always had our favorite snacks. Sometimes, there would be a hotteok cart nearby. It stopped coming after awhile though." He turns down a road that leads into a residential area. Most of the houses were designed similarly, probably having the same layouts and just enough rooms for families to live comfortably. It's a quiet street, barely any kids playing out front or around on the block. Minho parks his car along the curb, pointing at the park that's a bit of a walk down a path into the middle of the area. "Wanna talk a walk to the park with me?" He looks at you as he unbuckles his seatbelt.
"Sure." He gives you a small smile before heading out of the car, finding his place next to you as you stand and breathe in the crisp fresh air. He digs his hands into his jacket pockets, careful to not walk too quickly. You finally catch wind of a few kids playing around at the park while their parents hang around. Minho chuckles a bit when he hears a child screaming and laughing while their father spins them around on the roundabout; pleading for their dad to go faster.
"Jisungie hated that thing. Even when we'd come here in high school."
"Let me guess, he almost fell off of it." 
"Yup." He lets out a breath. "Anyway, you and Jisung grew up at this park. When we came here all together, we'd play around on the monkey bars and wait for the ice cream truck to come. That ice cream truck sold the specific brand of strawberry shortcake ice cream you loved so much. You refused to buy anything else."
"You know, now that you mention it, I haven't had that in awhile." You giggle and kick at the leaves beneath your feet, eyes now darting to the kids chasing each other around the park.
"You loved that ice cream." He walks over to the tree on the opposite side. "We used to play the dumbest games here, like tag. Hopping from bridge to bridge, trying not to step on the ground or else we'd be out." You laugh.
"Everything sounded so fun."
"And chaotic." You watch as he looks at the tree bark, running his fingers across the surface before calling you to his side. "Come look at this."
"Hm?" You hum, walking around to stand next to him. You let out a small gasp seeing your names carved messily onto the bark, the 'o' shape on your mouth slowly forming into a tiny smile. "This was in high school?"
"Yup. We spent a lot of good times here." You look at him. "Ready to walk to your house? It's just down this way." He points towards the ongoing path behind him.
"Mhm." You nod. 
The walk is quiet, but it's a comfortable silence that falls between you and Minho. It's quick anyways, especially being that you thoroughly enjoy taking in the fresh air while observing your surroundings. You can hear the birds chirping amongst the trees that line the pathway, the dirt beneath your feet with every step. You follow Minho as he turns down the corner and stops, pointing at a dark brown, ranch-style family home. It's not small, but not the biggest; obvious that the maintenance wasn't a high priority over the years, the paint chipping off in certain areas.
"That's it." You stand and stare, taking in the small, quaint house sitting by itself— a good distance separating it from the next house over. 
"Hm." You hum. "It does feel like home." You say, unable to explain the huge wave of nostalgia that suddenly overcame your senses. "I can't put my finger on it, but it certainly feels like home." Minho nods. "I can't believe we were here. This is where I grew up."
"Wish I could remember it." At this point, an elderly lady comes out— walking onto the small porch with her cane. She notices you two and gently smiles, heading towards the flowers planted along the walkway into the house.
"I don't usually see pretty faces like yours come around. Are you from here?" She asks with a sweet smile, tending to her growing rose bush.
"I, um, grew up in this home when I was really young. I just wanted to come by and see it. I hope you don't mind that we're standing here looking at the house." She chuckles.
"Nonsense. My son bought this house but eventually moved out of the country, then had us move in here."
"That's nice."
"Does it look the same as you remember it?" Minho looks at you, but before he could intervene, you respond simply with a :
"I think so. Feels like it."
"I'm glad." She looks at her door then back at you two. "Do you, maybe, wanna come in?" You shake your head, afraid of it being too overwhelming, too much. Especially for someone like you, who is still learning life and the world.
"Oh, no. Thank you, though. We're going to leave soon. Seeing it from here is enough."
"You sure?" Minho asks quietly. You look at him and nod.
"Okay, sweetheart. If you ever change your mind, please knock. My husband and I are just around in the house."
"Thank you." You give her a small, curt bow before turning to Minho. "Let's go."
"Okay." Is all he says before following you down the path, creating enough distance between you and the house before chiming in again. "You sure you don’t wanna go in, Y/N?"
"Mhm. I'm just afraid it'll be too overwhelming for me, and I won't even know why. I'll have nothing to compare the feeling to.” You pause. “I promise. I'm okay seeing it that way. I think—" You sigh. "I think that feeling of seeing it and having it feel like home is enough. I don't want anything else to take over that."
"Okay." He pops his arm out for you to take and hold onto it. "That sounds good to me. We can make our way to the cemetery at a good time."
"Thanks, Minho."
"Course." The two of you continue to the car, laughing and smiling at the kids that are still playing in the park. You plop into the passenger's seat and buckle your seatbelt, rubbing your hands together to get rid of the morning cold. Minho checks on the flowers in the backseat, making sure they're still sitting prettily before hopping into the driver's seat.
"Good?" You nod. "Ready to go see your mom?"
"I am."
"Mmkay." Is all Minho responds with before pulling away from the curb. The cemetery is close to an hour drive in the opposite direction, and Minho makes sure you're comfortable for the ride over. He keeps it rather lowkey, playing soft music in the background while keeping the heat on. He doesn't really try to make small conversation not only because he's not much of a person for it, but because he can also tell your mind is already occupied. He does ask you from time to time if you're hungry and if you'd like to eat first, but you respond with a soft 'no;' reassuring him that all is well through a smile before leaning your head against the window.
Uncle Adrian was caught up at work, but he lets you know he'll meet you at the cemetery as soon as he's able to slip away and pack it up for the day, telling you to take your time and sit with her for as long as you'd like. You aren't really sure what you're gonna do when you get there though, to be honest. You're not even sure how long you plan to stick around. But, thankfully, Minho doesn't mind. He knows you need this right now, and he'll do whatever he can to help ease this.
To ease the transition in closing this chapter, in moving forward.
Minho is woken up in the middle of the night when he hears you giving off small whimpers. You're still snuggled against him, enveloped in his arms; though, he feels you twitch every now and then. He looks down at you, brushing the hair away from your face when he realizes you're still asleep and probably having a bad dream.
"Y/N." He says softly with a gentle shake at the shoulder. "Baby." He says a bit louder when you don't budge. He's a little bit rougher with his shake, finally getting you to slowly pry an eye open before the other follows suit.
"Hm?" You sleepily ask, rubbing at your face.
"You were having a bad dream."
"My mom visited me in my dream. I was crying for her."
"I'm sorry, love."
"Nothing to be sorry about."
"Do you remember if she said anything to you?" You nod and wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly as you recall the best parts of your dream. Although it was a happy, beautiful dream, you found yourself tearing up at the thought of how angelic and peaceful your mom looked. At least, you could confirm that she was okay and that she was happy— wherever she was at.
"Mhm. She said she missed me, and that she was really happy to see me. She said she thinks about me all the time and that she's always by my side no matter what." You sniffle. Minho lifts your chin with his finger, wiping away at the tears that manage to slip down your bottom lid and down your cheeks. 
"I'm glad she visited you."
"I am, too." You begin to cry a bit harder as reality hits you, the thought of not actually being able to physically hug your mom feeling incredibly painful tonight. "I miss her so much, Min. I wish I could hug her."
"I know you do, baby. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I just got scared. I wish I could do more to help."
"No, it's okay. Just really miss her. But I'm glad she seems to be happy."
"And I'm sure she's very happy because she can see you doing well and being so strong."
"I hope so."
"I know so." Minho gives off a tiny chuckle before pulling you close and hugging you tightly. "Let's get back to sleep, yeah? We've got a couple of more hours before we need to be up."
"I love you."
"I love you, too." You whisper against his chest, shutting your eyes in hopes of finding sleep again.
☁︎ END
It's a bit past lunch time when you arrive at the cemetery, and you still don't feel hungry. You do feel nervous for whatever reason, somewhat anxious, even. Minho parks in a free space, shutting off the car while letting out a breath.
"You okay?" He looks at you while you stare out of the window. All you can do is look at him and nod once more before unbuckling your seatbelt and stepping out of the car. You grab the bouquet of flowers from the back seat, hoping to rearrange them at her grave. Minho takes lead down the grassy field, stopping a few feet away from the car. He stands above a grave, looking down at the flat headstone before laying down a blanket and turning to you. You slowly approach him, letting him throw an arm around you and give it a soft squeeze.
"It's her." Is all he hears you say before you kneel to the ground and place the flowers down. It takes a moment before you register what's happening, before you realize that you're finally meeting her after all this time. 
You take another moment just to observe, to sit and be still. Then, you look at her picture, and you just cry. You cry, and cry. Because you miss her, because all you feel is overwhelming love for her.
You shakily run your finger down the picture, her smile so beautiful, so calming.
So peaceful.
You wish you could hug her tightly.
"I wish I could hug her." You say softly, and Minho can't help but gently rub your back to help ease your crying. Though, it's nice to know that you aren't alone, and you know you never will be. You do believe that your mom has been here with you, never leaving your side— especially throughout everything that's happened.
"We can stay here for as long as you need to." Minho adds. You quietly begin to arrange her flowers, Minho sitting back after he's added the bowl of oranges to the headstone. He watches as you delicately fix each stem, each flower, helping them stand tall and long. 
"Do they look okay?"
"They're beautiful." You give him a small smile.
"Mrs. Pak just got these in a couple of days ago. The baby blue Baby's Breath? They're so pretty."
"They are." 
"I hope she likes them."
"I'm sure she does." You sit back contently, hands falling to your lap. 
"Minho, I really wish I could remember the moments I've had with her. I think that's been the most upsetting part about everything. Not remembering the times I've had with my mom. Cause I can't get those back, and I can't necessarily make new ones with her."
"I'm sorry, I know. But, I know Uncle Adrian would be more than happy to walk down memory lane with you whenever you're ready. And I know she'd be happy to see you making new ones with him. She's with you everywhere you go, and she's in everything you do. You know that, right?"
"Mm, yeah. I just.. I don't know. I wish I could have a pass to go back in time to talk to her, or see her in my dreams." You sigh. "At least I can talk to her here, though. I hope she hears me."
"She does." Minho responds softly, watching as you stare at your mom's photo. He doesn't interrupt, gives you a moment to let your thoughts be.
To let you hold space. For you, for your mom.
And it's like this for awhile. Minho doesn't mind, especially since the weather has cleared up a bit and gotten warmer.
"Yo!" Jisung suddenly comes up the path, hands dug deep into his jacket. "Sorry I'm a bit late, I got caught up with some work stuff even though I told them I was taking off early today." He lets out a sigh as he sits next to you on the blanket. "You guys okay?"
"Mm yeah. I think so." You murmur.
"You sure, cielo?"
"Mhm. I just miss her, is all." Jisung pulls you into a hug and rubs at your arm while looking down at her headstone.
"Whenever we went on trips, your mom would always buy me bags of my favorite gummies. She'd always take us to get ice cream, or to the local convenience store to buy whatever snacks we wanted. Sometimes, she'd sit outside with us just to get some air and people watch." Jisung chuckles. "Your mom was really like my second mom. She was the nicest person. Always smiling. Kinda like you, I guess?" You laugh.
"Wow, you guess?" He shrugs. 
"Twins, for real." Jisung continues to tell you stories about the trips your families have taken together— how she would never let you two be unhappy, always willing to take you two to the places you wanted to visit even if everyone else was tired. She'd patiently wait for you two to finish playing, swimming, whatever it was— as long as you two were happy.
Then, the three of you find yourselves sitting quietly in front of her grave, looking out at the hills beyond it. The sky is bright and blue with no clouds in sight, weather warm with a very gentle breeze. The trees around you are full, showing off their healthy green leaves.
You sit, you breathe, you feel.
You turn to Jisung who is quietly dusting off your mom's grave, picking at the old, tiny, brown leaves that have accumulated in the corner. A small smile grows at your lips when you notice how focused he is on the small, tiny details; finger tracing the edges of the flat headstone. Then, you turn to Minho, who quietly sits by your side, looking out at the distant city view ahead. He suddenly meets your gaze, a smile growing at the corners of his lips. He pulls you into his arm, letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
No words being exchanged, no words needed to be said. 
You've come to know what the blue side of the sky truly means, what it truly feels like. Because there is so much pain, anguish, hurt in this world, so many grey skies and loud, aggressive storms. 
But not in this moment.
In this moment, there is only happiness, comfort, peace. Blue skies and warmth. 
In this moment, there is only love.
"Y/N." Your mom says as she holds your hand as you attempt to walk in a straight line on the curb. You giggle when you almost lose balance, your grip around her fingers tightening as you regain it. "Y/N love, are you listening to mommy?"
"I am, I am." You giggle and look up at her, flashing her that million-watt smile she adores.
"Okay, good. I just want you to listen to me for a second."
"Okay, mommy."
"You know, the world isn't a scary place, but it isn't perfect either, love." You continue to walk silently along the curb, listening to your mom. "You know mommy is always doing her best to raise you well, right?"
"Mhm, mhm!"
"I don't want you to grow up fearing new places, new adventures, new people. But, I also want you to protect yourself and save yourself for those that really deserve you. Every bit of you. Okay? I'm trying my hardest to raise you to be brave and strong, and I know you will be. But sometimes, you can't be. And that's okay. That's why it's so important to have good people around you. Good friends. People that care about you and love you no matter what. Always surround yourself with love."
"I have friends." You smile at her and she smiles back. "Like Jisungie."
"I know. And Jisungie is a perfect example of a good friend who will never leave your side. But sometimes, Jisungie might not always be there. What are you going to do?"
"Be strong! Because I am strong!" She laughs when you raise your arms to show off your muscles.
"Right, be strong. You're my brave girl. You will always be my brave and strong girl. Life may not always be that kind to you, but I know you'll be able to overcome anything. You deserve the very best, always. Never let yourself believe otherwise."
"Is it because I'm like you, mommy?"
"Yes." She giggles. "Yes it is. You're just like me." She scoops you into her arms before planting a kiss on your cheek and pointing upwards. "You know, if you ever have bad days, or if you ever need a reminder. Just look up at the blue sky." She pauses and taps the tip of your nose. "Because no matter what, that blue sky will always come back after the rain. It'll never let those grey skies completely take over no matter how hard the rain comes down. It will always come back and be there for you."
☁︎ END
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♡ taglist: @ppiri-bahng @jihanlovic @meloncremesoda @sweetlikecherry @asjkdk @hoes4lino @skzddicted @skzho @edgaralienpoe @harui-zen @bestleeknowstan @havenwithleeknow @septicrebel @heesdazed @borahae-reads @yoontaethings @pearbunny @bintificreads @lukeys-giggle @ajxreads @everglowdaisies @allaboutsan @endzii23 @leeknowsramen @heres-your-ramen2000 @morningstardada @mal-lunar-28 @downbadreading @lilysophie @feelikecinderella @urmomma0324 @ddazed-lhs @djeniryuu @melanctton @i8rsie @maru-matt @sleepyleeji @taerifin @nattisbored @jisunglyricist @m111nho @drhsthl @nixtape-foryou @arminseas @guiltycoco @syuuji @sulkygyu @cadihyo @reianagarcia @leeknowyah @smndjdufuehr @dprkbyn @xxibreinaxx @mxnsxngie @reiheis @mellowmentalitydragon @vixensss
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sarasakysunmoon · 5 months
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99 notes · View notes
cametotheshowinsd · 1 year
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Who would you be sad with? And who would you deal with when they were sad? Grey skies every day for months, would you still stay?
331 notes · View notes
kirbyfigure · 5 months
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―୨୧⋆ ˚
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adhamabbas · 7 days
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أنا عالقُ بكِ ، أنتِ عَلقةُ في القَلب .
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Blue side of the sky Blue side of the sky Blue side of the
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
#a moment i need to capture while it's still fresh#stargazing alone in the chill and damp of an august night#the crickets singing all around#northern lights filling the sky like nothing i've ever seen#the red colors even visible to the naked eye#pictures show the entire sky alight with red and green and blue#but they can't capture the delicate blue-white formations that i see with the naked eye#or the pulsing weaving swirling motion of the lights above#the high point of the night is looking straight up into the night sky#not north or south or east or west just up which is out toward space#not a direction tied to our world but out to god#and there were these constant swirling waves of light all pulsing toward the very center of the sky#and then a shooting star#the brightest and clearest of the night#streaks upward across the right-hand side#and after an evening of wanting to feel closer to god than i do when surrounded by his heavenly marvels#the prayer that comes to mind is 'glory'#glory to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit who created all this and let me see it#and there is no one to share it with#no way to capture what i'm seeing#no way to share this moment with anyone else#there is no one i'll be able to turn to and say#remember when we saw that shooting star in the middle of the northern lights?#this moment can't be captured or repeated it simply exists in this moment right now#it's beautiful and sad#and also a gift#i meant to stay out for maybe fifteen minutes#i was out there an hour and wish i didn't have to leave#and there was no way to share it but i had to try to share it with someone before i lost the moment
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kinuphoto · 7 days
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hyunfilms · 11 months
blue side of the sky (lmh) | fourteen.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: waking up after 3 months with no recollection of your past, your friends do what they can to help you remember. except, they omit an important piece to the puzzle - afraid you would remember the heartbreak and hurt all over again.
—pairing: lee know x f. reader
—genre: (18+) exes to lovers, bestfriends to lovers au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 4.4k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing, cuddles, small, sweet kisses, cute gestures of affection, whatever happens later in the chapter - it's really not what it looks like (aka minho means it), minsung heart to heart, flashback scenes - one that is cute, the other that is a bit more angry and full of emotion (some pushing involved), jisung is trying hard to be an equal middle person between his bestfriends and respect boundaries, pls prepare because the next update will not be fun ... 😅
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minho: get to work okay?
you: yes!
minho: stopping by?
you: maybe.. ☺️
minho: 🥺
minho: i'm literally just down the street, why is it a 'maybe?'
minho: i never hear chan or seungmin get 'maybe's'
minho: san too......
you: oh please, how would you know!
you: chan and seungmin are my favorites, remember? same thing with san 😉
minho: bye 😞
You giggle to yourself as you tuck your phone in your pocket, knowing Minho is probably sulking after the teasing you've done. A little teasing shouldn't hurt. Though, it doesn't change the fact that you do plan on visiting him during your break and it doesn't change the fact that you��really, really miss him already.
And he really, really misses you, too.
"Y/N?" You hear your name being called, followed by a few soft knocks. You get up from the easel, halting the current watercolor painting you were working on. When you pop your head out of the room, you see Minho looking through the small windows on your door— a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Hi." You smile up at him. "What're you doing here?"
"Just wanted to see you." You step aside to let him in, bits of the cold, night air rushing in just before you shut the door close. 
"Didn't you have class?" He nods, pushing the hood down from his head. 
"Yeah, took a quick shower then came here." He chuckles. 
"How was it?"
"Good. Tiring." He says, sitting on the edge of your bed when you return to the easel. "What're you working on?" 
"Trying to paint one of the flowers from the conservatory." You giggle. "What's your house up to?"
"Nothing. When I left, Ji and Seungmin were playing this board game while Chan was just watching his show in the living room."
"I don't think I'm any better company." You laugh.
"You are."
"Did you teach today, or did Hyunjin teach?"
"Hyunjin. I had to help him figure out his last 8 count though because he didn't know how to close out the piece." You nod as you continue to paint the last strip of pink onto the canvas, setting your brush down off to the side before getting up to keep Minho company.
"Did you eat?"
"Kinda yeah, but I'm not hungry."
"You sure?" Minho nods, pulling you in between his legs. He gently wraps his arms around you and lays his head against your stomach. Minho doesn't say anything, but you can feel him relaxing in your hold— your arms wrapped around him while your hand massages the back of his head. "You okay?"
"Mhm." He mumbles. "I just really missed you." You're not sure if Minho is speaking in the moment, because his actions, the way he doesn't want to let you go, says he's speaking about the past. How he's been feeling. How he's been yearning for you just as you have for him. It's more than a simple 'i miss you.'
"I missed you, too." He looks up at you, resting his chin against your stomach. "Come, let's go and watch something, yeah?" You unwrap his arms from around your waist, slipping your hand into his to lead the way. Before you can walk further into the living room, Minho pulls you back. Your body is pressed flush against his, his hands on your hips and giving them a gentle squeeze. "What?" You shyly giggle.
"Nothing, I like looking at you, remember?" He breaks his silence, a small laugh falling from his lips. He edges forward to kiss you on the forehead, before moving down to your lips; hands squeezing at your hips again to show you how much he loves kissing you.
How much he adores you.
You only smile at him before leading the way to the couch, where Minho plops onto his side and makes some room for you to lay in front of him. There's a debate about which movie is going up, but Minho quickly waves the white flag and surrenders the decision to you. He doesn't mind watching Hocus Pocus even though it isn't remotely close to Halloween yet, he just wants to be here with you;
Holding you, keeping you close.
Feeling your warmth against him.
Minho is surprised that you even make it past halfway into the movie before you fall asleep. He chuckles to himself when he hears your soft snores amongst the Hocus Pocus background noise. He presses a few kisses to the back of your head that wakes you up for a few seconds— only for you to shift in your position and face him. 
"Baby, do you want to sleep in your bed?" He whispers, hoping you're still awake enough to hear him. "I can go and let you sleep."
"No." You simply mutter against him, shifting closer to his body as if there was no way you'd separate from him at this moment.
"Okay." Is all he says before he's silently chuckling again, wrapping an arm around you to keep you safe. Because this time, he will. He can't help but press a few more feathery kisses across your face, making sure to give a little more love to your scars. 
He missed you.
Really, really missed you.
And this time, he'll keep you safe. He'll protect you, choose you. 
☁︎ END
"What's the cute giggle fit for?" Mrs. Pak smiles at you and softly nudges your arm, making you shake your head. 
"Oh, nothing. I'm just, happy?" You respond in a questioning tone, followed by another small giggle.
"Happy looks good on you, sweetheart." Mrs. Pak chuckles as she helps you get a big bouquet together. "Is it San?"
"San." You repeat his name. "Right, I forgot to tell you about that." You give her a small toothless smile. "Just friends."
"You talked to him?"
"I did. He was very sweet about it."
"Good. How did you do it? Tell me all about that evening."
"It was nice! He took me to that famous unagi restaurant and Peace Piece. Then, he took me to the movies for the Studio Ghibli event. We watched Spirited Away."
"That sounds like a lovely evening."
"It was." You look at her. "He took me to the beach to talk about everything, but he was very understanding about it when I told him I just wanted to stay friends. I told him I thought we worked well this way."
"It's good he was understanding. Says alot about his character and how much he respects you."
"He's truly a great friend. It hasn't been long, but San has done a lot to help me feel comfortable, especially in my own skin."
"That's good." She hands you some ribbons. "How about the one you have feelings for?" You giggle.
"The one that I have feelings for? Hm, he's one of my bestfriends." You fiddle with the ribbon and tie it nicely around the tissue paper to keep the bouquet secured. "He actually owns that café down the street. Sunday Morning."
"Oh, he does? I've gone there before, it's a nice café." 
"Mm, yeah. Might pay him a little visit later." You smile at her.
"What's his name?"
"Minho. Me and Jisung met him in high school." She nods. "I'm not really sure how to explain this, but I've always felt something for Minho after I woke up. I feel connected to him on a deeper level—" You pause just as you set the bouquet aside. "Attached, almost."
"Do you guys have history?" You shrug.
"I think so. Wish I could remember. But, Minho said he'd tell me in time. He didn't wanna rush it because he didn't wanna overwhelm me." Mrs. Pak gives you a toothless smile. "I trust him. I know he'll tell me when the time is right."
"That's good. He wants to tell you, I'm sure. But, he's still thinking about you and helping you get comfortable."
"I'm just scared."
"Why scared?"
"I.. I don't know. I don't really know what to expect."
"That's okay. I'm sure he'll tell you, just like you said. When the time is right." You nod.
"Yeah." You simply agree before grabbing a vase to fix another bouquet. "I don't know how else to say it, really. But, I like him. A lot. We.." You let out a small sigh. "Things happened between us already over the past few days. It escalated so quickly? But, I don't think any of this is weird. These aren't unfamiliar feelings."
"Sometimes, the heart just knows."
"What if our history isn't the greatest?"
"Well, that's okay. We are only human, and we aren't perfect." Mrs. Pak softly says next to you. "It's up to you how you'd like to take it, but I would take it as something that can help you grow and learn. We are always learning, and there are always ways to improve. It's never a linear path, my dear." You sigh and nod, eyes darting to the customers that just walked in.
"Do I get to meet this young man?" You chuckle just as you walk away from the front, looking over your shoulder with a small smile.
"Of course. I'd love for you to meet him and my friends—" At this moment, just as you're about to greet the customers that had walked in, another body comes through the front door; eyes landing right onto you just as you shift your attention to them.
"Minho." He smiles when he hears his name slip from your lips, watching as you tuck your hair behind your ear shyly.
"Hey." He steps in and patiently waits for you to tend to the customers. You walk over in the cutest outfit, with the brightest smile on your face, and Minho can't help but melt. 
"What're you doing here, sir?" You joke and he holds up a cold drink and a pastry bag.
"Since you didn't wanna visit, I thought I'd come make the walk." He hands you the drink and food. "Also wanna make sure you're eating."
"I am, or.. I will." You chuckle. "Once I get a little break." You turn to look at Mrs. Pak as she's ringing up a customer, a small smirk planted on her face. "Come." You loosely lace your fingers with his, dragging him over to Mrs. Pak for a quick little meet-and-greet. "Speaking of Minho."
"Speaking of Minho? What does that mean?" He asks, and you simply laugh it off.
"Mrs. Pak, Minho. Minho, Mrs. Pak."
"Oh, he's a handsome fella." Minho blushes, shyly acknowledging her from your side. "You know how to pick 'em." She whispers and teases you. "It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard quite a bit about you."
"Only good things I hope." He looks at you and you simply shrug. "I hope I'm not being a bother, just wanted to make sure she had something to eat." Minho scratches at his temple. "I'm sorry I didn't bring another for you, Mrs. Pak."
"It's okay." She smiles and nods at you. "Go take your break, I'll be here."
"Are you sure?" 
"Yes, go. It's time anyway."
"I'll be right back." You reassure her even though you know she isn't looking for it. You look up at Minho and he gives her another small smile and a shy wave, rubbing his grubby hands against his jeans when he gives her one last goodbye.
"It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Pak."
"You too, handsome!"
"Please." You mutter just as you turn on your heel to walk out the door and Minho scoffs.
"Wow, someone's in a mood today."
"No." You giggle. "You didn't have to drop by, I was going to come." You start walking towards the nearest bench until you feel Minho's hand gently wrap around your wrist and pull you back towards him.
"Were you?" He pulls you close to him, hands slowly wrapping around your waist. "Cause it almost seemed like you were gonna go visit San instead." You laugh.
"Just a joke." You playfully hit him. "Besides, he's still my friend, you know? You're gonna have to get used to San." Minho purses his lips into a tight smile.
"Right." His slight jealousy leaves when he feels your lips against his cheeks, your eyes falling back onto his— glistening like they hold the entire universe in those orbs. 
"But anyways, I was going to visit. Because I kinda sorta missed you?" You say so innocently, so shyly, all doe-eyed and pure.
"I missed you, too." Minho taps the tip of your nose before giving you a chaste kiss to the forehead. He laces his fingers with yours, finally bringing you over to the bench to sit and let you eat.
"What did you make today?" You chuckle when you peek into the pastry bag, finding a thick, fluffy, slice of coffee cake. "Coffee cake?" You look at him and sip on your iced vanilla latté.
"You spoil me too much."
"I don't, not enough at least." You giggle.
"Shop busy?" Minho shrugs.
"Hm, it's been on and off. The usual. You?"
"Mm, nothing too overwhelming."
"That's good." You both sit for awhile, enjoying the the fresh air, the perfect breeze. Minho has his arm resting on the bench behind you, finger gently drawing shapes on your arm. "You've been feeling okay, right?"
"Mhm. I feel great." You nod and look at him. "It's been nice being able to help Mrs. Pak out."
"She seems very sweet." 
"She is." You chuckle.
"You sure we can't hang out tonight?" Minho brushes the hair away from your face.
"Nope. I promised my uncle I'd have a movie night with him. It's the first night he doesn't really have something to urgently work on. Says he can finally sit back and relax for a bit." You chuckle.
"That's good. He deserves some rest." You nod, popping another piece of the coffee cake into your mouth.
"Yeah, he does. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow after pottery class?"
"Here we go again with the maybe's." He pouts, making you laugh.
"I'm sorry. We will, okay? I'll come by and wait for you."
"You sure?" You nod.
"Positive." You check your phone and sip the vanilla latté a little more, letting out a small sigh. "I should probably get back in there. Thank you for my coffee cake and drink." You stand and do a little stretch, Minho following suit.
"Of course. Just needed to make sure you were okay."
"I am, especially now." You smile. "Thanks again. I'll call you later?"
"Okay, sounds good." Minho cups your cheeks and gently caresses the surface before pulling you into a quick, but sweet kiss. "Have a good rest of your shift, okay?" He continues to look you in the eye and caress your cheek before pulling back to let you go. "Call me if you need me."
"I will." You wave him goodbye, turning on your heel to continue your shift. You take one more look at Minho, who is still waiting until you safely make it back to the register before stepping away.
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That night, Minho cooks dinner for him and his roommates— setting aside the food on serving plates until they find themselves hungry and ready to eat. He gathers his own plate and pours himself some beer before walking out to the outdoor sectional in the backyard. He pulls up some videos on Youtube, occasionally watching in between bites to entertain himself while also responding to your texts. He's a bit sad since your responses are slightly delayed, but he understands that you've been wanting to spend time with Uncle Adrian, and you should be. 
He just misses you, and feels a constant need, yearning, for you whenever you aren't around.
"Yo." Jisung pops out into the backyard from the house, adjusting his beanie as he plops onto the sectional next to Minho. "Just eating?"
"Mhm. I made some extras, they're on the counter."
"Thanks." Jisung leans forward and rest his arms onto his knees. "I'll probably eat a bit later. What else have you been up to?"
"Nothing really. Been kinda bored. Popped in to check on Y/N earlier while she was at work."
"She was okay?"
"Yeah, she seems happy to be there." Minho shrugs. "I met the owner, she's really sweet."
"That's good. Where is Y/N?"
"Movie night with Uncle Adrian." Jisung nods. 
"I haven't really texted her today, I've been swamped at work." Jisung lets out a small sigh. "You don't have class today?" He shakes his head.
"Wanna do something then? Where's Channie and Seungmo?"
"Like what? Seungmin is taking a nap in his room and Chan hasn't been home."
"Damn, nevermind then."
"We can hop on FIFA after I eat?" Minho asks him, trying to keep him entertained for tonight.
"Okay." Jisung responds right before nodding towards Minho's phone. "What're you watching?"
"I've been trying to perfect this recipe for awhile, so I'm trying to see how other people bake it." Jisung watches, even though he has no interest in baking or cooking whatsoever. But, it doesn't last long when he's easily distracted by Minho's text tone all of a sudden going off.
One text,
and another,
and another.
He can't help but be a little nosy to see who's blowing up his phone. Surprisingly, it isn't you. And this is the shit Jisung was afraid of.
"Dude." Jisung furrows his brows at Minho's phone, watching the un-named number pop up a few times. Even though it no longer has a name to it, Jisung knows.
"Okay, seriously. Can we talk about this?" Jisung pauses the video for Minho before pointing at the texts coming through.
"Shit. It's Kat." Minho groans. "It's really not what it looks like though." He sighs and picks up his phone, briefly scrolling through the angry texts from Kat. All of a sudden. "I cut it off with her completely awhile ago and blocked her number. She's texting from someone else's phone."
"Okay, but you can't say you're done with her and keep the line open. Block that too and be done with it. She's obviously going to keep creating issues if she feels like you'll keep letting her in."
"I'm not letting her in, okay? It's done. Completely."
"Please don't repeat your behavior, for the love of god. I know you hate the nagging. But, how am I supposed to react when Kat is still popping up on your phone even though you claimed you were done with her before?" Minho groans a bit and lays back on the outdoor sectional.
"I really have no intentions of going back. I swear I haven't reached out to her. This is the first time she's trying to text me again on someone else's phone, I'm not even sure why she's texting me all angry." Jisung watches as Minho texts away and asks for her to stop reaching out, blocking the number and deleting the thread shortly afterwards.
"Swear on our friendship?" Jisung asks.
"Swear. I don't know where this is coming from." Jisung sighs a bit and shrinks back into his seat.
"I just.. I don't know. I think we're all just scared about you reverting back to your old ways. It takes two to tango, but Kat has always played a big part in this." Minho sighs.
"I know, I know. I hear you." 
"Have you even told Y/N? Because I know you're trying to get back together with her. But, I think that's a crucial step that you need to take first no matter how it makes everything turn out. It'll need some time and I think that's much needed. Not saying I don't ever want you to stop proving yourself and try again, but I think you both need the time to heal."
"I do plan to tell her."
"It's better if I do."
"When are you going to tell her?" Minhi shrugs at the question and lets out another sigh. 
"Tomorrow." Minho solidifies the thought because even though it will kill him to do so, it’s time for him to be honest about it.
"Okay. I just need you to tell her before it's too late, or if she somehow finds out through word of mouth. It'll be harder for her, and it could seriously fuck everything up." Jisung looks up at Minho and he can't even lie, he feels his heart ache a bit seeing how distraught and conflicted he is. He knows he loves you, and that has never changed. He just made the wrong choices.
"I.. I know. I'm going to." Minho swallows the lump in his throat before shifting his attention to Jisung. "I'm sorry."
"I'm just afraid." Jisung says lowly. "It's not that I don't trust you to do better, I just hate seeing her hurt. She's been through so much, and the whole reason I did this was because I just wanted to give her time." Jisung shrugs. "Time to get used to the world and being in it again. I didn't want to see her shrink and hide from the world again. That's all."
"I made some really dumb mistakes, but I wouldn't hurt her. Not again. I'm learning from all of that, and I don't ever wanna go back."
"Yeah." Is all Jisung responds with because of course he wants to trust him. But, he'd be lying if he said he does fully. He can't. Not after he sees Minho prove himself a bit more. "You're going to tell her about that night too, right?"
"Yeah, I have to. I'm sorry, I really am." Minho repeats.
"I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry I haven't really been there for you but.. Y/N." He looks at Minho and shrugs. "Maybe time would be really good for the both of you."
"I understand. I really do. However this pans out, I'll be there for her. I'll respect her space and give her all the time she needs." Minho's thoughts shift back to that night, his heart wrenching thinking about it because not only had he broken up with you once over Kat, but he acted like he chose her that night. When in reality, that was never the case. You got back together and things seemed great— until that very night. The argument was huge, Minho can still hear the yelling repeating in his head; over and over again like a fucking siren. 
You got back together with him because you trusted him to love you, to protect you and keep you safe.
But, he didn't. He didn't protect you, keep you safe. He acted like he chose her that night.
He let you leave even though he shouldn't have.
"Either way— please." Jisung says close to a whisper. "All I ask is that you're sure this time. No more playing with her emotions, no more second-guessing her. Please mean it."
When Jisung is finally able to get you to bed so that you can take a nap, he leaves a note saying he'll be back and that he's grabbing some food for you to eat later.
Which, isn't entirely a lie. But, he has other plans right now.
He's fuming as he pulls off to the side of the curb, barely putting the car in park before he's hopping out and racing to the apartment.
"The hell is wrong with you?!" Jisung storms into the shared apartment and pushes Minho.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Minho pushes him back. "Not today, Jisung. I'm not doing this—"
"No, you don't get to do that. I just left Y/N after she's been crying for hours over you!"
"Am I fucking wrong to be honest?! I just think we need some time apart to figure things out."
"Figure things out? You've clearly figured things out. If I only knew you'd pull this and leave her for somebody else, I wouldn't have let this shit happen in the first place." Jisung furrows his brows at him and shakes his head. "You don't even look like you care—"
"Of course I do!" Minho's tone raises. "God, it was the fucking hardest thing to do! Of course I care about her, that's why I didn't wanna hurt her more!"
"Then why do it!" Jisung yells back. 
"I don't know!" It falls silent between the two before Minho lets out a breath and runs his hand through his hair. "I don't know what to tell you. I really tried not to, but it just wasn't happening. It wasn't working." Jisung scoffs.
"All because of Kat?" Silence, again. "What the hell has Kat given you that Y/N hasn't?" More silence. "Right."
"I'm sorry." Minho says lowly. "I love Y/N, I do. I just haven't felt in love with her for awhile now. I don't really know what it is, I thought maybe—"
"Bullshit! Not with the way you easily disposed of her and made her feel replaceable." Jisung shakes his head. "You don't get to say shit. There's gonna be a day when you realize that tossing your relationship over one girl wasn't worth it, but I hope you don't come crawling back. Y/N is worth way more than that." Jisung begins to walk away but comes back to face Minho once more, stepping closer towards him. "I trusted you. I really trusted you to take care of her and be there for her. I would've understood if you two needed some time apart, but never would I have imagined that you'd do it over another girl." Jisung probably sound so ridiculous calling his bestfriend out, but what can he say? He really is upset, and he really did trust Minho to take care of you. There wasn't a single thing that made Jisung think he'd ever leave your side. Sure, he noticed Minho getting close to Kat, but he didn't think it'd get to the point of this—
Of hurting you, leaving you;
Making you think you were disposable. Replaceable. Not worthy enough to stay.
Because you are worthy, you are all the amazing things and then some. If it's anybody who would know, it's Jisung. You've always been his other half, and he knows how big your heart is. You've always put everyone else before yourself, and you've always given your all— loved harder than anybody else has loved.
Minho was making a mistake.
But Minho is also his bestfriend, and he knows he would prefer for him to be honest. He wouldn't want him to go behind your back, god no. He just doesn't understand Minho's thinking process, and maybe he never will.
Wasn't this just a phase?
Was it really worth throwing it all away to see if something new would make him happy?
Jisung doesn't really understand it entirely.
What he does know is that he's angry at Minho, and he's hurting to see you cry. What he does know is that he can't really look at Minho right now, and he can't really talk to him. What he does know is that he may not be able to talk to him properly for awhile. 
"What just happened here?" Chan asks, confused as he walks through the door. He feels the tension already, and he's not sure how to react. He's barely seen Minho and Jisung like this.
"I don't know, ask him. Maybe he'll tell you more." Jisung diverts his attention to Chan briefly before returning to Minho. "Whatever. Do you, dude. But, keep your bullshit away from Y/N."
☁︎ END
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♡ taglist: @ppiri-bahng @jihanlovic @meloncremesoda @sweetlikecherry @asjkdk @hoes4lino @skzddicted @skzho @edgaralienpoe @harui-zen @bestleeknowstan @havenwithleeknow @septicrebel @heesdazed @borahae-reads @yoontaethings @pearbunny @bintific @lukeys-giggle @ajxreads @everglowdaisies @allaboutsan @endzii23 @leeknowsramen @heres-your-ramen2000 @morningstardada @mal-lunar-28 @downbadreading @lilysophie @feelikecinderella @urmomma0324 @ddazed-lhs @djeniryuu @melanctton @i8rsie @maru-matt @sleepyleeji @taerifin @nattisbored @jisunglyricist @m111nho @drhsthl @nixtape-foryou @arminseas @guiltycoco @syuuji @sulkygyu @cadihyo @reianagarcia @leeknowyah @smndjdufuehr @dprkbyn @xxibreinaxx @mxnsxngie @reiheis @mellowmentalitydragon @vixensss
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Ok since you said that Fantasy! Barnaby's tobacco smoke will change color depending on his mood, so like what colors mean witch emotion? Im very curious
oh, very general emotions, it's not very Specific i'd think. cool colors correlate with cool emotions - like a frosty blue would mean he's feeling frigid, yk yk
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amatorphotosstuff · 3 months
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Rimini beach, July 2024
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snackugaki · 2 years
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... welcome to “snackugaki openly plots murder” weekend
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