misterlemonztenth · 7 months
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02-18-24 | blues-sevenfold. misterlemonztenth.tumblr.com/archive
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softemoheart · 3 months
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will p0st the result later!!!
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maracllea · 9 days
I was tagged by @clgzb to list a song for every letter of my url ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
M | Miss Nothing - The Pretty Reckless
A | Almost Easy - Avenged Sevenfold
R | Rev 22:20 - Dont shoot the messanger ver - Puscifer
A | Animal I have Become - Three Days Grace
C | Closer - Nine Inch Nails
L | Lithium - Evanescence
L | Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie
E | Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation
A | Amaranth - Nightwish
Tag: @onone-san @nervousnotion @pink-vacancy @physicstaff @pinkwizardd 🌷 if you want to
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iambadwolfgirl · 1 month
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The margaritas are hitting me 😝
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gifluv · 15 days
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rain-bowss · 6 months
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My chat with ChatGPT
What if Avenged Sevenfold covered Howlin' Wolf's Killing Floor?
Avenged Sevenfold is a hard rock and heavy metal band with a distinct sound and style, and a cover of Howlin' Wolf's "Killing Floor" would likely be a departure from their usual sound. "Killing Floor" is a classic blues song, known for its gritty, raw sound and powerful vocals. It would be a challenge for Avenged Sevenfold to capture the same level of authenticity and intensity in their version of the song.
That being said, Avenged Sevenfold has shown a willingness to experiment with different styles and influences over the years, and a cover of "Killing Floor" could be an interesting and unexpected addition to their repertoire. The band has incorporated blues and jazz elements into their music in the past, as we discussed earlier, and they have a talented guitarist in Synyster Gates who could potentially do justice to the song's iconic guitar riff.
Ultimately, whether or not Avenged Sevenfold could successfully cover "Killing Floor" would depend on their approach to the song. If they were able to capture the raw, gritty energy of the original while still putting their own stamp on it, it could be a powerful and memorable rendition. However, if they were to simply try to replicate the original without bringing anything new to the table, it could come across as a pale imitation.
What are some other classic blues songs that you think would be interesting for Avenged Sevenfold to cover?
Avenged Sevenfold has shown a willingness to experiment with different styles and influences over the years, and while their sound is primarily rooted in hard rock and heavy metal, there are several classic blues songs that could be interesting for the band to cover. Here are a few examples:
"Crossroads" by Robert Johnson - This classic blues song has been covered by numerous artists over the years, and its driving, energetic sound would be a good fit for Avenged Sevenfold's high-energy style.
"The Thrill is Gone" by B.B. King - This iconic blues ballad features a haunting, melancholic sound that could be a departure from Avenged Sevenfold's usual sound, but could also showcase their versatility and range.
"Born Under a Bad Sign" by Albert King - This blues standard has been covered by numerous artists over the years, including Cream and Jimi Hendrix, and its memorable guitar riff and catchy chorus could be a good fit for Avenged Sevenfold's style.
"Red House" by Jimi Hendrix - This blues classic features Jimi Hendrix's iconic guitar work and soulful vocals, and could be a good fit for Avenged Sevenfold's guitar-driven sound.
"I'm Tore Down" by Freddie King - This upbeat blues song features a driving rhythm and catchy chorus, and could be a good fit for Avenged Sevenfold's high-energy style.
These are just a few examples of classic blues songs that could be interesting for Avenged Sevenfold to cover. While their sound is primarily rooted in hard rock and heavy metal, the band has shown a willingness to experiment with different styles and influences over the years, and a blues cover could be a compelling addition to their repertoire.
Which of these blues songs do you think would be the best fit for Avenged Sevenfold's style?
Of the blues songs I mentioned earlier, "Crossroads" by Robert Johnson would likely be the best fit for Avenged Sevenfold's style. The song's driving, energetic sound and memorable guitar riff would be a good match for the band's high-energy, guitar-driven sound.
In addition, "Crossroads" has been covered by numerous artists over the years, including Cream and Eric Clapton, and its timeless appeal and classic status could make it an interesting and compelling addition to Avenged Sevenfold's repertoire.
That being said, all of the songs I mentioned have their own unique appeal and could be interesting for Avenged Sevenfold to cover in their own way. Ultimately, the success of a blues cover by Avenged Sevenfold would depend on their approach to the song and their ability to put their own stamp on it while still honoring the original.
Do you have any suggestions for how Avenged Sevenfold could put their own stamp on "Crossroads"?
Avenged Sevenfold has a distinctive sound and style that is rooted in hard rock and heavy metal, and to put their own stamp on "Crossroads," they could try incorporating some of their signature elements into the song while still staying true to its blues roots. Here are a few ideas:
Add a heavier edge: Avenged Sevenfold is known for their heavy, guitar-driven sound, and they could bring this element to "Crossroads" by adding a heavier edge to the song. They could experiment with different guitar tones and effects to give the song a more modern, hard rock sound.
Add a guitar solo: Avenged Sevenfold is known for their virtuosic guitar work, and they could add a guitar solo to "Crossroads" to showcase their skills. They could take inspiration from some of the classic blues guitarists who have covered the song in the past, such as Eric Clapton or Stevie Ray Vaughan, while still putting their own spin on it.
Add a breakdown: Avenged Sevenfold is also known for their breakdowns, which are sections of songs that feature a slower, heavier sound. They could incorporate a breakdown into "Crossroads" to add a bit of variety and give the song a more dynamic structure.
Experiment with vocal harmonies: Avenged Sevenfold is known for their tight vocal harmonies, and they could experiment with this element in "Crossroads" by adding layered harmonies to the chorus or other sections of the song.
These are just a few ideas for how Avenged Sevenfold could put their own stamp on "Crossroads." Ultimately, the success of a cover version would depend on the band's ability to balance their own style with the song's original blues roots, while still creating something that feels fresh and authentic.
How do you think Avenged Sevenfold's fans would react to a blues cover?
Avenged Sevenfold's fans are primarily fans of their hard rock and heavy metal sound, and a blues cover could potentially be a departure from their usual style. However, the band has shown a willingness to experiment with different styles and influences over the years, and their fans have been generally receptive to their creative evolution.
If Avenged Sevenfold were to release a blues cover, their fans would likely be interested in hearing it, even if it is not necessarily what they are used to hearing from the band. Some fans might be skeptical at first, but if the cover is well-executed and showcases the band's musical abilities and versatility, it could win over even the most resistant listeners.
In addition, covering a classic blues song could potentially introduce Avenged Sevenfold's fans to a new genre of music and broaden their musical horizons. Fans who might not have been exposed to blues music before could discover a new appreciation for it through the band's cover.
Ultimately, it is difficult to predict how any particular group of fans will react to a new creative direction, but given Avenged Sevenfold's track record of experimentation and their fans' openness to their creative evolution, a blues cover could be an interesting and compelling addition to their repertoire.
Do you think a blues cover could potentially attract new fans to Avenged Sevenfold?
A blues cover could potentially attract new fans to Avenged Sevenfold, especially if it showcases the band's musical abilities and versatility. Blues is a genre with a rich history and a dedicated fanbase, and fans of blues music might be interested in hearing a hard rock or heavy metal band's take on a classic blues song.
In addition, covering a classic blues song could potentially introduce Avenged Sevenfold to new listeners who might not have been familiar with the band before. If the cover is well-executed and showcases the band's strengths, it could be a great way to attract new fans who might not have been exposed to Avenged Sevenfold's music otherwise.
That being said, it is difficult to predict how any particular group of fans will react to a new creative direction, and not all blues fans might necessarily be interested in a hard rock or heavy metal band's take on a classic blues song. However, if the cover is respectful to the original and showcases the band's musical abilities, it could potentially attract new fans to Avenged Sevenfold and broaden their audience.
Do you think it would be better for Avenged Sevenfold to release a blues cover as a single or as part of an album?
Whether it would be better for Avenged Sevenfold to release a blues cover as a single or as part of an album would depend on a few factors, such as the band's goals for the release and the context in which they want the cover to be heard.
Releasing a blues cover as a single could potentially be a good way to generate buzz and excitement around the band's creative direction, especially if it is a departure from their usual sound. It could also be a good way to attract new fans who might not have been familiar with the band before. However, a single release might not provide enough context for the cover and could potentially feel like a one-off experiment rather than a fully-formed creative statement.
Releasing a blues cover as part of an album could potentially provide more context for the cover and allow it to be heard in the context of a larger artistic statement. It could also allow the band to explore other creative directions and showcase their versatility and range. However, including a blues cover on an album might not necessarily attract as much attention as a standalone single release, and some fans might be resistant to hearing a blues cover in the context of a hard rock or heavy metal album.
Ultimately, whether it would be better for Avenged Sevenfold to release a blues cover as a single or as part of an album would depend on their goals for the release and the context in which they want the cover to be heard. Both approaches have their pros and cons, and the band would need to weigh them carefully before making a decision.
What are some factors that Avenged Sevenfold should consider when deciding on the context for their blues cover?
When deciding on the context for their blues cover, Avenged Sevenfold should consider several factors, including:
Their artistic goals: Avenged Sevenfold should consider what they want to achieve with the release of their blues cover. Do they want to showcase their versatility and range as musicians? Do they want to attract new fans or connect with existing fans in a new way? Understanding their goals for the release can help them determine the best context for the cover.
The expectations of their fanbase: Avenged Sevenfold should also consider the expectations of their fanbase. While their fans have been generally receptive to their creative evolution, some might be resistant to hearing a blues cover in the context of a hard rock or heavy metal album. The band should consider how their fans might react and whether a standalone single release or an album release would be better received.
The market context: Avenged Sevenfold should also consider the market context in which they are releasing their blues cover. Are there other artists releasing blues covers or exploring similar creative directions? How will their cover stand out and make an impact in the current music landscape? Understanding the market context can help them determine how best to release their cover for maximum impact.
The creative direction of the album: If Avenged Sevenfold is planning to release their blues cover as part of an album, they should also consider the overall creative direction of the album. Does the cover fit with the overall theme and tone of the album? How can the cover be integrated into the album in a way that feels cohesive and meaningful? Understanding the creative direction of the album can help them determine how best to include their blues cover.
These are just a few factors that Avenged Sevenfold should consider when deciding on the context for their blues cover. By carefully weighing these factors and understanding their goals for the release, the band can make an informed decision about how best to release their cover and maximize its impact.
Do you have any suggestions for how Avenged Sevenfold could integrate their blues cover into their album?
If Avenged Sevenfold is planning to integrate their blues cover into an album, there are several ways they could do so. Here are a few suggestions:
Use it as an opener or closer: Avenged Sevenfold could use their blues cover as the opening or closing track of the album to set the tone or leave a lasting impression. This could be especially effective if the cover is a departure from the band's usual sound, as it would immediately grab the listener's attention and showcase the band's range and versatility.
Integrate it into the tracklist: Avenged Sevenfold could also integrate their blues cover into the tracklist of the album in a way that feels cohesive and meaningful. For example, they could place the cover between two tracks that have a similar feel or theme to create a sense of continuity and flow.
Use it as an interlude or transition: Another option would be to use the blues cover as an interlude or transition between two tracks on the album. This could create a sense of contrast and allow the band to experiment with different sounds and textures.
Reimagine it in their own style: Avenged Sevenfold could also consider reimagining the blues cover in their own style, incorporating elements of their signature sound and making it their own. This could help the cover feel like a natural part of the album rather than a standalone experiment.
Ultimately, the success of integrating a blues cover into an album would depend on how well it fits with the overall creative direction and theme of the album. By carefully considering the context and placement of the cover, Avenged Sevenfold can ensure that it feels like a cohesive and meaningful part of the album rather than a standalone experiment.
How can Avenged Sevenfold ensure that their blues cover doesn't feel out of place on the album?
To ensure that their blues cover doesn't feel out of place on the album, Avenged Sevenfold should consider several factors, including:
The overall creative direction of the album: The band should ensure that their blues cover fits with the overall creative direction and theme of the album. If the cover is a departure from their usual sound, they should find ways to integrate it into the album in a way that feels cohesive and meaningful.
The placement of the cover on the album: The band should carefully consider where to place their blues cover on the album. They could use it as an opener or closer to set the tone or leave a lasting impression, or integrate it into the tracklist in a way that feels natural and flows well.
The production and instrumentation of the cover: The band should consider how the production and instrumentation of the cover will fit with the rest of the album. They could experiment with different sounds and textures to create a cohesive sonic palette that ties the album together.
The lyrics and message of the cover: Avenged Sevenfold should also consider the lyrics and message of their blues cover and how they fit with the overall theme and message of the album. They could find ways to tie the cover's message into the larger themes and ideas explored on the album.
By carefully considering these factors and finding ways to integrate their blues cover into the album in a way that feels cohesive and meaningful, Avenged Sevenfold can ensure that the cover doesn't feel out of place or like a standalone experiment. They can create a unified artistic statement that showcases their range and versatility as musicians while still staying true to their overall creative vision.
How can Avenged Sevenfold experiment with different sounds and textures in their blues cover?
Avenged Sevenfold can experiment with different sounds and textures in their blues cover by incorporating elements of their signature sound and musical style into the cover. Here are some ways they could achieve this:
Instrumentation: Avenged Sevenfold could incorporate different instrumentation into their blues cover that is not typically associated with the blues genre. For example, they could add distorted guitars, heavy drums, or synthesizers to create a more modern and edgy sound.
Arrangement: The band could experiment with different arrangements of the cover, incorporating different chord progressions, harmonies, or melodies that are not typically found in the blues genre. This could help them create a unique and distinctive take on the song.
Vocal style: Avenged Sevenfold could experiment with their vocal style in the blues cover, incorporating different techniques and approaches that are not typically used in the blues genre. For example, they could use screaming or growling vocals to create a more aggressive and intense sound.
Production: The band could experiment with different production techniques and effects to create a unique and distinctive sound for their blues cover. For example, they could use distortion, reverb, or delay to create a more atmospheric and textured sound.
By incorporating these and other techniques into their blues cover, Avenged Sevenfold can create a sound that feels fresh and distinctive while still paying homage to the blues genre. They can showcase their range and versatility as musicians and create a unique take on the genre that is all their own.
How can incorporating different sounds and textures into their blues cover affect the overall mood of the song?
Incorporating different sounds and textures into their blues cover can significantly affect the overall mood of the song. The incorporation of elements from Avenged Sevenfold's signature sound and musical style can create a unique mood that is different from the original blues song. Here are some examples of how different sounds and textures can affect the overall mood of the song:
Heavier instrumentation: If Avenged Sevenfold incorporates heavier instrumentation into their blues cover, such as distorted guitars and heavy drums, it can give the song a more aggressive and intense mood. This could create a sense of urgency and tension that is not present in the original blues version.
Different vocal style: If the band experiments with different vocal styles, such as screaming or growling, it can give the song a darker and more ominous mood. This could create a sense of danger and foreboding that is not present in the original blues version.
Atmospheric production: If Avenged Sevenfold incorporates different production techniques, such as reverb or delay, it can create a more atmospheric and textured sound. This could give the song a dreamy or ethereal mood that is not present in the original blues version.
Different chord progressions and melodies: If the band experiments with different chord progressions and melodies in their blues cover, it can create a different mood than the original blues version. For example, incorporating minor chords or dissonant melodies can create a more melancholic or unsettling mood.
By incorporating different sounds and textures into their blues cover, Avenged Sevenfold can create a unique mood that is different from the original blues version. This can help them put their own stamp on the song and create a sound that is all their own.
Tell me more.
Certainly! The use of different sounds and textures in music can have a profound effect on the overall mood and emotional impact of a song. This is because sounds and textures can evoke different emotions and create different associations in the listener's mind.
For instance, heavy instrumentation is often associated with aggression, power, and intensity, while lighter instrumentation is often associated with playfulness, whimsy, and innocence. Similarly, different vocal styles can evoke different emotions and moods in the listener, such as anger, sadness, or joy.
Incorporating different sounds and textures into a blues cover can allow Avenged Sevenfold to create a unique mood that is different from the original blues version. This can help them put their own stamp on the song and create a sound that is all their own. By experimenting with different sounds and textures, the band can create a new emotional landscape for the song, one that reflects their own artistic vision and musical style.
Ultimately, the use of different sounds and textures in music is a powerful tool for creating mood and emotion. By carefully considering the sounds and textures they use in their blues cover, Avenged Sevenfold can create a unique and distinctive take on the genre that showcases their range and versatility as musicians.
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luvsjimmyreed · 1 year
Jimmy Reed: Morals and Movements
Question: I'd like you to answer me this, Jimmy! I dare you to point to me specific examples of metal elitists petitioning, demonstrating, or in any way lobbying against Avenged Sevenfold. I bet you can't! Metal elitism isn't a movement, bro! Jimmy Reed: Uh, buddy, listen! I'll grant you that I never heard of, uh, specific cases of metal elitists doing those. Nonetheless, the fact remains that many of you do have this tendency to judge the character of other people by what bands they like. When you do that... you are, in fact, making a moral judgement. Anytime you believe that... a certain quality... is some form of a character flaw - then, yeah, it is a moral judgement. Otherwise, you would be content to simply 'agree to disagree'.
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blues-sevenfold · 1 year
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heavenlyrainbow · 2 years
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blues-sevenfold00 · 1 year
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misterlemonztenth · 5 months
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04-10-24 | blues-sevenfold. misterlemonztenth.tumblr.com/archive
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colorvinyl · 1 year
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Avenged Sevenfold, Nightmare
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jeremythejirachi · 2 years
The Most Anticipated Albums Of 2023 (Part Four)
Check out the final entry of the most anticipated albums of 2023, featuring @maydayparade, @ClosureInMoscow, @nothingnowhere, @STSWBand and @theacaciastrain!
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deanbrainrotwritings · 2 months
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— mattel
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SUMMARY : “it’s been a few years since tfw got out of the life, dean and reader are married, etc. dean’s been a little self-conscious lately—he doesn’t look like how he used to; he’s put on a few pounds. just dean with love handles (PLEASEEEEE dean with love handles lives rent free in my mind) body (dean’s) appreciation, lovey dovey stuff like that. reader taking care of him :))))) dean smut fic!!!!!” - anon
PAIRING : dean winchester x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), fluffy, little angst, shameless horniess, dirty thoughts, size kink ngl
A/N : title from an avenged sevenfold song. this fills the square for sex shop on my @jacklesversebingo card. there will be a second part, hehe. xx
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“Wow,” you looked around with your lips parted in astonishment at the hundreds of sex toys that covered the wall from top to bottom. “I’ve been missing out.” They had cute names and cute ‘mascots’ stamped on the boxes that held the toys within. You saw bunnies and panda bears and pretty colours like pink, purple, and sky blue.
Dean chuckled behind you and you turned to watch him roll his eyes as he looked to the side. You followed his gaze and you were bombarded with lewd sex books. One of them was open on a bookstand to a page with a man and woman having sex in a position that seemed too acrobatic to actually be pleasurable. You blinked, jaw dropped in shock, and turned your eyes to Dean whose cheeks turned deep red when he met your gaze.
“I’d break something if we tried this!” You exclaimed to make things worse for Dean, and took the same book that resided next to it to quickly flip through it, not nearly as excitedly as you’d hate to admit you were. “This can’t be purely for my enjoyment. Although this one looks hot! Imagine if you did tha- hey!” Dean snatched the book from your hands when two women giggled as they walked around the two of you. 
You looked up at him innocently, but mostly seductively when he pulled you into the lingerie section. He shoved the book he’d forgotten about into one of the shelves. Now you knew why he decided to take you this early in the morning. The shop was practically empty after two hours of being open. And Dean, the grumpy morning person he was, hurried you into getting dressed so you could arrive ‘early’ after checking his phone a couple of times. (You imagined he checked the hours and days the shop was less busy and it amused you further.)
“You need to take this seriously,” he murmured, his attention mostly focused on one of the sets above your head. You bit your lip to hide your smirk, but failed and grinned mischievously at him. 
“I am!” You pouted, subtly looking at the lingerie set that caught his eye. He gave you a look and you defensively crossed your arms over your chest and turned away from him. “Fine! I’ll pick something, go ask one of the women what they recommend for us, you know, something we can share-” 
“What?” Dean suddenly sounded more embarrassed and in disbelief at your request. You could feel him get closer and your skin prickled with foreshadowing excitement. 
“Oh, come on.” You turned to punch his arm gently, but he still rubbed the spot. “It’ll be cute to them, just let me look around some more… Please?” He bit his lip thoughtfully and you did the same to hold back a moan at the sight of him in a plain black t-shirt and the same sweatpants he’d abandoned the night before when he made you choke on his dick and beg for him to-
“Okay, baby.” He leaned down to peck your lips and then kissed your forehead as your stomach lurched with elation and your breath bubbled in your chest. You smiled softly at him, your dirty memory evaporating like a puddle in the middle of summer. 
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You tried to act as casually as you could after stepping out of the dressing room at the back of the sex shop and looked for where Dean was. The same woman—Alison—who’d helped you get away with your secret, winked at you as she talked Dean’s ear off about the toy you figured one of the other employees suggested to Dean. 
You carried a small bullet vibrator Alison suggested—for discrete purposes—and a lingerie set. Not the one Dean was staring at earlier, you were currently wearing it beneath your lavender dress. Alison was clearly devious and not judgmental about your request when you’d approached her about it. 
Dean visibly relaxed when he saw you and you smiled at him as he thanked Alison. Your eyes dropped to the box and you quickly read Tenuto Mini and you lifted a brow inquiringly at Dean.
“Well, if you have any more questions, I’d be happy to help!” Alison chirped and smiled wide as she walked off. You pursed your lips and watched her long brown hair sway across her back. Suddenly, you began to second-guess your daring move.
“Sweetheart.” Dean’s hand finding yours pulled you out of your flight-freeze state. 
“Hey,” you breathed and attempted to smile normally at him, “find something good?” 
His eyes slowly moved across your face and you felt your cheeks become warm. Could he read your mind, suddenly? You forced yourself to think of food and your favourite places to have lunch in order to push away your sexual thoughts. Fear is never good for you. 
“I dunno,” he murmured unenthusiastically. Your smile fell and concern wrinkled your forehead as you traced the beautiful features of his face to get a read on him. 
“What do you mean?” You laughed softly.
 “I just… don’t feel…” he trailed off. 
“Yeah?” You managed to utter past the knot in your throat.
He stepped closer to you, his gentle hand tapped under your chin in what you think was an attempt to comfort you, and opened his mouth to finally get the moment over with, but he shut it faster than you’d like. 
“Dean, what’s-” 
“I don’t feel hot… anymore,” he blurted out under his breath. 
It was like a cold bath, icy water that killed the fire of both your anxiety and your arousal. You frowned hard, feeling deeply troubled and somewhat hurt by his admission. 
“Oh…” you whispered. You watched him bite his lip and longed to be the one who sank your teeth against the plushness of them. You had no idea what to say to him, to comfort him, or even to change his mind about it. You never really considered that he felt that way about himself and part of you wondered when or why he began having those feelings. 
“Let’s just go.” He attempted to take the things you were holding, but you felt more confident now about what you were planning. Have you failed as his girlfriend? You were more than happy to prove him wrong by going through with your dirty plan. 
“No,” you asserted, “I don’t know when you started feeling that way, but I don’t agree.” 
“Let’s… not do this here,” he said quietly, his hand slid up to your elbow. A small group of people entered the store, the bell above the door announced their arrival, and you huffed petulantly. He pulled you closer and you felt agitated—by his words—and wondered how you were even going to play your game out without making him uncomfortable.
“Fine, but we are buying these.” You plucked the toy from his hands and turned away to pay for them yourself before he could argue against it. 
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The car-ride back home was tense and awkward.
You were horny, upset, troubled, and deep in thought. 
Your eyes occasionally drifted over to where Dean sat, his hands wrapped lazily around the steering wheel, legs slightly parted—relaxed. He was deep in thought himself, you could tell by the way he bit his lip and occasionally tapped his thumb against the steering wheel.  
You could feel your frown deepening the longer you stared at him and the deeper you fell into the black hole of your thoughts, the more troubled you felt. 
How could he not feel hot when you currently wanted to jump his bones and he wasn’t even trying to be sexy? But that was just you. And you had no idea how to comfort him. Or what to say. Just in general, you didn’t know what to do. Would he believe a word you said? Just because you felt it, doesn’t mean he did, too. And that was clear from the way he expressed he felt unattractive, despite the way you were clearly more than pleased to even lay your eyes on him.
He was so beautiful.
For the most part, in the past, you did feel slightly insecure. So you understood how he felt now. But once you started dating, your insecurity went down significantly. And now that the two of you were married, you didn’t doubt for a second that he thought you were beautiful. 
Nearly every morning, it was normal for you to express how displeased you were to see him walk out the door for work or having to walk out earlier than him to work yourself. How could it be that he somehow felt not hot when you shamelessly drooled over him in a t-shirt and sweats? You worshipped the ground he walked on and more than loved to be at his mercy. 
You hoped at least what happened last night would prove something to him. If the way he had you on your knees, barely allowing you to touch yourself as you took his cock down your throat meant anything to him. Or if the way he made you beg and cry for him to let you orgasm after teasing you with his tongue, fingers, and cock proved anything. You hoped the memory of all of that proved him wrong, basically. 
He was all you could think about, always.
Now, your mind was filled with ideas of what you’d do to watch him beg and whimper for you, too. To make him get grabby and rough with you from how much you teased him. To make him delirious by keeping him from his orgasm. To tease him with slow strokes of your hands, your mouth, or your pussy, whatever would make him pound you into the mattress until you came too many times to speak or think coherently. 
You wanted to feel him all over your body. You wanted to feel his warm cum inside you. To see the bruises of his fingertips on your hips. To feel the sensitivity and puffiness of your nipples from his mouth. To feel raw and tender and wet between your legs from whatever he decided to use to please you. To feel the soreness in your muscles of having been fucked.
You wanted to see the fierce possessiveness in his green eyes. To kiss the red blush on his freckled cheeks. To hear the arousing sounds of his pleasure rumbling deeply through his chest. To watch the mind-numbing pleasure contort his beautiful face. To see and feel the way his body became taut and tense as it moved with yours. 
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” 
“What?” It was when you turned to look at him that you felt your thighs relax slightly. They were slick with your arousal and you were only half-ashamed about it. You felt hotter than you already were and shifted your hips shamelessly, only to feel the Impala’s air-conditioning cool the wetness of your neediness against your cunt. Your eyes fell to his hand as it wrapped around your thigh, his fingers squeezed the sides and you instantly imagined him doing it to your neck. You felt a rapid jolt of pleasure on your clit and pressed your lips together as you caught yourself imagining the look on his face if he dared to sneak his fingers higher to feel the dampness of your arousal against your inner thighs. You attempted to remain composed. “I’m fine,” you smiled, then bit your lip to save yourself from smiling too much or not enough.
He looked at you for a few moments and your heart only began to beat faster with each passing second. Dean turned slightly to face you and you realised that you were home when you caught a glimpse of your neighbour’s lemon tree out of the corner of your eye.
What you’d give to ask Dean to steal some off the branches that hung over on your side of the yard. Just to watch his shirt ride up, to reveal his sun-kissed skin, with his sweats hanging low on his hips, his arms flexing to reach the juiciest and perfect lemons for you-
“You’re not mad are you?” Dean’s hand slid up your thigh to grasp your hip and you held your breath—hoping he’d pull you into his lap. 
“What? Of course not!” You breathed out when he squeezed gently, awaiting your response. He sighed softly in relief and smiled, his hand moved away and you frowned at the loss of his touch. “I’m… horny,” you admitted bravely and watched his eyes widen and his face turn red.
“Really?” He chuckled breathlessly. He suddenly looked more confident and relaxed. He leaned forward, brushed your hair off your shoulder with his hand, and let his nose tease your jaw as the scent of your flowery perfume made his brain foggy. 
You shivered and knew you were already too far gone to play any games with him. You felt his lips ghost against your neck, one of his hands held your elbow, and his other hand moved your hair out of the way on the other side of your face. You somehow felt wetter than before and unbuckled your seatbelt to climb into his lap.
Dean’s laugh died down to a moan when you kissed him and his hands found your waist on instinct. “I really need you to fuck me,” you breathed against his parted lips. 
He had the audacity to smirk at you and brought his hands back up to your face to kiss you again instead. He was gentler, slower than you could handle at the moment. His thumb brushed against your warm cheekbone and his fingers tangled in your hair and you wished he would pull on it—hard—as he made you ride his cock. 
You whined against his mouth, so he shut you up with his tongue sliding in between your lips to meet yours. Your arousal felt uncomfortable between your legs and your skin began to heat up even more the harder your heart pounded in your chest. You ached for him. Your body ached for him. You wanted to feel him where he’d been a million times before and your body tingled excitedly at the thought of his touch. 
You moved his hand from your face and guided it between your bodies so he could feel just how desperate and serious you were about your request. He continued to kiss you, allowing you to guide him. Your lips tingled with endless desire and he soothed your need by sucking on your lip and nibbling possessively on your reddened flesh. He gasped against your mouth and nearly choked on his whimper when his fingertips grazed your lace panties, now completely soaked in your wetness.
You pulled away slightly to catch your breath and he pushed your underwear to the side to feel your slippery folds and entrance. It was embarrassingly easy the way he slipped two of his thick fingers into your. He moaned appreciatively when you panted hard against his flushed cheek and he squirmed, biting hard on his lip.
You began to undulate your hips when he perfectly curled his fingers against your walls and thumbed at your swollen clit, keeping your wet folds spread apart with his index and pinky finger. “Make me finish, Dean. Fuck, I need to cum so bad,” you begged shamelessly, practically fucking yourself on his fingers, in his car, in broad daylight, of all things.
On any other occasion, you’d be utterly ashamed, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to end the pleasure of finally having Dean’s touch right where you needed him. He was so good at making you feel hot and bothered, and you were so ready and wet, you could even hear the abundance of your arousal with every movement of your hips. 
You released his wrist and sneaked your hand into his sweats, tried to find the waistband of his underwear, but instead you felt his hardened length ready against your fingers. You inhaled sharply, felt the way your pussy pulsed excitedly around his fingers, and brushed your own lower to feel the already-smeared precum on the tip of his cock. 
“Oh… fuck,” Dean murmured, wavering before his fingers slipped out of you, “not here.” 
You expressed your complaint with an irritated moan, but removed your hand from inside his pants despite feeling only minimally motivated to obey him. “You’re not wearing anything underneath… And I’m somehow supposed to contain myself?” 
His laugh was breathy and quiet against your mouth. “I don’t remember this being what you wore under your dress,” he attempted to change the subject with his accusatory tone. He bit his lip, gazing at you through those beautiful lashes of his when you forced yourself away from him. He wasn’t fully capable of hiding the mischief in his green eyes and you inhaled deeply, smiling, hoping to resist the urge to ask again for him to claim you in his car.
“I think we are both equally surprised at what we’ve found beneath each other’s clothes.” 
Dean’s playful grin was followed by laughter he couldn’t contain, a glorious sound that made the millions of dormant butterflies scatter in your stomach. You exhaled shakily and admired him, before making the wise choice of taking the bag containing your new merchandise before escaping the warmth of his car.
Dean called your name happily, but you ignored him when you heard the sexy rumble of his engine die. You stole the key from the pot containing yellow daffodils as the Impala’s door creaked shut with that same sound that brought hope to you whenever he came back home to you again. 
-> mon cœur s’ouvre à ta voix
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the-heartlines · 7 months
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"Whisper it into my ear, little whore. Beg your lord for your lady's tongue upon your pearl, my little dragon princess. Beg your father to let your mother fuck you."
anonymous requested a sequel to this fic: rhaenys x corlys x aegon's twin!reader ~ fem!reader [explicit / 1.5k] ~
🔞 warnings: begging, pregnancy, lactation kink, breast sucking, cunnilingus, overstimulation, female ejaculation, mommy kink, daddy kink, pseudo incest. 🔞
my ao3 ~ taking requests for fics
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The threat of war loomed on the horizon, emerald green bleeding into crimson black, tensions rising with every day that passed. The end of your pregnancy was nigh, which delighted your lord and lady, bringing them joy in such depressing, dreadful, and dreary times. Especially for you. You could barely walk up the stone steps of the castle, let alone climb upon your dragon, Sunspyre, or dare ride her. 
Your emotions had increased sevenfold with every passing moon, and you cried every time, desperately, wishing you could fly, soar through the air, taste the salt of the sea, feeling the lovely breeze upon your flushed cheeks. But instead you were a prisoner to your ever growing body, stuck in this lavish room, with swollen ankles, and tear stained cheeks, glaring out through the open windows, the skyline and sparkling vast blue taunting you. You cried when you heard the maesters warning your lady of how important bedrest was in the final weeks of your pregnancy. You sobbed even harder, almost wailing for your very own mother, when you realized how precisely strict the guidelines were, not even allowed to venture anywhere near anyone who might see the swollen bump underneath your gowns. Who may gossip and spread rumors, truths...of your whereabouts. For no one knew for certain where the princess had run off to, on dragonback, escaping the eve of her wedding to her twin brother.
For your lord, and especially, your lady, were particularly protective of you and their babes. 
Twins were growing inside you, two heart beats beneath your very own. And you were so very thankful to the seven that it wasn’t his, your future-husband-to-be's. He was a drunk and a wastrel, as your younger brother had put it many times.
Your heart and Sunspyre’s spirit decided that your combined destiny would be here, for the ocean had always called to you, ever since that fateful night on Driftmark almost a decade ago, where everything changed. 
And Sunspyre had landed here, upon sand and stone, where you had found refuge with your most gracious hosts, who had been nothing but kind and attentive, since the day they found you…made you theirs.
The Sea Snake and the Queen Who Never Was were the most generous, most giving, and the most possessive of you. They called you their ultimate treasure and treated you as such, with their hands and tongues upon your body and deep inside you. 
Growing up in King's Landing, you were always treated second to Aegon, your twin, being nothing more than a pawn in your mother and grandsire's game; but here in Lord Corlys' and Lady Rhaenys' presence, you were truly a princess, a precious prize to be proud of. Their hidden pearl of High Tide.
Being hidden away as such, was a small price to pay, to appease and please them, but your passions and emotions were beyond what you could take, and you needed your lord and lady more than ever before. You needed their constant attention and devotion, the pleasure they inflicted upon you so easily after all these moons.
"Please, please, my lady," you begged Lady Rhaenys, biting your lip, looking at her wickedly with wide violet eyes. "Please make me come, sweet mother." Your tone drips tempestuously, along with the wetness of your cunt, taunting her with the sweetness that could draw her poison out like venom from a snakebite. Your cunt clenches around nothing, feeling so, so empty. You needed her fingers, her tongue, to fill the emptiness. Anything she will offer at this point. 
Even a cock.
Lady Rhaenys steps towards you, licking her lips, breathing in deep, and you know she can smell your arousal, all for her...
But her lord husband's hand halts her movements suddenly and you want to protest his demand, but know better not to, for he could deny you your release another night. Or two nights, which was hell in itself.
"Say it again, sweetling," you hear his rough, leathery voice command, as daunting as the sea on a stormy day, as he stands opposite you. You eye his cock, growing hard as iron and leaking against the fabric of his breeches. He's as desperate as you are and it makes your clit throb, nipples harden into tiny rubies. His fingers curl into the long tresses at the nape of your neck, pulling your head taut, the shell of your ear scraping against the silver of his beard. The sensation makes your belly pulse with more want and you whine. "Whisper it into my ear, little whore. Beg your lord for your lady's tongue upon your pearl, my little dragon princess. Beg your father to let your mother fuck you."
Lady Rhaenys approaches the both of you, staying silent, keeping her hands steady at her side, but she's shivering, like you are shuddering. 
You let out a laboured breath, obeying, heartbeat and heavy breasts heaving with pure lust.
"Please, father," you whimper, whispering into his ear, your wetness seeping down your inner thighs like tears, staining the silk sheets below. You then look right into your lady's gaze, molten violet, similar to your own. "Please, mother," you sob, a tear slipping down your cheek. "Please, fuck me. Please!" You cry, beginning to tremble, the emotions overwhelming you.
"Yesss, that's our sweet daughter," Lady Rhaenys hisses, her sharp fingernails raking through the thin night shift concealing your nakedness, shredding the fabric to reveal your swollen bosom and belly to her eyes. "Look, dear husband," she traces her nails over your puffy nipples, pebbling even more underneath her touch, squeezing them. You shriek as white liquid beads like little pearls form the rosy peaks, dripping down her fingers.
"Her mother's milk has finally come in." Lord Corlys says, grinning, his leathery voice deep and smokey, pride lingering on the tip of his tongue. "Drink, my dear wife. See if her milk is as sweet as her honeyed cunt."
Your lord's hand guide's his wife's chin towards your chest and her soft lips immediately wrap around your nipple, beginning to suck.
"Mother!" You gasp, as her mouth greedily drinks down your milk, her hand gripping the protruding roundness of your belly, possessively, where pale pink marks have formed, marking and claiming you as hers; theirs.
Your lady stops sucking, pulling from your breast for a moment, your milk glistening upon her lips, pushing your back against the soft bed. "Her milk tastes just as sweet as her cunt, my lord husband." Lady Rhaenys pulls Lord Corlys down by one of his locks of his silver hair making him hiss. "Have a taste." And she kisses him deeply, slipping her tongue into his mouth, making you moan when your lord groans and bites his lady wife's lip, drawing his attention towards you.
"Fuck, just as sweet as your milk, my wife." 
They both stare at you, eyes starving for more of what your body produces, both wanting to satiate their thirst and hunger with all of you. And so you spread your legs, giving them a view of your sticky thighs, your cunt slick with the most insatiable need that only they can satisfy.
Before you can think, speak, beg, your lord's mouth is fastened to your cunt, begging you with his tongue upon your aching jewel at the crux of your core, that he sucks with his lips at the same time his lady wife's mouth is once again encircling your swollen teat, savoring your succulence. 
Both moan, murmuring around mouthfuls of your flesh, hands cradling the swell of your babes growing inside you, praising your body for its sweet offering, its sweet sacrifice.
Both your gracious lord and your lady, worshipping your body like some kind of deity, a goddess.
"Thank you, father! Mother!" Your climax hits you like a colossal tidal wave, pulling you under its depths, and you're drowning, body spasming, until you come up for air, gulping in deep breaths of air. Your cunt gushes, your juices flooding your lord's mouth as he drinks his fill, coating his beard and face.
"Yes, yes, sweetling, you're most welcome." Rhaenys strokes over your flushed, tear stained cheek, and you realize you're crying again, the emotions overwhelming you once again.
"Thank you, princess, for our gifts." You fade in and out of consciousness, exhilarated exhaustion seeping into your veins, moaning, feeling a thicker, more girthier piece of flesh replacing your lord's tongue. Your overstimulated cunt resists at first, until fingers press the pearl just above your slick entrance, demanding your compliance. 
They share another kiss with the other, sharing your taste with the other.  "Now let your father thank you properly, sweet daughter." And with that your lord father grits his teeth, slipping his cock into your tight heat, as your lady mother's fingers help ease his passage, and they both fuck you into oblivion, until your unconcious, dreaming of the silver haired offspring, dressed in the colors of Velaryon and Targaryen, with both the sea and salt in their soul, fire and blood in their hearts. Young dragons you will give both your father and mother, your loyalty forever lying with them, sacrificing your body, until your dying breath.
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