#bnha rin hiryu
Part 4
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@wirelessw pointed out (thank you!) that Rin’s costume is based off of jiāngshī with the visor being based off of the talismans frequently seen pasted to their foreheads, which is a really interesting idea for his headgear. However, it does make me a little more confused about the rest of his mask as all the pictures I’ve been able to find have jiāngshī wearing a hat, not a headband (lending more credence to the opportunity for a helmet). And, as they mentioned in their comment, it’s a bit of a confusing overall aesthetic choice considering how little it has to do with his quirk.
Summary: Rin’s mask is an interesting idea that maybe didn’t have the greatest execution
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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toast-boat · 10 days
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A friend of mine gave me this challenge.
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class-1b-bull · 10 months
Rating class 1Bs casual/daily wear!
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Awase - 8/10 his fit is a vibe but I wish his jacket was either a little longer or a little shorter because its in a weird middle place. Also he looks weird without his headband ngl
Sen - 9/10 pretty good fit. Kinda basic but I think it works well for him I dont rlly like the shoes tho
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Kamakiri - 10/10 no words need to be said his fit is amazing and he looks great in it
Kuroiro - 9/10 minus a point because it would be better with some jewelry in my opinion
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Kendo - 10/10 the shoes are a little weird but it somehow makes the fit honestly. Love it.
Kodai - 10/10 I love when people wear turtlenecks and overall she looks nice
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Komori - 10/10 she gorgeous, it fits her character, its unique and I love it
Shiozaki - 10/10 I feel like im giving out too many ten outa tens but they all look so nice!
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Shishida - 9/10 very classy and I like the look but if it was colored I feel like it would be very monochrome-y ykyk
Shoda - 9/10 something in the fit is bothering me but I cant tell what rip. Looks good tho!
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Pony - 10/10 she looks so good! It fits her personality and overall is a nice outfit
Tsubaraba - 8/10 minus two points because its kinda bland and I have unironically wore this exact fit multiple times so
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Tetsutetsu - 8/10 I dont really like the shoes but the rest of the fit is pretty good!
Tokage - 9/10 shes beautiful and her outfit is too but it doesn't look like she has socks on
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Manga - 9/10 i like the fit but how tf does his hat stay on if hes 2D?
Honenuki - 8/10 hes standing like a toddler that just got put in time out or like a final boss in a game or something lmao. Anyways good fit but there one or two little things that bugs me
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Bondo - 6/10 his undershirt looks annoying and those types of jackets are loud as fuck
Monoma - 3/10 dont get me wrong the fit is nice but its really disappointing after seeing his hero costume yk? Im not expecting him to walk around in a full blown tux but this is just a shirt and shorts?! Wheres the flair?!
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Reiko - 9/10 she looks amazing but her shoes are non existent (and so are her feet apparently)
Rin - 9/10 I love the look all the way through but the shoes hurt my soul. They look like those shoes people wear at lakes. Water shoes i think their called? Idkidk.
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heronoegg · 1 year
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Class A and Class B in our AU pt 2 + some teachers
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ohmewhatsthis · 13 days
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frickingnerd · 8 months
yandere hiryu rin
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pairing: hiryu rin x gn!reader
tags: fluff, mentions of marriage & children (+pets)
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hiryu is a harmless yandere
he'd never hurt you, nor anyone close to you! 
he wants you to be happy and he knows that hurting your friends and family would only result in the opposite! 
he also wouldn't hurt people that are a threat to you! 
he's always there to protect you, but as a hero, he couldn't forgive himself for hurting civilians, no matter how mean they might are
hiryu is completely devoted to you and aside from commiting crimes for you, he would do anything for you! 
if you want something, he'll do anything in his power to get it for you! 
he also fantasizes about your future together quite early on! 
rin knows that he wants to marry you at some point and start a family with you – whether it's biological children, adopting or just getting pets! 
he already has multiple futures for the two of you planned out! you only have to let him know which one is to your liking…
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artsy-dreamer · 1 year
So, I was checking out Rin’s page in the Ultra Analysis book 
And I came across THIS: 
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I am absolutely reeling at how cute this interaction is??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 
I can just imagine the context of how it might have happened… 
Rin is in line at a hero meet and greet, tightly clutching an autograph book and wearing his best piece of hero merch, trembling with anticipation as he waits to meet his favorite hero, Ryukyu 
On the outside, he keeps his usual composure (or most of it, anyway) but on the inside, his heart pounds harder with every step he takes towards the front of the line 
And finally, he comes face to face with Ryukyu 
They exchange greetings, Rin muttering a quiet “ni hao” as he processes that oh my gosh I’m talking to my favorite hero right now- 
And after Ryukyu has signed Rin’s autograph book and returned it to him, Rin tries to muster up the words to tell her how much he admires her, how much she’s inspired him in his own journey to become a hero, inspired him to wholeheartedly embrace his quirk and push it to its limits… 
But all that comes out is: 
“Your… your quirk is so cool, ma’am…”
Aiyah! What am I, five? That sounded so lame! 
He quickly perks up when Ryukyu smiles warmly and thanks him, then asks him about his own quirk 
Rin’s eyes light up like a Christmas tree, and he quickly goes into detail explaining how his quirk works and his special moves inspired by her, barely able to contain his excitement 
“You can shoot your own scales? Incredible!” 
Rin’s heart nearly stops- did he hear that right? 
This hero that he admires so much 
This powerful hero in the top 10 
With the coolest quirk he’s ever seen in his life 
Thinks HIS quirk is incredible?? 
It takes every last bit of restraint Rin has not to break down in happy tears right then and there 
Instead, he sincerely thanks her, his voice a bit wobbly in spite of himself, and when they pose for a picture together, Rin’s smile is bright enough to blind a room 
He leaves the meet and greet walking on air and still smiling brightly, hugging his autograph book close to his chest 
Today was a treasured memory that he won’t be forgetting any time soon
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ratscountdown · 11 months
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|They’re having fun, trust me |
Finally something new, I’ve only posted months back post ‘months back’ but finally gotten around to this since I wanted to try out a new color palette, and had this old sketch sitting around unfinished. I’ll be working on some more 1-B art as I fumble around with a few other projects though.
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corvi-dae · 1 year
Hi, can i req for Hiryu Rin x fem!reader where she is the prettiest girl people have ever seen? Like always gets stares when she walks, everyday receives gifts n declarations of love from the others UA students that she kindly rejects cause she is already Rin's gf. He just has no idea what he did to deserve her, neither he nor his friends know, who are also in love with her and don't hide it very well...Every time they talk about how hot his girl is he stands like‍‍🧍‍♂️"bro I'm literally here"
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As Long as He Could
Hiryu Rin x Fem!Reader
Summary: As Hiryu Rin and his friend Tsuburaba watch (F/n) (L/n) go against their class during Joint Training, he can’t help but wonder what he did to deserve her.
CW: audacious men, fluff, slight one-sided pining?, reader replaces Mineta because f his grape lookin ass, class 1A and 1B share the same dorms
A/N: this is my first request! hope this lived up to your expectations 🫶 send more requests! I dont bite 😌
“Man, she is so hot,” Tsuburaba practically drooled from beside Rin as they both watched her fight with Mina Ashido against Kodai and Yanagi from their class. Rin could feel his eye start to twitch from annoyance.
“Honestly, how did you bag her? What’s your secret?” The brunette questioned, looking at him in disbelief.
“Uh,” Rin felt sweat drip down his forehead as he smiled awkwardly. “I-”
“Crap, we lost!” Tsuburaba suddenly interrupted as he looked at the screen in disappointment.
Rin didn’t bother to hide his grin as he saw his girl’s excitement. He was proud of her. He then looked down at the ground, face softening.
What had he done to deserve her?
Soon after all the students moved into the dorms, Rin met (F/n) (L/n). He had already known she was a beauty whenever he had faced her in the Cavalry Battle in the Sports Festival, but had never really seen her up close until then. And then she started to show interest in him of all people.
It started with random compliments in passing. She’d compliment his hero costume, tell him his quirk was really cool, say his hair was pretty, his fighting style was cool, etc.
And then by some chance of fate, he was paired with her during an activity with class 1A. He couldn’t help but notice the way she blushed around him, or would stutter over her words, or her inability to hold eye contact. It made him wonder if he was seeing things. Either way, somehow he worked up the courage to ask her out on a date, fully expecting her to decline like she had done with most of the guys in their grade…
But she said yes.
Which brings us to now.
Rin watched in irritation as Hitoshi Shinso walked up to her with a slight blush.
“Hey, would you like to get some dinner with me?”
(F/n) looked over at Rin as he huffed.
“I’m already dating someone,” she gave a small sympathetic smile.
“Who?” He questioned in disbelief.
“Hiryu,” (F/n) pointed over to the long-haired male as he waved awkwardly.
Shinso’s eyes widened in disbelief as he looked away, muttering, “Whatever,” and walking off.
She shrugged and practically skipped over to her boyfriend.
“Hi, love,” she grinned brightly.
“Hey,” he blushed. “You were great out there.”
“Thanks,” her cheeks turned a pinkish color.
“Hey, (F/n)!”
She looked over in question before smiling, “Hi, Tsuburaba.”
Said boy’s face reddened. “You were awesome out there… like always,” he chuckled.
“Thank you!”
Rin could only purse his lips as he looked at his friend incredulously.
(F/n)’s (e/c) eyes met his as he felt his face heat up once more. She took his hands in her own.
“You wanna grab something to eat?” She asked sweetly.
“Sure,” he smiled.
What he had done to deserve this, he wasn’t sure. But he’d hold onto her for as long as he could.
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pidgeyato · 10 days
A couple of Kaibara's I've drawn recently. Happy birthday you funky little man. I'll probably draw something else today as well
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Also I'm summoning the 2 other KaibaRin enjoyers out there I'VE SEEN YOUR POSTS. I SEE YOU. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
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calciumcryptid · 6 months
ShinOjiRin Headcanons
This is a ship between Shinsou Hitoshi, Ojiro Mashirao, and Rin Hiryu from Boku No Hero Academia that has lived in my brain for years now and I need to post these headcanons.
Relationship Timeline
Rin had a small crush on Ojiro from the start of his first year, but it didn't cement until Ojiro stepped down from the Sports Festival. He immediately goes to ask Ojiro out who agrees. They date for the entirety of their first year.
Shinsou developed a crush on Ojiro after he stepped down, or at least paused for a moment. He asked Ojiro during the first semester into their second year, and Ojiro rejected him.
Shinsou tried to not like Rin out of principle, but gave up due to the man being too polite.
Despite this, Shinsou and Ojiro kind of get pushed into a close proximity kind of situation when Shinsou needs to catch up on the physical training. Rin tags along, and before they know it they are all dating by the second semester.
Outside Perspective Headcanons
They are so low-key about their relationship, like, ridiculously low-key about their relationship to an absurd degree.
Even the ones who knew about it never knew the full details. Ojiro told Hagakure about Rin asking him out but he never told her about Shinsou. The IzuCrew encouraged Shinsou to ask Ojiro out, only to sympathize when he was rejected despite never learning why. The Common Sense Kings hyped Rin up about asking Ojiro out but did not know about Shinsou. The TokoFlock (minus Hagakure) knew Shinsou and Ojiro were together, but overlooked the Rin variable.
(Except for Shouji, Shouji knows all but minds his business like a regular person.)
It isn't until graduation the rest of their classmates learn about it in its entirety, and they only learn about it because Mina overheard their future plans including moving in together and bothered to ask about it.
Since Rin and Ojiro become public heroes, they are the pair in the public eye. Shinsou insists it doesn't bother him, but it bothers Rin and Ojiro because they have a whole other husband.
(Seriously the amount of times they request for an extra spot is ridiculous. You would think Shinsou's name wasn't on the certificate.)
Aizawa nearly had a heart attack when a fellow teacher told him they caught Shinsou kissing a blonde, and demanded Shinsou bring his boyfriend to dinner. He was so hyper focused on the blonde detail he was caught off-guard when there was a second significant other.
Mutant S/Os Headcanons
Due to his quirk, Rin has a lot of dragon tendencies like hoarding significant others' clothing, and dressing them jewelry despite them not wearing any normally. Luckily, the other two find it endearing.
Since Rin is a Chinese dragon, he'll sit outside in the middle of storms. It never fails to give his significant others' heart attacks. Though his tendency to dance with them in the rain makes up for his otherwise horror film shenanigans.
He will also just sit on his significant others and cuddle with them, and has been affectionately called a 'lap lizard' by Ojiro.
Due to his quirk, Ojiro has mutant tendencies like grooming his significant others or constantly touching them. He will rub heads and purrs too. Shinsou nearly exploded from heart palpation when he first experienced it.
(Asiatic Lion/Black and Gold Howler Monkey hybrid Ojiro Mashirao supremacy!)
Depending on the temperature, Shinsou will cling to one over the other. He will cling to Rin when it is warm and Ojiro when it is cold. Regardless, Rin will have a protective grip on them and Ojiro tucks his tail around them.
They have to accommodate mutant diets, so Shinsou has learned to use his lunches to balance out the immense amount of meat they consume on a daily basis.
Other Headcanons
In terms of pet names, Rin is the only one who uses them as he calls them Bao Bèi (with the 'my treasure' meaning). Ojiro sometimes calls them babe, but mainly joins Shinsou in calling his s/o by their first names.
Somehow, Shinsou is the one with the best sleep schedule despite working at night and otherwise being an insomniac. He often has to drag the other two to bed because they are up training or working on paperwork.
Due to their different schedules, dates are a pain to schedule to the point their colleagues look at them funny when they look forward to a night of takeout and whatever bromance series Rin brought from his last trip to China.
They need to train separately or they will flirt like they are in leads in an action movie. They have one love language and it is throwing hands, and their friends are tired.
They don't have wedding rings, they have wedding gauntlets and their friends are tired. (Hatsume was ecstatic about the commission.)
Seriously, they are the battle triad.
There is nothing funnier than Rin's rich energy colliding with Shinsou's grunge lifestyle. Ojiro often has to serve as a tie breaker.
They are the triad who leave food out for animals, both wild and strays, and Rin may or may not be building a crow army.
They all get equally embarrassed when their friends share pining stage stories. Hagakure especially takes immense joy from dramatically reading her and Ojiro's old text conversations.
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toast-boat · 5 months
I made more
Because I know damn well I’m the only one who creates this sort of monstrosity
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class-1b-bull · 2 months
1-B has been invited to a big, fancy, terribly stuffy black tie event. How do each of them (accidentally or otherwise) inevitably cause the night to spiral into madness?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he got bored so he started welding random things together to see if anyone noticed. Like welding silverware to the table or whatever, anyways it backfired pretty quickly and the event ended with multiple broken cups and glasses
Sen - he was messing with a table cloth and one of his friends scared him behind which made him activate his quirk on reflex and he sent everything that was on that table flying. He yelled at his friend for a good hour and a half after that
Kamakiri - he surprisingly behaved pretty well but there was one point where a string on the inside of his suit was bothering him so he trued to use his quirk to cut it off and he accidentally ended up with a massive cut on his sleeve
Kuroiro - nothing crazy happened with him since he mostly stayed in the corner on his own the whole night but he did accidentally scare one of his classmates pretty badly so I guess hes a partner in crime(?) Aka refer to sens lmao.
Kendo - she was pretty worried about her classmates since she had a bad feeling this would turn sour pretty quickly with all of them present so she was running around to keep tabs on them and at one point she accidentally hit a table leg hard enough to make it fold in on itself causing all the food and decorations on the table to hit the floor right at her feet.
Kodai - what she did dint really effect anyone except herself and her classmates but still... the venue the event was in was massive and kodai got lost in the unfamiliar place. Her classmates and herself were calling eachother for an hour or more trying to find her.
Komori - she stayed up too late the night before making her outfit since she prefers her clothes hand made but because of that she ended up falling asleep
Shiozaki - she did everything she could to keep her hair tied up but each of her vines are really thick so of course her multiple hair ties snapped and her hair started getting tangled into every piece of jewelry that got too close.
Shishida - hes fine for the most part but it gets pretty hot with all his fur and his suit so like most animals (and like others with animal based quirks) he started shedding everywhere. It was horrible and he was a bit embarrassed ngl (its even worse if the event has food.
Shoda - he saw his classmate Tsubaraba doing something incredibly stupid and since no one else was nearby he tried to stop him which somehow made things worse. He still dosent understand why Tsubaraba thought a cheese fountain would be a good idea in the first place...
Pony - the event had a nice silk bit it the doorway that you had to walk through and it got caught on her horns and ripped into pieces she was picking up little pieces of fabric for a good minute after that and multiple people tripped over her.
Tsubaraba - he was simply turning a fancy chocolate fountain into a fancy cheese fountain. He was obviously going to empty the liquid chocolate out first but shoda grabbed his arm to stop him which caused the container of liquid cheese to mix with the chocolate and clogged the fountain causing chocolate and cheese to fling everywhere.
Tetsutetsu - he heard some woman scream 'rat!' Rlly loud (refer to tokages) so he ended up pushing through a big croud and tackling a few people to try and get through to help her out. It was a lot of people running from the 'rat' vs tetsu and he was bot going down without a fight lmao
Tokage - her and one of her classmates decided to see how many parts she could split herself into before the other guests started to notice the random floating pieces. It was fine at first but there was a big panic when a woman with sharp heels stepped on one of her parts quite hard before screaming thinking it was a rat.
Manga - he was talking about his quirk to some other guests that were there and in the blink of an eye it all went to chaos and in his supprise, his little 'fwoom' bubble of steam he had made while showing off practically exploded covering half the room.
Honenuki - the only thing he did was make the mistake of going to the bathroom. He left and not even a minute later there was chocolate and cheese everywhere, everyone was screaming and running (if not glued to the floor), the decor and furniture was destroyed and a glass chandelier was on the verge of falling. Everything quickly resolved when honenuki came back lmao.
Bondo - he was in the middle of fixing a table kendo accidentally broke with his quirk when someone bumped into him causing a decent amount of glue to get all over the floor which made people get stuck to the ground.
Monoma - before the night got too chaotic he was going around starting little bits of drama just for fun. Hes a theater kid at heart after all. It was relatively tame but he was the reason a few fights broke out.
Reiko - once the main wave of chaos started she used her quirk to float her classmates safely above the crowd but she flew a bit too high with her quirk and she slammed a classmate into a massive glass chandelier in her panic while trying to save her friends. Luckily the chandelier didnt break but it definitely hurt whoever she threw into it...
Rin - it was pretty cold in the venue and when he goes into hibernation its pretty hard to wake him up. He was simply trying to warm up in the corner by taking a little nap, sleeping through the chaos. He only woke up when he was slammed into a glass chandelier full force.
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
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heronoegg · 4 months
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Tetsu and the little guys also Shoda and Yui cause my friend gave me the idea
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aidapire · 7 months
*slowly dumps art onto blog*
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rody WOULD join the common sense kings group and fits them so well i will always stand by that 🗣️🗣️🗣️
the last dood is basically a foreign exchange student meeting another foreigner, who also starts with an r (plus they both have pretty long hair) except he isn’t used to “normal” conversations (aka non crime related business) nor friendships or just a normal life in general so he’s very overwhelmed and having an internal crisis
what i would do to be able to actually write these things with others
i need the boys group so bad 😭
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