echo-of-sounds · 3 years
let’s go to bed
Small drabbles of you helping Fatgum, Gang Orca, and Hound Dog fall asleep again after a nightmare.
This is the sixth day of @bnhaunderratedcharweek​’s event. I used today’s prompt: heartbeat. Though, I feel a prompt of ‘nightmare’ would fit these drabbles more. I originally had them falling asleep on the reader’s chest, listening to their heart, but it quickly changed to something different.
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You flung yourself from bed, sweat sticking the sheet to your skin, looking for the charging monster. Your eyes swam in the dark, body preparing for another fight. All you saw was an empty bedroom. No mysterious lights. No weird sounds. No threats. No Taishiro…
It was three-thirty in the morning. Had he not come to bed at all yet? He needed it more than you, taking the brunt of the battle, ending up bruised and swollen with a broken hand. At least he wasn’t pushed into using all of his energy and fat.
You went to the bathroom and washed the sweat from your arms and neck. After years of training and working, your brain accepted the gore and viscera as part of the job — the worst part of it but still part of the job. Just, sometimes, a femur tearing skin or one bloody, brutal moment stuck in your brain. And Tai seemed particularly affected after yesterday’s confrontation, scanning each room for an attack, gripping your hand through the interview, and startling at his phone’s ringtone.
You walked to the living room. He wasn’t there, nor in the kitchen, the office, the closet, nor the apartment’s hallway. About to run for your phone, you sighed at the large shadow trudging up the stairs. Tai’s soaked clothes clung to him, leaving a trail of water in his wake.
He looked up, fronting an obvious and hurt smile. “What are you doing up?”
“I had a…” Don’t tell him. He didn’t need to know, and it wasn’t a big deal compared to what happened to him. You crossed your arms at the breeze and mumbled, “I just couldn’t find you. I got worried.”
He stood in front of you, making you regret the stupid fib. “You had a nightmare, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, but it’s fine. Not a big deal. What happened to you?”
“Nothing,” he smiled, trying his best to reassure you as you entered the apartment. You don’t know why he tried either. It was so easy to tell when he wasn’t alright. His eyes always revealed how he felt.
You followed behind to the bedroom, gently seeking an answer. “Tai, please, talk to me. I’m worried. What happened?”
“Nothing happened. I just wanted to go for a walk.”
“In the pouring rain?”
“Yes.” He slipped his shirt and pants off, hanging them over the drying rack. His shoulders lolled low and defeated. Dark purple blotched his right side. His swollen elbows struggled with the movements. His right hand hung useless as he floundered with a towel, failing to tousle his hair dry.
You softly grabbed it, taking it from his hold when he heaved and lowered into a chair. You covered his head and rubbed it along his hair, careful to not pull or yank anything. Next, you dabbed the moisture from his neck, shoulders, and back, whispering along the way, “You saved her, Tai. You did all you could do, plus more. That’s all anyone can ever ask of you.”
He stared at the floor, holding his face in his hands. “I don’t know why it’s bothering me. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. She was just… She was so young. I can’t understand why they did that to her. She was so young…” His voice died out with a crack.
Tossing the towel aside, you hugged him, warming his chilled skin by rubbing his back and arms. Your chin rested on his shoulder as you talked. “She’s okay, honey. You saved her. She’s safe and getting the care she needs because of you. And the men that caused it are in jail. You did your job and you did it perfectly.”
“I know. I just don’t get it…”
“You don’t get it because you’re a good man.” Your fingers brushed through tufts of clumped hair. “If you can’t understand a villain’s actions and intentions, it’s because you’re different from them, morally, ethically, principally.” His temple heated your lips. “You’re a good man, Tai, and you always do what’s right. You can’t understand them because you’re just not like them.”
“Thank you,” he hummed and patted your arm. “I didn’t mean to worry you. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. Are you alright?”
“Not really. But I’ll be better soon.” Sprinkles dotted your face when he stood, still not completely dry.
You didn’t really care about that, though. “Let’s go to bed.”
This time, his grin was much more genuine. He didn’t need to speak of his exhaustion. The fight still weighed his eyes and shoulders, yet a little light was inside, helping you match his smile.
Both of you returned under the covers. You rested on his left side, hearing the steady, hearty heartbeat huddled into his body heat. Not long into the snuggling, he scooped you up, laying you on his tummy. His hand kept a firm grip on your hip. His arm supported your back to keep you warm and close through the night.
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Gang Orca
The sudden movement bumped your body awake. You rolled over, pulling the covers tight. It wasn’t a big deal. It happened all the time.
But the release of the weight, signaling he had left the bed, lurched your mind awake. You shifted, not wanting to deal with it. Sleep sounded better than for you to rouse and ask if he was okay, only for him to mumble, ‘I’m going to the restroom.’
Your mind convinced itself to settle down and drift off.
However, the weight didn’t return: not after five minutes; ten minutes; twenty; forty. That was too long to be away in the middle of the night. Your brain roused itself, despite the calm room. The bed was empty. It knew it shouldn’t be, raising concern and forcing you awake despite your body’s want for rest. You got up and shuffled to find him.
Kugo sat at the table, huddled beside a lamp, hunched over and scribbling on some paper. A swear came before he ripped the sheet from the padfolio, crumpling it with quite unnecessary force. Another hiss sounded as he went back to work.
You whispered his name, and he jerked up, squinting into the dark. His shoulders only relaxed once he found and focused on you. “What are you doing up? It’s late.”
“I know it is. I woke up because you weren’t in bed.” You walked over to see what was more important than his sleep. It was just boring documents and files, all filled out and signed. “Did you wake up for this?”
“No, no. I-” He dropped the pen and rubbed his eyes.
“Was it the nightmare again?”
His head barely lifted in what you assumed was a nod. For months, the same terrors wouldn’t leave him alone. It was hardly noticeable at first. He’d yawn more and go to bed earlier. Then they increased in frequency and strength, rocketing him from the bed, sometimes sending him into an anxiety attack, keeping you both up for the rest of the night out of concern and distress.
You sat in the chair beside him and asked softly, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“It’s all the same. Every time, it’s the same thing.”
“What happened this time?” You wanted to ask who, but you were afraid that wouldn’t help. You were no expert in nightmares and anxiety and felt a bit… useless when it came to comforting him. Brushing it off or pointing out it was only a dream wouldn’t help. He was smart. He knew that. It was all the anxiety and insomnia and stress and tension that you saw. Those were all very real and very concerning, and you had no idea how to support him.
“I couldn’t control myself or my strength. I couldn’t do anything without breaking or injuring someone. My body kept changing into something. I was a monster. Everyone called me one.” He examined his hands, glaring at each pointed claw and every thick knuckle with hatred. “I had… I hurt you. I made you cry. I grabbed your arm and broke it like it was nothing. You called me a monster. You wouldn’t look at me… You couldn’t even look at me anymore.”
“You know that would never happen, right?”
He didn’t answer.
“Kugo, I know you and trust you. I know you would never hurt me or anyone.”
He didn’t respond.
“Kugo, honey…” You scooted close, bumping your knee against his. Slowly and carefully, you reached for his hand, wrapping your fingers around two of his. They stiffened a little, coated in the smallest layer of sweat. “I think… I think you should consider therapy again.”
To that, his reply came quickly, adamant, “No. It’ll only take up more of my time.”
“Kugo, please-”
“I don’t need it. They’re just nightmares, and I can catch up on sleep any time.”
“But you can’t.” You spoke a little harsher than you wanted and liked. “Kugo, these will not go away if you don’t deal with them. I can see how much stress they cause you. It’s not weak to need help. No one will judge you. You don’t even have to anyone if you don’t want to. Please, don’t you think it’s worth trying? If it can help you sleep and ease some of this anxiety, isn’t it worth a shot?” You cupped his cheek, stroking the rubbery skin with your thumb. “I’m worried. I hate seeing you like this.”
He leaned into your palm.
“Please. You deserve to sleep. You deserve to take care of yourself.”
“I’m so tired,” he sighed, sinking closer, nudging his forehead against yours.
“I know you are, baby. Don’t you think you deserve some relief?”
“Then why don’t we call in the morning?”
“Alright… Thank you.”
“Of course. I’ll do anything for you.” You kissed his nose. “For now, let’s go back to bed.”
Kugo followed you silently. Two fingers kept a clinch on yours. They didn’t let go as you both laid down, his head on your chest, pinning you to the bed with his weight. Deep, burdened breaths heaved his back. You stroked his spine, kissing the top of his head. His fin was slightly in the way, but you worked around it, able to rub and embrace him without too much difficulty. Whatever had troubled him so seemed to be gone now as he swiftly went slack, having fallen asleep within minutes.
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Hound Dog
The volume rose at the commercials break. You snatched the remote to lower the volume, not wanting to wake Ryo. Not much could stir him. A commercial for buying cars had no chance of it, but you played it safe, not wanting to risk anything. He needed sleep after too long of a shift.
Seventeen hours was simply too much for one person. You didn’t care if they were a Hero. No one should have to work that long for one shift. You doubted even All Might himself worked that many hours straight.
The blanket jerked. You thought it fell until you saw him kick, probably dreaming of running on an open field or falling down somewhere. His leg bounced again. Your hand moved from his hair to his bare chest, stroking the dark bristles of body hair. The lower you rubbed, the thicker they got, forming a nice, long happy trail and providing a surprising amount of heat.
His ankle twitched, and his lip lifted in a half-growl. “Shh, Ryo. It’s okay. It’s alright, honey.” Your cooing and petting settled him for the time. A small jump or hiss would come while the movie continued. They’d disappear quickly, faster when you talked him through it, hushing his name and brushing his hair.
A recoiling leg ripped the blanket off.
“Shh, Ryo, it’s okay,” you tried soothing him.
His chest swelled. Heat radiated from it more than usual. His top lip drew back, exposing his canines.
Claws clamped on your forearm, digging for a release. You had to wrench your arm away, earning raw scratches and a deep snarl in the process. You nudged his shoulder. “Ryo!”
“What happened? What’s wrong?” He shot up, confused, alarmed, and blinking at the bright Tv.
“What?” Ryo quickly regained his composure and looked at you. The long, thick scratches were hard to miss.
Not out of character, but in a rare moment of tenderness, he cradled your arm, examining what he did. They were superficial and would be sore for a day or so, but they weren’t serious injuries. His tongue lapped at the lines. Though hot, the wetness helped cool them. His licking trailed up to your neck, then your cheek.
The scrapes would heal. Your concern was towards him, which you voiced when he mumbled an apology into your neck, “It’s fine. It’ll heal. I’m more worried about you. You haven’t had a nightmare like that in a long time.”
Swiftly, he withdrew from you, taking all his heat. “You don’t need to be. I’m fine.”
“I want to be worried. Is it anything you want to talk about? It might help.”
“No,” he huffed, scrunching his nose in the air.
“Ryo,” you whispered and took his hand in yours. His head shot down to glare at the marks again. He sniffed them, smelling who knows what his nose could pick up on. The hot moisture returned with his tongue as he lapped along them again. “It’s okay, Ryo.”
“I hate hurting you. I know better.”
“You didn’t mean.” You cupped his muzzle, brought it up, and kissed the side. He grunted, but you continued until you got to his nose. His fingers and tight muscles slowly loosened. His weight leaned into you, relaxing with your hums and care. Hair tickled your nose and lips while you kissed the other way, to right under his eye. “It’s okay, Ryo. I’m not mad. I forgive you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
His forehead nudged your cheek, answering your earlier question, “I don’t want to talk about it. I’d rather forget it.”
“That’s okay, too.” You pressed and held your lips to his temple as you moved to lie back, bringing him with you. His muzzle rested on your chest, allowing you the perfect angle to stroke between his eyes and watch him fall back asleep with you as a pillow.
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frelmidja · 3 years
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Day 1 of BNHA underrated character week - One Bed
Rappa is the bed
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Welcome to BNHA Underrated Character Week!
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Does your favorite character almost never appears on screen? Do they have little to no fan content? Well, here we are to help!
The UCWeek will begin in July 7th, and will go until July 14th. Each day will have a set of prompts you can choose off of! (Feel free to skip days, we’re here to have fun!) 
How do I participate?
Tag your post with #bnhaucw2021, and it’ll be reblogged by us! Your post can be fanart, fanfiction, whatever you want, as long as it involves a character that’s not very popular (Check the character list!)
Gab (@thegoldencatscafe)
Arrow (@dxmmymxmmywrites)
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BNHAUCW2021 prompt week - Day 1: “only one bed”
Sometimes, the only way to ease your embarrassment of sharing a bed with someone is to convince them to join you in constructing a massive wall of pillows between the two of you....yeah!
Hey! Here’s the first prompt for @bnhaunderratedcharweek’s prompt week! This took a while, but hey, here it is! (Please click the image for better quality)
It’s an underrated character week? You know what that means. This eclair sees an opportunity and will make sure they provide plenty of edgejeanist....well....as much as they can with work. ❤️❤️❤️
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violadraw · 3 years
For the first day of the bnha underrated week I drew my friend @jimbag-777 ship Tokokure
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platypus-why · 3 years
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Written for day 6 (pro heroes) and day 7 (fake dating) of BNHA Underrated Character Week 2021 organized by @bnhaunderratedcharweek.
Because Inasa and Mina deserve more love, and their quirks combined sound like the best kind of disaster. It’s mostly about Mina and Inasa being the best of friends and forming a hero duo, with background Inatodo. 
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i cant believe underrated character week is almost done and i missed half of it 😭 heres one of my class b tiktoks
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echo-of-sounds · 3 years
use me
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-Hound Dog x f!reader-
a smut piece with Daddy Dom Ryo degrading the reader
This is the fourth day for @bnhaunderratedcharweek​’s event. I used one of yesterday’s prompts: degradation. I feel like a whole seven people will like this. And I’m still not feeling the best, so I hope there aren’t too many mistakes throughout.
Warnings: Daddy Dom, domination/submission, degradation, deepthroating, choking, and piss kink
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Your phone chimed his chime. You hopped off the couch and scurried for it, salivating and fantasizing about today’s demands. Maybe he’d let you ride his cock and choke you out. Maybe he’d tie you up and ruin your ass, stretching and rutting it numb. It was his, after all. Or maybe he was feeling one of his particular moods and would make you worship his cock and ass, fucking your throat and riding your face for his pleasure like it was the only thing you were good for. Whatever it was, you’d submit. You were too dumb to make your own decisions, that’s why he was in charge.
All the things you thought were nowhere near as tame as what Ryo sent: Leaving work now. Panties and bra only. Those little pink ones. And don’t forget your collar like last time.
Yes, Daddy.
Wait for me by the door.
Yes, Daddy.
Good girl.
Fluttery and giddy, you skipped off to the bedroom and dressed in what he expected. The sheer material didn’t hide your breasts or pussy in the least. He just liked the cute bows and loved ripping them off of you. Though sooner or later, they were going to tear, and he’d need to buy you some new ones.
The final, most favored, piece was simple: a pink kitty collar, with a cute bow and bell, with his name on the side. He bought it for you, his love, his property.
It’d be at least twenty minutes till he got home. But you didn’t care and kneeled on the hard floor, patiently waiting to see him. It didn’t take long for the position to strain your knees. And your legs tingled under you, making you squirm, squishing your wet panties around. It seeped through them to your calves, only causing you to fidget more and more, counting down the minutes until the door opened.
After your too long arousing anticipation, it did. You jolted upright. “Daddy!”
He kicked the door shut, practically hurled his bag to the side, stripped off his Hero vest, and stalked towards you, unzipping his skin-tight pants. His cock burst out from the equally-as-tight boxer briefs. It filled his hand, precum dripping out of his foreskin. He easily had more than average, forming a perfect sucking toy for you.
Thinking about tonguing the extra skin goaded some more wiggles. You had quite the fancy for his semen and musk, needing to be covered with it, burying your face in his balls and tonguing his ass like a good girl.
You bit your lip, wondering if he was going to greet you or praise you for being so patient.
He didn’t. He gripped your hair, flopping his heavy dick on your face, demanding, “Suck, now.”
You moved to grab his cock for a better angle, but your hands were swatted away. He growled down at you, “I said suck, not touch.”
“Sorry-” “God, just fucking suck.” He jerked his cock into your mouth. You bobbed slowly at first, letting your spit properly lube him. Your tongue edged into his foreskin as you did, collecting all the gathered tang and bitter, heavy salt, doubling when you licked deeper under the thin skin.
He bucked, but because of his hold, you couldn’t move back, forcing a gag. You gripped his thighs and he pulled out. Saliva connected your lips to his head. A finger twirled it around before going into your mouth. Instinctually, you sucked on that too, and he hummed while you did, noting your earlier patience, “You were good, waiting for me like I said. You haven’t touched yourself, have you?”
You shook your head, lapping between his fingers.
“Telling me the truth?”
You nodded, cradling his huge hand.
“Good girl.”
The pet name tickled you too much for your hunger level. You moaned around him, some drool spilling out of your mouth, “Daddy?”
“Yes?” He took his fingers back, looking down at you ogling him.
“How was your day?”
“Stressful.” “I’m sorry.”
“You’re going to make it better.” He gathered his cock again and pumped, running your saliva over himself. “Daddy’s gonna fuck your throat. You might get to cum this time. I’ll decide later.”
“Thank you.”
“Thank me by sucking me off.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” you repeated, grateful for him using you. It was your purpose, and if you could do anything to make him feel better, you would.
His pointed head poked inside, letting you sup on his heated glans, your tongue stroking the small opening. Strong precum filtered out, which you gladly drank up with a moan. Foreskin began to retract. You licked around his exposed corona and slurped up all the potent tastes you could find.
He bucked again, silently ordering you to take more. You tried to relax when the hand returned to your head, knowing what was coming. You adjusted your position, bracing your hands on the floor and leaning forward, giving him an angle to fuck your throat however he desired.
And the thrusts started. Sturdy hips jerked, slapping balls to your chin, cramming into your throat despite the resistance. Each sink forced a gag. He never cared about them, simply diving fervently, again and again, complimenting your tightness and exemplary behavior.
Your nose pressed into his hair. Your chest heaved, spilling spit all over him. “Fuck, just like that, messy girl.”
Tears welled and wept. He taunted you, huffing between thrusts, “You’re crying over my cock now? How cute. Maybe I should abuse you like this more often.”
Shuffling closer, your nails latched onto his thighs. Their hair and muscles moved splendidly under them. You wished you could call to him and agree, but your mouth was stuffed, stressed, and exploited.
Both hands ripped into your hair and tilted you. Through bleary vision, you meet his eyes, savoring their hungry glow. You’d do anything for him — anything to feel your pussy wet and stretched by him. You’d worship him for days, never questioning his demands, being his good little pet and treasuring every inch of his glorious cock, hairy ass, and almighty tongue, licking, fingering, and sucking anything.
“Drink it.” His rumble widened your eyes. “Swallow all of it.”
You moaned, dizzy and struggling to stay focused. Air stopped flowing some time ago. And every thrust only pushed more out of you.
“You look like such a whore, taking my cock, no problem. Can’t believe I’ve trained such a disgusting girl.”
You were. You were disgusting. You just wanted his cum.
And you got it shoved too far into your throat, straining your lungs as chunky salt poured into you. His fingers and thighs tensed, holding you down through his draining, twitching orgasm.
Unable to do it yourself, you were yanked off his cock. You coughed and spluttered, desperately trying to swallow his cum. It was a gift. It shouldn’t be wasted, no matter how acrid it tasted and clumpy it felt.
“Show me.”
Blinking to clear your vision, you looked up, mouth open.
“You didn’t get all of it.” His thumb hooked your bottom jaw and pulled down. All the cum, spit, tears, and maybe some other liquids fell out, dirtying your chin, trickling to your chest.
He thrusted back inside, limp, wet, and throbbing, fucking the cum and saliva out of your mouth. Your raw throat choked at his flaccid prodding. Fresh tears joined from your continued tensity and gorged mouth, testing your weakening abilities.
Daddy was the only person who could, teaching and training you to be perfect. You were his means to an end. He never had to give back. He just chooses to, acknowledging your good work and servitude.
“Daddy,” you babbled around him. You have done good, and now you wanted a prize. “More.”
His cock dislodged. “You’re a mess.”
“Yes, Daddy. I am.”
“You’re fucking disgusting, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Daddy, I am. I’ll do anything. I’ll eat you out again. It’s tasty- the best treat for me.”
“I know you love that, kitten.”
“I do,” you whined, wriggling from the sticky pool in your panties.
“You’d really let me do anything to you, no matter how dirty, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes, I would. I want anything. Please, anything.”
“Have any ideas?”
You tried to kiss his balls, wanting contact, but he leaned out of reach. His dick hung fat, pulsing, and doused, teasing your mouth. You were here to suck and satisfy, not talk. His cock should be in your mouth, pussy, or ass, not dangling two feet in front of you.
“Come on, use your dumb little brain for once and think of something new for me.”
You didn’t want to think! That was his job. You fussed and bounced, “Just- I don’t- Anything. Anything.”
The controlling hand netted your hair. In one surprising thrust, he lunged balls deep, rubbing your nose in his pubic hair, prying into your windpipe, forcing drool and gags and splutterings around him. Just as suddenly, you were emptied and tipped back to make direct eye contact. His husky voice melted your muscles to nothing, “Think.”
Cum oozed off his swinging cock. The thirst in your panties felt like it was about to overflow. You prattled the first, nasty thing that came to mind, “Pee… Use me.” Dark eyes widened with a buzz. It spread to you, catching your breath and rushing exhilaration down your spine at the thought. “Use me, Daddy, please. I’m yours. Pee on me. Make me dirty- disgusting. It’s what I deserve- what I want, please.”
“Hmm, that is nice- use you like the dirty cunt you are.”
“Yes! Yes!”
“That’s a good idea. I’m proud of you for saying it.” His tip brushed your bottom lip. You kissed his foreskin, gently nipping and supping on the sensitive skin. Since he seemed fine with your playing, you started sucking, calmly this time.
You kissed down the side and pumped him, wanting his cum and piss this time. The smells, the sounds, the textures, and colors swam in your head. Your panties weren’t the only thing soaked. Images of all he could give drowned out anything else. You were to submit and accept, and you’d do it every day.
A string of swears got you refocused on him. He stepped back. You withheld the whine, taking in the show of him glaring at your breasts and tummy, jerking himself fast. The outfit displayed everything, only serving as a catalyst for his ownership and carnality. And now he was going to ruin it, ruin you, just like you deserved.
“Be good for me. Sit still and relax.”
You lowered, waiting, watching, wiggling from the thrill. It begged for you to touch yourself. Your clit throbbed for attention. But you didn’t. Daddy was more important.
“Look at me.”
You did.
“You’re a good little girl, letting me do whatever I want.”
“I’ll do anything for you, Daddy.”
He grunted and bucked, sneering, “I’ll fuck your stupid, little throat any time I want- Use you like a fucking dumpster.”
“I love it,” you cooed softly, nodding and biting your lip. “Use me, please. Piss on me. I want it. I want it.”
“God, you’re so fucking disgusting,” Daddy belittled you, fucking his spit-and-cum-coated hand. He came closer and, after a few volatile thrusts, warm liquid hit your sternum.
Your breath hitched. Shoulders locked. It stippled for a couple of seconds before a stream came, marking you as his, like any commanding canine does. No other would ever take you in any way, especially one like this.
It seeped into the frilly bra, sticking to your nipples, and leaked down your tummy to stain your panties, providing a greater amount and racier heat and muskier scent than semen could ever deliver. Your lungs picked up at the polluted feeling, snuffing the smells soiling you.
His relieved sighs were just the tiny cherry on top, his expression enough to make you moan at his beauty. High brows and soft eyes, something he so rarely gave, gazed at your ruined body. If he got this much pleasure from dirtying you so, you’d happily do it every day.
Your thighs shook. Hands trembled between them. You wanted to be dirtier, ravished, tonguing his ass as he sat on your face. You wanted to be fucked useless. You were good for nothing else.
“Fuck.” The stream petered off. He shook himself dry, sprinkling the last drops to your arms and legs.
“Daddy…” you whispered, sticky and in desperate need of his care. “I want… I want-”
“Shut up and open.” He echoed earlier and resumed deep throating you. You couldn’t move much, too wound from your arousal, but you still didn’t touch yourself.
“Goddamnit. Your throat’s so fuckin’ tight.” He held your head still to prod deep. “I’m gonna cum again, and you’re going to take it all this time.”
You fought for air and clawed at his thighs.
“If you do, you get to cum.”
You moaned, slacking as much as possible. Soppy and thick cum clogged your throat. You choked and swallowed, eventually getting it down.
But dribbles still filtered out when he released, mixed with saliva bubbles. You stared at them falling to the floor. “Daddy…?”
“You got most of it this time. But you seriously think I’m gonna pleasure you when you’re filthy?”
You pleaded up at him.
“You’re fucking right, I am.” He hooked under your arms, hoisted you to your feet, and dove his hand into your pissed-soaked panties. “Shit, your cunt’s a mess. Can’t believe my piss turned you on this much.”
Two fingers pushed in and eagerly folded. His palm pawed your clit as his other hand circled your throat. Heated breath puffed over you. “You really liked it, didn’t you?”
You nodded.
“Maybe I should do that more often- piss on you- let you squirm stupidly.”
You nodded again, snaring his biceps under your nails. Pressure built in your temples from the lack of air.
“God, I love seeing you dumb and horny.”
His grip turned to a vice. You gasped, getting his tongue in your mouth, mimicking his finger’s fucking, leaving you humping and moaning. He lapped deep, dining on remnants of his cum and your saliva.
Once again, tears fell as the fever and joy mounted. His arm bounced with his fingering, stretching you open, harassing your front wall. More wetness spilled out to your thighs. Your clit stung. Your strength faded. And with his tongue reaching into your throat, you came, crying and clawing and quaking.
Ryo held you through the aftershock, not letting you fall when your legs gave. You slacked against his chest, murmuring nonsense, “Fuck, it- I did- I- Uh, mph, mmh.”
“It’s alright. I got you. It’s okay.” The hands that were choking and fingering you moments ago now gently cradled you steady, stroking your arms and back as you gathered yourself. He hushed your name. “It’s alright. You were perfect, you know that? You always are.”
“Re- Ryo…”
“Shh, honey. I got you. You’re safe. I got you.”
He lifted and carried you to the bathroom, carefully placing you on the toilet. His knuckle tilted your chin so you met his eyes. Softly lapping your cheeks and jaw, he cleaned the mess away.
You sighed, “Could’ve used… towel.”
“I didn’t want to. I’ll clean you better than any damn towel.” He licked your forehead, presumably enjoying the salt, and as delicate as he’s ever been, unclasped the collar, setting it on the sink and officially ending your playtime. It also opened your neck up for a licking. You giggled and moved back, but he caught your waist, tickling your neck and sides more.
“Ryo… No, I’m dirty.”
“You are.”
“Not like that,” you laughed, shooing his hands away.
He sat back on his heels. “You did perfect today. I’m proud of you.”
“How’s your throat?”
“Little sore.”
“Hmm. We’ll get you some tea after.”
“Ice cream?”
“Ice cream after,” he corrected himself with a small smile. He reached behind you, undoing your bra. He wasn’t as docile with the garment, tossing it to the floor. After, he slipped your panties off and discarded them too. He huffed at the crumpled, soiled clothing, “Think I’m gonna need to buy you some new ones. I didn’t expect you to ask for that.”
“… Me neither. It just came up.”
“You little kinky kitty.” His nose prodded your neck, bringing back your laughter.
“Okay, okay…” He paused for you, knowing not to push your limits and accidentally overstimulating you. You asked, “What about the mess?”
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.”
Your arms wrapped around his neck; his around your waist. You brushed his hair, basking in his body heat. It helped ease the lingering spasms and cramps. You nuzzled into his safe-haven of a neck.
Ryo whispered in the thick air, “You really did perfectly today. I’m proud of you. And I love you. Never forget that, please.”
“I won’t, Ryo. I love you, too. So much.”
“Let’s get you cleaned and comfortable.” He moved you into the shower, starting with soap on your stomach.
Once cleaned, lotioned, dressed, and full of ice cream, Ryo laid with you in bed, swathing you in your fluffy blanket, settling down for a lighthearted movie. His arm kept you fastened against his chest. He wouldn’t let go the entire night, occasionally licking behind your ear or cheek. You drifted off to sleep in his embrace, knowing no one could ever dominate you with such frenzied love and stick around after, enveloping you in that same love.
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echo-of-sounds · 3 years
such a good boy
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-Gang Orca x f!reader-
a smut piece with a dominant reader pleasuring Kugo
This is the second day for @bnhaunderratedcharweek's event. I took the prompt 'lingerie' from yesterday and used it for today, though it morphed well beyond just 'lingerie'. I enjoyed writing this way too much.
Don't like/Don't read: rimming and anal fingering
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Dolled up in the black lingerie he chose, you entered the bedroom, grinning at the growing erection between his naked, open thighs. You slowly swayed over, loving how he ogled your body as you slid the silk robe down your arms, exposing the strappy bra and lacey garter belt. You couldn’t help but tease, “Excited?”
Kugo glanced to the side, coughing a small ‘yes.’
“Look at me, baby. I only want you looking at me tonight.” You held his cheek, tilted him back to you, and kissed his forehead. Eyes, red and round, met yours, goading another raunchy razz, “I’m gonna milk you dry tonight.”
His mouth lolled open. Only shallow breaths exited. You bit your lip a bit too hard at the mounting high. But first, you needed to hear him say it — to voice his willingness, listen to his desire, maybe a little beg and whimper too.
You felt along his pronounced trapezius and around his deltoids, enjoying smooth skin dented with the occasional scar. “You ready?”
“Yes, I am…” The hesitation came out in his voice.
“Are you nervous?”
He smiled widely and nudged your forehead. “No one’s taken the lead like this before. I’m not sure I’ll be able to relax like you want me to.”
“I know, baby.” You kissed his nose, loving how it wiggled with his words. “That’s why I want to treat you. I want to pleasure you like you’ve done to me so many times. But if you’re not ready, I understand. We can wait.”
“No.” His claws flew to your sides to keep you from backing up.
“Well then, tell me what you what?”
Hesitation came back, but this time it was fueled by fluster, timidity, and a hint of submission, exactly what you wanted to hear.
You kissed over his forehead, humming, “Tell me. Let me hear it.”
“… You.”
“I want you.”
“What about me, hmm?”
Kugo huffed and shrugged. He was getting there.
“Tell me, and I’ll do it.”
“I want…” He cleared his throat an excessive amount of times. “I want you to…”
“God, you’re so close. Just say it.”
“Fuck… I want you to… to eat me out,” he finally gruffed.
Kugo’s slight annoyance wound you up. The robe fell, showing off the lingerie. You rubbed yourself through the thin panties, watching him gaze at your self-pleasure, and pushed your thigh against his erection. White precum dotted the black thigh highs.
“I want it too, baby. You deserve it.” You stepped closer, letting him grip your leg, sighing with him at the fondling. “God, I want it so bad, baby boy. I’ve imagined how you taste for so long, and now, I finally get to eat you.”
He jerked against your leg, swearing and groaning through a clenched jaw, “Can you start then?”
“Ask nicely, and I will.”
“Please, can you start? Please?”
“Good boy. Lay back and let me treat you.”
You stepped back as he did. Tentative and exposed, physically and mentally, he laid out on the bed, thighs open, pitch-black cock bobbing and twitching between them.
“Goddamn.” You crawled to him, stroking up and down his thighs, relishing in their shaking. His hitch breathing tickled you horny. “Do you even know how perfect your cock is?”
Kugo huffed and tensed up.
“You don’t need to answer. I know you know.” You squeezed his base, earning a handsome hiss, and firmly stroked up. Precum trickled to his white abs. You only granted him three steady pumps before releasing him.
“Shh, just try me. Lay back and enjoy.”
You cupped his balls. Their weight was impressive: size even more so, able to fill your palms. Your fingers massaged around the smooth, hairless skin, stirring them in their pockets. You pinched and pulled on them, prompting him to lurch up.
The most glorious groan sounded once you took his head into your mouth, immediately sucking him deep. You couldn’t take all of him without some injury. You made do with three-fourths of the way, prompting wet gags. They didn’t bother you. You just licked the saliva away, flattening your tongue along his raphe, still groping his balls as if they were toys, and took him in again, repeating the actions to his delight.
His mumble was jumbled. You popped him out to switch to pumping him hard and fast. “You gonna cum already, baby?”
“I wasn’t-” He swore as your thumb poked his ass, not prying, just feeling the muscles. Spit had dribbled down to provide some lubricant to work with. His chest beat up and down, struggling for shallow breaths. Something close to your name came between two of them.
“Is it that good? You that excited?”
“Yes,” he rumbled, squeezing his eyes closed.
Unsatisfied with the simple answer, you slowed your hand while your thumb pressed the ring of muscles enough to enter. Not wanting to hurt him, you gradually wormed in till the first knuckle was inside, clearly thrilling him from the way his cock damn near wiggled in your grip.
You sighed, “Hmm, you really like that, don’t you? Your ass sure seems to.”
“Ye- es.”
Your grip tightened to a vice. The sound that came out of him wet your panties plenty. You sang, listening to him huff, “Come on, baby. I wanna hear you. Come on.” Keeping the death grip, you jerked him agonizingly slowly, testing your own patience. But he tensed around your thumb, making it worth it. “Come on, big boy, tell me how you feel. Let me know, baby.”
“God, it feels so good.” Kugo let go, groaning and panting loudly. He panted your name, trying to rumble some more words. Your thumb slipped deeper, inciting his hips to hump. “It feels so- Your- I’m gonna-”
“That’s a good boy. That’s just what I want. Cum for me.” He thrust. Claws scratched the sheets. “Come on, cum on yourself. Make yourself dirty for me, baby. I know you want to.”
He fucked your hand painfully erratic and groaned, freezing once you clamped around his corona. You praised once he flared, muscles straining, throat growling, and released onto his stomach.
You pulled out and lessened your grip through the waves, simply taking the moments to digest the view: his beautiful body, so rugged and strong, built to be a leader, yet he’s here, trembling from your hands.
“You’re so beautiful. And such a good boy,” you cooed flattery while gently rubbing the underside of his throbbing, softening cock as the last bits of cum drained. “I love you, baby.”
White clumps pooled splendidly. It drew your mouth in. You licked it off his heaving torso, taking your time with the salted skin and tangy cum. He droned your name as you kissed along his abdominal lines, occasionally catching your tongue and his skin between your teeth for a quick nibble.
Your lips tingled from all the musk, especially when you kissed his Adonis belt, feeling the bold veins. His cock’s soft, thin skin pulsed under your lips. It quivered in your bite. You whispered against it, flicking with your tongue and dragging your teeth all over it, “Your cock really is perfect. You have no idea who lucky you are. Or how lucky I am.”
You seized his left testicle into your mouth, unable to fit all inside, supping on the husky, loose skin. It constricted in its sack from your oral pumping. You switched to the right, nipping and pulling.
“Don’t.” He flinched. His cock, erecting once again, bobbled.
You pressed into him, indulging yourself, his balls resting on your forehead. “And your balls, too. They’re so fucking good.”
Kugo puffed through your licking and sucking, “I thought… women weren’t that… attracted to… them.”
“Oh, you have no fucking idea, baby.” The right lured you back, somehow its entirety sinking into your mouth. While you nursed, you laid comfortably on your stomach and opened his thighs wide. They seemed to move on instinct next, lifting to his chest.
With a pop, your mouth released. His new position exposed him perfectly. Balls hung low, stretching their skin, shining with spit and bulging from the stimulation.
“You ready for me to eat you out now?” His answer was too low to hear. It could take him a while to recover from an orgasm, but you’ve never seen him so erect so soon after one. Maybe his brain was just a bit frizzled.
You pet the underside of his thighs. No scars and marks left them radiant and untouched. You were the first to love him here. And you rubbed down to knead his ass — such a lovely and tasteful place.
“Use gotta use your words, okay?”
He sighed your name.
“That’s good. Now, what’s next?”
“I already said… earlier.”
“You did, but you gotta remind me, baby, so be a good one and tell me.”
He swore under his breath, staring at the ceiling.
“Kugo,” you chimed, rolling your palm over his balls. “I want to hear you. That’s one of the best parts.”
“Just- Just- Eat me out, please.”
“There you go,” you hummed. “Now, let’s open you up just a little.” You grabbed his ass and, using your thumbs, spread him a tiny bit. The muscles writhed, trying to close, to no avail. You blew on the hairless skin and smiled at his growing grunts and sighs. They almost sounded like whines, exactly what you were aiming for.
“You look so good. I wish you could see this.” You kissed his right cheek, laughing when it clenched, taking your dear sweet time biting your way to the center. But you moved to his left, kissing, licking, and nipping, eyeballing his fluttering cock. You spoke wetly into his perineal raphe, right under his dewy testicles, teasing more, “What did you want again?”
“Stop teasing me, please,” he could hardly huff, resisting from touching himself for relief. Your poor baby wasn’t going to last long.
Seeing him submit and needy and a little confused was beautiful. But still not there. “I don’t, actually.”
“Fuck-” He hit the bed with his fist as he whimpered, “Fuck, just eat me out already. Please, I need it. Please… please.”
“Perfect.” You took a long, broad lick along him, finally savoring his sulcus surface and natural, musky salt. He shook at the unfamiliar sensation. You could barely wrap your arms around his thighs. Your nails pricked him, earning indistinct swears and grunts.
Muscles relaxed with your persistence. At your sipping, seeking lips, his rim swelled in your mouth. Your tongue laved over him, mixing your saliva into his taste. Some spilled from your lips, which you promptly lapped up. He’d pucker at your reattachment.
Claws tangled your hair. Though ignited with need, they never hurt, just lodged you against him. Kugo’s loudest groan came when your tongue’s tip worked the ring of muscles, prodding, pulling away, and prodding again. They eventually loosened, only to contract as you lapped inside.
“Fuck, honey- Just like- Just like.” He humped your face.
You weren’t going to drag this out any longer. He’s been perfect, and it justified another orgasm. To help him along, you gripped his cock, tugging it for his good behavior. His hearty groans rose, louder than you’ve ever heard him.
“Don’t stop, please,” came the begging. “I’m right- I’m right- Fuck.”
Your tongue swept inside, deeper and deeper, as he rutted against you, stretching and testing the constricting muscles. You moaned with all the musk and trembling. Your nails anchored in skin. Spit and other liquids drenched your chin, matching what you felt in your panties.
“Fuck. I- I- I-” Kugo gave up speaking a second before his body went rigid, desperately jerking, fucking your hand and face. His second release spilled to his stomach: less cum but more lust-filled groans.
We went limp. Thighs fell. The hand freed you. After licking away the excess saliva, you straightened and cleaned your face with the messed-up sheet. He motioned for it too.
You ignored him, choosing to straddle him.
“Shhh, baby.” Carefully, delicately, and calmly, you massaged his overstimulated cock. You hushed again, “Shh, baby. I know it’s a lot, but I also know it feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Ye- Yeah… “
“I’m not done with you yet. I see you still have some cum left. I haven’t milked you dry if that’s the case.”
Kugo’s head dropped to the pillow. He could only moan and whimper as you worked him up again, wanting to see just how many times it’d take to empty his fat cock.
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echo-of-sounds · 3 years
it's not dumb
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-Fatgum x reader-
a small fluff piece where Fatgum comforts you through a thunderstorm
This is the first day and first prompt for @bnhaunderratedcharweek's event: one bed. I know there are so little rules, but I still feel like I did this wrong.
Warnings: some alluding to past abuse, but it's nothing too intense
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“S’alright, I’ll crash on the couch, baby.”
“No, Tai. You’re way too big for that.” And you’d probably break it. You glanced at the weird, flower-patterned couch. It matched the entire room’s grandma theme… the entire motel’s washy, tasteless theme. But they had a vacancy, and that’s what mattered. Neither one of you wanted to drive all the way back to the city in a midnight rainstorm.
“Well, I’m not gonna let you sleep on it. You’re gonna get prodded by springs and who knows what else all night.” Taishiro knocked the couch with his boot. A spring’s end stuck out from the back. Dust fell from underneath. Something rattled inside. All horrible signs.
The bed was a little better. However, it was short and round — not the best for two people to sleep on, particularly if one of those people was Tai’s size. And the blankets provided gave you a chill from simply looking at them. Holes were scattered throughout the knitted quilt, and the sheets appeared see-through. It was going to be an uncomfortable night.
You excused yourself to the bathroom, nervous about your location and just a bit giddy at the thought of sharing a bed with him. It wasn’t sexual, just a step in your relationship, albeit a small one that surely had little to no effect on him. You were probably just being dumb and corny.
A horrid thunder struck your ears. You covered them, sinking to your knees, huddling inwards to lessen the wrath’s blow. You sat stupefied. The drum in your chest constricted your heart faster and harder.
‘It’s just a noise. It’s just a noise,’ you mouthed. It wasn’t the most effective self-soothing method, but it’s what you had in this backwoods motel. The noise-canceling headphones sat in your apartment, so didn’t your blanket and peace of mind.
A knock scared you smaller. If it’s locked, he can’t get in it. You’re safe. You’re safe.
The voice that came was calm, not threatening, calling your name. “You okay? I thought I heard… something.” “Ye- Yeah, um… yeah. I’m fine, just, uh… um, charley horse.”
“Alright. Just makin’ sure.”
You picked up your dropped shirt and finished changing. Your legs, despite your efforts to keep them steady, wobbled as you exited the bathroom. Tai had changed into relaxed clothing as well. The top was a pale yellow decorated with his logo. The adorable outfit and his smile made it a tad easier to walk.
“Tired?” he teased, poking your side when you yawned.
“And cold.” You slid under the covers.
He let you settle before scooting in behind you, dipping and creaking the mattress as he did. Thankfully, the old bed held the weight. He shifted around to find some sort of comfort, clearly trying his best to not push you off, but the quilt pulled from your shoulders.
“Um, Tai?”
“Yeah? Oh, sorry.” He covered and swathed it tight around your sides and shoulders. “There. All tucked in.”
“Thanks,” you sighed. The low light provided little, letting you see part of his T-shirt. He was left uncovered because the blanket was over you. Guilt bubbled. You didn’t want him cold.
Just when you were about to speak, a bright flash closed your throat, restraining any sound. All you could do was stiffen and prepare for the noise that roared moments after. Air swelled in your chest, swimming your stomach and head with nausea. The breath only escaped when a tear did, quietly and exhaustingly.
Tai’s elbow butted you. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you croaked. You moved as close to the edge as you could without falling. He needed most of the room. A second tear fell. You swiped it away. Then a third followed. You doubted he could see them, but you rolled over anyway.
Thunder. Fireworks. Car horns. Fire alarms. Door slams. Shouting. Everyone laughed at the childish fear because it was stupid. It was stupid. You knew that. It didn’t make sense. Noises aren’t physical; they can’t hurt you. You knew that.
But they still sacred you, sending you into an unwarranted panic, each one a reminder of a time you didn’t want to remember. And it was something you didn’t want him to make fun of you for. Being a Hero hardens you to dumb little noises that only scare puppies.
Tai’s tummy bumped you. He apologized again. You brushed it off again. You two adjusted positions and whispered a bit, unable to find a simultaneously comfortable and warm spot.
Light flooded the room. In the milliseconds of radiance, you saw his seemingly sleeping face. In the dark, you covered your mouth and waited. The much closer, much harsher, thunder came, jolting your heart into overdrive. Ringing washed your ears.
It’s just a noise. It’s just a noise. It can’t hurt you.
Lightning and crashing drowned out the foolish mantra. Noise could most certainly hurt you, especially if it was close enough, deep enough to feel in your toes.
“Was that you?” Your eyes gaped into the black. You thought you were quiet. You usually were, weren’t you? You mumbled, “No.”
“It’s alright if it was.”
“It wasn’t- ME!” you yelped at another crack and yanked the blanket over your face.
“Hey, it’s okay.” The mattress slumped, pressing you against his tummy. A hand patted you over the quilt, searching for and finally landing on your upper arm. “It’s okay to be scared, ya know?”
“It’s not just… It’s dumb.”
“It’s not. Thunder can be-”
“It’s more than noise. Too much- loud- heavy. It hurts. I-” You shut up at the flaring light and prepared.
Tai covered your ear, the other against the pillow, as the thunder came. Although you could still hear and feel it, his heavy hand dampened the shock, helping the recovering along.
“It’s alright, baby. It’s okay.” “Tai,” you whimpered, fighting with your body’s instinct. It prepared for blame and smashing plates and the finishing, dreadful silence. You knew it wasn’t coming. You knew that. Yet your body still acted like you were in the heat of it, defenseless, curled up in a corner.
You nestled as tight to him as possible. Tears stifled your voice. “It’s dumb, Tai. It’s so dumb. It doesn’t make sense.”
“It isn’t dumb.”
“Dumb… stupid... like a child.”
“Hush now, baby. I’m right here.” In one swift, gentle motion, he grabbed your waist, lifted, and settled you atop of him. A hum resonated throughout his torso and into yours. “Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe and sound.”
You gripped and burrowed into his shirt, wetting it with all the tears. He stroked your back, talking you through the coiled-up stress.
It wasn’t until the rumbles grew distant that you rasped his name. The cover slowly lowered. Regardless of the dark, you knew he was there — you knew he was smiling like always. And he was safe.
A finger tapped your forehead. He echoed your thoughts, “It’s not dumb, and it isn’t childish.”
“Feels like it.”
“It may, but it isn’t. And you’re safe with me. Nothing’s gonna happen to you ever again, I promise.”
You hardly got out a wimpy ‘thanks’ before sniffling, hiding in his shirt again.
“Of course. Get some sleep. I’ll be right here all night.” After kissing the top of your head, the blanket laid over you again, blocking the diminishing lights and sounds. Tai held you snugly to him, covering your ears through the tail-end of the storm.
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The Prompts are Here!
Alright everyone! After much deliberation, we’ve decided on the official prompts for the Underrated Character Week!
Once again, these prompts are mere suggestions! We hope to see all sorts of content for our underrated faves!
The SFW Prompts are:
7th - only 1 bed / cpr
8th - mutual pining / hospital stay
9th - love letter / cheating
10th - wearing their clothes / fight
11th - hurt/comfort / adrenaline rush
12th - pro heroes / heartbeat
13th - hero/villain / fake dating
14th - Free day!
The NSFW Prompts are:
7th - lingerie / pegging
8th - dom/sub / shower sex
9th - praise / degradation
10th - corruption / camgirl/camboy
11th - overstimulation / orgasm denial
12th - bondage / make-up sex
13th - public sex / lovemaking
14th - Free day!
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BNHAUCW2021 prompt week - Day 2: Hospital Stay
So uh....here’s some more edgejeanist! I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do a somewhat angsty drawing for this prompt, it was originally gonna be Ectoloader but edgejeanist brain screamed at me so here we are :D
This is actually a scene that will happen (when I get round to actually writing it out) in my fic “A Frayed Thread of Hope” [AO3 Link Here] - I’m hoping to start updating it again pretty soon!
Anyway, here you go, someone needs to hug our little ninja man. (Please click the image for better quality)
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Since there are more underrated characters than popular characters, we have excluded some basically unknown characters.
If you're unsure a character is available, send us an ask!
UA Staff and Pro-Heroes
All Except All Might, Eraserhead, Present Mic, Midnight, Endeavour and Hawks
UA Students
Class 1-A: Aoyama Yuga, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Uraraka Ochaco, Ojiro Mashirao, Iida Tenya, Koda Koji, Sato Rikido, Shoji Mezo, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Hagakure Toru, Mineta Minoru
Class 1-B: Literally all of them
Other Students: Hado Nejire, Hatsume Mei
All students from other schools are available.
All civilians are available.
All except Shigaraki, Dabi and Overhaul.
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Welcome one and all to the First Day of the Underrated Character Week 2021!!!
Today's prompts are:
I look forward to seeing your submissions! Don't forget to tag your submissions with #bnhaucw2021!!!
Have fun everybody!
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violadraw · 3 years
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Kendo pro hero?? I just wanted to draw her so here this beautiful girl for the underrated week
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The character you chose must be considered underrated. Check the Character List for all available characters. (If you're not sure, feel free to send an ask!)
NSFW works are allowed, as long as they're properly tagged and hidden under read more. Dark content is not allowed.
No shaming other creators. Your ships/kinks are not universal.
Please tag any possible triggers!
Ships and self-insert relationships are allowed, as long as one of the participants is an underrated character.
The prompts are guidelines, not law. Feel free to change them up as much as you'd like!
Have fun!
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