afayeandersonfan · 11 months
Board gaming. I am not talking about Monopoly or Sorry. I am talking about more elaborate and involved board games. Where complicated can be fun. I enjoy the board game day or night where I can sit down with my closest friends and play games that take hours. I enjoy coop and non-coop play. There are several semi coop games that can have a rule ignored to make them full coop. The more strategic the game, the more fun I have...
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24 Hour Gaming Event
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Better late than never. Here is our piece on the 24-hour gaming event we went to last September. There will be a post in the next couple of days explaining our silence but for now please enjoy our account of the event.
The awesome Rachel and James over at Bake Battle & Roll organised a mammoth 24-hour gaming event in aid of Sheffield Children’s Hospital. The event kicked off on Saturday 12th September 2020 at 14:00. Katie (occasional guest reviewer) and Kirsty’s mothership joined us for the first 2-hours, and we kicked it off with a couple of games of Side Effect. Katie won both games and the mothership was completely confused by it.
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Next we tried a new game to us all, Chronicles of Crimes. Kirsty had been eyeing it up for a while and was excited to try it but was left a bit disappointed. The premise is good, but it was a bit awkward and clunky to play with 4 of us as we had to keep passing Kirsty’s phone around us all.
Kirsty forced the group to play one of her new games, Ghosts Love Candy, we didn’t quite play it right but Andy was surprised at how decent the game was. It’s a fun card drafting game with a cutesy spooky vibe. Kirsty absolutely destroyed the rest of us and won by 10 points.
The last game we played with Katie and the mothership was Cards Against Humanity. Katie had been wanting to play this for years but since she only turned 16 this year the answer has always been nooooo…until now! She was thoroughly disappointed in her crap cards and had to skip a turn to change her hand. As their time was coming to an end we decided to play to 5. It was a close game with us all having 4 wins, but Kirsty managed to steal the tie-breaker game…with rock, paper, scissors.
Kirsty’s mothership and Katie then said goodbye and we were left to fend for ourselves. Kirsty has had her eye on Arkham Horror which is a very heavy/complex board game and a fellow gamer, Chris, became very interested in playing with us and offered to help out. He showed us the basic game mechanic and rolls and we got stuck in to fighting the monsters and teleporting to the Netherworld. Between the three of us we beat the game and a great time was had by all. It’s definitely one that we’d like to buy, but we feel it’d be better with more players.
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After such an intense game we felt like something lighter, so we broke out Fluttering Souls and took it easy for a while. It’s a light card drafting game that’s based on the Japanese legend of The White Butterfly. This is one of the games we own and brought with us. Andy won all of the games this time.
After a quick snack another player, Josh, came and asked to join us. Josh chose Side Effect, another game from our collection we brought with us, and we explained the rules to him quickly. As an avid board gamer, Josh picked up the rules easily and won many of the games we had together.
Next up was Everdell. This is a beautiful game with very tactile pieces and a large cardboard tree, which the Meeples of Bake Battle and Roll, James and Rachel, keep on display in a glass cabinet rather than deconstruct it after each play and stored in the game box. We setup the board and managed to read the rules but as this was a new game to both of us and a game of Monster of the Week was due to start we packed it away. We did intend on coming back and playing it later, but Monster of the Week ran over, and we never managed to go back to it.
Neither of us had heard of Monster of the Week let alone played it but it turned out to be a simpler Dungeons & Dragons with simple character creation and rolling. The Keeper (read as DM in Dungeons & Dragons) was Chris and we were playing as ghost detectives a la Scooby Doo. Andy was a street thug/gangster and Kirsty’s character was a mundane. Chris was an excellent Keeper and let us get away with lots of silliness in the name of fun. We gave the NPCs silly names like Mrs. Mister Brown (a drama teacher) and Jason Barson (The bartender’s son). Andy dealt the final blow to the boss ghost with a holy shotgun and we all cheered. Subsequently we have purchased the game book for this and hope to run our own campaigns with our friends.
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After saving the world from evil-doers Andy headed over to the Switch to play Mario Kart while Kirsty played Dungeon Mayhem Monster Madness with the James, Rachel, Chris and Josh. James and Rachel had previously played the base game Dungeon Mayhem before so were familiar with the rules and both Chris and Josh picked them up quickly. Josh was the first to be knocked out quickly followed by Chris. It was a close as to who would win, James knocked out Rachel and then Kirsty knocked James out but there was only 2 HP in it.
Kirsty was very much peopled out by this point and decided to have some solo time while Andy played Dungeons and Dragons. This was a team battle royal. All players fighting against progressively harder monsters using pre-created characters. Andy chose a wizard and spent most of the time stood still casting spells galore. Some players were upset that there was no levelling in the event, but we had lots of fun. Everyone was getting pretty tired and James was struggling to run the game so we called it a day.
While Andy was still playing Dungeons and Dragons and once Kirsty had recovered a little she played a couple of games of Rhino Hero. It’s a relatively simple game premise but a lot of fun, especially when you are able to box other players in. You choose a superhero and build platforms with the aim of moving up to the top. You have to roll the dice to see if you move or down, and if so how many levels, or stay where you are. If you are on the same level as another superhero you have to battle to determine who remains there and who moves down. An added complication is the need to hang monkeys from some of the platforms. They are tricky to attach and often fall off when adding new platforms.
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We had a small break with some food and coffees and was invited to a game of Talisman. A large game which took a while to play. Players have to work their way from the outside of the game towards the centre. Fighting monsters and trying to find a talisman in order to progress. There were a few laughs and people being turned into toads which raised a lot of laughs. Kirsty fought off all the opposition to claim the victory and we all concluded it was a fun game but not a good game.
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Kirsty was very excited to see Bake Battle and Roll had Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas board game in. It’s a very basic game that leaves a lot to be desired. We decided to pack it away mid-game in favour of a bacon sandwich. It had so much potential, but it just fell short.
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After a quick run to a nearby café to grab some bacon and egg sandwiches Andy invited Chris to play Space Crusade. He’d been excited about it since the start and didn’t want to disappoint him. This was a quick run of the mission Seek and Destroy and some rule bending to make the game fun. The game ended in a firefight between the Dreadnought, Chris’ Commander, and his plasma gun Marine. With the Dreadnought closing in on him, Chris managed to destroy his enemy and claim the victory. Andy was happy to have killed some of Chris’ Marines and shows that the alien player can win too.
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While Andy was playing Space Crusade, Kirsty played Disney Colour Brain with Rachel and Em. You have eleven cards in your hand and one or a combination of cards will answer the question. Getting it right is only half of the battle to scoring a point you need the other players/teams to get it wrong to walk off with the points. It was simple and mind-numbingly easy to grasp but highlighted Kirsty’s need to watch more Disney-Pixar films. Kirsty just managed to scrape a win before moving on to a game of Red Panda. The aim of the game is to get rid of all your cards or be the last player standing. The graphics are super cute and colourful. It’s very much a luck-based game and although it’s clearly a game aimed at children and families it’s a nice filler game for adults.
As exhaustion was finally settling in we opted to play games we were familiar with and cracked out Side Effects again. We played two games with each of us claiming a victory before moving on to Fluxx. It’s been a while since we played the physical copy of Fluxx as we’ve got into the habit of playing it on our phones. Neither one of us can recall just how many games of Fluxx we played nor even who won. Sleep deprivation really took out Kirsty’s competitive nature. After Fluxx we went back to Fluttering Souls, once again neither one of us remembers who won.
We decided we’d see if we could use sleep deprivation to our advantage and tap into some psychic ability to play The Mind. Andy didn’t have high hopes for success and Kirsty was unsure she could count to 2 let alone 100 but we still tried. We’re still unsure what dark magic was afoot but somehow, we managed to reach and complete level 12 with 2 lives remaining. It was as if we were thinking as one.
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Being on a high from the win of The Mind we thought we could successfully take on Forbidden Dessert. Oh how wrong were we. We started well, got everything set up and a strategy of who was going where. That quickly went downhill as Andy started to move Kirsty’s pawn and Kirsty kept getting confused by which way the wind blew. All in all it was a disaster and we soon realised we weren’t in a fit state to play Forbidden Dessert so we packed it away.
Andy was a little amazed that Kirsty had never played Dobble before and decided it was due time she did. We played all 5 variants of Dobble in the rule book before Chris wondered over to join us. We played 3 more games of Dobble with Chris before moving on to our final game of the 24-hour event, Sushi Go! Chris hadn’t play Sushi Go! before so we invited him to join us. Andy quickly explained the rules and our final game was underway. Chris picked the rules up well and if not for having the least amount of puddings would have come in 2nd, Andy thought he had the most with 3 but unfortunately for him Kirsty had been squirreling them away and had 4. Andy did manage to win this game though by 3 points.
The 24-hour gaming event was brought to an end with the raffle draw. Between us we came away with a £30 voucher for Punch Menswear in Doncaster, Men’s hair products from Anarchy Hair Salon,
2 Reaper miniatures and 2 hand-made cotton cloths. Kirsty did also win a Big Potato plushie but gave it to the raffle drawer as he seemed disappointed his dad didn’t win it.
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It took Andy a couple of days to recover and get his sleep pattern back to normal and Kirsty was just about recovered a week later. It was a fantastic experience with some truly amazing people and games. We would definitely be up for repeating the experience…Kirsty would just need to book a week off work to recover.
A huge thank you to everyone that donated and sent messages of encouragement. When Rachel and James first started they wanted to raise £1000, between donations, sponsorship and raffle tickets they’ve managed to raise £2245. A massive congratulations to both of them for organising such an amazing and successful event.
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societygames · 2 years
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👑Exclusive on Kickstarter only first of 3 days. (Aug 15 - 17, 2022)👑 - The special tier will grand opening on August 15, 2022. - The Best New Experience with the MOBA board game, The Victory of Kingdom. Only the first of 3 days will get special rewards" Don't miss it on Kickstarter
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Life Update
Hey Meeples!
We thought we should explain why we’ve been less active over the last 8-9 months. Some of you know that we bought a house. We put an offer in on a lovely bungalow in mid-June 2020 but there was a lot of complications regarding the solar panels. We were not able to get the keys until the end of November, so it was a lot of hard work on the weekends and after work to get moved in before Christmas. We officially moved in on 10th December with all, but the office completed. We had an amazing Christmas in our new home and were blessed with love and gifts (a few being board game related).
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During this time, we were also planning a secret wedding that most of our family and friends did not know about. Let me tell you ordering a wedding dress from a bridal shop that you have not been able to try on is stressful! We had planned to get married on the 5th November but thanks to the 2nd national lockdown in England we had to choose between postponing the wedding for an undetermined amount of time or have a frantic 17 hours to rearrange everything to get married on the 3rd November. Thankfully, we managed to rearrange everything, and we both have lovely accommodating bosses that let us start our annual leave early. We were lucky as we had always planned on it just being us and our parents at the ceremony and then out for a meal. So it was everything we wanted on the day…minus me getting tongue-tied and forgetting the words. We did unfortunately have to cancel the surprise wedding reception.
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Throughout all the above I (Kirsty) had been struggling with my physical and mental health. I had to go to the hospital for several scans and tests. I won’t bore you with all the details, but I was diagnosed with chronic migraines and glaucoma. I’m still getting poked and prodded for other issues that we cannot work out root cause is. In addition, I’m autistic and there has been a lot of short notice changes I’ve had to deal with process. That is not my strongest suit, and it has really taken its toll on my mental health. Andy has been my rock and kept me going. We have used the last 8-9 months to recharge and are to start posting reviews again very soon. If you have stuck with us while we have have been quiet, thank you. It means a lot to us.
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Forbidden Sky
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We’re taking our gaming to new heights today as we review Forbidden Sky. It’s the third instalment in the Forbidden series.  Forbidden Sky was published by Gameswright in 2018.  It’s a 2-5 player co-operative game, with an age rating of 10 years and up.
The game illustrations are okay.  Kirsty likes the box art and thinks the colour choices are complimentary. Andy thinks it’s a bit basic but fine considering it is a metal walkway with clouds.  The game pieces and cards are solid and well made, the rocket has a substantial amount detail and the sound effects are nifty.  As we have stated in previous Forbidden reviews we choose not to place the storm level card in the holder or attach the markers to the cards as we feel this would damage and degrade the cards over time. The quality of the cards and game pieces are what we have come to expect from the Forbidden series.
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If you are familiar with the rules from either Forbidden Island or Forbidden Desert, particularly Desert, the rules are simple to pick up as the discussion and planning mechanic is the same. Forbidden Sky can be quite punishing and leaves little room for learning by error which we both found frustrating but the rules themselves are simple. You have to follow the blueprint (which gives the minimum components needed) and create a circuit. Once the circuit is complete, all players must be on the launchpad to win. If anyone is ‘left behind’ you lose the game.  Each turn a player can perform 4 actions before drawing storm cards. The actions are move, explore (place a tile from your hand), scout (draw a tile from the pile) and wire/unwire. There are copper coloured markings on the tiles which represent wires. At least one wire on the tile must align with a wire on an existing tile for it to be placed. In addition to this rule tiles can only be placed in an empty space adjacent to the player.  Other markings on the tiles include faraday cages, which protects against electrocution. There are also teleporters which can be used for one action to move to another teleporter.
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SEach player has a life meter and a rope meter. The life meter is reduced when lightning strikes and electrocutes them. This involves a lot of line tracing to see which tiles are electrified and which players need to take damage. If a player is on a tile with a faraday cage symbol they are protected from electrocution. A players’ rope is diminished when they are blown off of the edge of the game during “high winds”. Should a player’s life or rope meter reach zero then the player dies, and the game is lost. Additionally the game can be lost if too many “storm intensifies” cards are drawn, and the level of the storm gets too high.
There is a small element of luck in Forbidden Sky, but the majority of the gameplay is skill based. The random nature of the tiles being drawn affects the game but placing them (the “explore” action) directly influences where the capacitors, lightning rods and other features will be located in the game. A poorly placed tile can place a capacitor where it is not desired and could make the players unable to be victorious. Players must plan placement of tiles as well as when to wire capacitors and the launchpad together to make an electrical circuit to match the blueprint.
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There are items to help the players like jetpacks and storm predications (allows you to look through the pack to make the storm act more favourably) and medi-packs. These can be vital in assisting the players to reach their goal.
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Forbidden Sky’s suggested playtime is 60 minutes and we recorded a time of 40 minutes for this playthrough.  We feel the reason for us completing the game significantly under the suggested playtime is 1) Andy set the storm counter to one when we began playing instead of 2 like it was meant to be, and 2) we learnt, from the first time we played, it’s better to keep everything close and smushed together near to the starting point of the game.  We’ve found this increased our chance of success.  In theory it has a high replay value due to the varied character abilities, random card and tile draws, as well as the relatively random placement of tiles.  For us personally we don’t think we’ll play it more than a handful of times a year, if that.
Being big fans of the previous two Forbidden games we had high hopes for Forbidden Sky.  Unfortunately we just weren’t wowed.  It’s not a bad game and it certainly has replay value.  It just doesn’t tickle our fancy like Forbidden Island or Forbidden Desert, neither one of us has wanted to play another game of it upon completion, unlike its predecessors.  For that reason we both give Forbidden Sky an overall rating of 6/10.
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Forbidden Desert
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A perilous journey across the dry desert, will we survive or will perish in the blistering Sun?  Today we’re reviewing Forbidden Desert.  It’s the second instalment in the Forbidden series and was published by Gameswright in 2013.  It’s a 2-5 player co-operative game, with an age rating of 10 years and up.
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The artwork and illustration on the desert tiles are okay.  They’re nice and consistent for the game series but not particularly special or wowing.  The flying machine model and flying machine parts are nicely detailed and easily identifiable.  With the exception of the propeller, which feels a little flimsy, all the flying machine parts are solid with the engine being particularly weighty due to the fact it is made from metal. We really like the fact that the pawns are wooden and as always we’d have loved to have seen more of the game pieces, such as the flying machine made from wood.
We’re a little disappointed in the quality of the other game components, such as the sand markers and city tiles. Although we’ve only had the game for 3 months the corners are peeling on several city tiles as well as the sand markers. The cards feel nice and don’t cling to one another.  They have a nice feel and shine to them without being too glossy.  We chose not to use the sand storm meter stand or meter clips as using them would cause damage to the sand storm meter and adventurer cards, instead we use gems to track our adventures water and sand storm level.  As we currently move our games between two houses, we really appreciate the game box being made from metal.  This ensures there’s no damage to the game.
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The rules to Forbidden Desert are simple enough to grasp and work with. Players take 4 actions per turn then draw an appropriate number of cards for the storm. The actions are similar to the other games in the Forbidden series:
· Move – Players can move their pawn to an adjacent tile.
· Dig – Players can remove sand markers that have collected over the course of the game.
· Excavate – Players can flip the tile to reveal its contents
· Pick Up Part – Taking a found flying machine part, this uses 1 action.
Adventurers have unique abilities which allows them to move differently, ignore certain constraints or do actions twice for 1 action point. For example the Explorer can move, clear sand and use dune blasters diagonally; whereas the Water Carrier player can revisit wells to replenish water repeatedly and can share water with other players.
Digging is a vital action as it removes sand from the game. If there are no more sand tiles then the game is lost so it is advantageous to keep the amount of sand on the board as low as possible. Locations with 2 sand tile or more are impassable to players (except the Climber character) and must be dug out to be traversed and excavated. Tiles with no sand on can be excavated and flipped over to reveal a city, water well or flying machine part clue. There are 2 clues needed to find each flying machine part. One is West to East in direction and the other is North to South. Where these 2 cross is the location where the flying machine part can be found.
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Players may also gain gear when a location is excavated, and this is shown with a cog symbol on the tile. The gear which can be acquired can mean the difference between survival and death, some of the useful gear available is jet packs (move to any tile), and dune blasters (these allow clearing all sand around the player). There is no hand limit and most of the gear can be used at any time without using any action points.
There are 3 tiles are marked with a water droplet. Adventures on the water tile at the time it is excavated will receive 2 water from a well but then no more (except the Water Carrier player). Players should be aware that one of these water tiles is a mirage and gives no water when excavated. Also hidden and needing excavating is  a launch pad tile and where the flying machine is constructed, to win the game the launch pad needs to be excavated.
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Once the player has taken their 4 actions, the cards to move the storm are drawn. The storm moves as shown by the cards which moves the tiles around. Moved tiles also get a sand marker added to them. The storm pile also contains two other cards which are “sun beats down” where players will lose 1 water point unless they are in the tunnels or protected by a solar shield. In our play through we had all 4 of these cards in quick succession which killed Andy’s adventurer and resulted in an immediate loss of the game. The other card in the storm pile is the “storm intensifies” which move the storm marker up one space. If this goes too high then the game is lost. The storm marker tells players how many cards to draw from the storm pile.
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We feel the complexity of Forbidden Desert is quite low due to the number of actions a player can complete and the simplicity of the storm cards. There’s typically a lot of discussion surrounding player actions, but the premise of the game is simple enough. There is a lot of luck in this game, the location of the flying machine parts is random as is the movement of the storm. The skill element of the game is in communicating with the other player(s) regarding strategy, tactics and when to use skills and equipment. Plans can be thwarted if the storm moves and tiles are no longer located where needed.
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Forbidden Desert’s suggested play time is 45 minutes, for this particular playthrough we clocked 15 minutes of play time.  The reason we had such a short playthrough was Andy ran out of water and succumb to thirst (an added kick-in the teeth for him was he was stood on a water tile ready for Kirsty to flip it on her next turn).  On previous playthroughs our playthroughs typically last 30-50 minutes, on occasions this can feel a little too long, but we think it’s more about our own game play style than game design.  Similarly with Forbidden Island you’re still an active planning participant between your turns due to the game being co-operative.  
Due to the random nature of the city tile layout each game is different which adds a tremendous amount of replay value.  There are several other factors which contribute to Forbidden Deserts replay value such as the blind selection of an adventurer as well as the random draw from of storm and equipment cards.  Another way the game has replay value is you can alter the difficulty at the start of the game by setting the sand storm meter level higher or lower.  All of these factors mean no two games are ever the same.  It’s not uncommon for us to play 2 or 3 games of Forbidden Desert in a row due to the freshness each new game brings.
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Forbidden Desert is without a doubt our favourite game from the Forbidden series.  It’s simple enough a novice can pick up the rules within a few minutes yet presents enough of a challenge for more seasoned gamers to keep them interested.  Purely based on gameplay this game is easily an 8 but the quality and durability of some of the game components lets it down. For that reason Kirsty gives it a reluctant and possibly harsh 7/10, while Andy gives it a rating of 8/10.  We both agree it is a must have for co-operative game fans.
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Trash Panda
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What’s that noise coming from the trash?  Is it a monster?  No it’s a raucous raccoon!  Today we’re reviewing Trash Panda which was published by Gamewright in 2018.  It’s a 2-4 player competitive game, with an age rating of 8 years and up.
Trash Panda’s art style is bold, colourful, and cute.  At first glance it can be easy to be dismiss the art style as basic but give it another, closer, look and you’ll notice small details that give the game more visual depth.  The dice is nicely weighted and solid while the symbols are clear and bright.  We greatly approve of the tokens as they are made of wood and are extremely durable.  The only token that has some wear to it is the Recycle token, but it is still easy to identify it.
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The game rules are very simple. You roll the dice and collect the corresponding token from the pile. You can choose when to stop rolling and at which point you resolve the token actions. If you roll a duplicate for a token you’ve already claimed your turn ends and passes to the next person. The 6 tokens are:
· Trash Cans: Take 2 cards from the draw pile (The trash can) and add them to your hand ready for use (there is no hand limit).
· Trees: Take 2 cards from your hand and place them in your stash. These count as points
· Trash Can/Tree: Players can choose to take 1 card from the trash can or stash 1 card.
· Raccoon Paws and Bag:  Take 1 card from a player and add it to your hand. This can be blocked by the player being stolen from using either Kitteh or Doggo cards.
· Raccoon Eye Mask: The player takes the top card from the trash can and shows the other players. They can then stash that card as many times as they like but the player showing the card draws a card for each card stashed.
· Recycling: This can be swapped for any other token. If you have 5 tokens already you may as well stop as there is no token to swap for.
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You can use cards from your hand to influence yours and other players turn. Blammo cards allow you to ignore your last roll and keep rolling, this is particularly handy for a duplicated roll. Nanners cards allow you to ignore your last roll and stop rolling. Some of the other cards allow you to resolve a token twice and make another player keep rolling when they want to stop.  By playing cards it means mean you cannot stash them to score points.
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Players need to stash as many cards as possible for cards to count. Any cards in the players hand when there are no more cards in the trash pile don’t count when adding up points. The only cards that contributes to the final score are those which have been stashed.  When counting points at the end of the game some cards give points for having the 2nd and 3rd most cards. Stashed Blammo cards always count for 1 point per card, there is no 1st, 2nd or 3rd point system for them. Kitteh and Doggo cards are not stashable and don’t contribute to players final scores. The scores are clearly shown on each card for clarification. The player with the most points wins.
 The dice and shuffling of the decks means there is a lot of luck in Trash Panda. Often players will bust out and roll a duplicate when the token has already been taken. This is entirely random and keeps each game unique and fun. Resolving tokens twice or forcing players to keep rolling when they want to stop can be a good tactical move, but means you can’t stash the card. A player with a lot of cards could resolve the stash 2 token twice to stash 4 cards and improve their chances of a better score at the end of the game. Choosing the point at which to stop rolling is also important. Get too greedy and you could end up with nothing happening on your turn. It’s all a big gamble.
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The suggested playtime for Trash Panda is 20 minutes.  For this game our play time was 15 minutes and we both felt that this was the right length of time.  We have had games that have lasted 5 minutes and others that lasted nearly 30 minutes. We think the scope for such different play times come from the luck of the dice and how frequently you go bust, as this impacts how quickly you go through the trash pile.  Despite the fact the game’s replay value is high due to the random draw of cards and the dice rolls,  Andy feels this is a game he could only play now and then.  Whereas Kirsty could quite happily play it several times a week.
Trash Panda is a great game to play at home and on the go.  It fits really well on a coffee or train table, although we’d recommend using the box lid to roll the dice in or you might spend most of the game on your knees looking for an escaped dice.  It’s also a brilliant family game and although the age rating is 8 years old and up we have previously played it with our 5-year-old great-niece who was able to play with a little to no guidance after a few turns.  A slight annoyance with the game comes at the end when tallying up your score, as you typically have groupings of the same card meaning there needs to be some hefty shuffling done.  Overall we both enjoy and rate Trash Panda highly.  It’s a versatile game in the fact that it’s easy to play with children but it’s still fun and provides challenges for adult and more experienced gamers.  For this reason we both give Trash Panda an 8/10 rating…and just in case anyone wants to know, Kirsty won by 4 points – blammo for the win.
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Sign me up !!!! . #tabletop #tabletopgaming #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamer #boardgamenight #bgg #gamebox #boardgamesofinstagram #bggcommunity #tabletopgames #tabletopgame #gamenight #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #brettspiel #brettspiele #juegodemesa #girlswholikeboardgames #GWLBG #jeuxdesociete #boardgameday #boardgaming #boardgamenerd #boardgameenthusiast #tabletopgamer #tabletopgame #boardgamesarefun #giochidatavolo #boardgamememes #memes #tabletopmemes (at Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGM5pdHBXVr/?igshid=1wn0d5vdl6dby
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These 2 are the epitome of #rollandwrite games. So so so good! #rollandwritegame . #tabletop #tabletopgaming #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamer #boardgamenight #bgg #gamebox #boardgamesofinstagram #bggcommunity #tabletopgames #tabletopgame #gamenight #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #brettspiel #brettspiele #juegodemesa #girlswholikeboardgames #GWLBG #jeuxdesociete #boardgameday #boardgaming #boardgameenthusiast #tabletopgamer #tabletopgame #boardgamesarefun #giochidatavolo #analoggames (at Geneva, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFXwm4thgHC/?igshid=vaj5o7sqbu0j
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#silverandgold is a neat little #flipandwrite game Had to sleeve these cards because there’s no way I’m allowing any ink on them 😱😱 . #tabletop #tabletopgaming #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamer #boardgamenight #bgg #gamebox #boardgamesofinstagram #bggcommunity #tabletopgames #tabletopgame #gamenight #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #brettspiel #brettspiele #juegodemesa #girlswholikeboardgames #GWLBG #jeuxdesociete #boardgameday #boardgaming #boardgameenthusiast #tabletopgamer #tabletopgame #boardgamesarefun #giochidatavolo #analoggames (at Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFXlkRxh2hy/?igshid=199a9578fh1v3
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Some appropriate #heavenandale drinks! . #tabletop #tabletopgaming #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamer #boardgamenight #bgg #gamebox #boardgamesofinstagram #bggcommunity #tabletopgames #tabletopgame #gamenight #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #brettspiel #brettspiele #juegodemesa #girlswholikeboardgames #GWLBG #jeuxdesociete #boardgameday #boardgaming #boardgameenthusiast #tabletopgamer #tabletopgame #boardgamesarefun #giochidatavolo #analoggames (at Geneva, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFXPz4_h_i0/?igshid=1oxybajoie4es
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Attempting #heavenandale for the first time. Love the art on this one! . #tabletop #tabletopgaming #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamer #boardgamenight #bgg #gamebox #boardgamesofinstagram #bggcommunity #tabletopgames #tabletopgame #gamenight #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #brettspiel #brettspiele #juegodemesa #girlswholikeboardgames #GWLBG #jeuxdesociete #boardgameday #boardgaming #boardgameenthusiast #tabletopgamer #tabletopgame #boardgamesarefun #giochidatavolo #analoggames (at Geneva, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFXKbuRhBG1/?igshid=zky0fb2r3l28
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We just ordered our first #dungeonsanddragons boardgames! The premise fits our gaming taste perfectly and we’re very excited to get this to the table! Any other fans of #dnd boardgames? #legendofdrizzt . #tabletop #tabletopgaming #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamer #boardgamenight #bgg #gamebox #boardgamesofinstagram #bggcommunity #tabletopgames #tabletopgame #gamenight #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #brettspiel #brettspiele #juegodemesa #girlswholikeboardgames #GWLBG #jeuxdesociete #boardgameday #boardgaming #boardgameenthusiast #tabletopgamer #tabletopgame #boardgamesarefun #giochidatavolo #analoggames (at Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFUZtTmhKZm/?igshid=1mojwnno0batj
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