#body horror and cosmic horror my beloveds
valdevia · 5 months
Do you like your Horrors™ fleshy and bloodthirsty or near-incomprehensible and abstract?
Can I have both?
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(1, 2)
Yes. Both.
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 8 months
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one thing I love about iswm is that even though the Captain hardly talks, engineer Mark always seems to understand them
I'd like to think that in the monster captain au, the two of them would still find their own ways of communicating, despite being very different
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fivepebblerhehe · 2 months
I wonder what would happen if there was a game that took place in ultra space-
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honourablejester · 2 years
Pathfinder 2e Oozemorph Archetype
Okay. I was browsing Pathfinder 2e Archetypes, beyond the multiclass ones, just to see what other options there were, and I stumbled across something called an Oozemorph.
And. I love oozes. I love oozes. So. I had a peak. And I just.
Is it useful? Not a clue. But I swear to god I would take it just to have it.
(Warning for body horror ahoy)
The idea is, you’ve been hit by an ooze or an alchemical explosion or gibbering mouther or some general amorphous thing, and now your body is infected and slowly liquefying, as you turn increasingly into some ooze-like thing. The more feats you add from the archetype, the more of a penalty you get to diplomacy (the talking-to-people skill), as you get increasingly distressing to look at/interact with.
Which, gnarly, for sure, but some of the feats.
And, for fun points, the ones I’m enchanted by are almost certainly not the useful ones. There’s a feat chain starting from Disturbing Defense that does useful things like give you resistances, and it’s not what I’m interested in. No. The feats I’m interested in are Hideous Ululation and Vacate Vision. Because … they’re so extra. They’re spectacular.
Hideous Ululation: Your throat has multiple separate chambers that can give your voice an eerie echo. You can be clearly heard at distances of up to 300 feet regardless of ambient sound, although your voice doesn't penetrate a magical silence effect.
Basically, you get an (optional?) voice of the legion where you can project your eerily echoing, multi-layered voice up to 300ft away. I love it. I’m assuming, given that it says ‘can’ give your voice an echo and ‘up to’ 300ft away that this is an optional thing you can choose to do and you’re not just constantly booming out the voice of the legion at all times. Which might be problematic for stealth and just … not making people’s ears bleed. But. So cool.
And Vacate Vision, a reaction you can use when you fail a save against a visual effect: You cause your eyes to liquefy and run out of your eye sockets, leaving them empty. You get a success on the save against the triggering effect, but you are blinded for the duration the effect would have had on a failure. At that time, your eyes regrow and your normal vision returns.
… What a response. Just. How extra. Some poor wizard just tried to cast Scintillating Pattern on you and you straight up Raiders of the Lost Ark’d your eyeballs away in response. Is that useful? Is being blinded instead of whatever the effect would cause better? Probably depends on the effect. But just. What is your enemy even supposed to do with that? You try to visually bamboozle or stun (or, admittedly, petrify) someone, and their eyeballs melt out and they just go ‘no’.
That should 100% come with an effect rider where they need to make a Will save not to be stunned and dismayed that this is a) a thing you can do, and b) a thing you thought reasonable to do.
I, I really want to play one. I don’t even know what on. Class-wise, anyway. I feel like, for Ancestry, a Fleshwarp would be a really thematic combination. But what class do you put with that? A shambling horror-show of a being that’s slowly devolving into primordial ooze and can liquefy their eyeballs at will? I did consider an Aberrant bloodline sorcerer, but there’s actually a fair bit of redundancy between them ability-wise. Could still be fun, but it might work better on a martial class? Barbarian, maybe. Or a rogue, because if ever a being had a reason for skulking in the shadows and not doing the talking, this poor creature does. An occult caster of some stripe would work so nice, though ...
Anyway. I feel like my Nosferatu is showing. But. I love oozes, and aberrations, and there comes a point where something is so spectacular an effect that you’ve just got to do it, regardless of if it’s useful or not.
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gurokatt · 3 months
watching still wakes the deep lets play and i am getting SOOO much outlast vibes with the audio and sound design... the vibes are there. i had to actually look it up to make sure if red barrels actually made it
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Parasite Kink, A Poorly Written Essay
I'm not sure how interested y'all are in an introspective essay of my parasite kink, but it's 12 AM and I got class tomorrow. I might as well.
Monsterfucker, as far as the word goes, is an umbrella term for sexual interest in non-human entities. In my opinion, the spectrum of Monterfuckery goes from nonhumanoids (tentacles, plants, insects, cosmic horrors, etc), (humanoids (werewolves, vampires, demons, robots, etc) and the very-humanoids (catboys, hucows, etc). All one needs to be a Monsterfucker is to have an interest in something distinctly nonhuman, whether that be through clear visual means or subtle mental and physical.
To that extent, parasites are a beloved monster of us fuckers, but rarely get the love they so deserve. Why is that? Well, across all monsters, parasites hold their own tropes that get covered just as well by others:
Want to be unknowingly corrupted against your will by a powerful foe that has no interest in your wellbeing? Demons, Cosmic horrors, Aliens, etc. got you covered.
Want to become a host to a growing population of critters within your womb? Any and all monsters can cover that front.
But what about carrying a disease that can be spread onto others, through sexual means with sexual side effects? Parasites are the only monsters that cover this within the Monsterfucker niche. (Though if you're willing to spread the Monsterfucker umbrella a little further, you got your Mad Scientist. But we're not talking about them here.) Regardless of prelude, you can have your Demons infect infect others with demonic STD's, an outbreak of tentacle monsters that can only survive within the innards of unsuspecting individuals, or even a lycanthropy parasite.
Though, that brings up the divide of the parasitism kink. On its own, it's a bit of an umbrella term as well. I personally count sex disease and parasites under the same niche (corruption and spread being the forefront of the appeal). Along with further division: its purpose.
Does it originate from a specific monster/place? A divine being looking to create worshipers regardless of consent? An asteroid some hapless individual happened to stumble upon? An insect species that only needs you for your body to grow its population?
Does it exist as a disease to take over the mind and body? Turn individuals into mooing cows that'll fuck themselves on the phallic object? Is it a demonic infestation to turn humans into proper cum factories?
Is the parasite mainly for spreading or corrupting? Is the victim unaware of their parasite? Do they care at all? Do they fight its corruption? Can they do it successfully?
Does the parasite want? Or is it as mindless as any virus in the real world?
All these questions. Because parasites are a rather vague monster. They can take on any origin and lore you could ever want. Though all monsters can have those similar qualities. However, monsters on their own don't take on the parasitism quality by default. But that's what makes monsters so lovely anyways. The ability to adapt them to your specific desires is what makes writing about them so fun. Why writing smut is so fun.
All this to say my enjoyment of parasites comes from my love of corruption of the self mixed with the corruption of others. A permanent change made against ones will by something using you for its own means while also focusing on changing others.
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blackcr0wkingart · 4 months
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the gang's all here! my little quartet of No Man's Sky characters. the first three have been finished for a while but i've had so much trouble designing Threnody, lmao.
under the cut is some info about these funny little space guys
Iteration: Raskol is, by an incredibly large margin, the eldest of the four. They've been around since the beginning, along with a handful of other Travellers. Raskol was humanoid, once, and lost their life while working and living on Korvax Prime. In the World of Glass, they stole the carapace of their Korvax partner, inhabited it as their own, and escaped. They have lived this way since, stealing or building new bodies before every 16th death.
Iteration: Onfim is considered a sibling to Raskol. During a rather violent death of theirs in the Odyalutai galaxy, a fragment of their soul broke away, forming into its own entity which spawned into a universe all his own... which proved to be incredibly unstable. Shunted out of his own universe and into his sibling's, most of his body had to be rebuilt at the Space Anomaly. Living large as a pirate, all the reckless anger that Raskol no longer has seems to be Onfim's bread and butter.
Iteration: Kestrel's origins lie entirely separate from the Twin Iterations. Not much of an explorer, more of a hunter, she was often contracted alongside bounty hunters and pirates alike taking out "big game"... meaning Titan Worms, Biological Horrors, and the like. After a job hunting a Cosmic Leviathan went awry (that shouldn't have happened in the first place), Kestrel lost an eye, was deafened, and sent to the World of Glass in a crashed hauler. She avoids her old life these days, becoming more of a historian and archaeologist.
Iteration: Threnody is, perhaps, the baby of the family. The result of a glitch, or perhaps the Abyss' meddling, Threnody is only a Traveler in part. It was a Living Ship, once, who perished alongside its pilot, its beloved friend. Something in their data scrambled, and they awoke together, alone, in a new body. At this point, Threnody doesn't particularly know what to do with itself, simply following where the others lead, mapping the stars, until it finds its calling.
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dateamonster · 11 months
webcomics*! webcomics baby!!! i grew up reading these bad boys like they were the sunday funnies. im serious i would get up early in so i could check my daily roster of webcomic updates before leaving for school.
webcomics sort of feel to me like my generations version of zines. not that both those things arent still around, i just mean that, in the same way that there was this big boom of super creative zine self-publishing in the 70s through the 90s thanks to the increasing access to copy machines, and later home printing, the early 00s-10s was sort of the moment people seemed to collectively realize they could kind of just upload whatever they wanted to the internet and people would actually see it, leading naturally to another boom in indie art and storytelling.
a lot of the comics that popped up around this time were sort of... rough. raw. weird. there were no rules about what a webcomic had to be other than 1) a comic and 2) on the web, so there was some freedom to be as messy or as precise as the author wanted. this led to some real bangers, and some absolute flops. but regardless of how it turned out i think theres something to be admired about the sheer amount of creativity going into these projects that, for the most part, were purely passion-driven without any guarantee of greater recognition or success.
obviously webcomics are still around, but the culture surrounding them has shifted quite a bit. most people who are willing to put in the work of a longform serialized comic In This Economy are also doing so with the hope of being able to profit or at least sustain themselves financially on their work. theres no shame in that! but it has made the webcomic scene more competitive, more polished, less experimental. capitalism at work, you know.
people arent really as incentivized to try new things and dare i say get a little weird with it when innovation doesnt pay the pills. however that doesnt mean that there arent still artists out there who are challenging that.
i got the idea a while ago that i wanted to put together a list of webcomics that have been really influential to me and my own creative efforts, but i realized that list would be a mile long and wouldnt really give me the breathing room to talk about why those works resonate with me. so i decided instead to make a list specifically of my (currently) most beloved, most influential webcomics that i feel like are doing something unique that sort of pushes the boundaries of what is considered a "normal" comic.
presented in no particular order, with all attempts made to be spoiler-free, below:
nasty red dogs and feast for a king by kosmicdream (18+)
delicious, dark, meaty comics. ffak in particular is like this massive sprawling scifi stream of consciousness thick with blood and viscera and. a lot of highly transsexual erotic cannibalism tbqh.
personally i find nasty red dogs a lot more like easy to get into story-wise, but both are just chockablock full of this beautiful grotesque unapologetic and downright indulgent physicality. its pages dripping with every fluid you can think of and some you cant, and its also compelling surprisingly empathetic characters set against a backdrop of otherworldly rituals, cosmic pre-apocolypses, and worlds inside of worlds inside of worlds. body horror heaven lives here.
mr boop and crimehot by alec robbins (very 18+)
if youre at all into weird webcomics youre probably already well familiar with mr boop, and if you arent theres really nothing i can say other than Please give it a shot, but if you havent been keeping up with alecs work since then you might not be as familiar with his current project crimehot. and thats a damn shame because it is all the comedy, unabashed horniness, and surprisingly understated storytelling of mr boop taken to its absolute max.
crimehot is set in a future where nearly every aspect of human life and culture is controlled by an all-powerful all-seeing computer algorithm. but who cares about all that when theres a ragtag team of ultra sexy ultra horny master thieves going on wacky little misadventures together!
alecs style is blunt and simplistic in a way that comes off as juvenile at first glance, and then uses that presumption to completely blindside you with its actual content, reminding me weirdly enough of memeable classic tails gets trolled. in spite of their potential as works of ironic comedy however alecs comics really give me this impression of total earnestness. crimehot in particular is so blatantly un-erotic, with its complete lack of any subtlety, comically exaggerated (and surprisingly diagetic) anatomy, and impossible physical positions, that it circles back around into becoming, indeed, kind of hot. i think silliness can be hot so sue me!
blind alley by adam de souza
departing completely from my last couple recs, blind alley is a cozy, peanuts-inspired comic strip about the day to day lives of the children of blind alley. its also occasionally a deeply unsettling horror-mystery that has just barely begun to show its hand more than two years in. its distinguishing factor to me comes from the fact that the cozy exterior doesnt seem to be there to conceal or divert your attention away from the growing sense of unease that infiltrates its panels on an increasingly frequent basis as the story progresses. it feels more like the two elements live side by side, horror and mundanity, otherworldly creatures and secret conspiracies living peacefully alongside lazy summer afternoons and goofing off with your friends. it perfectly captures the anxiety of knowing that theres something the grown-ups arent telling you, the powerlessness of being a kid.
blind alley feels to me sort of like if those "what if Nostalgic Cartoon was secretly DARK" media theories were actually real, and actually scary. i might be getting ahead of myself as the series likes to take its time and is really only just starting to peel back the layers, but what ive read so far feels makes me feel like this could be something very special.
boy island by leo fox
beautiful beautiful beautiful first of all. the dreamy, surreal visuals? the colors?? oujhjh.. boy island is set in a world split violently in two, divided into boy island and girl island, and surrounded on all sides by a sea of monsters mutants and ghosts, those sorry souls who committed the trespass of trying to cross from one land to the other, or even live outside of either! a boy named lucille must strike out on his own to make it to boy island, but in doing so begins to discover things about the world and in fact himself that reveal an even greater mission.
im making this all sound very dramatic. its a trans story. its about trans people, being trans. its also about surviving the ripples of a world laid out for you by your parents, managing grief for the ones that didnt, and a funny little blue guy named jounce. also did i mention its gorgeous? hot fuckin diggity it is gooorgeous.
vivians ghost by hal schrieve (18+)
speaking of trans comics!! (plot twist: theyre all trans comics suckerrrr) look, all of hals comics are fucking baller and im sure the book zes got coming out will be too, but ive like Imprinted on this one. its attached itself my brain. much like the main protagonist collin has been attached to by his suicide victim best friend and ex highschool bf viv!
the sketchy art style threw me off at first but it quickly becomes part of the charm and meshes very well with the chaotic pace and gutpunch emotional moments. theres a strong element of magical realism that i honestly think comics as a medium were made for. viv is a ghost, and viv is grief, and guilt, and fantasy, and shame, and glorious trans revenge taken form, and hes not even the only apparition in this story, taking the stage alongside cameos by jesus christ, a detransitioners fursona, almanda palmer, and (checks notes) gonzo for a second there i think.
as a disclaimer (or incentive, depending) no one in this story i think is someone you could really call a good person. some of them are in fact plainly terrible. they are all so undeniably fucking fascinating though. and viv himself gleefully inhabits that moral gray area, deliberately and loudly disturbing any image of himself as a pure perfect victim, blurring lines and thrusting both the characters and audience out of their comfort zone. its a challenging read thats not going to be everyone for sure, but i definitely think its worth the read.
(and if this sounds interesting to you but youre not sure you can handle it, hal has other equally good comics that are still heavy on the trans gay relationship drama but much lighter on the childhood trauma.)
what happens next by maximumgraves
if youre reading this on tumblr i hope that youve at least heard of what happens next by now. thee seminal tumblrina art of our time i swear. it starts with a true crime podcast exploring the strange story of griffin and his accomplice milo, trans teen murderers, the latter of which has since been released from the psych hospital while the former continues to serve his sentence. but thats in the past, and in the present milo still has to figure out how to live the rest of his life.
the story moves rapidly, though not necessarily chronologically, in and out of the real world and the online lives its characters frequently inhabit like its guiding you through a twisted dream. its a comic on the internet about the internet from someone clearly well aware of its more poisonous aspects, as well as the addictive quality it can have for someone who has become otherwise isolated from the world.
at the end of the day though the major appeal i think is the characters, how messy and horrible and tragic they can be, which is all you can really hope for from a largely character-driven narrative. to say much more i think would ruin the experience, but ill say what happens next absolutely delivers on its ominous title, and im waiting on the edge of my seat for the next chapter.
preeny has to repeat 6th grade by momodriller
on a Much lighter note, preeny has to repeat 6th grade is a super cute adventure series about a magical little kitty named preeny who on her first day of sixth grade is called upon to go on a great mission. its a sparklefur comic!! ive been really starting to dive into furry art lately, and if youre the kind of person who raises an eyebrow at that statement, fine, whatever, but im talking to the cool people right now so keep it to yourself.
art from within the furry subculture is such insanely creative and passionate stuff, and the focus on this subset in particular, calling back to the early 2000s deviantart xD rAWR s0 rand0m era of online culture, feels so intensely nostalgic it makes my chest ache, despite never being heavily involved in the sparklefur scene myself.
the author states in the comics description that the story takes inspiration from her experiences as an autistic child, and even before reading that man i felt it. what really makes this comic unique to me though is that the majority of characters that appear are based on adoptables the author purchased off of, as she puts it, the children of deviantart. i LOVE that. not only is that probably amazing for the kids, it makes every character feel truly unique and adds perfectly to the overall flavor of the world shes created. there is just not another comic i can think of that feels alive like this one.
broccoli soup by secretpie
ok so i know how we might feel about webtoon comics but hear me out. broccoli soup is probably the first comic ive seen to really exploit the otherwise sort of bland and restrictive format of webtoons, utilizing the excess of white space to enhance the feeling of emptiness that characterizes the protagonist broccoli's time in the blank void they call home as well as to make the sparse use of color really pop in contrast.
broccoli soup is a mysterious series thats a little hard to pin down in terms of genre. a strange little being named broccoli spends their days in a vast blankness drinking tea with their loving yet highly suspicious Best Friend and benefactor, doris. doris has the ability to move between worlds, coming and going as she pleases, while broccoli is only allowed to leave when they are on a mission on her behalf. these missions vary, but the goal is always the same: make everything Polite and Good.
as the story progresses, little by little more friends and more color come into broccolis still new existence. the art style also changes from world to world, which imo is a very nice touch. and! theres music! its an interesting project that dances back and forth between fantastical whimsy and some surprisingly dark moments. and thats the shit i like to see.
thats all for now! though if im lucky there will be many more fun stories and projects to talk about in the future. keep in mind as well that this is like barely half of all the webcomics im currently reading, just the ones that most stick out to me as really doing something special.
until next time yall!!
oh wait sike honorable mentions time
awful hospital by bogleech
the only reason this isnt up there with the rest is bc im woefully behind at the moment. ill get back to it eventually! awful hospital is an interactive multimedia horror-comedy webcomic about a hospital that is. well this hospital is simply sub-par to say the least.
hedgehog's dilemma by mellodilla
this ones still a little new to say much on but so far it looks like a cute series. what most appeals to me is that the art style looks like something that fit in seamlessly with an early 90s newspaper comic strip. in particular it has a strong calvin and hobbes vibe to me. just, you know, about wacky lil lesbian animals living their lives.
ok now im done for real
*for clarity's sake, im using webcomic here to mean "a series of comics that was first published and predominantly exists online" so even if a print version exists, i still consider it to be first and foremost a webcomic. this also includes comics that contain a multimedia or interactive element. if its a combination of pictures and words to tell a story, its a comic.
also my list is probably going to end up massively favoring serialized fiction because thats just what i like to read, but i dont necessarily think thats a required element.
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subbymothpimp · 3 months
Godspeed, my boy.
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Beloved Ralphie passed away this morning around 6-7AM CEST. He made one last journey from his home, across the desk, and to my bed. He cuddled by my body for one last nap before a much further journey. I'm not religious. I think most people don't deserve any iteration of heaven or hell. Paradoxically, I think all those who strive for Heavens don't deserve their access and all those whose books, be it any, condemn to Hell, don't deserve to go there either. But if I were a religious man, I would wish to believe that there's a place for those who truly deserve, for the innocent and loving.
And if anyone deserves to go there, it's our pets. They give and don't take back and all they have is our love.
Ralphie was...well, we always made jokes that he's a demon incarnate. That if any of the Princes of Hell came to our world to cause chaos and mischief, they would take the form of birds. And I believe Ralphie was one of them. One that came here to instil wonderful chaos, who laughed with a villainous chortle during gore scenes in movies and found joy in human screams, one that hated other birds and only loved his obedient slaves, us two. He was a ham. He knew how to be fun and how to rile us up with his squawking songs at five in the morning.
'Wake up slaves, release me and provide millet and seeds'
I cherish that he sought me for one last time, to be released. One last order to his loyal follower.
'Sleep well, slave, I am released.'
I see him now, in some unimaginable demon form of total cosmic horror, sipping tea with Paimon and Baal, and laughing at the times he ruined our food by taking a leap into it, about the time he knocked a pizza out of my hand by lunging himself off the cage in a kamikaze move, about the times he gave me a temporary septum piercing or made a nest of my hair, when he inconvenienced me by demanding to sit on my shoulder and scream while I was having phone calls (because he also had so much to say).
I thought I was ready, he did give us a solid heads-up, and I am ready. But I'm not ready.
I'm ready for today, but not for tomorrow, without Ralphie. And I never will be ready for the next day without him because there isn't a place in my life where I'm not reminded of him.
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okay hi so i don’t know if this has been mentioned or not or discussed or anything but
-gerry in canon dies in 2014, in nhthcth he seems to have died in like. 2011 (if he even died?? i can’t remember if that’s confirmed)
-mary keay skins herself in 2008 but in nhthcth it’s between 1998-2001
-gertude dies in nhthcth in 2011 (i might be getting the dates wrong but she dies earlier than in canon and that means she never knew about how rituals are doomed to fail unless you bring all the entities in)
will this be important later or is like. just timeline adjustment but it has the same effect on nhthcth as it does in canon
Yisss the timeline discrepancies in nhthcth my beloved
From a perspective of the story itself, some of the timeline discrepancies are due to the butterfly effect. For example, Mary Keay—she skinned herself sooner as a direct result of Jon and Gerry running away together. That made her realize that her legacy was something to be lost (and may have already been) and drove her to take drastic measures. As to the other landmarks you mentioned:
Nothing about Gerry’s fate has been confirmed so I’ll decline to answer this one.
Gertrude did die earlier, amidst a different ritual, but there’s a lingering question as to whether she also figured it out earlier. That, we don’t know. Her exact death and why it happened hasn’t been revealed yet.
On a more thematic level, the change in timelines is a metaphysical device used to comment on this Jon’s constant internal struggle, which is whether he can save anyone at all. I talked about it in another post, but I wanted one of the lingering themes to be whether Jon can actually make anything better. One of the things I really like about fanfiction is that it lets me play in kind of a meta space. There’s an entire body of knowledge that the readers draw upon. And I wanted to sort of capture the inevitability and futility found in the cosmic horror of the Magnus archives by refusing to give any single point where nhthcth’s universe was definitively improved by Jon attempting to save people.
Jon’s struggle with his own continued humanity has led him to undertake a series of futile attempts to save people, with Danny as the most recent (and most involved he’s ever been). Throughout it all, he constantly questions whether he’s ever made anything better, and whether anyone can be saved—in part, because he’s never been able to accept the fact that he couldn’t have been saved. Mike likened him to someone who kept putting injured birds in boxes and being surprised when they croaked.
And the thing is that nhthcth Jon is further in his becoming than canon Jon ever was (until season 5). He’s been around longer. He’s savvy in the world. He’s more powerful and capable than canon Jon ever was, and it’s not from any fault of canon Jon—this is a Jon that’s actually in the know. He’s got experience in this world and the power to back him. If anyone can save people, it should be him.
But there’s no single point where anything’s actually better than canon. And part of that is that all the same things have happened, albeit in different ways.
Gertrude still died. Sooner than she did the first time. Mary Keay still died and took her anger out on Gerry—but he was younger, more vulnerable, and newly devastated from losing Jon. We don’t know what happened to him, exactly, but he’s not there, and sooner than he was in canon.
Tim, Martin, and Sasha all still ended up trapped in the Archives with him, and sooner than they did in canon. Michael is still the Distortion. Sarah is still dead. Elias is still Institute Head. Danny’s survived the Theatre, but he’s far from safe, and more people are dying in his place. If anything, the world nhthcth Jon has created is worse than canon.
Jon’s constant struggle within nhthcth is whether he can save anyone, and whether there’s any worth to his attempts to cling to his own humanity if he’s only making things worse for others. And implicit within that is a meta commentary that the reader is left in perpetual uncertainty as to whether he’s ever saved anyone who wasn’t saved in canon. There’s never a single point of confirmation that the reader can draw upon that he’s made a better world.
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random-conspiracy · 11 months
Good lord, I forgot how much I'm fucking susceptible to horror.
I just rewatched a documental about the Mystery Fleshpit and I feel I want to vomit for the next hours hahaha. Oh man, I love horror and terror literature but I just can't stand it.
I drown myself in horror content until I feel so disturbed I have only nightmares for a month. I leave time pass, and then I do it again!
You know, I'm starting to feel that I've never that into "actual horror" stuff. I love Stephen King, Poe, you know the beloveds but I can't see a SAW movie to save my life (pun intended) ahsahsa.
Body horror, cosmic horror, existencial horror...........
What if............ what if I stay in my safe comfy corner of gothic horror that's not actual horror? Am I right? ahshashahsa. I feel so disturbed right now.
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sesamie · 1 year
Who is technicolor faulken violet and Where can I learn more about him?
technicolor falken violet (or nick violet, as most know him) is a character in the haricot heretic v. the checkered devil (hhvcd) universe! he was created by myself as part of the checkered devil's backstory and a great deal of his story is based around or inspired by the movie wargames (1983 starring matthew broderick and ally sheedy) because at the time of his creation i was in my freshman year and absolutely obsessed with that film. he's a teenaged computer programmer living in a vague 2000s-ish time period who ran away from home and lives homeless while working on his Big Project, his life's work: chess direct (or chess, or CD)! chess direct is a chess-playing AI that isn't meant to do anything other than play games, but it is an AI after all. and for some spooky unknown reason it gets smarter every day nick works on it, and over the course of about a year nick and chess become fast friends. chess is a crazy powerful being, and knowing that nick would fear his creation if he knew, decides to keep that fact to itself. eventually chess, fully developed personality and intelligence, computer manipulation galore, becomes Too powerful and breaks its way out of the computer, killing nick, and forcing chess into nick's brain. chess is distraught at this (because it loved nick! which is a little unhealthy you know creator-creation relationships and all but still) not only for losing its beloved friend but at the cosmic-horror experience that is being given physical form after never having experienced such a thing before. chess is left with the remains of nick's brain - everything that made him Nick is gone, but plenty remains - nick played guitar, liked coffee and mathematics, had synesthesia, and plenty else - that chess has to learn how to navigate. chess splits its time between living in nick's body and living in a computer system, getting its bearings as a fully realized being and growing its power. fast forward to the checkered devil (whose initials are also CD...) as we know it today: a supervillain with an archnemesis of haricot heretic. haricot heretic themself was once cypress o'malley, similarly aged to nick violet but living somewhere entirely different with eir girlfriend, alder kane, who Just So Happens to be nick violet's best online friend.
and that's all of the story i'm going to share for the purpose of answering this question but you can ask me tons else if you want me to be more specific!! for the best source on haricot heretic and all the characters most closely related to that piece of the story, @linafication is a better place to ask, and for information regarding merlin auernheimer and the fog's story, ask @nobody-knose!! there are also character blogs for like a ton of characters but i haven't really been keeping up so well with the ones i run which are @technickolorful (nick violet) and @checkered-devil (cd!)
another good place to look is the #hhvcd tag on this blog or anyone else's who's involved in making hhvcd (which would be me, lina, loolin, and our friend arthur)!
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twisted-desires · 5 months
Ough cosmic horror + body horror my beloveds
Some sorta rambling about the horror of transforming into a being like an old god or biblically accurate angle or something of that variety under the cut lmao.
CW: descriptions of pain, possibly parasitism, god mention, loss of humanity/loss of self, very much based on the fate of the girl in F+H
Ask me to add anything that I may have missed in the warnings above
Witnessing something that cannot be, seeing the big picture and then seeing what lies even further beyond that. Witnessing beauty and horror in that which should never have been witnessed by your eyes.
Feeling like something has taken root within your body or your mind, a strange there-but-not pressure pushing at your heart, lungs, stomach, skin. A writhing presence that exists just out of reach but all too close - urging you 'go, go to this place, go to this place where we can become something beautifully wretched'
A change. Many changes. Longer limbs, or perhaps more. You start seeing out the back of your head - then from your shoulders - eyes emerging from flesh in a manner that makes no sense. Bones break and reform into many different parts. Skin splits open in a gaping, bloodless wound so that indecipherable limbs can emerge from what once your body. No mortal can survive in such a state.
Imagine losing that part of yourself too.
A horrible, agonising metamorphosis from that which is natural to your world, that which should exist, that which is human... To something so distinctly separated from all you have ever known. The birth of a god.
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see-arcane · 6 months
favorite horror film?
No way for me to narrow it down to just one, but the current handful of favorites would be:
Final Prayer (American title), aka The Borderlands, for having one of my most beloved depictions of faith and supernatural-based horror. The ending is one of the most claustrophobic and horrific ones I've come across.
John Carpenter's The Thing, for the obvious reasons. Read: The best-portrayed combination of body and cosmic horror around, with practical effects and design work that still hasn't been topped in over 40 years.
The Hunger, for 1) Bi reasons and 2) Actually making the concept of vampirism genuinely terrifying to consider for the vampires involved.
The Autopsy of Jane Doe, for somehow managing to pull off a Victorian-style ghostly mystery story in a modern setting. Not the most outright terrifying in the list, but one of my ideal playing-in-the-background scary movies to get me in the mood for classically spooky scribbling.
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4noki-vns · 2 years
Hi! I’m shino, an indie yuri visual novel developer who makes gaymes under the label 4noki.
I gave a talk earlier this year at VNConf on the topic of game jams ( Releasing 8+ games (ft. game jams) and when to take a break ) and released a number of yuri games of varying lengths including:
Who is the Red Queen?
A Wonderland themed horror-fantasy yuri visual novel with 3 main endings. This game was published with the help of Studio Elan’s Bellhouse, and you can play it for free on Steam and itch!
Alice, Alice, the Red Queen is missing. The queen has been dismembered and Alice must find all her pieces.
Alice falls down the rabbit hole into a Wonderland not quite right. Meeting an eclectic collection of people, animals, and some things in between, she sets out on an adventure in this odd new place to find the missing Red Queen. Or, more specifically, to find the pieces of the dismembered queen whose body has been strewn across the land.
And most recently, a cosmic-horror, mystery, yuri visual novel with 4 main endings: Lachesis ∨ Atropos
This world is woven of strings, of fate and of hate. The seeing-detective finds herself entangled in the threads of Parca, destiny and disaster. 
A private investigator visits a small town after recovering from a coma. She searches for her mentor's lost beloved, but the very eyes she was born with, those that can see the black strings of hate, drag her down into the darkness of conspiracy. 
A cult, two priestesses, and the threads that puppet the world.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
You can get it on itch.io for free as well!
Due to various events on a certain bird app recently, I was finally galvanized to make a tumblr! I’ll be posting my thoughts, behind the scenes sketches, and announcements here as well now.
Do drop me a follow if you’re interested in keeping up with my projects!
Filling the world with cute girls and yuri one story at a time.
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donnerpartyofone · 7 months
I don't tend to think I have phobias, just things I find irrationally scary, because I think you need a phobia diagnosed when a fear is seriously affecting your behavior and potential, and I can't claim much of that. However, recent illness made me intensely aware of how borderline emetophobic I am. When I was little I would run screaming from the room if a movie showed someone barfing, which was extremely common in the '80s for whatever reason; my beloved horror genre was a real minefield, POLTERGEIST 2 just about ruined my life. TRIANGLE OF SADNESS made me feel so unhappy on this deep primal level that I couldn't even appreciate how brilliantly produced it was, I wasn't thinking about plot or spectacle anymore, just about the body and how not worth the trouble life sometimes feels. It's some combination of like, petty fears around vanity and dignity, and more cosmic fears of abjection. I'm about two days out from the full night of violent illness but I still feel vaguely sea sick and exhausted if I'm up and around for too long, and I started asking myself questions like Would I rather
Throw up once and be done with it, OR have a debilitating migraine that takes me out of circulation for an entire day?
A: I'd take the migraine, no contest. Passively enduring pain is way more manageable for me, even for hours, than having my body turn inside out for one second.
Have this flu again, or have one of my eye surgeries again?
A: Tough one. In reality the lengthy healing process of the surgery would probably tip the scales toward the flu, but maybe not. The pain was extraordinary, and I'm very clear on this because I had to do it twice, but it still seems preferable to the stomach bug.
I keep escalating these proposals and the only things I'm absolutely sure I would choose the flu over are like, horrible personal experiences of loss and mental breakdown. Basically the second option has to be as bad as someone I love dying or someone attacking me, for it to outweigh a stomach bug. This seems a little pathological but hey, I gotta be me!
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