#bodybuilders in street clothes
rustysmiler13 · 4 months
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Wrong bag, bro
Music blared from my headphones while I was running on the treadmill when I first saw the guy. It was obviously his first time in the gym, and after having gotten a short introduction, he looked around uncomfortably before approaching the weights. I sighed and stopped the treadmill. It was a good gym, at least judging from the equipment and the cost. The staff, however, was... improvable. It was clear that the new guy had no idea how to start and he would probably hurt himself like that.
"Sup? You're new here?" I said as I approached. He almost jumped when he heard my voice. I took a good look at him when he turned around. He wasn't very fit, at least compared to me. I mean, I'm no bodybuilder, too, but I do go to the gym a few times a week and try to stay in shape. The other guy was visibly unfit, with a small belly and no definition at all, but hey, we all have to start somewhere.
"Uhm. Yes. Actually, I wanted to lose a bit of weight. I'm Jonas. Do you work here?"
I chuckled. "Na, man. I'm Travis, and I just work *out* here. Why are you trying to get fit?"
Jonas seemed to be a bit embarrassed when he answered. "I... hope that will make dating easier. It's hard to find a boyfriend like... this."
He gestured down his body.
"Hey, you should do this for yourself, not for someone else. But yeah, I get what you mean. Chicks dig muscles, too."
The last part was probably unnecessary and somewhat spoiling the message, but I couldn't help it. It was a reflex to make clear I was straight. Really stupid, I know, but hey, that's just the straight genes talking.
Thankfully, Jonas took the hint and didn't hit on me as I showed him the ropes. He was mightily insecure, but a nice dude. After a while, he called it a day and we went to the locker room together. Having started early, I felt it was time to head home, too.
I took out my gym bag from my locker, as did Jonas, and got my soap out.
"Are you not going to shower?" I asked as Jonas just changed to his street shoes.
"Oh, eh, no, I'll shower at home." he said, and I understood. That guy was so self-conscious it would probably be hell for him to shower in a communal shower, so I just shrugged and said:
"Alright. See you around."
After the shower, I went to my gym bag to change into my street clothes but when I opened it, the contents seemed unfamiliar. Of course. Jonas had the same black gym bag as I did and must have grabbed the wrong one. That could happen. I just hoped I'd meet him again so we could swap back the bags. For now, it wasn't that much of a problem. I didn't have any valuables in there, and it seemed that Jonas had brought a towel as well, so I could just use his to dry myself.
What had been in there, however, were my street clothes. I mean, it wasn't a big deal, I could just wear my gym clothes until I got home, but somehow, I got curious and rummaged through the contents of the bag. There was something that immediately jumped into view and that was...
A pair of pink boxer briefs.
I mean seriously? How much gayer could it get?
I was just about to stuff it back into the back, when I hesitated. My gym compression shorts were soaked with sweat, and apparently, the boxer briefs seemed to be clean, I rationalized, but somehow, I *wanted* to put them on, for some weird reason. Well. I shrugged and just acted on the impulse, I mean, it was just a pair of underwear, right?
As it turned out, poor Jonas must have been not that well-endowed. The pair of boxer briefs was awfully tight and hugged my ass and my junk so firmly it was almost a second skin. I looked in the mirror and was a little surprised. My cock wasn't exactly small, but the underwear still didn't leave much to imagination either. But they were clean, and the fabric was quite pleasant to the touch, so I decided I would wear them until I got home.
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Man, Jonas was probably in for a surprise when he discovered my XXL jockstrap from my bag. And unlike his - sorry - faggy underwear, I had worn that thing for a day now, so it wasn't exactly clean. I mean, there wasn't any reason for him to put it on, but what if he was curious? Or what if he was a little pervert who liked to experience the smell of a real man?
I shook my head. Where had that thought come from? I quickly got dressed in the rest of *my* clothes and drove home. However, during the drive I couldn't quite shake the thought of how Jonas might just be sniffing my jock, jerking his pathetic little cock furiously while doing so. Man, I really had no idea what was wrong with me today. When I arrived at home, my cock was hard and leaking pre into Jonas tight little pink underwear. Looks like I needed to blow off some steam.
I put on some lesbian porn and fished out my cock and balls from its tight confines. I have to admit that jerking off while wearing Jonas' briefs was oddly exciting.
At first, my eyes were glued to the two chicks on the screen, but as I got close to shooting my load, I leaned back and closed my eyes. Images of Jonas, wearing my much too large jockstrap came immediately and unbidden, but it was too late. With a groan, I came all over my toned and defined upper body.
I needed a moment to recover after that before I could start cleaning up. I stuffed my junk back into the pink underwear without really thinking about it, but realized it wasn't quite as tight as before. Perhaps the fabric was adjusting to my bigger mass. I was just about done with wiping the cum off my chest when my phone dinged with a message from an unknown number:
Unknown number:
"Hey there, it's Jonas, from the gym today. It seems like I grabbed the wrong bag when I left, and I want to return it to you. Can you give me your address?"
I thought about it for a moment while I saved his name to my phone. He probably found my number on the lost and found card, and I was just to agree, when I stopped. There was no rational reason not to swap back the bags as soon as possible and I had no plans for today. But...
"Sorry, man, I can't today. How about tomorrow? We can meet at the gym."
I seriously had no idea why I lied, but not-so-little Travis twitched in the underwear as I wrote the message.
"Sounds good. Sorry I took your bag, I only noticed when I got home."
"Don't worry, there's nothing important in there. Just my sweaty jockstrap, haha."
What was I doing? Why would I chat with a near stranger about my underwear? I was interrupted by the answer from Jonas.
"Yeah, I have found that thing already."
I hesitated. My cock was straining against pink fabric again, even though I just jerked off a few minutes ago. I really shouldn't be that excited, and I really shouldn't lead the poor gay guy on, but I couldn't help it. My fingers typed all on their own.
"I see. And what did you do with it?"
It took a while before the next answer came in, and I feared that I had alienated the guy.
"Well, I'm wearing it right now."
Ha! I knew it! That guy was a pervert after all. I looked down at the tight pink boxer briefs struggling to contain my erection, while a small patch of precum had formed at the tip of the tent. Takes one to know one, right?
"That old thing? I'm sure it smells sweaty as hell right now. Can you show me?"
Almost instantly, Jonas sent a picture of himself, wearing only the jock. It was way too big and baggy on him, and I could see his whole body in all of its unfit glory.
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But somehow, it didn't look so bad. Absentmindedly, I squeezed my cock while looking at the picture. Then, with a mental "What the hell", I snapped a selfie for Jonas as well, of me wearing his pink boxer briefs. I didn't care to hide my boner, although it was less obvious than I thought. Might as well give him something to drool over, right?
After I had sent the picture, I looked at myself in the mirror some more. There was disappointingly little pump on my frame considering that I just came back from the gym. In fact, I looked even smaller than before I went to the gym. That couldn't be true, right?
But the bathroom scale confirmed. This was crazy! You didn't just lose five kilograms of body mass just like that. Especially, since my body mass was mostly muscles!
I took another look at the mirror, but it was true: my arms, my legs, even my chest. Everything looked less defined than before. And my chest was pretty smooth, too. I usually shave it, but since I have a high testosterone level or something, there's always a stubble remaining. Not so today. As I felt my chest with my hand, there was only smooth skin. What the hell was going on?
I looked back at my phone, and Jonas had answered again.
"Looks good on you, you should wear it more often! ;)"
Did he really think so? My heartbeat quickened on the praise from Jonas, and I could feel my cock reacting again. It must have gotten soft over the whole panicking, but reading this single line from Jonas was enough for it to strain against the tight underwear again.
Except... It wasn't *that* tight anymore. Sure, it was still a pair of boxer briefs and was supposed to cling to the skin, and it did, but before, my muscular ass, pelvis and of course, my large cock had filled it to the breaking point. Not so anymore. In fact, it fit pretty snugly, and although my cock was hard as a rock, the bulge it produced was much smaller than before.
My phone dinged with another message.
"Are you still there, Tray? You're still in for the gym later?"
Later? I thought we had said tomorrow! And why did he call me Tray? I quickly composed an answer.
"Do we have to? I thought we'd said tomorrow."
The answer came immediately.
"Stop whining, Tray! I know you wane be big like I, so you must work hart!"
I cringed from the amount of spelling mistakes, but before I could answer, Jonas sent another Pic.
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Was that still the same guy as before?! Sure enough, he was wearing my jockstrap, and the face was similar, but boy was he *ripped*. His arms and legs looked like he basically lived in the gym, and his hairy chest was sitting heavily on his perfectly sculpted eight pack abs. He even had a tattoo!
I looked back to the mirror in distress. I was positively scrawny, and not just in comparison. *My* arms and legs looked like twigs from a tree that were about to break from a strong wind. And were Jonas had all that chest hair and stubble on his chin, I was totally hairless, except for my perfectly styled bleached blonde hair.
I started to hyperventilate and had to lean on the sink to not fall.
What the hell was happening here?!
The phone dinged again, and I picked it up.
"Excpext yu wantto let ur tongue work out insted Todays bitch canceled and I Ned so to worship my "
It was getting really difficult to read, but I got the gist of it. But that wasn't right, right? Jonas was gay, just as me, and... Hold on, I... No, Jonas. Jonas wasn't gay, he was bi. Of course, with that fuck stick inside his smelly jockstrap, he'd fuck everything that moves.
All by itself, my hand had entered my pink boxer briefs and was jerking like crazy. Luckily, there was enough room in the underwear, as it was a bit loose usually. Even with my delicate hands, I couldn't close my hand around my shaft, it was just too small for that. So, I jerked with two fingers until I could finally stop myself. My cock wasn't as important for the upcoming meeting as my beautiful ass and my eager tongue that would submissively lap up every drop of sweat from Jonas manly body, so he would reward me with that magnificent cock of his. But still, no need to spoil the fun.
"I'm coming over right now, Sir!"
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I hope you enjoyed this little switchup! A few additional images can be found at my tip jar :)
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bigwishes · 1 year
Ask and You Shall Receive
Keanu was a party boy from the streets of New York. Spent most nights in the clubs dancing up on guys. Half the time he'd end up shirtless dancing on the bar flexing in lean muscles driving everyone wild.
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Keanu burst into his apartment at 3am half drunk stumbling down his hallway. He didn't manage to score tonight and was horny as hell. If he couldn't fuck, he'd have to relieve himself some other way.
He threw himself down on his bed and flicked open an incognito tab on his phone. Keanu normally found himself bringing home twinks and twunks but what he really wanted was a guy with some size, a huge bodybuilder to totally dominate and make into his bitch. Keanu got hard just thinking about it and went straight to looking up images of massive tanky guys in tight constricting posers. Keanu scrolled through images until he found one with a short caption tied to it. He read it getting finding himself drawn to the fantasy. He had never seen something like this before and clicked on the photo being taken to a website with hundred of captioned photos and stories about guys growing from a skinny jock into a bodybuilder as big as a mountain. Keanu's eyes were glued to the screen and he was captivated by the fantasy.
He had dumbed his load on his bare stomach and chest 3 times and he was ready to go again realising he had discovered a new fetish. Scrolling down the rabbit hole he found one offering suggestions / asks for transformations with a personal touch. Keanu's half drunk brain half horny brain thought he had come up with the perfect suggestion...
"I want to grow so big bodybuilders look like twinks next to me"
Keanu chuckled to himself and fell asleep with one hand on his dick.
Keanu woke up groggy the next morning feeling the pain in his head from his hangover. He would rather spend all day in bed but he knew he had to get his morning routine on the way. Keanu got up, making himself a cup of coffee as he wasn't one to eat first thing. He then dropped down on his half and tip toes to pump out 50 push ups and 50 sit ups like he did every morning.
Keanu picked himself up off the floor and moved his sweaty body to the bathroom for a shower. Looking in the mirror something was different, his body seemed fuller and not just from a pump but he felt bigger too. It was probably his ego combined with his hangover making him feel bigger than he really was but that didn't mean he still didn't feel big.
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All day Keanu felt stronger, when he was lifting boxes at work, carrying shopping home, even when he was out flaunting his body on the dance floor he found himself clumsy and bumping into people more often, found his clothes feeling tight like they had all shrunk in the dryer, but he didn't think much of it.
The next morning was almost the same, wake up, coffee, workout but instead of taking a shower instead he had to go back to the kitchen and make himself something to eat, for some reason he found himself starving and craving a protein shake.
Keanu mixed up a shake and made himself a bowl of cereal which is scoffed down like a beast. He caught a whiff of himself still sweaty after his workout he then went to take a shower. Only this time when he saw himself in the mirror he definitely noticed the difference.
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His muscled were thicker but not just thicker they were bulging out of his clothes. His mouth dropped and his brow tensed with shock as he flexed his bicep examining himself in the mirror. He dropped his pants leaving himself in his underwear trying to examine his thick quads but he couldn't quite get a look even when he tried standing up on the edge of his bathtub. Although he could feel just by tensing his legs and from how tight his underwear was around his ass he had definitely gained a lot more than a few pounds of muscle overnight.
Right as Keanu was about to get in the shower his phone alarm rang telling him to leave for work. He quickly dashed out of the bathroom throwing on any clothes he could get around his new bigger frame. His clothes still fit but he definitely felt them struggle to stretch over his back as he moved. Running out the door and into the apartment complex elevator he got almost to the bottom floor when he saw a small dark patch in the bent reflection. Upon closer inspection Keanu saw faint pit stains on his shirt under both his arms and the elevator smelt slightly of sweat. He scratched the back of his head.
"Guess that's what happens when I don't shower after working out" he thought.
Getting used to the changes were strange. A crate he'd normally need to ask for help to move he almost through across the room on his own. Lucky everyone at work was used to the smell of manual labour otherwise other people at his job might realise he forgot to shower.
The next morning Keanu got out of bed hearing his stomach growl. He Instantly got up rubbing his six pack, feeling his abs be more defined than yesterday. The novelty hadn't kicked yet, at least not until he had something to eat. Hungrier than yesterday he smashed a shake and two bowls of cereal. After eating he hit his normal workout and went to take a shower. He saw himself in the mirror, bigger and fuller once again. As the water was warming up Keanu sat on the edge of his bath, looking down at his chest bouncing his pecs to himself.
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His back was wider, lats and chest sticking out competing for space with his arms. His legs were wide and his quads rubbed against each other. Keanu's walk was slowly turning into more of a lumber.
He grabbed his pec with his massive hand and rubbed his hard defined abs. By the time he pulled himself out of his self inflicted trance he had run out of hot water and his alarm was ringing for him to go to work.
"fuck" he said turning the shower off running to his bedroom to grab some clothes.
Keanu frantically ran around his room trying to find something to fit, his jeans wouldn't go up over his massive legs, his arms wouldn't fit through the arm holes in his shirts, he couldn't even get his button ups to come half way across his chest. The only thing he had left were his gym tank and shorts. Both of which used to be loose casual fits for him but now they were tight, like a bodybuilder who ordered the size down from what he needed.
Keanu frantically ran out of his house to the apartment building elevator. As the doors open he went to walk through them when he bounced out, both his shoulders smashed into the duel opening doors. He was so used to knowing when it was open enough for him to enter for years and now he was clumsy with his new size. Standing in the elevator the smell of sweat was starting to become potent. He'd have to make sure he took a shower on his day off.
Keanu woke up groggy from a late night of partying until 4am. Sitting up in his bed he felt a constricting pressure around his legs. Pulling back his bed sheets he saw a pair of jeans ripped and torn around his massive tree trunk legs, so tight the veins of his legs could be seen pressing through the fabric that hasn't been ripped.
Keanu stood up hearing the sound of denim. He tried to take off the jeans but it was like peeling off a layer of skin. It was like they had been shrunk after putting them on.
Finally pulling them off he realised how badly he needed a shower. two days of hard working and a full night of partying without a proper shower left him stinking worse than all the guys he worked with combined. He walked down the hall, bumping into a few things along the way struggling to reconfigure his internal gyroscope. After waking up as big as he was yesterday he expected he'd stop growing by now, but he was shocked at how massive he was when he looked in the mirror.
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Keanu was twice as wide as he was yesterday and easily twice as dence. He struggled to curl his arm up to take a selfie, his bicep and forearm fought against one another and it was almost like he was forced to flex if he wanted to use his arms.
He dropped his arms to the side trying to leave them resting comfortably but his wide back and lats made his arms stick out like he was always doing a lat spread. Keanu took a few steps hearing his steps making his entire apartment vibrate sounding like he was stomping just from a regular step. His muscles bounced in the mirrors and he got hard looking at his size move. Keanu reached down and found it difficult to reach his dick, as he rotated his arm forward his shoulders and biceps collided, he could just barely grab his dick, not just from how his massive muscles constricted his size but from how much girth and size had been added to his manhood. It wasn't something he had been noticing compared to the massive changes of his swelling muscles everyday.
Keanu waddled his massive frame back to his bedroom, feeling his thighs rubbing against each other constricting his movement. He made it to his bed lying down feeling his massive weight bend the frame in. He pulled out his phone which was dwarfed by his enormous hands. Keanu reached down to his dick able to comfortably move with one leg half cocked in the air.
Keanu went to the cite he was on the other night and found a reply posted to the request he just barely remembers sending in. He read the story seeing images of him posted in between long paragraphs about him growing when he's asleep. Keanu began to jerk himself off moaning as he read the story. He got to a paragraph where he read about growing whilst he pleasured himself, he felt the blood pump up his muscles and heard as his body adjusted itself with the constant swelling of size. His phone looked like it was becoming smaller by the second and it was harder for him to keep his hand wrapped firmly around his manhood.
Keanu was on the edge right as he got to the end of the story. He quickly clicked the request button.
"I wanna be stupid big, make me stupid big"
Keanu blew his load all over his abs and relaxed into his bed. His head felt slightly cloudy. Looking at his tiny phone a short story tied to his latest ask popped up on the screen.
A picture of him as an enormous swollen titan standing in front of a mirror in what looked like his bathroom with the simple caption.
"you are so massive and so heavy but so fucking stupid you can barely string a sentence together you dumb horny giant"
Keanu got up and waddled his ridiculous mass to his bathroom where he stood in front of the mirror shocked at his bulging size but before a thought of regret could form in his head he noticed drool pouring out the corner of his mouth and his jaw slowly fell open as all his thoughts evaporated.
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Keanu let out a moronic laugh giggling at how he bounced his pecs in the mirror.
Now if only the monstrous moron could figure out how to get a hold of his dick...
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theurgists · 8 months
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⋆。‧₊°♱༺ DIRTY LAUNDRY ༻♱༉‧₊˚.
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abby anderson x fem!reader
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summary: bitter about having to drag your laundry basket down the street for your weekly wash, you have a not-so-nice first encounter with the girl who's wearing the same band tee as you. the good news? she's the type of girl you only see in your dreams. the bad? she's your roommate's girlfriend.
warnings: modern!au, implied cheating, cheating, alcohol usage, mentions of guilt, slight angst, not proof-read
a/n: a republish of a small little unfinished series from last year. before anyone gets on my head, i promise superheaven was not as viral early last year as it is now lolll ( its one of my favorite bands ) anywho, enjoy almost 8k words of tea.... lmk what you think, i love getting feedback!
You were precisely three hundred steps away from your destination; a small, collapsing laundromat a couple of blocks from your lackluster apartment. If you widen your short strides just a bit then maybe you’d be able to cut the distance by a few seconds  — maybe, five or ten just to escape the intense rays of the summer sun that beamed down on you.
It was hot enough that the cartilage of your ears were warm to the touch, practically torched by the heat as your fingers ached, feeling as if they were to lock in place at any second from the continuous minutes of strain they had endured. Dirty clothing sat piled in a white, plastic laundry basket, stuffed without care, and unmatched in terms of colors; heavy on the muscles of your arms as you attempted to lift it once more.
The action caused the muscles in your upper back to flex, an ache to accompany the dull throb in protest of the weight that you had tried to pull. A sheen of sweat formed on your forehead; thin enough for you to wipe away with the back of your hand as you puff your cheeks out, letting out a dramatic huff of air. 
After you had straightened your back from being hunched over, the heat seemed to creep through you in the form of a dry throat and sticky skin, bare skin trapped under molecules of heat, and clothing damp from the unrelenting ball of fire in the sky. You couldn’t help but let your lips press into a thin line at the feeling of embarrassment starting to burn up on your bare neck, spreading but unseen to the eyes. The band tee you wore did little to shield your self-consciousness, your tension-filled aura seemingly spreading a transparent mist as you resorted to dragging the basket across the uneven concrete of the sidewalk. 
Twenty more steps and you’d be able to melt away under the cool blast of the dusty air conditioner. It was better than nothing.
“Do you need some help?” 
The voice was one laced with curiosity, a certain playfulness entwined within it as you kept your gaze locked on the tips of your worn shoes. 
A second passed by — two seconds, before you shook your head in refusal, pushing wisps of hair out of your face and behind your ear with a finger on your right hand. “No, I think I can manage.” 
A dry chuckle reached your ears and that’s what finally caused you to glance at the stranger who had so kindly offered you a helping hand. 
She was tall. Her shoulders were broad, and her arms bulky but sculpted so perfectly, the thought that she had to be a bodybuilder had crossed the expanse of your brain. Hell, she had ‘athlete’ written all over here as she towered over you, shielding your frame from the sun, giving you a much-needed break from its unintentional abuse. 
In one of her large hands, she held a small bag, a half-eaten empanada taking refuge within the greasy paper staining her fingers in an orange hue that could only be from blotches of oil that littered it. 
Her blonde hair cascaded down her back in a fishtail braid, tendrils of it framing her sun-kissed, freckled face as her blue eyes scanned across the expression you tried to mask with confidence; albeit the very lame effort to do so. 
You watched as she raised a brow, eying your clammy palms that circled one of the short, white handles of the basket that was filled to the brim with clothing. She couldn’t help but assume that you were someone who waited last minute to do things due to your frazzled state, although she internally slapped herself for criticizing someone when she knew for a fact that she wasn’t in any position to do so. She was way worse.
That’s why she was here too, was it not?
“Doesn’t seem like you’re doing such a good job.” 
Immediately after those words were pushed past her lips, she pulled them back in a grimace; realizing just how rude it sounded even though it was unintentional. 
With your eyebrows furrowed at the jab, you scoffed with a not-so-nice murmur under your breath before pulling on the basket once more, rushing to move away from the rude stranger awkwardly as her gaze burned into your already heated skin. 
Why had that comment bothered you so much? You didn’t know.
 But your sour mood was rubbing off on her, you noticed, as she had rolled her eyes before cocking her neck to the left, then to the right to a row of parked cars before her eyes locked on a trash can a couple of feet behind you. She had retreated out of your line of vision, a shuffle of noise being picked up by your ears before a whoosh of air had weaved itself between your now empty hands. 
It was only then when you had blinked your dry eyes that you noticed the basket was missing, having been scooped up in her broad arms with ease as she held it in one hand and pulled on the rusting, metal handle of the laundromat glass door with the other, the bell above it ringing loudly as she turned to look at your awkwardly stiff frame stood in the middle of the sidewalk. 
“Are you comin’?” 
It didn’t take a genius to sense the hesitance that was harbored within you as you continued to stand there, the sun illuminating you in a light glow before you started to move your feet toward her. 
Moving past her, you inhaled the faint scent of her — earthy yet comforting; with a hint of cinnamon mixed with sandalwood and clean soap. Turning your head, you found yourself in dimmer lighting and a cooler atmosphere, glad to finally be out of the scorching sun. 
“So first you insult my strength and then you find yourself wanting to help me?” 
Surveying the empty laundromat, you could hear the small echo of your voice as you questioned her with curiosity, inhaling the scent of different detergents and fabric softeners. If you squint your eyes hard enough, you could spot the small remnants of chewed gum smoothed into the scuffed flooring as it had practically blended in with it from the lack of maintenance the place had received. 
Seriously, who was running this place?
Turning on the balls of your feet in a means to face her, you watched as she set your laundry basket down in front of a washer with a small thud.  “My goal from the beginning was to help you but I didn’t get my point across in a very polite way, did I?” 
“Hm,” You hummed slowly, pretending to think for a second before lifting your shoulders into a shrug. “No, I guess you didn’t.”
Her lips had lifted into a smirk at your snarky response before she jutted her chin outward, nodding in your direction. “Cool shirt by the way.” 
With lips open and ready to respond to the sudden compliment, your eyes quickly scanned across her attire. Throughout the small interaction, you had seemingly failed to notice the dark muscle shirt she wore. 
Five blue mushrooms with pink stems decorated the front, along with a mint-green snake wrapped around the mushroom in the middle. The words ‘Superheaven’ took all the attention in big, bold lettering in a shade similar to Indigo Blue — but not quite the exact color. 
Looking down at your own, you realized that you were wearing the same shirt, and a twinge of interest sparked up in you.
“You listen to Superheaven?” 
The girl raised an eyebrow, “Asking me personal questions already and I don’t even know your name.” 
Rolling your eyes for what was the hundredth time today, you leaned down to pull the washer door open, shoving a handful of clothes in the small circle hastily before slamming it shut, pushing until you heard the small ‘clink’ of the latch as it was now secure. “It wasn’t a personal question.”
Digging your right hand into one of your back pockets, you retrieved a chipping, neon orange card, inspecting both the front and back side, shrugging in satisfaction at the state of it. 
You silently prayed it worked; as you had found it in the depths of your drawer. It had almost faded into the abyss of all the junk in the dusty area as you stared it down. The contemplation on whether or not to save yourself a couple of dollars for half of the bills of your cracking apartment and risk it not working and being fucked — or — spending the money on a good wash and clean but regret it in the hours of the night where you’d find yourself staring at the ceiling in the darkness of your room, mentally beating yourself up for the path you had taken resulting in your financial choices. 
Thus, here you were, sliding it into the beat-up machine that provided small packets of powdered detergent, inconspicuously crossing your fingers in the hope that there was just enough money in there for you to wash your clothes. “Just one someone else would’ve asked you eventually if they haven’t already.” You continued.
Glancing at her from behind your shoulder, a challenging look crossed your features once you had gotten her attention. “Unless you respond to everyone in the same manner you talked to me in and they were put off by that?”
Turning your head toward the machine again, you pressed the dust-covered buttons for your desired laundry soap, watching the price flash in red on the small screen above the keypad as it dispensed. 
From behind you, she cleared whatever blockage was in her throat, the muscle behind her closed lips clicking against the roof of her mouth as she thought of a retort.
“No, just you.” She confirmed, moving her azure eyes from your frame to focus on the task of shoving all of her clean laundry from the large dryer in a white, plastic garbage bag; the material of it ripping as she tried to stuff every article of clothing she brought with her inside. 
You hummed, nodding your head despite knowing that she wasn’t staring at you. “I still didn’t get your name though.” 
She wiped the layer of sweat forming on her forehead, swiping at it with the back of her hand before dusting the perspiration on the denim of the loose jeans covering her thighs. “Abby.” 
It was a curt reply to your statement. A simple — but sweet and short answer that caused the corners of your plump lips to quirk up in a lop-sided smile as you bent down, outstretching your arm to grab the small packet of laundry detergent before retreating to your clothing.
“Okay Abby,” A satisfied look crossed over your features as you decided that you liked the way it sounded after it rolled off the tip of your tongue. It suited her just a tad, even though it wasn’t the first guess you would’ve made if she had asked you to play that sort of guessing game with her. “So, judging by the shirt, I’m assuming you listen to Superheaven?” 
Opening the small, built-in compartment in the washer for the soap, you poured half of the packet, figuring it was just enough to get the job done before closing it. A couple of feet away from you, you could hear the taller girl shuffle around before she sat on one of the chipping wooden chairs; the object creaking with a small groan under all of her weight. 
Watching as she shrugged, you noticed how her tongue broke through her once-closed lips, moisturizing them before she cocked her head to the side. “Kind of? I mean, my girlfriend does. She was the one who got me into them.” 
Your finger stopped above the button to start up the machine only for a fraction of a second before you pushed inward, a small beeping noise filling the tension-filled silence before a rush of water signaled the start of your cycle. 
Settling for a lame, “Oh, nice!” you awkwardly leaned against the dusty metal of the vibrating machine, looking at her freckled face, flushed and shiny with sweat as she focused all her attention on tying the second knot of the bag.
 The old, rusty air conditioning did little to cool the temperature of your body as you glanced around the stuffy area, sniffing lightly from the particles of dust floating in front of you, disturbed from the palm of your hand slapping onto the surface of cool metal behind you. 
Abby kept her eyes locked on the torn trash bag as she stood from her position, back cracking slightly as she stretched her limbs, letting the blood flow regularly through her veins once more. “What’s your favorite song by them?”
“Uh,” You paused, biting on your lower lip, scanning your brain for the songs you remembered from their discography which was only about two albums long. “ it’s gotta be their most known one, I'm not gonna lie.”
Abby hitched the bag over her shoulder without struggle, biceps flexing as she snapped her fingers before holding her other hand out to stop you from uttering your next sentence. “Wait, don’t tell me. Is it, uhh…” She thought for a couple of seconds, pushing wisps of blonde hair that had fallen in front of her eyes behind her ear; opting to angle her mouth to blow them away when that temporary solution didn’t work. “... ‘Youngest Daughter?’”
“Close, ‘Life in a Jar’.” 
“I was on the right track, though.” 
You scoffed playfully, craning your neck in the direction of the impending darkness that awaited you outside, the sun low on the horizon and casting a warm glow of gentle light into the dim, dreary, place. 
“By all means, don’t let me hold you up either.” You expressed, gesturing to the bag over her shoulder which she seemed to momentarily forget about with parted lips, raising both brows in surprise that there was even something in her hand.
It came as a shock to you when she had set it down with a small ‘thud’ once more, pulling her phone out of her back pocket a minute after as it had quietly buzzed in the space of her jeans, warm on both sides from being trapped against two heat sources. You watched with bated breath as she sat again, thumbs furiously typing away on the screen, her lips all but pressed together into a thin line. 
Turning back to your clothing being tossed about in the wash, you focused on the suds of soap sloshing around the hazy water, clusters of bubbles forming before they’d be ripped apart by the force of the splattering water. 
“I was gonna stay here and chat a little longer, but I’m needed elsewhere.” Her words pulled you out of your spinning thoughts, your bottom eyelashes fluttering against your skin as you blinked, clearing your throat.
Before you could speak, the bell above the door rang, and she was out the door with a small ‘it was nice meeting you’ left in her wake as slammed shut behind her, leaving her scent and the previous conversation lingering.
And then you were alone.
━━━━ ◦: ✧✲✧ :◦━━━━
Standing behind the kitchen island, you squeezed the damp, wet rag between nimble fingers, the muscles in your bicep straining to scrub at a particularly stubborn stain on the counter that refused to leave. 
Over these past couple of days, an overwhelming sense of guilt has consumed you. Guilt for thinking about Abby. 
Whenever her face flashed as if it were a film on the reel of your mind, you thought about the short, meaningless interaction you had to remind yourself that she was just a stranger being nice.
Nothing more, nothing less.
So, why exactly did her name bounce in the space of your brain in big lettering, screaming for attention? 
You had no idea. 
Sighing dramatically, you grasped one of the sharp edges of the cool, marble counter with your left hand, scrubbing at the same spot with your right furiously. 
“Are you okay?” 
Freezing in your tracks, you titled your head up to come face-to-face with your roommate, Lorelai, observing how the once relaxed muscles under her smooth skin contorted into that a worried expression as her bare feet padded against the wood flooring. Her eyes never left yours even when she lifted a hand to pull the refrigerator door open, curling her fingers around the handle as she turned her torso to face you. 
You nodded, darting your eyes from side to side as you dropped the rag onto the island, discarding it before leaning your lower back against the edge to fully show your interest in the arising conversation. 
“Yeah. Why?”
Lorelai shrugged nonchalantly, bending down to get a better look at all the drink choices available in your limited supply of groceries; some of which were close to being unusable due to upcoming expiration dates. “I figured I’d ask 'cause you’ve been a little spaced out these last couple of days.” 
Pulling out a half gallon of Orange Juice, she closed the fridge door before making her way to one of the many cupboards in the kitchen, grabbing a glass, and rinsing it with faucet water. 
Tapping your short fingers against the polished marble, you spoke. “I just have a couple of things on my mind, but really, I’m good.” 
You had met Lorelai in your senior year of high school; having sat next to each other in chemistry class unwillingly as you were given assigned seats for the semester. While others sulked with their seating partners, you and the brunette hit it off as soon as her butt touched the chair. She was an extrovert; a bit on the chatty side, wanting to cover any and every ground possible in terms of socializing without crossing any boundaries. As sweet as she was, the girl who only stood at a mere five foot three deemed herself to be just as scholarly, graduating top of her class and valedictorian. 
From then on, you two were stuck at the hip. Spending all three months of summer after graduation vacationing to wherever your near-empty wallets, and even emptier bank accounts allowed. 
She was your best friend; so much so that after your sophomore year in college, you made the big decision to move in together.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully before gulping a large sip of her extra pulp-filled orange juice. “Yeah, okay.” 
She resolved to put her short glass in the sink once she got to it, “So, you know how I uh,”
Her lips pressed into a thin line as if she was debating on letting her next words slide past them. 
After a couple of seconds of her silence, you slowly raised a brow, cocking your neck to the side as tendrils of hair tickled the skin of your shoulder through the material of your shirt; an involuntary shiver being sent down your spine at the movement.
The gasp that left you when she quickly whipped around was low, reverberating in the back of your throat when she stared at you with wide eyes. 
“I have a girlfriend and she’ll be here in like five minutes. I didn’t wanna tell you 'cause I know how you go into mom mode making sure the apartment is clean and I didn’t want you to feel stressed, especially since it’s just her.” 
Parted lips turned into a slack, achy jaw as you took in the rush of words she threw at you in the form of a confession. The cogs in your brain turned a little too painstakingly slowly, your eyes narrowing into slits as her rant hit you right across your face. “Oh, my god.” You chuckled. The noise develops into a maniacal laugh, then you gasped dramatically, “Oh my god!” 
This was her very first relationship. Ever. And you were freaking the fuck out.
For as long as you had known Lorelai; she kept the possibility of meeting someone in a romantic aspect within arms reach; coming to the conclusion that it was something she’d commit herself to once she was ready to make that big of a leap — you guessed this would be the point in her life where that leap was being taken. 
For that, curiosity gnawed at you greedily as you found yourself desperately wanting to know who exactly had her on her high horse; apples of her cheeks rosy with admiration, an equally love-drunk smile and a few extra skips in her already peppy step. 
But as you went to speak, to let your questions flow out of you as the metaphorical dams had been picked up from your mind, letting you gather yourself; there were three, sharp knocks at the front door. 
With a giddy smile on her face, Lorelai ran in place for a couple of seconds, ridding herself of the burst of energy as she looked from you, to the door, then back to you again. “She’s here,” 
Looking down at your attire, you decided that short shorts and a crop top wasn’t suitable enough to be meeting a girlfriend — let alone your best friends, so you pointed a thumb back to your room, heart beating erratically against your ribcage.
 “I’m gonna go change. Open the door.” You whispered, scurrying back to the confines of your bedroom and closing the door behind you. Looking around, you blew out a breath, eying the pink dresser to your right, a couple of feet away from the foot of your bed before shuffling toward it to yank open the third drawer down. 
Ransacking for a pair of sweats seemed to be a hard task on this night out of all nights as you grew increasingly annoyed at the lack of pants you had stumbled upon. The pressure of presenting yourself for Lorelai’s sake in a timely manner compacting tightly, as if to signal that you were treading on thin ice. Loud muffled laughter could be heard, a sound that was slightly foreign to your ears as you shook your head, rifling deeper into your drawer as if it were a bottomless pit.
Seriously, you just fucking washed laundry too.
Your hands ghosted across the waistband of your blue shorts, fingers yanking the material down as to rid yourself of the article of clothing. Sighing to yourself, you bent down to step out of the thin cotton material, throwing it somewhere in your room for you to find later before adjusting the lace of your thong.
 It was one of your favorites; all white with small, red cherries patterned across with a lace waistband. You had gotten it on a self-care day, something that you had spoiled yourself with once in a blue moon for all the hard studying you do. Plus, there was a sale at the local mall in Victoria's Secret; Lorelai had all but dragged you right into it as soon as her brown eyes fell on the sale sign.
Shimmying on your sweats, you were able to pull them up to your ankles before a sudden rush of air hit your ass, goosebumps rising on the once smooth, blemished skin there as you grew stiff, the hairs on your arms raising, tickling the flesh covering your body in a taunting manner as you sighed, preparing to turn yourself around. 
“Lorelai - I said-“
Only it wasn’t your best friend who you were standing half naked in front of; nipples perked through a thin spaghetti strap, lace thong leaving little to the imagination — it was her girlfriend. 
The girlfriend who you saw less than a week ago in the laundromat in all her muscular, blonde-haired glory. 
God, you were fucking mortified.
“Well this isn’t the bathroom.” 
“Obviously not.”
━━━━ ◦: ✧✲✧ :◦━━━━
“She can’t know.”
“Jaime, I can’t kick her out of the apartment for two hours. She lives here too, just a reminder.” With the heat of your cell phone against the tissue of your ear, you maneuvered yourself around the island counter. Bare feet padded against the hardwood of the freshly mopped floors as you opened the freezer door with a free hand, eyes darting across the small space in search of your dinner for tonight. “She’s also not stupid so she’ll know something’s up.”
From the other end of the line, crackling static was all your ears could pick up before she sighed loudly, breaking the beat of silence. “Well, I have to decorate the apartment for her birthday. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't set up a celebration? Can’t you just ask her girlfriend to take her to do shit? Unless she’s one of those whacko types of people. God, I hate buzzkills.”
Rolling your eyes, you outstretched an arm into the coolness of the frosted freezer, digging out a pint of unbranded mint chocolate chip ice cream. “I’m pretty sure she has a couple of things planned. From what I’ve seen so far she’s in good hands.”
“Okay, so what I’m hearing is that the girlfriend’s cool, and there isn’t an issue with her keeping Lorelai out of the way.” Her chirpy voice held a hint of a smile as she shuffled about. You assumed she was gathering her things; keys, purse, charger, and the decorations she had hoarded up in a brown, cardboard box for the past two weeks for this occasion. 
Jaime was a good friend. That was evident from the numerous times she’s run to your side, consoling you in the instances that you’ve cried due to personal happenings… and the group of individuals she’d hang out with. Truthfully, the capacity of your brain couldn’t comprehend the exact reason as to why she rubbed shoulders with who she did, mostly because they had money; something Jaime was practically swimming neck-deep in.
You shrugged, an action accompanied by the edges of your lips which turned into a frown as you focused your attention on the plastic lid of the container, peeling it off with your right hand, the phone still sandwiched between your ear and shoulder blade. “Yeah, Abby’s cool. Bestie approved.”
Three weeks. Three weeks and two days had passed since that bathroom mix-up fiasco, and to say things were tense was putting it lightly, to say the least. After you frantically shooed her away, bent forward and pants mid-thigh, the uncomfortable silence that hung in the air after the door closed had your heart palpitating. It was embarrassing to the point where the blood flowed to your cheeks, causing them to be warm to the touch. When the door had closed after the short exchange of words, you had sat in the corner of your bed, pants still halfway on, and eyes as wide as could be. 
At the time, you had no idea how much time passed when you sat there before finally taking a deep, burning inhalation of breath and pulling the rest of your sweats up your thighs. Wiping your warm, clammy hands on the fabric of them afterward as a means to rid any nervousness and tension that had weaved itself between your muscles. 
Looking back at your past decisions, hiding behind the chipping, wooden door frame that lead to the living room area wasn’t the best idea, as it only made things just a tiny bit more awkward when Lorelai coaxed you from your shell, leaping for you to reveal the look of embarrassment that clouded over your features. The thick fog that compressed your lungs had nearly sent you into cardiac arrest as the three of you stood there in silence, and it had been Lorelai who had been the one to ask if you two knew each other, taking notice of your body language. 
It was Abby who had nonchalantly shrugged and said that the both of you had met a week prior at the laundromat, leaning against one of the countertops, muscles bulging from underneath the t-shirt she wore. 
This was truly a revelation to you and an unexpected one at that.
Out of all people. It had to be her. It had to be Abby.
Shaking your head, you rolled your eyes at how peppy you sounded, setting down your phone on the marble of the island counter. Twisting your body around to pull open one of the many drawers, your fingers flexed, plucking a silver, metal spoon from the small bin, twirling it in your grasp.
Jaime clapped her hands together, mumbling something incoherent to who you assumed was her cat judging from the low, crackled meows that followed. “Nice, I’ll be there in an hour.”
Opening your mouth to interject, you huffed at the beeping that signaled the end of the call, and your very short conversation with Jaime.
 Puffing out your cheeks, you sighed to yourself dramatically, scanning your eyes around the expanse of your shared, empty apartment before stabbing the tip of your spoon in the lush green of the cream, scooping up an extra chocolate chip or two along the way.
It was just you and your thoughts.
 On any other day, you would’ve enjoyed it, sitting in silence; listening to the muffled chirps of the birds outside hidden in green shrubs, the whoosh of wind ruffling trees, and the constant honk of horns at the end of the street. It was a thinking period, a time when you’d plan out your day without having to worry about anything  — or anyone. 
Clearing certain things from your consciousness was a talent, and you pride yourself in your ability to tune out things. It was something Lorelai had learned to live with these past couple of years, even though it still annoyed her to no end. 
Practically throwing yourself onto one of the three wooden stools lined up against the outer end of the island. It creaked beneath you when you leaned back, causing the skin of your lips to pull back into a grimace as you continued to sulk in the presence of nobody else but yourself. 
Shoveling the cold spoon in the warmness of your mouth, the mint flavor seeped onto your tastebuds, melting as you swallowed. The enamels of your teeth were cold from the contact they had with the dairy, a slight throb forming near your gums when you took another bite. 
You had no choice but to text Abby, even though you were deciding against it. After all, you didn’t want Lorelai’s surprise to be ruined and Jaime to hit you upside the head for neglecting the only task you’d been assigned. 
So, with the slightest bit of hesitance, you left your spoon in the container and picked up your phone from the counter, typing in your six-digit password and scrolling through your messages to find her name. 
Her number had been given to you last weekend by Abby herself, who had awkwardly pulled you aside and silently passed you her phone, the contact info option already open, as well as the keypad. Just as you should’ve been — you were confused, very confused. 
In every crevice and dark corner of your mind, there should’ve been a reason as to why exactly she wanted your number, but that question quickly left your mind when you looked at her freckled face, and long, fluttering lashes.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you let your fingers hover over the keyboard as you organized the right words to text in your brain, the sentence a jumbled mess. 
“ decorating the house for lorelai :) keep her occupied for an hour or so, please!”
“ for sure. what time do I bring her back? “
“ four?? I don’t know, around there. “
Receiving a thumbs up back in response, you pressed one of the side buttons, clicking off the screen. 
━━━━ ◦: ✧✲✧ :◦━━━━
“Happy Birthday!” The numerous voices shouted with you, all facing toward the front door where Lorelai stood, Abby in tow. 
It had been three hours since Jaime burst through the door, the box of decorations in hand, giddy with excitement at the opportunity to execute her vision. She had shoved the brown box into your hand, asking you to set it down on the coffee table in the living room as she spun on her heel to start, babbling about where things should go. 
The decoration process went more smoothly than anticipated, and it was because you had just stood in the corner the entire time, watching curiously as she set the house up for the occasion. 
Once Jaime started something, you just had to leave all the work to her, or else it wouldn’t turn out how she envisioned.
“What the fuck? Oh, my god!” Lorelai’s face morphed into one of surprise, a smile overtaking her lips as she clasped her hands together in front of her. “You guys did this all for me?”
From beside you, Jaime raised her hand, “No, just me. C’mere you big goober.” 
The space she once occupied was empty as she met Lorelai in the kitchen area, embracing her in a tight hug before letting her go. 
You watched from your spot near the arm of the couch, as Lorelai’s eyes darted from every party guest and straight to you, a big, lop-sided smile gracing her face as she made her way over to you. 
Your lips curled upward in response, arms outstretched to hold her in your arms. She smelled like freesia and cotton candy perfume, something comforting to you, but not to the point where you could feel all the guilt melting away. 
It was hot on your skin, burning you alive and tainting your very existence, starting from the outside. 
You were a bad friend. A fucking horrible one for thinking about her girlfriend, who looked at you from behind Lorelai’s shoulder with a toothy grin, her irises practically boring into yours. 
“Happy Birthday, Lai.” You muttered quietly into her ear, cheeks warming once she pulled away to look you in the eyes. They were swimming with adoration — something you didn’t deserve.
“Thank you.” She expressed over the chatter, hands interlaced with yours as she swung them from side to side. “This year’s birthday is tied with last year's so far.”
At that, you snorted. “So indoor drinking is better than the carnival I took you to?”
Her brown hair fell over her shoulder as she cocked her head to the side, and just as she opened her mouth to answer, Abby appeared next to her, guiding a hand to the small of Lorelai’s back.
“This looks nice,” Tilting her head to look at the colorful eyesore of streamers, she pressed her tongue against the inside of her cheek, letting her eyes travel from the ceiling to the walls that were littered with pink balloons. A large “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” sign hung across the width of the wall-mounted flat screen tv, decorated with heart stickers to, in Jaime’s words, ‘make it more noticeable.’ although you doubted anyone beside you, her, Lorelai, and Abby had taken the time to look at.
Nodding your head, you fiddled with a loose string at the end of the blouse you had changed into, something a little more modest than you’d usually go for, but cute nonetheless. “Yeah, Jaime did a good job.”
The fast-paced clicking of heels had you turning your head in the direction of the sound. Jaime stood with four wine coolers in her hands, dangling them in the air from the necks as she outstretched one of her arms. 
“I heard my name, so I came with drinks.” 
You narrowed your eyes, the gears in your head turning as you tried to decipher what brand rested in her shaky hands, smiling widely once you realized what they were. “I can never say no to Mike’s Hard.” 
Abby nudged you playfully, nodding her head to agree with you as she took the two glass bottles from Jaime’s left hand. “In my top five.”
Snorting, you turned to her, jaw agape. “Top five? You have horrible taste. Top three at least.”
She shook her head, tendrils of hair falling from her usual fish braid. “My top three spaces are reserved for the hard shit only.”
Rolling your eyes, you shooed her off, watching as she handed Lorelai one of the bottles, leaning down to whisper something in her ear, which earned her a giggle from the brunette as she slapped her bicep.
Averting your gaze from the pair, you sighed, grabbing one of the bottles Jaime held out to you, and popping the cap open with your shirt. Wasting no time, you chugged half of it down, the cool liquid soothing the dryness in your throat before removing it from your lips, licking the saccharine sweetness that lingered.
“Why the fuck are we all standing in a circle? I have a game of beer pong set up in the kitchen, let’s go birthday girl.” Taking her hand, Jaime dragged your best friend to the island counter, initiating a conversation with two other kids from campus for what you assumed was the game. 
You weren’t sure who connected their phone to the portable speaker, but you were grateful that it was no longer silent, especially with the building tension between you and the muscular girl next to you. 
“So,” Abby began, leaning against the wall, leg crossed over the other, “I kind of wanted to talk to you about something.” 
Taking another swig from your bottle, you pulled your eyes away from the crowd sitting on the couches, a very intense match of uno taking place. 
It took everything in you to stare at her straight-faced, despite your curiosity. What could she possibly want to talk to you about? 
You watched cautiously as she focused on the miniature opening of her alcohol bottle, index finger tracing the rim once — twice — three times before she puffed out her cheeks, sighing. “Did I do something?” 
She lifted her shoulders in a shrug, “I don’t know. I’m trying to be friends with you and it seems like that’s not what you want from me. If it’s about what happened a couple of weeks ago, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
Turning your body to face her, you noticed the rosy tint that consumed the apples of her cheeks, beet red and burning. “What common interests do we have other than Lorelai that calls for us to be more than just acquaintances? And I wasn’t embarrassed, I was mortified.”
A dry, airy laugh made its way past her lips. “You and me both.”
“Didn’t seem like you were.” 
“Oh, I was.”
You downed the rest of your ‘Mike’s Hard’, lifting it to your face to observe the label. It was something to keep yourself busy to not stare at her again. Because, fuck, if you stared at her again, you were sure you’d go into cardiac arrest.
“Besides that, as I said, there isn’t a reason for us to be friends.”
Abby raised an eyebrow, staring at you with a hint of curiosity swimming in her eyes. “You said we don’t have any other common interests besides Lorelai, I don’t think that’s the case. What about Superheaven?”
You were surprised, even if your face didn’t show it. She hadn’t forgotten that meaningless three-week-old conversation? Interesting.
“See, the only common interest we have.”
“No, we still have Mike’s Hard to talk about.” She pressed, eliciting a low laugh from you. 
“What? You want us to discuss our favorite flavors?”
Abby clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, “That depends on if you want me to get you another drink or not.”
If this was her attempt at trying to pry a conversation out of you, she succeeded. 
“...Okay, surprise me.”
━━━━ ◦: ✧✲✧ :◦━━━━
As seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, your crowd of friends retired home for the night.
 That left you, Lorelai, and Abby alone in the apartment, separated by walls and your figure hunched over the toilet. 
Mentally, you were slapping yourself at the excessive amount of drinks you consumed throughout the night on an empty stomach. And the cold sweat you were in made it all the more worse for you. 
Lorelai had gotten violently drunk, stumbling all over the place, words slurred and incomprehensible, the world slowly spinning. She was always a clingy drunk. That was evident from the multiple times she had hugged you and Abby throughout the night, drunkenly expressing how much she cared for the both of you, switching between holding both of your faces in the palm of her hands. 
Her actions pierced your soul. She had been nothing but kind to you, showering you with positive affirmations and listening to your rants about things that bothered you, because she cared, she always did. 
You did too, but not in the way she did for you. 
Unlike you, she considered people’s feelings. Especially when it came to relationships, and unbeknownst to her, you were slowly weaseling your way into hers. 
It wasn’t like you wanted to. As the days turned into nights and the process repeated itself, you tried damn near everything you could to get her girlfriend out of your mind. You failed — miserably. 
Clutching the sides of the ceramic toilet, your stomach empties its contents, causing your mouth to taste sour and the saliva to pool at the surface of your tongue, bringing you to swallow back the bile. 
You gasped at the unforeseen knock at the bathroom door, brushing a hand through the knots in your hair. 
“Yeah?” Clearing your throat at how hoarse you sounded, you could hear Abby’s muffled laced with concern as she spoke.
“Are you okay? I heard you throwing up so I brought you some water.” 
Setting your butt down on the tile flooring once again, you brought your knees up to your chest, closing your eyes to see if that would make you feel any better. “I’m fine. You can come in.”
Her broad figure stood in the doorway, a bottle of water swallowed by her right hand as she pursed her lips, closing the door quietly behind her. She stared at you for a couple of seconds, ocean-blue eyes searching your face for any sign of discomfort.
“Don’t look at me like that.” You snapped.
“Like what?”
“Like you’re judging me for not knowing my limits.”
Her face scrunched up, the skin there creasing, as if she ate something sour. “What? I wasn’t looking at you like that. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Bending her knees, she leaned down until she was face to face with you. 
You swallowed thickly, “Where’s Lorelai?” 
Abby lifted a hand to scratch the back of her neck, biceps flexing as she did so. “She’s sleeping. I got her changed and put her to bed.” 
You opened your mouth, “Oh.” 
“Yeah, you should probably lie down, too.”
Waving a hand in her direction, you lazily shooed her off. “No, I-”
There it was. You making an embarrassment of yourself, vomiting for the third time in the toilet bowl, spitting, and pressing down on the handle to flush.
“See, I told you.” She chuckled, amused at your stubbornness and the fact that your face had turned an unappealing shade of green. 
The blonde took the initiative to hold your hair back as you threw up again, liquid this time as you had filled yourself with nothing but alcohol and ice cream earlier on in the day. 
She didn’t know why she was sitting in here with you, you were fine, you could take care of yourself. She should be with her girlfriend, already tucked beneath a thick, warm comforter, drifting off into sleep. 
But here she was instead, with you — someone who she assumed harbored some sort of dislike for her.
To her, that was unfortunate because after she had left the laundromat the day you two met, you were all she could think about. She was filled to the brim with guilt, even without knowing who you were, and when she found out  — hell, it made the battle in her mind ten times worse.
She watched as you lifted your head, tilting your head back against the coolness of the wall, hoping to at least lessen your sickness slightly to eventually pick yourself up from the floor and drag yourself to the confines of your bedroom. 
This was enough for today.
Uncapping the cold, plastic bottle, you let the stream of water slide down your throat, gulping mouthful after mouthful until you were satisfied.
Abby didn’t know why, but she found her limbs moving without her mind catching up to match her actions, hands on either side of her cheeks, thumb brushing over her cheekbones, feeling the heat of your flushed skin against her own. 
She was full of surprises today, and you weren’t prepared for the last one of the night.
It concluded with the flesh of her warm, chapped lips against your cold, wet ones, despite the numerous times you dipped your head in the toilet. 
And just like the bad friend you are, you kissed her back, hard enough to knock her off the tips of her toes and onto her bottom as it came in contact with the tile of the bathroom floor.
She pulled away, looking you straight in your eyes without a hint of guilt giving away how she felt right now, but the hammering of her heart against her ribcage gave you the answer you needed.
“What’re you doing to me?”
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kathiraven · 3 months
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Once upon a time, in the bustling streets of Mumbai, India, there were two strapping lads named Ravi and Rajiv. Both were as tough as nails and had muscles that could rival any bodybuilder. They were the kings of their high school, feared by all and admired by many. But alas, they were not content with just being the best; they sought to rule over all they surveyed, including the nerdy lot that they despised.Ravi and Rajiv strut across the stage, flexing their muscles and tossing their hair. Their days were spent lifting weights, flirting with the pretty cheerleaders, and making fun of the poor unfortunate souls who dared cross their path.
As the scene shifts from the bustling streets of Mumbai to the open seas, Ravi and Rajiv find themselves aboard a pirate ship, their bodies morphing into swarthy sailors. Ah, but fate had other plans for these once proud jocks. One fateful night, while out on a joyride, their car broke down on an old abandoned bridge. Little did they know, this was no ordinary bridge but a portal to another world - a world of pirates and plunder! Suddenly, the boys are surrounded by towering figures clad in rags and wearing eye patches. The captain of the ship steps forward, his voice deep and gravelly. "Welcome to our realm", he growls, "You shall now be known as Captain Ravi and First Mate Rajiv"
As the waves crash against the hull of the ship, the transformation continues. The once-muscular frames of Ravi and Rajiv soften, their features becoming more delicate and feminine. Their clothing morphs into tight-fitting pirate outfits, accentuating their new curves.Captain Ravi and First Mate Rajiv gasp in surprise as they feel their bodies changing. They look at each other, eyes wide with confusion and fear. But then, something strange happens. A warm tingling sensation spreads through their bodies, and suddenly, they're attracted to one another in ways they never thought possible.Their hearts pound in their chests as they realize what has happened – they've been transformed into gay pirates!.
As the sun sets over the horizon, casting an orange glow over the ocean, Captain Ravi and First Mate Rajiv find themselves drawn together despite their initial discomfort.Captain Ravi takes a step closer to First Mate Rajiv, his heart pounding in his chest. He reaches out tentatively, placing a hand on Rajiv's shoulder. The touch sends a shiver down both their spines, and before either of them knows what's happening, they're kissing passionately under the starlit sky.They break apart moments later, panting heavily as they try to comprehend what just happened. But there's no denying the heat between them, nor the way their bodies fit together so perfectly. It seems that even in this strange new world, some things remain constant… like the undeniable attraction between two men who were once fierce rivals but are now falling head over heels for each other.
Rajiv whispers back, "This…this is crazy but I don’t want it to stop". His breath hitches when he feels Captain Ravi's fingers tracing along the length of his throbbing member.Captain Ravi bites his lip, struggling to hold back a moan as he feels First Mate Rajiv's hard cock rubbing against his own. He looks into First Mate Rajiv's eyes and says huskily, "Then let's not stop".
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octuscle · 1 year
The bros at my work have always been dicks to me, calling me stupid and whatever, and recently they've been whispering and grinning at each other when I'm around.
I just found a note saying "Grunt, white boy" in my locker, what does it mean?
Aside from the note, you notice the smell in the locker. But is anything different? The astrophotographs are on the door, your shirts are neatly stacked in case you need a fresh one, no, everything else is the same as it always is. "Grunt, white boy. A bit silly to put something like that in the locker of an Indian-born IT administrator. You make a note in your remarkable to install a security system for your locker.
Some joker also changed your favorites list in the browser. What are you interested in protein powder stores? Or porn sites. If they are porn sites. At least they show pretty naked pretty muscular fellows. Fuck, why does your dick jump at that? Okay, these fellows are really hot! You don't realize how long you've been surfing the NSFW pages until a colleague calls you and asks if you'd like a coffee for breakfast. Shit, you've been looking at bodybuilders for over an hour. And on the side, you bought over $200.00 worth of supplements.
Your colleague says at breakfast that the radical buzzcut suits you. A bit unusual, but suits you. Emphasizes your bull neck. You shovel in the liter of low-fat curd cheese with protein powder that was in your compartment in the refrigerator and nod. Tell your pal something about your training and nutrition plan. He looks at you a bit uncomprehendingly and asks if you want to watch the transit of Venus together with your telescope tonight. You laugh and say that you don't stalk bitches. But with the hot Latino stud from across the street, you're in.
Back at your desk, you're a little unfocused. Taking care of your to-do list is really hard for you. You haven't really accomplished anything yet. But you take your lunch break a little earlier than usual. You get your gym bag out of your locker and take the subway to the gym. Lifting iron will bring you back to the right thoughts.
Yes, you've overstayed your one-hour lunch break a bit. Your boss calls you on your cell phone and tells you to get your ass to the company, there are problems at the wastewater treatment plant. Of course. Always at the squats. You don't bother to shower and change. Wastewater treatment plant doesn't sound like it's a white collar job. So get in your pick-up truck, head to the company, get to your locker and get into your janitorial overalls. And then see where the problem is. Fuck, you literally have to go knee-deep into the shit. So once again the rubber fishing pants over your clothes. The long gloves are helpful, you don't need a gas mask anymore. The other colleagues are wimps, but you grew up on a farm in the Midwest, you are used to slurry and pigsties. And with a well-aimed grip in the shit, you've also solved the problem.
Your cell phone rings again, you take off your right glove and answer it. One of the trucks won't start. You are really the handyman around here. To avoid making a big mess, you walk around the outside of the building. Nevertheless, the people you pass hold their noses. Idiots! Yes, you stink of sweat and feces. But someone has to do the dirty work. The nice thing is that everyone still stares at you. It's clear, in your work clothes your big muscles come out even better. The next tie-wearer who stares at you, you grunt like a pig. Come on, it's true! You're not an animal in the zoo here!
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Nevertheless, the colleagues in the car shed refuse to repair the truck with you. First you have to wash yourself. If they want to, let them get a hose. That's how you did it on the farm, too. You have no problem with that…
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writersmorgue · 1 year
Physical Headcanons ★。+゚☆゚+。
TWs: please read with caution! Discussion of adult bodies (all characters are aged up!) Pictures are included for visual reference. Teen and up audiences.
Featuring: Bakugo, Mina, Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki
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【bakugo katsuki】
This man is solid. The only squish on him is his pecs (He doesn't even correct his friends when they call 'em tits, he's proud of it). He's 6'2 (188cm), not a giant but a decent height to tower over the rest of Japan. His arms and shoulders are broad, tapering down into a slim waist. His hands are large and calloused, veins on his forearms visibly winding into them. He widens back out around his ass and thighs, but they hold nowhere near the power of his upper body. He relies on that area completely for his fighting style and it shows. There's a subtle V line into his pelvis, paired with a trail of fine blond hair that he prefers to shave. Having extra body hair under his suit can be uncomfortable, especially when he works hours upon hours without breaks. He added an undercut to his style during his second year of UA for a similar reason and has kept it ever since. Most of his height comes from his torso and his legs are an average length. Though his thighs are nothing to laugh at, the muscles are impressive even for their lither shape. His scent is something reminiscent of gun smoke and a new car. He prefers baggier clothes, not aiming to draw attention when he's not in uniform. He's sexiest in black and he fuckin' knows it. His lobes are stretched to 18mm, and he has an industrial on his left ear. His nipples are pierced as well "Because fuck you."
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【mina ashido】
She's taller than most of her female colleagues, 5'9 (175cm). With long legs and killer muscles, her lower half carries most of the weight during her hero work. Her muscle build and workouts are similar to that of a hockey player, with her go-to fighting move being to skate on a wave of acid. She has strong abs, helping to keep her balance when she's on unstable ground. She's an absolute powerhouse in the gym, out-squatting most of her coworkers. Her sidekicks love goading the fresh UA interns to challenge her to a spar. Her fingers are long and calloused, and when she's on a break from hero work she always has a set of nails on. Her arms are smaller, but nothing to scoff at. She focuses on fighting and boxing to train them, rather than bulking up. She smells like whatever gum she's currently chewing and she prefers Japanese street style clothes. She has basically every ear piercing you can think of, plus her nipples and naval. Her hairstyle has remained basically the same since school, although occasionally she'll buzz the sides during the warmer months.
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【midoriya izuku】
The shortest, densest, thickest man for miles (possibly galaxies). Topping out at 5'4 (163cm). His fighting style relies mostly on his legs and arms meaning his thighs alone could crush twenty men. He loves to attach himself to people like a bodybuilding koala as a greeting. He was blessed with monster calf genes, they tripled in size during his time at UA. His arms aren't quite as impressive as his legs but don't underestimate them. With the power of OFA, he can easily punch a villain into space. The hottest part about him, though? His confidence. His debut as a pro hero also kicked off his modeling career. Instead of curling in on himself, he announces his presence loudly. He fanboys without shame and flexes for his fans when they ask. He loves showing off his strength, picking his friends up at every opportunity, and carrying them around without breaking a sweat. His undercut and controlled curls help lessen his naïve appearance, though his freckled cheeks and forest-green eyes remain filled with boyish charm. He smells like coffee and old spice. He loves his dumb graphic tees, but his manager forces him into reasonable clothes when he attends events. He's famous for one suit in particular that frames his ass perfectly.
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【ochako uraraka】
Short, thick, and stronger than you. At 5'2 (157cm) she can (and has) take on dozens of enemies at once with ease. Without her her quirk she's capable of lifting triple her body weight, and her back muscles make Bakugo jealous. Her thighs are capable of crushing basically anything you can put between them, and she regularly offers to open watermelons because it flusters everyone watching. Villains have taken one look at her and fled, she is that powerful. She's an anxious nail-biter and her cuticles are always messed up. Nail polish doesn't last an hour on her. She opted for a shorter haircut after second year, though her longer bangs remain with her signature style. She loves athleisure wear and can be found wearing leggings and muscle tanks 90% of the time. Rarely does she attend events she's forced to dress up for. Her stomach is soft and she has a naval piercing with a small planet charm dangling off of it that she never changes. She smells like flowers and rain.
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【todoroki shouto】
One of the tallest in the former Class A, he stands at 6'5 (196cm), although Bakugo claims that's inaccurate. His muscles are lean and lengthy. His fighting style mimics Mina's, and his build is similar to that of a figure skater or swimmer. His abs are envied by all of Japan, and his V-line was the sexual awakening of millions. The carpet does, in fact, match the drapes, not that he advertises it. He grew his hair out after UA, and prefers to wear it loose or french braided down his back. His thighs and calves are lankier, and he focuses his workouts on speed and endurance rather than weightlifting. He's definitely the model of the group. Effortlessly handsome although his style is that of a 14-year-old boy. His stylist regularly steals the cargo shorts from his house, but he just buys more. He owns at least 30 v-neck t-shirts in every color he can find. His redeeming style quality is his hero suit, which was finally swapped out when he debuted to a more sleek design. He smells like a campfire in a snowstorm, more of one or the other depending on which side of him you're standing on. He has no piercings but several tattoos that his costume covers.
Thanks for reading! Reblogs encouraged. No reposts. <3
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dukkedurr · 6 months
I'm honestly purely curious about what the whole "fakeboy" crowd would think of a genuinely masculine trans guy like me. I went on puberty blockers at 12, been on a high dose of T since I was 16 and I'm almost 30 now. I got top surgery (with nipples removed too even), a hystero-ovariectomy (no breeding for me), and a vaginectomy I have a 6inch phallo dick that I use to piss and fuck people with (with silicone balls and everything!), I've been hardcore bodybuilding since I was a teenager so I'm pretty jacked. I'm 6 foot tall, I've never shaved a day in my life and have a full-on beard, a shaved head, a deep voice, narrow hips, sleeve tattoos on both arms and I haven't worn a feminine article of clothing since before I was 10. There is basically nothing feminine about me except my chromosomes is what I'm saying lmao. I've also never subbed or bottomed a day in my life, I don't get off to this shit, but as I said I just have a genuine curiosity and amusement about this kink as a trans guy who does not fit any of the stereotypes repeated here. Would someone like you still be interested in correctively raping and feminizing a trans guy like me? Because I'm ngl, if so that sounds... kinda gay, dude.
Interesting story, I bet nobody has any idea when they pass you by on the street or something. It's funny how many of these "ftm" girls get off on stuff like this, and no, I wouldn't fuck you at all :D I'm leaning more towards the pre-T and pre-OP "ftm" attention whores with big tits and a breeding kink because they're so goddamn easy; they practically beg men for permission to send them pics of their tits and cunts, and who am I to stop them?
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A few weeks ago, my uncle emailed me to tell me that he had won a one month pass for him and a friend to a gym located not far from my apartment, and he asked me if I wanted to use it. Yeah, I said, that would be kinda cool. I had been thinking about joining a gym for a little while now, after I'd gained a bunch of weight over the holidays, and had started eating way more fast food for dinner after my oven broke and I didn't want to pay to get it fixed. We made plans to meet there on the weekend. I realized that the gym was actually 45 minutes away from where my uncle lived, which didn't seem convenient for him. I meant to ask him about that, but I ended up forgetting to do it.
The woman at the front desk was someone I'd gone to high school with, though I didn't realize it at first. She'd become a personal trainer and gotten super fit, so she looked a little bit different.
I went into the locker room with my uncle. I had to change out of my street clothes and into my gym stuff, and I wondered if my uncle was going to take off all his clothes to change, and if it would be weird if my uncle and I saw each other nude. Turns out my uncle just needed to take his sweatshirt and he was good to go. Though underneath he was wearing a stained white t-shirt and his sweatpants were really ratty. It was kind of a cool fashionable crowd, but I guess it didn't bother him.
He asked me what kind of workout I wanted to do, and I told him I was going to focus on cardio, because I was trying to drop a few pounds. I hopped on the treadmill and he headed over to the free weights. After a few minutes of running I wondered - did my uncle know any exercises? He kept wandering around assessing the weights but didn't seem to pick any up. I guess I'd never considered that he might have never done this before. I considered jumping off the treadmill to ask him what he wanted to do but I was in a groove and figured it could wait. Eventually my uncle came over to the treadmill next to me and started doing a slow uphill walk. It seemed like a good exercise for him until after a few minutes he started panting really heavily. Horrible noises were coming out of his joints and his pacing seemed really strange. I was a little bit worried but he went for about 15 minutes and seemed fine by the end. I finished my run and we high fived and it made a bit of a sound.
I didn't bring a towel so I went to the front desk to ask for one. The guy working told me that towels were for Premium Elite members, and I told him I thought I was. He gave me a towel but as he was checking the computer he realized that I was just a contest winner. I didn't offer to give the towel back. The girl I went to high school with looked over from her computer and gave me a weird look. Maybe it was a big deal after all but I figured it was just a towel.
He told me he had thought about inviting his friend John to join the gym with him, but he said that John was getting a divorce, and wasn't easy to hang out with lately, and that's why he asked me.
I figured it might be good for him to do some easy weightlifting exercises. We did some really basic ones, like curls, and the shoulder press. But once we got through those, he didn't seem to have any urgency to do anything else. I was doing a few different things, and asked if he wanted to try what I was doing, but each time he said no, and he just sort of milled about in the area. People kept asking him to move out of the way and one serious bodybuilder guy looked really irritated with my uncle. He wandered over to the weights and had trouble picking up a heavy one and turned around really suddenly and bumped into a very muscular woman doing shoulder exercises. He looked a little embarrassed and quickly retreated to the water cooler nearby. I had a few more things left to do but I got the sense my uncle wanted to get out of there, so my gym visit with my uncle was over.
On the way out I said goodbye to my friend from high school, but she didn't look up from her phone and the front desk, so maybe she was angry at me after all. Not sure I will try to reconnect with her after all. We walked across the parking lot to a juice bar and we both got smoothies. I was ready to get out of there, and I was thinking of what I would say if he offered me a ride home or asked if I wanted to grab a beer or something. But it turns out he didn't offer me a ride home at all, which felt a little strange. I walked back to my place and ate a few chocolate chip cookies before I fell asleep on the couch in my gym clothes.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Ex-bodybuilder world champ lives on street, pawned medals to buy food https://spectator.sme.sk/c/23370826/former-bodybuilder-lives-on-street-pawned-medals-to-buy-food.html
Who's actually had enough from this idiot we have Heard enough. We're tired of listening to him and looking at him he's disgusting person is a moron as well on top of a very stupid he is an insulting person. Telling her son not to be a body builder cuz he'll just end up on the street and since you're threatening with it everyday all day and our son has him killed. And our son and daughter saying there's a process and he goes and he tells him what you're doing and then people kill you two idiots to check and they check and it doesn't matter because of watching anyways but they get rid of you when he asks and it's true too everybody wants an excuse to get people near him off of him and you two are offering your heads up all the time and they get taken you're nothing special you're retarded and you've got a lot of head shots and you get more from doing what you're doing I don't feel bad for you because of this kind of stuff you produce Non-Stop and you get hit Non-Stop and you can't figure it out and you think you're going to go down to win when you've lost most of your life both of you have lost a treasure trove of memories that used to make up what you are and you're no longer there you don't know any math sounds you're a complete idiot people ask you the time of day and you have no idea what they're talking about you're a stupid fish and you think you're smart because you're stupid and don't understand things it's a normal reaction that people live very dumb have.
To tell him not to do it and he doesn't listen to you at all he's annoyed by your stupid continents and we're going to make sure that you can't do it because when you do it we start nailing you and you don't have clothing and you don't have tons of people left it's a matter of fact last night in the West your forces were more or less cut down by about 10% and it's going to get worse throughout the day you'll notice people getting information from you and that's to go after you and cut you to ribbons and yeah they hate you a lot. Not only that but yesterday in the east out there that's huge the temperature is gigantic there's a reason for it you were trying to start trouble everywhere to try kidnap our son and to try enact your plan. Well they all died and you have to start over that's a lot of troops to lose most of them you were attacking the pseudo empire with and they are out in the west 20% and yesterday they were out 20% and tried to recover ed 30% is what the East is out and they did not recover they couldn't get there and they're trying to and they're emptying areas there's another item going on here Stan is seeing you for what you are a complete absolute pig. It's easier for being someone who's very stupid and selfish to the point where you don't care about what happens to you and it's just a matter of trying to be dominant over someone and almost every instance and it is mind-bogglingly angering and he actually said upsetting. There are a lot of people who see you and they know you're an animal and your sisters and animal and they're starting to see that you're just reacting to stuff trying to make it look like you're smart when you are dumber than hell and are going to die. Cuz there's more news and you have a pseudo empire it's not doing well and in the east a very large force is gathering it's bigger than yesterday and it's night time overseas and they will strike all over it was going to be lights out for both of you groups soon and very ridiculous.
Thor Freya
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Elevate Your Performance: Unveiling the Best Bodybuilding Workout Clothes
Introduction: Step into the realm of bodybuilding with confidence and style, as we unravel the world of bodybuilding workout clothes. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the importance of proper attire in maximizing your performance, enhancing your comfort, and boosting your confidence during intense training sessions. Get ready to elevate your workout experience and unleash your full potential with the perfect combination of functionality and fashion.
1. The Power of Proper Attire: Discover the transformative power of wearing the right workout clothes as you sculpt your physique and conquer your fitness goals. Bodybuilding workout clothes are more than just garments; they're tools that enhance your performance, protect your body, and enable you to push your limits with ease. As fitness icon Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, "The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it."
2. Choosing the Right Fabric: Explore the importance of choosing the right fabric for your bodybuilding workout clothes to ensure optimal comfort and performance. Look for fabrics that are breathable, moisture-wicking, and stretchable, allowing for unrestricted movement and efficient sweat evaporation during intense workouts. Whether it's lightweight polyester blends, moisture-wicking spandex, or breathable mesh panels, prioritize comfort and functionality in your fabric selection.
3. Functionality Meets Fashion: Strike the perfect balance between functionality and fashion with bodybuilding workout clothes that not only perform well but also make you look and feel your best. From form-fitting compression shirts and leggings to breathable tank tops and shorts, there's a wide range of options available to suit your personal style and preferences. As fashion icon Coco Chanel once said, "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street; fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."
4. Enhancing Performance and Confidence: Experience the difference that wearing high-quality bodybuilding workout clothes can make in enhancing your performance and boosting your confidence. When you feel good in what you're wearing, you're more likely to perform at your best and push yourself to new heights in the gym. As fitness icon Jillian Michaels once said, "Transformation is not a future event. It is a present activity."
5. Investing in Quality: Invest in quality bodybuilding workout clothes that withstand the demands of your training regimen and stand the test of time. While it may be tempting to opt for cheaper options, investing in high-quality apparel ensures durability, comfort, and long-term performance, saving you money in the long run. Remember, you're worth the investment in your health and fitness journey.
Why Invest in Bodybuilding Workout Clothes? Investing in bodybuilding workout clothes is investing in your performance, comfort, and confidence during workouts. With the right attire, you'll feel unstoppable as you tackle your training sessions with vigor and determination. As fitness icon Lou Holtz once said, "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."
Conclusion: Bodybuilding workout clothes are more than just apparel; they're essential tools that enhance your performance, protect your body, and boost your confidence in the gym. By choosing the right fabric, prioritizing functionality and fashion, and investing in quality attire, you'll elevate your workout experience and unleash your full potential as a bodybuilder.
Are you ready to take your training to the next level with the best bodybuilding workout clothes? Embrace the power of proper attire, maximize your performance, and conquer your fitness goals with style and confidence.
"Transform your life with our website transformative resources and expert advice."
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theuniquestore · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: VINTAGE Sugar Street Weavers Tapestry Sweater Mens Womens American Flag Made USA.
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gaspofficial22 · 9 months
Unleashing the Power of GASP Official: Elevate Your Bodybuilding Journey with Premium Bodybuilding Clothing
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In the world of bodybuilding, where strength meets style, the right clothing can make all the difference. GASP Official stands at the forefront, offering a range of bodybuilding clothing that seamlessly blends performance, durability, and fashion.
The Evolution of Bodybuilding Clothing:
Bodybuilding clothing has come a long way from basic gym attire to a fusion of functionality and style. GASP Official leads this evolution, recognizing the unique needs of bodybuilders. The clothing is not just an outfit; it's a statement of dedication to the iron and an expression of the relentless pursuit of excellence.
Key Features of GASP Official Bodybuilding Clothing:
1. Durability Beyond Reps:
GASP Official's bodybuilding clothing is crafted with durability in mind. Designed to withstand the rigors of intense workouts, these garments ensure that you can focus on your lifts without worrying about wear and tear.
2. Precision Fit for Maximum Performance:
The brand understands that the right fit is crucial. GASP Official's bodybuilding clothing offers a precision fit that enhances your physique, allowing you to move freely and confidently through every set.
3. Style That Commands Respect:
Beyond the gym, GASP Official's bodybuilding clothing makes a bold statement. Branded with the iconic GASP logo, these pieces are a symbol of commitment to the iron and a testament to the wearer's dedication to the bodybuilding lifestyle.
Versatility Redefined:
GASP Official's bodybuilding clothing is not confined to the gym. From hoodies to joggers, each piece seamlessly transitions from workout to street, reflecting the versatility of the modern bodybuilder.
Unleash Your Personal Style:
One of the standout features of GASP Official's bodybuilding clothing is the freedom to express your personal style. The brand offers a wide range of designs, allowing you to curate a wardrobe that aligns with your unique taste while maintaining the performance elements essential for your workouts.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Bodybuilding Experience with GASP Official:
In the realm of bodybuilding clothing, GASP Official emerges as a trailblazer, setting the standard for quality, style, and performance. Elevate your bodybuilding journey with apparel that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Step into the world of GASP Official and let your clothing reflect the dedication, passion, and strength that define your bodybuilding pursuit.
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daastane-musafir · 11 months
Venice Beach Unveiled: A Complete Guide
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Title: Venice Beach Unveiled: A Complete Guide
Introduction :
Venice Beach, a vibrant and iconic neighborhood nestled along the shores of Los Angeles, is a destination like no other. Known for its stunning beach, bustling boardwalk, artistic spirit, and diverse culture, Venice Beach offers a unique experience that attracts visitors from around the world. In this complete guide, we'll take you on a journey through Venice Beach, exploring its rich history, must-visit attractions, outdoor activities, dining options, and more.
**A Brief History of Venice Beach :**
Venice Beach was founded in the early 20th century by Abbot Kinney, who aimed to create a "Venice of America" complete with canals and a Mediterranean flair. While the canals no longer exist, the area's artistic legacy and Bohemian atmosphere live on. Venice Beach became a hub for artists, musicians, and free spirits, contributing to its unique character. Today, it's a mix of the old and the new, a place where creativity and individualism flourish.
**Must-Visit Attractions :**
1. **Venice Beach Boardwalk:** Stroll down the legendary boardwalk, where you'll find a myriad of street performers, vendors, and artists showcasing their talents.
2. **Muscle Beach:** Watch bodybuilders pump iron in the outdoor gym that has been an icon for fitness enthusiasts for decades.
3. **Venice Canals:** While not as extensive as Kinney's original vision, the charming canals still provide a picturesque, tranquil area to explore.
4. **Venice Skate Park:** This world-famous skate park draws skaters from all over and offers a vibrant atmosphere for spectators.
5. **Abbot Kinney Boulevard:** Shop and dine on this trendy street lined with boutiques, galleries, and fantastic eateries.
**Outdoor Activities :**
Venice Beach offers an array of outdoor activities for the adventure-seekers. You can try:
1. **Surfing:** The beach is perfect for surfers of all skill levels, with numerous surf schools offering lessons.
2. **Biking:** Rent a bike and cruise along the Ocean Front Walk or explore the Marvin Braude Beach Trail.
3. **Basketball:** Join or watch a game at the famous Venice Beach basketball courts.
4. **Skating:** Rollerblading and skateboarding are popular pastimes here.
5. **Beach Volleyball:** Play a game on the sandy courts, often hosting local tournaments.
**Art and Culture :**
Venice Beach's artistic and cultural scene is alive and thriving. Don't miss:
1. **Venice Beach Art Walls:** Admire the ever-changing street art displays that line the boardwalk.
2. **Venice Beach Freakshow:** For a unique and eccentric experience, visit the Freakshow, a museum showcasing oddities and curiosities.
3. **Street Performers:** Catch live performances from musicians, magicians, and other talented individuals throughout the boardwalk.
4. **Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center:** Attend readings, workshops, and events at this literary hub.
**Dining Options :**
Venice Beach boasts an eclectic food scene. Enjoy:
1. **Food Trucks:** Try a variety of international cuisines at the many food trucks scattered along the boardwalk.
2. **Beachside Cafes:** Savor fresh seafood while gazing at the ocean at one of the numerous beachside cafes.
3. **Abbot Kinney Restaurants:** Explore trendy restaurants offering farm-to-table cuisine, innovative cocktails, and more.
4. **Canal-side Dining:** Dine with a view of the canals at picturesque waterfront restaurants.
5. **Street Vendors:** Taste local specialties like churros, acai bowls, and fresh-squeezed juice from street vendors.
**Shopping :**
Venice Beach offers an array of shopping options. Find unique and stylish:
1. **Boutiques:** Abbot Kinney Boulevard is a shopping mecca with trendy boutiques selling fashion, art, and jewelry.
2. **Venice Beach Flea Market:** Shop for vintage clothing, art, and antiques every Sunday.
3. **Artisanal Crafts:** Explore local shops selling handmade crafts, jewelry, and other one-of-a-kind items.
4. **Boardwalk Vendors:** Browse through a variety of items from jewelry to clothing at the boardwalk stalls.
**Conclusion :**
Venice Beach is more than just a destination; it's a way of life. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and a wide range of activities and dining options, it's a place that captivates the soul. Whether you're a visitor or a local, Venice Beach promises an unforgettable experience where artistic expression and individualism thrive by the ocean's edge. Come, explore, and unveil the magic of Venice Beach.
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physiquebodyware · 1 year
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Guy’s if you’re aged between 21-45 and would like to be considered, get in touch with us Now! This is a great opportunity for ANY-BODY who loves bodybuilding, cross fit, health and fitness. Physique Bodyware recently began work on their newest Product Line filled with tons of new styles, colors and fabrics and we’re in search of aspiring bodybuilders, fitness athletes and gym rats to represent our brand of bodybuilding apparel, street wear and workout clothes. No experience necessary, as long as you’re confident and in great shape,  you could be the next face of Physique Bodyware to represent our brand worldwide! Physique Bodyware is a well established brand, and clothing manufacturer made in America, we’ve been around since 1990 and have featured some of the best Physiques on the planet wearing our gear!
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the-tigr0u · 2 years
【𝐾𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑜 𝑆𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟】
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F U L L  N A M E
-Klaro Adam Sliver-
-Man or Herm-
-28 y.o.-
-29 of April-
A S T R O L O G I C A L  S I G N
-♈︎ Aries ♈︎-
-Adam Sliver (Father)-
-Brooke Sliver (Mother)-
-Klara Sliver (Twin sister)-
R E L A T I O N S H I P  S T A T U T
-Easy to access as a sex-friend-
-Needs more time for a serious relationship-
P R O F E S S I O N A L  S T A T U T
-Go out from jail after 8 years-
-Collect small jobs (Bartender, waiter, musician, stripper)-
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"- P u l l i n g  o n  y o u r  l e a s h ,  y o u ' r e  b a r k i n g   -
-  S e t t i n g  y o u  f r e e ,  y o u r  v o i c e  y o u ' r e  l o o s i n g   -"
♔〘  lƠƠƘՏ 〙♔
-Shaved on the sides-
-Tied in a ponytail-
-Can wear a bang-
-Deep and piercing gaze -
-Pale and matte-
-1m88 (6,1 ft.)-
-88 kg (194 lbs.)-
-Well built-
S C A R S / M A R K S
-Hands covered with scars-
-Scar on the left calf, because of a dog bite-
-Wings in the back-
-Wing under the right ear-
-Cross under the left ear-
-Arrow on the side of the right hand-
-Industrial on the left-
-Lobe from both sides-
-2nd lobe on the left-
-5 Helix on the left-
-3 Helix on the right-
-Conch on the right-
-Snug on the right-
C L O T H I N G  S T Y L E
-Classical and relaxed, shirts, pants and jeans-
-Costumes with a tie for great occasions, usually with the jacket on his shoulder-
-Can wear "atypical" clothes, doesn’t hesitate to mix masculinity and femininity-
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"- C r o s s  m y  h e a r t  a n d  h o p e  t o  d i e  -
-  I  c a n ' t  f u c k i n g  s l e e p  a t  n i g h t  -
-  B l e w  u p  f o r  t h e  t h o u s a n d t h  t i m e  -
-  G u e s s  I ' m  a l w a y s  l u c k y ,  r i g h t  ? -"
-Refuse to get dominated-
-Franc, he doesn’t hesitated to say things as they truly are-
-Can easily become vulgar-
-Clear and direct-
-Provocative and playful-
-Clever, even though he mostly uses his muscles, he’s far from being an idiot-
-Can be serious and compassionate-
-Once you get to know, and if he likes you back, he’s a very nice guy-
-Can become violent, usually punch before talking-
-Can be a real b-word if he doesn’t like you-
-Caring and attentive-
-Seductive, but always respectfully-
-Agoraphobia (Fear of not being able to move anymore)-
-Cynophobia (Fear of the dogs)-
-Claustrophobia (Fear of tiny spaces)-
-To sing and music-
-To play guitar-
-To travel-
-To cook-
-To act and theater-
- Music - Cat - Forests and mountains - Sex - Enjoy his life - To sing- To fight - Action and adventure movies -
- Strenght inequality - Lack of respect - To be held when he wants to figt - Not doing anything when something needs to be done - Cowards using people around them to survive - Cinnamon - Dogs -
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"- A n d  I  w o n ' t  l e t  m y  i n s e c u r i t i e s  -
-  D e f i n e  w h o  I  a m  -
-  N o t  g o n n a  w a s t e  m y  l i f e  -
-  ' C a u s e  I ' v e  b e e n  f u c k e d  u p -"
-He is convinced that he saw a Bigfoot when he was a kid, during a trip with his father in the forest.-
-He really likes having sex, and he’s very open-minded about it-
-He’s doing a lot of training, using bodybuilding or combat sports. Lately, Klaro has also focused on Parkour-
-He owns a cat he found in the streets, named Onyx-
-He is a fan of YUNGBLUD and Machine Gun Kelly-
-His voice : Jonathan Young-
-His avatar : Mitchell Wick-
F U L L  P L A Y L I S T  H E R E
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