#bodyhorror tw
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Rereading Resigned, Though Not To Fate by @crit20art again and, see, I know the point of it is the 'bad end' posited at the end of Jon's section could never happen and that's like, the point of the fic, however the idea of it lives rent free in my head so I did a doodle about it (plus some rudimentary color)
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gauzyguts · 6 months
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what if they were goth
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freneticsir · 2 years
Today I want to introduce you my Sweet Sexy Alien Queen, Isay 😌💅❤️🔥✨
WARNING: there is A LOT of text xD (they’ve got some huge lore..)
Isay is a 2.53m nonbinary (any pronouns) polyamory, demisexual, pan(romantic/sexual) Noodle from my closed species, Sirises, humanoid intersex oviparous fire magician aliens 🫶
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4167 years old, slightly mad, altruist, survivalist, drifter, has no instinct of self-preservation, adores comforting their lovers and calling them with cute nicknames (and kinda intentionally pissing them off this way) xD Loves children and dreams to born their own child 💔 They was a good loving parent for adopted children many many times in the past 😌
Isay’s age - is too much even for Sirises (500-2000 is norm), but due to one tragic event - Isay simply can't die, and regenerates no matter what. As a result, Isay’s memory is damaged and scattered: sometimes Isay happens to forget big parts of their life, or even who they are, what they are, and where they came from. Isay has a ‘memory-keys’ collection to keep their memory in order: a close people's photos from past + short notes, a round glasses collection including even really aged ones, and even collection of cold gun and bullets which Isay was ever wounded by xD
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Isay falls in love very easily, yet is floating between demisexual/asexual ~ They don't ‘need’ intimacy, but might get interested if evolve a deep trustful relationships with someone. Isay’s sexuality depends of MANY things, including Sirise’s specific features, so, Isay’s current partner, Zack (24 y.o. human boi), is the first person who Isay got interest to try intimacy with ~ All Isay’s relationships before were platonic only ~
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Isay doesn’t care about gender and is comfortable with any pronouns but prefer to be free in terms of self-representation ~ While living among humans, Isay mostly goes by he/him pronouns due to people’s perception of Isay as a male xD But there were a times when Isay was perceived as female as well, so they used she/her pronouns ~ Not a big deal for them ~
Isay has a very tender, melodic, androgynous voice which they love to use 😎 As a voice claim I can attach this song where the singer’s voice is quite sound like Isay’s ~ But mostly I just love to change female singer voice’s pitch and imagine like that’s Isay singing xD
Isay sings whenever it's possible, and generally they is the one who would sing ‘Queen - I want to break free’ while vacuum cleaning the house, or just a random meme song as an OST for situation in which they is happened to be like if they live in a musicale xD💦 And yes, they love to rickroll ppl :D
Isay really loves misadventures, it makes them feel at least something 💀
Isay is good at sewing/knitting due to their clothes is MUCH prone to be ripped, burned and generally destroyed xD Also they love to knit a sweaters or scarfs for their beloved ones ~ Personally, Isay loves to be SLAY Queen, so their outfits are often quite extravagangeous 💅🔥✨
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Isay is really flexible (Sirise’s feature) and good at dancing, especially pole & bellydance ~ Generally Isay is a wide range freelancer, and sometimes (among countless professions including some deadly ones) they gets hired in the clubs as a dancer ~ Isay never feels embarrassed about it or shy, moreover, they enjoying the process and feels pretty under the viewer's eyes ~
Despite of mostly asexual lifestyle, Isay is hell good at kissing and really loves to do it ~ It soothes them and gives them dopamine in some meanings. They also love touches by the same reason ~ 
Isay is a hell good shooter, but they shoot only for self-defence and avoid to hurt people (until one angsty episode break them in the story 💀) ~ Isay also likes to take away guns from ppl (and keep those as souvenirs) so they can't hurt anyone xD
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Isay is GOOD at cooking and loves it, especially if cooking for their loved people ~ They’ve even written a field recipe book and proudly using it ✨ many of their recipes involve insects 😀 Sometimes Isay also gets hyperfixated on making molded cheese and herb teas and loves to go wild with experiments.. sometimes the results might end up not much s(safe)uccessful 🤪
Isay is kinda into orange food, like, oranges, carrot etc xD
They just feel like eat orange stuff :D But in general the main point for Isay is just to have it edible because honestly Isay’s stomach can burn even trash, so, in worst times Isay can eat spoiled leftovers, wood or even sand to just suppress the hunger :D So if you feed them literally ANYTHING edible - they will much much grateful ~ But most likely they’d rather cook a dinner for everyone by themself, if you offer them some ingredients ✨
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lil vid about their fav foods ~
Isay has special eyes (👁️ ͜ つ👁️)
This isn't native for Sirises and came from parasite Isay got in the past (something between Leucochloridium paradoxum & Сordyceps unilateralis). Isay removed the parasite's ‘core’, but the ‘roots’ has merged with Isay's body and changed their DNA forever 💀 Isay has a creepy-long tongue due to the same parasite 👁👄👁 The vid about parasite is in the end ~
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Isay is a fire magician (can produce/control/swallow any fire), so their body temperature is higher than human’s: near 45c and might grow to hell high. When this happens - Isay ‘cries’ blood (it hurts..) due to literally boiled blood & bursted eye capillaries 💀💔
Isay's bodytype depends from hydration level only ~ Sirises have evolved a liquid-saving tissue instead of adipose tissue: mostly located on tail, hips, booty and boobies ~ So the more hydrated is Isay = the more they soft and curvy ~ And the less they is hydrated = the thinner. Tail wideness changes too ~
They purr 👁👄👁
Sirises have a feature that may be named as ‘hyper-empathy’: they can feel if a person has ‘bad’ or ‘good’ vibes towards them: friendly/hostile, likes/hates, happy/miserable, relaxed/scared etc.
Also they might adopt other's emotions or multiply their own, if they feel the same. It doesn’t depend on Sirise's will with other species (only with other Sirises) and may be much traumatic psychically. By this reason, Sirises are mostly a vegeterian specie and they won’t eat / exploit life forms which are evolved enough to feel pain and emotions. Isay follows that diet as well ~
But Isay personally - is no longer able to feel emotions by itself by the exact same reason why they have became Immortal. Generally, they needs to live among people to be able to have any feelings. So, basically, Isay is kind of empty vessel and is obligated to co-exist with humans (or other species) in a sort of symbiotic relationships. Otherwise, Isay would slowly fall into sort of catatonic state of mind for god knows how long. An opposite effect: they might get overwhelmed by people’s emotions around if those are too intense (fear / euphoria / grief / etc) - and this may cause them a mental breakdown and even seriously damage their sanity 💀
Isay's ears has a lot of nerve endings which helps Isay anticipate weather/atmosphere pressure/wind changes, and generally their ears - are their main organs in terms of their hyper-empathy ~
Due to this - their ears are VERY MUCH sensitive for someone's touches ~ It may be really pleasuring with loving person which Isay trusts, but it will be much painful with unfamiliar person which Isay doesn't trust, and especially if person has bad ‘vibes’ or is simply hostile ~ This involves any sorts of interactions: from a simple touches to injuries and works only in terms of ‘someone’s’ touches. If ears are touched by an item (hat, pillow, etc) there wouldn’t be much trouble, but if the same item touches Isay’s ears while being held by a person - then the trouble starts xD
Isay's hair is super coarse (Siris feature) so it’s always kinda messy and spiked ~ But it becomes curly and fluffy when Isay falls in love, and SUPER curvy when Isay is aroused ~ In opposite: hair becomes straight and heavy when Isay feels unwell mentally and physically 💔
Isay’s tail is ‘meaty’ and it’s tip can serve as additional ‘hand’ ~ Also, those fancy things on the base of the tail are not fur but fleshy soft scions which serve as liquids storage as well ~ When Isay's body is hydrated well - they're bigger, but when the body is dehydrated - they almost disappear 💦
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Isay is a MONSTER because u know what??
They LOVE onion's juice!! It doesn't hurt them!! Quite the opposite: it CALMS their eyes after blood crying so Isay uses onion juice as eye drops!! And yes.. sometimes Isay smells like roasted onion.
Never give them anything with caffeine 💀
Any food/drinks which contains caffeine affects on Isay's specie like heavy alcohol or drugs, so Isay have to avoid it to act sanely <:D
Also, energy drink can affect them like aphrodisiac (depends of circumstances) 👁️💦 
On the other hand: no any human addictive things doesn't affect Sirises. But they will get heavily dizzy and might even black out if you smoke cigarettes near them 💀
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WHOOOOSH.. I hope I didn't forget for now 🤣💦
Thank you for coming to my OC TED Talk 👁👄👁🫶❤️✨Next time I’ll tell about Isay’s polyamory family.. or Sirises! depends xD💦
As the final gesture, here is a vid about Sirises (shortly) ~
P.S.: my apologies for the wrong term I used for Sirises as an intersex specie, I was uneducated and wasn’t sure how I should call the specie which has both reproductive systems fully evolved, so I went by obviously outdated term 💀💔 but now I know 🔥
~ and a vid about Isay’s parasite ~
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vialdovi-artstuff · 2 years
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disc0-hospital · 1 year
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I would draw something like that five years ago Idk It feels kinda bland to me now I was bored tonight
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nightfall-ophidian · 9 months
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the-wheat-zone · 2 years
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Words cannot describe how happy I am that Deadspace has such an amazing remake! It’s one of my all-time favorite comfort games. So of course I had to do some fanart <3
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pomegranatebat · 2 years
Bored at work? Having a bad day?
Draw undead santa.
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The M in Martin stands for Monsterfucker
Workin' on my own "Jon goes through physical changes in each of the domains" thing but making all of the changes the absolute WORST possible. Dunno how understandable my sketches are, but thought the Tumblr crowd might appreciate The Hunt! Me rambling under the cut
The Hunt is supposed to be less of just "RANDOM BEAST" and more a slightly animalistic version of what Jon's victims would be afraid of. Covered in eyes with a mouth that can pop you open like a tin can and rip out all of the juicy bits inside. Silent. Always watching. It's also kinda supposed to represent the separation between Jon's (perception of themself as) "monster" half and "human" half. Obviously intrinsically connected and inseparable. The more "human" side eyeless and atrophied, the "monster" the dominant. Anywhoozle if I ever take this PAST sketch I'll repost it
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gauzyguts · 10 months
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bigwingedrat · 2 years
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freneticsir · 2 years
sometimes you’re a Queen 😔💅✨ but sometimes.. you’re a Trash Cryptid 😌💅🔥
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aaronymous999 · 1 year
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Aaron Allan/Spider-Man and Mark Allan/Molten Man concept designs!!
Why does The Molten Man look like The Thing? I really wanted to empathize the body horror aspect, in color he’s supposed to be like volcanic molten lava which he can control similarly to Sandman. He only gets into this state when his emotions run rampant, and bottling up his emotions specifically ( which Mark does OFTEN ) is kinda supposed to be shown in this design almost as if his emotions are ready to burst.
Aaron’s design is specifically based on a type of Spider, forgot the name but it’s a big guy with spikes and is white, black and red. Aaron got the powers of this spider including prickly hairs on his skin and limited vision. Before he got bit he had 20/20 vision but now he’s legally blind without them. ( reversal on old spidey tropes ehhh?? )
Also tried playing around with shape language particularly with Aaron, who’s based around squares.
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mintybagels · 7 months
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ahahahah yea i got that real podcast brainrot now folks
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unyazzzzzz · 4 months
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appri-dot · 3 months
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"I'm hideous"
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