#bog answers
ieatmoonrocks · 3 months
Another MHA shifter here:
Would you be okay with me scripting impulse into my dr as a pro-hero?
Literally one of the coolest things I've ever seen on this website and also physics kind of based hero. I am a science nerd.
Yes!! That would be so cool! I'm glad you like her enough to consider her for your dr.
Also glad to meet a fellow science nerd!
If you want any more info about her just let me know.
Happy shifting!
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canisalbus · 11 months
Love your art so much. Will you show us cool nature pics from your country? I'm literally so stoned I forgot where you live sorry.
Sure anon, why not. I'm not a photographer so the quality of these is kind of slushy at best. I like nature and wander around a little bit, but I rarely hike properly, so I don't go to that many scenic places. These are mostly from regular walks. Long post warning.
Summers are short but very green, and since we're at the arctic circle we get sunlight around the clock. Some of these were taken at midnight or early morning small hours. Most of Finland is very sparsely populated and covered in boreal forests.
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Finland is a very watery country, lots of lakes in particular.
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Sometimes you get intense sunsets
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And winters are very cold, snowy and last about six months. In summer we have midnight sun and in winter there's the polar night to counter it. Around late December sun only rises for about two hours per day where I live so it's very dark for many, many weeks on end (which is wonderful if you get seasonal depression like I do). But sometimes the weather and lighting are just right and you get this ethereal pastel effect that I love.
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markscherz · 4 months
Hello! I'm currently in Barbados and have seen a few herps so far!
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Any ideas on ID?
Beautiful creatures!
The frog is Eleutherodactylus johnstonei
The gecko is Hemidactylus mabouia
The anoles are Anolis extremus
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bogcreacher · 3 months
Whats astral's deal?
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oh yknow
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 3 months
i think of this tweet every fucking time i watch this scene
video description and transcript in replies
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tswwwit · 1 month
I’m so thrilled to see an active BillDip blog and writer. Day made!
Thank you! This fandom resurgence is pretty thrilling for me, too. I've been a weird hermit living in my little hut in the bog, only to find out wow! There are people from other villages who are interested in the bog! Come and view my assortment of peats and mosses.
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charmac · 1 month
Do you think Mac has jacked off while reading the Bible? Or is he too ashamed? Or does the shame just turn him on more? Are the pages of his Bible all stuck together?
Oh, I don't think; we know:
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(Pages stuck together, thanks for the confirmation, Charlie)
I think the shame definitely turns him on more, considering Mac Day:
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And, the connected punishment, lest we forget The Gang Goes to Hell... (and the script here... whew)
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While he was repressed then, he wasn't as of Charlie's Home Alone, so I think it's clear to claim that a part of his "homosexual awakening" was connected to the fact that he was gradually getting more and more into the idea of being punished (gone sexual) for his sins, to a point where he was just genuinely jerking off to the "evils of homosexuality"
I do wanna continue here though and say Season 15 is pretty interesting because we see Mac battle between being Catholic and proudly gay. He seemingly has no issue bragging to a Priest in the middle of a church that he's into triple penetration, but it is his sex life that is the driving "reasoning" for why he thinks he should become a Catholic Priest:
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He's been "S-ing&F-ing" his way though life for too long and now he thinks God has taken away one of his identities (Irish) as a result. Mac's idea of being punished by/for God continues, but it's now through the form of revocation (as opposed to shame or flagellation). I think there's a clear "connect the dots" idea that depriving himself of sex (via becoming a Priest) is an "evolved" form of allowing God to punish him for being gay.
Obviously Mac learns he was lied to, as he actually is Irish, so his "journey" here is a bit of a wash, but the fact that his rationale jumped to God punishing him for having gay sex still stands. As he grows to accept himself, he's still looking for ways to feel shame (which, as we've seen, gets him off)...
But is the constant seeking for some form of punishment still there? We didn't see much of his Catholicism in Season 16 (I think the only mention of God from Mac was in The Gang Gets Cursed), but we did continue to see his sex life and—well, that was pretty heavy on Mac, openly gay dating, somehow managing to be neglected and deprived of actual gay sex, wasn't it?
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Laughingstock Lives in My Head Rent Free because Of You (/pos)
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theminecraftbee · 7 months
Can’t wait to see which mcyt gets headcannonned as the new skelaton, (like how people did glare!bdubs despite it not even being in the game lol) who’s your bet for being mushroom skellified?
stressmonster. she just has the vibes.
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bringthekaos · 4 months
It's funny how Viktor RADIATES Dom energy and Jayce looks and acts exactly like a guy who still hasn't figured out that he needs to be put on his knees and pegged and therefore doesn't know how to ask for it
SERIOUSLY THOUGH. Jayce very much gives me “wants so many things but struggles to ask for them” vibes. And especially considering the society he grew up in, where the value of a “house” is based on what they can give to the world. But like… his mind is always running so fast, and often what he needs is to just be mindless for a few hours. To entrust himself and his body to someone and just let all of it go.
And chu buddy, does Viktor give off those dom vibes. Just the way he was always depicted as so slow and precise, calm and collected when working on a project (even a dangerous one).
Like… looooook at himmmmm
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I just KNOW he can have even the strongest of men begging for it.
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indigopoptart · 5 months
gonna get back into the swing of things with!! some faces I did a bit ago!!!
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+ closeups and oc creds under the cut!
the welcome home guys ofc <3
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some of my guys!
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(Niebla belongs to both me and @akemima ! <3)
And now, some friends’ ocs!
Lady belongs to @gremliinsart, Keira belongs to @funonion001 !!! :3
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Sundown belongs to @carnivalcarrion !! <3
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Damon belongs to @sammysun , Wizard belongs to @akemima !! :33 <3<3
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markscherz · 5 months
Hello Mr Scherz! I don't know how you feel about receiving images, but I would like to show you my young man. This is Pancake. He's a pacman frog. He likes locusts and trying to bite me. Thank you for your time.
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Yup, sounds like your bog-standard Ceratophrys to me.
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bogcreacher · 5 months
New horsts new horsts!! *kicking my feet like a schoolgirl* tell mw more about them
I’m so sorry, in all honesty I just wanted to design some LeafWings. They were originally adopts but I got self conscious about how scruffy they are lol
I know Clearwing at least is connected to Blackjacket and Calyptra’s story somehow. Once I’ve finished the third arc and brainstormed a bit I’ll let you know 👍👍
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electrozeistyking · 4 months
I am so incredibly curious about N and Uzi before…. N had to kill her…
What was life like as a married drone couple? How did they do their wedding? How awkward was the conversation about having a kid?
I’m also curious about V in this AU, what are her thoughts on all that’s going on… N killing Uzi, N having a kid, N being fricken’ depressed… She was a broken individual in the canon, is she still just as broken here? Has she healed from all that the solver’s but her through?
sorry for the many questions, but as an obsessive individual you have crafted the perfect thing for me to obsess over and i am dying for more content lol.
p.s. are there more fics to come? Ik ya only have the one prologue rn, are more chapters on their way?
Hey, no need to apologize for being curious! I quite like the amount of questions! Tells me you're interested in the AU, y'know? Anyway, let me dig up some old notes!
These aren't the full notes, though. A lot was cut, especially if they involved spoilers and/or if they made this go on for too long.
Everything was as fine as it could possibly be on this frozen, toxic exoplanet. Hell, this stretch of fine-ness went on long enough that one of them decided to propose to the other.
And by one of them, I mean Uzi. 
This is based on some observations (aka the hand holding thing in Episode 6), but N was a major fucking dork when V asked him if he was thinking about proposing to Uzi — y’know, saying things like “I don’t know if I should” and “maybe she doesn’t want to go that far” and “maybe we’re fine as is?”
Then meanwhile Uzi’s been drawing up plans on how the hell she’s going to propose to this tall ass robot.
In the end, she kinda threw it all to the wind and decided to do so with no big events or plans or anything. She kinda panicked, though, so she said “Do you wanna marry me?” instead of “Will you marry me?”
N nearly short-circuited trying to say yes. He was kind of having a “Oh my goodness, this is happening????” moment and a “OH SHE DOES WANT TO GO THAT FAR” moment at the exact same time, so something may have literally sparked.
[...] there was a funny period of time where the duo kept very suddenly realizing they’re married, like it didn’t actually sink in until that moment. 
In fact, N exclaimed “oh my goodness” and leaned against something every time it occurred to him.
Unfortunately, the good fluffy times couldn’t last forever. 
You see, one way or another, our beloved robotic dorks somehow found themselves on the topic of having a kid. The conversation itself was fine, if slightly awkward at first (what with N being unsure he’d be good at parenting, anyway). However, just as they reached the peak of “hey, would they be more disassembler or more worker” jokes, Uzi started coughing. 
Which is not normal for any kind of drone. Unless they accidentally swallow something wrong, or if the air’s a bit too thick for whatever reason, drones don’t cough for seemingly no reason. And yet, despite how odd it was, both of them tried to brush it off.
In a brilliant moment of jumping to conclusions (even if they’re the right ones), Uzi realized that The Solver was trying to take over her body.
In a panic, N tried to help any way he could, but felt like he was doing nothing in the process. Uzi just kept getting worse, and every time they landed up empty-handed, the thought he was failing her stung even more. 
V tried to help as well, out of fear over what that thing would do if It took over (and because she did think of Uzi as a friend, even if she’d never admit it to her face).
When The Solver started hijacking her body during one such search to find a way to stop It, Uzi realized it was all over for her. 
Whatever this thing was — whatever It wanted — wasn’t good. And so, in a moment of desperation and panic, she came up with a plan to destroy It. Hopefully, if everything worked in their favour, It’d be gone once and for all.
Of course, its success banked on N’s cooperation. Since V split off from the duo this time, he was the only disassembly drone who could possibly carry it out. Predictably, he tried to decline at first, seeing as the plan was to kill Uzi and destroy her core.
However, when Uzi explained that this was the only way to get rid of this fucking thing, N reluctantly agreed. Despite being incredibly painful, he brought out his laser gun (which is what I think it is, shut up) and the couple had one last heartfelt goodbye.
But then, just as N went to shoot her, the laser turned an awful shade red he’s never seen before and started malfunctioning — something that’s supposed to rarely ever happen. N panicked, calling out Uzi’s name... right before the weapon exploded.
V felt the vibrations of the explosion from where she stood and immediately rushed to N and Uzi’s location. She assumed that something went wrong, but what she saw was not what she expected.
Uzi was dead. 
There was a Fatal Error message on her visor, as clear as day. She was in multiple pieces, with a hole in her chest right where her core was supposed to be — having most likely imploded, thanks in part to The AbsoluteSolver’s weirdness.
While N was alive, his body was in rough shape. He’d been split in two due to the blast, and his chest had been cracked wide open. Judging from how dark smoke billowed from where one of his hands should’ve been, something had gone completely wrong. 
But how? There was a very small chance their weapons could malfunction, and yet... what the fuck happened?
V chose not to dwell on it too long. N’s body wasn’t regenerating on its own fast enough for some reason, and he was losing a shit ton of oil at an alarming rate. 
Fuelled by pure adrenaline, V somehow managed to carry both of N’s halves and all of Uzi’s pieces back to the Outpost.
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madrabit · 7 months
omggg for bojance 36, 29 because i need exposition............ also 27. you know why
Uhh, yessss, I'm very happy to talk more about BoJance!! And yes, obviously I do know why 😂 (sorry for taking so long to answer tho!)
27. Craziest place they had sex?
Since they are three guys, there are a lot of places they have had sex (the studio, the laundry room in their apartment basement pffppfpfpfpf), but I think I'd split it, cause there are varying levels of craziness.
So, BoNace: the gym.
BoJan: a cinema bathroom
Jance: St. Luke's backstage area
And for all three of them together: Kris's flat (don't tell him tho, he'll go crazy). Might not be the most risky or public, but definitely the craziest for them.
29. First date? (Give as much or as little detail)
They spend a lot of time together, even before becoming their power throuple, so it's really gradual, but as soon as they cleared the air and officially started dating, they had a nice little date in a sushi steak club. (I won't tell you where, cause that would be spoilers, but it's probably not where you expect it to be pfpffppf)
36. Who's the more protective?
Ngl, I think they are all very protective, but in different types. If we take it very literal and it's about a situation, then I think Bojan would probably be the first to throw fists if someone said something stupid to either Jan or Nace (especially since he probably wouldn't get taken seriously, cause he do be tiny), but Nace would immediately try to be a mediator (and make absolutely sarcastic and cunty remarks dressed in nice words), while Jan just stares unnervingly without blinking.
But in general, I think Jan might be the most protective one out of the three, cause he manages their socials most of the time and reads all the stuff ppl say about them. And as we know, there are a lot of things being said that are just unnecessarily mean and hurtful even if they are meant as a "joke", especially towards Bojan. So I think he would definitely would try to keep that from both, no need to throw that onto someone who clearly should not be bombarded with hate.
That doesn't mean Nace is less protective tho, since he also doesn't like seeing Bojan (or Jan) sad,cause lets face it, anxious and sad puppy is no fun. But he would definitely deal differently with it than Jan would. So maybe the point of them all being very protective of each other in different ways is still very applicable here, they just have different ways to express it!
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Is Welcome Home website already open or it moved? I try to open it but it only give me a error or something like that.
its Gone! she was taken out back and shot <3
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