#bon voyage 1
seoul-bros · 4 months
Bon Voyage 1
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They say you find BTS when you need to but I also believe that BTS comes to you when you need them most. Nearly four weeks ago I lost one of the most important people in my life. Today I was feeling particularly low and I began watching Bon Voyage 1 for the very first time. They are making me smile at a time when everything else seems to be falling apart. Life is finite and the most important thing is to fill it with love. Don't waste your energy on anything else!
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Post Date: 21/05/2024
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I remember I think that you said you enjoyed Bon Voyage season 4 the most in terms of enjoying the Taekook content. Why did you enjoy this season the most?
I like season four, but not for the Taekook content. I said that despite what people say, there is Taekook in BV4. You just have to be observant and look for it, and there's more than you think.
BV1 probably has the most unfilitered Taekook Content, BV4 has the most filtered (i.e. it's there but you have to look for it). So in order of filtered/unfiltered it goes like this for me...
BV1 - It felt like every part of the trip was stage managed within an inch of it's life, but we got quite a bit of TK content.
BV2 - Whilst staged/structure very heavily there were moments outside of this, particularly the boys playing music, shooting MVs, dancing and generally just having fun in the outdoor mall. Some TK content, mostly in the beginning and Helicopter ride.
BV3 - Aside from Ep. 4 (where we got TK in a room/double bed and being all homely), we got more content from Malta from photo drops and Redbull, where we see JK and Tae out and about without the rest of the group.
BV4 - edited to limit TK but if you really look you can still see it.
If I were to order my preference, I'd say my favourite to least is...
I really liked BV4 despite the TK editing by BH because it felt less stage managed and controlled by the managers than in previous seasons. BV1 & 2 felt like more expensive RUN BTS episodes. BV3 moved away from this, though it still had its moments and BV4 took this even further and was probably the pre-curser to 'In The Soop'.
And of course In the Soop (both seasons) feature Taekook a lot.
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Not yoongi going ‘i want to eat some duck’ right after take pics of said ducks…💀😂
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kimtaegis · 9 months
seven = 1 is the cutest and sweetest thing 🥺
absolutely 🥺🥺🥺
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achillvs · 2 months
purple blood hit me like a BRICK
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witchofinterest · 1 year
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sunshinexlollipops · 1 year
so we got into our garage this weekend and during our deep clean declutter mission I rediscovered all of my old PC and DS games
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nostalgia is but a familiar dopamine farm and I'm about to harvest
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onehunnit · 3 months
like yeah my favorite ateez title track is deja vu bc that song blew my socks off jaw dropped eyes filled with wonder and amazement at what was playing in my ears. however. answer HAS to take the cake for BEST title imo. like deja vu is my baby but answer is just such a perfect song from the lyrics, instrumental, production, the ebb and flow, the way it knows when to hold back and when to release, yunho's voice, the FUCKING BRIDGE⁉️⁉️⁉️ answer you have YET to be topped i fear
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I just saw this link i always wondered what did Jungkook say after Namjoon calls Tae to kiss Jungkook. Earlier he said I don't take kisses from man but after that?
Other thing is why would NJ call Tae on live to kiss Jungkook when they are supposed to hide their relationship?
I think you're talking about Bon Voyage 1, when it's JK's birthday and they ask if he'd like a kiss from one of the members, but then suddenly they suggested Tae. Only thing is though Tae wasn't there, he was back in Korea doing work for Hwarang.
It's pretty clear that by 2016, Taekook where possibly in a relationship by BV1 and the members knew about it and were basically exposing TK/teasing JK who had just become of age.
No-one knows what JK said afterwards.
Afterwards thought, when Tae arrived he could keep his hands off him or leave his side for a while and then there's of course the whole kissing and cuddling scene in the camper van at the end of the series.
I think that just says it all really.
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brunataylortrans · 4 months
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archaeolorhi · 2 years
New Video Alert!
This week I'm combining 2 of my dearest loves: Archaeology and the Sims 4! Sims 4: Jungle Adventure has been out for a while, but this is my first time playing it through properly!
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This is part one of a series deliving into the mystery and culture of Selvadorada town - featuring family life, building, fires, drama, and of course archaeology!
Click the link above to watch the video! Don't forget to like and subscribe too if you enjoy!
Naturally, the pack has its highs and lows, but overall I'm really enjoying it!
What was your experience with Jungle Adventure?
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banmitbandit · 25 days
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Pots 'N' Picks Week 2024: Day 3: Modern AU
24 likes Izutsumi senshi told me to post this to the job account but i couldnt remember the password. so take it. 15 comments CH1LWPUCKP4771 oh no!!!!! is dad okay??? that fish he's reeling looks like it's bigger than he is!!! -Izutsumi it was. tasted good too. --M_Chils so he caught it? ---C_Tims No. *She* caught it. *After* I fell in. ----MissFlerChils Bon voyage, Fish Fear Me hat... best birthday present we ever got him. UL71M8M0N57R wish i could have joined you guys! praying senshi gives me the recipe! -C_Tims No offense, Laios, but you weren't invited. It was a date. --UL71M8M0N57R OH! why was Izutsumi invited, then? ---C_Tims She wasn't. -PotsNPicksOfficial freshly caught fish, cleaned and descaled, 1/2 onion, 2 lemons (1 sliced, 1 halved) 500g new pota... (See more)
Chilshi is catdads to me.
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curio-queries · 1 month
Production Notes from eps 1 & 2
At this time, I'm not planning to do full response posts for these episodes. Maybe once I'm done with my Run BTS series but for now here's some production thoughts.
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My initial thoughts are they've done an excellent job of merging the concepts for Bon Voyage and In The Soop while also adjusting for a reduction of members from seven to two.
To really understand this though, let's talk about some of the logistical requirements and goals of the previous shows for comparison.
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Logistical Assumptions
So I think y'all do realize that there is SOME amount of planning that has to happen for a show like this to be made but honestly...the way some of you talk, it's like you think this footage just magically appears in front of an editor, capturing whatever the members happened to wander into. These aren't self-recorded vlogs. This is a full production with a crew, a budget, and a deliverable requirement; just like any other TV show.
One of the cutest moments for me was at the brewery when JM was teasing JK about a summary of what the show about. I KNOW this was the 5 second explanation that both of them would have had to say/hear dozens of times while pitching the show. That's what's so endearing about the way JM says it and JKs reaction.
They also know that statements like that, captured during filming often end up in promos. All the members are very aware as they're being filmed what footage ends up being used. We've heard them time and time again, 'please use this as the thumbnail', 'please keep this in', etc.
Jimin has always been the most vocal about questioning if the content works for their intended purpose. How many times have we heard him say 'can this even be used?' or 'this will be cut'. Usually it sounds to me like he's aware the footage they're getting in the moment doesn't align with the predetermined plan. But as is common with the footage we getnof the members, even though it wasn't according to plan, doesn't mean it's not releaseable.
The main point of JMs AYS concerns being his sickness. I'm sure he thought the show was in jeopardy of not fulfilling their deliverable requirements since it would be difficult to completely edit out. There is a legitimate concern that if they aren't able provide the agreed-upon footage, the show would never air. I'll talk more about this in my section on the edit.
For now, here's a list of SOME of the basics that have to be managed for y'all to keep in mind when consuming any kind of produced content.
Camera management: How many and what kinds of cameras need to be brought along? Are there special operators required like a drone operator. How often is the footage saved. How is it backed up? When and where are batteries charged? Who locations require early access so the crew can place stationary cameras prior to the member's arrival.
Sound management: Someone is making sure the microphones are charged, and capturing correctly. Being mic'd up is one of the easiest indicators of when the show is actively being filmed or not.
Security: this is BTS. The members didn't go anywhere without a security consultation and discussion of requirements.
Crew management: These are people that have to have places to eat, sleep, and have time off as well. They don't just vanish into thin air as soon as their job is done.
Location approval and tax requirements: Every country in the world has different regulations, incentives, and permits to be managed. The US varies these laws state-by-state.
Budget: Businesses don't stay in business by not managing the finances. We can talk more about this if anyone's interested but there are definitely some interesting points with how much on-screen time we got over the years regarding members' spending on the shows.
There's more but let's leave it at the for the moment and talk more about why I think this show was such a good blend of Bon Voyage and In The Soop from a production standpoint.
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What was the initial goal of Bon Voyage?
I believe it was to promote the band and the members to viewers by giving us access to what it would be like to travel to various destinations around the globe. They knew the episodes still needed a catalyst though so there were various preplanned activities and games to motivate the editorial narrative.
BV1 was very experimental as they were obviously managing the challenges of such a production. There was a heavy emphasis on trying to make the members seem like regular ppl and seeing how they would tackle the problems many of us face with travel, chiefly budgetary and managing how to feed all of the travelers with strict spending limits.
BV2 completely game-ified the concept with the mini challenges and breaking everyone into different groups. It's very clear that this is not the strategy they preferred as BV3 was much lighter on the control. There were still some structured activities and events but the members were experienced enough to bring forth some of these moments themselves during the shoot rather than as a completely planned itinerary.
BV4 was a continuation of this with us also getting footage of the members being included in the event planning as well. I'm not saying they didn't have input in the planning of the previous seasons but by this point, production knew the members understood the requirements of a successful show as well as many of the necessary logistics. But it was still a travel show with some key events to fuel the storytelling.
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How about In The Soop?
Enter pandemic. They obviously still wanted to do another show once they worked out what was permissible to film at the time. But now the changing of locations would not be a part of the engine. How were they going to ensure they still had a viable show? They did put in place a semblance of their previous formula with that silly daily schedule (that was ignored nearly to the point of being completely edited out) and a couple of events like the 94s mountain hike and vhope's car drive. But overall, they realized they had to rely purely on the members to find story moments and insure they were captured. Their trust was rewarded though and ITS1 was a hit.
Now ITS2 is a more interesting case. I do believe it may have started with the same intent as season 1, but it must not have been long in the pre-planning stage before a new goal was added: controlled access of a BTS tourism destination. I'm sure I'll go further into this topic whenever I do finally make posts on this series, but it's very plain to even the casual fan that the ITS2 location was a planned financial investment.
Enough about the location though, what were the filming objectives? Honestly? Not much. The members were clearly ready for a break and were mired in the uncertainties of the time period. Balancing the focus of the english-solo-songs era with the preparations for ch.2 solo activities resulted in an odd lack of direction for the members, which is evident in the show. Yes, there are great moments and segments but there's no progression and very little footage of all the members all together except during certain meals.
But ITS2 is still hailed as enough of a success that there was justification to add to the franchise with Tae's friendship installment.
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But what does all this mean for Are You Sure?
We'd heard from many of the members during ch.2 that they would like to continue Bon Voyage so it honestly wasn't surprising that we'd eventually get another travel show featuring our beloved BTS members. Early in episode 1 of AYS, Jungkook says he's never traveled so loosely before. However this show was justified, it definitely wasn't planned to be another hyper-detailed barrage of JM & JK going from activity-to-activity like early BV but it also couldn't be as aimless as ITS. For as long as the conversation was surrounding the name of the show, we never hear them suggest Bon Voyage 5 because AYS was never intended to be another installment of that series.
This is why I said AYS is a perfect mesh of the two kinds of shows. Granted, the first episodes definitely had some unexpected obstacles due to the unexpected health concerns but I think the production team managed it well. Although, I'm convinced there's at least one activity they did have planned that had to get scrapped to let our poor guys rest and recuperate. I also wouldn't be surprised if by the time they started filming in the US, they hadn't locked another destination and schedule with how unsure JM & JK are when talking about the scope of the show. (And I hope we get some update on the poor motorcycle, I want to know how it got where it needed to be from the rainy grocery parking lot).
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The Edit
The overall tone of the show is very lighthearted. Kind of surprisingly so for me. It's not the vibe I would have necessarily expected but it's one of the points that leads me to say they have merged BV and ITS so wonderfully.
A major aspect of BTS's content is usually the chaos and shenanigans the surround the members. Now much of that is emphasized in the context of one of these shows but I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if the edit had tried to make up for the lowered member count. Instead, it's a very laid-back edit. The quality and tone of the on-screen captions was world's different from some of the BV seasons (thank goodness!)
Now, about Jimin's illness. There's a reason why the coverage is cut the way it was to only bring us in on the story once both JM and JK started talking about it lightheartedly. If we'd had all of that footage chronologically, we also would have had building tension throughout the day's activities. But this way, we're able to enjoy the show per the original pitch as much as possible.
This show would have been planned during the time when the members were under heavy scrutiny for how successful they'd be as individuals and how their content will be received without the full seven members. Again, the way some of y'all talk about these shows, it's like you don't realize that the members are aware of how this content is structured. They are. They absolutely are.
Also, a big part of greenlighting AYS would have been a discussion of how it could be made with just 2 of the 7 members. JM and JK would have to take on a lot more of the burden since there wouldn't be other member to cut to. The solo vlogs we got at the beginning of ch.2 absolutely would have been used as a proof of concept. There are easy comparisons to make between JKs camping vlog and the camping scenes we got in these first AYS episodes.
Another key justification of the show could have been as promotional material for the current musical releases. While they did highlight quite a bit of both JK and JM's work in these episodes, the narrative definitely wasn't tilted in the direction of promotion. I love that because it's absolutely not what I would have expected.
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What am I looking forward to for the remainder of AYS?
From a production standpoint, I'm already curious about the following:
Will there be any tonal shift? Specifically now that JM and JK have some uncertainties about the viability of their US adventure. Will it seem like they're compensating?
We know Tae is going to be in at least the next episode. How is this going to handled narratively and will there be any visible contradictions from that narrative in the production?
At what point was the final quantity of locations and shoots locked down? And when/if will JM and JK make mention of this.
If/How will the music promotion narrative shift? It's clear that this episode could not have been released until after MUSE's release once they decided to keep the footage of JK listening to Who. But when was that decision made?
What are your thoughts on the production of AYS so far?
Editing to add a link to my post on episode 3. Surprisingly I had a lot more to say!
Are You Sure?! Production notes from ep 3.
And there has been even more to say so here's a MasterList link
Are You Sure?! MasterList
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episims · 4 months
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Vacation Benefit Applier
A little cheat object that you can give and remove vacation benefits and penalties with.
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🌴 Download (SFS) (alternate)
The file is compressed, Bon Voyage is required. Located under general/misc for §1 and uses the model of the palm sculpture souvenir.
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dustbunnyforsims · 3 months
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Bon Voyage
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