#RM is not the only beautiful alien
seoul-bros · 4 months
Bon Voyage 1
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They say you find BTS when you need to but I also believe that BTS comes to you when you need them most. Nearly four weeks ago I lost one of the most important people in my life. Today I was feeling particularly low and I began watching Bon Voyage 1 for the very first time. They are making me smile at a time when everything else seems to be falling apart. Life is finite and the most important thing is to fill it with love. Don't waste your energy on anything else!
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Post Date: 21/05/2024
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invaderdoom78 · 8 months
Rad likes robots Radmon version
It had been storming all day and it led to Rad, Enid, and Ko being incredibly bored at work as no customers had been in all morning, the most business they'd gotten was when Brandon and a Real Magic Skeleton stopped in to get some snacks for their own boring work shifts.
"This sucks!" Rad groaned, flopping on top of the counter that Enid was sitting behind scrolling through her phone as Ko mopped up the wet foot prints Brandon and RMS left behind "I'm so bored"
"Eh," Enid shrugged, not looking up from her phone, glad that no customers were in the store
"I wonder if Boxman is planing to attack the plaza today?" Ko asked, wringing out the mop
"Why would he?" Rad asked "even robots hate going out in the rain" as if on cue the alarm went off and from the sky came two Boxmore boxes and a single oversized rose landed in the parking lot. Rad sighed, as much as he liked fighting villains he didn't want to go out into that rain "great"
"Let's get this over with" Enid sighed, putting on her jacket
It was not a fun fight as the hero's had figured the Boxbots weren't waterproof and the rain was going to mess them up, but they were and were even using the rain to their advantage.
"Rad!" Enid exclaimed dodging every punch Raymond made at her
"Enid!" Ko yelled bearly dodging Darrell's attacks "guys, I need help! And my hair keeps falling in my face"
"Of course these jerks would choose to attack in the middle of a thunder storm" Enid grunted as she struggled to keep Raymond in a choke hold only for him to slip away a moment later
"Yeah" Raymond said after he'd kicked Enid in the face
"You look a little… under the weather" Shannon taunted as she fought Rad "let me get you… a blanket!" Her body flattened out so she could wrap around the blue alien "now that you’re tucked in, I’d better put you to sleep!" Rad gasped for air as the metal around him constricted "not feeling snuggly, eh?" She released him and jumped away "well, how about a change in the forecast" she transformed into a tornado
"Beautiful form sister!" Raymond praised
"Nice one, Shannon!" Darrell said right before Ko kicked him in the face, blinding the robot with his muddy feet
Now that the young hero was free he ran over to his friend to help him, power punching Shannon into a nearby tree.
"Thanks, bud" Rad said
Shanon groaned as she shook the leaves off her head "I'm gonna get you, you little brat!"
Raymond noticed the dark clouds above the tree's and heard the faint rumbling of thunder along with some small flickers of light. Assuming that lightning was about to strike the tree he activated his penalty box, planing on using it to knock his sister out of the tree but instead of striking the tree the lightning was drawn to him sending enough electricity through his system that it shut him down for a few seconds. When he rebooted the first thing he saw was Rad and he felt the circuitry in his chest warm up. Shannon managed to pull herself out of the tree and activated the buzzsaw's in her hands and feet, fully intending on using all four on the alien hero but someone shoved him out of the way before she could strike.
"Wha—" Rad was confused when he saw that Raymond was on top of him and realized that he was the one that saved him “huh? Ra-Raymond? Did you just… save me?"
"Oh," Raymond blushed just now realizing what he'd done "I… I guess I did"
"Why?" Rad asked, trying to suppress his own blush
"… I don't know"
The alien and robot starred into each others eyes, nether one sure what to do, until Ko and Enid grabbed Rad while Shannon and Darrell grabbed Raymond so they could pull the two apart.
"What's wrong with your robot?" Enid demanded
"What's wrong with your boy?" Darrell retorted
"I don't know" Enid growled before whispering to her friend "Rad, what's wrong with you?"
"Nothin'!" Rad mumbled looking embarrassed
"Okay," Darrell started as he and his sister started backing up "well, this is weird and we're gonna leave"
"Right," Enid said as she and Ko also started backing away "let's just go and figure this out separately, in our own area's"
"Agreed. We'll finish this after"
The two groups made it back to their respective buildings Rad giving Raymond a small wave when he noticed that the robot was waving at him, feeling a tad guilty when he noticed the sports bot looked upset that they were being separated.
"So what happened out there?" Enid asked, relaxing behind the counter
"I'm not sure" Rad said, stacking some green cans, he didn't need to but he wanted to find something to distract himself "he must've just caught me off guard is all" he let out a startled yelp when he realized he'd stacked the cans to look like Raymond and, without thinking, used his power to knock them over as he fell
"Dude," Enid started, "what's wrong with you?"
"I have no idea" Rad groaned
"Well knock it off 'cause you're weirding me out"
"Maybe you should take a break" Ko suggested
"I'm gonna go sit in my van for a bit" Rad sighed getting up
Thankfully the rain had stopped and the only thing he had to worry about were the puddles. Pulling open the door of his van Rad flopped himself onto the blankets and pillows he kept in the back. Taking out his phone he started scrolling through his social media planning on just looking at some cute cat pictures and before he realized it he was on Raymonds profile; he was really handsome but Rad would rather jump straight into rush hour traffic than admit that out loud.
Once the Boxbots got back home Raymond couldn't stop himself from pacing in the common room while Darrell watched him from the couch and Shannon was looking at her phone on one of the beanbags.
"So, why'd you save Rad anyway?" Shannon asked "he's such a dweeb"
"Hey," Raymond shouted "he is not a dweeb!"
"Wow" Darrell and Shannon said looking at the other
"Oh, why do I want to feel his warm fleshy arms wrapped around me?" Raymond mumbled bitting his knuckle, thinking it was quiet enough that his siblings couldn't hear, but they did
"This is getting kinda outta hand don't you think" Darrell whispered to his sister
"Yeah" Shannon whispered back "should we, like, talk to him?"
"Yeah," Darrell said getting up "hey Raymond! Don't you think we should get back to fightin' those lame goody two shoes?"
"No" Raymond sighed "I don't want to fight Radicles and I don't want you guy's fighting him either"
"But! But!" Darrell stammered "you know you can’t just go around with a Hero! He represents everything we’re against! When Daddy finds out he's gonna be so mad at you"
"You should just reboot" Shannon suggested "that lightning probably fried your circuits. Let's take a look" she got up and grabbed her brothers hair so she could look inside his head "yup, these are done for"
"Hey," Raymond said slapping his sisters hand away "get out of there!"
"Yeah!" Darrell exclaimed happily "just reboot yourself into a new body, and you’ll be back to normal. I do it all the time for funsies!" He pushed his reboot button and blew up only for his new body to reapers a few seconds latter "see!"
"Yes," Raymond sighed "perhaps I should" but he didn't want to. He couldn't quiet explain it but he liked these feeling. He's never denied to himself that he thought Rad was hot and he did enjoy the rivalry they had together "I need to think about somethings"
"What's there to think about?" Darrell asked
"I don't know" Raymond sighed, growing frustrated at his siblings "I just need to think!"
With that he stormed out of the room, shoving past the other two robots, and went straight to his room. Maybe he could distract himself by reminiscing about his past sports accomplishments by looking at his wall of pictures. Someone had taken pictures of him and Rads dance battle at the Plaza Prom and he'd originally printed them out because whoever had taken them had done a magnificent job of capturing his good side but the alian was also in all of them and suddenly he was second guessing his reasoning for hanging them up. Has he been having these feelings for a while and just not realized it; after all that had been one of the most exhilarating fights he's ever had.
Oh what was he to do? His siblings were no help, well maybe Ernesto would be but he was always so busy, and he couldn't talk to coach dad about it as he'd surly be discontinued for being attracted to a hero. Dropping onto his window bench he sighed dramatically, slumping against the window so he could look out at the plaza's parking lot. Wait, maybe this was his chance to get things sorted out. Getting up from his seat the sports bot knew what he had to do, poking his head out into the hall to make sure neither of his siblings were out there before sneaking off to the Plaza.
This was stupid, Raymond thought to himself as he stood in front of Rad's van, fist raised ready to knock on the door. You don't know what to say to him you didn't think of a plan before coming over. Lowering his arm he was about to run back home when the vans door slid open.
"You!" Rad exclaimed, stumbling back into his van at the villains appearance "what're you doin' here?"
"I, uh," Raymond was frozen on the spot, unsure of what to do now "well, I uh"
"Did you come here to finish our fight!?" Rad asked, getting ready for a fight
"No, of course not!" Raymond exclaimed holding up his hands to show he's not a threat
"Really?" Rad asked not bothering to hide his suspicion
"Yes, I think I came here to talk"
"You think?" Rad asked
"Yeah," Raymond said, grabbing his arm "I've been pretty confused since our last fight and I can't talk to my siblings or dad about it"
"So you think talking to me is going to help?" Rad asked, sitting himself on the edge of his van floor his feet planted on the pavement so he could rest his arms on his lap
Rad sighed "Well, you might as well have a seat then"
"Thank you" Raymon smiled at the alien
What Raymond didn't know was that his brother and sister were watching him from their bedrooms a choir of daddy ringing out as Darrell and Shannon ran to Boxman's office.
"What!?" Boxman demanded, slamming his fists on his desk
"Raymond has a crush on one of the bodega dweebs" Shannon said
"And he won't reboot to get rid of it" Darrell added
"Ok and?" Boxman asked
"You're not mad?" Darrell asked
"No, why would I be?" Boxman asked, getting back to what he was working on before his children interrupted "it's just a phase and it'll go away on it's own"
"But..." Darrell started
"Look the more you try and fight it the more he's going to want to defy you by actively attempting to date him"
"But, but" Darrell stammer out "how do you know for sure?"
Lord Boxman's human eye quickly darted away from his children for a second "Trust me on this, besides I'm going to be sending you three out to attack the plaza soon so if it is just a fluke in his programing then you can let them reboot him"
"Well," Shanon started "can we attack them now?"
"Sure" Boxman shrugged "why not"
Once his robotic children were gone, Boxman swiveled around in his chair so he could see exactly who his son was crushing on, but he didn't have a view of Rad's van from his office window.
"You really think he'd discontinue you because you've got a crush on a hero?" Rad asked
"I'm not sure" Raymond sighed, laying back on the vans floor
"I don't think he would" Rad said, leaning back on his hands "you're the best fighter out of all your siblings so it'd be pretty stupid to get rid of you"
"You think I'm a good fighter?" Raymond asked, sitting up so he could see Rad's face
"Uh, well, yeah" Rad said, avoiding looking at the sports bot
"You know. You're a pretty strong fighter yourself" Raymond said, gently nudging Rad with his shoulder
"Th-thanks" Rad said, blushing pretty hard
Had they always been sitting so close together or was he just imagining the closeness. Turning his head Rad saw that Raymond was looking at him with half-lidded eyes and a small smile; if his face wasn't completely purple before it was now.
"The inside of your van is really nice"
"It better be" Rad tried to hide his fluster behind his usual bravado "I reupholstered this baby myself" it was half true as his dad had helped him
"Tell me Radicles" Raymond said resting a hand on the hero's shoulder "how comfortable is it inside"
Rad didn't get to answer as a Boxmore box landed in front of the van.
"What are you doing here, Raymond!" Shannon growled
Scoffing, Raymond rolled his eyes "What'er you guys doing here?"
"Dad, wants us to attack the Plaza" Shannon said, crossing her arms over her chest "and that includes your little boyfriend over there"
"Hey," Rad protested, shooting to his feet "he's not my boyfriend!"
"Yeah, right" Shannon said, rolling her eyes "that's why your hanging out together in your van?"
"He just showed up here"
"Thats true" Raymond said also getting up "it was simply a coincidence that we ran into each other"
"Bull," Shannon said, activating the buzzsaws in her hands
"Rad" Ko yelled as he and Enid ran out of the bodega
"Don't worry man" Enid said "we're coming" she saw how close Raymond was to her friend and assumed that he was planing on attacking Rad "get away from him!"
"Enid wait" Rad said, trying to stop his friend from attacking the sports bot, but he wasn't quick enough and Raymond was knocked down by her Power Foot Fireball
"Hey!" Raymond exclaimed, glaring up at the ninja "what was that for?"
"What was that for?" Enid asked "you're attacking the Plaza!"
"He wasn't actually" Rad said, helping Raymond up "we were just talking about what had happened earlier then those two showed up"
"Really?" Enid asked looking confused
"Yes," Raymond scoffed, dusting himself off "I have no desire to fight you guys"
"Excuse me!" Shannon yelled "don't ignore us"
"Yeah!" Darrell exclaimed activating his arm cannon "so step away from Raymond so we can fight" he took aim at Rad
"No!" Raymond exclaimed, pushing his crush out of the way only to be taken out by the blast
"Oh wow" Enid said, surprised at the robots sacrifice
The guilt of destroying his brother overtook him and he crumbled in front of the smoldering remains of Raymond, a waterfall of tears coming from his eye.
"Oh wait" Darrell said, stopping mid cry "this means he'll be back to normal! Let's meet up with him back inside"
"Looks like you losers get to live another day," Shannon chuckled, running back to Boxmore with her brother
Kicking down the door the two Box Bots found Raymond sitting in his room, brushing out his hair since it always got messed up when he was rebooted.
"Raymond!" Darrell exclaimed, happily running up to his brother
"How do you feel now?" Shannon asked
"Fine" Raymond sighed
"You still have a crush on Rad?" Shannon asked
"No, of course not" Raymond sneered
"Good" Darrell said, walking Raymond over to the window where Rad, Enid, and Ko talking outside of the van "because they're still out there if you want to get back to the fight"
Oh no. When he saw Rad again Raymond realized the feelings were still there, maybe not as strong now, but at least now he could act like he still hated the hero.
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i-am-purplexed · 1 year
Scene Break Teaser for next chapter of Everybody Wants to Be Us
An Otherworldly Style - an exclusive interview with CEO, Kara Zor-El
Article by Rachel Morrigan, Catco Global Media
August 15th, 2014
By now, we’ve probably all heard the name ‘Kara Zor-El.’ The up-and-coming businesswoman is the head of House El-Incorporated, more commonly known as ‘Elco,’ a rising tech giant specializing in bringing technology from beyond the starts to our little blue speck. Kara is also the leading figurehead in the rising Alien-rights movement, using her fame and fortune to found charities, protests, and spurring on legal action. Kara is an alien herself; a refugee from a planet that no longer exists. She often speaks about her world to raise awareness, and carries a bit of home with her everywhere. Kara is rarely seen in any outfit other than the traditional wear of her people; a constant reminder of a home lost. You may have heard of her planet. It was called Krypton. We managed to get an interview with the Woman of Tomorrow herself; Kara was happy to reach out on the phone to speak with us about her daring outfits, what they mean to her, and what they meant on her home planet. 
Rachel Morrigan: Very happy to talk to you, Kara. I must say; I’ve been loving your outfits for a long time. It’s always such a joy to see your newest clothing - and I hear you were excited to talk about them!
Kara Zor-El: Happy to meet you too, Rachel! I - oh, well. I don’t know if excited is the right word, honestly; I’m always happy to talk about Krypton. People have been talking about my ghozh for years now. I will say I’m excited to put my own opinion out there.
RM: Kryptonian clothing trends to be longer and flowing, at least as far as I’ve noticed. Lots of draping sleeves and swishing skirts; but there will often be sections of it removed. You wore a beautiful - ghozh? Is that right?
KZE: Ghohz means clothing; an ughohz would be a full outfit.
RM: - a beautiful ughozh to that Edge Global charity gala last month. It was remarkably different from your other outfits - any reason behind that?
[Image one: Kara Zor-El at the NCH Gala. She has her hair up in an elaborate braid, a necklace displayed on her collar. She is wearing an outfit made of burgundy red; the bottom has a skirt with a short(maybe two foot) train, slit up the left leg to the upper thigh. The top has long, wide sleeves that drape down nearly a foot, embroidered with gold thread. The top ends just under her chest with a belt, leaving her midriff bare down to the hips, at the start of the skirt.]
[Image two: KZE in the same outfit, but from behind. From this angle, the only piece of the top visible is the back of the sleeves. Her back is entirely exposed, with a net of golden chain draping over her shoulders to form the pattern of her house crest]
KZE: [laughing] Gosh, I’m still getting used to people keeping track of all my outfits. Yes, the outfit I wore to the National City Hospital gala is what would be called a ughozh’:dhoia; literally, that would mean ‘beautiful outfit’ if you were to translate it. It has a more formal connotation than just ‘nice clothes?’ It would be like - a cute outfit could be :dhoia, but a ughozh’:dhoia specifically means a suit or robes for formal wear. It has to be flashier than usual, and really stand out from daily wear.
RM: That certainly fits, because - wow. I wish I had the back to pull that off. You certainly got a lot of attention. Does that outfit have any particular meaning to your culture?
KZE: Yes, actually, but - I don’t know how long you have. I’d have to do a lot of explaining to get to the point.
RM: Please, ramble away! I’d love to hear anything you have to say about your clothing. Really, we know so little - the only examples of Kryptonian clothing we had until these last few years was your cousin’s costume.
KZE: God, I love my cousin, but that is not Kryptonian clothing. Seriously, Kal - put your damn underpants on the inside, you’re embarrassing me.
RM: Not a very high opinion, then. I take it you’re not going to be throwing on a similar costume at any point, then? No plans to run around as, ah, Superwoman or something like that?
KZE: No, not at all. Kal does good work, but I don’t think I’ll ever follow in his footsteps. I’m far too busy to run around punching all my problems, Rachel. There’s just no time for superhero work in the agenda.
You'll be able to find the full article between the scenes of my next chapter! Starting from now on, I'll be releasing little hints of what the next scene-break theme is going to be ahead of time.
I have so much fun writing/making these things, you have no idea how excited I am to share them all with you.
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alienheartattack · 11 months
I'll always have a crapton of problems with the ending (esp as a rm shipper who also kept loving eren), but snk finally ending-ending got me in my feels regardless. So i just wanted to express some appreciation, not only for your beautiful fix-it fic (levi and his mom!! mikasa protecting armin!! queen ymir the wise!! ), but for all your rm works. for loving this ship and for sharing your talent with us. for still being here, despite it all. for your shitposts and regular posts. you're a real one, alien, a wonderful, generous writer and just overall so hugely inspiring. we've always been so lucky to have you. thank you so much!
Thank you, anon! This is probably the nicest message I've ever gotten. I really am in my feels about SNK ending for real, even though my feelings on the series are very mixed, being a part of this fandom has genuinely changed my life. I've made so many friends around the world, I've rediscovered my love for writing, I've created so many things and had so much fun being an unhinged fangirl with all of you. It's also wild to look back on the last 9 years, where I started at 27 and where I am now at 36, and how much I have developed as a person and as an artist thanks to the work I did for this fandom and the people I made that work for.
Even though the story of SNK was pretty disappointing in the end (and MAPPA is on my eternal shitlist for excluding basically every RM crumb), it was the journey and the people we spent it with that made it great. I could not have done what I did without your support and the support of everyone else in the ship, all the kudos, comments, likes, reblogs, and messages. I couldn't have chosen a better group of people to go insane over the Ackermans with.
I will say, having watched the last episode and having had a few hours to think about it, I do think it was a vast improvement over the manga and I see more of what Yams was trying to get at. I still disagree with a lot of the choices made and I think he told the story ineffectively because we needed to see the female characters interacting rather than Eren and Armin talking about it, and we needed to see more development of the character's emotions towards each other, especially with regard to the romantic aspects of the story. A lot of us got into SNK because there were non-sexualized female characters that were given weight and interesting storylines, and ultimately this was the downfall of the series because the narrative didn't give almost all of these women the attention they deserved, Mikasa in particular.
I hope people stick around even though the series is over, or maybe we'll find a new ship together. I highly recommend joining the Rivamika Discord if you haven't already for chaotic, delulu fun and a great group of people. RM has always been a space where we encouraged each other and held together because it's such a small ship, and I'm so happy that we managed to cultivate a ship with so many nice, kind people, with only a small handful of bad apples who largely stay out of the way of the people who are just here to have fun. I'm glad that I could contribute to that, and I hope that I was able to provide some excitement or relief or comfort to people who needed it, or who just wanted to read some Ackersmut. I hope all of you had as much fun as I did.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
So @primrosesjemma asked me what I thought of a Kathony Marvel AU and
Now this exists!
✨Midgard ✨
The Anthony and Kate Thor AU that no one asked for!
It's also on Ao3!
“Mother, Please!” Anthony’s voice had broken through the clamour of court, pleading with her up on the dais. His mother’s eyes looking sadly down at him, her mouth a tight line, his siblings avoiding eye contact, regret etched on Colin’s face as their mother spoke.
“I’ve tried to teach you, Anthony. And I’m sorry that I’ve failed you, but something has to work.” Her voice had been grave as the hammer was snatched from him, her voice whispering “Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” Her arm shot out the hammer flying away from the throne room, spinning through space.
“I’m sorry, Anthony.” And then Danbury’s staff tapped against the floor sharply, and Anthony was surrounded by colour, falling through space, panic gripping him, and everything went dark as he crumpled to the ground.
“Why do we have to be out here so late?” Edwina’s voice groaned beside Kate, from her position in the backseat, her legs hanging from the window. “The beach look exactly the same at night as they do during the day.”
Kate sighed, her paintbrush moving over the canvas in broad strokes. “You know that’s not true.” Edwina rolled her eyes again, returning to her book. “And I never asked you to come with me, you piled in the car before I could stop you.” Her voice dry.
“Someone has to make sure you have some fun!” Edwina tutted, her book hitting Kate on the back of the head.
“You know, Eddie some of us actually enjoy our jobs.” She swatted at her sister. “Not all of us are boring professors.”
“I enjoy my job very much thank you, I’m moulding the minds of tomorrow.” Edwina said primly.
“Oh and how well moulded they must be by you and Indiana Jones Jr.” A smirk rising to Kate’s face as Edwina’s hand swatted at her.
“Matt’s a nice guy! And he’s really sweet. You could stand to meet a nice guy Kate. How long has it been since Jack?” Kate made a noncommittal noise. “That means too long.”
Kate sighed, eyeing the storm rolling in on the horizon, standing from the easel and packing her equipment away.
“Well Edwina, some of us don’t have handsome men fall out the sky for them.” Kate said dryly flicking her sister on the ear. Laughing as her sister’s beautiful face crumpled in a frown, sitting up, pulling her legs from the window.
“Well at least we got to see that.” Edwina said suddenly, her face a little awe-filled as a bright beam of light shot overhead, all the colours on the spectrum woven together lighting up the sky. Kate felt her mouth drop open in surprise, at the sudden beauty of it.
“What do you suppose that was?” Edwina’s voice shook a little. Kate cleared her throat.
“Probably the aliens coming to reclaim you.” Kate said sarcastically, snapping the boot of her car closed. “Come on, Let’s get home.”
Thunderclouds crackled over head, causing anxiety to bubble in Kate’s stomach as rain started to beat down on the roof of her car, the windscreen wipers swiping against the glass, still obscured. Kate shifted her glasses nervously.
“Well this came out of nowhere.” Edwina said quietly. “Are you okay?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” Kate replied quickly, ignoring her mounting panic.
“You know why.” Kate’s eyes shot to Edwina’s only momentarily, but apparently it was long enough.
There was an odd cry outside the window, a shard shout of “DANBURY PLEASE!” And a man appeared directly infront of the car. Kate swore loudly, spinning the wheel quickly, the tyres sliding across the road, too much water, Kate’s heart pounding as Edwina screamed, and then the back of the car collided with something with a sharp Thud!
Silence engulfed the car, Kate and Edwina breathing heavily.
“Did you… fuck,Kate did you hit him?!” Panic climbing in her voice. “Oh my god, you did. We’re gong to have to tell Mum that we murdered a man. How is she going to face the aunties?!”
Kate took a deep breath, and forced down her own mounting panic. “I didn't hit him! I tapped him. Lightly! And he was in the middle of the road! He nearly killed us! And he might not be dead.”
“Well we’re going to have to check!”
Silence engulfing the car again, as Kate took a deep breath, the thunder crackling overhead again, as she stepped out into the rain, her glasses covered instantly.
“Stay here, Eddie.”
She made her way slowly across the road, the headlights of her car illuminating the man’s form laying in the road, as she rushed forward. The man was tall, she could tell his long legs crumpled beneath him as she knelt over him, her hands reaching to touch his face.
“Sorry, Sir?”
His eyes flew open, brown eyes pinning her in place, his wet hair falling over his brow.
“Where are we?” His voice like rough velvet. Relief washing over her. Her victim was conscious and responsive, at least Mary wouldn’t have to discuss her jail sentence over tea. Though he was blinking very confusedly.
A frown settled more throughly on his very handsome face. “Where’s that?”
Nerves settling in her stomach again, “Somerset. Sir, we need to take you to the hospital.”
“Midgard.” He seemed to groan, Kate felt her brow furrow.
“England.” She said slowly. “Sir can you just get in my car so I can make sure you aren’t going to die. My step mum doesn’t really need to see me get arrested.”
He shook his head, looking at her curiously. “Your human medicines won’t work.” He said abruptly, standing pushing his hair back from his face, stretching.
Kate felt confusion grab at the edge of her consciousness. “Right. Well, I’m really going to have to insist.”
“You hit me with this contraption and now you’re concerned?” He questioned.
“You walked out into the road!” Kate said indignantly, taking hold of his arm and attempting to drag him towards the car.
“Madam unhand me!” He said, his eyes wide with surprise.
“No! I don’t know who you think you are, but we are going to the hospital.”
“Anthony. God of thunder.” He said, smiling brightly, disarming Kate as she slipped on the wet tarmac surprised by his statement, his strong rms steadying her. “And you are, human woman?”
Kate’s mouth fell open a little.
“Cleopatra.” She said sarcastically, a little in disbelief. Anthony regarded her carefully.
“Why do I not believe that?”
Kate had opened her mouth to respond when a tap to his shoulder cut her off. He turned politely in the direction, his eyebrows raised.
“Hello, Sir, Anthony, God of Thunder. I-” Edwina started
“Hello!” He responded politely. Edwina looked baffled.
“Hi. I’m Edwina. Sheffield. I’m really sorry we ah… hit you with our car. But if you could just unhand Kate and get in the car so we can make sure you aren’t going to die that would be amazing.” She smiled charmingly.
Anthony looked between them carefully. “Why do I not think I have any say in the matter?”
Edwina smiled again, taking him by the hand and leading him towards the car. “Oh you don’t.”
“If I come with you, will you help me find my Mjolnir?” He said suspiciously, the rain still beating down on them as the three of them got in the car.
Kate looked at Edwina confusedly What the fuck is happening? Edwina shrugged, bemused.
“Sure, Anthony. We’ll help you find your Mjolnir.” Edwina said placatingly, the same voice she used with the neighbour children when they fell over.
“Excellent! Let’s go to this hospital then!”
And as Kate pulled back out onto the road, she couldn’t help but wonder if aliens really had come.
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mirrorballsworld · 4 years
Mono. by RM
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'Tokyo' is the first the song that opens the RM's mixtape, Mono. Though the entire mixtape is a journey from losing one's identity to ultimately embracing our shadows and saying its okay to stumble. 'Tokyo' is about feeling like an outsider even while living in our reality.
The song opens with the lyrics "Wake up in Tokyo, feel like a torso I know it's time to go" which has significant word play involved. RM said in a fancafe post that he didn't want to release official lyrics so that the listener can interpret it however they like.
In English, it can heard as both "Wake up in Tokyo, feel like a tourist so" or as "Wake up in Tokyo, feel like a torn soul". In Korean ‘Tokyo’ is 동경 and has similar pronounciation to ‘longing, aspiration’. So the line can also be interpreted as ‘Waking up from aspiration’.
If the lyrics are explained as 'torso', it means to feel disassociated from the rest of the functioning body. This feeling of disassociation is often felt as a symptom of depression. However, if the lyrics are explained as 'tourist', it means to feel distanced as a foreigner visiting a different country. Both these meanings tie in to the concept of feeling alienated from those around us and even from ourselves.
This is followed by the line "I see Pinocchio wearing a poncho. That's me some time ago". Pinocchio was a living puppet who had a cricket as his conscience. His dream was to become a real boy and the story of Pinocchio describes this journey. In the song, RM says that when he looks into the mirror, he sees himself as Pinocchio, a wooden puppet who wants to find his own identity. This reconfirms the narrative that he feels unemotional inside and is going through life like a puppet, which is also often felt when someone faces depression. He is only wearing a poncho to brave the harsh weather outside and to protect himself from the cold that is depicted in "Forever Rain".
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The second verse of the song asks some really important questions. The life we live is harsh peppered with a happy moments when we forget our suffering and smile. But when we are in pain, sometimes finding the will to continue moving forward is hard. Life is made of these fleeting moments of happiness and sorrow but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter at all because humans are destined to return to soil and lose our existing identity after death.
It is often said that love and hate are two sides of the same coin and can even sound the same. He questions what it means to be alive or to be dead, to be loved or to be hated. Why should we bother if these things that are so different from each other still mean the same? The life he is living is mechanical and his routine is repetitive, his busy schedule drains him and he starts feeling trapped in the cycle.
All these thoughts keep him up at night and he feels homesick. Travelling the world during tours and promotions have worn him out and he only longs to return home, whether that means returning to Seoul or Ilsan or even rediscovering his younger, innocent self.
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The song has a beautiful melody and the music mainly consists of faded city sounds of Tokyo. It paints a vivid picture of the Japanese landscape and the beauty and serenity of the city itself. I, personally, love the calming effects of this song. The whistle that ends the song gives us the impression that in this version of world that he exists in, he is alone. This also asserts the idea of feeling alienated in a busy city.
Listen to the song:
This is my first time writing an analysis of a song. I really love Mono. and I will probably do this analysis for other songs too. This is just my interpretation of the song that I developed by reading translations and meanings.
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literature-islit · 4 years
Ursula K. Le Guin - The Lathe of Heaven (1971)
I’ve been reading a lot about the future lately and unfortunately things don’t exactly look fantastic for us homo sapiens as a species. 
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TLDR summary: once companies are able to replace human workers with machine robots and algorithms, it’s over for us as human workers because why wouldn't they want to make the cash money savings, and even with the universal basic income they only want to introduce so we don’t hunt down the 0.001% of business owners that will remain, social mobility will be eviscerated and we will live in a feudal society. Except at least in a feudal society the monarchs needed the labour of the plebs to get resources. We’ll basically be surplus to the requirements of the people on the top of the ladder. Economies will crash, because a healthy economy needs the workers to have enough purchasing power to support other industries. There’s a huge argument in this book FOR the eradication of crony capitalism and the reversal of all cuts to government services, arts bodies, etc because the more secure our jobs and the better wages the average person is able to earn, the more wealth inside the community generally BUT NOBODY WANTS TO TELL YOU ABOUT THAT WEARING THEIR CHINOS AND RM WILLIAMS BOOTS DEBATING WITH YOU ABOUT THE ECONOMY ONLINE FROM EITHER SIDE OF THE SPECTRUM. Sorry for getting heated. 
And this book 
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In one word: terrifying. Like the atomic bomb dance, Bostrom sees a super intelligence as an inevitability, and argues we need to get there before threatening foreign powers get there first. He thinks we will inevitably (without presenting evidence as to why) be ruled by a superintelligence under a one world government, but basically acknowledges that a truly super superintelligence would be much smarter than its controllers, would know how to spread its tentacles through everything and basically achieve world domination over us poor human beings, the children playing with blocks who accidentally press the wrong buttons and eviscerate ourselves. 
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Bro, I just want to be Amish. 
Like, seriously, sometimes i think about the future and find comfort in the idea of becoming Amish, or joining a Monastery, or moving to Pete Evan’s commune in the NSW hinterlands. 
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I am more serious than you’ll ever know. 
Because right now our species is fxxxing around with some stuff that we have the technical knowledge to understand, without countering that arrogance with an understanding of the soul.
And Urusla K Le Guin knows that, and has been knowing that for a long time. And that’s why this book is a cautionary tale that I think is more applicable now, than ever before. 
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So, The Lathe of Heaven is about this guy who has dreams that change the world. He’ll go to sleep, the world will be one way, he’ll have a dream and wake up to find that the events of his dream have changed reality completely. 
Understandably, this makes him terrified of sleep. 
He overdoses on a drug that stops you from dreaming and has to go to a therapist, who convinces him that he thinks he is insane. BUT - the therapist actually believes him - and sees a way to harness this power for his own benefit. Soon, the therapist is manipulating his dreams for his own benefit. The therapist first improves his own material position, then sets himself about using the dreams to bring about desirable outcomes for humanity like world peace. Only, things always have sneaky little inadvertent outcomes, don’t they? 
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Problem --> solution --> solution creates bigger problem - the summary of many of humanity’s efforts to “fix” the world so far
He wants to eliminate racism, so everyone’s skin becomes grey and the beautiful diversity of different cultures on the planets is lost.
An attempt to solve “overpopulation” reduces the population via devastating plague (lil too close for comfort in our current times)
And, desiring world peace, he inadvertently creates an alien invasion on the moon, which unites the people of earth against this existential threat. 
(side note - the aliens are truly my favourite characters in the book. LOVE them.)
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Says George Orr the protagonist, witnessing the problem after problem caused by his therapist’s ignorant, egotistical efforts to play God and fix things that are not his to solve: 
“To be God you have to know what you’re doing. And to do any good at all, just believing you’re right and your motives are good isn’t enough. You have to … be in touch. “
IMO the true mysteries of the world are the sacred knowledge of the people who knew how to live in harmony with the earth’s natural processes. 
And i really hope our scientists and tech barons realise that before we’re all left behind. 
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Whalien 52
   Many others have discussed this song and done it well, but Imma use it to start our move into BTS' music and symbology. Because, to my mind, it's one of BTS' best songs ever and embodies everything that's so special about them. First, let's look at the lyrics. I'll write the translation out here and not repeat the refrain, for space purposes. I'm using Genius English Translations. I'll also indicate which rapper sings which part, so you know what they wrote, basically.
Yeah, the most lonely creature in the world
Eh, do you want to know my story?
I've never told this to anybody
Yeah, come on
In the middle of the vast ocean
One whale speaks softly and lonelily
The fact that no matter how much they shout, it won't reach
Makes them so gravely lonely that they quietly shut their mouths
Of course i don't care what's the matter or what I've now become
When loneliness is the only thing that stays by my side
I've become completely alone. It's a lock that fills sadness
Someone says "Bastard, you've become a celebrity"
Oh fuck that! So what?! Nobody remains by my side and I'm fine on my own
These words that are easily said towards me quickly becomes a wall
Even loneliness turns into something you can see
Even if my breaths are blocked
Because I'm confined in that wall
Head towards the surface of water above
Hey oh, oh hey oh yeah
Lonely lonely lonely whale
Sing alone like this!
Will i ever shine so brightly like a remote island?
Lonely lonely lonely whale
Like this, try calling once again
Until this song that doesn't have a response
Reaches tomorrow
No more, no more baby
No more, no more
An endless signal will reach someday
Everywhere, even to the other side of the earth
No more, no more baby
No more, no more
Even the blind whales will be able to see me
Today i sing again
The world will never know
How sad i am
My hurt is oil and water that can't mix
So only above the surface of the water do I
Breathe, and the interest ends
A child in the lonely ocean
I want to make it known too
My value, Everyday
I become sick with worry, the sticker always beneath my ear
Never end... Why is there no end and always hell?
As time goes by, it's a Neverland in a cold abyss!
But I always think, now
Even if i sleep a shrimp's sleep, my dreams are like that of a whale's
The upcoming big praise will make me dance everyday
Like me, Ye I'm swimmin'
I go towards my future
That blue beach and
Believe in my hertz
Hey oh, oh hey oh yeah
Mom said the sea is blue
She said to let out your voice as far as you can
But what do i do? It's so dark here and there are only different whales
 speaking entirely different words!
I just can't hold it, ma! I want to say I love you
Alone, I look back at this music sheet that's like a rotating song
This ocean is too deep
Still, I'm lucky
(No one besides me knows of these tears.)
I'm a whalien.
   Chorus to end
   Wow, really strong moving lyrics. Just by reading, you can feel the pain and loneliness that they've experienced. Now add the music and voices. Even down to Adora's adlibs in the background, reminiscent of whale songs...
(Adora is a long-time producer with BigHit, in case you were unaware.) And the way they use the "radio sound" to make RM's voice sound further away. And lonelier. The credits for writing this are Kim Namjoon, Min Yunki, Jung Hoseok, Brother(?) Su, PDogg, Hitman Bang and Slow Rabbit. They are the dream team, when it comes to some of BTS' best songs.
   Then you figure out that the basis of the song is the 52-hertz Whale, the loneliest whale in the world. The story goes, a scientist discovered a lone whale in the Pacific who sang at the frequency of 52 hz. And whales can only hear up to about 40hz. So none could ever hear it sing. But it sang its song throughout the ocean, nonetheless.
   What genius! Why aren't there more songs about this?!? Isn't it the perfect basis for a song? Then, they added alien to the word! The very spirit of feeling disassociated, unfamiliar, remote... unheard. The incredible word play that BTS is known for, on full display. How could you not love this song? It's not a trite boyband love song, but rather, a scream from the soul, much like whale song. Reaching out to those around the world who can "hear" this level of loneliness and want. And doing what BTS has always done... Letting the listener know they can "hear" you, too. And they share your fears. And they're in this with the rest of the world. But we are together. Our lonely songs in the dark aren't in vain. They will be rewarded with time, as in all else. Keep singing, no matter who hears, because your song is also valid and necessary in the world.
   So, if you haven't heard this song, it's off of their HYYH (The Most Beautiful Moment in Life) pt 2 album. Released all the way back in November, 2015. Go listen immediately. It's obviously one of my favorite songs in the world. And I would love to share it with everyone. Even while we're all singing our own songs. ❄👸
PS: if you have any questions about how we interpreted something, or just want to relate interpretations of your own, feel free to let us know. Here or on our Instagram page 🙏
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sub-bts-smut-backup · 5 years
Sub!BTS — Masterlist
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sub!bts x dom!reader writings. all consensual, femdom-centric, explicit. enjoy! ♥ ↳ ao3 | rec | © | writing tips | sub!bts net 
◇ ⌈note⌋ reposts, modifications and translations are prohibited. depictions are fictional & for entertainment purposes only. mind the warnings, this features nsfw/18+ content. 
◇ ⌈key⌋ fics bolded, analysis in italics.
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♡ all members
domestic sex
reaction to breath play
bts as your vampire boyfriends
you give them flowers
[MASTERPOST] sub!bts a-z series (smut alphabet)
reaction to chastity
favorite pegging positions
reacting to your high sex drive
they call you goddess
their orgasm faces
where they love to kiss you
maknae line: their balls slapping against your clit
sub!bts— their kinks (list)
dresses and skirts they look best in
explaining the meaning behind bts’ harnesses
their scents
dauntless (m) | mermen!ot7 x reader au
baby cheeks/weight gain appreciation
they call you mommy
they insist you’re beautiful
dirty talk with them
boarding school sub training imagine
deepthroat x male dom!reader
would you rather game
where to kiss them
romance with you
facefucked w/ a strap-on
using a glass dildo on them
you catch them getting off
you shave them
being your little spoon
bts as your butlers
using a fucking machine on them 
they’re shocked how dominant you are
his domme is busy, he wants her attention
how bts would eat you out
you find out they’re submissive
you like pet play
their favorite kinky clothing
their favorite ways to turn you on
fake love — a sub!bts concept
you call them good boy
what music bts would choose for sex?
body/breast worship
blowjob with teeth
massaging you
slave/masochist boyfriends snaps
you’re their tall girlfriend/idol mentor
vampire au: you’re craving their blood
pegging — they break the bed
reader feeling insecure about her body
complimenting bts in french / dirty talk
accidentally turning you on
fingering you
you’re getting loud in bed | crack
putting them to sleep after a long day
their motivations to be submissive
tackling their insecurities
you want them to sit on your lap
bts receiving punishment
you’re anxious
whispering dirty things at the dinner table
pegging them
jealous bts
bts are insecure about losing their abs
bts as the 7 deadly sins
you ask them to sub
giving bts hickeys
they hug you
you’re on your period
bts as mermen
how masochistic are they?
bts cooking for you
favorite places to have sex
xmas eve sex
how do they sound like in bed?
foreplay with them
bts as submissive boyfriends
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♡ jungkook    
call of nature (m) | camping au sublime (m) | merman au — sequel: dauntless (m) my neighbor with the bloody laundry (m) | vampire au electric lovers (m) | android au ft. tae, jk, myg the scaffolding | painter au pump jack (m) | desert au ft. myg baby goodnight (m) | domestic au sloppy savvy (m) | domestic au ft. myg
bondage with him
maknae line reaction: dom to sub
he’s insecure about his lips
biting kink / pegging scenario
kissing sub!jk
maknae line safewords scenario
comforting the busan & daegu line
sub!maknae line: favorite sex positions
tae & jk as maids
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♡ taehyung
electric lovers (m) | android au with tae, jjk, yg | pt 2 cornflower blue (m) | farming au my word to treat you well (m) | prince!tae au playfight (m) | stuck in a blizzard au tease you well (m) | vintage au colonized (m) | domestic au bleeding hearts & happy days (m) | escort au ft. bbh
his choking kink (picture)
maknae line reaction: dom to sub
tae’s puppy kink
pet play / he comes too early
kissing sub!tae
maknae line safewords scenario
comforting the busan & daegu line
sub!maknae line: favorite sex positions
th & jk as your maids
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♡ yoongi 
fuckin’ wembley (m) | hotel sex au snowdrop (m) | domestic au trophy boyfriend (m) | secretary au sloppy savvy (m) | domestic au ft. jjk pump jack (m) | desert au ft. jjk electric lovers (m) | android au ft th, jk, yg streaks of fuchsia (m) | baby girl yoongi au repeat (m) | domestic au baptized (m) | domestic au ft. jm
feeling small/showing insecurities + noona kink
who he submits to 
about yoongi saying “i’m yours”
the two ways yoongi flirts
yg, d/s, and the korean age hierarchy
you dress for halloween
underground tattoo artist yg
caning him
yg likes tough women & macho men
hyung line reaction: top to sub
[MASTERPOST] oral writings with myg
studio sex with yg
sub!hyung line kinks
comforting the busan & daegu line
kissing sub!yoongi
cuddling with him
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♡  hoseok
second year’s pains (m) | anniversary au
fairy coffee shop au
hyung line impact play series masterpost
when would he not be vocal?
flogging/butt plug scenario
hyung line reaction: top to sub
kissing sub!hoseok
sub!hyung line kinks
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♡  jimin
boss witch (m) | sorcery apprentice!jimin au — 2 | 3 | 4 cygnet & cinder (m/r) | bavarian au: prince!jm stunna [r] | domestic au how to kiss a man from venus (m) | alien!jm au simulacrum of dawn (m) | incubus!jm au potions and reverie (m) | husband!jm au baptized (m) | domestic au ft. yoongi awards with a twist (m) | idol au
burlesque dancer!jm ft. dita von teese
making jack-o-lanterns with him
vampire au moodboards 
sub!jm moodboard
maknae line reaction: dom to sub
kissing sub!jm
maknae line safewords scenario
comforting the busan & daegu line
sub!maknae line: favorite sex positions
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♡  seokjin 
choking gold (m) | pornstar au
trick or treat halloween imagine 
hyung line impact play series masterpost
paddling/handcuffs/roleplay scenario
lip appreciation post
hyung line reaction: top to sub
eatjin meets pegjin
kissing sub!jin
sub!hyung line kinks
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♡  namjoon
fuckup trucker (m) | winter vacation au doc on a date (m) | venice au on the rocks (m) | husband!rm au
hyung line impact play series masterpost
spanking scenario
more sub!rm
lip appreciation
hyung line reaction: top to sub
meme proof: rm is a screamer
kissing sub!rm
submissive hyung line kinks
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mtl mlist
rude boy (m) | sub!tom holland student au
femdom resources
‘kink’ vs ‘fetish’
fantasizing about bts: disrespectful?
— [quiz] who’s your matching sub in bts? — [quiz] what type of domme are you? — [quiz] which bts member is your baby boy?
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thank you for reading, love you to bits ❤️- caro 🐅 © 2017-2019 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. 
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sweetbunnykook · 5 years
bunny i’ve seen that you answered a few asks about clean makeup or just better makeup that doesn’t have talc and toxic stuff in them. do you have any products that you personally use?
Do you have any idea how long I waited for an ask like this? It’s my chance to preach like Jesus 😭✋ It’s a little long (but organized!) so everything will be below the cut:
There are several brands that come to mind for clean makeup; 100percentpure, kosas, lilah b., rituel de fille, RMS, kjaer weiss, cover fx, glossier, and milk makeup. Although the cost of the products are a bit high, you are actually spending less over time as many of the products can be used multiple ways AND without a brush! Also, you’re not harming your skin thus you don’t need more makeup to cover skin damages in the future!
All of these brands are cruelty-free and vegan and most of them are available at Sephora or Beautylish. Glossier, Rituel De Fille, and 100PercentPure are only available in their respective websites/stores.
I don’t wear mascara, setting powders/setting sprays, and foundation/bb cream so unfortunately, I can’t give you any reviews for long-term use. I am actually currently trying to replace my NARS radiant creamy concealer (which I bought a year ago before I went completely clean and minimal beauty) with a cleaner alternative. Although I only use concealer, I tried out some face products at the stores!
(Also, just a disclaimer, some of these brands have products with silicone (anything that ends with -ithicone in the ingredient list) since it is a vegan ingredient so just beware! It’s safe to use but I have heard that it doesn’t let the skin breathe as much!)
My Experience with Brands:
I tried out the Kosas tinted face oil in 5.5 and 6 and LOVED IT. It looks like skin, has between light to medium coverage, and does not feel greasy or heavy. I also tried the 100PercentPure fruit pigmented healthy foundation in peach bisque and LOVED that because it doesn’t feel heavy and warms up to the skin well. There is better color selection for Kosas than 100PercentPure. They are both around ~$45 which is a steep price so I recommend going with 100PercentPure as a little goes a long way and you can dilute it with moisturizer. You would run out very quickly with Kosas.
I am currently using Milk Makeup’s lip + cheek in perk. It’s a peachy color that looks gorgeous and radiant on the skin. I was a huge fan at the beginning but now, not so much because there is a small bit of coconut oil in the ingredients that is lifting my concealer (also, I recently learned that coconut oil clogs your pores so don’t use it on your face!). It isn’t opaque enough to show up on darker skin tones and it also makes hair stick to your face or lips. Overall, even though the color is pretty and the price is great for the amount you get, it’s a tad bit too greasy.
I have the most experience with Glossier. I own two generation g lipsticks in cake and like and I own boy brow in black. I’ve also tried the cloud paint blush in dusk but only once. All of these products are super wearable, buildable, and doesn’t feel heavy. The only fault is that it’s not great for deeper skin tones. I love the boy brow and the little tube lasted me almost a year now without drying out (still going strong)! I don’t need any other brow product except that one for a natural look which I do almost anytime I wear makeup. The blush is on the sheer side but if you layer twice, it looks seamless with your skin. The same applies to the lipsticks as well! I would say almost all of their products start off sheer and can be layered easily. Would give this brand a solid 8/10.
For liquid liner, I use Kat Von D’s tattoo liner in trooper black. It’s the best liner hand’s down; doesn’t smudge, doesn’t fade, doesn’t transfer (esp if you powder it a little), and easy to remove without tugging on your eyes. I’m not sure if Kat Von D is a clean beauty brand but all of her products are cruelty-free and vegan and the liner is 100% allergen-free. I don’t like Kad Von D as a person so I don’t invest in her other products but I have yet to find a liner as perfect as this one. Also, the liner lasts about 9 or 10 months. I don’t do makeup daily so if you do, you might have to buy this twice a year but it’s worth the money.
I only own one eye palette and that is the Anastasia Beverly Hills modern renaissance palette. I’m not sure if ABH is a clean beauty brand but this palette is 100% allergen-free. It’s on the warmer side but the eyeshadows are very wearable for all skin tones. I don’t like wearing heavy eyeshadow so I would use colors like golden ochre, warm taupe, or buon fresco as clean base for my liner. Cyprus umber is a great color for your eyelid crease and for lightly contouring your nose with whatever is left over on your finger/brush. I use tempura for my inner eye corner and vermeer or primavera on the lids if I’m feeling fancy. On some special days, I’ll use a super light wash of the bolder colors for monochrome looks. It’s a very versatile palette and it’ll last you a long time!!
My Observations for Brands I Haven’t Tried Personally:
Rituel de Fille is honestly the most gorgeous makeup brand I’ve ever seen (just go to their site, just do it). I love the aesthetic, the quality, the service, EVERYTHING. It’s a bit expensive so I definitely will have to save up to get these but from what I’ve seen so far, it has it all; a great color selection for all skin tones and multi-use products. You can use blushes as a lip color or eye color. The same applies to bronzers and highlighters (I’ve NEVER seen highlighters that look THAT gorgeous). When I stumbled upon that brand, I regretted every other purchase I’ve ever made because I wanted everything!! Their makeup is so unique, it’s almost alien. Also, they have a service where you can send your photo and they’ll help you color-match and give you advice on which tones will fit you the best.  
RMS and 100PercentBeauty are two of the best and well-known clean beauty products on the market because they’re very transparent about the production quality with the public. I personally gear towards 100PercentBeauty because they have everything you need for makeup and skincare and all of their products work well from reviews that I’ve seen. I love RMS’s uncoverup concealer, lip + cheek tints, and eyeshadows but the price is a bit too steep for the amount you get and the reviews are a bit more mixed. I feel like the RMS concealer, although it has cleaner ingredients, is comparable to Glossier’s concealer so I wouldn’t reach for it despite the popularity.
Kjaer Weiss and Lilah B. has great selections and gorgeous packaging (esp KW) but they don’t stand out to me. There are several reasons; the price for KW is just too much for what you get, Lilah B. makeup does not have many options for darker skinned people, and both of these brands have cheaper alternatives (in formula and colors). However, they still carry very beautiful products!
I hope this helped!
- 🐰
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seoul-bros · 5 months
RM Fashion Shoots
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Learning from Antiquity
Dirt, filth, love, kindness and consideration
The Reinvention of RM
Our beautiful alien reinvented in 032c
RM The Reader - Only art can save them
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GQ Japan - RM
GQ Japan - RM and Hiroshi Sugimoto
RM in GQ Japan
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RM for Dazed Korea Part II
Greetings from our beautiful blue haired alien!
RM for Dazed Korea
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RM off to GQ Shoot in Japan
Kim Namjoon in Vogue Part 2
Irreplaceable RM
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RM in Vogue Korea
RM rocking Bottega Veneta in Milan
RM at the Bottega Veneta Show in Milan
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Italians aren’t big on timekeeping
RM at Milan Fashion Week
BTS Fashion Ambassadors Part III
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The poet born from the Sea
This post is part of the TSU. It belongs to the second part: Towards adulthood.
In “Skit: on the start line”, RM concludes the monologue about his fears while he was a trainee with a metaphor:
[...]I am as inconsequential as a speck of dust. It’s as if though before me lies the bluest ocean, and if I turn to look back, a vast desert. In this hourglass-like mindset, in this mood, I spent my three years as a trainee. And now, my debut is finally drawing near. Even after I debut, new oceans and new deserts will likely await me. I am not afraid, because what has made me who I am are the oceans and deserts I have witnessed until this moment. I will never forget the oceans and deserts I have seen.
This image of deserts and seas is one of the most recurrent in Bangtan’s discography. Don’t mix it with the link between Jimin and water though.
The biggest occurrence of this idea is during 화양연화 (The Most Beautiful Moment Life). It starts in the concept for 화양연화 Pt.1 and in the last scene of “I NEED U” (original ver.).
There are 3 concepts: “In Bloom”, “Unrest”, and “Daydream” - that’s set at the same seashore as the end of “I NEED U”.
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The pictures were accompanied by poems by Arthur Rimbaud, including a verse from “The drunken boat”:
Then I bathed in the Poem of the Sea, Infused with stars, the milk-white spume blends, Grazing green azures: where ravished, bleached Flotsam, a drowned man in dream descends.
And one from “Eternity”:
It’s found we see. What? – Eternity. It’s the sun, free To flow with the sea.
Jean Richier made interesting interpretations of Rimbaud’s poems in L'Alchimie du verbe de Rimbaud - note however that these interpretations were made on the original texts in French and thus can’t apply on the English translations used here so Big Hit’s artistic team most likely don’t know about it.
Details can be found in the glossary but to summarize, the verse from the “Drunken Boat” refers to Rimbaud’s beginning as a poet and the one from “Eternity” has hidden meanings such as human ignoring their god, and words, the main element in poesy, ending by death. There’s also a strong association between the sea and motherhood - for example, Rimbaud as a poet is born from the "Poem of the Sea”.
Similar ideas can be found in BTS pictures. The main theme of The Most Beautiful Moment in Life is Youth, which implies the death of childhood (also supported by the poem “The sleeper in the valley” used with these pictures):
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And the birth of adolescence (from a pond):
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The other two concepts are placed in parallel in the two books. “Unrest” is set in a flat and is in color while “Daydream” is set by the sea and is in black and white.
The second one could be their longing for the past (thus the black and white) and the mother sea.
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The first one could be the present, namely the newborn youth (they’re still wet) facing the dangers of the youth (the exact theme of 화양연화 Pt.1 as explained in the 151208 interview from MV Bank Stardust for “RUN” around 3:40): alcohol, drugs, loneliness, death...
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We find the same thing in “I NEED U” (original ver.): sad and alone in most of the MV but together and happier when they’re at the sea. They come back to the sea to escape reality, especially the two boys that possibly suffered the most in the BU: Seokjin and Taehyung. Indeed, Taehyung faces the sea again in the Prologue, he tries to jump to escape his crime but we see in “RUN” that he’s drowning instead of finding peace. As for Seokjin, the end of the Highlight Reel and his poster show how much he’s missing the sea - both the sea from the BU and the reassuring mother sea. He replaces Taehyung at the top of the scaffolder in Euphoria but instead of jumping, he frees himself from his camera by throwing it in the sea. All these videos - excepted  “RUN” - also have a shot of the sea in common:
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Lastly, note that this second birth could also be assimilated with the beginning of the boys as artists, just like Rimbaud. It’s supported by the picture of V associated with the verse from “the drunken boat”:
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He’s writing while being in the water, like a literal poet from the sea.
In 화양연화 Pt.2, the sea is slightly less present but still here:
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This picture is placed in the middle of the photobooks, between the “Je Ne Regrette Rien” and the “Papillon” concepts. The boys oscillate between those two worlds, one being the reality and the other a dream. Just like they swang between “Unrest” and “Daydream”.
We thus have people in a foreign world, so aliens, who come from the water, like whales. Cue “Whalien 52″! (don’t complain about my humor, I know no one’s reading this).
Lonely lonely lonely whale Like this, try calling once again Until this song that doesn’t have a response Reaches tomorrow
The song can be about both the youth and the artist/celebrity not fitting in the world, how they feel lonely because they’re different - like the 52-Hz whale is lonely because it can’t communicate with other whales (more details can be found in Muish’s rambling).
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Sadly for the youth/artist, they’re going to wander in the world for a certain time before they can find another sea. It’s the story seen in “Save Me” (they’re at a beach without any sea, so like a desert) and told in “Lost”, the only song from the Wings series including the image of the sea and the desert:
I’m still standing here with my eyes closed Lost between the deserts and oceans I’m still wandering Where should I go yeah I didn’t know there were this many Paths I can’t go and paths I can’t take I never felt this way before Am I becoming an adult?
Just like in “Skit: on the start line”, the boy is walking between the desert and the sea.
Love Yourself is the next step. In this series, the yellow and blue colors were heavily used (details here). Yet, there’s almost no view of the sea.
The first mention is in “Best Of Me”:
Though I’ve not seen the end for me too If such an end exists, would that be you Though I wished for tender waves Why didn’t I know that you are the sea How am I speaking your language And also breathing your breath I’ll be you you who’s grasping on I meet your lips on the knife
The whole Love Yourself 承 Her album is about finding a destined love, so the sea. It’s confirmed in “Serendipity”. Jimin is in a yellow room figuring the desert and the sea is right in front of him.
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Sadly, as explained in the hidden track “바다 (Sea)” and later in Love Yourself 轉 Tear, this sea was actually a desert - just like a mirage, you see it but you can’t reach it.
Is this place that I’ve reached really the sea, or is it a blue desert?
The sea ending up being a desert can also be seen in “FAKE LOVE (extended ver.)” MV with the transformation of the main room:
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The boy interrupted his search of the sea in Love Yourself 結 Answer, the time for him to realize he had to love himself first before trying to find the sea. Now  that he’s done with that, he’s finally rewarded in Map of the Soul Persona, where he meets the ARMY Bomb ocean:
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It’s confirmed in both “Make it right”:
Across the desert and the seas I wandered across the Wide wide world Baby I
[...] In the desert that I waded through without you, I’m thirsty So please quickly come and hold me I know that the sea without you Will be just like a desert in the end
And “HOME”:
I left home Hoping that all of these imaginations Won’t end as a mere mirage
[...] I felt like I could achieve anything I wanted I saw the ocean yeah Before I even opened this door Oh yeah
BTS has found their sea, their source of hope and love in ARMY. And with all this power, they turn from a poet to a god and change the water (love) in wine (art) in “Dionysus”:
Right now I’m in front of the door of the world The cheers that I hear when I step on the stage Can’t you see my stacked Broken thyrsus Now I’m born again, finally
[...] Born as a Kpop idol The reborn artist The reborn artist The reborn artist
[...] Drink it all up up up My wine glass ay Everyone fall in in in Into the crazy artist One glass one shot Two glasses two shots Drunk on art, sing it Ong-heya 
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elizenaya · 6 years
get to know me!
i was tagged by @sungjincoeur​, thank u so much babbe!
rules: tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better
name: elisa
birth year: 2000
sign: aqua
height: around 1.62? i think 
put your playlist on shuffle and name the first 4 songs:
no promises - shayne ward 
where u at - RM
1 verse - jhope
somehow - day6
grab the nearest book, turn to page 23, what’s the 17th line?
“genericamente definiti come utenti deboli. si tratta di un insieme di soggetti molto diversi...” 
LOL it’s from the book i use to prepare myself for my license exam (?)
ever had a song or poem written about you?
OF COURSE not. i mean probably me and my best friend did something like that but it was so horrible beautiful that i cant remember the lyrics 
when was the last time you played air guitar?
i dont really know??
celebrity crushes?
OMFG WAY TOO MANY. okay so idols??? of course, and actors like chris pratt??? johnny depp??? gary oldman???  the list could go on like FOREVER 
what is a sound you love/hate?
I LOVE the sound that fire makes and the one of the rain, i hate the screams of kiddos and kiddos in general 
do you believe in ghosts or aliens?
not in ghosts bc they’re way too abstract for my rational self, but if we exist why not aliens? and with aliens i mean other beings living on other planets around the universe. i mean, the universe is so huge i hardly believe we are the only one living in it
do you drive? and if you do, have you ever crashed?
so GOOD QUESTION, i started driving and HOPEFULLY i’ll get my driving licence soon,,,, like way too soon, but i still didn’t crash 
last book you read?
do mangas and webtoons count? lmao
do you like the smell of gasoline?
not that much but it doesn't really bother me 
last movie you saw?
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
do you have any obsessions right now?
ateez and bothering my 14 yo brother (i mean i always bother him but this period is way too fun cause he keeps bothering me back and i love this kind of relationship with my brother i know we’re dumb)
do you tend to hold grudges?
usually no, but it still depends on the situation 
are you in a relationship right now?
me tagging @yuta-the-mountain-man sorry for always tagging u, tell me if u want me to stop :(
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donghun-s · 6 years
the great big mel is lazy tag
i’m lazy and haven’t done anything i’ve been tagged in for like the past month or so,, so here’s all of em in one go 
tagged by @seonghwoah
rules: tag 10 5 none im sorry followers you’d like to get to know better!
name: mel
birth year: 2001
sign: libra
height: 5′8″/173cm
put your playlist on shuffle and name the first 4 songs:
finale - h.u.b
starry sky - astro
let go - bts
i need u - clc
grab the nearest book, turn to page 23, what’s the 17th line?
A thin crust of dirt spread from the ghoul’s hand, straight up Eurymachus’s spectral arm.
- blood of olympus, rick riordan (mind you, this book was d u s t y when i picked it up)
ever had a song or poem written about you?
yeah,, it was for a poetry assignment in 8th grade and it was by this kid who i had ‘dated’ for two months and then ‘broke up with’ and it was abt how he hated me and hated the notion of love and anybody i’d ever love in the future lmao
when was the last time you played air guitar?
uh yesterday while bopping to rock me by one direction
celebrity crushes?
,,, u mean my whole blog
what is a sound you love/hate?
i rlly do love the sound of children laughing or giggling,, its one of the purest things in the world tbh
i hate the sound of ppl cracking their necks,, dont care what else u crack just not your neck it makes me s o uncomfortable
do you believe in ghosts?
yeah why not
do you believe in aliens?
well duh
so you drive? and if you do, have you ever crashed?
yes i drive, and i have crashed,,,, the second time i ever drove my mom was like ‘hey let shave u pull into the garage’ and then screamed at me to brake and i hit the gas instead of the brake oops
last book you read?
uh not including fics,,, probably ‘death by black hole’ by neil degrasse tyson??
do you like the smell of gasoline?
for the most part, yeah
the last movie you saw?
i rewatched dinsey’s hercules recently
do you have any obsessions right now?
aside from kpop, probably boba tea, my friends i have gone at least twice a week for the past month and im running out of money
do you tend to hold grudges?
not rlly,,, holding grudges and hating ppl is just so emotionally exhausting for me tbh,,,, like i’ll let go of it but that doesn’t mean that i pretend like it never happened, i just dont waste time on it
are you in a relationship right now?
nah dude
tagged by @seonghwoah
rules: shuffle your playlist and write down the first 10 songs!!
ok i’m gonna do 5 songs from two diff playlists, one is hzck, my list of just new-ish songs i’ve been listening to recently, and another is beyond the direction, which is the entire discography of 1d and bts all in one playlist ok cool
1. feels alright - watsky
2. i wanna know - roh taehyun
3. pain is beauty - chanmina
4. black dress - clc
5. treasure - astro
6. loved you first - one direction
7. answer: love myself - bts
8. dimple - bts
9. tell me a lie - one direction
10. boy in luv - bts
tagged by @1ove1ies and @ohkaypopthis
group music tag
rules - using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and tag ten people.
artist: bts 
gender: outro: her
how do you feel: i’m fine
if you could go anywhere: magic shop
favorite mode of transportation: airplane pt. 2
your best friend: answer: love myself
favorite time of day: 24/7 = heaven
if your life was a tv show: begin
relationship status: whalien 52
your fear: moving on
tagged by @seonghwoah
home/lock screen/last played song
ok so my lockscreen is me n some of my swim kids so im not comfortable posting that but here’s my homescreen n last song
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tagged by @seonghwoah
share 5 little things about yourself that people might not be able to tell without seeing you in person, and tag a few people you want to get to know!
1. i’ve got two rlly deep dimples that u can see p much all the time,,, even when i’m angry they pop out sometimes
2. i gesture a lot when i talk, and when i sign, my facial expressions are wild,, my hearing friends that don’t sign think its hilarious to watch my face when i sign
3. i have mild vitiligo across 40% of my body!!
4. i’m an awkward size where a lot of time ‘plus-size’ stuff will be too big bu ‘normal’ sizes are too small
5. i have a rlly bad habit of cracking my knuckles a l l  t h e  t i m e
tagged by @seonghwoah
url tag game aka let’s make mel suffer for the third time (this is the second time i’ve done it w this long ass url,, and i did it before w starlightbangtann too lmao)
say my name - ateez
thinkin’ about you - jbj95
all day all night - shinee
reflection - rm (of bts)
like that - clc
i’m not famous - ajr
good night - dia
headache - day6
teenagers - my chemical romance
jump - bts
easy to love - key
oh my! - svt
no scrubs - weezer (cover)
girlfriend - bigbang
intro: ringwanderung - bts
nice - got7
aah that’s it!! if you read all of this wow congrats, now u know a bunch abt me!! also if u got this far, feel free to do any of these tags urself and say that i tagged you
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hobiscoffee3-blog · 6 years
KPOP playlist for the signs
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B.I - One And Only
Mad Clown ft Hani - Fire
CL - Hello Bitches
Stray Kids - District 9
B.A.P - Honeymoon
Jackson - Dawn Of Us
UP10TION - Catch Me
BTS - Not Today
Agust D - Give It To Me
IKON - What’s Wrong
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Stray Kids - Hellevator
RM - Joke
AOA - Like A Cat
BTS - Love Maze
Super Junior - Black Suit
Got7 - Teenager
Seventeen - HIGHLIGHT
VIXX - Shrangi-La
Taeyang - DARLING
Pentagon - Like This
Red Velvet - Ice Cream Cake
Suho & Jane Jang - Dinner
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Ilhoon - She’s Gone
Day6 - I Wait
Wanna One - Energetic
SAN E & Mad Clown - Butterfly
Bobby - HOLUP
Zico Crush & Dean - BERMUDA TRIANGLE
HyunA - Lip & Hip
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The Rose - BABY
IRON - Rock Bottom
CLC - Where Are You
EXO - Power
VIXX - My Valentine
Monsta X - Shine Forever
Dean - (D) Half moon
Drug Resturant - Mistake
N.Flying - Hot Potato
EXO - Forever
EXO-CBX - Hey Mama!
SHINEE - 1 Of 1
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Sunmi - Gashina
EXID - Lady
Twice - Likey
Got7 - Look
Giriboy - Take Care Of You
Jessie - Spirit Animal
Red Velvet - PEEK-A-BOO
SNSD - All Night
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Monsta X - Be Quiet
BTS - Ddaeng
F(x) - 4 Walls
Highlight - Plz Don’t Be Sad
The Rose - Sorry
Seventeen - TRAUMA
Moonmoon - Contrail
EXID - Boy
EXO - Been Through
Monsta X - Tropical Night
EXO-CBX - Blooming Days
Wonder Girls - Why So Lonely
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Dean - Instagram
SNSD - Lion Heart
IKON - Love Scenario
NCT - 7th Sense
Suran - Yeah Ah
EXO - Heaven
Jimin - Serendipity
BLACKPINK - As If It’s Your Last
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Taemin - Love
Taemin - Thirsty
Mamamoo - Paint Me
Weki Meki - I Don’t Like Your Girlfriend
KARD - You In Me
Mino - BODY
Red Velvet - Bad Boy
Seventeen - Lilili Yabbay 
BTOB - Pray
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Seventeen - Check In
Taemin - Flame Of Love
Momoland - BBOOM BBOOM
Astro - Crazy Sexy Cool
Pentagon - Shine
Zico & Mino - Okay Dokey
IKON - Airplane
DAY6 - I’m Serious
Jessie - Arrived
NCT - Fire Truck
SHINEE - Married To The Music
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GOT7 - Hard Carry
RM - Awakening
PRISTIN - Black Widow
B.A.P - Wake Me Up
Seventeen - CLAP
G-DRAGON - Middle Fingers Up
EXO - Monster
Jessie - Gucci
Taemin - Stone Heart
EXO - The Eve
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BTS - Nevermind
J-hope - Datdream
Red Velvet - Dumb Dumb
Bobby - Alien
EXO - Universe
BTS - Baepsae
G-DRAGON - Untitled 2014
Got7 & Hyolyn - One And Only You
Seventeen - CHANGE UP
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EXO - Lights Out
Taemin - MOVE
SISTAR - Lonely
Block B - HER
Zico - Artist
Seventeen - My I
Pentagon - Critical Beauty
JBJ - Fantasy
Ten - Dream In A Dream
SHINEE - Good Everything
ChoA & IRON - Don’t Be Shy
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booksfornamjoon · 6 years
RM’s ‘Forever Rain’: A dialogued poem
I wish it would rain all day long Suspended, a tear
Because then I wish someone can cry for me Falls on a cheek that stays dry
Wish it would rain all day long Escapes between the crevices of the eyes
Because then the people wouldn’t look at me Because the world today has risen with your countenance
Then, my sad face can be covered by an umbrella You are anonymous, an outsider in a uterus of eyelashes 
When in the rain, people are busy on their own The beauty of the chaos enclosed within the skin
Let me breathe a bit slower Happiness cannot reside in greatness 
Because my life, my rap, all is too fast in my every day Because the immutable is no more than a door that closes constantly
Right now, everything is just like above The truth is true because it is not real
My shadow reflects in the sky And clouds remind me of you 
I am standing here on top of the darkness But you only existed as a stormy night
I put my head down to the heel of my foot As perishing as lighting When it rains, I feel as if I have some friends A lightning bolt that pierces the faces that come out of the downpour
You keep knocking on my windows and asking how am I doing The streets are cut by crystals 
And I answer But there is no reflection 
I am still the hostage of life You have returned to march towards the sea
I live not because I can’t die And I forgot how to swim in the desert 
But I’m still trapped on something Tear, your laughter is like the rain
If I could knock on somewhere just like you It hits the mirror in my room during autumn days
If I could deeply kiss the world You surround me, you liar, hitting me slowly
I wonder if anyone will come across me Harmless, graceful, company of nature
I wonder if anyone will take my exhausting body I am tired of picking you up, Night Star
Please, don’t ask me anything at all Please, someone, notice my crying
Just keep raining forever My soul is too big for a single bed
When you fall down, I am no longer lonely Don’t leave me alone with her, she beats me in silent sobs
Please, stay with me, at least you Please, come back, I promise to be a child again
I want to live in the world of ash colour I will return to my ponytail, patent leather shoes and red little bow
After knowing there’s no such thing as eternity I promise I will find my friends: they are in my head
Everything slow A tear comes to torture me
When it rains, it pours With the decadent weight of emptiness
It pours With a wet heart of raging waves
Pour on me And nobody is able to hear my screams
Note: Because of the publication of RM’s new mixtape, I wrote a poem directly inspired by the lyrics of ‘Forever Rain’. For me, the most accurate explanation for this song is to consider it a metaphor of human crying in the midst of the ironic and inevitable alienation of our identity and place in the world. A tear, the rain of our soul, can be a silent personal battle, the blood of the sacred chalice that can lead us to redemption, the ocean of a dream... 
Water, living and drowning. 
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