#book value of shares
fromtheseventhhell · 4 months
Another reason that Stansas hate the idea of Arya and Dany being friends (outside of them wanting to demonize Dany) is that they've convinced themselves that Dany and Sansa are the only main female characters, so if a Stark sister is going to have a significant relationship with Dany it has to be Sansa. Arya being constantly downplayed and treated like an accessory to Sansa has generally led to the consensus that her relationship with Dany will be defined by whatever Sansa's relationship (positive or negative) with her is. That's why Arya is always being left out of the "we were robbed of [x] female character friendship" conversations and why theories about Dany/Arya getting along are treated as Sansa hate; Arya, as a character, is seen as secondary to Sansa by a lot of people
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pokemonruby · 2 months
the cover i commissioned for my book is almost finished... this feels so surreal.
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razormeetwrist · 3 months
worst feeling in the world is being fixated on something that is insanely triggering/not easy 2 digest bc my usual reaction 2 liking something is 2 share it w/ the ppl i care abt like its a cool shiny rock but i cant do that w like. a horror novel abt vampire incest or whatever LOL
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naramdil · 2 years
your life is truly as romantic and full of luster as you wish to make it. it'll never be in the highly manufactured moments that social media tries so hard to sell to you. you don't have to be in a certain city, party, or space to have glamour & i promise many of the things that appear that way are actually devoid of any enchantment at all. so anyways. the time to take delight in your own life is now
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kajmasterclass · 8 days
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yotd2009 · 1 year
it's 2023 and i'm still bitter about how kuroshitsuji, a complex slow burn mystery manga, got absolutely massacred by its shitty semi-episodic shota/fujobait anime adaptation
#like yeah the manga could be a bit questionable in the earlier parts (cough corset scene cough comedic relief grelle + soma & agni cough)#but almost all of that got retconned once yana toboso was allowed to have more creative freedom over her work#(and her editor's interference is something we Know had a p drastic effect on the series bc it Literally Gave Us Grelle (toboso wanted to#have a female jack the ripper but her editor said that if she did then she would've had to be working w a man. so in response toboso#decided that madam red's partner in crime would be as effeminate as possible so grelle was created in the vein of buffalo bill and then#only in her next appearance a few arcs later when the book of murder arc was over and done with was she acknowledged to be a trans woman#not the best situation for girlie overall but the manga started treating her much better over time + she slayed)#but the anime was on a whole different level s1 Literally ended while teasing a kiss between a grown adult and a 12 year old#and then s2 just made up random bullshit including a brand new 14 year old to ship bait w adults#and it doesn't help that whenever the series comes up everyone in the surrounding area becomes 50x more susceptible to false info#(see: undertaker's real name being shared around on an image that's literally watermarked by a TUMBLR HEADCANONS BLOG)#so there's a p decent subset of ppl who believe it was originally meant to be a yaoi (rumor that began from the same hc blog)#or that yana toboso is a shotacon (pr.osh.ippers on twt made that one up to try and win arguments)#i want the series to get the fmab treatment w a shiny new anime made by some1 other than a-1 pictures#bc we've seen what happens when they try and adapt the arcs that came out after they committed to the random bullshit plots of s1-2#in the form of the book of murder circus & atlantic ovas. which are excessively plain and just streamlined disconnected and heartless#renditions of the manga arcs which will make no sense to anyone who hasn't already read it. they're like ufotable's fate route ova but at#least that has higher production values and is somewhat visually interesting#romeo.txt
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having incoherent thoughts actually
(mostly a small collection of everything I can discern that gives us insight into sherb and raes relationship as children)
(also known as a long post about c!sherbert and Rae and siblings-)
(Also also known as mildly incoherent long post time that it just word vomit and stringing along thoughts-)
so like. Going through the notes in order, at the end of notes 1 there is the hint that Sherbert maybe isn't the best older sibling, with the '-lled me stupid because I got her name wrong'
do I Uh. Have to go through notes 2? Do I. Do i.. cause. Cause that was pretty fuckin shitty. There's nothing I can say that will excuse that Or what they said to him. I get stress and everything going on, but I'm not sure there is an expectation for that. Sherbert shouldn't have done that, and was obviously not being a good older bother in this moment.
first entry of notes number three that we can see (post notes 2, and presumably post sherb ripping it up) talks about sherb saying that they shouldn't go into Isla room anymore. With the addition of the fact the both of them won't have sleepovers in there anymore. Sherbert couldn't have cared that little about him, if they had sleepovers presumably fairly regularly in their mothers room.
Just. Sherb calling Rae weird. (Entry 9 that we can see) which. Might just be a sibling thing, but ┐(゚~゚)┌
Entry 11 that we can see, Sherb caught Rae sneaking out, Rae says they're going to tattle. That they always do. Gives the impression that sherb just wants rae in trouble for one reason or another. (However, my dad likes to tell us that tatting is okay if someone at risk at getting hurt. Sneaking out isn't exactly harmless. On the other hand, we don't know what the other events they've tattled about, so I cannot say if this was a concerned older sibling tattle or a needing and wanting a younger sibling to get in trouble tattle.)
Entry 12 of notes 3, and '-eld notes' both reference rae questioning something that someone (presumably sherbert, as said person is referred to with they/them) else presumably doesn't believe, saying that it was made up. Which. Maybe listen to your sibling when they say they've seen/heard/experienced someone?? I don't know, it doesn't seem like Sherbert believed mush that Rae said. (It is important to note entry 12 was labeled a day after entry 11.)
Also in '-eld notes' "we can't get it to stop" in reference to their eye implies they were both trying to get it to stop. What Rae said today on stream pushes doubt on the idea that Sherbert wanted that help.
(I. Going on a side tangent about the eye and the eye patch and sherb throwing it away and laughing at Rae trying to help and Rae being upset. Um. Okay. So um. As the older sibling you are. Expected to be the one younger siblings lean on when your parents are busy or when your parents cant or they're unavailable or or or. And with that, you're expected to really only need help from either, a, your parents, or b, another older sibling (who is older than you). now sherbert didn't have any of those. they're without fable. Without Isla. (Without anyone above you, these are just 'expectations' you set for yourself.) They are the older sibling, they're not supposed to need help from their younger sibling. Sometimes you don't want help from your younger sibling. The eye thing must've hurt and they must have been very stressed about it on top of everything else, and and and. The laugh could've been something bitter. It also could have not. Them throwing the eyepatch away could've been them hold themself to "expectations" they dont have to, not thinking theyvneed their younger siblings help. (not wanting it.) We don't know, we weren't there, but also just. I don't know if that moment was sherbert being a shity older sibling or sherbert being a worn out done with the world (still kinda shitty because they didn't explain why) older sibling. Dont know. Just. Side tanget.)
(Rae being upset about it is perfectly valid. He has his right. I'd be upset to if my older sibling was hurting and I tried to help and they wouldn't let me and they laughed at me because how dare I try to fix something and how dare i try to care about them. I'd very very upset.)
Side tangent over. Alone together. Alone together. This book haunts my dreams /vvpos. Do I take it at face value? Do I look further into it? I don't know. So. This is mostly just. Quotes I'm pointing out because how do I take them after that lore today? I don't know-
So, first, "masking their disappointment as they put on a forced smile for the boy beside them."
This too, "In spite of every disagreement and struggle, their bond was unlike any other." Implying that despite everything priorly mentioned, they were still close.
And. And this. ""Rae, I'm glad I have you""
Also all the memories fable showed sherb and Rae the two of them seem. Really close. Rae clinging to sherbert and sherbert talking very gently to Rae.
Also. Also that one message in spoilers about sherb and the corruption and how its probably very similar to how a younger sherbert acted and heyhays response. that too. Actually-
And. That's. All I'm looking for right now. I'm sure there's more and yall are very free to add on and correct me (please please do correct me if I made a mistake) I'm being very incoherent and just having older sibling vs. younger sibling thoughts right now, so I'm not sure if any of this makes sense-
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pheonix-inside · 5 months
Girl help I'm getting ambitious ideas for my book series that'll make book one probably take like twice as long to be ready to publish :(
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jaqobis · 7 months
something that really baffles me is when i see people say that wot or asoiaf is Superior to the other, or suggest that they are superior for liking one over the other, when like.
i mean look, like what you like. everyone's tastes are different! but these are two book series written at approximately the same time, in response to the same cultural and sociopolitical landscape, in conversation with some of the same themes, by dudes who were friends
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terrainofheartfelt · 11 months
Do u have any book and movie recommendations?
sooooo many. you might regret asking.
I love books very very much, just in case you didn't know, so let me fire off at random some of my all time faves with and without blurbs.
poetry: Devotions, Mary Oliver | No Matter the Wreckage, Sarah Kay | Leaves of Grass, Whitman | Post Colonial Love Poem, Natalie Diaz
My Life in France, Julia Child --- her memoir of moving to France with her husband post WWII and her discovery of cooking and deciding to write her cookbook and it's so charming and so her and it's just a delight
Open Me Carefully, Emily Dickinson --- a chronological collection of letters, poems, and letter-poems Emily sent to her lover sister-in-law Susan Dickinson. it's intimate, playful, kind, passionate, and the editors do a great job of putting it all together. and you read it and just know that you are only skimming the surface of the deep love these two women had for each other i gotta lie down
What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding, Kristin Newman --- funny sexy travel memoir by a TV writer who spent her hiatus months in the aughts summers by traveling solo and having whirlwind romances and also her reconciliation between being the woman who can't be tied down but also wanting to build a life with a partner.
The Real Traviata, Rene Weis --- an opera book because me. a biography about Marie Duplessis, the French woman who inspired Dumas to write La Dame aux Camellias and therefore Verdi's Traviata and THEREFORE Baz Luhrman's Moulin Rouge. she had by the most objective accounts a difficult and short life full of fear and illness and abuse but also full of strength and color and love and I found it really moving.
fiction: aka the novels I am thinking most about right now.
House of the Spirits, Isabel Allende --- an all time favorite. a historical, multigenerational epic that left me staring at the ceiling after finishing it. and cemented Allende's place as one of my fave authors
The Sentence, Louise Erdrich --- it's about ghosts and independent bookstores and indigenous women and community and love and trust and the pandemic. great novel.
Sex and Vanity, Kevin Kwan --- people are always looking for who they should crown the modern Jane Austen, and it's him. it's kevin kwan. this is a modern remix of A Room with a View and it is funny and sexy and sweet and was a delight to read.
Beautiful World, Where Are You, Sally Rooney --- my favorite of hers. I love how the chapters of story are interspersed with emails between the two leads. yes there's romance, but the real center of this story is the friendship between the two women.
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous, Ocean Vuong --- entirely lives up to the tumblr hype. possibly exceeds the tumblr hype. I told my best friend to read this book. which she did. then scolded me because while she agrees it's beautiful it's also so heartbreaking. truly some of the most beautiful prose I've ever read. I checked it out from the library but i really want a copy of my own to mark up.
Bright Young Women, Jessica Knoll (out Oct. 3rd) --- i got this ARC at the librarian convention. I'm in the middle of it right now but I have to talk it up because it is sooooo good. It's about women who meet because they have the worst possible thing in common: their best friend was murdered by the same serial killer. It hops around between the '70s and the present day, reads like a thriller, and the thesis is really about destroying the myth of the criminal mastermind, a la all those true crime docs about dahmer and bundy. I'm almost halfway through and the murderer is only referred to as "The Defendant." It's about taking the narrative away from him, the universal defendant, and recentering it around the exceptional women whose lives he ended and/or destroyed. Again, please check it out when it comes out this fall. But be forewarned that the subject matter is dark.
as for MOVIES, well, if I tried to make a list like the one above I'd be here all day, so why don't I just list a handful that I consider central to understanding who I am as a person:
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Life of Brian
The Blues Brothers
The Princess Diaries 1 AND 2
Little Women (2019)
The Holiday
Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Star Wars, the OG and prequel trilogies
and, last winter I stumbled across The Four Seasons starring Alan Alda and Carol Burnett, and I thought it was delightful.
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kingcriccket · 1 year
Final thoughts on iron widow are that it is very fun to watch someone break stuff for a couple hundred pages but that it was pretty overhyped as anything beyond that. If it wasn't marketed as this groundbreaking feminist ThingTM I would have liked it more I think bcos politically it's a bit incoherent besides being very firm that girl power Is Good and sacrificing girls to be car batteries for mechs is Bad. Boo the patriarchy. Did Wu Zetian effectively utilize girl power when she slaughtered innocent people in her big dragon suit? etc
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thewritingpossum · 1 year
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carcinized · 2 years
okay also while im on this topic (american centric rant incoming sorry. i can’t speak for other countries but this is what it’s like here)
a) adults rewarding kids for like being on the football team in high school is dumb as fuck and causes 50% of my problems at school. we all know this thougu like it’s stupid as fuck. but also
b) adults rewarding kids for taking AP classes and doing a million extracurricular things hoping for scholarships causes the other 50%. Normalize telling kids “hey sometimes colleges won’t even take your AP credits, half the class focuses on passing a test which you might not and also have to pay money to take, also this class might destroy your livelihood.” also normalize telling kids hey man it’s literally fine if you don’t wanna go straight to a four year college? like there’s community/junior college which in some states is FREE FOR TWO YEARS. and if it’s not free is INFINITELY CHEAPER. and then you can usually get GUARANTEED SCHOLARSHIPS into really good schools to do your major. & you dont even need to bust your ass getting into college and destroy your mental health so you go into college hella depressed. also this means you have more time to work in your teenage years while you don’t have to pay the bills and save money for things like yknow. groceries and down payments on cars and apartments. and it’s not a failure to do that??? like im saving at least 20k dollars doing that plus my own mental health. Like um if you really wanna go ahead but im pretty happy with the money and emotional distress im saving i feel pretty fucking smart for doing that 💀 also stop being assholes to kids who cant afford 4 year college realistically (even though there’s “scholarships.” ever talked to anyone fucking ever?? those are so competetive it’s SO UNREALISTIC to bank on those im sorry to say.)
also there’s nothing wrong w trade school? Or literally anything else? take a gap year and live at home? you’re slaying. take a gap whatever years and live at home?? UR SO FUCKING COOL. stop acting like college is the only path for people my fucking GODDDD
#like im a smart guy or whatever. All my teachers assume i want to go straight to 4 year college bc like idk. I want to launch shit into spac#i read quantum physics books for fun. i go above and beyond on projects sometimes (bc it’s the only way i can get myself to do them oops)#& most of the ppl i talk to are like. smart kids bc idk i take some honors classes n stuff. those are just the ppl i fell in with#but i REFUSE to take AP classes & everyone thinks im crazy for it#like sorry for not wanting to waste my time on a test that might not even translate credits to college#im just taking college classes at the junior college rn so i don’t have to do it in college???#GUESS WHOS GETTING A BETTER EDUCATION!!!!!ME!!!!!!!!#it’s just SO fucking stupid. and i want to share this here. You’re welcome#ALSO IN MY HONORS CHEM CLASS ITS ALL SNOOTY UNDERCLASSMEN#& it’s like girlie u are Not cool bc you stayed up until 3am doing homework last night. that’s not as hashtag relatable as you think#some of us value our mental and physical health more than an unlikely college scholarship#they’re so like. 😐 wow you genuinely think im dumb for being older than u & in this class. SORRY I DIDNT TAKE HONORS CHEM & PHYSICS AT OJCE#SOPHOMORE YEAR??????? I WANTED TO BE ABLE TO TAKE CHOIR????? AND HAD 2 MORE YEARS TO TAKE HONORS CHEM?????#like girlie i am Not bad at science. you’re not better at it than me bc you’re taking a stupid class younger#tobin talks#also U literally hate chemistry you’re JUST doing it bc it’s the most you can possibly do#like HOW do you think that’s gonna be good for you. it’s RIDICULOUS#sorry this one girl in my class pissed me off a Lot i have. THOUGUTS
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Building Our Future Together: Purpose and Direction
Purpose: Because I love you, Nina. Because I have you in my thoughts always, seeing our future together with clarity and specially because I still feel love for you. I hear you. And because I hear your “yes,” and because you welcomed me home. You are special to me, and together we are a powerful “yes.” We have something incredible going on, and my intention is to protect you and our family, and…
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kajmasterclass · 24 days
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tincansamurai · 5 months
added everything up, with all the stuff that's been set in chronological order and all the lil bits that fit in who knows when, i've written like 35k words for this stupid pointless gay story since july lol. i would be maybe sharing it but i think i need to figure out what the purpose is. rn it's kinda just writing things that would happen that also give me emotions of some kind, which i guess that's just what writing romance is tbh. but academia has made me self conscious of that and how i don't have a lot to say here. you need to let other people love you? talk about your problems instead of letting your brain fester in your skull? i guess that's mainly what i'm trying to tell the characters so that probably becomes what i'm telling the hypothetical reader. doesn't seem deep. but then again it's important to have fun. why is a little imp in my head demanding my erotic romance have something to say about marxism before it's worthy
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