#boredom entertainment
ipushedthewrongbutton · 5 months
Imma do this final vent and then I’ll shut up about it.
This was a dumb move, from every possible perspective.
In the og goodbye video, they really made it sound like they were doing the streaming service because they wanted to go bigger, make cooler videos, really see what they could do and let their creative vision take the lead.
Growing as an artist is what you do when you Already Have The Money To Do So. You don’t tell your audience “give me money and then I will use to it to make cooler bigger things”. That’s not a streaming service, that’s a kickstarter.
They didn’t have the numbers to pull a streaming service off either. “We think we’re ready for television quality content” no you don’t. Sorry, no you do not. Television quality content means 30-50 crew per project, means at least 4-5 production being worked on at the same time, and at least 4-5 productions being broadcast at the same time. Watcher has maybe 2 series they upload simultaneously and they have 25 employees TOTAL. Not even CLOSE to tv levels of content, who the fuck do you think you are???
Did they really think all 3 million of their subscribers were going to follow them on this? Including kids, whose spending is dependent on their parents? Including the casuals, who only subscribed for the occasional video? Including people for whom $6 dollars on another streaming service just isn’t an option? Why DIDN’T they poll this, was this being a surprise really that important??
AND why would you completely cut off another revenue? Even if YouTube is restrictive, it’s still another source of income. Cutting that off completely is… bold.
Especially since in the apology, they let it slip that no, actually, it’s because Watcher is on the brink of having to close up shop because they’re not making enough money with just the patreon, the merch sales, the ad reads, etc.
So… one of those is a lie. Or at least part of the truth.
But let’s assume they are in financial trouble, then this was still the dumbest they could’ve done.
Welcome to the entertainment industry where we follow 1 giant fucking rule: Kill Your Darlings.
Fellas, pals, amigos, bros, dudes. If your projects spend more than what they make, it’s time to downsize. Not upscale. Cut the shit that’s spending the most money, start concentrating on how you can conserve without having to fire your crew. Put the projects where you have to fly out and buy new stuff all the time on the back burner, you can get back to them once you actually have the money for them. Work with what you already have. You have a MASSIVE studio space, fuckin use it. You HAVE sets, you HAVE props, you HAVE talent and you have ideas. Start workshopping all the crazy and shit ideas you thought weren’t gonna work and start thinking how you could make them work with the lowest possible budget you can have. Your audience is there, they’ll watch whatever you throw at them. Now is the time to go crazy and see what sticks. You HAVE viewership. Collab. CONSTANTLY. Get it the fuck out there that you exist. A lot of people had no idea a patreon existed, mention it ALL THE TIME. To the point that it becomes annoying. Do it!
If your studio is becoming too expensive, get rid of it. Sorry, kill your darlings. Move some shit around in Steven Lim’s tesla garage, put up some green screens, this is where you work now until you can afford a studio in LA again, you dipshits. Editors can work from home, sound designers can work from home, writers and researchers can work from home, meetings can happen in someone’s kitchen or living room.
And finally: be transparent. Be honest to your audience and communicate. “We’re sorry to put Ghost Files on hiatus, however we can no longer justify the cost of traveling to locations.” The majority of your audience will understand and show patience. The part of your audience that matters will wait and enjoy your other wacky shit in the meantime. Hell, they might spontaneously start their own kickstarter because those who can, will want to support you financially, if you’re just hONEST WITH THEM.
As a business, you constantly have to choose between your financial stability and that of your employees, your vision and the future of your company and what you Want to do with it, and your integrity, the trust between you and your audience. (Especially that last one, businesses can’t pretend they don’t have a relationship with their audience, that’s not how business works, guys.)
When you’re in financial straits, one of those has to go. Watcher chose the latter, they should’ve picked the middle. Their grand television quality ideas can fucking wait, if money is a problem.
Look, I’m an artist too. I had a vision too. But it was either my creative vision or being able to afford food and rent. Creativity can wait, creativity will always be there once I can support it. Living comes ALWAYS first. Asking my audience to fund my huge artistic dreams though, with only the promise of something cool, NEVER even crossed my fucking mind. That’s what donations are for, that’s what the patreon is for.
They apologised. And good. But this was a dumb decision from the goddamn start. There were like 500 steps in between and they skipped all of it. And for what? For money? For grand ideas? For greed or for hubris? How many of their original subscribers are actually gonna come back? How much money did they lose with this stunt? If they really are in financial trouble, this MASSIVE risk -which is what it has always been- might just be their downfall. And it’d be 100% their own fucking fault.
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autogeneity · 1 year
your job feeling futile is probably bad if the jobs sucks or working conditions are bad or you're not getting paid enough etc, but like, my job is good in terms of conditions and also completely meaningless as far as I'm concerned, and it's like...fine? I don't mind that at all. tbh I would probably find working on something I gave a lot of damns about vastly more exhausting. this way I have damns left for other stuff
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bigbrotherbs · 8 days
Me if I were in the house:
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truly-immortal · 1 month
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yourstrulyarrow · 2 months
guys omfg please if ur ever bored go argue about trans people on reddit with a right-wing teenager. i'm serious. i'm so fucking entertained. this guy can't even fucking read man. i sent him 2 links to studies directly contradicting his source-less statistics. he sent me back some long thing about how i'm brainwashed and need to use .gov links... HE SENT ME BACK THE SAME LINK I SENT HIM Y'ALL. HE SENT ME THE SAME LINK I SENT HIM AND MISINTERPRETED THE RESULTS THINKING IT WAS IN HIS FAVOUR. he clearly never even pressed the links i sent him and it's sooo fucking funny. he also has piss-poor reading comprehension. like he reads "people who have had sex reassignment surgery are more suicidal than their cisgender control counterparts" as "post-op trans people are more suicidal than pre-op trans people". deadass. he sent me a link to the heritage foundation as well where they misrepresented the results of a swedish study that showed higher suicidality in trans people post-op than cis people... and a guardian article from 19 years ago that was... surprisingly supportive? and also stuff about medicare and some other company saying there wasn't enough research into trans people... he thinks this proves trans people shouldn't have surgery. im crying laughing. omfg hes so stupid. he has no reading comprehension?? oh and it took him SEVEN HOURS before he sent me his piss-poor defence. did bro have to sleep on it?? im CRYING GUYSS HAHAHAHA
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howifeltabouthim · 6 days
What did the elderly and infirm do before the invention of television? Simon wondered. (What did he do?)
Kate Atkinson, from Death at the Sign of the Rook
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nyxi-pixie · 6 months
thinks abt mori wanting to save dazai from himself. thinks abt mori saying he sees himself in dazai before immediately asking why he wants to die. thinks about mori being intent on putting chuuya and dazai together and only a diamond can polish a diamond and he of all people would understand the influence of partnership found in the strangest of places. thinks about mori sitting bored in the pm post mimic, having gotten everything he wanted and nothing happening that he hadnt predicted, and missing what he knew he would lose anyway.
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underground-baby · 10 months
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New snap addd me 😈💵😇
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the-problemo · 5 months
I'm told I bring a sort of 'calm chaos' to the table but I prefer to call it 'quietly unhinged'.
'Hey!' some may say, 'Those are basically the same thing!'
To which I respond, 'The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.' Then proceed to ask with genuine interest what their passions and hobbies are.
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dithorba · 9 months
4, 11?
Which was your first game? What was your first impression, and how you feel on it now? - First game was FE7. I didn't play it when it came out. Rather I played it in 2012, just a few months after Awakening. I didn't even know Awakening existed at the time. I was stuck in Mexico, in a B-tier hotel, watching PokeTuber Haydunn's LP of Pokemon Snakewood. After failing patch a rom on my old Samsung Galaxy S3, I just downloaded an FE7 rom and used MyBoy emulator. I decided to play a game I hadn't played before and I knew of Lyn & Marth from Smash. I at least knew this game only had Lyn. The rest was history. Lyn good. I still have a lot of good memories of FE7. I still occasionally play FE7 because its the most enjoyment on its hardest mode while still being able to practically use any unit I want. 11) What's your favorite unit type? Least favorite unit type? - Fliers are fave, armors are not. Fates is the only game to get to me to actively use armors because of how well they balanced them out. The fact that CQ is well-tuned to have me seriously considering between Greak Knight for move + Luna vs the extra bulk of General & Wary Fighter is just bonkers.
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aliothbuzzsawshark · 9 months
mmmm Christmas is boring
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dvalshock · 5 months
I'm too tired for it from my period but I wonder if you could connect/contrast Aventurine and Kafka together. I bet you could but I cannot be arsed to expend brain power on it
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spamton-addison · 1 year
i love watching speedrun explanation videos and just having no idea whats going on
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thatoneluckybee · 6 months
if y'all keep this up i'm going to start talking exclusively in a Conlang to confuse you back.
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darktetras · 8 months
I think i accidentally developed a crush on a friend send help
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itwaslegendary · 9 months
okay so nothing interesting happened tbh!! the only “interaction” was when i was waiting for my best friend at her class’ door (she and him are in the same group) and when he was going out he passed right next to me so i moved a bit to the side to let him through and he said “oh sorry” but that was all and it was just like a basic polite gesture lmaoao
i have class again this afternoon and this time i’ll actually have to be with him bc we are both in that class and in total we are 9 people there so we’ll see (nothing will happen jdnsjckqvck but at least it’s fun)
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