solothefirst · 1 year
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pebblegalaxy · 7 months
Office Nightmares: Suspecting Your Boss Might Be a Serial Killer
Office Nightmares: Suspecting Your Boss Might Be a Serial Killer #OfficeNightmares #BossFromHell #SerialKillerBoss #WorkplaceSurvival #TrueCrimeHumor
The Office Murder Mystery: Navigating Suspicions of Serial Killer Bosses Picture this: you’re toiling away in your cubicle, mindlessly sipping on your third cup of coffee, when suddenly it hits you like a ton of bricks – could your boss be a serial killer? Sure, it sounds like the plot of a B-grade horror movie, but when you start connecting the dots, the evidence seems to point in a…
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chibicelina · 4 years
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Happy Birthday #LeMar #MYCOMICSTRIPCLUB #BlackComicCreators #BossFromHell #Djinnx #BriannaHatesEverybody #LilMalcolmHexed #SamaxAmen (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CENlkkTBDIA/?igshid=hokjxtcxl0gx
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evanisaswiftie · 6 years
I've been a Swiftie for as long as I can remember. I've always felt the same things Taylor has around the same times so it's always really fun to be like OMG SAME everytime an album was released. Rep hit me the hardest. I had been going through hell at my job. The big boss was a bit of a monster. I was legit scared around him half the time because he was emotionally volitile. The day LWYMMD came out, I was struggling. I stayed up to hear it, wasn't a fan until the daylight hours when the big boss ripped me away from the office environment I was in and put me in a totally different department. My old area had lots of windows and light and my friends who I could cut up with while working... This new one had a tyrannical boss who refused to turn on the overhead light in a windowless room and wouldn't allow us to talk or listen to music without headphones. It was miserable. As the months went by, I sunk into deep deptession. My doctor didn't listen to me... I was dealing with this alone. I had my boyfriend and I had Taylor. I listened to everything over and over again on repeat. On my worst days, LWYMMD played alone on repeat for HOURS. The day CIWYW came out, i waited with childlike anticipation for it to release. I knew it'd be my favorite track on Rep the moment i heard the first notes. I broke down in tears at the line "You don't need to save me, but would you run away with me". She perfecly captured everything I had been feeling for MONTHS. Invalidation, darkness, brokenness... The feeling of being alone left me beause Taylor had been there all along. Two months later in January, I finally had enough of the shit and put in a 2 week notice at that job... the moment i hit "send" on my email, "if a man talks shit then i owe him nothing" played and I knew Taylor was cheering for me. Now I'm much happier with my fiance working a job I love, doing what's best for me and anxiously awaiting TS7 @taylorswift
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prettybird-love · 4 years
Just don’t walk out !!!
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weirdcurlymexi-blog · 8 years
Mi jefa,la persona mas promedio y pelo de casco, una niña de 50 años, gran maestra a su manera me vino a mostrar, la empatia, lo que no quiero ser, mi posible futuro, y la mejor desicion de mi vida... por cierto lo estoy haciendo escucho a odeza en este momento, estoy escribiendo, ok volviendo al tema,como escribia,ella el sapo con la corona, como debería de llamarla,ahora con  majesty al fondo, habla de mi a mis espaldas, soy gorda,lenta,narizona,lo escucho de mis compañeros a la vez que trato de hacer un muro con los ladrillos que me lanza.
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solothefirst · 10 months
Looking for gift ideas that are easy to wrap? 😘 buy a book
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fvdgethis · 9 years
So nine months later, I finally remembered I had this blog. 
Soooo much has happened since then and you won’t BELIEVE the juicy details. I’ll need to remember the timeline but soon enough I’ll let you know exactly how everything went down. 
Lies, betrayal, public humiliation, crying, lots of crying, lots of tension, and somewhere in there, someone gets fired. Was it me? Did I leave that crazy job and my BFH? Stay tuned in the next post on FVDGE! 
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chibicelina · 4 years
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The original has a nice gold border. 😭 #cartoonist #illo #illustration #bossfromhell #pinkslip #pandemic #covid #nonessential #chibicelina #latina #hispanic #mycômicstrip #comics #rightinthefeels (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLDUk1Mhlc5/?igshid=1d2np9bw8kzt
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icyblue487 · 9 years
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This image might be a part of a thumbnail I'm going to use for my Boss From Hell video. #youtube #bossfromhell #difficultboss #stressfuljobs
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solothefirst · 2 years
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Achievement wall updated!
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fvdgethis · 10 years
The Boss From Hell
This will be an ongoing subject because most of the problems I encounter in my journey are from the last four years working under the boss from hell. 
I've worked as a Analyst for the last four years for the she-devil known here on out as BFH. Coming in, I had previous experience in the corporate world, retail, and customer service. In general, I see myself as a very optimistic and driven employee. I love being organized, finding creative solutions to existing problems, collaborating, and I also do well working with little instruction. I'm very laid back and get along with my co-workers. I mind my own business basically, but I'm ver approachable. I'm also a bit of a perfectionist. If a problem is presented to me, I'll get the job done. My previous employers enjoyed these traits about me. This would definitely make any boss' life easier.
Enter BFH. The first year I worked under her department and under her supervision, I've been submitted to 1) public humiliation at a conference filled with my peers and managers, 2) a public scolding in front of my co-workers for things I clearly was not responsible for, 3) having a folders and papers thrown to my face, 4) crying at work as she aired my personal business for all to hear, 5) blamed countless of times for things she was responsible for. She has a habit of pointing the blame on others. The list gets worst! I find this is due to her lack of control of her own stress, lack of interpersonal skills, managerial skills, time management skills, and plain old humanity. 
I've never been treated this way before at a job or outside of a job. No one deserves to be treated less than a human being. I believe you should be kind to others in general. You don't know what they go through everyday. What right does she have to talk down to me and humiliate me?
This should probably lead you to wonder why I stuck around for another three years huh? Seems like an abusive relationship where the one being abused says "it'll get better," or "he/she was just having a bad day," "he/she's not usually like this." May seem like I'm pushing it with the comparison but that is the best way to describe it. Well that goes to show you how much I can tolerate. I've stuck it out just so I can say, "yes, I've done all I could and it's definitely not me." 
I have a bit of "stick with it-ness" that I was raised to have. The type of "see it through til the end" attitude that parents in my generation instilled. Whether it came to food, a book, or a project. If you started it, you have to see it through to the end. Well, I think at this age also comes the right to end what is not working. And i've finally come to that decision. But what's taking so damn long to wrap it up? Well there lies the problem. I've been here before. I've ended it before. I've up and left, fed up with her before. But I found myself back at the same job, under the same BFH. You want to know why? Because it seemed like this time I had the upper hand. It seemed more temporary. In the end, I'm back to square one debating what to do. Details on how I end up back in hell will be in my next post. 
Til next time,
A. Beaverhousen
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chibicelina · 7 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day from @iblogalot and @chibicelina ❤️❤️❤️ #bossfromhell #jrlemar #mycomicstripclub #comics #valentinesday #showsomelove (at Portland, Oregon)
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Day 1 (05.05.2014)
So I quit my job.
I fully intend to utilise my time…
- experiment and learn about photography
- discover new music
- penny board till its less life threatening
- travel, perhaps
- sort out the admin in my life
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lastcallblog · 11 years
A real fuckin’ turning point of 2013...STARTED IN MY FAVOURITE COFFEE SHOP.
He walked through the door with a big smile. Just looking at him made me want to vomit. His hair was matted together with some hideous product. His shark tooth necklace against his shitty band t-shirt. The look completed with designer jeans and boots.
He sat down at the table, ordered a coffee and we had two minutes of small talk before shit got real. He explained how happy he was with my work and handed me the new contract. A new title, salary and European car to drive. Sounds pretty great doesn’t it?
I worked in an office with a small team. After working together for a couple of years we were like family. The work we created was awesome and job satisfaction levels were high. There was a table tennis table, takeaway ramen, lots of laughs and beers in the sunshine on Fridays. It was fun…
Until he walked in the door. We all sat up a little straighter and talked a lot less. It was like someone had scratched the record. Will he be in a good mood or bad mood? Will he say hello to us when he walks past? If he was in the office, your day would be dictated by him. What dumb personal project will I waste my time on today? Will I get interrogated for ordering too many stickers? Will I get fired today? These questions that ran through your head, even before you’d put the coffee pod in the machine.
Although he was an A-grade douchebag, he taught me some very important business skills. He taught me how to bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. He would promise things to clients which would leave the rest of us scrambling to deliver the impossible. He was slipperier than an onion that has been sitting in the fridge for a year. If he was trying to impress you, he could be the most charming, charismatic and interesting person you’ve ever met. When we returned to the office, the real him would come out. He was more two faced than frickin Two Face.
Loyalty meant nothing to him. Over a two week period, he decided to cull half the team. It was literally like he had a hat with all our names in it and once a week he would pull a name out. It’s a really great feeling seeing one of your good friends packing up their desks in tears. But wait, it gets better. Two weeks later, he asked the dismissed staff members to come back because he realised he couldn’t run his business without them.
Overall I’m a fairly optimistic, happy and chilled person. But during that period I was defeated. When I was having a bad day, I’d go to the shopping centre down the road and push my face up to the glass of the pet shop, staring at the puppies like a creep. It would make me feel better. I had a problem and the pet shop was my valium. I was staring at the puppies every damn day.
As soon as I was out the door at 5pm, I would jump in my car and crank the smooth, beautiful crooning of Frank Ocean. However, even sometimes Frank couldn’t save my boyfriend and housemates from the wrath that was my post-work anger. I would zoom into the drive way, slam the car doors, barge through the front door, throw all my stuff on the floor, yelling ‘FUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!’ and they would have to sit and listen to me rant about the devil himself. I’ve never been a midweek drinker, but I gave it a good crack at that time.
So back to the coffee shop. The thing was I was a very important puzzle piece to his operation. Replacing me was going to be a tough gig. This power felt pretty fucking good.
I looked up from the contract. I wanted to scream at him ‘GET FUCKED YOU FUCKING CUNT, I’M NEVER WORKING FOR YOU AGAIN!’ but I am a professional operator and I couldn’t drop that kind of language in the presence of Coffee Jesus. So I thanked him for his offer and said I was leaving the company. His smiling face changed very abruptly. His eyes went glassy and his mind went to some other place. He asked me repeatedly when I was leaving. Then he left the coffee shop quicker than Superman.
Fuck it was a good day.
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