#both are short xddd
snivel1 · 1 year
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What if I swapped their puppet types😳
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403tarot · 9 months
NSFW READING: seonghwa X anonymous in bed
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WARNING: explicit content ahead. for +18 users only !
yes i'm showing off my bias. why? because he is WILD and because i can xddd
content taken out from a tarot romantic reading of seonghwa and anonymous.
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in the part of the reading about how seonghwa would see you, we were already given a preview that he would be very sexually attracted to you, and that the chemistry between you two would be very intense. here in the part about how your sex life would be, it becomes explicit again that you would awaken the wildest side of an aries with mars in aries. you would make his personality change completely, and then his behavior would switch from one extreme to another: the sweet, caring, and always careful boyfriend you would have would cease to exist as soon as he touched you in that way – he would come to you like a hurricane.
ravenous, possessive, the sweet little kisses he would want to give you would turn into bites. seonghwa wouldn't want to take his hands off you – he would run them all over your body to feel you, grip you, leaving his marks on your skin. you would feel very pampered by him, and even though he wouldn't show much tenderness at that moment, it would be a mutual exchange for you – despite him being a bit rough, he's not selfish, and he would leave you with trembling legs anyway.
i don't view him as the type to tease you; seonghwa would go straight to the point. the way you would make him feel would leave him impatient and with no time to play around; he would want to get deep inside you right away. i also don't get a power dynamic here (like him being in charge or you). to be honest, i think it would be so overwhelming that you wouldn't even have time to think about these dominance and submission things, also because it wouldn't be necessary – you both would be all over each other.
he would like to make a mess — seonghwa gets sweaty on his own very easily and at this moment there would be no reason to be any different. it wouldn't bother him or you, in fact these things with body fluids could make you both even more excited. he could be the type to try to prolong this fuck as long as possible because he doesn't want it to end and, when it ends, he's already anxious thinking about when you're going to do it again. he has great stamina and would want to do it several times because just once isn't enough to make his desire to calm down.
one thing about you that would draw attention to him would be your boobs and your thighs, but especially your boobs, he could have something like a fixation on them. he could ask you to stay in bed showing off in just your panties and passing your hands on them so Seonghwa could appreciate them. you could play with his possessiveness and use it against him, for example writing his name on your boobs... if you do that he would freak out, the end of his mental health (lmao)
in the end, when everything would be over, you would be cuddled up. he wouldn't be one to do very elaborate aftercare; you both would be utterly exhausted, so you would prefer to stay quietly, gazing at the ceiling without having a coherent thought for a while.
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you can get a personalized reading with seonghwa or any idol of your choice ! check my pinned to know more !
i promise i also know how to take cute readings, check how would be the perfect date with seonghwa [short version] here XD
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altraviolet · 5 months
Just for funsies while the next chapter comes out, here are the notes for almost every Toaster appearance:
Chapter 15:
"It means I taste-test everything first and if there's something wrong with it, we know right away, cuz I'm so small!" Toaster pounded a tiny fist into a tiny palm. "Unsung hero!"
Not main plot related, just the introduction to Toaster because I like him. I love that he wasn’t stuck in there with SW, SW was stuck in there with him.
Chapter 21:
Toaster wielded a spoon like a sword and whacked Soundwave's shins. "Put him down!"
Toaster being this incredibly brave against Soundwave is amazing and hilarious. There is s reason he survived the DJD.
Chapter 23:
Toaster had made a curious request, but whatever Toaster wanted, Toaster got.
As he should, he’s our hero.
Soundwave was there, too, squished against the window between Rodimus and the wall, because Toaster had specially requested his presence.
I’ve not a clue why Toaster requested SW be there, but this is hilarious.
"Chin up!" Toaster whacked Ultra Magnus's knee with the scepter.
Random character development moment that doesn’t have to do with Rod or SW, Toaster in the fic Cone, was intimidated by Ultra Magnus for both his being an important autobot and his size but thousands of years later he does not care.
Chapter 44:
Toaster wriggled out of Ambulon's grasp and fell to the floor. "Scraplet this!" He kicked Ambulon in the shin.
Iconic Toaster moment, he fears no mech, monster or god. Very cute he feels comfortable to just climb the bed and talk to SW (latch on to Lazerbeak too) but then again why would he hesitate to do whatever he wants? He’s Toaster.
Chapter 47:
His curse-laden muttering softened as he swung an apron on. It was painted with a crime scene style outline of Toaster's body. Scrawled inside the outline were the words, HEro Of THe sHip And THis Is WHat You Do To ME.
This is hilarious and Toaster does NOT deserve this. I wonder how many times weekly he has to wrangle Grimlock with his tiny self.
LOL xDDD it's so fun you've kept track of Toaster ahahaha
also, for the record (I'm not sure if it's clear or not), Toaster made the apron Grimlock is wearing
thank you! glad you have enjoyed Toaster so much =D
behind the cut is a behind the scenes Toaster factoid & spoilers for Cone, which is a humorous short story about a mech who survives the DJD. check it out if you'd like HERE
The reason why Toaster wanted Soundwave with him in the Snowbeast and the reason he has a fondness for SW, is because Toaster is also an ex-Decepticon. at one point he tells SW he is "The student who will someday become a master." this is basically his way of saying "someday you'll grow out of the Decepticon stuff and become like me- no longer a Decepticon, but who you are meant to be." and who is Toaster? the hero of the ship, of course ;)
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totallynotsarkaz · 2 months
rszm food in Rosa's oprec issh sooooooo gooooooood
[spoiler for Rosa's oprec bellow]
[warning, I am a rszm dork so you'll see a lot of me gushing over them]
We started of with RosaGummy cooking session and girl is not happy at all (A little bit insulted lmao) that Gummy said she has surpassed Zima when it comes to cooking. I guess my headcanon about Rosa is terrible at cooking was half right.
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Then they deliver said Rosa's cooked meals to medical bay(?. Her we have two people chatting with each others. One of them was Rosa's former maid. Her name is Sofia.
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She was happy to meet her Mistress but then it goes south the further they talk.
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So they went off to Rosa's dorm. And god fuck I don't wanna talk about it... then Zima barged in like usual she is, and you know what. THIS. MAID. BEEFED WITH HER LMAO. I know it's funny in one way but god Zima was PISSED. So they argue for a while until Rosa stopped Zima before she throws hand.
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Zima left and Rosa had long, loooong talk with her former maid, saying that she had job to do in nearby village. As volunteer teacher. Her maid follows her there and God FUCK I WANT TO THROW HANDS AT HER. Rosa was being really nice to the kids there, heck one of them shyly gives her herbs as a thank you, Rosa was about to take it and the maid took it and said it is too dirty for her. Ooooh and Rosa did not like that one a bit and softly told her to piss off.
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GO GET HER ASS ROSA. Anyway, Rosa apologize to the children about her and her former maid behavior and continue to teach them in peace. For a bit. We move outside to see the former maid talking to Village head who approached and ask who she is. She answer that she's Rosa's maid and it raises question to Village Head, he then begin to question if Rosa is truly noble and you know what, this maid pisses;
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Rosa overheard it and told her enough is enough. She have been very patient with her, asked the Village Head if she could receive the payment, got payment, and then put it inside her purse and gives it to her maid (a bit hesitate at first). She then said :
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(we also then know the reason as to why the maid stick with her but I couldn't care less because she wants to return back to her former glorious life in House of Rostovs)
Where was I, ah yes, after exchanging words, the maid decide to go off on a journey to find the Rostovs and deliver the news of "their daughter is still alive yadayada". Rosa, feeling a bit tired got jumpscared by Istina (while dragging Zima with her) sudden appearance. Zima told Rosa she informed the gang about what happen and Rosa thank her. Not long after that, Leto informed her that there's a big delivery for her. The piano she'd been waiting for. Girl ran off as fast as lightning after hearing that (cute). We have brief Istina teasing Zima about Rosa's behavior just now.
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Keep denying it Zima, we know you care for that giant fluffy bear lady. Long short story, Zima helped her moving said piano (along with the rest of the bears ig) because she worried she'll drop them.
A moment, later they're in Rosa's room. With the piano. Rosa then raise the question.
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Pfft, tsundere behavior. The girls then teases this poor leader of their's
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That... is very Zima. More teasing later, Rosa offers to play the piano. It's been a while she play piano and both Gummy and Istina were excited to hear. It makes her nervous. As... the other two however XDDD
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Rosa roast them As to what piece she actually play, it's Für Elise Laurenz.
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Hi!! T'is I, the 'Ryder Parents Are In a Remote Location' Anon!!! First off, I'm happy to hear you liked my theory/headcanon!!! Tbh I also haven't seen Hey Arnold in a WHILE, but it's everything that came to my mind as a comparasion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and ur right is funny to imagine what their reactions will be when they come back and see everything their son has been doing xD. I want to believe they'll be kinda chill w it since it's not like they gave many examples of doing anything else as a profession, it's in their blood or w/e (I do wanna imagine they'll tear Mayor Humdinger a new one tho lol. This dude just made himself 2 v powerful enemies...)
But also!!! I just saw ur post abt how u made the Zuma sticker for telegram and!!! Can I have the transparent imagine pretty please? 👉👈🥺 i wanna make it a sticker on my own messaging app!!
Yeah it could go two ways- and both end up with Humdinger getting the short end of the stick XDDD
One, they'd freak out because they knew Ryder would probably find a way to entertain himself BUT WERE NOT EXPECTING SOMETHING SO FREAKING HUGE WITH WORLDWIDE OPERATIONS. And then they'd be a bit skeptical about the whole thing because they just can't comprehend at first how the heck did Ryder manage to make it all work like that??? But after a few times seeing him and the pups in action and getting updated about all they've done so far, they'd be SO PROUD of their small boy, not so small anymore XD
Two, they'd be shocked at first like "....... Wow?" and then they'd be like "Yeah ok Idk what I was expecting but it makes sense, that's how we raised him anyway" and call it a day XD
NOW I WANT EVERYONE HERE THANKING THIS ANON bc I usually don't do this but now you'll get the good recycle pup with transparent background (with and without white outline). They're 512x512 sized since it's the default for Telegram stickers.
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Also I'll be accepting ideas of pups + expressions/emotions to make more of these (just probably won't make all of them). If you use Telegram, here's the link to add the Sticker pack. For now, there's just a few stickers made with screenshots from the show and this one Rocky I drew for my askblog. Btw, mind you, some of them have text in Brazilian Portuguese.
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nyhti · 8 months
Oh! I forgot to respond! Anything would be cool for you to share. I love your headcanons for Scarecrow so anything like that?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I'm more shy about sharing Hugo headcanons, because we get very little canon information about pre-crisis Hugo (the Hugo I base my version on). With characters like Jonathan, who got an actual backstory, hobbies outside their gimmicks and what not, you have something to build your own headcanons around. You can come up with something, that wasn't in the original text, but that makes sense given what we know about the character. The headcanons are plausible and connected to canon, even if by a very, very thin thread. No such luck with Hugo. Because we know nothing about him, nearly every headcanon feels like it was pulled out of nowhere. It's not based on anything, because there's nothing to base it on. Coming up with headcanons for Hugo doesn't feel like expanding on an existing character, it feels like coming up with an OC.
So I'm a little shy to share the headcanons that are ”out there” to me (i.e. things with no canon basis), but I guess I can scrap together something lol xDDD I'm sure we all remember the iconic quote ”I am a model of mental health!” from Gotham Knights #8-11 ”Transference.” Even if you haven't read the story, you have surely seen this panel floating around:
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And I like it. It's a funny line, but then there's also this exchange from Batman #356 ”The Double Life of Hugo Strange”:
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Of course these are two different continuities, one pre- and one post-crisis, but it's still interesting how differently two people can write, what is supposed to be, the same character. The attitudes the different versions hold toward their mental health are like night and day. Usually in moments like this, I would simply pick one of them for my own verse, but this time I loved them both so much, that I just couldn't choose and so for a while I wondered how I could somehow have them both. I solved it by deciding that over time, Hugo's attitude toward the subject would change. It goes from ”I am a model of mental health!” to ”Does it matter?” In my verse, he begins to struggle with his mental health around his twenties. Back in the day, I used to headcanon he didn't start having symptoms until in his fifties, around the time we meet him in my verse, but I figured it works much better, if it started at a younger age. So, he has manic episodes. In his twenties, they weren't very severe yet. He did have a couple short hospital stays a few times when it all started, but symptoms really cleared up after finding the right medication. The hospital stays, however short they were, were not easy for him, though.
At first, he would try to deny there was anything wrong and that bringing him to the hospital was a mistake. The doctors would disagree, though, and after a week or two on medication, Hugo too would start to see that the way he had been acting wasn't normal. This is all very difficult for him, because he's a high achiever, a perfectionist. He needs to be the smartest, the strongest, the most powerful. He needs to be in peak psychical and mental condition at all times. He had a lot of great goals in life that he wanted to accomplish and ending up at a psychiatric ward most certainly wasn't one of them. It was a huge blow to his self-esteem. It really shook the mental imagine he had of himself. I'm sure he thought that mental illness is something that happens other people, people below him and so this was a bit of an identity crisis. I don't think he ever even thought about the pain the actual symptoms had cost him, all he ever thought about, was the pain to his ego brought on by the stigma of mental illness. I think another element that made his stays difficult, was that he was in med school at the time. It felt wrong to be the patient. This is not the position he had been studying for years to reach. I can just imagine young Hugo screaming at his psychiatrist: ”I am a model of mental health!”
Over time, however, especially after the medication proves so effective that Hugo can almost forget that he ever had episodes in his life, he would begin to accept the diagnosis, but only as a thing of the past. Something that he beat. He would still not be open about the diagnosis. If anybody ever asked him where he had been during those hospital stays, he would think of some convenient lie. Regardless, I think it is his own experience with mental illness combined with his general interest in the human mind that inspires him to specialize in psychiatry. I also think that he's stance on mental illness and mentally ill people would also soften. It has to, really. If he thinks mental illness only happens to those below him, does that mean he himself has now sunken somehow? Become less because of this? No, that can not be, he has to be the best, so clearly mental illness can in fact happen to anyone. Even the best of us. (I am now going to talk about how his illness developed and affected him later in life and for this, you need to keep in mind, that my verse is build upon pre-crisis continuity, so before deciding he wants to be Batman, he was a ”regular” criminal mastermind, only after money and power. He is sent to jail once Batman caught him and it is only years later, that he ends up in Arkham.)
In his late forties, when Bruce has become Batman and Hugo is arrested for the first time, his symptoms would start breaking through his medication. In these stressful situations his episodes would become more severe and start lasting longer. Since Batman was the first person to expose him and bring him down, he makes it his next goal to destroy him. It's really the only thing he can do. There simply cannot exist a person better than him, because he has to be the best. Also, he cannot let someone who humiliated him so live to tell the tale. And on a more practical level, he simply can no longer pull any larger jobs in Gotham City with Batman around, so getting rid of him becomes a necessity. It's during these fruitless struggles to beat Batman, that he starts experiencing psychotic symptoms for the first time. Around this time he also discovers Batman's identity and dons on the cape and cowl. At this point, he is about 50 and is admitted to Arkham for the first time. Ending up in prison was bad enough. His license to practice medicine was taken away, he was exposed to the world as a criminal and a heinous person, but it was still only prison. Prison couldn't take a way his believability among other criminals. Arkham is different, though. Ending up in the city worst ”nuthouse” not only made him lose respect and status among criminals, but also in his own eyes. It was an incredibly hard blow to his ego. Twice as hard as ending up at a psychiatric ward in his twenties.
At this point, he had been a psychiatrist for many years. If it was difficult for him to be the patient in med school, imagine how difficult it is for him now, especially when he now finds himself the patient in the exact field he specialized in.
And just as in his twenties, he would have to re-think his opinions on mental illness, and once again, the re-thinking comes from necessity. After the new medication helps him see things clearly again, there is no denying the fact he had been experiencing psychotic symptoms. What kind of a psychiatrist would he be, if he still tried to deny it when it was all so clear? He really came up against a wall here. His only options were to lie down and die or accept it and move on, to ask the world, to ask himself: ”Does it matter?”
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i-mean-technically · 1 year
#some of these words are just so???#''still believes in the system even after getting fucked with no lube by it'' is 100% a metal as hell line#tfa#maccadam#also your tags???#tfa megop is so hilarious when done right#And Optimus manages to beat his aft Several times even if he's just ''maintenance prime''#that's more times than fucking Sentinel has won against a Decepticon#Tfp au Optimus is honestly based a bit on tfa Optimus because i say so#and another fucked up bit is how fast things went downhill after Sentinel became magnus#that boy went full 100 with his paranoia
@transingthoseformers making another post bc i'm about to rant
first of all i'm gald you find my phrasing humorous XDDD life's too short not to enjoy it and since i wouldn't make it in prison unique phrasing will have to do lmao
and TFA megop!!!!! i think it has some of the most written for it but most of it is Not for me ya know? no shade, but Optimus is almost always made into some uwu baby when he's a GREMLIN and would sell Megatron's soul for one corn chip. (also Primus and Unicron apparently don't exist in TFA which has me 👀👀👀 bc that has some interesting connotations)
Optimus manages to make peace with an alien race, keep the Allspark out of Decepticon hands, regularly kicks their asses, while also basically raising an alien child that he got surprise custody of. and that's just season 1. Sentinel had his paranoia fanned and abused by Ultra Magnus, given power he wasn't ready for, and possibly also mind fucked to make him more compliant, bc it was Sentinel's idea to go down on Arachna 9.
both Optimus and Sentinel questioned things, and once Optimus was cut at the knees and thought to be neutered they turned their sights on Sentinel and made him into exactly what they wanted.
then he got a position that he never should have in the first place. bc his paranoia is so severe, imo, he shouldn't be in a position of power like that. he would be GREAT in an advisory setting tho.
and things shouldn't have gone to shit so fast when Sentinel became Magnus unless it was already that bad and his incompetence just brought the curtain down.
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river-muse · 6 months
Wall-of-text comment, coming right up!
Okay I think I forgot to mention this before, but I love the Mundus powerscaling you've settled on, and the story of Vergil running away after dmc3!
I think the dmc3 novel or smth gave fans the impression that a 'rested' dmc3 single twin could have defeated Mundus, which, while truly tragic as so much trouble could have been avoided, I think it's also very underwhelming. I guess you upscaled Mundus even higher than dmc1 Dante (30-smth yo) + DS Sparda? Anyway, I really love this. Mundus is a very dangerous and tangible threat, and it's a great pressure point on the twins to figure out their bullshit faster.
And the story you've come up with for post-dmc3 Vergil is very true to him, or at least, I think it is very true for him. Vergil's been on the run from his issues for the last decade, and the ending of the last twin fight just showed him that...all that growth was still enough. His newly awakened little brother was able to defeat him, then what chance does he stand against Mundus? As painful as it looks, that defeat was be a significant blow to him, and Dante's attempts to help would not be able to remedy that, if anything they would only aggravate Vergil's wounds. So yeah, it makes total sense Vergil ran into the night one after that.
Birthday chapters commentary:
(regarding the notes at the beginning of the chapter - I Am Looking Forward To Seeing Your Older Nero)
My best guess is that Vergil was thinking of his 'hiding' habits and how they affected Nero, so, berating himself in front of his mom, before the beginning of the chapter. Then, Dante mentioning that Eva would be proud of Vergil's parenting (which she would) triggered him and he bolted.
Lemme just quickly say here that the frustration Dante feels when Vergil runs? So. Goddamn. Relatable. To. The. Reader.
Love the twins' strategy of constantly picking Nero up, adorable))) Also love that Nero came up to his uncle for the support there (I am weak for Uncle Dante), be clearly needed some support there to tell his dad. That entire scene is great and I love it. The moment Nero interprets Vergil leaving wrong is small but heartbreaking all the same.
The description of the uncle-nephew nap had me crackling in tears xDDD So accurate too!
The scene of Dante waking up automatically looking for a gun is another sneaky, yet powerful heartbreak. I guess he anticipated something like this before and started keeping his girls away when family visits occur? Also wonder why didn't Nero run and jump full speed on his newly-awakened uncle. Missed opportunity, birthday boy!
Twins almost starting another fight, but wrapping it and tossing it away just as quickly in front of Nero is definitely progress, and another prime example of 'forcing the dogs to lie'. Perfectly in sync, even if their actual opinion on the topic are opposites, and the question before them is in dire need of discussing.
Car space for legs being too short is just. Pure torture. All-too relatable, sadly. Poor bois, they did nothing to deserve this(
Nero&Dante teaming up in 'zebra is a horse' arguement is everything to me. Vergil was laughing at his favourite idiots, no doubt xD
My live reaction at little Nero trying to get Dante involved in zoo activities (follow your own advice for your brother, loser): 😭😭😭
Surprisingly accurate common zoo layout description! Very well done there.
"Lizards are not crying aside- [topic switch]" demons? Was that a Devil May Cry reference? What next, a fic Featuring Dante???
I love every single one animal interaction. Like, you could have easily glassed over those, they don't affect the plot or character interactions between each other. Yet, they are all so detailed and lively, I adore those. It's clear you've had a lot of experience with animals, OR your research is obsessively-crazy good. I bet both.
My live reaction at Nero holding hands with twins: 😭😭😭
"I can't Birthday Boy out of this one" - snorted out loud at this one xDDD I feel like the zebra debate is based on personal experience xD
UNCLE DANTE SHOULDER RIDE UNCLE DANTE SHOULDER RIDE UNCLE DANTE SHOULDER RIDE (Vergil absolutely got jealous, and it was his own fault)
Kyrie is a certified otter lover. Love Vergil's little queue to not bring her up and how quickly Dante adapts to his advice.
The plushie naming scene is precious.
Dante seeing that the gift for Nero is hand-wrapped by a clearly inexperienced Vergil is another sneaky little, but very powerful heartbreak. While Dante would make a truly awesome uncle, I also feel very strongly that he would be jealous of Nero. Dante was never enough for Vergil, but Nero had to just..appear and boom! almost-domesticated Vergil. (this is absolutely Dante's issues speaking and not what actually happened, I can also absolutely see the reverse of this happening - Nero being jealous of Dante's twin-telepathy with his father.
Vergil's little cake admission. OUCH. Bad Dante, you shouldn't deflect your closed-off brother's rare emotional moment, you should encourage those to happen more, Bad Dante, Bad.
Twins pool scene can solve all of reader's mental health problems, guaranteed. Precious. Soul-healing. Very touching.
(why was Vergil shaken after that shoulder pat?...my best guess is touch-starvation, but Nero should have been able to keep that one at bay I think...)
I'm enjoying this reread and note-taking very much)))
Ohhh you were CHEWING on this one I can see! For your guess on my knowledge of zoo layouts/animals- I grew up obsessively watching Animal Planet and have been to zoos and aquariums quite a lot before! I LOVE animals even if I don't have the skills/certifications/heart to work closely with them in a professional setting. When I was super little I'd been thinking about pursuing that as a career but set it down because I get way too attached to things. Besides my beloved massive american wirehair cat that roams my house like an overgrown baby I also keep a corn snake I've raised since he was younger than a month old.
Mundus! Yes! I wanted him to be an actual threat that's looming in the background of the narrative because let's be real that guy can create other demons wholesale on a whim and can- well- wait that's spoilers hold on I can't say that 💀 either way I wanted his presence to have actual weight to it rather than just seem like a little speedbump that the twins can take down without issue and have just been avoiding for no reason. He's got his own plans in motion that get hinted at in the narrative but not said outright. He's acting like a persistence predator in that respect. Strategically hunting at random points, cutting off escape routes, and keeping his quarry on edge so their capabilities diminish little by little until they get desperate and tired. :)
I'm not gonna lie I think you even picked up stuff in the narrative I HADN'T PLANNED but it all works so good!!! The case of the writer subconsciously pulling off genius narrative strikes again.
I'm in love with all of this I'm dipping you lowly(platonically) because while I'm going to keep being self-indulgent in this series until it's over it's so exciting to get interactions with it!! I spent a while worried that my method of situational characterization with this divergent AU would be off-putting to anyone else but you're proving me so wrong.
Also yes Older Nero in this AU is going to be fun! I have quite a lot of that content already written or planned. He grows up to have a very similar to canon personality with- a different flavor that you'll see as we progress in the series.
I have a fun question that doesn't need an answer, but is a little extra tidbit to think on because you've made my day:
If the official DMC team said once that Nero wouldn't be who he was without Kyrie- then what do you think Kyrie would be without Nero?
EDIT: No you know what I am NOT DONE TALKING!! I keep dwelling on how you noticed every single moment of action that reveal scars that haven't healed!! The one that still kills me is the description of how Vergil wrapped the gift because if it had been from his perspective we would have just seen him berating himself for not being able to do better but through Dante's eyes we see the MEANING behind the gesture and how significant it is.
Also the zebra argument was by far one of my best things and if I've had that hyper-specific argument before I don't remember but I have FEELINGS about it!
The pool scene. Oh, how soft it makes me feel. Writing it was such a nice breath of fresh air it makes my heart melt and was a sign that with time Vergil can heal and open back up to his family.
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prototypelq · 10 months
I`ve mentioned a couple of times that during answering Ember’s @dmc-questions-anon crossover ask, I mixed, purely on a whim, DMC Sparda loser twins into a Dishonored-setting-AU and truth be told, the idea has not left me ever since. A week later, I've decided to compile everything I had for this AU into one post, so here it goes.
UPDATE a month later: I went over this post again to bring up to speed some things we've thought out with @stashoflostsouls! Her help with this AU has been immense and the brainworms might have stopped a long time ago if not for her, so this whole thing is her fault now xDDD (no regrets)
This is not a complete rewrite of the original post, but the DMC3/Dishonored 1 plotline has been edited heavily and new stuff brought to light. Adaptations of other DMC and Dishonored games will be coming later too.
Big thank you to everyone who is following this monstrocity as it builds itself along!
Personal notes: I've played Dishonored games, finished only the second though, as they had not grabbed me as they do other people. Still, I am enamoured with it's setting and aesthetic. The whole AU was smashed together in my head because, in my opinion, Dishonored does not do enough work with it's characters, and DMC does not do enough to flesh out it's worldbuilding, so I mashed them together to get the best of both worlds - a super unqiue and cool thought out setting and incredibly compelling and deep characters.
Disclaimer: I am very much a DMC enjoyer, however I am not that deep into Dishonored. I've refreshed my memory with some lore videos, on the topic, but please feel free to correct/advise/give commentary on adaptation of Dishonored stuff. DMC fans too! This is very much thoughts-in-process kind of AU
With all that out of the way - as a short summary Dishonored setting is a kind of mash of royalty+hitman+humans with powers AUs together. Dishonored is a tesla-punk-ified victorian britain setting (so we got strict class division with start differences in between, helthcare is nonexsitent, and the Empire is built upon the four kingdoms, each one on their own Isle) that is built upon the whale oil and whale hunting (that is used as fuel for electricity). Setting is also magical in nature through through the Void (kind of a mix of purgatory/death/dream/eldrich horror dimension, which has an avatar/god in the form of the Outsider, his worship is considered herecy by the local 'inquisition' but it can't fuly stop the weird, horrifying or perverse rituals that are held in his name). This world is quite dark, death is abundant, and violence is quite common. Nobles play their policial games and order asassinations to eliminate their rivals, common men are exploited at industrial factories, whale hunting is the main source of income and progress, scientists and philosophers play with their deadly inventions and even human lives for the sake of their research. (for vibe purposes check out the Drunken Whaler song and Dishonored 2 trailer they sum up the aesthetic exceptionally well)
Alright, so, how can we (hopefully) meaningfully insert the DMC cast into Dishonored, and how I, with major help from Raven, see the story of the twins going on from there:
Background and general setup:
In this AU Eva Redgrave is the Empress of the Empire of the Isles, Sparda Santiago is a talented swordsman, who rose from the poor districts, climbed ranks and became the Royal Protector of the Empress (=bodyguard). Romance bloomed from there, and they had twin sons and heirs for the throne, their relationship not announced to the public, but also not a secret to anyone in court.
Twins were royal children and had a lot of freedom in their childhood. Still, they had their tutoring done by an established professor of the Academy of the Natural Phylosophy - sir Arkham. Needless to say, both boys hated their lessons, and they picked up that their father was hanging around more losely when those were held. They did enjoy fencing a lot, sparring with their dad and each other especially, and were quite good at it. (not sure where to put in so I'll insert that here) Sparda favoured using bird mail, and had a favourite crow, twins tried playing with it sometimes too.
Canon DMC Eva was able to raise her demonic sons, so I imagine she had a steel spine. In this AU I think this would mean her politics as Empress were more strict than the Empress Jessamine of thre Dishonored setting - the Spymaster was not allowed to work under the radar (as he is allowed to in canon Dishonored which causes a myriad of problems later), and she would try to manage the long list of social issues and class difference, but of course, won't be able to solve them all. Her politics were based on maintaining good trading relations with other nations and trying to improve the life of lower classes, which did earn her some opposition from nobles and 'traditinal' oriented individuals, but did not stop her. Sadly, just one Empress is one reign was able to improve the lives of common people a little, but the things mostly stayed as they were.
Since her reign and politics were not a popular choice, plus she had twins as heirs (so the chance of her sucessor continuing this course was high), an asassination was arranged.
During the outbreak of a rat plague (which happened naturally in this case), the quarantine helped prevent it's spreading, but there was no known cure. Eva tried asking the other countries for help, but received no concrete answers, and she was getting desparate. As a last resort, she decided to sent out Sparda himself on a diplomatic mission, and to conduct this search himself, he was very reluctant to part but the situation was dire.
Arkham, as he was common presense in royal court, learned of this mission, and with the help of opposing parties and the Spymaster, planned a coup to asssinate and overthrow Eva during Sparda's absence. Members of this coup were not exactly concerned about the plague, as the affected districts of the city had been quarantined in time, and posed no threat to them, plus the main casualty here are the poor. However, the plan did not exactly work out as it should - Sparda finished his mission earlier than planned, as there was no cure for the rat plague. With these grave news, he sent out his mail crow to message to Eva about this, and the fact that he was coming back earlier. Arkham was able to capture a crow with this message, caged it, and began planning for Sparda's return - with his knowledge or the arcane and acute inventor's mind he conducted a magic trap, a curse, to stop Sparda in time. Literally in this case. And so, with Sparda's early return, he was warmly met by Arkham, then subsequently betrayed and frozen in time. Frozen Sparda was held somewhere in the dungeons of the Arkham estate. The asassination took place as planned.
Eva is killed during a nighttime stroll, but the twins are a harder target inside the palace walls. Things get bloody and palace guard is alerted. However, the twins chose that night to sneak out to play in the garden, and they stumble into seeing the last of their mother. Some of the assasins stay behind to keep an eye on their escape route, they see the twins and give chase. The twins are of course, shocked and traumatised, but they did their best to give the pursuers a hard time, as both are skilled fencers. Working together, they disarmed one of them, and Vergil was even able to deal some blows, but ultimately they are just children and had to run. Twins escape to the lighthouse, which had docks with some boats that Sparda used to them swimming around. Near the cliffside, one of the asassins has had enough and, seeing as the waves will drown out any sound, shoots. Dante falls into the ocean and is held under by the waves.
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Vergil has no choice but to continue running, and near the lighthouse, he gets miracuously saved by Arkham.
yes this is technically a roleswap as Vergil is saved,and Dante is forced into contact with supernatural, but if saving was done by Arkham does it really count?
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Dante gets chosen by the Outsider and lives through being bestowed the Mark upon. As this was done at a young age, there will be some repercussions.
The fallout of the asassination is hard on everyone. Publically, Eva and the royal family are stated to have been deceased by the plague that they tried to prevent, and in the place of an Empress, a ruling counsil of wealthy noble houses is instated.
The curse Arkham conducted was powerful, but short-lived, so a couple of years after the tragedy he finds himself free, escapes, and finds himself displaced in time. His family dead or missing, with no trails to follow to find any of them. The tragedy weights down heavy on him, he leaves the kingdom of Gristol to try to pick up the lost pieces of himself, with no luck.
Dante is picked up drifting in the sea by a ship. With no resources, stranded and alone, he has nothing to back up his claims of being a royal heir, and no help in sight. When the news of the royal tragedy reach him, there is no point in even trying anymore, and he is forced into the life of a street urchin. He hides the Mark he received, and slowly gets used to it's powers... and the consequences of having them. With his wits, and the advantage of the Mark, he makes the best of this situation - avoids the gangs to the best of his ability, travels by stowawaying in some caargo crates on different ships, then manipulating the crewmen to teach him sailing. He makes contacts, deals, gambles and grows street-smart and cunning. Dante is known at Enzo's bar, is a common sailor in Morrison's trader ship crew, and even dealt with some contrabandists/pirates like Lucia. When not sea-faring, he spends his time in fighting rings, or investigates anything Void-related in exchange for favours. This payment system makes his services available to locals, but he does those secretly, protected by an alternate look and a mask.
Note: this background negates some of the issues the canon twins have, most notable - their demonic-human nature conflict, and in both cases the twins grow up almost properly socialised, who would have thought. Basically what I am getting at is that there is more free space and opportunity for twins to get to know someone. However, neither me, nor Raven are really interested in going down those alleys, so there won't be shipping notes here. I just wanted to point out that in this seting, relationships are not half as complicated as they are in the canon DMC. I would not be opposed to hearing some Lady/Vergil or Dante/Lucia headcanons tho
Vergil is raised in secret by Arkham in his estate, which goes as well as you might have expected. Vergil takes very badly to everything that has happened, he growns up only slightly paranoid as the result of recurring nightmares, half of the time - not his own. Arkham trying to force himself into a father figure for Vergi was not helping matters in any way, and only made Vergil fight back against any sort of control more. Vergil spends a lot of time training his physical and fencing skills (to never be taken by surprise again), studies a lot of different science fields, as any competent heir should (heir to the throne of the Empire, an heir to Eva Redgrave, not in any way shape or form did he want to be controlled by Arkham. the only reason he even tolerated Arkham and his behavior is because Vergil had nowhere to go to, and if he wanted to reinstate himself and his family name later in life he needed the jumpstart Arkham's resourches, libraries and teachings provided). He starts attending high class events like balls and such, as a special guest of some imaginary rising noble house under the name of Paul Southworth.
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As a treat, have a DMC3/Dishonored1 plot adaptation:
Twins are in their twenties.
Arkham, in all thess years has been unsuccesfull in all his attempts to 'mold' Vergil into a manipulable figure, and he tries to go for another approach - starts forcing Vergil and Mary (lot Lady yet(?)) interactions. Both are of course, aware of what Arkham wants from them and appropriatly hate each other on these forced meetings.
Somewhere, around this time, during one of the masked balls, a woman takes great interest in him, and he feels frustrated with his life and rebeliious enough to indulge her.
Probably after a screaming match or two between Lady and Vergil, they actually find a connection in this mutual hatred for the situation Arkham is forcing them into and bond instead. Lady ends up taking some fencing lessons from Vergil from the whole ordeal, which they conduct in secret, of course. They grow closer and are on their way to becoming friends, which Arkham actually sees as his plan working.
Everything changes after the mysterious death of Kalina Ann.
Mary is taking her death extremely badly, she is practically inconsolable, and wouldn't leave her room. Arkham, the wonderful parenting figure he is, and who needs his daughter for future plans, makes the best decision possible - buys her a doberman. For some reason, Mary is not thrilled at this idea at all, she hates then dog and he is not well-behaved at all, which means there's now an uncontrollable and uncared for doberman going loose in the estate. Vergil and the dog met a couple of times, but the dog left him alone because he recognised this man's authority, and Vergil himself was uninterested in bonding with it. His opinion shifter when he saw the dog harassing some estate staff, and poor person retaliating back, which almost ended badly for everyone if Vergl hadn't intervened. He berated the person for being unable to take control of the situation, and the doberman got his own share of it too. The incident did prove to the dog that Vergil was the leader here, so he accepted his 'second in command' position and started diliggently following Vergil everywhere. Doberman is not clingy or overly affectionate, so Vergil was okay with his, and also he welcomed the company a little, because the death of Kalina affected him a lot too. She was the only person in the whole estate he felt comfortable around, and while they did not spend much time together, it reminded him too much of his childhood trauma. But this time Vergil was older, more competent and decided to take control of the situation himself - so he starts researching everything he can get his hands on about the Royal Tragedy, and secretly goes vigilanty-ing at night, masked, to gather the information in other private soures or anywhere he can, really.
The trauma and the doberman dillema between them, Vergil and Mary grow distant in their hurting at this time. Mary, when she is feeling more like herself again, decides to look into the death of her mother, which was too sudden to be anything natural, and was covered up quickly by Arkham and the public. She can't say for sure, but has a hunch this is related to Arkham's private Void studies (which are publically banned), and thinks there is something very fishy going on. She finds a contact and meets a person, who is claimed to be known to help in these situations. During a metting, the person is wearing a mask, so she doesn't recogise his face. He starts looking for information on Arkham, and finds some very very messed up things on him.
On night of another big noble ball, he decides to go to the source - Arkham estate and take a look through there.
That same night Vergil decided to use this opportunity to venture out himself, he got ready and was almost out, before he notices Ceberus, the name he gave the doberman, spotting some shadowy figure on the nearby rooftops heading in the direction of the Arkham's estate. He intercepts the breaker-in and they start fighting. The fencing match is at a stalemate, neither opponent able to break another's guard, untill the intruder freezes for a moment, which was all the opening Vergil needed. He goes in for a stab, only for the intruder to teleport away and make a run for it. Vergil can't let a Marked asassin get away, not after his childhood tragedy, he commands Cerberus to alert the guard and chases after the intruder. On the rooftop they catch up to one another, and lo and behold, the breaker in was Vergil's long lost brother.
It was @stashoflostsouls' wonderful headcanon that when the twins touch for the first time, it is then that Vergil himself is visited by the Outsider and Marked.
Just as in DMC canon, the twins' goals are actually the same here - both Vergil and Dante are looking for the conspirators of their mother's asassination and for anynews on their father. Unlike in DMC canon, there are less pressuring circumstance here, twins have more breathing room to actually talk to each other, and this is why here they band Together to reach their goals.
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From this point on the story goes pretty much same as Dishonored 1 story - the twins investigate different noblemen that were plotting against Eva Redgrave, and it is revealed that Arkham was in the middle of it all, which was also the reason why Vergil's search has been so unsuccesfull - the evidence has been right under his nose the entire time. This is also happening during another outbreak of the rat plague, which this time, as Dante learns, originated inside the country, and is definitely not a natural occurence is it claimed to be.
This second rat plague outbreak is the Spymaster's that worked under late Empress' rule idea of 'ending poverty' (so some Dishonored 1 canon events are mixed here as well). Twins will find this out and deal with him, and the other 'royalists' during their investigation, which ends with Arkham. In his dungeons they also find the crow Sparda favoured, the message of his early return in the midst of other papers. Arkham ignored the bird after the initial capture, but staff of the estate kept it fed in the cage, he is quite old already but the twins are happy to see him nonetheless.
This plotline ends with Vergil publically reinstating himself as Redgrave, Dante keeping himself away from nobles, perhaps with a sailing trip or two, and very supportive of his brother's cause. Vergil won't be pushing for the throne just yet, in the moment he will be satisfied with getting the Redgrave estate back, but the throne is his end goal in the future.
Void abilities!
Vergil: professional swordsman. Has a cane-sword with him on all times. Cane-handle can be replaced without screwing the balance of the blade, so he goes with his favourite sword on missions when he expects trouble and keeps his wristbow (=compact crossbow). Vergil grew up in company of sharkes, disguised as nobles, so he prefers the ghost stealth approach so the target is not even alerted to anything happening, but for the same reason he will not hesistate to draw blood (that's not to say he likes killing, just that it is acceptable under pressing circumstances or to clear an objective)
Void Abilities: Displace (teleport, but requires a mark to be placed beforehand to teleport to, is a great tool for planning your approach beforehand or preparing an escape), Foresight/Shadowwalk (allows the bearer to explore ahead in a form of a summon that can scout ahead and take form of black bird, cat, or amorphous shadow creature, user is stationary during this ability and summons can only knock down enemies, but not kill them), Doppleganger (not new to DMC fans, works the same here - a controlled clone summon) and Bend time (allows user to stop time=gain amazing speed for a couple of seconds, user is able to freely move and act during this ability)
Dante: professional brawler. built like a brickhouse/sailor and not for show either. Keeps his wrists bandaged and always ready for trouble. Uses assasin's blade - shortsword with broad blade, stylised after fish scales, but has a modified crooked-up guard for catching blades and for easier disarming moves. Uses pistol for ranged combat. Prefers a stealthier approach, will absolutely brawl if a chance is presented and knock some heads down. Won't kill unless absolutely no other option is presented.
Void abilities: innate Rat hearing and rune/bonecharm sense (= Dark vision), Blink with the time-stop-before-use upgrade (a little more useful than other teleports for combat as you get time pause to think the encounter through, can't act or move during use, just stops time to looks around/think through before teleporting), Wind blast (a wind blow strong enough to literally plaster enemies if thrown into a wall... strenght of the ability is controlled), Pull (pickpocketing and eldreich-horror levitating bodies to the user), Semblance (lets the user make a void copy of a person's face and wear it around, does not alter voice or manners just casts an illusion over the wearer), and Doppleganger.
Twins's mutual connection to the Void, and with their souls attuned to each other, gives them some unique abilities too. They can establish a connection with each other through the Void dimension if in close proximity, share visions (for ex. Vergil scouts ahead with his powers and Dante will be able to see it too), and even share their abilities if in direct contact. Their souls connecting was always thing, it is why Vergil had so much nightmares in his childhood - he had been forced to see Dante's too.
Now, for Dante's early life Void contact consequences - he is sensitive to the Void. He has a sense for finding and locating any Void artefacts and he can hear and understand rat thoughts. Thankfully, the latter ability he somewhat learned to controll later in life, because let me tell you, Dishonored rat speech is Messed Up. (Gnaw, gnaw. Set teeth to hard wood, soft plaster, stone. Past it, a path. Rooms of delicious sea-scent, fish flesh. A feast for us! Soon, soon. First, we gnaw.) It did help Dante survive on the streets a lot, and he took advantage of many opportunities thanks to this. Rat speech is also how he learns the new rat plague outbreak is not natural. Whales and whale bone affect him too. In Dishonored, whales seem to be very intricately connected to the Void, once stated to even exist in both dimensions simultaniously, so to a Void-sensitive person this is going to be a lot to handle. This is one of the reasons Dante stays clear of whaler ships - he will hear loud and panicked whale screeches and whails and he won't be able to deal with that, this is an ability he cannot damper. He will grow used to it, but going near whale meat can factory or sailing during a whale migration season, when they are hunted in great numbers, is a very very big no no for him. I am absolutely not going to force him to go through something traumatising like this ever, surely not through a canon whale meat factory level from one of the DLCs, no huh, especially not with Vergil for company to literally carry him through this
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Thank you for your time and I hope you like what I and Raven have been cooking up here! Next update we will have: Trish showing up to overthrow government, Dante going solo and bonding with Cerberus, Patty and her pet rat, Vergil deciding to kill God, and Kyrie being a witch.
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mgarmagedon · 3 months
Do you have any deeper reason why those human and not other names for them?
Also I love yours AU!
AWWW thank you mate!!! But... I don't quite understand the question...
You mean why they are called like parts cars, animals, etc? Or you mean why did i chosen to give Bee - Bruno as a human name (they are not HUMANS they are still CYBERTRONIANS, which are humanoid creatures that needs to still eat energon to life and are stronger)
If that first, they are like i said cybertronians, they don't have name like us, they just call they children (egg aka protoforms) For example, Bee is called Bumblebee, because he was small, cute and full of energy in his mothers eyes.
In short, they are just calling their children what they remind them off, it's more of cultural thing.
OFC there are exceptions like D-16 aka Megatron, but that was caused by slavery :VV
And like in Breakdown and KO case (they are both orphans), technically someone who would take care of them should give them name, but practically they called themselves
And about second one, I just chosen names I would give them If they were humans, no more or less XDDD
I can also add that I gave Megatron name Marian (but everyone calls him Magda)
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alex-dontknow · 9 months
Torrential Escape
OCs: Faraday Heath and Cresc (@taterswithranch)
Story type: Action, Whump
Necessary warnings: near-death experience, drowning
I knew exactly what I had to do hehehehehe
the first addition to the AU 🤩🤩
this'll prolly have a part 2 xddd
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Faraday had no clue how long he had been running for. The sun had been high in the sky when he first bolted out of the school building, now sprinting through the forest it was beginning to dip below the horizon, shadows distorted and distended. The time of day was the least of his concern, however; all he focused on was escaping with his life.
When word had gotten through to him that a sinister group had arrived in the city, of course Faraday had immediate suspicions of who they were. There was every chance it could have simply been a gang of troublemakers looking to start a fight, which would hace been preferable to the other option. It was only after one of them turned up at the college reception shortly after the day had ended that he knew exactly who they were, and what they wanted, epecially when they began stalking the other Musix students and teachers.
The day they turned up at the school was when Hell was raised. Not even lockdown protocol kept them safe. Faraday didn't know if he'd gotten everybody in his class out safely, he could only hope.
He could feel his lungs giving out within his chest, but he willed himself to keep going. He couldn't stop now, not when he was certain they were still on his track. Were those more trees he saw as he ran, or the other members of the Deadly Musix? It was all a blur around him that he couldn't tell, charging faster and faster through the foliage...
At least until he knocked into something and they both tumbled to the ground in a heap.
Faraday let out a surprised yelp and fell backwards onto the dirt, pushing himself back up and rubbing his head with a sleeved hand. He could hear the other thing–or person—shuffling and groaning in front of him. He forced his eyes open and scrambled over to them, recognising the jet-blue hair and too-noticeable crimson tie.
"Cresc?!" he exclaimed in shock. He grabbed the younger teacher by the shoulders and pulled him up to his feet, the latter stumbling and shrieking at the abrupt contact before his eyes then landed on Faraday. A relieved grin spread across his face.
Unfortunately, the reunion was short-lived. A twig snapped behind them and they both took it as their cue to run.
So they did, pushing past bushes and wading through leaves and plants, never daring to enter the city again for fear of more lurking to ambush them. Faraday would throw a glance over his shoulder now and then, making sure his colleague was still in his area as they ran for their lives.
"Run, little souls!" a mocking voice cackled in the distance, one they understood too well. "It's an eternal chase, until you surrender or your body fails you~"
"Stop!" The elder teacher grabbed Cresc and pulled them both to a halt, directly in front of a wide, fast-flowing river. Faraday could hear Cresc gasp and grab onto his arm in return, doing little to ease the seeping dread in the pit of his stomach as he heard not one, not even two footsteps approach from behind and the group of pursuers began to surround them.
The first he made eye contact with was clearly the leader of the gang, raven-dark hair with obnoxiously-bright red highlights and a piercing gaze sharp and refined enough to pierce even a titanium soul. Faraday glared at this man, and while he knew exactly who he was, there was something too familiar in that sneer of his that deeply unsettled him.
"You know," the stickfigure mused, stalking with an arrogant strut towards the duo, "this is all for a good cause! Your precious souls wouldn't go to waste, no..."
He was twirling a keyring on his left hand, one of a circus tent with red and white stripes. Faraday's eyes widened—so did Cresc's—and the two colleagues shared a look of horror as he recognised the charm of one of his devoted students.
That monster.
Even with his rage culminating inside, Faraday forced himself to rationalise. The two of them were cornered, no matter which direction they went they would run directly into one of the hunters.
Faraday glanced towards the river, currents speeding along in torrential waves.
Unless they didn't run.
The hunters were coming closer.
Unless they swam.
"Cresc," Faraday inched closer to his colleague, who had a look of terror and confusion on his face as he did the same, "Cresc, jump."
"Wh–" Cresc stared, bewildered, "jump?!"
"It's either that or them, Cresc, now jump!"
"You know I can't swim, right–?!"
"Oh for the love of—"
With a swift grab of Cresc's arm and ignoring the scream of protest, Faraday pulled them both into the river. The shocked and frustrated shouts of the Musix goons were quickly drowned out by the scream of surging waters. With the unforgiving waves tossing the two about, Faraday didn't notice Cresc's arm slip from his hand.
After tumbling against rocks, weeds and riverbanks for countless minutes, the river finally dispersed into a deep but steady opening and Faraday could easily grab ahold of the ledge. He coughed and sputtered as he caught the breath he held for so long, peeling a strip of pond weed from his neck. He quickly gathered his bearings and waited.
He heard no running footsteps, no shouts or voices coming closer. The fearful weight in his chest settled and when he realized Cresc was no longer in contact, he called out for his colleague.
"Cresc, we lost them, you can come out now."
A splash caught his attention and he whipped around to see a hand flailing above the water before vanishing below. Faraday's heart dropped as he imminently realised that he had resurfaced, while his friend had not.
Faraday dove under the water and swam with all his strength. Through the murk of the lake, he could just about see Cresc sinking deeper and deeper towards the bottom, thrashing about in terror but ultimately failing to tread water. The drama teacher willed himself to swim faster when he saw the other's movements grow sluggish and tired.
Their eyes briefly met as he hooked an arm beneath Cresc, and he could see just how frightened he was before they slipped closed. How long was he holding his breath for? Dismissing that question, Faraday pulled him upwards towards the surface, struggling with the added weight and his heart pounding loudly in his ears.
Come on, kid...
At last, they breached the surface and Faraday gasped for air, paddling the two of them towards the riverbank and flopping down on the grit. Faraday pulled Cresc up by the shoulders and shook him half-dry until he burst awake, coughing and wheezing in shallow breaths.
"Hey, hey, shh," Faraday helped him sit up and patted his back, "deep breaths, kid, deep breaths, you're okay now."
He stopped thumping his back when his coughing slowed down, changing to smooth, gentle rubs as he gradually calmed down, his rapid, strained gasps quieting into steady, albeit shaky breaths. Faraday let out a sigh of relief.
"There we go, I'm sorry for doing that, but it was either that or getting captured."
Cresc didn't speak, only staring wide-eyed at the ground as his hands trembled. Faraday stared in pity for some time, waiting but receiving nothing. Poor kid must be in shock, he thought to himself.
They couldn't stay here for long. They had to keep moving, lest the Musix would find them.
"Alright, let's get going," Faraday spoke, lightly nudging Cresc's arm to get him to focus. He only looked up at the other with the same wide, petrified eyes. Faraday's brows furrowed in even more worry. "Can you stand?"
He gripped Cresc by the arms and slowly raised him to his feet, but the latter staggered on the way up. Faraday sighed, seeing that they wouldn't get very far with the other in this state.
"'Kay, up we get," he muttered as he hoisted Cresc onto his back, slinging his sodden jacket arms around his shoulders and holding him firmly there. He felt a sliver of comfort when he felt Cresc's arms tighten their hold. "Hopefully we'll come across Kitts or Scarborough somewhere..."
And hopefully stay out of sight. They couldn't risk another scenario like this.
Angelica's going to kill us...
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henriiiii-1001old · 11 months
can we hear about thatcher and alt thatcher in fairy tale au....
you like the werewolf duo huh DFVGBHNJ
BUT YES!!!!!! i came up w a small, short backstory for wolf in which he's a regular ass wolf who became a pet for the witches. gabriel one day said "hmmmmm what if we turn it human" and they did. and yeah!!! wolf started to be human more often so he could do more stuff for the witches, however, he does like his time in full doggo mode :3 (also i actually made wolf a girl but use he/him bc i think it would be a funny allegory for thatcher being transfem in this au xddd)
as for thatcher, he actually went over to dave's place after ruth because he felt something was wrong, and he was able to save ruth from wolf. whether he was gonna turn her or kill her they were both unsure. however, thatcher got bit in the process, and at the next full moon, blood was shed...
thatcher went over to dave's place the next morning after denying wolf's request of joining the witches, distraught over his new form and over killing his best friend. dave promises to hide him from punishment because he knows no one would believe him if he were to say "i didn't know what i was doing! it wasn't my fault!".
because he knows it was. and wolf telling him that constantly doesn't help.
thats more or less their kinda. first meet up i should say. they do have more interactions after this in which thatcher sees wolf's real non-disguised human form, and he looks waaaayyy too similar to his old friend. but this time it's not even wolf's fault that he's having another panic attack, his wolf form itching to get out so it could release the stress for him.
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dadlezal · 5 months
Kamil’s funny interview after his bad jump was BRILLIANT XDDD
long story short, he said: The weather’s just like my jumps... meaning... you know.
then the interviewer revealed both him and the cameraman were stopped by the police and Kamil switched roles with him, asking him questions like: And my understanding you’re analysing the situation? What are your plans to resolve the issue? (these are the questions our boys receive every weekend)
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creoterative · 1 year
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“Even if the whole World decides to stand against me, I’ll fight like I always have.”
Hiya guys!
I finally finished my little Mitch sketch for a Star Wars AU. Also thank you again @ericsonclan for answering my questions regarding that AU a while ago, I gave him the purple lightsabers that you suggested ;) Was pretty cool drawing him like this, I like Mitch a lot and still, come on, he’s Anakin’s long lost oldest son, you can’t change my mind xDDD
Imma add some headcanons, just a few because I’m tired, but still, I like this AU:
- He grew up in the Clone Wars, so all he knows is War.
- His parents are never mentioned by anyone, not even himself. If anyone dares to ask, he gives them one stern look and turns the question down. 
- As a Padawan, he makes his first lightsaber himself, of course, but quickly adds a second one because Yoda sees how he struggles to keep his balance with only one.
- Mitch is an expert when it comes to lightsaber duels, he loves weapons in general. He’s a shitty pilot though. 
- He’s strong with the force, but more with force thrusts and big waves rather than concentrating and moving delicate objects for example.
- His master is Plo Koon, who can help him control his emotions in battle as well as gain the strength he needs to protect other people, which is what Mitch desires most. 
- Mitch has two purple lightsabers and uses them in a very aggressive way, his defense isn’t the best, but one swing from these lightsabers can throw a grown man to the ground pretty quickly. The purple colour comes from his tendencies to the dark side, which show especially in battle since he can be quite cruel to his enemies.
- He survives Order 66 and from then on tries to protect a group of young Padawans, that become his closest friends - amongst them are Willy and Tenn. Mitch is 18, when the clone army turns against the Jedi. 
- Mitch had a braid, like every human Padawan, but he hated it and kept it as short as possible, until Order 66 made it useless and he cut it off.
- Most of the time he uses his lightsabers in reversegrip or backhandgrip.
- He wasn’t really fond of Ahsoka because both were pretty snippy and sassy, but that got a little better after Order 66.
- Mitch’s armor, at least part of it, is inspired by Obi-Wan Kenobi’s armor because he thought of him to be the best Jedi general of all time, but the rest of it, more specifically all the red and dark red parts, are in remembrance of his old master Plo Koon.
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darkicedragon · 5 months
darkicedragon m yes he lives in a haunted place no hes not moving bc its cheap meets frankenstein bc someone else called him in azure XDDD M doesn't give a f he's not moving and that's final azure witch Franken is like 'you're being haunted by an awful lot of ghosts' *shrug 'it's fine. I just leave the TV on. They like to watch Peppa Pig while I'm gone.' darkicedragon m just like 'like. ….mental ghosts or actual ghosts, bc i got enough of both' /shrug
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vergilsama922 · 1 year
How do the Student Council kids get along? And yes, I do mean Kotomi, Tsubasa, Kiriko, Aiko, Karen, and Suzuko's kids. ≖‿≖
Interesting question. (人◕ω◕) Let's dive into it.
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Eri: Likes Mirei (Kiriko daughter) a lot since she's very chill and relaxed.
She also gets along well with Rin (Suzuko daughter) since Rin is a lot like Makoto more so than most daughters. You could say she's the heart of all the kids XD.
Ellen (Karen's daughter) is also in good graces with Eri. Her stories about history really help Eri go to sleep after all :3
Momo (Tsubasa's daughter) is....;;;;;;;;;(人◕ω◕) Momo is Momo. Let's just say that she has too much energy. She's also curious about Lab 5. No no. (人◕ω◕) Raina is definitely someone Eri avoids if she can. Very noisy, determined to find out what Lab 5 is and tries to goad her into impromptu interviews for her radio/talk show. Raina is EVIIILLLL in Eri's eyes. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
Next up is Momo (人◕ω◕)
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Momo: Adores Eri~ She's determined to break through Eri's Tsun tsun nature and to have her truly shine Best friends with Rin. Rin enjoys Momo's energy and spirit even if others don't. Not to mention Rin's unusual luck sometimes leaves her depressed so Momo is always there to cheer her up Likes Mirei although she wished, Mirei would let her try her hand at translating~ However like Eri, Momo is determined to make Mirei more social! Likes Ellen although the history lessons are pretty boring in her eyes XDD Still she considers Ellen to be pretty composed and elegant~
Loves Raina. They both love the gossip and rumor mill and Raina has a lot of similar energy to match. Momo just wishes Raina would quit stalling and sign up for cheerleading lessons. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
The enigmatic Mirei is up next~ (人◕ω◕)
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Mirei: Really likes Eri. They both have similar energy levels (That being subzero) and tend to be more introverted. Mirei is a bit curious though about Lab 5 but is too lazy to bother investigating. Besides, Eri will let her know when the time is right
Likes Rin. Why? Because Rin *gets* her. Being introverted doesn't mean Mirei doesn't enjoy contact or hates her family. Rin just knows how to give her enough space and when to check up on her. Not to mention Rin has shown interest in Linguistics much to Mirei's excitement Ellen is a best friend for sure. Ellen's interest in history has a surprising synergy with Mirei's interest in language. They often have long talks and hang out together. In fact, Ellen has made learning new languages easier for Mirei and there's even a rumor that the pair are attempting to revive dead languages and customs! (人◕ω◕) Annoyed by Momo XDDD. Too energetic for Mirei's taste. No interest in the finer things and wants to do something forbidden. Have Mirei work out. Momo is the sun and Mirei is a vampire. ;;;;;;(人◕ω◕) Neutral towards Raina. Raina....is interesting. She's interested in the things Mirei likes when it suits her for a nice filler discussion for her show but she's annoyed by Raina's nosiness and sometimes lack of care at times. In short, she's a mystery box depending on the day.
Whoooooaaaaaaaa we're halfway theeerrreeee!!!!! Whoooooooaaaaa living on a praaayerrr! Raina is next oh boy. ;;;;;(人◕ω◕)
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Raina: VERY interested in Eri ;;;;;;;;;;;(人◕ω◕) (Although we've seen the end results) She HAS to know what exactly is in Lab 5? How is someone so lacking in energy capable of covering up all information pertaining to lab 5 so effectively? Eri is a huge puzzle that Raina is determined to solve and of course, get the first scoop for her show. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) Really likes Rin. Not only does Rin's luck lead to unexpected and engaging stories (for her show of course) but also she's just pleasant to be around. She's not judgmental and doesn't consider herself a tabloid like the others. All in all, Raina loves spending time with Rin and of course smearing anyone who says she's anything besides awesome! Is neutral towards ellen. Don't get me wrong, Raina doesn't dislike ellen but she doesn't exactly love her either :P History can be nice sometimes but people are more interested in the present! Not to mention Ellen's refined way of behaving and speaking is in stark contrast to Raina's more informal and casual manner. XDDD Loves Momo. What can I say? If you made it this far you should already be aware of their dynamic :3 Momo is popular, funny, and a perfect guest for her show. Not afraid to answer tough questions in a witty manner and gives her the deets on things happening in the city. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) Mildly curious about Mirei. See Mirei is awesome because she helps translate almost every foreign guest she has on or questions from foreigners. She just wishes Mirei wasn't so...introverted XD. It's not as if Raina doesn't understand why Mirei behaves like she does but god it becomes difficult having a conversation with her when she's not in the mood LOL
Free me from this question hell someone. ;;;;;;(人◕ω◕) Ellen is next
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Ellen: Likes Eri although she wished she wouldn't use her as an easy method to take a nap XDDD Still she views Eri as adorable so she folds easily into giving her a history lecture. And she must admit she is intrigued as to what is in Lab 5 Loves Rin. She pays attention and has a sincere enthusiasm for history. Not to mention Ellen does help Rin whenever her luck gets out of whack. Usually through first aid or by drawing upon history for advice! But all in all, Rin is very pleasant to be around Tolerates Momo. Ellen appreciates the enthusiasm and passion that Momo has but sometimes she can be a bit too much. XD Also ellen isn't unaware that Momo tends to be bored of history whenever she brings it up. Momo isn't a bad person but she can be unintentionally insensitive. Best friends with Mirei. You've read Mirei's reasons. Same here. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) Mirei and Ellen are self-explanatory like Miaya and Kokoro or Toko and Nico. Mirei is precious to Ellen. (人◕ω◕) Likes Raina. She's a bit crass but her heart is in the right place. (mostly) Her talk show is also a nice way to introduce to the general public her passion for history. She does wish Raina dial back the clout obsession but all in all she appreciates the strong devotion Raina has towards her show and desire to learn.
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So to save a lot of time and effort, I think we all know by now that Rin is BEST FRIENDS with all of the above. (人◕ω◕) She shows actual interest in their hobbies and professions and has the social intelligence to meet them where they are. Rin is grateful to have every sister, every brother, every aunt, and her father/mother as well. Rin is precious. Rin is hope. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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