#both in like a. WHATRE the chances of getting THAT and also
sweet-as-kiwis · 9 months
International business is officially the Podcast Class
#just started rusty quill gaming it seems fun lol#I have. no attention span for this. the guy just reads the textbook and occasionally goes on rants about how it’s So Important#and then will say something that I personally disagree with like. globally consumers are starting to all ask for the same exact things#which is GREAT if your an international firm cause you don’t have to edit your product for the consumers in that area#but like. idk man I feel like culture is p damn important#and the fact it’s American culture spreading. which really just boils down to consumerism#(I could explain more cause like it’s Not but it’s a decent part but it’s early and I am in class even if I’m not paying attention)#and idk maybe that assimilation is gonna have some Weird Effects on people (again. could explain. it’s early tho)#but he’s all like this is the Greatesg Thing to Ever Happen and I’m just like is it tho :/#anyways hopefully this doesn’t have any super adverse effects on my grade#last year the podcast classes were research methods and data analysis#and I pulled an 115% out of research and a 69.69% out of data analysis#so it could go Really Well or i might have to retake the class. again#although I think they should’ve passed me because it’s kinda a Funny Grade and idk how I pulled it#both in like a. WHATRE the chances of getting THAT and also#I did nothing but sit in the back of the class and listen to the magnus archives like i didn’t even do half the HW and I still Almost Passed#anyways. we’ll see how long it takes for me to get RQG Brainrot#this class is twice a week from 8 to 9:20 so that’s.#like. most of an episode? I think?#yea fun times!!
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rouge-the-bat · 2 years
damn i didnt realize how much itd hurt to be blocked by a mutual you really hoped to befriend someday 😥
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bizarrescribblez · 5 months
me x dethklok minute host/marc tackett lore because i can and will info dump lore for this stupid ass crackship thats gotten a grip on me for the past two days
💜 - we both meet when we’re late teens, both coming off of entertainment/acting careers (me being an actress on a sitcom and him being a host for a kids channel’s entertainment segment)
🩶 - the reason we both meet is because we auditioned and passed @ being in a US tour for the musical Hairspray :) me being Tracy and him being Link. Traveling around the country and the instant connection makes up super close, so once the tour ends and the musical stays on Broadway we both stay in the same apartment together in NY. We always deny when asked if we’re in a relationship or like each other since we play a couple in the musical (every denial hurting him more and more)
💜 - while in NY, my pop star career starts to take off a bit thus garnering attention from other rock stars (r.ikki k.ixx) and having flings with said rock stars (which makes marc MORE SAD because he thought we had something). Said flings end up failing for one reason or another and becoming sort of just a shoulder to cry on (at least to him) starts to hurt him more and more. Once I sign onto a record label and once he signs up the contract to become the host for dethklok minute we go our seperate ways for a while which BREAKS BOTH OF OUR HEARTS. (Debating if theres even a goodbye since i know i hurt him and would feel terrible facing him.. ANGST THINGS !!)
🩶 - we meet again and hang out again/more when i get introduced in the series in dethstars cuz i imagine hes at the blood ocean premiere covering it live.. AND DUDE ALMOST MENTALLY FLATLINES ON LIVE TELEVISION SEEING ME AGAIN.
💜 - obviously in season 2 he.. GETS EXPLODED. So im by his side always till he recovers and ofc (this happens in any ship timeline) i made the dethklok boys pay for his surgery. He worries he fr wouldnt have a chance to win me over because of how he looks but i constantly remind him i’ll always love him no matter what. Yet i go “ill love you no matter what .. bestie hahaha”
🩶 - he tags along with me as i go to reunite with rikki in SnB2 and ofc marc (kind of jealous) lets me and rikki have time to ourselves and rikki is just like “yea hes still obsessed with you” and im like “😀.. whatre you talking about he just likes me as a friend hahhaha” (I NEED TO MAKE A FIC OUT OF THIS.)
AND thats about it for now ill have more ideas soon its easy when you can just do whatever but its also hard since theres not much going on with him like all the stuff that happens with skwis nate or mf DISBJSBSHAN
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magpigment · 11 months
my thoughts and some theories as i was watching the second part of generation loss! not really analysis just my reactions to it as i watched lmao. enjoy!
is ranboo chained to a chair
why is ranboo chained to a chair
why is the volume so high on my computer
that’s a conveniently placed key
okay ominous tv man
oh wait it’s jerma lmao
my friend who’s obsessed w jerma told me about this episode lately
‘the amount of chains on there would hold every single bicycle. for a million years’ i’ve been sold on this jerma guy
NO NOT THE BUCKET ( <—- obligatory homestuck reference) 
ranboo just cannot get a break wow
..it does not seem as though ranboo COULD HANDLE a ‘little bit of juice’ 
‘ranboo you alright??’ no i don’t think they are actually now that you mention it
i like how everybody in the poll is immediately going for the middle one 😂 
win! the person who has you trapped in a sick series of death obstacles for their own sick amusement wants to make sure you’re doing ok after accidentally knocking you out via high volts of electricity administered directly to your brain! 
bit confused about the bundle of wires dangling from their neck ngl 
‘ there’s a one in ten thousand chance of that happening and it did?!’ what can i say, homeslice has the power of PLOT ARMOR on his side! 
why is squiggles upset at ranboo actually picking the right key???? 
‘i love rats! 🥰’ based, squiggles. based
wow i didn’t know the back rooms were part of this place /j
oop hello random person on the gurney
i stg if that’s charlie- ITS FUCKING CHARLIE
his feet are for sure fake are they gonna have to remove his foot or something
oh most of his body is fake i see. ranboo is gonna do surgery on charlie
that’s fun 😅 
ranboo is a licensed medical professional im sure this will be fine /j
i like how the totally real feet that are totally a part of charlie’s actual human body has toenails that are painted red. yassss bitch slayyyy- oh wait, *checks notes* oh, GET slayedddsdddd yasssss 😂 
‘what is this, invisalign??? whatre u doin down there????’ never change, charlie. never change
also this california surfer dude is about to get absolutely fucking eviscerated perchance. i feel like that’s where this is going. 
‘so that’s why they call him slimecicle! ^^’ shut ur WHORE MOUTH SQUIGGLES /j
fr tho why are his insides literally goop tho
oh that was harrowing. ok so when the static interference happens whatever mind control is happening to make everything seem like. fine ish is removed and it’s like even more horrific?? 
also i see why they made his insides are green slime, so when they do the color reversal it looks red so it looks like human bits and then they crank the saturation up on that a bit so that it’s a brighter red or something??? ooooh that’s so cool i’m loving this 
‘ermmm. what just happened?’ you and me both squiggles. 
ok genuinely what the hell is charlie even saying right now. like what the actual fuck 😂 
are these camera people dressed up as rats cuz if so that’s both very funny and also that would suck to have to film in, they’re doing a great job 
‘how many hot wheels did you swallow???’ 
‘vrooom :D’ 
‘..ok dude’ 
‘they call me lightning mcEAT ^u^’ 
‘what a gushy gooshy guy’ facts and truth from squiggles in the corner 
why does charlie have a toilet tattoo 😂 
wowwww NOW you get cold feet ranboo XD. ‘but it’s so gross 😖’ homeslice you just fully eviscerated a man. you were elbows deep into a guys ABDOMEN. a toilet is leaps and bounds better than a full on HUMAN(?) BEING 
even squiggles commented on the toenails 
why is eef here 
and also the love or host guy
and also like the other people. 
why is sneeg and also frank back????
lmao jermas tv is broken L
oop squiggles is not happy about the broken tv
what is he doing XD
short king jerma 
why is jermas cane so bendy 
‘i hope slimecicle is ok’ me too, squiggles. me too
wow ethan is really giving this his all. turner my beloved
why is charlie offering to be ethan’s fish
i really like the little idle animations for squiggles ngl. they’re very expressive 
austin shows, ‘I LOVE WOMEN.’ ‘lying is not going to save you’ way to haul his ass out of the closet /j (also yes i’m aware austin isn’t straight) 
slimecicle, laying there completely fucking disemboweled, ‘i’m feeling something funny, kinda rumbly, some sort of discomfort?? if i could just get someone to check that out..’ 
austin in the background talking about his very real very heterosexual relationship 
why did charlie have a whole ass baseball hat in his stomach
i stg if everyone votes to save frank 😂 
was that sneegs hat actually?? i’m p sure it was 
sneeg is just having a crisis over this fucking hat dude 
there is definitely something happening and that was definitely sneegs hat before 
i’m only 30 minutes into this how has so much happened so far
i like how sneegs first thing he does upon regaining awareness of the full extant of the situation he’s in is immediately lie about having to take a dump that would produce gases banned by the geneva convention in order to get away for a second. he’s for sure going rogue dude can’t wait to see what you’re able to do before it all goes to hell again 
squiggle is absolutely flabbergasted 
OH NIHACHU!! hell yeah
nvm sneeg like immediately got caught 
that’s not ominous or foreboding at all. don’t mind him he’s just getting reprogrammed real quick lmao
i’m relatively confused 
did they put nihachus mic under her hat or something 
her audio is a little wonky 
ok so only one person for sure survives 
i can almost guarantee either sneeg or frank is gonna be the one picked to survive ngl
i love charlie’s little background contributions 
ok nvm two of them survive 
also yeah i agree how is charlie even still alive in canon. most of his organs are just not in his body
oh niki won??? nice 
is niki like ok lmao
she is a very good actress because she seems both genuinely incredibly afraid and incredibly suspicious 
niki and sneeg hell yeah 
why’d he bitch slap frank 😂 
squiggles is not happy with that and neither is charlie
why is charlie making a callback to the goddamn fussy bit from that one tommyinnit morph mod video
what the hell is charlie doing 
why is he strewing his entrails everywhere 😭 
i am so incredibly suspicious of niki and idk why
the VIBES? are OFF. 
ok i’m going to sleep and finishing this tomorrow and i am fully expecting my dreams to be super fucked up because of this but that’s fine. i’m at the 55:42 minute mark ^^ if my dreams are interesting/relevant i might leave a little note detailing it but probably not lmao (editors note: my dreams were weird but not really relevant, so. yeah)
why does squiggles want them all to lick the walls so bad
i’ve never even heard of the board game mouse trap in my life 
is this like an actual board game??? why is it so convoluted???? 
i like how sneeg just started eating the candy around
squiggles is speaking in some sort of code or something so like. that’s cool???
i like how everyone just started bullying the puzzler XD
oh so that’s why squiggle is speaking in code ig, cuz that’s what the instructions are written in. that’s really funny actually 
squiggles is straight up speaking in the same code or whatever the instructions are written in. is that able to be translated??? has anyone translated that yet??? 
i kinda wanna see if i’d be able to translate it but idk the first thing about ciphers and idek what that arrangement of symbols would be called. is it just straight up wing dings?? who knows! not me! 
imma go see if it’s wing dings actually gimme a sec 
bet if i translate this it’s gonna be just inane bullshit lmao
i have given up trying to translate this, if anyone’s interesting this is at about 1:03-5:04 of something, i’m too tired for this 😂 
on the plus side squiggles is now talking in not wing dings so that’s cool
ok so it USED to be in charlie but it is no longer! it was one of the first bits that ranboo kindly extracted very carefully from charlie’s gaping torso ^^
the rock candy is made from actual rocks??? ok squiggles
why is sneeg just eating random shit around the room 😂 
not the candy :((
also i’m eating cantaloupe btw. if you even care 😒 /j
😂 bruhhhh
welp. at least he put her out of her misery???
what is this emphasis on ranboo kicking the bucket in reference to the game. i feel like this is foreshadowing 
they probably did it! why is he celebrating the fact they beat his trap lol
oh where the hell are they
why are there deadly lasers
the way his wrist got smacked away from the lasers so promptly 
please don’t throw this man
well his face is smooshed lmao
i like the comical way that guy just got fucking murdered via anvil to the face
‘i guess those ones didn’t count 🤷‍♂️’ lmao
‘oh my gosh it’s slimetowel!!’ based squiggles. based
welp. bye slimetowel, you lived as you died. shortly 
the lasers are gone! 
sneeg is fully just brushing off the like two dead bodies rn
welp. they got out of there 😂 
jerma can fly that’s crazy
i like how everyone instead of getting blown up is getting the chance to participate and then comically getting killed in other, miscellaneous ways. 
hey uhhh squiggles, buddy ol pal, you doin ok over there?? 
‘ranboo..’ ‘yes😊?’ 
oh wow everyone is in the closet that’s crazy /j
the rats are poggers also BTW 
i miss charlie already 😔
‘sometimes you need a change in perspective’ do they need to use the mirror to solve the puzzle. i doubt that’s what they have to do but if it is i’m so poggers and awesome and that is REAL and TRUE
jerma just go thru the door sideways bestie 
jerma was indeed talking about his ass for a weird amount of time lmao
‘is this a hookah??’ just hearing eef say this in the background sent me
why is sneeg messing w alphabet magnets 
‘slayyyyy king!’ i like how squiggles is just stanning ethan putting on a purple wig. based
the wig ethan’s wearing and the color of dress he chose coupled w his entirely purple outfit is clashing horribly oh god
also squiggles is right the audio keeps getting funky cuz of all the fabric on the microphones 😂 
i like sneegs bright yellow boa scarf 
the heels actually look p cool austin 
how many layers is ranboo wearing???
where did ranboos jacket go?? 
oh i think it’s on the red chair 
i don’t think those heels are the right size for austin i’ll be honest 
sneegs outfit is really something 
for the record i have absolutely no clue what’s happening rn
why is everyone voting for ethan in terms of most stylish 
i do not think they did it, guys
i actually really like austin’s orange pants but i think that’s just because i like cargo pants and also orange so like. maybe i’m biased 😂 
why is ethan walking like that
oh ranboo literally just put two different jackets over his showfall jacket and then just took one off, they’re still wearing the showfall jacket underneath XD
‘it says that we should go there, but i feel like that’s a trap :D ‘ 
also there was a button that sets off a black light which is what reveals the clues, not the mirror
oooo nice fit change 😂
‘NOT HIS CHILDREN AND WIVE’ why is squiggles actually kinda funny ngl. like i don’t trust them as far as i can throw them but sometimes they’re based 
ok bits aside the fact that ranboo and sneeg are so far mostly unaffected by the copious amounts of dead people and dying people and horrific threats of violence and whatnot is almost certainly some sort of mindcontrol or something by showfall. like. that’s not even really a question in my mind that’s irrefutable fact at this point. especially with the whole thing earlier with sneeg?? and the occasional interference from the hacker or whatever or the instances where something happens that’s not meant to and the illusion breaks?? like mannn this is so cool. 
that’s so funny 
also the meta of finding this funny because it’s all silly and goofy and framed as a joke falling into line w the entire thing being set up like that to keep people from thinking about the horrific things that are actually happening in order for this entertainment and then how that parallels real life in the entertainment industry? yikes 
anyway onto the silly goofies tee hee 
is jerma just smoking a cigar 
did jerma just drop the bomb button. is austin about to fucking die 
what even happened hello ??
jerma really likes his cardboard what can i say
ranboo just solving the rubik’s cube without looking at it lmao
i’m honestly surprised there hasn’t been more gore in this so far, i was honestly expecting this to be a lot more graphic than this but that’s kinda dumb of me i think, i didn’t realize this was streamed on twitch at some point lol
i’m fully expecting austin to die ngl
push the button push the button push the button
nvm squiggles said to push it i don’t think they should push it
‘we shouldn’t push the button it’s got dynamite sitting in front of it’ ‘…*moved the dynamite to a shelf right next to it* looks safe to me :D ‘
yeah austin is dying lmao
‘only one person would fit in this silhouette’ *ranboo, standing there like a foot taller than it* 
well those people are dead oop
why’s that chair all fucked up lmao
it sure is just. focusing on that chair for a while, huh
oh hey ranboo in the background lmao
ranboo is on the set this is not a drill 
this sure is a funky little room huh
wow look at that four minutes set up XD
is that torn up showfall merch on the ground around the chair?? 
why did the puzzler leave a message TO RANBOO in the case he died??? hello?? 
why are there so many boxes inside boxes lmao
‘the truth will set you free’ genuinely what side is the puzzler even on here 
squiggles is not happy about hacker guy being here again 
i’m noticing whenever the hacker guy shows up or interferes or whatever is when ranboo seems actually distraught and confused and scared, most likely because whatever tie showfall has on him is weakened?? idk but it’s super cool
also squiggles commentary is. intriguing 
ohhhh ranboo can actually see the fourth wall now?? or at least the people filming who represent the fourth wall/ the audience?? 
woahhhhhhhh this is so cool
the backing track there fits the atmosphere so well!! 
that’s such a neat place to end it on holy shit lmao
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emerystellar · 9 months
OKAY @bubblingacid TAGGED ME IN A TAG GAME THINGY BUT I FORGOT TO DO IT TILL NOW and the og post was really long so here’s a fresh print of bel air. Just for easy :) ANYWAY HETE
— 3 ships. ooough idk.. azicrow bc crying always consistently, sportarobbie REPRESENT ⛹️, and and uhhh petrigrof :3 even though i don’t know a ton abt betty yet the whole madokacore thing she’s seemed to do Has my fucking Attention/pos
— first ship??? i have No idea bro. idk. if selfshipping counts i wanted to marry special agent oso when i was 4 and then lightning mcqueen when i was 5. wrote letters proposing to them both times. and then i wanted to be in a polycule with the angry birds (don’t ask i have no fucking idea why) if selfshipping doesn’t count then mario and peach if we wanna go way way back
— last song- the fool on the hill by the beatles (from my simon petrikov playlist) WHIHC i can give the link if you waaaaant bc i like it . it’s so cherry-picked but i like it ok.. hahaa send Porfessional Halp
— last movie?? ooh. idk i mainly watch movies w my partner on sundays but we haven’t done it the past couple weeks due to personal reasons? so? i don’t Actually remember .. that’s eerie ANYWAY i’m gonna say i WANT to rewatch rudolph’s shiny new year i’ve been thinking abt it and it’s my birthday movie (i’m a new year’s eve baby)
— currently reading OH SHIT MY LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUEEEEE FUCK (i was gonna read ana so boys but i kept not having a chance to read it and now i FORGOT ABOUT IT can you tell i’m really fucking forgetful lol)
— currently watching: fionna and cake bc fuck. and then also the cherry-picked adventure time episodes that have to do with simon’s lore <333333 i’m. there’s a pattern here
— currently consuming. i need to get a glass of water but i’m procrastinating. i did just have some steak flavored chips n raisin bread tho which were very good
— currently craving?? anything honestly i’m a hongy little sasquatch but taco bell exists as like a constant underlying craving in me always so. that lol. otherwise i really want mochi i haven’t had it in ages
ANYWAY IMM DONE OVERSHARING LOLOL i’m just gonna tag a million of my mutuals
@clockw0rkvaudeville gets special cuz they’re my baby7 forever smile
@wholesome-cryptid and @zombearzy just cuz i know y’all enjoy ask games
@corvids-corner @formerlyfandy @whyismangososour hi guys y’all r my go to for stuff like this also cuz i see ur names in my notifs consistently
and @implacabledino @spiritterrarium we are freshly mutuals n i wanna know more abt you !! SO BOOM
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kihteyu · 6 months
Whatre your thoughts on amitus arc?
(I'm assuming that was meant to say Amity so sorry if I'm wrong)
Amity’s whole character at the beginning was honestly pretty interesting to me. We’re introduced to her and immediately learn that she’s the stereotypical bully character and we aren’t meant to like her. However, it was hard to think about her anger towards Luz and Willow over what they did at Hexside as unjustifiable. I mean, I’d also be pretty mad if someone cheated at something I’ve been practicing hard at and making me look bad. Amity’s bullying was not okay, but it was hard to feel bad for her when she was the one being antagonized in that moment.
Then, almost the same exact thing happens again with the witch’s duel at the Covention except now we actually get to see just how upset over it Amity is. She isn’t just mad, she’s making it obvious that she’s the one who feels bullied and Luz gets to see it as well. I think that was probably one of the most important moments for not only Amity to understand that Luz isn’t trying to hurt her, but for Luz and us as the audience to realize that Amity might have something more to her than just being a bully. Then of course we find out about the Blight parents and Amity’s motives, and while it doesn’t justify her bullying, it does make her a little more sympathetic of a character. She’s just a kid being manipulated by her parents and made to do something she doesn’t have to.
My main problem, however, (and maybe I’m forgetting something) is that Amity was WAY too harsh on Willow. Her parents just said that they couldn’t be friends, not that she had to bully and berate her for the rest of their lives. Maybe it was to fit in with Boscha and Skara more or whatever, but it just felt kind of unnecessary? She could have just stopped talking to Willow and left it at that but she went out of her way to make Willow feel terrible all the time. Even if she ended up being just a minor bully who said mean things in front of her friends, it would still be more believable than when her first appearance had been her absolutely digging into Willow when they were completely alone and thought no one was watching. It almost felt like Amity actually liked bullying Willow.
I do wish that we could have seen more of Amity and Willow actually patching up their friendship, since the bullying was how we were introduced to both of them in the first place. Instead it was just Willow saying the mindscape incident was a start but they “weren’t friends yet” to them being back to being besties almost. You can use the whole “well a lot of time passed between then” excuse but the problem is that we don’t get to see that time passing, which is kind of a vital part for viewers. But don’t get me wrong, this is one point that im entirely blaming Disney for tho, not the writers. I’m hoping that if given the chance, the crew would have actually showed us more of that development.
I do think, for the most part, Amity’s redemption arc was done pretty well. She’s definitely a different person in S3 than she was in S1 and there’s a clear line of events that happened that made her that way. It’s really just that one aspect of her that I don’t understand why it had to happen in the first place- the bullying. It didn’t make sense to me. There was really no reason for it and it kinda just makes Amity seem like a genuinely bad person at the beginning. I hate to bring up Zuko’s redemption in ATLA cause I feel like everyone does that but it really is such a well written arc that its hard not to. With Zuko, we can see that he has a messed up goal but right off the bat, we know and can sort of sympathize with his reason for doing it. He’s been banished from his home and the only way he can return and make his father proud is to capture the Avatar. We might not agree with it, but we can understand it. With Amity, we don’t really understand why she was being a bully in the first place, even after finding out about her parents, and combined with the fact that we never got to see the resolving tension between her and her bully victim does make her redemption fall a little flat.
I LOVE Amity. I’m glad she got redeemed and I do think she deserved it. I just wish it had been a little more fleshed out than it was. Even if they threw in a dumb reason for her turning to bullying, it would still have been better than no reason at all.
In my head, I've been justifying it as Amity trying to emulate her mother, which makes sense, but if that's the reason I feel like it wasn't as obvious as it should have been at the beginning. We don't even get introduced to Odalia until well beyond the point we're meant to start caring about Amity.
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mama--moth · 3 years
Forever and Always
Chapter 6- The Beach Episode
The next morning, Martha and alcina were standing by the Castle doors, waiting for their three daughters. Both women were wearing beach robes over their swimsuits. They had a few bags of beach stuff. They had never been to the beach before..or this far into the public. It was a scary thought, but Mother Miranda insisted that this would help productivity. They were even given beach stuff that Mother Miranda had obtain from the outside.
"Mother....its too tight!" Cassandra complained.
"Thats because its mine!!" Bela whined. The two went to swap and daniela stood by martha.
"Mum? Why are we going to the beach?" She asked.
"We dont have any duties today...so we invited your uncle heisenberg, uncle Moreau and Ms. Beneviento to the beach...i hear its really warm!" She smiled.
The two rascals soon returned wearing the right swimsuits. The family went to the basement and out through the carriage pickup. They stepped into a insulated carriage and were taken to the beach.
At the beach, Heisenberg was trying to figure out the grill, donna was putting suncreen on angie,  and Moreau was already in the water. The girls jumped out and immediately sped over. Bela sat with Donna, Cassandra went to Heisenberg, and Daniela went into the water with Moreau. The two big mamas set up on the beach. People were watching the strange family, moving a bit away. Some groups like a group of younger men moved closer due to the daughters and their hot moms. The women took off the beach robes. It was like a scene out of a movie. Alcina was wearing a connected two piece, the top had  bunched fabric like her signature dress that connected to swim shorts. Martha was wearing a bikini with cute heart cutouts on the top and bottom. Both women had stretch marks, but martha seemed embarrassed and alcina didnt give a shit. She kinda hid behind alcina.
"Whatre you doing?" She asked.
"Sunscreen." She said quietly.
"You need the sunscreen to do that hon.." she handed it to her and called her girls in. "Girls! To me! Now!" The three little gothlings scampered over and Daniela dried herself off. They put sunscreen on while martha was putting it on her wife.
"You know i can do this myself love?" Alcina asked.
"I...wanna do it." She said, blushing. The young men watched from afar and their jaws dropped. Martha massaged it into her wifes skin and smiled. When she was finished, she went to apply it on herself but she felt her wifes big hands on her tummy, already at it. She put it on her sides like one would sculpt pottery clay on a wheel. Alcina was very thorough, occasionally making martha let out a small squeak. Her snake tongue split and flicked out.
"Thhhank you sthweetheart" martha said, having a lisp. Her tongue reconnected and she kissed her wife. This blew the young mens' minds.
"Mhm.." alcina was a blushing mess. She really enjoyed caressing her wifes soft curves and...stuff..but she forgot she was in the public eye.
Heisenberg was watching martha with intense jealousy. He very well knew martha liked women, but he was a hopeless fool... he seemed to be daydreaming about her because he didnt notice his hand was on fire.
"Uhm...uncle?" Cassandra poked him. "Your hand.."
"Uhhuh....huh?" He snapped out of it. "Fuck." He put it out.
Moreau was sitting in the water while Daniela was finding shells and bringing them to him. Some of them had crabs in them and he liked to watch them skitter around.
Bela and Donna were essentially making jewelry for each other out of smaller shells.
Martha sat down on a towel. And alcina sat down in the sand, not really minding it. Martha seemed a bit more uneasy with the sand, but soon warmed up to the tiny grains.
"Man i wish i was that towel..." one of the men said, and the rest nodded in agreement.
Martha started to make a sandcastle. Alcina went to get water to make molds with her wife.
"Nows out chance!" The men walked over. "Hey miss...uh...whatre you doing this evening?" Wow. Graceful.
"Well..uh...i guess ill be eating dinner with my wife and fami-" she was cut off
"Well your wife has an amazing rack and you have an amazing ass so-"
"What did you say about my wife?" Martha said, eyes narrowing.
"I was just saying she has a nice set of-"
Marthas eyes dilated and she opened her mouth and her big snake tongue hung out. "I could eat you in one bite you pathhhetic little weasthhhel...." marthas tongue went back in and she looked normal again. "Oh hi sthweetie..." she smiled deviously. Alcina was standing behind them, looking down blankly at them..her claws out.
"Oh hi miss....i...uhm..." they backed up and one of them tripped and fell back onto marthas lap and looked up. She was soft...and if he wasnt so terrified, he would enjoy this moment. They were all trapped..
"You filthy manthings every speak about my wifes hindquarters like its some plaything, i will dice you up and feed you to her.." alcina threatened. Martha stood, causing the man on her lap the fall. Alcina pulled her close and gave her behind a squeeze just to tease these filthy rats... and martha lay her head on alcinas chest, her tounge flicking and grazing it. "I could slice you..."
"I could crush you.."
Now knowing how terrifying these women were, they ran off. The women giggled and watched them panicking and dashing for their cars.
Heisenberg finally got the grill to work with Cassandra's help and started to make burgers. Donna and Bela walked over to the big women and gave them each shell necklaces. With donnas threat and craftsmanship and belas creativity, the two had made very cute necklaces for the family. The big wives were all gushing over this and hugging the two...how embarrassing. They gave one to Salvatore and Dani and Heisen and Cass.
Alcina got more water and helped her wife make a sandcastle that looked like the Castle. Martha looked very happy and alcina did a lil sketch of martha and the sandcastle. Alcina loved drawing martha...and she was great at it too. There were MANY tasteful paintings of martha in a hidden room in the Atelier.
Heisenberg decided to test his luck and strutted over and 'accidentally' kicked the sandcastle over. "Whoops! Sorry doll face" he said to martha. Marthas expression went blank. Something inside of her snapped. Alcina also snapped and stood.
"Oh shit.." heisenberg started to run and alcina moved the fastest she has ever moved in quite a while. Alci chased heisen around until she ran out of breath. She returned to martha who had made a sand sculpture of heisenbergs bust and punched its head and it fell apart. Alcina hugged martha.
"Its okay hon...it was a wonderful sandcastle.." she rubbed her wifes back.
A while pasted and the burgers were done. Everyone gathered and began to eat. Martha and alcina fed each other the meat lovingly. The girls ate and everyone soon went back to their business. Martha seemed to want to go in the water but was nervous. Alcina picked her up bridal style and started walking towards the water.
"A-alcina what are you-" she was suddenly an inch above the water. Alcina was waist deep and holding her right above the water. The water waved a bit and touched marthas lower back making her try to get up more. "Its so cool...."
"Ill ease you into it." She said, droppjng marthas legs in which immediately wrapped around her. Alcina looked down at Martha...she looked nervous. Alci have her a reassuring smile and crounched so they both went down together. Martha seemed much calmer. They splashed and played together for a while. The women were now laying in the sun while their daughters splashed in the water and the other lords were relaxing. Heisen and donna were finishing up any leftovers and sal was in the water.  The sun was getting low so they had to leave. They got in the insulated carriage and went home.
When they got home they unpacked and bathed, washing the outside off of them and getting ready for bed. The younglings were still full of energy and their mothers let them stay up a bit. Martha and alcina put their necklaces on display and sat in bed in their nightgowns. Alcina took her sketchbook out and started to sketch martha, who was laying there on the bed reading a book with her cute reading glasses on. She looked up and blushed. "Must you?" She chuckled.
"I have to capture this moment..."  she smiled. "Althought i cant to the real thing justice...." she teased.
"Oh hush you..." she said.
"Can I paint you tomorrow?" Alcina asked. She had a sort of obsession with painting. Her wife was a wonderful subject too.
"Sure...but go to sleep.." she kissed her and laid down. Alcina stayed up a bit to draw her but eventually went to sleep.
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The Show Must Go On! Chapter 4
- A Youtuber AU you didn’t want and didn’t need -
Hisoka Morrow, italian Makeup Youtuber, enjoys his life in the comfort and occasional drama of his profession. But nothing brings more drama into his life than the eldest son of the Zoldyck fashion magazine empire.
Meanwhile, aspiring australian Twitch Streamer Gon Freecs forms a special bond to a Speedrunner commonly going by "Kil".
Chapter 4 “Shifting Sand Land” out now!
AO3 Link
Illumi had always feared that one day he might inherit any of his mother's illnesses. It wasn't out of the question, and he considered himself lucky that no ailment had reared its head so far into his life.
"Do I look as good as how I feel, darling?"
Until now.
Suddenly it felt like years of sickness had caught up with him, spun his head around and made his stomach curl.
It was a coincidence that this sickness would appear the second he laid eyes on Hisoka, wearing the suit that was fitted just for him.
It was a coincidence that he looked like all those marble statues in museums, sculpted in the image of gods and lovers.
It was a coincidence that this sickness could be swallowed and repressed like any measly feeling he had ever encountered.
"I told you to wear a shirt, maggot."
And the symptoms disappeared.
But the disease didn't.
Gon: Killua?
It had been quite a while since Killua had responded to any of Gons messages. Well, it had been about 2 hours. But compared to their normal pace of slinging messages at each other any passing minute, this felt like an eternity to the young boy.  He wondered if he had done anything to upset his friend, though their last conversation was just usual banter about breakfast, snacks, and the new battle pass.
He fidgeted in his seat a bit more, the classwork Aunt Mito had supplied him with almost entirely forgotten. The now broken routine made his bones itch, but the attempt of any distraction just made him fear he'd miss when Killua would finally come back.
So, he waited.
He even started half-heartedly filling out the math quiz that had been taunting him from the corner of the desk, though he always glanced back at the computer screen.
Question number 27: (X-3)²-25= 0
Gon wasn't sure what to do first; Be thankful that finally Killua replied or be thankful that he found an escape from this hell called math.
Kil: Yo.
GON: Hey!!! Are you okay? :O
Kil: Yeah, whats up?
He was obviously not okay. But Gon knew that pressing the issue wouldn’t make things better, though if he pretended like everything was alright would just be an issue bottled up.
GON: Do you wanna play some Fortnite Duos maybe? We can try grinding for the new tiger costume you like :D
Kil: cant
Kil: my mom took my fucking PC away in attempt to become mother of the year
GON: :( im sorry!! But im sure she’ll give it back soon, right?
Kil: fat chance, I probably have to wait till my brother comes back from his stupid trip
Gon tilted his head in thought. This has probably been the longest Killua had ever talked about his family with him. Up to this point it had only been passing remarks about siblings whose actions and personalities melted into each other due to lack of discernible unique traits, and that his family was rich.
GON: How long is that going to be?
GON: Maybe your mom will calm down and change her mind <:(
Kil: lmao, maybe if id actually study now shed be satisfied enough
Kil: but theres no way in hell im going to give her what she wants
GON: So whatre you going to do??
Kil: idk
Kil: talk to you and think about how to set fire to this place?
 The young boy smiled, though for some reason he could feel a knot tighten in his chest.
 GON: How about only talking to me for now?
 And they talked. For a couple of hours, they talked about Gons new streaming schedule, about how he wanted to have one dedicated day in the week solely for collaborations. They talked about a new exploit for Super Mario Sunshine that could potentially scrap 10 seconds off of the current World record if executed correctly. They talked about how Leorios medical-student VLOG channel had been trending again after he made a hypocritical video about the damages of energy drinks.
Kil: he could have at least cleaned the infamous pyramid out of frame…
GON: Haha he said that in hindsight too
GON: But I think it was his boyfriend who finally made him clean it up -v-“
Kil: must be nice to have someone living with you who gives a shit
Kil: I think at this point the housekeeper hasn’t even touched the minefield that’s my brothers room in months
GON: It can’t be that bad :”D
Kil: you bet?
Kil: what do you think, how much chip dust is needed for an anime figure to come to life?
The mental image of Killuas home slowly shifted in Gons mind again. A large mansion, bedrooms as big as some apartments, with individual housekeepers for everyone. And one room dedicated to imitating a postapocalyptic anime merch shop.
And somewhere in that large mansion, is a room probably equipped with a messy bed, a (now empty) desk and gaming chair, maybe some shelves with books and games. In the middle of it a slightly blurry figure, maybe a bit shorter than Gon, pale skin and messy hair and piercing bright eyes.
He had seen pictures of Killua, a handful of selfies taken at his desk, one picture his sister (who he’d mention the least from his mysterious family) had taken of him in front of a rose bush. And no matter how dimly lit the picture would be, or out of focus, or taken from a distance; His eyes were always the first thing Gon would focus on. At first, he was convinced that he was using a filter, there’s no way someone in real life would have eyes like that.
But Killua did. Killua hid electricity behind those eyes, dangerous and yet enticing, beaming with a life energy that can barely be contained. Gon had heard poems and songs about blue eyes, though none of them ever came close to describing eyes like these. Or the feeling Gon would get from looking at them, tingling in his fingertips, making him smile and giggle and stomp his feet. Kind of like getting a victory royale.
Gon has other friends besides Killua. But none ever made him feel the same way when they talked. He craved no one’s presence as much as he craved Killuas. And something inside him felt the constant urge to tell Killua that, to tell him how much he meant to him, what’s so amazing about him, how he didn’t want this friendship to end.
But that’s just not something friends would tell each other unprompted, and it’s not something that could easily told to Killua, who danced around the word “friends” as if it were a dangerous animal. So, he didn’t say anything.
 Kil: gon?
Kil: did you fall asleep?
GON: No haha, I was just thinking about how huge your house must be!!
Kil: yeah its huge and ugly, sometimes way too loud, sometimes really fucking quiet
Kil: im sure it must be nicer in your home
GON: I mean, it is pretty nice, but its also a little lonely I think
GON: All my friends live closer to the city, so usually no one is around to just come outside and hang out :^T
Kil: if I could id fly over right now and you could show me all the gross spiders that rule your continent with 8 iron fists
GON: They aren’t gross!! Spiders are really fun once you get to know them :^D
GON: And you know, you’d always be welcome here, Aunt Mito would be thrilled to meet you ^^
And Gon meant it. Though Killua never let too much slip of his family life and surroundings, Gon could tell it was trouble, and he deeply wished he could give Killua even just a one-day break from whatever went down in that mansion.
Kil: since we are both home schooled, we wouldnt even need to wait for summer break or anything
GON: Right :^D And its not like either of us are big on studying either ^^”
Gon glanced briefly at the disregarded Math work and shuddered.
Kil: you mean it, right?
Kil: if I were to text you some time that im at an airport and im coming over, you wouldnt let me be stranded somewhere on your prison continent, right?
GON: Of course not!!!
GON: … but I’d prefer it if you give a heads up so I can clean my room :^D
Kil: thanks gon, I appreciate it
Kil: i appreciate you
Gon felt his heartrate skyrocket. Of course he’d let Killua stay, even if he rang at his door without any prior notice. Because even if it goes unsaid, Killua was his friend. Maybe even his best friend. And he’d do anything to keep him safe, or to just give him one minute that he doesn’t have to think about his family. He wanted to see those blue eyes reflect the Australian sun, free of worry and tension.
GON: I appreciate you, too
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stonerchik420 · 4 years
Newest Assistant.
Hi guys ! I had a dream and I thought I would share it with you ❤😁
Im sorry I've been MIA, tbings have been insane for me and I was in a bad place mentally but I think I've figured it out now.
Let me know if you think I should make this into a short series??
Warnings: flufffyyyy, light smut (the lightest of the light), mentions of drinking.
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"Hey, you up? Can I come hang out ? I'm bored."
David texted you.
"Sure, im bored too" you replied
You were David's newest assistant and you were living at the house temporarily until Taylor and yourself could find a nice apartment in LA to split. Almost impossible though. The real estate here is booming and everything was either too small or too much money at the moment. You had been David's new assistant for about 2 months now and things have been surprisingly fun for you. Granted with the quarentine you haven't seen a real filming day yet and all the crazy stress that comes with it but as of right now, things were chill and fun.
Natalie and Ilya were both visiting their families together back in Chicago so that meant that you and David had the house to yourselves when Taylor went home to her apartment at the end of the day.
There was no denying that the last couple of weeks there has been some kind of sexual tension between David and yourself. Well. Maybe not sexual tension exactly but there was something ... some kind of tension.
When everyone was in the house including Jason and Joe, David would always glance at you for longer than a few seconds. He probably wasn't aware that you noticed but when you did your cheeks became warm and he would smirk. If there was a chance, he would sit next to you on the couch or at the bar. Not touching you but close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off of his body. There were beginnings of shared inside jokes no one knew about. Your secret conversations and whispering on the couch while watching movies or just hanging out with the squad making fun of them. There were late night texts to each other, sharing memes and tiktoks from separate rooms. Occasionally you would end up hanging in David's room while he played xbox or just to hang out and talk.
David entered your room smiling looking all cozy in his black hoodie, messy hair poking out under the hood, black basketball shorts on and wearing his glasses. He brought in snacks for you to share.
"Hey Y/N." He said grinning
"Hey!" You smiled, "you brought my favorite snacks !!" You said sitting up in bed clapping.
"Of course! And a glass of wine"
David and you were similar in the fact to you both didn't drink much but he knew since you had moved in you occasionally enjoyed a good glass of wine or two after a long day, especially to calm your nerves of moving so far away from your family and friends.
"You're the best!"
David settled into bed under the covers next to you with the bowl of snacks in between you. You took a sip from your glass and set it on the table next to you.
"Let's watch a movie" you suggested, "what do you wanna watch ? Iron man ?"
You knew David was obsessed with Iron Man and the movies were great !
"Nah," he said "I've honestly watched them so much I wouldn't pay attention at all"
You giggled, "okay then"
You scrolled through some movies on Netflix until you and David both settled on some dumb looking comedy knowing you both weren't really going to watch it anyways. You were both probably about to share the funny videos or memes you had found on the internet during the day and share them with each other.
"Wanna watch TikToks with me ?" David asked not even 10 minutes after the movie started, already bored with it anyways.
You laughed, "duh!"
Over the last 2 months you really came out of your shell. You started your job here kind of nervous and more reserved but within a week or two you and everyone in the house became pretty close to each other, specifically David of course.
With the bowl of snacks still in between you two, you leaned up against the pillows more to get closer to David to see his screen. You found a few funny videos and the two of you started cracking jokes back and forth dying of laughter.
The wine was starting to get to you and you felt warm and more relaxed. By now the bowl of snack was moved out from between you two and you were lying directly next to David now, the movie still playing in the background. You were very close to him now, closer than you've ever been to him before. You could smell his strawberry shampoo mixed with his laundry detergent and a slight breeze of colonge. You felt your cheeks get warmer and you bit your lip.
You couldn't deny your feelings for David had grown a lot. But there was a part of you that felt like nothing was ever going to happen between you two. I mean you worked for him. It wouldn't be professional and if things went south then you would be out of a job and screwed.
"Penny for your thoughts?" David asked smirking leaning his head away from yours to get a better look at your face.
"Huh?" You asked.
"You haven't really been watching these tiktoks, so whatre you thinking about?" David asked still looking at you with a side eye.
"Oh nothing at all," you said waving your hand. "Just relaxing honestly."
"Yeah okay Y/N" David said in a mocking voice
"Shut up!" You said smacking his chest and smiling
"You're gonna regret that" David said biting his lip.
He threw his phone on the night stand next to him and turned back over to you and started tickling your stomach.
You began shrieking and laughing trying to push him off of you but also accepting his sudden touch. You rolled over on top of him in hopes that you could pin him down and tickle him back. However, when you flipped your body on top of his you found yourself face to face with David.
He stopped tickling you and you caught your breath in your throat as you had both realized how close your faces were to each other in that moment. David was holding onto your hips now and he closed the gap between the two of you kissing you on the lips lightly.
Your heart lept. This is all you've wanted to do in the last few weeks. You pulled away first and bit your lip while looking at him.
"What?" He asked smiling up at you.
You didn't answer, you bent your head down kissing him again. This time more aggressively than before. The kisses slowly became more sloppy and you adjusted yourself on top of him so you were kneeling with both legs on either side of his hips. His hands moved from the bottom of your thighs to your butt and the kiss turned into more of a sloppy make out. He squeezed your ass and your breath hitched as it was more aggressive than you were expecting.
"Sorry," he said pulling away and smirking "I've been looking at your ass for 2 months now and all I've wanted to do was this"
You giggled then leaned down again to kiss him. He wrapped his arm around the bottom of your back and flipped himself on top of you. You shrieked at the sudden movement now smiling like crazy below him.
"I've wanted this for so so long Y/N" David said leaning back into the kiss
You wrapped one arm around the back of his neck holding tugging at the bottom of his hair.
You pulled away from the kiss first letting go of your breath. You smiled up at him and he did the same back. "What?" He asked cocking his head to the side and licking his bottom lip, smiling.
You giggled and covered your mouth with one hand fully aware of how hot your cheeks were now.
"Nothing David, just happy you did that"
He rolled over next to you and pulled you into his arms kissing the top of your head and humming into your hair for a moment. You felt his hand trail down and hold onto your hip gripping it tightly for a moment which made your heart skip a beat. You wanted to continue making out, you wanted to take it further with David. More than anything. But you were too nervous and you had a feeling that this wine wasn't helping your decision making. So you settled with cuddling for now.
"Dave?" You asked looking at the TV.
"Yes Y/N?"
"Will you stay and cuddle with me tonight ?"
"Of course I will" he said moving his hand up to your chin and pulling you in for one more quick kiss before settling back into your original positions.
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wheresmaldo865 · 5 years
ShinsoXReader Valentine Day Special Featuring Song Dead Girl walking from the Heathers
 Happy Valentines day! I got this idea in my head and decided to type this up. I originally wanted to do it for Bokugo but wanted to extend my characters palette... since my inbox is always empty :(
But any way, full steam ahead! I didn’t really get the chance to do detailed editing so please forgive me if theres any errors. Also the song is a little out of order so that some things make more sense.
Also, someone please tell me how to properly spell this kids name. I seen it boths ways with and without a u 😭
There a little doodle of Shinsou at the end 😉
Warning: Vanilla smut (Nothing detailed)
Word Count: 1752
‘The Demon queen of high school has decreed it, she says Monday, 8am I will be deleted. They’ll hunt me down in study hall. Stuff and mount me on the wall. Thirty hours to live, how shall I spend them?’
            Standing there in a ghostly empty party room was the worst nightmare anyone could have imagined. A ruptured friendship. Three ugly sisters with more power then they deserved. Yet, she forgot.
           She had put herself into this whole mess. She had wanted to be part of the ugly sister comment. The bitter sweet sensation had brought her satisfaction and acceptance between her other peers.
Now it was… only bitter.
Because (Y/n) had even had the audacity to stand against them. They made it a public statement to make her live a living hell. As if the room hadn’t already been hot before.
Her palms were sweaty from the wild night she had. Her school uniform stuck to her cold skin a bit to tightly. (Y/n) collar seemed to squeeze tighter, and tighter as the night went on.
I don’t have to stay and die like cattle. I could change my name and ride up to Seattle. But I don’t own a motorbike.
           (Y/n) contemplated the endless options she could muster. Running away to the next town… or a town across the seas. Her parents didn’t need to know. No one needed to know anything. However, the more she thought upon one idea. The more ridiculous it ended up sounding. Even in her own head.
           So, she continued on her way home. The summer night was overwhelmingly stuffy. Large beads of sweat formed on her forehead and rolled down her red cheeks. Right about now she wished for nothing more than a cold shower to run down her spine.  
                       Y/n) spotted a window spilling light onto the side walk. Her eyes followed the beam of light to a room seated on a two-story building. She could a shadow of a figure walk by. Long spoffy hair poking out from all angles of his head. (Y/n) chuckled to herself.
           She knew who the lavender purple hair belonged to.
There was suddenly an interrupting thought that came into her mind. Something devious, something… naughty. The liquor in her blood burned and set her body a flame. Desire hit her with a bus, especially in the lower area. The more she played with the idea. The wetter she became.
           Wait, here an option that I like. Spend these thirty hours getting freaky!
           I need it hard. I’m a dead girl walking!
 (Y/n) marched her pretty little face right up to the door of Shinsou’s house. The blood in her veins mixed with the alcohol pumped excitedly. She was feeling too good to turn back. There was no hesitation in her hands as she lifted it to ring the doorbell twice.
           She waited patiently for the door to open.
I’m in your yeard. I’m a dead girling walking. Before they punch my clock. I’m snapping off your window lock. Got no time to knock. I’m a dead girl walking…
           The door finally opened. She was greated by the man himself, Hitoshi Shinsou. Someone she saw frequently in her life and had… affections toward. One could say the feelings were returned. There was only one way to find out now.
           “(Y/n)? What’re you doing in my house?”
She smiled innocently. She took her pointer finger and pressed it gently onto Shinsou lips. She found it amusing the way his eyes went wide. A blush slowly creeping its way onto his face.
Once Shinsou had finally regained his courage, he took her by the hand and led her inside. To him it was evident she wasn’t all put together, as she usually was. Before she could say anything more, he sat her up in his room. Giving her some water and medicine to replace the hangover pain she may have in the morning.
           “Better?” He asked with a soft smile.
She nodded. Though the courage in her heart did not disappeared with the buzz. (Y/n) scooted her body closer to his. Their shoulders, legs, and arms bumping in several places. The blushed rushed back to his, but he didn’t move away from her.  Her perfume flooded his senses. Rooting him in his place.
           Sorry, but I really had to wake you. See, I decided I must ride you ‘til I break you.
The blush on Shinsou’s cheeks traveled evenly to the rest of his face. He was completely blown away by the words that had just come out of his dear friends’ mouth.
           Of course, he adored his friend. He would risk life and limb for the women before him. On the other hand, this hadn’t been the way he had planned to confess to such a lovely girl.
           She was rubbing up against him in a way he almost couldn’t say no. Shinsou gently grabbed her by the shoulders and forced himself to pause for a moment. He had to be sincere now. For her sake.
           “Wait, wait! What has gotten into you?”
‘Cause Heather says I gots to go. You’re my last meal on death row. Shut your mouth and lose them tighty whiteys”
           (Y/n) turned the table on him. She wiggled her way around him. Pinning him underneath her on his bed. There was her scent again, intoxicating his mind. The way she moved to sit upon his waist did the unimaginable to him. He was beginning to feel tight in the jeans he wore.
           He shot up again. As much as Shinsou wanted this. The desire for her consent grew bigger than anything poking in his pants. He would hate himself for several eternities if she regretted this in the end.
           “Wait.” The word fell firmly to (Y/n) ears. Her giggles became put aside. She starred wide eyes and locked eyes with Shinsou Listening attentively to what he had to say to her.
           Shinsou’s eyes closed for a moment. He simply let himself be present in her presence. Allowing him to short his desires and feelings.
           “I…” He started but couldn’t finished until another second passed. “I have cherished you… for what seems like forever now. Watching you become such a powerful hero and wonderful friend. I would do anything to protect you from any harm. Even if that means it’s from myself. So, I have to know. You have to be certain.”
           Shinsou toned shifted from his love filled admiration to an urgent one. What he said next was a serious matter to him.
           “You have to be certain this is what you want. With me. A life and a future with someone like me. Otherwise, I’ll make sure you get home safe.”
           Shinsou’s room became painfully silent for a few moments. (Y/n) eyes traveled to his chest. Perhaps trying to dissect his rapidly beat heart for sincerity. When she came back to meet his gaze… Shinsou had a feeling she had her answer.
           A soft smile graced her lips. Her face was so close to his he could taste the drink she had on his tongue.
           And you know, you know, you know. Its cause you’re beautiful. You say you’re numb inside, but I can’t agree. So the worlds unfair. Keep it locked out there. In Here it’s beautiful. Let’s make this beautiful!”
            Her lips were on his in an instant. Her hands slide across his chest and up to his neck. Losing themselves in his wild hair. It took him a moment to register what was finally happening. Once he knew, boy. Did he respond. His arms found their way around (Y/n) waist and brought her closer to him. It didn’t take long before the grinding became heated. Kisses became hastily sloppy. Hands were slipping into places never touched by anyone else.
           One by one, clothes were beginning to come off.
 Tonight, I’m yours. I’m your dead girl walking! Get on all fours! Kiss this dead girl walking. Let’s, go you know the drill. I’m hot and pissed and on the pill. Bow down to the will- Of a dead girl walking!
            Shinsou had (Y/n) pinned down to his bed. His pillowed framing her face perfect, though her hair was already becoming a mess. The face she was giving him still droves his desire. He wanted you immediately. It was only a matter of time before Shinsou had his thumb hooked on the pants and panties (Y/n) had chosen to wear. Sliding them off her smooth (S/c) legs. The new cool air rubbing against her sex produced a whimper from her throat. Shinsou chuckled lighty at the reaction.
           He then removed his own shirt. Moving to then remove hers. He plucked the buttons one by one. The bra she wore was gone in a second. Revealing her total naked body to him. A sculpture he could marvel in for hours if he was given the time.
           Full steam ahead. Take this dead girl walking! Lets break the bed. Rock this dead girl walking. No sleep tonight for you. Better chug that Mountain Dew! Get your ass in gear. Make this whole town disappear.
                      (Y/n) rose up from her place. Starling Shinsou slightly. He let out a small yelp when he found himself on his back again. His face turned red again when (Y/n) undid the buckle of his pants and ran them down impatiently. As if he would run away when the clock struck 12.
           Her mouth found his member way too quickly for Shinsou to take. A loud groan caught him off guard as her wet lips wrapped around him. Her tongue swirling in all the right spots. Another growl ripped through his teeth when the full length of him hit the back of her throat. Combined with rhythmic pumping of her mouth and hand was almost too much for him. Shinsou had to protest for a stop before he would be completely spent.
           Sitting up and looking into (Y/n). He couldn’t be filled with anymore lust before her burst. It only took another minute for (Y/n) to lay on her back. Shinsou nestling himself between her legs. Teasing her wet entrance.
           A single push at the hip was all it took for him to be completely inside her.
  The rest of the night Shinsou and (Y/n) spent their new-found time tangled in each other. Pleasure and it each touch filled with loving passion. They shared every moment they could. Hot breathes, moans and kisses coming from their lips.
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Chapter 3
((Hey Guys! The last chapter was a roaring success! So  have no w made the third one! The 4th ones is coming sonner than soon! Its fangstastic!))
Chapter 3: Huh? 
 Oh I...you're back again? Oh you wanted to know what happens next? Well... I'm totally annoyed, Seeing Diors sexy but annoying face really got me fangry. He walked in all slowly, he didn't even walk sexy. Just slow. Everyone at the table was severely annoyed, I can't believe that were actually letting this toadstool tool, into my home. Uncle Louis stood up with his arms open wide and a slight smile on his pale, kind of veiny face. "Dior welcome, please come sit" he said. Dior came to the table, and pick the seat next to me. If I had skin that felt heat or coolness I would have shivered.
 I looked over at him and rolled my eyes, he's such a dweeb. He looked over at me, and then Rickky and then Angelica. We all rolled our eyes again. He chuckled, and in a whisper I could totally hear him cussing at us for not dating him. "How dare they treat me this way these gross girls not date me, I'm so hot. I'm a demon, ill have you all" He was barely Whispering, I know for a fact that my uncle's could totally hear him but they were being nice so they decided not to say anything. But I was totally going to cuss him out.
 I opened my mouth but then there was a knock at the door and the servant had decided to go on break all of a sudden during lunch, so Angelica stood up to get it. She walked over to the door and was like so happy because her boyfriend Zwei, who is a werewolf from Nebraska. He bought with him his cousin Merlin vialoux who is also a werewolf and has also been training to become a wizard. 
Recently he's been demanding that we call him the wizard Merlin, and he's really Jewish. I never thought I would meet a Jewish werewolf, but since Angelica started dating her boyfriend I have met him ans he's a werejew. At least that's what he says. All of a sudden she started screaming I had no idea why until a tall tan man with purple hair, and blue contacts came in it was... Rap monster! She grabbed her boyfriend's hand and let everyone in. She brought them over to the dinner table, and when her boyfriend saw Dior. All of a sudden he let go of angelic of hand and grabbed your by the neck. Then he let his neck go, and used his arm to smack him in the neck like a giraffe. 
Everyone at the table was totally in shock. Why would he do that? I'm not too fond of him anyways, he's a werewolf I'm a vampire it doesn't really work out for us. Zwei grabbed his neck again and pull them out of the chair "Whatr you doing here, you know this is my turf, you herb" Dior got insulted, he's probably tired of everybody knowing that he's a herb and throwing it up in his face but I mean it's pretty obvious. "How dare you insult me, you fool" Dior said "Sure I'm a fool but you're still a herb you herb, get outta town. I heard you were going to destroy the world because these girls dont want you, you sack of cilantro"  he said back. Uncle Lestat and Louie had no idea what was going on, at this point Uncle Lestat was just focused on trying to eat his pasta. I think he had to work in the morning or something, even though it was only lunch time Uncle Louie had gotten really tired so in the middle of the argument he decided he was going to sleep so he left us.
 Zwei lifted Dior into the air, and they started floating because werewolves have this ability to jump really high, and if they stay up in the air long enough their bodies will begin to float. But because Zwei had spend some time with Jacob, who is a total hottie. And while he was hanging out with Jacob, he imprinted on a ghost named Felicity and although he really loved her he found out that he loved Angelica more so they broke up but he got her ability to float so now he floats for even longer. Add a really fast time Zwei went full werewolf and started to scratch dior's face. Dior push him off and they both started to fight in the middle of the air, do you or pushed him into the wall and broke a really old window. But he fell inside the house not outside. He stood up and jumped at the door, roaring and foaming at the mouth and his hair was flying all over the place. But his jeans, we're super tight and they stayed on him. They fought back and forth for a really long time, it was really a big Brawl. 
Angelica stood up, and shouted at her boyfriend to stop fighting because they would have to clean up the mess because the servant went on break. So they stopped fighting. Dior was so pissed that he grabbed and Delica and threw her at the ceiling. And she floated in the middle of the air because she also has the ability to float, thanks to being with her boyfriend they get to share the floating power. Dior shouted at all of us " angels are demons, witches or Wizards, ghouls or ghosts, you will all love me, and I will be the best ruler and boyfriend" I didn't understand why he said ruler, I thought he was just going to ruin the world. "Huh?" I said He looked at me, and totally try to reach out for me but I backed away from him as fast as I could becaubecause I don't want his gross but sexy hands on my body. 
Slowly Angelica started to float down to the ground. She look like she was flying for a second, so I totally complimented her and said she looked really graceful. Dior never answered my question. "Who says just angles can fly amirite?" Rap monster said. Ricckys neck shivered, "don't say that there can only be one angel here at a time" And just to mess with her  Angelica  laughed and She started singing no angel by fifth harmony, she skipped the "no" in the chorus at one point and started laughing. Rickky turned to her chuckling "don't do that I'm the angel" she said looking into angelicas sunglasses. Angelica kept laughing "my name is technically angel if you think about it" I totally didn't know her name was Angel or had angel in it, it never came into my head. Rickky rolled her eyes "its not the same" see or was getting really tired of us not paying him any attention, I could see it in his pale skin. everyone was like "what?" Rickky pulled out her hand book, and started to read her angel guide on how not everybody is allowed to be an angel, and there's only allowed to be one angels in the room at a time because the angel aura would be too strong and kill everybody. But Merlin and zwei would probably live because werewolves are immune to it I think. "So be careful what you say or you all could maybe die" I totally roll my eyes, and Dior was getting sick and tired of us ignoring him.
 So he yelled at the top of his lungs and left, I have no idea where he's going and I don't know what he's going to do next I'm kind of worried about it because what if he does something crazy. I turned to Rickky "you guys having this conversation all the time is like totally getting crazy It's like you're saying left is left and right is right, you said the same thing you just didn't say it the same way you have to be careful what is Dior going to do next" Rickky flapped her wings that turned, grey.   "No! Left IS left and right IS right, gosh at least try and get it right" Rap monster stepped up, "uh guys, I think Dior went to start his plan" Riccky and Angelica talked to eachother one last time before we really had to be serious. "there's only one Angel here, and it needs to stay that way so nobody has to blow up. You be a demon and I'll be an angel and that way everyone stay safe". Angelica nodded, "fine" Before they could hug and make up, there was a huge boom outside. And a mushroom cloud coming from probably about a hundred miles away. 
We wasted our one chance to really talk to Dior and now we have to go save the day.
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
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m0onbean · 7 years
Pepero Stick
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category: floooooooooooooooooooooof
pairing: mark tuan X reader
note: i decided to put this in bullets bc it’s quicker and funnier :-) anyways this is lowkey dedicated to @tuan626 and @rawrlxxsa bc i know you guys are mark trash smh collect yourselves
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mark tuan your lovely handsome sweet boyfriend gave you tickets to his concert bc he was performing in your area
and you're mainly happy bc um excuse me he's an idol and busy 24/7 so you don't even get to see him a lot
and also ur tired of watching him on your tumblr screen when he's literally dating you jesus christ
so you go to GOT7's concert really happily
and thankfully it's a pretty small audience since they're performing in a small town
and then they perform never ever and you're like
w o w
and you highkey lowkey tear up because your bf worked so hard moving to korea and not knowing english and dealing with the kpop trainee life and now you're crying in the front row how nice
and as the concert progresses mark steals winks from you and makes eye contact with you knowingly
and this sneaky little boi would throw you finger hearts secretly and go up to the front row and pat your head as if you're a normal fan
and you're like mark pLEASE
and then they move onto their next activity which requires 7 audience members to go up and play games with them
and ofc you volunteer and you get chosen and you're like YaAYyaYA 
but when you step onto the stage mark is about to choose you as his partner until the MC steps in and is like
wait wait wait this girl wants to be with mark can you switch partners
and mark looks at you regretfully but he knows that since it's HIS fan you can't really reject something like that
so he smiles and he's like ok! and you agree bc that girl should have a chance to play with your boyfriend
so instead you get partnered with bambam which you aren't complaining about bc everyone in GOT7 is like a brother to you
and also bc bambam's super litty and knows how to have fun
and so the game begins and it's the game where you have to do that pepero stick challenge
and at first you're kinda like wait what why would they make us do this game when obsessive fans can go ahead and straight up kiss their idol what is this
ok he didn't say that it was more of a "please refrain from making direct lip contact and instead focus on keeping the pepero stick a short length" 
and you notice mark warily eyeing you but you quickly look away and back to bambam
and bambam isnt dumb ok maybe he is a little bit and he just smirks at you and is like OHOHOHOHO IS YOUR BF GETTING JEALOUS
and so the challenge starts and you and bambam start off quickly
and the crowd is like :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 
but they obviously don't know how close you and bambam are
and as you two lean forward you flicker your eyes to mark to see his face
and mark isn't even paying attention to his partner
and correct me if im wrong but you're pretty sure you saw him scowl
and you can see his partner is like "uhhhhhhhhhh pay attention 2 me whatre you looking at"
and then you and bambam finally split off before your lips can touch
and your stick came out as 1 cm
and you're both like DABBBBBBB  but you immediately regret dabbing on stage bc bambam is becoming hypehype now and he's dabbing while screaming DABBOIDABBOI really loudly *cue that ASC video of him* 
and then bambam suddenly whispers in your ear "look at mark hyung"
and then you swivel your head and you can see him just g l a r  i  n g at bambam angrily
and you're like o shit
then the concert ends and you go backstage to meet up with the boys
and they all bearhug you and are like "(Y/N) I MISSED YOU"
and then mark just kinda watches and then steps up after you're left alone to drag you into another room
and you're like huh whats wrong
and then he starts getting pouty and cute even tho you know he's trying to be mad
he sticks his bottom lip out and places his hands on his hips and starts saying "wHY DID YOU HAVE TO GET SO CLOSE WITH BAMBAM YOU TWO WERE ABOUT TO KISS"
and you two are silent for a moment
and then he says "so did bambam make your heart flutter""no mark no he didn't"
"did your heart beat quickly when he leaned in"
"mark nO"
"is he a good kisser ???????"
"hOw wOuLd i kNoW tHaT"
"because you guys PRACTICALLY kissed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"fiajfapoja we didn't mark!"
"i'm actually going to kiss him myself to find out if he's a good kisser"
then he keeps on ranting about how you and bambam are way too intimate and you want him to shut up
so you do that cheesy thing where you kiss him to make him shut up 
and his eyes bulge out of his head and he's frozen 
and then he starts smiling again really really hard that his lips are gonna fall off his face
then HE STARTS GETTING CHEESY AND HE PERFORMS HIS AEGYO LIKE "kiss me one more time ?? <3 (。◕‿‿◕。)" 
"i hate you so much""you love me"
"only a little bit"
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cavelingthings · 7 years
f the occult club
Today at 9:55 PM
heeeyyy whats that word for those organs that are Brave
like like a stomach but a BRAVE one
Im gonna go out on a limb here and say "gut"
Fun fact about the stomach: it is both the most cowardly and most heroic organ
guts!!! GOTTA HAVE EM hahah bestttt)))
a funfact a day keeps the baabaaadook away or so They say......
What Has He Ever Done To You
liisiten buddy im not the one saying the funfacts!!
The babadook is canny and curious by nature if ANYTHING my fun facts would Invite his intrigue
Every fun fact is special and unique, like My Friend, the babadook
awh really is he a cool gut
*guy haha
I appreciate his significance to the mc's coping process. Also he has a dope hat
have u met him
FUCK no i don't think I'm white enough
MMperhaps you can throw some flour or confectionersugar on yourself to Trick Him
i have some in my room but i cant move rn
Ok considering it
Wh?? Whatre u doing
Actually don't answer that if you don't want to but tell you what. Ill trade you for some snowballs if u wanna let me come get it
the club wanted some "d**** blood" so i was Like shore but onnly if you let mehave that wine in the corner
What the f
Girl. How much did they take
Hookay NEW PLAN i am bringing my iron supplements and like a fuckton of bread
I Cant Eat brad
What Can You Eat
That you will let me bring you
mmmeasts but the raw kind
Are you good with red meat? Is there anything i should be looking out for?
i dont eat sheep soo Anything But That
Alright I'm omw DO NOT drink anymore on the off chance you still have that wine. Bad shit
jast fermented grapes it doesnt even taste good not sure what the hype is about
but oke will do
Not to be impolite about a ladys table manners but how much do you think you could eat in one sitting
And is your diet exclusively meat? No chance for some crackers or something to stabilize your blood pressure first
LOTS!!! if thats you outside with what smells like a truck load of meat you have made me one happy camper
Its a wagon and YES
Fuck. I didn't even think about the stairs
Where the hell can i find a wheelchair accessible entrance
I Will Crawl
Do NOT Crawl
Im peeking out the window lmoa can you see me
i kinda whant to now
Nope. No. Look at me, I'm already headed up the stairs, i brought dogs
I Love Those Kids i havnt met them but they look like friends
If you want i'll have them stay a while
we can play mario party. How do you feel about mario party
Oh!! that sounds gr8 m8
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