#bouta get BONKED
maemil · 7 months
My favourite genre of comic panel
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Robin (1993) #5 & Gotham Knights #30
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Reborn primordial headcannon dump:
A king's last hope/A warrior's internal conflict/A reincarnation's path
After the whole "sealing powers away from a 12yr cub that was basically going insane, The cub didn't want Wukong to touch them or anyway cuz they were pretty angry and upset
Wukong thought he could leave the cub to some alone time but later on when he tried to pick them up(because it started raining), he saw they weren't in the same spot and panicked a bit before using his golden vision to zoom around to find them
Wukong from afar saw 12yr Kito being taken care of by Ao Bing and the kid actually being a bit happy for the first time in 6 years, Wukong had some time to reflect on how his parenting skills were and upon thinking it over
He decided not to retrieve Kito and instead give them up, At least he put the restraints on Kito so they wouldn't hurt themselves as well as anyone around them in the near future
When Kito uses too much power and especially at once, they have a high chance to physically hurt themselves pretty bad
Externally or internally, the injuries could be fatal and if not treated could lead to death, So you could save Wukong saved their life a bunch of times which is something Kito didn't understand for a long while
We already know he's the type to watch from afar and upon seeing Kito actually growing up and getting better via health, emotionally and mentally speaking, it actually pains him that he mostly failed as a dad but his love for Kito never wavered
It's hard seeing someone you cared about so much end up doing better without you and the moment you get a chance to attempt to be close to them again, it doesn't always go so well
Upon Kito's perspective, They don't like Wukong but they don't hate him(same with Macaque)
They still have memories of the two simians in their childhood where Macaque actually cared (he still does he just thinks he hides it well, his hatred for Wukong overshadowed that love though) and the king who loved too hard too fast Wukong still has those habits of physical contact like a hug or a simply paw on the shoulder, ECT.
But he always gets bonked by Kito who showed on multiple occasions that they are not close/not comfortable with that buddy buddy act
(same goes with Macaque cuz he does the buddy buddy act too)
Now what causes more a problem between Mac and Kito is that Mac knows Kito can act like Wukong when triggered correctly, We all know Macaque likes seeing Wukong pissed af and the fact Kito tends to pull off that same personality sometimes causes Mac to always. Piss. Off. The. Cub.
Or at least he tries to, So far Macaque only triggered Kito badly when it came to Red son's safety in the past(cuz Kito looked like they were bouta kill Macaque on the spot, Lbd's voice trying to encourage the cub's yang side but Kito has stupidly high self control)
Moving back to Wukong and Kito's relationship, Wukong gets worried a lot because not only does Kito struggle with morals and stuff but also they tend to show Macaque's manipulative and bitter side
As in "let's fight right now, seeing you makes me upset" sort of deal, When Wukong sees this side pop up he tries dismissing both him and Kito from conversing further until Kito calms down
But Kito has those negative tendencies to provoke and fight Wukong (especially for the shit he pulled with the gang in lmk)
Kito is the type to struggle with letting go of things of the past, Hence why they have grown to be so bitter despite the MEGA amount of training and lessons they went through
Sadly enough, Kito is a neutral character who only reacts depending if injustice they connect with occurs, family or friends get threatened or if they even care if a problem arises
Despite everything they tried to learn and stuff they had been through, 414 years later and they still never got the crown off their head
The inability to actually be what they are expected to has always crushed them and they even tell guanyin that despite their efforts, they can't be what everyone expected them to be
They're no better than the simians they have issues with nor will they ever complete this training, They're accepting the crown as part of their life as well as the Qiankun hoop
"I am many things but a child of heaven is not one of them, I resign being it's student."
Are they a hero?
Are they a villain?
They don't know themselves, The expectation to know exactly who they are is something they always disliked, they're just someone with a butt load of trauma who's still figuring things out and come to accept that it doesn't matter how long it's gonna take anymore
Settling down with people they care about is all they ever wanted
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ratboyray · 4 years
times that @kurapikasimp has nearly crashed their car/had to pull over bc of our bs (an ever-growing list)
when we talked abt their “peg list”
when I yelled “kn-knife nuff n-nice” in a screamo voice
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Imma pile on the fun and ask about crackhead reader s/o with Azawa, Yagi and Present Mic.
Hellll yeah
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Present Mic:
•bold of you to assume he ain’t on crack already
•he thought he was the crackhead king
•then you came along
•at first he was threw off his groove
•but then he realised how powerful you too could be
•you guys recreated the ‘I want to see my little boy’ vine with aizawas cat
•aizawa was bouta snap when he caught you guys
•he also brings you onto his radio and it’s both terrifying and amazing
•you guys spent like hours discussing the (very likely) possibility of the birds working for the bourgeoisie
•basically the moral of the story is
•be gay be chaotic and own a radio show
•he’s soo confused
•he doesn’t know half the shit your saying
•you could be discussing why Simon out of the chipmunks was getting the best head
•and he’ll just stand there like
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•there was that one time tho
•you were both on patrol
•and came across some villans
•the dude he was fighting was actually kinda beating his ass
•out of fucking nowhere you just scream ‘Vibe check!’
•and just fuckin bonked that motherfucker with a bat
•he has no idea what vibe check means but is grateful nonetheless
•god he’s soo tired
•at this point he’s not even shocked when you pulled a joe mama joke on a villain
•though there was that one time
•you were both stuck in a conversation with your old boring classmates during a high school reunion
•Aizawa looked literally dead inside
•so at this point your crackhead-assery was going feral
•well let’s just say it wasn’t boring
•after you informed everyone of their bear in 1985 that ate 15 million dollars worth of cocaine and in the five minutes before he died he was the most dangerous apex predator on any fucking continent
•he was just thankful that the conversation didn’t go on any longer
•he just wants to take a nap (preferably spooning with you)
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