#bower birds
roboticforest · 3 months
Dancing With The Birds | Clip | Netflix
Finally found a clip of it!
Saw this years ago with my wife and we both jumped out of our seats and immediately thought of all those stories and myths about haunted woods, witches, or ghost children in the forest. It's all just bower birds!
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sawdust-emperor · 7 months
Fucking fascinating image choice for the Wikipedia article on bower birds
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feathercreates · 7 months
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becky lemme smash please (a.k.a. I found a Satin Bowerbird bower down by my local creek and was a little bit inspired. XD) Stickers, pattern goodies and more can be found on my Redbubble store here!
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inestheunicorn · 8 months
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Satin Bowerbird trying to seduce his lady 💙 To join our super secret club and get these, just check my Patreon here 🌹
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redrcs · 2 months
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Bower birds and Bower at Croydon.
The male collects bits and pieces. This one concentrates on silver and a bit of red. I've seen other bowers where the dominant colour is blue or yellow. In the second photo, you can see the silver alfoil, aluminium screws and a couple of pieces of red. The males build a Bower and decorate it, hoping to attract a female. If she visits and his courting display and dance is agreeable, they'll mate. She then builds a nest and rears the chicks alone.
On my travels.
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incorrect-losers · 1 year
Henry: You stabbed me!
Eddie: Oh, boo-hoo
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slasherho · 1 year
I hate when someone says people who simp for serial killers and make edits of them are weird, and the slasher fuckers come in talking about “I can’t help itt” “what about fictional ones? :(“ LMDAOAOAOAO stfu omg
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alonglistofbirds · 1 year
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[1626/10977] Bower's shrikethrush - Colluricincla boweri
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Passeri Family: Pachycephalidae Genus: Colluricincla (shrikethrush)
Photo credit: Enoch Bultreys via Macaulay Library
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earthanthem · 1 year
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(via GIPHY)
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leafylit · 5 months
“You’ve collected all the blue you can find. — You’ve scoured the earth for every little scrap of blue. — And now all that’s left is for you to wait for someone to validate your work. — It might be that you’ve done it all for nothing. — It might be that your bower seduces no one — But you’re too compelled by the blue to care.”
- Antonia Angress, Sirens and Muses
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birdstudies · 1 year
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August 21, 2023 - Bower's Shrikethrush or Stripe-breasted Shrike-thrush (Colluricincla boweri) These shrikethrushes are found in rainforests in northeastern Australia. They eat insects and occasionally frogs, picking prey from foliage, branches, and tree trunks, and sometimes capturing it in short flights. Breeding between September and December, they build compact cup-shaped nests from rootlets, dry leaves, twigs, fronds, bark strips, spiderwebs, and tendrils in trees or vine tangles. Females lay clutches of two, or sometimes three, eggs. Both parents incubate the eggs and care for the chicks. They are classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN because of rapid population declines due to heatwaves and more extreme dry seasons caused by climate change.
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 10 months
Chat writes the plot! Time for more 👑🐲🐟 KotD!
🔥🔥 don't forget to reblog tysm! 🔥🔥
Want to be on the tag list? -> Comment with 'tag me!' Have an idea for next chapter or clicked the wrong option? -> Reblog about it! Check the bottom for the Ao3 link. Latest chapter is below the cut!🔥
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~King of the Dragonfish: Chapter 15~
Maul sighs with an unusual breadth of relaxation, the tingling aftermath of climax running from the tips of his fingers to the ends of his fins. Everything feels… so good. He marinates in that state of being for a little while, tail still and arms limp.
Eventually, the sith remembers what he was doing.
Yes the purpose of this was… was to show Kenobi that-
Kenobi! Where did he go?
Maul rolls himself upright and reaches out in the force, his energy finds the jedi like a moth finds a flame: inevitably drawn to its light. He sways across the small room and around the magma boulder, finding Kenobi clutching his legs hard enough to turn his knuckles white, smelling strongly of lust and anxiety and distress.
That mixture was so… very pleasant. Fear and desire. Desire and fear. Yessss.
The dragonfish sith breathes in and curls around him, setting fingers under the other man's scruffy jaw and tilting his chin up. Blue eyes pop open with just a trace of panic to them. The sith hums with enjoyment, scratching at the underside of his beard.
Panic panic panic… what to do about a panicking jedi? Hmmm…
“Maul,” Kenobi says hoarsely, then fails to complete the thought.
Fix the panic? Make it worse? The fear was… was yes, very yes, but a panicking Kenobi would not lay with him. Jedi were weak, they could not handle fear.
Maul decides to try soothing him like an adult zabrak would comfort a youngling. It is the only figment of comfort he can recall. Hopefully it would serve.
Lacking horns to tug on, the sith pulls gently on fistfuls of his hair, just enough for consistent pressure, and scrubs their cheeks together. One side, then the other.
He hears the jedi swallow, and feels cautious fingers land on his chest just beneath the collar bone. The touch would almost seem like Kenobi was trying to push him away, except the force behind it is negligible.
“What-” the man croaks then clears his throat, “what are you doing?”
“You are upset,” Maul explains. “Is this not soothing?”
The jedi's force signature wavers, some tiny signal he cannot translate. “I… I suppose it is. In a way. Why are you trying to soothe me, exactly?”
Maul hums, rubbing against him some more. Something here is working, he can sense it. “Hnnn… mine,” he croons, “As my revenge I am keeping you, soft jedi, and so I will keep you well.”
The jedi in question scoffs with amusement, even as his head tilts aside.
Is he inviting…? Unlikely. It must be automatic.
… how pleasing.
“Keeping me well, are you? On a stone floor with no bed or blanket? In a cave with no sun? There are no books, no caf, nor kettle. Hardly five star accomodations.”
Maul pulls back, looking his captive over. He preens a bit to see the edge of panic gone away, replaced by a challenging glint. Yes, much better. He likes Kenobi best when Kenobi has fight in him.
“These are things you wish for?” he asks.
Kenobi squints at him, suspicious. “…yes?”
The dragonfish sith withdraws, nodding as he backs away toward the water. “I will bring you gifts, and you will favor me.”
The jedi raises a brow at him. “Favor you? What precisely do you mean by that?”
Maul leers at him, tail swishing about. “You already know what you will give me.”
Kenobi stands when the magma boulder comes between them, coming around the side in a huff, “Now just hold on a moment, I didn't agree to anything!”
With hissing snickers, Maul ignores the token complaints in favor of throwing himself into the water. Down he goes, tail and fins propelling him into the tunnels.
It is a long swim to where he might hunt for creature comforts, but that gives him time to consider how best to transport such things. A kettle, a bed and blanket, caf, and -most difficult of all- sun.
He does like a challenge. Perhaps he shall steal Naboo’s sun? Surely a star would be a gift glorious enough that Kenobi would give up these pointless notions about keeping to himself.
It is worth a try… but the sky is much further away than land, so perhaps he will look for the other items first? Yes? Yes.
The dragonfish sith first looks in shipwrecks. Pleasure cruisers scuttled on rocks or lost in storms. The salt water tends to degrade anything organic, but metal and seals take longer to claim. The first wreck is too old, and produces nothing of value, but the second has a conservator that hasn't been opened since it's downfall.
Maul pries it open with the force, letting the rotten food stuffs settle before digging around in the contents. He lays claim to a variety of canned drinks, sealed water bottles, and a few jars of condiments that still seemed fine. The cupboards reveal a few questionable jars of fruit preserves, and oddly enough a very well sealed package of crackers.
The lot of it goes in a slightly rusted pot, lid put on top and tied with seaweed.
Returning with one success in hand should suffice… but Maul is used to a demanding master. Above and beyond was the only sufficient completion of a task, nothing else had ever seen praise.
And so, the hunt continues.
He swims for shore now, and recalls another moment in time. He had been sitting on his ship, flying between Tatooine and Naboo, and using that brief time to research the jedi he had encountered.
Jim… Djin… Jinn? Yes, that was his name, the one he had killed in glorious combat was Jinn. Strange, that he was named for a creature who gives wishes. Maul rather thinks that he deserves those wishes after having bested the man.
Maybe he does have them, and simply hasn't used them? Hmm…
Pictures of jedi Jinn were common on the holonet, he had found them easily. A notorious troublemaker of grandmaster Yoda’s line. With Jinn was pictured the man he had not yet known as Kenobi.
His murderer.
Wishes and murders. Hm. How entertaining!
More to the point, he recalls a holo of Jinn and Kenobi in a formal tea ceremony. That particular image had been of the older jedi looking into the surface of his drink thoughtfully, and Kenobi having just finished a sip. He had looked delighted with the contents.
Tea, yes, his jedi must have tea.
It is, ironically, his stealthy hunt through a seaside village looking for tea or caf that nets him a different opportunity altogether.
Someone has ordered a day bed, but failed to unbox it as of yet. The mattress is still vacuum packed, and the frame contained within it's box.
Maul circles the find and pets it covetously. What fortune!
The dragonfish sith lifts the box out the window and slithers after it, avoiding people as he returns to the water. Pot of treasures and soggy box in tow, he returns to the depths. He spends the long journey gleefully anticipating Kenobi’s reaction to his success.
To be continued...
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@obimaulartfire @savageopressbignaturals @icequeen8043 @moonsickvampire @maulish @milkcioccolato
New? Start from Chapter 1! 👇🏽
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stranglingfruitloop · 4 months
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Andy Goldsworthy and Satin bower bird.
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🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
Thank you for the ask! <3
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
So, I research a lot of things just as a matter of course. I like diving down rabbit holes so I better understand some esoteric little bit of knowledge that will never benefit me in any tangible way.
For fics (often for throwaway references...), I've spent hours researching film release dates, grocery store rivalries, what rides and foods were available throughout the 1900s in the UK at fairs, what circuses were like in the 1930s and what it's like to be part of one as a performer (thank you, randoms on Reddit), selective mutism, the historical and geographical availability of banana cultivars (this is probably the strangest?), representations of death and death gods in multiple cultures, and selkie lore.
Also, snake dicks, but I feel like that's a rite of passage in tomarrymort. Everyone eventually ends up in hemipenes territory.
Edit: Wait, I forgot about bower birds!! And interesting animal courting/mating rituals. Albatrosses remain my favourite.
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
It's really difficult to choose just one for HP/tomarrymort! There are so many talented artists, we're really lucky~ I'm going with this piece by ysaribi. The closeness, the implied care and intimacy, "my soul" <3 And, of course, how the characters are drawn is amazing. I dunno, I write a lot of fluffy slice-of-life where these two cuddle -- it only makes sense I'd like it in fan art too ʅ(‾◡◝)ʃ
For non-HP fan art, I also really, really love this piece of Link by eori-namo. Just, the colours, the softness, Link's contented little smile. Gorgeous.
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cusaqphotos · 8 months
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nature4life · 10 months
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This is the bower of the MacGregor's Bowerbird. A unique bowerbird which makes towers and not reverse arches. It is purely amazing and they are one of my favourite birds ever.
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