#bowling ball carrier
woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Pet Problems V
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: It's adoption day for the last of the kittens
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"Ale," You said, your phone already recording," What are we doing today?"
Alexia looked up at the camera with a sour look on her face. "We're going to work."
You rolled your eyes. "What else are we doing?"
She looked off to the side at the cat carriers piled up by the door. "We're taking the last kittens to their new homes." She pouted and you had to smother your laugh.
You moved around the kitchen table and pressed a kiss to her lips before refilling Nala's water bowl, leaving the tap running so Kiara could drink from the running water (a terrible habit that she already had when you first got her).
Last time, you let Alexia sort the kittens out but she looked so positively heartbroken that you let her off and did it yourself, placing each one into a carrier and zipping them up.
"Okay, Kiara," You said as she crossed the room, nudging your leg with her muzzle," You be good, alright? We'll be back later."
"I don't think it is Kiara we should worry about," Alexia said, shrugging on her jacket as she joined you, eyes glancing off to the side where Marie sat on the coffee table, absentmindedly batting at Nala every time the dog walked past.
You rolled your eyes. "Come on," You said," You've got practice and I've got content to shoot."
You peeled off from Alexia as soon as you got to the training centre, taking custody of the kittens as she headed to the locker room.
"Oh, y/n," One of your coworkers cooed when she saw you approach," They're absolutely darling."
You sent her a lopsided grin. "They are, aren't they? Kiara makes pretty babies."
"But they're her last, aren't they?" A fellow photographer teased.
You nodded. "Oh, yeah. Alexia did not cope well with the birth, worrywart that she is."
"I heard she wasn't too happy about giving these little ones away too."
"She cried last night," You confirmed," And the night before we handed some over to her mother as well. I don't think she could handle it if this happened again."
Your coworkers all laughed before finally settling down to review the media footage from a few days ago.
The kittens stayed in your office for the whole day, roaming around the closed room and soaking in the affection from your team before you settled them all back in their carriers and headed out onto the pitch as soon as Alexia texted that practice was over.
"Special delivery!" You called out to the girls as you approached.
A swarm of bodies hurried over, Mapi and Patri at the very front. Next came Ingrid and Frido, at a more sedate pace but the excitement palpable and then everyone else.
"We get to take them home?!" Patri exclaimed in excitement, looking between you and Alexia in wonder.
"Yep," You said," These two are yours." You passed over one of the carriers - the one that held two solid orange kittens, one girl and one boy.
"For Mapi and Ingrid." You passed over the carrier to Ingrid - much to the annoyance of Mapi who sent you a sour look before it disappeared when Ingrid took out their new ginger tabby, cradling him in her arms.
"And for Frido."
She received the last girl of the litter, cooing affectionately to the little baby and immediately whipping out her phone to facetime her boyfriend.
"Patri," Alexia said warningly," Be careful. They're only little."
Patri rolled her eyes. "I know, Ale. You made me write you an essay on cat care before you even considered letting me have them. I know what to do."
You laughed incredulously, turning to your girlfriend. "You made her write an essay?
"I had to know she was trustworthy." There wasn't an ounce of regret in Alexia's eyes.
"And you didn't make Mapi?"
"Mapi is a proven cat owner," She shrugged," Regardless of the fact that Bagheera has his balls. Besides, Ingrid would keep her in line."
"And Frido?"
She levelled you with a look that clearly read 'Are-you-serious'. "Frido is probably the most trustworthy person on this team."
You laughed again, rolling your eyes as she looped her arm around your waist. "Are you going to cry again?"
"No," She said proudly," I know that I'll see them soon. The girls and the babies are coming round this weekend."
"They are?"
"Yes, they are."
She began to walk off, leaving you scrambling to follow. She sped up her pace until she was running, laughing at you as you sprinted after her.
"Come on, y/n! We've got our own kitten to get home to!"
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iheartvmt · 2 months
So this afternoon I was chilling in my Mom's little backyard, the whole family, dogs and all, were there because it was my nephew's 8th birthday party (plus a surprise little belated Happy Birthday party for my stepdad and me, who had birthdays earlier this month), the kids were all playing in the above-ground pool...
And a freaking *hawk* stooped onto their TMNT ball, flopped about a bit, and then flew up to sit on the fence like 5 feet away from the pack of screaming, splashing little boys.
Needless to say, that's not normal hawk behavior.
Then it tried to stoop on the ball again, with similar bad results, and fluttered atop an old canopy thing folded up against the shed. We were all keeping an eye on it because wtf? It was sitting a little hunched so I thought "Maybe it's just overheated and dehydrated," and I set a bowl of water next to it. It ignored both my approach and the water.
Then it started eyeing the dogs, tilting its head this way and that as they ran by playing chase. Most of the family dogs are much too big to be taken out by a little hawk, but my two dogs are on the smaller size. Still too big for a hawk to carry off, but if one were desperate enough it might give it a go and do some damage.
Before we could shoo it away, it stooped on the largest dog, Oreo, a 70 lb pit bull/husky mix! O.O
Fortunately for the bird, Oreo was too startled to do anything but yelp, shake it off her back, and run under the table. (Don't worry, Oreo didn't have any injuries, except maybe to her pride!)
It didn't fly back to a perch this time, just sat on the ground hissing amidst the chaos of dogs and very loud humans.
Rin, my newest dog, is an 11 lb poodle mixed with what I'm now certain is terrier, and she ran straight at it, barking and ready to tear it up, talons be damned, but my stepdad scooped her up before she made contact.
I quickly grabbed my cousin's shirt from a beach chair and caught it up (while the other adults impressed upon the kids that this is something You Do Not Do, Auntie is a Professional). As it hissed and snapped at me, I could see it had some kind of white plaque in its throat, and its mucous membranes were bright red, either from stress or possibly stomatitis :(
Then Mom -- well used to animal shenanigans by now, bless her -- appeared with the cat carrier and held it for me so I could get the hawk inside and carefully free the shirt from its talons.
After setting the carrier in a quiet, shaded spot away from the party, I called the local rehabbers on the game department website who are listed as licensed to care for raptors, all of which were currently full. Well, crap. So then I called the Wildlife Center of VA, but it was already after-hours, and I had to leave a message in their non-emergency box (I tried the emergency line first, but the voicemail message has a very clear set of what qualifies as a true emergency, and this wasn't it so I didn't bother the poor vet intern on call). They'll call back during their regular hours tomorrow, and I'll drive it wherever they tell me to take it.
In the meantime, I have a very unhappy hawk in a cat carrier in my bathroom 😬
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pedroschka · 2 years
Baby and Scones
dad!Joseph Quinn x mum!reader
this is kinda a part 2 to this post (because I just had to get rid of the baby fever after Comic-Con) so enjoy this mini fluffy blurb
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"Up and down, and up and down" singing softly and slightly bending his knees, Joe looks animatedly at his little baby boy snuggled up to his chest in his carrier, tiny feet dangling out and just inviting Joe to keep squeezing them lightly, like his own little stress ball
but a small whimper made him stop rocking
"no? got your mum's music taste huh?"
turning the radio off leaving the kitchen in silence again save for his own mumbling listing of the ingredients he needed
"We are making scones for mummy today yes?"
His son, still too young to answer him, just moved his head to the other side, face away from Joe. He takes this as a yes
You on the other hand are still fast asleep, he tries to give you as much rest as possible after you did all the hard work and brought his beautiful bundle of joy into this world.
And he's gladly walking around with him on his chest nearly every day not ready to let him go except for when you're breastfeeding him. Even if his son is sleeping nearly all day long - if not busy pooping, crying, and eating, nonetheless when it's all at the same time and in the middle of the night, Joe still feels like the luckiest man on earth right now.
And because you whined about missing baking so much but you're too exhausted to stand for too long and you keep forgetting things that are not baby-related he takes matters into his own hands and plans to surprise you with something homemade, even if it's just the smell of something freshly baked it will hopefully bring you back to your happy place.
After putting all the ingredients into a bowl he grabs his baby's tiny hand to put the spoon into it
"Do you want to try to stir it?"
his tiny fist grips the end of the spoon and lifts it up before dropping it on the floor and splattering the batter
"Yes your right, we don't stir with a spoon we're smarter than that"
cringing a bit at the mess he picked up the spoon and placed it into the kitchen sink before using a whisk until the dough was firm enough to knead with his hands. after that, he grabs a round cookie cutter and holds it in front of his son's face
"Wanna help me with the cookie cutter? ...Oh you wanna eat it alright"
Taking the now slobbered-on cookie cutter out of his son's mouth and cleaning it half-heartedly on his shirt before pressing it onto the dough, it stays in the family anyway.
giggling to himself as he used his son's tiny foot to push the cookie cutter down, whispering an encouraging "good job " to him before kissing the little tuft of hair on his head, getting a gurgling sound in return.
After putting the scones in the oven he makes his way towards the bedroom, as if on cue of seeing his mother his little boy started whining and instantly waking you up, making Joe feel kinda bad, doesn't matter how many hours of extra sleep you got.
he takes him out of his carrier and lays him on your chest before giving you a kiss on your forehead
"It smells good here, what are you making?" you ask him, sleep still heavy on your lids as you fumbled with your sleep shirt, which your baby is already greedily grabbing, searching for his food
"We baked some scones for you, he even cut them out all by himself" laying himself beside you and watching in admiration as his son starting to latch onto you
"Oh did you? are you daddy's little baker now?"
"He sure is." He nudges his son's little foot and snorts as he finds some leftover flour on his sock and secretly wipes it off
Nobody's gonna know.
(reblogs and comments are very appreciated additional to your likes)
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ceruleanmusings · 3 months
i don't think we're "just friends" anymore. + for either mickames or kazz?
i'll do you one better and do both! @raging-violets @witchofinterest
mickames: ferret out
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"Just make sure you don't take your eyes off him for too long. He'll get into everything. If there's a hole, he'll find it; an opening, he'll squeeze through it; a new place to explore, he'll explore it; some food—"
"I get it!" James interrupted. Whether it was his sudden outburst or the tower of ferret supplies in his arms shifting, he scrambled and shifted his hold to keep everything from falling to the floor. Once secure, he looked around the carrier and bed and flashed Mickey a smile. "Pip'll be fine with us. Don't worry"
"I don't want him to be 'fine'." She pulled a corner of her lip into her mouth and pushed up the sleeves of her hoodie with the front blaring IT'S TOO PEOPLE-Y OUTSIDE in only to pull them back down a second later and grasp the hems in her fingers. "He has to follow his schedule. And stick to his diet! I don't want to risk him getting stuck anywhere. And don't let Mr. Bitters find him! Or Buddha Bob. He has some strange vendetta against weasels." She sighed and a far away look came to my eye. "What am I forgetting?"
"To breathe." James set the pile down on the island counter. "We'll take good care of him. I promise."
Mickey gave him a look. "Last time you said 'I promise' to me, the fire department had to get me out of the washing machine."
A sheepish smile came to James' face and he let out an awkward laugh. "Well...that won't happen this time because Pip is too small to get stuck there! And Bandana Man won't forget you next time."
"Mhm." How the hell James managed to talk her into being part of his Bandana Man movie was one thing, but she had to have completely lost her mind to let him talk her into getting into the washing machine so he, sorry, Bandana Man could 'rescue' her. The fire department had a good laugh that day. So she must've had a complete brain transplant to ask him, and the other guys, to watch her ferret for her. But her hands were tied; she couldn't leave him alone, Logan was at least somewhat responsible, and she didn't trust uncle Gustavo wouldn't turn him into a handbag.
"Why don't you trust me?"
Experience sat on her tongue, ready to jump off at his silly question but the look in his eye stopped her. So earnest and hurt, shame nearly bowled her over. "I do trust you," she said. It wasn't the truth to the words that shocked her but the ease of which they came, as if she didn't have to think about it. "It's just...Pip is very important to me." Speaking the ferret's name, Pipsqueak, aka Pip, popped his head out of the hood of her sweatshirt and extended his long, noodle-like body until he squeaked and nuzzled against her cheek. She scratched beneath his chin. "I...I can't have anything happen to him."
"I get it," James said. "And I won't let anything happen to him." He rubbed Pip on the head and turned; his thumb just barely touched her cheek. Her skin crackled. "He's important to you so...he's important to me."
Her raw nerves smoothed out only to be replaced by a strange but not entirely unpleasant twisting to her stomach. "Okay." She grabbed Pip out of her hood and craddled him in his arms, placing a kiss to the top of his head to get James to stop looking at her like that. Or get herself to stop looking at James. "He likes freeze dried minnows so you can use those as a treat. And...and if he makes his high-pitched kinda clucking noise, he's happy. And if he makes a panting noise, he's very happy. Oh, and he talks in his sleep sometimes so don't let that scare you. This is the number to his vet and then his emergency vet. He loves sleeping with his tennis ball so make sure he has it. Oh! And if he hasn't moved in a bit, check on him. He likes to play dead and well, you know. And if anything goes missing, check his cage. He's started to hoard shiny things. I think he got it from Sammi."
"Got it," James said with a nod.
"Okay," she said again, letting out a long sigh. Her phone buzzed and she retrieved it, glancing at the message Kelly sent that they needed to get going. She hated this part. Holding Pip out to James, he carefully took the ferret who immediately curled up in his arms. Letting out a noise, she stepped forward and peppered Pip's little face with kisses. "I'm gonna miss you so much!"
"I'll miss you too."
"Not you!" She did her best to throw an unamused look James' way but her efforts to restrain her smile failed her. Instead, she rolled her eyes, heat rising to her face. "Please send me updates."
"I'll send you pictures every hour."
"Geeze, when did you guys get a baby?" Logan asked, lowering the newspaper covering his face. Mickey jumped and looked past James to see him. His eyebrows were furrowed and his nose wrinkled. "Actually, better question, when did you get married?"
She spluttered for a few seconds only to land on sticking her tongue out at him. Sheesh, she forgot he was there. Heck, she forgot she asked him to be there when she dropped Pip off so he wouldn't go running away the first chance he got. He could've said something...
Her phone buzzed again. Judging by the clipped phrasing and proper punctuation Aunt Kelly used that time, she meant business. She bid the two goodbye, James going so far as lifting Pip's leg to wave back at her, and she left 2J.
By the time she reached the elevators Logan's comment replayed in her head. When did you get married? She laughed a little. What a silly question. It was true she and James were getting along really well lately, they were friends. Just friends. And who else could you count on if not your friends?
But, as she pressed the button for the first floor and the doors slid shut, a quieter voice spoke in her head: I don't think we're "just friends" anymore.
kazz: lip out
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"So...are we dating?"
"Hmm?" Jazz hummed while lining up her shot. It was a bit of a tricky one. From where she stood the green stretched out and then shifted at a sharp curve, the hole blocked by strategically planted bushes in the way. Should she bounce it off the wall or try to go for the crest?
"I mean, I don't think we're 'just friends' anymore, so...that means we're dating right?"
Kendall was so cute when he was uncertain. A tiny part of her wanted to drag it out, make him suffer a little. But the rest of her decided to cut him some slack; he suffered enough at the hands of Uncle Gustavo. "Sounds good to me."
"...That's it?"
"Yeah." Noting the way he pressed his lips into a line, she rested her weight on the putter in her hand. "What's the big deal, Knight? Was the label that important to you?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "No. I mean. I guess? I mean, i'm just checking..."
"Well, I have no problem hangin' out with you and the guys but it somehow always ends up with just you. We are..." she paused, squinting at the marker down the course, "...seven holes into mini golf and you keep making not-so-subtle excuses to be near me—which i'm not complaining about, by the way. Plus, I wouldn't be spendin' this much time with you if I didn't like you. So sure, we're dating." She shrugged. "Can't see a downside to it."
"Okay." He dragged out the word as if he didn't trust it. She'd be offended if it weren't a good idea on his part. "Sure. Great."
A smile slowly grew on her face at his hefted breath, dropped shoulders, and nodding. "Been workin' on that all night, have you?" She pinched his chin between her thumb and finger, making a cooing sound of pity. "No wonder your score is so high."
He pressed his lips together but his shining eyes and dimples denting his cheeks gave him away. "Maybe you're distracting," he said.
She shook her head, back away from him. With a sigh, she re-took her stance and practice swung by her pink ball. "Bad excuse. I know I'm hot but you manage to go every day without being distracted by it."
"That's what you think."
She suppose he meant to keep that comment under his breath but she heard it and it turned up the wattage on her smile. Turning at the waist, she placed a hand on her hip and lifted an eyebrow. "Then we've been wasting time and that's upsetting." Kendall's eyes narrowed for a moment and then widened. He blinked, a knowing curling his lips and he stepped closer. She tilted her head up and waited, tightening her grip on the putter. His nose brushed hers and, with a laugh, she pressed the head of the club into his chest and pushed him until he was arm's length away, smirking. "You somehow beat me, then I might forgive you for wasting my time. And you better make that worth my while."
He grinned and winked. "Deal."
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Explaination time
~Doctine gave Wally Darling a special whistle to blow if there's trouble and left to tend to a injured group of poppies~
Wally: *sighs as he grabs Rabbit Home* I want to find my friends....but I don't know where they are, I need help.
Daisy: Maybe the council can help you!
Wally: The council?
Rose: The council rules and protects Homelina. If there's a problem, they can solve it. So if anyone can help find your friends, it's them!
Wally: Really?! That's the most! *he looks around* Where is the council?
Bowling ball: Oh! They don't live in Meadow Fields. They live in the castle at Rainbow City!
Wally: How do I find Rainbow city?
Petunia: You first follow the golden road, then to ruby, then to sapphire, finally you travel straight on emerald.
Dice: *gives Wally a carrier* For the rabbit.
Rabbit Home: *squeaks happily*
Wally: Oh, thank you! *he carefully puts the rabbit in it and picks it up* Let's go find our friends!"
~Wally Darling walks on the gold path, beginning his journey home~
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footballffbarbiex · 11 months
leaving food out for the hedgehogs with Eric dier please 🥰
from this list.
I've actually missed writing Eric!
she runs off ahead of Eric, her little ponytail bouncing as she goes. wrapped up in a thick, warm coat which has mitts attached to the sleeves, black fleece leggings and wellington boots which seem far too big for her little frame, she's well prepared for the cold autumn weather. the days of 20c+ were now a distant memory and in its place is an icy bite.
Eric had discovered that hedgehogs were coming into the garden when one of the dogs had come in foaming at the mouth with a bloody nose, causing Eric to go out and see what had happened. the small creature was still curled up in a tight ball when he'd approached.
"looking for some food, mate?" Eric had asked, more to himself than the hedgehog itself who, of course, could not reply. despite the change in the weather, Eric couldn't believe that it was already weeks before Christmas but seeing the small prickly beings now being out, it was certainly marking the end of the year.
and so today, while she was at nursery, Eric had stopped by the pet store and purchased two shallow bowls, some wet cat food, some dried mealworms and a small bag of specific hedgehog food to mix through it all. her excitement when she'd rummaged through the carrier was contagious, and he'd given himself a little pat on his back for thinking of doing this.
he carries the bag containing everything and follows behind her to where she chooses to set everything up. close enough to watch from the patio, but far enough away to not spook them.
"right here," she declares, waving her arms around with a flourish at her chosen spot.
Eric places everything on the ground and empties out his bag. in one bowl, he empties some of the bottled water into it - because even hedgehogs deserve filtered clean water - and she helped to grab a handful of their food, shake just a little of the dried worms in and help to open up the cat food pouch.
"it smells," she remarks, and he has to agree. cat food was one of the worst smells - other than when it comes out of the other end.
"don't get it on your fingers then," he comments as she scrunches her nose up and carefully squeezes some out with his help. she takes the fork that he offers and gives it a good mix, with some of it coming over the edge of the bowl.
"oops," she whispers, turning to look at him with a grimace.
"it's ok, it just means they don't have to work as hard to get that bit of their dinner," Eric soothes her concerns away, smiling as she looks visibly relieved.
"do you think they'll like it?"
"i think they'll love it. i can't see many others leaving out little snacks for them, but they'll need it."
"because they need a nice full belly for when they go for their big sleep before Christmas."
"can't they just ask Santa for a big meal?"
Eric chuckles to himself and reaches forward to ruffle her hair a little. "if only it was that simple bubba."
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exist without permission
yet another internet cat that got to sit on a motorcycle has died, when will the madness stop. wrote some self-indulgent canon x oc i'm not going to put in the tag. hella honestly, it's not very good or very ic, but it did get me to focus my brain on something. könig x oc, sfw, 1.2k words
König loves rats. He has loved them since he was a kid, growing up in a rotten shithole in the part of Schladming where tourists didn’t fucking dare to go. 
His girlfriend bought him two for his thirty-fourth birthday–a bonded pair of two fat boys, because males were the more affectionate sex in the species, one a little hooded fellow with a black mask of fur that rides down to his white shoulders and body, and a fat ball of black fur. 
Rivka had led him into his rental’s second bathroom with a grim face like she was going to show him a body she’d dismembered and needed help disposing (and, being the foolish, loving fuck he is, he was already trying to scrape up different darkweb solvent solutions he’d found over the years to dissolve everything down to bonemeal–even though she would’ve known better). 
“You have to be quiet, no sudden noises,” she’d warned him, and the little smile trying to tug at the corner of her thin mouth—revealing a slice of her sharp, silvery teeth—clued him in. She was excited. And there, in the bottom of the tub, was a spare bath towel, a bowl of water, and an overturned cardboard pet carrier. On the far side, facing the opposite wall, were two whiskered noses, stacked on top of one another.
König’s heart stopped beating so suddenly, he really thought it was some fatal shit. He’d spent most of the rest of the afternoon on the bathroom floor, cramped between tub and toilet, talking quietly to the young rats. Just dangling his hand near them, brushing his fingers over their soft, sleek backs, letting them get used to his voice, until they began to approach him. When they gripped the band of his watch, and then the cuff of his long sleeve to climb up his arm and explore, he let them.
He took a picture of them taking turns running the length of his thigh to his bent knee, and texted it to Rivka as she set up their big fucking enclosure in the spare room that served as his office. 
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Eventually, the rats navigate their way into the hood of his sweatshirt with shocking ease, and nibble the ends of his hair until they fall asleep. König doesn’t cry about it, but he weathers a sick-and-warm tantrum of awe that fills his gut and rises up his throat as if to kill him by bodily shock. 
He loves rats. 
And they love him.
When it’s time for Milf and Dilf to eat, they have to be separated, or they will beat the blind fuck out of one another. König has no idea where the behavior came from, and the breeder Rivka bought them from refused to answer calls after the fact. They show no aggression otherwise, so loving and dependent upon each other that a separation of an hour causes them to worry and sicken. It is simply at feeding time. 
They’re largely free range rats, allowed to roam the house at liberty all day, and König only has to click his tongue to summon them from where they are playing, but it’s rare that he even has to. The little darling shits are so intelligent that they understand their schedule, and at 2000 he and the boys will more often than not end up going to the kitchen at the same time, the two of them darting between his feet. They race ahead, stop, look back to check on him, and race again.
They eat better than he normally would, if he didn’t cook for Rivka. Fancy rat food, a bisl of yogurt, kale. Sometimes, raspberries, if the fucking things don’t mold on him before he can even shove them in the fridge. They love sugar, but sugar will kill them. 
Where König is too weak to deny him things that drip death into his body sweet-slow, the rats are helpless, and don’t know better, and can’t control themselves. He has to withhold for them. 
Because they are small, because their eyes are so wet and kind. Because they want him and need him and depend upon him to take care of them. 
Because he loves them.
And because they love him. 
He scoops Dilf into his hoodie pocket, and Milf into his hood. He carries them to find Rivka—who is lying in the big bed on her side, with her legs crossed, buried in a smutty book delivered vis-a-vis Kindle screen—and hands off Milf and his bowl. She clicks her eyes up, and pushes into his hip with the ball of her foot. “Hi kultsi.”
“I’m taking Dilf with me to my computer,” he says. He stands. He waits. 
It takes a second, but he can tell when the thought clicks in her head, like the slide of a bolt-action driving another bullet home. She folds her arm behind her head, disappearing the entire Kindle behind her back, and frowns her apology. “I’m not playing Sims tonight. My mods are all broken after the horse ranch expansion, so I just left my laptop on your shelf. But I’ll come watch you dick around, if you don’t mind.”
His expression snits slightly, but he forces it to smooth. Of course, he doesn’t fucking mind. What he fucking minds is not being near her, even if they aren’t talking or doing anything. He really fucking minds it when they’re both home and he doesn’t have her in his line of sight for longer than twenty minutes.
But Rivka minds it, too, and they always come to find each other when that minute mark draws near. 
He runs his hand up her ankle to squeeze her toned, tattooed calf, and nods when he’s taken too long to respond as he chews apart his thoughts, her scope-glass eyes training on his face. “Sounds good. Just going to fuck around in Satisfactory for a while.”
“You and those fucking Swede games, Lee,” she grunts under her breath, shaking her head and turning back to her reading. Can frog march the Special Jaeger out of Finland, etc. 
A smirk cuts across his warped mouth, and he bends down to kiss her shin. He leaves when he sees the corner of her mouth twitch again. 
Dilf sits on his desk, going mad on his dinner, pausing only to wipe both paws over his face like a prayer to get yogurt off his fur. At one point he holds a little piece of kale in a small fist while he does it, and König about dies. 
Maybe fifteen minutes later, Milf rides in on Rivka’s shoulder, looking sleepy. She pulls up her desk chair and kicks over the old milk crate she uses as an ottoman, setting herself up to König’s left. Once she’s settled, Milf stirs, standing on hind legs, sniffing the air, and Rivka automatically puts a hand on König’s thigh, creating a ramp for Milf to run down to reunite with Dilf. 
And König settles in. His girlfriend reads something condemnably filthy next to him, glancing at his screen, and his rats sleep in a warm pile on his lap. 
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weratebeanz · 29 days
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Living along the Gulf Coast, my kids and I know firsthand how unpredictable and dangerous hurricane season can be. With forecasts predicting an especially active season this year, being prepared is more important than ever.
While many families take steps to protect themselves, pets are often left behind during emergencies, forced to endure the terror of massive storms because their owners weren’t prepared to evacuate with them or because local resources couldn’t accommodate them.
Preparing in advance is crucial for keeping your family—including your pets—together and reducing the risk of abandoning them during an emergency.
Here is our simple guide to creating a Hurricane Preparedness Kit for your cats and dogs and tips on training your pets to be ready to go immediately.
This post contains affiliate links, and we only recommend products we have either used, are using, or would use and share with our family and friends. Click here to read our Affiliate Disclaimer.
Hurricane Preparedness Kit for Cats and Dogs
A well-stocked Hurricane Preparedness Kit is essential for ensuring the safety and comfort of your pets during a storm. Here’s what to include:
Emergency Contact Information
ID Tags Ensure collars have up-to-date ID tags with contact details and any medical information.
Emergency Contact List Keep phone numbers for your vet, local animal shelters, and emergency contacts.
Basic Supplies
Food & Water Pack 3-7 days' worth of food and bottled water for each pet. A portable water filter is also helpful for extended emergencies.
Portable Bowls Collapsible or travel bowls for easy feeding and watering.
Can Opener Include a manual can opener for canned food.
Medications & Health Supplies
Medication Please ensure you have a minimum 7-14 day supply of prescribed medications.
First Aid Kit Your pet first aid kit should include antiseptic wipes, gauze, bandages, tweezers, and a thermometer suitable for cats and dogs.
Flea & Tick Prevention Have prevention supplies on hand. (We carry flea-killing medication and dewormer as well.)
Comfort Items
Favorite Toys or Treats Familiar items provide comfort during stressful situations. Invest in a second version of your dog's favorite squeaky duck or tennis ball (with single toss manual or automatic launcher). Don't forget the catnip and catnip toys for cats!
Blanket or Bed A portable, waterproof blanket or foldable pet bed.
Safety Gear
Leash & Harness Pack a sturdy leash and harness for your dogs and cats and ensure they’re accustomed to them.
Collar Ensure collars are well-fitted with ID tags. Consider a GPS tracking device to help keep track of your pet, just in case.
Cleaning Supplies
Litter & Litter Box Pack enough litter for at least a week and a portable or collapsible litter box for cats.
Waste Bags For cleaning up after dogs.
Puppy Pads Useful for indoor bathroom needs.
Travel Gear
Carrier or Crate A sturdy, well-ventilated carrier or crate for safe transport.
Seat Cover Keep your vehicle clean with a seat cover during travel.
Seatbelt Clip Ensure your pet's safety even if you opt not to use a carrier, crate, or backpack. Humans wear seat belts for our protection in case of an accident, your pet should too.
Dog Runner/Tie Out System Let your dogs or cats stretch their legs and get some energy out in a safe, controlled way. We use carabiners or bull snaps to change the length of the line and there are tree protectors.
Medical Records
Vaccination Records Keep copies of vaccination records and other necessary medical documents for each pet. Even if your vet is part of a more extensive network like Banfield or is great about sharing their records when needed, having copies on hand can save time during a medical emergency. They can also help when local authorities or pet-friendly accommodations need access to specific health and vaccination information.
Vet’s Contact Information Have your vet’s contact info readily accessible.
Microchip Info Ensure your pets are microchipped and the registration is up-to-date.
Recent Photo A current photo of each pet in case you need to post lost pet notices.
Backup Power
Portable Charger Keep a charger handy for essential electronics like phones or GPS trackers.
Hydration & Food Accessories
Portable Water Filter Useful for extended emergencies.
Freeze-Dried Food Lightweight, long-lasting food option.
Additional Items
Carrier Cover Helps to calm pets during transport. You can buy a custom cover or use a towel. [Please ensure your pet can still breathe fresh air.]
Calming Products Pheromone diffusers and calming treats to reduce stress are available for dogs and cats. Our multi-cat household has had great success with Feliway diffuser plugins.
Pet Raincoat Keep dogs dry during heavy rain. Smaller dog raincoats can be used for cats.
Cooling Bandana, Vest, and/or Mat Helps manage body heat in hot, humid conditions. In a pinch, you can use ice packs stuffed into spare pillowcases.
Rechargeable USB Fan To ensure your pet gets access to continuous air flow, consider investing in a rechargeable USB fan. We prefer the clip-on kind like our mini Gaiatop because they fit almost anywhere and are easily charged with a standard USB C but they come in larger sizes and with different bases. The 8" Koonie is used by several vanlife YouTubers. You can also choose a fan that uses a battery pack that is interchangeable with your cordless tools and lawn gear.
Packaging Tips
Waterproof Bag or Container Store all items in a waterproof bag or container (dry bag) and place it inside or on top of one of the carriers. In an emergency, this will make everything grab and go. For pets with special needs, consider using a carabiner to attach a smaller dry bag with pet-specific items to their carrier or backpack. This also works well for multi-pet households if more than one family member will be helping with pet evacuation as each dry bag can contain all the pet related items for the pets each family member will be responsible for.
Easy Access Keep the kit in a readily accessible place for quick grab-and-go and make sure every family member knows where these items are, how to access them, and how to use them.
Training Your Pets for Emergency Situations
Being prepared isn’t just about having the right supplies—it’s also about training your pets to stay calm and respond to commands during an emergency. This is true for both dogs and cats.
Here’s how:
Practice Evacuation Drills Regularly practice quickly getting your pets into their carriers or crates. Reward them with treats and praise to create positive associations.
Go Bag Familiarity You can get your pets used to their emergency kits by slowly introducing them to the items. Let them sniff and explore the carriers, leashes, and other gear.
Command Training Teach basic commands like “come,” “stay,” and “shh” to help maintain control in a chaotic situation. Practice these commands calmly so your pets are more likely to respond during an emergency.
Stay Calm Pets often mirror our emotions. Take a few deep breaths, remember you've been preparing, and consider your circumstances. What do you know? What do you have? What can you do? If you can stay calm during an evacuation, your pets are likelier to remain calm, too. Your confidence will help them feel safer and encourage them to self-regulate, just like you did.
No family member left behind.
Preparing for hurricane season is about more than just securing your home—it’s about ensuring the safety and comfort of every family member, including your pets.
By creating a Hurricane Preparedness Kit and training your pets for emergencies, you can keep your family together and reduce the stress and chaos of a storm.
Stay safe, be prepared, and protect the ones you love.
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arcane-abomination · 1 year
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This is a recipe for blessing oil I make for my home wards. It can be used to bless candles, statues, witches balls, witches bells, or anything you put in your home that promotes protection magick and happiness.
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Carrier Oil - to hold and mix all the intention of the other ingredients.
Salt - to purify stale and stagnant energies as well as add an extra layer of protection
Whole Cloves - to promote protection from the physical realm. This means break ins, negative thoughts and energies from horrible neighbors, trespassers, destruction of property, etc.
Lavender - to promote protection from the metaphysical realm. It calms angry spirits, banishes them, banishes negative energies they send your way, dispelles baneful work or other unwanted magick sent your way.
Crushed Orange Peels - These are present to bring in happiness, love, peace of mind, and good health, in place of fear, sadness, anger, and paranoia.
The Recipe & Ritual
I start off my telling each ingredient exactly what they will be doing. It’s very important to do this. Then I mix them into the carrier oil one by one. You can mix them altogether in a separate bowl first if you like and bless them that way. Also don’t be afraid to crush them into powder if you feel it will work better. I leave my cloves whole but my orange peels are very dry and brittle so I crush them into powder to better disperse them throughout the oil.
I place it all in a bowl or container and set it on a plate. I surround the container with uncooked white rice for a circle of pure clean energy that helps the energies in the oil to mix freely without the interference of outside energies coming in that I haven’t allowed.
Once that is finished I place the whole thing in the window sill and call on the dark moon to bless the mixture and add additional charge to the magick. Then I leave it there all night. The final step is the next morning where I drain the excess ingredients and place the oil in its respective jar and store it in a dry place.
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missroserose · 3 months
Some of you might remember last year, when Tripp (our smallest, fattest, cutest, dumbest cat) had ongoing dental pain for nearly six months. One of the first signs that something was wrong was that he’d be eating normally (and this cat LOVES to eat) when suddenly he’d chew on the wrong part of his mouth and run into the other room making this chirping/grating sound that I can only assume is Tripp for “ow ow ow motherfucker”.
Luckily he’s fine now, albeit toothless—but he only eats soft food anyway, so that’s barely a consideration. It was a rough six months getting him diagnosed, and a rough weekend recovering from the surgery (his poor little muzzle was swollen almost hemispherical, like a ping-pong ball). But, as soon as his mouth stopped hurting, he would stand by the food bowl and SCREAM until we came and filled it up for him.
All of which is to say, I’ve been having on-and-off dental pain for a week or so that just yesterday flipped over into can’t chew-on-that-side, oh-shit-that’s-bad, call-the-doctor-now pain. And of course my doctor is out of town until Friday.
Which leaves me subsisting for the next few days on smoothies and Advil and carefully-chewed soft foods, and occasionally (when I misjudge the angle) wishing I could run into the other room making that chirping/grating noise.
If anybody wants to come scritch my ears and tell me what a good boy I am, I’ll take it. (But if you try and put me in a carrier all bets are off.)
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TIMING: July 9th LOCATION: Gael and Elias’ House PARTIES: Elias (@ and Gael SUMMARY: Elias brings Gael’s favorite kitten home as a surprise. CONTENT WARNINGS: None, just literal and emotional fluff!
After picking up Mirabel, Elias drove home with the rambunctious little kitten in the carrier he had picked up for her. She mewed the entire way home, and he attempted to calm her by talking to her and singing along to the radio. It worked. Because by the time he got back, Mirabel had calmed down in her carrier enough to fall asleep in a curled-up ball. He had picked up a litter box, food, and bowls for her before picking her up, and he first brought the cat in, then set up everything else in a discrete area that Gael wouldn’t see immediately upon coming home. 
Much to Elias's relief, Ren and Gael were both out when he got back. So he took the kitten out of her carrier and spent time playing with her and hanging out on the couch. Having the day off, Elias decided to get to work in the kitchen, having Mirabel beside him as he cooked. He had decided to make butter chicken with his mother’s recipe. The aroma filled the house, and he smiled at his work—nothing like a home-cooked meal. 
Before he knew it, he heard the jingling of keys to unlock the front door. Springing into action, Elias quickly hid the carrier beside the couch and put Mirabel back inside it, praying she kept quiet. And thankfully, she did. 
As Gael entered the front door, Elias stared at him with a giant grin on his face. “Welcome home!” He greeted, waving a hand toward him. He knew his smile would give it away that he was up to something, but he wanted to keep up the charade for even a moment. “How was work?” He innocently asked, hands folded in his lap, hoping Gael wouldn’t notice he was covered in animal fur. “I made dinner!” He then added, realizing that the smell would probably give him away. “And I have something for you.” He confessed, scratching at the back of his neck.  ____ There was a lot of thinking in Gael’s head the past few days, though he rather wished he could just turn his brain off. And the worst part was that he knew he was unintentionally making these internal thoughts and feelings external. He legitimately couldn’t remember the last time he was so prone to spacing out since he dedicated himself to sobering up aside from possibly being really sick. Was that what this was? Was he just sick? That would explain the nausea and possibly nightmares, which was another thing he couldn’t remember having. Too many variables. Whatever was going on wasn’t contagious or else Elias probably would’ve caught it by now. Or it was psychosomatic. Either way, as Gael examined himself in the rear-view mirror of his little car (that he had since put a plastic covering on his seat due to the glitter from his ‘amazing’ date with Beau a few weeks ago that he held zero memory of), he did a proficient job at cleaning himself up, changing his expression to his usual one of friendly attention. The good news was that he wasn’t even mopey, just… absent. And he hated it. He liked to be present, to listen to other people and participate and engage in the conversation. He hated someone having to tap him on the shoulder or yell at him to get his attention, that wasn’t him. So he shaped up. Cleaned himself, made himself look presentable (now if only he could get rid of the bags under his eyes) and exhaled with resolve that would carry him through the rest of the day. Gael heard that Elias was off that day, which was good because he figured the man could use it and he got out of his car, unlocked the door and before he could say anything, he was greeted with the warm aroma of chicken and spices. He closed his eyes instinctively, a smile finding its way onto his face. Opening his eyes again, the smile was for Elias now as the latter welcomed him home with his usual enthusiasm. Perhaps even a little bit more than normal, which Gael never minded. “Hello!” He waved back, setting his trusty messenger back on the hearth next to the fireplace, its familiar spot whenever he first got home. “Work was fine! Nice and easy. I’m guessing your day was good, too?” He asked, raising his eyebrows, his eyes dancing over Elias’ frame briefly. “You– you got me something?” Gael tilted his head slightly, his smile still evident though a little bit of confusion made its way onto his face. “...What are you up to?” Between making dinner, the way he was acting and the grin on Elias, it didn’t take him long to figure that something was evidently on Elias’ mind. ____ Upon seeing Gael’s face melt at the smell, he knew he’d done his mother proud by following the recipe. He had called her earlier that day asking for the recipe, which immediately aroused her suspicions. “Who is it for?” She had wanted to know. “What’s their name?” She immediately followed up. “You can’t just refuse to talk to us in forever and not expect questions, Elias!” She had finished with. It was worth it, in the end. He had ended up talking to her for over an hour, answering where he was working and what he’d been doing, and the fact that he had a roommate. He left out the part where he wasn’t sure where they stood. That wasn’t important, and he wasn’t about to reveal that to his mother. He’d never hear the end of it.
Elias thought about waiting until after dinner to reveal the cat, but he also knew it was on its own time and might make herself known first. “I’m up to nothing, thank you very much. What, I can’t make my mom’s butter chicken recipe?” He raised his brows, continuing up the innocence charade. He crossed a leg over the other, his long legs splayed out on the couch. “My day was just fine. I spent it running errands and cooking.” He replied, which wasn’t technically a lie. The errands were just picking things up for the cat. 
Then, he tilted his head toward where the cat carrier was hidden. “Go take a look.” His grin widened as he continued to tilt his head toward where Mirabel slept. “I thought you could use a pick-me-up.” He began to explain, standing up from the couch to follow Gael. “I noticed you’ve been more exhausted and out of sorts lately, and before you try to play it off, it’s already too late. I noticed.” He shoved his hands in his pocket, awaiting Gael’s reaction. He couldn’t help but be a little nervous. The good thing was he hadn’t been having any allergic reactions to Mirabel, and he had thoroughly tested it out by playing with her and cuddling with her. He’d like to believe that they had bonded rather well.  ____ When Elias mischievously replied that he wasn’t up to anything accompanied with what he’d done that day and crossing his legs, Gael quirked an eyebrow in obvious disbelief, though the smile never left his face. His gaze moved when the taller man motioned to ‘go take a look’ and Gael’s smile lessened slightly, casting Elias a quick look as he went to the spot that was indicated. He did, however, stop and start to protest when Elias called him out, his brow furrowing slightly but Gael clasped his mouth shut again, biting his lower lip as his expression faltered; had he been that obvious? He felt like he was being obvious but at the same time, the thought that it was so evident sent a fresh wave of guilt in his abdomen that he stuffed into a bottle. Later. For now, the only indicator that escaped from whatever denial he would’ve responded was a small exhale and instead of looking at Elias, he turned his attention to what seemed to be a small animal carrier. Immediately the wave was replaced by something else, something warm and a little bit exciting, almost as though he were a child who just realized that he was being taken to the toy store after excitedly talking about a toy he wanted. “This isn’t…” Gael didn’t finish his sentence as he dropped to a crouch slowly and carefully before falling back to sit on his rear as he leaned forward and peered through the bars of the carrier. A smile slid onto his face, wide, gentle, bright. “Ola, Mirabel.” He cooed softly, opening the carrier gate and welcoming the small, fuzzy black kitten he’d picked himself, gone out to see, and sat with in the barn. As the kitten, recognizing him, mewled and exited the carrier to clamber onto his knee, her claws going into his jeans, Gael leaned forward and buried his face in her side affectionately. She smelled like the barn, the hay, and he swore he could catch what he associated with Monty on her. “What are you doing here?” He asked the kitten though the both of them knew he was actually asking Elias. Naturally, he wanted to ask Elias directly but he was torn in two - on the one hand, he was overjoyed to see the little kitten, to hold her in his hands again but on the other…”I thought I’d have to settle for seeing you at Leticia’s store.” If Leticia ever wanted to talk to him again. ____
Elias clasped his hands behind his back as he watched Gael interact with the kitten. He knew that Gael would protest, claim that his allergies were important, but he didn’t care. When it came to the people he cared about, he had a habit of showering them with gifts. He wanted Gael to know he cared, so he’d gone out of his way to pick up the kitten. “I reached out to Monty the other day and went and got the kitten I know you’ve been missing.” He began to explain, picking at his nails as a nervous tick. He didn’t want this to go over poorly. “I thought you two could use each other.” He spoke in a soft voice as if afraid to speak further. 
He perked up at the mention of Leticia, a familiar name. He had befriended her at the bar. He didn’t comment on it, however. He just wanted to ensure that Gael was happy with the situation. “Before you ask, I’m on medication for my allergies. And yes, this was a decision I wanted to make, and yes, the medication is working. Mirabel and I played all afternoon.” He rocked back and forth on his heels, catching the kitten’s eye for a moment, only for her to wriggle out of Gael’s arms and bound toward Elias, batting at his socks. He chuckled. “And as you see, she likes socks.” 
He kneeled to pet her, unable to keep a soft and intimate smile off his face. He knew that the cat would be good for not only Gael but Elias as well. Something about an animal’s presence was just good for the soul. Mirabel quickly turned directions and ran back to Gael, now batting at his shoelace. “She’s got a lot of spunk.” He commented with a soft chuckle. “I hope you’re not mad…” He trailed off, smile turning to one of worry. He then began to ramble on, fidgeting with his hands. “I picked up two litter boxes, I got her the food they were feeding her and some dishes and toys…” He bit his lip, not knowing when to stop talking.  ____ The question that was on Gael’s mind, the question he was hoping Elias would answer without him having to, was ‘what about your health’. And fortunately, as he stroked Mirabel’s soft ears, her little head, under her chin, Elias seemed to know it and he answered. At first, Gael wasn’t mad or even upset, he was just concerned, and for what he thought was a good reason. But as Elias explained all the precautions he’d taken, the steps to help himself and the time that he had obviously thought about it, Gael realized that he hadn’t learned anything with his conversation with Monty. He still controlled other people, assumed their intentions, made decisions based on what he figured other people wanted or needed. Then as though to prove his point, Mirabel jumped out of his lap and pranced over to the taller man where she proceeded to mess with his socks. Gael’s gaze flickered from the kitten to Elias. He opened his mouth as if to say something but as he tended to do when he was nervous, the bartender started talking again himself. ‘I hope you’re not mad’. Gael felt guilty that no matter what all he’d done so far, he still gave people the impression that he got mad about things. Keeping his eyes on the taller man, he reached forward and unlaced his shoes around the ball of fluff. Gael should’ve gotten up to respond more immediately but he didn’t, instead just giving Elias a look that he hoped expressed his gratitude, his thankfulness and appreciation for all the trouble Elias had gone through, what he’d keep going through for Gael’s sake. “You know what I think?” Gael said matter-of-factly, still sitting down - it was gonna take him a minute or two to stand - but keeping his dark eyes on the other man. “I think this was an excellent decision.” He scooped the kitten up, poking her nose affectionately and wiggling his fingers to get her attention. “I think this is one of the best coming-home surprises I’ve ever had and of course I’m not mad.” He set Mirabel down again, pulling off his shoes so she could play with them. “I’m just glad you two get along.” He beamed up at Elias. ____ As Mirabel began to play with Gael’s shoelaces, Elias couldn’t help but smile. Maybe the kitten would be good for all three of them, not just Gael. Her presence made him feel better just by proxy. He couldn’t help but smile back at the professor. “I didn’t think you were mad,” Elias clarified as he decided to sit on the floor across from him. “I just got worried that you’d think about my health and not want to keep her for my sake, which would start an endless cycle of guilt.” He waved his hands in the air as he spoke. “I’ll stop talking.” He then muttered, watching Mirabel explore the living room further. “It’s just how I show that I like someone is all.” He nearly whispered to himself, finding himself a little embarrassed.
Then, it was just the two of them sitting on the ground. “I’m glad you’re happy,” Elias spoke, putting his hand over Gael’s momentarily before getting up from the ground and offering him his hand to help him up. “The food’s going to get cold,” he spoke with a grin. “We can let her explore for a little bit, right? I made sure all the doors were closed so we didn’t lose her that quickly.” Mirabel walked around a bit but made herself back at home in her carrier, which Elias had lined with a small blanket and some mouse toys. “I know she’s technically your cat, but… I’m definitely going to spoil her.” ____ “You’re a grown adult and you can make your own choices.” Gael replied first, tilting his head and giving Elias a keen look. He felt like he’d been saying that more recently and it just made him more aware that he kept making decisions that he felt were best when they weren’t, necessarily. He wondered if he made things more complicated sometimes, like with Monty. Then Gael’s sharp hearing picked up on a sentence that wasn’t meant to be heard and he made a decision right there. Inhaling, feeling Elias’ hand over his for a moment before the taller man stood and offered to help him up, Gael glanced up with his expressive eyes and took Elias’ hands. With some effort and an escaped grunt of pain, he was to his feet, where he glanced down at the kitten that wandered around before going to her crate, her little cave of safety. He smiled and looked back up at Elias, squeezing his hands gently. “I hope you do spoil her.” Gael assured. “She’s not my cat. She’s our cat. All three of us; I can’t possibly hoard her to myself.” He inhaled. “Elias, do you want to go out with me?” ____ After helping Gael up to his feet, he turned to the kitchen to turn the stove burner back on. It had begun to cool down, and he would be damned if he ate cold food. He laughed at Gael’s response to telling him to spoil the cat and nodded as he spoke of it being a household cat. “I have a good feeling that Ren will like her.” He spoke, stirring the mixture on the stove. Elias hadn’t had a chance to cook for the household much, but he enjoyed doing it. “I think I should cook for the house more.” He insisted aloud, then freezing in place when Gael spoke up again. 
“Huh?” He responded with as much tact as an elephant in a china shop. “I mean. Yeah, I’d love to!” He then said with a perked-up tone. He was confused. What had brought that question up all of a sudden? He turned around, still holding the wooden spoon in his hand. He didn’t know what to say, “We’ve gone out before?” He said with a question mark, narrowing his eyes at the man with a confused yet playful expression. The question didn’t put him off, but he found it funny. 
He then turned back to the food to make sure it didn’t burn and went into the pantry to find the naan he had purchased to go with it. “Get over here. It’s been ready.” He then said, not making a big deal of being asked out (even though they’ve gone out before). “It’s butter chicken.” He then explained as he plated up the food for two people, making sure there were left overs for Ren when she got home. “Have you had it before?” He then asked.  ____ The look that painted Gael’s face at the response ‘we’ve gone out before’ was wide-eyed and completely caught off-guard, almost as though Elias just slapped him out of nowhere. Accompanying it was a fine shade of red that dusted his cheeks. They… of course they’d gone out before, but– “I-I was…” He stammered stupidly as he followed Elias to the kitchen, treading carefully as though Mirabel could’ve been anywhere on the floor now. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of the water as he wanted to say something but faltered and Gael had to shake his head to pull himself out of his head where he suddenly found himself wondering what he did wrong. Was it the wording? It had to be the wording, right? It had been a while since he’d effectively been part of the dating scene and even then… At the question of where or not he’d had butter chicken before, Gael shook his head. “No, I haven’t… at least I don’t think I have.” He admitted. As he spoke, a fresh wave of the scent of the food wafted through his sinuses and he couldn’t help but inhale the aroma again, the scent seeming to calm him down. “It smells REALLY good though,” He added enthusiastically. “Hey, I uh…” He cleared his throat. “I meant like… if you wanted to date.” He felt the need to clarify as his eating utensil hovered over the food, wondering if he would even keep it down but hoping for the best in multiple ways as he further explained his initial inquiry. “Like… be a couple.” ____
After plating the food, Elias pushed the plate over to the other man, brow raised in confusion as Gael became flustered. He wasn’t sure what was going on, the sudden embarrassment on the professor’s face was enough to make him realize that maybe he had misinterpreted what he was asking. He narrowed his gaze, staring at the floor where Mirabel was sniffing around, trying to decipher what he was referring to. Putting a piece of naan onto each plate, he then turned himself around to grab a fork for the both of them. Mirabel darted back over to Gael’s discarded shoes and began to bat at the laces for everything it was worth. Elias turned around at the ruckus, smiling taking over his face at the level of cuteness she was exuding. 
Then, “be a couple.” That caught him off guard. He hadn’t been expecting that. The last time he was part of any couple was back in college when he was twenty-two. Needless to say, he didn’t know the first thing about these things. He had thrown his whole life into work and now that he was establishing relationships with people for the first time in his life at forty-three, he realized there were a lot of unfortunate firsts that were happening to him. “I…” he trailed off, blinking. He wore owlish features on his face, dropping his fork in shock. “Really?” He asked, ducking his head with those same wide eyes. 
He thought for a moment. In the past few weeks, they had surely grown a lot closer, not to mention they had more intimate moments. There was something about Gael that was magnetic and intoxicating. He then nodded his head, trying to get the words to connect to his mouth and work. “I’d love that.” He finally said, a soft smile growing over his face after speaking.  ____ Gael was holding his breath again and not even the loving obsession he’d formed over Mirabel could take his gaze away from Elias as the latter didn’t respond immediately, at least verbally. He evidently didn’t see the question coming as he dropped his fork and Gael realized that it was his error; he’d used the wrong wording before, saying what he said back when he was in high school instead of respecting Elias as an adult. He could be childish sometimes, unintentionally so so when Elias replied after the pause between them, confirming the question that floated ambiguously in the air, he practically vibrated with energy, his expression getting brighter and even seeming to eliminate the dark circles under his eyes, if only for a moment. “I’d love that, too!” Gael said, barely containing his enthusiasm and he looked down at at Mirabel, the latter of which had wandered over to their feet for a few moment. “He said yes!” He hummed down to her. Turning back to his food, he dug in, the nausea in his stomach dissipating at least long enough for him to actually enjoy the food that was made by his newly-appointed boyfriend after the latter picked up his kitten from Monty, all shows of faith and kindness that Gael hadn’t been able to offer Elias yet. It was unfair, really, how needy Gael had been the past week and he was sure that he’d do better in the future, if not for him than for Elias, for Ren, for Monty and Mirabel and Leticia. He owed a lot of people a lot of things and Gael gladly took on that challenge. Sleepwalker or no, it was Gael and that was all he could do and be for everyone. “This is SO good.” He complimented his mouth full of the butter chicken. “Thank you.” A pause. “For everything.” ____
The feeling of elation made Elias feel as if he were floating on air, his footsteps light as he pulled up to the kitchen island and set his food in front of him. Gael was cheering Mirabel, which put a bright smile on his face. Nothing could destroy such a fantastic mood he found himself in, and would probably ride the high for the rest of the day. “I haven’t… you’re the first person I’ve seriously dated since college.” He confessed sheepishly. “So forgive me if I have not a clue what I’m doing.” He frowned, though it didn’t last long as it was overtaken again by an infectious smile.
As they sat to eat, Elias hummed. It didn’t taste quite as good as his mother made it, but it was a close second. “It’s my mom’s recipe.” He explained between forkfuls, Watching as Mirabel sprinted around the island a few times, seemingly a boundless flow of energy. He chuckled at it. “So if you like this, you’d love hers.” He explained with a soft smile, thinking of his family. He’d have to contact them soon. He’d never hear the end of it if he didn’t tell his mom about the new development in his personal life. 
“You’re welcome.” He then replied, nudging the man softly. “You deserve nice things.” He added. “Like I said, it’s kinda how I show people they mean a lot to me.” He waved a hand in the air as he spoke, fork in hand. “So I’ll probably do it again, consider it a threat.” He took another bite, that same floating feeling in his body threatening to lift him up to the sky. He couldn’t get enough of it.  ____ “You deserve nice things too,” Gael responded lightly as he continued to eat the butter chicken, dipping the bread he was given into it on occasion. Elias could’ve told him that it was a store brand and he would’ve loved it - it wasn’t the comparison, it was that Elias took the time and effort to make it for him. This was for him. The kitten, a gift from two people who meant a lot to him. The food, a consideration after his poor behavior the past week. The globe, the stargazing, the kindness and the discussion to bring him back from the ledge he wasn’t aware he was even on. Either that or Gael was being utterly selfish and failing to read the room, something that wasn’t common for him but it happened on occasion. And maybe he could be selfish, just as he was when someone would let him know a small, intimate piece of them and he kept it close to his heart. Maybe, despite the new nightmares, the apologies he owed, the brain injury, he did deserve nice things. He was still tired. And he knew the shadow would return to his dreams tonight. But the illumination and joy that the past half hour brought him was sure to carry his mood through the rest of the day, which was a luxury he allowed himself to afford as he sat there eating the homemade meal, seeing the newest addition to their strange little family hopping around out of the corner of his eye.
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annwynisland · 1 year
Furniture Catalogue
Item names spelled in US English. Ctrl+F (find keyword) recommended. I can customize with Cyrus if specific color variant(s) desired.
ACNH Nintendo Switch
Alto saxophone
Analog kitchen scale
Anthurium plant
Antique bureau
Antique chair
Antique clock
Antique console table
Antique mini table
Antique wardrobe
Arcade seat
Artsy table
Baby panda
Basic teacher's desk
Beach ball
Beach chairs with parasol
Beach towel
Board game
Book stands
Bottled beverage
Box corner sofa
Box sofa
Broom and dustpan
Bunk bed
Campfire cookware
Camping cot
Candle chandelier
Cardboard box
Casablanca lilies
Cassette player
Cat grass
Champion's pennant
Changing room
Checkout counter
Clothes closet
Clothesline pole
Coffee beans
Coffee cup
Coffee grinder
Coffee plant
Colorful juice
Cooking tools
Cool sofa
Corner clothing rack
Counter table
Covered wagon
Crane game
Creepy skeleton
Cruiser bike
Cuckoo clock
Cup with saucer
Cute chair
Cute DIY table
Cute sofa
Cute wall-mounted clock
Cute wardrobe
Cypress bathtub
Cypress plant
Decorative bottles
Deep fryer
Desk mirror
Dessert carrier
Diner counter chair
Diner counter table
Diner dining table
Diner neon clock
Dinosaur toy
Director's chair
Dish-drying rack
Display stand
Document stack
Double-door refrigerator
Double-edged sword
Double Gloucester cheese
Double sofa
Dreamy bed
Dreamy rabbit toy
Dreamy wall rack
Dual hanging monitors
Elephant slide
Enamel lamp
Evergreen ash
Exam table
Exercise bike
Exit sign
Fancy violin
Fax machine
Festival zongzi
Floating-biotope planter
Floor light
Floor seat
Fluorescent light
Folding floor lamp
Fortune-telling set
Froggy chair
Garden faucet
Garden gnome
Garden lantern
Gas range
Glass jar
Hanging cube light
Hearty ramen
High-end stereo
Homework set
Iced coffee
Imperial bed
Imperial chest
Imperial decorative shelves
Imperial dining chair
Imperial dining lantern
Imperial low table
Imperial partition
Ironing board
Ironing set
Judge's bell
Karaoke machine
Kids' tent
Kimono stand
Kitchen counter
Knife block
Lab-experiments set
Large covered round table
Large magazine rack
Lily-pad table
Long bathtub
Magnetic knife rack
Metal can
Metal pot
Meter and pipes
Mini circuit
Mining car
Modern cash register
Modern office chair
Moroccan lights
Moss ball
Mounted blue marlin
Mr. Flamingo
Mrs. Flamingo
Oil barrel
Oil lamp
Outdoor air conditioner
Outdoor bench
Outdoor folding chair
Owl clock
Painting set
Papa panda
Paper-chain ceiling garland
Paper lantern
Paper tiger
Patchwork bed
Patchwork sofa chair
Pendulum clock
Pet food bowl
Pinball machine
Pine tree
Plasma ball
Plastic canister
Pop-up book
Pop-up toaster
Popcorn machine
Porcelain vase
Portable radio
Pot rack
Potted starter plants
Premium nigirizushi
Pro coffee grinder
Puppy plushie
Rattan armchair
Rattan end table
Rattan low table
Rattan stool
Rattan table lamp
Rattan vanity
Rattan wardrobe
Retro fan
Retro stereo
Rice cooker
Rock guitar
Rocket lamp
Rotary phone
Round light fixture
Round pillow
Round space heater
Salad bar
Sandwich plate meal
School chair
School desk
Serving cart
Set of stockings
Sewing machine
Sewing project
Shaded floor lamp
Shaded pendant lamp
Ship-wheel door decoration
Shopping bag
Short file cabinet
Shoyu ramen
Silver confetti blower
Silver mic
Simple kettle
Simple panel
Simple shaded lamp
Simple table
Simple wall shelf
SLR camera
Small mannequin
Small vase
Soft-serve lamp
Spaceship control panel
Spinning wheel
Square bathtub
Standing toilet
Strapped books
Studio spotlight
Study carrel
Study chair
Study desk
Study sewing box
Super-premium nigirizushi
Surichwi tteok
Table lamp
Table with cloth
Tabletop record player
Tangled cords
Tape deck
Tea set
Thank-you Mom mug
Throwback container
Throwback dino screen
Throwback gothic mirror
Throwback hat table
Throwback rocket
Throwback skull radio
Tin bucket
Tin robot
Tissue box
Titan arum
Tool shelf
Toy box
Traditional tea set
Train set
Transit seat
Upright speaker
Utility sink
Vacuum cleaner
Velvet stool
Vertical banner
Wall-mounted candle
Wall-mounted LED display
Wall-mounted phone
Wall-mounted TV (50 in.)
Water cooler
Weight bench
Winnowing machine
Wood-burning stove
Wooden pendant light
World map
Yule log
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 10.8
Air Force Day (India)
Alvin C. York Day
American Touch Tag Day
Arbor Day (Namibia)
Back to Basics Day
Battle of Angamos Day (Peru)
Children’s Day (Iran)
Cold Dew (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Commonwealth Culture Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Cosmopolite's Day
Father’s Day (Sweden)
International Birth Registration Day
International Lesbian Day
International Off-Road Day
International Podiatry Day
Lovable Lawyers Day
National Education Day (Kiribati)
National Harbormaster Appreciation Day
National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day
National Mall Walking Day
Navy Day (Peru)
Nude Beach Party Day (Baker Beach, California)
San Ernesto Day
Semana Morazánica (Honduras)
Tube Top Day
Virgin Islands/Puerto Rico Friendship Day
World Octopus Day
World Teachers’ Day (Kiribati)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Birthday of the Microbrewery
National Fluffernutter Day
National Pierogi Day
2nd Saturday in October
Fall Astronomy Day [2nd Saturday]
I Love Yarn Day [2nd Saturday]
International African Penguin Awareness Day [2nd Saturday]
International Newspaper Carrier Day [2nd Saturday]
National Chess Day [2nd Saturday]
National Costume Swap Day [2nd Saturday]
National Curves Day [2nd Saturday]
National Family Bowling Day (a.k.a. Kids Bowl Free Day) [2nd Saturday]
National Motorcycle Ride Day [2nd Saturday]
Pinotage Day [2nd Saturday]
Universal Music Day [2nd Saturday]
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day [2nd Saturday]
World Migratory Bird Day [2nd Saturday]
World Porridge Day [Saturday of 1st Full Week]
Independence Days
Croatia (from Yugoslavia, 1991)
Feast Days
Albertus Magnus (Positivist; Saint)
Bearing of Green Branches (Ancient Athens)
Bridget of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Demetrius (Christian; Saint)
Evodus (a.k.a. Yves; (Christian; Saint)
Grandpa Mullally (Muppetism)
Keyne (Celtic; Christian; Saint)
Palatias and Laurentia (Christian; Saint)
Pelagia the Penitant (Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches)
The Prophet’s Birthday [Islam] (a.k.a. ... 
Baravfat (India)
Birthday of Prophet Muhammed (Cameroon, Kuwait, Lebanon, Maldives, Palestine, Sierra Leone, UAE)
Eid Al-Maulid Anebi (Eritea)
Eid-El-Maulud (Nigeria)
Gamo (Gambia)
Gamou (Senegal)
Hari Maulad Nabi (Cocos or Keeling Islands)
Le Mouled (Tunisia)
Maoulida (Mayotte)
Maouloud (Guinea, Senegal)
Maouloud-Al-Nebi (Chad)
Maulid (Tanzania)
Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 1444 H (Indonesia)
Maulidur Rasul (Brunei)
Mawleed al-Nabi (Afghanistan)
Mawlid (Ethiopia)
Mawlid al-Nabi (Jordan)
Mawlid An Nabi (Syria)
Mawlid En Nabaoui Echarif (Algeria)
Mawlid Nabi (Somalia)
Mawloud (Mali)
Mawlud Nabi (Gambia)
Mavlid Al Nabi (Cyprus)
Milad Al Nabi (Oman)
Miladunnabi (Bahrain)
Milad-un-Nabi (India)
Moulad (Iraq)
Mouled Al Nabee (Libya)
Moulid Al Nabi (Sudan)
Moulid El Nabi (Egypt)
Mouloud (Comoros, Djibouti, Niger)
Rabi' al-Awwal (Yemen)
Youman Nabi (Guyana)
Reparata (Christian; Saint)
San Ernesto, Che Guevara as a folk saint (Bolivian campesinos)
Sawney Beane Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Simeon (Gospel of Luke; Christian; Saint)
Tell Massive Lies Day (Pastafarian)
Thaïs (Christian; Saint)
William Dwight Porter Bliss and Richard T. Ely (Episcopal Church)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 281 [60 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
The Color of Money (Film; 1986)
Great Balls of Fire, recorded by Jerry Lee Lewis (Song; 1957)
Imagine, by John Lennon (Song; 1971)
It’s Kind of a Funny Story (Film; 2010)
Les Misérables (Musical Play in English; 1985)
No Time to Die (US Film; 2021) [James Bond #27]
Remain in Light, by Talking Heads (Album; 1980)
Romeo and Juliet (Film; 1968)
Rumble Fish (Film; 1983)
The Second Hundred Years (Short Film; 1927) [1st Laurel & Hardy Film]
Too Many Girls (Film; 1940)
Unseen Academicals, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2009) [Discworld #37]
Today’s Name Days
Simeon (Austria)
Demetrije, Hugo, Pelagija, Šimun, Zvonimir (Croatia)
Věra (Czech Republic)
Ingeborg (Denmark)
Hilja, Hilje, Hilju (Estonia)
Hilja (Finland)
Pélagie, Thaïs (France)
Gerda, Günther, Hannah, Laura (Germany)
Pelagia (Greece)
Koppány (Hungary)
Pelagia (Italy)
Aina, Anastasija, Aneta, Anita (Latvia)
Brigita, Daugas, Demetra, Gaivilė (Lithuania)
Benedikte, Bente (Norway)
Artemon, Bryda, Brygida, Demetriusz, Laurencja, Marcin, Pelagia, Pelagiusz, Symeon, Wojsława (Poland)
Brigita (Slovakia)
Hugo, Thais (Spain)
Nils (Sweden)
Demetria, Demetrio, Demetrius, Demi, Dimitri, Stewart, Stuart (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 281 of 2022; 84 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 40 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Júyuè), Day 13 (Jia-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 13 Tishri 5783
Islamic: 12 Rabi I 1444
J Cal: 11 Shù; Threesday [11 of 30]
Julian: 25 September 2022
Moon: 98%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Descartes (11th Month) [Albertus Magnus]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 16 of 90)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 14 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Descartes (Modern Philosophy) [Month 11 of 13; Positivist]
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tarzantips · 4 months
Home Remedies for Nail Fungus: Treating and Preventing Fungal Infections
Onychomycosis, a common medical condition that affects both fingernails and toenails, is also referred to as nail fungus. It is a fungal infection that can cause the nails to crumble, thicken, and change color.
While seeking medical advice is always advised for an accurate diagnosis and course of treatment, some DIY home remedies for nail fungus can help control and lessen fungus symptoms.
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Home Remedies for Nail Fungus
1. Turmeric Paste
The antifungal compound curcumin is found in turmeric.
How to prepare:
Apply a paste made of turmeric powder and water to the diagnosed nails. Rinse after 30 minutes of leaving on. Do it every day.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Because apple cider vinegar has antifungal qualities, it is a popular home remedy for nail fungus.
How to prepare:
In a basin, combine equal parts water and apple cider vinegar. Soak the afflicted nails in the mixture for 15 to 20 minutes every day. The fungus's habitat becomes uninhabitable by the vinegar's acidity.
3. Tea Tree Oil
The antifungal and antiseptic qualities of tea tree oil are widely recognized.
How to prepare:
Using a cotton ball or swab, apply a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the affected nails. To see results, repeat this procedure twice a day for a few weeks.
4. Baking Soda
Nail fungus can be treated with baking soda, an adaptable ingredient with antifungal qualities.
How to prepare:
Make a paste by combining baking soda and water, then apply it straight onto the nails that are impacted. After leaving it on for 10 to 15 minutes, rinse and completely dry.
5. Coconut Oil
Medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil have antifungal properties.
How to prepare:
Several times a day, massage the surrounding skin and affected nails with pure, organic coconut oil. Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and nails in addition to helping in the fight against the fungus.
6. Listerine Foot Soak
Treating nail fungus may also benefit from Listerine mouthwash's antifungal qualities.
How to prepare:
Use undiluted Listerine to soak those with painful nails for 15 to 20 minutes every day. The mouthwash's antifungal and antiseptic components are work together to help control the fungus.
Read: Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching
7. Proper Foot and Nail Hygiene
To prevent and treat nail fungus, maintaining proper foot and nail hygiene is essential. This involves using fresh, breathable socks, keeping the feet dry and clean, and routinely filing and trimming the nails.
Another way to lower your risk of fungal infections is to avoid going barefoot in public places like gyms, locker rooms, and swimming pools.
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8. Oregano Oil
Nail fungus may respond well to the antifungal and antibacterial qualities of oregano oil.
How to prepare:
Apply oregano oil to the crippled nails with a cotton ball after diluting it with carrier oil, such as coconut oil. After about 30 minutes, leave it on and thoroughly rinse and dry.
9. Hydrogen Peroxide
Nail fungus can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, which has antiseptic qualities.
How to prepare:
In a basin, combine equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water, then soak those with affected nails for 15 to 20 minutes. After that, make sure the nails are completely dry to avoid moisture accumulation, which could make the fungus worse.
10. White Vinegar
Because of its acidic nature, white vinegar, like apple cider vinegar, may help to create an environment that is unfavorable to nail fungus.
How to prepare:
In a bowl, combine equal parts white vinegar and water, then soak those with sore nails for 15 to 20 minutes every day. To avoid moisture retention, thoroughly dry the nails after soaking.
11. Garlic
Nail fungus may be treated with the help of garlic's related antifungal qualities.
How to prepare:
To make a paste, crush a few garlic cloves and combine them with olive oil. Wrap the injured nails with a bandage after applying the paste. After a few hours, leave it on and thoroughly rinse and dry.
12. Maintain a Healthy Diet
The immune system, which is essential for keeping off fungal infections, can be strengthened by eating a diet high in vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.
To support general health and immunity, include foods like yogurt, garlic, ginger, and leafy green vegetables in your diet.
more >>>
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aromazeia · 4 months
How to Use Essential Oils to Enhance Well-being
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it has become increasingly vital to carve out moments of serenity and equilibrium to nurture our holistic well-being. Enter aromatherapy – a practice that harnesses the power of essential oils to promote relaxation, uplift the spirit, and enhance our sense of well-being. In this guide, we'll delve into the basics of aromatherapy and explore how you can incorporate it into your daily routine to cultivate a healthier and happier life.
Understanding Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a holistic healing approach that utilizes the aromatic compounds found in plants to promote physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. These potent oils are extracted from various parts of plants, including flowers, leaves, stems, roots, and fruits, through processes like distillation or cold pressing.
The Power of Scent:
Our sense of smell is strongly connected to our left brain, which means it is intrinsically connected with our emotions and memories. When we inhale the aroma of these oils, they interact with the olfactory system, which directly communicates with the brain's limbic system – the center of emotions and memories. This is the reason why certain scents can elicit specific feelings.
Using Essential Oils:
There are numerous ways to incorporate these oils into your daily routine to reap their benefits:
Diffusion: Using a diffuser is one of the most popular methods of enjoying aromatherapy. Simply add a few drops of your favorite oil to the diffuser, and let the gentle mist fill the air, creating a calming and uplifting atmosphere.
Topical Application: Diluting these oils with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or jojoba oil, allows you to apply them directly to the skin. This is great when you want to get to soothe a particular area, whether it's easing muscle tension with lavender oil or soothing headaches with peppermint oil.
Inhalation: Inhaling directly from the bottle or by adding a few drops to a bowl of hot water can provide quick relief from congestion, stress, or anxiety. You can also add a drop or two to a tissue or cotton ball and inhale deeply whenever you need a mood boost.
Bath Soaks: Adding a few drops to your bathwater can transform your bathing experience into a luxurious and therapeutic ritual. Relax tired muscles with eucalyptus oil, or unwind after a long day with lavender oil.
Popular Essential Oils and Their Benefits:
While there are countless options to explore, some of the most popular ones and their benefits include:
Lavender: Calming, promotes relaxation and sleep.
Peppermint: Invigorating, relieves headaches, and boosts energy.
Eucalyptus: Clears the sinuses, and supports respiratory health.
Lemon: Uplifting, enhances mood and mental clarity.
Tea Tree: Antimicrobial, supports skin health and immunity.
Safety Precautions:
While these oils offer many benefits, it's important to use them safely:
Always dilute these oils before applying them to the skin to avoid irritation or sensitization.
One must always do a patch test before using a new oil to prevent any side effects.
Check with a qualified aromatherapist first if you have any underlying health conditions or are pregnant.
If incorporated every day, aromatherapy can be a powerful way to improve your well-being. Whether you diffuse calming lavender oil before bedtime or add a few drops of invigorating peppermint oil to your morning shower, the possibilities are endless. By tapping into the therapeutic power of essential oils, you can create moments of peace, balance, and joy in your life.
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helenfletcher · 5 months
By far and away this is the most flavorful Homemade Pizza Dough I have ever found. It takes minutes to make in the processor, rises in jiffy quick time and makes, pizza and flatbread crusts as well as an outstanding pocket bread discovered by accident. This is a great start for novices and not to be missed by any baker. I wish I could take credit for this wonder but Erin McDowell came up with this recipe. Fine semolina flour is used which gives the crusts their marvelous flavor. To say this is easy is an understatement. Quickly made, this pizza dough rolls out like dream without the spring back that is so noticeable in many yeast doughs. Need some inspiration as to how to top these? See my International Flatbreads featuring Italian, Greek, Southwestern and French toppings. The Summer Vegetable Tart filling works well also. Why You Need To Make this Recipe This is the fastest yeast dough I've ever made. It takes minutes to assemble and make and then just 45 minutes to rise. Despite the fact it rises really fast, the taste of the crusts is outstanding. So many pizza crusts are flavorless carriers of pizza and flatbreads. Not so with this one. The crusts can be frozen and kept at hand in the freezer for really quick work night meals. Just shape and freeze or parbake (my favorite) to make things easier and quicker to make that meal. Homemade Pizza Crust Ingredients FRONT ROW: Instant yeast, olive or canola oil, salt BACK ROW: All-purpose flour, semolina flour, water Fine Semolina Flour is normally used for pasta or couscous in Italian and middle easternrecipes. It is golden colored flour and very high in gluten which also explains the quick rise and increased flavor of the dough. Olive Oil or Canola Oil can be used. Olive oil provides the most taste. Instant Yeast is preferred but active dry yeast is fine also. As a normal practice, instant or active dry, I add it to the liquid ingredients to give it a head start while I prep the rest of the ingredients. I started doing this because I once made a dough where it had all these tiny bumps all over it. I later realized that was undissolved instant yeast. The water should be about 90°F for the best results. Be sure to see the recipe card below for the exact ingredients and instructions. Step by Step Instructions Step 1. Combine the flour, semolina flour, and salt in the bowl of a mixer. Step 2. Combine the water, oil and instant yeast. Step 3. Mix the liquids and yeast together and let it sit for a few minutes. Step 4. Give the liquids a good mix and pour over the flour in the mixing bowl. Step 5. Mix slowly with a dough hook if available until all is moistened. Raise the speed to 3 or 4 or as called for by your mixer and beat for 3 minutes. Remove the dough, place the top of the dough in the bottom of the mixer and mix again for a minute. Step 6. Spray the container in which the dough will rise and set aside. Remove the dough and knead it once or twice to make a smooth ball. Place it in the container and flatten it. Step 7. Cover the dough with plastic wrap. Mark the time on top. Step 8. Let it rise until it has doubled in bulk. Step 9. If using later, deflate the risen dough, recover with plastic wrap and store in the fridge for up to 3 days. Step 10. When ready to use, turn out. Here I have turned it out without deflating because I wanted you to see the dough will rise again in the fridge. Step 11. Shape into a round if rolling out into a circle. Step 12. Shape into an oval if rolling into an oval. Step 13. Roll the oval into a long oblong. I generally divide the dough into 4ths, using one each for the flatbread or pizza crust. It will be thin. However, any amount of dough can be used. If you like a thick crust, divide into 3, thinner, divide into 5 or 6. Step 14. Prick the dough with a fork. After doing several this way, they seem to rise anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter. Step 15.
For a pizza crust, roll a quarter of the dough into circle. Step 16. I discovered that rolling 75 grams of the dough into a 7" round and baking yielded a perfect "pita pocket". After baking, it will be quite high. As you can see it makes a perfect pocket. Recipe FAQS Should pizza or flatbread crusts need to be par baked? Not necessarily but it's a great when topping and finishing baking. By baking the crust halfway through, it only needs to be topped and baked to heat everything through. What does the oil in the pizza dough do? The oil helps the crust roll out easily and also keeps the finished crust moist if using a thick crust. What flour should be used for the crust? All-purpose flour is fine, adding semolina makes it better. Bread flour because of it's higher protein count is ideal. Expert Tips While the type of oil used, olive or canola, is not a big factor, using it is. It adds elasticity to the dough and allows the dough to stretch and not spring back. Semolina flour adds a dimension to this dough that other crusts do not have. However, if you can't find it, substitute all-purpose flour in the same amount. Unbaked or par baked crusts can be frozen. Freeze the crusts until hard and wrap well in foil. They will last for several months. Thaw at room temperature, top and bake. Sea Salt is ideal but table salt can be substituted by reducing it to 1 1/4 teaspoons. Other Interesting Breads If you love this Homemade Pizza Dough, It would be hugely helpful and so appreciated it if you would take a moment to leave a rating below. Thank you. Homemade Pizza Dough By far and away this is the most flavorful Homemade Pizza Dough I have ever found. It takes minutes to make in the processor, rises in jiffy quick time and makes, pizza and flatbread crusts as well as an outstanding pocket bread discovered by accident. This is a great start for novices and not to be missed by any baker. 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (480 grams)1/3 cup semolina flour (60 grams)1 1/2 teaspoons fine sea salt1/3 cup olive or canola oil1 1/2 cups warm water (90° F) *If using table salt, reduce to 1 1/4 teaspoonsFit the electric mixer with a dough hook if available. Add the all-purpose flour, semolina flour and salt to the bowl. Mix the water, oil and yeast together. Let sit for a few minutes. Add it to the flour mixture. Mix on low to moisten the flour. Raise the speed of the mixer to 3 or 4 as your mixer suggests and beat for 3 minutes. Stop the mixer and remove the dough. Turn the topside of the dough to the bottom of the mixer and mix for another minute. Spray a container at least twice the size of the dough with a non-stick baking release. Set aside.Remove the dough from the mixer and knead several times. Shape into a round ball. Place it in the sprayed container. Cover with plastic wrap and place the top on the container. Let rise for about 45 to 60 minutes until doubled. Use immediately or place in the fridge up to 3 days.Preheat the oven to 425°F. Place the oven rack on the lowest rung. Divide the dough into 4 pieces about 230 grams each. For flatbreads roll into a 12" x 6" oval. For pizza crusts roll into a 10" round. Do not let them rise. To par bake, place them on a parchment lined baking sheet and bake for about 8 to 10 minutes. They most likely will have some really puffed up areas. They should only be about half baked and without much color. Immediately cover with a folded tea towel until cooled. This keeps the crusts pliable. If they are still puffed up, gently deflate them so the crust is even.These can be cooled, wrapped well in foil and frozen for several months. To use, position the oven rack in the middle. Simply top them as desired, finish with cheese and bake in a 400°F oven for 10 to 15 minutes. If the crusts are frozen when thawed, add addtional time. Additional sizes are 6 crusts at 155 grams each for 10" x 5" ovals or 8" crusts. 200 grams makes a 12" crust. Last but certainly not least use 75 grams rolled into 6" rounds to make the "pita pockets" .
There is always an abundance of photos to guide you in the post above. As always, I recommend using a scale for accuracy and consistency.  Flour, in particular, is difficult to measure by volume.  For my recipes, I use 140 grams per cup of unsifted  all-purpose, bread or whole wheat flour and 125 grams of cake flour. Others may use different weights so use whatever they suggest. ___________________________________________________________ This is the fastest yeast dough I've ever made. It takes minutes to assemble and make and then just 45 minutes to rise. Despite the fact it rises really fast, the taste of the crusts is outstanding. So many pizza crusts are flavorless carriers of pizza and flatbreads. Not so with this one. The crusts can be frozen and kept at hand in the freezer for really quick work night meals. Just shape and freeze or parbake (my favorite) to make things easier and quicker to make. Wrap well in foil. They will last for several months. Thaw at room temperature, top and bake.  While the type of oil used, olive or canola, is not a big factor, using it is. It adds elasticity to the dough and allows the dough to stretch and not spring back when rolled. Semolina flour adds a dimension to this dough that other crusts do not have. You are looking for fine ground.  However, if you can't find it, substitute all-purpose flour in the same amount.  Semolina flour can be found in Italian markets, Bob's Red Mill is the brand often found in grocery stores and, of course, Amazon. Sea Salt is ideal but table salt can be substituted by reducing it to 1 1/4 teaspoons.   PizzaAmericanFlatbread crust, Homemade Pizza Crust, pizza
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