#writing with: Elias
TIMING: July 9th LOCATION: Gael and Elias’ House PARTIES: Elias (@ and Gael SUMMARY: Elias brings Gael’s favorite kitten home as a surprise. CONTENT WARNINGS: None, just literal and emotional fluff!
After picking up Mirabel, Elias drove home with the rambunctious little kitten in the carrier he had picked up for her. She mewed the entire way home, and he attempted to calm her by talking to her and singing along to the radio. It worked. Because by the time he got back, Mirabel had calmed down in her carrier enough to fall asleep in a curled-up ball. He had picked up a litter box, food, and bowls for her before picking her up, and he first brought the cat in, then set up everything else in a discrete area that Gael wouldn’t see immediately upon coming home. 
Much to Elias's relief, Ren and Gael were both out when he got back. So he took the kitten out of her carrier and spent time playing with her and hanging out on the couch. Having the day off, Elias decided to get to work in the kitchen, having Mirabel beside him as he cooked. He had decided to make butter chicken with his mother’s recipe. The aroma filled the house, and he smiled at his work—nothing like a home-cooked meal. 
Before he knew it, he heard the jingling of keys to unlock the front door. Springing into action, Elias quickly hid the carrier beside the couch and put Mirabel back inside it, praying she kept quiet. And thankfully, she did. 
As Gael entered the front door, Elias stared at him with a giant grin on his face. “Welcome home!” He greeted, waving a hand toward him. He knew his smile would give it away that he was up to something, but he wanted to keep up the charade for even a moment. “How was work?” He innocently asked, hands folded in his lap, hoping Gael wouldn’t notice he was covered in animal fur. “I made dinner!” He then added, realizing that the smell would probably give him away. “And I have something for you.” He confessed, scratching at the back of his neck.  ____ There was a lot of thinking in Gael’s head the past few days, though he rather wished he could just turn his brain off. And the worst part was that he knew he was unintentionally making these internal thoughts and feelings external. He legitimately couldn’t remember the last time he was so prone to spacing out since he dedicated himself to sobering up aside from possibly being really sick. Was that what this was? Was he just sick? That would explain the nausea and possibly nightmares, which was another thing he couldn’t remember having. Too many variables. Whatever was going on wasn’t contagious or else Elias probably would’ve caught it by now. Or it was psychosomatic. Either way, as Gael examined himself in the rear-view mirror of his little car (that he had since put a plastic covering on his seat due to the glitter from his ‘amazing’ date with Beau a few weeks ago that he held zero memory of), he did a proficient job at cleaning himself up, changing his expression to his usual one of friendly attention. The good news was that he wasn’t even mopey, just… absent. And he hated it. He liked to be present, to listen to other people and participate and engage in the conversation. He hated someone having to tap him on the shoulder or yell at him to get his attention, that wasn’t him. So he shaped up. Cleaned himself, made himself look presentable (now if only he could get rid of the bags under his eyes) and exhaled with resolve that would carry him through the rest of the day. Gael heard that Elias was off that day, which was good because he figured the man could use it and he got out of his car, unlocked the door and before he could say anything, he was greeted with the warm aroma of chicken and spices. He closed his eyes instinctively, a smile finding its way onto his face. Opening his eyes again, the smile was for Elias now as the latter welcomed him home with his usual enthusiasm. Perhaps even a little bit more than normal, which Gael never minded. “Hello!” He waved back, setting his trusty messenger back on the hearth next to the fireplace, its familiar spot whenever he first got home. “Work was fine! Nice and easy. I’m guessing your day was good, too?” He asked, raising his eyebrows, his eyes dancing over Elias’ frame briefly. “You– you got me something?” Gael tilted his head slightly, his smile still evident though a little bit of confusion made its way onto his face. “...What are you up to?” Between making dinner, the way he was acting and the grin on Elias, it didn’t take him long to figure that something was evidently on Elias’ mind. ____ Upon seeing Gael’s face melt at the smell, he knew he’d done his mother proud by following the recipe. He had called her earlier that day asking for the recipe, which immediately aroused her suspicions. “Who is it for?” She had wanted to know. “What’s their name?” She immediately followed up. “You can’t just refuse to talk to us in forever and not expect questions, Elias!” She had finished with. It was worth it, in the end. He had ended up talking to her for over an hour, answering where he was working and what he’d been doing, and the fact that he had a roommate. He left out the part where he wasn’t sure where they stood. That wasn’t important, and he wasn’t about to reveal that to his mother. He’d never hear the end of it.
Elias thought about waiting until after dinner to reveal the cat, but he also knew it was on its own time and might make herself known first. “I’m up to nothing, thank you very much. What, I can’t make my mom’s butter chicken recipe?” He raised his brows, continuing up the innocence charade. He crossed a leg over the other, his long legs splayed out on the couch. “My day was just fine. I spent it running errands and cooking.” He replied, which wasn’t technically a lie. The errands were just picking things up for the cat. 
Then, he tilted his head toward where the cat carrier was hidden. “Go take a look.” His grin widened as he continued to tilt his head toward where Mirabel slept. “I thought you could use a pick-me-up.” He began to explain, standing up from the couch to follow Gael. “I noticed you’ve been more exhausted and out of sorts lately, and before you try to play it off, it’s already too late. I noticed.” He shoved his hands in his pocket, awaiting Gael’s reaction. He couldn’t help but be a little nervous. The good thing was he hadn’t been having any allergic reactions to Mirabel, and he had thoroughly tested it out by playing with her and cuddling with her. He’d like to believe that they had bonded rather well.  ____ When Elias mischievously replied that he wasn’t up to anything accompanied with what he’d done that day and crossing his legs, Gael quirked an eyebrow in obvious disbelief, though the smile never left his face. His gaze moved when the taller man motioned to ‘go take a look’ and Gael’s smile lessened slightly, casting Elias a quick look as he went to the spot that was indicated. He did, however, stop and start to protest when Elias called him out, his brow furrowing slightly but Gael clasped his mouth shut again, biting his lower lip as his expression faltered; had he been that obvious? He felt like he was being obvious but at the same time, the thought that it was so evident sent a fresh wave of guilt in his abdomen that he stuffed into a bottle. Later. For now, the only indicator that escaped from whatever denial he would’ve responded was a small exhale and instead of looking at Elias, he turned his attention to what seemed to be a small animal carrier. Immediately the wave was replaced by something else, something warm and a little bit exciting, almost as though he were a child who just realized that he was being taken to the toy store after excitedly talking about a toy he wanted. “This isn’t…” Gael didn’t finish his sentence as he dropped to a crouch slowly and carefully before falling back to sit on his rear as he leaned forward and peered through the bars of the carrier. A smile slid onto his face, wide, gentle, bright. “Ola, Mirabel.” He cooed softly, opening the carrier gate and welcoming the small, fuzzy black kitten he’d picked himself, gone out to see, and sat with in the barn. As the kitten, recognizing him, mewled and exited the carrier to clamber onto his knee, her claws going into his jeans, Gael leaned forward and buried his face in her side affectionately. She smelled like the barn, the hay, and he swore he could catch what he associated with Monty on her. “What are you doing here?” He asked the kitten though the both of them knew he was actually asking Elias. Naturally, he wanted to ask Elias directly but he was torn in two - on the one hand, he was overjoyed to see the little kitten, to hold her in his hands again but on the other…”I thought I’d have to settle for seeing you at Leticia’s store.” If Leticia ever wanted to talk to him again. ____
Elias clasped his hands behind his back as he watched Gael interact with the kitten. He knew that Gael would protest, claim that his allergies were important, but he didn’t care. When it came to the people he cared about, he had a habit of showering them with gifts. He wanted Gael to know he cared, so he’d gone out of his way to pick up the kitten. “I reached out to Monty the other day and went and got the kitten I know you’ve been missing.” He began to explain, picking at his nails as a nervous tick. He didn’t want this to go over poorly. “I thought you two could use each other.” He spoke in a soft voice as if afraid to speak further. 
He perked up at the mention of Leticia, a familiar name. He had befriended her at the bar. He didn’t comment on it, however. He just wanted to ensure that Gael was happy with the situation. “Before you ask, I’m on medication for my allergies. And yes, this was a decision I wanted to make, and yes, the medication is working. Mirabel and I played all afternoon.” He rocked back and forth on his heels, catching the kitten’s eye for a moment, only for her to wriggle out of Gael’s arms and bound toward Elias, batting at his socks. He chuckled. “And as you see, she likes socks.” 
He kneeled to pet her, unable to keep a soft and intimate smile off his face. He knew that the cat would be good for not only Gael but Elias as well. Something about an animal’s presence was just good for the soul. Mirabel quickly turned directions and ran back to Gael, now batting at his shoelace. “She’s got a lot of spunk.” He commented with a soft chuckle. “I hope you’re not mad…” He trailed off, smile turning to one of worry. He then began to ramble on, fidgeting with his hands. “I picked up two litter boxes, I got her the food they were feeding her and some dishes and toys…” He bit his lip, not knowing when to stop talking.  ____ The question that was on Gael’s mind, the question he was hoping Elias would answer without him having to, was ‘what about your health’. And fortunately, as he stroked Mirabel’s soft ears, her little head, under her chin, Elias seemed to know it and he answered. At first, Gael wasn’t mad or even upset, he was just concerned, and for what he thought was a good reason. But as Elias explained all the precautions he’d taken, the steps to help himself and the time that he had obviously thought about it, Gael realized that he hadn’t learned anything with his conversation with Monty. He still controlled other people, assumed their intentions, made decisions based on what he figured other people wanted or needed. Then as though to prove his point, Mirabel jumped out of his lap and pranced over to the taller man where she proceeded to mess with his socks. Gael’s gaze flickered from the kitten to Elias. He opened his mouth as if to say something but as he tended to do when he was nervous, the bartender started talking again himself. ‘I hope you’re not mad’. Gael felt guilty that no matter what all he’d done so far, he still gave people the impression that he got mad about things. Keeping his eyes on the taller man, he reached forward and unlaced his shoes around the ball of fluff. Gael should’ve gotten up to respond more immediately but he didn’t, instead just giving Elias a look that he hoped expressed his gratitude, his thankfulness and appreciation for all the trouble Elias had gone through, what he’d keep going through for Gael’s sake. “You know what I think?” Gael said matter-of-factly, still sitting down - it was gonna take him a minute or two to stand - but keeping his dark eyes on the other man. “I think this was an excellent decision.” He scooped the kitten up, poking her nose affectionately and wiggling his fingers to get her attention. “I think this is one of the best coming-home surprises I’ve ever had and of course I’m not mad.” He set Mirabel down again, pulling off his shoes so she could play with them. “I’m just glad you two get along.” He beamed up at Elias. ____ As Mirabel began to play with Gael’s shoelaces, Elias couldn’t help but smile. Maybe the kitten would be good for all three of them, not just Gael. Her presence made him feel better just by proxy. He couldn’t help but smile back at the professor. “I didn’t think you were mad,” Elias clarified as he decided to sit on the floor across from him. “I just got worried that you’d think about my health and not want to keep her for my sake, which would start an endless cycle of guilt.” He waved his hands in the air as he spoke. “I’ll stop talking.” He then muttered, watching Mirabel explore the living room further. “It’s just how I show that I like someone is all.” He nearly whispered to himself, finding himself a little embarrassed.
Then, it was just the two of them sitting on the ground. “I’m glad you’re happy,” Elias spoke, putting his hand over Gael’s momentarily before getting up from the ground and offering him his hand to help him up. “The food’s going to get cold,” he spoke with a grin. “We can let her explore for a little bit, right? I made sure all the doors were closed so we didn’t lose her that quickly.” Mirabel walked around a bit but made herself back at home in her carrier, which Elias had lined with a small blanket and some mouse toys. “I know she’s technically your cat, but… I’m definitely going to spoil her.” ____ “You’re a grown adult and you can make your own choices.” Gael replied first, tilting his head and giving Elias a keen look. He felt like he’d been saying that more recently and it just made him more aware that he kept making decisions that he felt were best when they weren’t, necessarily. He wondered if he made things more complicated sometimes, like with Monty. Then Gael’s sharp hearing picked up on a sentence that wasn’t meant to be heard and he made a decision right there. Inhaling, feeling Elias’ hand over his for a moment before the taller man stood and offered to help him up, Gael glanced up with his expressive eyes and took Elias’ hands. With some effort and an escaped grunt of pain, he was to his feet, where he glanced down at the kitten that wandered around before going to her crate, her little cave of safety. He smiled and looked back up at Elias, squeezing his hands gently. “I hope you do spoil her.” Gael assured. “She’s not my cat. She’s our cat. All three of us; I can’t possibly hoard her to myself.” He inhaled. “Elias, do you want to go out with me?” ____ After helping Gael up to his feet, he turned to the kitchen to turn the stove burner back on. It had begun to cool down, and he would be damned if he ate cold food. He laughed at Gael’s response to telling him to spoil the cat and nodded as he spoke of it being a household cat. “I have a good feeling that Ren will like her.” He spoke, stirring the mixture on the stove. Elias hadn’t had a chance to cook for the household much, but he enjoyed doing it. “I think I should cook for the house more.” He insisted aloud, then freezing in place when Gael spoke up again. 
“Huh?” He responded with as much tact as an elephant in a china shop. “I mean. Yeah, I’d love to!” He then said with a perked-up tone. He was confused. What had brought that question up all of a sudden? He turned around, still holding the wooden spoon in his hand. He didn’t know what to say, “We’ve gone out before?” He said with a question mark, narrowing his eyes at the man with a confused yet playful expression. The question didn’t put him off, but he found it funny. 
He then turned back to the food to make sure it didn’t burn and went into the pantry to find the naan he had purchased to go with it. “Get over here. It’s been ready.” He then said, not making a big deal of being asked out (even though they’ve gone out before). “It’s butter chicken.” He then explained as he plated up the food for two people, making sure there were left overs for Ren when she got home. “Have you had it before?” He then asked.  ____ The look that painted Gael’s face at the response ‘we’ve gone out before’ was wide-eyed and completely caught off-guard, almost as though Elias just slapped him out of nowhere. Accompanying it was a fine shade of red that dusted his cheeks. They… of course they’d gone out before, but– “I-I was…” He stammered stupidly as he followed Elias to the kitchen, treading carefully as though Mirabel could’ve been anywhere on the floor now. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of the water as he wanted to say something but faltered and Gael had to shake his head to pull himself out of his head where he suddenly found himself wondering what he did wrong. Was it the wording? It had to be the wording, right? It had been a while since he’d effectively been part of the dating scene and even then… At the question of where or not he’d had butter chicken before, Gael shook his head. “No, I haven’t… at least I don’t think I have.” He admitted. As he spoke, a fresh wave of the scent of the food wafted through his sinuses and he couldn’t help but inhale the aroma again, the scent seeming to calm him down. “It smells REALLY good though,” He added enthusiastically. “Hey, I uh…” He cleared his throat. “I meant like… if you wanted to date.” He felt the need to clarify as his eating utensil hovered over the food, wondering if he would even keep it down but hoping for the best in multiple ways as he further explained his initial inquiry. “Like… be a couple.” ____
After plating the food, Elias pushed the plate over to the other man, brow raised in confusion as Gael became flustered. He wasn’t sure what was going on, the sudden embarrassment on the professor’s face was enough to make him realize that maybe he had misinterpreted what he was asking. He narrowed his gaze, staring at the floor where Mirabel was sniffing around, trying to decipher what he was referring to. Putting a piece of naan onto each plate, he then turned himself around to grab a fork for the both of them. Mirabel darted back over to Gael’s discarded shoes and began to bat at the laces for everything it was worth. Elias turned around at the ruckus, smiling taking over his face at the level of cuteness she was exuding. 
Then, “be a couple.” That caught him off guard. He hadn’t been expecting that. The last time he was part of any couple was back in college when he was twenty-two. Needless to say, he didn’t know the first thing about these things. He had thrown his whole life into work and now that he was establishing relationships with people for the first time in his life at forty-three, he realized there were a lot of unfortunate firsts that were happening to him. “I…” he trailed off, blinking. He wore owlish features on his face, dropping his fork in shock. “Really?” He asked, ducking his head with those same wide eyes. 
He thought for a moment. In the past few weeks, they had surely grown a lot closer, not to mention they had more intimate moments. There was something about Gael that was magnetic and intoxicating. He then nodded his head, trying to get the words to connect to his mouth and work. “I’d love that.” He finally said, a soft smile growing over his face after speaking.  ____ Gael was holding his breath again and not even the loving obsession he’d formed over Mirabel could take his gaze away from Elias as the latter didn’t respond immediately, at least verbally. He evidently didn’t see the question coming as he dropped his fork and Gael realized that it was his error; he’d used the wrong wording before, saying what he said back when he was in high school instead of respecting Elias as an adult. He could be childish sometimes, unintentionally so so when Elias replied after the pause between them, confirming the question that floated ambiguously in the air, he practically vibrated with energy, his expression getting brighter and even seeming to eliminate the dark circles under his eyes, if only for a moment. “I’d love that, too!” Gael said, barely containing his enthusiasm and he looked down at at Mirabel, the latter of which had wandered over to their feet for a few moment. “He said yes!” He hummed down to her. Turning back to his food, he dug in, the nausea in his stomach dissipating at least long enough for him to actually enjoy the food that was made by his newly-appointed boyfriend after the latter picked up his kitten from Monty, all shows of faith and kindness that Gael hadn’t been able to offer Elias yet. It was unfair, really, how needy Gael had been the past week and he was sure that he’d do better in the future, if not for him than for Elias, for Ren, for Monty and Mirabel and Leticia. He owed a lot of people a lot of things and Gael gladly took on that challenge. Sleepwalker or no, it was Gael and that was all he could do and be for everyone. “This is SO good.” He complimented his mouth full of the butter chicken. “Thank you.” A pause. “For everything.” ____
The feeling of elation made Elias feel as if he were floating on air, his footsteps light as he pulled up to the kitchen island and set his food in front of him. Gael was cheering Mirabel, which put a bright smile on his face. Nothing could destroy such a fantastic mood he found himself in, and would probably ride the high for the rest of the day. “I haven’t… you’re the first person I’ve seriously dated since college.” He confessed sheepishly. “So forgive me if I have not a clue what I’m doing.” He frowned, though it didn’t last long as it was overtaken again by an infectious smile.
As they sat to eat, Elias hummed. It didn’t taste quite as good as his mother made it, but it was a close second. “It’s my mom’s recipe.” He explained between forkfuls, Watching as Mirabel sprinted around the island a few times, seemingly a boundless flow of energy. He chuckled at it. “So if you like this, you’d love hers.” He explained with a soft smile, thinking of his family. He’d have to contact them soon. He’d never hear the end of it if he didn’t tell his mom about the new development in his personal life. 
“You’re welcome.” He then replied, nudging the man softly. “You deserve nice things.” He added. “Like I said, it’s kinda how I show people they mean a lot to me.” He waved a hand in the air as he spoke, fork in hand. “So I’ll probably do it again, consider it a threat.” He took another bite, that same floating feeling in his body threatening to lift him up to the sky. He couldn’t get enough of it.  ____ “You deserve nice things too,” Gael responded lightly as he continued to eat the butter chicken, dipping the bread he was given into it on occasion. Elias could’ve told him that it was a store brand and he would’ve loved it - it wasn’t the comparison, it was that Elias took the time and effort to make it for him. This was for him. The kitten, a gift from two people who meant a lot to him. The food, a consideration after his poor behavior the past week. The globe, the stargazing, the kindness and the discussion to bring him back from the ledge he wasn’t aware he was even on. Either that or Gael was being utterly selfish and failing to read the room, something that wasn’t common for him but it happened on occasion. And maybe he could be selfish, just as he was when someone would let him know a small, intimate piece of them and he kept it close to his heart. Maybe, despite the new nightmares, the apologies he owed, the brain injury, he did deserve nice things. He was still tired. And he knew the shadow would return to his dreams tonight. But the illumination and joy that the past half hour brought him was sure to carry his mood through the rest of the day, which was a luxury he allowed himself to afford as he sat there eating the homemade meal, seeing the newest addition to their strange little family hopping around out of the corner of his eye.
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gammija · 4 months
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tiefling jon's first day at the Archives
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alliseaisfandom · 5 months
this will probably be disproven across episodes but I have the Gwen brainrot so indulge me.
I know a lot of people hope that Elias is out walking around happy and high, but see the Magnus institute burned down in 1999. Jonah took Elias in 1996.
So don't imagine Gwendolyn coming 'home' after a few years studying on daddy's money, daddy's name and daddy's contempt that his youngest daughter seems perfectly fine with ignoring what is expected from a Bouchard.
Don't imagine Gwen running into her brother one night after he himself hasn't been in their family house for weeks. And realising the thing in front of her isn't Elias.
The stone cold sober, easy smiling man with impeccable posture is not the man who taught her how to play their parents to secure a peaceful life and a place in the will at the same time.
The eyes looking back at her never winked at her from across the dinner table, never shed tears of rage at the golden chains around both of them, never looked at her at her lowest and told her everything would be okay one day. Because those eyes do not belong to Elias.
'A promotion' it tells her, with the same pride Elias used to talk about a student strike that would absolutely wreck their name if it were printed on papers, but this thing wouldn't do that because this thing is. Not. Her. Brother. But she's almost as good at acting as it is, so she plays along. 'Head of the Magnus Institute'.
And Gwen knows very little of the Magnus institute. But she knows enough about Elias Bouchard. She knows about Allan and the eyeless thing that got to him, tale whispered in a panic on the night she first saw her brother as a child instead of a role model. She knows about the letter that arrived unprompted. She knows the stories of what goes on inside the too old building.
And she knows how easy it is to get her hands on gasoline for the bits of it that aren't already flammable.
When she's called in as his emergency contact, she feigns shock at the fire, throws the bone that 'the idiot couldn't even keep his fucking lighter straight' between tears.
She throws the ashes off a foggy cliff onto the sea and attends the empty casket funeral with the same expression she learns to carry from that day on. And after years of clipped conversation, she does what she promised Elias to never do.
'Get me in.' She tells her father. And his smile of relief at 'still having a worthy heir' on the day of his son's funeral sickens her. But she keeps the same expression.
Because she may have killed the thing that took Elias. But the OIAR is the place that can tell her what she killed exactly.
And she won't make her brother's mistakes.
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driedlillies · 1 month
The magnus archives when everything’s the same but the action happens 10 years into the future (starts 2026) and the institute is under scrutiny because some gossip magazines accused them of having misogynistic management because the Head of the Institute was always a man so Jonah Magnus originally born in the 1700s decides to deal with that by his next body being a woman so now he has to deal with periods and gender dysphoria
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mlmshark · 5 months
“Omg, I don’t get why people get so mad at a canonically asexual character being sexualized! Just don’t read it if you don’t like it!” Are you fucking stupid? Repeat that back to yourself
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americanoddysey · 4 months
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long wait followed by a long chapter
chapter 27 of A Fresh Pair of Eyes is now up!
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thirteenth-fangirl · 1 year
"Average gay person gets 1,7 divorces" is just a statistical error. Average gay person gets 0 divorces, divorce Elias and Peter that have had 68 divorces are outliers and should not have been counted
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venfaaniik · 5 months
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thank @turtlemurmurs for sponsoring this coffee
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wildgeese98 · 8 months
It's kind of unfortunate that the only bit of characterization for original! Elias that's widely talked about is him being a stoner. It's true that for a long time that's literally the only thing we got. One funny throwaway line. But we do learn a bit more in mag 193 (one of my favorite s5 episodes incidentally) and it makes him a much more interesting and tragic character.
Elias was an aimless rich kid trying and failing to live up to his father's high expectations for him. He was raised to believe that he deserved success and power simply because of the family he was born into. It's implied that this alienated him from his peers leaving him incredibly isolated. It probably also meant he didn't have a lot of control over his own life, following the path he was expected to rather than what he acctually wanted. Even before being marked by the Eye he probably felt like was constantly watched and judged, and found wanting.
The statement draw heavy parallels between original! Elias and Jon. In fact the line between them gets very blurred as Jon "plays" Elias in the statement and Elias's VA plays Jonah in the body of James Wright. Jon and Elias are both parallels and opposites. They were both marked and drawn to the Institute by that mark.
Elias had the conviction that he was destined to be important and he was right the most perverse, twisted way possible. He was only ever there to be used and used completely. To the point were he ceased to be, leaving only his body to puppeted by Jonah.
Jon had no such conviction, and yet he became literally the most import person in the world. But that was only after being moulded and completely reshaped by Jonah. He in a way lost almost as much autonomy and control of his body as Elias did. Though he at least got to keep his mind, for the most part.
This has gotten away from me a bit, but the point remains. Elias, like a lot of TMA characters, is a fascinating person who we only get to see brief snatches of. I think about him a lot. I especially think about how horrifying it must have been to realize, for the briefest moment, that his mind and body were being completely taken over, right before his consciousness was snuffed out.
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angelyuji · 6 months
smart, genius yanderes making their obsession feel stupid and dumb so they rely on them for everything???? bimbo reader is one of my fav tropes becuz... i am stupid :)
tw // yandere content, emotional abuse, just being mean, yandere stuff u guys know the deal
constantly belittling you, demeaning you, as a way of lowering your self-esteem. making you second-guess everything you do as a way of making you depend on them for the simplest of tasks. snapping at you and immediately turning around and comforting you.
"don't be stupid. you should know better than that." he snaps, snatching the pen from your hands.
"what? what did i-" you feel your face heat from embarassment.
"(y/n), this is a job application." he snatches that paper from your hands.
"i know what it is..." you try to reach for it, but he holds it away. "i just want to help you."
"help me? i don't need your help, (y/n)." he grabs at your hair, pulling you off your chair to the ground. you yelp in pain as his fingers tangle in your hair and yank at your scalp. "why would they hire you? what qualities do you have that they would want? you're an idiot, a fucking idiot. you can barely cook a decent meal without my help." his voice was laced with venom. you feel tears slip down your face.
"i'm sorry." you meekly whisper. "you're right, i'm too stupid." you choke out a sob. he smiles before shushing you, letting go of your hair. he sits down next to you and pulls you into a hug. you melt into his touch.
"it's okay, that's why i'm here. to take care of you."
definitely: spencer reid (post-prison), bruce wayne, tony stark, 707, elias bouchard, gojo satoru
maybe: dick grayson, sam winchester, charles xavier, jason todd
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maihonhassan · 23 days
When they ask;
"what do you want from life??"
And Jaun Eliya replied;
“mere hisse mein tu reh bas, baqi duniya logon ko mubarak.”
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
the reason why transfem elias is my favourite theory for gwendolyn is because think about the implications.
so let’s say this alternate universe reveals that elias is actually transgender, and would present/identify as female if they had the opportunity to figure themself out and transition (elias was reportedly very young when jonah possessed them)
as a trans person myself, even though the real elias was dead the dysphoria that idea gives me is absolutely unreal, and really creeps into serious body/existential horror territory which i think would be really interesting and very in-character for a writer like jonny to explore.
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aoioozora · 2 months
Platonically sharing a bed with the Ghosts
One-bed scenario hcs with the Ghosts, and you get to see their sleeping habits. Enjoy!
Logan Walker:
A little awkward about sharing the bed, but not against it.
Even though he's shared beds with Hesh when he was younger, he hasn't done it in a long time. And with someone of the opposite sex? It's a little awkward.
But he's not awkward in his sleep. He'd probably sleep in a starfish position, accidentally kick your back or put his leg on top of you
And maybe if he's having a nightmare, he might cuddle you for some comfort.
David 'Hesh' Walker:
Also awkward about sharing the bed but tries to hide it and plays it cool, telling himself, "it's just gonna be one night."
But he cannot keep his cool once you hit the bed next to him.
He loves cuddling but since both of you are just coworkers, he's fighting the urge so hard because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. He ends up not getting a wink of sleep for a couple hours
But when he does sleep, he sleeps like he's a dead body in a coffin, fingers intertwined and all, straight and tall like a soldier.
Sleeptalks sometimes, but it's just incoherent mumbling.
Elias 'Scarecrow' Walker:
He gets in bed, says "good night" and proceeds to not acknowledge you unless necessary. He is visibly embarrassed and annoyed by this arrangement, but doesn't complain about it.
He sleeps in a rather loose fetal position, tosses and turns around a lot and it keeps you awake for a while until he finally stops and falls into a deep sleep.
Tends to wedge his hand in between his knees when asleep.
Although he can sleep anywhere, he prefers a completely dark room with minimal light
If there's too much light, on goes the eye mask.
Thomas Merrick:
It's written all over his face. He's AWKWARD. But he doesn't say anything so as to not make you uncomfortable. And you don't say anything to him either.
He even offers to sleep on the floor to escape this ordeal, but you refuse and have him sleep on the bed, since it was big enough for two and you didn't want him to be uncomfortable.
He obliges and gets in bed, but makes sure he keeps plenty of space between you and him (he's at the risk of falling off the bed)
And when you tell him to chill out, he grumbles, "I'm... chill." The hip and groovy slang doesn't roll out of his Millennial tongue very well.
He eventually falls asleep facing away from you, hogging the blanket and burying himself in it like he is a worm in a chrysalis.
Big, strong guy sometimes feels like he needs some protection from the world too.
Keegan Russ:
His face is blank. He does feel awkward about it but neither his face, his voice, nor his body language betray any of what he feels.
He sets up a wall of pillows in the middle of the bed. "Neither of us are crossing this line, alright?" he says, and you nod, not planning on doing so anyway.
Both of you go to sleep. He sleeps in a tight fetal position and hugs the pillow he's sleeping on.
Another position he sleeps in is on his stomach with his knee hoisted up. He won't care if it's bad for the spine, it's comfy.
Give him a few hours and he's already disregarded his own rule, and has pushed away the pillow wall to simply press his head against your back, just to feel a little less lonely.
Not awkward AT ALL. He actually digs this arrangement but is trying not to show it. But the amused smirk on his face blows his cover.
He sleeps very comfortably and if he's close enough friends with you and ensures you don't mind his touch, he would actually shamelessly cuddle you.
And you find his cuddling comfortable.
Sometimes sleeps like a Victorian child dying of a disease, having his hand on his head and all that
By the time it's morning, he's on the floor
Alex 'Ajax' Johnson:
Ajax genuinely doesn't care. Only one bed? He'll just shrug and go along with it. He's done this countless times.
In a way, him not caring makes you feel a little less awkward about it.
He keeps his distance from you and doesn't trouble you at all
He's an absolute madman to sleep without a blanket, and it's not just because he's used to it. It's a preference. He doesn't feel very cold.
Light sleeper. But he snores a bit.
Not a cuddler, but he wouldn't mind if you cuddled with him to keep warm.
No awkwardness, no shame, only a little baby happy to sleep on the bed with you.
Normally a light sleeper since he's a dog, but in complete safety, he sleeps like the dead, deep enough to dream
On hot days, he likes to lean against the headrest and sleep on his back to support his legs.
On cold days, he sleeps in a doughnut formation with his nose tucked under his tail.
He's a warm boy, loves to cuddle. Even when he needs his space, he'll make sure he keeps either his tail or his paw touching you.
He's an early riser and to wake you up, he'll either lick, paw, or nudge your face with his cold nose.
BONUS - Gabriel Rorke:
Like Ajax, he doesn't care. Once he hits the bed, he's conked out.
He has one of his legs hanging out of the bed, a nightmarish thing for a kid who might see this. You tell him jokingly, "The monster under the bed will grab your leg and drag you underneath." And he just says, "I am the monster under the bed," to assert dominance to the imaginary beasts.
Light sleeper, and sleeps on his back, arms crossed like he has a meeting to attend in 30 minutes.
He sometimes has his eyes half-open, which is kinda freaky
And being a light sleeper, you don't know whether he's asleep or awake and trolling you.
Read this next! Romantically sharing a bed
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svampira · 9 months
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you could never hurt me
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nephriteknight · 5 months
there is something just so damn compelling about Lonelyeyes as a deeply, deliberately harmful relationship, as a vessel for fear, for feeding.
every time they're together Elias knows Peter can barely stand his company, knows he'll be leaving both soon and abruptly, knows that Peter will never truly give himself away. he knows that his archives are full of letters from friends he left to die or killed himself, knows that his closest companion is an avatar of Forsaken, knows that he truly has no one left but himself.
every time they're together Peter knows Elias can see him, see all of him laid out and plain, all his most private thoughts, all his hopes and his fears. he knows there is always, always a chance that Elias is watching him whenever he is anywhere but the Lonely itself. even on the Tundra, tucked away in his private sanctum, he can never truly escape it, but that fear is so much worse here and now, with Elias' eyes (Jonah's eyes, really) on him. it is undeniable that he is seen, and known, and judged.
Elias knows that Peter understands exactly what he's thinking when they're together, that he knows all the sentimental weaknesses he's tried to cut away. Peter knows that Elias will never truly care for him, that at the end of the day he will always be another piece on Elias' chess board, practical and expendable.
they both know what this is for. they need fear, and they do, at the end of the day, want each other (in certain ways, in painful ways, always too much or too little), and they are under no illusions about what this means to the other (Elias knows what it means to Peter, of course, and while Peter doesn't have any supernatural insight he's no fool), and it hurts, and it's meant to hurt. it hurts, and it sustains them, and when they go their separate ways they can't help but wait for the next visit with longing and fear alike.
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this-cult-of-dionysus · 6 months
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Nikola Orsinov || The Piper || Mikaele Salesa || Jonah’s Deception || Spider Lighter
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