gladsontarga · 2 years
Novos pés, mesmas botas!
Só pra lembrar a liberália onanista canhota gliter glúteo glamur baba ovo de americano que Joe Biden calça com seus brancos pés forjados com o melhor do patriarcado as mesmas botas cheias de sangue dos outros presidentes estadunidenses que deixaram sua pegada bem impressa em todos os golpes de estado militares, parlamentares, jurídicos e midiáticos dos séculos XX e XXI em toda a América Latina em…
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classypantyhose · 3 months
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antiamerica · 3 months
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chrisoldcorn · 6 years
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Bye #America! It was good while it lasted! #OhCanada #BoycottUSA #cdnpoli #BoycottTrump #BoycottAmerica #uspolitics #politics #news #g7 #CanadiansAgainstTrump #DumpTrump #ThanksCanada #ThankCanada
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philippecombaz · 5 years
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#ExtinctionRebellion #RebelForLife #TellTheTruth #BlackRock #Acte60 #GiletsJaunes #BoycottAmericaFirst #BoycottUSA #BoycottAmericanProducts #BoycottUSproducts #BoycottAmerica #YellowVests #YellowRevolution #EndOfCapitalism #贾珍珍 #HongKong #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #孔八子兵法 #LeftHandedAmbidextrous #MethanolEconomy #Methanol #孔八子 #ecoKapitalism #TotalCommittedToBullshit #PatrickPOUYANNE #PhilippeCOMBAZ #SolarMethanol #PlannedObsolescence   2020-01-04 313   黃背心運動!   Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN   Biomethanol Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolAppeal   酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK https://www.instagram.com/p/B66zv_TopuZ/?igshid=npom1mo9mtrn
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“This is our proud native genocide flag, striped with the blood of deceased natives!”
The U.S. flag is a genocidal hate symbol!
If you see a U.S. flag, pro-U.S. propaganda material (book, poster, or other merchandise), burn it down!
#BoycottUSA #BoycottCapitalism #SmashColonialism #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd
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carraolphoto · 6 years
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Fences and Cages. “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” ― Benito Mussolini #flowers #kids #separationanxiety #cages #citydailyphoto #proyectoMO #iPhoneography #metro_affair #xplorethestreets #ACreativeVisual #artofvisuals #creativecompositions #yeshuffpost #artmodern #CreativeContentBuilders #canon_photo #thevisualgrams #BuyCanadian #BoycottUSProducts #BoycottUSA #InstaCDMX #cdmx_oficial
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rebelwithacauze · 6 years
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Pathological liar Netanyahu shows slides, shelves of docs claiming Iran has nuclear weapons programme. "If you take out Saddam,I guarantee you that it will have enormous,positive reverberations in the region " ~Netanyahu speech congress 2002 #NotInMyNameTheresaMay #OpenGazaToWorldPress #FreeAssange #DeleteFacebook #BoycottGoogle #BoycottUSA #NameShameZionists #BoycottIsrael #BDS https://t.co/zkVSUZdD9q
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ismifaradhisa-blog · 7 years
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Tenaaanngg...Pahlawan pendahulu kita sudah membuktikan kok, bahwa hanya dengan bambu runcing disertai kuasa Allah yg Maha Segalanya, jangankan israel...tambahkan pasukan Donald(bebek) Trump(olin) skalian pun kita tetap akan berdiri tegak, ALLAHUAKBAR!! #Repost @berbagisemangat_ (@get_repost) ・・・ Beberapa media online sempat memframing kan bahwa indonesia jika terus ikut campur akan di buat negara indonesia seperti palestina, tidak ada ujaran kesombongan dimuka bumi ini selain ucapan di atas, . Wallahi negara eh salah Wilayah jajahan kalian itu tidak lebih besar dari 1 provinsi di negara kami "aceh" dan wallahi jika benar kalian akan menyerang negara ini maka disini kami umat muslim terbesar di dunia dengan bangga hati tercapai cita* kami dari dulu yg iri melihat palestina selalu mendapat kematian yg di idam*kan oleh muslim sedunia . maka begitu pula halnya kami disini sangat bersyukur jika kalian menyerang indonesia , karena kalian membuka peluang JIHAD FII SABILILLAH bagi kami yg merindukan syahid !!! masya allah 😇😇 . . Berita lainnya 👇 Baca @suarasemangat Baca @suarasemangat . . Supported by @berbagisemangat_ Media Inspirasi Motivasi dan Edukasi . . #Credit @ar.rayyah.id #BerbagiSemangat #Inspirasi #Motivasi #Edukasi #Tausiyah #Kajian #Semangat #hijrah #istiqomah #islam #SpiritAlAqsa #palestina #boycottUSA #BoycottIsrael
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alwaysspringers · 7 years
Hope Trudeau follows thru. Not only would it stick it the US coal industry & trump, but I am sure the citizens of BC would approve. Delicious.
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usa-nothankyou-blog · 8 years
Easy Swaps: USA - UK/EU
Ariel, Daz, Bold -swap to- Persil, Surf, Ecover, Method, Comfort
Flash -swap to- Cif
Oral-B, Colgate -swap to- Aquafresh, Sensodyne, Macleans
Coca Cola, Pepsi, Innocent Smoothies!! -swap to- Robinsons, own brand cola, Britvic, Orangina
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atlanticcanada · 6 years
Political climate has some Maritimers rethinking U.S. vacations
It appears the political climate in the United States is stopping some Maritimers from travelling across the border this summer.
From President Donald Trump’s recent Twitter attacks on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, to his administration's controversial border-protection policies that see the forced separation of migrant children from their parents, some Maritimers say they have no intention of visiting the U.S. anytime soon.
“I’ve had people say they do not want to travel to the United States, specifically because of the person that’s at the top right now,” says Diane Burden, a travel agent in the Halifax area.
“I don’t really know how welcome people are there, and it’s not necessarily with Canada, it's with everybody, so as a tourist, I think that it’s probably not so good to go there right now,” says Halifax resident Heather Best.
Some Canadians are even boycotting American goods in their everyday shopping, but experts say that can be tricky.
“If you’re looking to buy a car, you’re looking to buy a Chrysler or a Ford or GM, you can say, ‘Ok, I’m not buying American,’ but those cars are made in Canada,” explains Michael Whalen, an associate professor in the Department of Business and Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University.
“You might say, ‘I’m going to buy Japanese instead,’ but Subarus, Toyotas, what have you, many of those models are made in the United States.”
Whalen says products from cars to ketchup contain components from across the world, so a widespread buying boycott is difficult to do. But a tourism boycott is more specific and could have an impact on the American economy.
“If you’re going to Florida for the winter, or New York to watch a show, you’re buying American,” he says.
Some people are sharing their boycott plans on social media using the hashtag #BoycottUSA. One woman says she cancelled a trip through Maine while another announced plans to visit Atlantic Canada instead of California. One Twitter user says they even cancelled a cruise and trip to Disney World, instead opting for a Mexican vacation.
I was planning a road trip that would take me through Maine on my way to NS. Now I can’t fathom spending any of my hard earned cash in your country. I don’t blame the citizens but I gather you can understand the position the rest of the world is in. #BoycottUSA
— Maureen Spillane (@MoeSpillane) June 10, 2018
Just cancelled all plans to go to California, will be discovering our own beautiful east coast by road this fall!! :) #BoycottUSA #BuyCanadian
— Hamad E (@Realistology) June 13, 2018
It’s official. I just cancelled my @WaltDisneyWorld @DisneyParks vacation and @RoyalCaribbean cruise. I will not give one cent to a bully country. #BoycottUSA Mexico here we come
— you can do better (@everydayme2017) June 19, 2018
Burden says many of her customers are staying in Canada this summer, with the Rocky Mountains and Newfoundland and Labrador being popular travel destinations.
“People are travelling within the country more, much more,” she says.
With files from CTV Atlantic's Emily Baron-Cadloff
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/2ylLAVe
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classypantyhose · 3 months
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antiamerica · 3 months
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philippecombaz · 5 years
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#Acte60 #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #YellowRevolution #EndOfCapitalism #贾珍珍 #BlackRock #BoycottUSproducts #BoycottAmerica #BoycottAmericaFirst #BoycottUSA #BoycottAmericanProducts #HongKong #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #孔八子兵法 #LeftHandedAmbidextrous #MethanolEconomy #Methanol #孔八子 #ecoKapitalism #TotalCommittedToBullshit #PatrickPOUYANNE #PhilippeCOMBAZ #SolarMethanol #ExtinctionRebellion #RebelForLife #TellTheTruth #PlannedObsolescence   2020-01-04 305   黃背心運動!   Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN   Biomethanol Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolAppeal   酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK https://www.instagram.com/p/B66y5eIIYc4/?igshid=1ppstw2q7jfqe
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Twitter announced on Thursday it shut down more than 170,000 accounts that are "state-linked" and "spread geopolitical narratives favorable to the Communist Party of China." What is "state-linked?" What are "geopolitical narratives favorable to the Communist Party of China?" These terms are coined by Twitter based on US interests and values. The accounts removed by Twitter mainly tweeted information about Hong Kong and the COVID-19 pandemic. The content they released probably had reflected the stand of mainland society. But as the tweets were basically posted in Chinese, most of which obviously don't belong to what Washington claims is China's "propaganda campaign." These accounts were more likely run by ordinary Chinese who don't understand English well or overseas Chinese. 
(read more in article link)
HASHTAG #BoycottTwitter #BoycottUSA
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