pantheras015 · 1 year
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Yeah, well, I'm in my 40's, married with two kids and deep down I still don't believe anyone could actually love me. Not romantically. I'm just a f*ck up and I guess my wife married me because I make her happy, or something? Which I do try to do. But my inner self just can't believe anyone would love me like that.
I just don't know. I wonder if River Song feels like this. Like no one *truly* loves her. 🙃
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jolienrouge · 4 years
A guy is giving mixed signals, nothing special. Today is my 14th birthday. Also nothing special. 😶
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stillebesat · 5 years
Me: *posts on social media that I don't want to answer or be asked any more questions until tomorrow*
Guys: *immediately come out of the woodwork to ask me questions*
Me: *waits until the next day to answer*
Guys: *2 seconds later* I ThOUgHt YOu DiDn't WAnt tO ANsWEr QuESTioNS!!!
Me: And I thought you could read.
Me: I said I wouldn't answer questions yesterday and would answer them tomorrow.
Me: Guess what today is? Yesterday's tomorrow. Therefore I'm answering questions.
Guys: *crickets*
Me: Exactly.
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colorfulbean-blog · 6 years
love when your boyfriend breaks up with you after you buy him a plane ticket...
yes i am salty
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petitelily · 5 years
I hate when boys are all like “I’m not ready”
Bitch, then don’t talk to me ...the fuck you getting me excited for ...
But here’s me low key clinging onto that little hope that doesn’t exist...
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healeremeline · 6 years
She stares at the linkpearl for a long time.  It hadn’t moved from the table since his fingers placed it there with such gentle care. “If you should need me...” is uttered. She barely hears him say it through the pounding of her heart and tears. 
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A goodbye so needed and yet so weighted with emotions. He says he will travel to the east to his friend who will help him. She pleads for him to do this for himself not her. For he has already broken her heart. Their friendship on the brink of something more, when tested, failed. 
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chibichrissychan · 6 years
That moment when two different people in the course of a month thought you looked like a man.
Not really helping my body image guys.
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Hey! So this weekend my mom and grandma came up from my home state and we all went to a basketball game. I sat with the guy I like and my other friends that are in his same frat. It was a lot of fun! We ended up getting on TV which was amazing. It’s always so fun to have people text you and be like “I SAW YOU ON TV!” Then my crush, from now on we call him Jake, went to eat dinner together and we all ended up back at my mom and grandmas hotel room. We played card games and just had a grand time. Then Jake and I stayed up drinking lol and he still has not made a move yet! It is the most frustrating thing in the whole world! Has this ever happened to you? Advice needed from anyone who happens to come across this...
Sorry this was boring but I mean the whole point of me doing this is to get things off my chest.
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qofteeee · 5 years
Does anyone else want to smack the shit out of boys or is it just me ?
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lunaquariaa · 7 years
can you look at my heart strings ? while you pull and tug, the places where you left love, sugar coated with lies and pain. I still feel your touch, like soot blackening my skin, decaying and removing all the warmth you left on me. how can your finger tips be soft kind and caring on the surface? while they wreck havoc underneath my skin. they grab at my insides and tear and tear, and I always ignore that they are there. how can you hold me so tight? knowing you’re crushing me, slowing destroying my heart. while I look out the window of your lies, the cold rainy days you always bring when you leave, the domino effect of a heart broken you proceed, and you will leave… i know that in my heart. but I can’t stop thinking about those finger tips.. and how they make me see something else.
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I'm still in a small way, hurting inside. I can't help but think if things were differently between I and Kaleb that maybe we'd be just friends right now, rather than nothing at all. He was the one I told all my good news to, I could talk to him about anything. And no matter what the ending choice would've been, I still I wanted him apart of my life. However, the ignoring me for no reason really blew me. What did I do for you to ignore me? Because that hurt my feelings, I came to a decision to just walk away for good. Maybe in the future we could be friends but right now, I just think it's best we keep our distance. Then this stuff with Brandon. It's hard to look past his faults. He lets me struggle with our children and the one time I ask for help regarding them, it's always some excuse. Idk, I just wanna be done with him for good. So I've decided to take the necessary steps needed to make sure he's out and stays out. I'm tired of hoping that one day he'll step up and be a real man. It's draining and depressing that he so badly wanted kids now that we have them, he still continues to act selfishly. He's pathetic.
At this point, I'm just keeping my guard up until someone comes along and goes above and beyond to show me they're serious about me and can step up to the plate. The understanding, caring, and honesty traits that Kaleb possessed are what I'm looking for right along with much more. Until then, I'm gonna take care of my kid's and myself. We're important than anyone else and always will be.
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clairbear92 · 5 years
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Omg! Story Of My Life Y'all 😣😪😆 #AyeNo #ICanRelate #BoysAreDumb https://www.instagram.com/p/BwKiq4tHMSg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=25wzbzyxmnq7
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mvnroexx · 7 years
My boyfriend is a night owl who gets upset whenever I go spend the night in his dorm because I sleep at night. I'm currently taking 16 hours and working two jobs along with trying maintain a bit of a social life so these few hours of sleep I get at night are all that keeps me going. He doesn't see it that way so he does everything he can to try and keep me up with him at 1 am even though I have to be at work from 8 am to 4 pm without a actual break 🙃🙃 At least two days out of the week I work both jobs the same day and go to my classes and he doesn't get why I am tired. Early morning shift at job one then midday classes and right after that a closing shift at jon two. But his favorite line is "All you do is sleep 😒." Howwwwwww 🙃🙃🙃
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sr254990-blog · 8 years
Cheater, Cheater pumpkin eater
Bono is a great friend to Troy for the simply fact that he calls him out on his mistake because he doesn't want to see him get hurt. It blows my mind that Troy has the audacity to tell Bono that he still loves Rose and that there is no better woman than her, because if either of those were the case, he wouldn't have cheated. I wonder if that is what he was doing when he tells Rose that he is going to his friends house to listen to the baseball game. My heart hurts for Rose. She puts up with his nasty comments, cooks and cleans for him, just so that he can run off and get another girl pregnant.
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glamwitchstyle · 7 years
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I got 99 problems and definitely on this app at least 47% are lazy bitches who just write, "Hey" 😂 #okcupid #onlinedating #boysaredumb #swiperight #irreverencemakeseverythingfunner
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jolienrouge · 4 years
Boys are like a TV show drama. You fall for one, and you think they will continue to give you the love you expect. But really, it’s all a joke to them. In my scenario, I like the drama and the drama likes me. But the drama doesn’t want to continue. Not for anyone else, not for me, but just for themselves.
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