#boz poseidon x reader
roguerambles · 1 month
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Hades: "Alright, do either of you feel like sharing why we're here?"
Poseidon: "Don't look at me - Zeus called me here?"
Zeus: "...no, Hades called me?"
Hades: "Why in Tartarus would I summon you both to some island in the middle of the sea? I've got enough on my hands trying to get the Underworld in working order--"
Reader: "How lovely of you three to join me! I suppose its "Your Majesties" now?"
Poseidon: "Ah. I thought I sensed you nearby."
Hades: "Of course. Dare I ask what you're scheming this time?"
Reader: "You wound me, Hades! But, I suppose, it is best to get the point. You may have heard, Hera is proposing a marriage between myself and Ares..."
Poseidon: "She is?"
Zeus: "Oh. Yes, she might have mentioned it....this displeases you?"
Reader: *slowly caresses Zeus's arm* "I am displeased at the thought of being...tied down. Especially so soon after our victory over the Titans. Isn't now the time for...pleasure?"
Zeus: ".....you make a...compelling argument--"
Hades: "Zeus!"
Poseidon: "Only a fool would anger Hera. You should--*trails off as Reader turns her attention to him, toying with his beard* "...we...should...why exactly did you summon us here?"
Reader: "Because I have more than a few fantasies involving you three, and I want to indulge them while I have the chance."
Hades: "Have you completely lost your mind--"
Reader: *slips her dress off, letting it fall to the ground*
Hades, Poseidon, Zeus: "......"
Reader: "...well?"
Zeus: ".....come here to me--"
Hades: "ZEUS! She's going to marry your son!"
Zeus: "...I mean, she hasn't married him yet--"
Hades: "ZEUS!"
Poseidon: "She has a point. Haven't we earned a little indulgence. With such a lovely creature--"
Hades: "You are both insane. Hera will--"
Reader: "Oh, I called in a little favour with Aphrodite." *caresses Hades's chest* "We won't have any interruptions. Now...why don't I show you all where the bedroom is...?" *strolls off seductively*
Hades: "....I swear on the River Styx, we are never talking about this again--"
Reader: *over shoulder* "I don't mind not talking about it again, as long as you swear doing it again isn't completely off the table."
Zeus and Poseidon: *looking to Hades eagerly*
Hades: "....Fates damn it all, fine!"
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demigoddessqueens · 5 days
Hello! Are you taking requests? I have a slightly silly Blood of Zeus request for Poseidon, if that's okay? (ocean man needs more love)
Reader is a lesser goddess of desire (sort of a handmaiden to Aphrodite) who catches Poseidon's eye. The attraction is mutual, but every time Poseidon and Reader try to sneak off together to, er...enjoy each other's company (wink wink nudge nudge) they keep getting interrupted by Hermes with a message, or Zeus or Hera wanting to talk to Poseidon (after a few times Reader is like how about we just go to Atlantis I'm about to lose my mind haha)
Yes anon, YEESSSS!
a/n - all are highly suggestive, if you know what I mean 😉😏
Masterlist 11
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He thought you more beautiful than the goddess but he dare not say that aloud if it meant you faced her wrath
It didn’t deter the sea god’s advances to have you whenever there was time alone
There was a time you both were in the gardens. Kisses were more fervent and growing heated, trapped beneath those muscular arms
You can hear the fluttering of Hermes approaching, signaling to Poseidon that it’s too close to be caught
Another was during a Summit meeting for the rest of Olympus led by the King and Queen
Meanwhile you two are still locked in embrace, you still barely clothed as he had snuck in to see you before the meeting. The indignant voices of your respective leaders calling out to you is alerting enough as you try to separate from each other.
There were other smaller incidents that follow afterwards that leave you entirely flustered and frustrated
Once you and Poseidon meet again, you bring a proposition
“Please, just indulge me for once in escaping to Atlantis, away from my goddess and the rest of the gossiping crowds.”
You don’t have to tell him twice before Poseidon scoops you away in the waves
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kawaiigirly21 · 24 days
Do you guys think Natasha should give Ares a second chance? I feel like if he keeps up with the jealous ex husband routine, he might just attract her again. One of the things that made Natasha so attracted to him in the first place was his aggression and passion for violence and war. Weird, but what girl doesn't want a lover who'd rip out someone's spine and gift it to them as a precious leash for her lion? (Whose ever spine it was is still up for debate). He might might might just have another chance, if he ditches Aphrodite which he's probably willing to do. OR should Natasha completely be over him and get with the man who has been preparing for a proposal since the 3some. This guy has been trying to find the courage to ask her to marry him. He knows that she'll have to adapt to life underwater and it might be hard for her. But he's willing to help and teach her, if that means he gets to spend the rest of his immortal life with the woman of his dreams safe in his arms. Or should she get with any other man who wants her? Apollo and Hyacinthis have expressed their interest in her. Dionysus is so pussy whipped he can't think straight. Hephaestus knows she won't choose him. But he likes to dream. Heron and Seraphim are fairly new to the love game but are willing to go all in. Hermes absolutely adores Natasha like no other. One might say his love for her makes him a bit feral. Who should she choose? Who deserves her heart?
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love-of-fandoms · 2 years
Well, now you’ve got me hooked on the tale of Zeus and Hera’s lover Nymphie and lovesick Poseidon :D I kinda wanna throw him a bone if it’s okay to make another request?
Maybe Nymphie (that’s adorable af btw) gets into some kind of trouble with some nereids and is injured, Poseidon intervenes to prevent them from meeting a rather unpleasant, watery situation and carries them back to Olympus? (doing his level best to ignore a wet, shivering Nymphie pressed against him, he’s actually trying to be a gentlemen here, damn it Aphrodite-)
Nymphie warms up to him along the way, and once safely deposited goes to kiss Poseidon’s cheek, but (he SWEARS accidentally) moves slightly and ends up with one directly on the lips. There’s a flustered moment between them, but they kind of melt into it (Poseidon is a good kisser, okay) until Nymphie pulls away after a few heated moments, gives a flustered thanks, and darts off.
Poseidon can’t help but be a /little/ pleased that his attraction isn’t totally one-sided, but refrains from saying anything to avoid all Tartarus breaking loose-
A/N: I loved this request!! Here ya go!
Previous Parts:
The Game
The Referee
The Awkward Boner Situation
Warnings: Near death situation
It’s not your fault that Neso and Nesaie stranded you on that island. Technically, it wasn’t their fault either, for forgetting that land nymphs couldn’t traverse the sea in the blink of an eye like they could.
That no one was really to blame still didn’t change the fact that you were stranded on a very small island. You weren’t even sure if you could call it an island, more of a small grouping of boulders. There wasn’t even any soil, otherwise you would have turned into a tree to wait for someone to come by. Instead you had to debate trying to swim to land with vegetation or staying and hoping sailors would come by. Neso and Nesaie weren’t coming back that much you knew.
“Alright then,” you muttered to yourself, giving your body a quick shake before jumping into the ocean. A couple of curses escaped your mouth as you began to swim towards land. As a dryad you could always feel a pull towards the roots, urging you to rejoin them as a tree and tunnel your own roots deep into the earth. You followed this pull, knowing it would take you to the closest tree, and thus, closest patch of land.
It was just your luck that Phorkys was playing with one of his children near the surface. Or perhaps he was trying to reign in one of his children who got too close to the surface… Either way before you could process the blob underwater that was approaching you all too swiftly a giant tailfin had breached the surface just next to you, violently thrashing about in the waters. You were thrown up into the air for a terrifying moment before you hit the water again at an uncomfortable angle. You tried to swim back up, but the currents caused by the sea monster’s thrashing battered you down further and further.
Your chest hurt, and you could feel the flowers in your hair rotting and falling away. Contrary to popular beliefs, nymphs could in fact die. In fact they could die much easier than the gods, and for you… apparently drowning was all it took.
Darkness took your vision as rotted carnation and lilies danced around you, thrashed by the current in the same way your body was.
Poseidon had heard Phorkys was having trouble reigning in one of his children in the Mediterranean Sea and was on his way to contain the beast when a flash of color caught the corner of his eye. He turned to look and felt ice-cold terror strike through his heart at the site of the land-nymph he had become infatuated with. Your robe flowed around them ethereally, but rotting flowers surrounded you.
He shouted your name, by your side in an instant and he used his magic to allow you to breathe. A trick for land-dwellers to visit his kingdom that he had used on yourself and your lovers not even a month ago. He held you tight to his body, eyes narrowing. Within seconds he had broken the surface and was glaring fiercely at Phorkys, who had the gall to look sheepish.
“About time you arrived, little god!” the old Titan greeted before gesturing to his child. “Some help taking Scylla back home?” he asked, grunting as he dodged a bite from one of the beasts on her tentacles. 
It took Poseidon barely a minute to get the great sea monster under control, fury and an urge to get his little land-nymph out of harm's way as quickly as possible egging him on. He didn’t even spare Phorkys a glance as the beast was dragged back beneath the surface and far into the depths. Instead within a matter of seconds he was on shore, laying you along the roots of the first tree he found and began scanning your body for injury. He called your name a couple of times, lightly tapping your cheeks. You remained unresponsive, and after a couple moments of nothing he finally remembered what happened when land dwellers drowned.
Raising a shaking hand over your chest, Poseidon felt for the sea water within and gently tugged it out. No matter how gentle he was as he manipulated his magic he couldn’t prevent the violent coughing fit that escaped you, sea water stinging your throat as it made its way up and out. All the while, Poseidon was there with a soothing hand rubbing up and down your back.
Once you coughed up the last of the seawater, you turned your head slightly to see the sea god with a kind look on his face.
“You alright?” he asked, and you grimaced.
“Well, I almost fucking drowned,” you rasped out, holding a hand to your throat at the sting speaking caused. Poseidon noticed and gently took your hand in his.
“Actually, perhaps it’s best you don’t speak,” he told you gently, and you nodded. “Let’s get you back to Olympus, shall we?” his hands hovered around you for a moment, waiting for another nod before he scooped you up and against his chest in a bridal carry. Tired beyond belief, you let your head rest against his bare chest, not at all noticing the flustered look that overtook the sea god’s face.
It only took a couple of minutes for Poseidon to propel the two of you to Olympus. He set you down in the gardens and called for one of the nymphs lounging among the irises to run and get the king and queen before turning back to you.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, and you smiled sheepishly up at him.
“I-I’m alright,” you muttered, before reaching a hand up to cup his cheek. “Thank you for saving me,” you said, smile a bit wider now, and he flustered, clearing his throat and you could’ve sworn you saw his cheeks coloring a bit.
“Of course,” he grunted, looking around as if expecting Zeus to come around and strike him with a lightning bolt at any moment. When he looked back at you he found himself unintentionally redirecting the kiss that had been meant for his cheek. Without thinking he melted into your lips, kissing you with a fervor you were entirely unprepared for. You were entirely unprepared for the sensation of his lips against yours, for one, but the passion with which he kissed you wasn’t just unexpected it was… electrifying. You found yourself coaxed into shyly brushing your lips against his, not quite matching his passion but not at all unsettled as you might have expected. A large hand cupped the side of your face, and your hand went to wind its way into his long white locks before-
“My love!” Hera and Zeus were rushing into the garden, and Poseidon shoved himself away from you, standing far away and leaving you dazed and flushed. You blinked slowly at him, tilting your head a bit before your lovers were upon you and fussing over you.
“I’m okay,” you assured them, basking in the familiar attention of your lovers and accepting a kiss from each of them. “Poseidon saved me,”
“But what were you doing out there?” As Hera fussed over you some more, Poseidon did his best to ignore the self-satisfied look on his brother’s face as he smirked at him over your head.
It was a moment of weakness, that was all.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Hello, I just watched Blood of Zeus and I was wondering if I could request headcanons of the gods where they have watched over and fell in love with a mortal who is warrior who protects others but has a heart of gold 💙
It has been so long since I’ve had a BoZ request!! Omg 😱 thank you so much!! 💕
I added the gods who had major speaking roles or who were front and center in the more action-y scenes
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Apollo - he’s so smitten by you and all that you do and loves admiring your battle prowess
Zeus - curious and immediately wants to get to know you
Hera - to pique the Queen of Olympus’s curiosity is no easy task, yet she scries to constantly see you fight or just what you do in the domestic hold
Hermes - eagerly rushes to wherever you are fighting and can’t help but disguise himself just to see you
Ares - thinks you’re a bit of a show off yet can’t help but always keep track of you and admire you
Hades - has noticed the more influx of souls since your battles and has to see for himself, an armored flower as he liked to call you
Aphrodite - admires your form and tenacity, eager to make plans to see and talk to you soon
Dionysus - it’s not the wine that makes him blush but admiring your form and happy-go-lucky ness that complements his
Poseidon - perhaps he could learn a thing or two from you as he peers from the waters when you wash after a victory
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demigoddessqueens · 5 days
Slightly silly Blood of Zeus request but Reader pulls an Aphrodite and emerges from the sea Birth of Venus style and has all the gods on Olympus (Apollo, Hermes, Ares, Poseidon, Zeus) hot under their barely existing collars (Reader finds them stumbling over themselves simply hilarious and thinks they'll like their new home on Olympus)
I’m picturing this in my mind and I
Masterlist 11
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Apollo immediately turns on the charm and rushes to your side to talk to you, unknowingly threading his fingers through his hair when he’s nervous
Hermes feels as if he’s fallen into the deepest pits of Tartarus, like he’s about to combust at any moment but perhaps a sweet kindred would be refreshing besides the ogling you’re receiving
Ares lives and breathes for the hunt and war but he’s entirely left mindless and numb when you’re strutting by, heart pulsing when you smile at him, flexing his muscles to impress you
Poseidon can’t tear his eyes off your form, hair wrapping around to accent your immaculate body, but of course you look as you do because you came from his domain
Zeus is a King who fights against every fiber to adore you, save for the undignified display he would make of himself and the rumblings of the Queen
Hera is massaging her temples in frustration as she sees all the gods
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kawaiigirly21 · 2 days
Gem of Olympus 6
"Wait, say that again. I'm afraid I didn't hear you correctly. You…want…her…back?” Apollo stared at his brother as he sat across from him in the large garden. “Yes Apollo! I want her back! I-i miss her. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I can barely look at Aphrodite without wishing she was… Natasha… I still love her. I don't think I ever stopped…” Ares put his head in his hands. This was one of the very first times he displayed his true emotions in front of anyone besides the goddess he was previously married to.
Apollo sighed as he took his eyes away from his brother to look at his wine glass. “Look Ares, I'm sure your feelings are genuine but do you know how much you hurt her? She unraveled because of you. Her confidence became undone. And so did her clothing. She went around starting affairs to compensate for what you did to her. She never once doubted her beauty until you planted those seeds of deceit and pain. She simply did all those things to feel beautiful again. To regain some semblance of power. Control.”
Ares could do nothing but simply listen to his brother as he spoke words of truth to him. His ears now finally opened and his mind cleared to truly understand what he had done. “I don't doubt your love for her, Ares. In fact when you two first started courting, I had never seen you so happy. But she's no longer yours. And if you want her back. If you want to be her husband once more, you have a lot to work on.” Apollo then stood from his chair and walked past his sulking brother.
“Now if you'll excuse me, I do have to get going. I do believe I hear mortals praying for me to heal their sick. Till tonight brother.” Ares simply waved his brother off and made his way out of the garden. He knew Apollo was telling the truth. He had much to work on. Such as getting rid of Aphrodite. Elsewhere on Olympus, Poseidon and Hera were planning his proposal. As Hera was the goddess of marriage, she jumped at the opportunity to help her brother wed Natasha.
“She did say she liked Dolphins right? Or was it tiger sharks… this is stressing me out…” Poseidon sighed as his eyes scanned the parchment in front of him. “It was indeed tiger sharks. Please don't let this bother you. It's just a proposal. It's not the wedding… yet.” Poseidon nodded before grabbing a pen. “I just want this to be perfect… I love her Hera… I truly do..” Hera smiled warmly. “I know you do. I can tell. Now back to the planning, you want to do this when?” Poseidon quickly answered. “The day after tomorrow! I don't want to wait any longer!”
While the two continued their planning, Hades, Persephone and Natasha were playing with Cerberus. “Come on boy! Come on! Go get it!!” Natasha smiled brightly as she watched the three headed dog run off to fetch the log she threw. “It's hard to believe he used to be so small you could hold him in one hand. Now look at him.” Persephone put a loving hand on her niece's shoulder as she led her to their usual table. “We have much to discuss my dear.” Hades spoke as he took a seat besides her.
Natasha knew exactly what it was they were about to discuss and smiled as the gossip flew. “Then she claimed she didn't know I was there. Can you believe that?” Natasha sipped her tea as she listened closely to her uncle's story. “Ugh unbelievable!” She added. “I personally wouldn't have tolerated such disrespect!” Persephone said. Once every month, Natasha traveled to the underworld for 3 days to spend time with her aunt and uncle. Most of the time, it was tea, cakes and all the gossip they could stand.
Other times....“Ah! Oh! There! There! Mm!!” Hades growled in Natasha's ear as he took her from behind. “Put that mouth to good use, darling.” Persephone purred as she led Natasha's head to her pussy. “Ah~ good girl~ mm~” Hades smirked as he pushed himself deeper into Natasha's weeping cunt. “Agh shit!! So tight you are little one! Fuck!!” Persephone smiled as she pet Natasha’s head. “Oh fuuuuck~ You’re too good at this~”
Later that day, Natasha laid in her bed reminiscing about her past affairs and her previous lovers while petting her lion. “Hmmm Hercules gave you to me. You big ball of fluff.” The nemean lion simply yawned while snuggling close to her. “Not much to say on that. You’re so spoiled.” As Natasha looked up at her ceiling, she heard a soft yet firm knock at her door. “It's open.” Fully expecting to see Hermes, considering his knocks were the only kind that sounded that way, the goddess’ eyes widened when the man in her chambers was not in fact Hermes but Ares.
“Do you have a minute?” He asked with a hand rubbing the back of his neck. “Um…sure. What is it?” Natasha moved from her lying position to sitting up with Leo, her lion, moving to place his head on her lap and continue his nap. “I um..here. These are for you. They’re your favorite right?” Ares asked as he pulled a bouquet of belladonnas from behind him. “Yes they are. I didn’t know you knew. Place them on my night table. I’ll vase them once Leo moves his large head.” The war god nodded as he placed the flowers down and stood in front of Natasha awkwardly.
“You may sit Ares. I’m not forcing you to stand.” As the god found a chair to sit in, Natasha watched confused. Why was he so awkward and nervous? He wasn’t even like that when they first started courting. “I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other night…and for …everything…” This threw Natasha for a major fucking loop. Ares? Apologizing?! Since when!? “Oh well…You’re forgiven…at what cost though?” Natasha eyed her Ex husband suspiciously. “What do you mean? Can I not apologize without having an ulterior motive?”
Natasha immediately shook her head and stroked Leo’s mane while he purred loudly. “No. Not from what I've seen.” Ares sighed as his head hung low. “I beg for your forgiveness. Not for the benefit of myself, but for my love for you…” Natasha’s eye twitched as she watched in disbelief.
"Your love for me? When did you ever have love for me?! You cannot just come in here Ares and expect me to embrace you with open arms! After what you did to me?! You’re grateful that I even accepted your flowers and allowed you into my chambers! You want my forgiveness?! Work for it! Now…If you'll excuse me, I must get ready for bed. Goodnight.” Ares left the room tight lipped and humiliated. It wasn’t as if he expected her to take him back right away but he definitely wasn’t expecting that reaction either.
As the war god moved to make his way to his own room, He stopped in his tracks when his ears caught the condescending chuckle of his uncle. “Didn’t go as you planned, did it?” Poseidon asked as he appeared from his place behind a pillar. “How long were you there?” Ares asked as his eyes squinted. “Long enough to know I have more of a chance than I once thought.” Ares stepped to his uncle with an angered expression on his face. “And just what is that supposed to mean?” Poseidon simply smirked as he walked past his nephew.
“Exactly what you think nephew. You had your chance. Now let me show you how a real man charms a woman.” Watching in irritation, Ares’ eyes widened as Poseidon not only knocked on Natasha’s door with a much firmer sound that just screamed authority and confidence but that it looked as if Natasha scrambled to open the door and immediately let the king of the seas in. while she was dressed in her finest nightgown as well. Before the door closed, Poseidon sent an all knowing smirk Ares’ way. It became all so clear then. This was war. And Ares was determined not to lose.
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love-of-fandoms · 3 years
Request: [Thank you for doing my request. If possible I would love to requests a part two for hades, posiden, Zeus, and Apollo. Where they learn their child had their opposite epitaph. ( god of all living things, god of nature, god of rebellion, god of disease and devastation) respectively. /I really like the Apollo and hades ones since their on the polar opposite of their fathers/ THANK YOU!]
Thank you for the request! And also thank you for this specifically because the first one was such a great idea and I wanted to do it for the other gods but couldn't think of epitaphs so rock on!
These ones turned out a bit more angst than the others... oh well
Hades w/ a child dubbed god of all living things
You always did enjoy roaming your mother Persephone's gardens as opposed to overseeing the souls of the underworld
Honestly, Hades was hoping you would take after your mother
Thought you would be granted a minor epitaph like god of flowers or something
He was allowed up to Olympus on the day your got your epitaph from the fates
You come out with vines growing within your hair, as well as a new animal familar
Honestly, being one of the big three he should've anticipated his child would be something a bit more powerful than god of flowers
It's really hard for both of you because being in the underworld, which had up until this point been your home, physically hurts you
Hades loves you and doesn't want you to be in pain, but the times he would be allowed topside to see you would be few and far between
Hermes ferries messages between the two of you at least once a day
You two only really see each other once a year, when Persephone leaves the Underworld, Hades is granted the day to spend with the two of you on Olympus
Probably grows even more resent for his brothers because of this
Poseidon w/ a child dubbed god of nature
Honestly, Poseidon was expecting you to be dubbed god of sea creatures or something, maybe sea flora
You spent most of your time down in the ocean with him
The Great Barrier Reef? That was the garden you decided to build when you were a child
Since Poseidon expects you to be dubbed something to do with sea life, he trains you to be a Princess of the Oceans
You become very important to his governing of the seas
You two travel to Olympus for you to receive your epitaph and he's unworried
He goes and hangs out with Athena
Similar to Hades' kid, you leave the sanctum with flowers and vines strewn in with your hair, wearing all green
Poseidon didn't understand why you were scared of his reaction when you first told him
Then you had to explain to him that you were god of all nature, not just sea nature, and as such would be needed all over the world, on land as well
That is... not what he was hoping for
You make it work, your duties in Poseidon's court reduced to matters you could deal with quickly
You still live in the Oceans with your father
Just a lot of your time when you're awake is spent on land, coordinating with nymphs and other creatures to protect nature from the humans best you can
Zeus w/ a child dubbed god of rebellion
Hera is honestly more upset than him
Let's be honest, Zeus wasn't a very present father
He had so many other children, but spent time with barely any of them until they were adults
As such he didn't really have any expectations when you received your epitaph
Wasn't even waiting for you when you left the sanctum wearing armor and war paint streaked across your body, hair wild
When I said Hera was upset? I meant with him
She blames him for your rebellious nature
"Maybe if you were a bit more present, they wouldn't have turned out this way!!"
You end up living in the underworld with Hades because of a fallout with your father
Not a rebellion, just a fallout
Though you do encourage many more rebellions than usual around that time
Ares loves you!
You cause wars! Favorite sibling status achieved!
You would be on Hera's side with the Giants
Apollo w/ a child dubbed god of disease and devastation
Let's be honest, you were probably the result of a random tryst
Apollo might not even know about you until your birth
Your mother died in childbirth after a very tough pregnancy
You were a sickly child, and spent a lot of time with your brother Asclepius, god of medicine, as a result
No matter what he tried, he could never fully cure you
Nobody was surprised the day you got your epitaph
Since your epitaph was such a dismal one, you were sent to live in the underworld with Hades
Apollo probably blames himself
He can't even rationalize it, but he always thinks if he was just there for you more
Probably because of his guilt, he has Hermes pass you messages every day
Despite your epitaph, you still enjoy the arts like your father, so occasionally you'll send Hermes back with a new art piece
The Black Plague? That was a rough couple centuries for you... you were bed bound for most of it, and kept apologizing to Hades for the surplus of souls entering the underworld, but really, you have no control over your power
Part 1 with Ares, Hermes, and Athena here
Part 3 with Demeter and Aphrodite here
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roguerambles · 3 years
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Blood of Zeus Fic - Zeus x Reader x Hera
Warning - NSFW. Adult Situations. The Olympians being chaotic horny drunks. 18+ Only.
Probably the same Reader from “Tasting Lightning”, “Golden Threads” and “Between Kings.” Zeus and Hera are a match made in Hades, but they also kinda pretty lol. Tagging @icy-spicy​ because I fully blame them for sending me on the Blood of Zeus kick I’ve been on recently :D
“Gods and Goddesses.” Dionysus raised his glass high over his head, very nearly splashing it’s contents over Apollo’s head, who ducked exaggeratedly out of the way, sprawling across Hyacinth’s lap and sending him into a seemingly uncontrollable fit of laughter. “I do believe I have done it again!”
When Dionysus had arrived in the courtyard, dragging what appeared to be a large barrel of wine behind him and declaring he had created “the finest ambrosia in all of Olympus” you did not think much of it – he did this fairly often, and while his creations were indeed always delicious, he exuberance on this occasion stood out.
…seeing as it had only taken a few sips for everyone present for everyone to become happily, ridiculously inebriated, you supposed you could understand why.
“Excellent work as always, Dio.” Zeus rumbled. He was sprawled along a kline, sipping lazily from a glass, gazing up at the sky with a rather dreamy expression. “Say, Poseidon, does that cloud look like a horse to you?”
“Zeus, you command the clouds.” Poseidon said dryly, his head in Aphrodite’s lap – you were not quite sure when that happened, but the two seemed cosy enough. Zeus tilted his head and caught you eyeing them, flashing a conspiratorial grin. His patted his thigh invitingly, and without much thought at all you slid into his lap, laying down to cuddle against his broad chest. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around you, fingers lightly stroking your arm. Why should Aphrodite have all the fun?
Hyacinth’s laughing fit calmed slightly, his arms wrapping loosely around Apollo. “Dionysus, what did you put in this?” He gestured to Apollo’s – very empty – glass, abandoned on a nearby table.
Dionysus grinned, flopping back onto the mountain of pillows he’d made for himself and Ariadne. She rested her head on her husband’s shoulder as he came beside her, her expression sweet and sleepy. “I had a little talk with the Oneiroi.” He declared, wrapping an arm around Ariadne’s slender shoulders.
“The Oneiroi had a hand in this?” Ares demanded through gritted teeth. He had drank maybe a quarter of his glass before very suddenly challenging Athena to arm-wrestle. The Goddess of Strategy appeared to be winning, her expression composed, but Ares’s bicep bulged as he refused to give way. You could barely see them behind the crowd of tipsy nymphs and satyrs watching with fascination, Hermes cheerfully placing bets. Perhaps that was why he had said nothing about you currently being sprawled across his father.
“That explains…that.” Apollo said vaguely, softly stroking Hyacinth’s jaw. “Everything looks…dreamy.” You could see what he meant – everything seemed a little brighter, felt a little warmer, the atmosphere wrapped around you like a blanket. At the same time you felt confident, like nothing could possibly harm you.
…this was a dangerous concoction.
Ariadne murmured something in Dionysus’s ear, making him smile brightly. He immediately tucked his arms under her, lifting her against him as he stood. “Apologies, but my lady wishes to retire.” He waggled his eyebrows playfully as he retreated, Ariadne secure in his arms. “Do not do anything I would not do!”
“That’s a rather wide opening you leave us!” You call after him, waving lazily. You fell back against Zeus, tilting your head to nuzzle against his neck. He felt warm and solid beneath you, and you wriggled to get closer.
“Enough!” Ares barked suddenly, wrenching his hand free – the crowd groaned in disappointment. “To the arena! We settle this the old fashioned way.”
Athena sighed, rising from her seat. “You believe your chances of victory will improve if you completely change the battlefield?” She tutted. “Hardly a plan of action you can rely on in a real war, Ares.”
Ares growled something under his breath, storming in the direction of the arena. Athena followed, taking the crowd with her. Hermes grinned mischievously, darting after them. Soon all that remained were those whose Dionysus’s new creation had left feeling charged in a different manner.
Zeus’s fingers glided down your side and along your thigh, Aphrodite’s laugh, sweet and playful as she pulled Poseidon onto the kline with her, hands running over his broad, sun-kissed back. You were very aware there were many prying eyes around, but Zeus’s lips were on your neck, his beard rubbing pleasantly against your skin and Fates that was all you cared about right now. You rolled over, pushing him back against the kline, your lips meeting his greedily as he gripped your lower back and yanked you closer.
Long, nimble fingers softly cupped your jaw, and you pulled away slightly from Zeus, turning just in time to see Apollo’s playful grin before he leaned in, catching your lips against his. You hummed in surprise, before returning the kiss with a playful purr.
Zeus grumbled, leaning his head back against the kline. “…Apollo.” He said with mock sternness, his palm slowly roaming along your thigh, leaving tiny sparks in their wake that made you flesh sing. “…we were rather in the middle of something.”
Apollo’s lips left yours to move down your neck, trailing fire across your skin as you gasped and eagerly tilted your head to give him better access. You glanced over at Zeus, watching Hyacinth thread his fingers in the King of the Skies hair, pulling his head back, flashing you an enticing grin. Zeus gave a pleased hiss, his hips arching just under yours as Hyacinth leaned down to kiss him deeply, his free hand running down Zeus’s broad chest to reach the clasp of his clothing-
“What is going on here?!”
Hera’s voice rang out over the courtyard and the effect was instantaneous. Hyacinth jumped back from Zeus with a disappointed groan, while Zeus leapt from the kline, his clothing hanging around his hips, knocking you over. You yelped in alarm, tumbling from Apollo’s embrace and onto the opposite kline, crashing into Aphrodite and Poseidon. Aphrodite’s arm slipped around your waist, catching you and pulling you into Poseidon’s lap with her, just as the Queen of the Heavens marched into the courtyard.
“Hera!” Zeus yelled jovially, his arms wide as he approached her, making absolutely no attempt to fix his clothing. The Queen’s eyes narrowed as she noted his bare chest, and the clear signs of brewing debauchery around her, her pretty lips forming a sharp frown. She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Zeus suddenly wrapping his arms around her waist, lifting her into the air and spinning.
“Zeus, what in the underworld are you doing?!”
Zeus grinned foolishly, leaning up to pepper his wife’s face with kisses. She squirmed and swatted at him, but you couldn’t help but notice her anger melting into pleased bewilderment.
“…Dionysus made a new type of ambrosia.” Hermes said, and you jumped in surprise, having completely failed to notice his return. “Ares and Athena have broken multiple weapons at the training ground already.”
Hera sighed, shooting a stern look over you all. As stern as she could, with Zeus still holding her in the air. “…I will deal with you all in the morning.” She said, shaking her head. “Zeus, if you are not going to put me down will you at least carry me back to our chambers?”
Zeus cast a quick glance over Hera’s shoulders, images the nakedness that was surely going to ensure during his absence flashing in his mind, before pecking Hera’s shoulder. “Of course.” His gaze briefly lingered on you and Hyacinth in particular, before a small grin formed on his face as he suddenly took off, causing Hera to yelp and grip his shoulders as he darted towards the palace.
“Zeus, be careful-!”
Hermes chuckled as they went, his cheeks bright and red. “I wonder what Hera would think of Dionysus’s newest creation.” He mused aloud, and Apollo snorted with amusement.
“Careful. Those ravens of hers tell her everything-“
“Hermes.” Hyacinth said exasperatedly, grabbing Hermes’s belt and tugging him closer to him, without a trace of hesitation. “Hermes, stop talking and get naked.”
He pulled Hermes’s lips against his and the Messenger God made a muffled sound of amused surprise as they stumbled over a nearby kline. Apollo laughed, loud and carefree, as he slipped over to join them. Aphrodite giggled, curling a strand of Poseidon’s beard around her finger as she grabbed your hand, tugging you off his lap, soliciting a groan of protest that could have been from either of you. “My chambers.” She grinned as she pulled you along, Poseidon hoping off the kline and moving swiftly after you.
It was quite a time later before anyone on Olympus slept that night.
It was not until sleep finally came that another side-effect became clear to you.
Nestled between Poseidon and Aphrodite, in a tangle of naked limbs and silk sheets, you dreamt. Shadows danced along the marble halls, flowers bloomed bright under moonlight, waterfalls forming pools of stars in the fountains. Cool air brushed against your skin as you wandered, weightless and aimless, unsure of where you were or what you were looking for, the world around fading and reshaping at random.
“…the Oneiroi.” Zeus said wryly. You looked around to spot him sitting upright in a sprawling bed, furs and silks pooled around his waist as he looked around.
“You dream of being in bed?” You asked, giving him an amused look. “How boring. I expected more naked nymphs.”
“It’s early yet.” Zeus raised a brow at you, patting the bed, and you crawled in because this was a dream, why not? His arms slid around you as moved against his warm body, the feeling anchoring you to the bed as his lips brushed against yours.
“…Dionysus really has outdone himself…” He murmured, and now there was nothing between you, his hips sliding between your thighs, his body pressing you into a plush mattress, your nails raking down his shoulders. The details were a pleasant haze, but the feeling and impact was clear and sharp, like a vivid dream.
Zeus’s mouth pressed searing kisses down your chest and over your hips, your body arching, his name spilling from your lips, the sensation so distracting that you did not realise someone was grasping your jaw until your head was turned in their direction.
Soft, elegant fingers gripped you with surprising firmness as your eyes opened, to find Hera staring directly at you. You gasped, both from startled surprising, and Zeus’s kisses moving between your thighs, seemingly oblivious to anything else. You tried to speak, but Hera’s lips were suddenly on yours and you completely gave up trying to make sense of anything.
The Queen of the Heavens had very soft lips, full and plush, and her hands cupped your face with tenderness you had not expected. Cautiously, your hands moved to stroke through her hair, long and silky between your fingers. She bit down on your lower lip gently, pulling back with a small, playful smile, a finger brushing under your chin and you eagerly leaned after her as she moved slightly across the bed.
Zeus groaned as you slipped from his grasp, his large hands running up to stroke your hips. “What are you-“ His eyes widened to an almost comical degree when he saw you and Hera entangled together, his jaw hanging slightly open. “…Hera…?”
“Zeus.” Hera said between increasingly heated kisses with you, her fingers in your hair, her thigh sliding between yours. “For the sake of Olympus, do not talk.”
Zeus gawked for a few seconds, before obeying his wife’s command. He crawled up the bed, his hand running over your hip as he leaned in to press kisses along Hera’s shoulder, soliciting a pleased hum from her. Her lips left yours to meet his, and you moaned softly, writhing against them both in an attempt to get as much bare skin against your own as possible.
Fingers trailed lightning across skin, feather-light kisses and possessive grasps over bodies as the three of you explored each other, a tangle of teeth and hands and strokes and grasps, writhing together in a blissful haze. It became impossible to tell the sensations apart, Zeus’s tongue between your thighs sending lightning through your veins, Hera’s hands on your body and stroking masterfully against your flesh until you came undone under her touch, your bodies pushing and grinding in a delicious rhythm, their names tumbling from your lips, sometimes a sigh, sometimes a scream. Everything around you faded, all the matter was getting closer, sinking deeper into each other until something white-hot flared deep within, sending your bodies into a pulsing, writhing bliss that brought you crashing back to earth.
You were so hungover.
Hera sat at the end of the table, sipping from a glass with a neutral expression. All around the various Gods and Goddesses of Olympus were slumped in their seats, heads buried in hands, faces pressed against the table.
“…I see everyone is experiencing the proper consequences of last nights foolishness.” Hera said primly, and you would have lifted your head to face her while she spoke, but every word felt as though Hephaestus himself was slamming his hammer into you, so you merely kept your eyes shut and rationalised that if she smited you it would be better than this.
“Hephaestus says the damage to the arena is not that bad.” Dionysus said disgustingly cheerfully. “Which is impressive really considering Athena threw Ares that hard. Is he still sulking by the way? It’s not-“
“Dio.” Apollo said, his face buried in his arms. “I love you dearly, but if you say another word I will kill you.”
Aphrodite slumped against your side, eyes squeezed shut. You forced your head to turn, catching Hera’s gaze across the table. Zeus was slumped slightly beside her, his lips curving slightly upwards when he spotted you, but apparently even smiling hurt, causing him to flinch. Your eyes flicked back to Hera, images of last nights dream fluttering through your tired mind. Nobody else had said much of anything, but what had happened felt like more than just a dream…
Hera cleared her throat, her eyes moving elsewhere and you swore you saw a faint dusting of redness in her cheeks.
…it seemed you would have something to talk to the King and Queen of Olympus about later.
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roguerambles · 3 years
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Blood of Zeus Fic - Poseidon x Female Reader
Warnings - NSFW. Adult Situations. 18+ Only.
Same Reader from “Tasting Lightning” and “Between Kings.” I figured since Zeus got some one on one time, Poseidon deserved some as well :D
You were exhausted.
The final preparations for the annual Games on Olympus were almost complete – every god and goddess in Greece would be there, for days and days of gladiatorial matches and festivals and feasts and music. The event was always a pleasurable one, but it was the night before the opening ceremony in the Arena tomorrow and you had somehow been roped into helping the more combat orientated gods perform some last minute training for hours and all you wanted now was a bath.
Athena’s spear ripped through the wooden shield you were holding and you narrowly avoided being skewered. The Goddess of Strategy shot you a frown as you dropped the shield into the sand. “You were not even trying to dodge that one.”
“Because dodging incoming projectiles is for those who wish to live.” You flopped onto the ground, limbs aching. “Put me out of my misery already.”
She rolled her eyes, grabbing her spear. You groaned and struggled to your feet, thighs screaming in protest. The was a sharp crack of splintering wood and a cheer from Apollo as yet another of Hephaestus’s automatons collapsed nearby, it’s parts sprinkled with glowing arrows.
“Ares won’t know what hit him!” He slung an arm around Artemis’s shoulders as she lowered her bow, smiling at her twin’s enthusiasm. “The doubles match is ours.”
“Please.” The God of War grumbled, his hammer slung over his shoulders. “Athena and I will crush you, and then I will crush her.”
Athena snorted. “Betrayal only works so long as the intended party does not know of it, Ares.”
“You all seem raring to go.” You began to trudge towards the exit. “Clearly I am unneeded. See you all in the morning-“
“Hold it.” Athena was in front of you in an instant. “I need to you run and hold this shield-“
“I will not-“
Apollo appeared at your side suddenly, his smile bright. “Actually, I was wondering if you could sweet-talk Hephaestus into adding a few new upgrades to the chariot-“
“Why me-?”
“Forgot the chariot.” Ares approached, his frown deep, his hammer swinging at his side. “I need a better hammer. If I am going to best that blasted Hercules, then I-“
There was a loud clap of thunder, rumbling across the training grounds and drawing all your attention to end of the arena. Zeus stood by the exit, his expression amused as he observed you all.
“As much as I appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm…” The King of Olympus chuckled, before gesturing behind him. “…I think its time you all got some rest. Tomorrow’s the big day, after all.”
There was a collective groan among all of Zeus’s offspring, but you could have kissed him in relief. As everyone prepared to leave, You slipped from the group, moving sluggishly towards the exit as Zeus watched you with thinly veiled amusement.
“Having fun?” He asked innocently. You huffed, slumping dramatically into his side.
“I am no warrior. How do you all do this all the time?”
Zeus chuckled at you, shaking his head with a familiar glint in his eye. “Poor thing. I’ll walk you back to your room.”
“What?” Ares said suddenly. You glanced his way to see him approaching quickly, his expression melting into a scowl. “That is not needed, Father. I will do it.”
Zeus tilted his head curiously. “She does not need an escort? Or she does not require me to escort her?” He asked, sounding genuinely interested in the answer. Ares’s eyes darted between you both, colour rising in his cheeks.
“I…I simply mean…” He seemed to be struggling for words, which was quite unlike the God of War. Ares was a God of action, but he rarely fumbled in his speech.
Zeus took pity on his son. “Goodnight.” He smiled cheerfully, his tone making it clear Ares was dismissed.
The God of War cast a suspicious look your way, but you were too tired and sweaty to particularly care. You gave him a wave as you hooked your arm through Zeus’s, your cheek falling to rest against his arm. “Goodnight, Ares.”
Looking somewhat displeased, Ares bowed slightly, before slinging his hammer over his shoulder and walking away from the training grounds, his back disappearing around the corner. As soon as he was gone, Zeus chuckled softly. “I think you’ve made him jealous.”
“Me?” You turned to face Zeus slightly, pressing your chest against his arm in a way you knew he noticed. “You are the one who interrupted a sparring session to get me to yourself.”
Zeus tilted his head back, a booming laugh escaping him. “Oh? Is that what I did?”
“You’d better have.” You trailed a fingertip along the bare skin of his waistline, before slowly trailing up over his abdomen. “I need a bath. Join me.”
Zeus chuckled lowly as you moved around to face him directly, his eyes trailing lazily over your body as it pressed into him. “Is that a command?” He asked playfully, voice falling to a low, pleased rumble. “To your king?”
You ran your hands slowly over his broad shoulders, fingertips trailing softly down his large, toned pecs and sculpted abdomen, enjoying the way his eyes darkened at your touch. “A request from a humble subject.” You murmured, flashing a small grin. “Please join me in the bath, Zeus, and I promise to be very grateful.”
Zeus hummed, tilting his head in mock thought. “…ah, the burdens of kingship.” He bowed slightly, slipping his arm under you to lift you off your feet, pulling you against him as you squealed. “Quickly, before-“
Zeus’s grin faded slightly, and he gave a heavy sigh. “…Poseidon, have I ever said you have terrible timing?”
The King of the Seas rolled his eyes, his arms folded over his chest. “Be grateful it was my timing that inconvenienced you and not someone else’s.” He said dryly. “Demeter is searching for you. Apparently she has some choice words about Hades and Persephone’s sleeping arrangements.”
“Oh, by the Fates, not this again.” Zeus groaned, running a hand over his bearded face. “They’ve been married for years, where does she imagine Persephone sleeps in the Underworld?”
Poseidon shrugged his massive shoulders. Zeus looked around slightly, his arm tightening slightly around your waist. “…if you run I’ll tell.” Poseidon said flatly. Zeus made an offended noise.
Zeus clasped a hand over his chest, above his heart. “On your own brother?”
Poseidon’s expression remained neutral. Zeus finally groaned, his shoulders slumping in defeat. “Must you always spoil my fun?”
“We both know I do nothing of the sort nearly as much as I should.” Poseidon said, a small, somewhat amused smile peeking from beneath his beard.
Zeus sighed theatrically, lifting your wrist to press a lingering kiss to your hand before flashing a playful wink. Poseidon rolled his eyes, shaking his head as Zeus strolled past him, clapping his shoulder along the way.
You sighed. Back to square one. “There goes my plan for the evening.”
Poseidon raised an eyebrow at you. “Dare I ask?”
“You could have joined.” You pouted, inwardly smirking as Poseidon’s normally regal demeanour seemed to waver slightly, a uncharacteristically flustered expression flickering across his face as he no doubt recalled the last time he had joined in on you and Zeus’s antics. “A repeat of last time sounds like just what I need…”
Poseidon cleared his throat, his back straightening. “…I thought what you needed was a bath.” He said, and you gasped in mock surprise.
“Eavesdropping? Poseidon! You surprise me.” You grinned mischievously. “Wait…was Demeter really looking for Zeus?” Your eyes widened as Poseidon shifted in place slightly. “My, my! I never thought you were the jealous type.”
“I am not jealous-“
You grinned, feeling inexplicably pleased. You knew Poseidon wanted you – the King of the Seas was not subtle in his attraction – but this was priceless. “Well, since I do not intend to bathe on my own…” You fluttered your eyelashes playfully. “…join me.”
You smiled teasingly, fingers coiling around a strand of Poseidon’s long, silky beard as you peered up at him. His golden eyes darkened slightly, slowly trailing over you, sending a thrill of excitement down your spine.
“You are insatiable.” He said after a moment, but you could see the image being weaved in his mind, images of you both naked and wet and nothing between you. You pressed your body further against his.
“Zeus said the same thing to me once.” You purred, smiling just a little wickedly. “Although in truth, his stamina proved very well matched with mine.” Your other hand trailed lightly over Poseidon’s toned abdomen, stroking the sunkissed skin softly. “Worried you will not be able to keep up with him?”
Poseidon said nothing, but you caught the slightly hint of tension in his body, his fingers coiling around his trident only slightly. “You are trying to goad me by insinuating Zeus and I are competing in some way.” He rolled his massive shoulders, his biceps flexing subtly. “Please. I am hardly so childish to fall for such a ploy.”
“Of course not.” You stepped away suddenly, flashing a bright smile. “Another time, perhaps.” You began walking in the direction of your chambers, barely holding in a pleased laugh.
You knew you would not have to wait long.
Steam drifted lazily from the large, marble bathtub as you sank into the perfect water with a soft moan, the heat soaking pleasantly into your tired body. The scent of lavender cast a delightfully relaxing spell over your private bathroom, and you leaned against the edge of the tub, eyes closed in bliss.
You felt a subtle shift in the air, a pulse of power that rippled lightly across the water, bringing a small, slightly smug smile to your lips. You knew Poseidon could not resist.
Large, warm palms slowly began rubbing up and down your thighs, the feeling of a broad, flawlessly sculpted body solidifying behind your own as the steam twisted and took shape around you. You laughed quietly, head flopping backwards against Poseidon’s chest, flashing a mischievous grin.
“Oh….?” You purred teasingly, reaching over to playfully trail your fingertips along Poseidon’s thick, powerful thighs, now on either side of you in the tub. “…decided to join me after all?”
“You are a damned siren.” Poseidon’s strong arms slid around your waist, pulling you further into his lap, and you purred happily at the feeling of his warm, powerful body pressed into yours.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” You gasped softly as his large hands roamed slowly upwards, stroking over your hips and abdomen, caressing over your breasts. His thumb gently teased a nipple and you moaned, arching your back slightly into his touch. He chuckled lowly, his teeth grazing over the shell of your ear.
“Such a tease.” One hand moved to your waist, holding you in place as his hips slowly began to grind into your back, pressing hard and hot against your flesh. The other caressed and massaged your breast, strong, warm fingers stroking and teasing. You groaned softly, wriggling against him, but his strong hands held you in place, preventing you from facing him.
“You…you enjoy my teasing…” You gasped out, moaning as his fingers danced across your hip and slid purposely between your thighs. “You think…ah….you think I don’t see how you look at me…ah, Poseidon…!”
The silky softness of his beard tickled your neck as his lips and teeth found you neck, trailing hot, lingering kisses along your skin as his skilful fingers teased and stroked. You moaned and bucked in his arms, eager to reach out and touch him in turn, but the steam seemed to solidify around you, weighing you down as he deliciously tormented you. “Poseidon….” You groaned, the water splashing over the edges of the tub as you shifted around. “…let me….ah…ah….I want to…ohhhhhhh….”
Poseidon gave a deep, smug-sounding chuckle, the sound vibrating through you and sending ripples of heat to your belly. “What? What do you want to do?” His fingers curled and stroked deep, sending a shockwave pulsing through you, making you spasm and writhe in his grasp.
“I want….Fates…Poseidon…” You growled, hips squirming against his. “Let me ride you…!”
Poseidon inhaled deeply, and you felt him twitch against you, and you gave a breathless laugh, ceasing your squirming. You leaned back against him, tilting your head to purr sensually into his ear.
“Oh? Is that what you want, Poseidon…?” You stroked along his arm, fingers coming to squeeze encouragingly around his wrist. “Do you want to see me on top of you? Riding you? Gasping your name, screaming your name, calling out for all of Greece to hear how good you feel inside-“
Poseidon stood suddenly, his arm sliding under you as he went, pulling you both from the tub and sending water crashing everywhere. You cried out in surprise, moaning as he turned you in his embrace, your arms sliding around his shoulders as your body came to face him. His eyes burned blazing gold with desire, his powerful arms pulling you close as he stepped from the tub, carrying you directly to the bedroom.
“Yes.” He said, his voice thick with want. His lips crashed against yours, his tongue sweeping urgently along your own and you moaned, your fingers rising to tangle in his teal hair, your thighs sliding around his hips, your ankles hooking around each other to lock him in place.
He lowered himself onto the bed, his strong hands grasping and squeezing your rear, making you gasp and groan as you slid into his lap. You both fumbled against each other, stroking and grasping and writhing until Poseidon moaned deeply, his eyes squeezing shut as your warmth enveloped him, his hips bucking, driving him further into you so suddenly that stars burst under your eyelids.
“Fates…!” He groaned, gripping your hips began to move together, bodies already seeking a pleasurable rhythm. “Fates, you feel so good-“
You laughed, breathless with desire, a quip on your tongue, but then Poseidon rolled his hips upwards, driving into you with the force of a tidal wave and your words melted into a moan, your body shuddering on top of his own. Poseidon dove forward, his lips hungrily roaming over your chest and neck, exploring greedily with teeth and tongue as you whimpered and cried out, his thrusts sending whirls of blissful sensation through your body.
“There…!” You gasped out, his hips angled at the perfect spot, your thighs locking tight around him as he began striking, over and over and over until…until…. “…Poseidon, there, there, there…!”
You cried out as a wave of pleasure sweeps over you, steadily pushing over the cliff and into a sea of satisfaction. You bucked and writhed in his grasp, and Poseidon gripped your hips tight, using your movement to change angle and dive deeper inside, curses spilling from his lips as you clenched and squeezed around him. You clung to him, nails raking over his sunkissed back, rolling your hips hard and fast. “Fates….! I….Poseidon….!”
Poseidon’s expression contorted with lust, determination and need painting his handsome face. You gripped his shoulders, holding on like a ship caught in a delicious storm, feeling them flex powerfully under your hands, his muscles rippling with effort, the V of his hips shaping and dipping as his thrusts grew wilder, heat flaring hot and tight low in your belly as another blast of heat began to creep up within you. Fates, again-
“Poseidon….!” You gasped out his name, nails digging into his back. The sound seemed to spur something in him, a low growl leaving his throat as his thrusts became erratic, harder and faster, and you whipped your head back, completely surrendering to the sensations as you arched your hips in time with his. Your muscles clenched around him as fire burst deep in your belly, making Poseidon moan your name through gritted teeth as pleasure crashed over you like a wave and you both fell into the abyss together.
Morning began to seep into the room, the low rumblings of laughter and music beginning outside. You groaned, rolling over and burying your face in Poseidon’s chest, too comfortable to move. His arms slid around you and you both lay there in a tangle of sheets and limbs, Poseidon’s heartbeat thumping soothingly under your ear, his fingertips idly tracing along your arm.
“We’re going to miss the opening ceremony.” Poseidon grumbled, not sounding particularly concerned.
“Fine.” You mumbled, and Poseidon chuckled, his fingers stroking slowly down your back.
“Hera will be displeased if we are late.”
“…Fates.” You squirmed in his arms, peeking around the room. The bathroom was still a wreck, the floor slick with water. “…ugh, I don’t want to move.”
“Alas.” Poseidon pressed a kiss to your shoulder, his beard tickling your skin. “I must prepare. I promised Zeus I’d be in his team and Fates know how he’ll pout if I am not there.”
You laughed softly, then paused, as what he said registered with you. “…wait, you and Zeus will be in the tournament?” You blinked at him owlishly.
Poseidon shrugged, giving a small chuckle. “With Hades, if you can believe it. Said the crowd would love it.” He rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t believe the amount of whining it took for him to get Hades to agree, I thought that-“
“That sneak.” You flopped back against the pillows, aghast. “That’s why he interrupted training last night!”
Poseidon snorted, swinging his legs over the side of the bed, stretching his arms. “Would not surprise me. Zeus was always crafty.” He moved to stand, but you slung your arms around his waist, holding him in position.
“Beat him.” You said firmly. Poseidon glanced at you over his shoulder, an amused smirk on his lips.
“You do realise I said we are on the same team, yes?”
“But you will not stay that way.” You countered, trailing your fingernails up along his abdomen, making him chuckle lowly. “Get to the singles matches and beat him.”
“You wish me to defeat Zeus on his own territory?” Poseidon raised his brow at you. “I am suddenly reminded why you are not the God of Diplomacy.”
“It’s not a real fight anyway!” You pouted, nuzzling into his neck. “I’ll make it worth your while.”
Poseidon laughed, shaking his head with a small grin. “Is that so?”
“I am only saying…” You ran your fingers over his chest, playfully twirling a strand of his long, silky beard between your fingers. “…the champion of the arena deserves to be rewarded, yes?”
Poseidon’s lips quirked upwards in an amused smirk, his hand lightly grasping your hip. “And what reward were you planning to offer?”
You leaned up, lips hovering inches from his own. “You’ll have to win and find out, won’t you?”
“Siren.” Poseidon chided, but shook his head with a smirk. He began to detangle himself from the bed with some reluctance, running a hand through his long hair, the muscles in his back flexing.
You watched his naked body walk towards your bathroom, smirking softly as you lay back on the bed. “If you win I will join you in Atlantis for a time.” Poseidon stopped in place, just before the bathroom door. You grinned mischievously. “You can have me all to yourself for a while.” Your voice dropped to a playful purr. “In your own bed, in your own palace, ready to do anything you want…”
Poseidon did not turn around, but the doorframe creaked as his grip tightened on it, and you knew you had got him. “….deal.” He said finally, his voice low and heated, sending a thrill of anticipation down your spine. You grinned, hopping off the bed, striding over to lean up and peck his cheek.
“For luck.” You teased, before slipping around him. “Now…do you think we have time for a bath?”
Poseidon chuckled, his hands scooping under you, lifting you up as he made his way towards the tub, the water already beginning to bubble with a wave of his hand.
“Let’s make time.”
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love-of-fandoms · 2 years
This is probably a bit of a silly request (assuming they are still open! If not feel free to ignore!) but in the interest of torturing Blood of Zeus!Poseidon a little I was thinking following the events of the Referee Poseidon, you know, trying to dodge Hera's wrath, makes an effort to be nice to Reader. He gets on the wrong side of Aphrodite, however, who uses her abilities to "amplify" an attraction to Reader to extremely...distracting levels. Now, Poseidon isn't crazy enough to try and bed a Reader romantically involved with both Zeus AND Hera, but I can't help but think it'd be fun to watch him squirm a little as he grapples with the idea ;D (Bonus points if Zeus and Hera eventually catch on - I imagine Hera would be unamused while Zeus would probably cackle at his brother predicament lol)
A/N I still love these three so OF COURSE I'll write more for them!
The Game
The Referee
It had been a couple of months since the whole “Poseidon throwing a golden net over your lovers and you” situation, and the sea god had deemed it safe enough to return to Olympus. You found yourself avoiding him, wanting to avoid the awkward feelings that would come from seeing him again after your last encounter. You knew your lovers would find neverending amusement from watching him stumble through interacting with you, but the idea just made you tired.
He was in the gardens one day at the same time as you and Hera. She had wanted you, as her favorite nymph, to show her your favorite flowers. It was very sweet of her to want to spend this time with you, and you enjoyed pointing out the different patterns in nature and which ones you preferred to mimic in plant form. Or at least you enjoyed it until Poseidon was walking towards you two, a bouquet of all things in his hands. He called your name first, then greeted the queen with a short bow.
“I wished to apologize for my grave lapse in judgment the last time I was here,” he said, holding the bouquet out towards you. “I hope you understand my intentions were well-meaning, but my actions were out of line-” he trailed off as you gently took the bouquet from him, turning and dropping it to the ground. His face fell for a moment before a bush sprouted from the bouquet, each type of flower showcased among its emerald green leaves. 
“Apology acknowledged,” you muttered before stepping behind Hera, half-hiding behind her. The Queen smiled saccharinely at her brother-in-law, placing a comforting arm around your shoulder as she began to lead you away.
“That means they don’t wish to talk to you, dear Poseidon,” she said over her shoulder, voice icy-cold. The sea god flinched, but nodded and walked the other way.
“Brother!” only to run into the other third of his dilemma. “I saw that,” he motioned behind Poseidon, an amused smile on his face. “Trying to get yourself into our sweet nymph’s good graces?” Poseidon tried not to react.
“Only wishing to set things right,” he muttered gruffly.
“Or perhaps trying to get yourself into our sweet nymph’s bed?” he prodded, delighting in the flush that overcame Poseidon’s cheeks.
“I would never! I-”
“Perhaps that’s why you decided to terrify them the last time you were on Olympus,” Zeus prattled on. “Not like you to be jealous, hmm brother? Not that I can blame you, they were moaning so sweetly for us-”
“Zeus!” Poseidon tried to cut his brother off.
“-I’m sure you found her beautiful, didn’t you?”
“That’s not the point-”
“Didn’t you?” silence followed, and Zeus smirked. “Well?”
“Yes,” he muttered gruffly, unaware of the goddess listening to them on the other side of the rose bush. “Your lover is one of the most beautiful creatures on Olympus,” Zeus smiled cheekily, yanking an apple from a tree and taking a bite.
“I know,” Zeus turned and began to walk away, leaving his brother with some parting ‘wisdom’ “Do enjoy your stay on Olympus! Try not to throw any more nets over anyone!”
Poseidon glanced back over his shoulder, seeing you still conversing with Hera on the other side of the garden. A gust of wind blew past him then, carrying rose petals and the scent of myrtles. His pupils dilated as he stared at you, and he found himself alarmed at the sudden attraction he felt towards you. He hadn’t been lying when speaking to Zeus, you were quite beautiful, carnations and lilies scattered throughout your hair, no doubt a nod to your lovers.
He took a step towards you, wishing once more to set things right, though this time less out of a sense of self-preservation and more out of some irrational need that coursed throughout his very being. A need to be on your good side, to become close to you-maybe as close as the king and quee-no!
He abruptly turned the other way, hands massaging at his temples to stave off the oncoming headache and confusion.
Aphrodite giggled from her place behind the rose bush. She couldn’t harm you for Poseidon’s ignorance: saying a nymph’s beauty equated to that of her and the other beautiful gods and goddesses of Olympus? Ridiculous! If she wished to retaliate by harming you, Hera and Zeus would have her head. Poseidon, however… She had a feeling Zeus and Hera would only reap amusement from the sea god’s new raging attraction to you.
That night at dinner, Zeus and Hera were indeed amused at Poseidon’s constant attempts to speak with you. You were sat at Zeus’ left, Hera on his right while Poseidon sat to your left. You gave short answers, still immensely uncomfortable with his presence, even more so now that he wouldn’t stop talking to you. 
“I noticed earlier you were speaking with the queen about what plants you enjoy,” he began. “Have you ever had the pleasure of seeing the coral reef?” he asked, and you shook your head.
“No, my lord,” you mumbled, moving the food around your plate disinterestedly. You did try your best to be polite to the sea god, smiling at him when appropriate and occasionally adding to the conversation enough to avoid insult.
“I would be honored to show you sometime,” he mentioned. “I personally find it more beautiful than the gardens of Olympus,” you smiled politely.
“I appreciate that very much, my lord,” you said. “However I’m sure my friend Althaia would enjoy it even more! She’s a naiad charged with the protection of the Corinthian Gulf, and has always wished to see more of the ocean!” He seemed to remember himself then, glancing around the table and meeting the amused gaze of Zeus and the pointedly less-amused gaze of Hera.
“Ah, of course!” he scratched at his beard. “I suppose a dryad such as yourself would wish to stay on solid ground,”
“Indeed,” you mumbled with a smile.
“Poseidon!” Zeus called, reaching a strong arm around you to clap his brother on the shoulder. “I’m glad to see old grudges are behind you,” a flush came to Poseidon’s cheeks.
“Well, yes, I-” he began gruffly, but Hera cut him off.
“I do hope you aren’t trying to steal our lovely nymph from us,” she raised a perfectly shaped brow at him, and the flush spread to his entire face, then. Not that much of it was visible behind his beard.
“Of course not, my queen,” you awkwardly shifted closer to Zeus, who laid a comforting hand on your thigh, giving it a squeeze. 
“May I be excused?” you leaned over to softly ask him, and he nodded, giving you a soft kiss on the lips as you rose. “I’ll be in our chambers,” you moved to give Hera a kiss as well, missing the way she smirked at Poseidon. She could see the way he was shifting uncomfortably in his seat, and decided for once she would be the one to tease her husband’s brother. Her hand rose to cup your cheek, drawing you in for a deeper kiss, indulging in your taste more than she usually would in public. You didn’t complain, meeting her with a happy sigh before you reluctantly pulled away.
“We’ll join you shortly, my love,” she whispered to you, and you nodded, finally leaving the room. 
“Won’t you join me for a walk before I retire? Husband? Poseidon?” Hera urged, and while Zeus immediately rose to do so, Poseidon shifted in his seat for a moment, adjusting his robes before standing. Hera looped her arm in Zeus’ leaning up to whisper in her husband’s ear.
“Your brother seems to be quite taken with our lover,” he chuckled.
“Oh yes, it’ll be fun to watch him hide those embarrassing boners the next few days before he returns to the sea,” he said, and Hera joined in his chuckle.
“So long as he does not get too bold and make them uncomfortable the same way he did at dinner,” she raised her voice to a normal speaking tone as she said this, hearing Poseidon’s footsteps falter behind them before continuing.
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