#boz poseidon
spiralingemptyness · 7 months
Zeus is a shit parent, obviously. His brothers are better parents obviously.
Here’s the examples of the ones from blood of zeus (from the main 3 godly children that were on screen, srs the others got nothing)
Apollo - kept Zeus from getting caught by Hera, probably preventing the conflict from happening earlier, and yet no thank you or nothing, not shocking Zeus is a dick. Saved Hermes from probable death from a dangerous job and got tossed into the fucking ocean, a sun god, in water. Poseidon being the better brother, and brought him to Olympus…….. Zeus said and did nothing, probably still pissy at Hera for shanking him in the neck. Probably deals with Hera being pissy he and the others are Zeus’s bastard children
Hermes - literally delivers all of his messages and findings on top of delivering souls to Charon, again, no appreciation. Definitely deals with Hera calling him a bastard child. Agreed to spy on Hera, who probably knew that was gonna happen, and nearly got killed (probably murder attempt) by Ares for it (thank you Apollo). Immediately ran up to Olympus, after that (possible) murder attempt to save Zeus’s ass from getting killed by Hera, he definitely would’ve got stabbed again. And bc it’s Zeus, no appreciation.
Ares - the punching bag of Zeus, ‘oh Hera found smth out must be Ares, let me throw a lighting bolt at him and find out’. No you idiot, Hera found out by herself and was already aware. Always on his mothers side because 1) his old man can’t keep it in his pants and 2) (hc) he probably had to deal with the aftermath of finding out her husband is a cheating dick each time.
Now Hephaestus was barely on but he’s clearly under appreciated, that mf Zeus was destroying his robots left and fucking right as a lesson, on the other hand his owl robot (forgot the name) is so fucking cute.
This is just the examples from BOZ, I liked the show overall but making Hera the antag and a jealous bitch was a bad choice. You could’ve made her the villain because her husband, who’s also her brother, fucking assaulted her and she married him to hide that fact. Also the fact her husband can’t keep his shriveled dick in his fucking chiton. :) fuck you Zeus.
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roguerambles · 4 months
Forget Mount Olympus, if I was sent to mythological Ancient Greece my first order of business is to climb Mount Zeus, Mount Poseidon and Mount Hades--
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--I'd be cursed so fucking fast, but at least my myth would be kinda funny--
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Hello, I just watched Blood of Zeus and I was wondering if I could request headcanons of the gods where they have watched over and fell in love with a mortal who is warrior who protects others but has a heart of gold 💙
It has been so long since I’ve had a BoZ request!! Omg 😱 thank you so much!! 💕
I added the gods who had major speaking roles or who were front and center in the more action-y scenes
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Apollo - he’s so smitten by you and all that you do and loves admiring your battle prowess
Zeus - curious and immediately wants to get to know you
Hera - to pique the Queen of Olympus’s curiosity is no easy task, yet she scries to constantly see you fight or just what you do in the domestic hold
Hermes - eagerly rushes to wherever you are fighting and can’t help but disguise himself just to see you
Ares - thinks you’re a bit of a show off yet can’t help but always keep track of you and admire you
Hades - has noticed the more influx of souls since your battles and has to see for himself, an armored flower as he liked to call you
Aphrodite - admires your form and tenacity, eager to make plans to see and talk to you soon
Dionysus - it’s not the wine that makes him blush but admiring your form and happy-go-lucky ness that complements his
Poseidon - perhaps he could learn a thing or two from you as he peers from the waters when you wash after a victory
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lifextime · 4 months
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Blood Of Zeus
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dragologist · 5 months
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🌊Yes, I'll find any excuse to bully this man 🥰💀
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kawaiigirly21 · 3 months
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Y'all this next chapter... This next chapter 🥰🥵
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Rich!bottom!Character × Dom!male!reader
You know that K-drama trope where the bratty person A is used to rich classy lifestyle and then suddenly falls in love with mature minded but broke person B, and is shown how absolutely different life works for them? Yeah.
Fandoms mentioned : lookism, blood of zues,record of Ragnarok
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He's always been used to the fame, scandals, rich and classy lifestyle that he worked for. Which is why meeting you was like a totally new experience for him. Given that you were a total hunk, yet you are so...fair? In a way.
He's always getting what he wants whenever he wants. Multiple men and women surrounding him. Not to mention he has multiple rivals who hate his guts, maybe because of his bitchy attitude from being given so much special treatment from the rest. Maybe the fact that he's got his arrogant confident side, giving out sly remarks that get on all his rivals' nerves.
But ever since he's stumbled upon you, on that faithful day...things became different. Like, you were some total hot stuff! As much as he tried to shake off the feeling he got from seeing you, it not once stopped his belly from pooling with heat. The way you'd be chopping up some wood to fix your dirty old shed, the sweat trickling from your body...that resting bitch face you had on...was he drooling? Not to mention, you were really fucking good at fighting, how did someone like you end up in such a dirty place to begin with?
He really liked hanging out with you, enjoying your peculiar demeanor..—it was all so new to him. He'd come visit you in your dirty shed, just uncomfortably sitting in your old beaten up couch, maybe even eyeing your lap, thinking it would be a better place to sit in
Sometimes he'd even bring you to his luxurious penthouse, and have you fuck his guts out. Who knew you were also experienced in sex and foreplay? What a sly bastard you were. He'd be surprised to see you just treat your broken arm with some old cloth, or using herbs and other homemade remedies to treat yourself. Him? A little cold would make him suffer and probably call the doctor to check up on him—but here you are with a broken limb, a bunch of scars covering your body, and- Is that a bullet wound???!!
He'd get pissy whenever someones trying to make moves on you, like, who do they think they are? You're HIS boyfriend! Not to mention how oblivious you were to the constant flirting you'd receive from a few admirers.
But cut him some slack, he really does love you. Despite the fact that you are quite odd, he really really does like you (and the way you pound his guts out). Which is why he plans to keep you as his dog. You are his one and only from now on. Oh well, better bid goodbye to the rats in your shed, you'll be busy for a while.
-Michael kaiser bllk—Apollo RoR—Poseidon RoR—Hades RoR—Sae itoshi bllk—DG lookism—Apollo BoZ—leonardo Luna bllk—Adam Blake bllk—jaegyeon na lookism
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rukia-writes · 2 years
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Which Poseidon is it? 🧐
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gingermintpepper · 4 months
You're not wrong, but all the gods are terrible in Blood of Zeus. It's why Gaea goes scorched earth.
Actually, I'd argue that we only see a case for the older Olympians* being terrible and even then, it's not all of them: Poseidon, for one, is a really good example of someone who understood that mistakes were made, that something had to give, and was more that ready to set old conflicts aside in order to move forward in the wake of Zeus' death. Hera also seems to be genuinely reflective and apologetic for the crimes she wrought and wanted, more than anything, to be given the opportunity to make amends for her actions by doing the one thing everyone thought she never could; give up her power.
Going down the line, the talking point of "oh, all the gods in Blood of Zeus are terrible" becomes weaker and weaker: Apollo's only actual crime is being too filial/his contempt of Hera, but he shows more compassion and understanding than anything - both while comforting Electra about the nature of her son and by welcoming and supporting Heron, Hermes is also similarly shown with a very strong familial loyalty, but prioritises his work above all else, Hephaestus is a councillor and assistant, Athena is protective and shown, not only rallying together her siblings in order to properly inform them of the nature of the foe they were facing (even when they had been on different sides of the Hera/Zeus conflict and even when it casts Hera in a good light and plainly makes it known that she's being framed) but also getting Persephone to fess up her part in the scheme without resorting to violence.
The only gods that were portrayed poorly in Season 2 were Ares, who feels like he'd be better off being called Damian Wayne with how intensely he's preoccupied with blood purity and being Zeus' legitimate son, Aphrodite who sides with him (but even then is shown feeling ill at ease at going along with his treachery prior to the Eleusinian Stone trial), and Demeter who is so far removed from simply 'being an asshole' that she's hurtled headfirst into being a sadistic supervillain.
(Of course Hades is also a tyrant and an asshole but I also consider him too wishy-washy and inconsistent to figure out what angle they were trying to take with him. I can't think of him as good or bad, merely confusing)
Anyway, I think people hold on to the idea that the gods in BoZ are all assholes too closely because Heron and Seraphim, our main characters, hold on to the idea that ALL gods are assholes due to being the pawn of -counts on fingers- exactly two of them. With the exception of Ares, all of the other gods have been nothing but welcoming and supportive of Heron! And what Hades does to Heron in S2 has nothing to do with his feelings about Heron himself but rather with his own goals and desperations that have been multiplied by Demeter's machinations and his own frustrations at being unable to keep his family together.
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anotheroceanid · 10 days
Viewers of BoZ after Perse kisses Apollo as he holds one of her sons then starts apologizing because she thought he looked so lovely—
👁️👄👁️- That counts as the first move, right?
👁️👄👁️ - I think it does
Watchers being like
— so… Athena and Poseidon are killing Apollo next season I guess 😭😭😭
— well, she was the one who kissed him, so why would they hurt Apollo?
— bcs they're huge helicopter parents
— they're not, that's a modern misconception 😑 they're protective, yeah, but look at the record of what goddesses went through in Greek mythology. Poseidon knew what he was dealing with, he was just like the other gods in fact 👹
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silencehq · 5 months
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Após a confusão no pavilhão, Quíron e Dionísio começaram a se movimentar para criar uma emboscada para o Cão infernal. Agora que sabiam como atrair a criatura para fora da fenda, tudo ficava mais fácil. Os semideuses que não saíram em missão foram informados que deveriam se juntar aos Estrategistas e aos Ferreiros para que criassem uma emboscada na colina Meio-sangue. Todos deveriam se prontificar a ajudar, afinal, agora, sim, tinham a faca e o queijo na mão.
Um grupo de semideuses ficou encarregado de ir atrás do apito, Petrus confessou o local onde enterrou o item; por ser no meio do bosque, Quíron não restringiu a quantidade de pessoas. O caminho árduo para encontrar aquele pequeno apito tem perigos conhecidos, mas que não foram previstos, parecia que os sonhos de Andrina, filha de Anfitrite, se tornaram realidade. Da fenda no meio do bosque, escorpiões gigantes começavam a sair para atacar os semideuses. Se eles fossem as únicas ameaças, teria sido fácil. Mas algo inédito aconteceu para o terror de todos.
O Velocino de Ouro impedia os monstros de passarem pela barreira mágica e atravessar a colina até o acampamento… mas um ataque interno com um atalho não parecia ser combatido pela magia do Velocino. Da fenda, mais monstros saíam. Um grito cortante soava como alerta, uma Fúria, confirmando o que Maxime Dubois confidenciou a Quíron sobre a fenda ter rochas e sedimentos do mundo inferior.
“O Acampamento está sob ataque! Semideuses, em suas formações!” a voz estrondosa de Quíron se fez ouvir em todos os cantos do refúgio mágico. Os campistas mais velhos assumiam a postura de ataque enquanto os mais jovens e menos experientes eram levados para o Anfiteatro.
O caos estava instalado, James Herrera, filho de Dionísio, tentou conter a Fúria lançando-se em ataque. A luta não parecia justa e as garras da criatura rasgaram o peito do semideus; a cena despertava o desespero em muitos, mas para outro filho do deus do vinho, Aslan Burakzagi, sair em defesa do irmão foi automático. Os poderes do semideus lhe permitiram lutar contra a criatura e vencer, transformando-a em pó, embora não sem sair ferido também. Yoon Magnólia, filha de Perséfone, foi ágil em acudir ambos os semideuses. Mas em meio a uma luta como aquela, feridos era o que mais ela teria para cuidar.
Segundo Petrus, o apito estava enterrado no meio do bosque, perto da trilha da cachoeira e a marcação era um formigueiro gigante. A perturbação no ambiente chamou a atenção das formigas Myrmekos que também apareceram para dificultar. A proximidade com a água facilitou para Thomas Welsh, de Poseidon, afogar parte das formigas, diminuindo a quantidade com a qual os colegas precisariam matar.
Mas foi Kerim Boz, também do chalé 3, quem encontrou o objeto e trouxe de volta para o Acampamento. O Cão infernal pôde ser atraído para as armadilhas montadas na Colina Meio-Sangue, sendo encurralado por semideuses e tendo o golpe certeiro, fatal sendo proferido por Styx Seon, filho de Ares.
Equipes de estratégias.
Plantar armadilhas para as formigas e os escorpiões.
Luta com esses monstros específicos
Auxiliar semideuses feridos.
Cuidar das crianças para as impedir de entrar na zona de combate.
Equipes para patrulhar o bosque após a eliminação do cão infernal em busca de qualquer formiga ou escorpião restante.
Matar as formigas Myrmekos e escorpiões.
Atacados pelos monstros.
@andrvna ; @maximeloi ; @jamesherr ; @leaozinho ; @yoonmgnolia ; @thccmas ; @kerimboz e @styxch .
Para movimentar quem ficou sem ir para as missões, vamos matar o Cão infernal! Finalmente o monstro terá o que merece!
A união faz a força, então todos os campistas podem participar a vontade.
Semideuses podem se ferir! Tanto pelo cão infernal, quanto pelas formigas, fúria ou escorpiões.
Caso escolham fazer POV, marquem a central! Adoramos ler, sabem disso!
Enfim, aproveitem!
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king-nyx · 4 months
I honestly hate the main cast of BoZ. I just want the drama between the Big 6 gods and their kids.
Everyone except Hera and Hestia hating on Zeus? Wonderful!
Poseidon and Hera friendship? I want more
Hestia? You know it!
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roguerambles · 4 months
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This is what a conversation between me and @icy-spicy inspires, as you can see she is a terrible influence on me (go follow her she's wonderful)
Might actually make this into an actual fic if I can find the time haha, but for now the rambling nonsense--
Hades: "We don't grant immortality."
Reader: "Well, that's not true. Heracles became a god after he died. And Glaucus became a god after eating some herbs, you guys weren't even involved in that case."
Hades: "Well...yes, that is true, but--"
Reader: "And really, my way sounds more fun for all involved. I mean, I get immortality and all you have to do is enjoy some wild, magically charged carnal lust? Sounds like an excellent deal to me."
Zeus: *biting his lip, gripping the armrest of his throne* "...indeed."
Poseidon: *completely sold* "....They make an excellent point, brother."
Hades: "Brothers!"
Poseidon: "Or...um...not?"
Zeus: *disappointed sigh*
Hades: "Mortal, the answer is no."
Reader: "...okay. Very well. Thank you for your time."
Zeus: *watching Reader go* "....well, I should be off--"
Poseidon: *already tracking where Reader is heading* "Yes, busy, busy--"
Hades: "Neither of you are to sleep with that mortal--where are you going?! HEY! DON'T YOU TWO IGNORE ME, YOU LITTLE--"
Reader: *smiling to themself*
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demigoddessqueens · 5 days
Hello! Are you taking requests? I have a slightly silly Blood of Zeus request for Poseidon, if that's okay? (ocean man needs more love)
Reader is a lesser goddess of desire (sort of a handmaiden to Aphrodite) who catches Poseidon's eye. The attraction is mutual, but every time Poseidon and Reader try to sneak off together to, er...enjoy each other's company (wink wink nudge nudge) they keep getting interrupted by Hermes with a message, or Zeus or Hera wanting to talk to Poseidon (after a few times Reader is like how about we just go to Atlantis I'm about to lose my mind haha)
Yes anon, YEESSSS!
a/n - all are highly suggestive, if you know what I mean 😉😏
Masterlist 11
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He thought you more beautiful than the goddess but he dare not say that aloud if it meant you faced her wrath
It didn’t deter the sea god’s advances to have you whenever there was time alone
There was a time you both were in the gardens. Kisses were more fervent and growing heated, trapped beneath those muscular arms
You can hear the fluttering of Hermes approaching, signaling to Poseidon that it’s too close to be caught
Another was during a Summit meeting for the rest of Olympus led by the King and Queen
Meanwhile you two are still locked in embrace, you still barely clothed as he had snuck in to see you before the meeting. The indignant voices of your respective leaders calling out to you is alerting enough as you try to separate from each other.
There were other smaller incidents that follow afterwards that leave you entirely flustered and frustrated
Once you and Poseidon meet again, you bring a proposition
“Please, just indulge me for once in escaping to Atlantis, away from my goddess and the rest of the gossiping crowds.”
You don’t have to tell him twice before Poseidon scoops you away in the waves
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my-name-is-apollo · 29 days
So BOZ can give us a scene, where we see Apollo and Hyacinth in bed together but not them being romantic like holding hands and kissing, and talking. When Apollo was brought to Olympus by Poseidon and Hyacinth is the standing emoji, I would be asking Poseidon repeatedly "Is he alright?
also that scene made me scream, I was so surprised.
Oh yeah, now that you mentioned it! I think it was Hephaestus who eventually came to take Apollo while Artemis, Hermes and Hyacinthus were just standing like 🧍 what was up with that??
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amazingmsme · 10 days
If Hermes ever worked up the courage to tickle the main three (assuming they’re at least slightly ticklish SOMEWHERE) do you think he’d succeed?
Assuming he does, I can totally see him having to go for unconventional spots or something (like Poseidon having ticklish shoulder blades, etc.)
(Also I LOVE your blog, you are so talented.)
Are you kidding me, OF COURSE Hermes has tickled the three of them just so he could say he did, he is obsessed with bragging rights & also causing trouble. & it’s my blog & I make the rules, so I’m saying yeah, they are ticklish I don’t fucking care if they’re big scary gods who are all powerful & “untouchable” if they can get hurt they can absolutely get their shit wrecked
Ok so blood of Zeus might be clouding my judgment a lil bit, but I feel like he wouldn’t be that mad if Hermes tried. He’s his son, so he can have a free pass every now & then. Zeus is more amused by his antics than he likes to let on, & he’s kinda curious to see how far Hermes is willing to go with a joke, even if it’s at his own expense. If he manages to get a really bad spot, he will immediately turn the tables, but that just lets Hermes know that he was letting him do it all along so he’s not REALLY as mad as he’s pretending. & Zeus totally uses some of his lighting when he’s getting revenge, so Hermes definitely paid the price
Fuck you Poseidon, I’m making him the most ticklish out of the big 3 because I think it’s funny & he’s a lil bitch who deserves it 💙 Hermes loves how easy it is to get under his skin & annoy him, & he gets soooo pissy & fed up when he tries to tickle him. He’s so defensive & tries to use his trident to block him, but Hermes is always just a lil too fast & zips around to poke at his worst spots & send him into a fit of giggles. He’s got this really deep rumbly laugh that gets louder the longer it continues. Hermes will try to make air bubbles in the water when he flies around him & that alone really tickles, so add in some mischievous hands to the mix, & Poseidon really can’t do anything but laugh. Afterwards tho, he will absolutely try to strangle him or maybe even use his trident calm DOWN Zeus, I barely scratched the bastard!
Again, boz got me tweaking my characterization, & since we haven’t really seen Hades in epic, I’m gonna lean on that & some other characterizations I’ve seen. But Hades is more quiet & calm than his brothers & even when he’s annoyed & pissed off, he tries to appear cool & collected, so it takes a while for Hermes to really get under his skin with his normal methods of bothering people. But Hermes had kinda psyched himself into believing that there’s no way Hades is ticklish, until he accidentally tickled him & now he never knows peace. He claims he’s just trying to lighten the mood, he needs to smile more, etc. etc. & Hades honestly doesn’t mind it as much as he thought he would. Probably because it’s Hermes, & he knows that’s just his way of having fun. & hey, he realizes that he’s rarely happy & when he is, it doesn’t last, so the fact that Hermes actually wants to check in on him & make him feel better is kinda comforting. So for the man in charge of ruling over the underworld, he can appreciate being made to laugh against his will, as long as it’s a rare occasion & Hermes keeps his fuckin’ yap shut
I’d love to write more fics with the gods, whether it be for epic or boz! Right now I only have 1 boz fic written, & I have a Poseidon & Odysseus prompt as well, but I’d love some more! & thank you so much, that’s so sweet!! I’m so glad you like it! These were so fun to do, thanks for sending them in!
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