#boz hera x reader
roguerambles · 4 months
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Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Aeacus: "Lord Zeus, you repeatedly broke your marriage vows, having numerous affairs, including with your son's wife--"
Ares: "Wait, what?!"
Zeus: "...."
Reader: "Oh, great--"
Hades: *sips wine*
Ares: "You've been fucking my FATHER?!"
Reader: "I don't know what you're yelling at me for, you've been bedding Aphrodite our entire marriage!"
Aphrodite: "I'd rather not be involved in this, thank you--"
Hermes: "I think it's a little late for that, don't you?"
Minos: "....if we could perhaps focus on--"
Courtroom full of yelling Gods: "NOT NOW."
Zeus: "....I'm going to Tartarus, aren't I?"
Hades: *sips wine*
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Yandere Olympus x hurt reader (headcanons)
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you were practically the baby of Olympus, being the youngest child of Zeus and Hera you were always being protected by one of your older siblings or other family. it is rare that you are out of their view.
so it was quite a surprise when their precious baby god/goddess was carried up by Hermes with a broken arm after they were left alone for a few hours in the mortal realm.
nearly instantly your family was at your side, making sure you were ok and asking what happened. when you explain that you had spooked the horse of a mortal and it knocked you down breaking your arm just by the way you fell they were furious, not with you or the horse but for that mortal for not controlling their horse, accident or not they would pay for hurting their precious baby.
as you sat in your bedroom with your mother and Apollo having your arm healed your father sent Ares to have a field day with the person who was responsible for your injury.
even after your arm is healed you are forced to stay in bed for weeks, your mother and father visiting you and your siblings entertaining you. when you're finally let out of bed you're practically guarded by all of your siblings, you thought that they never left you alone before but now they go as far as sleeping in your room to make sure that you stay safe.
and you can kiss ever leaving Olympus again goodbye, if you're let out of your room you will be near someone in your family at all times they won't risk you being hurt again.
if anyone tries to go near you who isn't another god, even if it's just a servant on Olympus they will either be hurt or killed depending on who sees them.
out of your sibling's Hermes, Dionysus, and Artemis will be the most lenient and not apply as many rules to you, wanting to keep you happy along with healthy.
ares and Apollo along with your parents will not in the slightest be lenient, if anything they made the rules so they would never break them.
in the end, you will be constantly protected and no matter how many centuries go by you will always be their baby and no one will change that.
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flaredcfan · 1 month
Demi-god son of Hera [name]: My baby is so amazing. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. I'm going to make him my husband, he's so wonderful! (Insert heart eyes)
Apollo: ...Are we looking at the same person here?
John Constantine, in a toga, loudly snoring with drool running down his face, VERY drunk from Dionysus' wine:
Diana (Aka Wonder Woman), whispering: I think he's been cursed by Aphrodite, brother.
Apollo, cringing as he watched [name] fawn over his lover: That seems very likely...
Aphrodite, appearing out of nowhere: I'll have you know, I didn't do anything. This is all him... He and his mother have horrible taste in men (insert scoff)
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Hello, I just watched Blood of Zeus and I was wondering if I could request headcanons of the gods where they have watched over and fell in love with a mortal who is warrior who protects others but has a heart of gold 💙
It has been so long since I’ve had a BoZ request!! Omg 😱 thank you so much!! 💕
I added the gods who had major speaking roles or who were front and center in the more action-y scenes
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Apollo - he’s so smitten by you and all that you do and loves admiring your battle prowess
Zeus - curious and immediately wants to get to know you
Hera - to pique the Queen of Olympus’s curiosity is no easy task, yet she scries to constantly see you fight or just what you do in the domestic hold
Hermes - eagerly rushes to wherever you are fighting and can’t help but disguise himself just to see you
Ares - thinks you’re a bit of a show off yet can’t help but always keep track of you and admire you
Hades - has noticed the more influx of souls since your battles and has to see for himself, an armored flower as he liked to call you
Aphrodite - admires your form and tenacity, eager to make plans to see and talk to you soon
Dionysus - it’s not the wine that makes him blush but admiring your form and happy-go-lucky ness that complements his
Poseidon - perhaps he could learn a thing or two from you as he peers from the waters when you wash after a victory
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hestiaswifey · 3 months
A Baby?
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Hera, the goddess of marriage, family, childbirth, and women, had always been the epitome of grace and dignity. She was the sister and wife of the powerful Zeus, the king of the gods. However, she had been let down by her husband's infidelity one too many times.
One day, Hera discovered that she was pregnant again. But this time, the child growing inside her was not Zeus's. She had slept with a mortal man, a man she had had her eye on for eons. She had grown tired of Zeus's constant cheating and had decided to take matters into her own hands.
The mortal man, a handsome and strong warrior named Ixion, was overjoyed when Hera told him the news. He had been in love with Hera for as long as he could remember, and he couldn't believe that she had chosen him to be the father of her child.
But Hera knew that she couldn't let the other gods find out about her affair with Ixion. She kept it a secret, only sharing the news with a few trusted allies.
When the time came for Hera to give birth, she retired to a secluded cave to avoid any unwanted attention. She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, whom she named Heracles, meaning 'glory of Hera.'
Hera raised Heracles as her own, never revealing the true identity of his father. She loved him with all her heart, and she made sure that he wanted for nothing.
As Heracles grew older, he became a great hero, known for his strength and bravery. He completed many impossible tasks and earned the admiration of both gods and mortals alike.
Hera watched with pride as her son made a name for himself. She never regretted her decision to sleep with Ixion, for it had given her the son she had always wanted.
But Zeus, who had somehow found out about Hera's affair, was not as understanding. He was furious with Hera and Ixion, and he decided to punish them both.
He invited Ixion to a feast on Mount Olympus, and when Ixion arrived, he was greeted by a cloud that looked just like Hera. Thinking that he was about to sleep with the goddess herself, Ixion succumbed to his desires.
But Zeus had been watching, and he was enraged. He hurled a thunderbolt at Ixion, burning him to a crisp.
As for Hera, Zeus couldn't bring himself to hurt her, but he made sure that she would never forget her betrayal. He forced her to swear an oath never to interfere in the affairs of mortals again.
Hera kept her promise, but she never forgot the love she had for her son Heracles. And even though she was no longer able to help him directly, she continued to watch over him from afar, proud of the man he had become.
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nichewife · 3 months
Hera Modern AU Smut
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"Not so dry martini" is available on AO3 ♡
Hera accidentally walks into a lesbian bar
Link here 🔞
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love-of-fandoms · 2 years
This is probably a bit of a silly request (assuming they are still open! If not feel free to ignore!) but in the interest of torturing Blood of Zeus!Poseidon a little I was thinking following the events of the Referee Poseidon, you know, trying to dodge Hera's wrath, makes an effort to be nice to Reader. He gets on the wrong side of Aphrodite, however, who uses her abilities to "amplify" an attraction to Reader to extremely...distracting levels. Now, Poseidon isn't crazy enough to try and bed a Reader romantically involved with both Zeus AND Hera, but I can't help but think it'd be fun to watch him squirm a little as he grapples with the idea ;D (Bonus points if Zeus and Hera eventually catch on - I imagine Hera would be unamused while Zeus would probably cackle at his brother predicament lol)
A/N I still love these three so OF COURSE I'll write more for them!
The Game
The Referee
It had been a couple of months since the whole “Poseidon throwing a golden net over your lovers and you” situation, and the sea god had deemed it safe enough to return to Olympus. You found yourself avoiding him, wanting to avoid the awkward feelings that would come from seeing him again after your last encounter. You knew your lovers would find neverending amusement from watching him stumble through interacting with you, but the idea just made you tired.
He was in the gardens one day at the same time as you and Hera. She had wanted you, as her favorite nymph, to show her your favorite flowers. It was very sweet of her to want to spend this time with you, and you enjoyed pointing out the different patterns in nature and which ones you preferred to mimic in plant form. Or at least you enjoyed it until Poseidon was walking towards you two, a bouquet of all things in his hands. He called your name first, then greeted the queen with a short bow.
“I wished to apologize for my grave lapse in judgment the last time I was here,” he said, holding the bouquet out towards you. “I hope you understand my intentions were well-meaning, but my actions were out of line-” he trailed off as you gently took the bouquet from him, turning and dropping it to the ground. His face fell for a moment before a bush sprouted from the bouquet, each type of flower showcased among its emerald green leaves. 
“Apology acknowledged,” you muttered before stepping behind Hera, half-hiding behind her. The Queen smiled saccharinely at her brother-in-law, placing a comforting arm around your shoulder as she began to lead you away.
“That means they don’t wish to talk to you, dear Poseidon,” she said over her shoulder, voice icy-cold. The sea god flinched, but nodded and walked the other way.
“Brother!” only to run into the other third of his dilemma. “I saw that,” he motioned behind Poseidon, an amused smile on his face. “Trying to get yourself into our sweet nymph’s good graces?” Poseidon tried not to react.
“Only wishing to set things right,” he muttered gruffly.
“Or perhaps trying to get yourself into our sweet nymph’s bed?” he prodded, delighting in the flush that overcame Poseidon’s cheeks.
“I would never! I-”
“Perhaps that’s why you decided to terrify them the last time you were on Olympus,” Zeus prattled on. “Not like you to be jealous, hmm brother? Not that I can blame you, they were moaning so sweetly for us-”
“Zeus!” Poseidon tried to cut his brother off.
“-I’m sure you found her beautiful, didn’t you?”
“That’s not the point-”
“Didn’t you?” silence followed, and Zeus smirked. “Well?”
“Yes,” he muttered gruffly, unaware of the goddess listening to them on the other side of the rose bush. “Your lover is one of the most beautiful creatures on Olympus,” Zeus smiled cheekily, yanking an apple from a tree and taking a bite.
“I know,” Zeus turned and began to walk away, leaving his brother with some parting ‘wisdom’ “Do enjoy your stay on Olympus! Try not to throw any more nets over anyone!”
Poseidon glanced back over his shoulder, seeing you still conversing with Hera on the other side of the garden. A gust of wind blew past him then, carrying rose petals and the scent of myrtles. His pupils dilated as he stared at you, and he found himself alarmed at the sudden attraction he felt towards you. He hadn’t been lying when speaking to Zeus, you were quite beautiful, carnations and lilies scattered throughout your hair, no doubt a nod to your lovers.
He took a step towards you, wishing once more to set things right, though this time less out of a sense of self-preservation and more out of some irrational need that coursed throughout his very being. A need to be on your good side, to become close to you-maybe as close as the king and quee-no!
He abruptly turned the other way, hands massaging at his temples to stave off the oncoming headache and confusion.
Aphrodite giggled from her place behind the rose bush. She couldn’t harm you for Poseidon’s ignorance: saying a nymph’s beauty equated to that of her and the other beautiful gods and goddesses of Olympus? Ridiculous! If she wished to retaliate by harming you, Hera and Zeus would have her head. Poseidon, however… She had a feeling Zeus and Hera would only reap amusement from the sea god’s new raging attraction to you.
That night at dinner, Zeus and Hera were indeed amused at Poseidon’s constant attempts to speak with you. You were sat at Zeus’ left, Hera on his right while Poseidon sat to your left. You gave short answers, still immensely uncomfortable with his presence, even more so now that he wouldn’t stop talking to you. 
“I noticed earlier you were speaking with the queen about what plants you enjoy,” he began. “Have you ever had the pleasure of seeing the coral reef?” he asked, and you shook your head.
“No, my lord,” you mumbled, moving the food around your plate disinterestedly. You did try your best to be polite to the sea god, smiling at him when appropriate and occasionally adding to the conversation enough to avoid insult.
“I would be honored to show you sometime,” he mentioned. “I personally find it more beautiful than the gardens of Olympus,” you smiled politely.
“I appreciate that very much, my lord,” you said. “However I’m sure my friend Althaia would enjoy it even more! She’s a naiad charged with the protection of the Corinthian Gulf, and has always wished to see more of the ocean!” He seemed to remember himself then, glancing around the table and meeting the amused gaze of Zeus and the pointedly less-amused gaze of Hera.
“Ah, of course!” he scratched at his beard. “I suppose a dryad such as yourself would wish to stay on solid ground,”
“Indeed,” you mumbled with a smile.
“Poseidon!” Zeus called, reaching a strong arm around you to clap his brother on the shoulder. “I’m glad to see old grudges are behind you,” a flush came to Poseidon’s cheeks.
“Well, yes, I-” he began gruffly, but Hera cut him off.
“I do hope you aren’t trying to steal our lovely nymph from us,” she raised a perfectly shaped brow at him, and the flush spread to his entire face, then. Not that much of it was visible behind his beard.
“Of course not, my queen,” you awkwardly shifted closer to Zeus, who laid a comforting hand on your thigh, giving it a squeeze. 
“May I be excused?” you leaned over to softly ask him, and he nodded, giving you a soft kiss on the lips as you rose. “I’ll be in our chambers,” you moved to give Hera a kiss as well, missing the way she smirked at Poseidon. She could see the way he was shifting uncomfortably in his seat, and decided for once she would be the one to tease her husband’s brother. Her hand rose to cup your cheek, drawing you in for a deeper kiss, indulging in your taste more than she usually would in public. You didn’t complain, meeting her with a happy sigh before you reluctantly pulled away.
“We’ll join you shortly, my love,” she whispered to you, and you nodded, finally leaving the room. 
“Won’t you join me for a walk before I retire? Husband? Poseidon?” Hera urged, and while Zeus immediately rose to do so, Poseidon shifted in his seat for a moment, adjusting his robes before standing. Hera looped her arm in Zeus’ leaning up to whisper in her husband’s ear.
“Your brother seems to be quite taken with our lover,” he chuckled.
“Oh yes, it’ll be fun to watch him hide those embarrassing boners the next few days before he returns to the sea,” he said, and Hera joined in his chuckle.
“So long as he does not get too bold and make them uncomfortable the same way he did at dinner,” she raised her voice to a normal speaking tone as she said this, hearing Poseidon’s footsteps falter behind them before continuing.
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thewritingginger · 3 years
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This was requested on my Ao3 I believe this is my first spicy Fem! x Fem! work of any kind, how exciting! Hope it’s ok 🤞🏻
Fandom: Blood of Zeus Pairing: Hera x Fem! Reader Word count: 0.6k+ words Warnings: 18+, Vaginal fingering, Cunnilingus, Praising, Pet names (Pet, My Dear)
Enjoy ~
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Hera loves pleasuring you. She is not only the goddess of marriage but also of women. Which is to say she knows how to treat one and what they need.
She knows how to ensure you feel like the most desired woman to ever walk on earth and the heavens combined.
How could you not be?
You have the Queen of the heavens, Hera, herself worshiping you.
Before you, between your open thighs, tongue lapping up your sweet taste on your sensitive bud as her fingers move within your walls. Moaning at the way your flavor dances across her taste buds, enjoying how you squeeze her digits - like they were made for you. Made for your pleasure. Made to be stuffed deep within your needy hole. Curving and stretching it, prepping it for more.
Hera truly and full heartedly enjoys making you fall into ecstasy. Allowing you to get over taken by the ocean of desire, drowning in the waves that crash through you. Your strained moans and gentle gasps please her more than anything else.
“You sound so pretty, my pet. Won’t you sing louder for me.” She coos, getting up, her fingers still inside you.
You’re laid out upon the plush mattress, bared to the world and the eyes of your goddess. Her crystal blue gaze drags across your exposed flesh, drinking in every dip and curve. Sitting beside you she leans down to be face to face, getting a closer look of the cute scrunched expression on your face.
“You look so beautiful when I play with you. How you react to my fingers touching the deepest part of you, squeezing so tightly. You must feel so empty without me.” She smiles when you nod your head needily.
She brings her free hand to stroke your face and comb your hair back.
“Poor thing, so needy. We can’t have that.” Leaning down she places a kiss on your lips to which you hungrily accept. Your tongues dance together, trases of your slick still gloss her lips. The tangy flavor mixed with her own intoxicating essence makes your head spin. With her taste and touch combined you feel like you’re floating.
Her fingers expertly move, hitting all the right spots on your spongy walls. Lost in the kiss you gasp and pull away when a third finger slides past your folds. Her skillful appendages move slowly and thoughtfully to not hurt you. The ‘come hither’ motion massaging your insides pulls mewls from your pouty lips.
Eyebrows knitted together, eyes squeezed shut as you rear your head back letting out a moan. The coil in your belly is twisting tighter and tighter, threatening to break.
“That’s it, My Dear. Let it out. I want to know just how good I feel inside you. How much you yearn for my touch.” Her encouraging words don’t register in your clouded mind. All you can think about is her moving within your walls and her hot breath on your ear. The slight tickle of her hair on your neck and her heavenly scent.
It’s all just too much.
And it becomes so much more when her thumb begins to rub slow circles on your clitoris. The added stimulation was just what you needed to be brought over the edge.
Your back arches, fists gripping the sheets as your mouth hangs open in an ‘O’. Cries and gasps erupt from your throat as her fingers continue to overstimulate you. Her touch almost feels hot but the burn is exhilarating. You love the way she rides out your orgasm with you with songs of praise.
“That’s it. You’re so pretty when you come undone for me.”
As you’re coming down from your high Hera gently retracts her fingers from your hole. Giving your wet lips and buzzing bud a few circular rubs, your hips buck at the contact which makes her chuckle. Her hand glides to rest on your open thigh.
Resting on her free arm beside you, her palm petting the top of your head. She peppers your cheek and shoulder with kisses.
“You did so well for me, My Dear. To think the night has only just begun.”
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Was that ok? Did you enjoy it? let me know! :3
Till next time loves
Kinktober Masterlist
💛 ~
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roguerambles · 4 months
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Aphrodite: 🫦
Hera's Daughter!Reader: "How can you encourage this nonsense? Ares is out of control, he is being a complete brute!"
Aphrodite: "I know...hot, right?"
Hera's Daughter!Reader: "Ugh, please tell me you are joking--"
Aphrodite: "Oh, come on. Are you telling me you aren't attracted to your mortal over there right now?"
Hera's Daughter!Reader: "I have no idea what you are--"
Heron: *panting, sweaty, bloody, angry, lightning flaring around his body*
Hera's Daughter!Reader: "I...I don't....I...." *mind melts*
Aphrodite: *smiles knowingly*
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Hera x fem reader cuddling?
Ofc anon <3
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Hera x reader (cuddles)
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you sat at the end of the bed brushing your hair and preparing for bed, hera watching you from the top of it stroking the feathers of one of her crows. "is something wrong my love?" you ask turning to face her. "why have you not come to bed yet? your hair looks fine." she says with hints of annoyance. "I will be done in a few minutes be patient" you smile, before turning away. before you could touch your hair with the brush you were pulled into Hera's arms by her powers. "you dare tell me to be patient?" she says playfully, pulling you down to lay next to her. "You're right, I'm sorry" you smile cuddling to her. She wraps her arms around you and pulls you close, kissing the top of your head. "how was your day?" you ask smiling up at her. "exhausting. people are fools" she says with hints of frustration in her tone. You smile a bit gently playing with her hair. "do you want to talk about it?" you ask in a whisper, earning a slight groan from her. "I'll take that as a no" you laugh a bit, cuddling close. As the two of you lay together in each other's arms talking of your day, heras crows flew in cuddling up around you, one even on you. you laugh as one wiggles its way into the small space between you and hera. "I think this little one would like some cuddles as well" you smile looking up at hera, she gives a soft smile reaching down to pet the crow's head, stroking their feathers. "lay down my darling, it's time for rest," she tells the crow softly, the crow listens to her words and curls between you two. "goodnight my love," you say cuddling to her, her smile widens slightly. "goodnight," she says kissing your head once more before falling into a dream filled sleep.
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roguerambles · 4 months
A Moment of Respite
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Blood of Zeus - Heron x Hera's!Daughter Reader
Warnings - 18+Only.
I've had this sitting in my drafts for ages and I want to get it out before I try any Season 2 stuff. Plus I just like the idea of these two, okay--
Kind of a Part 4 to Trouble.
Enjoy the Rambles!
Training was not going well.
You cringed as Heron flew across the arena, crashing into the sands with a pained groan. The automaton returned to its standing position dispassionately, and beside you Zeus sighed heavily.
It had been days since Mother had left Olympus, taking some of the other Gods of Olympus with her to the Underworld. Hades had apparently allowed them sanctuary, although he declared he would be taking no further involvement than that.
...your wrist ached as the memory of Mother’s hand grasping you, Hera and Zeus’s raised voices, Mother’s betrayed expression melting into a fury you had never had directed at you before flashed across your mind.
You had chosen to stay on Olympus, and Mother and Ares had left, others at their heels.
“Zeus.” Hephaestus spoke from behind you, his voice low and gruff. “This isn’t working.”
Zeus’s jaw clenched as Heron went hurtling across the arena once more, kicking up a dust cloud of sand as he crashed into the ground with a loud, painful sounding thump. “He needs to unlock his potential.” His large hands gripped the stonework of the balcony in front of him. “Soon.”
You were not much of a warrior, but you were fairly certain that if Hephaestus’s contraptions broke every bone in Heron’s body, that would be rather counterproductive to improving Heron’s combat efficiency.
As Zeus and Hephaestus continued to bicker in hushed voices, you felt a warm presence appear at your side. Apollo sighed as he leaned against the balcony, peering down into the training ground where Heron stumbled to his feet once more.
“He doesn’t give up, at least.”
“Is this really the best approach?” You nervously played with your hands as you watched Heron get up and be knocked down, over and over.
Apollo shrugged. “Athena is too busy preparing the defences, and Ares is with Hera. We don’t have a lot of options, training wise.”
You both continued to watch for a while, and you could feel your stomach sinking the longer it went on. Heron barely glanced your way.
You had not spoken since the night Mother had left, but the memory of Heron shocked expression as he looked at you – really looked at you – and the blind panic it had created in you made your stomach churn. You had fled to your room and would probably still be there if Hermes hadn’t forced you out.
“You should say hello.”
Your head snapped around to stare at Apollo, you was still looking out over the balcony. “I should what?”
“You should go over and talk to him.” Apollo replied casually, as though he were suggesting something completely normal. “The staring is getting a little old.”
“I am not—I am not staring.”
“Heron!” Apollo called out abruptly, loudly, and to your horror Heron actually looked up towards you. “Would you like some water? We have plenty over here—”
You turned to flee somewhere far, far away, only for Hermes – where in Tartarus did he come from – to appear, blocking your way with a small, but noticeable smile.
Zeus sounded displeased. “Interruptions are not—”
Apollo grabbed his father’s arm and began tugging him towards the stairs, so suddenly Zeus stumbled. “You are correct, Father, we should check the equipment on the other side of the arena—”
Zeus looked confused as Hermes joined Apollo in practically dragging the King down the stairs. Hephaestus rolled his eyes and stalked towards the automaton, muttering something about “those bloody sons of Zeus”. You were rooted to the stop as Heron slowly approached, his head low, as though he were struggling to meet your eye.
Your heart clenched as Heron busied himself gathering water, taking somewhat longer than was required for the task. The silence was so dense you felt it were almost choking you. You scrambled for something, anything, to say, but your mind was a void of disjointed words. I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you. I couldn’t tell you. Please don’t be angry. I’m sorry for Electra, I’m so—
“…you’re short.”
You were yanked from your frazzled thoughts when Heron finally said something. You looked at him in confusion, while Heron cringed, looking frustrated with himself. “I…pardon?”
“I just mean….” Heron rubbed the back of his neck, looking anywhere but directly at you. “You…the others are….you look different. Not bad, you’re beautiful, I just mean—”
“Oh. Oh! Right, yes, well, I wasn’t born like the rest of them. Mother—she made me out of clay.” Heron lifted his head to stare at you blankly. You felt your cheeks burn. “It is…unusual, I know.”
“…I’m sorry, was that rude—”
“No, no, not at all, you should hear how Apollo and Artemis were born—”
Silence fell over you again as you both fumbled over your words. You were torn between fleeing the arena altogether and staying exactly where you were because awkward or not you and Heron were talking. Over his shoulder you could see Zeus and Hephaestus by the automaton, and knew Heron would be pulled away soon. You inhaled deeply, steeling your nerves. I am the Queen of the Heavens daughter, by the Fates, act like it. “Heron….I am so sorry. About…about your mother.”
Heron looked pained, his fingers clenching around the waterskin in his hand. “…it was Hera, wasn’t it?”
It wasn’t a question, and you both knew it. You bowed your head, yours eyes beginning to sting. Do not cry. This isn’t about you.
“…yes.” You forced out, your throat feeling thick. “Heron…Heron, I know it’s not enough, but I’m sorry—”
“Why?” Heron cleared his throat, tossing the waterskin down. “It’s not your fault. You weren’t even there.”
“But….” You bit your lip. “Mother…I mean… Hera is—”
“Your mother, I know.” Heron wasn’t quite looking at you again, but he didn’t sound angry. Grief clung to his voice, and you fought the impulse to reach for his hand. “And Zeus is my…father. That alone made mother and I targets for Hera’s wrath. You had nothing to do with it.”
Heron started to laugh.
You faltered, and watched as Heron hurriedly clamped a hand over his mouth, eyes wide as though startled by his own reaction. “I…I am sorry.” He choked out, eyes wide even as you caught glimpse of a mirthful smile behind his fingers. “Please…please continue…”
Your anxiety was briefly overpowered by confusion. “What…what is so amusing…?”
Heron’s shoulders began to shake. “I…I assumed your parents would disapprove of me.” He said, and the words seemed to break something in him. He doubled over, grasping his knees, eyes squeezing shut as he began to laugh even harder. “Now…now it turns out your mother is Hera. And…and I am the bastard son of her philandering husband….!”
You stared owlishly at him as his laugh grew louder – you could see Zeus and Hephaestus watching from the side-lines, their expressions suggesting concern that the automaton had hit Heron harder than they had feared.
“That’s…well yes, that is….Heron….Heron, it’s not funny!”
Heron tried to reply, but it came out as a wheeze. “I…gods…I had no idea…!”
You could feel a smile beginning to creep onto your face and tried to squash it, but Heron’s laughter was infectious, and was the most happy you’d seen him in…well, a while. “Well…no, I suppose…I suppose you are not what my mother would consider an ideal suitor…”
That brought on another wave of near hysterical laughter, and you found yourself giggling along with Heron, until you were both cackling like lunatics in the middle of the arena. You slumped against Heron’s shoulder, clamping a hand over your mouth as you saw Zeus heading towards you both.
“…if you are both finished?” He asked dryly, his eyebrows raised. Heron’s laughter stuttered to a stop, but he didn’t move away from you, the feeling of his body against yours leaving warmth against your skin.
You reluctantly straightened up, brushing away non-existent creases in your dress. “I suppose….” You gestured wordless at the arena. Zeus eyed you cautiously, before clearing his throat and turning back towards the automaton, as though he were examining it. Heron rolled his eyes slightly as you bit down a chuckle – you supposed he was trying to give you both a moment.
“Wish me luck.” Heron gripped his sword, his free hand rising to sheepishly rub his neck. “I think I’ll need a fair share of it…”
You laughed slightly, reaching out to gently pat his arm. He smiled in response, before sighing and trudging after Zeus.
“I think that went well.” Hermes said cheerfully from behind you. You nearly jumped out of your skin. “Don’t you think that went well, Apollo?”
“Indeed!” The Sun God chirped, appearing at your side. “See? All is well that ends well.”
“You two do remember…” Artemis sighed from somewhere behind you – when did she get here? – “…the approaching civil war, yes?”
“Small victories, dearest sister.”
You flushed and turned to stride back towards the stands, while Hermes and Apollo snickered to themselves. Artemis rolled her eyes as you sat beside her, although a small, teasing smile began to tug at her mouth. “Although….I did notice he didn’t deny it when you described him as a suitor.”
You blushed furiously as the Goddess of the Hunt laughed, and your stubbornly kept your gaze ahead, focusing on Heron on the sands below, feeling just a little bit lighter than before.
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roguerambles · 4 months
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Apollo: "Well, I for one am glad today is over. Hyacinth and I are retiring with a few others. Perhaps you'd care to come along? You haven't had time to meet everyone yet, I understand."
Heron: "Oh...that's very nice of you. Are you sure it's alright...?"
Apollo: "Of course! Quite a few have been very eager to meet you. It will be a good opportunity for us to get to know each other better, also."
Heron: "That's very--"
Hera's Daughter: *exasperated* "Heron, he just invited you to an orgy."
Heron: ".......what?"
Hera's Daughter: "Apollo, really?"
Apollo: "Oh, you're right. What was I thinking?" *turns to Alexia, Kofi and Evios* "You are of course free to join us."
Hera's Daughter: "APOLLO--"
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roguerambles · 2 months
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Heron: "Oh, there you are. You were gone a while. Is everything...okay?"
Reader: *flushed, dishevelled, unable to look Heron in the eye* "I was...busy. Doing...things...." *blushing intensely*
Ares: *comes in behind Reader* "YOU PUSHED ME DOWN THE STAIRS!"
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Hi I hope your doing well I wanted to request yandere Zeus and Yandere Hera x gender neutral reader who is a mortal who they might turn into a god/goddess headcanons from blood of Zeus please and thank you 😊❤️
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yandere hera x reader x yandere Zeus (headcanons) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the second you become their darling you are doomed. you can kiss freedom and independence away because you'll never be alone with them.
they will take you to Olympus and force immortality on you, there is no saying anything against it. and if refuse then they will still force it but you may get a few scars to go with your new 'gift'.
you will be allowed to roam around Olympus, taking the fact everyone is too scared to say anything or do anything against you being there.
hera introduces you to her friends and children and while against Hera's wants Zeus introduces you to his.
it never becomes clear right away if you bring Zeus and hera together or tear them from each other. not right away at least.
if one day you finally fall in love with them then your life will be amazing, they'll be so loving and kind to you giving you everything.
but if they ever found out that you tried to escape from them then they will drag you back there and lock you away in their room until you learn.
if in another situation they found out that you escaped but it wasn't your fault this time, for example, one of the other gods or a mortal daring to try and help you then they won't be as angry at you. the person who tried to keep you from them may not live through it.
in the end, the two will nearly tear each other and sometimes you apart but by the end of the day they'll pin you in bed and force cuddles from you because the one thing they agree on is you.
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Yandere mother hera x adopted reader x yandere hermes (stay away)
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you had been adopted by hera when you were a baby, it was never said what happened to your real parents or if anyone even knew who they were. but hera had raised you since you were a baby as if you were her own, you lived as a mortal until you were around 16 and then turned into immortal so that you could stay with your family forever rather then grow old. even after becoming immortal your mother still never lost her protectiveness over you, neither had your siblings especially your brother ares, he had managed to scare away every man or woman who tried to date you well, all except one. hermes had practically fallen in love with you the second he first laid eyes on you, and no matter what warnings he got to stay away from you he never did, eventually leading to now where the two of you were secretly dating. or at least you thought it was secret, little did you know that your mother had figured it out from the start but had been planning a way to end it without hurting you.
Hermes sat on one of the benches in a garden on Olympus, he had gotten a note from you asking to meet but you hadn't shown, then he was struck from his seat by none other than Ares, who had thrown him into a wall before pinning him to the ground. hermes looked up confused only to find hera, glaring down at him. "you are foolish if you thought you could ever be with my child" hera says with anger lacing her voice. "I make them happy," Hermes said, only to be thrown back into the wall by Hera's powers this time. "I am the only person they need to be happy" she shouts angrily, her voice echoing and her eyes glowing a pale purple. there were a few moments of silence and glares before Ares spoke up. "you are going to stay away from them" he threatened. "and if I refuse" he stated almost in a joking matter. "Father would never allow you to kill me brother," Hermes says with a slight smirk. hera then grabs his chin roughly forcing him to look into her eyes, with an evil smirk she says. "he may not be allowed to, but your father won't stand against me if I try, and if you do not stay away from my y/n then the next soul that you bring to the underworld will be your own". Before Hermes could retaliate you walked into the garden, staring at them confused. "Mother? why are you holding Hermes against the wall?" you ask her, in return she drops Hermes and walks to you kissing your head. "it is nothing my darling raven" she smiles before walking away glaring at Hermes over her shoulder, ares nods to you before following his mother. "hello my love" hermes smiles walking to you, placing a kiss on your cheek knowing that hera was still in view. he would remain with you even if it meant challenging the queen of the gods.
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blood of zeus characters at the store pt. 2 (mall edition) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
once again made with the help of @randomfangirl2718 and @reagan10108<3
lets start this chaos :)
Dionysus: *flirting with a Taco Bell employee* so you come here often?
Employee: sir this is a taco bell are you going to order or not?
Dionysus: can I order some flirting with a side of your number?
Artemis: should we help him?
Apollo: that would be the nice thing to do, but this is more entertaining *tries to steal one of her fries*
Artemis: *slaps his hand away while still watching the scene unfold*
Dionysus: *being dragged out of the foodcourt by security*
Artemis: we'll let Father handle this
Aphrodite: *testing lipsticks on Ares's arm*
Ares: *looking at the expensive foundation Aphrodite chose* what is the difference between this one and the one that is 20 dollars less?
Aphrodite: it's just different than the other ones *she says swatching another lipstick on his arm*
Hermes: *tries on new shoes*
Store employee: why don't you try them out before you make a decision
Hermes ok *speeds around the store knocking everything off the shelves*
Hermes: I'll take them
Store employee: get out
Evios: *bragging to girls at the mall gym how he works out constantly*
The girls: *laughing and talking to him*
Kofi: *standing behind evios knowing hes lying about every word he is saying*
Heron: this is humilliating *has a childs backpack leash on*
Zeus: it is needed *holding the leash*
heron: *lost in the mall*
Zeus: *panicking*
Hera: *smirking because she was the one who let heron off his child leash*
Alexia: in the mall's gym with evios and kofi
Random guy: trying to impress alexia by flexing and lifting basic weights
Alexia: looks him in the eyes smirking as she lifts a weight twice the amount of what he was lifting with ease
Hyacinthus: *standing outside of spencers* what is this store my love?
Apollo: *panicking covering hya's eyes* LOOK AWAY-
Aphrodite: on the bright side only two of us got banned this time
Artemis: how is that a bright side? the usual amount of people to get banned on a mall trip is zero
Hermes and Dionysus: *getting scolded by Zeus in the background*
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