#brabanters schnitten
johannepetereric · 1 year
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Hey, we get to see all Timoteo's gang! (heh)
And half of 'em have funny puns lol
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myblacknightworld · 2 years
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@aster-ria as a matter of fact I have :D and, considering the only one with an Italian sounding name is Visconti and that all of them have no official country of origin - also that ALL of them minus Visconti have a food theme going on, I always imagined them (minus Visconti, but he's mentioned in the rant) not being Italian tbh - which is why they are not in the rant.
I had to somehow keep it short lmao so I went with all those who we know for a fact are Italian and those with Italian sounding names lol
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Skull - I'm kind of cheating here and taking from canon, but Skull is a daredevil through and through. Whether it's playing it up and astounding live audiences or putting on thrill-rides of a show for the television camera while doing special and guest spots, Skull's fame is accomplished through his career as a daredevil and his penchant for insane, death-defying stunts.
Bermuda I see as a mixed-martial artist or an ECW fighter.
Small Gia, Didi and Jeje are all notorious serial killers with their own dedicated fanbases. Birds is another infamous killer along the lines of Manson, who never physically killed anyone himself but orchestrated the murders of people. Daisy is another infamous criminal whose trial was hugely publicized, especially given the insanity defense used. Glo Xinia is infamous in the same way - a serial criminal who gained a lot of mainstream publicity.
Ricardo was a wrestler, well known for playing a heel. He became a huge celebrity though due to press coverage of his many out-of-the-ring fights and his later murder of another wrestler at a nightclub. He was acquitted of the charges due to insufficient evidence but everyone knows he did it.
Knuckle is, of course, a rather famous boxer.
Shoko Tanaka is a well-known female mixed martial artist.
Daigo Kazumi, Kenshiro Yamaki, Gosuke Takada, Renzo Oshikiri, and Nobuhiko Kakuta are all Olympic level athletes.
Giannichi and Giannini are both famous inventors and for anyone in the robotics field, they're absolute legends.
Timoteo is a famous movie director who owns Vongola Films, a large studio. He's recently moved from directing only movies to directing what's become a hugely popular television series. Coyote Nougat is an assistant director for Timoteo. Croquant Bouche and Ganauche III are really well known producers who often work with Vongola Films and Timoteo. Visconti does all the special effects work on Timoteo's movies and now the television show. Brabanter Schnitten is the sound mixer and Brow Nie Jr. the production coordinator on all Timoteo's works, employed with Vongola Films.
Hibari's famous to a select group of people who are already in the know and famous in their own rights, as he's the head of a company who supplies the rich and famous with the best of the best in security. Notoriously publicity shy, he's never been caught on camera himself and avoids seeing any of the actual clients himself.
Tetsuya Kusakabe is one of those well-respected, oft-photographed bodyguards to the stars. Romario is as well as Dino's private bodyguard. Gamma is bodyguard to the girl group Yuni is a part of, while Olgert is bodyguard to Bel and Rasiel both and is just as paparazzi-photographed as those he looks over. Nigella Beabankul is another paparazzi famous body to the stars.
Daemon Spade and Elena are famous politicians.
Bel and Siel are infamous socialites. Part of the Royal Family of another country, their diplomatic immunity protects them against any charges that arise from their very hedonistic lifestyles and the press coverage of their fights, accidents, and the bad endings of those hedonistic lifestyles are splashed all over the tabloids. They do eventually get their own reality show.
Spanner is known for his work in special effects and puppetry, kind of along the lines of Jim Henson.
Parenza and Tras are both stunt people.
Kensuke Mochida and Brutus are celebrities within the WWE circle.
Tyr was an ECW champion who became most famous for his live death in the ring against mixed martial artist turned ECW fighter Squalo Superbi.
Michael Chianu is a tennis star, Bluebell an Olympic gold medal winning diver, while Kaoru Mizuno is a famous baseball player with one of the major teams.
I honestly don't feel that Luce is the most comfortable in front of a crowd and she doesn't like to be the center of attention. She isn't comfortable with the idea of fame and celebrity, with no desire for them. She just wants a peaceful, happy, low-key life and I honestly don't even see her as someone who has Facebook, much less any other type of social media.
Fon has no desire for fame and celebrity either. There are some YouTube clips of him, found if you Google him, of prior martial arts matches he's been part of when he did compete in martial arts tournaments. However, he's not entirely comfortable even with that level of public attention, since he prefers a quieter and simple life.
Big Pino
Haruyoshi Miura
Dr. Shamal
Fuuta de la Stella was actually a child star from babyhood until he was around six or seven, when he retired and now he just wants to stay out of the spotlight and be a normal kid.
Iemitsu is a retired action star, famous for a lot of big 80's action blockbusters. He no longer has an interest in acting, in fame and celebrity in any form but he supports and starts his child's film career despite being estranged really from Tsuna.
Enma Kozato was born into a world of celebrity but prefers to just live his life and doesn't want any attention on himself.
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bloodyspade0000 · 2 years
Claiming a wrath: The problem
Summary: Timoteo has a problem. Reborn provides a solution.
Note: yeah, lol. I somehow ended up shipping Reborn and Xanxus together.
Ps. there's no Arcobaleno curse. Why? Cuz I said so.
This is also on ao3 feedback is appreciated.
Timoteo had a problem.
It was more of an issue than a problem. And—
He had let it go on for far too long, and discontent was blistering among the ranks, specifically amongst his guardians. Mainly, Coyote, who was the loudest with his complaints and his distaste for Xanxus'...' hobby.' (If you could call being a whore a hobby.)
Timoteo didn't usually interfere with his son's personal affairs. However, since Xanxus' hobby involved sleeping with dons of rival famiglias, most of which had tried to assassinate Timoteo one way or another.
Timoteo couldn't simply let it go on any longer. (And he was sure this was Xanxus' way of getting back at him for everything he'd done and was doing to him.)
Sure, he had survived plenty of assassination attempts throughout his lifetime, but he was getting older and constantly having his life at risk wasn't good for his health.
Which is why he was finally going to address this.
"I have had it!" Coyote bellowed, slamming his hands on the table. "That boy's dragging Vongola's name in the dirt!"
"I agree with Coyote, boss," Brabanter Schnitten spoke up as well, sitting beside him. "He is making us look bad among the other famiglias."
"I don't think it's a big deal," Ganauche III remarked, leaning into his chair and resting his arms on the armrest. A smirk growing on his lips. "The brat's just having fun after all."
"You're just saying that because you've slept with him," Nie Brow Jr commented, rolling his eyes.
Ganauche III glared at him. "I haven't!" he denied indigently. "I—"
"You can't deny it," Croquant Bouche interrupted. "We've seen him leave your room."
The others nodded in agreement.
Ganauche III flushed red and sank into his chair at being caught in his lie.
"This is unbelievable," Timoteo said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Who else has been sleeping with my son?"
"Don Cavallone," Visconti answered immediately, putting files on the table. "And presumably half of the varia, and we already know Xanxus has slept with dons of other famiglias as well."
"And what do you suggest I do?" Timoteo asked, massaging his temples.
"We clearly can't let this go on any further!" Coyote exclaimed. "We must do something!"
"Don't bother,"
Timoteo and his guardians turned to only see Reborn sitting on the couch with his legs crossed and an expresso in one hand and a biscotti in the other. He looked amused.
"Reborn?" Tiomteo spoke after a moment of tense silence. What was Reborn doing here? This was a private meeting between him and his guardians.
None of them had heard Reborn enter. It was clear he had walked in at some point, as unobtrusively and diligently as he did everything.
"I'll deal with your stupid son," Reborn announced, taking a bite of his biscotti and sipping his espresso.
"And how will you do that?" Timoteo inquired, frowning slightly. What could Reborn possibly do?
"I have my ways," Reborn stated cryptically, popping the rest of the biscotti in his mouth and drowning down the rest of his expresso. He then left before Timoteo could question him further.
Timoteo sighed.
He had a bad feeling about this.
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[Scanlation] LESSON7
Fandom / Pairing : KHR / Hibari x Tsuna + Nono Guardians
Circle / Artist : ANGEL SERVICE / Zijyo Kishikawa
Warning! A little cough bed play
Happy HIBATSUNA Month 2020!
This doujinshi is funny & I really like it so I decided to scan it. However I no longer have a scanner, so the images are by phone camera. The quality is not good. I also didn’t edit using my usual laptop (it was the company’s laptop cough) so I don’t have the adobe & just use the online one. Quality dropped a lot but I think it’s still readable! I also didn’t put a watermark but please don’t share it anywhere without asking!
RAW, Typesetting and Translation by AniManGa19930.
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Haha, excuse you, Hibari! Tsuna is an A+ student now you know wwwwww
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skygemspeaks · 4 years
One thing that absolutely kills me in KHR is that all the arcobaleno's names are so obviously false and *nobody questions them*. I mean come on. Reborn. Skull. Colonello. Fucking *Verde*. Half of these names are also just plain *bad*. I'm. Inclined to belive that the arcobaleno have a sort of "notice me not" spell around them because I refuse to belive that normal people see Skull Demort, or any arcobaleno actually, and think "oh yes that's a normal baby" let alone a normal *name*.
my dear, sweet nonny. every single name in that show is batshit insane.
have you seen the ninth gen? they’re all named after sweets! what the fuck kind of name is schnitten brabanters?
and don’t even get me started on CEDEF oh my god. Basil? OREGANO? why are they all named after spices, amano? why do you have such weird naming conventions????
also, tsuna and all his ancestors are named after tokugawa shoguns, which is somehow the least weird set of names in this manga.
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ao3feed-khr · 5 years
Don't Fear the Reaper
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WkOYah
by Punkneeter
The floors were littered with bodies and stained with blood. Reborn moved gracefully past the bodies and made his way to the large white doors. With a deep breath, he reached forward and opened the door.
"So, you finally came? I had thought you had forgotten about me, Renato."
Reborn walked in the room calmly with his hand poised and ready to fire.
"I could never forget you, Marcello Terrone."
The man smirked. "And I suppose you are finally here to kill me. It took you long enough."
"Well, you won't be waiting any longer." With one last look, Reborn pulled the trigger.
Reborn's family had died when he was young and now he seeks revenge on the man who killed them. With nothing less to lose, Reborn embarks on his journey to become the best hitman in the world to seek his revenge. But problems arise and friends become enemies and enemies become allies. With no other choice, Reborn must choose to complete his mission or accept the past and let it go. But Reborn was never one for mercy, especially not for a stronzo like Marcello Terrone.
Words: 1834, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Adult Reborn, Timoteo | Vongola Nono, Massimo (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Xanxus (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Sawada Iemitsu, Enrico (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Federico (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Visconti (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Schnitten Brabanters, Coyote Nougat, Doctor Shamal (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Other Character Tags to Be Added, Arcobaleno (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), OC - Character
Relationships: none at the moment
Additional Tags: Reborn's background story, insight on Vongola, learn about the Ninth's sons, The rebellion with Xanxus, How Reborn became Reborn, Slow Updates, Slow Burn, revenge arc, we learn about Reborn's relationship with vongola, insight on Iemitsu, a more thorough explanation for Mafia politics, there is no relationship set, other characters will be briefly seen like the arcobaleno, cradle affair, slight introduction to Reborn becoming an arcobaleno
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WkOYah
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skygemspeaks · 4 years
I fucking love the arcobalenos, firstly because they're just batshit insane but also because of their names. They're SO obviously false seriously. Like, we have the ones who are trying (Lal and Fon), those who are trying and failing miserably (Colonello and Reborn bc I have this headcanon that Reborn was a genuine name choice and he realized later how dumb this was) and those who are NOT EVEN TRYING (Verde and Skull lmao) (and Mammon is like, not trying bc they choose Viper at first but yeah)
this is BLATANT sky arcobaleno erasure. aria and yuni have pretty normal names (though i admit sepira and luce are pushing it)
also, i’d argue that lal’s name is probably real because (and maybe i’m showing my obsession a little too much), but CEDEF members all have names that are spices (oregano, turmeric, basil) and Lal Mirch’s name fits in with that naming convention. Her name being fake would be a little too meta lol.
anyways don’t even try and pretend that the arcobaleno have the weirdest names when the fucking ninth generation are all going around with names that are sweets.
you tryna tell me that reborn’s name is funnier than fucking bouche crouquant? and don’t even get me started on schnitten brabanter.
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