santoschristos · 8 months
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Breath of Earth
Do you feel that? The hum of the earth is calling you home.
Egg. Bee. Vibration. Sunlight. Flower. Grounding. Close your eyes and listen from within. Pay attention. Pay attention to the message the earth mother is sending you through your own mind, heart, and root. Let your hair stand on end with the electricity of wonder. Release anxiety and find grounding in Brahmari. You are home.
This painting is a part of a 4-part series inspired by breath, meditation, and self love. The paintings in the series are also based of of the four elements of air, earth, fire, and water, and each one honors a specific pranayama associated with it. Painted in 2020, the year breath and being able to breath and live as we love, became center stage for all of us.
--Elinore Eaton
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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The sixth chakra, Ajna, is in the area of the third eye, which is found in the space between the eyebrows. It encompasses the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain. An invisible yet powerful third eye, this is your center of intuition. A spiritual chakra, which means “beyond wisdom,” Ajna leads you to an inner knowledge that will guide you if you let it. An open sixth chakra can enable clairvoyance, telepathy, lucid dreaming, expanded imagination, and visualization.
The Sixth Sense
Your world is experienced through the five senses. Even before you passed through the womb, you heard noises like your mother’s voice and heartbeat, and listened to muffled sounds outside. You experienced touch, taste, and even perceived light. And since the moment of birth, you’ve attributed your experiences to what you perceive through the senses. You’ve learned to trust your senses in what you can taste, smell, touch, see, and hear. While sense perception is great in life experience, it limits you when it comes to expanding your awareness.
At one time, you had to count on your sense of intuition and inner knowing. Before modern technology, we had to rely on signals from the environment and a more primal instinct to guide us. Just like birds can sense when a tsunami might hit, or squirrels know when it’s time to gather food for the winter, humans too have an intuitive sense. We’ve simply lost touch with it as well as our ability to trust in it.
Feeling Your Way to Intuition
Your physical senses can give you clues as to how to follow your intuition. For example, have you ever had the feeling that a carton of milk was bad? You smell the milk, look at the expiration date that’s still a couple weeks away, and even ask everyone in the house, “Is this milk bad?” Then, not detecting anything concrete, you go ahead and drink it but experience severe stomach pain as a result? That’s because on a very subtle level, your sense of smell detected something wasn’t right and gave you a cue that you doubted.
Here’s another example: you’re making a business deal with someone and everything adds up. The person seems great and honest. But when you shake hands you feel something just isn’t right. When the deal goes through, you find out it was corrupt.
You receive these clues through your senses, but when something isn’t visible you tend to ignore it. The good news is that you can learn to trust these clues and make better decisions based on your intuitive sense. When your decisions turns out right, write them down to reinforce that your intuition guided you in the right direction. Remember that just like the animals in the forest, you too have always had this sixth sense; you simply need to find it again.
Ask Your Inner Knower for Guidance
You can also use your inner sense to ask for guidance to make the right decisions. Taking into account your mind, intellect, and ego, you are now including your soul in the decision making process. Just as you turned to the third chakra in the area of the solar plexus to guide you with comfort or discomfort, you will pay attention to a hunch or a subtle feeling of moving forward or holding back. If you are conflicted, ask for your sense of intuition to be opened to you in order to help you make the right choice.
How to Balance Ajna
Just like any of the spiritual chakras, Ajna is best balanced through meditation. Often, new meditators will report having a tingling feeling in the third eye or equate it to a headache. A tingling or pulsating sensation around the area of the third eye during or after meditation is a sign that you are opening this blocked chakra.
A great Pranayama breathing technique is called Brahmari or the bee breath. Bring both hands to your face. Place the two middle fingers over your eyes. Allow the index fingers to rest on the eyebrow line and the pinky fingers under the cheekbones. Close your ears with your thumbs. Take a deep inhalation and exhale the word AUM with the emphasis on the “M” sound while creating a buzzing sound like a bee. Do this for two minutes or more. You can alleviate tension in the head and it works to open the sixth chakra.
Asanas, Sounds, Colors, and Gems
Any yoga Asana where the forehead is pressed down is a good one for the sixth chakra. Try child’s pose (Balasana) with your forehead pressed to the floor or a yoga block. Dolphin pose is another helpful pose when you lift the head up to look toward the floor.
The color for the sixth chakra is indigo and the mantra sound is SHAM.
Gems that help open the Ajna chakra are amethyst, lapis lazuli, and azurite.
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gyanyog · 1 year
The Benefits of Pranayama and Breathwork in Yoga Practice
Pranayama, or breath control, is an essential component of yoga practice. It involves various breathing techniques that help to regulate the breath, calm the mind, and energize the body. Pranayama is often used in conjunction with asana practice (physical postures) and meditation. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of pranayama and breathwork in yoga practice.
Regulating the Breath: One of the primary benefits of pranayama is that it helps to regulate the breath. Most people tend to breathe shallowly or irregularly, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and other health problems. Pranayama helps to regulate the breath, making it deeper, slower, and more even. This, in turn, helps to calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety.
Improving Lung Function: Pranayama involves various breathing techniques that help to expand the lungs and improve lung function. This can be particularly beneficial for people with respiratory issues such as asthma or COPD. Regular practice of pranayama can help to increase lung capacity, improve oxygenation, and reduce the severity of respiratory symptoms.
Enhancing Energy and Vitality: Pranayama can help to energize the body and enhance vitality. Certain breathing techniques, such as Kapalbhati or Bhastrika, involve rapid, forceful breathing, which can help to increase energy levels and invigorate the body. Other techniques, such as Nadi Shodhana or Anulom Vilom, involve alternate nostril breathing, which can help to balance the energy in the body and promote overall well-being.
Calming the Mind: Pranayama is also an excellent tool for calming the mind and reducing stress and anxiety. Slow, deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the "rest and digest" response. This can help to reduce the production of stress hormones, slow the heart rate, and induce a state of relaxation.
Enhancing Meditation Practice: Pranayama can be an excellent tool for enhancing meditation practice. By regulating the breath and calming the mind, pranayama can help to prepare the mind and body for deeper meditation. Certain pranayama techniques, such as Brahmari or Ujjayi, can also help to focus the mind and deepen the meditative experience.
In conclusion, pranayama and breathwork are essential components of yoga practice. They offer a range of benefits, including regulating the breath, improving lung function, enhancing energy and vitality, calming the mind, and enhancing meditation practice. At Gyanyog Breath, we offer a range of pranayama and breathwork classes to help you develop a deeper understanding of these techniques and experience the benefits for yourself.
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wereinyoga · 3 months
Pranamaya- Controlling the Breath
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Pranamaya, the term prana refers to the life force while maya refers to restraining and controlling. Together, this term relates to the control of the breath. It is the 4th limb in the 8 Limb Path of Ashtanga yoga.
When meditating or practicing yoga, it is easy for our minds to be distracted by thoughts which is perfectly normal but when you are trying to "empty" the mind, this stands in the way. This is where Pranamaya enters the chat. When practicing Pranamaya, you are using varying breathing techniques to focus the mind on your breath instead of distracting thoughts.
Not only is the goal to focus the mind on your breath, the goal is to also move the prana through the body and up to the crown of our head. Prana, "life force energy" flows through our bodies through these channels of energy known as Nadi, while there are more than 72,000 Nadis in our body, there are only 3 main ones: Ida, Pingala, and Shushumnah. The purpose of the Nadi within the concept of yoga is similar to that of the blood veins within us, pumping blood throughout the body.
Ida refers to the feminine and cooling side of things and terminates out of the left nostril, while Pingala refers to the masculine and heating side of things and terminates out of the right nostril. Now at the crown of our head rests the Shushumah which deals with balancing both sides.
There are different breathing techniques employable that can help keep the mind "on track". Sithali, Ujayi, Brahmari, Kapalabhati, and Nadi Shodhana are among them. There is another one called Bhastrika which is considered by many to be among the most powerful.
When applied, each breathing technique provides us with its own unique benefits. Sithali is a great technique used to cool the body and mind down, often employed after a yoga session to allow the practitioner to bring their session to a close. While there are breathing techniques that can help relax and unwind, there are also some utilized to fire up the body. One of those techniques is the Kapalabhati breath, often referred to as "Skull Shining", it is used to increase energy due to the rapid movement of the abdomen area caused by the rapid and repeated exhales.
Introducing Pranamaya into your life does not have to be a complex task, you can start off with the Brahmari breath, simply inhaling as usual while humming as you exhale. As you exhale, you will notice that humming at different tones will provide a different sensation to your body.
The Pranamaya is one of my favorite practices and I hope that by reading this brief post, you will consider taking up the practice yourself.
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vittorioballato · 2 years
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iranajian · 2 years
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🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌙 New moon blessings my love! New moon in Capricorn brings us clarity and a great possibility to raise our consciousness. 🌙 Feel into the opportunity to tebirth yourself by remembering who you are. 🌙 Practice Brahmari breathing to stay grounded yet energetic. We’ve been talking about #slowing down… maybe you need to stop yourself down, to #ground yourself down so you can #remember. For me personally this time of the year, from the winter solstice till the 16 January ( utarayana time) is the time for absolute grounding. This is the reason i am offering the earth goddess practice this week in ETHEREAL.( you are welcome to join in Link in bio) If you want to align with the rhythms of this planet, and the cosmos and if you are in the North hemisphere, this is the time to go down to the roots, to the seed or core of your being to be reberthed. Slow dow, speak less, observe more, embody receptivity. This can be potent and many times scary to clearly see the truth. Clarity and truth cannot be separated. So now you choose! You may feel trigered to go outwards. Fear makes it easier for our conditioned ego personality to take control, but clarity, discerment is possible when you slow down and choice is possible. We are free to choose. Raising your level of consciousness, means that outside situations do not dictate the way you are the way you feel. Our value is not according to your possesions, nor what others think of you. Your value is according to how much you value yourself. And Ethereal is a process that will give you clarity on your value. And when you gain that clarity through appreciating who you are you will access the source of your inner power & self reliance. This new moon opens this opportunity for you, for me for all of us. We have opened the portal to the other side and we are moving, priestess, crossing to the other side. Stay open, in still motion walking relentlesly: remember who you are. So much love Irana 🌙 #raiseyourconsciousnesd https://www.instagram.com/p/CmghbqoowgG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rmsarogyalam · 2 years
Vaccines are one of the most effective to protect infants, children, and pregnant women from diseases & mortality.
Govt of India under its Universal Immunization Programme provides vaccination free of cost against 12 Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.
Immunization currently prevents 3.5-5 million deaths every year from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles.
GAPIO appeals to get immunized and stay protected for a Long Life!
@boyapatisyamala @rmsarogyalam
@anjaneyuluPilladi @SatishAndhra_YB
#GAPIO #Diptheria #Measles #Tetanus
#hepatitis #WorldImmunizationDay
#Yoga #Ayurveda #Naturopathy #YogaSecrets
#SuryaNamaskar #freeImmunity #Pranayama
#YogaTherapy #YogicTechniques
#ShatKriyas #shatkarmas #Yogakriyas
#Bastrika #Kapalabati #AnulomaViloma
#Bahya #Tribanda #Brahmari #Udgeeth
#Ujjayi #Pranava #InhaleExhale
#Kumbakas #Jalaneti #Sutraneti
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anjiyogi1baba · 2 years
Vaccines are one of the most effective to protect infants, children, and pregnant women from diseases & mortality.
Govt of India under its Universal Immunization Programme provides vaccination free of cost against 12 Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.
Immunization currently prevents 3.5-5 million deaths every year from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles.
GAPIO appeals to get immunized and stay protected for a Long Life!
@boyapatisyamala @rmsarogyalam
@anjaneyuluPilladi @SatishAndhra_YB
#GAPIO #Diptheria #Measles #Tetanus
#hepatitis #WorldImmunizationDay
#Yoga #Ayurveda #Naturopathy #YogaSecrets
#SuryaNamaskar #freeImmunity #Pranayama
#YogaTherapy #YogicTechniques
#ShatKriyas #shatkarmas #Yogakriyas
#Bastrika #Kapalabati #AnulomaViloma
#Bahya #Tribanda #Brahmari #Udgeeth
#Ujjayi #Pranava #InhaleExhale
#Kumbakas #Jalaneti #Sutraneti
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yogateket · 6 years
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Welcome to Yogateket Guy 🙏 Today we have been shooting lots of #pranayama teqnuiques with Guy our new teacher with deep knowledge in breathing. Check #yogateket in a couple days for new pranayama classes and tutorials. #uddiyanabandha #kriya #pre-nauli #agnisara #simhamudra #jivhabandha #brahmamudra #anulomaviloma #nadishodana #sitali (sitkari) #ujjayi #brahmari #chandrabhedana #yogauppsala #yogastockholm #yogasweden #onlineyoga #pranyamaonline #lifeforce #uppsala #hotyogauppsala @sarayogigranstrom (at Yogateket)
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dakshinaamoorti · 4 years
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#brahmari #pranayama #openair +13С☀️ОТКРЫТЫЕ БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ #ЙОГА-КЛАССЫ ПО КРИЙЯЙОГА & ЙОГАНИДРА С МЕДИТАЦИЕЙ #YOGA 🙌🏻🧘🏻‍♂️🧘🏽‍♀️🙏🏼 ПРОБУДИСЬ по БУДНЯМ в 7:00 у метро ВкусВилл =1 мин пешком от м.БОТАНИЧЕСКИЙ САД, Лазоревский пр.1А, #ЖКLIFE В 2014-2015 годах выучился на преподавателя йоги в #YOGAALLIANCE USA NYC в направлении TANTRA-#HATHAYOGA-TRADITION (линия SWAMI SHIVANANDA + SWAMI SATYANANDASARASWATI + SWAMIRAMA), получивстепень эксперта E-RYT500 за более 3000 часов успешного преподавания в йога-студиях и ретрит-центрах. Согласно Тантрическому воззрению (в отличии от Ведического) все люди с рождения , не зависимо от полового, расового, национального, кастового, социального и др. происхождения, имеют равные права на обретение Свободы Мукти (Mukti или Moksha) , которая выражается в Осознании Себя как Единого с этим МирОм. И Такое Осознание позволяет обрести философия-искусство-наука-практика постижения Себя, Высшего Разума, Изначального Духа, Сердца, Я - Йога. «Воспрянь, Пробудись и Познай» - Катха-Уп 🕉 Преподаватель Йоги YACEP #ERYT500 ☮️ Кандидат педагогических наук ☸️ Психотерапевт МИП/МААП/IAAP Jungian Analytical Psychotherapy) ☯️ Фридайвер: серт. Н.Молчановой 2010, AIDA 2019 #АТМАВИЧАРА Само-исследование (Поиск Атмана) является универсальной практикой медитации #SriRamanaMaharshi , позволяющей углублять осознанность через осознание изначального «Я» (Высшего Разума, Божественного Источника, Изначального Я, Сердца) и переносить более глубокое осознание в повседневную жизнь. #yogapractice #yogaeverywhere #йогавгороде #yogamoscow #йогамосква #жкlifeботаническийсад #йоганаботсаду #йоганаботсаде #йогаботсад #botsad #ботсад #йогамосквацентр #yogamoscowcenter #yogapractice #openairyoga #urbanyoga megapolis cityyoga yogacity #moscowyoga RU 🙌🏻🇱🇻🙌🏻🇱🇹🙌🏻🇪🇪🙌🏻🇧🇾🙌🏻🇺🇦🙌🏻🇭🇷🙌🏻🇸🇮🙌🏻🇷🇸🙌🏻🇸🇰🙌🏻🇷🇺🙌🏻   http://yogashaktipat.ru #непротивлениезлунасилием #ахимса #ahimsa Love EVOLVE Evol Heart ❤️Earth ♻️🌍🐳🐬🐟🐢🐘🦌🐛🌿🌺🐝☀️ - 🌿Repair what can be fixed 🔧 - 🌿Refuse items that you don’t need🚫 - 🌿Reduce those you do ⬛️ —◾️ - 🌿Save trees🌲🌳 (at ЖК LIFE-Ботанический сад) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGEujNLHRGX/?igshid=5qqxxed5odj6
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yogacoinspire · 4 years
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Se boucher les oreilles pour mieux s’écouter.., encore un paradoxe du #yoga avec Coinspire.fr • • #brahmari #pranayama #respiration #tension #relachement #sourd #lumineux #simplyyoga #professeurdeyoga #formation200h (à Yoga, Nature et CoInspire.fr en Inde et en France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCyaaM3DOuj/?igshid=cdc7799nofx1
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toyokeoneself · 4 years
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Yoga Nourish starting live & online from Saturday 6th June
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hotyogasummit · 4 years
inhale positivity
As kids employ more time indoors, support them open yoga at an early age as it ensures usual well-actuality and builds a fit atmosphere to develop bodily, mentally and spiritually bhastrika
identical to tiny saplings crave appropriate sunlight, first rate clay and a in shape environment with a view to grow into massive, powerful trees, similarly, toddlers want appropriate foodstuff and nourishment for each, the body and mind to grow to become a wholesome individual. Yoga with its ancient and conventional competencies is a magnificent tool to mildew the child from a archaic stage. With the support of yoga, that you would be able to have an effect on a young mind positively. it s a holistic tool via its various practises of yoga asanas, pranayama, chanting, brainwork and many others. It enhances actual fitness; improves intellectual well-actuality and publications the baby assimilate an upward path of goodness.
The bhastrika dynamic system of yoga offers you innumerable actual advantages. Asanas or postures are practised with consciousness on animation. This boosts amnesty, builds awareness, whereas making the physique strong and versatile. ��Postures stimulate the imperative fearful gadget, endocrine device, circulatory equipment, respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive system and so on. therefore, yoga performs a extremely mighty function for the usual physical construction of the infant. one of the most flows that will also be practised for first rate actual health include Surya Namaskar, Chandra Namaskar, Vayu Namaskar, Jal Namaskar and Prithvi Namaskar etc.
meditation and pranayama strategies accept a relaxing impact on the newborn’s brain. when yoga is carried out continuously it could possibly dispose of accent. This in turn improves getting to know, and additionally increases the capability to keep abilities. Pranayama channels energies against positivity which increases a baby’s tutorial and behavioural efficiency. Bhastrika pranayama, Anulom Vilom, Kapal Bhati, Brahmari pranayama are one of the respiration techniques that may also be carried out.
area your index feel to your brow; your core feel on the medial Canthus and arena feel on the corner of your nostril.
hold your aperture bankrupt the complete time and believe the vibration of the sound disseminate throughout your body.
Yoga ends up in more suitable category accord and amicable talents. here is why it s acclimated to manipulate and deal with disabilities similar to ADHDADD, adorning and cerebral delays, down syndrome and certain getting to know disabilities reminiscent of dyslexia. It synchronises brain waves between the distinctive components of the mind which induces rest. This influences a child’s intelligence and creativity as it stimulates pondering capacity and mental power.
mediation and alike certain asanas can assist little ones build their center of attention.  for example, Tratak brainwork achieved on a blaze, sun, and moon or on a atramentous dot will also be really useful. it is counseled that infants practise certain asanas equivalent to Bakasana, Chakrasana, Shirshasana, Dhanurasana and so on.
Yoga asanas are afflicted by using attributes making them effortless to remember. Postures have names similar to dog, cat, cow, crocodile, crane, crow, hawkeye, bobcat and so forth. There are also asanas to represent timber, lotus, warrior, soldier and many different unique ideas.
comply with these simple and enjoyable asanas and practise them as a minimum thrice per week for minimal - minutes every.
raise and vicinity your appropriate foot for your carry inner thigh as near your beam as feasible.
Yoga can play a vital function in a child’s overall construction as it builds a match and high-quality activating for the baby. It lays a powerful foundation for little ones to develop bodily, mentally and spiritually. aid your newborn launch asanas, pranayama and meditation from an early age as this ensures general well-actuality.
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yogaposesfortwo · 4 years
Yoga Philosophy: Grounding and Calming Practices
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A central aspect of yogic philosophy, Buddhism and Vedanta, is the practice of being content and peaceful when the outside world is unpredictable and at times chaotic. Parinamavada is the Buddhist concept that everything is in a constant state of flux and change, and that attachment to that which changes brings suffering. Indeed, suffering for many of us arises because we become attached to the things in life we can’t control, whether its physical appearance, work life, relationships, finances or flexibility. We may feel joyful when everything is exactly as we want it to be, but as soon as things change, we’re often filled with underlying anxiety and a sense of loss. Freedom from attachment leads to a sense of peace unrivalled by any material object or achievement. As Thich Naht Hanh has said; “Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” Fortunately there are a number of calming practices that can help us feel more balanced and entered even at a time of uncertainty and unease.
Atma Vidya
Whilst freedom from attachment is one step on the path to peace, Atma Vidya or ‘knowledge of the reality of the self’ takes the practice further and encourages the practitioner to explore all the things they are not, in order to know the nature of what they really are. Atma Vidya reasons that whatever is happening around us and to us is just like a play unfolding, an illusion we mistake for reality. Freedom from this illusion and the realisation that our true self is something far beyond what we cling to on a daily basis gives a sense of contentment, groundedness and a deep knowing that we are in fact pure consciousness itself. So how can we move closer towards experiencing a glimpse of this grounded peace and contentment? How can we find stillness amongst the ever-changing world around us? Yogic practices have fortunately focused on this for thousands of years, so we have a treasure trove of practices to choose from and cultivate daily. Try the following to help you feel calm, grounded and peaceful at a time when things are unpredictable: Pranayama: Prana refers to ‘life force’ – the energy behind life itself, but it also implies ‘breath’. By observing the breath, we observe our life force energy, and by cultivating a harmonious breathing pattern, we allow our life force to be more harmonious too. Sama Vritti Pranayama is a breathing technique known as ‘equal breathing’ or breathing with ‘equal fluctuations’ in length. This simple practice helps calm the mind and bring about a sense of balance. Simply bring your body into a comfortable position, breathe in for a count of five, hold for five, breathe out for a count of five and hold for five. This practice is also known as ‘box breathing’, and you can imagine drawing the lines of a square with each breath to give the mind a focus. Practice this when you wake in the morning and before bed if possible. Mantra: The words we hear and say have a powerful impact upon how we feel. Mantras are words imbued with an almost magic quality can really make a difference to our state of being. To stay calm and grounded, choose a mantra like Om Shanti meaning ‘I am peace’ or an affirmation such as ‘I am calm, I am centred, I am well’. Repeat often, especially in times of anxiety. Mudra: You have powerful tools for wellbeing literally in the palms of your hands, and these are known as mudras. Mudras are symbolic gestures often made with the hands to help bring about different states of being. Adopting a mudra can help deepen your meditation practice, or serve as a way to focus the mind. To feel grounded, choose Prithvi Mudra, the earth mudra which involves bringing the tip of the ring finger and thumb together to active more earth energy within the body and mind. Connect To Nature: Nature has a way of helping the body decrease levels of cortisol (the ‘stress hormone’) and increase endorphins (happy hormones!) Whether it’s getting outside in the woods, near a lake, or simply stepping out into your garden, try to make connecting with nature a daily practice and notice how much calmer you feel. Feel Your Feet: When the mind is busy, focusing on the feet is a great way to move energy down from the brain to the body. Stand comfortably and focus on the feeling of your feet connected to the earth. Lift your toes and replace them one by one, noticing the firm connection of the skin on the soles of your feet to the ground. As you exhale, imagine roots growing from the feet deep into the earth, and as you inhale, imagine drawing up energy from the earth into your body. Acupressure Points: For a quick dose of calmness, try firmly but gently massaging the following acupressure points with your index finger or thumb: Hall Of Impression point, located between the eyebrows, and the Union Valley point, located in the webbing between the thumb and index finger. Essential Oils: Scents interact directly with the brain and can change how we feel almost instantly. Try inhaling good quality essential oils like lavender or chamomile for calming, and neroli or ylang ylang for a mood boost. Brahmari Breath: Humming is naturally soothing for the nervous system, and yogis have been practicing Brahmari Pranayama or ‘Humming Bee Breath’ for thousands of years. Simply close your eyes and cover your ears. Inhale fully and as you exhale, find a deep humming sound. Notice the vibrations in your sinuses, chest and throat as you hum, and repeat as often as you like.   The post Yoga Philosophy: Grounding and Calming Practices appeared first on Yogamatters Blog. Author: Emma Newlyn Source: https://www.yogamatters.com/blog/yoga-philosophy-grounding-and-calming-practices/ Discover more info about Yoga Poses for Two People here: Yoga Poses for Two Read the full article
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yogaadvise · 4 years
5 New Year`s Resolutions to Expand Your Yoga Practice
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Modern yogis are high-powered and ambitious, and also commonly treat yoga exercise as a boot camp. Yoga sages recognize that the technique of yoga is a lifelong search with subtleties as well as exploration of the mind, body, and soul.
In the book, Light on Life, yoga master as well as papa of modern yoga exercise, B.K.S. Iyengar, informs stories of being unwell as well as weak as a child and starting yoga exercise at age 15, with his brother-in-law, to regain wellness. And also at age 90, Iyengar reported that he still did 3 hrs of yoga asana technique everyday and also one hr of pranayama method. Yoga exercise master Alan Finger, made famous via his house video clips called Yoga Zone, started researching at age 16 with his father and has actually been on a knowing journey for greater than 50 years.
When you consider strengthening your yoga exercise practice, it's simple to assume regarding the yogi gymnasts you see in class. You may think, "Wow If I can just discover exactly how to do side crane or flying pigeon, I may be a real yogi." Doing tough or difficult postures might be one method to strengthen your technique, but there are several other means to broaden your yoga practice.
1. Learn or Master One New Yoga Pose each week
Mastery of yoga exercise asana never ever stops. Your body is frequently changing. Your mind as well as confidence in on your own is ever-evolving. Easy-looking positions might appear basic, or might be simpler to enter into, but you can take them much deeper with each technique. You can truly research a present. Obtain a publication on yoga makeup and also see which muscles are engaged. You can always take a breath extra, lengthen a lot more, and make use of various press indicate get deeper right into your pose.
Maybe your goal truly is to do a hard position. You can take the posture in stages throughout several weeks. Crane position can first be done with your feet on yoga exercise blocks. You can exercise raising one foot off at a time. You can even put a block before you in situation you're afraid of falling on your head.
By taking and master one position per week, you can be familiar with your staminas and also your weaknesses.
2. Attempt 10 Different Types of Yoga exercise Classes
It's very easy to obtain locked right into one sort of yoga exercise. You locate a yoga class or studio you enjoy and also you stick with it. But did you know that there are various kinds of yoga exercise practices? Growing your method can stop by experiencing different teachers, designs, and also ideologies of practice.
For instance, a heated yoga class is mosting likely to look much different than a yin yoga class. A Kundalini yoga exercise class will certainly give you whole lots of extreme breathing workouts, however if you take an Iyengar course, you could not discover pranayama until you are an advanced student. Try some intriguing or fun ones such as laughter yoga, airborne yoga, or a companion yoga exercise class.
3. Research as well as Implement One of the 8 Arm Or Legs of Yoga Exercise Per Month
Yoga is not just a workout regime, it's a way of living. Welcoming the philosophy and way of life of yoga can be equally as essential as a daily yoga asana method. The eight arm or legs of yoga exercise from the yoga sutras of Patanjali are the yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi. The very first 2 limbs of yoga exercise, the Yamas and Niyamas, each have five different concepts. Also if you take one of those principles monthly, such as ahimsa or non-harming, you will certainly have 10 months of a yoga way of life practice.
4. Find out All the Various Sorts Of Pranayama
Breath is life-- so if you master the breath, you can grasp your mind and also, inevitably, your life. The dirgha breath, the ujjayi breath, nadi shodhana, kapalabhakti, bhastrika, and brahmari are just a few of the numerous pranayama strategies you can practice every day. Each breathing technique is created for a certain function and to generate a specific result. The sitali breath is used to cool down the body when you get too hot or to calm the nerves if you're agitated.
5. Explore the Obscure Aspects of Yoga
I was privileged adequate to have instructors in the 1980s and also 90s that had actually studied in India or had Indian instructors that educated them several of the bizarre or much less traditional techniques of yoga exercise. Bandha (the lock) method is something you don't often listen to about in a fitness center yoga exercise course. The mula bandha (root lock), the uddiyana bandha (abdomen lock), and the jalandhara bandha ( chin lock) are all valuable components of a yoga practice.
Go on your exploration of the a lot more obscure techniques of yoga exercise and see what treasures you find.
Finally, take it easy as well as delight in the trip. These five resolutions are not meant to be a stressful listing of things you need to accomplish in one year, yet instead suggestions to take you deeper slowly and with time. Keep the attitude of a newbie and also you will certainly always strive to learn much more in your yoga exercise practice.
Join Dr. Deepak Chopra at our trademark reflection and also yoga exercise retreat, Seduction of Spirit. Seduction of Spirit is a chance to tip far from the sound and numerous hours of every day life and - via meditation, yoga, and also immersion in the Seven Spiritual Regulation of Success - bring into crystal clear emphasis what you're here to contribute and also that you really are. Go here to find out extra.
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catallenyoga · 6 years
Thank you @yogawithdavina @melaninyogaproject for creating and organizing this most spectacular event and bringing together such a wonderful group of yogis. We buzzed our cores together and created contagious magic this morning. You can still catch the expo today - Dr. Inge Ford is teaching “Cures for the Curious” and Dr. Kiva Davis, “Yoga for Healthy Digestion.” We didn’t plan on focusing on the core today, but that’s how it played out. What a brilliant combination of classes. You’ve got to come check it out. Your core will thank you. #melaninyogaproject #yogaforAll #brahmari #corelove #corestrength https://www.instagram.com/p/BomMPaPhmL5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2pkofpksb9zw
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