#braime crack
daenystheedreamer · 3 months
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Happy Velaryontine's Day to the IATC (celebrated June 12th for Dia dos Namorados), and especially to Sam @eddtollett who is my giftee! I hope you enjoy this silly game I spent way too long on.
Scratch doesn't accomodate mobile, so this will require a desktop (sorry T_T). If it glitches I am so sorry, check my username and there's another simpler maze generator that may work better :)
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
i was tagged by @thewaaywetalk to list my crackships for asoiaf!!! fun prompt!
i mean i do think briensa is considered a crack ship bc they haven’t met yet in book canon and brienne isn’t shipped enough outside of braime bc no one has taste except me and three other people in this tugboat with me. check my girls-
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god the northern lighting sucks so bad. anyways.
i have a hard time defining "crackship" largely because people will call anything a crack ship nowadays (*cue grandpa voice*) and back in my day people only called stuff that was like person/inanimate object or crossover ships crack but now you can ship two characters who have interacted, think about each other on several occasions, and have a bunch of narrative parallels and you get told its a crackship. personally, so long as they interact one (1) time i say it's got basis in canon!!!!!!!!
probably my most obscure is Black Aly and Alyn Oakenfist for F&B and Grey Worm & Jeyne Poole for the main series. I had a theory that the pact of ice and fire was a wife swap thing so not only would Jace marry Sara and his first born daughter would go north but also that Baela would marry Cregan as well because I thought anything short of Cregan getting some sort of dragon - literal or metaphorical - right now was dumb. egg on my face i guess alskjdf anyway i think more interesting for baela but i also thought it would be really interesting for black aly and alyn oakenfist especially considering his affairs - "i left my religion, my home, my entire life behind to marry this bastard turned legitimate that charmed me and he has the audacity to cheat on me with another valyrian" really hits for me, especially considering how close benjicot and addam were. once again, f&b is full of missed opportunities (to me).
the grey worm/jeyne poole thing came to me in a dream where grey worm and jon became friends and grey worm stayed in the north and married jeyne poole because they both have similar, extreme traumas and aren't noble born, and sansa gave jeyne away since all of jeyne's family was dead and grey worm started calling himself grey worm poole (i did say it was a dream) and now i just really really need something like that to happen to both of them or i'll die.
i'm gonna tag @transdimensional-void @kingcunny @maegorsbignaturals @riana-one @daenerysstormreborn @eggblackwood @allyriadayne no pressure but you better match my dumb ass energy aldjf
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mlmaegon · 2 months
10 + 34 for asoiaf ask?
A quote so good it makes you crazy
there are so many i could choose from but honestly, the quotes that have always made me go craziest are the braime ones. i love this one in particular:
Jaime's golden hand cracked him across the mouth so hard the other knight went stumbling down the steps. His lantern fell and smashed, and the oil spread out, burning. "You are speaking of a highborn lady, ser. Call her by her name. Call her Brienne."
What’s something people get wrong about your favorite character?
that's a tough one! i don't know if i have a definitive favorite character but one of my favorites has always been catelyn and if i see another take on her "bastardphobia" i'm going to shoot myself
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elegantwoes · 2 years
Not saying no one in the fandom wants those things, but omg... Dany's dragons? Nymeria? Gendry? What? I have seen like, one or two fics for the dragons and Nymeria, and then that means we steal everything from them? People who write those things are in all their right because is fanfiction, but fanfiction is not the same as actual theories. In my years as a Sansa stan I have never seen anyone theorizing that Sansa will get the dragons (no thank u) or Arya's wolf, and even if they do exist, they're certainly not popular enough for me, an actual Sansa fan, to have seen them. The same with Gendry... I have seen people shipping Sansa and Gendry, but then people ships Sansa with even Tywin Lannister. As an actual theory, no Sansa fan believes she would ever marry Gendry or something lol. Good queen Alysanne? That they wholeheartedly believe Daenerys is good queen Alysanne 2.0 doesn't make it true. We are as free to draw parallels between her and Sansa as they are to do the same with their fave, because in this case nothing is set on stone. The bear and the maiden fair? Lmao that song is literally in a Sansa chapter, GRRM said we had to wait to see if it had anything to do with Sansa's story, and a lot of Sansa fans don't even interpret the song as a possitive thing, considering the dub/non-con undertones of it. No one denies it also applies to other characters too 🙄🙄
The part about dragons and Nymeria. I didn’t want to include that in my previous post because I thought it would taint it, but now I will talk about it. Dragons are weapons of mass destruction. GRRM has explicitly said that and never has spoken in positive about them. Then there’s Nymeria who absorbed all of the negative imagery that is associated with wolves in medieval Europe. She’s terrorizing the people in Riverlands. Her actions are no different from the beast Gevaudan. You know what happened to that animal? It got killed. If the common folk decided to band together and started hunting Nymeria and her pack and managed to kill them It would be well deserved and I would cheer them on. There’s a reason why wolves are largely extinct in West Europe and Nymeria is begging to be put down just like them. Like do they forget Lady exists? Sure she was in only one chapter but already she’s infinitely superior to Dany’s dragons and Nymeria who have caused destruction. Sansa is just fine being direwolf less. Magic isn’t on the forefront of Sansa’s arc and I, and many other Sansa fans, are very happy about that.
I have spoken about this in a previous post. Complaining about crack pairing fanfics on ao3 is beyond goofy. If they want to embarrass themselves in the public eye then go ahead, but I am not joining them. I have better things to do.
About the Bear and Maiden fair. Because songs are so deeply connected to Sansa’s chapters almost all the songs are in some capacity related to her. She’s the quintessential lady in a song. A fairytale heroine. Secondly the lyrics of the song is brought up in Sansa’s very first ASOS chapter, well before it pops up in Jaime’s chapters. So if anything it’s the other way around. Secondly Songs can be about multiple characters. Like the tale of Aemon and Naerys. It’s exclusive tied to Sansa’s romantic storyline, but it also connected to Cersei and Jaime who are a dark counterpart to the pairing. Or even Elia Martell who, just like Sansa, shares similarities to Naerys. Multiple characters can share a connection to a tale or song. There’s no stealing involved not by Sansa or “Braime”.
And you are also right, dear anon. There’s strong dubious consent/rape undertones in the lyrics of the Bear and maiden fair.
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theothermaidoftarth · 5 months
Thanks for the tag @gwenllian-in-the-abbey!
How many works do you have on ao3 (or masterlist)? 5
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 90,132
3. What fandoms do you write for? On ao3 Asoiaf/F&B/HotD
4. Top five fics by kudos? Sorrow, Song for Evermore, The Favoured, World on Fire, Exposure
5. Do you respond to comments? All the time! I really appreciate them, especially when I myself find writing them so difficult, and I love knowing something I’ve written has touched someone. It’s such a high!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Sorrow. It’s angsty all round, though there is a dash of hc
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Song for Evermore, though The Favoured comes close
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not on ao3
9. Do you write smut? Sometimes but not explicitly
10. Craziest crossover? None on ao3 (so far?). But when I was on ff.net I wrote a few Percy Jackson/Harry Potter fics following the same crack/rarepair (Luna Lovegood/Apollo)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, never
14. All time favorite ship? Baela/Daeron but Cregan/Nettles is up there. I have a serious soft spot for braime too
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My au where Brienne is born into House Baratheon still a blonde. The butterfly effects were stumping me, haha. I knew how I wanted it to end but getting there was the trouble, filling in the gaps. I’m writing a oneshot based on the same premise but going in a different direction. Current working title is The Choice
16. What are your writing strengths? Characterisation and making the rare pairs I write work
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Being concise and not rambling
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I use italics if the other character understands the language
19. First fandom you wrote in? Not on ao3 but back in my ff.net days Harry Potter; otherwise on ao3 it would be HotD
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? This is a tough one! It has to be a tie between Song for Evermore and World on Fire
Tagging: @ride-thedragon @pebblume @qyburnsghost @emilykaldwen @vampire-exgirlfriend @aifsaath and whoever else wants to participate
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mentallyinwalmart · 4 years
Some of y’all don’t have “From The Grave” and “The White Book” on your “Sobbing in the Car” playlist and it shows
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ahandwithoutahand · 5 years
Brienne right after Jaime leaves her to go back to Cersei.
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mahesh-qalaxia · 5 years
Brienne vouches for Jaime
Sansa: You vouch for him?
Brienne: Yes, I trust Jaime with my life.
Sansa: And I trust you with mine. Your word is good enough for me. Jon?
Jon: Okay, I will get back into the car. Just ask Jaime to keep his hands on the wheel and off of Brienne.
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this-is-krikkit · 5 years
Jaime and Brienne in 8x02, declaring their love for each other in the most ridiculous, overdramatic and obvious ways they can think of
(insp by this msr masterpiece)
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thestory812 · 2 years
I always laugh at seeing GIFS of Brienne’s shocked face in the Last of the Starks when she opens the door to see Jaime standing there. Like did she forget she flirtatiously glanced over her shoulder while watching him follow her?
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weirwoodking · 4 years
wench (lovingly)
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Finally did a OTP Bracket! It was super hard to judge them so i did it two different ways
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Top 10 Ships:
Renorarc (Lie Ren x Nora Valkyrie x Jaune Arc, RWBY)
Geep (Guy x Eep Crood, The Croods)
Tstar (Nakatsukasa Tsubaki x Black Star, Soul Eater)
Polyrangers (Jason Scott x Kimberly Hart x Billy Cranston x Trini x Zack Taylor, Power Rangers 2017)
Kíliel (Prince Kíli x Tauriel, The Hobbit films)
Entrapdak (Princess Entrapta x Lord Hordak, She-ra and the Princesses of Power)
Maleval (Maleficent x Diaval, Maleficent films)
Arkos (Jaune Arc x Pyrrha Nikos, RWBY)
Fuli / Azzad (The Lion Guard)
Braime (Brienne Tarth x Jaime Lannister, Game of Thrones TV show)
Turns out i have two bad guy x bad guy ships which is two more than expected, my list and its runner-ups is dominated by children's shows, my very first otp has come back to haunt me, and im genuinely surprised all of these (except the polyam ones) are m/f ships considering how much m/m and f/f pops up on my dash
Honorable Mentions:
Evlynn (Eve Baird x Flynn Carson, The Librarians)
Victoria / Ivan (R.E.D. films)
Robin / Mariam (Disney's animal version)
12th Cen. Guinevere / Lancelot (Arthurian Legend, 1100s AD)
Jasiri / Janja (The Lion Guard)
Alexei / Melina (Black Widow film)
Sanubis (Sadie Kane x Anubis, The Kane Chronicles)
Denver / Mónica (Money Heist)
Seamista (Seahawk x Princess Mermista, She-ra and the Princesses of Power)
Kanera (Kanan Jarrus x Hera Syndulla, Star Wars: Rebels)
Hiccastrid (Hiccup x Astrid, How to Train Your Dragon films)
Gwencelot (Gwen x Lancelot, Merlin)
Thruce (Thor Odinson x Bruce Banner, Thor: Ragnarok)
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jxnsasnows · 4 years
Podrick, vlogging: I keep cursing in ice cream flavors, and Ser Mom has told me to stop.
Podrick: Update: I still haven't stopped.
Jaime: How do you swear in ice cream flavors?
Podrick: *breathes in* Ahem...
Podrick: What the mint chocolate chip did you say to me, punk? I'll kick your rocky road and then punch the everloving strawberry cheesecake out of you!
Jaime, wiping a single tear: That was beautiful.
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tiredandtoothless · 4 years
Chapters: 1/7 Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Ilyn Payne, Bronn (ASoIaF), Addam Marbrand Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Legally Blonde Fusion, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn (ish), Fluff, Crack Treated Seriously, No Twincest, Past Trauma Mention, Car Accident mention, bodily injury mention, internalized ableism, idiots falling in love, Found Family, ilyn is jaime's emotional support companion, Other Character Tags to be Added - Freeform, Additional Tags to Be Added, i have no excuse for this and no one asked for it but it's happening Summary:
In which: Jaime goes to law school to prove the haters wrong; Brienne is the brain that launched a thousand competency boners; and Ilyn is just here for the free rent.
(a legally blonde au)
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fineosaur · 5 years
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mentallyinwalmart · 4 years
There Is Nothing To Forgive a Braime soulmates one shot
This fic is a twist on the “shared dreams” soulmate trope, where, in my version, the God’s let your soulmate appear in dreams.
Jaime Lannister had never been good with words. All his life they had evaded him, from the time when he was a child and he couldn’t read without a heafty struggle, to his adolescence when he’d attempt to express to Cersei his feelings.
She didn’t care of course. She didn’t want his love, his admiration, and she didn’t care about his words, or lack thereof. All she wanted was his body and the pleasure it could bring her, all she sought was the security of knowing he was hers, under her spell, forever.
So the appearance of anyone speaking to him in dreams was odd. He was visual, and his dreams often came as a bombardment of images, some cruel, some lovely, all powerful, without a word to be gleaned from any of them.
But this night was different.
The dream was simple really, he was there, in the throne room, watching from above like a raven in the rafters, Aerys on the throne, his own white cloak shining. He watched as the mad king laughed, and he could hear the innocent scream as the king shook with wicked, mad laughter. He tightened the grip on his hilt and stepped closer. He could not hear what Aerys was saying, nor could he hear any other words, but he could smell the sickly chemical scent of wildfire and could feel the heat that would surely come from it.
He watched his own hands shake as he took another step up behind the king, all the fear he had felt in that moment evident on his terrified face.
But suddenly, he was not alone as he raised the sword to strike true. A girl, tall and strong, with long blonde hair hanging down her back. She was younger than him, but her eyes glowed like saphires and as she pressed herself against him, she took his hand on the swords hilt in her own, wrapping a warm hand around his, and helping guide the blade.
I understand. Her words materialized in his mind, and she smiled sadly before helping him guide the word into its sheath through Aery’s back.
Forgive me. Never before had he spoken in a dream. Nor had he cared to.
There is nothing to forgive.
She faded before he could get a true glimpse at her face, leaving him alone to claw at the air, before waking bolt upright, alone in the summer night.
Actions spoke louder than words, and yet words were what Brienne put stock in. Honor was her pillar of principle, and she believed in any man’s word as she expected them to do in hers.
And so, when a young man’s begging voice pierced the foggy clouds of her dreams one night, begging for help, for forgiveness, and justifying why he killed.
For the innocent. For those he would slaughter. Because if I do not do it, who can?
She felt a strange sense of longing for that voice, for the man who must wield its mighty tone. She let herself drift towards it, it’s words becoming more and more earnest, panicked, even.
Please, mother, father, someone, guide me.
She searched the crevasses of her dream for its source, but as always found no images, only fragments of words. But then, just as she was about to give up, he appeared.
Forgive me.
The boy was behind the mad king, drawing his sword, tears gathered in his eyes. And suddenly, Brienne was there too. One look at the boy and she knew what he needed. She wrapped her hand around his, and pressed herself gently beside him, taking on the burden of the blade and the sentence it was about to deal. She knew how this story would end.
The sword pierced.
There is nothing to forgive.
All was warm and light was everywhere for a moment, and then it became too much and she awoke, sweating and panting in the summer night air.
Soul dreams are a thing of the distant past. I am no fool. She repeated the sentiment over and over, across years as she travelled lands and seas, and came to the service of Renly Baratheon. Finally, she had stopped thinking about the boy, the Kingslayer, with whom she had shared a dream unlike any other.
Until the night she dreamt of the shadow.
Though she could not see it, she could feel the cool air sweep through the tent, and could feel the hair on her arms stand up. She felt her heart hammer in her chest, and her blood run frozen.
No. No. Please no. Do not make me watch this again.
Renly was dead a week, and yet she could not sleep without watching it play out, over and over again. Perhaps I am the Kingslayer.
You are not.
Suddenly she could see again, and there he was. Older now, but without mistake: Jaime Lannister.
It takes one to know one, and it is not you.
It was his phantom turn to come closer, to warm her against the chill.
How can I ever forgive myself? She wept as Renly before her died once again, and her heart felt as if it were frozen to ice.
There is nothing to forgive.
Her heart beat fast and she turned to see his face.
But he was gone. And she left alone in her bedroll in Catelyn Starks tent.
There is nothing to forgive.
Jaime repeated the words his golden haired maiden had once offered him so many years ago. He prayed it would bring her the same solace it brought him.
He had heard of soul dreams, of the most ancient and purest loves, ones which the gods themselves were invested in. Ones for whom the soul was so tightly bound that they could, when direly necessary, appear in dreams.
But he didn’t believe it. Rather, he believed that as comfort had been offered to him, so would he offer it. For some reason. He couldn’t quite place why, but something had compelled him to speak to her, to comfort her, despite not even knowing if she was real, or just a figment of his imagination.
He thought about it a lot on the road to Kingslanding, as him and Brienne walked in silence. There was something in the way she looked at him, this odd familiarity, overshadowed by anger and confusion. It made him wonder a great deal about what she knew of him. It was not an expression he was used to being on the receiving end of.
To Brienne’s chagrin, Jaime did not appear in her dreams after the night he lost his hand. Despite the fact that she so sincerely blamed herself for it.
But as they stared at one another at the bathhouse, and he suddenly, inexplicably began to speak, something in her chest thrummed.
“I know, Ser Jaime.” She said, before he had fully begun the explanation of why he killed Aerys. “You did it for the people, for the innocents. If you didn’t, who could?”
His face went slack and his jaw hung loose, eyes fixed on hers as they simultaneously put the pieces together. In unison they spoke their next words carefully.
“There is nothing forgive.”
Thank you so much for reading!!!! I am so happy to be back, and I hope to write a lot more in the coming weeks. Pleaaaaaaaaase send me any suggestions or promps you might have, or if you’d like to see more continuations of any of my work lmk!!!! As always, PM me if you want to be added or removed from the tag list :) Love you all xx, Bea
Tag list: @b00kworm @sassbewitchedmyass @onlyjaimebrienne @nashilena @oathbreaker-oathkeeper @averageinside @itsclaucueva @briennexofxtarth @slytherinoftarth @ladyem-fandom @afittingdistraction @ben-roll-io @marasjadesfire @paceofbase @hotarukuro
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