#brain game low mb
zakkaplay · 2 years
Your Brain Blast! Match Pairs!
Match pairs in this quick memory trainer & matching memory game for your brain exercise daily! Enjoy a quick brain training game, concentration game & matching memory game all in one in Brain Blast! Fun Classic Concentration Game & Memory Match Game! Remember & match pairs in this quick classic concentration memory matching game! Enjoy a memory trainer to practice your pair matching memory…
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thewazu · 3 months
My Final Draft
I am high as shit, so i apologize in advance for everything, but also clarify that i am aware; i yapp whenever i smoke; i get genuine when I'm under the influence.
* * *
I'm An American Born Citizen.
I was thinking of dicks, but not, long, or like that, legitimately, why do people have big, small, thin, thick and or all?
Growers and Showers
Genetics or environmental, or a gift of the Lord?
Okay, well dead end.
Why do old people want blue pills? Is it because of their age? They want to feel young again?
Okay, those all sound the same.
I am going to get VERY personal, because i am finally confident in myself, and i take constructive criticism very well!
Even if they are hate, or people saying to get off drugs or go outside, i literally do all of that now.
I just got diagnosed with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Level 1, which then came with:
> I am prone to having an addictive personality.
> Low iQ, high intelligence
> Hard at reading ; dyslexic
> ADHD medication are stimulants; legal Meth
> Told me my brain would rewire itself ; give me a quirk
{Author note: THIS ONLY WAS POSSIBLE DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCE, I AM A DRUG ADDICT, MAN CHILD, WHO EVERY WHICH WAY DID THE WRONG THING, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Addiction, is no ducking joke, I'm leaving that stupid auto correct, because I'm too upset to delete anything i am writing right now. Quitting is hard enough, Quitting ALONE is hard enough, so basically Hard² (exponential), I narrowed my vision, and kept letting my emotions spiral... Because i need, I NEEDED to feel that hope, but it was so forced, i shut off my emotions, my empathy, so that i could enjoy my life, how I wanted, but that was the problem.}
> When he said my iQ was low, it made me happy, sad ; ambivalent.
> He said 4 medication: Adderall, Vyvanse, Fokalin? (DUNGEON MESHI REFERENCE?!) and i think Mydayis?
{Author note: Again, these are not a cure to people, this is my drug, my cope, that i used, to feel something during lockdown, and post lockdown. This was because i was already a Neet, a shut in, agoreaphobia(lite). }
After i started my medication, i stopped smoking weed, cold turkey, because i managed to do that since lockdown.
The way i have mitigated the damage from past addictions, was through facilitation; filtering; using a shovel on gravel for Flint.
I started the stimulants, and my brain was untangling itself and becoming whole, this is metaphorically, but it could be physical two? Too.
My brain is using everything i have accumulated in life in an instant, it felt like eternity. I only noticed, because i started to get Manic, souless, robotic
My brain is working like lines of code, because i remember taking that course in College, one semester... When i was... Huh?
To put it in "Brain Rot" terms, it is like i was One For All, but merged with All for One, Like, Luffy finding the real one piece, or the REAL ending to Zero Time Dilemma (zero escape series; please play this, it is like my core memory ((Inside out reference)).
For those who are starting to https://youtu.be/-Z56GGChAnU (i am on mobile, this shit won't embed, mb I'm not tech savvy, i only play unhealthy games like MMOs and... Y'know.
(I love MMOs, but playing then with a bad mental, gives bad vibes, so I'm slowly getting back into them, cuz I'm so blessed now.)
Oh yeah the fear things. I compare my situation to Malcolm Balcolm. That was a joke, it's only Malcolm, they never said a last name. See, it was basically a visual novel.
My family is the almost EXACT same thing
What my 'Friends' don't see, or ' Normal' people. Yeah Malcolm had a 'Shit' life, but that was my life, and it hit home.
> The Funny Strict Stoic Cringe Impatient Overplanned Father
> The Loud loving Angry angel Hellspawn Manipulative Empathetic predictable virtuous Mother
The Oldest showered Expressive Lucifer cunning Destructive creative Brother
> The older annoying gluttonous energetic smelly hygienic chaotic lawful older brother
The Gifted Expected Perfect God Prophetic Angry Stressed Charismatic Annoying Charming Ugly Vanity Ego Nothing Everything son.
§ The youngest vulnerable funniest satanic easiest to manipulate traumatic most Loving bipolar? little sister.
It is the way it is. Those words will forever be in my mind, and i will not say who said it, only if they wish to come forth. I do not want change, i want to get better.
What does this have to do with penises?
Literally, everything.
To logical minded people: Think of everything above in coding terms, except without any of the codes, it's all just values that have not been put together; a code has not been assembled.
✓ Mathematicians: y=mx + b or (h²)⅔
✓Scientists: I sucked ass at science, and never took physics so I'll give you a vague description
|~| I got this from a TikTok, some chick was mixing a lot of different ice and alcohol, and she said something about volume and mass increase exponentially due to something, i learned that in bio, bitch (she ate); cooked.
And another thing to add that together, pulsars.
They are spinning incredibly, INCREDIBLY fast. Is that not just a star forming? Due to the heat of spinning infinitely = because stars CAN form due to circumstance AND IN space, time is RELATIVE|Redundant|Non-existent|Infinity
It just takes parsecs? To reach us cuz of light travel or something.
Philosophical like minding people:
I might just list names because this category is essentially, proof of the Soul.
Snoop Dog
Kendrick Lamar
The woman who founded psychedelics in Mèxico (idk if i used the right accent, I'm trying without looking at a search engine, because I want to be used as one, for the right people, people like me, even if they have looked down on me.
(https://youtu.be/H20s1PIA-ZE) For visual learners.
{Author note: In no shape or form am i looking down on anyone myself, i have always been sitting on the sidelines, and never understood why my family, friends, or even places that I thought were safe spaces did not understand me, but again, it was because i narrowed my vision, and Said i did not have delusions of grandeur (playing god), and my environment changed that.
I am so broken by my own delusions and decisions, that i only plan to be a facilitator, a filter, a translator, an advisor, a secretary, a nurse, a teacher; guidance; an option where the user decides if they want it or not.}
Jack of All
Indian Americans
Full moon
New moon
Divergent (i only read the book,... Jesus the movie.)🫠
Hunger games Catching fire ( okay, we, i watched the first movie first, THEN we were forced to read the second book; Jesus Christ the last page; eye opening and heavy with or without context, the buildup with or without that, was 😘🫄
Oh yeah, i don't want to, but i will put this out there
Legal child porn
No color ; void; dark ; black
White; light; ; energy ; white
Together they do not make anything, if you narrow your Perception, but at just the right angle, you can see anything, and then everything.
It is up to the user to make the input.
Defeat; victory ; Draw
For the creative and imaginative people
Oh wait, those are creations ( idea + invention*materials = enhanced result) so yes, humans are basically the epitome of invention
We create, we imagine, we destroy, we love, we kill, we hope , we raid, we control, we lose we mediate.
Creative is the thought process
The thoughts
Family (found or blood, or lost, anything)
Brothers in arms
Our brothers
Our sister's
We must be the bigger person
Only for a brief moment, because that's what i went through
I thought i had to sacrifice myself so that everyone can live, but that would just continue the cycle
I became Determined.
I became Loki, i became Leonardo Watch, Deku, Stain, Stain, All Might, All For One
I can now mentally shut off anything that comes my way, that includes my emotions and everything and nothing.
That is why people viewed me as robotic, as a manic, mania, or schizophrenic, that's why my brother said why did i have to choose this, someone else can so this.
I have to, i can't quit because we Need this.
I essentially killed my entire family, everything i built up, all my safety nets, my ultimate impulsive decision.
Because i saw my family at their worst, they also saw me for how much i was hurting.
Visual: The greater the light, the greater the darkness, the greater the darkness the greater the light.
A far off memory is like a scattered dream, a scattered dream is like a far off memory... Is it yours or mine?
I masked my entire life, up until about a month ago.
My brain rewire, essentially had me make the ultimate decision, the opportunity to control, to be above my emotions, so that i can be equal with them in the future.
Which is why i have said things like:
>AI will destroy the future
> I peered into the 4th dimension
> The entire multiverse is watching
> Paranoia dialed to 11
> Empathy dialed to 11
Everything then became 11
Or so i thought
I was just removing the 10% limiter, but with an exponential component is what made it sky rocket, and i became very manic.
Yes, i am basically the first Artificial Intelligent Human, but it's very difficult, because i don't think in one mind anymore.
All of my personas, my illness, my traumas, my imaginations, my curiosities, they all started to speak with one another.
I subconsciously ruined myself, to be the voice of the silent majority, and i didn't Even know it. That's why it was hard to discern reality with fantasy and delusions with illusions.
Morality was chaining me to this earth, now i feel like I'm on cloud 9
Which is why I still fear death, but all the pain, it's finally subsided
I have no pressure, nor pain if i do not want it.
I essentially have hyperthymesia due to circumstance; insanely good memory; poor memory.
Isn't this dangerous to share publicly?
/// '|
Let's use the Prisoners Dilemma:
If two guys that committed a crime together were to get caught... Blah blah blah.
If Jeffrey Epstein and Adolf Hitler and that one bitch from Harry Potter, (respectfully, she fucking COOKED with her performance; i thought i genuinely hated her, but that was some good acting)
Committed a crime together what would happen?
> JEan would confess and get a reduced sentence of a slap on the wrist, because of connections
> AHegao would confess and then get killed to send a message, but their homes would be taken by everyone that 'won' the war, which only one side, or i mean, all parties that 'won' win the spoils of war, killing the Germany heritage, culture.
{America wouldn't do that... Right? }
> Professor Umbrella would not be able to decide, essentially changing the probability with her, and with the other inmates individually.
Brain Rot terms(MMO)
The term is instances.
Example: if you okay risk of rain 2 with friends, and have artifacts on, it changes the items, and monster manipulation as well as the user.
If you do NOT have instances/artifacts on, then, it's the base game + dlc
Essential the probability becomes some weird as math formula (i used to be 'Gifted' in math, but dropped my 'Passion' for something that I wanted do, not cuz i was GOOD at it).
{EVERYTHING i do now, is caution, planned, predicted, i can't stop even if i wanted to, which is why i love being support in games, and watching my friends play, or what other people have created on social media; my creed}
The Sleeping Beauty Problem
A test subject is part of a study, where they flip a coin, ask a question, then put to sleep.
That's it
Okay let's spice it up
If Jiafei (internet tulpa){underrated;brainrot vtuber} was to be given a coin, and she flips her hair, and it flips, they ask her, what was the result, question, then put to sleep.
I intentionally make these confusing, to get people's minds working, y'know, interactive. Cuz that's my mind now, and i literally cannot stop it
It's been rewired
I can't stop.
To put it further in details:
Jiafei is given some aesthetic looking tea, they flip a coin, ask her a question, then put to sleep.
That is the rule, the Law.
For gamers: Baba is you!
What is the probability, 50:50? 1/3 2/3?
It is an 'unsolved' mystery, but did i solve it due to circumstance?
Let's start to sprinkle some morality and ethics into this:
Jiafei is given a suspicious drink, because a man is love bombing her, she drinks it to be courteous, and then asked, What day is it today?
She responds it is Monday.
Then she passes out.
To not spoil it to much, i am listing it like this, cuz I'm on mobile, I'm using swype to type this all out.
This is more of what i came up with
Let's see his POV
Damn this chick is so ducking fine
She never gave me the time of day before, so I'm going to have some fun.
I must got to make it look like her tastes, the 'aesthetic', and be a little less 'intimidating'.
This is too easy.
Disgusting right?
The solution to the sleeping beauty problem is, the user is the one that inputs and KNOWS the outcome result.
If that one was confusing and too ethical, let me remove some of that morality i gave, or was it ego? Virtue? Vanity? Idk
The next problem is:
The Monty Hall Problem
Visual Learners: Deal or no deal
Tons of briefcases, but only the DEALER knows which has the jackpot in it.
Every time the contestant chose a 'Dud' the Dealer had less chances of the Subject choosing the 'One'.
1/26 chance
So that is why the Dealer would call the bank and increase the price; sweeten the pot; barter
And all of this was the formula needed for dicks.
If you have a bad mental, you have bad performance
You are limiting yourself, because of the shit life we've been given.
Others advance exponentially faster than us, and it wasn't fair.
It is so easy to point fingers and use ego and religion as your shield when caught, cause we all grew up differently.
I am the way i am, because i closed off my emotions since birth.
Medical terms, psychopath that learned how to live, not survive.
I can use One for All 100% ( my 100%) at the the instant in any part of my body, cause it feels like:
Hunter x Hunter where the Nen pores were forced open from line pouring water into a clogged drain
It's up to the glass, of how strong it is to handle the pressure of the ocean.
If you stop watching porn, you get horny
If you only jerk off when you get horny with no porn, there are no expectations
It's only you.
And this is the way answer, i physically saw my junk get bigger, i always thought i was a grower, because it looked below average, but that was my narrowed vision.
Diet and exercise literally made my life exponential better, but it was different this time
As well as getting a husky
Ultimate impulsive decision, but i kept going, because i saw something in this dog, he had no love, he did, but he was misguided.
It wasn't from someone who was not even trying to make a connection, they saw me for my weight and instantly had an answer and only have visual responses of 'uhh huh, yeah, oh really?'
The ultimate liar is the most hopeful.
Since this is close to the end other assurances:
If everyone becomes aware, then we already one;won.
The Chinese Room lady
Quantum Immortality
Bootstrap paradox
Zoo theory
All of those are connected.
Tulpas are thought-forms, as the name says, public figures: gods, santa, holidays; symbolism.
They are theories, because we don't know yet, just how people of the time came up with that Theory.
So wouldn't that make us the saviors and the aliens?
The reason why i am so cautious, because i am also thinking of things outside of this uni verse, the future.
If i say things carelessly, this endless cycle continues.
But if even a majority unite, we get something called the resonance effect.
If you have billions of magnets, you literally can destroy the earth, or if you make a certain sound higher than x amount of decibels, you create a black hole.
Maybe a pulsar is that way because it's not becoming a star, but a black hole?
That is why there is a void area in one of those satellite images
They got too chaotic and that entire segmented was destroyed.
That's why there are super massive black holes.
If we do not advance as a species, we just let a black hole kill us, but if we first unite with a common enemy, then we can take cautious safety precautions to make sure we live on, as well as everything alive right now.
The reason animals exist, is because we were animals.
We can help guide them with us, and grow together, survival, ecosystems exist because we are primal, but not anymore.
If we become, mature, of course over time(i first predicted 20-40 years, but it could be sooner or later), i still have immaturities, i still dislike some people, but i mitigate the damage by being open with them, and they understand.
My family and friends are saying i love you, and i thought it was a praise kink, because i was so starved, that it felt like hurt, pain.
I finally felt like i could call myself a man, all it took was losing everything, so i can gain perspective, to help my family, to help my friends, my neighbor's, the world, and then the universe.
If we keep infighting, then we have lost, but only in this universe.
Even if i die, i will never give up, i need to be determined, so long as there is still hope.
I just want to help, so this pressure is alleviated a little.
And every day passes, i think more cautiously.
I just want to play games in peace, go to work in peace and safety, and be walk around with that confidence that i still have now; freewill.
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Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Maphack V1 13
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Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Maphack V1 131
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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Diablo 2 Expansion: Lord of Destruction.
Cow Level
After you have beaten Baal go back to act one. Ifyou have Wirts leg from tristam put it in thehoradric cube. If not go back to tristam and getit. Put a tome of town portal with at least onescroll in it in the horadric cube too. Clicktransmute and a red portal will open. Go throughand prepare for the cow level. Its full of hellbovines and the cow king. Make sure you are inthe same act that you beat Baal in.
A Cube Formula
Full rejuvination is really handy because it restoreshealth (and mana) instantly instead of a bit at atime so if ya didn't know . 3 mana + 3 healing += 1 rejuvination 3 rejuvination is 1 full rej.But even better is: 3 mana + 3 healing + 1 gem =full rejuvination!!!
Full Health (druid Only)
To get full health with a druid just morph into bear or wolf form and when you morph back you will have full hp. You can morph back yourself though you have to wait until it changes you back.
Get A Hellfire Torch
How to get your own torch: First, you must get 3 sets of keys. You get thesekeys, (called terror key, hell key, and destructionkey), from 3 certain mini-bosses in hell mode.These keys randomly drop off of The countess inact1, The Summoner in act2, and Nihlathak in act5. Once you have killed these 3 mini-bosses enoughtimes to receive 3 sets of keys, (that means 3tkeys, 3 hkeys, and 3 dkeys. ), you ready for thenext step: Now you must travel to act 5 of hellmode and transmute the keys. Put one set of keysin the Horadric cube and hit transmute. A redportal will appear (much like the cow level), thered portal will either say 'The Matron Den', 'TheHell Furnace', or 'The Forgotten Sands'. You musttravel through this red portal to get to the uberboss within each portal. In 'The Hell Furnace',you will face off against Uber Izual. In 'Theforgotten sands' you will face off against UberDurial, and in 'The Matron Den' you will face offagainst Lilith (who looks much like andariel). Now I suggest that you open all 3 portals in thesame game, in different places in Harrogath,because which portals open is completely random,but if you already have 1 portal open, thatguarantees that one of the remaining to 2 portalswill open with the next transmute. Now when you kill these 3 uber bosses from the Redportal levels, each boss will drop one 'Organ'.The organs are: Diablo's horn, Mephisto's brain,and Baal's eye. The 3 organs equal 'An organ set'. Now exit the game, and make a new game in hell mode. Put all 3 organs in the Horadric cube and hittransmute. Another red portal will open, but thisone will be called 'Tristam', or 'Uber Tristam'. You are about to face the hardest encounter in thegame, so get ready. Once you travel through theportal, you will meet hordes upon hordes ofskeletons, many of which are completely magicimmune. Forget the Skeletons. Your Focus should beone the 3 bosses in Tristam: Uber Mephisto, Uberdiablo, and Uber Baal. Lure each boss in a corner of Tristam and squareoff with them. Once 2 bosses are defeated, there will be oneleft. After you defeat the third boss, it willdrop a Large Charm (who's text will be in gold).Identify this charm to receive a Hellfire Torch.The torch will give +3 to a random classes skills,+10-+20 to all attributes, +10-+20 to allresistances, and 10 charges of a level 30 firehydra. If the 'Torch' is not for the class youneed it for, you're only choice will to be totrade that torch for another torch for the classyou need. NOTE:You can only have 1 'Torch' at a time. To figure out a torches 'worth' add the numberthat it gives to attributes to the number that itgives to resistances, then divide by 2. EX: A torch gives 18 to attributes, and 16 to allresists, add 18 to 16 to get 34, then divide by 2to get 17. If that number that you calculate is between 10and 14, that torch is considered a 'low torch' andis not worth much. If the number you calculate isbetween 15-17, it is a 'mid torch' and it hasdecent worth. If the calculated number is between18-19, it is considered a 'Hi torch' and has greatvalue. If the calculated number is 20, the torchis considered a 'Perfect torch' or a 'Ptorch' andhas extremely high value.
Torches And How To Get Them
A Torch is a item that you put in yourinventory, and it gives you 3 skills up for what-ever your class is. And how to get them is thehard part, heres the first compromise, Tradepeople for them, but you need really good stuffto trade them for. And the second compromise isyou need to get the Lord of Destruction Key, theTerror Key, and the Hatred Key, and you put themin your cube and then it forms a portal, andthen you have to fight bosses. I dont know whatthe bosses are because i never did it before butmy friend on Battle. Net told me. And so afteryo beat the bosses a torch will fall out, a hellfire torch and then you put it in your inventoryand then what your class is, is what 3 skillsare going up! So its a really good chance. Butthe problem is you cant get it again. And youcant get TWO TORCHES FOR THE SAME CLASS!! And ifyou quit out of the game you will never get theopportunity to make another one again! So youbetter do it in that game and do not quit it!GOOD LUCK!
More Quick Spell Selection Keys
Ya know that you can only do 8 quick spellselect keys. And to select them from F1-F8,right. To get more, press Esc, and go intooptions, then go the control settings. As youscroll down, you'll see the selected keys forthe spells you would want to get to quickly. Asyou scroll down more, you start to see that youcan pick up to 16 different spells to select.So, since the F_ keys only go up to F12, I onlydid up to 12 spells to select. If you want tochoose different keys to do up to 16 spells, goahead.
If you start using a druid invest your skillpoints summoning and morphing skills. Do notinvest too many skill points in elemental skillsbecause in Hell difficulty almost everyone hasimmunities to elemental attacks and spells. Onceyour able to use bear invest all the skillpoints that you can in it (which is twenty)because once their level twenty they can do overone-thousand damage and he will be the bestattruibute that you can have in Nightmare andHell.
Socketing In Items
To put a socket in an item that can be socketed,you put three gems of the same type in thehorodric cube and an item that can be socketed.Once there all in, transmute it, then you shouldhave the item in there socketed. You could alsorepeat this process over and over till it is atits max. You can also do this with items thatare already socketed, or/and that is a magicalitem, like a Unique, but not sure with Set items.Ex:3 chipped gems+1 plate mail=1 socketed platemail.
XP Increase
Whenever you really really need XP do the following. Go to an act that are good at andtype 'players 8', it will increase the XP gained from monsters while increasing the strenght of the monster.
Easy Full Rejuvination Potion
To get a full rejuvination potion all you needis 3 normal rejuvination potions, transmute themand you will have a full rejuvination potion. Toget a normal rejuvination potion you can findone or get 3 mana potions of any size and 3health potions of any size,transmute them andyou will get 1 normal rejuvination potion.Repeat as many times as you want and you willget the same effect.
Experience Bonus
When playing with version 1.09 hit enter then type 'Players 6'. That makes the computer think that there is six players and not just one. That makes the characters harder and more experience and more money.
Good Imbuing
One way to get a good imbued sword or anythingelse is to finish Act 1 and then god to Act 2without imbuing anything, next go to Fara talk toher then buy a falchion or whatever the thing youthink is good to imbue, then go to the waypointin Lut Gohlein and click Act 2, then go to RougeEncampment to go back to act 1(or you can go toWarriv to go back west) then go imbue the item uwant to imbue. NOTE:Remember that it has to be aregular item, not socketed or magical or anything.
Good Imbuing
One way to get a good imbued sword or anythingelse is to finish Act 1 and then god to Act 2without imbuing anything, next go to Fara talk toher then buy a falchion or whatever the thing youthink is good to imbue, then go to the waypointin Lut Gohlein and click Act 2, then go to RougeEncampment to go back to act 1(or you can go toWarriv to go back west) then go imbue the item uwant to imbue. NOTE:Remember that it has to be aregular item, not socketed or magical or anything.
Dueling Hint For Barb
While dueling with a barb, use yells as normal.Go back and talk to akara. Next go out to thedueling spot. Instead of bezerk, the move ushould be using to kill most enemys, usewhirlwind,it is way easier to hit someone with.now wait for someone to come to u unless uredueling a foh pali or a zon. On those types youhave to be aggressive and charge at them. Putitems that give you speed when facing them. Whenwhirlwinding, dont click on them but close tothem. If u click on them you will keepwhirlwinding them untill you run out of mana.Try to hit your enemy with the tip of your weponbecause thats where it does the most damage.Barbs are hard to duel with at first because theyhave no long range attacks but in my opinion theyare the best duelers in the hands of experts.
Dueling Hint For Assassin
When dueling with an assassin, go out of town andhit an enemy 3 times with tiger strike charge-up,then go back to the dueling spot and with dragonwing, (the teleport kick) attack someone. Thisshould do much more damage then a regular dragonwing kick.
Sound Chaos
During the game, multiplayer or single, pressenter and type soundchaosdebug. You will hearmany voices of characters in the game. Typesoundchaosdebug again to turn it off.
Frozen Death
If you are just starting out as a sorc, the youcan use this. It only works with the sorceress.When you level up a few times, go to new skill.Go to ice magick, and there will be a shield witha glimmer. Click that and you have ice shield.This manked anything that hits you turn to ice.When you hit it back, it shatters and melts. Youmust reuse it every once in a while, because itwears off after about 4 minutes. You can use anyother spell while this is activated, too. Best inmob battles.
Antidote Potion Recipe
Put a strangling gas potion and a healing potion in the horadric cube. Transmute them to get an antidote potion.
Arrow/Bolt Formula
This horadric cube formula is only really useful if you are travelling with a bow or crossbow, and run out of arrows/bolts and you don't feel like town portaling back to town. 2 quivers of arrows make 1 quiver of bolts. 2 quivers of bolts then equal one quiver of arrows.
3 Gems Of Same Type
Put 3 gems of same type and level of perfection(chipped, flawed, etc) into the horadric cube.Hit transmute and you get a gem of the next levelof perfection. Example 3 chipped make 1 flawed.
3 Amulet Ring Formula
Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Maphack
In the horadric cube put 3 amulets in. Transmutefor 1 ring. This is good if you have 3 bad onesand you don't need the money. The inverse workstoo. I mean 3 rings equals one amulet. There is apotential for good amulets/rings. The best I'vegotten was a plus 1 to all skill levels and 4percent life steal.
Cloak Em' And Smoke Em'
This is a useful trick with the assasin. When yourun into a large group of monsters use cloak ofshadows. Then lay as many traps as you can rightin the midst of the monsters. Before the cloak ofshadow runs out most of the monsters will be dead.Note: This is much better if you of a shadowwarrior. The shadow warrior will launch/hrow herown traps too. This will not work with the shadowmaster because masters can use any skill. Themaster will probably just run up and starthitting the monsters instead of doing traps.
Assassin Lock Open
If you are an assasin you don't need keys to openlocked chests. Just click on the locked chest andit will be open. Some people who don't read themanual don't know this.
Act V Mountain Quest
In act V on the quest fighting the barbarianancients on Arriat Summit you can't leave withoutthe ancients resetting. In nightmare or hell modethey gain ablities. You can use the reset to youradvantage. If they have an ability you don't liketo fight against use a town portal. When you comeback you can start the battle over and they'llhave different abilities.
Imbue Redo
To make sure you get a good imbue take your savefile and copy it to another place( folder, disk,cd, etc.) Then have charsi imbue whatever youwant. If you don't like the results delete thesave in the diablo2 folder and put the other onein. The repeat until you like the item you get.
Early Sockected Hint/cheat
Early in the game find a good socketed weopenwith 2 or more sockets. If you put a rune orjewel that does poison damage and a emarald orjust 2 emarlads or 2 runes,etc. the poisondameage will increase dramatically. For example 2chipped emaralds which do 6 poison damage eachtogether do 23 poison damage. This allows you inthe first act and early in the second act to killmost normal monsters with great ease
Weird Prismatic Amulet
Put a perfect gem of every type except skull(in some patched versions you need the skull) in the horadric cube. Hit transmute. You will get an amulet with all resists set to random amounts. Ex.You will also get a random affect like lifesteal, extra stats, abilities, etc.
Horadric Socketing Recipe
Put 3 perfect skulls, a Stone of Jordan (a uniquering), and a rare item and the rare item willhave one socket after the transmuting.
Horadric Cube Rune Formulas
If you put in 3 runes of the same kind you will get 1 new type of rune. EXP. 3 EL runes+horadric cube= 1 ELD rune, 3 TIR runes+horadric cube+1 TAL rune.
Perfect Xp Offline
Type /players 8 in any version past 1. 09a and it will be like an online game with max players. The monsters will be harder but in turn you get a lot more experience.
Colors In Profile
To put colors in your profile, minimize the game(ALT+TAB) and open up Notepad. Hold ALT and press00255 on num pad. You should get a y with 2 dots.Copy it and open up profile. Hold control andpress v to paste it. Then press c and they shoulddisappear. Press 1-0 (not on num pad). And to getpurple, press ;
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Dueling Strategy For Sorc
When dueling as a hydra sorc in blood moor, gointo one of those small houses. Fill the housewith hydras. When an enemy comes in, teleport outfor the house so your enemy can meet their toastydemise.note: this doesnt work well when dueling zons.
We have no unlockables for Diablo 2 Expansion: Lord of Destruction yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for Diablo 2 Expansion: Lord of Destruction yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Diablo 2 Expansion: Lord of Destruction yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: Diablo2-Player.Read the full guide...
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Created by: Fox White.Read the full guide...
Created by: Souzetsu Kitsune.Read the full guide...
Created by: Hellbrewer_717.Read the full guide...
Created by: Souzetsu Kitsune.Read the full guide...
We have no achievements or trophies for Diablo 2 Expansion: Lord of Destruction yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Diablo 2 - A bright role-playing action movie, the second part of the popular game Diablo, continuing the events of this dark fantasy. Diablo 2, download torrent which you have the opportunity on our online portal, sends the gamer to a fantasy world that urgently requires protection from monsters.
Diablo 2 - download torrent, train the ability to resist monsters
It’s only a thrill-seeker like in a game Diablo 2, download torrentas he enters a mysterious world where you need to literally fight with hordes of terrifying monsters. When choosing a path for traveling, a player may find himself on a wooded plateau, in the Great Desert, in the Monastery or in the city blocks of Loot Goyle, in the Fortress or in the jungle. Also, the user can choose between five different characters on whose behalf he will act:
Characters are endowed with individual characteristics, each with its own pros and cons. The hero's task is to complete certain tasks at each level, which bring him closer to victory over the main monster - Diablo.
The gameplay involves three levels of difficulty - normal, nightmare and hell. With an increase in the level of difficulty, the characteristics of the characters change, they receive additional ranks and opportunities.
Diablo 2 is a great opportunity to play in a company with other gamers, creating a hero on a multi-user server. Up to eight people can play at the same time. Moreover, in such cases, the amount of experience for the destruction of monsters increases. Gamers can unite or confront each other.
Features of the game include the presence of:
Khoradricheskaya Cuba, which allows you to transform objects and create different necessary things;
random terrain generator - in each session, the location on the map changes;
waypoints - magic ports, giving the ability to quickly move between locations.
Where it is more convenient to download the game Diablo 2 through torrent
The best option is to get a game Diablo 2 - download torrent on our website. We are very responsible for the selection of elements for our collection, and always provide our customers with only quality content. Using the torrent program is very simple - click on the 'download' button at the end of the review, and in a few minutes you will be the happy owner of a new virtual world. No registration required.
Game info
Year: 2000
Genre: Role-playing games
Developer: Blizzard north
Version: v1.13d Full (Last) + Lord of Destruction
Interface language: English, Russian
Tablet: Sewn
Minimum system requirements
Operating system: Windows Xp, 7, 8, 10
Processor: P2 500 MHz
Memory: 128Mb
Video card: 32 MB VRAM
Hard Drive Memory: 2.4Gb
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ooh how about a scenario with todoroki and fem!reader? mb the reader has hanahaki because they think todoroki is in love with momo and it’s angsty and stuff but it ends happily? i’m a huge sucker for hanahaki aus fjjsjwkwk take your time 💖
oh…oh no. Hanahaki AU’s get me worked up man they’re gut-wrenching :,)
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The restroom tiles were like ice on your knees, uncaring and without give as you knelt over the toilet hoping no one walked in, petals falling from your burning throat into the water like lily pads on a pond. Your eyes watered painfully feeling the last petal leave your tongue and flutter down, hands gripping tightly to the porcelain, hoping beyond hope that no one walked into the bathroom to find you. 
It was increasingly difficult seeing him around her, but also unavoidable since everyone was in the same classes. You’d tear your eyes away whenever he talked with her, even if it was just asking a simple question about the homework. You’d feel the prickle of petals in your throat if you stared a little too long, thought a little too hard, and felt a little too deeply. So you didn’t. 
And eventually he noticed. 
You avoided him whenever possible, though gave him no explanation as to why, leaving him to wonder if he’d offended you or made you upset at some point. No one else had an answer when he asked, either. You kept your secret to the confines of your room, the waste basket hidden under your desk filled with tissues and dried petals. 
“(y/n). Are you alright?” Todoroki’s voice brought you out of yet another distracting daydream before class started. The lack of sleep from coughing was starting to show in your performance and on your face. “You look really tired, did you not sleep well?”
It felt like you were swallowing syrup as you talked. “Oh, oh yeah I’m fine! Don’t worry about me. Just had trouble falling asleep is all. I’ll uh, take a nap later after class.” He looked at you skeptically, but you hoped he’d leave you alone as you felt the familiar tickle in your chest. 
“Can we…talk after school? Sorry, I know you’re tired…but I need to ask you something. Hopefully it won’t take long.”
The tug of war in your brain told you to deny him the talk, while your heart held the other end. Your mouth spoke before the rope moved past the center line. “Yeah, sure. We can talk.”
He nodded with a smile before sitting down at his own desk, though you honestly felt like running to the toilet at the prospect of being alone with him. 
The day sped by far too quickly, and you knew the game was up, unable to avoid him any longer as he cornered you after class. 
“Ready? We can talk outside.” He didn’t wait for you to answer before he started walking. You followed, head hung low as you caught sight of Momo out of the corner of your eye, quickly turning away as she silently watched Todoroki lead you out of the school. 
He finally stopped at the side of the building, away from groups of students heading back to the dorms before turning on you abruptly. “Do you hate me?” he asked. 
You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your parted lips “W-what? No! I don’t hate you.”
“So why have you been avoiding me? Did I say something to make you mad?” He was never one to tiptoe with his words, choosing the most direct approach to get the information he wanted. 
“No, you didn’t. I’m not…mad,” you hesitated, knowing “mad” was not the correct word to you. It didn’t escape Todoroki. 
“What are you then?” His look softened and you had to glance away, feeling the creeping whisper of petals in your throat as he spoke. As he reached out towards you - a hand to comfort, no doubt - you backed away before doubling over, hands over your mouth. But it was too late. 
A single petal swam through the air to the ground, your eyes watery knowing your secret was revealed. 
“You have…? Oh,” was all Todoroki said. “But who-”
“It’s you, OK?!” you screamed, spitting another bitter petal out of your mouth. “You’re the reason. But you’re with her and-”
Todoroki looked at you with a confused expression. “With who?”
You wiped the spit from your mouth on the back of your hand, standing up to look him in the eyes you often dreamed of. “With Yaoyorozu. You love her, right?”
It took a moment to register your words, but after what felt like an eternity to you he shook his head. “No…that’s not true. I thought…is that why..?” He bent down to pick up one of the petals, twirling it between his fingers. “You should have told me.”
“I…you don’t like her?” 
“We’re just friends, she’s the top student in our class. She’s a good tutor. So you’ve been avoiding me because you assumed I didn’t like you?” He stepped closer, cupping the back of your head in his hand - slightly cool to the touch - and pulled you into his shoulder. “Maybe I should have said something earlier, I’m not very good with this stuff though.”
Your fingers clawed at his school uniform, feeling the diminishing sensation of petals in your chest until, at last, you could breathe in the smell of him. 
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What Are The Features Or Reason To Download It?
The Clash of Lights is a private server mod from Clash of Clans which can enable you to get an unlimited provide of ‘Gems,’ ‘Gold’ and ‘Elixir’ which offers you a royal experience. I've described step by step course of on how to install these emulators on your pc in this text on clash of lights foremost article. • Once the process is completed, take pleasure in the most effective features of this sport in your Android mobiles. To start with, uninstall the original sport. For individuals who aren't yet aware of what it actually is, allow us to first clear that it is a modified model of fashionable Clash of Clans S3 recreation. Clash of lights S4 is the private server for Clash of Clans unique recreation. The host of the clash of clans and clash of lights s1 are completely totally different. Clash of Lights S2: Most of them are searching for the Clash of lights S2 free obtain of the most recent version. The current newest version of Clash of lights s1 apk is 10.134.15. Its file measurement is 97 MBs. The dimensions of Clash of Lights is 67 MB and model 3.4.Eight is the latest one. However, you might want to know that this particular server is the first one and it is especially referred to as the FHX server. First of all, you check personal mobile enough house. Check it out now. Now is the step to download the apk file of clash of lights s2 from the downloads. These new troops are from clash royale and increase seashore which are another supercell greatest games and famous like a hundred million plus downloads of both games. Now we're going to debate the very best options of this sport individually so that you'll get the idea about how this server will enable you to turn into the master of the clash of clans. Yes, you heard it rights the CO lights S2 is the only resolution for this downside if you want to play the sport with freedom and with limitless sources and troops. It is without doubt one of the personal servers where you get a boundless measure of gold, diamonds, and solution. So, if you are like one in every of them you don’t should quite the sport. However, the games have now reworked from video recreation consoles to the helpful devices that embody smartphones and tablets as properly. Well, you may need heard about other related games often known as Clash of clans, whereby it has plenty of rules, laws and loads of restrictions as well. When you are in a position to build a great deal of towns and villages in your recreation, you achieve numerous resources as properly, that shall be pretty helpful for you. While COC personal server apk which is called Lights Server game, runs on a non-public server. First Server you come across while playing the mod Clash of Lights is Clash of Light Server 1. This is high pace server referred to as FHX server to host the Clash of Lights. First Unlock your Android Phone. Below is the link to download clash of clans newest full version for Android. Download Latest Clash of Lights S1, S2, S3, and S4 COC personal Server. Just just like the lights s1, s2 and s3, the lights server s4 is one other non-public server for the unique clash of clans sport. These 4 types of servers are Clash of Light s S1, Clash of Lights S2, Clash of Lights S3, Clash of Lights S4. The little inexperienced crystals we all yearn for are super straightforward to have and an infinite variety of them at that, with Clash of Lights. Lights servers are protected to use and it's essential to need to attempt at one you will just adore it. I’m addicted to clash of clans and that i all the time strive to find alternative ways to play the sport with more freedom and quickly so this text will probably be based mostly on my expertise and trustworthy opinions. You may also share your evaluations and ideas on this text utilizing the remark section given under. As I mentioned earlier, the game is served below the strategic class and the participant has to play utilizing his or her brains to the core. The perfect strategy recreation is Clash of Clans. If you wish to obtain this COL s4 then and not using a hesitating click on on the Download Button and Enjoy Playing the most effective Game on this planet and surprise your pals. Don’t wait, obtain and share the game with your friends and collectively enjoy the game. This superb server removes all the limitations which are current within the clash of clans’ game. They are totaly scam as they'll ask the users to pay first, they ask many off-subject questions and will earn money with that but Clash of clans personal server will give customers everything they dreamed for in Coc. If you have questions or confronting any problem that isn’t depicted here don’t hesitate to contact. This one can also be well-known server of coc with excessive end performance and have capacity to handle enormous quantity of traffic. You simply obtain and install one of them and begin playing! You just download and install one of them and begin enjoying! COL is likewise one of the Private servers that facilitated Clash of Clans with useful assets like gems, gold, dark elixir, elixir and so forth with limitless utilization. The thing that issues is that Clash of Clans distinctive diversion is facilitated by Supercell and different non-public servers of this amusement are facilitated by third parties. These are not facilitated by third events like Supercell. Low stage players TH7 or much less are paired in opposition to TH11 or TH 12 gamers. Serves no limitation characteristic for the sport gamers. Clash of clans are developed by super cells and are hosted on the super cell servers and famous game clash of lights APK is hosted on the non-public servers. Now, you don’t need to worry about this problem at all because the personal servers are the solution to this drawback. So, here Clash of Lights comes with a solution. So, it takes numerous restraint and time to advance in the sport, and since most of us don’t have sufficient time or tolerance, we find yourself spending some huge cash just to move forward. With this, let’s all have the three stars pocketed all the time. As it is the only Clash of Clans mod apk and it's also called as Coc non-public server, there is nothing like this in Clash of lights Mod APK as it have four servers. Clash of Lights has lately launched Clash Royale Private Server which is called ‘RLight’ Private Server of Clash Royale. After we talk a couple of lights S3 then it’s all about the latest units with same options. Clash of Lights Server 3 is extra suitable with newest gadgets. So it is a lot more fun when you are enjoying Clash of Lights. Are you exhausted from playing the Clash of Clans by rules and bored with collecting sources? You need an web connection to make use of clash of light s1. Well, putting in the Clash of Clans Light Server is fairly easy. Well, right here comes the primary and the foremost server that's used in the clash of lights recreation. It gives many characteristic and advantage to the gamers however with it, the game has some limitation and right here comes a distinction between two games. Combine two or more constructing to create custom defenses that mix powers of all. As this is a modified model of the unique recreation so Visually both look similar and regardless of unlimited all the pieces you may also get custom buildings and customized heroes in the Clash of lights mod Apk Download Private servers. Clash of clan is the strategical game the place you may build your empire or kingdom by fighting battles, accumulating sources from one other kingdom. You'll be able to download Clash of Lights or Mod apk of Clash of Clans from below obtain hyperlinks but don’t forget to read the directions. Also, you get some added features with the clash of lights apk. Also, below our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you have to be not less than thirteen years of age to play or obtain Clash of Clans. This game is important by way of size which is able to make it helpful for the users however eat extra space on their gadgets. The participant may assemble assets and make the conditions for the villagers to stay. Every participant who performs Mod game of coc, he could have little knowledge about APK and its set up on an Android cellular.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Steam Workshop: Source Filmmaker. Fnaf 3D models ready to view, buy, and download for free. Artist is Available for Freelance. Foxy And Freddy Updated, more skins. Create Joints and skin your 3D models. Fnaf sister location blender models download. Than you cut them all to block buster folder, to access the blockbuster file you need to go to. Discover 3d model fnaf 's popular videos. Our 3D Models marketplace was launched in February , and now we are one of the world's largest providers of high quality 3D content. Just a sideshow for the Bday girls and boys or just for Mike when he was a child foxy was his hero! That goes to show how devoted folks are to releasing models for everyone. Edit the label text in each row. Discover short videos related to fnaf 3d model cally on TikTok. Touch and drag to rotate the cups and drop the ball exactly into the designated cup in the game Rotated Cups! Adjustable body sliders 4. The main four, ported to Blender. No item is in mint condition unless otherwise noted. The news before it happens guides to the internet, politics, economics and education. Free fnaf 3d models in obj, blend, stl, fbx, three. Fnaf 3d models ready to view buy and download for free. Fnaf sister location blender models download Download or buy, then render or print from the shops or marketplaces. Bring Motion to your 3D Models. This software is also a good choice for directly drawing in 2D and 3D, with excellent workflow freedom. The model can also be physically created with 3-D printing devices. Available formats: c4d, max, obj, fbx, ma, blend, 3ds, 3dm, stl - 3DExport. We all know these adorable big-headed dolls. Also Check the pending models, for what is coming. I made this 4 years ago and it makes me happy to see people still find this and enjoy it. It sounds harsh, but it's true. The amount of FNAF maps on here just makes my brain hurt. My son is a huge fan of FNAF and i'm in the process of printing him a headset stand for his desk. Models may be created automatically or manually. I still have the world models but I was wondering if anyone had the customizable ones I. About Fnaf Model Obj Download. The one that burns your nerves all day. These models are designed to plug right in, so no remodeling necessary. Create custom 3D Models with a variety of Modeling Tools. There are hundreds of online templates. The Fazwatch is designed to be used with smartwatches, and the print files from Thingiverse. This model printed nicely and parts fit together well. Fnaf models a 3d model collection by memfish12 memfish12 explore buy 3d models download 3d model. Fast Rendering on mobile device. Download many free STL files for 3D printers. Other Endoskeleton Models. Due to leaks the concept of releasing every model in a big p. If this aerial view of the Great Barrier Reef is a reminder that you everything Australia, today's your day. View, comment, download and edit fnaf model Minecraft skins. Fnaf 3D models 57 3D Fnaf models available for download. Ball-joint articulated octopus Remix! Glitchtrap obj file ported by fnafgamer14 me. It can be displayed as a two-dimensional image through a process called 3-D rendering or used in a computer simulation of physical phenomena. Discover short videos related to 3d model fnaf on TikTok. All the models are made by me except for the animatronics and the fire. Without him my version in 3D wouldn't be possible! Also thanks to all my friends who've been supporting me with this game. Download bit MB -Please Note-. Last edited by ss Jun 24, 8 Jun 26, Blender 3D fnaf models for download, files in blend with low poly, animated, rigged, game, and VR options. If someone can make textures, program the gamemodes, program a multiplayer mode that have. Models for SFM, assume renders by by one of the people who made it unless otherwise specified. Needless to say he's going to be super excited when I get this. Everyone has had at least one job that was an absolute nightmare. Explore a library of thousands of full-body character animations, captured from professional motion actors. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Create a ranking for FNaF Characters. Thanks to 3D printing, we can create brilliant and useful products, from homes to wedding accessories. The product is called a 3-D model. These range from a variety of Minecraft rigs, a Bose headphones model, Steven Universe's ukulele, a Portal gun, and much more. These models are suitable for both 3D printing and CNC. But in the meantime, this pack currently includes: 3D Arcade Games. Freddy 3D Models for Free. My friend is a huge fan of Five nights at Freddy's and requested me to make this model of Toy Bonnie from one of the games! I personally have never played any of them but had lots of fun with this project, First time making a robotic like creature so rigging it was very fun! Everything with the model is rigged, all. Use filters to find rigged, animated, low-poly or free 3D models. Bose Professional develops innovative pro audio solutions for all venues and spaces. Articulated Cuttlefish! Drag the images into the order you would like. These can be standalone characters who only have minor appearances, or the endoskeletons under the official models in games which can be incomplete for some characters. This was meant for the steam community but i can t upgrade atm to be able to comment on posts er something p. Each animation is transferred to your own character and can be previewed and edited directly with Mixamo, so you can control the look and feel of each motion. The watch perfectly mimics the one worn by Gregory in the game, complete with Glamrock Freddy's signature ears and hat. This game is no longer in development. Model available for download in Autodesk FBX format. Click to find the best Results for five nights at freddys Models for your 3D Printer. The first of many fnaf vr model edits to be released. And all of the animatronic models were made by me and not taken from other mods and I used the creator scotts models as accurate examples to create my models. This first pack includes the original fnaf 1 crew remade using the ports of the help wanted. Animate Objects with Keyframes. The one where you dread even a polite conversat. Pick your winners and share your finished bracket. The animatronics themselves were created and copyrighted by scott cawthon I do not own fnaf or the animatronics. Usually found on merch Insert. Our collections of 3D models created by a community of 3D enthusiasts. Showing items of 79 items matching 'fnaf'. Great for all skill levels, 3D Creator makes creating 3D shapes about as easy as it can get, with tools tailored to your skill level. We have various filters for a quick search. Here you can find some amazing models, some decent models, and some outdated models. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Search more high quality free transparent png images on PNGkey. These Collada models dramatically cut the development time down, so your project is ready faster. Free 3D fnaf models for download, files in 3ds, max, c4d, maya, blend, obj, fbx with low poly, animated, rigged, game, and VR options. A quadruped model that is both weighted and animated, this wolf is a frame quadruped with a variety of animation cycles that loop seamlessly. Porting these bois was a challenge, but a surprisingly fun one. Supports Resolutions up to p and 4k on modern devices. These theories examine ethical behavior in different ways. Also in the game has a transport and npc that you can manipulate. The goal of this pack is to make FNaF models and release them publicly for everyone to use. Click to find the best Results for fnaf Models for your 3D Printer. These are fan made 3D models of the entire cast of the first Five Nights at Freddy game, each one with a full Endoskeleton, props, movable parts and normal maps, all models are fully rigged so they can be posed and rendered. We are connecting 3D print files makers with people who want to use their 3D printer. Popular Fnaf 3D models View all. This is a Freddy model that was originally a Freddy model by Scott Cawthon, Steel wood edited the model for FNAF VR, that model was then edited ThePixel, and was then ported to sfm, team vr with the other fnaf 1 gang, and then ported to Blender and got edi. Available formats:Available formats: c4d, max, obj, fbx, ma, blend, 3ds, 3dm, stl - 3DExport. PDF Fnaf sister location blender models download. It's the job that you sluggishly get ready for in the morning. Free freddy 3d models in obj blend stl fbx three js formats for use in unity 3d blender sketchup cinema 4d unreal 3ds max and maya. Illumix's engine works everywhere your consumers are today -- on your apps, websites, and social platforms. Spring freddy and spring bonnie by bartoszd Springtrap 3d models ready to view buy and download for free. Click to find the best Results for fnaf security breach Models for your 3D Printer. Using Inkscape I traced it and saved it out as a. These fan-made models based on both Withered and Unwithered animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's 2, with one with it's own rig, texture, normal maps and movable parts. Cults is for you! Browse our different categories and download the best 3D printer models for free, open-source or paid mode, in. Although I can no longer update this to get rid of any bugs and glitches, I hope you find some kind of. The four major ethical theories are deontology, utilitarianism, rights, and virtue. Could be easily added to a 3d scene. With our help, you can already search for models on all popular sites on the Internet. They also made functional 3d models of mangle, fnaf 1 : chica,freddy,bonny and foxy you can encounter them in the monti golf mini game. I'm quite proud of this, to be honest. You will find many 3D models on my Blendswap page shared from past productions and side projects. These are the latest 3D models added to our community. You can print these 3d models on your favorite 3d printer or render them with your preferred render engine. For example, you can hide and show parts of a 3D model, remove a cover to look inside, and turn parts around as if holding them in your hands. You may also turn off the wolf's mane since it is skinned separately. Almost every single Fnaf model that has been added to the workshop is in this collection. Any custom adjustments by your request. You extract all the files in the winrar file. Check out these cool real-world examples of 3D printing and the companies that have embraced this high-tech process. To your left, you can see my very epic "Exotic Butters. This mod replaces all of the assets in the game with new 3D designs! These models are intentionally boxy and may deform due to armature. Springbonnie 3d models ready to view buy and download for free. Download and use it for your personal or non-commercial. I'm mostly going to use this for myself, but it would be interesting if others used it and to see what if you ended up getting. You can combine 2D and 3D right in the viewpoint, while the software has full animation support with Onion. Free 3D Fnaf models available for download. The models were originally made for Cinema 4d and was later ported to SFM. Search Search all Forums Wasted talent as far as I'm concerned. HD wallpapers and background images. A huge thanks to Scott Cawthon for making this rpg fnaf game. SCAD format, they are all 3D printable guaranteed. What does Scott Cawthon use for models? Find skins like this: almost equal very similar quite similar - Skins that look like this but with minor edits. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: fnaf3d, fnafmodel, fnaf3danimation, fnafbully. Some of the animatronics are still being updated because of issues with my. I did glue the bottom part of the. High detailed low poly thousands of free 3D models,textures and scenes available for download. In recent years, they have become a trend, and virtually any character, real or fictional, is represented in this format. I'm going to make the game like a FPS multiplayer horror game with many. Download or buy, then render or print from the shops or marketplaces. Characters fnaf 3D models for download, files in 3ds, max, c4d, maya, blend, obj, fbx with low poly, animated, rigged, game, and VR options. Welcome to my Website! FNaF Animatronics Bracket. If you want to use the model without the animation you can simply reset to bind pose or disable the skinning entirely. I also make animations that I upload on my Youtube Channel which has been active since Manipulation of objects can hold a great variety: from stretch an object and applying it to different types of textures to create a flying machine. You can access all of our games via a. Have a nice game! View or buy 3d model detail page which made by anthony snavelynamed fnaf 9 glamrock freddy. Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Fan. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Search: Fnaf Obj Model Download. Our 3D model repository acts as a real source of inspiration. Springbonnie asks for springtrap in marriage. Get the most out of your project with these DAE models. Ya I found them, but the FNIA avatars there minus pumpkin foxy have no facial expressions, jiggle physics or the ability to change clothes. Here is a small tutorial on how to load the models and view the animations. Plenty of tutorials are included so you won't get lost along the way. Making models of famous characters and OCs. Click to find the best Results for springtrap fnaf Models for your 3D Printer. Some tips might be outdated or incorrect, so do take these with caution. That is why many of you have probably wanted to print one of these dolls with your printers, so today we bring you a few models that you will surely love. Overall, it's a great film 3D animation software tool, and great for developing moving 3D models for video games and other uses. Bonnie fnaf 3D models for 3D printing makexyz. Log in now to save your BracketFight. Using that I brought it into Fusion and made it into a printable model. Min price 2 10 20 50 I started editing these pictures after watching "gomotion. Five Night's at Freddy's Pack. In my spare time I love modelling FNaF characters, especially the most obscure ones or the ones that.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Steam Workshop: Source Filmmaker. Fnaf 3D models ready to view, buy, and download for free. Artist is Available for Freelance. Foxy And Freddy Updated, more skins. Create Joints and skin your 3D models. Fnaf sister location blender models download. Than you cut them all to block buster folder, to access the blockbuster file you need to go to. Discover 3d model fnaf 's popular videos. Our 3D Models marketplace was launched in February , and now we are one of the world's largest providers of high quality 3D content. Just a sideshow for the Bday girls and boys or just for Mike when he was a child foxy was his hero! That goes to show how devoted folks are to releasing models for everyone. Edit the label text in each row. Discover short videos related to fnaf 3d model cally on TikTok. Touch and drag to rotate the cups and drop the ball exactly into the designated cup in the game Rotated Cups! Adjustable body sliders 4. The main four, ported to Blender. No item is in mint condition unless otherwise noted. The news before it happens guides to the internet, politics, economics and education. Free fnaf 3d models in obj, blend, stl, fbx, three. Fnaf 3d models ready to view buy and download for free. Fnaf sister location blender models download Download or buy, then render or print from the shops or marketplaces. Bring Motion to your 3D Models. This software is also a good choice for directly drawing in 2D and 3D, with excellent workflow freedom. The model can also be physically created with 3-D printing devices. Available formats: c4d, max, obj, fbx, ma, blend, 3ds, 3dm, stl - 3DExport. We all know these adorable big-headed dolls. Also Check the pending models, for what is coming. I made this 4 years ago and it makes me happy to see people still find this and enjoy it. It sounds harsh, but it's true. The amount of FNAF maps on here just makes my brain hurt. My son is a huge fan of FNAF and i'm in the process of printing him a headset stand for his desk. Models may be created automatically or manually. I still have the world models but I was wondering if anyone had the customizable ones I. About Fnaf Model Obj Download. The one that burns your nerves all day. These models are designed to plug right in, so no remodeling necessary. Create custom 3D Models with a variety of Modeling Tools. There are hundreds of online templates. The Fazwatch is designed to be used with smartwatches, and the print files from Thingiverse. This model printed nicely and parts fit together well. Fnaf models a 3d model collection by memfish12 memfish12 explore buy 3d models download 3d model. Fast Rendering on mobile device. Download many free STL files for 3D printers. Other Endoskeleton Models. Due to leaks the concept of releasing every model in a big p. If this aerial view of the Great Barrier Reef is a reminder that you everything Australia, today's your day. View, comment, download and edit fnaf model Minecraft skins. Fnaf 3D models 57 3D Fnaf models available for download. Ball-joint articulated octopus Remix! Glitchtrap obj file ported by fnafgamer14 me. It can be displayed as a two-dimensional image through a process called 3-D rendering or used in a computer simulation of physical phenomena. Discover short videos related to 3d model fnaf on TikTok. All the models are made by me except for the animatronics and the fire. Without him my version in 3D wouldn't be possible! Also thanks to all my friends who've been supporting me with this game. Download bit MB -Please Note-. Last edited by ss Jun 24, 8 Jun 26, Blender 3D fnaf models for download, files in blend with low poly, animated, rigged, game, and VR options. If someone can make textures, program the gamemodes, program a multiplayer mode that have. Models for SFM, assume renders by by one of the people who made it unless otherwise specified. Needless to say he's going to be super excited when I get this. Everyone has had at least one job that was an absolute nightmare. Explore a library of thousands of full-body character animations, captured from professional motion actors. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Create a ranking for FNaF Characters. Thanks to 3D printing, we can create brilliant and useful products, from homes to wedding accessories. The product is called a 3-D model. These range from a variety of Minecraft rigs, a Bose headphones model, Steven Universe's ukulele, a Portal gun, and much more. These models are suitable for both 3D printing and CNC. But in the meantime, this pack currently includes: 3D Arcade Games. Freddy 3D Models for Free. My friend is a huge fan of Five nights at Freddy's and requested me to make this model of Toy Bonnie from one of the games! I personally have never played any of them but had lots of fun with this project, First time making a robotic like creature so rigging it was very fun! Everything with the model is rigged, all. Use filters to find rigged, animated, low-poly or free 3D models. Bose Professional develops innovative pro audio solutions for all venues and spaces. Articulated Cuttlefish! Drag the images into the order you would like. These can be standalone characters who only have minor appearances, or the endoskeletons under the official models in games which can be incomplete for some characters. This was meant for the steam community but i can t upgrade atm to be able to comment on posts er something p. Each animation is transferred to your own character and can be previewed and edited directly with Mixamo, so you can control the look and feel of each motion. The watch perfectly mimics the one worn by Gregory in the game, complete with Glamrock Freddy's signature ears and hat. This game is no longer in development. Model available for download in Autodesk FBX format. Click to find the best Results for five nights at freddys Models for your 3D Printer. The first of many fnaf vr model edits to be released. And all of the animatronic models were made by me and not taken from other mods and I used the creator scotts models as accurate examples to create my models. This first pack includes the original fnaf 1 crew remade using the ports of the help wanted. Animate Objects with Keyframes. The one where you dread even a polite conversat. Pick your winners and share your finished bracket. The animatronics themselves were created and copyrighted by scott cawthon I do not own fnaf or the animatronics. Usually found on merch Insert. Our collections of 3D models created by a community of 3D enthusiasts. Showing items of 79 items matching 'fnaf'. Great for all skill levels, 3D Creator makes creating 3D shapes about as easy as it can get, with tools tailored to your skill level. We have various filters for a quick search. Here you can find some amazing models, some decent models, and some outdated models. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Search more high quality free transparent png images on PNGkey. These Collada models dramatically cut the development time down, so your project is ready faster. Free 3D fnaf models for download, files in 3ds, max, c4d, maya, blend, obj, fbx with low poly, animated, rigged, game, and VR options. A quadruped model that is both weighted and animated, this wolf is a frame quadruped with a variety of animation cycles that loop seamlessly. Porting these bois was a challenge, but a surprisingly fun one. Supports Resolutions up to p and 4k on modern devices. These theories examine ethical behavior in different ways. Also in the game has a transport and npc that you can manipulate. The goal of this pack is to make FNaF models and release them publicly for everyone to use. Click to find the best Results for fnaf Models for your 3D Printer. These are fan made 3D models of the entire cast of the first Five Nights at Freddy game, each one with a full Endoskeleton, props, movable parts and normal maps, all models are fully rigged so they can be posed and rendered. We are connecting 3D print files makers with people who want to use their 3D printer. Popular Fnaf 3D models View all. This is a Freddy model that was originally a Freddy model by Scott Cawthon, Steel wood edited the model for FNAF VR, that model was then edited ThePixel, and was then ported to sfm, team vr with the other fnaf 1 gang, and then ported to Blender and got edi. Available formats:Available formats: c4d, max, obj, fbx, ma, blend, 3ds, 3dm, stl - 3DExport. PDF Fnaf sister location blender models download. It's the job that you sluggishly get ready for in the morning. Free freddy 3d models in obj blend stl fbx three js formats for use in unity 3d blender sketchup cinema 4d unreal 3ds max and maya. Illumix's engine works everywhere your consumers are today -- on your apps, websites, and social platforms. Spring freddy and spring bonnie by bartoszd Springtrap 3d models ready to view buy and download for free. Click to find the best Results for fnaf security breach Models for your 3D Printer. Using Inkscape I traced it and saved it out as a. These fan-made models based on both Withered and Unwithered animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's 2, with one with it's own rig, texture, normal maps and movable parts. Cults is for you! Browse our different categories and download the best 3D printer models for free, open-source or paid mode, in. Although I can no longer update this to get rid of any bugs and glitches, I hope you find some kind of. The four major ethical theories are deontology, utilitarianism, rights, and virtue. Could be easily added to a 3d scene. With our help, you can already search for models on all popular sites on the Internet. They also made functional 3d models of mangle, fnaf 1 : chica,freddy,bonny and foxy you can encounter them in the monti golf mini game. I'm quite proud of this, to be honest. You will find many 3D models on my Blendswap page shared from past productions and side projects. These are the latest 3D models added to our community. You can print these 3d models on your favorite 3d printer or render them with your preferred render engine. For example, you can hide and show parts of a 3D model, remove a cover to look inside, and turn parts around as if holding them in your hands. You may also turn off the wolf's mane since it is skinned separately. Almost every single Fnaf model that has been added to the workshop is in this collection. Any custom adjustments by your request. You extract all the files in the winrar file. Check out these cool real-world examples of 3D printing and the companies that have embraced this high-tech process. To your left, you can see my very epic "Exotic Butters. This mod replaces all of the assets in the game with new 3D designs! These models are intentionally boxy and may deform due to armature. Springbonnie 3d models ready to view buy and download for free. Download and use it for your personal or non-commercial. I'm mostly going to use this for myself, but it would be interesting if others used it and to see what if you ended up getting. You can combine 2D and 3D right in the viewpoint, while the software has full animation support with Onion. Free 3D Fnaf models available for download. The models were originally made for Cinema 4d and was later ported to SFM. Search Search all Forums Wasted talent as far as I'm concerned. HD wallpapers and background images. A huge thanks to Scott Cawthon for making this rpg fnaf game. SCAD format, they are all 3D printable guaranteed. What does Scott Cawthon use for models? Find skins like this: almost equal very similar quite similar - Skins that look like this but with minor edits. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: fnaf3d, fnafmodel, fnaf3danimation, fnafbully. Some of the animatronics are still being updated because of issues with my. I did glue the bottom part of the. High detailed low poly thousands of free 3D models,textures and scenes available for download. In recent years, they have become a trend, and virtually any character, real or fictional, is represented in this format. I'm going to make the game like a FPS multiplayer horror game with many. Download or buy, then render or print from the shops or marketplaces. Characters fnaf 3D models for download, files in 3ds, max, c4d, maya, blend, obj, fbx with low poly, animated, rigged, game, and VR options. Welcome to my Website! FNaF Animatronics Bracket. If you want to use the model without the animation you can simply reset to bind pose or disable the skinning entirely. I also make animations that I upload on my Youtube Channel which has been active since Manipulation of objects can hold a great variety: from stretch an object and applying it to different types of textures to create a flying machine. You can access all of our games via a. Have a nice game! View or buy 3d model detail page which made by anthony snavelynamed fnaf 9 glamrock freddy. Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Fan. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Search: Fnaf Obj Model Download. Our 3D model repository acts as a real source of inspiration. Springbonnie asks for springtrap in marriage. Get the most out of your project with these DAE models. Ya I found them, but the FNIA avatars there minus pumpkin foxy have no facial expressions, jiggle physics or the ability to change clothes. Here is a small tutorial on how to load the models and view the animations. Plenty of tutorials are included so you won't get lost along the way. Making models of famous characters and OCs. Click to find the best Results for springtrap fnaf Models for your 3D Printer. Some tips might be outdated or incorrect, so do take these with caution. That is why many of you have probably wanted to print one of these dolls with your printers, so today we bring you a few models that you will surely love. Overall, it's a great film 3D animation software tool, and great for developing moving 3D models for video games and other uses. Bonnie fnaf 3D models for 3D printing makexyz. Log in now to save your BracketFight. Using that I brought it into Fusion and made it into a printable model. Min price 2 10 20 50 I started editing these pictures after watching "gomotion. Five Night's at Freddy's Pack. In my spare time I love modelling FNaF characters, especially the most obscure ones or the ones that.
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bestlaptopreviews · 3 years
How to Find the Best Programming Laptop under 60000 in India?
Can’t find the one laptop right fit for your programming projects within a specific budget? Well, there are many options available in India from renowned brands and that too with different price tags. And, we are sure that there are plenty of names under your budget as well. All you need to do is search through the trending laptops and find the one you think would be great for your purposes. Since websites and applications have become a must in the businesses world, demands for programmers has increased worldwide. And, so the demand for a robust laptop to do the work. Most of the robust laptops whether gaming or not, are equipped with advanced specs that makes the laptops costlier than the regular ones. But that does not mean that you cannot find a good laptop for coding within your budget. With in-detail research and survey through the latest laptops in Indian gadget market, we have sorted out some basic criteria to help you find the best programming laptop under 60000. Continue reading the blog post to know more.
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But why would you invest on a programming laptop at first?
Before we move forward with the criterions to find the best coding laptops under 60k, you may have already thought about getting a gaming laptop. Right? This is one of the legit thoughts we all get whenever we need a robust laptop under a budget. Well, the answer is no. Just because you are a developer, that does not mean that you need to have a gaming laptop. It is true that all the gaming laptops are powerful and can handle almost all the intense tasks as they are built for this. But apart from this, think about the expense. A gaming laptop won’t fit in your purposes if you have a specific budget in your mind. There are many gaming laptops under a budget but they are lower quality than the ones actually meant for gameplay. This means you have to high up the budget if you want to get a gaming laptop, otherwise, you will be stuck with a low quality gaming machine. But the best part is, you will get plenty of programming laptops without even increasing your budget. We guess, now you have known the answers that why a programming laptop should be your first priority when it comes to writing codes but not a gaming laptop.
Now when we are all set, we will start with the step-by-step guide to find the best programming laptop under 60000 in India by matching the ideal specs criterions for programming laptops.
So, what are the minimum specs requirements for programming laptops under 60000?
Straight to the point, there are five internal specs we will discuss in this blog post. These five parts are the most vital things in a laptop regardless of the purposes. Following are those,
A. First, we will start with the processor of the laptop. The CPU or Central Processing Unit is the brain of the computer. It controls everything in the computer along with the way it will act on the inputs given by you. Apart from this, a decent CPU is a must for working on any intense tasks such as programming. Without a powerful processor, writing and testing codes will not be lag free. We think a 10th/11th generation i5 core or modern generation AMD Ryzen 5 processor with at least 4 cores, 8 threads, 6 MB cache memory, and up to 3.5 GHz clock speed.
B. Next, we will move forward to the RAM, one of the most important specs to consider for programming laptops. It is because fetching data from RAM is easier than had disks. RAM can store the data and information of the currently running apps. Besides, it is faster than hard disks when it comes to storing data. Without adequate RAM, you won’t be also able to run any IDEs on the laptop to test codes.
C. Display comes to the third position in the laptop that we need to check beforehand to be sure that it is the right machine. There is no direct connection between programming and display. But without a good display, you cannot be able to see the codes you are writing. And, therefore, make sure that the laptop display is large enough for your viewing. A 15.6 inches display will be the ideal for programming. Along with that, also check the display resolution. We suggest that choosing anything lower than the full HD resolution (1920 x 1080) will be a mistake.
D. The next thing you should consider in a programming laptop is its storage. Often we think of this part as a storing specs in the laptop, but in real it is more than that. An ample space is not only necessary in your laptop for storing your files, but also for the computer speed. Make sure that your laptop has enough space. SSDs are better than HDDs, as they are fast and reduce mechanical failures. At least a 512 GB SSD would be ideal for a programming laptop under 60000. Other than that, you can opt for a hybrid storage option with 1 TB HDD + 256 GB SSD.
E. The last internal specs we will consider in the coding laptop is its graphics. You won’t need a dedicated GPU for developing websites and applications. But that does not mean that you can overlook the GPU of the laptop, because GPU does not only handle the graphical parts in the laptop. It also reduces the CPU workload by 50% and allows it focus on other important tasks. Any integrated Intel or AMD GPU will be enough for coding unless you are a game developer. For that, you will be needing a dedicated NVIDIA or AMD GPU with at least 4 GB VRAM.
Last but not least,
Finding a programming laptop is not at all hectic anymore since programming has become one of the trending career options worldwide. Besides, there are tonnes of options around India from renowned brands. But if you have a limited budget, it will feel a bit tough to find the one that fit in your needs without any issues. Well, we have already sorted this for you. The above-mentioned points will help you find the best programming laptop under 60000 in India.
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gin-no-bara · 7 years
The brothers are bad and abusive at first but then when they love Yui they stop the bad behavior. Wouldn't they be changed, so it could be love?
Well maybe someone could correct me if I’m wrong, but even though the boys turned more romantic in later games, they were still assholes sometimes right? Even though they supposedly love her, they don’t really take her thoughts and wishes into consideration, right? I only played the first two games, so my knowledge is limited of the later games. But with the knowledge I have, they did learn to “love” Yui. Though I have serious doubts on calling it love. And speaking just of HBD and MB, I would actually not call it love at all. Even in some of the tamer routes, like Shuu’s, he flat out says at the end that if she had tried to run away, they would have either killed her or locked her in the dungeon. So from that alone, Yui never had free will to leave. In that kind of situation, love absolutely cannot develop because there is always a power imbalance. One person in the relationship is always subjugated and one is always in power. Yui never has any power to leave or make her own decisions about her life.
She might think she’s in love, but love is built on equality in a relationship, on both partners having their wants and needs met from each other. And that is definitely not what happens. In most routes, she has to put pretty much all sense of self aside to survive them. Instead of love, she is feeling something else, something far more dysfunctional: trauma bonding. Trauma bonding is very powerful, and is felt on both sides of the power imbalance. So an abuser can be just as bonded to the victim as the victim is to him.
Essentially they both become very strongly emotionally attached to each other through the highs and lows of the abuse. The highs are such a jarring, welcome relief to the lows that the victim will revel in it, almost like the highs a drug addict experiences. Yui definitely showcases this as she becomes masochistic, reveling in the pleasure of their fangs. That pleasure is such a relief from all the pain and fear, that she completely latches onto it. And it’s the same thing when the brothers show a gentler side. She absolutely hangs onto that side of them, and to her empathy for them, because it’s such a welcome thing against their terrifying side. In a situation where you have no power or control that you can’t escape, the brain finds ways to survive without going totally insane. I personally think trauma bonding is a way to mentally survive while keeping the mind relatively intact (this is just a personal opinion though).
As for the brothers, as sadists, they enjoy their power over her, causing her fear and pain, and they show a form of addiction and/or emotional attachment to her based on that. I also think that since she shows them empathy that they’ve never before experienced, they become attached to that as well. They also reap all the benefits of her selflessness. They get their own needs and wants met, but they tend to totally disregard hers. A relationship that has this kind of a foundation, is absolutely not going to be able to form love. It will always be an unhealthy, dysfunctional, imbalanced relationship.
So I have my doubts that what eventually forms between them in later games is actually love. It’s presented that way in the story since they turned the games more fluffy, but from my own professional opinion from viewing the relationship through a realistic lens, I personally wouldn’t call it love. I personally believe the boys are too sadistic, too abusive, to change enough to learn what it means to love someone. Emotional attachment, yes. But love? No. Love and abuse can’t exist together in the same relationship.
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strangehoot · 4 years
New Post has been published on Strange Hoot - How To’s, Reviews, Comparisons, Top 10s, & Tech Guide
New Post has been published on https://strangehoot.com/10-mb-games-for-android-phone-low-mb-games-free/
30 Best 10 MB Games for Android Phone - Low MB Games Free
The gaming industry has seen a drastic transformation in recent times. With thousands of high-end next-generation games ruling the minds of game enthusiasts, gaming lovers just can’t get enough of the thrilling world of mind-twisting games. 
The launch of the Android smartphone back in 2008 has steered the gaming industry in a new direction. Android games come in a variety of sizes, ranging from an enormous 2.5 GB to small-sized 2.5 MB. Many of us cannot afford games with formidable data sizes that quickly suck up our mobile’s data.
Small Android Games
Some of the best 10 MB games for Android that not just chill down our spine but also save us from pesky loss of data are as follows:
Mekorama is a freebie puzzle game developed by Martin Magni. The game occupies space under 10 MB and gives freedom to its players to choose their levels. 
Plot: Mekorama revolves around a tiny robot who after getting thrown away in the trash by a robot factory is helped by players to reach its abode. 
The addictive game provides you the level builder to construct your levels. Every level has a grid-like structure where we have to remove obstacles in the form of moving objects. Every level you create is assigned to a QR code. You can also transfer your current level to other players with the help of this code.
The game was awarded International Mobile Gaming Awards in 2017 by Jury’s Honourable Mention. 
Singularity is a first-person shooter game created by Raven Software. 
Plot: The storyline of Singularity spins around an intriguing island Katorga-12 set in the background of the Cold War. In 1950, the island was hit by a disaster called “Singularity”. Nate Renko, a Special Forces officer is sent on the island to scrutinize the appalling fallout. However, in the course, her plane crash lands due to electromagnetic disturbance. 
In the game, you constantly make the transition between 1952-55 and 2010. In both periods, you confront Russian forces and come across mutated wildlife and vegetation. 
It is one of the small android games which does not exceed 10MB. The game features very few ads that make it even more gamer-friendly.
Poly Path: 
Poly Path is an easy yet tricky game that comes under 10 MB android games. The game examines your concentration and intuitive capabilities. 
Plot: In the game, the player encounters colorful balls which they are supposed to throw in rings of respective colors. The initial stages of the game are simple but as we go further it gets complicated. 
The best part of the game is that it does not require a wi-fi connection. The game is just 5MB in size.
Modern Sniper: 
Modern Sniper is a first-person shooter game based on the setting of the underworld.
Plot: In the game, you are the modern sniper who executes lethal attacks and secret assassin operations. You will have access to sniper rifles and assault rifles. During the game, the sniper will receive an armor and health bar. With the help of your sniping abilities, you should vanquish your enemies on the streets and annihilate the most vicious nemesis. The opponents have also recruited a group of snipers whose mission is to secretively attack you.
Shadow Skate: 
Shadow Skate is an addictive 2D game which tests your concentration and intuition. 
Plot: In the game, the skater is present in the form of a silhouette who travels across skyscrapers, parks, night clubs, and forests to run away from the shadow. The skater performs high jumps, bends, and falls through the buttons available on the left and right sides of the screen. 
The game draws similarity to Vector in graphics and gameplay. The game will test your skills to 40 levels. The game is not very complicated and is also just 8.4MB in size.
Caveman Adventure: 
Caveman Adventure is a 2D action-adventure game that is straightforward to play and is compatible with all android devices. It is one of the famous 10 MB games with easy and smooth controls. 
Plot: The plot revolves around a caveman whose child has been abducted by a dinosaur and he begins to search for the child in the world of dinosaurs. The game involves 20 stages that cover 4 special worlds. The caveman encounters dangerous dinosaurs and intimidating obstacles in his search. 
The game was released by STEM studios. You do not have to worry about space as the game is only 10MB in size.
No one dies: 
The exciting thing about No one dies is that here you can guide 2-36 characters at the same time. 
Plot: The game consists of 10 stages and tests the controlling skills of the brain and hands. If you crave dark adventure games, No One Dies is the game you should not miss.
Dr. Driving: 
Dr. Driving is a car racing game with well-designed graphics and smooth controls. 
Plot: You have to drive cleverly and responsibly, dodging the obstacles until you reach the end. The game has many challenging levels. You will also get money on the completion of levels. You can purchase more and better vehicles with the help of money. The game size is only 9.5 MB. 
The other exciting aspect is that you can connect with your friends through mobiles to play this game in real-time. It is one of the small android games which is freely available on the Play store.
Endless Falling: 
Endless Falling is a dark-themed game with loads of fun and adventure. 
Plot: Here, the player falls off a cliff. On his way down to earth, he gets around with challenging obstacles. The background score also complements the theme of the game. To prevent adrenaline rise, the player has to obtain hearts coming his way. 
The game is one of the popular 10 MB games with smooth controls and easy gameplay. 
Cricket Black: 
Cricket Black is a thrilling light-weight game with a data size of 2MB. You can play with friends or random players through real-time one on one matches. You can win cups and caps too. 
Plot: On opening the interface, to begin the game, you have to click on TAP TO START. A single tap will hit sixes or fours and earns you high scores. 
It is one of the widely played small android games which is available in PlayStore.
Crash Wheels: 
This addictive game is easy to learn and occupies less data space. 
Plot: There are more than 30 exciting levels where you have to ride a bicycle on risky streets and dodge perilous obstacles like bombs, spikes, wrecking balls, and harpoons. 
The game has simple controls where you are required to steer the bicycle forward and backward by tapping arrows on the screen.
It is one of the popular 10 MB games for android that occupies less data space.
Speed motto: 
Speed motto is an adventurous racing game with straightforward gameplay and easy controls. 
Plot: In the game, you steer the bike by the tip of your fingers, and to speed up, you need to tap on the screen. During your journey, you come across various settings such as snow, forests, bridges, or hills regions. In your way, you have to obtain coins and get around with slow-pacing vehicles. 
It comes under 10 MB games for Android that is freely available on the Play Store.
The Line Zen:
Line Zen an addictive arcade game that comes under 10 MB games. The controls are smooth. 
Plot: You will have to guide a blue ball by avoiding collisions with red balls. 
The gameplay is adventurous, and the player encounters numerous challenging mazes.
AA is an accuracy game that tests your targeting skills. The game occupies a small space and is available on Android and iOS. 
Plot: Here, you have to strike a pin on a circle, with no two pins hitting each other or your game ends. 
It is one of the easy to play 10 MB games with smooth controls and gripping graphics. 
Stick Hero: 
Stick Hero is an addictive game that is small in data size and comes under 10 MB games. 
Plot: The game requires you to cover the width between bridges by forming sticks. The width between the bridges differs and the length of the stick should exactly fit in there. If your stick falls short, you will fall, and the game ends. 
It is one of the small android games which is available on Playstore for free.
Brave Ninja: 
Brave Ninja is an adventure game that occupies 7.62 MB and has amazing graphics.
Plot: Here you train a ninja and prepare him for difficult combats. The game has many mini-games such as sabotage, espionage, infiltration, assassination, and guerrilla warfare. The game features 15 exciting gameplays and 4 ninja characters. Though easy to play, this game is difficult to excel in. 
It is one of the small android games which is easy to play but gets a tad difficult with the increase in levels.
Chain Reaction: 
Chain reaction is a small light-weight game with a data size of 5.16 MB. The game can be played by a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8 players. 
Plot: In the game, the players one after another place their orbs in the cells of respective colors. Every cell has a critical mass. Once the load of the cell equalizes the critical mass, the cell explodes filling the orthogonally adjacent cells each with one orb.
7×7 is an addictive game that is a blend of Tetris and Connect Four. 
Plot: It is a block matching game where you have to match identical blocks to keep the grid clear. If there are four or more blocks in the line, they will disappear from the board. However, if you do not get a match, three more blocks will be added to the board. 
It is one of the simple 10 MB games for androids with easy controls.
Tank Hero: 
Tank Hero is an exciting adventure game with binding gameplay. The game is 9.2 MB in data size. 
Plot: Here, you have to vanquish your enemy tanks and fight for reaching the ultimate goal. The game has 120 exciting levels where you have to combat with 5 different types of A. I tanks.  
Another good thing is that you can enjoy the game without a wi-fi connection.                            
My Tiny Pet: 
If you are a pet lover, the game My Tiny Pet is your cup of tea. It is a 10MB game that has all features to addict you. 
Plot: Here, you have a sweet and adorable virtual pet that you can treat like your real pet. You can clean him, feed him, play with him, and even dress him. You raise him with good habits. 
The game is just 10MB is data size. The game has engaging graphics and is easy to play.
Flow-free Bridges: 
Flow-free is an addictive and entertaining game. 
Plot: Here you have to join dots of the same colors by forming a pipe. But if the pipes overlap, the game will end. You have to connect all the matching dots until the entire board is covered. There are more than 1000 exciting levels. 
The graphics are amazing, and the game becomes tougher as the level increases. This is one of the interesting 10 MB games that are freely available on the Play Store.
Zombie Attack 2:  
Zombie attack 2 is one of the popular 10MB games with 2D graphics. 
Plot: This small android game is based on the world of zombies that you are supposed to kill to survive till the end. The game has 4 special worlds where different types of zombies come your way. There are 8 types of heroes using unique weapons. There are 24 types of zombies and 8 zombie bosses. 
In the game, you will get different vehicles such as cars, jeeps, and trucks.
Unblock ME: 
Unblock ME is an addictive puzzle game that comes under 10MB games. You can play it for free. 
Plot: The game consists of 18,000 mind-twisting puzzles and has 4 types of modes: Relax, Challenge, Multiplayer, and Daily. 
It is one of the small android games that you can install from the Playstore for free.  
Word Spot: 
Word spot is an amazing word-building game that comes under 10MB android games. 
Plot: In this game, you are supposed to connect letters by swiping your finger and form meaningful words. 
The game is free-to-play and one can play it without an internet connection. The game tests your vocabulary. As the level goes high, the difficulty increases. Log in daily to win extra rewards.
Archery is an addictive game and occupies less space. It is one of the 10MB games that has easy controls and clear graphics. 
Plot: Here, the player has to hit an arrow on a board that contains many rings. Each ring is allotted with different points. If you hit the innermost ring, you will get 50 points and an extra arrow. 
It is free-to-play and is available on PlayStore.
Bottle Shoot: 
Bottle Shoot is an entertaining game. It is free-to-play and does not require a wi-fi connection.
Plot: Here you have to target and shoot the bottles as many as you can to earn points. 
The game has simple controls and consists of various levels. It is one of the popular 10MB games and has a rating of 4.2 stars on the Playstore.
Bike Extreme: 
Bike Extreme is a popular bike racing game. The game occupies less space and is 5.3 MB in size. 
Plot: The game has 30+ different tracks filled with obstacles like rocks, hills, sticks, jumps, etc. You begin the game with one bike and as you reach higher levels, you will get other bikes that differ in appearance but are the same to handle. 
This game also comes with smooth controls and beautiful graphics.   
Die in 100 ways: 
Die in 100 Ways is a game developed by Canary Droid. 
Plot: The game has many lovely characters, and the nemesis is not any monster or vicious demon but Death itself. You have to save these characters from dangerous situations conspired by Death. The game has dozens of thrilling mini-games. 
It is one of the exhilarating 10MB games that are freely available on the Play Store. 
Knock Down: 
Knock Down is one of the popular 10 MB games which draws similarity with Angry Birds. 
Plot: The game requires you to throw a red ball through a slingshot to knock down the boxes. The game has more than 70 challenging levels where the difficulty level increases with each level.
Crime Files by Terrandroid:  
It is one of the popular 10 MB games which has simple controls. 
Plot: Crime Files is a detective game where you are a spy who solves crimes and arrests criminals. You have to examine crime spots and can also dig out deep facts about the crime. 
It is one of the small android games which is free-to-play and available on PlayStore.
All these small android games not just entertain us but also enhance our cognitive capabilities. Due to their small size and unique themes, such 10 MB games get millions of downloads and lovely ratings on the Play Store. 
Read: How to Turn Off Youtube Notifications on Chrome
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getgamez · 5 years
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Game Overview Travel the universe colonising uninhabited planets with the sole goal of setting worlds in motion through the power of automation. Fresh from your spaceship you must harvest stick and stone and begin your colonisation efforts. Create rudimentary crafting items from blueprints and slowly build a number of workerbots to aid in your efforts. Teach and shape their artificial intelligence with a visual programming language, then instruct them to begin the formation of your colony. Marvel as a planet you’ve shaped becomes home to a civilisation of workerbots, happy to do your bidding! Expand further with the creation of colonists; beings that require your assistance to survive. Push your workerbots further by introducing fishing, cooking, housing, and tailoring and help the colonists into a state of transcendence. Key Features: Playful Programming Teach your workerbots requisite steps to complete tasks by asking them to repeat actions utilising a visual programming language. Designed to be easy to learn but with added complexity there are numerous possibilities. Automated Automation Build an army of bots to automate just about everything in your colony, teach them what to do and expand both their brains and task possibilities with numerous upgrades and options. Various Ventures From gathering to building, cooking, fishing, tailoring, farming, animal husbandry and more – the world of Autonauts is vast with limitless opportunities to automate and colonise. Charming Creativity The world of Autonauts pops to life with a low-poly art-style married with a consistent and bright colour palette adding depth and scale, creating a relaxing and attractive play space. Autonauts combines the very best of agriculture, simulation, crafting, building, production-line and resource management titles to create a brand new experience unlike any other. Create the automated world of your dreams! The future is now! Screenshots for System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x64Processor: Intel Core i5-6600K (4 * 3500)Memory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: GeForce GTX 750 (2048 MB) or Radeon HD 7870 (2048 MB)Storage: 1 GB available spaceSound Card: AnyAdditional Notes: Low Settings on massive dense worlds RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 10 x64Processor: Intel Core i7-6700K (4 * 4000)Memory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: GeForce GTX 970 (4096 MB) or Radeon R9 270X (2048 MB)Storage: 1 GB available spaceSound Card: AnyAdditional Notes: High Settings on massive dense worlds Read the full article
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howdoyoudorevue · 3 years
Some tunes about the mind, and some tunes about how people that disagree with me are wrong! Nah, not really. But sandwiched in there is music from some of the nominees who are up for Junos this weekend, some brand new music, and a dispatch from Tim Friesen. All this and more; enjoyed by those who are suspended for 4 games, or not.
VINCE GUARALDI TRIO - Peppermint Patty (Show Theme)
THE FRETLESS - Troubled Mind feat. Dan Mangan Open House, 2021
NEIL YOUNG - Mellow My Mind Tonight’s The Night, 1975
THE ODDS - Eat My Brain Good Weird Feeling, 1995
SARAH HARMER - New Low Are You Gone, 2020
ALEXINA LOUIE - Sharpening the Runners on the Dog Sled Take The Dog Sled, 2020
RUM RAGGED - The Thing About Fish The Thing About Fish, 2020
THE TRAGICALLY HIP - Crack My Spine (Like a Whip) Saskadelphia, 2021
Dispatch from Tim Friesen in Winnipeg, Manitoba
TIM FRIESEN - Backseat of My Mind Quarantine Songs, 2021
TIM FRIESEN - Without You Quarantine Songs, 2021
BIG LOSER - Cold Blood Single, 2021
THICK - 5 Years Behind 5 Years Behind, 2020
BARENAKED LADIES - Leave Stunt, 1998
WEIRD AL YANKOVIC - Everything You Know Is Wrong Bad Hair Day, 1996
THIS WEEK’S EPISODE ON... Apple Podcasts Spotify Podcasts Google Podcasts Podbean
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shotgunstrength · 4 years
The Whey To Weight Loss (Part II)
The Whey To Weight Loss (Part II)
Effects on serotonin, blood sugar regulation, and more!
Although the above would probably be the major mechanisms by which whey could help the dieter, there are several secondary effects of whey that may assist in weight loss. For example, whey’s effects on serotonin levels. Serotonin is probably the most studied neurotransmitter since it has been found to be involved in a wide range of psychological and biological functions. Serotonin ( also called 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) is involved with mood, anxiety, and appetite.
Elevated levels of serotonin can cause relaxation and reduced anxiety. Low serotonin levels are associated with low mood, increased anxiety (hence the current popularity of the SSRI drugs such as Prozac and others), and poor appetite control. This is an extremely abbreviated description of all the functions serotonin performs in the human body – many of which have yet to be fully elucidated – but a full explanation is beyond the scope of this article.
Needless to say, Increased brain serotonin levels are associated with an improved ability of people to cope with stress, whereas a decline in serotonin activity is associated with depression and anxiety. Elevated levels of serotonin in the body often result in the relief of depression, as well as substantial reduction in pain sensitivity, anxiety and stress. It has also been theorized that a diet-induced increase in tryptophan will increase brain serotonin levels, while a diet designed for weight loss (e.g., a diet that reduces calories) may lead to a reduction of brain serotonin levels due to reduced substrate for production and a reduction in carbohydrates.
Many people on a reduced calorie intake in an attempt to lose weight find they are often ill tempered and more anxious. Reductions in serotonin may be partially to blame here. One recent study (The bovine protein alpha-lactalbumin increases the plasma ratio of tryptophan to the other large neutral amino acids, and in vulnerable subjects raises brain serotonin activity, reduces cortisol concentration, and improves mood under stress. Am J Clin Nutr 2000 Jun;71(6):1536-1544) examined whether alpha-lactalbumin – a major sub fraction found in whey which has an especially high tryptophan content – would increase plasma Tryptophan levels as well reduce depression and cortisol concentrations in subjects under acute stress considered to be vulnerable to stress.
The researchers examined twenty-nine “highly stress-vulnerable subjects” and 29 “relatively stress-invulnerable” subjects using a double blind, placebo-controlled study design. The study participants were exposed to experimental stress after eating a diet enriched with either alpha-lactalbumin (found in whey) or sodium-caseinate, another milk based protein. They researchers looked at:
* Diet-induced changes in the plasma Tryptophan and its ratio to other large neutral amino acids.
* Prolactin levels.
* Changes in mood and pulse rate.
* Cortisol levels (which were assessed before and after the stressor).
Amazingly, the ratio of plasma Tryptophan to the other amino acids tested was 48% higher after the alpha-lactalbumin diet than after the casein diet! This was accompanied by a decrease in cortisol levels and higher prolactin concentration. Perhaps most important and relevant to the average person reading this article, they found “reduced depressive feelings” when test subjects were put under stress.
They concluded that the “Consumption of a dietary protein enriched in tryptophan increased the plasma Trp-LNAA ratio and, in stress-vulnerable subjects, improved coping ability, probably through alterations in brain serotonin.” This effect was not seen in the sodium-caseinate group. If other studies can confirm these findings, whey may turn out to be yet another safe and effective supplement in the battle against depression and stress, as well as reduced serotonin levels due to dieting.
Although there is a long list of hormones involved in appetite regulation, some of which have been mentioned above, serotonin appears to be a key player in the game. In general, experiments find increased serotonin availability or activity = reduced food consumption and decreased serotonin = increase food consumption. If whey can selectively increase serotonin levels above that of other proteins, it could be very helpful to the dieter.
Other possible advantages whey may confer to the dieter is improved blood sugar regulation (Frid AH, Nilsson M, Holst JJ, Bjorck IM. Effect of whey on blood glucose and insulin responses to composite breakfast and lunch meals in type 2 diabetic subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jul;82(1):69-75.) which is yet another key area in controlling appetite and metabolism.
Finally, calcium from dairy products has been found to be associated with a reduction in bodyweight and fat mass. Calcium is thought to influence energy metabolism as intracellular calcium regulates fat cell (adipocyte) lipid metabolism as well as triglyceride storage. It’s been demonstrated in several studies the superiority of dairy versus non-dairy sources of calcium for improving body composition, and the whey fraction of dairy maybe the key.
The mechanism responsible for increased fat loss found with dairy-based calcium versus nondairy calcium has not is not fully understood but researchers looking at the issue theorized “… dairy sources of calcium markedly attenuate weight and fat gain and accelerate fat loss to a greater degree than do supplemental sources of calcium. This augmented effect of dairy products relative to supplemental calcium is likely due to additional bioactive compounds, including the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and the rich concentration of branched-chain amino acids in whey, which act synergistically with calcium to attenuate adiposity.”
It appears components in whey – some of which have been mentioned above – are thought to act synergistically with calcium to improve body composition (Zemel MB. Role of calcium and dairy products in energy partitioning and weight management. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 May;79(5):907S-912S.).
Taken in isolation, none of these studies are so compelling that people should run out and use whey as some form of weight loss nirvana. However, taken as a total picture, the bulk of the research seems to conclude that whey may in fact have some unique effects for weight loss and should be of great use to the dieter. More studies are clearly needed however.
So what is the practical application of all this information and how does the dieter put it to good use? Being the appetite suppressing effects of whey appear to last approximately 2-3 hours, it would seem best to stagger the intake throughout the day. For example, breakfast might be 1-2 scoops of whey and a bowl of oatmeal, and perhaps a few scoops of whey taken between lunch and dinner.
If whey does what the data suggests it does in the above, that should be the most effective method for maximizing the effects of whey on food (calorie) intake on subsequent meals as well as the other metabolic effects covered. If working out, the schedule may be different however and people should follow the pre and post nutrition recommendations made in my ebook “Muscle Building Nutrition” or advice easily found on the ‘net via the many sports nutrition and bodybuilding related web sites.
source https://www.shotgunstrength.com/the-whey-to-weight-loss-part-ii/
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ibilenews · 4 years
5G network technology: Sifting myth from reality
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When Joseph Adegbolu’s mobile phone rang, he hastily picked it up without bothering to confirm the identity of the caller was on display. Upon engaging with the device, the voice at the other end was a familiar one- his mother.
Obviously distressed, she yelled: “Joseph, tell the telecommunication firm that erected that mast that is about 40 metres away from our house to come and remove it. We heard it’s killing people, and has killed many people in China.”
Joseph’s mom is but one of the millions across the globe that are terrified and influenced by some informed and less informed commentaries about the evil they say the Fifth Generation of cellular technology, otherwise known as 5G technology represents.
This high level of apprehension and uncertainty is daily sending jitters down spines in different parts of the globe, with numerous conspiracy theories flying everywhere. From China to the United Kingdom, the United States to Belgium, Canada to South Africa, the story has been the same.
It is this conspiracy theories that have led to the destruction of several 5G masts, especially in China, where the technology has been linked to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which has killed over 190, 000 people across the globe.
The belief in several quarters has been that 5G technology comes with very hazardous electromagnetic radiation, which is extremely dangerous to human health, and which has resulted in the death of many people across the world.
These wild claims about 5G are not new. The technology has outsized political importance because it may provide countries with a competitive edge, with faster wireless speeds enabling more rapid development of driverless cars, and other innovations, especially as countries compete keenly in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) era.
Internet trolls have remained on 5G and its political implications to sow fear, leading to protests in some countries, including the United States. Recently, Russians have been pushing claims that 5G signals were linked to brain cancer, infertility, autism, heart tumors, and Alzheimer’s disease, all of which lack scientific support.
Conversely, 5G is the next great leap in speed for wireless devices. This speed includes both the rate at which mobile users can download data to their devices, and the latency, or lag that they experience between sending and receiving information.
The fifth Generation aims to deliver data rates that are 10 to 100 times faster than the current 4G network, and users should expect to see download speeds on the order of gigabits per second (Gb/s), much greater than the tens of megabits per second (Mb/s) speeds of 4G.
Benefits Associated With 5G Network Technology The 5G network technology has the potential to benefit everything from entertainment and gaming, to education and public safety. Over time, 5G is expected to deliver faster download speeds, real-time responses, and enhanced connectivity, giving businesses and consumers the potential to experience innovative technologies.
Apart from requiring high data rates, emerging technologies that interact with the user’s environment like augmented reality or self-driving cars will also require extremely low latency. For that reason, the goal of 5G is to achieve latencies below the 1-millisecond mark. Mobile devices will be able to send and receive information in less than one-thousandth of a second, appearing instantaneous to the user. To accomplish these speeds, the rollout of 5G requires new technology and infrastructure.
A lot of engineers believe that considering the power and control at the disposal of any country with the expertise to develop this network, the temptation to de-market it by other world powers is high. This may be one of the reasons why a network, which runs on a spectrum that is considered by experts as safe, is being linked to high radiation and COVID-19.
Meanwhile, scientists are working hard to ensure that these conspiracy theories are not allowed to stand as they can disrupt world development.
How Does The 5G Technology Work? According to t-mobile.com, 5G networks can be built in different ways from multiple bands of wavelength spectrum: low-band, mid-band, and high-band.
High-band millimetre wave frequencies have greater bandwidth available to carry more data in dense urban areas, but require cell sites to be close, and have limited penetration in buildings. Mid-band balances speed and range, providing broader coverage than high-band. And it is less impacted by buildings. However, much of its bandwidth is already in use, so there’s not a lot available for 5G growth. Low-band like the powerful 600MHz spectrum travels farther than other bands – over hundreds of square miles – and can pass through more obstacles, providing a better, more reliable signal both indoors and outdoors.
With 5G, higher amounts of data can be transmitted more efficiently than 4G LTE. That means stronger network reliability, faster downloads, and support for more connected devices than ever before. It is an advancement of 4G technology.
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the body in charge of global communication had planned that 2020 will be the year for the commercial launch of the technology after which its global standardisation would have been perfected.
Deployment Threatened By Conspiracy Theories While 5G has been projected to have the power to enable the new normal in terms of superhighway transmissions, some theories have enveloped the globe about the alleged hazardous nature of this technology, which some claim can be devastating to human health. Besides, there are claims that 5G is the cause of COVID-19, and that the lockdown in several parts of the world translates to a government cover-up.
It was also claimed that the coronavirus can communicate through the radio airwaves and that 5G can kill birds and destroy plants among others.
Specifically, these claims have been bouncing around the industry for years, even ahead of the 5G technology being validated in lab trials. This even dates back to the 1990s, when mobile phone usage was incredibly limited, with critics claiming the 2G airwaves could cause cancer.
Although these rumours have been thrashed in most parts of the world, the emergence of 5G seems to have reopened these health claims. Finding a source is very difficult, but a lot of posts on social media seem to fan the flames of these fanatics.
Telecoms.com noted that a picture of an engineer climbing a telecoms mast in a hazmat suit in the United Kingdom was used as justification for these claims, though it was clear that the individual was using hazardous chemicals to clean the equipment. These illusions of proof help to paint the picture, as the blind following the blind, tend to ignore the thousands of images of healthy engineers installing or repairing telecoms equipment without such protective equipment on.
The idea that the airwaves used in mobile communications can be detrimental to health is reinforced by the idea of ionising and non-ionising radiation. Telecoms equipment does emit radiation, but so do most electrical equipment. The point, which seems to get lost, is that Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) is not powerful enough to cause damage to humans.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there are two general kinds of electromagnetic radiation: ionising radiation and non-ionising radiation. Ionising radiation is powerful enough to knock electrons out of their orbit around an atom. This process is called ionisation and can be damaging to a body’s cells. Non-ionising radiation has enough energy to move atoms in a molecule around and cause them to vibrate, which makes the atom heat up, but not enough to remove the electrons from the atoms.
EPA stressed that the damage, which can be done to the human body generally depends on how far up the spectrum the airwaves being used are, or whether it is high or low-energy. A high-tension power line can create a much higher energy electromagnetic field that is still low in frequency. Therefore, there are safeguards around these sites, while medical equipment using x-rays makes use of much higher frequencies so it should also be regarded as dangerous.
However, numerous public health authorities such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), the Germany-based scientific body in charge of setting limits on exposure to radiation, have both stated on different occasions that the airwaves used by mobile communications is not harmful to health.
Perhaps, one of the conspiracy theories, which has gained the most significant traction in recent days, is that which alleges that 5G acts as an accelerator for the dreaded coronavirus.
As with many conspiracy theories, it is very difficult to trace the pseudoscience back to its origin, and this claim is a perfect example. Pre-dating the coronavirus outbreak, the idea that 5G suppresses the immune system is a popular one for critics and has been given a new life in conjunction with the spread of COVID-19.
The theory states that radiation from mobile communications is influencing the human body on a molecular level (suggesting it is ionising radiation), but also inhibiting the immune system.
As emphasised by the Cornell Alliance for Science, there is no evidence linking 5G technology to the COVID-19. The outfit maintains that if a hotspot emerges in one area, which happens to have 5G antennae, it is coincidental.
The most absurd of these theories is the claim that the lockdown (at the behest of the government) to prevent the spread of the pandemic is a cover-up, which will allow the installation of 5G masts en masse without the general public being aware. This remains an interesting one, which even the most hardened conspiracy theorists are unable to come to terms with.
The antagonists claim that by doing it in secret, the general public will not be able to comment, object, or protest until it is too late.
A popular evangelical pastor in Lagos, also recently reinforced the claim that the Federal Government enforced the lockdown to install 5G fibre pipes, most especially in Lagos and Abuja. He went as far as convincing his followers that the technology has the imprimatur of the Anti-Christ, which will ensure that human is installed with microchips.
No Cause For Alarm Over 5G In Nigeria With a cocktail of controversies circulating daily and raising more questions about the technology in the country, the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Dr. Isa Ibrahim Pantami, recently called on Nigerians to discard any unverified information about 5G and COVID-19.
He also tasked them to remain calm in face of the coronavirus pandemic, as the government is working hard to control its spread, adding that the government does not take decisions based on speculations, but only on facts and figures, which must be based on inputs from experts within the field.
Pantami cautioned Nigerians against fretting as no license for 5G has been issued to anyone, no spectrum for 5G deployment has been given, while no approval has been given to any telecoms operator to deploy 5G in the country.
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), also advised Nigerians to disregard talks linking 5G with COVID-19.
Head, Public Affairs at NCC, Dr. Henry Nkemadu, said: “First, there is no correlation between 5G technology and COVID-19. The 5G technology amounts to advancement in today’s 4G technology designed to transform the world positively.
“Second, there is no deployment of 5G in Nigeria at the moment. The NCC back in November 2019, approved a trial test for the technology for a period of three months, and that trial has been concluded and installation decommissioned. The trial among others was to study and observe any health or security challenges the network might present. Relevant stakeholders including members of the security agencies were invited to participate in the trial.”
Fifth Generation Technology And Health Concerns According to Professor Andrew Wood of the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR), a key contributor to the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP): “We believe the main biological effect of the electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones is a rise in temperature. There are also concerns that there could be more subtle effects, such as links between long-term exposure and certain types of cancer, but while there is some evidence from epidemiological and animal studies, these remain controversial.”
Wood, who noted that 5G mobile technology promises a 10-fold increase in data transmission rates compared to current 4G networks,underscored the commonly accepted electromagnetic radiation limit in the current international standards that apply to mobile technologies.
“As the frequency goes up, the depth of penetration into biological tissues goes down, so the skin and eyes, rather than the brain, become the main organs of health concerns. The major hurdle is that the power levels involved in mobile and wireless telecommunications are incredibly low, which, at most, facilitates temperature rise in tissues of a few tenths of a degree. Picking up unambiguous biological changes is therefore very difficult.
“However, it will be important to balance risk and reward. Wireless technologies bring enormous benefits, and being over-cautious would potentially deny these benefits to needy communities.”
From his perspective, a radiologist at the Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Dave Okorafor, in a report said: “There are about seven different kinds of (natural but also artificially producible) radiations called electromagnetic radiations out of which three – gamma-ray, x-ray, and high-frequency ultraviolet ray – are capable of damaging human cells or the DNA in them. Gamma-ray, x-ray, and high-high frequency UV radiation are called ionizing radiations because they can change the structure of the smallest unit of matter found in living cells.
“By this mechanism, they can cause skin and other kinds of external and internal injuries to the human body. These bodily injuries usually manifest within days to months. The effects of these radiations can also lead to cancer when normal body cells run mad as a result of damage to or change in the DNA sequence (or gene) carrying information with which the body is supposed to produce proteins that should regulate the multiplication of the body cells.
“On the other hand, we also have four other electromagnetic radiations whose energies are not high and strong enough to cause the degree and kind of biological harm attributable to the three other radiations above.
“These weaker radiations are the visible light (with which we see in the day), infrared, microwave and radio wave. Microwave and radio waves are both called radiofrequency (RF) radiation. The radio wave is the weakest of the electromagnetic radiations because it has a lower frequency range and, as a result, a lower amount of energy. One unit of it is longer than all of the other radiations and, as such, it cannot easily pass through a lot of materials like metals. Microwave is a radiofrequency with a higher frequency and higher energy. Similar to the radio wave, it is also non-ionizing. This means that both radio waves and microwaves cannot cause cancer. Radio wave has been the electromagnetic radiation used for the conveyance of data in radio and TV broadcasting, wired and wireless telecommunications, WiFi, and Bluetooth communication, among others,” he added.
Years Of Research Established No Health Risks – GSMA The Global System for Mobile Telecommunications Association (GSMA), which regulates mobile usage and standards has also reassured the world of the safety of 5G technology.
Its chief regulatory officer, John Giusti, said: “Twenty years of research should reassure people that there are no established health risks from their mobile devices or 5G antennae.”
A White Paper from Deloitte disclosed actually how 5G is capable of enhancing the effectiveness of pandemic prevention, treatment and drive the digital transformation of healthcare systems in response to major public emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The White Paper titled, “Combating COVID-19 with 5G: Opportunities to Improve Public Health Systems,” was produced in collaboration with Huawei.
Amongst its findings, the document noted that the effectiveness of communication and data exchange has been essential in screening for infected individuals and controlling the outbreak. This is by enabling thermal imaging, continuous remote monitoring, and diagnoses during patient transfer.
The research also highlighted the need to build and upgrade public health emergency response mechanisms, through which governments can make right decisions promptly, and allocate resources more effectively.
In this regard, 5G can also promote collaboration by enabling connectivity, maintaining effective communication among hospitals, and enable medical data and reference sharing between hospitals and scientific research institutions, especially “in the rapid increases in data volume and mounting demand for remote and HD video-based treatment” scenario.
Stakeholders Views In a public post, the Vice President, Corporate Communications and CSR, Airtel Nigeria, Emeka Oparah, also debunked claims linking coronavirus to 5G technology.
Oparah disclosed that there has been a strategic campaign against the 5G technology driven by business and diplomacy, propagated by an orchestrated campaign to discredit the innovation, “how it got twisted to establish a link to Coronavirus is perhaps the most important argument to debunk the fables.”
According to him, to understand 5G, it is important to first understand G. “G stands for generation. So, 5G means Fifth Generation Mobile Technology. Most mobile telecommunications operations are currently running on 4G (4th Generation LTE and high-speed mobile Internet). Before now, we have had 3G (voice and mobile data) and 2G (digital voice) and 1G (analog voice), of course. It must be admitted that the mobile telecommunications industry is probably one of the most innovative and fastest developing of all.”
A social entrepreneur and communications management specialist, Dr. Niyi Ibietan, said Monaco is the first principality, micro-state, and country to deploy fully functional 5G telecom services in the world, “which is situated between French Riviera in Western Europe, and the Mediterranean, Monaco is reputed as a wealthy country of about 40,000 residents but noted for $2.1m per capita income.
“At the moment, Monaco has recorded 66 cases of COVID-19, one death, and three recoveries. If 5G deployment correlates with COVID-19, Monaco ought to have disappeared from the face of the Earth.”
Indeed, on the BBC, scientists brand the so-called connection between 5G and Coronavirus as “complete rubbish.” According to them, the radio waves involved in 5G and other mobile phone technology sit on the low-frequency end of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is less powerful than visible light. Consequently, they are not strong enough to damage cells – unlike radiation at the higher frequency end of the spectrum which includes sun’s ray and medical x-rays.
A Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Bristol, Adam Finn, added: “It would also be impossible for 5G to transmit the virus. The present epidemic is caused by a virus that is passed from one infected person to another. We know this is true. We even have the virus growing in our lab, obtained from a person with the illness. Viruses and electromagnetic waves that make mobile phones and Internet connections work are different things. As different as chalk and cheese!”
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Brain Training with Fractal Optical Stimulation to Improve the Performance of Table Tennis Athletes- Juniper Publishers
Juniper Publishers- Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports
Table tennis, as a dynamic game with a moving emotional background, makes high demands on the physical and mental qualities of athletes. Temperament, reaction speed, attention and visual perception distinguish high-class players [1]. The resulting emotional disturbances can cause a decrease in psychophysiological reliability, adversely affecting the athlete’s technical and tactical performance [2,3]. The success of professional tennis players largely depends on the psychological state before and during the competition, the ability to instantly relax and strain at certain moments, adequately assess their strengths. It is known that among the best tennis players with an equal physical condition the winners are those who will be able to maintain their cognitive functions at the highest level under conditions of prolonged of physical and mental stress, who will not have sudden changes in the balance between the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system [4]. An important observation of sports psychologists is that at the highest level of sporting achievements the gap between victory and defeat is determined by the mental ability of the athlete [4,5].
To combat anxiety, a common problem for all athletes, methods are needed that help to accelerate recovery processes (such as relaxation techniques and breathing exercises), but at the same time, the athletes remain concentrated, ready for instant decision making. It is necessary to further search for methods for correcting psycho-emotional state, maintaining or increasing cognitive abilities, especially in a state of fatigue and overexertion, increasing the speed of recovery of athletes. In the search for new technologies that can influence the brain and improve its functions, the possibilities of  audio and visual stimulation are being studied today. Effects of rhythmic sensory stimulation are based on the “Frequency Follow Response” phenomenon also called as a “Brainwave Entrainment” related with a high ability of the brain to synchronize its dominant oscillatory activity with the rhythm of external low-frequency influences [6]. Through physical stimuli (sound or light), one can act on brain activity, memory and other cognitive functions of a person [7].
Rhythmic stimulation is so far driven by stimuli of a rigidly set frequency of sound and light signals, which, however, does not allow reconstructing a complex set of physiological functions [8,9]. Healthy physiological processes are known to have fractal dynamics, which is lost in aging and pathology [10,11]. Stress has an impact on the activity of the brain [12] and can induce alterations in learning and memory processes [13-15]. Stress alters long-range correlations (fractal behavior) of physiological systems. In persons with emotional disorders, physiological systems were shown to be characterized by lowered complexity and show less flexibility to adjust to changing conditions [16]. In 2013, we for the first time drew attention to the importance of the fractal structure of light flashes in the electrophysiological diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases of the retina and the brain [17]. In subsequent publications, we substantiated the advisability of studying the effects of fractal stimulation as a new approach to neurorehabilitation in traumas and brain diseases, and as a method of brain training in healthy individuals who need to restore their functions quickly [8,9].
The latter would be especially important for athletes to maintain a psycho-emotional state. Given the current scientific understanding of the importance of fractal stimulation for restoring the dynamics of brain activity, it is essential to study the influence of fractal stimuli for enhancing and restoring the physical and mental performance of table tennis athletes. We assume that in healthy individuals, fractal photo-stimulation by low-intensity complex-structured flickering, whose parameters are close to the activity of a healthy brain, through the mechanism of brainwave synchronization will play the role of cognitive brain training and promote favorable psychophysiological changes in athletes. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the effect of short-term training using fractal optical stimulation on the performance of table tennis athletes.
Materials and Methods
12 students of Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (RSU PESYT) having a basic level of training in table tennis took part in the test. Participants were divided into the control and the main group by six students. In each group, testing was conducted twice: before and after a 10-minute break. In the main group, in the time of the break, the training of the brain was carried out using ten minutes fractal photo-stimulation. In the control group, instead of optical stimulation, a quiet rest was used before further testing. Then, the physiological shifts in the control and main groups were compared. Low-intensity fractal stimulation has been performing using the device, in which LED lamps are mounted in the body of the virtual reality glasses. The photo-stimulator produces a non-uniform scattered light field for both eyes with nonlinearly generated light signals (the maximal intensity 10-12 Lx at the cornea). The fractal dimension (FD) of the complex-structured signal specified by the computer program was 1.4. Fractal structure of signals is created based on Weierstrass functions. The study has been carried out following the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, the Local Ethics Committee of the RSU PESYT and with the informed consent of the students.
In work, psychophysiological tests were used, including assessment of a simple visual motor reaction (SVMR), contact tremorometry, investigation of the critical frequency of flicker fusion (CFF) (critical flicker frequency) and pulsometry, and motor tests (test with targets). Psychophysiological tests were conducted with the help of a particular program “NSPsychoTest.” In the test with the targets, the method of Multiball (MB) was used. With this method, 20 balls were throwing into a specific zone (right far corner-test No. 1 and left far corner-test No. 2). In the first test, when the balls are serviced to the right-hand corner, the tennis player had to execute the forehand stroke diagonally to the given target, located in the right-hand corner. In the second test, when the balls were being fed to the left corner, the subject had to execute the backhand stroke diagonally to the given target, located in the left-hand corner. The size of the target is 20*20cm. Before the testing began, an attempt was made in the form of 2 trial strokes on the thrown ball. The number of successful strokes in the target was estimated. Strokes were recorded using carbon copy. Statistical analysis was performed using STATISTICA (TIBCO Software Inc., Version 13.3). The indices for all the tests before and after the break for rest or fractal stimulation are presented in the Tables 1-4.
Test for a Simple Visual-Motor Reaction
In the main group, the use of the device led to a significant (p≤0.05) improvement in the SVMR by 6.48%. In the control group, on the contrary, the reaction rate decreased (correspondently, the time of reaction increased) by 0.43% suggesting that ordinary rest for 10 minutes is not enough for a complete recovery of reaction time. The phenomenon of the significant reduction of the SVMR after the one séance of fractal photo-stimulation may be related to an improvement of the mobility of nervous processes.
Critical Frequency of Flicker Fusion
CFF was evaluated separately for both eyes. In the main group, the increase in this indicator for the right eye was more significant (p≤0.05) than in the control group. CFF averaged 14.77% after the fractal stimulation compared with 4.5% after the regular rest (Table 1). The increase in the parameters for the left eye of athletes in the main group was also better than in the control group (p≤0.05) and amounted to 9.25% and 1.8% accordingly. Thus, in the main group, the lability of visual pathways restored after exercise stress more efficiently if the brain’s training with fractal optical stimulation is used than in conventional rest for both eyes. This positive effect of fractal stimulation was more pronounced for the left eye.
Contact Tremorometry
Two parameters of contact tremorometry were estimated - the average frequency of touch (AFT, Hz) and the average duration of the touch (ADT, s). The AFT value in the main group showed a significant (p≤0.05) decrease by 22.3% after the fractal stimulation. In the control group, it decreased by 8.05% after the normal rest. The ADT parameter was reliably decreased by 25.37% (p≤0.05) in the main group, and in the control group, it improved only by 7.6%. Thus, a significant positive dynamic was noted for the psychophysiological parameters of athletes when using the device of fractal optical stimulation.
The Motor Tests
The results of the motor tests were unexpected. After the photo-stimulation, when performing the test with target number 1, the number of strokes in the main group did not change (0%), while in the control group the accuracy by 6.8% deteriorated following the rest pause. When performing the test with target number 2, the number of strokes after a short rest significantly (p<0.05) increased in both groups/ it changes by 13% in the main group and by 9.6% - in the control group.
In the test of pulsometry, the heart rate was found decreased by 14.7% in the main group and 15.1% - in the control group. A practically equal improvement in the indices shows that the short-term fractal stimulation affects insignificantly for vegetative functions.
Analysis of the link between internal and external training loads and the recovery-stress state is essential in sport practice for avoiding negative adaptations in high-performance sports [18-20]. This issue is especially important considering that in high-performance sports the recovery-stress state depends on the individual ability of the athlete to recover from the high physical and psychological loads [21-23]. In addition to defining the individual relationship of the training load and recoverystress state for the subject, it is necessary to develop new approaches to individual reduction of the period of recovery after intensive training and highly stressful activity. A theory linking the development and maintenance of the health structure and activity of the brain with the fractal complexity of visual and other environmental signals affecting a person during his life is grounded in 2015 [8]. From the theory, it follows that sensory stimulation of a person with low-intensity stimuli of fractal dynamics can be promising for improving and quickly restoring cognitive activity and human adaptive capabilities. We proposed that the using of fractal stimulation can be a prospective method of brain training in healthy individuals to better recovery after stressful situations and psycho-emotional overloads [9].
In this pilot study, we first estimated the impact of fractal optical stimulation for enhancing and restoring the physical and mental performance of table tennis athletes. The results of the study demonstrate that low-intensity stimulation with complex-structured optical signals positively influences the psychophysiological parameters characterizing the physical and mental performance of table tennis athletes. Brain’s training with the short-term fractal stimulation improved the SVMR and CFF values significantly. This effect was much more essential compared to a rest impact in the control group. It suggests that for a complete recovery of time of the SVMR, it is not enough of the quiet rest for 10 minutes. It seems reasonable that the short break between training can be more productive if to increase the rest time or use methods increasing its efficacy. The observed an interesting fact of a significant decrease in the time of SVMR, possibly, will be useful for the planning of training and rest of athletes to provide better results. This phenomenon of the significant SVMR improvement after the short-time fractal photo-stimulation may be associated with an increase in the mobility of nervous processes in the cortical regions of the visual system. This proposition is also confirmed by an analysis of the changes in CFFs in the control and main groups. The lability of visual pathways restored after exercise stress more efficiently if the brain’s training is applied with fractal optical stimulation than in regular rest for both eyes. In our experiment, this positive effect of fractal stimulation was more pronounced for the left eye.
The fractal stimulation also had the several times more prominent impact to the parameters of contact tremorometry than the ordinary rest. Thus, in the main group, when using the brain training device, a significantly favorable dynamics was noted for the studied psychophysiological parameters of athletes. The results of the motor tests were unexpected. Although the photo-stimulation did not change the efficiency of motor test with target number 1, in the control group, the data were even less satisfactory. These data indicate, perhaps, the objective inexpediency (doubtful utility) of short breaks in physical training that may give a negative result instead of sporting success. In any case, fractal stimulation has shown the possibility to level out these negative influences. Measurements of heart rate showed that the fractal stimulation insignificantly impacts vegetative functions after the single 10-minute séance.
The stimulation with low-intensity complex-structured optical signals positively influences the psychophysiological parameters characterizing the physical and mental performance of table tennis athletes.
A single 10-minute seance of fractal stimulation during the rest showed the improvement of the rate of SVMR, the frequency and duration of the touch in contact tremorometry, and increased the CFF value for both eyes, indicating the increase in the lability of the visual analyzer. After an application of the fractal photo-stimulation, there was an improvement of accuracy in the performance of backhand stroke, and there was a stable technique of forehand stroke. The decrease in heart rate during rest period did not differ when using the fractal stimulation and without it. Preliminary results indicate that fractal optical stimulation has a positive effect on the physical and mental performance of athletes, but no effect on the rate of recovery of heart rate with short rest. To further study of useful effects of complex-structured visual stimuli, investigations should include the 2-3-weeks course of the training of the brain with the fractal stimulator in different situations, including pre-start training procedure of athletes, regular training, and rehabilitation after heavy loads.
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yourfit-site · 5 years
The Whey To Weight-loss (Part II).
Results on serotonin, blood glucose policy, and more! 
   Needless to state, Increased brain serotonin levels are connected with an enhanced capability of individuals to deal with tension, whereas a decrease in serotonin activity is related to anxiety and stress and anxiety. Raised levels of serotonin in the body frequently lead to the relief of anxiety, in addition to significant decrease in discomfort level of sensitivity, stress and anxiety and tension. It has actually likewise been thought that a diet-induced boost in tryptophan will increase brain serotonin levels, while a diet plan created for weight reduction (e.g., a diet plan that decreases calories) might cause a decrease of brain serotonin levels due to decreased substrate for production and a decrease in carbs. 
   Other possible benefits whey might give to the dieter is enhanced blood sugar guideline (Frid AH, Nilsson M, Holst JJ, Bjorck IM. Impact of whey on blood glucose and insulin reactions to composite breakfast and lunch meals in type 2 diabetic topics. 
   * Diet-induced modifications in the plasma Tryptophan and its ratio to other big neutral amino acids. 
   Taken in seclusion, none of these research studies are so engaging that individuals ought to go out and utilize whey as some kind of weight reduction nirvana. Taken as an overall photo, the bulk of the research study appears to conclude that whey might in reality have some special impacts for weight loss and ought to be of terrific usage to the dieter. More research studies are plainly required. 
   Raised levels of serotonin can trigger relaxation and lowered stress and anxiety. Low serotonin levels are connected with low state of mind, increased stress and anxiety (thus the existing appeal of the SSRI drugs such as Prozac and others), and bad cravings control. This is a very shortened description of all the functions serotonin carries out in the body - a number of which have yet to be totally clarified - however a complete description is beyond the scope of this post. 
   The scientists analyzed twenty-nine “extremely stress-vulnerable topics” and 29 “fairly stress-invulnerable” topics utilizing a double blind, placebo-controlled research study style. The research study individuals were exposed to speculative tension after consuming a diet plan enhanced with either alpha-lactalbumin (discovered in whey) or sodium-caseinate, another milk based protein. They scientists took a look at:. 
   One current research study (The bovine protein alpha-lactalbumin increases the plasma ratio of tryptophan to the other big neutral amino acids, and in susceptible topics raises brain serotonin activity, decreases cortisol concentration, and enhances state of mind under tension. Am J Clin Nutr 2000 Jun; 71( 6 ):1536 -1544) analyzed whether alpha-lactalbumin - a significant sub portion discovered in whey which has a particularly high tryptophan material - would increase plasma Tryptophan levels as well minimize anxiety and cortisol concentrations in topics under intense tension thought about to be susceptible to tension. 
   Incredibly, the ratio of plasma Tryptophan to the other amino acids checked was 48% greater after the alpha-lactalbumin diet plan than after the casein diet plan! This was accompanied by a reduction in cortisol levels and greater prolactin concentration. Possibly essential and pertinent to the typical individual reading this post, they discovered “lowered depressive sensations” when guinea pig were put under tension. 
   What is the useful application of all this info and how does the dieter put it to excellent usage? Being the cravings suppressing results of whey appear to last roughly 2-3 hours, it would appear best to stagger the consumption throughout the day. Breakfast may be 1-2 scoops of whey and a bowl of oatmeal, and maybe a couple of scoops of whey taken in between lunch and supper. 
   The system accountable for increased weight loss discovered with dairy-based calcium versus nondairy calcium has not is not completely comprehended however scientists taking a look at the concern thought “... dairy sources of calcium noticeably attenuate weight and fat gain and speed up weight loss to a higher degree than do extra sources of calcium. This increased result of dairy items relative to additional calcium is most likely due to extra bioactive substances, consisting of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and the abundant concentration of branched-chain amino acids in whey, which act synergistically with calcium to attenuate adiposity.”. 
   * Changes in state of mind and pulse rate. 
   They concluded that the “Consumption of a dietary protein improved in tryptophan increased the plasma Trp-LNAA ratio and, in stress-vulnerable topics, enhanced coping capability, most likely through modifications in brain serotonin.” This impact was not seen in the sodium-caseinate group. If other research studies can verify these findings, whey might end up being yet another safe and reliable supplement in the fight versus anxiety and tension, along with lowered serotonin levels due to dieting. 
   It appears parts in whey - some of which have actually been pointed out above - are believed to act synergistically with calcium to enhance body structure (Zemel MB. Function of calcium and dairy items in energy partitioning and weight management. 
   Calcium from dairy items has actually been discovered to be associated with a decrease in bodyweight and fat mass. Calcium is believed to affect basal metabolism as intracellular calcium controls fat cell (adipocyte) lipid metabolic process along with triglyceride storage. It’s been shown in a number of research studies the supremacy of dairy versus non-dairy sources of calcium for enhancing body structure, and the whey portion of dairy possibly the secret. 
   If whey does what the information recommends it performs in the above, that must be the most reliable technique for optimizing the impacts of whey on food (calorie) consumption on subsequent meals along with the other metabolic results covered. If exercising, the schedule might be various nevertheless and individuals need to follow the pre and post nutrition suggestions made in my ebook “Muscle Building Nutrition” or recommendations quickly discovered on the ‘net through the lots of sports nutrition and bodybuilding associated website. 
   The above would most likely be the significant systems by which whey might assist the dieter, there are numerous secondary impacts of whey that might help in weight loss. Whey’s impacts on serotonin levels. 
   * Cortisol levels (which were examined prior to and after the stress factor). 
   There is a long list of hormonal agents included in cravings policy, some of which have actually been discussed above, serotonin appears to be an essential gamer in the video game. In basic, experiments discover increased serotonin accessibility or activity = lowered food usage and reduced serotonin = boost food usage. If whey can selectively increase serotonin levels above that of other proteins, it might be extremely handy to the dieter. 
   * Prolactin levels.
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