#brainrot is a disease to which i have no cure
partycatty · 3 months
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i really enjoyed this movie
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wheeboo · 1 year
ukiyo | xu minghao
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SYNOPSIS. in which you and minghao spend the day together. PAIRING. xu minghao x gn!reader GENRE. angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, established relationship  WARNINGS. language alluding to death, reader is in a wheelchair, mentions of an unnamed terminal disease that causes reader to have weakened limbs n feel very weak in general, vague mention of nudity (hao takes off reader’s clothes and gives them a bath) but nothing is explicitly described, descriptions of a hospital, terms of endearment (love), one curse word WORD COUNT. 4.3k
ukiyo ( 浮世 ) 𑁋 “the floating world”; living in the moment; detached from the bothers of life.
notes: there’s not really a plot to this. it’s just brainrot because i love torturing myself and my heart. i saw pics of the beach of hai cheng mv and immediately wanted to write something sad for no reason. 
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The late morning sunlight pours in through the small window of the bathroom as you hold a steady, blank gaze at the running water gushing out from the faucet. The sounds bounce off the walls of the bathroom, and you bring your eyes down to your legs. 
You can hardly move them. 
It’s been this way for the past two years. It had started with the muscles of your legs slowly succumbing to the weakness stemming from the terminal illness you had been diagnosed with. And as time continues to routinely pass, that certain weakness had set out to invade other parts of your body like a dumb and relentless parasite.
Over the years, the disease had been slowly nearing its peak. The countless visits to the hospital had laggardly dissipated every bit of hope to a possible recovery, and you’ve gotten used to the sentences being said of There’s no cure for the disease, or Sooner or later, it can spread to your brain. You’re only growing weaker and weaker each passing day. Every day tasks were already strenuous. Opening your eyes in the morning took too much strength. Nothing but tiredness and exhaustion plagued your body. Headaches have been becoming more prevalent. Sometimes you just want all this pain to cease to exist. You didn’t want to put this burden on the people you love. 
You didn’t want to put this burden on Minghao.
“So... cherry blossom, lavender, or coconut chamomile?”
You slowly bring your gaze up to the sight of your boyfriend holding up three different scents of bubble bath in the doorway. The sight makes you giggle as you look between the different scents with curiosity, before looking back up at Minghao. 
Even after being together the past four years, just the fleeting sight of him lights you up. Your body may be growing weaker each day, but your unwavering love for the man holding up bottles of bubble bath scents has never faltered. Not one bit. 
But if you weren’t sick, he would be able to live the long, happy life that he wanted, right?
Minghao knows that you are tired𑁋it’s your default answer every day. He wishes he can be able to take away the exhaustion that you feel. He wishes to put all of that pain onto his shoulders and carry it for you so you could experience the freedom away from the constraints of your illness. 
But he also knows that life doesn't always grant such wishes.
“Will you... surprise me?” You ask instead. 
All he does is smile. It’s that soft, fond nose-scrunching smile that you’ve grown to love over the years. Minghao places the bottles on the counter of the sink, putting his body in front so you wouldn’t be able to see what he selects. Covering the bottle with his arms, he playfully walks backward towards the bathtub, causing you to elicit a weak laugh at his dorky antics.
As he reaches the tub, he leans over and carefully pours the bubble bath into the warm water, And as you watch, a gentle purple hue of bubbles begin to form and spread sporadically throughout the tub like a magical mist. It's the soothing and enchanting aroma of lavender.
“You... always know what I like, hm?” You ask him as he closes the container to the bottle and sets it back on the sink counter.
The corners of Minghao’s lips curl amusedly. "I may have learned a thing or two about you over the years.”
The sincerity in his words never fails to relax your heart and push away the clouds of your bittersweet thoughts. Minghao waits a minute or two before turning off the faucet and directing his attention back to you.
“Now,” He leans in front of you, letting his hands caress over yours on the handle of the wheelchair and landing at the hems of your shirt. “can I help you out of these clothes?”
A blush grows on your cheeks at his request despite him doing this for years. You heave out a nervous breath and nod as Minghao's hands begin to move over you with practiced ease, aware of your weakened limbs and exhausted state. He keeps his touch gentle and respectful, and starts with unbuttoning your shirt, his delicate fingers gliding effortlessly along the fabric to reveal the vulnerability the lies underneath. He doesn’t rush or hurry anything, simply setting his focus on you and only you. The warmth of his hands against your skin sends shivers running down your spine.
Though he has seen you bare for him many times, Minghao can’t help the faint smirk to his face. As the last button is undone, he lets your shirt fall to the tile floor below, his gaze travelling over you with adoration. The all-too familiar intimacy between you two has never diminished the admiration he holds for you. Treasuring you is something he has always been devoted to do. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he mutters, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your knuckle, and you feel the surge of warmth and love run marathons to your heart.
With his hands now free from the task of your shirt, he continues his journey downwards, the tips of his fingers ghosting tenderly over your fragile skin and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. You can barely feel the way he touches you, but the thought of him doing so brings you comfort. He takes his precious time, savouring each second that passes between as he loosens the clasps of your pants and helps bring them down your legs with utmost caution.
As each layer of clothing is finally peeled off, a wave of relief and peace washes over you. Minghao sets your clothing neatly away before returning to your side and bringing you closer to the tub. He lets his arms wrap around you, carefully lifting you from the wheelchair and guiding you towards the edge of the bathtub. Sticking a hand in the water to ensure its a good temperature, he slowly but surely eases you into the bath, the water and lavender aroma embracing your body as you sink deeper inside the tub. 
“Does it feel good?” he asks you while lathering the bubbles onto your shoulders.
A sigh escapes your lips as you lean your back against the tub with the bubbles tickling against your skin.
“Mhm,” You let out quietly. “Thank... thank you.” Thank you for taking care of me; I wish I could give you all the care back.
Minghao hums softly, planting a kiss to the top of your head, and retrieves a nearby sponge. Sitting himself down at the edge of the tub, he dips the sponge into the water before lightly caressing over your skin. He starts with your shoulders, washing your skin with a smooth pace and various patterns, helping to gradually ease away the tension to your body.
“Relax, love,” he tells you. “Let me take care of you.”
And so you let your eyes flutter to a close. It felt relaxing to do so𑁋to let go. It almost makes the pain in your head go away. 
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You watch the steam rise from the untouched bowl of rice porridge in front of you. It takes Minghao a few minutes later to come back with his own bowl, along with a few side dishes in hand. He glances towards you and notices your empty expression, a tinge of sadness to your eyes that brings a heavy weight to his chest, but he doesn’t acknowledge it. Reaching over, he takes your metal spoon in his hand and dips it in the bowl, grabbing a spoonful of the porridge.
“It’s important for you to eat, love.” Minghao blows on the spoon, cooling down the porridge before bringing it to your lips. The illness hasn’t been much cooperative to your appetite, and eating has been a daunting task for the past few months. He prepares you light foods that doesn’t take much strength to swallow, but enough to nourish you at the same time.
Parting your lips slightly, Minghao feeds you the spoonful of porridge, and you immediately relish in the warmth coursing through you. A small smile crosses your face at the familiar taste of comfort, and it even makes Minghao’s worried face soften. He continues to feed you, spoonful by spoonful, his eyes never leaving yours while taking in every detail𑁋the way your eyes flutter close after each bite, the way the faint smile to your face grows every so slightly, but enough for him to notice. It’s a big change to see, according to him. 
“Tastes good.” You murmur under your breath, looking up at him.
The weariness fades off your face just minisculely. Minghao manages a gentle smile, barely noticing his own food going cold as he continues to feed you. 
There’s a certain silence that you love with him𑁋it’s a domestic silence, especially after being together for four years, where you love observing him doing his everyday routine. But gosh, you miss the times when you were able to hold him in your own arms, or when you could wrap your arms around him in a tight back hug while he cooked, or sneak kisses to his cheek and run away before he would tackle you back into the bed. You miss the times when he’d let you hold him so he could listen to you read, or when you both sat across from each other having your late night doodling sessions. 
You miss all those times, and there’s no way to get them back.
“I was thinking...” Minghao comes back to sit down after setting the dishes away. “...if you wanted to go on a little getaway for the day?”
You look up at him dazedly. “A... getaway?”
“You’ve mentioned wanting to go the beach before,” he inputs, and you see his face up to your idea. “and I think it would be nice to get some fresh air, would you say so?”
He really does remember all the things about you. 
A flicker of hesitation crosses your mind, yet the longing for a change of scenery, a temporary escape from the walls that confine you, helps to wash away any doubts.
You used to dream about running through the white sand beach, feeling the heat of the sun on your skin and the cool breeze caress your face while listening to the calming sound of the waves crashing against the shore. You dreamed of you and Minghao’s laughter mingling into the fresh, afternoon air, your hands intertwined together as you dash down the shoreline together. 
Ever since you were a kid, you dreamed of the beach being the place where you would marry the love of your life, because the sight of the sun setting in the horizon, the soft sand beneath your feet, and the vastness of the ocean waters as you kissed your partner was a fairytale you wanted to experience.
And ever since before your diagnosis and still to this day, you dream of the beach being the place where you would marry Minghao.
Now, it entirely feels like a distant memory now, something beyond unattainable, but the thought of simply seeing it with your eyes brings some form of hope back to your tired heart. 
So you look back up at Minghao as a very faint sparkle of eagerness passes through your eyes. 
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The winter season paints the world with a palette of muted colours. The once vibrancy of the ocean waters fades into a pale blue-grey like the cloudy skies above, and the emptiness allows the beach to unfold in its truest form. The waves aren’t too strong or too weak, but roll in gently onto the shoreline with their white foam brushing against the sand before receding back into the vast waters. 
As you and Minghao stroll down towards the beach, you find small patches of snow in the grass and bushes. The air is crisp and chilly, but you don't mind the cold. You find yourself dressed in a comfortable and cozy turtleneck, along with a snug coat to protect you from the winter chill. Minghao had insisted on picking an outfit since dressing you up𑁋and making sure all the colours work well with each other𑁋has always been one of his favourite activities to do. 
There’s a ramp that you go down before finally arriving onto the sandy grounds. The wheels of the wheelchair sinks into the slightly damp sand as Minghao pushes you closer towards the water. He's used to assisting you with mobility the past two years, and he does it with such grace and care that it has practically become a second nature for him.
The beach appears desolate, but seeing it so untouched and undisturbed makes the experience far more peaceful.
Minghao stops the wheelchair at a comfortable distance from the water's edge before kneeling beside you. His ears are slightly reddened from the cold, even with the protection of his own turtle neck and long scarf, but his gaze in the direction of the water is filled with warmth and pure awe. 
He turns to reach for your hand on your lap and intertwines his fingers with yours, before turning back to the sight of the sky meeting the sea. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he asks.
“It’s...” If you could, if your body gave you the benefit of the doubt for one single moment, you would say everything coming from your heart𑁋how the word beautiful is just a small word compared to the real floating feeling that it gives you. “...beautiful.”
The word feels lackluster, but it's all you can manage to say, and Minghao's warm smile is all that you need to back you up.
He turns back towards you, hesitation in his words. “Do you want to stand closer to the water?”
You peer at Minghao with hesitation and uncertainty. Standing now took... more strength than usual as of lately, and it pains you to admit it. But the thought of being able to stand near the water, to be able to stand on the world that fills your dreams at night was more than tempting. You can barely remember the last time you were able to go to the beach; it was more than possible that it was way before the diagnosis of your illness.
But what if this could be your only opportunity?
And so you muster a small nod towards Minghao. “Help... me stand?”
Minghao only nods. He moves behind the wheelchair and locks the brakes so that it won't move while he helps you stand. With nothing but caution, he wraps an arm around your waist and one under your knees as you slowly rise from the wheelchair, your legs trembling from the use of all your strength as you lean against Minghao for balance. It felt... strange to be able to stand like this again, even if it was just for a few short minutes, almost like a sensation you have nearly forgotten. 
His arm tightens around your waist as he guides you to take your first step, leading you closer to the shore. Each step felt like an ardous journey. You basically can hear the loud protests of your own body telling you to stop. 
“You’re doing great,” he tells you, and his words bring you some heightened determination.
Even with each passing moment and your body slowly but surely taking all its effort to remain you upright, you don’t let the thought dampen your persistence. 
When you finally reach the line where the tip of your shoe reaches the edge, the ocean stretches out before you as if holding countless stories of joy, sadness, and everything in between within its deep, mysterious depths.
Minghao still has an arm wrapped around you, but his eyes are directed into yours, both tenderly and admiringly. 
"You did it," he assures you. "You're standing by the ocean.”
A bittersweet smile crosses your lips, a smile warm but with a hint of sadness. You feel the heat growing in your eyelids as you let a few streams of tears to flow down your face, never thinking that such a vast space would become your safe haven. Minghao leans in to press a loving kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment.
You feel like you’re floating in that moment, suspended between that of reality and a dream. The weariness that lingers in your bones is briefly forgotten about, and you relish in the feeling of standing tall after so much time. 
But as you continue standing, you feel the weakness descend upon you. The exhaustion surrounds you like a dense fog, clouding your mind and eating away at your energy. You try to keep your focus on the calmness of the ocean ahead, but you feel a certain heaviness to your eyes, making it difficult for you to keep them open. 
And the world around you starts to blur.
Minghao is speaking. He’s speaking but you can’t make out any words because of the ringing in your ears that was growing louder each second and drowning out his voice which was the only thing fucking powerful enough to keep you even remotely grounded𑁋
“Y/N, stay with me. Can you... hear...”
No, I can’t hear you. You’re fading away... I’m the one who is fading away.
“Hao...” is all you manage to mumble out in a hushed, weak whisper.
The last thing you remember is the feeling of his arms around you and his voice desperately calling out your name before all you could see is black.
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It takes a lot for Minghao to break.
But seeing you in this hospital bed right next to him, with your skin more fragile than ever and your body laying unconsciously still, he feels each individual piece of his heart shatter by the passing minute and his chest grow heavy. The doctors predicted for you to have woken up two hours ago, but... you haven’t done so.
He doesn’t know what to feel, and it almost feels like each breath he takes only suffocates him even more, and being confined in the walls of the hospital room had been no help. Maybe it’s anguish, fear, guilt, or even anger. Perhaps it was all of the above.
Minghao's hands tremble as he clenches them into fists, tight enough for his knuckles to turn white. He wants to scream, but he restrains himself, and he’s been oddly good at doing so.
If only you knew all the times he had desperately tried to fight back tears knowing that one day, you won’t be waking up next to him anymore𑁋that you won’t wake up at all. Or the times he had fought back anger to hide away just how much he wants to yell at the universe for cursing you with such a damned illness. 
As he continues to anxiously pace around the room, a soft knock to the door makes him halt. A man enters into the room𑁋the doctor𑁋with a solemn expression to his face. He glances towards your unconscious body on the bed, before turning back towards Minghao.
“Comparing the results of some tests and a previous medical check-up,” The man takes a noticeable deep breath. “I’m afraid that the disease has progressed its way into their brain, and it’s hard to tell as of now when they will regain consciousness.”
Minghao's body freezes at the doctor's words, and he feels something in his chest tugging painfully at the strings of his heart. The room grows silent aside for the sound of his racing heartbeat pounding in his ears, and the rhythmic beating of the heart monitor. 
He means... that you knew all along?
The weight of it all crashes over him like a wave at high tide, and he loosens the grip he has to his fists. He swears that the ground beneath him was crumbling now as he gets himself to run back to your side and bring the hands of your lifeless form into his trembling ones. 
“Why didn't you tell me?" he whispers shakily, but his question hangs unanswered in the air. “Dammit, Y/N, why didn’t you tell me?”
He feels the anger inside of him now, but he isn’t angry at you. He’s angry at himself. He clutches at your hands tightly, his grip almost desperate with his fingers running over your knuckles. Minghao's eyes scan frantically over your face, pleading for some type of response, for any sign that you can hear him. But the silence in the room remains unchanged.
Minghao presses his quivering lips against your hand, a river of tears spilling down his face. He blames himself for not seeing the signs. He blames himself for the pain you’ve went through. All he wanted to do was bring you to a place of happiness for just a single day, but it all went downhill, and he blames no one else but himself. 
It takes a lot for Minghao to break, but not when it comes to you.
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“I’ll beat you to it, Hao!”
Minghao doesn’t race after you, instead he watches with a grin to his face as you dash excitedly in the direction of the ocean water, nearly tripping in the sand in the process. The waves were calm as they crash lightly against the shoreline.  It wasn’t much cloudy than before, and the air was still as chilly as the previous days, but for some reason it felt refreshing as ever to breathe in the wintry air and a perfect time to take a stroll near the waters. 
He slowly makes his way down to the beach, hands in his pockets as he watches you stop at the edge of where the water rolls into the sand. You turn around to face him, a pout to your face that makes him chuckle to himself. 
“You’re such a slowpoke!” You exclaim to him.
When he finally makes his way right next to you, you both look out at the waters together.
“We both know I would’ve beaten you anyways.” Minghao mutters, and he hears you release an annoyed scoff. 
You turn towards him, a teasing smirk to your face. “Care to prove it?”
He raises an eyebrow as if contemplating your words for a moment. But with a sudden burst of energy, he takes off running, leaving you behind in the sand. Nothing but laughter leaves you as you follow after him, calling out his name for him to slow the heck down with your feet sinking into the softened sand with each step you took. 
It takes some time of more chasing before Minghao finally stops in front of the water. When you arrive next to him, breaths shallow and unsteady from all the running, he quickly circles his arms around your waist like a tender cocoon, pulling you into a loving back hug. 
Minghao rests his head comfortingly on your shoulder, his warm breath tickling against the skin of your neck. His touch immediately makes you lean into him, both of your gazes looking straight in the direction of the endless ocean waters. Time seems to stand still, where all the worries of the outside world melt away with each wave that comes in. It's just the two of you together, and no one else.
“I love you.” The words leave his lips like a hushed promise, even though it was only the two of you standing together. “You know that, right?”
"I know," You reply, voice barely above a whisper. “I love you too, Hao.”
As the words suspend quietly in the chilly air, a wistful breeze sweeps over the beach.
“You know I’ve always wanted to get married at the beach?”
Minghao tilts his head slightly, a soft, somewhat playful smile playing on his lips as he gazes into your eyes wonderingly.
“Is that so?” he hums. “Guess this is where we’re going to get married, then.”
You couldn’t tell if it was excitement or surprise that was raging through you. He said it so casually that it nearly makes your entire body go limp in his arms, your heart fluttering and swelling out of your chest. 
“Wow, I... I didn’t expect you to say that so easily.” You stammer out your words.
Minghao just chuckles, placing a kiss to the temple of your head. “If that’s what you want, then I promise to make it happen, love.”
You feel the smile bloom onto your face as you bring your eyes back out to the waters again. You feel him rocking you back and forth in his hold, swaying your bodies aside the small waves that come washing onto the shore. But as he continues to hold you and you notice the waves coming in heavier, the smile to your face slowly begins to fade away.
Turning around to face him, you get yourself to light up your face once more.
“Close your eyes,” You tell him, letting your fingers play with his hair flying in the breeze. “Can you do that for me?”
Minghao gives you an odd look, before complying and letting his eyes fall to a close. He feels you release yourself from his grasp until he was holding nothing, which he brings his arms back down to his side. He shivers from a sudden breeze running past him as the anticipation courses through his veins.
Seconds turn into minutes, and all Minghao can hear is the waves beginning to crash louder against the sand. But amidst the sound of nature taking its course, there's silence from you. He doesn’t hear any signs of movement, any noise that can indicate that it was you. He hears nothing.
“Y/N?” he calls out once, twice, three times. “Y/N!”
And when he finally prys open his eyes, he’s met with nothing. All he could see was the seemingly endless beach and ocean stretching out before him in all directions possible. He calls out your name again in desperation, panic, fear, but he doesn’t earn any response, feeling the tears brim in his eyes once more as he sinks to his knees in the sand.
You’re gone.
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen​ @haowrld​ @ylliris-hanniehae​ @icyminghao @slytherinshua​
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 9 months
Battery Anon---
What if MC (Yandere Apocalypse) had gone into hiding//seclusion shortly after the disease started to spread (before anyone, themselves included, had caught onto what was happing) - we'll assume they hid for a secondary reason like research, or safety from DE etc
Cue 1 year-1.5 year time skip, everyone trying to find them, but they just can't because everyone lost track of MC such a long time ago.
MC finds out what is happening, which causes them to try and take up new identities, and generally sneak around so they can develop a cure.
If MC succeeds, they probably end the yandere apocalypse before it did any extreme damage. But god forbid they get found out, which is significantly more likely, it would be immeasurably difficult to slip away again.
[Ahem ahem- I wanted to do a little bit of his good sir Dark Cacao brainrot so don't mind me]
In this scenario, MC was an ex-physician at the citadel-
Tw: role-forcing, guilt tripping maybe?
"I can't believe it. All this time of suffering, trying to search for you. Do you know how much burden my hearts holds from not being able to see you every day?" Dark Cacao quietly stated, his grip around their waist tight, as if trying not to crush them into little crumbs. He buried his head into their shoulder, sighing. His crown left on the nearby cushion, forgotten.
MC cookie had no choice but to keep sitting there, next to his majesty Dark Cacao. They responded, "My king I left to focus on my research-"
"Research? Were you not happy as head physician? I would have given you everything if you so much just asked." The king cut off, his voice more silent than before, now a mere whisper.
"No, no, I was content with my position. It's just that I wanted to focus on my personal research."
"Why did you leave me? I already had lost my son, and losing you was too much to bare!" He exclaimed, holding them tighter to himself.
They were stunned. What had happened to their king? He was never like this, he wasn't one to be sentimental. They were never particularly close. Had something happened to him? "I apologize your majesty...But may I ask, are you feeling alright? It's unusual for you to act like this."
"I feel better than ever, especially now that I have you." He then grabbed a box off the side table, opening it. The sight it beheld made MC cookie's eyes widen in surprise. It was a crown: similar to his, but smaller.
"...Whose crown is that?"
He broke a little smile, taking out the crown and carefully placing it on their head.
In that moment, the scientist knew they needed to run. They had to. That look in his eyes held something crazy, a never ending darkness.
(Ok I know I'm a little bit guilty for brainrotting about him but- but- hear me out-)
- Celina
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cielles-random-vault · 6 months
vamp ghost brainrot do you see my vision
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ok this is v random but apparently im on a creative spree so lets enjoy it while it lastssss
context: the idea came from when i noticed ghost had lil fangs on his mask and and and
reader is tf141's medic/nurse idk how you call it but you get it also shoutout to @unabashedcroissanttreefan (PHEROMONE IS BACKK) and @cluelylikesporn mwah
also reader is not white AND a vampire. boom. not black either but i like the concept of poc/mixed vampires (and poc vampires would look so cool) (i am mixed and id look so cool as an autistic soon-to-be-adult teen vampire and you cant tell me otherwise.)
wc: 1049
also trigger warning dislocation and blood (duh there's vampirism in this fic what did you expect /lh)
also maybe ooc ghost idrk
pt 2 in the making!
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"okay, lets see... who do we have next.." you said as your checked your medical files. "lieutenant riley?" (you raise an eyebrow) "strange. he never came before" you thought out loud, but you shrugged it off. "you can come in!"
"hello, y/n" ghost greeted you politely as he sat in front of you. "i hope my team hasn't been of too much trouble"
"don't worry about them!" you smile softly, "lets talk about you, for once! what brings you there? you usually never come to check ups, which i have to say isnt very professional!!" you scold him lightly, "but im glad you seem safe and well!"
ghost chuckled softly before replying: " i came here because i have been suffering from awful migraines, and i have no idea where they can possibly come from, and so i wanted to ask you if you could check? and maybe give me a stronger dose of painkillers so that i won't need to bother you every week? also, i noticed i have been having more trouble falling asleep, it's as if i found myself more... active in the nighttime, i would say?"
"mhm.. this sure is strange, but dont worry!" you reply with an assured smile. "do you have some spare time so i can do your checkup now, or do you wish to book another appointment?"
"i would like to do it now, if you don't mind"
"okay, no problem!" you smile as you put on a surgery mask, "lay down on this chair and lift up your mask just above your mouth, please! ill start off with examinating your teeth."
ghost did as you asked him to, and you started your inspection; what you saw surely was weird.
"this is strange..." you muttered to yourself, "can you please bite into this?" you asked him as you handed him a plaster mold. "it looks like your fangs... have overgrown."
"what??" ghost asked, confused. "with all due respect, you must be kidding me."
"im not" you reply, showing him the mold he bit in. "see? its like, the bite mark is... sharper than a usual one would be"
"and... do you happen to have a reason to that?" ghost starts to panic, "or even a remedy?"
"i think... i might have an idea, but don't freak out, okay?" (he nods unsurely) "you might want to sit down for this one. okay so... there have been rumors - and i insist on the word 'rumor' - of a disease that turns people into vampires, and-"
"are you telling me i'm one of those freaks?!?" ghost hurried, panicked.
"that's... insensitive to us.." you mutter to yourself, "but nevermind. no, there is no cure, you just learn to live with it.
"thats..." he thought out loud, "wait did you say us? are you a vampire too?"
"duh, just because im not white doesn't mean i cant be a vampire thats- very cliché." you reply, slightly offended. "but yes, i am."
"but- how do you even sleep at night? how do you even feed yourself ? and-" ghost's mind raced with questions.
"let me guess, you're assuming all vampires drink blood to survive, aren't you?" (he nods, slightly ashamed, but you smiled, amused at his panic) "don't worry, we aren't all like that. i'd be delighted to teach you there are a whole lot of different types of vampires! for example, i am an empathic one! which means i tend to be more well... empathic."
"and how does one know what type of vampire one is?" ghost asked, seeming childhishly interested to the point it almost looked endearing.
"thats exactly what im coming to!" you reply with a soft smile, before coming back a few moments later with a little pouch of blood. "what does this make you feel?"
"this looks delicious" he replies as his eyes lit up, "can i have a taste?"
"well then," you chuckled, "it's all settled! you're a blood drinker vampire!"
"oh." the worries then came back in his voice, "does that mean i have to..." (he gulps) "kill people to drink their blood?"
"well, technically speaking, if we were in a typical eldritch story, you would have to. but, hopefully for the writer we're not, and its a good thing im a medic, so i have plenty of those little pouches!"
ghost sighed in relief, but then panic peaked again.
"do you think we should tell others? like, price and soap?" ghost asked worried.
"no. not for now, at least." you thought for a moment, and added: "but, one thing is sure, if we dont want anybody to find out you have to do whatever it takes to not get deployed,or else... "
"we're fucked, balls deep." ghost completed your sentence. "but how? price won't allow me to stay at the base unless i get injured."
"that's exactly my point!" you say as your eyes glimmer mischievously, "but im not sure you will like the idea.."
"whatever it takes for people not to notice.." he sighs.
"good!" you reply with a smile, "please lay down on this chair,just so youre warned its gonna be a little... painful."
"what the fuck- you sprained my fucking ankle???" ghost hurried, grumbling in pain.
"what?? you wanted a reason to not get deployed, didnt you? you should thank me" you chuckled as you noticed him wincing in pain. "anyway, its time for price's meeting, take those to help you walk, and you let me do the talking to price, okay?"
ghost nodded as you both headed to the briefing room, one of his arm around your shoulder to help him walk, where price and the rest of the task force were already waiting for you.
"sorry we're late, captain!" you hurried as you and ghost entered the room.
"its fine" price replied, raising an eyebrow, "what happened to you, Lieutenant?"
"we were practicing close fighting and he accidentally sprained his ankle, sir" you reply with an assured smile.
"is that so?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, "then why didnt i see both your names in the record?"
"because we forgot, and there was nobody on the wait list, sir" you reply. "but i promise it wont happen again."
"good" price sighed, "then i suppose i have no choice but to make gaz replace you, ghost."
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is all for part one i feel like its already too long help
hope you enjoyed, if you dont reblog ill snatch your toenails
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soulsongplays · 3 months
Alright I'm currently brainrotting about a homebrew World of Darkness setting based on Project Zomboid that I'm calling "Kentucky by Night," which is basically just "What if the World of Darkness was in the middle of a really slow zombie apocalypse?" It originally started as an excuse to use the Project Zomboid Map Project for battlemaps because I didn't want to have to draw any more environments and I got carried away, here's a list of fun facts about the setting:
Most Werewolves believe that the Knox Infection (the zombie virus) is a product of the Wyrm's tampering, likely related to vampires, and as such they have acted as wilderness zombie hunters since the infection began.
Vampires initially assumed they were immune to the Knox Infection on account of also being undead, and while a zombie bite won't infect them, kindred who regularly feed on zombies, intentionally or not, will begin to rot and hunger, eventually losing themselves to The Beast.
The Technocracy created both the infection and the vaccine that grants immunity to it's airborne strain, but despite accidentally releasing the infection they insisted on holding back the vaccine because "the world wasn't quite ready for it"
Werewolves are immune to the Knox Infection, but still vulnerable to the Wyrm's spiritual corruption, meaning Zombie Werewolves are totally a thing
Vampiric plague-spreading cults began to form, insisting that zombies were like their brethren, and Vampires should aid them in infecting the world. These cults continue to exist to this day, considered an enemy of both the Anarchs and Camarilla. The Sabbat aren't too sure about them.
The Technocracy created a drug called "Zombrex" that is capable of delaying the effects of the Knox Infection, though no permanent cure has been found as the infection rapidly mutates. Zombrex is not available to the public, as they are not ready for it.
Werewolf magic users (I don't remember what they are called) are actually capable of curing the Infection via. cleansing the spiritual corruption caused by the disease, though they refuse to do this for non-werewolves.
The Technocracy is actually struggling to regain a foothold in the NUSA, the union of once-american governments formed since the collapse of the USA, as a result of a resurgence of magic during the Knox Event. it turns out people were a lot more willing to believe anything can happen mid-apocalypse, and cults across the NUSA are pushing back against Technocratic influence since the whole debacle with holding the vaccine they'd already had because 'the world wasn't ready for it.'
A Vampire Zombie can, eventually, recover from the Knox Infection- though there is only one case of a Kindred doing so, and it took nearly a decade of being staked and bathed in fresh blood as their body regenerated.
There are two tribes who willingly underwent the zombie transformation, becoming one of the first unique zombie types- the Zombie Werewolf. These Zombie Werewolves still retain some of their intelligence despite their undeath, and all of the strengths of a werewolf, making them one of the most dangerous things in existence.
One of the nations in the NUSA is actually run by mages, occupying a region that was once Utah a group of radical Mormon Mages spread some of the subtler secrets of magic to chosen followers, giving them a step up when compared to the other nations.
I am so excited to finish the worldbuilding and actually run a game in this setting, but I'm worried I won't be able to publicize anything because I have blatantly stolen a lot of stuff from various pieces of media. I might write something up anyway.
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writing a plague will fic (first fic and i'm vaguely terrified) and i was brainstorming some schematics for his plague powers. canonically, we know that his powers are triggered by emotions like loneliness and jealousy (he recalls those memories before unleashing hay fever on nyx), but mostly anger - "he had no real plan. he just had anger."
i'm also curious about what kinds of sickness he can inflict? before reading the book, my personal headcanons were that will could either
a.) give living things illnesses that are mostly eradicated and/or have a cure - because gods' powers and state of being are inherently tied to their image and presence in mortal art, literature, etc, and Apollo's influence is more linked with the arts and medicine than plague - so i figure that this lesser known power of his would make it so that it is both rare for his children to possess plague abilities, AND make it so that the plagues they can unleash are of diseases that don't have as much an impact on our societies anymore, similar to how that aspect of Apollo doesn't have much influence on society. (idk if that makes any sense at all but it went through the brainrot meat grinder and came out semi-conherent so that is a firm win.)
...or b.) take preexisting disease and heighten its effects and/or spread it! like if someone were to have a cold, he could escalate their symptoms until they have a flu or smth.
a slew of more random questions that writing this fic has conjured up:
- could will heighten certain parts of a condition? if he were to give someone bubonic plague, could he control the rate at which the disease spreads? could he increase said person's state of delirium - which would blur some lines, since plague is defined as a contagious bacterial disease and delirium is a syndrome??
- can he control animals that carry plague/disease? communicate with them? ( omg. younger solace freaking out on nyc subways bc the rats won't shut up; him never being bitten by mosquitoes because they avoid him...)
anyway that's the end of my spiel (for now.) i've just had so many questions about plague will (would love to hear yall's own hcs and explanations!!!) since the book's release and uuggggHHh it frustrates me to no end that it wasn't brought up again. like. do you know what you've done to me??? this is worse than the goddamn carrot on a stick charade, y'all took the carrot, cut it up, and offered my starving ass 1/100th of a portion and expected me to be full!!!
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lovelypurpletyphoon · 8 months
I have a Yautja oc now!
I don't have a drawing of him yet, but his name is Vatian. He's a very unusual predator, because his prey is microscopic organisms. He's an infectious disease specialist and finds curing people as thrilling as hunting down xenomorphs.
His tribe formed an uneasy peace treaty with a human colony, which allowed him to attend medical school and become a doctor. Of course he went through the ritual of becoming blooded, but he's not as focused on hunting large prey.
His trophies are records and samples of deadly microbes and other pathogens, which he preserves on microscope slides. Though he also has a soft spot for tardigrades. Canon yautja would probably consider him a disgrace, lol.
Appearance wise, he's reddish orange with speckles on his skin. He keeps his dreads tied back at work and wears metal bands on them when he's out on the town, per se. Also considering making him the yautja equivalent of autistic because I'm autistic and that's where the buff space alien brainrot is leading me.
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lil-space-king · 1 year
Notable AUs
Andy, my OC, is my blorbo extreme. I've got blorbo brainrot disease, she's the cause, and there is no cure. So I've made A LOT of AUs. Here are some of them:
Pregnancy AU In this one Andy gets pregnant. So, you, dear make-believe reader, have no way of knowing this but in my own OC-verse, I've made The Raven Queen a transwoman. Can't remember how this started, and don't really care. To me it is canon. But even if she wasn't a transwoman, gods can get anyone pregnant b/c they're literally Gods and I said so. So, in this AU, Raven gets Andy pregnant with a demi-god and Andy, Deanne, and Raven end up raising 'Avery Mae' together. It's sweet.
Greaser AU Andy's a greaser in this one! This one's supposed to be like "50s proper" and instead of being kidnapped by a cult, Deanne is in an abusive loveless marriage. They meet on accident and Andy is immediately head over heels while Deanne is just shocked to discover lesbians exist and can be happy? Shenanigans (and a lot of kisses) ensue. I don't think Raven exists in this AU
Office AU Classic au, right? In this one, Raven is Andy's boss! There's a lot of sexual tension and office politics which eventually leads the two to a secret romance. They're not exclusive, both Raven and Andy are poly, but still, things get complicated when Andy drunkenly kisses Deanne at a Christmas party. (cue sexual awakening)
Royalty AU Deanne is a princess, Andy is a knight, Raven is an evil witch queen. Andy is the princess's knight, protector, bodyguard, etc. She takes her duty very seriously but can't help but fall in love with the beautiful woman. Deanne falls in love with her too, but they both know that her parents would never let this be, so it's a secret. Suddenly war breaks out and Deanne is captured and taken as a political hostage. Andy is injured in the same battle. Deanne manages to escape captivity, but it's a long arduous journey home, it takes years. Andy is determined to save Deanne, save her kingdom, but her body is broken and she turns to the evil queen's dark magic to help. She gets Deanne back on the throne (her parents dead in the interim) but she now owes a life of servitude to the witch queen.
Circus Freak AU In most AUs Andy is a red-head human instead of a tabaxi, but in this one, she's both a human and a tabaxi. Essentially the idea was to go circus freak with it. Andy has some rare genetic condition that makes her appear humanoid. As we know, circus freak tradition is generally pretty shitty, so it's no wonder that Deanne, who is actually just a little person, is seen as a 'freak'. Raven is a trapeze artist. The three fall in love and... escape the circus? I don't think I ever fully thought this one out but I thought the dynamics would be fun.
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glazelilyy · 3 years
Luce it is!!! Random brainrot time!!
You know the hanahaki disease and how it kills those with unrequited love? Well, I've always thought it strange how there's no cure to such a disease (or at least some attempt to cure it), but what if there was a potion to combat that? One which removes the plants inside of your body and cures you of the disease?
Here's the kicker though: the potion works by slowly making you fall out of love with someone. How that works (and how effective it is) is up to anyone's guess. Is it by losing memories of your crush? Through pointing out the more negative traits in someone? Or how about by making you fall in love with yourself instead? Who knows! Either way, the thought won't leave me alone and I cannot, for the life of me, sleep because of it aDJDBDJSB
i once again have: no self restraint! so i present to you: me crying while writing this :'D i decided to use scara since we're all already sorta simping over him so why not :P dedicating this one to you 🌻 nonnie! :)
lament of a purple rose
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pairing - scaramouche x gender neutral reader (hanahaki au with a twist)
word count - 1225
genre - angst
format - drabble
warnings - slight gore, MCD, this is not proofread lmao
content under the cut!
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hate was a vile word and scaramouche wielded it much like the weapon that it truly was. like an extension of his arm, his hate manifested itself either in the blood of others that stained his hands long after he’d washed them, or in the words he spewed that dripped with contempt and impatience.
yes, hate was comfortable, hate was safe. and gods did he hate you especially. your damn bright eyes and annoying smile that he could never seem to wipe off of your face no matter what insults he threw your way. your upbeat attitude and caring nature persisted despite his lack of reciprocation. he hated it, he hated how much you cared about him. all your stupid letters addressed to him that asked the same question, “how was your day?” were tossed in a pile, opened but not cared for.
and yet unaware to many, there existed a gentle part of him that wrapped itself under the guise of fierce storms and harrowing hurricanes that contained the most vivid of violet lightning. the eye of his storm was summed up in a single invitation of yours: an invitation to be friends. it was an invitation he never verbally, or non verbally accepted, yet you seemed to know when he gave more than just one word responses to your polite questions, or assisted you in your endeavors even while voicing his complaints with that iron tongue of his.
your letters were hand delivered by yourself with an eager smile and bright eyes, and the hate that usually coursed through his veins had begun to still with every letter you placed on his lacquered desk, a different flower every day in accompaniment of his enveloped letters.
“what’s with the flowers?” he lazily held up the pink tulip you’d put on his desk.
“they just look nice, i thought you’d enjoy them.”
such an answer had always baffled him, flowers he thought were stupid, frittering pieces of insignificance that would eventually wither away. he had voiced these thoughts plenty of times with a sneer, but you would simply laugh it off and continue to place a single stem of a flower beside his letters.
but the letter that you usually handed to him yourself with prideful hands was not delivered by you.
instead, he returned to his office late at night to find a letter littered with bloody fingerprints, and a single, purple rose doused with drops of blood placed neatly on his desk.
scaramouche felt his blood run cold and a sour, bile-like taste settled on his tongue. his name had been scrawled messily onto the cream colored envelope. your usually elegant writing now looked distorted and haggard, like you’d been struggling to hold the pen in its entirety.
all alone, scaramouche ripped open the top of the bloodied envelope and pulled out a piece of paper. the top read, “to scaramouche,” instead of the usual, “good day, scaramouche!”. it unnerved him, part of his mind screamed to stop reading there and yet curiosity gnawed away at him and slithered up his spine into his brain. his fingers traced the splotches of blood that smeared some of the pages, the own blood in his veins boiling to raging temperatures. whoever had dared hurt you would pay the price, his fatui agents would hunt down the sender of this letter because you were in danger, right? that’s why this letter looks so grim, and that’s why it was littered with bloodied prints.
scaramouche was not a nervous man, but his palms began to sweat and a lump formed in his throat as he began to read the first few words.
to scaramouche,
good day! i apologize for the state of the letter, it’s quite messy and i’m aware you’re not one for messes but i’m afraid i’m in a bit of a rush. this letter won’t be long but i want to ask how you are like i normally do. perhaps if i try to retain some sort of normality, this will be less difficult for me.
i don’t believe i’ll be able to complete those assignments you’ve tasked me with, i’ve done as much as i could but i’ve made sure ekaterina will take care of the rest for me. i hope you’re not upset.
they say i’m dying—the doctors i mean. hanahaki disease, they call it. flowers have begun to bloom in my throat. it’s quite funny, how such beautiful flowers could be the very thing that threatens to end my life. i’m not sure how much longer i have.
i’ve been informed of a cure: one that could save my life. i’ve seen the small vial, it’s quite lovely for an antidote, but i hope that you may never find yourself staring down the bottom of this vial.
i must let you know however, i can’t take the potion.
in exchange for my life, i’ll lose all of my memories of you. the mere thought pains me to no end, just thinking about it makes my stomach churn and my heart clench.
and if the price i must pay for love is with my life, i’ll gladly do so. i would rather die with these feelings than continue to live never having remembered you.
by the time you receive this letter, i will be gone from this world. it’s taking all of my strength to write this last letter to you. i want to say thank you, for letting me love you from afar, and allowing me into your life.
thank you, for everything, scaramouche. you will forever be in my heart.
the heart claimed to never beat, never throb for anything other than the misery of others, pounded painfully against his chest. his fingers weren’t sure whether to desperately clutch onto the parchment or go slack with shock? fear? anger even? he wasn’t sure anymore.
hanahaki disease, he’s heard dottore talk about it far too many times. an unrequited lover cursed with the destiny to choke on flowers that bloomed within them. he hadn’t cared to hear dottore explain it before, but now his words were ironed into his memory and branded upon his brain.
scaramouche tolerated you, he acknowledged your existence and that was good enough for you, good enough for him. but how wrong he was. his violet irises have remained dry for years, so why was it now that he felt the prickle of salty tears bore away at his eyes? why had you loved a monster like him who had snuffed out the lives of so many while your hands held the power to give life and meaning to others? those selfish selfish feelings of love had taken you far, far away and now there was nothing he could do.
the thorns of the purple rose in his fist sunk their talons into his calloused flesh and penetrated themselves past his skin to bring forth drops of crimson blood that streaked down his hands.
he only requested one thing of the tsaritsa every month for his budget from then on: a bouquet of purple roses to be placed in his office. the florist had told him the third time he went to pick up his bouquet that purple roses were a symbol of love at first sight.
the mere thought alone made his calloused heart clench.
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date published: july 24th, 2021
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anemoarchonhoe · 2 years
Thinking about sagau again and just had to stop and consider something.
Which has lead me to give an ask (i was planning to ask something else but this has to come first) because my mind won't shut up. I wanna share this brainrot because it's been in my head for quite some time 🤓 it's nerd time
So like... Y'all are saying that.. the creator, who is a person living on earth in the 21st century, gets transported to Teyvat that has it's medical knowledge lagging a few centuries from ours?
Won't that be dangerous for them in a way tho? Cuz like--
Bacteria evolves with respect to our bodies defenses. And not just that, we're literally carrying at least over 380 trillion viruses in our bodies (10 times the bacteria that resides in us), with at least four that triggered pandemics with high mortality rate. Of course, because our immune system are prepared to defend our body (also by the help of vaccines) these viruses won't harm us, but that doesn't mean they're erased from our bodies.. they're still there.
Seeing as Teyvat citizens are not vaccinated in a few of our diseases and may not be immune to them, (and assuming reader just got vaccinated) they could get corona.
Or measles...
Heck, let's count off viruses and diseases (that comes to mind) that could kill almost everyone once they get in contact with reader:
Chicken pox
Influenza A
Mumps (from the paramyxovirus)
Diphtheria (from Corynebacterium diphtheriae bacteria)
I think some of the diseases listed above won't have heavy/fatal effects on healthy adults, but could infect a child. But who knows right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And Hepatitis wouldn't spread to cause a pandemic because it's passed through saliva- oh who am I kidding. A few acolytes might have licked the reader's spoon at least once.
What if reader was a survivor of the Ebola Virus? The reader doesn't have any long term infection (like blindness) caused by the virus because they were treated immediately before it got serious.
Reader is in Teyvat branded as a criminal and is being chased. During the chase, reader is forced to get in contact with some peeps, which also will get in contact with their families or other peeps...
...give them at least two weeks then boom- 38%ish of the nation's population is bleeding and dying and no one knows why.
The reason why I'm leaning towards the imposter au is because imagine the despair (and maybe angst) the people will feel when they discover that the imposter was legit and that they're being punished for hurting the creator. Hahahahah Teyvat wouldn't even do anything to avenge us, just letting everything go down without trying lol.
Like in Bubu Pharmacy, they only have medicinal herbs to cure their diseases??? Like it doesn't matter if those herbs have divine properties (source: Shenhe, bartender dialogue) or whatever, it's still just HERBS.
BET COMMUNITY QUARANTINE (for medical reasons) AND VACCINES ARE STILL FOREIGN CONCEPTS. Like maybe individual quarantine, but an entire city closing itself off from other nations? Inazuma would riot because it's the Sakoku Decree all over again. Liyue would riot because what about their businesses? Mondstadt would riot because it's the city of freedom and they're being restricted!!!
So, Your Honor, they're all going to die. And we be eating pizza as Teyvat goes down.
Now that we're talking about this, Teyvat technology confuses me in the way that they're behind BUT ALSO kinda advanced(???) because of alchemy. How do these lamps in the middle of nowhere even works? Afaik, they don't use electricity and there are no wires connected to them or whatever. Do they use some sort of pyro stone inside the lamp? How do Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma sewer systems work? How do they take baths? Like do they have faucets or do they only rely on wells? I'm so curious!!!
They're all so reliant on the power of the elements. There are bombs (Klee), so where are the guns? Why do only the Fatui have those cool ass shit? They have scholars in Sumeru, why not study deactivated Ruin Guards and learn how to make actual missiles?? Also I want to kiss Cloud Retainer's Guizhong Ballista. When will they ever invent bicycles? But I do understand that horses are cooler than bicycles or motorcycles as a mode of transport.
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komorebirei · 2 years
xingyun one-shot: adeptus chongyun :D
By the way, I forgot / didn't think to post this here because I don't know if anyone who follows me cares for Genshin, buuuut I guess I'll post it. It's the fic that cured me of my writing disease. :'D (And I have much more adeptus Chongyun brainrot just waiting to be unleashed... haha... let's see if anything comes of it. x_x;)
for whom the clouds part
In which Chongyun's congenital positivity allows him to ascend to the ranks of the adepti.
Words: 10,925 Rating: Gen
“…trials of heaven and earth…” “What?” Xingqiu looks for the voice, but all he can see is the sky above him, clouds hurrying past like foam on a rocky river, backdrop changing from peach to piercing blue. He gains awareness of his body—lying on his back in the grass. He sits up, dizzy when he realizes he’s at the top of a mountain he doesn’t recognize. Chongyun is sitting in front of him, legs crossed, hands on his knees. “I passed the trials of heaven and earth,” he murmurs again. The phrasing is familiar to Xingqiu, but he can’t place where it’s from. His mind feels sluggish. The sky continues to morph, descending to black. Moonlight illuminates Chongyun’s white hair and clothes—and then the cycle begins again, sky lightening to dawn. “I wanted to let you know I’m fine, and not to worry,” Chongyun continues.
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