vivantesopales · 2 years
time travel tomarry prompt 🐍
for whatever reason, post-war harry time travels back to early 1930s london and finds a job at a magical vet clinic. tom would be around 9 or 10 at that time, still living at the orphanage. when one of his snake friends falls ill he takes it to harry, whose practice involves, of course, parseltongue. tom immediately becomes a little fixated. he starts bringing in every snake he can summon one at a time for “regular health checks”. and harry, having seen this different side of tom, decides to indulge him. (maybe ends up adopting him?) (harry: leave the poor snakes alone you ridiculous child.)
indulge me
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qubiesoft · 1 year
waawawa wa
if i actually think about it i have, like, four solid-ish characters. MAYBE a fifth if i decide to keep him alive this time. not like i’ve actively tried to kill him before, it’s just that i’ve forgotten about him and FEEL VERY BAD ABOUT IT.
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piichivii · 1 year
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âm dương sư // a wizard for an eastern fantasy
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regalmortis · 7 months
iris as a character is basically a 26 year old tumblr guy with a character-hates-freaks blog who constantly goes on rants about how sex weirdos should be purged bc hes found community in this co-op abuse game and he requires the validation to function because hes lonely and miserable and also a closet freak but he hates himself so its okay surely
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anyway look at him im gonna throw paper towels at him
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maskelrat · 28 days
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had a brainspawn
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apocalypticavolition · 9 months
Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 23: Wolfbrother
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Spoiler alert: There are so many spoilers in this post. Probably. I just started writing it so IDK. But to be safe, you really shouldn't read this if you haven't read the whole series, at least if you care about that sort of thing. Me, I love spoilers, they make everything better, but other people are quite particular about these sorts of things so you know. Best to move on before you learn such startling revelations as this chapter debuting a new icon.
For those of you who are habitually skipping those first paragraphs: this chapter introduces a new icon. Is a pupper. There is no explanation needed for this one; these chapters are always about Wolfbrothers (usually Perrin) and Wolfbrotheryness.
“I’m the only one who’s supposed to get saddlesore, is that it? And when you walk till your feet are ready to fall off, you’ll expect me to look after you.”
Egwene is channeling Nynaeve so hard here, and of course it really just emphasizes a theme that will continue almost the entirety of the way through Perrin's arc until ToM in that he is perpetually assuming leadership surrounded by people who instinctively have a better understanding of everything than he does. Egwene is more than correct that it's completely ridiculous for Perrin to try and walk the whole way there.
There were only short rations of bread and cheese to begin with, and what there was gave out by the end of the first day. Perrin set snares along likely rabbit runs—they looked old, but it was worth a chance—while Egwene began laying a fire. When he was done, he decided to try his hand with his sling before the light failed altogether. They had not seen a sign of anything at all alive, but. . . . To his surprise, he jumped a scrawny rabbit almost at once.
They ran out of provisions on day one and this isn't fucking Oregon Trail where they set out with 3,000 bullets and can shoot 20 bears to be fine for the rest of the way. Perrin's plan to not go to Whitebridge is literally the stupidest thing. It's insane. The only reason that he survives is because he's a protagonist. I cannot emphasize enough how absolutely bone-headed he and Egwene are being.
“It was so easy back there on the riverbank, Perrin. Just the way Moiraine Sedai showed me. I just reached out, and. . . .” She gestured as if grasping for something, then let her hand fall with a sigh. “I can’t find it, now.”
So like, does Egwene get to skip channeling sickness because Moiraine eased her into it? There's been no reference to her having a reaction to her first time and I don't think she's going to be sick in a few days either.
But they found no place where men had breathed in living remembrance. Memories of Shadar Logoth kept them away from the ruins and hurried their footsteps until they were once more deep in places that seemed never to have known a human footstep.
Ironically, the one time they do show some kind of common sense, it doesn't do them the least bit of good. They're at more risk of dying from the ruins collapsing on them than anything else.
“Wait here,” he said softly. She frowned, but he cut her off as she opened her mouth. “And be quiet! We don’t know who it is, yet.” She nodded. Reluctantly, but she did it. Perrin wondered why that did not work when he was trying to make her take his turn riding.
It doesn't work when you're being a blithering idiot because it's blithering idiocy! Egwene uses her brain, so since "One of us should scout ahead on the stranger to see what's up" is a functional idea, she goes with it. Sadly, she's still in your ta'veren stupidity field, so the notion that sending Goliath to scout instead of someone smaller is also a bad idea doesn't quite manage to get through your Brainspawn-esque brain wave suppression. Alternatively, she's using him as a meat shield, but that seems mean.
Perrin gasped, and nearly dropped Elyas’s hand. The man’s eyes were yellow, like bright, polished gold. Some memory tickled at the back of Perrin’s mind, then fled. All he could think of right then was that all of the Trollocs’ eyes he had seen had been almost black.
I spent way too much time looking through everything for previous mentions of weirdly colored eyes before realizing - as the narration itself will confirm in a few paragraphs - that Perrin is just associating Elyas with actual wolves. Of course, wolves can also have brown or green eyes IRL.
“And none you will,” Elyas said, chuckling. “The way you’re going, you can travel all the way to the Spine of the World without seeing another human. Of course, if you managed to climb the Spine—it can be done, some places—you could find people in the Aiel Waste, but you wouldn’t like it there. You’d broil by day, and freeze by night, and die of thirst anytime. It takes an Aielman to find water in the Waste, and they don’t like strangers much. No, not much, I’d say.” 
I approve of your efforts to absolutely terrify these dumbasses, Elyas, but uh... they might not see another human going east, but if the didn't die, they'd absolutely reach the road that runs from Caemlyn to Tar Valon. Then if they were too stupid to turn, they'd still hit the Erinin and presumably die trying to ford it. It's good they don't know that though.
They were staring at him, those four wolves, Perrin saw. He had the feeling that all the wolves, those in the trees, as well, were staring at him. It made his skin itch. Cautiously he moved his hands away from the axe. He imagined he could feel the tension ease among the wolves.
Perrin, you're not imagining shit. This is the moment that his wolf brotheriness awakens, though for all intents and purposes it could have held off until book 13 and nothing in particular would have changed.
“It isn’t exactly talking,” Elyas replied slowly. “The words don’t matter, and they aren’t exactly right, either. Her name isn’t Dapple. It’s something that means the way shadows play on a forest pool at a midwinter dawn, with the breeze rippling the surface, and the tang of ice when the water touches the tongue, and a hint of snow before nightfall in the air. But that isn’t quite it, either. You can’t say it in words. It’s more of a feeling. That’s the way wolves talk. The others are Burn, Hopper, and Wind.”
As is often the case in books, the fact that this communication cannot be rendered in human words will be forgotten and everything will be explained to us in that form, what with it being the entirety of the medium and all.
“That’s very interesting,” Egwene said, and Elyas looked at her sharply. “No, I mean it. It is.”
"You're fucking crazy and you're clearly going to kill us and skin us, hopefully in that order, but your delusions are genuinely fascinating."
Perrin nodded. “That’s right. We thought about seeing Maradon first. I’d surely like to see the King. But the capital city would be the first place our fathers would look.” That was his part of it, to make it plain they had never been to Maradon. That way no one would expect them to know anything about the city, just in case they ran into someone who really had been there. It was all a long way from Emond’s Field and the events of Winternight. Nobody hearing the tale would have any reason to think of Tar Valon, or Aes Sedai.
See, Egwene's lie is only forgivably stupid - her mistake is not understanding just how desolate and long the journey from the nearest part of Saldaea to where she is now would be and why no one would take it. She includes no specific details that would out her lie - though it would be caught by the wolves regardless. Perrin's lie is monumentally stupid because there is no king of Saldaea.
“Of course not,” Elyas growled. “Wouldn’t have worked on me, gentling, but it made me mad, them wanting to try.
Light forbid you let them try, proving clearly to them that it doesn't work at no harm to yourself and thus opening paths to freedom that don't involve killing Warders.
“It isn’t as if we have a choice. We’ve had Trollocs chasing us, and Fades, and Draghkar. Everything but Darkfriends. We can’t hide, and we can’t fight back alone. So who is going to help us? Who else is strong enough, except Aes Sedai?”
There's some nice dramatic irony in this, since of course Padan Fain is chasing them as much as everyone else. And by the end of the series, all of the EF5 will be quite capable of taking out anything that comes their way by themselves, with the Aes Sedai in their entourages being mostly back-up. (Admittedly, this is because three of them are channelers and one will inexplicably pick up an army of channeling slaves, but still.)
Elyas grunted. “Dapple said that’s what you’d decide. She said the girl’s planted firmly in the human world, while you”—he nodded at Perrin— “stand halfway between. Under the circumstances, I suppose we’d better go south with you. Otherwise, you’ll probably starve to death, or get lost, or—”
Halfway nothing. Perrin's so far over on the human side of things that he's currently using Egwene as a shield and pushing her out of firmness. And frankly, if Elyas had told Egwene she was a Wolfsister, she would have asked if they could stay up all night for extra lessons in having yellow eyes. Only reason she's dead set on Tar Valon is that it's her only education opportunity at the mo'; if anyone had had some cool counteroffers she might have dallied.
Perrin sat wrapped in his own silence. He could feel Burn leaving. And the scarred male was not the only one; a dozen others, all young males, loped after him. He wanted to believe it was all Elyas playing on his imagination, but he could not. Just before the departing wolves faded from his mind, he felt a thought he knew came from Burn, as sharp and clear as if it were his own thought. Hatred. Hatred and the taste of blood.
I always forget that Burn is such a buzzkill. Jordan could have done a much better job of justifying Perrin's refusal to engage with his powers if more wolves had been like him (or if he hadn't met Elyas until much later while still picking up the gift and being exposed to Noam first, which is the direction I think the show is going), but after this book the wolves kinda become interchangeable plot minions except for Hopper. Ah well. This chapter still ends on a good note as is, and I should emphasize that after spending this whole time bitching about every time Perrin so much as breathed.
Next time, we'll be back to Rand, Mat, and Thom, a trio of dudes I have a lot less urge to complain about than Perrin - and when we get to his next chapter after that, he and Egwene will be involved in 100% fewer stupid plans, which should improve my mood on that front too. See ya then!
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anarcho-occultism · 1 year
Dinosaurs are among one of the most iconic of primordial creatures. The exact time period they first arose is made fuzzy by the temporal anomalies and time travelers who have helped scatter them across history, but mainstream paleontologists such as Ross Geller and Eva Jain have concluded dinosaurs arose first in the Triassic period circa 252 million years ago. Throughout the Mesozoic era, dinosaurs dominated the ecosystem alongside similar species of marine reptiles, pterosaurs and the earliest proto-dragons (whom often engaged in predation of the dinosaurs, especially the slower, lumbering species of semi-aquatic sauropods and hadrosaurs). Some dinosaurs were largely peaceful herbivores while others were vicious and at times voracious hunters. The exact form dinosaurs could take varied wildly, even among many who through fossils were labeled identically. Some dinosaurs were slow-moving, lumbering behemothic lizards, slow-witted and inefficient. Other dinosaurs, however, were swifter, more agile and intelligent. In the Jurassic period, a subspecies of Ornitholestes developed Stone Age-level technology and intelligence. While this sentient species of dinosaurs did not make it to the end of the period, by the Cretaceous period, some dinosaurs had managed to develop sentience and various forms of society. This includes one that curiously mirrored the human society that would exist millions of years later and another with a level of scientific knowledge that enabled them to develop multiple time machines including one that operated as a train that traversed the Mesozoic era. It is theorized these sentient dinosaurs were uplifted by the time traveler Captain Neweyes.
The Mesozoic era is, of course, most famous for its vicious end. One factor behind the Cretaceous extinction was time travel. The Trans-Time corporation sought to farm dinosaurs for meat and, despite several containment breaches, was able to inflict a severe dent in the dinosaur population. A powerful superweapon developed by a cult leader was sent back in time by a group of scientist-adventurers led by Benton Quest, which further devastated the planet. Alien incursions also battered the dinosaur population. The Predators hunted dinosaurs for sport and the Nesk flung a meteorite at the planet to deal with a rival species known as the Mecora. The Achuultani also flung several asteroids into the planet, wrecking the environment. These two causes linked when the Brainspawn visited Earth and proceeded to ravage the dinosaur population. Beyond outside forces, sentient dinosaurs also inflicted severe damage themselves by triggering large-scale climate catastrophe. Dragons also ravaged sentient dinosaur populations after evolving past the so-called ‘Prehistoric Dragon’ form. A small portion of intelligent dinosaurs were able to evacuate Earth and set up colonies beyond the Solar System, while non-sentient dinosaurs were preserved in an ark created by the Silurians. Despite the seeming extinction of the dinosaurs on Earth, however, in fact many dinosaurs managed to avoid extinction.
The migration of numerous dinosaurs to a ‘great valley’ in the south where a microclimate protected against the worst climate effects of the Cretaceous disasters and its hidden location guarded against intelligent species targeting the dinosaurs protected some of them. Other dinosaurs were able to survive in deep caves underground, accessible only through passages into Earth’s interior. A few dinosaurs emerged from these underground caverns during the Ice Age, leading to brief periods where dinosaurs coexisted with later megafauna such as mammoths and sabertooths, as well as with ancient humans. Prehistoric man, naturally, tended to greatly fear dinosaurs that they shared the planet with for the most part. However, at various points early humans were able to forge cooperative relationships with dinosaurs. The ancient society known as Bedrock is known to have domesticated numerous species of dinosaurs, keeping some as pets and making use of others as beasts of burden or sources of meat. The contemporary society of Lem also had a cooperative relationship with dinosaurs. Elsewhere, depictions of a caveman who could ride a Tyrannosaurus rex and fought other dinosaurs, humans and various monstrosities have been documented on multiple cave paintings found in Europe. However, conflict did continue more commonly. The alien Yargonians, who attempted to invade Earth nearly 1 million years ago, weaponized dinosaurs against primitive man. Eventually, the large-scale dinosaur presence alongside prehistoric humanity would end amidst a deeper Ice Age freeze, once again relegating dinosaurs to the ‘great valley’ (whose climate remained suitable for dinosaurs despite the general drop in global temperatures) and underground refuges.
As the Ice Age concluded, rapid continental drift occurred. This had significant consequences for the ‘great valley’ that was the last bastion of dinosaurs above ground. The region split apart and drifted into many areas. Much of the valley would become islands later labeled ‘lost worlds’ by observers. The Skull Archipelago, Caprona, Dinosaur Island and Yaanapalu all would be formed in this time. The islands would also enable the formation of other ‘lost worlds’ thanks to the frequent appearance of temporal anomalies on them. It is believed dinosaurs arrived in the Savage Land, Maple White Land, Gwangi Valley and various regions of the Congo thanks to anomalies opening up. Despite dinosaurs’ presence for much of human history, humanity at larve only really took notice of the lost worlds in the late 19th century, on the heels of advances in paleontology. The ‘bone wars’ between Cope and Marsh and Bolt and Cartland helped fuel numerous waves of fossil discovery as well as public captivating, especially as the likes of William Johnson and Deborah MacGuiness added fuel to the wave of fossil-driven dinomania. Dinosaur fossils were used by Stephen Maturin to justify the theory of evolution, an argument picked up by Charles Darwin and other subsequent advocates of the theory. It is likely this that laid the groundwork for adventurous explorers to seek out remnant dinosaur populations.
While the earlier Lidenbrock expedition had encountered dinosaurs in Earth’s interior, it was the Challenger expedition of the 1890’s that was the first to prove dinosaurs still existed. This in turn sparked a wave of exploitation-some dinosaurs were captured and placed in circuses for entertainment beginning with the famed Gertie, a trained Brontosaurus who toured globally for nearly 20 years. Ambitious big game hunters would seek dinosaurs as quarry, a key factor in nearly wiping out the Mokele Mbembe species of carnivorous sauropod native to the Congo. The realm of Dinotopia, inhabited by sentient dinosaurs coexisting alongside humans, was wiped out by Nazi forces in 1937 as part of their attempt to capture and weaponize dinosaurs ahead of World War II. The mass extermination inflicted forced the Nazis to make use of crude cloning techniques in their haphazard attempt to use dinosaurs against the D-Day invaders. By the late 20th century, dinosaurs were reduced to the status of a critically endangered species. Poachers, vengeful hunters, climate change and introduced diseases wiped out most known lost worlds, with only very isolated realms like the Savage Land being left intact. The war against the Dinosaur Empire left many habitats in the subterranean world inhabited by extinct fauna desolated. The biggest subterranean ecosystem to survive was in Canada and would not be discovered until several surprisingly intelligent dinosaurs emerged from it in 2007. Dinosaurs were not technically extinct but as far as everyday people were concerned they might as well be. However, a new solution emerged: cloning. The first large scale attempt at cloning dinosaurs in the postwar era was carried out by Darren Penward in 1979, which led to his creation of a small private zoo of dinosaurs by 1984. Penward’s death at the hands of his clones would not be the end of this, as his research was acquired by operatives hired by InGen CEO John Hammond who envisioned creating a large scale zoological centering on dinosaurs. Hammond set up what he dubbed Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar off the Costa Rican coast, but disaster struck in 1992 before it could open when a disgruntled employee shut down electricity which unleashed many ravenous dinosaurs from containment, killing at least a dozen. Hammond, despite his reputation as a cold capitalist, was shaken by the peril his two grandchildren ended up in during this event as well as his own near-death at the hands of a group of Compsognathus and abandoned the planned park.
However this would just be the beginning of a push to establish dinosaurs in captivity. Hammond’s nephew Peter Ludlow would oust him as CEO and attempt to reopen Jurassic Park in San Diego only for the plan to fail when a Tyrannosaurus escaped and rampages through the city, eventually consuming Ludlow himself. This led to Isla Sorna, InGen’s so-called Site B, being declared a nature reserve by the reinstated Hammond and the Costa Rican government. But the push for dinosaurs as attractions would not end there. Gerry Harding, former veterinarian at Jurassic Park, had made copious note of the healthcare needs of dinosaurs, making the prospect of raising them in zoos more feasible than it had been. This sparked a boom in ‘dinomania’ as dinosaur-centered parks like Enoshima Dinoland and Jurassic World (set up on the same island as the original attempted Jurassic Park) would arise over the next decade. Smaller scale education-centered facilities such as Prehistoric Park would also set up during this period, the latter earning a great deal of attention for its use of temporal travel (based on technology developed by Britain’s Anomaly Research Center) and the documentary series set at it starring Nigel Marven, whom had used the same technology to make similar documentaries on prehistoric life earlier on. Marven’s program would temporarily be handed off to Drew Luczynski after Marven disappeared through an anomaly, thought to be eaten by a Giganotosaurus until reappearing alive almost a decade later, just as the park he built began to franchise out under the name Prehistoric Kingdom.
From 2003 on, many zoos that were not specifically dinosaur-centered would begin to open dinosaur exhibits as the cost of care for dinosaurs dropped. This had a number of causes-the Shiawise decision helping weaken liability risks, the spread of clean energy technology pioneered by the Future Foundation and a general zoo boom prompted by animal-centered reality shows such as The Wild Thornberrys and V.V. Argost’s Weird World increasing earnings for zoos enough to make having a handful of dinosaurs a plausible option. This caused heavy competition for dinosaur-centered parks, especially the aforementioned Jurassic World which was increasingly forced to rely on corporate sponsorship and a luxurious resort experience to remain profitable. It is likely due to this competition that the park resorted to trying to create new hybrid dinosaur species, which in turn led to the disaster of 2015 that saw the park closed down for good. An attempt to evacuate dinosaurs from Isla Nublar during a subsequent volcanic eruption led to a large dinosaur population becoming invasive to California, causing widespread panic and calls from some to render dinosaurs genuinely extinct. For now, those calls have been resisted as moves have been made to get feral dinosaurs out of populated areas and into either captivity or the Isla Sorna and Savage Land reserves.
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faline-cat444 · 1 year
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The staff from that orphanage for children’s brainspawn
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snixx · 10 months
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keldae · 2 years
Xaja and Broken Glass for that mini prompt thing :D
Featuring @corey-067 's brainspawn Jakar, Xaja's bestie and the Taerich-verse Barsen'thor.
Monster. Demon. Traitor. Broken.
“Shut up,” Xaja desperately whispered as she paced through her cabin on the Serenity. The voices in the back of her mind just laughed and continued their mantra that the Jedi couldn’t escape. 
Sith. Traitor. The whispers followed her around the small ship, followed her onto planetary surfaces whenever she disembarked, haunted her every moment, both awake and asleep. Murderer. 
“I’m not--!” Xaja clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle her agonized sounds. She couldn’t deny the voices, not when the fragments of memories she still had confirmed them. Master Orgus, while he had been able to drive the Emperor out of her head, couldn’t have soothed the scars left behind. Xaja doubted even the best Jedi mind healers could have. But she didn’t deserve healing, did she? Traitors didn’t deserve to be spared pain. “Shut up,” she whispered to the empty cabin.
Broken. Monster. Sith. The voices refused to heed her pleading for silence. Weak. Demon.
“Stop,” Xaja pleaded, heedless of the tear escaping her squeezed-shut eyes and trickling down her cheek. “Please, stop...”
Sith. Monster. Demon. Failure.
“Shut up!” Xaja blindly lashed out with her right hand, as though she could hit away the monsters plaguing her mind. All she made contact with was the mirror, the sound of glass shattering temporarily drowning out the voices. 
She hissed as she felt the shards of broken glass bite into her hand, blood appearing on her too-pale skin. With an effort, she forced her eyes open to assess the damage to her hand. She couldn’t go to Doc; he would just give her that sad, disappointed look while healing the wounds that she deserved. Maybe she could just wrap her hand in a towel until the bleeding stopped?
Her gaze travelled to the mirror’s remains despite her best efforts. The haunted eyes that stared back at her were green, not sulphuric yellow. But that didn’t mean anything, did it? A monster lurked under her skin, one that Master Orgus couldn’t have saved her from. 
Footsteps outside the cabin door warned Xaja that the sound of the glass shattering hadn’t gone unnoticed. Shit. She looked down at her hand as the door slid open, the footsteps approaching her from behind, then stepping around her. She just saw the hem of a dark green robe, then felt two larger hands carefully lift her injured limb for inspection. When the hells had Jakar arrived on the Serenity? Then again, she was still docked on the Voss orbital station. Perhaps he had been around?
“Come on, short stuff,” the Barsen’thor finally said, scarred face drawn with worry as he stood back up and gave Xaja’s arm a tug. “You’re scaring me as much as you are the rest of your crew.”
Xaja shook her head minutely as she was pulled to her feet. “I’m fine--” she tried to say.
“No, you’re not. You need more than a medic, kid, no matter how good Doc is.” Jakar had to be upset if he’d resorted to calling Xaja ‘kid’ again. “We’re going to Corellia. Essi’s waiting for you at the Enclave.”
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ticktockstuck · 2 years
Questions for OC-conversion purposes:
- What’s up with seadwellers? It’s pretty clear fuchsia and violet trolls aren’t 100% guaranteed to be seadwellers like in canon, and our only seadwellers are an off-oliveblood and some greybloods, so is it random with fuchsia and violet castes being more likely to have it?
- Exactly how are signs assigned? It sounds like it’s similar to last names, with them being passed down from the parents when applicable and government-assigned when not; is that correct?
Out-of-universe, the caste conversion process means that seadwellers tend to just lump together into the olives, jades, violets, and fuchsias, but I don't hold myself to only sticking them into those castes. I make a lot of OCs for TTS as part of character-building exercises (or in some cases setting-building exercises, as a way of seeing what life in those settings might be like for the people there), and there's definitely an azure-blooded and a turquoise-blooded seadweller in that number (possibly a chocolate-blooded one living on the 🍫MOISTYSTOPIA🍫 but I'd have to recheck if they're actually a seadweller or if they just really enjoyed swimming).
In-universe, a lot of "caste-specific" traits (like being a seadweller, being super-strong like indigoes, animal communion or ghost-sensing powers like lowbloods would have) are something that don't really fit neatly into one caste anymore, although it is certainly true that certain castes have a greater tendency to receive those traits. Any troll could win the genetic lottery and have indigo strength regardless of what caste they're born into, for example, but the odds would be favored towards off-indigos and off-golds. In the past, these traits WERE more heavily condensed into their associated castes, but to make a long story short trolls colonizing and spreading out through the celestial ring had the planets' magical influence alter their biology, and altered trolls continuing to move around spread those changes through the whole gene pool leading to the current caste structure and ultimately the dissolution of the hemospectrum as a tool of systemic oppression (in most of the universe, anyway). I can give the Land of Fortune and Marble being responsible for the existence of "greybloods" as a key example of that.
Your assumption about signs is basically correct. Troll family structure honestly deserves its own post elaborating on it because it's really complicated, but to try and neatly summarize it: trolls still utilize Mother Grubs, there's a genetic registry that allows them to determine a grub's closest genetic match and they can grant signs based on that, that genetic match (if alive and/or available) is not obligated to adopt them and there's systems in place for if they don't (since not every planet even has lusus naturae to foist grubs upon), but thanks to the urban and close-knit nature of Tick-Tock Town families over there tend to adopt more than not.
There's also a system where individuals can adopt a sign for themselves, which was put in place for the edge case of some trolls having never been granted one in the first place (or for brainspawn like Tirona, whose lineage is sometimes muddled due to how brainspawn are born) but in modern times is largely the territory of dolls wanting to have signs of their own. This process usually requires the consent of a sign's living bearers whenever possible.
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vivantesopales · 2 years
light horror, potentially smutty tomarry prompt:
i need portrait horcrux tom who’s a magical, pre-raphelite masterpiece (think waterhouse’s the lady of shalott) that leaves a trail of dead owners behind him as he graces one manor hall after another. in any case good luck to cursebreaker harry who’s tasked with figuring out what exactly is wrong with that infamous painting, all the while having to deal with his landslide crush on a way-too-high-functioning portrait. (cue year 6 harry whose only takeaway from his penseive lessons was “oh fuck tom riddle?! was so clever and so tall and sooo hot??!!!”)
indulge me
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farons-kokiri · 2 years
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I lost a bunch of my old art but I was able to find this cuz I sent it to someone. Anyway have my very squishable and pathetic brainspawn, Non
[tloz oc]
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theangstking · 9 months
quick funny thing for what you just reblogged, the like "better get puss in boots to help with this". i have a jane prentiss alter, from the magnus archives? the trypophobia worm lady? i have an alter of her and she specifically holds like, relationship trauma. she holds the "my ex was kind of bad, does it make me bad for them being my ex?" i dunno if its contextual it just felt silly
(the post in question for anyone who needs it, and for our own self for future reference)
PF...no yeah it's can be Hilarious what the system brain decides to do regarding some stuff.
(pronouns used below are gold/golds/goldself)
example, we have a brainspawned alter, a protector of ours, heavily inspired by the Triforce from the Legend of Zelda. The Triforce ITSELF.
gold is a shapeshifter who uses five different names. Triforce, Balance, Power, Wisdom, and Courage. the only reason gold doesn't also use the names Nayru, Din, and Farore? is because gold started feeling like gold had too many names to keep track of, ran out of Discord servers to add servernames to, and didn't want to be mistaken for a fictive.
and gold's one of the people who's been helping us handle some stress recently NDNDJZJSJSNS
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qubiesoft · 1 year
i’ve decided to dedicate a space to my brain. kinda.
oc stuff and inner ramblings. tho its probably gonna take me a minute to actually put together coherent descriptions of my brainspawn. i apologize for the mess
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jakewrld · 4 years
Stray Kids with Children
Chan : Please get in the cot it’s been 198362 hours since I last slept please get in the damn cot I beg you
Woojin : No. I forbid you from the sugar. *takes lollipop away* No. Stop crying. I warned you and you didn’t listen, so that’s on you, not me.
Changbin : NOW LISTEN UP YOU LITTLE SUCKER! IM GIVING YOU ONE LAST CHANCE TO EAT THE DAMN FOOD OR- uwu how could I, you’re so smol and cute and awwww
Hyunjin : *child screams* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Jisung : Come, come child. Now no need to cry. *plays with child like a proper father* Now please someone help me I’m being drained of my energy- Someone get me a Redbull and a Snickers bar, I’m not feeling myself.
Felix : Yes now like tHis, and then your arms bend like tHis and there you go! You can Orange Justice like a pro now!
Seungmin : Get in the cot or I will murder your parents and the dog. Now.
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