#brandon arlington
Chapter 1 of Ferrous is up!!! I’m legit so excited for this fic, there is SO much lore and worldbuilding and it’s my boyfriend’s second favorite after Nebula. Btw if you wanna know about my Reckoners fics feel free to always ask me!!!!
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Tia: Why are you on the floor? Prof: I'm depressed. Prof: Also I was stabbed, can you get Cody, please.
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trumpwashere · 3 months
January 6th was a unique day in History Part I
January 6th was the greatest day that I ever witnessed in 56 years on this planet. I've never voted, never will. I'm merely a bystander and observer. I supported the Democrats for over 50 years but what they did for four years between 2016 and 2020 blows away anything that happened on January 6th. January 6th was merely a gathering of people who thought the election was stolen(of which my curiosity still hasn't been satisfied, something definitely happened, I'm wondering if it will ever come out, see comments at the end)
The only thing that upsets me about January 6th is that a woman died trying to save her country. But I can understand that law enforcement really thought they were under attack and although he overreacted, I guess anyone in a panic would probably do the same. Ashli Babbitt died an American Hero, and she should be buried in Arlington Cemetery.
For those that didn't receive the memo for January 6th, it ensured that there would be no shots fired from any Republicans being it stated that no guns were allowed at the gathering.(CNN report showed 36 guns were in D.C, 3 of them on Capitol grounds, one inside the Capitol building, owned by a police officer attending the Jan 6th protest) It's actually beyond belief that nobody brought any guns and nobody was shot. It's actually mind boggling that hundreds of people weren't shot. Republicans should be given a holiday on January 6th due to their incredibly good behavior.
( I can see all the Left Wing nuts out there now, with the blood dripping from their eyeballs over my comments. They truly are the knuckleheads of society. Unfortunatelyt they're not just knuckleheads, they're violent people that support burning buildings. They need to be arrested and held in custody until they finish their therapy sessions. They're raging maniacs that shouldn't be on the streets)
I can only commend the Republicans for what they did that day. As we all know, had President Trump won the election, the same event would've taken place except there would've been one difference. The Democrats would've burned down the Capitol and many members of law enforcement would've lost their lives that day. We are blessed that it was the Republicans that lost the election and not the Democrats. Proof positive is that it's already been 2 long years into Brandons term as president and I haven't seen Republicans burn any buildings or burn any small businesses, or murder any police officers yet. A big applause for their behavior. If I learned one lesson from Republicans it's that they always play fair when it comes to election time. I'm always waiting for them to explode when they lose, but they never do. They just go back to the drawing board time after time and regroup to make a push at the next election. They took a beating from Clinton and from Obama but they merely went back to the drawing board to put together a new plan for the next election. Applause…applause. Job well done.
But the Democrats…aye those losers are the worst losers of all time. They are so far out in front with a lock on 1st place of losers, that they'll never be rivaled in all of history, past present and future. They didn't just cry for 4 long years, they caused over $3 billion in damage across the country and they took the lives of 19 police officers in the line of duty(statistics provided by CNN) As far as I'm concerned that's where President Trump went wrong. He let Liberal Democrats burn the country down instead of placing every one of those terribly ugly haters of America in jail and tossing away the key until the next election came around. I'm hoping that the next time Republicans hold office they round up those unsavory characters one by one and bring them in for justice just like they did to the American Heroes of January 6th. They partook in criminal behavior and they need to be held accountable for what they did. Their behavior was immature and violent, and they need to pay the price for causing undue harm to good American families.
So January 6th was possibly the greatest day in American History. Why? It was Americans standing up for their country without brandishing weapons. It was heroic. It was Love for their country, Love for America. Democrats want to turn January 6th into the next release of Die Hard, yet it was more like an episode of Monty Python. I saw a guy in a viking hat sitting on the Speakers throne. I saw guys hitting people with the United States Flag….that was comedic, reminded me of Benny Hill. Then it turned into an episode of Sesame Street when I saw hundreds of Americans standing(yeah simply standing around) in the U.S. Capitol staring at the artwork on the walls and taking selfies with statues of American heroes. That brought tears to my eyes. Those people were in awe of the ground they stood on. They were amazed at the beauty of Capitol and wanted to take it all in. If the Democrats were protesting, the historic and irreplacable artwork and statues would've been completely destroyed. Again we should be thankful every day that the Republicans lost the 2020 election. If not, we wouldn't have a Capitol anymore.
The Democrats keep lumping the Proud Boys and NeoNazis in as Republicans. I think a great strategy for the Republicans would be to reach out to the Proud Boys and NeoNazi groups and ask them if they can just switch parties. Then the Democrats would have nothing to bitch and complain about. Nobody wants them in their party so they should just switch anyway. Then we can bash the Democrats for being Nazis. Not that they aren't Nazis anyway. They sure behave like Nazis and Communists. It's one month after the next where I see Democrats taking plays from the China playbook. No more freedom of speech unless it's their speech, they want to retain the right to call President Trump names but they don't want you to be allowed to call Brandon any names….again, sounds like a play from grammar school or China, take your pick.
The "Cancel" movement is directly from Nazi Germany(you could even add North Korea or China to that list) There's nothing to even discuss on that topic.
January 6th was a great day in history and it proved that you can actually have a peaceful demonstration. Hats off to the Republicans for making it happen. Before 2020 I always thought the Democrats would be the first to stage a non-violent demonstration. I waited over 50 years but it never happened. Of all things the Republicans pulled it off. Applause applause.
Now let's get to that weird election we had in 2020. The one where if you calculated how many votes Brandon would need to win after 1am, it was either mathematically impossible being there were not enough votes left or if there were enough votes left, Brandon would have to get at least 70-80% of every vote cast after 1am in order to win. And yet somehow he managed to do just that.
How did he do it? Around ten days prior to the election of 2020 I saw a story on the local Miami news that showed Port of Miami officers standing around a pallet of 100,000 fake voter IDs. I jumped up off the couch and said "Look! They're trying to steal this election right down to the last day! This is insane!" I felt like this was a great breaking story that would be all over the network news the following day, but it vanished into thin air. It was never heard from again. And it wasn't just wiped off the news of the day or week, when I go back to find it, it's been wiped out altogether. We need a real investigative reporter to dig into this and find out what happened to those fake voter IDs. Where were they being shipped to? Who were they being shipped to? Who's names were on those IDs? What states were they from? How many other ports around the country did these IDs make their way through? Where are they now? I don't care if they were going to Democrats or Republicans, but the Citizens of the United States need to know and deserve to know. This impacts the foundation of the country and how our government operates.
The Democrats preach hate to their children. The Republicans preach hate to their children. I would never teach my special needs daughters to hate people. We teach them to be wary of the freaks, and stay away from the crazies. We teach them to only love one another and always show respect for all people. You never know someone elses story and regardless of their political beliefs people are all trying to survive in this difficult world we live in. If someone is struggling in life, they just need a little help to find their way.
The MAGA people just want to make America great again. It's pretty straight forward. The only reason Democrats hate that message is because it was coined by President Trump. If Obama made it up, they'd love it. You can ask anyone that's left their country to come to America. The United States of America is the greatest country in the world, and it will always be the greatest. I just saw a man who received his citizenship in Miami. He was from Africa. When asked about how his life will be different he replied, "Now my life is good! I have nothing to be afraid of anymore! I love America!" He said it all right there, clear is a beautiful blue sky.
I know an old man who's lived in 12 different countries in his lifetime. I asked him his thoughts on America and he said, "America is still the greatest country in the world. There's nothing like coming home to America. If you rent an apartment in any third world country and even some modern countries, you'll be sleeping on concrete. When you rent an apartment in America, you're sleeping on carpet. Everything is different in America. Everything is better here."
The Democratic party has become the "Party of Hate". There's no other way to define it. Almost everything that comes out of a Democrats mouth is hate-speech. They thrive off of it, and they seem to love it. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen in 56 yrs on this planet. I coined a new term last month, we live in the Age of Hate. They'll hate you for your hairstyle, for the clothes you wear, for the sneakers you wear, for the people you associate with, for the school you went to, for the state you might be from, for the city or town you might be from. They'll hate you for absolutely anything. They'll even hate you for making noises with your mouth. You can say I love you to someone and they'll hate you for it. You can say that you don't like dog shit and they'll hate you for it. I don't know who bred these kids but they sure raised them with some weird morals. Morals that are currently getting us nowhere. Morals that create more hate in the world instead of love.
Over the last six years I noticed one main difference between Republicans and Democrats. If you show up to a Democratic rally with a MAGA hat or a President Trump hat they'll scowl you out of the event. They curse you and hate on you. But if you show up to a Republican event with an Obama hat or a Biden hat, they'll say "Come on in! Have a hot dog and a beer! You nut!"
….that relates to tolerance, which as Bertrand Russell(1952) once said “Love is wise; hatred is foolish. In this world, which is getting more and more closely interconnected, we have to learn to tolerate each other, we have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don’t like. We can only live together in that way. But if we are to live together, and not die together, we must learn a kind of charity and a kind of tolerance, which is absolutely vital to the continuation of human life on this planet.”
Oy vey did you just see that he mentioned Love is wise;hatred is foolish? And I just said we live in the Age of Hate? And I just said that everything the Democrats say is filled with hate…I think we're onto something here folks. This is definitely not a coincidence that Bertrand Russell said what he said and the current times we are living in. He's right in what he says and if we do not follow his advice it will be the collapse of this country. Which I guess is inevitable anyway. The Russian professor how predicted the disintegration of the United States was right. It's definintely coming but not for another 20 to 50 yrs or so. And we're the in-betweeners, the people that suffer through the slow change in society's behavior. It's tortuous to watch, I guess that's why I don't watch.
I turned off the news the day after Trump was elected. I saw the coverage of him swinging that Executive Order pen around and I couldn't believe what he was doing. I resolved myself and said, well he's the president and he's going to do what he's going to do. We just need to wait till the next election, same as everyone else does every 4 years. And off the TV went. I turned it back on every few months and saw Democrats still rioting, protesting, vandalizing things, and Trump was being the President. I turned it on 6 months later and President Trump was a real deal President, doing everything a President should do. I was starting to get a laugh out of him and his ridiculous behavior. Basically everything he says is hysterical, either because it's total BS or it's so far fetched it's just hilarious. So I started to laugh while the Democrats kept behaving like 14 yr old girls on the rag for the first time. They were threatening to leave the country. That was even more hilarious than anything President Trump said during his entire presidency. Too too funny. You're not leaving this country, this is the Greatest Country in the World. There's nowhere for you to go. Bitter lying celebrities. And I'm supposed to follow THEIR lead? You must be kidding me. I wouldn't trust them with my bicycle.
President Trump stayed President of the United States of American for 4 years and he didn't miss a day. He was impeached for some kind of whipped up tomfoolery that the Democrats put together. Watching that made me feel so ashamed of my country. If they had something legit I was all for it, but it was hard to watch. Again the TV was turned off. It was too painful to watch. Embrassassing. The riots got worse. I was getting annoyed now. I thought the whole plan was to make a push for the next election but the Democrats were literally enraged with HATE. It was like a nuclear bomb of hate that exploded in the United States. I don't subscribe to that behavior. I don't support that behavior. But the Democrats did and they still fully support that behavior. Unfortunately the Democrats don't realize that condoning that behavior only makes it ok for the Republicans to do the same thing when the tables turn. Again the United States is so fortunate that the Republicans have some kind of understanding of proper behavior and we're now two years into Brandon's presidency and there hasn't been any burning cities. Not even one burning building, other than the ones that the Democrats are still burning here and there in their ongoing protests, mostly in Oregon.
When the pandemic came around and Pelosi went to China Town in San Francisco in Feb 2020 and said have no fear, we're all still open, there's no pandemic, then a month later she scolds President Trump for ..I said what the hell is going on?
Tolerance is the only way
This is all Obama's fault. The Black Lives Matter movement was started during his presidency. BLM started in July 2013, that shortly after the start of his second term. Obama had all the opportunity in the world to give them a platform and work with these people to get things resolved. He should've given them a voice, Obama should've built relationships, and he should've brought the country together. But that didn't happen, Obama ignored their cries for help as one by one Black Americans were being killed left and right. In July of 2014 Eric Garner was sat on by 6 police officers and murdered on the street in broad daylight for selling cigarettes. He was unarmed. He wasn't even selling cases or packs of cigarettes, he was selling individual cigarettes. To this day that blows my mind clear off the planet. Obama did nothing. Would they have killed Mr. Garner if he was one of their uncles? I'll bet anything you want, that the answer is no.
Michael Brown was shot by a police officer and Ferguson Missouri erupted in riots that lasted weeks. Obama did nothing. He was seemingly putting fuel on the BLM fire for the next three years, setting up disaster for whoever would be the next white president. It turned out to be Donald J. Trump, and his election only added jet fuel to the movement.
Respect for thy neighbor. We don't burn our neighbors shit if we're protesting against the government. Who does that???? The Democrats.
And just last week I realized that knucklehead President Trump was right after all when he said "It's going to disappear like magic"….because it did just that. Covid-19 is gone. It's been gone since 2021. Omicron has taken over and Covid-19 and Delta virus have magically disappeared. (Omicron replaced Delta as the predominant variant, but in March 2022, the CDC still included Delta on its list of variants of concern in the U.S., even though it accounted for 0% of cases in the U.S. at that time.)Mar 1, 2022 …I bet they put it on the list because they don't want President Trump to be right!!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's hilarious!
President Trump will be remembered as a hero. Regardless of the terrible spin Democrats want to put on his presidency today, there will still be plenty of books hailing him in the years to come. There will be statues, and they will be torn down. There will be monuments and they will be torn down. As I've always said, your peers will lay false judgement upon you, and the true value of your balance sheet will be weighed by future generations not by your peers. I have to say that President Trump went through more bullshit from the citizens of this country than any president since Kennedy or Hoover or Lincoln. President Trump is definitely 4th on the list of greats during tragedy, when the people were against them. But the son of a bitch just kept plugging along, one day at a time. He took on everyone. He had no choice, he stood alone. He was surrounded by traitors in his administration. But that guy never gave up. He is one crazy son of a bitch. Did you know that he got up to work at like 7am? Whereas Obama started at 11am? The White House Press Staff was super pissed off at President Trump for his early work hours. They were loving life on the Obama schedule.
President Trump never said "burn buildings" or you should be rioting in the streets. He didn't say the words that Pelosi and Kamala uttered.
They made up the story of separating children from their parents at the border and for putting them in cages. Yet those cages were made by the Obama administration because people were bitching that the children were getting assaulted and sexually abused by other immigrants that were being held. So the Obama administration built those cages so they could separate the kids from the adults and protect the children. The Democrats completely spun that on it's head and now made it out that the Trump Administration was separating families. Do you know the effort that the Obama administration had to go through change the whole process of holding illegal immigrants and create guidelines to keep them separated. That entire procedure had to be approved by Congress. Overnight all of sudden it was wrong for the Trump Administration to follow Obamas legacy? That's when I felt that this was a vendetta against President Trump, and no matter what he did they were just going to be like my father who just disagrees with me no matter what the topic is. He just doesn't want to be on my side. Even if I say it's a beautiful day he will say it looks like rain. He's just an angry old man, that once said he hates the whole world.
The system of government that we use has worked fine for 250 years. A two party system where either party's leader can only be in power for a minimum of 4 years and a maximum of 8 years offering the other side an opportunity to win the presidency again. It's worked out great for two centuries but all of a sudden when Donald J. Trump won the presidency everyone behaved like a sore loser and was happy doing so in public. Now that I think about it, that in itself has lead to this Age of Hate that we live in, where every voice has to speak up and voice how much they hate something or somebody. No shame in voicing hate speech. Again I don't see that as a good thing. I can't see how a future without tolerance can survive. The hate will just go on and on forever. It's not like it's 80% to 20%, it's 50% to 50%. This is a divide that cannot be mended by any normal means. This is something more severe. I have to assume this is a much larger movement than the 60's which panned out in a very good way. The love did spread for decades but tapered off into the 80's until where we are now.
On racism
Democrats stood up for their cause by burning buildings, and on January 6th Republicans wanted to stand up for their cause and you're condeming them for doing the same thing, yet they didn't even burn any buildings down. I'm left not understanding how you're reconciling that morality. It's hate driven logic at its core and I cannot make sense of it. That's like that commercial where the guy at the business meeting makes a suggestion, then the chief at the end of the table says the same thing but waves his hands around while saying it, and he gets all the credit. The Democrats are the chief waving his hands around. It's so obvious that I'm pretty scared every day living in this country. What I write today could be removed from the internet by a hateful millennial. It already happened to me on Youtube. I merely made a video in January 2022 and I happened to say Ha ha ha the vaccine doesn't stop Omicron. I had just heard from the 19th fully vaccinated and boosted person in my circle that they caught covid, so to me it is of my opinion that the current vaccine doesn't fully prevent Omicron infections. And I think the final proof of that fact is the supporting evidence that Brandon caught Omicron. The same guy that looked America in the face on TV and said "If you're vaccinated, you will not catch Covid". That lie surpasses anything President Trump ever said. That is by far the worst lie that's ever been spoken by a U.S. President. And it boggles my mind that that guy is still in office, and it scares the living hell out of me what the government might do to destroy any citizen of the United States, clearly there's no limit. At times, it's as if we live in North Korea.
propaganda they spread
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novumtimes · 3 months
Mets’ offense erupts to scorch Rangers with season-high 22 hits
ARLINGTON, Texas — Now everybody’s jumping into the mix to turn this into a full-fledged Mets party. On Monday, a lineup that had shown steady improvement over the last month went volcanic for a second straight day, against a different opponent, and furthered the notion this recent turnaround is for real. It’s not just J.D. Martinez. Now it’s Francisco Lindor, Brandon Nimmo and Pete Alonso down…
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Head Coach Bob Stoops & QB Luis Perez Answer Questions from Week 8- Alan Alford Sports Talk Show!!!
Thank you, Head Coach Bob Stoops and QB Luis Perez of the UFL Arlington Renegades for answering my questions today for the Alan Alford Sports Talk Show!!! The Renegades truly battled to against the San Antonio Brahmas this past weekend and fell a little short. Props given @antmcfarland26 for balling out! It's not all bad though!!! ARLINGTON RENEGADES TO RECEIVE 2023 XFL CHAMPIONSHIP RINGS! UFL to present the team with their rings this Friday afternoon. The UFL will present the Arlington Renegades their 2023 XFL Championship rings for their win against the D.C. Defenders last May at the inaugural XFL Championship game. WHO: The entire 2023 Arlington Renegades team, head coach Bob Stoops and the entire coaching staff, along with UFL President and CEO, Russ Brandon. WHEN: Friday, May 24, 2024 from 4-6 pm. WHERE: Troy’s at Texas Live 1650 E Randol Mill, Suite #100 Arlington, TX 76011 Congrats on the Ring Ceremony and Best Wishes against the St. Louis Battlehawks this weekend! The Renegades will return home for week nine of the 2024 UFL regular season. They’ll face off against the St. Louis Battlehawks (6-2 overall, 4-0 XFL) on Saturday, May 25 at 11 a.m. CT at Choctaw Stadium. The game will be broadcast on ABC and ESPN Xtra on SiriusXM. Thank you again, UFL, Arlington Renegades, Head Coach Bob Stoops and QB Luis Perez!!! I tremendously appreciate you all! 💯🏈🙏🏽🎙️🙂 #alanalford #alanalfordsportstalkshow #bobstoops #coachstoops #luisperez #tombrady #ufl #nfl #xfl #usfl #football #athlete #danygarcia #therock
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juarezesdeporte · 10 months
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Arlington, Texas.- Dak Prescott lanzó tres pases de touchdown y los Vaqueros de Dallas extendieron su racha a 14 victorias en casa al superar anoche por 41-35 a los Halcones Marinos de Seattle
El pase de 12 yardas de Prescott a Jake Ferguson le dio la ventaja definitiva a Dallas a 4 minutos y medio del final antes de la revancha de los Vaqueros (9-3) ante Filadelfia, su rival del Este de la Conferencia Nacional y con lo que evitaron su primera derrota desde que perdieron por 28-23 ante las Águilas al inicio del mes.
Geno Smith lanzó tres pases de anotación a D.K. Metcalf, incluyendo uno de 73 yardas y los Halcones Marinos (6-6) volvieron a poner en marcha su ofensiva, pero no fue suficiente para evitar su tercera derrota consecutiva y colocarse .500 por primera vez desde que se repartieron los primeros dos juegos de la campaña.
Brandon Aubrey de Dallas pateó cuatro goles de campo para extender el récord del novato de 28 años a 26 patadas completadas para iniciar su carrera.
Ningún equipo tuvo patadas de despeje, lo que sólo ha sucedido cinco veces en la historia de la NFL. Pero la defensiva de Dallas, que llegó como la tercera mejor de la Liga, llevó a los Halcones Marinos a un cuarto down en sus últimas tres posesiones y los Vaqueros mantuvieron viva la racha más larga de triunfos en casa desde que se llevaron 18 en el Texas Stadium entre 1979 y 1981.
Los Vaqueros perdían 35-30 cuando Zach Charbonnet fue detenido en cuarta y 1 desde la 46 de Dallas. Siete jugadas después, Ferguson anotó y Prescott conectó con Brandin Cooks para la conversión de 2 puntos. Cooks también tuvo una atrapada de touchdown en el segundo cuarto.
CeeDee Lamb tuvo la otra recepción de touchdown y terminó con 12 recepciones para 116 yardas, y su carrera de 24 yardas ayudó a preparar el último gol de campo de Aubrey para poner a Dallas adelante por seis. Eso se produjo después de que Smith lanzara incompleto en cuarta oportunidad cerca del medio campo con 3:11 por jugarse.
(Associated Press)
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diarioelpepazo · 11 months
Saltán al Juego 3 en busca de tomar ventaja en la Serie Mundial  [caption id="attachment_92399" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Foto Cortesía[/caption] Humberto Mendoza Después de dividir honores en Arlington, la Serie Mundial 2023 se muda al Chase Field y tanto los Rangers de Texas como los Cascabeles de Arizona tienen una oportunidad de oro con el tercer enfrentamiento, que se llevará a cabo este lunes 30 de octubre. Los Dbacks llegan ilusionados de hacer respetar la localía después de ganar dos de tres en la pasada Serie de Campeonato frente a los Phillies de Philadelphia. Por su parte, los Vigilantes han demostraron en esta postemporada que juegan mejor en casa ajena y buscarán tomar ventaja,en condición de visitante. El tercer enfrentamiento de una Serie Mundial se ha convertido en un duelo muy cotizado debido a que el ganador de este encuentro en una serie al mejor de siete tiene un 69% de ganar el campeonato en las Grandes Ligas, de acuerdo con FOX Sports MLB. ¿Quiénes serán los abridores en el Juego 3 de la Serie Mundial? Se estará enfrentando la veteranía contra la juventud en este tercer duelo del Clásico de Otoño. Max Schezer será el encargado de subirse en el montículo por los Rangers, mientras que el novato Brandon Pfaadt hará lo propio por el conjunto de Phoenix. El experimentado de los Rangers irá a su cuarta apertura en una Serie Mundial en busca de la segunda victoria de su carrera. Por su parte, el diestro de los Dbacks debutará en estas instancias y buscará su ansiado primer triunfo en su quinta presentación en la postemporada. Experiencia en el Juego 3 de la Serie Mundial Ambos equipos ya saben lo que es disputar un tercer compromiso de un Clásico de Otoño. Los Cascabeles cayeron en su única vez frente a los Yankees de Nueva York en 2001, mientras que los texanos poseen marca de una victoria y un revés tras ganar en 2010 ante los Gigantes de San Francisco y perder contra los Cardenales de San Luis en 2011. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano
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goalhofer · 1 year
2023 Boston Red Sox Roster
#22 Garrett Whitlock (Lilburn, Georgia)
#25 Josh Winckowski (Toledo, Ohio)
#28 Corey Kluber (Coppell, Texas)*
#35 Richard Bleier (Plantation, Florida)*
#37 Nick Pivetta (Saanich, British Columbia)
#40 Gregory Mills (Spokane, Washington)
#41 Chris Sale (Lakeland, Florida)
#46 John Schreiber (Rockwood, Michigan)
#50 Kutter Crawford (Okeechobee, Florida)
#55 Chris Martin (Arlington, Texas)*
#57 Joely Rodríguez (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)*
#61 Kaleb Ort (Lowell, Michigan)
#65 James Paxton (Ladner, British Columbia)*
#66 Brayan Bello (Santa Bárbara de Samaná, Dominican Republic)
#72 Chris Murphy (Los Angeles, California)**
#74 Kenley Jansen (Willemstad, Curaçao)*
#75 Brandon Walter (New Castle, Delaware)**
#76 Zach Kelly (Botetourt County, Virginia)
#78 Joe Jacques (Shrewsbury, New Jersey)**
#83 Brennan Bernardino (Valencia, California)*
#89 Tanner Houck (Collinsville, Illinois)
#3 Reese McGuire (Covington, Washington)
#12 Connor Wong (Pearland, Texas)
#38 Jorge Alfaro (Sincelejo, Colombia)*
#2 Justin Turner (Lakewood, California)*
#5 Enrique Hernández; Jr. (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
#10 Trevor Story (Irving, Texas)
#11 Rafael Devers (Cotuí, Dominican Republic)
#19 Pablo Reyes (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)*
#20 Chang Yu-Cheng (Taitung Chéngshì, Taiwan)
#36 Triston Casas (Plantation, Florida)
#39 Christian Arroyo (Brooksville, Florida)
#43 Raúl Mondesí; Jr. (San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic)*
#7 Yoshida Masataka (Fukui Machi, Japan)**
#16 Jarren Duran (Cypress, California)
#18 Adam Duvall (Louisville, Kentucky)*
#30 Rob Refsnyder (Laguna Hills, California)
#99 Alex Verdugo (Tucson, Arizona)
Manager Alex Cora (Ciudad Caguas, Puerto Rico)
Bench coach Ramón Vázquez (Ciudad Cidra, Puerto Rico)
Hitting coach Peter Fatse (Hampden, Massachusetts)
Assistant hitting coach Luis Ortiz (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
Assistant hitting coach Ben Rosenthal (Phoenix, Arizona)
Pitching coach Dave Bush (Tredyffrin Township, Pennsylvania)
Bullpen coach Kevin Walker (Grand Prairie, Texas)
Bullpen catcher Charlie Madden (Atlanta, Georgia)
Bullpen catcher Mani Martinez (San Pedro De Macoris, Dominican Republic)
Catching/game planning coach Jason Varitek (Altamonte Springs, Florida)
1B/outfield coach Kyle Hudson (Mattoon, Illinois)
3B coach Carlos Febles (El Seibo, Dominican Republic)
Field coordinator Andy Fox (Sacramento, California)
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jennifermnhi · 1 year
Mayor Brandon Johnson meets with Chicago Bears about staying at Soldier Field after doubts about Arlington Heights property [Video]
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youblogzz · 1 year
D-backs' Brandon Pfaadt set for debut vs. Rangers
Arizona Diamondbacks top pitching prospect Brandon Pfaadt is going to have his hands full when he makes his major league debut against the Texas Rangers on Wednesday in Arlington, Texas This rugby coach slap came with an insane punishment | Andy Reacts The Rangers are swinging the bats as well as anyone in baseball. They pounded the New York Yankees and All-Star Nestor Cortes in a 15-2 victory…
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mikalka-me · 1 year
Dallas Welcomes These Guests This Weekend
About Dallas Metro News which is reliable news source:
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Dallas Welcomes These Guests This Weekend
Lyle Lovett & His Acoustic Group, Bluegrass Heritage Festival, The Verdigris Ensemble, Grupo Bronco, Grease! Sing-A-Long Version, and John Ondrasik are scheduled to perform and entertain the audience in North Texas in the coming days.
Lyle Lovett who is known for his unique style is set to grace a three-day affair, starting April 13th to 16th, at the Majestic Theatre. Fans will enjoy and dance to their favorite songs like “Pants Is Overrated”, “That’s Right (You’re Not From Texas)” and “If I Had a Boat” amongst others. Lovers of country music will also have an opportunity to listen to selections of Lyle’s first album in a decade, 12th of June which will be released next month. The talented Hayes Carll will open Lovett’s show on Thursday, April 13th, while Milk Carton Kids and the duo of Sierra Hull and Justin Moses will start the Friday and Saturday shows, respectively. Tickets for the event are available for purchase online.
The Dallas DoubleTree hotel will host The Bluegrass Heritage Foundation’s festival and jam weekend from April 14th -16th. The event promises a packed schedule featuring Po’ Ramblin’ Boys, Bobby Giles & Texas Gales, East Mountain, and Riley Gilbreath & Lone Star Blue. Fans of bluegrass music will also have a chance to take part in “jam with the band” sessions around the hotel. Fans can purchase tickets online.
The Verdigris Ensemble, which includes singer and composer Clara Osowski, along with 26 other choir members, will present an exclusive show from April 14th -16th at Moody Performance Hall. The group will examine the question of what happens to you when you change your mind, using the new music of Iranian American composer Sahba Aminikia, poetry from the mystic Rumi, and art created live by Kevork Mourad. Before attending the show, music enthusiasts are encouraged to read Brian Reinhart’s piece about the show for better insight. To purchase tickets for the show, log in to the website.
Grupo Bronco is one of the most well-known regional Mexican bands worldwide, and lovers of Mexican music can expect to be entertained on April 15th at 8 p.m. at Texas Trust Credit Union Theatre, Grand Prairie. Fans will enjoy listening to the band’s hits, including “Que no quede huella,” “Oro,” “Adoro,” and “Corazón Bandido”. Tickets for the event can be obtained online.
The weekend will wind up with a screening of the hit 1978 movie, “Grease!” at the Majestic Theatre. The sing-a-long screening will be held on April 16th at 5 p.m., and fans can belt out their favorite tunes, including “There Are Worse Things I Could Do”. The tickets for this screening are available online.
On Sunday night, April 16th, Five for Fighting frontman John Ondrasik will grace the stage in Texas for a captivating performance at the Sons of Hermann Hall. The audience will enjoy and sing along to the band’s popular songs, including “Superman (It’s Not Easy),” “100 Years,” and “The Riddle.” Tickets can be purchased online.
Music lovers can also check out a variety of other concerts taking place in North Texas. The list of artists scheduled to perform includes Jo Dee Messina, Partiboi69, Randy Houser, Wage War, M83, Microwave, Brandon Davis, Two Another with Quadry, Keshi, Sullivan King, Yam Haus, Justin Pickard and Thunderbird Winos, Drake Milligan, Kankan, and Ron Pope. Fans can purchase tickets for their preferred concerts by visiting the organizer’s website.
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Business name: Ray's Pest Control
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hsconcretecon · 2 years
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Business Hours: Mon-Sat 8AM-8PM
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juarezesdeporte · 1 year
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Arlington, Texas.- Dak Prescott lanzó para dos touchdowns, Zach Wilson fue interceptado tres veces en su primer juego como titular después de que Aaron Rodgers sufrió una lesión en el tendón de Aquiles que lo dejó fuera toda la temporada y los Vaqueros de Dallas superaron ayer por 30-10 a los Jets de Nueva York
CeeDee Lamb sumó 143 yardas por aire y Brandon Aubrey pateó cinco goles de campo en el segundo encuentro del novato de 28 años y los Vaqueros (2-0) barrieron los dos encuentros ante equipos de Nueva York. Dallas aplastó por 40-0 a los Gigantes en el primer duelo de la temporada.
Wilson lanzó un pase de anotación de 68 yardas a Garret Wilson y con lo que los Jets (1-1) se acercaron a tres puntos en el segundo período y corrió para otras 36 que llevaron a un gol de campo para irse al medio tiempo abajo por ocho puntos.
Pero Nueva York sólo sumó 147 yardas sin incluir ese largo pase de anotación y tuvo cuatro balones perdidos en la segunda mitad que dejó en claro la superioridad de Dallas.
Wilson fue interceptado tres veces por Jayron Kearse, Malik Hooker y Trevon Diggs. La semana pasada Dallas capturó siete veces a Daniel Jones de los Gigantes.
Dalvin Cook perdió un balón suelto cuando Micah Parsons, quien tenía dos capturas, le arrancó el balón de los brazos justo antes de que Cook fuera tackleado. Parsons se levantó y corrió hacia la zona de anotación, pero fue descartado en la revisión.
Los lanzamientos de touchdown de Prescott fueron a alas cerradas, incluido el primer touchdown de su carrera del novato Luke Schoonmaker en una yarda después de que Brandin Echols fuera sancionado por interferencia de pase en la zona de anotación. Jake Ferguson anotó el primero desde 4 yardas.
Con su nuevo compañero Brandin Cooks marginado por una lesión en la rodilla una semana después de su debut en Dallas, Lamb no parecía necesitar mucha ayuda mientras empataba un récord personal con 11 recepciones.
Lamb ayudó a preparar los dos touchdowns de Dallas. La primera fue una recepción de 25 yardas seguida de una de 20 yardas después del touchdown de Garrett Wilson cuando aguantó a pesar de aterrizar en un hombro después de que Tony Adams lo derribara.
Prescott apuntó tanto a Lamb (13 veces, dos menos que el máximo de su carrera) que fue casi demasiado. Sauce Gardner se adelantó a uno de los envíos y habría tenido una intercepción para poner a los Jets al frente antes del medio tiempo, pero el balón se le escapó de las manos.
Prescott completó 31 de 38 para 255 yardas y Tony Pollard tuvo 72 yardas terrestres. Wilson finalizó 12 de 27 para 170 yardas.
10       30
Jets     Vaqueros
Equipo           1         2         3         4         T
Nueva York   0         10       0         0         10
Dallas 7         11       6         6         30
Primer Cuarto
Dal: Ferguson en pase de 4 yardas de Prescott (extra de Aubrey), 9:19
Segundo Cuarto
Dal: Gol de campo de 35 yardas de Aubrey, 9:10
NYJ: G. Wilson en pase de 68 yardas de Z. Wilson (extra de Seibert), 7:12
Dal: Schoonmaker en pase de 1 yarda de Prescott (acarreo de Pollard), 1:52
NYJ: Gol de campo de 34 yardas de Seibert, :04
Tercer Cuarto
Dal: Gol de campo de 21 yardas de Aubrey, 7:24
Dal: Gol de campo de 55 yardas de Aubrey, 5:19
Cuarto Cuarto
Dal: Gol de campo de 26 yardas de Aubrey, 12:23
Dal: Gol de campo de 30 yardas de Aubrey, 8:18
Líderes individuales
NY Jets: Z. Wilson 5-36
Dallas: Pollard 25-72
NY Jets: Z. Wilson 12-27-3-170
Dallas: Prescott 31-38-0-255
NY Jets: G. Wilson 2-83
Dallas: Lamb 11-143
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desi4018 · 2 years
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