#brandon yarrow
lenreli · 2 months
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wizardofgoodfortune · 2 years
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FERDINAND KINGSLEY as BRANDON YARROW Midsomer Murders, S22E01: The Wolf Hunter of Little Worthy dedicated to the anon in @softest-punk's inbox
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teejaystumbles · 2 years
Brandon Yarrow is such a pushover, his wife is making eyes at another guy and still he supports her esoteric new age venture, gave up his career for her dream, stays and tries his best even though the mother-in-law kinda blames him for her daughter's ideas - I have too many feels about a single episode character in a mediocre crime show
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Closed Starter: Going to Be Okay (James/Ciri/Bonuses)
He's through the woods as fast as his legs can carrying him, clearing obstacles including a small flame, coughing but not stopping, never stopping.
He has to find her.
There is no other option.
James coughs as he bursts through the treeline, seeing her, not even seeing the others, running straight up--
Hitting a barrier and backing off slightly, his hand coming to his head, shaking himself off quickly and recovering. "CIRI!"
Cora looks up, alarmed. What the--? She looks to her brothers. Cal looks surprised and a bit confused.
Meredith has her head down, arms curled over her head. She'd stopped crying a long while ago. She didn't have any tears left. She doesn't look up at the cry. She didn't have any hope left, either.
Brandon Breyer glances to his sister and her counterpart, raising an eyebrow. Was that... his uncle, at a younger age?
Maruca's eyes widen and she looks to Atlas. They'd finally made it out here, for all the good it had been. Wylie looks up, lighting up with hope. It had to be, didn't it?
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rist-ix · 2 years
"Yarrow is a symbol for being brave, courageous and saying I love you in spite of everything"... now that last meaning is it from Valtor to Bloom or what he wishes she'll come to say to him?
First of all, kudos to you for getting the exact part I wanted y'all to see! Secondly, I actually didn't pick these symbols to stand for like, secret messages to pass between characters. Valtor didn't plant them, and I seriously doubt he’d knew what symbolism they’d have, be it on Earth or in the MD. This is more of a non-diegetic easter egg for readers, a visual nudge towards the themes of the chapter and the things that pass unspoken. 
For the ones who didn't check it out yet, I've compiled them here!
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That one is pretty straight forward. Abundant power, the end of winter, rebirth and growth, just as Domino starts melting a little... Bunch of good things ahead!
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((((((foreshadowing intensifies))))) also I really liked the achilles connection, who was completely indestructible and only had a single place where he was vulnerable. The obvious interpretation would be that this means Valtor, who had thought himself in complete control of the situation until Brandon called his bluff, and I like that! But I also think it could fit Bloom, who played herself up as this divine, all-powerful warrior in order to seem useful, only to be revealed as completely powerless in the moment. 
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Yeah no I have no idea who this could possibly address, truly a mystery
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alterrune · 2 years
Operation: Hounds Slumber begins.
We’ll be going after Justin’s and Nicholas’s organization, The Blackjacks next.
Here’s what we got.
The Blackjacks are split up into 5 Squadrons. Each Squadron consists of rogue agents from international agencies and from Laurence’s old agency as well. Be careful, as they’re Highly trained and murderously efficient. With the best skills, tech, and training in the world, they're one of the most dangerous predators among the Trinity of Fate that you will be facing.
Shadow Tide:
A group of paramilitary warlords bent on using their combat expertise and overwhelming firepower to dominate their enemies and expand their territory. Smart and organized, Shadow Tide is led by a former US Army officer whose ruthlessness and combat prowess make she and her combatants a horrifying force.
Leader: Molly "Jupiter" Henderson
1st Captain: Chadwick "Neptune" Brandon III
2nd Captain: Lucy "Venus" Anders
1st Lieutenant: Mary "Saturn" Masters
2nd Lieutenant: Ryan "Mercury" Chang
Burnway’s Legacy:
Bitter survivors and agents of a forced quarantine bent on revenge against those who brutally imprisoned them and the society that stood by and let it happen. Their charismatic, bloodthirsty leader believes everyone is complicit and urges her followers to punish the guilty by spreading sickness and murdering indiscriminately.
Leader: Carter "Hornet" Leroux
1st Captain: Lori "Termite" Baker
2nd Captain: Tegan "Luna" Silver
1st Lieutenant: Elija "Huntsman" Le
2nd Lieutenant: Jason "Titan" Barnes
Concealed Agenda:
Escaped prisoners and agents from High Security Prison’s, these hardened criminals are led by dangerous leaders and individuals. They take what they want from the wreckage of the world, determined to live like kings and queens. With no love for their enemies and no mercy for anyone they come across, they rule parts of the world through blood and fear.
Leader: Bardon “Vanguard” Breener
1st Captain: Marley "Shade" Yarrow
2nd Captain: Sueko "Wraith" Tanagi
1st Lieutenant: Linette "Dusk" Edwards
2nd Lieutenant: Skyler "Belfry" Williams
End of Watch:
A private military squadron who’s members were originally protect certain corporate assets. End of Watches agents and operatives were abandoned by their clients once the quarantine hit. They have placed huge chunks of The Word under their version of martial law.
Leader: Faye “Tusk” Lau
1st Captain: Bridgette "Viper" Douglas
2nd Captain: Felix "Kestrel" Sokolov
1st Lieutenant: Dustin "Magnus" Xavier
2nd Lieutenant: Alicia "Circe" Coswald
Warlords of the Blackjacks:
The secret Warlords of the Blackjacks contractor with ties to political and industrial leaders. They are comprised of elite soldiers that have a long history of working with the U.S. government. Their primary objective is to neutralize The Toppats and GEOGRAM and take control of Altering the Outcome.
Leader: Justin and Nicholas
1st Captain: Vivian “Scarecrow” Conley
2nd Captain: Javier “Rainer” Kajika
1st Lieutenant: James “Warden” Dragov
2nd Lieutenant: Theo “Vulture” Parnell
Eliminate 4 Squadrons to draw out The Warlords of the Blackjacks.
(The five of us are being flown out by Charles again, currently flying over the base first squadron on the hitlist, the Shadow Tide.)
Alright guys, here's the plan. Just like last time, you'll parachute down to the base and enter through the top. This time, I'll land my helicopter in a secure area where they won't detect me on their radar, instead of crashing it, as this chopper isn't one of my usual disposable ones.
Great. We doing this?
Actually, I have some intel on the place that you should know. Apparently the base has some kind of signal jammer-type system that blocks all spirits, beast forms, and exoskeleton abilities from working...but Kyle isn't on that blacklist. Your brothers apparently didn't think you'd get anything like that, too, so you can use your abilites as much as you'd like.
Nice. Let's move, team.
(We all jump out of the helicopter and land on the roof. Violet tries to use Leadhead to cut a hole in the roof, but the power-blocker seems to have blocked Violet's sword from working, too.)
Drat! Kyle, can you write anything with that pen of yours?
You bet I can.
(I quickly whip out my fountain pen spirit, Storyteller, write the words "entryway hatch" on the roof's surface, and the words turn into a hatch we can go through, which we all do. Upon entry, we all see a door that says "Meeting Room". I kick open the door, and we find that all 20 of the squadrons' leaders are there. I quickly use Storyteller again and write "beanbag chair", which spawns in a beanbag chair for me to relax in while the CSB handle each squadron's leaders.)
Ahhh...nice to finally relax. It's not like I don't want to help the CSB, I'd already be up if that was the case. However, this time they don't need my help at the moment, so I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the bloodbath.
(Not too long after, the CSB win the fight. The CSB didn't kill any of them, but they did heavily injure them, with all of them having at least two broken limbs. I suddenly notice a microphone on the desk which says "P.A. System Mic" on it. I quickly grab it and start speaking over the loudspeakers.)
Hello, Blackjacks! This is Kyle Gibbons, representative of the ColorStreak Battalion speaking. We just seriously wounded your leaders. They're not dead, but if you don't allow us to leave here and unconceal the location of this base, we will kill them. Trust us, we'd really rather not kill them.
(I cut the mic, and they comply with our demands. We walk out of the front door of the building, and I pin up a written note onto a corkboard near the entrance that my brothers were using for plan ideas, given the label that says "POSSIBLE PLAN IDEAS" placed above it. We then head to Charles' heli, and he is absolutely THRILLED with our work.)
That. Was. Insane. You guys are amazing with this stuff!
Hey, don't sell yourself short, Charles. You did pretty good, too.
Agreed. You've got some serious skills when you're in the air, Charles.
Aw, shucks, you guys...Anyways, let's head back to the base. Aaron is gonna love this!
Achievement Set Unlocked: "Operation: Hounds Slumber"
Achievement Unlocked: "House Of Blackjack Cards"
(My brothers, Nicholas Zingone and Justin Gibbons, head to the base. They open the door to find that they've been hit by us!)
What the---?! Oh my god, you're kidding me. They got us?!
(sigh) Figures. We leave the base for only a few minutes to get some supplies, and Kyle and his little ragtag group of OC misfits hit us.
Wait...what's that on the corkboard?
(Justin sees the note I left, takes it off the corkboard, and reads it with Nick.)
Hey guys! Been a while since we had a little family reunion like this, hasn't it?
Me and the ColorStreak Battalion were a bit rough with some of the guests, though. They were apparently "squadron leaders" for you? Whatever the case, we didn't kill them, but I'm pretty sure they'll be in full-body casts for...I dunno. A month? Maybe two? Anyways, I'm glad to hear you two are in town, because the reunion's not over. If anything, this party's just getting started.
✍🏼Kyle Gibbons()✍🏼
(Nick grabs the note, turns it into a paper airplane, then hands it to Justin, who flies it into a nearby file cabinet marked "Items That May Come In Handy Later".)
He always knows how to get under our skin...
Yeah, he does. And I hate it.
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primroseprime2019 · 4 years
Bloodlines-Chapter 1: Blood Moon Ball
Tennille and I walked through the town. I was awed at how many people there were and lucky for me, I wasn't claustrophobic.
Tennille let out an annoyed yet bored groan, "I don't get why we are spending the day in New Orleans' biggest tourist trap." Her crow familiar, Yarrow, was on her shoulder and she flapped her wings with a caw.
"I think it's nice," I said, "my mom likes this place."
Tennille only huffed as she looked around. Everyone was preoccupied, buying and selling merchandise from markets. "Tch," she scoffed, "what are we, witches? Why would Vampires need blood magic anyway?"
I sent her a look of disapproval, "stop that. You sound a lot like Uncle Gabriel whenever he talked like that."
"Yeesh, don't even joke about that Paige," Tennille smirked teasingly, waving her hand dismissively, "any luck with finding a boyfriend or girlfriend for the Blood Moon Ball tonight?" My eyes widened as my cheeks turned red and I looked away flustered.
Tennille cracked up, holding her sides, "oh my Lord! You really have!”
"Sh-shut up," I stammered as I started to walk ahead, "Natalia suggested that I do before the ball. And you know I'm unsure about my-Oof!" I yelped as I bumped into something. Or rather... someone. I moved back and looked up to see a pair of dark red eyes glaring down at me. I instantly knew who it was: Mordecai Firetide. He was the same age as Jamisen and the two came from both religious families. Only Jamisen's family was more brighter and caring while Mordecai's family hid in the dark and cared for the poor and hissed at the rich.
It wasn't the fact that Brandon Brightkeep and Mordecai Firetide hated each other, it was the fact that Brandon was stronger than him and they got into a fight when Me, Griffin and Harry were thirteen. Mordecai resented Brandon and he hardly ever talked to me.
"Hey," I was brought out of her thoughts and looked to Mordecai who frowned at me and pushed me back, making me step back, "mind giving me some space, oddball?"
"Oh shut up Mordecai," Tennille scoffed, "why don't you apologize? She bumped into you so why don't you apologize for pushing her away?"
Mordecai frowned and he looked back at me. He seemed to have a skeptical light in his eyes yet whether it was from curiosity or disdain, I couldn't tell. "I don't apologize to half breeds," he said before he turned and walked away.
Tennille growled and she stepped forward but I placed my hand on her shoulder to stop her before she did anything rash. "Tennille, don't," I said firmly.
"That asshole should learn his lesson though," she scoffed, "and we all know I'm the one to give it to him." I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Tennille had taken karate lessons in the school gym; something Natalia and I both despised. Vampires may be hunters but they are natural-born fighters.
And our leader, Jocelyn Fairchild, knew it. All of the Vampires looked up to her because she were the first to bring the Vampiric system back to life underneath the light of a full moon. She knew harmony and chaos, life and death, and love and hate. Everyone looked up to her but not my uncle Gabriel. He had envied her and it had cost him his life.
Tennille and I had made it back into the house. I closed the door behind my and took my shoes off. I could smell the scent of cupcakes in the air.
"Hi Paigey," my Mom, Latosha Proudwine, called out from the kitchen.
"Hi Mama," I said as I walked into the kitchen. I gently patted my cat familiar, Primrose, on the back, making her look up at me and meow before she stood up and stretched out. I couldn't help but chuckle at the angle she had put herself in. It was funny and pretty cute in a way.
"So how was your walk?" Mom asked. I chewed on the inside of my cheek. Did I really have to know about the run-in with Mordecai? Then again, this was my mom. She was the best person to turn to.
"Me and Tennille had a run-in with Mordecai Firetide," I said. That was when I realized how silent my mother suddenly went. A bead of sweat ran down my temple and I jumped when Mom turned to me.
"What did he do?" She asked, her tone icy. I stared at her. "H-huh?" I murmured dumbfounded.
Mom frowned and moved towards me, giving me a start as I stepped backwards but my backside hit the edge of the table and Mom suddenly grasped my wrists.
"What. Did. He. Do?" She asked. I could almost feel the heat of my mom's anger on my skin and it scared me.
"N-nothing," I stammered, "he pushed me aside and called me a half breed and h-he left." Mom stared down at me hard with piercing red eyes and I stared back. It wasn't until the timer broke her stare and she turned her head towards the oven.
"As long as he didn't hurt you, I'm relieved," she said, walking to the oven. I bit my lip, suddenly regretting telling her in the first place.
"Paige?" I looked to Primrose who stared up at me in concern. I could feel my heart pounding and I didn't know what to do so I scooped Primrose up into my arms and hurried out of the kitchen.
As I came into the living room, I nearly bumped into Demetrius and his crow familiar Shadow. "Whoa-heh. Hey sis," he said sheepishly before he noticed the weary and frightened look on my face.
"A-are you okay?" He asked concerned. I took a deep breath and nodded.
The others were outside in the backyard so we went there. Harry was playing soccer with Shiloh and Marley.
"Hey," Griffin said, looking at us. "Hey." I smiled. His wolf familiar, Firestorm, looked up at us before he looked away, keeping an eye on the other familiars. Vampires had always summoned their familiars at a teen age.
I held Primrose in her arms as I watched Harry spar with Charlotte. It was quite the friendly game between the two since they were kids.
"You guys ready for the Blue Moon Ball?" Harry asked as he blocked a punch from Charlotte.
"Hell yeah," Natalia grinned, "Uriel Silverheart is taking me."
"Felicity Wildsmith is coming with me," Griffin said, waving his hand dismissively.
"I'm taking Molly Moonmill." Harry smirked, "the girl of the century."
Charlotte rolled her eyes and shook her head, "yeah and you two are quick to have sex than talk." Natalia, Tennille and Jonah cracked up at her words as Harry's face turned red.
"Girl, shut the Hell up!" He snapped, completely flustered as Marley and Shiloh laughed alongside Natalia, Tennille and Jonah.
Griffin rolled his eyes and shook his head. I chuckled softly as Dad walked over to them.
"Hi Dad," Shiloh waved at him. "Hello Shiloh," Dad chuckled, ruffling his head.
He looked to Griffin and I, "you two getting anxious for tonight?"
"Dad, we've been to these events since we were kids," Griffin said matter-of-factly as he gave him a skeptical look, "I'm pretty sure we can handle this."
"Besides, the only one who's anxious to go is Paige," Harry said, pointing at me and I glared at him as his wolf familiar, Nightcrawler, snickered. Echo hissed at him, her fur bristling and fluffing up, her teeth bared.
Charlotte quickly ran her hand over her back to calm her down. Echo was never fond of Nightcrawler, and Dad, Charlotte, Harry and I never knew why.
"Let her be Harry," Dad chuckled, "it's okay to be nervous. Just be yourself and have fun."
"Wait, you're not coming?" Marley asked. Dad shuffled his feet, biting his bottom lip, "well... no. I mean, Queen Jocelyn did say that this time the Blood Moon Ball was for children."
"We're not children!" Harry exclaimed hotly, waving his fist in protest and Charlotte rolled her eyes before she smacked him in the back of his head, eliciting a yelp from him.
Marley then clung to Dad's arm, her face contorted in anger, "this wasn't part of the deal!"
Dad raised an eyebrow, "what deal exactly?" He pulled his arm out of Marley's grip. "The parents went over it and Princess Clary and Prince Jonathan are hosting it."
"Clary and Jonathan? Of all people?" Natalia said in confusion.
"Does that surprise you?" Dad asked. Natalia waved her hand in a so-so motion.
"Just remember to have fun," he chuckled before he went back into the house. I traveled my gaze down towards the ground as I silently sighed. Fun. In my heart, I knew tonight wasn't going to be fun. At least... not to me.
Tonight was the night all the teens went to the ballroom. The castle wasn't very far from here yet the guards were driving the carriages at the time.
Me and my siblings wore different clothes. The boys were wearing black, blue and red tuxedos while me and the girls wore dresses. Natalia wore a pink dress with purple, blue and white paint splotches on the bottom and her hair was tied into a bun.
Charlotte was wearing a dark purple and black striped dress with musical notes on the bottom. Her dress was up to her knees and her hair was in a braid. She had it like that ever since she was six years old and Harry had went so far as to calling her Katniss Everdeen on a regular daily basis. No doubt would he do it again.
Kaitlin was wearing a blue dress with pink pearls on the sleeves. Her hair was down and a bit curly. Regardless of that, she was really beautiful.
Tennille wore a yellow and black dress that was down to her knees and she wore a cyan-colored necklace. Her hair was tied into two braided ponytails.
Marley was wearing a white and black dress that had crescent moons on the top and her dress was down to her ankles like mine. Her hair was tied into two pigtails which Mom thought was adorable.
Then finally me. I wore a dark red dress with black lining on the chest part. It revealed my shoulders and half of my chest but not the entirety of it which was somewhat a welcome relief for both me and Griffin, along with Mom. The dress was down to my feet and it had a short white lace, almost like a wedding dress. My hair was down past my shoulders and it was slightly curly.
"Wow!" Marley squealed, "you look amazing!" My cheeks turned red and a small quivering smile appeared on her lips. We heard the horses outside so we all hurried down to go, saying bye to our parents.
While me and my siblings were on the carriage, while my brothers and sisters chattered on and on excitedly, I tuned them out, staring at the window, an uneasy feeling of fear gnawing at my stomach.
Once we made it to the castle, everyone had got to meet their girlfriends and boyfriends and started to walk inside. I stood by the doors and I watched silently.
A dark chuckle made me tense slightly. "My, oh my," a familiar voice said as hands ghosted over my shoulders, my skin, "what do we have here?" I looked over her shoulder to see Brandon Brightkeep. He was wearing a dark red tuxedo with a white flower on the chest part.
"H-hi Brandon," I said, a small hint of fear in my voice. I had every reason to be afraid of Brandon; he was one Hell of a killer and almost everyone knew it. He just had to be kept under watch because of a few... incidents. It was surprising that he was basically allowed to stay in the city despite the fact that he had almost literally burned down Brightburn, Kansas to the ground. "Sh-shouldn't you be with someone else?" It was a dumb question and I knew it was because he gave a soft huff.
"The bitch decided to ditch me," he said. "Language," I said, playfully punching him in the arm, making him laugh.
"Alright, alright. Don't go Captain America on me," he said, "let's go inside. I bet Princess Clarissa already started the dance." "She's not a princess, dude." They turned to see Ryland coming over to us. "You know what I mean," Brandon huffed before he smirked at his brother teasingly, "what, no date?"
"Shut up," Ryland said with his eyes narrowed.
I couldn't help but laugh as the three walked inside. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad. Unbeknownst to me, something bad was going to happen on the night of the Blue Moon Ball. A shadow-like creature stood on a roof, watching the moon. It's bright red eyes glinted in the moonlight before it disappeared out of sight.
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I’m posting a preview of the next chapter of Know The Love - Part II. This chapter is taking me longer to write than I anticipated, and I have a crazy busy week coming up at work, so it is looking less and less likely that I’ll have the full thing posed to Ao3 as soon as I would like. 
So, I thought I’d share the WIP to anyone who follows me on Tumblr, below the cut: 
Sansa relaxed into the hot, spring-fed bath, settling back until only her lips and nose breached the steamy surface. She closed her eyes, remembering.
Jon, what are you trying to tell me? That there's another secret Targaryen, vying for the Iron Throne?
(Not a trueborn Targaryen…)
Stars danced behind her lids.
(And he has no interest in ruling the Seven Kingdoms, I promise you.) What are you saying?
Slipping completely below the water, she let the weight of his secret pull her down.
(I keep telling you…I'm not a Stark. I'm not your brother, Sansa. Trueborn or half.) Stop, Jon. You're the very image of father. (It is not uncommon for a nephew to resemble his uncle.)
Days had passed since Jon's revelation, but her blood still pounded in her ears, hot and heady, like he'd only just told her. It had taken her a foolishly long time to understand what Jon was trying to say as she stared at him across his solar, her eyes flitting helplessly to Lord Reed, who only gazed back, stoic as ever.
(Lord Eddard was my uncle.) But you're too young to be Uncle Brandon's, and Uncle Benjen was too young to be a father…
Jon looked pained as understanding reached her at last. Her chest strained, painfully.
You're Lyanna's...Winter's rose. (Yes.) Stolen by the Dragon Prince. …and Rheagar Targaryen's… (Bastard.)
When he said it, she had been too thrown, too off balance to hear the loathing Jon bit into the word. The ground had shifted beneath her feet, the sky slanting so she was sliding down once more, drowning, and all she had the sense to ask, in a keening breathless voice, was, Who else knows?
"Sansa!" Her name came, muffled, through the water, but when hands disturbed the warm void, grasping at her arms, she woke from her reverie and resurfaced with a gasp. "For heavens sakes, Sansa! Are you trying to scare me witless! I'm already frantic over Theon's trial." She blinked into Jeyne's concerned, fire agate eyes, as rivulets raced down her brow and into her heavy lashes.
"Sorry Jeyne, I was only daydreaming," she sighed.
"I implore you, dream with your head above the water, please." Jeyne stood, shaking her head and frowning at her now soaking sleeves. "You're as bad as Arya used to be when we'd swim in the godswood. She'd challenge the other girls to try and hold their breath as long as she. Once, long after the others had given up, she floated to the surface, face down. When I turned her over, with tears burning my eyes, mind you, Ayra sprang to life, spouting water in my face, cackling like the Crone."
"I was just wetting my hair, not attempting a lark." Sansa squeezed her heavy locks, before twisting them together over the tub's edge, to dry.
"Be that as it may, you are not a fish, Sansa. You won't sprout gills beneath the surface if you stay down too long. You'll drown."
"Duly noted." She closed her eyes again, trying to recall her train of thought, but Jeyne continued prodding.
"Are you feeling well, my lady? You're flushed."
"Of course I'm flushed. I'm poaching in a steaming bath." Irritation seeped into her voice, and she glanced at her friend, contrite. Jeyne did not deserve her sullen mood. Theon's trial was only a few hours away, and Jeyne had stayed awake half the night, fretting over him. Now, she was fretting over Sansa.
"It's only, you haven't seemed entirely yourself, the past few days. You've been-"  Spinning like a top into oblivion? "-distracted."
When Sansa rose, Jeyne and one of her maids came to either side, wrapping her in a robe and helping her step from the copper tub. She laced her fingers through Jeyne's, relaxing her face into an easy smile. "I suppose I'm just tired. In the songs, they always leave out the verses where Jonquil spends her days mediating the lords' petty disputes or counting sacks of grain." Jeyne squeezed back.
"Well, when your Florian returns, you must beseech the king to appoint someone else to those duties. You and your knight will need time to reacquaint yourselves." She winked, playfully, and Sansa's belly dropped. She had no Florian; only an over-eager, impatient heir with more ambition than advantage, and a trail of ruined women behind him…and ahead. He was due back to Winterfell any day, after a decisive victory at the Dreadfort. Her stomach roiled at the thought, but she mustered a smile, nonetheless.
"Alas, the king works harder than us all. He does not deserve a princess who eschews her duties for any knight, especially while she is still wed to another."
Jeyne pushed her to her vanity, where her maids began to dress her. "Where is the romance in that, princess? Think on it. This may be your only chance for a true love affair." Sansa gaped at her friend, scandalized. "And wouldn't it be sweet, to be lovers first, before you are man and wife?" It would not be sweet. She'd had a glimpse at what an affair with Harry would entail, and she saw no appeal, with him.
"I must stay a maid, to annul my marriage to Tyrion," she reminded her friend, who only pursed her lips a moment, before responding.
"There are ways to take a lover and still preserve your maidenhead." Jeyne whispered, and Sansa marveled at the young woman's coy suggestion. After all she had endured, Jeyne had a spirit as hardy and irrepressible as the yellow yarrow that spread across the North in the summer, sprouting wherever the sun kissed the earth, from barrow to marsh, ditch to crag, no matter the quality of the soil or the quantity of rain. It stirred something within Sansa, and her cheeks burned at Jeyne's bold words. She pressed her eyes shut, but it was not the Young Falcon she imagined, standing before her. Grey eyes caught her. A kiss, searing and too brief, whispered across her lips.  See? What consumes you, devastates me too.
I'm not your brother, Sansa.
Her eyes snapped open. She was being foolish, to conflate the Jon she knew before with the Jon she knew now. The Jon who chased her smiling lips with his own down a dark corridor, and burned through her restraint over darker waters, was wooing a different woman. The Jon she knew now had only meant to convey essential information to the only family left to him.
Who else knows? (That lives? Myself. Howland. Now…you. Your father was the only other, as far as we know. Sansa, this is a dangerous secret. The kind that starts wars and kills thousands.)
As if she didn't understand. Only minutes before, the northern lords had packed Jon's solar, railing against two unknown Targaryens, half a world away. She knew how the North viewed the disgraced house. Madmen. Rapists. Inbred Dragonspawn. If they learned that their own king, already holding together a fragile kingdom, was the son of the man who had kidnapped and raped the beloved Lyanna Stark, sparking the flames that led to Brandon and Lord Rickard's deaths and a rebellion that changed the face of Westoros…why, they would turn on Jon like rabid dogs.
Then, why are you telling me? She had asked him, eyes flying again to Howland in desperation.
(No more secrets, remember? We promised.) He had looked at her with such intensity that she was forced to look away once more, imploring Lord Reed for assistance.
If anyone else finds out, you'll lose the North! She turned to Jon. You must remain Ned Stark's son. The lords will never back a Targaryen. The look in Jon's eyes was positively mutinous as his advisor nodded back at her, and she continued to shake her head, in horror.
(You think I don't know that! That's why I'm telling you. You, of all people should know whose claim you are actually backing. There is still time-) No! You are still a Stark. This changes nothing.
But it changed everything. She had fled Jon's solar a short time later, her thoughts too jumbled to handle more than an awkward pledge to keep his secret safe and a hasty word of gratitude that he had entrusted her with his true identity. Only now, after days of strained interactions, and painfully polite run-ins with the king, did she begin to understand. She had asked the wrong questions and offered only the weakest absolution. You are still a Stark. This changes nothing.
Later, she observed him, from a distance, in the Great Hall, as the lords and ladies filtered in for the upcoming trials. The king stood apart, head bowed in discussion with Val, who had returned with the Ironmen held in Torrhen's Square. Though Sansa had never seen a Targaryen in the flesh, Jon had none of their oft-recited characteristics. In the dim light, his dark brown hair and grey eyes appeared as black as the cloak resting on his shoulders, his face as long and drawn as the stone kings of winter standing sentinel deep beneath their feet. It would be easier to believe Ned Dayne was a secret Targaryen, for whatever Prince Rheagar had left Jon, it was buried deep inside.
Now, questions burned at her lips. What really happened to Lyanna? How did Jon come to be raised by Howland Reed? And how long had he known the truth of his birth? And how did he feel about it? How did her father feel about it? And why had he not shared the secret with her mother? Perhaps, these were the questions she should have asked when Jon first told her the truth. Perhaps she should have asked them at any point in the past few days, when the revelation was new and her curiosity would be expected. But, whenever there was a moment where they found themselves alone, her body would rebel with unknowable emotion and her heart would beat in her like a caged bird in her chest, her tongue heavy and thick in her mouth, and she would flee the room before whatever was growing within her, had an opportunity to bloom.
"Princess, are you well?" She startled at Baelish's words, too close, before tilting her eyes away from Jon to the lord beside her.
"Quite, my lord. And you?"
"Quite. They make a stunning pair, do they not?"
"Hm?" She asked, distractedly as Baelish's lips twisted in a knowing smirk.
"Why the king and the wilding princess, of course. Were you not just watching them?" His eyes narrowed, and she flashed Jon and Val another glance, before smiling faintly back at the lord.
"I hadn't noticed where my eyes has settled. I was lost in thought, my lord."
"Hm. Well, still, my questions stands. Would not the wilding princess make a fine wife for your half-beast brother?"
"Half-beast?" She raised an eyebrow. "Be careful with your words, Lord Baelish. There are those that would take offence to you speaking of your king so." Her voice was mild, though, and his green eyes glinted slyly back at her.
"I meant no harm, my Princess. The north will need a fierce, beastly leader to keep its hard-fought independence. Eyes in King's Landing may be turned inward for now, but that cannot last forever…And you still evade my question. What do you think of my match?"
"Val is no princess and Jon has already more or less gained the wildings support. He needs a wife with more to offer."
"Ah. In that case, here comes another enticing option." Sansa followed Baelish's eyes to Lady Wynyfryd Manderly, gliding into the Great Hall in a gown of deep blue, offset by a string of rose pearls gracing her slender neck. She stopped before the king, falling into a graceful curtsy and Sansa watched Jon's eyes sweep down her form with a sour taste in her mouth. "As I understand it, the king in the North has still not fully won over his wealthiest, most well-connected lord. There can be no argument against the advantages in him marrying the Manderly maid."
Satin caught Sansa's eye across the hall, gesturing for her to take her place. "Excuse me, my lord, it looks like the trial will soon commence."
Before she could extricate herself, however, Baelish leaned close, whispering, "Careful little bird. He is your brother. Unnatural relations have toppled kingdoms more stable than his." She pulled away, her heart racing and legs weak.
I am not your brother, Sansa.
He should never have told her.  
She barely registered the accusations against Asha Greyjoy, Theon's sister, and the leader of the Ironborn who invaded Deepwood Motte and were defeated by Alyssane Mormont. Beside her, the king sat, just as in the previous trial, but this time his hand did not bridge the distance between them, nor did she reach out for him. Instead, she sat, staring out at the accused, yet seeing nothing. She was frightened. Littlefinger already watched them with suspicious eyes, and now she suspected Jon's secret was writ across her face every time she looked at the king. He should never have told her. It was hard enough to see him as her brother when she believed it to be true. Now, she didn't know how to meet his eyes.
She was snapped to attention when Asha Greyjoy was given a chance to answer to the charges against her.
"I'll take the black." She called out, with a wry smirk.
Sansa felt Jon's eyes light on her, but she stared straight ahead, so he responded. "There are no women in the Night's Watch."
"Well then, I choose freedom." The crowd chittered, and once again Jon tried to catch Sansa's eye before Asha continued. "I heard you let the Frey men, men who aided in raping women and mutilating children, choose the black, yet I, who simply held a castle that had been abandoned by its lord, and kept my men from harming a single hair on an innocent's head, am not afforded the same opportunity? Because I don't have a cock between my legs?"  Gasps from the crowd. "Where is the honor in that?"
"And if we banish you from the North, you'll only return one day to raid our lands again. It's a tired tale. The Ironborn's broken promises." Jon called.
"Well then. I suppose you'll have to take me as a thrall…though again, I thought the North was too honorable for an arrangement so close to slavery." Her tone was mocking, and Sansa looked closer at the Ironborn woman. She was lean and long legged, in black breeches, her short black hair, tied loosely at her neck, revealing a thin face and a hawkish nose, tempered by a wickedly impertinent grin. "I suppose you have only two options left, Wolf King. Take off my head or take me to bed."
Again, the crowd chittered, and Sansa burned. The Greyjoy captive was making a mockery of their justice.
"As fascinating as your offer is," Jon answered, "the wolf is not tempted by the squid." The crowd truly laughed this time, but he rose, cutting them off. "Asha Greyjoy, you are hereby fined five thousand gold dragons. Until which time the debt is paid in full, you are forbidden from leaving our lands. You are free to live and to earn your repayment by any lawful means, though if you should break our laws again, I will be taking your head."
The Hall stood silent now, and Sansa hazarded a glance in the king's direction. His face was calm but stern, and there was no uncertainty to find on his face. After a moment he nodded to Maege, who prodded her men-at-arms to action, cutting away the Greyjoy's wrist binds.
"And what of my men?" Asha asked, before she could be fully dismissed from the Hall.
"I suggest they choose the black," was all Jon offered before holding a hand out to Sansa. "Bring the other Greyjoy. We'll resume shortly." Sansa stood, and let herself be led into the privacy of the gallery.
"Are you well, my Princess?" He asked, as soon as the door closed behind them.
"What…yes, of course. Why does everyone keep asking me that?" She couldn't meet his eye. He was standing too close. She could feel herself flushing. Everything was flushing. She tried to step away, but his hand was at her elbow.
"You lie." He murmured, low, and why was she so warm? "It upsets you. That I'm not a Stark."
"You are a Stark." She snapped, still trying to pull away subtly, but he only led her closer to the checkered windows.
"Sansa," His words came out in an anguished flood. "My grandfather murdered your uncle and grandfather. My father raped your aunt. You have every right to be upset. I'll give up the crown. Just say the words and I'll make you queen. I'll leave the north. Just tell me what you want me to do." He didn't understand anything, and he was standing too close.
"Jon!" She hissed. "You are not my enemy. Your grandfather murdered your uncle and grandfather as well! Your father…" Why must he be so obtuse? "Lyanna Stark was your mother. You are a Stark, regardless of who your father was. I've already told you, this changes nothing. You are King in the North! I want you to be king." It felt like her veins were lifting from her body.
"Then why can't you look at me? Why do you flinch every time I draw near? You hate that I'm a Targaryen. Admit it. It is I who should be standing before you in the Great Hall, to answer for the crimes of my family." A shiver ran down her spine and she pulled away once more, trying to think of anything that wouldn't reveal her true thoughts.
"You are mistaken." She blinked up at him, trying to disprove his point, and it would be so much easier if he weren't looking at her like he was; like her words mattered, like her opinions mattered. And it would also be easier too, if he didn't have so much power over her, she admitted weakly to herself; if she didn't notice the breadth of his shoulders as he leaned closer, or the way his lashes seemed impossibly long around his smoky grey eyes.
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xtruss · 4 years
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In June, graffiti supporting calls for the Univeristy of Cambridge to remove a stained glass window memorializing statistician Ronald Fisher, a supporter of eugenics, appeared on a campus building. The university later removed the Fisher window. AP IMAGES
Amid Protests Against Racism, Scientists Move to Strip Offensive Names From Journals, Prizes, and More! “Dismantling White Supremacism in Science Has Taken on a New Urgency.”
— By Eli Cahan | July 2, 2020
*Update, 6 July: This story has been updated to include the American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology’s decision to change the name of its flagship journal, Copeia, to Ichthyology and Herpetology beginning with the first issue of 2021. It also includes the Entomological Society of America’s decision to change the name of its student trivia competition.
*Update, 3 July: This story has been updated to include Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's decision to remove the name of biologist James Watson from its graduate program.
For Earyn McGee, terminology matters.
McGee, a herpetologist, studies the habitat and behavior of Yarrow’s spiny lizard, a reptile native to the southwestern United States. The University of Arizona graduate student and her colleagues regularly pack their things—boots, pens, notebooks, trail mix—and set off into the nearby Chiricahua Mountains. At their field site, they start an activity with a name that evokes a racist past: noosing.
“Noosing” is a long-standing term used by herpetologists for catching lizards. But for McGee, a Black scientist, the term is unnerving, calling to mind horrific lynchings of Black people by white people in the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries. “Being the only Black person out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of white people talking about noosing things is unsettling,” she says. McGee has urged her colleagues to change the parlance to “lassoing,” which she says also more accurately describes how herpetologists catch lizards with lengths of thread.
McGee isn’t alone in reconsidering scientific language. Researchers are pushing to rid science of words and names they see as offensive or glorifying people who held racist views.
This week alone, one scientific society is considering renaming a major journal that honors a renowned 19th century researcher who held racist views, and another is voting on changing the name of a trivia competition that canonizes a prominent eugenicist. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) decided to change the name of its graduate school because of Nobel laureate James Watson's past racial comments. And a prominent university has said it will remove from a campus building the name of a famous scientist who supported white supremacy. The moves come in the wake of last month’s decision to rename a major statistical prize—and in tandem with efforts to change the names of animals and plants that include ethnic slurs or honor researchers who were bigots.
Unifying these initiatives is reinvigorated resistance to institutional racism. Kory Evans, a marine biologist at Rice University, says, “Dismantling white supremacism in science has taken on a new urgency” amid the broader reckoning ignited by the killing of George Floyd, the Black man suffocated by a white police officer in Minneapolis in May. The buildings, journals, prizes, and organism names that have come under scrutiny “lionize figures … who specifically took actions to undermine the humanity of people of color … [and] who laid the academic foundation for actual discrimination, sterilization, and genocide,” says Brandon Ogbunu, an evolutionary biologist at Brown University.
The current movement isn’t the first to target scientists whose actions were judged unconscionable by subsequent generations. After the fall of Nazi Germany, apartheid in South Africa, and various communist nations, the names of scientists who supported oppressive policies were stripped from institutions and awards. And even before the recent demonstrations against systemic racism in the United States, many scientists had lobbied universities and science groups to stop honoring prominent researchers who had bigoted views. In 2018, for instance, years of activism prompted the University of Michigan (UM), Ann Arbor, to remove the name of Clarence Cook Little, an influential 20th century geneticist who supported eugenics, from a science building and a transit hub.
Universities concerned about creating diverse and empowering atmospheres are wise to reconsider whose names adorn their buildings, says UM historian Alexandra Minna Stern, who has chronicled the evolution of eugenics in the United States. The names, she says, “make visible the values and priorities and beliefs of an institution.”
This week, the University of Maine, Orono, followed UM’s lead, announcing on 29 June it would strip Little’s name from a building. “Little made an enduring positive contribution to science,” a university task force wrote. However, it added, “Major areas of his professional life violate the ideals that are central to the educational mission of the University of Maine and its commitment to the public good.” Drivers of the decision included Little’s high-profile support of eugenics and his work for the U.S. tobacco industry to dispute evidence linking smoking to cancer.
At the University of South Carolina, officials on 19 June moved to remove the name of physician J. Marion Sims from a women’s dormitory. He is known for inventing the Sims vaginal speculum, as well as for pioneering surgical techniques for vaginal fistula repair, both of which are still used in obstetrics today. Activists have noted that the tool and the surgery were developed through experimental surgeries on enslaved women conducted without anesthesia. The university’s move has been controversial in the state: “Changing the name of a stack of bricks and mortar is at the bottom of my to-do list,” tweeted Senator Harvey Peeler (R–SC).
On 1 July, according to a CSHL statement, its board of trustees "voted to restore the original name of the graduate program to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory School of Biological Sciences." The move, which required 75% of the board to approve changing the institution's charter, came after 133 CSHL students and alumni sent a 21 June letter saying Watson's name was "inextricably linked with racism" given comments he had made since at least 2007, when a newspaper quoted him saying Black people were of inferior intelligence. CSHL removed him as chancellor then and in 2019, after he told PBS his views had not changed, the lab stripped his remaining honors except for the school's name.
U.K. universities are also taking a hard look at whom they honor. On 24 June, the University of Cambridge decided to remove a stained-glass window named after biostatistician Ronald Fisher, who has been celebrated as “the single most important figure in 20th century statistics” but was also a prominent supporter of eugenics. The university acknowledged Fisher’s “remarkable scientific discoveries,” including his application of mathematical theory to the process of natural selection, but decided to strip the name to “broaden and strengthen our community for all its members.”
At University College London, officials are evaluating whether to rename buildings celebrating geneticist Francis Galton (who coined the term “eugenics”) and mathematician Karl Pearson (founder of the Annals of Eugenics). Pearson derived the correlation that now bears his name—a commonly used statistical technique—through studies designed to demonstrate “[the] problem of alien immigration into Great Britain.” Joe Cain, a philosopher of science at the university, says, “The science behind these discoveries may be groundbreaking,” but institutions need to “consider the man and his data set, too.”
He adds, “Students should be able to look at a name and ask, ‘Who is that?’ and have their professors respond: ‘That’s a person you can aspire to.’”
The swell of support for inclusive placemaking has not been limited solely to campus grounds. Earlier this month in Geneva, residents submitted a motion to the municipality’s Grand Council to rename a street memorializing Karl Vogt. The 19th century German zoologist is known for his influence on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. But Vogt was also a vocal advocate of irreconcilable differences in cranial capacity between Black and white people, claiming in his Lectures on Man that Black people were closer anatomically to apes than humans.
Scientific societies that fail to similarly reflect on the spaces they construct contribute to “an extremely poisonous … ambiance for people of color,” Ogbunu says. At the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, an effort to change the name of its flagship journal—Copeia, named after Edward Cope, a scientist who held racist views—is nearing its end. Motivated in part by a June survey that found the society’s membership is 82% white and less than 1% Black, the society’s board voted on 3 July to remove the eponym. Beginning with its first issue of 2021, the journal will be known as Ichthyology and Herpetology.
Also under scrutiny: prizes and other accolades bestowed by societies, including those awarded to exceptional early-career scientists. This month, the Society for the Study of Evolution and the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies both renamed awards that honored Fisher, the statistician. Still, resistance to such name changes persists. “We can at once celebrate and benefit from scientific contributions while disagreeing wholeheartedly with the personal beliefs of the scientists responsible for them,” wrote three researchers—statisticians Harry Crane of Rutgers University, Joe Guinness of Cornell University, and Ryan Martin of North Carolina State University—in a public letter opposing the change. Stripping Fisher’s name, they write, would “damage public trust in science by signaling that the evaluation of scientific advances reflects not only scientific achievement but also social acceptance.
Event names are also being re-evaluated. Some members of the Entomological Society of America (ESA) are calling for renaming the society’s annual Linnaean Games, a student trivia competition named after Carl Linnaeus. The 18th century botanist invented the system for classifying species, including Homo sapiens, which he categorized based on race, assigning negative social traits to nonwhite populations. “For those of us who have ever been called Black, brown, or yellow, Linnaeus’s legacy lives on every day,” says Taylor Tai, an entomology graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and co-author of a petition to rename the games.
On 3 July, ESA board members discussed renaming the event. “By today’s standards, there is no way to read [Linnaeus’s] classification of humans as anything other than racist,” Chris Stelzig, the society’s executive director, said before the session. But, he added, some members opposed to removing Linnaeus’s name wondered whether it was “right to judge our ancestors by today’s standards.” Today, the society announced the board’s decision to rename the Linnaen Games as the Entomology Games. Explaining the decision, ESA President Alvin Simmons said: “The loss of any student competitors who felt unwelcome because of the name of the Games went against ESA’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and students as the future of entomology.”
Some researchers are also pushing to change species names they find objectionable. Graduate students around the world have contributed to a spreadsheet that lists potentially problematic common and scientific names of plants and animals. It includes a scorpion, a duck, and a buttonquail that carry the name hottentota, hottentotta, or hottentottus; colonialists in the 17th century used “Hottentot” as a derogatory term for Indigenous Black people in Africa. Researchers say other names—including those of the Nasutitermes corniger termite, the Orsotriaena medus butterfly, Speke’s weaver, McCown’s longspur, and the flowers, chives, and turtles named after Linnaeus’s apostles—also include slurs or glorify bigots.
“Nomenclature is in service to hierarchies,” says Harriet Washington, an ethicist who has written about structural racism in medicine. “Toppling these statues, so to speak, is not eroding history so much as issuing a correction to it.”
McGee, who co-organized last month’s #BlackBirdersWeek, favors such name changes. And she says she has been blindsided by the pervasiveness of racialized taxonomy, learning only recently that the lizard she studies is named for H. C. Yarrow, who “objectif[ied] the bodies of ‘others’ in order to explain and justify … [racial] dominance,” according to Museums and Empire: Natural History, Human Cultures and Colonial Identities, a book by historian John MacKenzie. McGee was “disappointed but not surprised” by that history, she says.
McGee’s campaign to change her field’s term from “noosing” to “lassoing” has made limited headway, she says, but she is not discouraged. “What is customary or convenient to a previous generation [of scientists] is not a good excuse for retaining racism,” she says. “I’ve accepted I’m the type of person who will speak up so the next Black herpetologist doesn’t have to go through this.”
Posted in: Scientific Community
— Eli Cahan is an intern on the News staff of Science.
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lozanthology · 6 years
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I am pleased to announce the list of artists partaking in Hero of the Ages: A Legend of Zelda Anthology !!
Kickstarter will be going live February 1st, 2019 in honor of the 32nd anniversary of The Legend of Zelda. 
Artists have been very hard at work for the past few months and we are almost ready to open preorders. Please check out our artists and makes sure to give them a follow!
Links below:
Alexa Cordeiro Amanda Tolentino Amy Buchan Andie Gallo Anne M Aquanut Ares Osborn Bavarii Betty Kwong birdscribbles Birke Trautvetter Brandon Pérez Breana Melvin Cait May Charity Santiago Clara Kay Darcy Morgan Dominic Cellini Drewzelle elala Ell Raivo Emily Cannon Erasable Ester fireflysummers Floor Fried Unicorn Studio Giz Gwendalf the Smol Hailey Rose Kosinski Hortense ImmortanJill Ingrid Umbach jaesti Jenna Clear Jey Pawlik Ji jununy Karen Lee Kat Kat Lyons Katie B. Kay Fine Kaywinnit Kristen Lee Lalou Li Kovacs Liane Sepentgis Lily Cui Liya Longest Distance Luciana-Lu Malin Sandred mari krekeler Matt Rockefeller Melissa Ran Michel Saito Michele O. Miguel Mivori miya Mjoyart Moon Realm Mric Natalie Lucht Nicole Fieger Nocturnix Ortiies Raven Renee Britton Rinylyn Sasha R. Jones Saskia de Klerk Schpog Spike Samuels Stan Stup-Jam Suneia toriisu Yarrow yokaiy Yuyao Li
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lenreli · 2 years
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Midsomer Murders ↳22x01, “The Wolf Hunter of Little Worthy”
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transnames · 6 years
Plant names!
Here is a list of around 200 flower, tree, herb, and other plant or earth related names, sorted by whether they’re masculine, feminine, or gender neutral. These range from very rare to quite common!
Alyssa (from the Alyssum genus)
Angelica (an herb)
Anthea (“flower, blossom”)
Brianna (“hill”)
Bryony / Briony
Carmen (“garden”)
Cassia (a genus of plants)
Chloe (“green shoot”, an epithet of Demeter)
Cicely (sweet cicely)
Clary (derived from the plant)
Cynthia (a type of rhododendron, or derived from “hyacinth”)
Daphne (“bay tree” or “laurel tree”)
Ebony (tree)
Erica (“heather”)
Everly (“boar woodland”)
Evette / Evonne / Yvette / Yvonne (“yew”)
Hana (“flower”)
Hayley (“hay clearing”)
Ione (“violet flower”)
Jacinta (hyacinth)
Kamilla (Hungarian word for the chamomile flower)
Laura / Laurel
Leilani (“heavenly flowers” or “royal child”)
Lily / Lillian
Marguerite (French word for the daisy)
Marjorie (influenced by the marjoram herb)
Myra (“myrrh”)
Nyssa (genus of a type of tree)
Olivia / Olivette / Olive (from the olive tree)
Phyllis (“foliage”)
Rhoda (“rose”)
Rose / Rosa / Rosalia / Rosalie / Rosalind / Rosaline / Rosamund
Samantha (the “antha” ending is similar to the Greek word for flower)
Senna (a genus of plants)
Sharon (“field, plain”)
Shelley (“clearing on a bank”)
Shirley (“bright clearing”)
Susanna (“lily” or “rose”)
Sylvia (“wood, forest”)
Tamara (“date palm tree”)
Thalia (“to blossom”)
Viola / Violet
Yasmin (derived from jasmine)
Zahrah (“blooming flower”)
Ainsley (“solitary woodland”)
Aviv (“spring”)
Blair (“field”)
Bryn (“hill”)
Camden (“enclosed valley”)
Dara (“oak tree”)
Emerson (Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote “Nature”) 
Fiore (“flower”)
Hadley (“heather field”)
Harley (“hare clearing”)
Harlow (“rock hill”)
Hayden (“hay valley / hill”)
Kaede (“maple”)
Landry (“powerful land”)
Laverne (“alder”, “spring”)
Lee (“meadow”)
Leighton (“settlement with a leek garden”)
Lennox (“place of elms”)
Leslie (“garden of holly”)
Logan (“little hollow”, also related to loganberry)
Oak / Oakes / Oakley
Parker (“keeper of the park”)
Porter (a type of sunflower)
Riley (“rye meadow”)
Sawyer (“sawer of wood”)
Selby (“willow farm”)
Shaw (“thicket”)
Verne (“alder”)
Alexander (alexanders is an herb)
Ambrose (roses)
Anthony / Antonio (associated with the Greek word for “flower”)
Atlas (cedar)
Ash / Ashton / Asher
Benjamin (Benjamin fig)
Bradley (“broad clearing”)
Brandon (“hill covered in shrubs”)
Brian (“hill”)
Cosmo (cosmos)
Dallas (“meadow dwelling”)
David (Davidson plum)
Douglas (fir)
Evander (“yew warrior”)
Garrick (“oak tree grove”)
Ivor (“yew”)
Jared (“rose”)
Jay / Jaden (similar to the Jade plant)
Jeffrey (pine)
Joshua (from the Joshua tree)
Keith (“wood”)
Kiefer (“pine tree”)
Kunal (“lotus”)
Landon (“long hill”)
Linus (“flax”)
Maximilian (a type of sunflower)
Nash (“at the ash tree”)
Nolan (Nolana is a genus of plants)
Oliver (from the olive tree)
Oren (“pine tree”)
Owen / Ewan (can mean “born from the yew tree”)
Perry (“pear tree”)
Riad (“meadows, gardens”)
Roosevelt (“rose field”)
Royce (“rose”)
Silas (“forest”)
Sylvester (“of the forest”)
Timothy (Timothy grass)
Vernon (“alder”)
Walker (one who walks)
Wesley (“west meadow”)
William (Sweet William is a flower, and there is a tree called the King William pine)
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0itmelex0 · 3 years
😘 + Jaidyn, Maecy and Yarrow!
People who are close to her such as Tyrion or even Oberyn and Ellaria tend to call her Jay. If somebody she doesn’t like calls her Jay, she’ll be real bitchy because that’s almost a sacred nickname
Podrick totally calls Jaidyn Jade once their relationship of sorts gets more “serious” or as serious as it can get at the start while they’re FWB
Similar fact that lots of people close to her call her Mace for short. Sort of a nice nickname but she doesn’t get bitchy if somebody not as close calls her that
Lyanna almost always calls her Mae. Maecy had a nickname for Lyanna that she only called her, Lyanna had to have the same with Maecy
Brandon called her Nightshade. He found the meaning/symbolism behind the flower randomly in a book it can mean to soothe and it reminded him of her so he called her that from time to time
Because of her eyes Baratheon blue eyes that are enhanced by the purple in them and ofc where he’s from, Russal would call her Sapphire when they were alone. It was a special nickname that he would use only when they were alone
Marilda and even Cedra would often call her Wild Child because of just how she was. Yarrow is just legit a wild child
Most everybody, but especially Marilda since she came up with the nickname, calls her Row. Total coincidence that Yarrow loves being on boats and just out on the water in general
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Cubs Pitcher Brandon Morrow Hopes to Catch a Renter for His Washington Home
getty images/ Jonathan Daniel ; realtor.com
Chicago Cubs relief pitcher Brandon Morrow now has a side hustle as a landlord. He and his wife, Lily Morrow, are renting out their “rare and spectacular” waterfront home in Yarrow Point, WA, for $9,000 a month. 
The couple purchased the sweet home this summer for $6.25 million. The 3,230-square-foot home on an acre lot has three beds and two baths.
Featuring a wall of windows, the bright and spacious great room is the focus of the house. It encompasses a living area with fireplace and a dining area with water views. There’s also a comfortable eat-in kitchen.
Brandon Morrow’s rental property in Yarrow Point, WA
Great room
One of three bedrooms
Dining area
The stylish abode with “old-world charm” dates to 1938, but has been updated and now comes with a picturesque boathouse. The brand-new boat dock boasts three power lifts equipped for a speedboat and other personal watercraft, according to the listing.
The outdoor space includes a deck and a grassy yard with views of Lake Washington. 
Although this home exudes a serious away-from-it-all vibe, it’s very close to Seattle and Bellevue, allowing plenty of options for Amazon or Microsoft employees who need a luxe getaway on weekends.
Morrow, 34, started his MLB career in 2007 with the Seattle Mariners. He also stood on the mound for the Toronto Blue Jays, San Diego Padres, and Los Angeles Dodgers before inking a two-year, $21 million deal with the Chicago Cubs in 2017.
The post Cubs Pitcher Brandon Morrow Hopes to Catch a Renter for His Washington Home appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/brandon-morrow-renting-out-washington-home/
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sundried-tomatoes24 · 5 years
Anemone, aster, aubrieta, baby’s breath, balsam fir, baneberries, beebalm, bergenia, blazing stars, bugleherb, candytufts, chives, chrysanthemum, common boneset, dahlia, daisy, freesia, glory of the snow, hellebore, irises, lantanas, lily of the incas, lily of the Nile, pincushion, ricinus, rose, sage, snapdragon, sunflower, tropical white morning glory, tulip, vervain, yarrow
Anemone- gladiolus
aster-narrowed it down to two!
“When the time comes, you will not be ruled by fear.”
“Forgiveness is warm. Like a tear on a cheek. Think of that and me when you stand in the rain.”
aubrieta- water
baby’s breath- big nope
balsam fir-yup
baneberries- “ready to let go” by cage the elephant, “freakin out on the interstate” by Brandon maroney, And “Jackie and Wilson” by hozierrrrrrr
beebalm-yeah, jake
bergenia- night person
blazing stars-biggest fear is being beaten to death. Reasons? Not for you folks
bugleherb- honestly not sure. Depends on the season. Definitely with friends.
candytufts-when I get a hug I actaully enjoy!
chrysanthemum- jake
common boneset-summer
dahlia- yup
daisy- finishing my 70k race?
freesia- I can barely remember the last week so bold you to put me in this position. 1, speaking out at the student conference; 2, things have kinda gotten better in general; 3, llamas!
glory of the snow:
-common sense
-the ability to speak my mind
-a job
hellebore-smiles, hugs, and cuddles among other things depending on the person
irises-jake, megan, and Steph?
lantanas- can’t remember
lily of the incas-that whole thing last spring with Jake
lily of the Nile-my resentment towards a number of people
pincushion-trying to deal with it in a more healthy way than last year. Usually I just cry and blare music. Most of the time I just go for night walks though
ricinus- as much as I dislike her rn, mum; also Jake probably. (Almost let it slip there lol #sun sign)
rose-rain or laughing
sage- the nightmares from it have yet again returned so the entirety of January 2019 ties for first right now
snapdragon- at this moment? To be spooned and get a decent sleep.
sunflower-my eyesight or my right to speak.
tropical white morning glory- the darkest nights and the brightest days. Runoff cutting through the loose dirt after a heavy rainfall. imagine rust coloured cliffs in water so deep you don’t dare to know what lays along the bottom. Shaky breaths. Gravel. Red dirt mixed with sweat. Leaves and twigs caught in my hair. Blaring music to drown everything else out. Hours of perceived silence. Light cutting through the window unevenly in the morning. Shadows accenting every feature gone unnoticed under the harsh noon light of the sun towering above. Frost creeping from the shade in the early mornings of a fall day.
tulip- understanding. Or candy. Or books. All three are pretty damn good, I think.
vervain- pretty even between the two tests I gave tomorrow that I am completely unprepared for, and knowing that in order to get some sleep for those I’d have to face my nightmares again so we’ve appeared to have fallen back into this cycle. Great.
yarrow-what in the world is vore?
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10 filmes disponíveis na Netflix que são diamantes para o cérebro de crianças e adolescentes
A formação do ser humano se dá principalmente entre a infância e a adolescência. E o cinema, nessa fase, se apresenta não apenas como entretenimento, mas também como uma ferramenta de auxílio no desenvolvimento das crianças. Ao contrário do que muitos pensam, os pequenos são totalmente capazes de refletir e absorver os ensinamentos passados pelos filmes. A Revista Bula reuniu dez títulos disponíveis na Netflix que são diamantes para o cérebro de crianças e adolescentes. Os filmes selecionados abordam questões essenciais da vida, como amadurecimento, mortalidade, ética e a importância da convivência. Os destaques vão para “As Crônicas de Nárnia” (2005), de Andrew Adamson; e “Uma História Impossível” (2010), de Randall Wallace. O termo diamantes para o cérebro foi criado pelo jornalista Euler de França Belém.
Benji (2018), Brandon Camp
Remake de um clássico dos anos 1970, o filme conta a história de um cãozinho especialista em ajudar as pessoas. Adotado pelos irmãos Carter e Frankie, Benji é cuidado às escondidas, para que a mãe das crianças não saiba que eles trouxeram um cachorro para casa. Mas, quando os irmãos são levados por bandidos, Benji vai fazer de tudo para ajudar a polícia a encontrá-los.
Caninos Brancos (2018), Alexandre Espigares
O filme conta a jornada do cão-lobo Caninos Brancos desde o seu nascimento, passando por três donos muito diferentes, até ser domesticado e civilizado. A trama apresenta a forma com que os animais enxergam o mundo e o homem. A animação é baseada no romance homônimo de Jack London, que já havia sido adaptada para o cinema em 1991.
Mogli — Entre Dois Mundos (2018), Andy Serkis
Nesta readaptação mais sombria da história infantil, o órfão Mogli é abandonado e criado por uma alcateia em meio às florestas da Índia. A pantera Bagheera e o urso Baloo são seus amigos, mas o temido tigre Shere Khan não aceita a permanência do menino na selva. Ao se deparar com suas origens humanas, Mogli terá que enfrentar perigos maiores que o tigre.
Pato Pato Ganso (2018), Chris Jenkins
Peng é um ganso solteirão e imaturo. Um dia, ele se separa de seu bando e sofre um pequeno acidente que o impede de voar. Ele decide seguir viagem andando e, no caminho, encontra dois patinhos que também se perderam do bando: Chao e Chi. Os filhotes se agarram à Peng, que terá de levá-los de volta para a mãe, além de protegê-los de um gato faminto.
Shiki Oriori: O Sabor da Juventude (2018), Haoling Li, Yoshitaka Takeuchi e Xiaoxing Yi
O filme conta três histórias nostálgicas que abordam a juventude e são interligadas pelo destino. Na primeira história, um menino se recorda do macarrão de arroz que comia todos os dias com a avó. A segunda trama gira em torno do relacionamento entre duas irmãs que trabalham com moda. E, por último, um jovem arquiteto encontra uma fita gravada há mais de dez anos pela sua primeira namorada.
Pets — A Vida Secreta dos Bichos (2016), Chris Renaud e Yarrow Cheney
Max é um cachorro mimado que vive em um apartamento de Manhattan. Quando sua dona traz para casa um vira-lata desleixado chamado Duke, Max fica com ciúmes, pois sente que seus privilégios podem acabar. Mas, quando um incidente coloca os dois na mira da carrocinha, Max e Duke deixam as divergências de lado e fazem de tudo para fugir.
Uma História Impossível (2010), Randall Wallace
O filme, baseado em fatos reais, conta a história da dona de casa Penny Chenery, que não entendia nada de corrida de cavalos, uma área dominada pelos homens. Mas, ela teve que assumir o controle do estábulo da família quando o pai ficou doente. Com a ajuda de um treinador veterano, ela enfrentou todas as críticas negativas e conseguiu vencer o prêmio Tríplice Coroa, em 1973.
A Menina e O Porquinho (2006), Gary Winick
Fern é filha de um fazendeiro e está determinada a salvar seu porquinho, Wilbur, do machado de seu pai. Ela esconde o animalzinho no celeiro do tio, mas não percebe que ele está sendo mantido lá apenas até o Natal. A aranha Charlotte, que também mora no celeiro, percebe o plano dos adultos e tentará mostrar ao fazendeiro que Wilbur é um porquinho diferente e merece ser salvo.
As Crônicas de Nárnia (2005), Andrew Adamson
Durante os bombardeiros da Segunda Guerra Mundial, quatro irmãos ingleses são enviados para uma casa de campo onde ficarão em segurança. Um dia, eles descobrem um guarda-roupa mágico que os leva para a terra de Nárnia. Esse mundo encantado já foi pacífico, mas hoje vive sob a maldição da Feiticeira Branca, Jadis. Então, os irmãos se unem ao leão Aslam para libertar Nárnia do controle de Jadis.
James e o Pêssego Gigante (1996), Henry Selick
James e seus pais sempre sonharam em ir para Nova York, “a cidade onde os sonhos se realizam”. Mas, após ficar órfão, James é obrigado a morar com suas tias, que são cruéis e o maltratam. Um dia, ele encontra um pêssego gigante com insetos falantes. Enfrentando perigos, o garoto e seus novos amigos embarcam em uma jornada que os levará até Nova York.
10 filmes disponíveis na Netflix que são diamantes para o cérebro de crianças e adolescentes publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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