#brian clevinger
alphamecha-mkii · 5 months
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prokopetz · 2 years
Let me preface this post by saying that I have, in fact, read Martha Wells’ The Murderbot Diaries as of earlier this year, so at the time of this posting I know what it’s about.
However, for the five-years-and-change between its initial publication and earlier-this-year I’d somehow gotten it mixed up with Brian Clevinger’s Warbot in Accounting, so every time I stumbled upon a post making passing mention of whatever was going on in the latest book, all I could think was “wow, that webcomic really went to some places”.
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alphacomicsvol2 · 5 months
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doolallymagpie · 2 years
big fan of Brian just embracing the robotfuckers at this point
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comicbooksaregood · 1 year
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Iceman and Angel
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Behold GOOM, The Thing from Planet X
Writers: Brian Clevinger
Pencils: Juan Doe
Inks: Juan Doe
Colours: Juan Doe
Covers: Roger Cruz
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atomic-two-sheds · 1 month
@superexplosive I just received my 8-Bit Theater 20th Anniversary Script Book! It's a beautiful tome. I will treasure it as if it actually contained the comic and not just your heathen words and commentary. It should also prove useful should I be accosted by an intruder and require a bludgeon; it may well be the largest and heaviest hardcover in the house.
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fm-r-iznow · 10 months
I JUST DOWNLOADED WOW!!!! and in comparison, to Native Instruments. a big difference. I'm going to try not to sound like a complete hater because Karma is a rough thing on the inner regions that will mess you up totally.
Okay I Purchased Komplet solely for the purpose of getting Abynth 5
but when I got it I did not know you had to set up kontakt since anthing else never needed a player anyway. I've bought plugins before, and it never needed these things before. Long rabbit hole depression story later. I somehow figured it out on my own. which nobody explained to me beforehand.
which I know indicates I'm not very bright. Perhaps...
I buckled down and bought Omnisphere despite what I heard some guy on youtube said Omnisphere is overrated. Now coming from a guy who makes Beats. He says. I would imagine he needs a more minimal Pallet of sounds. comprisingly of drums dominantly which is fine. I do not scoff, and another guy who he is in a back and forth "war" about the community and what not. and the guy is doing a complete.
hate on bringing their own children into it. with accusations of evil demons and hating on each other's women, I think. and then the other guy stated omnisphere is now deleted from his computer because CPU issues and so on. and Later in another video He does a video where he reinstalls Omnisphere.
As entertaining as this can be I find it dizzying.
One article on google said you needed like 200 GBs to install the software for content and to record with it.
and you may need to use a an external drive to store these plugins.
from todays experience this is not true at all.
And honestly, I wish I did not buy the Komplete 3 years ago. It really fucked me up emotionally spiritually and physically. which I can't blame it entirely on Native Instrument people. In the end I blame myself for not completely moving on which I tried and it wayed heavily on my mind and was reminded by this mistake often by my significate other.
In comparrison. having what I paid for three years ago I feel vindicated. Now comparing the two companies.
Komplete. Its good I feel like now I didn't waste my money now and I can stop kickng my ASS for it. everything works and now I need to figure out the drum machines.
Now looking at things is an Eyesore. I'm 53 yrs. old and I wear glasses. and I find the menu a little too small and my eyes strain and tear up. If this was not I problem I would not be in the market for other software. also They discontinued Abynth 5 which I think is amazing and my favorite plugin. which is fullfilled my expectations of what it is.
So today I got The Omnisphere 2 because I wanted to get the Bob Moog tribute plugins. but I also wanted the Omnisphere. reason being getting into Hard Synths was another rabbit hole for me. with with novation. but thats another story all together
basically, I don't have space for Moogs all over my office so the plugins are my best option until I get a house.
So Omnisphere off the bat is very intuitive as to what.
I want to record. The sounds are amazing. I've already recorded 3 test tracks just to see what I'm dealing with.
The look and functionality of it is great on the eyes and I'm wearing glasses. I don't need to get a 50-inch screen to see what the hell I'm doing. and the sound menu is easy to read and access. whereas Kontakt is confusing. despite the fact it does work and is competent. and yet Omnisphere has better sounds. at this point I don't see why Kontakt is so necessary to a DAW. because a daw never needs Kontakt to be able to use any plugin before. this is what
really messed me up.
Another issue I was worried I got the Omnisphere would I need Kontakt, would it open in my Daw? and would it take a big chunk of GB's? Well the 200 GB scenario is only true with Komplete I had 800 plus GBs on my laptop now down to 630 GBs I thought I needed the whole thing when I only needed Absynth and other ambient sounds.
I'm very happy about that it only took about 64 GBs and honestly the sounds are richer fuller and you can shape it with in the preset itself which tickled me pink. I thought I needed to add other reverbs delay. which does work with Komplete but seems more functional and precise with Omnisphere.
It basically boils down to preference. it the realm of cars. Komplete is more like a gas guzzling Hummer with the promise of Tattoos babes chic Jeans baby gap the gap, pottery barn, flip flops, crocs, a Pitbull a bad ass status with bells and WHISTLES. with a man bud or smooth bald head and lots of finger tattoos.
Omnisphere is more fuel efficient sturdy reliable. there are no tattoos unless you want them and no perfectly groomed beard and and your involved in a realistic loving relationship.
I love the Abynth but the others is lacking to my expectations. which I will buy Plasmonic from the creator Brian Clevinger. later. I'm also getting other Plugins as well. so, You can have both if you want.
You probably have more money than I do and that's not a shocker. Im just glad I don't to spend more money than I have. what a bad Lesson I had to learn. Very bad extremely bad so bad, evil depressing bad.... and bad bad bad andfilm score 2 more times BAD PI
You can both and more. Just don't let the fan boys tell you otherwise.. Im sure they got paid for their review . I for one paid for everything and lost then gained it back somehow by divine intervention.
get them both if you like. if you need to make beats get the drums you like. if you like filmscore get Omnisphere
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coverpanelarchive · 2 years
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Atomic Robo and the Temple of Od #1 (2016)
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THEME: Pulp Fiction
This is the pulpiest of pulp, with cheesy action, retro effects, and comically evil goons.
A note: many pulp action films carry harmful themes, such as racial caricatures and misogyny. These games do not have to be played within those tropes; in fact, many of them explicitly disavow these themes. However, you might still find elements of 80’s action movies fun to play with, such as cheesy violence, overly-dramatic backstories, and characters with way too many powers to be believable. 
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Feng Shui 2, by Atlas Games.
Ancient sorcerers. Slick conspirators. Control freak monks. Cyborg apes.
Armed with the secrets of Feng Shui, all aim to conquer the past, present, and future.
Only you have the guts, guns, and flying feet to stop them!
It’s back in all its explodey, chi-blasting glory — Feng Shui, the classic game of Hong Kong–inspired cinematic action — refurbished with a fresh bag full of ammo for a new roleplaying generation! Original designer Robin D. Laws rushes your way on a bullet-riddled gurney to serve up the thrills fans remember, furiouser and faster than ever.
Feng Shui 2 gives you oodles and oodles of character options - 36 to be precise. As a game about time travel, magic, technology and action, your character could span from an ancient martial artist, to a scrounge-tech cyborg from the future. Each character comes with advancement options, five stat blocks, skills, special attacks and abilities called schticks. The schticks are where strategy will come in, as you’ll have enough to give you options, although you may have few enough resources to make each opportunity to act a strategic decision. You’ll establish a character concept and a melodramatic hook to figure out your personality and backstory, and after that, you’re ready to play! 
Spirit of 77, by MonkeyFun Studios.
Hey there, all you boppers! Get ready for slam-bang action and high octane excitement with Spirit of 77 - the 1970’s pop culture RPG that turns up the volume and never slows down! Kung-fu tough guys, good old boy truckers, starry-eyed rockers and hardboiled sleuths, all jam-packed into one funky, easy to learn game system that's Powered by the Apocalypse.
This is a self-described retro-alternative game, pulling from film noir, samurai stories, and blaxploitation films. As a PbtA game, it’s designed to really evoke genre, and boy does it evoke genre. There’s even game master advice that recommends that the GM (or, as the book calls them, DJ) arrange a playlist for specific moments within the game. This is a game of goofy, cheesy fun with over-the-top stunts and slick characters.
Atomic Robot: The Roleplaying Game, by Evil Hat.
Action! Science! Robots! Punching! More Science!
Are you ready for some two-fisted science adventure? Then it's time for the Atomic Robo RPG! Have you ever wanted to face down global conspiracy as an immortal atomic robot or Carl Sagan? The Atomic Robo RPG makes it possible.
The Atomic Robo RPG brings you the most explosive Fate Core System experience yet. This is action science like you've never seen it before, coming straight at you from the pages of the popular Atomic Robo comics by Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener. Play as an Action Scientist or immortal robot, super-spy or pulp adventurer—or something stranger still from the hidden corners of super-science!
This game includes the core concepts of Fate, so everything you need is in one book. While Fate games are always pretty open-ended, Atomic Robo provides a lot of signatures that can help make a cohesive character group that makes sense within the fiction. There’s also an additional part of your character in this game that isn’t found in other Fate games - Modes, or broad areas of skills to help you figure out where your character is competent. You could be strong or weak in Action, Banter, Intrigue, or Science! You don’t need to be familiar with the comics to be able to play this game - there’s enough information in Chapter 1 to help you hit the ground running! 
Straight to VHS, by Lost Cat Games.
A werewolf stalks the mean streets of Miami, but not for much longer. Not if a nun (and former prostitute) named Gloria Vendetta has anything to say about it. Gloria’s cybernetically enhanced buddy in the precinct notices ties between the werewolf and the Yakuza, but why? If only the scientist (and retired heavyweight champion) Tucker Smash could regain his memories. Only he knew the antidote to lycanism, and now the plague spreads. 
This game is absolutely bonkers, in the best way possible.It doesn’t just pull from pulp 80’s movies - it pulls from cheesy 80’s movies, with wacky premises and characters that feel almost like Mary Sues. The core idea of Straight to VHS is that the characters are a combination of two tropes: a werewolf cop, a vampire hobo, a magical animal that’s also a spy, etc, etc. Much of the game is flavoured to cast your character as an actor; with range described as how close you are to the camera, while the GM is called the Director. One of my favourite pieces of this game is the character trope Paid Sponsor - you can shamelessly plug your product once per scene to give your allies advantages throughout the game.
Shadow of the Century, by Evil Hat. 
Totally rad 1980s action... TO THE MAX!
Enter a world of 1980s action adventure with Shadow of the Century, a robust setting and supplement for Fate Core.
The year is 1984, and the Shadows run the world. The Century Club has been disbanded, the Spirits of yesteryear driven underground—only to rise up alongside new wave heroes to stick it to the man!
Fight the good fight in a gonzo game of underdog heroes set against the forces of oppression everywhere. Join kung fu masters, computer hackers, maverick cops, and more to right wrongs and prevent the darkest Shadows from ending reality as we know it.
Shadow of the Century is the spiritual successor to Spirit of the Century, a game about action fiction in the 1940’s. In Spirit, characters are powerful protagonists punching cartoonish villains and saving the day in fantastical locales. In Shadow, the tables have turned, and your protagonists are working against corrupted powers-that-be, doing their best to save the world undercover while also keeping their loved ones safe. Both of these games use the Fate system, and are critically acclaimed. 
198X, by Sean. M. Dunstan.
IN A WORLD where gangs rule the streets and the police are helpless...
IN A WORLD where the rich buy and sell people's lives in the name of profit...
IN A WORLD where scientists push the boundaries of physics for their own benefit...
IN A WORLD where unknown threats can come from any world, any time, any dimension...
All that stands between the innocents of the city of Los Accíon and the forces of evil...is you. 
The mysterious Mr. X has gathered a force of brave men and women who live on the cutting edge of action to stop the forces of evil! Prepare yourself. Lock and load. Ready your kung fu. Protect your dreams. And get ready...to fight back.
A game of 80s action movie mayhem built using the 24XX system created by Jason Tocci, this game is streamlined for a quick pick-up-and-play experience.  24XX games use different kinds of dice to reflect your skills - are you good at a skill? Bump your d6 up to a d8 or a d10. Are you particularly bad at a skill? Downgrade to a d4. You’ll get a specialty, a backstory, and some cash to spend on special gear. After that the GM rolls on a bunch of random tables, and you’re ready to go.
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alphamecha-mkii · 5 months
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roll-a-d3 · 9 months
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I made an adventure a few years ago where you start as simple caravan guards, but get dropped into FF1. I saw Brian Clevingers tweets a while ago and I don't have the guts to tell him I already did a FF1 thing and made it super casual. He was worrying and thinking on how to implement anything and I'm just like "lol, go wherever" The thing is, I put animated gifs in the Roll20 of it.
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The NPC's also waddle. I added a bunch of Kevin Mclouds music in the maps. I'll show you more later.
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escherbug · 7 days
Brian Clevinger supports Gay Robo but doesn't Make Gay Robo smh
I have to do everything my fucking self in this house
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mk-wizard · 1 year
Remember, just because someone writes and epic fanfic doesn’t mean the media it was based on belongs to that fan. If anything, I think that fan would want people to try their own spins.
That is why I plan to go ahead with by Final Fantasy 1 fancomic. It’s not that I don’t respect 8-Bit Theater. Heck, it was one of my introductions to webcomics, it is the one sprite comic I like and it is the one media with the type of humor that usually rubs me the wrong way done in such a way that even I can sit back and laugh at.
It’s just that FF1 is not suddenly untouchable just because one fan did something great. Heck, different professionals have adapted the same media in great ways. Classic Disney Pinocchio and Del Toro Pinocchio were each made by different people (duh), but they’re both great. So why shouldn’t fans try still be able to make fanfiction based on the same media? Especially, if they think it will be really neat?
Brian Clevinger is a genius and he always will be for what he did, but he is also my inspiration in that we shouldn’t be afraid to put a great idea on paper. I admit that my take is going to be a serious story with a deep meaningful plot with just hints of comedy unlike his legendary piece, but it has the same idea: have fun.
PS: The only thing my fancomic will have in common with his is the naming system of the characters. For example, the thief is simply named Thief, the black mage is named Black Mage, the fighter is named Fighter, etc. because the characters had no official names and my fan theory behind is that the heroes actual names got lost to history on purpose.
PPS: If you’re curious about the name of MY fancomic, it will be The Thief and the Oracle: A Final Fantasy Tale.
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alphacomicsvol2 · 5 months
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doolallymagpie · 11 months
me in jan ‘22: wow if I had a nickel for every sci-fi property I follow that really pulled some punches in the finale, I’d have two nickels. the expanse finale was pretty spot-on for the books but it wouldn’t have been too shocking if they offed a main character on account of Last Episode (Probably Ever, Even If We Won’t Admit It). but vengeful dead was…way nicer to us than I expected, given that we already mourned jenkins years ago. a bit unlike brian, honestly.
me now: *looking at agents of change and all that brian has teased for the future* had to open my big mouth, didn’t I.
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