#brian haywood reese
catohphm · 1 year
Finally settled on this. Danny lives from birth until the summer of 1999, before the birth of Brian the following year.
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mjs-oc-corner · 10 months
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𝓐𝓵𝔂𝓼𝓼𝓪 𝓛𝓸𝓬𝓴𝔀𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓗𝓪𝔂𝔀𝓸𝓸𝓭-𝓡𝓮𝓮𝓼𝓮
these two have quickly become one of my favorite ships! i made this lil moodboard a couple weeks back and i’m just now getting around to posting it (we won’t talk about it lol) but really, what better time than the holiday season to get all warm and fuzzy over your favorite ships?🥰💙💙 @catohphm, i really couldn’t think of a better match for alyssa, and i’m still so honored that you chose to ship brian with her!
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slytherindisaster · 1 year
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web weaving: brian haywood-reese + quidditch
for @catohphm
gryffindor rally cry by ministry of magic / quidditch through the ages / crush (2013) / quidditch through the ages / let the games begin! by team starkid
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immagrosscandy · 1 year
Me and Brian wish Scarlet happy birthday!<3
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she'll keep makin more
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theguythatdraws · 2 years
I'm starting to think from the interaction that Brian and Lycidias will have a great, fun and energetic dynamic going into their friendship?
Pretty much. Never a dull moment around Lycidas, whether that's a good or bad thing is up for interpretation. Basically, Brian might be getting dragged into a few of Lycidas' adventures without planning on it, but it all works out in the end.
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helenadurazzo · 2 years
Helena’s Fifiteth
For those who don’t know, Helena’s canonical birthday was on February 23rd 1973, making today her fiftieth irl. In honor of this, I decided to demonstrate what Helena’s life is like in the present
Also I am still debating a name for Vincent’s wife who appears in this story, I am open to suggestions and will edit the story once a name is decided
Erika -> 51-52
Helena -> 49-50
Vincent -> 24-25
Zara -> 22-23
Cato and Brian belong to @catohphm
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As spring would be approaching in the next month, Helena knew her number of clients would once again, quickly increase as it did every other year. She had a couple of plants that either bloomed year round or bloomed solely in the winter, but for the most part, the coldest season tended to be the slowest for Helena and her motivation as well.
“You’ve been out here longer than usual for a winter’s day.” A familiar voice commented with a chuckle, “Happy Birthday, love.”
Helena turned around and smiled at her wife and welcomed her with an embrace and a gentle, yet loving, kiss. “I didn’t think you’d be back this quick, Eri.” Helena mentioned in a surprised but delighted tone. “You acted like that emergency at work was going to take you all day to handle.”
“It was just an exaggeration, I figured you would have guessed that by now.” Erika admitted. “I was a member of the Harpies before I became their manager, I’ve learned how to solve most problems pretty easily overtime. Plus leaving at the break of dawn certainly helped.”
She supposed Erika had a point since it was nearly noon now. “Well, your team is certainly having an excellent season.”
“Glad to know you are still rooting for us.”
“Your team still has many quidditch teams to beat before you can confidently claim victory.” Helena reminded her, “Including the Tornadoes.”
Helena watched as Erika only laughed at this, “The Tornadoes are only doing good this year because they are using Vincent to their advantage, after all, he certainly learned from the best.”
Helena chuckled “Whatever you say love.”
“That reminds me, I ran into Penny when I arrived.” Erika revealed. “She was saying something about how she was head to pick up an order of some ingredient she needed for her potions, can’t remember what it was on the top of my head so I figured I would ask you before I gave her the wrong thing.”
“I completely forgot!” She exclaimed as she pulled her wand out of her pocket and summoned a jar, “Luckily it’s a pretty easy fix.” She informed confidently Erika as she kneeled down in front of some icy blue flowers, gently using a spell to remove the petals and place them within the jar.
“What did she want?” Erika asked curiously, seemingly struggling to identify the flower petals her wife was gathering.
“These are permafrostine petals.” Helena explained, not taking her eyes off of her diligent work. “They are used in many advanced potions however they must be picked carefully. If even one of these petals would happen to touch a human’s skin, it would cause a severe case of frostbite.”
“How delightful.” Erika sarcastically commented. “Are you sure these petals are used in potions and not deadly poisons instead?”
Helena chuckled at her wife’s statement, “You’d be surprised by how many ingredients that go into potions can be considered poison if they are just by themselves. However, in combination with the accurate number of other non-poisonous ingredients, the elements of poison will cancel out, I don’t know much about the appropriate ratios.” Helena admitted, “that’s Penny’s expertise.”
Helena had learned from her mother to not advertise products that bloomed in such a limited timeframe. As her mother would say, there would always be one person rushing in with a desperate need for a material that so many other herbologists would have already sold out of. If Helena had waited even a week more to harvest the petals of these last few permafrostine flowers, they would have shriveled up and deemed useless. However, she did make an exception for a few of her clients such as Penny, although the two weren’t close as kids, she certainly always had a friendly relationship with her husband, as the two had known each other since they were young.
“There.” Helena confidently announced, mainly to herself, as she stood back up, securely holding the jar with careful hands. The glass was freezing yet not to a dangerous level and was simply that way due to the material within it. “That should be enough to last her for many months, if not the rest of the year.”
“Let’s head back to the house then.” Erika suggested, “We shouldn’t keep Mrs. Reese waiting forever.”
“You do have a point there.” Helena lightly chuckled as she linked her arm with Erika’s, looking into her eyes, and the two walked back side by side.
Helena smiled at the large, yet comforting cottage that she and Erika moved into a couple of years after Helena herself graduated from Hogwarts and the two decided to move to the next level in their relationship. It was also the home where they raised their two children in, although they had both since left to start lives and careers of their own, they were in their twenties after all. However, Helena made sure to always keep their rooms ready for whenever they decided to visit, although it became more sparse.
Her son was often traveling around from arena to arena ever since he officially became one of the three main chasers for the Tutshill Tornadoes, with his wife, traveling alongside him, eagerly attending all of his matches. Meanwhile, her daughter traveled, representing the ministry of magic to the governments of other countries, gaining recognition as an ambassador. She was immensely proud of both of them, however she did wish for them to be closer to home, even though she knew their traveling was part of the reason why they were successful.
Erika led the way into the house, Helena spotted Penny right away with her unmistakable golden blonde hair in a French braid, however she was pleasantly surprised when she saw her husband with her. “You didn’t tell me Cato was here.” Helena commented to Erika.
She listened as her wife chuckled mischievously, “I figured it was obvious.”
“Me and Penny got you a little something for your birthday.” Cato happily informed as he handed her a small, box that looked like it was carefully wrapped however Helena could tell by the appearance it was simply an illusion, something she enjoyed as she hated seeing wrapping paper all over the floor whenever her kids were young and opening up presents as much as she hated wrapping them.
“You shouldn’t have.” Helena smiled thankfully as she took the lid off and carefully pulled out what the box contained. Inside was a hand painted figurine of a flower, “It’s beautiful.”
“Glad you like it.” Cato replied with a smile before turning to Erika, “How have the Harpies been?”
“Good.” Erika replied with a smile, “the ladies are in a great position to win this season, although so are the Tornadoes who we face soon.”
As if on cue, the sound of travel by floo powder came from the nearby fireplace. Helena turned to see her son, dressed in a casual outfit and a light blue jacket, matching the Tutshill Tornadoes’ signature color. His hair was as curly as it was when he was a kid and his green eyes shone just as brightly. His wife appeared with the help of floo powder not to long after him.
“I thought you were going to be busy with quidditch practice!” Helena exclaimed as she embraced him, “It’s so good to see you!” She added once she took a few steps back following the embrace.
“I could not miss your birthday.” He assured her with a warm smile, before leaning over and whispering in her ear mischievously, “I’d say you were the best mother in the world, but I wouldn’t want to make mum jealous.” A statement which, Helena could not help but chuckle at in response.
“So the Tornadoes and playing the Harpies soon?” Cato asked Vincent as Helena exchanged a few words of greeting with her daughter in law.
“That’s right!” He cheerfully confirmed before turning to Erika, “I will make sure me and my teammates go easy on your ladies.”
“Trust me Vin.” She playfully replied, messing up his hair with her hand as if he was a kid, “I should be telling my ladies to go easy on your team.”
“Good to see you again Vincent.” Brian greeted him with a pat on the shoulder, “Good to hear you have been doing well, how is your sister?”
“Busy as always I am sure.” Vincent informed him, “As you can see, I am my mothers favorite as Zara did not make time out of her extensive itinerary to come make even a brief visit.”
“I’d hold my tongue if I were you.” Helena noticed Brian say as he motioned to something going on behind both her and Vincent.
Helena turned and to her surprise, there stood three familiar faces, her daughter was in front and in center while her parents were a few steps behind. Helena assumed they had to have Apparates in, with her mother assisting her father. Zara quickly came to embrace Helena, looking as beautiful as ever with her curly dirty blonde locks and green eyes that matched her brother’s. She then walked over to Vincent.
“Are you still sure you are the favorite now?” She smirked at him.
“H-How?” Vincent stuttered as Brian chuckled at his loss of words.
“Just a little planning on my part with our grandparents helping me out when it came to finding out the time and place of the festivities.” She informed him and playfully threatened, “Do not underestimate me again.”
“Alright alright you win.” Vincent gave in before giving a glance at his wife who gave a nod in response to their seemingly silent conversation, then he turned back to look at his sister, “or, at least that is what you think my dearest sister.”
“Vincent and I just found out we our expecting our first child.” She revealed, as Vincent put a comforting arm around her.
“That’s wonderful news!” Helena exclaimed happily.
“I figured so.” Vincent replied before smirking at his sister, “Especially since Zara is not anywhere near close to even considering starting a family of her own.” He teased
“Whatever, I’ll just be cool aunt Zara.” She informed him with a smile showing that she had not lost their rivalry yet.
“Define Cool.” He asked her.
As Helena watched her two children continue to banter as if they were young and not adults with their own careers, she looked over at Erika, Penny, and Cato, the last of which was the first to speak.
“You both are going to be fantastic grandmothers.” He informed her and Erika.
“I hope so.” Helena informed him
“Well I know so.” Erika assured her, as she put her arm around her. “Now how about that for a birthday present? Quite something isn’t it?”
Helena smiled, “It has certainly been a birthday I do not see forgetting in the foreseeable future.”
“I hope so.” Helena informed him.
“Well I know so.” Erika assured her, as she put her arm around her. “Now how about that for a birthday present? Quite something isn’t it?”
Helena smiled, “It has certainly been a birthday I do not see forgetting in the foreseeable future.”
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nicos-oc-hell · 2 years
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Full Name: Leviathan Njord Vecellio
Nicknames: Levi, gremlin and idiot (affectionate)
Name Meanings: (I was going for a water theme named) Leviathan; a giant sea creature from Hebrew Livyatan, Njord is the Norse god of wind and waters, Vecellio doesn’t have a meaning
Date of Birth: September 25, 1996
Gender: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Bisexual
Blood Status: Halfblood
Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian
Nationality: Danish
MBTI Type: ISFP- Adventurer
Wood: blackthorn wood, which is well suited to a warrior who will go through danger or hardship before bonding fully with the wand.
Core: Dragon heartstring, As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. (according to Mr. Ollivander)
Length: 10 inches
Flexibility: flexible but not bendy, more bouncy, but durable
Other Magical Abilities: Levi can talk to animals, magical and normal animals
Patronus: Rottweiler
Patronus Memory: Getting his first bow and arrow
Boggart: Slugs
Riddikulus: snakes
Levi smells like paint, wet dog (from his Rottweiler) and oil
Levi smells…tbd
Mirror of Erised: All of his family together like when he was younger before they all moved around the world
House: Slytherin
OWL Classes:
Transfiguration: Exceeds expectations
Charms: Outstanding
Herbology: Outstanding
Astronomy: Exceeds expectations
Potions: Outstanding
History of Magic: Exceeds expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Acceptable
Flying: Exceeds expectations
OWL Electives:
Arithmancy: Exceeds expectations
Potions: Outstanding
Charms: Exceeds expectations
Care of magical creatures: Outstanding
NEWT Classes:
Care of magical creatures: Outstanding
Herbology: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding
Arithmancy: Outstanding
Potions: Outstanding
Quidditch: He became a seeker in his 4th year
Prefect: No
Clubs: Magical creatures club, Dueling club and Potions club
Favorite Professors: tbd
Least Favorite Professors: tbd
11 to 18 - hogwarts
19 to 24 - dragonologist apprentice
25 to death - owns a magical creatures reserve
Faceclaim: James McAvoy
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Height: 5’8
Weight & Physique: 158 lbs, athletic and well built
Hair Color: Blonde with pink highlights
Hair Style:
Eye Color: blue
Skin Tone: honey
Scars: he surprisingly only has scars on his palms from when he fell off a wall and onto glass
Modifications: (piercings, tattoos, glasses, etc.) just glasses
Distinguishing Marks: green hearts on his cheeks
Clothing Style: severely baggy clothes, he wears clothes that hang off of his body
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Accessories: (watch, jewelry, etc.) a bunch of bracelets
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What’s In Their Pockets:
What’s In Their School Bag?
Text Books
A bunch of fiction books
Parchment paper
Animal food (separate bag he carries with him)
Voiceclaim: James McAvoy
Accent: (might differ from voiceclaim’s) Scottish
Dialect: Northern Scottish
Language Spoken: English, Italian, German and Danish
Languages Understood: English, Italian, German, Danish and Japanese
Speech and/or Language Disorder: A slight lisp if you pay attention
Father: Eren Larsen
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Dad: TJ Sutherland
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Other dad: Ian Campbell
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Bio Mother: Skylar Vecellio (Womb donor)
Twin brother: Efesto Mars Vecellio
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Levi is younger than Efesto by 20 minutes, they aren’t identical except for the eyes
Efesto got their moms hair color while Levi got their dads hair color, they only have the streaks in their hair and eyes in common
Efesto is Levi’s ride or die
Faceclaim: Tom Hiddleston
Pets: A rottweiler named Rocky: 
Best Friends: Efesto, Dylan and Alexandra
Benedict Whitten; Jack Whitten; Thea Whitten - @unfortunate-arrow
Brian Haywood-Reese @catohphm
It’s Complicated:
Jack Whitten - @unfortunate-arrow
Brynn Cooke - @camillejeaneshphm
Samuel Murand - @hogwartsmysteryho
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: TBD
Love Interest: TBD
Future Children: He doesn’t want children but in his mind if it happens it happens
Positive: Honest, dependable, loyal, open-minded
Neutral: Athletic, observant, sarcastic, reserved
Negative: rude, impatient, passive-aggressive, judgemental
Color: baby blue
Food: Crab legs
Weather: Rain
Books: Rick Riordan books, more specifically the Kane Chronicles
Hobbies: pyrography, drawing, origami 
Music: he listens to a lot of rap music (nwa, 2pac, snoop dogg, eminem, 50 cent) and rock music (queen, acdc, guns n roses, journey)
Dislikes: the color green very much (very counterproductive of a slytherin, I know), ribs, honey (allergic)
MBTI Description: Adventurer personalities are true artists, but not necessarily in the typical sense where they’re out painting happy little trees. Often enough though, they are perfectly capable of this. Rather, it’s that they use aesthetics, design and even their choices and actions to push the limits of social convention. Adventurers enjoy upsetting traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior – chances are, they’ve expressed more than once the phrase “Don’t box me in!”
Pre-Hogwarts Childhood:
Born and raised in the muggle world in Kolding, Denmark
Played in the woods for most of his life behind his house since his family home was away from the city
Attended a muggle school where he got his love of languages as he had to learn English
Was thought to be a squib as he didn’t show any magical prowess until a month before his 11th birthday
Learned about magic with Efesto even with the squib doubt
Hogwarts Years:
Sorted into slytherin (very displeased with the aesthetics of slytherin)
Introvert for most of the year during his first year
A lot of separation anxiety in his first year of hogwarts as he’s used to being in the same room as Efesto
Rule breaker because he’s bored
Lots of detentions
Dragonologist apprenticeship
Works at dragon reserve for 5 years
Works at a magical creature reserve for the rest of his life taking care of animals
Raising animals as if they are his kids
Death: died of a heart attack
Levi can pick up any subject rather quickly. Even if he hates the subject, he can still ace it
Loves to draw whenever he’s not in class
Even though he has friends, if they don’t physically drag him to do stuff with them, he’ll most likely be in his dorm doing whatever
Has a sketchbook with him all the time
Picked up a scottish accent from all the times he’s spent in Scotland with his aunts
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marymosley · 5 years
The 25 Best Lawyer Movies of All Time
Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you’ve had a wonderful 2019 and are looking forward to paying off debt, building wealth and achieving financial independence in 2020.
Today’s post is totally for fun – and I hope you have as much fun with it as I had creating it. Below are the 25 best lawyer movies of all times (in my opinion), complete with clips from some of the best scenes. Did I leave anything out? If so, let me know in the comments.
Enjoy the downtime during the holidays (assuming you got it) and enjoy the cheap entertainment below, some of which can be streamed on Netflix and all of which can probably be obtained for less than $10.
1. My Cousin Vinny (1992)
Directed by Jonathan Lynn and written by Dale Launer, My Cousin Vinny follows two young New Yorkers, Bill Gambini and Stan Rothenstein, who are arrested and put on trial for murder while traveling in rural Alabama. The fate of these men rests in the hands of Vincent Gambini (Vinny) a cousin of Bill’s and a lawyer who’s just barely passed the bar exam. 
Gambini, played by Joe Pesci, does his best to defend his cousin and his cousin’s friend but makes a number of missteps along the way. Gambini’s fiancee, Mona Lisa, who is played by Marisa Tomei, is instrumental in helping him with his defense.
Trivia: Marisa Tomei received an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role.
2. 12 Angry Men (1957)
This classic courtroom drama was directed by Sidney Lumet and details the deliberations of 12 men, all of whom are part of the jury deciding the fate of a poor young man who’s been accused of murder. If found guilty, he will face the death penalty.
The film begins with all jurors except for Juror 8 agreeing that the young man is guilty. Juror 8, played by Henry Fonda, encourages his fellow jurors to discuss the defendant’s case before sentencing him to death. Throughout the discussions, many of the jurors go back and forth, changing their votes as their forced to confront certain aspects of the case that they initially dismissed.
Trivia: The film was shot in less than three weeks.
3. Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
Deemed one of the greatest courtroom dramas of all time and based on the novel with the same title, Anatomy of a Murder follows Michigan lawyer Paul Biegler (played by James Stewart), who has his work cut out for him after agreeing to defend Lt. Manion (played by Ben Gazzarra), who murdered a local bar owner after learning he’s been accused of rape.
Biegler, who is encouraged to take the case by his mentor, Parnell McCarthy, played by Arthur O’Connell, must go up against big-city prosecutor Claude Dancer (played by George C. Scott) in order to help his client.
Trivia: The novel upon which the film is based was written by John D. Voelker (under the pseudonym Robert Traver), a Michigan Supreme Court justice.
4. The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
Directed by Brad Furman, The Lincoln Lawyer stars Matthew McConaughey as Mick Haller, a defense attorney who runs his law practice out of a Lincoln Continental. Mick’s clientele is comprised mainly of petty criminals, but he’s surprisingly presented with an opportunity to defend a wealthy Beverly Hills playboy by the name of Louis Ross Roulet, played by Ryan Phillippe, who’s been accused of attempted murder.
At first, Mick assumes that the case will be an easy, open-and-shut affair. He soon learns, though, that there’s more to it than meets the eye and that it’s connected with a previous case of his.
Trivia: After starring in the film, McConaughey went on to become a spokesman for the Lincoln brand in 2014.
5. Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
In this film, Tyrone Power plays Leonard Vole, who has been accused of murdering a wealthy woman. Vole is represented by the legendary Sir Wilfrid Robarts (played by Charles Laughton) and, in order to win his case, must have his alibi corroborated by his wife, Christine (played by Marlene Dietrich).
In a shocking turn of events, Christine decides to appear in court and testify against him. Several other twists and turns occur throughout the award-winning film as Sir Wilfrid does his best to defend his client and close the case.
Trivia: Witness for the Prosecution was the last film that Power completed before he died of a heart attack in November of 1958.
6. Legally Blonde (2001)
Based on the novel by Amanda Brown, Legally Blonde is a courtroom comedy that stars Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a sorority girl from California. Elle follows her ex, Warner Huntington III (played by Matthew Davis), to Harvard law school after he breaks up with her on the night when she expects him to propose.
While her initial goal is to win back Warner, Elle soon falls in love with the legal profession as she works to overcome the challenges of being a first-year law student. She goes on to realize that she has the potential to become a great lawyer in her own right.
Trivia: Reese Witherspoon’s contract allowed her to keep all of the costumes she wore in the movie after filming ended.
7. Philadelphia (1993)
Directed by Jonathan Demme, Philadelphia tells the story of lawyer Andrew Beckett, who struggles to hide his homosexuality, as well as his HIV status, for fear that they will have a negative impact on his career at a prestigious Philadelphia law firm. Eventually, his secrets are exposed by a colleague.
After losing his job at the firm, Beckett decides he must sue on the grounds of discrimination. The only lawyer who will help him with his case is Joe Miller, played by Denzel Washington. The two men work together as they face down Belinda Conine, one of the firm’s top litigators, who is played by Mary Steenburgen.
Trivia: Initially, Demme planned to cast a comedic actor in the role of Joe Miller, but he changed his mind after Washington showed an interest in the part.
8. Erin Brockovich (2000)
Erin Brockovich tells the true story of a woman who fought hard against the giant energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric after learning about a cover-up that was exposing a local community to contaminated water and contributing to serious illnesses.
In the film, directed by Steven Soderbergh, Brockovich is played by Julia Roberts. Her attorney, Ed Masry, who eventually hires her at his firm, is played by Albert Finney. It is when she starts working at Masry’s firm that Brockovich discovers medical records related to the case and kicks off her investigation.
Trivia: Julia Roberts’ salary for her role as Erin Brockovich made her the first actress in Hollywood to earn more than $20 million.
9. The Verdict (1982)
The Verdict follows Frank Galvin, played by Paul Newman, a once-promising attorney who’s down on his luck after being fired from a Boston law firm for accusations of jury tampering. At the beginning of the film, directed by Sidney Lumet, as a favor to his friend Mickey (played by Jack Warden), Galvin agrees to take on a medical malpractice case.
Galvin initially plans to settle the case, but declines the offer from the hospital and decides to take it to trial instead, much to the surprise of the judge and the relatives of the victim.
Trivia: Two of the film’s cast members, Jack Warden and Edward Binns, starred in 12 Angry Men, which Lumet also directed.
10. Presumed Innocent (1990)
Directed by Alan J. Pakula, Presumed Innocent tells the story of Rusty Sabich, a chief deputy played by Harrison Ford, who is assigned by prosecuting attorney Raymond Horgan (played by Brian Dennehy) to investigate the rape and murder of his colleague, Carolyn Polhemus (played by Greta Scacchi).
At the time of the assignment, Horgan doesn’t know that Polhemus and Sabich are involved in an affair. Eventually, though, evidence implicates Sabich and causes Horgan’s enemies to demand his arrest. Sabich must call on defense attorney Sandy Stern (played by Raul Julia) to help him with his defense.
Trivia: Before Harrison Ford was cast as Rusty Sabich, both Robert Redford and Kevin Costner turned down the role.
11. Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)
Set in the late 1940s post-World War II, this political drama follows nazis who are tried in an American court in Germany. In the film, directed by Stanley Kramer, these individuals must face a military tribunal and address charges of crimes against humanity.
Chief Justice Haywood, played by Spencer Tracy, must hear from the lead defendant Ernst Janning (played by Burt Lancaster) as well as his defense attorney (played by Maximillian Schell), the widow of a Nazi general, a US army captain (played by William Shatner), and a witness named Irene Wallner (played by Judy Garland).
Trivia: Maximillian Schell’s Academy Award for Best Actor made him the lowest-billed winner in history (he was billed fifth on the film’s cast list).
12. A Man for All Seasons (1966)
Directed by Fred Zinnemann, A Man for All Seasons is set in 16th Century England and tells the story of Sir Thomas More, played by Paul Scofield.
More is known for standing up to King Henry VIII (played by Robert Shaw) and refusing to pressure the Pope into allowing the king to have his marriage annulled so he could remarry. More, who was a devout Catholic, stood by his convictions to not allow the king to divorce, despite intense pressure to do otherwise. The king and his loyalists responded by charging More with treason.
Trivia: Fred Zinneman describes A Man for All Seasons as the easiest film he’s ever made, thanks to the talent and cooperation of the cast and crew.
13. A Few Good Men (1992)
Directed by Rob Reiner and written by Aaron Sorkin, A Few Good Men tells the story of military lawyer Lt. Daniel Kaffee (played by Tom Cruise) as he defends two Marines who have been charged with killing another Marine at Guantanamo Bay.
Kaffee is convinced by another lawyer, played by Demi Moore, that he should not seek a plea bargain for these Marines. Instead, she convinces him that they were acting on the orders of a commanding officer, Col. Nathan Jessep, who is played by Jack Nicholson.
Trivia: The American Film Association named the film’s famous line “You can’t handle the truth!” as one of the top movie quotes of all time (it ranks #29 on the list).
14. The Rainmaker (1997)
The Rainmaker, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, follows a new attorney by the name of Rudy Baylor, who, struggling to find work, is forced to take a job under another lawyer of questionable morals, played by Mickey Rourke.
While working for this lawyer, Baylor meets Deck Shifflet, a paralegal played by Danny DeVito and Dot Black (played by Mary Kay Place), whose insurance provider will not provide coverage for her dying son. When he learns of this information, Baylor decides to team up with Shifflet to take on Black’s insurance company and its formidable attorney (played by Jon Voight).
Trivia: Danny DeVito wore fake teeth for his role in the film.
15. Kramer vs Kramer (1979)
Written and directed by Robert Benton, Kramer vs Kramer follows advertising executive Ted Kramer (played by Dustin Hoffman) after he finds out that his wife (played by Meryl Streep) is abandoning him and his young son.
Despite losing his advertising job, Ted goes on to develop a much stronger relationship with his son, helped along by a fellow single parent named Margaret, played by Jane Alexander. This causes problems later when his wife returns to try and win back custody. An arduous courtroom battle ensues as a result and has serious implications for all who are involved in the case.
Trivia: Meryl Streep wrote her own courtroom speech when she was unhappy with the original speech she was given.
16. The Paper Chase (1973)
In The Paper Chase, written and directed by James Bridges, a first-year Harvard law student named James Hart (played by Timothy Bottoms) who faces a series of academic challenges. His load becomes even heavier, though, when he has a run-in with an intimidating contracts professor, Charles W. Kingsfield (played by John Houseman).
Despite Kingsfield’s intensity in the classroom and the harsh demands he places upon his students, which cause many to abandon their pursuits and drop out altogether, James perseveres and even begins to date his professor’s daughter, Susan, who is played by Lindsay Wagner.
Trivia: The film received three Academy Award nominations and received one for Best Supporting Actor.
17. The Firm (1993)
In The Firm, directed by Sydney Pollack and based on the legal thriller by John Grisham, a young lawyer by the name of Mitch McDeere (played by Tom Cruise) joins the ranks of a small and prestigious firm. Although at first honored to be part of the firm, McDeere soon learns, with the help of a receptionist played by Holly Hunter, that there’s more than meets the eye and that the firm is involved in laundering money for the mob.
McDeere finds himself in a jam when the FBI contacts him to gather evidence about the actions of his colleagues. As a result, he must decide between doing what’s best in the eyes of the law and making the decision that will keep him alive.
Trivia: Holly Hunter’s performance lasts five minutes and 59 seconds, making it one of the shortest Oscar-nominated performances of all time.
18. Compulsion (1959)
This crime drama, directed by Richard Fleischer, tells the story of two sociopathic students, Artie Straus (played by Bradford Dillman) and Judd Steiner (played by Dean Stockwell). Artie and Judd find themselves in serious trouble after they commit a murder in an attempt to pull off a flawless crime. They leave behind a crucial piece of evidence and end up arrested for what they’ve done.
Their lawyer, played by Orson Welles, must then work hard to defend the two young men and save them from execution. The film is based on the well-known and often-cited Leopold and Loeb case of 1924.
Trivia: Despite his top-billed status, Welles does not appear in the film until an hour and five minutes in.
19. And Justice for All (1979)
Directed by Norman Jewison, follows Arthur Kirkland, a Baltimore defense attorney played by Al Pacino, who finds himself in jail after punching Judge Henry T. Fleming (played by John Forsythe) while arguing in defense of his client, Jeff McCullaugh (played by Thomas G. Waites). McCullaugh, after being stopped for a minor traffic defense, was mistaken for a murderer with the same name.
Kirkland eventually gets out of jail and later finds himself hired to defend Judge Fleming, who has been accused of the brutal assault and rape of a young woman. Fleming wants Kirkland as his lawyer because he believes it will work in his favor to have someone who openly hates him defending him.
Trivia: And Justice for All marks the theatrical film debut of acclaimed actor Jeffrey Tambor.
20. A Time to Kill (1996)
In this film, directed by Joel Schumacher, Samuel L. Jackson Carl Lee Hailey, a man who shoots the bigoted men who brutally raped his daughter when they are on their way to being tried for their crime. Hailey must then rely on the help of defense lawyer Jake Brigance, played by Matthew McConaughey, to help him get acquitted.
Brigance feels that the chances of an acquittal are slim, due in part to the fact that Hailey resides in a small and segregated town in the South, but he takes on the man’s case regardless when he shows unshakable faith in his abilities.
Trivia: Woody Harrelson had an interest in playing Jake Brigance, but John Grisham objected.
21. A Civil Action (1998)
In this film, written and directed by Steven Zaillian and based on a true story, John Travolta stars as personal injury attorney Jan Schlichtmann. Schlichtmann finds himself involved in a case that, while seemingly straightforward at first, ends up being incredibly difficult and appears to have the potential to be his undoing.
The case involves a major company responsible for contaminating a town’s water supply and causing several of its residents to develop leukemia. At the risk of bankrupting his firm and ending his career, Schlichtmann goes up against a powerhouse attorney played by Robert Duval in an attempt to make things right and hold the company accountable.
Trivia: This was the only non-Best Picture nominee for the year to receive a nomination for Best Cinematography.
22. The Conspirator (2010)
Directed by Robert Redford, The Conspirator tells the story of the aftermath of the assassination of President Lincoln. After the President is assassinated, seven men and one woman are arrested and charged with conspiring to murder him, the vice president, and the secretary of state.
The lone woman, Mary Surratt (played by Robin Wright), is represented by the reluctant lawyer Frederick Aiken (played by James McAvoy). Surratt owns the boarding house where John Wilkes Booth and the other men planned their crimes. Convinced that Surratt may be innocent, Aiken works hard to defend her throughout the film and prove that she’s being used to try and capture her son, another suspect who is still at large.
Trivia: This was the American Film Association’s first film.
23. Amistad (1997)
Set in 1839, Amistad tells the story of a slave ship sailing from Cuba to the United States. In the film, directed by Steven Spielberg, Cinque (played by Djimon Hounsou) leads the slaves in an uprising, which results in them being held as prisoners in Connecticut.
Theodore Joadson, a freed slave played by Morgan Freeman, learns of the plight of these individuals and recruits the help of property lawyer Roger Baldwin (played by Matthew McCaughnehey) to defend and exonerate them. Their pursuit later wins the support of John Quincy Adams, who is played by Anthony Hopkins.
Trivia: This was the theatrical film debut of Chiwetel Ejiofor.
24. The Devil’s Advocate (1997)
Keanu Reeves stars in the film as Kevin Lomax, a Florida defense attorney who takes a position at a New York law firm headed by John Milton (played by Al Pacino).
As Kevin moves up the ranks within the firm, his mentally ill wife, Mary Ann (played by Charlize Theron), has a series of progressively more severe frightening and mystical experiences that alter her perception of reality. While dealing with the strain of his wife’s illness, Kevin also learns that his boss is involved in some nefarious activities and is not who he claims to be.
Trivia: Charlize Theron spent an hour per day working with a psychotherapist to learn how to play a schizophrenic in an accurate way.
25. RBG (2018)
RBG chronicles the career of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which spans several decades, and how she developed a legal legacy while becoming a pop culture icon.
After frankly answering questions about abortion and discrimination at her Senate confirmation hearings, Ginsburg was confirmed by a vote of 96 to 3, which President Clinton notes was astounding given the partisan political environment of the 1990s.
Trivia: The nickname is inspired by the “Notorious” honorific from the name of rap artist Notorious B.I.G. Ginsburg shows a good-natured embrace of her nickname, noting that she and the rapper have much in common: they were both born in Brooklyn.
Originally posted on The 25 Best Lawyer Movies of All Time
Biglaw Investor - Personal finances for the aspiring millionaire lawyer
The 25 Best Lawyer Movies of All Time published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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catohphm · 1 year
Here's a fun headcannon; Lycidas gave some tickets to the Quidditch World Cup to Brian so they could see the together. When they got there, Brian was surprised to discover Lycidas had his own private skybox built that muffled loud noises.
Haha nice, Brian would ask him if the skybox can hold more than one person and that is where they're gonna watch the match?
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mjs-oc-corner · 1 year
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“Lyss, c’mon. We’ll be late for class if you keep reading about the constellations and planets.” Brian leaned against the sturdy bookshelf. He knew that his girlfriend would stay in the library all day and miss class if he’d let her.
“Just one more page, please?” Alyssa looked up from the page with a smile, one that she knew would get Brian to cave and let her read a little more.
“Alright.” Brian slid the bookmark from his back pocket across the table to her, a smirk on his face, as he knew he’d lost, “one more page and then we’re off to class. There’s no way I’m leaving you behind.”
“Deal. I get one more page and then you won’t have to worry about finding something else other than me or the subject to focus on during history of magic.” Alyssa gave a coy smirk, her eyes diverting back to the page she was reading.
@catohphm these two hold a special place in my heart, and they’re living rent free in my mind!🥺💙💙
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theguythatdraws · 1 month
Four new Marauders...?
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Lycidas McGarry- me.
Amar Gupta- @hogwarts9
Brian Haywood-Reese- @catohphm
Hikaru Lopez- @detherun
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catohphm · 2 years
How do you think Brian and Lycidas would meet? Randomly in the school year, or would they be aquatinted on the Boat Journey, or the Hogwarts Express?
@theguythatdraws since Brian is the most open personality wise of my OCs, I think it wouldn't be too far out that he and Lycidas could meet on the boat ride or even on the train!
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catohphm · 1 year
Does Brian like fishing?
Haha I don't see why not! He would think of it to be relaxing activity that puts him at ease. Brian loves quidditch but he's big about nature too.
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catohphm · 1 year
Ok, last question; does Brian like any anime/ manga series? Cause Lycidas does, and maybe they can share opinions with each other.
Good question, I think it's a possibility that he could've read and watched some manga and anime series that were popular and mainstream at the time, so perhaps yeah!
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catohphm · 1 year
Since hpma was finally released, I figured I’d send in a few questions for Brian
How does he differ from the in-game mc?
How has he changed since you first created him?
What’s something most people don’t know about him?
Bonus question: What is Cato’s life like at this time.
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1. Brian is very different from MC in that he is the son of the HPHM MC instead of a muggle-born. He grows up familiar with magic and dreams of playing Quidditch at Hogwarts. He aims to join a professional team after leaving school.
2. The central concept for him as a quidditch loving compassionate extroverted Ravenclaw has remained solid since I first came up with him over 2020. I once had him be able to use special magic related to the air element but I scrapped that after Danny was introduced. Additionally, I changed his Quidditch role from keeper to beater.
3. Tough question, but I think it would be in a behind the scenes sense that his name and personality were partially inspired by Brian O'Connor from the Fast and Furious franchise and his actor the late Paul Walker.
4. I've thought of Cato as a healer but frankly his career after the war is quite open. He first wanted to be a magizoologist when he was younger so he could do that instead.
Thanks for the ask @ladyofsappho! ☺️
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mjs-oc-corner · 1 year
💋 for Alyssa please? 🥺
thanks for the ask, cato!💕
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
Alyssa doesn’t go beyond a hug or some words of affirmation when it comes to showing affections with a friend or family member.
when it comes to showing affection towards Brian (@catohphm), she’s more apt to show romantic gestures, such as a hug and/or a kiss, as well as hand-holding and her personal favorite, wrapping her arm around his and resting her head on his arm/shoulder. she also expresses her affection for Brian through words of affirmation, gift-giving, and acts of service.
Alyssa tries to find a balance between physical and emotional, but sometimes she’s much better at physically showing her feelings as opposed to showing them through her words.
get to know my ocs!
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