aitan · 2 years
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Sir William Nicholson (1872-1949),
"The Lustre Jug" 1910
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silviadeangelis · 1 year
Ulcerato quel bricco della mente dall’approdo d’erosioni sanate a fatica. Mobili ascelle premono sull’avambraccio alla ricerca d’un’essenza profumata incastonata nel sofisma del giorno per sconfinare in una gioiosa manfrina che renda soffice il respiro in un infinito si bemolle... @Silvia De Angelis
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automundoarg · 4 months
Mariano Werner homenajeará a Juan María Traverso en Concepción del Uruguay
El entrerriano integró a su Ford Mustang el color violeta que usó el Flaco en sus último TC, pero eso no es todo...
En un gesto lleno de emotividad y admiración, Mariano Werner homenajeará a Juan María Traverso, quien falleció el pasado 11 de mayo, durante la presentación del Turismo Carretera en Concepción del Uruguay. Siguiendo la misma línea de respeto y reconocimiento que demostró en la carrera anterior en Termas de Río Hondo, donde le rindió tributo a Ayrton Senna, Werner exhibirá en el capót y el techo…
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kochanfood · 10 months
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finewinelibrary · 1 year
Buy Cavallotto Barolo - Best Wine for Wine Lovers
Are you searching for the perfect wine? Look no further immediately buy cavallotto barolo at  affordable price. it's a good idea to Buy Cavallotto Barolo- best wine for wine lovers. For more information, check new offers and visit our website: www.finewinelibrary.nl
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eugephemisms · 2 years
Irresistible Italy: Cantine Brezza Giacomo E Figli
Cantine Brezza Giacomo E Figli #barolo #italianwines #nebbiolo #piedmont
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goldsbitch · 9 months
That one missed lecture
part 3 to That one Christmas flight
summary: After a missed moment, both parties are trying to contemplate what to do next.
warnings: crushing hard, cheesy af, swear words I guess, typos probably, slow burn let's just admit that
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"A what?"
Surely she must have misheard Teresa. Yes. Lando has been on Y/N's mind so much these past few days that she has officially lost it.
"Sorry, not what. Who?"
"I dunno, apparently this like formula racer or something. I don't really understand it - so like we were at Al Bricco right, as usual. And there was this guy who seemed to be super into that sport and he totally freaked out. Like, the racer guy just went in and immediately left, kind of embarrassing. He like proper asked for a photo and shit. And after the racer guy left, this dude was so high off that he paid for everyone's drinks at the bar. Was nice! Shame you had the thing you had, or whatever."
Yes. Or whatever. Y/N made up some excuse for last evening, so mundane even she forgot what it was.
It was Monday afternoon after the Imola weekend. The philosophy lesson was about to start in few minutes. Y/N cursed Teresa for keeping this one tiny detail about yesterday. For fuck's sake, they'd already had two classes together today! Plenty of opportunity to mention this. Nobody famous ever came to Bologna. Y/N would expect Teresa to make it a bigger deal. But then again, usually it would not be a big deal for neither of you.
"Yeah, shame I didn't order a bottle instead of a glass," Teresa proclaimed.
"Did you see him? The racer guy?"
"Yeah. He looked like a guy, honestly nothing special about him."
"Do you know like his name or the team?"
"No, the fuck would I know that. You're focusing on the wrong thing - you missed a fun night with free drinks."
Y/N felt like her mind just got the DRS.
There were 20 drivers on the grid - the chances were low. Y/N overcame her initial shock and tried to focus on the lecture that was about to start.
For some reason Hegel's Lord-bondsman dialectic was not able to win in the battle for Y/N's attention today. Since Teresa was of little help, Y/N turned to social media. Surely, this fan must have shared his photo online. And then, once she finally discovers the photo of Ocon or Tsunoda, she will be abel to return back to her actual real problems instead of her schoolgirl crush.
They say if you need to find the "corpus delicti" these days, ask a woman to scan social media. Source more powerful than FBI.
Y/N had to excuse herself after staring at a photo of Lando's fake smile while standing in her favorite bar. Pacing around was required right now. After all, show us a problem that can't be fixed by maniacally walking around the block seven hundred times.
In her favorite bar. Lando was in her bar. In a bar, where she would have been, hadn't it been for her actually trying to track down Lando. Out of all the places on this gigantic planet. In. Her. Favorite. Bar. Must have been some random game of destiny. Y/N was getting real mad at destiny. She cursed the stupid Christmas tradition, she cursed ever getting herself involved with formula 1.
She cursed herself for missing him. In both meanings of the word.
Lando forgot when exactly had his burner account turned completely Bologna centered. But it was impossible to escape that city. So he decided to leave that account be for a while.
His fitness trainer must have been happy with him. Lando burned his the tension and confused mix of feelings in his session like his life depended on it. He went on to stream in his free time to check in on his friends, who seemed a bit confused on where his head had been lately. In the course of few days, life got back on track. Y/N slowly leaving his mind and he parting with it peacefully. Yet every was covered under a gray cloud of nothingness.
It was a simulator day for him. He was supposed be testing new configurations. Lando was never really good at simulators, it completely lacked the realness of it, so he had to push himself to stay professional and be a proper teammate.
"I'm just not sure about this breaking set up," he commented quietly, perhaps even more to himself than others after missing another turn. His engineer however picked up on it and started to get into super detailed explanation on why they wanted him to use this configuration and did not fail to mention how great it job it did for Oscar this morning. Lando simply nodded and did not bother to engage in eye contact. He was in no mood for this debate and kept staring at the screen. Just let it all flow by him. This engineer had been on the team for quite some time, so he did not hesitate to try and cheer him up.
"Come on, man. You can't just sit there. The car won't start if you don't go for it, you know?" he said as a joke. When Lando did not respond, he began to second guess his judgement. "Or we could just take a break, what ever suits you."
Lando took a deep breath. "No, you're right. I can't just sit here and do nothing." He turned to his engineer with a different more energetic look. "When I crash, we just start again next time, am I right?"
"That's my boy!"
Y/N woke up the next morning to suspiciously large amount of notifications on her Instagram account. Someone liked every single one of her pictures and few of those where she was tagged and commented on one of her selfies "nice". Curious to what this was about, she went and checked the profile out. The only thing present on it was a black and white photo with some random numbers and letters. Ok, so nothing. Just some random weirdo or a drunken joke of one the uni friends. Because for a single moment she allowed her intrusive thoughts in - and expected Lando's account to be the one liking it.
Contemplating breaking the rule and reaching out to him was the only thing occupying her yesterday's evening. But what good would that do, his account probably being run by some PR people who would dismiss it as just another fangirl trying her chances. She thought a photo might be more helpful, but it was just the same thing all over again. No, she missed her chance and it was time to start moving on.
Her usual morning brain fog breaking espresso at a coffee bar in the centre did it's job well. A lot of paragraphs she was due to write were waiting on her. Only one lecture in the afternoon. A nice calm day to spend in one of the libraries. She loved Bologna. Great food and ever-present history has cured many crushes through out the ages.
"also nice" -another notification from the same account. Y/N contemplated blocking it, but it just seemed rude, so she just silenced her phone.
When took her phone out to listen to some music on the way to her lecture, she had three more comment.
"very nice" -appeared under a photo from one of her dinner parties with the local students.
"why no smile?" -it was a selfie, so what?
"thought you were the smart one, but starting to doubt that" - written under a random photo of Bologna's stunning libraries. So what, she enjoyed aesthetics too.
The one comment questioning her brain capacity stuck in head whole the way to her lecture. What the fuck was that about. Why was anyone spending their time so uselessly. The only thing on that profile was picture with some JL043 mash of letters. She had more important things to do.
A loud ding of her comments notification interrupted the lecture in the middle of it. She gave an apologetic look to her already grumpy professor.
"check my followers"
She sighed. That's it, she'll have a look and then block this asshole out.
Her heart sank when she saw that the only account this one was following was the Japan Airlines. JL043. The Christmas flight.
Y/N has already left one lecture because of Lando this week, so she was not about to it for the second time. But she might have as well done that, seeing she would not have been able to repeat a single point from this lecture.
Lando was not a patient man. Especially not after he has decided on something. And he decided on contacting Y/N. With the newfound fire in his veins, another burner account was created - can't let her see he was following every single one of her friends, bit weird. Well, once you've started you might as well finish it. Lando was happy that he did not posses any serial killer tendencies.
He was also a cheeky boy, not about to make it easy for anyone. Had to be fun.
So he liked all her pictures and put few comments. When she did not respond immediately in the morning, he continued. And again, and again. In the later afternoon, Y/N's account followed his and smile on Lando's face followed after that.
A message appeared shortly after.
"Hey you..."
part 4
Tagged all those who like to suffer: @prudyhoo @anuksunamon @sagestack @esquerkaren @ushygushybaby @ilove-tswizzle @thehufflepuffavenger1  @superlegend216
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la titolare oggi, dopo due settimane che lavoro lì, ha deciso che devo imparare a fare i gelati e ok ci sta, è sia bar che gelateria, ha senso.
quando mi ha chiamato per la prova e abbiamo parlato le ho detto che ho fatto solo cameriera e commessa da Yamamay ergo no, non so fare i gelati e le andava bene perché "vabe tanto impari qui" e fin qui ha senso.
mi fa vedere a fare un gelato e penso "non sembra semplice ma finché non provo non lo so" dopo avermene fatti vedere un paio, sparisce nel retro del bar, nel mentre una è in pausa e una sta facendo roba dietro e io rimango come una scema da sola davanti, arrivano due un signore che vuole un caffè macchiato e una che vuole un gelato.
bestemmio per il macchiato(ndr non so montare il latte, ci sono riuscita DUE VOLTE e basta, non riesco a capire se sbaglio io qualcosa o meno) per cui ok, metto sotto il caffè e vado a PROVARE a fare il cono alla signora.
in ordine: prendo il cono e mi si sfila dalla carta che ha attorno e penso "cominciamo bene", chiedo scusa alla signora premettendo che è il primo gelaro che faccio, metto il primo gusto e sembra stare su, faccio per mettere il secondo e questa inizia "no ma chiama pure la tua collega, non c'è problema, io aspetto anche" e le rispondo "no ma guardi è una questione di principio, mo lo faccio stare su" e questa va avanti, morale, il primo gusto inizia a spostarsi, io butto il gelato e chiamo una di quelle dietro dicendo "scusami puoi venire a farmi un gelato? ho provato a farlo ma non riuscivo a farlo stare su" questa un po' scocciata viene(ripeto, il mio curriculum lo avete visto, mi avete chiesto e no, non so fare i gelati, scocciati quanto vuoi, ci posso fare poco se ho una che mi mette pressioni nonostante le abbia detto che è il primo che faccio in vita mia(bucchin) ).
vado a fare il cazzo di macchiato, faccio per montare il latte e si monta a culo, lo verso e rimane un po' liquido e dico al signore "mi scusi, oggi non dev'essere giornata" e questo "ti scuso solo perché ti sei scusata" ok grazie, tu più gentile della signora a cui spero sia caduto il gelato in una pozzanghera.
tempo cinque minuti arrivano due, mi chiedono due macchiati, monto il latte, il latte non solo non si monta ma arriva a bollire, faccio per spegnere la lancia e buttarlo e la giro dal lato sbagliato ergo sparo latte ovunque anche sulle mie scarpe, respiro onde evitare di lanciare il bricco, chiedo a una collega di montarmelo e mentre lo verso per i due macchiati mi rendo conto che mi tremano le mani e che sto rischiando di iniziare a piangere da circa quando ho finito il macchiato del tizio che mi ha scusata, penso "ottimo, evitiamo" le mani vanno avanti a tremare circa boh 10 minuti? ho perso la cognizione del tempo onestamente.
tra l'altro, non so come né quando, devo essermi tagliata con qualcosa perché ho l'indice destro con un taglietto ma non so da dove arrivi per cui bene.
in conclusione, il latte non mi si è più montato, mistero della fede, quella su cui ho sentito più critiche(X che se ne va tra tot) mi ha fatto vedere a fare la vaschetta di gelato, mi ha aiutato a fare un cono e una coppetta, a volte mi chiedo se sbaglio io a pormi o se sono gli altri che pensano che una volta che ti ho fatto vedere hai imparato a fare quello, della serie se Duplantis domani mi fa vedere come salta a 6.29m con l'asta non è che se prendo io l'asta al primo colpo faccio 6.29m, probabilmente mi ci incastro pure e vado di faccia sul materasso, boh dio caro.
ah si poi la titolare mi fa "sei lentissima" e poi subito dopo, essendosi probabilmente resa conto di aver fatto un commento un po' del cazzo "cioè sei un po' lenta per questo lavoro" io sapevo che non si devono fare le cose di fretta per evitare di farle male ma non mi sembra di avere la lentezza di una che ci mette 10 minuti a farti un caffè, cioè davvero, solo perché prima metto sotto la tazzina poi schiaccio perché non ho capito quanto tempo passa da quando schiaccio a quando esce il caffè(secondi) e non vorrei che mi scivolasse la tazza nella fretta e il caffè si butta perché esce e va nello scarico della macchinetta???
avevo bisogno di scrivere su Tumblr come facevo tipo tot anni fa, 2019 credo
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blackrayser-fr · 1 year
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🏴‍☠️🐲 Fifteen Dragons On The Dead Man's Chest 🐲🏴‍☠️
Meet the Sea Giants' Crew!
Capitan Faulkner (spiral M)
Quartermaster, Randall "Black Eye" Hawkins (ridgeback M)
Master Rigger, Gibbs (coatl M)
Sailing Master, Elizabeth (pearlcatcher F)
Boatswain, Gráinne (skydancer F)
Weapons Master, Nautilus (wildclaw M)
Treasure Keeper, Jewel (veilspun F)
Carpenter, Madruk Ashcloak (wildclaw M)
Ship's doctor, Horace (skydancer M)
Ship's cook, Otto (snapper M)
General Assistant, Harrison "Silver-Tooth" (bogsneak M)
Swabber, Rodriguez Ramiro Rupert Rahumado (skydancer M)
Sailor, Mordecai (undertide genderfluid)
Sailor, Bricco (mirror M)
Sailor, Spugna (mirror M)
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claudio82clod · 2 years
Salite con noi sul Bricco Mindino e scoprite la storia di queste valli che si snodano tra Piemonte e Liguria. In questo video vi porteremo in cima alla montagna, dove svetta una croce alta 25 metri, costruita nel dopoguerra per ringraziare dopo gli avvenimenti storici che hanno interessato queste terre. Dalle montagne partono le valli della Casotto e del Tanaro, che hanno visto il passaggio di Liguri pre-romani, commercianti e Napoleone stesso. Qui si sono svolte battaglie e si sono nascosti partigiani, in un territorio che merita ancora di essere approfondito. Non perdete la storia e i segreti del Bricco Mindino, guardate il nostro video ora!
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pollicinor · 2 years
1. 10 by Diego Vitagliano Pizzeria // Naples, Italy 2. Ken’s Artisan Pizza // Portland, Oregon, United States 3. Peppe Pizzeria // Paris, France 4. The Good Son // Toronto, Ontario, Canada 5. Seu Pizza Illuminati // Rome, Italy 6. Pizzeria Bedia // Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 7. 48h Pizza e Gnocchi // Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 8. La Pizza è Bella // Brussels, Belgium 9. Via Toledo Enopizzeria // Vienna, Austria 10. What the Crust // Cairo, Egypt 11. Tony’s Pizza Napoletana // San Francisco, California, United States 12. Rosso Pizzeria // Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 13. Sartoria Panatieri // Barcelona, Spain 14. Bæst // Copenhagen, Denmark 15. Frank Pepe // New Haven, Connecticut, United States 16. Bricco Coal Fired Pizza // Westmont, New Jersey, United States 17. 50 Kalò di Ciro Salvo // London, England, United Kingdom 18. Malafemmena // Berlin, Germany 19. Del Popolo // San Francisco, California, United States 20. Nonna Pizzeria // Warsaw, Poland 21. Lilla Napoli // Falkenberg, Sweden 22. Via Napoli // Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 23. Vinoteket // Oslo, Norway 24. Dante’s Pizzeria Napoletana // Auckland, New Zealand 25. Buddy’s Pizza // Detroit, Michigan, United States
Dall’articolo "The 25 Best Pizzerias in the World" di Ellen Gutoskey
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bricksxbooks · 2 months
I support this product idea on LEGO Ideas, and you should, too!
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southjerseyweb · 3 months
South Jersey's Bricco again named one of the country's top pizzerias
Well-known pizzeria Razza Pizza Artigianale in Jersey City was No. 13 this year after being ranked No. 2 the year before. Bricco Coal Fired Pizza in …
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kakivino · 6 years
Pio Cesare 2011 Barbaresco
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Wine like this exalts the virtues of warm vintages while the classic ones shut up shop for the long nap. Nothing says nebbiolo done right like pale, translucent ruby. Alluring bouquet of pressed rose, red cherry, raspberry, menthol, baking spice and orange peel. Palate closely mirrors the nose, sapid with an air of harmony. No shortage of fresh Treiso acidity here. Already irresistible in way of an open-knit, bright nebbiolo, although youthfully firm finish is fooling no one. Aged two thirds in large cask for 3 years, the rest in barrique for 30 months. Botti-licious. — ★★★★
Appellation: Barbaresco Region: Barbaresco, Piemonte, Italy Subzone: Treiso Cépage: 100% Nebbiolo Abv: 14% Production: 25,000 Élevage: 35% aged in mid-toasted French oak barriques (⅓ new) for 30 months, 65% in 20-50hl casks for 3 years Distributor: Asiaeuro
Critic Reviews:
Pio Cesare’s 2011 Barbaresco is gorgeous. The super-classic bouquet laced with sweet red cherry, orange peel, mint, spice and white pepper is enticing. Generous and layered on the palate, the Barbaresco captures plenty of the warm resonance that is so typical of the year. The 2011 is a blend of fruit from several sites in and around Treiso mostly done in cask. It is the more traditional of the estate’s two Barbarescos and also less expensive than the flagship Il Bricco, but here I find more personality, charm and tons of the allure that makes Barbaresco so compelling. The 2011 should age gracefully for years based on its depth, but it is absolutely delicious today. Antonio Galloni (Vinous, 12/2015) 94
Underbrush, tilled soil, violet, pressed rose petal and ripe berry aromas emerge on this polished, full-bodied red. The palate shows nice tension, offering juicy wild cherry, raspberry, ground clove, cinnamon and chopped herb framed by fine-grained tannins. A licorice note closes the firm finish. Kerin O'Keefe (Wine Enthusiast, 10/2015) 93
Pio Cesare's 2011 Barbaresco is a tight and compact Nebbiolo that reveals an attractive level of aromatic intensity and energy. This is a well-composed wine that delivers wild berry, toasted almond and black licorice aromas. Softer fruit flavors appear on the finish. The wine is almost ready to drink now and in the medium-term. Monica Larner (Wine Advocate, 06/2015) 90
Cherry, licorice, menthol and tar aromas and flavors mark this a pure, racy red. Tight and reticent now, with intensity and length for the medium term. Best from 2017 through 2026. Bruce Sanderson (Wine Spectator, 11/2015) 90
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farehamwinecellar · 4 months
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automundoarg · 5 months
Mariano Werner homenajeará a Ayrton Senna en Termas de Río Hondo
El campeón de Turismo Carretera mostrará en su Mustang un diseño inspirado en el astro brasileño.
En la próxima fecha del Turismo Carretera que se realizará el fin de semana en el circuito santiagueño de Termas de Río Hondo, Mariano Werner honrará la memoria de uno de los íconos indiscutibles de la Fórmula 1: Ayrton Senna, al conmemorarse 30 años de su trágico fallecimiento. En colaboración con Bricco Design, Werner ha concebido un tributo que no solo será visualmente impactante, sino que…
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