thunderclan — year eleven — allegiances
leader: ivystar (4y). small, white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes. (apprentice: leafpaw)
deputy: whitewing (7y). soft furred she-cat with green eyes. (apprentice: dewpaw)
seer: leafpool (7y). pale tabby she-cat with white paws.
cloudtail (9y). snowy tom with long fur.
spinwing (9y). brown and white cat.
sorreltail (8y). sturdy, slender, dappled she-cat.
virgashimmer (8y). brindled, black and white she-cat with red flecks and dark eyes.
shrewsky (7y). aging dark tom with amber eyes, missing a leg.
birchfall (6y). brown tabby tom.
coneclaw (6y). handsome, dark grey, nearly black, she-cat with hazel eyes and big paws.
moleflight (5y). intimidating, large tom.
lionblaze (5y). golden tabby tom with amber eyes and thick fluff ringing around his neck.
blossomfall (4y). long-furred white she-cat with patches.
cherryfall (3y). ginger she-cat.
trailpoppy (3y). strong, brindled, grey she-cat with white freckles.
ridgeclaw (3y). stocky, brindled she-cat with white paws and orange eyes.
freckledfern (2y). big, dark brown mottled tom.
ridgepelt (2y). she-cat with gold eyes.
stormcloud (2y). tabby tom.
dewnose (2y). grey and white tom with amber eyes.
snowbush (2y). white tom. (apprentice: larkpaw)
banesky (2y). dark tom with faint stripes and green eyes.
fernsong (1y). pale yellow tom.
sorrelstripe (1y). young, dark brown she-cat.
junipershine (1y). dark tabby tom with glossy fur and hunting skills.
sparkpelt (1y). flame-colored tabby she-cat with bright eyes.
poppyfrost (5y). sleek she-cat. (kits: birchkit, vanillakit)
thornclaw (9y). tabby tom, missing his left eye.
brambleclaw (8y). tom with amber eyes.
cinderheart (5y). massive, smoky grey tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes.
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theanoninyourinbox · 7 months
What if the kin of your kin still happened but Whitewing and Birchfall had all the kittens? The prophecy doesn't explain how many kits will be had though so Squirrel and a happy Bramble have their four cannon children early and Firestar watches them like a hawk only for it not to be any of his grandkits but his great great nephews and nieces. Kindly asking to see the Three as Whitewing and Brichfall's kits with Dove and Ivy in the same litter.
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giving them all powers, who's going to stop me, the erins?
holly has super smell powers
jay/aspen has mindwalking still
lion/larch has persuasive speech
ivy has super sight
dove/oak has super hearing
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weekly-whitewing · 1 month
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This pretty lazy cuz I started it yesterday and finished today but here! Brichfall and whitewing marriage! Also anthro!
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kaebeee · 1 year
brichfall pls ^^
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mud-castle · 3 years
If Ashpaw died in Canon the Erin's probably would have probably picked Shrewpaw or even Brichfall? Ashfur was literally uninteresting before except for the whole joyful yell at killing Bone with his friends during the Bloodclan battle, dudes only other interesting things were his dad was Whitestorm, his sister was Ferncloud: Mother-of-Many, and Dustpelt, his mentor and his SISTER'S MATE.
Ooh, I think I said the Erins would do that if Ashfur died or didn't exist on an ask once, but i can't find it.
But yeah, I mean he seemed pretty cool. He and his sister seemed to be equally vengeful as they took part in the dog gorge plan. But yeah, he was just there most of the time.
Like, the Erins hinted that Hawkfrost had someone help him when he died and...that's just it for like a whole nother arc until the fire scene.
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thunderc1an · 4 years
Po3 rewrite, chapter 2
Table of Contents | Next Chapter
Heavy paws weighed down on Mousepaw’s white chest as he was forced to the ground, he made an audible grunt of resistance when his back hit the warm grass. Dark red fur swallowed him with one easy bite, and the bright world around him darkened rather quickly before the young tom could even formulate a counter to this.
His paws flailed fruitlessly as he smacked the sides of his unmovable opponent, and panic tingled at the edge of his conscience. Mousepaw knows not to be afraid but when he realized that his breathing was muffled fear suddenly gripped his chest.
“Lionpaw, that is enough” and the weight is lifted from him.
Mousepaw breathes heavily, gulps of air fill his thankful lungs, and it is only until the shadows of the trees from above stop tilting that the apprentice allows himself to sit up. Not far, the eldest son of Squirrelflight basked in the praise he received from both Brackenfur and Ashfur, they compliment his form and his movement. The deputy even looked to Ashfur and applauded him for teaching Lionpaw such highly leveled combat skills in only a short amount of time to which the spotted tom shied away slightly with a hint of unease, almost as if he could not will himself to take the credit, but that goes unnoticed by the golden tom.
When Brackenfur turns to look at him Mousepaw feels shame at his throat. He was the deputy’s apprentice, he should know better, be better, but Mousepaw was average at best. And, at times he was ok with this, but not when he just lost to a cat that recently had their apprentice ceremony. But Brackenfur was not at all disappointed, he seemed rather pleased with him. “You did very well Mousepaw, you have improved greatly, and for that I am proud of you.” and these honest words lifted the apprentice’s spirit, he looks up but finds the face of his kind mentor is at eye level, the Thunderclan deputy has bent down. “Thank you, sir!” The white apprentice exclaimes and the term of formality earns a chuckle from the older cat.
“Brackenfur, sorry to interrupt you” Ashfur called and the deputy rose to speak with the warrior properly. “May we put a hold on combat training to allow our apprentices to hunt?” In the few moons that had passed the forest had flourished. Prey seemed to overrun the territory completely. Hazelpaw had even told him that Poppypaw had managed to catch a total of 3 mice in one hunting patrol. And as Lionpaw teased his mentor about only wanting to bring prey to Ferncloud, Ashfur’s littermate who had moved into the nursery just recently, Mousepaw looked at his mentor expectedly and Brackenfur looked back, “Well Mousepaw would you like to go hunting?” He wanted to but hesitated to answer.
“Yeah! We should!” Lionpaw finally sang leaving the conversation he had with Ashfur to intervene in theirs. “Could we even go on our own and meet back at camp?” The golden deputy lifted a brow at this plead, his amber eyes first looked to Ashfur who had joined them, then to Mousepaw who nodded his head shyly, a silent confirmation that he wished to do what Lionpaw had suggested.
“Alright then, you may go”
Lionpaw squealed with delight, “But, you must stay by each other’s side, never once separating” and both apprentices nodded at this instruction. They parted ways just a few heartbeats later once they said their goodbyes.
This was not the first time Mousepaw had hunted without a mentor. He was given the opportunity after Brackenfur had taught him how to properly work the hunter’s crouch, it had been an exciting day for Brackenfur had instructed him to take his time and really explore the territory well before even making an attempt to catch something. Although, Mousepaw peaked to the cat that walked beside him, this must be Lionpaw’s first outing without any warrior by his side. And, the first thing the white apprentice took note of about the dark red tom was that his paws were out of proportion with his body, they were huge, and very loud. Every step of his would send this loud vibration into the dirt that Mousepaw could feel. 
“Um, Lionpaw” Happy golden eyes turned to his direction.
“Can you walk a bit softer? You’ll scare the prey away if you keep walking so heavily.” The younger apprentice looked at him weirdly, a bit confused but nonetheless apologized and corrected his mistake. The two cats continued in silence for a few more heartbeats again before the red tom spoke up: “I learned that you had to walk loudly,” he finally said. This time Mousepaw turned to him rather intrigued by the remark. “From Ashfur?” Mousepaw asked this since Ashfur was known to be quite a stealthy warrior. Lionpaw looked shyly away from green eyes. “No- I mean, I guess… something like that” big pale paws touched the earth nervously. Mousepaw decided not to press into the topic anymore, clearly the younger tom was flustered by the way he answered. 
The only other cat Mousepaw knew in Thunderclan that walked with purposely heavy steps was Brambleclaw. The white apprentice was placed in a morning patrol with the mentor of his littermate and Brackenfur a good number of days ago. He thought it was strange such a serious warrior walked in such a silly way but did not dare to ask about it. Later that day, however, when the patrol had arrived back to camp he heard the low muttering of a senior warrior comment to another that Brambleclaw always walked in the same manner that any Shadowclan cat would.  Was Lionpaw receiving training lessons from Brambleclaw? That shouldn’t be the case, really, there was no reason for the two to be close, and Brambleclaw was Berrypaw’s mentor. Although, it was not uncommon for a mentor to bring another warrior with them to train their apprentice, that was how different and unique skills were passed down. Yet, Ashfur was not on good terms with Brambleclaw, from what Hazelpaw had told him overhearing the queen’s gossip, or maybe they were, and Hazelpaw overheard wrong.
While Mousepaw’s thoughts deterred his focus the pair continued on their way. The two cats arrived back at camp nearing Sundown, both with two sizable catches. But it seemed as though entering camp was its own problem. Brichfall was the first to notice their arrival, the thin tom was tense, and it showed easily on his angular face. “Oh good, you’ve returned” But his relief is short lived when yellow eyes look behind the pair. “Mousepaw w-where’s Brackenfur?” Lionpaw responded for him: “We were supposed to meet him and Ashfur back at camp, they allowed us to hunt on our own” If the deputy was needed it meant there was a problem that Firestar was not currently present to solve. The clan leader liked to take strolls with his mate, Sandstorm, through the territory every once in a while. This must be one of those moments.
Mousepaw pushed past the young warrior who chattered about going to find either the deputy or leader. There were two things the apprentice took note of when the clan’s clearing came into view. First of all, Mousepaw noted that Ashfur had arrived back at camp, the spotted warrior was hidden among the shadows of the nursery, him and Ferncloud peaked out from its opening. The second thing he noted was the strained atmosphere in camp. Low whispers whisked around him and everything was about what was currently happening in the center of camp. In the center of the clearing stood three cats, two of them seemingly ready to fight and one that hid in the shadow of another.
“I will not allow my kit to leave camp without going to the medicine den first!” Daisy spat.
“I am her mentor, she will follow my orders” Spiderleg responded, he looked to be slightly more composed than the queen but his irritation was visible with the way his long tail lashed. “Hazelpaw” the dark brown tom ordered, having stepped closer to the cat that was hidden behind Daisy, at the sound of her name Hazelpaw flinched and shrunk to the ground. Daisy matched Spiderleg’s step, preventing the warrior from reaching her kit, this earned her a hiss of retaliation from the tom. “Well I am her mother, and as her mother I say she will go to the medicine den first.” The creamed fur molly took a step towards Spiderleg, the two were chest to chest and Daisy used this to push the taller cat away from the apprentice.  The warrior was unfazed and, rather be intimidated, barked with laughter at her statement “Any clan cat knows the bond between mentor and apprentice is deeper than that of blood, so therefore Hazelpaw will follow what I say.” 
Daisy swiped, Spiderleg dodged, and the clan collectively gulped. “You have been over training her, Spiderleg! Hazelpaw arrives each day with a new cut or gash and you prevent her from going to the medicine den!” A small hiss was heard from the side of the spectators, Honeypaw held a very angry Berrypaw by the scruff of his neck, the cream tom struggled against her hold but she prevented him from intervening. Actually, no cat dared to intervene, but it was easy to understand that many had already begun to pick sides in secret. Fast whispers, angry stares, and Mousepaw was in the middle of it all and it scared him to see a once united clan so divided.
“She has to learn how to be strong! Her outsider blood makes her weak!” The voices of the warriors around him began to rise, and cats pushed against each other.
“Am I weak?” A short, plump, warrior stepped forward; it was Cloudtail and all attention was drawn to him. “I have Kittypet blood, tell me Spiderleg, am I weak?” The older cat had wedged himself between the queen and the warrior. Spiderleg sputtered, and while the brown tom’s attention was occupied; Brightheart, a large bicolor cat, nudged Daisy and Hazelpaw away in the direction of the medicine den. Blue eyes blinked thankfully as the queen took her kit to safety.
“You’ve always been weak Cloudtail!” Dustpelt was the next to step forward, he spat with fury, the senior warrior took the side of his son. “The only reason you even became a warrior was because that crazy bitch of a leader always favored you!” Brightheart hissed when the warrior insulted her mate. Mousepaw did not understand this, he knew Cloudtail was Firestar’s kin, but Firestar had never favored any cat, he was considerate to all, that was what made him such a great leader. His confusion only rose when cats had started to shove one another. Who would be the one to finally tip the tension over the edge? To that question the white apprentice does not know the answer to because he blinks once and the next time green eyes open kin is fighting kin. Claws are out and there is this old bitterness from seemingly generations ago that had finally surfaced and revealed itself to the clan.
Honeypaw rushed past him, alone, and Mousepaw could only fear that his brother was loose among the chaos. He looked for Berrypaw but instead found Jaypaw. The small apprentice had curled into himself; plastered against the floor. Leafpool, the clan’s medicine cat, cried for cats to stop fighting, to allow herself passage into the sea of cats and reach the apprentice. The molly always had this soft and gentle nature to her, always so delicate with her mannerisms, but here with each passing second she could not get to Jaypaw she became more hysterical. Seeing this Mousepaw ran and forced himself against the hostile crowd; he had flung himself onto the younger apprentice, using his body as a shield. Blue, unfocused, eyes opened and over the roar of the battle Mousepaw heard a quiet thank you.
“What is the meaning of this!” and everything stilled.
Firestar stood with green eyes ablaze; Sandstorm, Brackenfur, and Birchfall all watched from behind him.
“Sorreltail, explain to me the situation.” A tortoiseshell she-cat emerged from the crowd, her manner was shy when she approached the disappointed leader. A passive glance was made to Brackenfur. Some words were exchanged and finally Firestar called a few more names to come speak with him in his den, the names of the cats he called followed. Their walk of shame.
Mousepaw straightened himself and helped Jaypaw to his paws, Leafpool was quick to reach them. She checked over the two, Jaypaw more thoroughly, and showered the pair with kisses. It was not long before Squirrelflight joined them, red pelt scruffy: evidence she partook in the skirmish. She had also thanked him heavily for saving her son, giving grateful licks atop his head. And the white apprentice grew rather flustered at such open affection.
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excessivecats · 7 years
is it ok if I request brick, brichfall. hollyleaf and goosefeather??
i’ve added them to the list, thanks for requesting ^^!
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Every Warrior Cat List (tell me if i missed any)
ThunderClan A: -Adderfang -Amberclaw -Ashfur
B: -Beechfur -Berrynose -Brichfall -Birdflight -Blossumfall -Bluestar -Brackenfur -Brambleclaw -Briarlight -Brightheart -Brindleface -Brook Where Small Fish Swim (Brook) -Bumblestripe
C: -Cherrykit -Cinderheart -Cinderpelt -Cloudspots -Cloudtail
D: -Daisy -Daisyheart -Dappletail -Darkstripe -Dovepaw -Duskflower -Dustpelt
E: No names that start with E
F: -Fallowpaw -Featherkit (later Feathertail) -Featherwhisker -Featherwing -Ferncloud -Finchstar -Firestar -Foxleap -Frostfur -Fuzzypelt
G: -Goldenflower -Goosefeather -Gorseclaw -Graystripe -Greeneyes
H: -Halftail -Hazeltail -Hollykit -Hollyleaf -Honeyfern
I: -Icecloud -Ivypaw
J: -Jayfeather
K: -Kestrelwing
L: -Larchkit -Larksong -Leafpool -Leafstorm -Leopardfoot -Lightingtail -Lionblaze -Lionheart -Lionstar -Longtail
M: -Millie -Mistkit -Molepaw -Moonflower -Morningstar -Mossheart -Mosskit -Mothwhisker -Mousefur -Mousewhisker -Mumblefoot
N: -Nettleclaw -Nightkit
O: -Oatwhisker -One-eye -Owleyes -Owlstar
P: -Patchelt -Pearnose -Pineclaw -Pinestar -Poppydawn -Poppyfrost -Prickleface -Purdy
Q: No names that start with Q
R: -Rainwhisker -Ravenpaw -Redstar -Redtail -Robinwing -Rosepetal -Rosetail -Runningwind
S: -Sandstorm -Seedpelt -Shiningheart -Shrewpaw -Smallear -Snowfur -Snowkit -Songbird -Sootfur -Sorreltail -Speckletail -Spiderleg -Spottedleaf -Squirrelflight -Stonepelt -Stormfur -Stormtail -Sunstar -Sweetbriar -Sweetpaw -Swiftbreeze -Swiftpaw
T: -Tawnykit (later Tawnypelt) -Tawnyspots -Thistleclaw -Thistletail -Thornclaw -Thrushpelt -Thunder -Tigerclaw (later Tigerstar) -Toadstep
U: No names that start with U
V: -Vinestar -Vinetail
W: -Weedwhisker -Whitestar -Whitestorm -Whitewing -Windflight
X: No names that start with X
Y: -Yellowfang
Z: No names that start with Z Image Last edited by abstruse. on Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:01 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The List of Warrior Cat Names! (comments welcome)
Postby abstruse. » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:11 am RiverClan
A: -Aspentail
B: -Beechfur -Beetlewhisker -Birchstar -Blackbee -Blackclaw -Brambleberry -Brindleclaw
C: -Cloudberry -Copperpaw -Crookedstar
D: -Dapplenose -Dapplepelt -Darkstar -Dawnflower -Duckpaw -Duskfur
E: -Emberstar
F: -Fallowtail -Feathertail -Fernleaf -Foxclaw -Foxwhisker
G: -Grasspelt -Graymist -Graypool -Graywing -Greenflower
H: -Hailstar -Hawkfrost -Hayberry -Heavystep -Hollowpaw
I: -Icewhisker -Icewing -Ivystar -Ivytail
J: No names start with J
K: -Kinktail
L: -Leopardstar -Lightningpelt -Lilystem -Loudbelly
M: -Mallownose -Meadowpelt -Minnowkit -Minnowtail -Mintfur -Mistystar -Molewhisker -Mosspelt -Mossypaw -Mothwing -Mudfur
N: -Nettlepad -Nettlepaw
O: -Oakheart -Oatpaw -Otterheart -Ottersplash -Owlfur
P: -Pebblefoot -Petalfur -Pikepaw -Pinefur -Pouncetail -Pricklekit
Q: No names start with Q
R: -Rainstorm -Reedshine -Reedstar -Reedwhisker -Rippleclaw -Rippletail -River -Robinwing -Rushpaw
S: -Shadepelt -Shellheart -Silverpaw -Silverstream -Sloefur -Snaketooth -Sneezepaw -Splashheart -Splashpaw -Stonefur -Stonestream -Sunspots -Swallowtail
T: -Talonstar -Tanglepaw -Timberfur -Troutclaw -Troutpaw -Troutstar -Tumblekit
U: No names start with U
V: -Voletooth
W: -Whiteclaw -Whitefang -Wildkit -Willowbreeze -Willowshine -Willowstar
X: No names start with X
Y: No names start with Y
Z: No names start with Z Image Last edited by abstruse. on Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The List of Warrior Cat Names! (comments welcome)
Postby abstruse. » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:12 am WindClan A: -Acorntail -Adderkit -Adderpaw -Antpelt -Ashfoot
B: -Barkface -Birchstar -Boulderpaw -Breezepelt -Buzzardkit
C: -Cherryfeather -Cloversplash -Crowfeather -Crowfur
D: -Daisytail -Darkfoot -Dawnstripe -Deadfoot -Dewspots -Dovestar -Duststar
E: -Eaglekit -Emberfoot
F: -Fallowstar -Featherstar -Furzepaw
G: -Gorseclaw -Gorsepaw -Gorsestar -Gorsetail (New Prophecy) -Gorsetail (Power of Three) -Graywing
H: -Hareflight -Harespring -Hawkfoot -Hawkfur -Hawkheart -Hazelstar -Heatherstar -Heathertail
I: No names start with I
J: No names start with J
K: -Kestrelflight
L: -Larkwing -Leaftail
M: -Milkfur -Morningcloud -Morningflower -Mothflight -Mudclaw -Mudpuddle
N: -Nightcloud
O: -Oatwhisker -Onestar -Owlwhisker
P: -Pebblefur -Pricklekit
Q: -Quickpaw
R: -Rabbitstar -Rabbittail -Redclaw -Reedfeather -Robinwing -Runningbrook -Runningstorm -Rushtail -Ryewhisker
S: -Sedgewhisker -Sheeptail -Shrewpaw -Slatepelt -Smallstar -Specklepaw -Stoneclaw -Stonestar -Sunstrike -Swallowtail -Swiftfoot -Swiftstar
T: -Tallstar -Tawnyfur -Thistlepaw (Code of the Clans) -Thistlepaw (New Prophecy) -Thistlepaw (Power of Three) -Thrushpelt -Thrushwing -Tornear
U: No names start with U
V: No names start with V
W: -Weaselfur -Webfoot -Whiskerpaw -Whiteberry -Whitetail -Willowclaw -Wind -Wolfheart
X: No names start with X
Y: No names start with Y
Z: No names start with Z
Image Last edited by abstruse. on Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The List of Warrior Cat Names! (comments welcome)
Postby abstruse. » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:12 am ShadowClan A: -Applefur -Archeye -Ashfur
B: -Badgerpaw -Blackstar -Blizzardstar -Blossomkit -Boulder -Brackenfoot -Brightflower -Brightwhisker -Brindlestar -Brokenstar -Brownpaw
C: -Cedarheart -Cedarstar -Cinderfur -Clawface -Cloudpelt -Crowclaw -Crowfrost -Crowtail
D: -Darkflower -Darkstripe -Dawncloud -Dawnpelt -Dawnstar -Driftkit
E: No names start with E
F: -Fallowkit -Featherstorm -Fernshade -Ferretpaw -Flametail -Flintfang -Flowerstem -Foxheart
G: No names start with G
H: -Hollowbelly -Hollyflower -Hollystar
I: -Ivytail
J: -Jaggedtooth -Jumptail
K: -Kinkfur
L: -Lakestorm -Lilyfur -Lilystar -Littlebird -Littlecloud -Lizardfang -Lizardstripe -Logfur
M: -Marshkit -Marshscar -Molepelt -Mossfire -Mossheart -Mosspaw -Mudclaw
N: -Nightstar -Nightwhisper -Nightwing
O: -Oakfur -Oakleaf -Olivenose -Owlclaw
P: -Pebbleheart -Pinepaw -Poolcloud
Q: No names start with Q
R: -Raggedstar -Ratscar -Redscar -Redwillow -Ripplestar -Rowanclaw -Runningnose -Russetfur
S: -Sagewhisker -Scorchfur -Sedgestar -Shadow -Shrewfoot -Silvermask -Smokefoot -Smoketalon -Snaketail (Power of Three) -Snaketail (Firestar's Quest) -Snowbird -Snowstar -Spiderfoot -Splashnose -Spottedpaw -Starlingpaw -Stonetooth -Sunnytail
T: -Tallpoppy -Talonpaw -Tawnypelt -Tigerheart -Tigerstar -Toadfoot
U: No names start with U
V: -Volepaw
W: -Wetfoot -Whitethroat -Whitewater -Wildfur
X: No names start with X
Y: -Yellowfang -Yellowstar
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creamecream · 5 years
I only recently found out that Aloysius is pronounced “Owl-Ish-Us”...I’ve been saying “Al-Lu-See-Us”... My Hawke’s name is still gonna be pronounced like that, sorry.
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