#brick x katie
heartlandians · 11 months
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Heartland - 11x05 - Measuring Up
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enwoso · 1 month
Lovie having an even worse day than the grump story and hitting Vic pelova and having an all mighty meltdown
TINY TEMPER — alessia russo x child!reader
a long one🙃 got a little carried away when i was writing this, but ENJOY!
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grumpy masterlist
travelling was tiring for the average person. travelling to the other side of the world was exhausting. travelling to the other side of the world at the age of four was anything but tiring, until it hits you like a brick wall that is.
alessia knew this would happen. she's tried so hard for it not to happen but when your so little and you get to do exciting things there's no containing your energy.
but it was now officially day two of arsenals post season trip to melbourne and you were past the point of tired.
when the flight landed at seven am yesterday morning you were fast asleep, alessia not thinking anything of it. more thanking her lucky stars she was going to be able to get through customs a little quicker without having to have eyes in back of her head in case you decided to bolt. something you'd done on the layover finding it the funniest game ever.
however, alessia wished she could have gone back in time and told herself to wake you up instead of just trying to make things easier for herself as when it came to bed time last night you had more energy than a duracell battery meaning you didn't exactly have the longest night sleep.
but hey you were four and had no concept of time never mind time zones..
"oh did someone not have a good night sleep?" steph giggled slightly as you sat at the breakfast table with your arms on it as your head rested on them an almighty frown on your face.
"who you asking tiny or less?" kyra teased as alessia glared at the young australian a cup of coffee secured tightly in her hands. steph slapping kyra on the shoulder also giving the girl a warning glare. your mummy placing a bowl of cereal in front of you and a bowl of fruit next to it.
you would usually start digging into it but not today, instead you pushed it as far as you could away from you. not wanting it anywhere close to you. pushing it until it hit steph's plate as she was the one who was sat in front of you.
"lovie, don't do that please" alessia said firmly as she pulled your bowl back to be in front of you. you huffing as you turned your head away from the bowl.
"i never thought i would see the day tiny not eating her coco pops!" kyra tried as you gave her a cold stare. you didn't want to eat them, you wanted to sleep but every time you closed your eyes mummy was tapping you on the shoulder waking you up.
"you'll have to be quick, otherwise they'll go all soggy and yucky-" kyra tried again, usually you would listen to kyra as she helped you create some fun when everyone else was being all dull and serious.
"just leave her kyra, she's not gonna eat them" alessia sighed as she watched you turn so you were sat on the on edge of your chair, kicking your legs back and forth. your white crocs which were on your feet close to coming off.
you swinging your feet further and further until your crocs flew off you feet. them being very close to landing on the table next to you. where katie, cailtlin and teyah were sat talking and eating their breakfast.
"ay whose little croc is this" katie's thick irish accent coming out as she picked up your croc, sending you a pointed smile. you giving katie a frown in return as you went back to swinging your legs back and forth.
"do you want it back?" katie had got up and walked the few steps handing your croc back to you but you just ignoring her as katie looked up at alessia who was shaking her head telling the irish girl a no. katie giving a nod understanding you clearly weren't in the mood.
"i'll just give it to your ma" katie nodded to alessia handing your shoe over as alessia mumbled a small thank you as katie returned back to her seat.
alsssia was exhausted already and the day had nearly just begun and that wasn’t due to jet lag although it probably played a big factor but from the fact she knew she was in for a day from hell with you and your grumpy mood.
you come out your shell a little, playing around with vic in a soft play area that the hotel had, most of the girls had been told to chill before it was time for meetings.
alessia was a little more content knowing you were playing with vic, although she would have preferred it more if you’d had a nap but you were having none of that when the idea was suggested.
so alessia sat in the little cafe next to it doing some uni work. her eyes glancing over every so often to where you and vic were. vic admittedly looking like she was having way more fun in the small play area sitting in a ball pit filled with colourful plastic balls.
you were sat playing with building blocks, building them as high as you could before barrelling most definitely a little too aggressively your foot in the bottom of it watching it tumble before restarting.
“vic me wan that one!” you pointed to another little boy who was in the play area on the other side playing with what looked to be his younger brother, as he also was building a tower with other coloured blocks.
“no tiny, you can’t right now someone else is playing with it” vic smiled gently as she picked up another ball in the ball in the ball pit.
“me wan that one!” you demanded a little louder this time, looking over to the little boy as you glared at vic who was starting to get a little uncomfortable as she didn’t exactly know how to respond or handle the situation which in her eyes looked like it wasn’t going to end with your usual cheesy grin.
“tiny you’ll have to wait your turn.. why don’t you play in the ball pit with me” vic tried, hoping it would help for you to forget about the building blocks.
unfortunately for vic it couldn’t be that easy, you instead shaking your head totally uninterested in the ball pit that was filled with colourful plastic balls.
instead you got yourself up from where you’d been sat, vic seeing you were making a beeline for the little boy. in a blink of an eye vic was up out of the ball pit, colourful balls flying out the pit as she lifted you up just inches away from the little boy.
you letting out an angry scream you began to kick your legs into viv’s body as well as flaying your arms around. what vic hadn’t realised is that there was a building block still in your hand and with your arms flaying around, the block hit vic straight in the eye.
the scream alone was enough to catch alessia’s attention as she shot up leaving her uni work, seeing your temper tantrums finally happen. quickly getting to vic’s rescue you were taken out of vic’s arms as you carry on kicking your legs and screaming just this time on the floor.
alessia quickly asking is vic was okay, the dutch girl flashing a smile and nodding her head. her eyes watering a little bit in all she was in fact okay.
alessia’s attention moved to you, as you were still on the floor of the hotel. screaming and crying while you kicked you legs out in pure frustration. alessia could sense the other guests wondering the hotel where staring at the scene that was happening.
alessia trying to pick you up by your hand but you were having none of it, just letting your entire body go limp. to the point where alessia’s patience had worn and she had to pick you up.
"tiny temper strikes!" kyra says with a proud smile, as the others look at her with a pointed look, totally unimpressed.
"you've been waiting ages to say that haven't you-" steph asks as kyra nodded her head enthusiastically watching on as you pull a tantrum in the middle of the hotel lobby. your over tiredness really kicking in.
"that's a singer you tool!" katie laughs at the young australian as the others look on, kyra sat with a confused look.
"what, no it's not" kyra shakes her head not understanding what katie was saying as it breaks katie into another fit of laughter, caitlin hitting katie on the shoulder for her to quieten down.
“katie your thinking of tinie tempeh” steph corrected the irish girl as katie rolled her eyes playfully, “same thing”
alessia managed to get you back to the room, where your sobs had quietened down as you face was now stained with tears as the occasional sniffle came from you.
you had been sat on your own for the past minutes, your mummy giving you the space you clearly needed before trying to talk to you. alessia had tried to talk to you but you just kept moving your head away from her every time she spoke.
“lovie?” your mummy said calmly, as she stood a few inches away from you. alessia was upset with your behaviour but she also knew it wasn’t entirely your fault as you were only acting this way because you were overly tired and overwhelmed. but still it was so excuse.
you glanced over to your mummy as you came a little closer, sniffles still coming from you. your mummy bending down so that she matched your height as you sat on the end of the bed.
“now y/n you understand that what you did to vic wasn’t very kind?”your mummy spoke in a serious which told you she was disappointed in you, you bowing your head so you just looked at your feet, a little hiccup coming from you from spending twenty minutes sobbing.
“you could have really hurt her or yourself with how you were acting” your mummy continued as you still were looking down at you socks and the patterns that were on them.
“do you understand where mummy is coming from?” she asked as you nodded slightly, you understood that what you had done was wrong and you didn’t feel a little upset with yourself for the way you had acted.
"how uncle gio would think if he saw you acting like this?" your mummy asked as you shrugged your shoulder, slightly confused as to why she was bringing up gio he wasn't even here, you hadn't seen him in person since christmas just before he set off on his big adventure around the world.
you shrugged, "uncle gio not here though"
"well he was coming to see you but i don't think he'll want to now especially if you being not very kind" alessia told you as you lifted your head a little. uncle gio was here, how?
“m’sorry” you mumbled under your breath, still looking at your feet.
“i know you are lovie, but when we see vic next i would like you to apologise to her, can you do that for me?” your mummy asked as you looked up from you feet and nodded a small squeak of a yes coming from you as you nodded.
“good, now lovie i want you to promise if you ever get any big feelings that you don’t know what to do. i want you to tell me and mummy can help you” your mummy told you as you slides down from the bed and hugged your mum. alessia’s arms going around you tiny waist tightly as she stroked her hand up and down your back just like she always did.
“can i make a card for vic to say sorry?” you asked quietly, as you mummy flashed a small smile before nodding.
“i think that would be a lovely idea lovie! i’ll get your pens from the suitcases”
you had spent all your time in the afternoon while your mummy trained making vic a card, drawing yourself on it with vic and all of her favourite things — that you could remember that is.
you wanted it to be perfect, and after training you asked your mummy to help you write what you wanted in it.
your mummy writing it while you told her what to write. you making sure to add your own little personalisation into it.
vic was one of the last ones out of training, having went to make a trip to see the physio. just to get a ice pack for the small bruise you had given her on the side of her eye,
your mummy had told you to leave it on her bag, so you doing as you were told you did just that.
mummy was in a strange hurry to leave training you weren’t quite sure why, but you did as you were told. putting your shoes and jumper on when asked before holding tightly onto your mummy’s hand. saying bye to couple of arsenal girls that had managed to get back to the changing room.
your mummy lead you to the front of where you had been training, stopping in the front lobby. as you looked up and asked why.
“just waiting for a second lovie, then we can go on a walk” your mummy smiled as she looked around the lobby.
“can we go to the park?” you asked with hopeful smile, you had seen one on the coach on the way to the hotel and it looked pretty cool and had things you hadn’t seen in the park near your house in london.
“maybe, we’ll see” mummy said quickly as you frowned a little. you hated when people older than you would respond to you with that as it usually meant no, and that was no fun to you.
but the frown was quickly turned around into a smile as your mummy pointed to someone coming around the corner, you gasped as you realised just who it was.
"uncle gio!" you called out excitedly as he lifted you up in the air, throwing you slightly as giggles escaped you as he caught you. your mummy stood recording the whole interaction.
"hey kiddo, you've gotten so big since i last saw you!" gio smiled as you nodded proudly starting to babble how you'd grown and show him how much with your hands.
"i heard you've been causing some trouble!" gio whispered as you gave him a blank smile back, moving your head to face your mummy who's eyebrows were raised.
"i think we are still adjusting to the new time zone in australia, but still we've had a little chat and tomorrows a new day isn't it lovie!" alessia have you a small smile as you nodded your head before resting it on gio's shoulder.
your mummy and your uncle gio began to talk as gio carried you walked through the streets of melbourne. your mummy claiming she wanted to go shopping as you felt comfort in your uncles arms, pointing things out as he gave you a reassuring nod and smile.
but before you had even got to the first shop, you had fell into a trap of dreams. your eyes had felt heavy when walking past a cute little coffee shop but that's the last thing you remember before your eyes, which had felt heavy since the moment you woke up, closed.
"wait- what how on earth have you done that..." your mummy stopped before entering the first shop, noticing you had fallen asleep, something she had been trying all day to get you to have a short nap.
"done what?" gio looked at alessia with a confused look not quite sure what she meant. he hadn't done anything except walk along the streets with you in his arms.
"got her to sleep!"
"cause i'm an amazing uncle duh!" gio laughed once he realised, alessia shaking her head at her older brothers cockiness.
"well she's got half an hour for a nap, you can be in charge of waking her up" alessia smiled sarcastically before continuing.
"and with those amazing uncle skills i’m sure you'll have no problem with lovie's grumpiness when you have to wake her up" alessia continued, the same smile still plastered on her face as she tapped her brother on the back before leaving him to go and look in a shop.
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liked by leahwilliamson and 839,065 others
alessia eventful few days😅 tiny on tour continues🛫🧳🦘
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etherealstar-writes · 7 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: fifteen
part one here
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ nahhh that's it i'm quitting this job tillies my baes you guys hiring? 🙏
willybum Y/N NO
stephy of course! 🥰
the REAL karate kid NAHHH
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ NO YOU GUYS ARE NOT
meado what did you guys do this time
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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stairway it was nothing!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ NOTHING?!
willybum did you just make a meme of me ....
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ i've made memes of all of you BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT RN i hate you all except lotte i love you you're the only lioness i'll support
tom holland's twin while i really appreciate that pls don't leave me with these idiots 🥺🙏
meado waittt i wasn't part of all this why hate meee
earpsy yeah i wasn't there either why do we gotta suffer tho
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ MARY you not being there was what caused this torture and suffering in the first place 😭😭
keira i'm so out of the loop rn
willybum it wasn't even that badddd
stairway yeahh you're being kinda dramatic
tom holland's twin yeah it was a nasty bump ngl y'all knocked out her braincells
elton i mean to be fair she kinda didn't have many braincells to begin with anyway ....
the REAL karate kid
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kyra charli and i are coming to get ya rn from these losers we're on our way
willybum this is unacceptable
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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the REAL karate kid
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come at me you colonisers
tom holland's twin NAHH NOT COLONISERS 😭😭
stairway WE WILL
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cha cha imma bring in the big guns
cha cha added brick wall, ford, lani and sammy the skippa
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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cha cha um that photo .... anyway macca cait lani protect y/n at all costs
brick wall
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aye aye
lani on it!
ford okay!
sammy the skippa um what is happening rn
stephy all you need to know is that we gotta protect y/n from the lionesses
sammy the skippa
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neev we got our own big guns lucy millie mary rach need ya rn
earpsy here!
brightness yes.
daily i was summoned
rusty metal yeah?
the REAL karate kid WHAT?!
brick wall since always?
stephy yeah katie's an honorary aussie
meado katie?!
mccard yeah i am
rusty metal ona?
ona well ..... i'm afraid to tell you that we spaniards have formed an alliance with the aussies
willybum what is this blasphemy
tom holland's twin wait isn't spain also a coloniser tho ....
stairway oh yeahhh that's hypocritical of you
ona shhhhhhh
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cha cha well y/n is successfully ours
samma the skippa
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what are you all gonna do? drown us in your cup of teas?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ DAMN yall got violated haha
the REAL karate kid
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neev i cannot believe this just happened 😔😭
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
next part here
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helen-with-an-a · 3 months
Anxiety pt 2
Hiiiii. So I've had a few requests for a 2nd part to Anxiety. I'm not quite sure I like the end but I think I like it overall, if that makes sense. I'm slowly working my way through my inbox, so if you have any requests, please send them through. This is inspired by the video from the Everton match where Jonas may or may not have pushed Viv (I think we all know the video).
Thank you for all the support from everyone. It's been lovely to see it <3
AWFC x Reader ; Viv Miedema x Reader (platonic)
Description: Jonas gets into it with R
TW: Jonas; Discussions of anxiety
Word Count: 2.4k
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Since you had begun to open up to Viv about your struggles, life was... easier? You think it was easier. It was definitely easier not to have to pretend you were fine all the time. Allowing yourself to lean on people, even just a little bit, lifted a significant weight off your shoulders. However, the prospect of embracing open and honest conversations was a daunting challenge. You had never relied on anyone before and making that shift required a significant adjustment.
Before Viv, you had mastered the art of hiding. You had become adept at concealing your trembling hands when a comment struck you the wrong way. You had learned to regulate your breathing in isolation whenever you faced a question that made your heart race. These coping mechanisms had become so ingrained in your identity that letting them go felt like losing a part of yourself. Your silent panic had been a defining aspect of who you were, and now … without it … you found yourself questioning your very identity.
Despite the unease, everything seemed better now that Viv had been deemed fit to return to training. Her steady gaze and quiet encouragement had become a source of comfort. Under her guidance, you were slowly becoming more open. The walls you had built around yourself were beginning to crumble, brick by brick. You still shied away from the larger personalities within the squad – Kyra and Katie were particularly intimidating for you. Their boldness and confidence seemed to highlight your own insecurities. However, you were finding comfort in smaller, one-on-one interactions. Gentle conversations with Kim provided a safe space for you to turn. Standing next to Lotte offered a level of protection, she happily took the conversation away from you, yet let you speak whenever you felt brave enough. Viv never pushed too hard, understanding that your journey was a delicate one. You found yourself being bolder whenever she was around, even going so far as to joke around with Leah and Beth.
There were still moments of struggle, of course. There were times when the old habits of hiding, and self-reliance reasserted themselves. But now, there was a difference. Now, you had someone to turn to, someone who understood.
Everything was going well. You were more confident in your play – stepping onto the pitch didn't make you feel like you were suffering a heart attack, although you still felt sick at the thought of starting. Your training was improving, too; you no longer panicked at every interaction or overthought a small comment made by a teammate. The tension was a constant presence, affecting everyone's performance and morale.
It was an open secret that Jonas was… temperamental at best. It was something you grew to learn incredibly quickly. One moment, he was speaking normally, and the next, you were being shouted at in front of your work colleagues and friends – often leaving you with whiplash if you weren't on the receiving end and shaking in your boots if you were. His unpredictable nature added a layer of anxiety to an already stressful environment. The fear of his sudden outbursts kept you on edge, making it difficult to fully relax and enjoy the ball at your feet. You knew Viv was growing more concerned. With every flinch or wary look, she threw daggers at Jonas, even going so far as to say something to him. It wasn't without consequence either; if someone spoke to him, in public or private, they would often find themselves out of the Starting XI or not utilised as a sub the next game.
It was the Everton match where things came to a head. Tensions had been high for weeks now, especially since Viv's return to matchday fitness. You had been promised some game time. It was supposed to be an easy win, and you had been assured more than your usual 15 minutes. As the match approached, the anticipation and anxiety built up. You could feel the familiar weight on your chest. In, two, three … out, two three. Nice and slow.
"Ademen, lieverd." Viv's hand came to rest on your shoulder. You nodded, your hand reaching out to find hers. Her touch was comforting, a steady anchor that helped calm your racing heart. She squeezed your hand gently, nodding and smiling her reassurance, her eyes conveying her belief in you.
The locker room was a flurry of activity, teammates bustling about, lacing up boots, adjusting shin guards, and sharing last-minute strategies. The noise level rose and fell in waves, punctuated by bursts of nervous laughter and snippets of conversation. Amidst this controlled chaos, Viv's presence was like a lighthouse in the storm. Her quiet confidence was infectious as she drew you in for a final hug.
As the team filed out onto the pitch, the roar of the crowd hit you like a wall of sound. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. The energy of the stadium was palpable, the anticipation almost tangible. You and Viv made your way to the bench, settling in and preparing to watch the game unfold.
From the sidelines, you could see the intensity of the match from the very start. Everton was playing with unexpected energy, turning what was supposed to be an easy win into struggle for the full 3 points. The tension was so thick you could almost taste it, and Jonas's voice cut through the air with sharp commands and criticisms. His temperamental nature added to the pressure, and you could sense the unease among your teammates. Despite the mounting anxiety, you tried to focus on the game. Viv's steady presence beside you was a constant source of comfort, but it was a struggle to keep your nerves in check. As the match wore on, you knew your moment was approaching. You glanced at the clock, your heart rate quickening with each passing minute, the sound of it pounding in your ears.
Finally, the call came. You stood up, shaking out your limbs and taking a few deep breaths. Viv gave you a reassuring nod, her eyes full of support. "You've got this," she whispered. You nodded and stepped out to start your warmup. The repetitive movements are a familiar source of comfort. You were waiting by the 4th Official, completing your final pre-match rituals, shaking your arms and taking a few deep breaths. Jonas was next to you. You weren't entirely comfortable with how close he was or the hand resting lightly on your shoulder, but you would be moving soon enough.
You waited.
… And waited.
You looked to the 4th Official; two chances for you to step onto the pitch had passed. Had she forgotten about you?
"Umm…" you piped out, blinking as she dismissed you slightly. You turned to Jonas. "Uhh," you repeated.
"Sit down." He all but shouted at you. You stepped back, stumbling into the 4th Official.
"Sorry, sorry," you whispered.
The sting of Jonas's dismissal hit hard, your confidence wavering. You glanced at Viv, who was watching with a worried expression. The familiar weight of anxiety began to press down on you again, but you took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. Viv's eyes remained on you, a silent source of encouragement. You couldn't move. Your muscles had locked, and your mind raced. What did he mean 'sit down'? Were you not supposed to be subbing on?
"Did you hear me? Sit. Down!" He was definitely shouting now. You clearly weren't moving quickly enough for him, as the hand on your shoulder roughly pushed you towards the bench.
You didn't really see much of what happened next. But you saw it later when the video got released on Twitter.
The camera had been trained on you, clearly anticipating your substitution. You looked absolutely terrified, but that was a normal expression for you to have during a game. In the video, you can see you look up to the official standing next to you before you turn to Jonas for answers. Thankfully, they were too far away to pick up the audio, but you could distinctly see your step back, Jonas’s angry face and the rough shove.
Viv was next to you in a flash. One arm pulled you into her side, and her other hand flailed wildly. Her lips moved too fast to see the actual words, but it was clear she was furious.
The events following that moment were a blur. You remembered Jonas's face contorting with rage, his voice rising above the din of the stadium. Teammates turning to look, confusion and concern etched on their faces. You could see the girls on the bench exchanging glances, their brows furrowed. You were shaking, confused about what was happening around you while trying to get back to the bench. Viv stood firm, though, her anger matching his, not backing down. You felt her hand grip the top of your arm slightly, grounding you, giving you a focal point amidst the chaos. Her other hand gestured animatedly as she argued with Jonas, her voice cutting through the noise. You couldn't make out her words, but her tone was unmistakable.
Jonas finally stormed off, his arms flinging in the air as he moved past you both, leaving you feeling raw and exposed. You could feel the weight of everyone's eyes on you, the unspoken questions hanging in the air. Viv stayed close, her presence a comforting barrier against the outside world. She guided you back to the bench, her arm still wrapped around your shoulders.
As you sat down, the adrenaline began to wear off, leaving you feeling drained and shaky. Viv sat beside you, her hand still on your shoulder. She didn't say anything, just stayed with you, her fingers rubbing soft circles into your skin. The game continued, but your mind was elsewhere. The roar of the crowd, the calls of the players, and the commentary from the coaches all blended into a distant hum. You focused on your breathing, trying to regain some form of calm. In, two, three... out, two, three. Nice and slow. Viv's hand on your shoulder rose and fell with your breaths, a comforting rhythm. In, two, three... out, two, three. You could breathe better, but every exhale was jumpy, the exhale coming out short and staccato
You didn't really notice the full-time whistle or Viv disappearing from your side. You didn't register Lotte, guiding you back to the lockers. It wasn't until you were placed in the cubby, a too-big jumper being tugged over your head, that you became aware of your surroundings. You blinked slowly, looking up at Lotte.
"Hey, you back with us?" She asked gently.
"Sorry," you looked away, ashamed of your previous panic.
"No, no, no. Do not apologise, especially not for anxiety." You nodded, not believing what she was saying. You always felt like you needed to apologise for your nervousness, particularly when you were helped through it by someone else – something about relying on them to guide you always sat a little funny. You should be able to do this yourself. You shouldn't have to rely on someone to do it for you.
"What happened anyway?" Lotte asked gently. She had been on the pitch at the time, but she had seen the commotion from where she was standing.
"I don't know," you answered honestly. "He told me to go warm up, so I did. And then I was standing by the Official, ready to go on, but nothing was happening. I … I just asked what was going on. I promise I didn't do anything." You began to panic again. Was it your fault? You didn't really know. One moment, everything was fine, and the next, you were being shouted at and pushed away. "I'm sorry, it didn't do anything. I promise." You were crying now, your body shaking as you rushed out your apologies.
"Oh, honey," she said, pushing her arms around you in an awkward hug.
When you didn't calm down after a few minutes, like Lotte and the girls around you expected, they also began to panic a little. Your usual support system, Kim and Viv, weren't back yet. Lotte looked around helplessly, hoping someone would know what to do. The other girls exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to help you.
"It's okay, just breathe," Lotte whispered, trying to soothe you. She rubbed your back in slow circles, but you were still shaking, tears streaming down your face.
Finally, Katie stepped forward, her voice firm but kind. "Hey, listen to me. You didn't do anything wrong, okay? This is on him. Not you."
You looked up at her, eyes red and puffy. "But I… I just—"
"No buts," Katie interrupted gently. "We've all been there. It's tough, but it's not on you. We're a team; we look out for each other."
Lotte nodded in agreement, tightening her hug. "Exactly. You don't have to go through this alone. We're here for you, always."
Slowly, their words began to sink in. You took a few deep breaths, trying to steady yourself. The panic was still there, but it was a little less overwhelming with their support.
The door to the changing room crashed open; Kim and Viv appeared, concerned expressions on their faces. Viv was the first to spot you in the centre of the little huddle of players.
"What happened?" Kim asked, her voice urgent.
Lotte quickly filled them in as Viv knelt down beside you, her presence immediately calming. "Hey, it's going to be okay," she said softly. "You're safe." She reached out, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, her touch gentle but reassuring. "You're strong, lieverd, remember that. And you've got us. We'll speak to people back home; he won't do anything like that again."
Kim nodded in agreement; her eyes filled with determination. "Absolutely. We won't let anyone treat you like that. You're a part of this team, and we protect our own. We're family."
Their unwavering support began to ease the tightness in your chest. You took another deep breath, feeling a bit more grounded. The shaking in your hands lessened, and the tears slowed to a stop. You leaned heavily into Viv, your head dropping to her shoulder.
"Do - do you think we could get ice cream, when we're back at the hotel?" you asked, hopefully, smiling gently at the laughter that filled the changing rooms.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3
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pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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Dave Lizewski x fem!reader
Summary: Being partners with Kick-Ass is far more intimidating when you have a huge crush on him, especially when he won't stop talking about his crush.
Prompt: hurt and comfort - "I'm so sick of pretending like everything is okay."
here you go, my darling @lavieenvalentina! ily! seeing you in my notifs always makes me so happy!
The night is humid and hot and nothing seems to be going your way. 
First, your costume had shrunk in the laundry making the middle feel three sizes too small. Second, it had been drizzling outside and now your hair is frizzy, and third—your partner, Kick-Ass, has been going on and on about this girl Katie from his high school. 
You know Katie. You've deduced you go to the same school. She's all sugary sweet on the outside, but she's been casually teasing you since middle school, which is something you can't exactly tell him considering your identity must remain a secret. 
It doesn't help that you don't know who Kick-Ass is either. Hell, he could be one of the stupid popular jocks for all you know and then you'd so feel silly.
"And her hair is so silky and smooth, I wonder how she—" Kick-Ass continues as you walk, grinning like an idiot. You don't know how much longer you can take this agony, but you try and listen to him anyway.
"You okay?" he asks after more rambling because he can now sense you aren't listening. 
You pause, stopping at a crossroads and then you turn to him. "I should go home, there isn't any crime happening," you say, needing some time alone and away from him. 
"Did I say something wrong?" he asks, his voice low and hoarse. It's the tone that makes your cheeks feel warm and your heart flutters uncontrollably. Behind his mask, his bright blue eyes shine and he's looking at you like some poor puppy who can't understand why his owner won't give him a bone. 
"Don't look at me like that," you say, taking his arm and pulling him into a small alley. 
"Like what?" he sounds genuinely confused as he leans against the brick wall. 
"Like a damn wounded puppy!" you exclaim, throwing up your arms in exasperation, "As if I've kicked you or something stupid. Why do you always have to act like the one who's hurt when all you do is hurt me?!"
The words tumble from your lips.
"I hurt you?" he whispers, his concerned expression obvious even with almost his entire face covered. "How? I thought we were friends. You're the best damn friend I've ever had."
"You don't know me," you interrupt him and fiddle with the latex of your glove, "not really." 
"Well, I could know you," Kick-Ass says, sounding very determined. "You're the one who doesn't want to know me. I've told you a thousand times you can trust me. I've even told you my name."
Your eyes widen at this revelation. "What? When?"
"The first week we met, you never told me yours but whatever," he shakes his head and then outstretches his hand, "Here, I don't mind. I trust you. My name is Dave," he says casually.
You suddenly click all the pieces in your head and your smile drops.
"Dave Lizewski?" you whisper, suddenly recognizing his voice. Of course, how could you not have recognized him? You sit next to Dave in Pre-Calculus every single day. Dave hangs around with Katie all the time. You look him up and down.
His eyebrows crease. "How did you know that?" he asks suspiciously.
You think, screw this, and untie your mask from behind your head, letting it drop into your hands. You look up, almost afraid of his reaction.
Dave's eyes widen and he stutters out your name, the syllables stuck in his throat as he processes that it's you.
He didn't consider you a friend at school, but you always helped him in Pre-Calculus when you could so he liked you. Plus, you're gorgeous and he can't deny that before Katie Deauxma, he'd thought of you in inappropriate ways—sometimes he still does.
His cheeks burn bright red. 
"It's you," is all he can muster.
You shrug and look away from him. "This is so stupid," you say and then turn to him again, "We're so stupid for not knowing. I mean, we talk all the time."
Dave pulls off his mask. Luckily no one is walking around this dinghy alley to see you both. Your breath catches in your throat at seeing Dave, his hair messy and stuck to his skin, his glasses abandoned and dressed in his Kick-Ass suit. 
You start to laugh. You aren't laughing at him but at this absurd situation. 
Dave doesn't take it like that and he scrunches up his nose. "Are you laughing at me?"
You shake your head and look at him seriously. "No, I'm laughing because if I had known waking up today that the boy I have a crush on was none other than Dave Lizewski from Pre-Calculus—I think I would have pinched myself."
Your words sink and Dave's eyes widen until he looks almost scared. "What?"
"You know Katie thinks you're gay. That's the only reason she's your friend," you interrupt. You feel the need to tell him, like jealousy and pure venom is slipping from your mouth. Is it mean? A little, but you think it's time someone should burst his bubble.
Dave frowns, your previous statement slipping his mind momentarily. "I know that," he tells you, defensive. 
"Then why on earth do you have to go on and on about her all the time?"
"Sorry, I didn't realize I was inconveniencing you, Y/n," he snaps without hesitation, crossing his arms.
"Well, you are," you snap back, glaring at him and looking at him like this, knowing who he is, makes this a thousand times harder.
If Kick-Ass did turn out to be a stupid, meat-head, jock then this would be so much easier. Only he isn't. He's Dave Lizewski  and Dave is sweet and he's funny and he's brave and—
"I'm so sick of pretending like everything is okay," you blurt out and bury your face in your hands. 
Dave is quiet for a moment until he walks closer and pulls your hands down so he can look at you. "Okay, listen, can we please rewind for a second?" he asks, "y-you said you have a crush on me."
You shake your head and warmth spreads across your cheeks. 
"You did," Dave insists. 
"Doesn't matter, it's stupid."
"It does matter," he says and his hands cup your cheeks, hair falling and tickling his wrists as his mask hangs from his hand. "It matters because you're lovely and kind and I really like you." 
"Not the way I like you," you counter, "you like Katie Deauxma." 
Dave winces and he can't argue. His feelings don't just magically disappear, although he can admit that for some reason—after seeing you in this light—something inside him shifted. Something he can't explain right now.
"Y/n, you don't know me either," he tells you honestly, "you may know Kick-Ass a little, and you may like him, but you don't like Dave."
Not yet, you want to finish but you don't. You keep your mouth shut. He has a point.
"Just don't talk about her anymore, will you?"
Dave smiles a little, nodding his head. "Okay. Promise," he looks into your eyes, his gaze flickering to your lips. 
He has a really strong feeling he won't need to talk about Katie anymore. 
tags: @earth-elemental18
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
listen i think we should bring back some of the like 2012-2015 era pjo memes and trends so the show folks can get a taste of what the fandom was like back then.
Persassy, "fish jesus," Soldatino, some of the popular ships from then just for fun (remember when Travis Stoll x Katie Gardner was a thing? the extremely brief period of time when people shipped Jason x Butch Walker because Butch is described with "a face like a pile of bricks" so it was a convoluted Brason joke?). i hear people are calling show percabeth "smartwater" so that's coming back already, that's fun. there's potential here.
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woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Kid II
Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
Summary: You get injured during the derby against Chelsea
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To be honest, getting injured was the worst thing that had ever happened to you.
It wasn't even a big injury but the embarrassment was enough to make you want to crawl into a hole and die.
"Oh, shit," You swore, clutching at the side of your face as pain radiated through your entire head.
Chelsea's Millie Bright, the player you had collided with, looked down at you in horror. "You doing alright, l/n?"
"No." You voice came out nasally and you refused to move your hand, laying on your back. "Ow."
"We're gonna need medics over here!" Bright turned her attention fully onto you, trying to pry your hand away. "Let me see."
"No." It was bad enough you got injured during a derby match, even worse as one of the greatest brick walls in the game tried to inspect your injuries. It was frankly embarrassing.
"Come on," She said again," Let me just check you over. That's a lot of blood."
"She said no, Bright." Katie appeared out of nowhere, shoving Bright back with a sneer before crouching over you. "Let me see, kid."
"What happened to me saying no?"
"No concussion then," She shot back," If you're crackin' jokes like that. Bright's right though, awful lot of blood."
When you finally moved your bloodstained hand from your face, Alessia and Vic had arrived with a medic.
"Ooh," Alessia winced, covering Vic's eyes with her hand," That looks mingin'."
"Feels minging," You replied.
Your nose was definitely fractured in some way - not fully out of place but in pain enough that you knew you would sitting out the next few matches. Your eyebrow had a cut on it too, leaking blood at an alarming rate.
Katie looked over your injuries for a moment before she surged towards Bright. Caitlin and Lina hurried to grab her arms, holding her in place as she spat profanities.
"Let's get you up, kid," Kim said as she arrived, helping you to your feet with Jen taking up your other side," They'll need to pressure wrap. Throw in some stitches too."
You groaned, knowing that you weren't coming back on the pitch anytime soon.
"You'll be okay," Jen said soothingly," We'll get you sorted right out."
Beth was subbed on in your place, taking a moment to hold your chin in her hand so she could move your head around. You knew that your eyes would slowly be bruising because of your nose injury and that your eyebrow was still leaking blood.
She nodded firmly before she made her way onto the pitch.
"Come on," Viv took Kim's place," Let's get you treated."
It was blisteringly cold day so you shivered slightly as you were guided to the bench. Lotte reached forward from behind you, draping her coat over your shoulders while Viv looked at you in disapproval (having told you earlier in the locker room to make sure you brought your coat out).
The medics fussed over you for a second. Your nose was the least of their concerns as your eyebrow continued to bleed.
They spoke over your head like you weren't there, updating Viv as Laia gave you her mittens.
"Stitches, definitely," One of the medics said as they wrapped a compression bandage around your head," We can get it done now. You alright to get up?"
You nodded. "I'm good."
The remaining members of the ACL squad joined you in the corridor, abandoning the rest of the match in favour of checking you over.
"Hey!" You laughed as Teyah flopped on top of you.
"Oh, don't give me that!" She grinned at you," You're fine. Nasty looking bandage though." She poked you in your cheek.
"Teyah," Leah said sternly," Be careful. She still needs stitches..." She studied your face. "And someone to take a look at that nose."
Teyah rolled her eyes but clambered off you as Laura approached, clapping you on the back.
"When you went down, I half thought that you'd be joining the ACL squad."
You laughed before wincing when your nose ached. "Trust me, I've no plans to join you all."
Leah, who had stopped scolding Teyah, looked at you incredulously. "What? Why not? The ACL squad is the coolest gang on the block!"
"On the block?" You exchanged a look with Teyah. "Leah, how old are you?"
She swatted you on the shoulder with an eye roll. "I'd take you to the floor, if you weren't injured."
"Then I'm glad I'm injured."
She softened. "The cut looked nasty, though. How are you feeling?"
"Like I hit a brick wall and then the ground."
Leah threw her head back and laughed. "Yeah," She said," That sounds like the Millie Bright experience."
"Can you tell her to work out less?" You asked as the club doctor came in with a suture kit. "It'd be nicer next time we go against each other, not to run into a wall of muscle."
"To be fair," Laura said softly," It's more like she ran into you."
You groaned, checks puffed out in embarrassment. "Then I'm just the idiot kid who didn't see her coming."
"Sit up, l/n," The doctor said," Let's get this over and done with."
By the time you had been properly stitched up and given the go ahead to leave, the match had five minutes left.
You took a seat on the bench, curling into Stina's side (she must have been subbed off at some point during your treatment).
She had very much taken you under her wing for your time at Arsenal - although, you were half sure that was because as soon as Magda and Frido got word about your potential move, they bullied every England based Swede into watching out for you - but this inspection was a new kind of hovering.
"Are you sure that's stuck on properly?" She peppered you with questions. "Did they say how long you had to keep it on? What about your head? Do you have a concussion?"
"Calm down, Stina," Amanda said with an eyeroll," If she wasn't fine, they wouldn't have let her come back." She frowned before turning to you. "Right? They wouldn't have let you leave if you weren't alright?"
"Four days for the stitches," You said," And a week of light training - not on the pitch - because of my nose. Two weeks on the bench. If I get hit in the nose again before that, it might fully break it."
Stina nodded sympathetically as Lina appeared, an arm going over your shoulder and jostling you slightly.
"Looking good, kiddo. Bright really took a chunk out of you."
You groaned. "Don't remind me. I know that this is going to be all over Twitter by the end of the night."
Cloe snickered behind you, passing over her phone. "It's already done."
You groaned again, rolling your head into Stina's shoulder to hide.
Your embarrassment at Cloe reading out the tweets and reaction pictures was ended when the final whistle blew and you hurried away from the group to join some of the others on the pitch.
Kyra giggled at you when you joined her, Frida and Kathrine on the pitch. She poked your nose with a lazy grin. "You're gonna have panda eyes."
You rolled your eyes. "You try running into Millie Bright and coming out unscathed."
"Katie nearly beat her up," Frida said as she and Kathrine looped arms with you," It was kind of funny."
"Caitlin and Lina had to hold her back. She almost got carded," Kathrine continued.
"It's not a game if Katie doesn't get carded."
"Don't let her hear you say that," Caitlin appeared at of nowhere with Steph," She's lucky Bright thought she was more funny than anything."
"It was like watching a chihuahua square up to a pitbull," Steph reported," Wait. Give me a second. I think I can get it up."
"I'm good," You said," I don't need to see it. Not if it's going to show me going down. It's so embarrassing."
"It's already been sent on the chat," Kyra said with one of her silly grins," Bright looks really stricken when you go down though. The camera mainly focusses on her. Total meme potential."
"As long as it's not me."
Escaping the roving eyes of your fellow Swedes was fairly easy when you ducked towards the fans, signing shirts and posters and laughing when people complimented your bandage.
"It's very fashionable," Noelle butted in with a crooked grin as she appeared at your side.
Your cheeks coloured, knowing she was teasing you. "Shut up," You muttered, shoving her lightly as you wiggled away.
Her fingers dug into your sides and you shrieked. She didn't let up and the fans were eating up your interaction. You turned around suddenly and shook her off, preparing to make a break for it but was blocked by Gio.
"Careful y/n/n," She said, sticking out her tongue at you," Don't bump into me or you'll actually break your nose this time."
"Hey!" You exclaimed," That was very traumatic for me! And you just bring it up casually?! For shame, Gio!"
You could feel Noelle closing in on you so you made another break for it, only for Manu to appear out of thin air. Her arms wrapped around your waist tightly and flung you back into Noelle's path.
You crashed into her not unlike when you crashed into Bright but with much more finesse. Noelle guided you down with her, taking a lot of care to make sure that she didn't slam your face into anything else.
From behind you, you could hear Manu, Sabrina and Naomi howl with laughter.
"Honestly," Lia said as she approached," You're all children. She could have been seriously hurt."
"She's already get panda eyes," Sabrina said," There's not much else we could have done."
"Except snap her nose this time," Naomi added and this time you joined in with the laughter.
"I'm fine, Lia, promise." You rose to your feet slowly and did a little twirl to prove your point before Lia pointed you back towards the locker room.
Alessia, Vic, Laia and Lotte were waiting for you.
"You look a lot better now," Vic said as you approached," There was a lot of blood."
"Millie is very sorry by the way," Less added as Laia rubbed your arms in an attempt to get you warm again," I think it really scared her. She's a softie really. She's sending you a gift basket."
"Ooh!" Laia exclaimed," I like marshmallows! Make sure there's marshmallows in it, Less!"
"Hey!" You nudged her in the ribs. "It's my gift basket not yours! I want chocolate. Please, tell her chocolate, Less!"
"I'll tell her," Lotte said," Seeing as Lessi will forget as soon as she goes home." She whipped at her phone. "You're still crashing with Stina, right? I'll text Millie your address too, so she knows where to send it."
You grinned triumphantly. "If it gets here within the week, I reckon I can convince Stina to let me eat some before my cheat day!"
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totaly-obsessed · 11 months
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Katie McCabe x reader
-> Modeled after that insane Man City vs. Chelsea game. (I also have no clue how football works, please excuse mistakes)
-> Reader gets carded and doesn't quite know how to handle it - Katie is there for her
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Referees can make or break a good football game -something that everybody knows, especially when being a professional footballer. And while you did believe in said statement, it had never been more obvious than now.
Emily Heaslip, the biggest Chelsea fan on this godforsaken planet. And while you didn’t necessarily think that, your girlfriend Katie definitely did. No one thought that Heaslip would referee another WSL game, after having been escorted off the pitch by security because of how angry she had made fans, trainers, and players.
Katie, a reliable candidate for yellow cards immediately knew that she would not be playing in the game against Tottenham – or at least she wouldn’t be in the starting lineup.
It had never happened before, that not only your opponent's tactics had to be talked through, but also the tendencies of the referee. The atmosphere was tense, no one wanted to play a game where a heap of yellow cards was guaranteed.
To Katie you were the only good thing during the week, always making the brunette laugh when you noticed her getting into her head too much. And she noticed you cheering up your other teammates as well – goofing off with Kyry in the gym, telling Alessia the dumbest jokes, and making a fool out of yourself, much to Beth’s enjoyment. If the Irishwoman wasn’t absolutely in love with you already, she would have definitely fallen for you by this point.
A few players of the WSL had their reputations – Katie with her yellow cards, Millie Bright the defensive brick wall, and Rachel Daly who seemed to make every goal she wanted to. All of them were quite serious, and then there was you. With your fair playing style and a bright smile always on your face, you had earned yourself the title of ‘goody-two-shoes’.
And you relished in it.
There were not a lot of people who didn’t like you, no matter what club they supported – the ones who really did not like you tended to think, that you were faking your personality.
A lot of fans find it ironic that you had ended up with Katie, who tended to get more cards in a season than you had gotten in your entire career.
But something was off on that Sunday, everything felt wrong. While it was okay that your girlfriend wouldn’t be standing next to you in the starting lineup, it felt wrong – especially in a game against Tottenham who were currently above Arsenal in the chart.
The start of the game was hesitant, with every player on the pitch walking on eggshells. It was Ashleigh Neville who got the first yellow card in the 22nd minute of the game. Her being the first player would seem weird when looking at the statistics at the end of the game.
And while you did not, Katie noticed a shift in the game – in the referee who got redder at any little thing that she saw.
It was Caitlin who got the next card, followed by Jen, followed by Lotte. Every card that Heaslip gave seemed wrong. Carding Lotte, when Beth England had stumbled over her foot – even the Tottenham player was confused by the card. Carding Cait when she accidentally ran Kit Graham over when jogging backward.
But then came the biggest shock of the game – you got a yellow card.
Kim had been roughly pushed to the ground by a Tottenham player, and you have had enough. You protested the ref, trying to explain to her that it was indeed not an accident but a punishable action. Emily Heaslip however had none of it, swiftly pulling out that annoying, little yellow card and holding it straight to your face.
The players fell into complete silence, not believing what had just happened. It was Kim who was up on her feet again, who pulled you away, patting your back in thanks.
Katie could see how the situation was messing with your head – no one was angrier than her, and she desperately wanted Frida to run over the ref as she had done before. The brunette tried to get your attention on the sidelines, shouting words of encouragement at you. “Oi! Keep ya head up!”
A few minutes later the whistle was blown for halftime.
Nil all.
The changing room was tense – no one was having fun. Jonas tried his best to give an inspirational speech. It didn’t matter how many goals you scored, it was important not to concede. Leah was pleading with the team to get your heads sorted out so that you could enter the second half with clear minds.
Your stomach felt uneasy as if it was at war with itself. Face dripping wet over the bathroom sink, eyes swollen and red, breathing heavily, is how Katie had found you.
“You did so well my love.” A warm hand found its place on your neck – gently guiding your still-dripping face into Katie’s dry and warm shoulder, letting you calm down for a second.
“Makin’ me so proud baby.” The thick accent felt like honey in your ears, numbing your mind temporarily before having to go out again.
Being back on the pitch felt like a fever dream, your head was not really where it was supposed to be but the game had to go on.
And go on it did – not to your benefit though. In the 62nd minute, Neville pulled a not-so-nice challenge on Kyra who was lying on the ground, arms raised in protest.
Arsenal was given a free kick, and you were supposed to take it. Beth England had brought the ball back where the kick was to take place.
It took you fifteen seconds until you decided on your target, Kim, who had run herself free from her defender. Just as you were about to take it, she was covered again, so you stopped in your tracks, only to shoot a second later when you saw your captain's hand gesture.
The Scot had just gotten to the ball when the shrill sound of the whistle could be heard. Not a single player on the pitch knew why. Both teams got loud with protest when they saw another yellow card being given.
To you.
You who already had a yellow.
Everyone was shocked. Katie couldn’t believe her eyes – after the yellow card followed the red which was held directly into your poor, shocked face.
‘Time wasting’ was what Emily Heaslip shouted at you. It took Kim everything to stop the others from rioting and instead guided you to Katie. The Irishwoman was standing at the sidelines, waiting for you.
The referee resumed the game, Arsenal now being down to ten players. The whole stadium was in uproar.
Your freekick had taken twenty seconds – the average took thirty. How was this time-wasting?
Katie could feel your body shaking as she pushed you into the shower and turned it on. She waited for you just outside of the door, a fluffy towel in her arms, ready to cuddle you to death.
She understood that you didn’t want to talk, instead filling the silence with telling you everything that had happened on the bench. “- and then Manu said that-“ She couldn’t keep going, her heart broke more and more, seeing you sit in your cubby, dressed in her sweatpants and hoodie, face all red and puffy.
Tears were still making their way down your face. “Oh, baby.” With soft coos the defender tugged you up and into her chest, just to sit down with you on her lap again.
You were exhausted, still not understanding why you had gotten a red card.
One after the other the girls came into the room – the game was over.
Kim was the first person at your side, pressing a gentle kiss to your head. Mumbling a little “Proud of ya.”
The others tried to cheer you up, but it was Katie who made you laugh. Your girlfriend, ever the jokester impersonating the referee who had gotten nutmegged by Alessia during the game. “God her face is just so stupid!” You just couldn’t help but laugh, Katie’s dimples smiling at you.
The brunette knew that while it was still fresh it would hurt but you would get over it.
And so would the fans – they were enraged with both of the cards you had been given, but it seems that your title of ‘goody-two-shoes’ would remain intact, even after getting a red card.
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wileys-russo · 1 year
you look better in red II m.bright x reader
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she's so fit it should be a crime you look better in red II m.bright x reader
dating a literal brick wall had its advantages, nobody could deny that least of all you.
if there was ever someone on a night out who didn't take the hint you were a happily taken woman, all it took was your girlfriend wordlessly stepping in and placing a hand on the small of your back, her towering figure normally enough to send the message.
if not she'd greet you in her thick northern accent which always made your knees buckle and reward you with a feverish kiss, and if the sheer size of her wasn't enough to send the hint to back off once she pulled away, the piercingly unimpressed glare sent a strangers way was and they'd be off without another word.
as much as you adored your girlfriend and would do anything she asked of you without so much as a second thought. there was a few days a year where that was off the table and you'd switch from lovers to fierce competitors.
and today just so happened to be one of those days.
millie was long gone from the moment you woke up, leaving you admittedly quite grumpy to find the bedsheets cold and empty, deprived of your regular morning cuddle with her.
she'd left you a note of course, explaining she was meeting some of her team mates for breakfast. but with the blonde addressing it 'dear future loser' she'd already set the tone for the rest of the day.
despite the seriousness which was to make its way between you on the pitch, she'd challenged you a light hearted bet dependent on the outcome of the game which would commence in a few hours time. and it had your lips curling into a wicked grin at the thought of what was to come after you reigned victorious.
your girlfriend playing in blue for chelsea and you in red for your beloved arsenal, the intense deep seeded rivalry between your clubs rarely ever carried across into your relationship in anything more than light hearted banter or gentle teasing.
you both made it a point to leave everything out on the pitch, much as you were both fiercely competitive your love for one another and the health and well being of your relationship held much more importance.
however that didn't stop either of you from deploying everything you had in your ammunition to try and deter the other from winning, after all when you were on the pitch you were competitors first, so what was wrong with a few harmless little distraction tactics?
so when there was only a few minutes left of what had been an exhaustively grueling match between your two clubs, the score locked 0-0, it didn't surprise you that when you lined up for a corner and with a squeeze two very familiar hands made themselves at home on your hips.
you ignored her little comments and pushed against her to try and throw her off as the much taller girls hands shamelessly roamed up your top, mumbling in your ear all the things she planned to do to you once you returned to your shared bedroom later tonight.
"fuck off millie." you grunted as your cheeks flushed red at her words, throwing your elbow into her and ramming your shoulder against her chest, yanking her hands off as katie and jen slipped in beside you, effectively using their own bodies as a barrier to stop the blonde from touching yours.
steph raising her hand she wound up for the kick and you stumbled forward as millie now backed up by jess and niamh pressed in tighter. stephs boot connecting with the ball with a loud smack you watched as it flew through the air, the huddle of bodies awaiting it to land all exploding in a flurry of movement.
unfortunately niamh got to it first, clearing it quickly as you raced back off after it, sliding in to tackle jessie who'd recieved the pass you quickly regained possesion before she could send it off to sam, flicking it left to caitlin as you sprinted off toward the goal, careful you were still onside.
"foordy!" you yelled as the girl chipped it over jess's head, her aim immaculate as the ball landed right at your feet and you were quick to side step niamh as she cursed and tried to cut in, calling for millie.
"oh you're gonna regret that later." your girlfriend growled as you easily tapped the ball through her legs, nutmegging her. "you're gonna regret it now." you grunted as your laces hit the ball sending it sailing through the air toward goal.
you'd intended it as a cross in for stina to get a head on but having hit it a little more sweetly than you first thought it hurtled through the air and past an unsuspecting zecira, swooshing beautifully as it crashed into the net behind her.
you let out an elated cry of victory as the spectators roared and you sprinted off with your hands in the air, quickly taken off your feet by katie who spun you around, the rest of your team mates huddling together as your hair was ruffled and your back pat, praise raining down as you broke apart from their hugs, the chelsea girls already waiting eagerly to kick off.
the game quickly became aggressive as it ticked over into injury time and you found yourself taken to the ground again and again. as you attempted to intercept a cross, a sea of blue surged at you and your back thudded against the ground.
you hissed in pain as you felt studs stab into your thigh, red and blue shirts collapsing on top of you in an ugly pile up as the final whistle blew and the chelsea players helped one another up.
"sorry." niamh winced as she held out her hand, biting her lip guiltily as she looked to the fresh stud marks in your leg, a few specks of blood drawn and a very ugly bruise already forming.
"that one felt personal niamhy i can't lie." you chuckled with a groan of pain as you pressed at the tender skin, katie slipping her arm around your waist and helping you up as niamh apologised again and you waved her off.
the two of you had known one another since the under 17's, and you knew she meant nothing by it as you assured her it was okay. you caught your girlfriends concerned gaze sent your way, knowing if she hadn't been dragged off for a post match interview it would be her arms around you instead of katies.
you mouthed that you were okay and gave her a nod which she returned, turning back to the interviewer as katie carefully helped you sit down on the bench, the medics looking you over.
it didn't take them long to patch you up and before you knew it you were showered and changed, one of the last ones to leave the change room which was standard practice.
"dear god woman what the hell did you do in there? wash every crevice twice and practice your entire skin care routine?" your girlfriend groaned, having been lingering outside waiting for you for well over a half am hour now.
"no just half my regular routine!" you quipped back with a smile, pecking her on the lips as she was quick to take your bag off you, slinging it effortlessly over your shoulder as the two of you made your way out of the stadium toward your car.
it having been a home game for you meant the chelsea girls were long gone on their own bus, but you having driven meant millie stuck around to get a lift back.
"well well well, isn't this a change of events." you grinned as she climbed into the passenger seat, quite the opposite to your normal routine where she insisted on being the driver.
"my little passenger princess is all grown up." millie wiped away a few fake tears mockingly as you halfheartedly punched her shoulder and started up the ignition. "now you remember your lefts and rights yeah baby?" millie pouted mockingly, holding up her hands in two L's.
"keep those there would you? they suit you, loser." you grinned, revving the engine as the teasing look was wiped from the taller blondes face entirely and she slumped into her seat.
"what was that your note said this morning? dear future winner?" "christ are you going to be this insufferable all night?" "oh no no no, i'm ready to be impressed. don't forget our little bet my love."
"baby i am not coming out wearing this!" millie yelled from the bathroom with a loud groan of annoyance. "a bets a bet bright!" you yelled back from where you lay down on your shared bed, scrolling through tiktok as you awaited your girlfriend to pull through on her punishment for losing.
it was the day after the match and given you both had it off and had absolutely no plans, obligations or commitments, it was a perfect time for you to cash in on the bet your girlfriend had proposed, stupidly assuming she would be in your current position.
"it's too small! you're that fucking short. have you not got another one?" millie swore with a huff and you heard her rummaging around for something. "nope. this was your idea babe, should have thought ahead!" you laughed with a shake of your head.
"and i am not that short you're just a tree of a woman."
"i'm getting older by the second here millie!" you yelled out impatiently, shuffling up into a seated position as you made a point to sigh very loudly and very dramatically. "shut up!" your girlfriend roared from behind the door, a loud thud signally she'd thrown something at it.
"the deal was an entire day and you've already wasted half of that mills. hurry up!" you groaned, head thumping back against the headboard as finally a click sounded and the door cracked open slightly. "come on now, all the way out!" you coaxed her like you would a dog or a small child, her tattooed arm poking out and flipping you off.
though when the door did finally open and she stepped out in all her glory your phone fell to the bed and the corners of your mouth began to twitch. "don't you dare." your girlfriend warned as sternly as she could but it was lost on you as you exploded into laughter, dropping back down on the bed and clutching your stomach.
"god you're the worst!" the blonde whined, grabbing one of her trainers off the floor and lobbing it at you as it smacked you in the back. "ow! need i remind that this was your idea." you managed to get out among your relentless laughter.
your girlfriend had issued the bet whoever was the loser yesterday had to spend an entire day in the winners kit, and the winner would be in charge of whatever they did in that kit for the day.
and so stood before you was your girlfriend, kitted out in arsenal red.
with you being just over half the height of your well built girlfriend, your shorts looked like briefs on her and your jersey stopped just above her bellybutton, her strong arms almost busting out of the ill fitted sleeves, the lack of material leaving her well toned thighs and abs out for you to admire.
"right you got your laugh, i'm changin." the defender announced as you bolted upright. "oh no you're not! a bets a bet. i'm in charge and i didn't say you could change." you smiled smugly, the blondes scowl deepening at your words.
"you're so paying for this later." millie mumbled with a small pout, crossing her arms over her chest as your eyes shamelessly and hungrily roamed her body.
"i feel like a broken record but once again might i remind...this was your idea. not my fault you didn't account for uh, losing the bet!"
sundays normally the day the two of you caught up on your life admin had meant you'd turned the tall girl into your personal housewife for the day, adoring watching her complete everyday tasks in the barely fitting uniform, your last name displayed proudly across her broad shoulders.
"oh that looks lovely baby, good job!" you grinned, cheekily smacking her on the bum as you walked past where she was wiping down the kitchen counter. "oi!" the blonde yelled after you as you disappeared into the laundry.
unloading the washer and placing yours and millies clothes into the dryer you peered just out of the door frame. your lips curled into a smile seeing her humming and dancing along to the music playing from her speaker as she continued to wipe down the kitchen.
slipping your phone out of your pocket you subtly took a video of her and posted it to your close friends story, full well knowing a handful of her chelsea teammates would see it as well as most of the national team girls.
"you're enjoyin this too much." millie sighed as you pulled yourself to sit up on the counter a few hours later, the blonde busied hurrying around the kitchen making dinner for the two of you, still wearing your incredibly poor fitting kit.
"can you blame me? you look good." you whistled with a cheeky grin as your eyes drunk her in, your foot colliding with her bum as the taller girl turned and quickly smacked your thigh with the wooden spoon.
"millie!" you hissed as she'd collected you right where the stud marks from yesterday were still tender, the defender sending you a guilty smile. "sorry baby, that was harsh." she moved to stand in between your legs, bending down to press a few soft kisses to the bruise in apology.
despite you being sat up on the counter, with your height difference it meant the girl still stood just taller than you. "i think my lips deserve an apology too." you smiled innocently, tapping them expectantly.
"well, if i must." millie sighed before grinning and leaning in, rewarding you with a sweet but passionate kiss before she pulled away, hurrying back over to keep a careful eye on dinner as you hopped down to set the table.
"baby you posted me on your story?!"
you sighed in defeat as you looked yourself over in the mirror, smoothing out the blue kit and shuddering in disgust at the oppositions crest which sat above your heart.
given the fact that really your girlfriend had been a good sport all day, and put up with your relentless ribbing with very minimal remarks back, you decided she deserved somewhat of a reward.
especially with just how much shit sam and guro had given her for what you posted on your story, which you were certain you'd continue to hear about over the next few days.
so here you stood in her chelsea jersey, her last name plastered across your back and given the fact it hung over your smaller frame like a dress, nothing bar some lacy underwear on beneath it.
"baby do we have plans next weekend? rach wants to have a lads day on sun-" the blondes words dried up in her mouth as her eyes flickered up from her phone and you stepped out from the bathroom.
"thought you deserved a little reward for being such a good sport today love, but don't get used to it." you sent her a smile, her phone dropping to the bed as she watched on with wide eyes.
"jesus christ i've dreamed of this." millie whistled, sucking her bottom lip in between her teeth as her eyes glazed over with lust, and it was true, she had dreamed of this in many possible situations.
"aih go on and pose for us then darlin. i'd like to commemorate this moment!" your girlfriend grinned wickedly, grabbing her phone and shuffling to the end of the bed, snapping pictures of you as you stared at her bluntly and flipped her off.
"ah yes! give it to me! be sexy, be sultry, you're turning me on honey." millie yelled in a goofy voice as she continued to snap pictures as you rolled your eyes, clearing the distance between you two and smacking her phone out of her hand.
"come here then sexy." the blondes hands found your hips pulling you up and onto the bed, moving to lay down and tugging you to sit on top of her. "hello girls." millie smirked, slipping her hands under the bright blue jersey and abruptly squeezing your boobs.
"oh i hate when you talk to them, please no!" you withheld a moan as her large hands kneaded away at your chest, one moving to cup the back of your neck, forcing your head downwards toward hers and hungrily connecting your lips.
"you had your turn at being in charge, my turn now baby." the blonde mumbled into the kiss, nipping at your bottom lip before she sucked on your tongue earning herself a moan and you shifted on top of her.
you pulled away and moved your lips to her neck instead, peppering feather light kisses down the collumn of her throat as she sighed in pleasure, pushing your head deeper into her neck, hand still firmly on the back of yours meaning she was in control of when you pulled away.
however the moment was rudely interrupted by an alarm on millies phone going off, causing you to jump in shock as she reached out, fumbling blindly in the duvet till she located it, eyes scanning the screen.
you assumed she would just switch it off and toss it away, secretly hoping she'd follow through on some of the dirty things she'd whispered in your ear at the game yesterday, after all she was a woman of her word.
so it was to your shock when her hands instead settled themselves on your thighs and you could tell from the look in her eyes whatever she was about to say you weren't going to like.
"baby. as much as i love doing this with you, especially in my fucking kit. love islands on in five." millie smiled sheepishly as you properly sat up now, hands on hips and staring down at her in disbelief.
"are you seriously saying you'd rather watch tv than have sex with me right now?" "no babe i just... well yeah its the final week! theres only three episodes left."
"oh god fine. you call rach, i'll go get your usual snacks." you gave up with a sigh, flopping off of her and rolling across the bed, standing to your feet. "hey hey hey." the blonde hurried to wrap her tattooed arms around you.
"thats not to say we can't continue this afterwards." she smiled charmingly as you flicked at her forehead and hummed. "if you're lucky." you poked your tongue out, sneaking out of her hold and headed for the door.
"god you look even better from behind in blue." millie smirked, laying down with her hands behind her head as you chuckled.
"yeah? well you look better in red."
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purehypnotic · 1 month
🎞🧸shop around🧸🎞 , steve rogers x reader
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sfw, gender neutral, enjoy!
✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮
The bell placed above the front door chimed sweetly as the two of you stumbled in.
The smell of old books, well-worn leather, and decades long gone welcomed you into this antique shop. The hole in the wall place had a comforting and cozy air, if only a bit dusty.
The place reminded you of Steve, you decided.
Speaking of Steve, the brick shithouse of a man stood awkwardly squished between a grandfather clock and a mahogany cabinet. Everything about Steve’s body was out of place in this little shop. His shoulders were too broad, his hands too heavy, his muscles too sculpted for such a soft space.
Hell, even his job shouldn’t allow him to sneak off here.
Yet here he was, curling his broad shoulders to peer into shelves of yellowing books. His eyes were glowing with recognition, sparkling at every little knick-knack he remembered finding in department store windows a lifetime ago.
You giggled at his awe while you plowed through vintage dresses, but the other antiques seemed to hold their breath in the presence of a man from their time. Peaking between coat racks, you spotted Steve poking at a brass compass. His sparkling eyes flickered your way, and his cheeks flushed a soft pink when he caught onto your spying. You blew a kiss from between moth-eaten fabrics.
He murmurs a faint “c’mere” while rolling his eyes, and lifts a sculpted arm to invite you near him.
..who would say no to that?
As you snuggle your way into Steve’s side, he wraps his arm securely around your waist and holds up the compass for you to see. The aged needle pointed in every direction besides North, but Steve seemed to adore the poor thing. With a soft chuckle, Steve snapped the compass lid closed and dipped his head low.
“They gave me one just like this, at the start of the war,” he whispered for only you to hear, “Thank you for bringing me here, y/n. It’s good to see something familiar, for once.”
He planted a kiss to your hair and you pressed your nose deeper into his shoulder.
“Sure, big guy. Glad you fit in with the lead paint and uranium glass,” you mumbled sarcastically. You didn’t want to admit how Steve’s pure joy made a strange warmth settle in your heart.
One day, you’ll tell him that you’d buy out every antique shop in Brooklyn just to see him smile. For now, you point to the ancient grandma lingerie and ask if he used to own those, too.
✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮⋆˙ ✮
as always, thank you for reading!
love, katie 💌
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heartlandians · 1 year
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Heartland - 11x07 - Our Sons and Daughters
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billybob598 · 1 year
Teasing (Alessia Russo x Reader)
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Just ignore how absolute shit this is. I told everyone I would write this, so I actually had to write it sadly. This was requested by an anon so hopefully this is what you wanted. I'm sorry for how short and terrible it is. Next fic is Sydney Lohmann x f1 reader so hopefully that will be better than this. Again any feedback good or bad is welcomed! So, please enjoy this absolute shitshow this fic is.
Word Count: 979 (Omg this made me sad)
“Y/N? Any chance we could leave this century?” Alessia calls up the stairs. You roll your eyes, continuing to straighten your hair. The sound of feet stomping against the carpet gathers your attention, Alessia wraps her arms around your waist while nuzzling her head into your neck.
“Love, if you don’t move your head I’m going to burn you,” you say gently, trying your best to move the hair straightener away from your girlfriend. All you get in response is her mumbling some incoherent words into your neck. The pout on her face makes your heart melt, but for everyone’s safety, you stand your ground. 
Ten minutes later, the two of you are heading out to the bar Ella and some of your teammates had decided to meet. With the World Cup coming up soon, the Manchester United team was trying to spend as much time as possible together.  It was a fact in your relationship that Alessia was the driver and you were the passenger princess. As she settles into the driver’s seat, you connected your phone to the car and decided on a playlist. For the excruciatingly long five minutes, it takes to get to the bar, you and Lessi are singing your hearts out to Adele. When your girlfriend parks the car, she rushes out over to your side and opens the car door for you.
“Ever the gentlewoman,” you say with a slight tease in your voice. She blushes as you get out. 
“Y/N/N!” A booming voice startles you, but you grin widely as Tooney approaches you happily. The midfielder links your hands and pulls you into the bar, not before you grab a hold of Alessia and drag her with you. The blasting music hits you like a shit ton of bricks. You were not prepared at all for the EDM blasting at full volume. Tooney says something about getting drinks so, you and Lessi search for any teammates that are already there. A few of you guys find a booth while Tooney brings over some shots. You sit close to Lessi while handing her a drink. She smiles gratefully at you before turning her attention back to the story Millie is telling very passionately. For about an hour everyone is talking and laughing, you were even able to get Alessia to dance with you for a few songs. In Alessia's fashion, though, she tripped on both her own feet and yours multiple times. After some of the team had calmed down, the five or six of you that were sitting in the booth fell into an easy-flowing conversation. Soon, the conversation turned toward the impending World Cup. Of course, you were on the USWNT and Alessia had made the Lionesses squad. Both of you had avoided talking about the fact that you would be away from each other for around two months and that there was a chance that you’d play against each other in the final. 
“So lovebirds, are you excited?” Mary Earps asks jokingly. Alessia laughs lightly.
“I’m ready, I don’t know about the US though. They better be ready to get their ass whooped,” she mocks, watching you out of the corner of her eye. To your credit, your reaction is controlled and measured, to the naked eye you don’t have a reaction, but Alessia knows you too well. The way your jaw clenches slightly and your hands closing into fists just the tiniest bit are all telltale signs that you’re pissed. Even if she didn’t know, you turn to look at her with raised eyebrows, cementing the idea that you were not pleased with your girlfriend. For the next few hours, all of the English girls continue to poke fun at your American ass. Again, to your credit, you hold your tongue and take the jibes with ease. It’s only when Katie Zelem makes a particularly harsh joke about the England v USA game back in October, that you snap.
“Man, you guys are talking a big game for a team that got knocked out by us in the last World Cup,” you retort. Your words catch everyone off guard. They all look at each other before bursting into laughter. The look of confusion on your face only making them laugh harder. 
“Damn Lessi, your girl’s got some bite,” Maya Le Tissier laughs out. Alessia smiles at you, but the smile soon turns into a smirk as she thinks of a comeback.
“Your talking a big game for a team that lost three games in a row,” the English player teases. As you narrow your eyes, you realize that neither of you are going to let the other off the hook with talking trash about their national team. 
“Mhmm I am, maybe ‘cause we’re 4-time world champs and you guys haven’t even made it to a final yet,” you say cheekily. While you both know it’s just fun and games, you’re determined to not let the other get the upper hand. For the rest of the night, your teammates watch in amusement at how the two of you continue to bicker. The banter being thrown around some might consider as being over the top mean, but to the two of you it’s perfectly acceptable. 
That night, as you settle into bed alongside of Alessia, you sigh loudly.
“You’re going to be sighing that loudly when we destroy you in the finals,” she snickers. You sigh again, this time in annoyance. 
“Seriously Less? It’s much too late for this and I’m much too tired to do this again,” you grumble, dragging one of your girlfriends arms across your waist. The blonde chuckles quietly and gently puts her face into the crook of your neck, kissing it softly. 
“I’m sorry, love. You just go to sleep now, and don’t forget…the USA is going down in the World Cup.”
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luellasplanet · 1 year
the one that got away. (ellie roebuck)
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word count: 1.2k
not fully back on tumblr but here you go x
based on katy perry’s song 
summer after highschool when we first met
The sound of laughter echoed throughout the empty house, as Ellie chased after you, her phone in hand. Rounding one of the corners you slowed down to catch you breath. 
“God El, I am not fit right now!” Your dramatics had given the taller blonde just enough time to catch up to you. Quickly slinging her arm over your shoulder, making sure you couldn’t run away again, she grabbed her phone and slotted her hand into yours. 
“Come on I’m thirsty!” She had practically dragged you towards the kitchen before promptly getting comfortable on the island while she watched you fill up the glasses with ice and juice. 
“C’mere love” opening up her arms, allowed there to be just enough room for you to slot yourself into the gap between her legs and arms. Bringing over the glasses you set them aside before moving to stand in front of the blonde. 
No words were exchanged as your fingers dipped underneath the waistband of her bikini, hands resting on her hips. While her hands delicately traced patterns on your shoulder blades. The water beads that were splattered all over your back were no longer separated as her hands roamed all over your back. 
You learn forwards to connect your lips with hers, only moving away when air becomes an issue, Ellie quickly pulling you back towards her as you giggled into the second kiss which allowed Ellie to slip her tongue into your mouth. Your mind instantly being brought into a state of ecstasy, the glasses of juice long forgotten as you were too wrapped up in a bubble of bliss. 
Later on that evening once your parents had come home the two of you had taken refuge in the upstairs living room. “Y/n we’re going out for dinner with your grandparents! We’ll be home later.” Just like that, not even two hours at home, before they were off again. 
used to steal your parents’ liquor and climb to the roof
Not even battering an eye at their goodbye you simply shrugged it off as an idea made its way into your mind. “Come with me” grabbing her hand, you dragged her down the stairs and into the cellar. 
“Take your pick El!” Spinning around indicating to the room stocked with all sorts of liquors. Picking up the first random bottle of whatever you could find that was open, Ellie doing the same, before the two of you made your way out towards the roof. 
The sound of fast paced footsteps and laughter was the only thing that could be heard in the eerily quiet house, sound bouncing off the plain white walls. 
The cool air hitting you like a brick as you opened the sliding doors. Cursing under your breath as you could felt the cold tiles underneath your feet once you took a step outside. The once hot summer's day had turned into a typical cold British evening, as the clouds changed from white to grey and the temperature dropped ten degrees within the hour. 
As the two of you had settled on the highest balcony in the house, the roof. Ellie had brought you closer while she took a swig out of the bottle. The once almost full bottles lay empty besides you while the conversation turned from serious to absolute nonsense. 
talk about our futures like we had a clue
“No but El!” You giggle pointing towards a collection of stars in the sky “that one looks like like a cow with three legs, or wait no… it looks like a horse with three legs but only one ear!” 
Smiling as you looked over towards the blonde who laid besides you, she was already looking in your direction. “Won’t your parents be mad if they find us out here?” 
Shaking your head you looked back up at the stars “nope they don’t care, besides we are technically adults!” You had turned eighteen not even four days prior, that definitely should not have given you the title of being a responsible adult. 
Ellie was definitely the more level headed one out of the two of you as you babbled on about whatever sprung to mind. 
“Have you decided which university you’re going to yet y/n/n?” The question took you by surprise as the topic of universities was one that the two of you danced around. “Still adamant that you’re going to one far away from here?” 
Nodding at her statement you answered her “yeah… didn’t I tell you? I’m going to ucla!” It was after weeks of a back and forth between starting your own journey by yourself or going with Lotte, Alessia and Lois to North Carolina. 
But the thought of finally having no one to hold you back brought a smile to your face every time, maybe it was the independent only child in you or maybe it was the thought of freedom that excited you. But once the decision was made you were excited as ever. 
Not even a month later, an early five am start was just the beginning of your new adventure. Ellie, adamant as ever, insisted she would drive you to the airport.
never planned that one day I’d be losing you
“Maybe you should stay out here, I reckon it’ll be harder to say goodbye inside.” The blonde was in your arms in a matter of seconds. 
Pressing a discrete kiss to her shoulder as she whispered into your ear “I’ll see you really soon okay? And I’ll message you every day!” 
Spoiler alert, you didn’t message each other everyday.
You must’ve stood out there for at least ten minutes before finally making your way inside the airport, ready to start your new adventure, solo. 
In another life I would be your girl 
So I don’t have to say you were the one who got away
Both of you watched each other from afar, over instagram posts and Snapchat stories, but neither of you had even attempted to message the other. 
Your excuse, was that you were trying to establish your name in the team, make new friends and keep up with the new level of intensity in regards to the workload. Which left you absolutely no time to keep up to date with what was going on back home. 
Ellie’s excuse was simple really, you had made it crystal clear that you were ready for your new adventure alone and she didn’t want to bother you. It was a shit excuse, she knew it was, but every time her finger hovered over the call button she chickened out. 
Even years later, what was the best summer of your life turned into merely a fond memory. Every camp when you looked over at the blonde memories came rushing back. But never, had you ever, interacted with Ellie more than needed. 
Maybe one day the two of you could rekindle what once was, but that day never seemed to arrive. 
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Five: Hug me (Or kiss me)
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You and Duncan stared as most of the 'Screaming Gopher's' team jumped down. Then it got to Owen. Geoff, Gwen, and You go to the outhouses all stationed around various areas on the island. When it's your turn to go in, you start to laugh. "He's going to drown us all if he jumps. I for one, am to young to die."
Then you go back to the moutain and see he still hasn't jumped.
"We're all doomed aren't we?" Duncan whispered in your ear. "Oh most certainly." You laugh under your breath.
Then you watch as your end falls from the sky, and hits the water like a bomb making water splash all around you dispersing the campers in every which way. Duncan and you landed right by each other, his legs tangled with yours.
"Have I ever told you how much I hate water?" Duncan groaned his body shivering from excess fear he was shoving down. "Actually yes, countless of times." You laughed ruffling his hair as he pinned you to the grown smiling. "Don't touch the hair, princess."
"Yes, yeah! Who's the man?" Owen yelled from the safe zone in the water. The Screaming Gophers had won, the team cheered and you groaned. "Coward fucking Courtney." Duncan hit his head against the sand in contempt. "Be nice." You lightly punched his shoulder.
"What's wrong?" You heard Trent ask. "I think I lost my bathing suit." Owen muttered. "Ew." All the campers voiced their varying opinions of grossness.
As their prize the Screaming Gophers got wagons to wheel their boxes, but that didn't really bother you. The rest of your team? Yeah, it bothered them. Duncan kicked his, you just carried yours on your shoulders. "Lift with your back wasn't meant to be taking literally." Duncan teased you smiling as Eva and Courtney argued.
Tyler finally voiced his need to take a piss (for some reason) and suddenly Sadie and Katie had to go as well much to Eva's dismay. Luckily, it didn't take them very long but you noticed when Satie and Katie returned their thighs were a redish tint, but you stayed silent.
"Poison Ivy?" Duncan asked from next to you. "Oh for sure." You smiled as Chris asked you guys what was taking so long, lightly screaming when he saw Courtney's eye which was now pulsating.
Duncan rememebered when you both were around nine and were sent to 'Wilderness Survival School for troubled kids' and one of your teachers left you all in the middle of nowhere in a forest for three weeks without any supplies.
Bridgette began asking them what kinda plants had been around them when they had left, and she very quickly realized their mistake. "You guys squatted on poison ivy." She laughed behind her palm. "Oh no way, that's awesome." Chris laughed at the now freaking out girls.
Finally they ran into the water and you guys left them behind.
Geoff tried to give you all a 'inspiring speech' but in reality it made you realize how close you were to tackling someone. Courtney decided she was going to be the 'project' manager and yelled at Duncan almost immediately.
She put you in charge of building the motor which you did with ease. They had you build small engines at juvie a LOT and she had Duncan use his switchblade to cut the boxes open. But everyone else failed their jobs... spectactuarly.
The other team's hottub looked terrific.
Yours look like it did drugs.
So obviously, they won.
Yours had exploded the second Chris had touched it. "Well, I think we have a winner here." the host yelled. "The Screaming Gophers!" He announced their prize. "I'll see your sorry butts at the campfire tonight." He yelled at you guys.
Once it was time for dinner, Katie (or was it Sadie?) finally asked the question everyone was dying to know. "So- uh- what do we do now?" she muttered. "We have to figure out who we're going to vote off." Courtney explained her eye still swelling. "Well, I think it should be you sweetheart." You smiled pointing at her. "Or maybe the brick house here." Duncan pointed at DJ. "What! Why?" Courtney whined.
"Because, unless I'm mistaken, you two are the only ones here with the chicken hats, and if we ever have to lift a truck I like our chances better with the big guy." Duncan bumped shoulders with DJ causing the man to smile.
"You guys need me. I'm the only one-" Courtney began to whine. "We know, who used to be a real C.I.T." Bridgette groaned rolling her eyes. "I hate to break it to you hun, no one gives a shit." You laughed at Courtney's expression. "So who would you pick?" Bridgette asked finally letting the girl speak.
"What about him?" Courtney pointed at Tyler causing Lindsay to scream at the other table. "At least he jumped off the cliff." Duncan pointed out. "Chicken wing." You chimed in causing Courtney to yell "Shut it!" At you. "Okay, let's just chill out, this is getting way too heavy." Geoff got between you both causing you to growl.
"I've had enough prison food for one day. I'm gonna take a nap, you coming Y/N?" You both stood up to go walk off but Courtney stopped you. "You can't do that, we haven't decided who's going yet." She complained causing you to groan. "I just told get why we lost, eh. They're the ones that have six girls." That made you stop dead in your tracks because there ain't no way Ezekiel just said that.
Before Duncan could stop you, you had shoved Ezekiel's face against the table slamming it hard. "What's that supposed to mean?" Bridgette growled. "Yeah home school, enlighten us." Eva hissed. "Well guys are much stronger and better at sports then girls are." Ezekiel said his voice muffled against the table. "Dumbass." Duncan groaned from behind you.
Geoff saw this look in your eyes and took a step back. "Oh snap, he did not just say that." Geoff laughed putting a hand to his face. "My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh, and to help them in case they can't keep up." Eva grabbed Ezekiel by the throat pulling him up. "Still think we need your help keeping up?" She growled. "Not really." Ezekiel shrugged. "Okay guys let's give him a break." Geoff had Eva drop him. "At least he doesn't think guys are smarter then girls." Geoff explained and suddenly Ezekiel decided to say..
"Well they are!"
Duncan had to pull you off of him.
That night at the campfire Duncan sat on the bench and you sat at his feet . "Dude, you've got a lot to learn about the real world." He advised the homeschooled boy. "Killer bass, at camp marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp marshmallows represent life. You've all cast your votes and made your decision. Thee are only eleven marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper that does not recieve a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back... ever. The first marshmallow goes to... Geoff." Chris explained the 'game.'
You weren't worried.
He went down the list of names rather quickly.
"Duncan. Y/N." Chris called out and Duncan threw a marshmallow into your mouth. You hated toasted marshmallows. Finally Chris made his last annoucement. "Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening." It was between Courtney and Ezekiel. You stared at your bloodied knuckles.
"Courtney. Can't say I'm surprised, I saw you picking your nose, not cool bro. Dock of shame is that way." Chris pointed and for some damn reason Ezekiel looked surprised.
After the rest of them ate their marshmallows you walked back to the cabins going past the dancing gophers. You stepped up onto your cabin's steps and everyone quickly went inside leaving Duncan and you alone. He kissed your knuckles. "Your anger is a beaut everytime." He quietly teased grabbing your waist to bring you closer.
"Mhm." You laughed.
"Well, goodnight scorpion." He kissed your cheek and you fucking blushed to your dismay. "Screw you, tiger." You kissed his cheek right back and dissapeared before he could say anything. You left the 'green-haired dickhead' standing there holding his cheek in surprise.
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agirlwithdemonblood · 3 months
The Celebrity Next Door: Chapter 8: Embracing Enough
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Chapter Summary: A day spent on the board walk brings a whirwind of emotions.
Warnings: Panic attacks, fluff, panicking, insecurities.
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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Time flies when you're having fun, or so they say.
I used to doubt it; fun didn't always make time race by for me. But this past week with Jensen and his kids felt like just hours since they arrived. Now here they were, packing up to head back to their mom's place.
I gathered my things, slipping on my shoes by the back door, preparing to leave when Jensen wandered over, a playful smirk on his face. "Where are you sneaking off to?" he teased, pulling me close by my coat.
I chuckled, gently pushing his chest back. "Home, silly."
His smile faltered, and he looked at me, surprised, almost hurt. "Why?"
Confusion washed over me as I approached him, offering a polite smile. "What do you mean, why? Out of respect. Remember last time?"
His expression turned cold, and he glanced away, attempting to rebuild his walls. "Hey, Jensen, don't do that," I urged gently. "I'm not trying to upset you. Last time we agreed we were enjoying the drama-free zone. We don't have to change anything."
He frowned, shaking his head. "I want it to change. I don't want to hide anymore. This past week has been amazing for all of us. I want our little bubble to pop and step into the real world, together."
I smiled, setting my bag down and moving closer to wrap my arms around him. "Then let's pop it."
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Half an hour later, the kids' mom arrived.
I swallowed my nerves, standing from my spot, glancing to Jensen who seemed even more nervous than I was.
Her face dropped when she saw me, a knowing smile on her lips. "Oh, Hi. Y/N, right?" she greeted, stepping closer to us.
I nodded, smiling warmly. "Yes, nice to see you again, Sarah!"
She maintained her composure, glancing at Jensen, who was unusually quiet and still, frozen almost. "Jensen? Are you going to say hi or just stand there like a deer in headlights?" she teased.
Jensen managed a polite smile, shaking off his nerves. "Hey, Sarah. How was the drive?"
She shrugged, looking towards her car. "Not bad. I do miss Austin, though. Might consider moving back."
Jensen's jaw clenched, his expression turning cold and guarded, walls going up brick by brick. I stepped back, letting them talk, sitting beside the kids on the stairs.
"So, did you guys have a good week?" I asked.
Katie nodded, leaning against my shoulder. "I'll miss you!"
I laughed softly, touched by her words. "I'll miss you too, Katie. But don't worry, I live right next door. Come visit me whenever you're back, okay?"
She nodded eagerly, and I turned to Kevin, who sat with arms crossed, wearing a grouchy expression. "And you, Kevin? Did you have a good week?"
He shrugged and huffed, retreating into his cold behaviour as if the week hadn't happened at all. It stung a bit, but he was a kid, struggling with the back-and-forth between parents. It couldn't be easy.
The parents' voices rose before falling silent altogether. Jensen walked away from Sarah, shaking his head, and approached Katie and Kevin, attempting a smile. "Come on, guys. Time to get in the car."
We waved goodbye as they drove off, and I couldn't help but feel a sting of sadness seeing Katie and Jensen look so downhearted. They weren't my family yet, but I could feel myself growing emotional seeing the hurt that filled the area.
Once the car was out of sight, Jensen sat on the stairs, and I joined him quickly. He stared out at the road, jaw clenched, fists tight with whatever was going on in his mind.
"Jensen?" I whispered, catching his attention.
He turned towards me, managing a sad smile. "I'm good. It's just a lot sometimes."
I nodded understandingly, squeezing his hand tightly. "Well, why don't we do something today? Get out of the house a bit?"
He smiled genuinely and squeezed my hand. "Yeah. Let's do it."
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After looking up things to do, Jensen suggested we visit the beachside market. It had little kiosks and stands with handmade items, something I was excited to explore.
We parked on the street, his hand finding mine immediately. Jensen was never shy about affection in the right moments. With his kids around, it was innocent; just the two of us, it was constant and comforting.
As we strolled down the pier, I admired the beautiful booths displaying a range of handmade items—henna art, handmade bags, clothing, and more. It felt like walking through an art exhibit, each stall captivating my attention.
Jensen chuckled softly, drawing my gaze. "What?" I asked nervously.
He smirked, pulling me close. "You're adorable. That's what."
My cheeks flushed at the compliment, Jensen was never shy of that either. He'd constantly throw compliments at me, telling me how beautiful I was, how adorable. He didn't realize how much those words meant to me, especially since I didn't feel like skmeone who belonged beside a celebrity like him, but he made me feel otherwise.
We continued down the boardwalk, stopping at each booth. Jensen paused at a display of handmade gemstone necklaces while I spotted something intriguing at the nearby booth—a handmade beanie with "COD" embroidered on it, Call of Duty.
My thoughts turned to Kevin. Would he like it? Would he find it ridiculous? Jensen wrapped his arms around me from behind, a soft kiss on my shoulder sending shivers down my spine. "What are you looking at?"
I smiled, pointing to the beanie hanging on the rack. "I'm not sure if Kevin would like it, but..."
He turned me to face him, a wide grin on his face. "He'd love it."
We purchased the beanie and were about to leave when giggling caught my attention. Two girls from a nearby booth were whispering and giggling, eyeing Jensen like he was a celebrity cutout.
Time seems to fly when you're having fun, or so they say. I used to doubt it; fun didn't always make time race by for me. But this past week with Jensen and his kids felt like mere hours since they arrived. Now they were packing up to head back to their mom's place. Kevin and Katie sorted their bags in the hallway while Jensen came down the stairs, as usual, to see them off.
I gathered my things, slipping on my shoes by the back door, preparing to leave when Jensen hurried over, a playful smirk on his face. "Where are you sneaking off to?" he teased, pulling me close by my coat.
I chuckled, gently pushing his chest back. "Home, silly."
His smile faltered, and he looked at me, surprised, almost hurt. "Why?"
Confusion washed over me as I approached him, offering a polite smile. "What do you mean, why? Out of respect. Remember last time?"
His expression turned cold, and he glanced away, attempting to rebuild his walls. "Hey, Jensen, don't do that," I urged gently. "I'm not trying to upset you. Last time we agreed we were enjoying the drama-free zone. We don't have to change anything."
He frowned, shaking his head. "I want it to change. I don't want to hide anymore. This past week has been amazing for all of us. I want our bubble to be real. I want us to step out into the real world together."
I smiled, setting my bag down and moving closer to wrap my arms around him. "Then let's change it."
Half an hour later, the kids' mom arrived. I swallowed my nerves, standing my ground as Jensen seemed even more nervous than me.
Her face dropped when she saw me, a knowing smile on her lips. "Oh, hi. Y/N, right?" she greeted, stepping closer to us.
I nodded, smiling warmly. "Yes, nice to see you again, Daneel!"
She maintained her composure, glancing at Jensen, who was unusually quiet and still, frozen almost. "Jensen? Are you going to say hi or just stand there like a deer in headlights?" she teased.
Jensen managed a polite smile, shaking off his nerves. "Hey, Daneel. How was the drive?"
She shrugged, looking towards her car. "Not bad. I do miss Austin, though. Might consider moving back."
Jensen's jaw clenched, his expression turning cold and guarded, walls going up brick by brick. I stepped back, letting them talk, sitting beside the kids on the stairs.
"So, did you guys have a good week?" I asked.
Katie nodded, leaning against my shoulder. "I'll miss you!"
I laughed softly, touched by her words. "I'll miss you too, Katie. But don't worry, I live right next door. Come visit me whenever you're back, okay?"
She nodded eagerly, and I turned to Kevin, who sat with arms crossed, wearing a surly expression. "And you, Kevin? Did you have a good week?"
He shrugged and huffed, retreating into his chilly demeanor as if the week hadn't happened at all. It stung a bit, but he was a kid, grappling with the back-and-forth between parents. It couldn't be easy.
The parents' voices rose before falling silent altogether. Jensen walked away from Daneel, shaking his head, and approached Katie and Kevin, attempting a smile. "Come on, guys. Time to get in the car."
We waved goodbye as they drove off, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness seeing Katie and Jensen look so crestfallen. They weren't my family yet, but I felt a deep emotional tug.
Once the car was out of sight, Jensen sat on the stairs, and I joined him quickly. He stared out at the road, jaw clenched, fists tight with some inner turmoil.
"Jensen?" I whispered, catching his attention.
He turned towards me, managing a sad smile. "I'm good. It's just a lot sometimes."
I nodded understandingly, squeezing his hand tightly. "Well, why don't we do something today? Get out of the house a bit?"
He smiled, the first genuine one all morning. "Yeah. Let's do it."
After looking up things to do, Jensen suggested we visit the beachside market. It boasted kiosks and stands with handmade items, something I was excited to explore.
We parked on the street, his hand finding mine immediately. Jensen was never shy about affection in the right moments. With his kids around, it was innocent; just the two of us, it was constant and comforting.
As we strolled down the pier, I marveled at the beautiful booths displaying an array of handmade goods—henna art, handmade bags, clothing, and more. It felt like walking through an art exhibit, each stall captivating my attention.
Jensen chuckled softly, drawing my gaze. "What?" I asked nervously.
He smirked, pulling me close. "You're adorable. That's what."
My cheeks flushed at the compliment, Jensen never holding back his admiration. He didn't realize how much those words meant to me. I didn't feel like someone who belonged beside a celebrity like him, but he made me feel otherwise.
We continued down the boardwalk, stopping at each booth. Jensen paused at a display of handmade gemstone necklaces while I spotted something intriguing at the adjacent booth—a handmade beanie with "COD" embroidered on it, Call of Duty.
My thoughts turned to Kevin. Would he like it? Would he find it ridiculous? Jensen wrapped his arms around me from behind, a soft kiss on my shoulder sending shivers down my spine. "What are you looking at?"
I smiled, pointing to the beanie hanging on the rack. "I'm not sure if Kevin would go for it, but..."
He turned me to face him, a wide grin on his face. "He'd love it."
I purchased the beanie and were about to leave when giggling caught my attention. Two girls from a nearby booth were whispering and giggling, eyeing Jensen like he was a celebrity cutout.
I glanced at Jensen, who seemed unbothered, unaware of the giggles or the fingers being pointed his way, and then I remembered. He's a celebrity-this is normal for him.
We started to walk back down the boardwalk when their high pitched screams stopped us in our tracks, the girls from before rushing over, stopping only inches from Jensen.
"Jensen! Oh my god! Can we get a picture please?"
Jensen turned towards me apologetically, but I shrugged it off with a polite smile. I knew this could have happened, I knew he was a celebrity, I just forgot. I didn't realize how intense this could be. How does he handle this?
After snapping a few photos for the girls, I handed back their phone. Insecurities started swallowing me, watching their perfect smiles, beautiful clothing and sun-kissed skin, and than there was me. I wasn't the type anyone would expect to see with a celebrity. Anxiety crept in, wondering why Jensen chose me.
I passed the phone back and started walking down the boardwalk, my anxiety rising with every step, the air in my lungs squeezing tight as my mind continued it's torture.
He caught up as I walked ahead, his hand gently resting on my back. "Hey... Are you okay?"
I nodded, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. Panic swirled inside me, doubts echoing loudly.
Your not enough. Your fooling yourself by thinking he would EVER want to be with you. Jensen deserves better. He doesn't find you attractive. You're nothing.
"Honey?" Jensen whispered, stopping me and looking into my eyes, concern etched on his face.
I swallowed hard, a raspy cough escaping me, breathing fast. "Okay... okay, deep breaths," Jensen coached gently, his touch comforting.
I hated it. I hated that he was staring at me like this. I hated that I was ruining everything with my stupid mind. I hated that he had to take care of me. I hated that I wasn't good enough for him.
His hand was gentle yet firm on my arm, leading me to the stairs on the pier to get some privacy. I shakingly sat down, throwing my head in my hands to avoid whatever pity look he was offering me.
"Honey. Please talk to me, what's going on?"
Great job Y/N, now your worrying him for no reason.
"Jensen... you don't need to... I'll be okay," I managed between breaths, but the fear and sadness in my eyes were evident.
"Why are you saying this?" he asked softly, tilting his head, eyes searching mine.
I shook my head, tears streaming down. "Because... I'm not worth it... I don't fit in your world, Jensen Ackles and... I'm just me."
He took my hand, tilting my chin to meet his gaze. A soft smile graced his lips as he spoke, his eyes firm. "Says who?"
"Everybody." I raised my voice, the anxiety rising each moment. "Society. You seen those girls, I'm nothing compared to them. Their sun kissed skin, beautiful outfits and model like faces. I'm not like that at all."
He nodded and moved in front of me, holding my hands tightly. "You're right. Your not like those girls, that's why I like you. I love that even though you've been here for a while, you still have light skin, I love that I can clearly see the sun spots and freckles on your face, I love that you don't spend hours in the mirror putting makeup on, you just instantly look gorgeous. What you look like doesn't determine your worth but if it did, trust me your more than worth it."
I rolled my eyes and gained the courage to stand, my thoughts spiralling. "You don't need to say that."
He moved quickly, grabbing my arm and spinning me around until I was nestled tightly against him, his hand softly urging my head to rest on his chest.
"You are more than enough. You've never demanded anything from me. You gave me a second chance when I didn't deserve it. You've helped me countless times without expecting anything in return. And you connect with my kids so well—Kevin won't admit it, but he likes you. You've made an effort to play video games with him, to do what he enjoys. Katie takes up a lot of time, and I worry he feels left out, but you see him. You effortlessly balance everything, without seeking praise."
I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tightly, feeling him ground me. He understood me better than anyone.
"You will always be more than enough for me. You're the one I want to be with. Those other girls? They're not beautiful to me. You are beautiful. Naturally, flawlessly gorgeous. Just look at yourself... You take my breath away, honey."
Jensen gently lifted my face towards his, kissing me with a passion I'd never known before. Our bodies pressed together, warmth enveloping us. His hands moving to my hair, pulling me impossibly closer, making sure that I knew he meant what he said.
Each pause for breath left us gasping, caught in a whirlwind of emotions. We were falling in love, or perhaps we already had.
If he could love me like this, then maybe, just maybe, I truly was enough.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 9 coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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total-drama-atlas · 1 year
Character Headcanons
this is just sexuality and gender hcs lol but here we go! I'm going to go in first elimination order in their debut season, except for the new cast (because i haven't finished the season yet, so I dont want to spoil it for myself) which will be in the order that i remember them, then the hosts.
Ezekiel: I think he's cishet. just the homeschool stereotype and all that. but maybe he discovers something about himself between meeting alejandro and going completely feral
Eva: she's a butch lesbian. i personally think she's cis, but i could see transfem eva
Noah: gay trans man. i mean have you guys even seen his character
justin: I think he's aroace. again, i personally think justin is cis, but i could see him being trans
katie: trans lesbian. i just know it okay
tyler: he's bi. he absolutely had a crush on alejandro. you can't change my mind. i also think he's cis but again, i could see him being transmasc
izzy: shes transfem. of course. and i think she's a lesbian, but i could see her being bi or pan. assuming she's lesbian, her relationship with owen could either be just strategy or comphet. you decide
cody: have you seen the way that boy dresses? trans man bisexual disaster.
beth: personally, i think she gives cishet vibes, but i could see her possibly being bi and/or transfem.
sadie: obviously lesbian. she and katie are in love. of course. and idk if she's cis or trans. i could see either. but I think she is also trans. t4t
courtney: as much as i love duncney... i think courtney is lesbian. i think she has extreme comphet and she doesn't realize her sexuality until wt, and then doesn't come to terms with it and accept herself until all stars. but i think she's cis
harold: transfem harold is canon. to me. idk their sexuality tho. i could see them as omni or pan tho.
trent: bisexual trent is so real guys. again, i personally think he's cis, but I could see transmasc trent
bridgette: i could see her as transfem, but I also could see her as cis. also she gives me pan vibes but I can also see her being straight. idrk
lindsay: shes pan. i just know it okay. i personally see her as cis, but again, i could see transfem lindsay. or transmasc lindsay.
DJ: cis, aroace. he's just a really sweet guy
geoff: cis, bisexual. i just know it okay
leshawna: cis, bisexual. i just. i just know it okay
duncan: cis bisexual. he'll call you a slur tho
heather: transfem lesbian. trust me guys. i could also see her being ace tho
gwen: transfem bi. i just know
owen: cis bi. he is canonically bi btw. he had a crush on justin. it was played as a joke but. that's just what happened
blaineley: i could see her as straight or queer honestly. i personally think she's cishet.
sierra: transfem. for sure. and i think she's a lesbian with comphet. just like heather and courtney.
alejandro: I think he's cis, but i could see him being trans. also he's bi. trust me. but i mean i could see him being gay. it's plausible.
staci: she doesn't have enough screen time for me to tell. she has like. ten minutes total. but shes trans
dakota: transfem pansexual. i just know it okay
B: i think they're nb, or at the least a trans man. i mean. his deadname is a traditionally feminine name.. it lines up. they're not cis i can tell you that much. anyway i think he's aroace
dawn: genderqueer panromantic ace. just trust me okay
sam: he gives me cishet vibes, but also i could easily see him being bi or pan.
Brick: i feel like he's cis but I also like the idea of him experimenting with gender nonconformity. and as much as i like jo x brick as a ship, i also think brick is probably gay. or bi with a heavy male preference
anne maria: transfem anne maria is canon. to me. anyway she's very much bi.
mike: i feel like he's cis but i could see him as trans, and i think he's pan. i'm also treating his alters like separate characters, though i know very little about multiple personality disorder, so idk if that's exactly how that works (feel free to correct me in replies)
vito: i hc him to be cis but idk. also he's pan. if vito finds you hot, it doesn't matter what you've got going on.
Svetlana: transfem lesbian. trust me okay
chester: cishet ally.
mal: look i like the queer hcs for mal. y'all are so real for that. but i think he's cishet and homophobic and transphobic
manitoba: trans manitoba is real. to me. also he's pan. trust me y'all
jo: trans butch lesbian
scott: cis gay man
zoey: she could be either cis or trans. i think she's transfem. and also she's pan. i don't think an explanation is necessary
cameron: she was very sheltered, so i doubt she would have been exposed to LGBTQ+ stuff so she wouldn't know it at first.. but I think cam would be transfem. bc i saw a post where someone said that it would be funny if cameron realized she was trans because lightning kept calling her a "girl" and that was her awakening lol. anyway she's ace
lightning: cis gay man
beardo: he gets like ten minutes of screen time and he doesn't really talk.. cis bi
leonard: cis gay. i just know it
amy: cishet +homo/transphobic (i'll explain in a minute)
rodney: he's cis, okay. and pan. i just know it
sammy: shes transfem lesbian. trust me. That's why Amy hates her sm. it lines up with real experiences that I know people have
ella: she's bi. i just know it. but i'm not sure what their gender situation is.. but she uses she/they pronouns
Topher: cis gay man. just look at him i mean
dave: cishet. undecided on his opinion of queer people. (he decides he's an ally when he finds out sky is queer but he then declares himself homophobic when she rejects him) he would call you a slur
scarlett: transfem lesbian.
max: transmasc gay.
jasmine: transfem bi
sugar: cis lesbian
shawn: transmasc pan. i just know it okay
sky: transfem bi/pan. i just know it okay. also that's why dave decided he's homophobic and transphobic now
Tammy: trans lesbian. trust me okay
Pete: cis gay. also he's married to gerry
Gerry: cis gay. also he's married to pete
Ellody: trans lesbian. also she's dating mary
Mary: cis lesbian. also she's dating ellody
laurie: cis bisexual. also she's dating miles
miles: trans lesbian. also she's dating laurie
tom: cis gay
jen: cis lesbian
kelly: cishet ally
taylor: cishet homophobe
jay: major cishet vibes. but idk he might learn some things. once he's actually esposed to the outside world
mickey: see jay.
lorenzo: cishet. i didn't really care for the stepbros team so i haven't really put much though into it
chet: cishet. see lorenzo
rock: nonbinary bisexual. also he's dating spud
spud: trans gay man. also he's dating rock
dwayne: cishet homophobe
junior: he's like. 11. i'm not saying you can't have figured our your sexuality and gender at that age. but junior definitely hasnt
ennui: trans bi man. canonically dating crimson (and i'm keeping taht)
crimson: trans bi woman. canonically dating ennui (and Im keeping it taht way)
stephanie: cis bi woman. i just know it.
ryan: cishet ally
devin: cis bi man
carrie: cishet ally (she's a HUGE ally okay)
kitty: cis lesbian
emma: cis lesbian
josee: transfem lesbian
jacques: trans gay man
macarthur: trans butch lesbian. also she's dating sanders
sanders: cis lesbian. also she's dating macarthur
brody: cis pansexual. just trust me okay
axel: trans butch lesbian. also she's in love with nichelle
nichelle: cis femme lesbian. also she's in love with axel
emma: cis lesbian with extreme comphet
chase: cis bi man with lots of internalized homophobia. anyway he's in love with ripper
ripper: cis bi man. also he's in love with chase. (i don't like ripper or chase. they're perfect for each other tho)
wayne: cishet ally (he's canonically an ally!!)
raj: cis gay. also bowraj for life
bowie: cis gay. also bowraj for life
i need to make another block of text bc i reached the character limit lmao
scary girl/lauren: transfem lesbian. i just know it
zee: nonbinary pansexual. trust me
julia: cis lesbian. but she'll call you a slur. she's dating MK
damien: i think he's a cishet ally. but i could see him as bi
caleb: cis aroace. no i will not elaborate
millie: transfem lesbian
priya: cis lesbian
MK: nonbinary lesbian. they're dating julia
The host with the most, chris mclean: trans gay man. he'll call you a slur tho. he's married to chef
Chef Hatchet: cis gay man. he's married to chris
Don: cis gay man. he hates chris's guts.
that's every character. anyway next week it's going to be a tierlist of all the characters <3
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